FSU Editing Internship Program – List of Potential Internship Sites
The following is a representative list of organizations both in and outside the Tallahassee area that have
sponsored internships. Please visit the organization’s website or make a phone call for more information
if a contact person or e-mail address is not listed. Keep in mind that the contact information listed here
may have changed since our most recent update. Even if the contact information here is not current,
someone at the organization will most likely be able to point you in the right direction. It is the intern's
responsibility to check the agency contact information prior to applying for an internship.
To submit information about organizations to add to this list, please contact Dr. Molly Hand at
University Publications and Offices
Center for Leadership and Social Change
110 S. Woodward Ave. Suite 3100
Paige Rentz, [email protected] 850-645-8780
Description: The Center for Leadership & Social Change seeks a media intern. All year-availability is
preferred, but the internship can be filled on a semester-by-semester basis. Responsibilities of the media
intern include:
• Write, edit and publish news updates
• Write, edit and publish press releases
• Contribute to the center’s website and increasing journalistic coverage of CLSC events
• Contribute to social media outreach
• Fulfill other responsibilities as determined by media specialist Paige Rentz and other center
To apply, email a writing sample, resume and cover letter in PDF format to Paige Rentz at
FSU Art Department
220 FAB 540 West Call StreetMary Stewart, mstewa[email protected]
Description: Interns help to research and visually construct lectures, create sample assignments, including
exhibition reviews, extended PowerPoints for Expeditions Project and State of the Art, serve as mentor to
students as they write their papers and developed their presentations. Students need a LOT of help in this
area, and interns who are good writers tend to be excellent coaches.
FSU Black Student Union
Florida State University Student Government Association
Contact: Diamond Hill, ddh14c@my.fsu.edu
Description: Intern responsibilities will vary depending on the need of the organization. They include but
are not limited to assigning stories for writers, editing articles for content, sentence structure and
grammar, writing stories, and overseeing all steps of production for the organization. Students may also
edit presentations, proposals, and letters produces on the Black Student Union’s behalf.
regarding the community garden and any necessary paperwork for school, and distributes flyers and
promotional items.
FSU DeVoe L. Moore Center
Description: An intern is needed at the DeVoe Moore Center at Florida State University to help launch a
newsletter and semesterly magazine. The material will highlight the center’s innovative business model
that supports social entrepreneurship and innovation, student-generated policy research, and impact. The
intern would be writing copy and helping design the publications. The position is available for the entire
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17-18 academic year, and would be approached as a fully integrated staff position within the organization.
The DeVoe Moore Center’s business model focuses on output and the quality of content, not technical job
descriptions or formal academic status. Please send inquiries and letters of application/résumés to:
Samuel R. Staley, Ph.D.
Director, DeVoe L. Moore Center
Florida State University
FSU Career Center
Kelli Gemmer; kgemmer@fsu.edu; 850-644-6434
Dunlap Success Center, 100 S Woodward Ave. Office #2111
Description: The Career Center Communications Intern assists in the management and development of
The Career Center’s Seminole Success Stories and other communications. Responsibilities include (but
are not limited to):
Developing Seminole Success Stories to promote the success of FSU students, assist with
communications about The Career Center’s events and services to students, connect with
employers, and build relationships with on-campus departments and the community at large
Assisting in video production for The Career Center’s Seminole Success Story series, as well as
other short promotional videos and photography
Tracking and reporting statistics of Seminole Success Stories
Assisting Publications and Promotions Coordinator with marketing plan and campaign
Writing press releases as needed
Editing publications as needed
FSU Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement (CRE)
127 Honors Way, Honors, Scholars, and Fellows House (above the Chick-fil-a off of Landis Green),
Tallahassee, Fl 32306-1234
Latika Young, Interim Director, llyoung@fsu.edu, 850 645-9630
Description: Duties may include creating and/or editing materials for incoming students, current
program’s, syllabi, and the website, as well as communicating via e-mail and in person with
administrators, faculty, campus partners, and students. We also welcome your ideas and innovations!
FSU College of Communication and Information
Kate Mullen, kmullen@fsu.edu
143 Honors Way
William Johnston Building, Rm 2022
Description: Students are responsible for interviewing and writing profiles on successful alumni, students,
donors and friends of the College of Communication and Information. Interns participate in our weekly
Comm Team meeting, help coordinate and work College events and will learn Wordpress.
FSU College of Arts and Sciences
Description: The College of Arts and Sciences seeks up to two interns to write about new and noteworthy
events taking place among its two dozen departments and programs for the college’s web page. Interns
will report to the Office of the Dean. Each intern will be assigned specific academic departments to cover,
and will be responsible for researching stories about activities within those departments. Published
content may range from brief blurbs to longer profiles. Facility with Drupal and Photoshop preferred.
There may also be the opportunity to work on the college magazine, Across the Spectrum, and/or on the
college Facebook page (www.facebook.com/FSUArtsAndSciences). Interested students should submit a
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cover letter and résumé to Barry Ray, director of the Office of Media and Communications, at
FSU College of Fine Arts
Anna Prentiss - 850-645-2706 - Aprentis[email protected]
108 S. Copeland St // Kellogg Research Building (KRB) room 219
Description: Interns will assist in the creation of blog entries as requested by the College Communications
Specialist using the WordPress Platform, social media updates (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
LinkedIn). Previous experience with social media is highly preferred. Experience with Adobe Creative
Suite and WordPress is a plus. Please submit writing examples to Anna Prentiss. More information can be
found at: http://cfa.fsu.edu/college-of-fine-arts-internship-opportunities/
FSU Department of Athletics
403 Stadium Dr, P.O. Box 2195, Tallahassee, FL 32316Elliott Finebloom, efinebloom@fsu.edu, (850)
Description: Interns will research, interview, and write feature stories on FSU athletes.
FSU Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry DLC 614
Salvatore Profeta, Jr. profeta@chem.fsu.edu
FSU Department of English
Contact: Jack Clifford jclifford@fsu.edu
Description: As an intern with the English department, you will be asked to edit articles for the
department's alumni magazine. Familiarity with the Associated Press style guide is helpful, as is an
understanding of website design. Interns also might be asked to write articles that cover department
accomplishments, such as writing or research awards won by professors and graduate students.
The FSU Department of Psychology
Description: The department of psychology is seeking an intern to assist with the department newsletter,
banners on the website, and the department’s alumni and friends facebook page. This internship is unpaid,
and would fulfill the ENC 4942 requirements for 1-2 credit hours. Inquiries, cover letters and resumes
may be submitted to : Tiffany K. Hardy, Ph.D., Associate Chair
Phone: 850-644-2040
Email: hardy@psy.fsu.edu
FSU Office of News and Research Communications
Amy Farnum-Patronis, afarnumpa[email protected],
0008 Wescott Building, FSU Campus
Description: Interns responsibilities will include developing news stories, writing feature articles, and
creating web content for fsu.edu and news.fsu.edu.
FSU Office of the Vice President for Research—Office of Proposal Development
2022 Westcott North Annex Tallahassee, FL. 32306-1330, Contact: Rachel Goff-Albritton, PhD.
Description: The Office of Proposal Development (OPD) is a research support service for faculty grant
activity and research development. In an effort to increase faculty success in achieving external support
for research and creative activities, the Office of Proposal Development seeks to equip faculty with the
best possible grant resources, train faculty through use of interactive, relevant and effective workshops
and programs, and assist faculty by providing high quality proposal development and consulting services.
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Responsibilities of the intern may include: editing research grant proposals, writing blog posts, assisting
with social media accounts, assisting with communications and promotion of OPD research networking
or training events, writing boilerplate language about FSU research statistics/facilities/resources,
improving online resources. To apply for this unpaid learning experience, e-mail a letter of interest and
resume to r.goff[email protected].
FSU Reading and Writing Center/Digital Studio
Stephen McElroy, smcelroy@fsu.edu
Description: Peer-tutor interns tutor students in reading, writing, and composing in the Reading-Writing
Center and/or Digital Studio. Additionally, interns complete professional development activities in order
to become more reflective practitioners, and they attend bi-weekly staff meetings. **All peer-tutor
interns must successfully complete ENC 3493 before beginning their internship in the RWC/DS.**
FSU Sports Information Office
Contact: Zach Stipe, (850) 644-1403, zstipe@admin.fsu.edu
Description: Intern will attend all sporting events, help with media releases, interviews, articles, and
media guides.
FSU University Communications—University News and Digital Communications
600 W. College Ave. Office 0008, Tallahassee, Fl 32306
Mark Vaughn, mvaughn@fsu.edu, 850-644-2828
Description: Primary responsibilities include, researching story ideas, writing scripts, creating rundowns,
transcribing video, and other producing responsibilities.
Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography
Ansje Burdick, aburdick@fsu.edu 850-322-4835
Description: Interns will work to advertise events, edit media publications, as well as reach former and
upcoming artists making sure all tour information is up to date.
Museum of Everyday Writing, Department of English
Contact: Professor Kathleen Yancey, kyancey@fsu.edu
The Museum of Everyday Writing is dedicated to cataloging and archiving various types of writing that
happen outside the spheres of school and work. Interns will engage in several tasks, among them
composing correspondence; cataloguing and uploading materials to the Museum of Everyday Writing;
working on a special projects (e.g., contributing to a social media campaign); and creating at least one
exhibit for the museum. Interns should have a basic understanding of digital composing and some
experience in writing for the web.
Rhetoric and Composition Program, Department of English
Michael Neal, mrneal@fsu.edu
Description: This internship involves working in and on the FSU Card Archive (located at
http://fsucardarchive.org), a physical and digital archive of historic postcards. The work includes entering
cards into a database to make them searchable by researchers, editing cards already in the site that are
incomplete or incorrect and curating an exhibit for publication within the site.
Seminole Boosters
Caroline Conway, cconway@fsu.edu (850) 645-8604
Description: Interns work in coordination with the Director of Communications on multiple “Booster”
messaging platforms. Projects could include social media, Unconquered Magazine and membership
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The Southeast Review- FSU
Description: The Southeast Review, Florida State University's nationally renowned literary journal, is
currently accepting internship applications for up to three credits. The internship's main responsibilities
include producing writing prompts and exercises for inclusion in The Southeast Review's Writer's
Regimen Program, managing social media, and completing mailings and other administrative and
writing/editing tasks as assigned. You can learn more about the regimen program and the history of the
journal at http://southeastreview.org. Interns also have the opportunity to serve as a fiction, poetry, or
narrative nonfiction reader, working under one of the section editors to read through submissions for
quality pieces to include in our next issue.
To apply, please forward a resume and official letter of interest to southeastre[email protected]. In your
letter, please discuss your prior editing and/or writing experience and why you would like to intern for
The Southeast Review. Candidates selected for interview will need to be available to discuss the position
in person or over Skype toward the end of the semester prior to their internship.
Please email Dorothy Chan (The Southeast Review's editor) at southeastreview@gmail.com if you have
additional questions.
Sports Information Office
Christa Salerno, csaler[email protected] (850) 644-5653. Submit cover letter and resume to apply, or contact
for more details.
Student Government Association
Tony Nguyen, (850) 645-0160, tmnguye[email protected]
Description: Interns are responsible for editing and writing primarily for SGA Today in addition to
drafting and publishing social media posts. Interns are required to attend various student-run events to
interview student leaders to write stories and captions about the events. Interns are also expected to
research story ideas and interview student leaders about their achievements, and write an article for each.
Interns' schedules will vary infrequently, relative to the interviewees’ availability and the events
throughout the semester. Interns are expected to edit their work, and are required to make at least three
revisions on each work. Not all works are expected to be published, but will be considered. Depending on
the interns' abilities, additional duties and assignments may be assigned. This internship is for-credit or
volunteer and must attend mandatory office hours in addition to working on the field.
Non-Profit Agencies
Children Beyond Our Borders, Inc.
Andrea Ortega, andrea[email protected],
Gainesville, FL
Description: The Volunteer Internship Program is a selective internship program that allows individuals
to get involved in an international non-profit organization. VIP interns are treated as employees by
encouraging independence, originality, and a stress-free environment. While participating in VIP, interns
apply their academic skills to a hands-on experience in the non-profit field. The overall goal of CBOB’s
Volunteer Intern Program is to encourage and empower our interns by providing life skills that can
prepare them for a successful future. We do this by providing training in the nonprofit field and position
specific professional development and creating exceptional hands-on experience.
Applications due: Sunday, December 4
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The Children’s Campaign
111 S Magnolia Dr #3, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Carol Armstrong, carmstrong@iamforkids.org
Description: The Children’s Campaign has openings in its unique workforce development program
known as The Apprenticeship Center (TAC) for EWM students who are looking for communications
experience and who have an interest in public policy and education. As a TAC communications
apprentice, you will be part of a multi-disciplinary team responsible for implementing the strategic
communication plan through projects that span print, online, and social media. Interns will be expected to
commit to a minimum 15-20 hours/week, two-semester apprenticeship- one semester of which will meet
the EWM internship requirement. Ideal candidates will have completed ENC 3416 and should plan to
take ENC 3021 no later than in the first semester of their apprenticeship.
Council on Culture and the Arts (COCA)
COCA welcomes inquiries about internships at any time from students interested in how a local arts
agency functions. Most of our interns are graduate students in arts administration; however, we also have
interns who are undergraduates, and very occasionally, high school students. For more information,
contact COCA at info@tallahasseearts.org.
Florida Association of Broadcasters
201, S. Monroe St., Suite 201, Tallahassee Fl, 32301
Lindsay Varn, Lvarn@fab.ord, (850) 681-6444
Description: FAB is a non-profit organization that serves all TV and radio stations in Florida. Interns will
work with Public Service Announcements. They will review the list of campaigns for various
organizations in search of PSA airtime. Additionally, interns will be calculating airtime rates, creating
reports of airtime for clients monthly, and contacting TV and radio stations in the state.
The James Madison Institute
10 North Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301
Becky Liner, Executive Vice President, bliner@jamesmadison.org, 850-386-3131
Description: Internships with the non-profit, non-partisan James Madison Institute require a large amount
of research, writing and editing on a wide range of public policy issues. Interns will be responsible for
creating and editing written work the Institute produces through weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual
periodicals, including an online publication The Verve.
Palmer Monroe Teen Center
Palmer Monroe Teen Center
1900 Jackson Bluff Road | 891-2569
Center Hours: Monday - Saturday: 2:00 - 8:00pm
a. Writing center tutor/instructor (1-2 positions available)
The interns will work with middle and high school students at the center several days per week,
and must be available from 4-6 p.m. each day (interns *may* work other hours in addition, but
this block of time during after school hours is required). Interns will provide tutoring, writing
practice and instruction, creative writing prompts and exercises, and will give one-on-one
feedback to students. Applicants must have completed the Peer Tutoring course (ENG 3493) as a
prerequisite. Since student work is confidential, interns will create “client reports” for the
students they work with, and will submit these with their internship ePortfolio in lieu of actual
student work they review/edit.
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b. Palmer Monroe Teen Center Newsletter (1-2 positions available)
The interns will produce a weekly or biweekly newsletter with information, success stories,
student profiles, event details, etc. Hours are flexible and can be arranged based on interns’
schedules. Applicants should have some experience with document design and content creation,
as well as an interest in the mission of the Palmer Monroe Teen Center.
c. Palmer Monroe Teen Center Podcast (1 position available)
The intern will produce a regular podcast spotlighting the center’s restorative justice program,
featuring teen voices and experiences, and emphasizing the center’s mission. The intern will draft
podcast pitches and scripts, interview teens, and edit and produce the podcast. Applicants should
have some experience with interviewing and audio editing. Hours are flexible and can be
arranged based on the intern’s schedule.
Please send a cover letter and résumé to
Ivanna Rebecca Pengelley
Executive Director, Palmer Munroe Teen Center
Office: 850.891.2568 | Cell: 850.508.5069
becky.penge[email protected]
Southern Shakespeare Company
Description: The Southern Shakespeare Company (SSC) is a Tallahassee-based, non-profit organization
that makes Shakespeare accessible and fun, and cultivates an appreciation of the arts through educational
programs, training, and an annual free Shakespeare in the Park Festival. SSC seeks an intern to assist with
a variety of writing and editing tasks, such as social media, editing and proofing promotional and
educational materials, and other items as needed. Submit inquiries or letters of application and resumes
to: Executive Director Laura Johnson at laura@southernshakes.org.
Tallahassee Film Society – All Saints Cinema
Contact: filmnews@tallahasseefilms.com; 850-386-4404
Proficiency with e-media and graphic arts. Design online fliers advertising upcoming films at All Saints
Cinema, a charming 75-person-capacity arts theatre at 918 Railroad Avenue, 32301. The theatre is also
Tallahassee’s former Amtrak station. Help manage social media and work on special projects under the
direction of TFS President John Fraser and his staff. Periodically take tickets, introduce films, prepare
popcorn, and serve wine, soft drinks, and water. Students normally work from home on flier design and
other tasks. A $500 stipend may be awarded based on successful completion of the internship.
Theater with a Mission
Ben Gunter, bengunter@theaterwithamission.com
Description: Theater with a Mission is a troupe made up of actors, scholars, and entrepreneurs based in
Tallahassee, Florida. We are united by one cultural quest: to rediscover history by reviving plays from el
Siglo de Oro, the Spanish Golden Age. Positions with Theater with a Mission include:
Dramatic Research Intern:
o expanding and annotating sources from primary documents and translations
Creative Writing Intern:
o scripting introductions to performances for characters from 1703 speaking to audiences
from 2017
Publicist/Communications Intern, Print:
o targeting audiences and creating articles to reach them
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Publicist/Communications Intern, Social Media:
o collaborating to expand active accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat
Assessment Intern, Audience Response:
o designing, writing, and evaluating audience surveys (esp. surveys that are smart phone
Archivist Intern:
o planning and cataloging video, audio, photo, and print records
The Salvation Army
Julie Smith, Julie[email protected].org, (850) 222-0304 ext. 102
2410 Allen Road
Tallahassee, FL 32312
The Salvation Army in Tallahassee is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty that has crippled and
destroyed generations of families in Tallahassee. We are educating, inspiring, and ministering to these
generations as we empower people to build lives of purpose. Sewing classes, summer day camp, anti-
human trafficking programs, music instructions, social services, food pantry, kids, teens, college and
women’s ministries are just some of the new initiatives taking place at The Salvation Army in
Tallahassee. Projects vary by semester, but interns can typically expect to:
Develop registration, education, and program materials for fundraisers and events
Write press releases and public service announcements
Direct marketing efforts as related to fundraisers and sponsorships
Post program information and photos to The Tallahassee Salvation Army’s website, Facebook,
and other social media accounts
Strengthen existing and develop additional media contacts and relationships
Assist in the development of media kits to promote all programs and volunteer opportunities
within The Salvation Army
Provide graphic design assistance in the development of informational and educational reports
United Way of the Big Bend
Katrina Rolle, katrina@uwbb.org, (850)414-0855
307 East 7th Avenue,
Tallahassee FL 32303
Description: United Way of the Big Bend (UWBB) is a non-profit organization that aims to lead
collective action to create a healthy and prosperous community through its support of over 197 human
services programs provided by agency partners within 8 counties in the Big Bend. This support helps
over 11,000 people annually receive basic needs and emergency services (food, clothing, shelter, and
other services). UWBB also has a collective impact agenda focusing on improving the lives of Leon
county residents in the areas of Education, Income, and Health. UWBB is dedicated to creating
collaborative strategies that result in long-lasting, positive change. Interns will work in the service of
UWBB’s mission to unite the support of Big Bend citizens to make a stronger, safer and healthier
community. Internship opportunities are available in multiple areas, including website content
management, public relations, social media, and digital media.
Volunteer Florida
3800 Esplanade Way, Suite 180, Tallahassee, Florida 32311
info@volunteerflorida.org, 850-414-7400.
Description: Interns write and edit content for social, newsletters, press outreach, and website. Submit
cover letter and resume to apply, or contact for more information.
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621 Gallery Internships
Internship position description and details at http://www.621gallery.org/intern-volunteer/
Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations
Bascom Communications & Consulting, LLC
Kelsey Swithers, Kelsey@bascomllc.com
(850) 222-2140
217 South Adams Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Description: As an intern in our Tallahassee office during the legislative session, you will have the
opportunity to get hands-on experience in the political communications field during committee weeks and
session. During your internship with BCC, you will perform a variety of tasks that are linked to our
ability to deliver quality service to our clients. Over the course of the internship, you will learn and
familiarize yourself with writing press releases, opinion pieces and collateral material; handling media;
monitoring social media; clipping news articles; providing administrative assistance; managing contact
lists and mass mailings; and compiling press kits.
Bulldog Strategy Group
Sandi Poreda, sandi@bulldogstrategygroup.com
Tallahassee, FL
Description: Bulldog Strategy Group specializes in crisis communication response and training, litigation
communication and strategic planning, as well as a full range of communication, public relations and
marketing services.
Capital Regional Medical Center
Lauren McCormack, Lauren.McCormack@hcahealthcare.com
2626 Capital Medical Blvd Tallahassee, FL 32308
Description: We are currently seeking candidates for our Marketing and Public Relations Internship
Program. The term of the internship mimics the fall, spring and summer semesters and requires at least 20
hours per week. Students get hands on experience with social media management, event coordination,
press release and copy writing, as well as other areas of marketing and public relations. The internship
can be taken for credit.
Qualifications: Candidates must be currently enrolled in a marketing, public relations, or communications
major. A strong writing background and good attitude is required. An outgoing personality and hunger to
develop will also help! How to Apply: Please send resume, writing samples and references to
CPS23 Marketing
Chirag Shah - chirag@cps23marketing.com
2236 Capital Circle Northeast, Suite 202
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Description: Daily activities for interns will include creating shareable online content, monitoring social
media communities, analyzing data, researching and developing social/digital advertising campaigns.
Interns will be expected to work a minimum of 10-15 hours/week. Ideal candidates will have strong
research, writing and editing skills, familiar with the latest trends in digital marketing, possess superior
interpersonal skills, and have the ability to work well with a diverse group of individuals.
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Franceschi Agency
1911 Capital Circle NE Tallahassee, FL 32308
Lee Ann Fransceschi (850) 385-2900 www.franadvertising.com
Description: The Franceschi Agency is an advertising agency that has been around since 1968. They work
to carry out effective marketing plans that are memorable and effective.
3006 south shore circle, Tallahassee Fl, 32312
Deanna A. Mims, Dmims@marketdone.com (850)425-5240
Description: Interns will work directly with the owner of MarketDone and sometimes other extended
team members, assisting with daily communication tasks such as identifying and contacting media with
story ideas, creating media materials, drafting and editing communications vehicles, conducting research
for projects, updating social media accounts, work hands-on with various clients and projects, signature
event planning, marketing sales curriculum, press kits and releases.
The Mayfield Group
PO Box 13293 Tallahassee, FL 32317
Nancy Click, nclick@mayfieldpr.com or info@mayfieldpr.com (850) 421-9007
Description: The Mayfield Group is a local, dynamic boutique public relations agency seeking hard
working, career minded, experienced persons to support a savvy PR team. The Mayfield Group clients are
in the travel, culinary and luxury lifestyle sectors.
Moore Communications Group
2011 Delta Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32303
(850)2240-0174, http://www.moorecommgroup.com/locations/tallahassee
Description: Whether it's public affairs or advertising, media relations or website design—Moore’s list of
services is diverse; with a very impressive portfolio.
North Public Relations
Contact: Melissa West, Director of Strategic Marketing; Melissa@NorthPublicRelations.com
North is a full-service public relations and strategic communications consulting firm. Based in
the southeast, the firm has provided clients full-service issues management, event planning,
strategic communications and government relations for nearly a decade.
To learn more about North and our clients visit: NorthPublicRelations.com
Internship Description:
Assist with developing, writing and distributing press releases
Assist with media relations including but not limited to pitching story ideas on behalf of
clients, researching media development opportunities and scheduling press interviews
Assist with planning and executing a wide range of special events including fundraisers
for nonprofits and political figures, statewide association conferences, and others
Proof written materials to be used for print or electronic media venues including
websites, newspapers, blogs and TV/Radio appearances and commercials
Monitor of media outlets for news items of interest to the firm or its clients
Build and maintain media lists and relationships with both statewide and nationwide
media outlets
Assist in communications with printers, graphic designers, and other firm relationships
with vendors
Assist with managing and updating client social media accounts
Other public relations, marketing and communications tasks as needed
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Bob Creedoncretin@rarasfarm.com (404)242-7442
Description: Rarasfarm.com is a Florida-based website dedicated to covering the rock music scene across
the state. Our writers excel when they pair their interest in rock music with a fresh perspective and
professional writing ability. This unpaid intern position will provide writers with opportunities to review
new music and local shows, as well as an experience creating interviews and feature articles. Expectations
include submission of an article per week, at least one music review, one live performance review, one
interview and one feature of their choosing during the semester.
RB Oppenheim Associates Public Relations Internship
Internship position description and details at http://rboa.com/internships/
The Red Hills, Motion Picture Releasing Company LLC
1400 Village BLVD Suite#3-246 Tallahassee, Florida 32313-1231
Paul Cohen, Paulcohenf[email protected], (646)-244-5598
Description: Student interns from the writing department will be actively engaged in creating tweets,
blogs, posts, synopsis, wiki's and reviews for a number of independent feature films that are or will be
released in movie theaters and on DVD and VOD throughout the United States during this semester.
Additionally interns will be the support staff for a number of film presentations as part of the Torchlight
Programs screening series.
WVFS Tallahassee 89.7FM (The Voice of Florida State)
420 Diffenbaugh Tallahassee, Florida, 32306-1550
Dr. Misha Laurents (850)-644-9692
Description: Internships focus on all aspects of radio broadcast, including announcing, news, sports, PR,
writing, production, and developments. Usually students doing internships work in a combination of these
areas. Students are required to register for RTV 4800, in addition to ENC 4942, in order to complete the
editing internship with WVFS.
Zimmerman Agency
Brianna Belmonte, bbelmonte@zimmerman.com
1821 Miccosukee Commons Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32308
Description: Interns will be working on various accounts within the company. Responsibilities include
drafting and copyediting press releases, pitching letters to clients, proofreading TV and radio promotional
scripts, creating media lists.
Magazine, Newspaper, & Online Media
Around the Writer’s Table, www.AroundTheWritersTable.com
Contact: Gina Edwards, www.AroundTheWritersTable.com ~ P.O. Box 231, Lloyd, FL 32337 ~ 850-
As the writing, editing, and publishing industries evolve rapidly, Around the Writer’s Table is focused
on providing multiple resources for writers and editors to help them find new avenues for their craft. This,
in turn, opens opportunities for interns to participate in several ongoing and new projects. This internship
is best suited to creative self-starters who are comfortable taking initiative and working in collaboration;
are flexible and willing to take on multiple tasks as they arise; and can meet deadlines and track their
activities. The intern(s) will report directly to the company owner, Gina Hogan Edwards, or to a senior
intern coordinator. Face-to-face meetings will occur on a regular basis (ideally, weekly, with flexibility
around class schedules). You are also expected to stay in close, regular communication throughout the
semester via email and phone. Interns are required to use their own computers to complete tasks remotely.
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The social media internship may include any of the following, depending on your experience and
educational goals, and may expand during the course of the internship:
• Tasks across all social media platforms (primarily Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram)
• Assist in development of a quarterly social media plan
o Participate in creating and posting blog topics and integrate them into an overall, quarterly
social media plan
o Write posts and create memes to support blog content; these will be shared on Facebook,
LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram; develop interrelationships among topics presented across all
social media without duplicating content
• Web support for existing and emerging business models at Around the Writer’s Table
Black Card Media
Brendan Bonhan, Brendan@Blackcardmedia.com
Description: Black Card media offers several internships, but the writing one boils down to interns
writing humorous content that may be published in a local humor/entertainment magazine. Black Card
currently distributes to 15 campuses, each with their own unique content. Students get on-campus
oversight through the editorial manager the company hires at each school, and feedback from a national
level out of their home offices in Chicago.
The Black Sheep
Quinn Myers, quinn@theblacksheeponline.com
Description: The Black Sheep is a nationwide online magazine, which has branches in all different
universities around the US. While the corporate office is in Chicago, a writing staff, run by an FSU
student editor, meets on campus. Daily articles are written by FSU students for FSU students. Interns
would be required to meet once a week, and write one article a week for the entirety of the semester.
Capital City Villager
Joe Berg, Publisher, Tallahassy@gmail.com (850)320-7806
Description: Capital City villager is a quarterly alternative news magazine that covers arts, culture, and
news from the Tallahassee area with a mission to #shoplocal850 and to preserve the authentic oddity of
the capital city. Interns would be responsible to write and edit for the magazine while gaining experience
in the publishing industry.
Dreams Abroad
Dreams Abroad is seeking a content editor to proof and edit blog posts written by teachers abroad.
Information about this organization is available at http://dreamsabroad.org/. This is an unpaid, remote
internship, and the editor would also be responsible for selecting photographs to accompany blog posts.
Submit inquiries, cover letters, and resumes to founder Leesa Truesdell at leesa[email protected].
Franchise Sports
Director Marcus Joseph - Franc[email protected]
Description: Franchise Sports is an educational sports journalism and media program that offers students
an internship opportunity to learn the basics of the sports journalism and media publishing industry,
receive hands-on experience, and polish communication talents in an intimate, supervised
atmosphere. Our program will function as a sports journalism training ground for students interested in
reporting, editing, on-camera training, videographer training and public relations skills in the sports
journalism industry. Franchise Sports Online offers students hands-on experience in their field of choice.
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FSU Uloop News
Megan Johnson, megan@uloop.com
Description: Uloop News (uloop.com) is an online news and classifieds network for college students.
Interns will submit 2 articles per week (at least 800 words and with images, research, interviews, etc.)
pertaining to almost any subject of their choice. Writing categories include Campus Life, Entertainment,
Fashion, Sports, Technology, Health, Business and Politics.
Gadsden County Times
15 S. Madison St. Quincy, FL 32351
Cheri Harris, charr[email protected]
Description: The Gadsden County Times is a source for local news, sports, events and information in
Gadsden County and Quincy, FL, and the surrounding area. This newspaper is available in print as well as
online. They cover: news, sports, opinion, obituaries, public notices, and Classifieds. Interns would be
editing articles and learning the skills required to run and produce a local newspaper.
Haute Living Miami Magazine
Hadley Henriette, Managing Editor
3050 Biscayne Blvd. suite 400. Miami, FL 33137
Description: Haute Living is a lifestyle magazine and website covering extremely high-end events, brands
and affluent individuals. Among other duties, capable interns will have the opportunity to write, copy
edit, attend events and work on both print and web. We are looking for polished, motivated individuals
who have familiarity with Miami and the luxury market to join us in our beautiful new offices. Editorial
interns will assist the Managing Editor, searching the web for appropriate topics, copy editing, writing,
collecting photography, fielding inquiries and more. They will have to opportunity to attend and work at
high-end events. We are seeking top students who will take these responsibilities seriously. We are
looking for 3rd and 4th year university students pursuing photography, journalism and English degrees
for editorial internships. We also work one-on-one with students to hone their writing style for lifestyle
publications. Proficiency in AP style writing is required, and considerable experience with Adobe
Photoshop, social media, blogging is preferred.
The Journal of Art for Life (JAfL)
Sara Scott Shields, skshield[email protected]
3029 William Johnston Building, FSU
Description: JAfL is an international, refereed journal focused on art education, museum education, art
therapy, and arts administration in authentic, real-world contexts toward the goal of social progress
through the arts. JAfL is seeking interns for Summer, Fall or Spring commitments for an internship
equivalent to 3 credits hours. Interns will be expected to work around 3 hours/week, however this
commitment could ebb and flow with some weeks being busy and other having little work to complete.
The Last Word Magazine
Robert Cocanougher, thelastwordfsu@gmail.com
600 W College Ave, Tallahassee, FL 32306
Description: An intern at The Last Word Magazine would have various duties, including writing regularly
for the magazine, assisting the Section Editors that make up the staff of the magazine, and assisting in the
editing and organizing of our print edition at the end of the semester. They may also be called on to help
in other business of the magazine such as outreach or social media.
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Muses & Visionaries Magazine
Lola Thelin
561-515-4552 ext. 806 / lola@magazinemv.com
319 Clematis Street, Suite 510, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Description: Our goal is empowerment and education through profiles, in-depth articles, personal essays
and more. As a women’s lifestyle publication, we place heavy emphasis on featuring women across
industries who are doing amazing things and stories relevant to the day-to-day realities of women. The
editorial internship includes working side by side with the editorial director and fashion editor as needed,
writing web stories and print stories, editing, fact checking and sourcing images. Editorial interns may
also be called upon to pitch stories to editor.
nFocus Magazine
Nancy Floyd, editor ([email protected]) and Lauren Langston Stewart, managing editor
210 12th Avenue South, Suite 100, Nashville, TN 37203
Description: Editorial interns for nFocus, a monthly print publication, will research and write articles for
print and web, assist on photo shoots, manage administrative tasks to assist editorial staff, copy edit and
fact-check stories, and attend/cover social events in Nashville.
Sarasota Magazine
Megan McDonald, web editor, meganm@sarasotamagazine.com
330 S. Pineapple Ave., Suite 205, Sarasota, FL 34236
Description: Duties include fact-checking articles, assisting editors with research and reporting, and
writing web stories and short print pieces. We expect and encourage interns to be a part of the team by
contributing their own ideas, attending meetings, and getting to know the editorial staff.
Successful candidates will be detail-oriented, responsible, well-read, curious, and knowledgeable about
the city. We prefer journalism, communications, English, and history students, particularly those who are
active with campus publications and are interested in a career in journalism. More information can be
found here: https://www.sarasotamagazine.com/pages/internships
Study Breaks Magazine
Mark Stenberg; editorial@studybreaks.com
4954 Space Center Dr. San Antonio, TX 78218
Description: Interns will serve as the digital editor for Study Breaks Magazine. They are responsible for
assisting the editor in proofreading student writing for a total 15 hours a week. Editing includes basic
adherence to style guide and keen eye for grammatical/semantic errors, as well as working with backend
website entry, populating content fields for titles, selecting and attributing pictures, and then providing
feedback to the student writers. The student editor is in contact with the editor at least twice a week over
the phone to discuss mistakes, areas for improvement, and to talk about the student writers. Essentially
the second-in-command to the editor, the digital editor position has immense responsibility and
autonomy, and is considered the bridge between the student writers and Study Breaks staff.
The Tab
Contact: rob.white@thetab.com, and [email protected]
Tab Media
190 N 10th St, Suite 310
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Description: The Tab is a student news site by and for Florida State students. We do interesting
journalism and cover what’s happening on campus and in Tallahassee. Writers have the opportunity to
write in multiple sections, including news, features, sports, opinion and fashion, so there's something for
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everyone. You don't have to be an experienced writer— you'll work with trained journalists in New York
to learn our style and voice. Writers will also have the opportunity to participate in The Tab Fellowship
once they complete the required number of stories. Fellows will provide sharp reporting on campus life,
and will also have the opportunity to cover this year’s campaign trail for Electoral College, and contribute
to Babe, the fastest growing women’s site on the internet.
Tallahassee Democrat
277 Magnolia Dr. Tallahassee, Fl, 32301
Martha Gruender, mgruender@tallahassee.com, (850)599-2342
Description: Interns will be assisting with the promotion of events that the Democrat will be putting on as
well as facilitating and organizing the events to make sure they are easily executed. Interns will also
write articles in the Democrat to notify people of these occasions.
Tallahassee Woman Magazine
PO Box, 13401 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-3401
Kim Rosier, Kim@talwoman.com (850)893-9624
Description: An internship at Tallahassee Woman Magazine provides a well-rounded opportunity to learn
and experience the magazine field. Interns gain experience in writing, editing, interviewing, research,
distribution, and public relations.
Publishing Companies
Dzanc Books
Michelle Dotter, Senior Editor
Remote internship
Description: Dzanc Books is a leading independent publisher of fiction and nonfiction. This is a part-time
internship with a weekly commitment between 10-15 hours. Dzanc runs three internship cycles per year:
summer (June - August), fall (September - November), and spring (February - April). Interns will be
introduced to the basic production process of publishing, gain experience evaluating submissions, and
take on special projects in accordance with interest and experience. The work of our interns is performed
online and by phone.
Joyce Publishing
Primary Contact: (850) 309-1400 or hay@joycepublishing.com
2940 E Park Ave, Suite C Tallahassee, FL 32301
Description: This internship provides professional writing and editing experience in a fun and friendly
environment. An intern’s main responsibilities would include contacting article writers and coordinating
with them, writing articles, and editing all of the articles for Home & Yard Magazine. Home & Yard is an
editorial and advertising publication targeted to upper income homeowners in Leon County. It is
published four times a year (March, May, July, and September) and contains articles about a wide range
of topics including home improvement and design/decorating ideas, landscaping tips, and environmental
Renegade Publishing, Inc.
Renegadereport.comFarhood Basiri, [email protected], (407) 412-7467
Description: Interns will utilize interviewing skills, attend press conferences, and write sports-related
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Rowland Publishing
Steve Bornhoft, sbornhoft@rowlandpublishing.com
Rowland Publishing is a Regional Publisher of Excellence offering the premier community magazines of
Northwest Florida and custom publishing, project management and creative services.
Independent Bookstores
The Bookshelf
Annie Jones, (229) 228-7767
126 S. Broad Street
Thomasville, Georgia 31792
Description: The Bookshelf is currently seeking a Social Media Intern and Literary Events Intern for
Spring 2017. Full position descriptions can be found
online: http://www.bookshelfthomasville.com/employment.
Midtown Reader
Description: Midtown Reader is looking for interns! We have openings for students in the FSU Editing
Writing and Media program who want to fulfill their ENC4942 Writing Internship credit.
This internship will offer a behind the scenes look into the book selling business, including social media
marketing, writing posts for our online blog, assisting with literary event planning and promoting, and
more! The position is unpaid, but will fulfill the credit hour requirements for ENC4942. Interested in
applying? Submit the attached application and resume to kim@midtownreader.com by November 21st.
Local Businesses and Local Government
City Of Tallahassee Public Information Office
300 South Adams Street Tallahassee, FL 32301Lizzy Kelley, lizzy.ke[email protected] ; (850)-891-8533
Leon County Community and Media Relations
Leon County Community and Media Relations Leon County Community and Media Relations facilitates
the accurate, effective and timely flow of public information throughout Leon County Government. Our
team works hard to tell stories of all Leon County work areas, and provide special event, mass
communication, graphic design, and social media assistance to all departments and divisions. Interns will
gain effective experience in media relations, local government communication strategies and managing a
collective message. Interns will assist with:
special events
social media content
news advisories and releases
news stories for publication
event photography
graphic design
video editing
day-to-day operations
Contact: Celia Mott
Leon County Courthouse
301 S. Monroe Street, Suite 502
Tallahassee, FL 32301
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Exclusive Career Coaching
Lesa Edwards, lesa@exclusivecareercoaching.com
Description: Exclusive Career Coaching is a full-service career management consultancy headquartered
in Tallahassee. Services include writing resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, and executive
biographies; coaching around the job search, job interviews, and salary negotiations; transition coaching
as the client moves into his/her new role. Depending on the intern’s interests and areas of expertise, the
following are possible job duties:
Manage social media posts, including writing posts, creating memes, uploading and optimizing
blogs, and scheduling content on Hootsuite.
Send emails to LinkedIn connections who have the potential to become clients.
Write ad content for Facebook and other paid advertising outlets.
Increase Likes and Follows on Facebook, Instagram.
Write emails to send to existing email list, marketing services, special offers, etc.
Write resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles under the tutelage of Lesa Edwards, Academy
Certified Resume Writer and LinkedIn expert.
Edit resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles written by Lesa Edwards.
Organize and edit content of existing blogs by topic for a book series.
Research topics for future workshops and webinars by determining what the ideal clients of
Exclusive Career Coaching are asking questions about on social media.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Press Office
Contact: Jason Mahon, Public Information Specialist; DEPNews@dep.state.fl.us or 850.245.2112.
Florida Senate and Florida House of Representatives.
Paid proofreading and bill-editing internships during the annual legislative sessions each spring.
Typically, $11-13/hr for 20-40 hrs a week, afternoons and early evenings. All work must be completed on
site in the House or Senate office buildings. Note: Open only to students who have graduated or have only
one or two morning courses remaining. Register for ENC 4942 if you wish undergraduate credit or ENC
5945 for graduate credit (an ENC 5945 internship also counts toward the Graduate Certificate in
Publishing and Editing).
FL Senate contact: Lucy Carter. carter.lucy@flsenate.gov 850.487.5284
FL House contact: Jennifer Bronson. Jennbronson8@gmail.com 850.717.5408
Ripe City
David Newmam (828)273-9251
1907 Hollywood Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32303
Description: Ripe City is a local urban farming venture dedicated to creating a healthier food system for
both people and the planet. This intern position entails helping with the promotion of Ripe City Urban
Farm. Intern tasks include assisting with the development of physical promotional materials such as
brochures/posters, as well as helping write material for our monthly newsletter and occasional blog
posts. 3-6hrs/week, unpaid/course credit.
World Ballet Inc.
Anna Smith, anna.smith@worldballetinc.org
Lake Jackson Town Center
3840 North Monroe Street, Suite 202
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Description: Duties for an editing intern include writing newspaper articles for Tallahassee Democrat,
upkeep of our website, social media, and blogs, brief interviewing of participants at our events for follow-
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up articles, and attending our performances and fundraisers for collecting article material.
Students have also interned at the following sites:
The Pod Advertising
Fiore Communications
BowStern Marketing Communications
Visit Florida
Cox Media
Score Atlanta
Atlanta Magazine
260 Peachtree St NW Ste 300
Atlanta, GA 30303
Description: Atlanta magazine offers a comprehensive internship program for college and graduate
students. (We are unable to accept interns who have already completed undergrad unless they are
currently enrolled in graduate school.) You must be able to receive college credit for the internship in
order to be eligible. Internships require approximately fifteen hours of work per week; these hours may be
distributed across days of the intern’s choosing, but they must be completed during the magazine’s office
hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Positions are unpaid but offer invaluable experience in all aspects of
magazine journalism. A stipend of $60 a month is available to cover the costs of parking downtown or
taking MARTA. For more information about the internship application process, visit:
3560 Atlanta Industrial Dr.
Atlanta, GA 30331
Description: Phase 3 Marketing & Communications (Phase 3) is seeking a qualified intern to join our
dynamic marketing team in our downtown Atlanta office. Phase 3 produces quality work for a variety of
clients including Buckhead Atlanta, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated, Cox Media, GeorgiaPacific,
Hewlett-Packard, Home Depot and more. Our team is seeking an intern who can participate in all stages
of our client’s marketing campaigns from ideation to execution. Candidates should be highly self-
motivated and prepared to work in a fast-paced, deadline driven team environment. Ideally, the candidate
should be interested in obtaining a position in marketing upon graduation and will complete the internship
having gained broad experience in several marketing disciplines. For more information about the
internship application process and available intern positions, visit: http://www.phase3mc.com/careers/
Sterling Publishing