Title: Clap Switch
I. Summary
A Clap Switch circuit uses a microphone within the circuit to detect noises to
turn the LED on. A clap switch circuit can be used in homes and businesses to turn on
things such as: lights, TVs, or whatever it is set up to the clap switch. In many cases
you can snap your fingers, clap your hands, or even speak to it. In fact, with modern
technology, you can use commands to activate a piece/pieces of technology to allow
it to turn on/off from anywhere within the room of the Clap Switch.
II. Objective
Individuals will construct a Clap Switch circuit and gain based knowledge on
the 555 timer IC, BC547 Transistor and the condenser microphone. Also, individuals
will get to see exactly how you can turn things on by a simply clap, snap, and/or the
use of the voice.
III. Industry
Clap Switches can be installed into businesses and homes to allow individuals
to turn lights and a number of technology on or off by using claps, snaps, or his/her
voice. Clap Switches gives individuals the ability to remain seated or lying down to
turn devices on or off. Also, this device is important to industries because technology
is growing at an extreme rate and with the component within the Clap Switch it can
help advance technology even more. In today’s world, we use voice control within
our mobile devices, as well as, devices like the Echo, Google Home, etc. Within these
devices that I previously listed, you can turn on a number of technologies by giving it
simple voice commands, which is something that a great number of companies are
working on on a daily basis.
The Clapper was released in the 1980s, allowing individuals to active
appliances by using claps all without having to get up to turn on an appliance
manually. (i) The Clapper was only the beginning of audio activation technology.
Now, there are devices like the Google Home smart speaker which has similar
functionalities like “The Clapper”, yet it is more advanced. For instance, you can
speak to the speaker and ask it to turn on any smart appliances, play music, and ask it
to do whatever you need it to do. (ii)
IV. Methodology
a. Parts
i. 555 timer IC
ii. Two BC547 Transistor
iii. 3.3 Ω Resistor
iv. 1kΩ Resistor
v. Two 270Ω Resistors
vi. 100nF Capacitor
vii. 22uF Capacitor
viii. Two Light-emitting Diode
ix. Condenser Microphone
x. Breadboard
xi. Digital multimeter
xii. Power Supply
xiii. Wires
b. Purpose of Parts
i. 555 timer IC is used to timing function, such as turning the LED on for a
short period of time.
ii. The BC547 transistor is used for amplification.
iii. Anode/ Collector of the transistor in pin 1.
iv. Base of the transistor is pin 2.
v. Cathode/Emitter of the transistor is pin 3.
vi. The 270 Ω resistor determines the order at the output and the sensitivity.
vii. The 22uF capacitor allows the LED to stay on for approximatively 2.5
c. Procedure
i. Connect the power supply and breadboard together to set the voltage to 5
ii. Connect the ground to the breadboard
iii. Connect one terminal of the 3.3kΩ resistor.
iv. Connect the positive end of the condenser microphone to the voltage
source and place the negative end of the condenser microphone to the
v. Connect the base of the BC547 transistor to the condenser microphone.
vi. Connect the emitter of the transistor to the ground.
vii. Connect the resistor to the voltage source and the collector of the
viii. Place the second BC547 transistor onto the breadboard.
ix. Connect the collector of the first BC547 transistor to the base of the
second BC547 transistor.
x. Connect the emitter of the second BC547 transistor to the ground.
xi. Place the 555 timer IC onto the breadboard.
xii. Connect pin 6 with pin 7 of the 555 timer IC.
xiii. Connect pin 4 with pin 8 of the 555 timer IC.
xiv. Connect the 100k-ohm resistor to pin 7 and pin 8.
xv. Connect the anode of the 20uF capacitor to pin 6 of the 555 timer IC.
xvi. Connect the cathode of the 20uF capacitor to the ground.
xvii. Connect a LED to pin 3 of the 555-timer.
xviii. Connect a 270-ohm resistor to the cathode of the LED and to the ground.
xix. Connect pin 1 of the 555-timer to the ground.
xx. Connect pin 4 of the 555-timer to the voltage source.
xxi. Connect a 1k-ohm resistor to the anode and the voltage source.
xxii. Connect a 100nF Capacitor to the anode of the second transistor and into
pin 2 of the 555-timer IC.
d. References and Photos
i. https://home.howstuffworks.com/clapper.htm
ii. https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/9286728?hl=en
iii. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkbfBIMSdgo&t=102s