Joyce Chen 0000 000 000
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Joyce Chen
20 Hathaway Rd,
Nathan, 4111
Mobile 0000 000 000
Highly motivated, enthusiastic nursing graduate aspiring to practice, acquire and improve skills to
promote health across the nursing care continuum. Recognised as a competent team member, effective
communicator and collaborative within interdisciplinary teams.
20xx-current Bachelor of Nursing Griffith University (Expected completion - Dec 2014)
GPA 5.75 (Scale: 1 – 7, 7 being the highest)
Key Subjects
Advanced Clinical Decision Making
Nursing Clients with Medical-Surgical Conditions
Nursing Clients with Chronic Conditions
Health Law and Ethics
20xx Acute Complex Care Course, OSCA Health Education & Health Ed Professionals
20xx Advanced Life Support (ALS), OSCA Health Education & Health Ed Professionals
20xx Perform CPR, Australia Wide First Aid
20xx Mental Health First Aid Training, Mental Health First Aid Australia
20xx Apply First Aid, Purple Heart First Aid Training
Strong Oral and Written Communication
Excellent interpersonal and patient education skills (provided education
opportunities for patients and held study sessions for nursing students)
Excellent communication and customer service skills (gained from
extensive volunteer experiences and part-time working experiences )
Professional Practice
Exceptional Teamwork
Maintain safe and therapeutic environment (adhered to ANMC guidelines
and the ability to recognise of unsafe practice)
Ability to work autonomously, set priorities and make independent
decisions of a complex nature (gained time management skills during
surgical clinical placements)
Demonstrated strong self-management skills, a commitment to nursing and
flexibility to adapt to unexpected changes
Demonstrate honesty, integrity and respect for all patients, carers and staff
Critical Thinking
Recognised as an active learner; able to process information and link the
signs and symptoms with the primary cause of a disease or condition
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Mar 20xx-Apr 20xx Orthopaedic Ward 2A, Prince Wales Hospital
Assessed clinical data from diagnostic studies and previous records
Collaborated with medical interns, physiotherapists, dieticians, and social
workers to address patient needs
Provided general nursing care in the areas of vital signs, ECG, catheters,
feeding tubes (under supervision), Heparin/Insulin therapy, pain
management (PCA, epidural, regional block, and spinal anaesthesia care),
and IV and central lines (under supervision).
Achievement Managed four patient loads per shift, and confidently conducted pre-operative
checks under the supervision of an RN. Able to recognise signs of deterioration
and report to the RN.
Mar 20xx Ambulatory Renal Transplant Service (ARTS), Prince Wales Hospital
Demonstrated strong observation, assessment, and intervention skills
when monitoring patients’ haemodynamic status
Communicated with the hospital pharmacy and pathology
Conducted client education on the mechanics of haemodialysis
Built good therapeutic relationships with clients
Achievement Conducted educational sessions for individual clients based on their knowledge
and needs, and I realised that better understanding of the kidney functions
brings better outcomes in long term. During the clinical placement I also gained
knowledge in Nephrology Nursing and became interested in it.
Sept 20xx-Oct 20xx Mental Health Unit, Prince Wales Hospital
Interacted appropriately with clients in the unit
Conducted Mental Status Examination on clients
Assisted group activities and recreation programme
Achievement Familiarised with the routine of a psychiatric unit, gained valuable de-escalation
skills, learnt about the legal aspects of Mental Health (such as ITO), and
researched on dual diagnosis and educated the clients (through conversations)
that substances misuse can lead to their conditions.
Sept 20xx General Surgical Ward 5B, Williams Hospital
Inserted an IDC for a client and collected urine sample for MCS
Worked with a wound care nurse, helped changed vacuum dressing,
cleaned the wound site, helped changed stoma bags, and removed staples
from a client's abdomen
Achievement Ensured the continuum of care for patients, followed the postoperative
comprehensive handover from the PACU nurse, and monitored the patient until
the discharge criteria. Also gained knowledge in wound healing process; the
clinical pathways of patients underwent colonoscopy while working with the
wound care nurse.
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Mar 20xx-Apr 20xx Orthopaedic 2A/Urology 2B/General Surgical Ward 5B
Williams Hospital
Observed a laparoscopic surgery in the operation theatre
Rostered to Urodynamic Centre and assisted with the procedure of
Urodynamic testing (cleaned the flexible endoscopes after the procedure)
Achievement Provided holistic of care for patients by actively being involved in the physical
assessment and interventions, and augmented patient outcome of the intended
Sept 20xx Ridge Park Aged Care Facility
Provided direct care and ADL's for residents of high, low and specialised
dementia care
Monitored and assessed health of residents
Documented accurate client care records
Ensured safe and clean working environment through making beds, using
safe manual-handling techniques and appropriate clinical hygiene and
health and safety practices
Achievement Identified normal ageing patterns, age related and aged acquired illness
including chronic conditions. Assessed plan and implement effective
communication and intervention strategies for the safe nursing care of older
adults with compromised cognitive function.
Feb 20xx-Mar 20xx Personal Carer-a child with epilepsy, CB Recruitment (Part-time)
Assisted with ADLs and provided seizure management
Educated the parents on managing the condition
Feb 20xx-Jun 20xx Peer Assisted Study Sessions Leader-Anatomy and Physiology
University Health Group (Part-time)
Held weekly study sessions for first-year nursing students
Facilitated discussion on the difficult concepts of the week
Held revision sessions during the study week and prepared students for the
end of semester exams.
Feb 20xx-Sept 20xx Volunteered as a Griffith Mate-Supported commencing students to make the
transition to university
Jun 20xx Volunteered for City to Brisbane-station support for the runners
Feb 20xx-Jun 20xx Volunteered for Taiwanese Friendship Association-helped organise
multicultural events
Feb 20xx-Jun 20xx Student Mentor of School of Nursing and Midwifery-mentored commencing
nursing students
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20xx Certificate of Recognition for Academic Excellence-for the attainment of a high
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 6.250 at the conclusion of Semester 2, 20xx
20xx Queensland Nurses’ Union of Employees (Student Member)
English (IELTS band 7 and above in each category)
Spanish (basic conversation)
Taylor Diaz
Third-year Clinical Facilitator
Prince Wales Hospital
Phone: 0000 000 000
Lang Pallen
Third-year Clinical Facilitator
Prince Wales Hospital
Phone: 0000 000 000