Home Automation & Security Projects
for Raspberry Pi (Book 2)
Tim Rustige
Home Automation & Security Projects for Raspberry Pi (Book 2)
© Tim Rustige
First published: May 2017
Published by TR Computers Limited.
All Trademarks & Registered Trademarks are hereby acknowledged.
Raspberry Pi and the Raspberry Pi logo are registered trademarks of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
All rights reserved. No part of this book or any of the software featured may be reproduced or
translated in any form without the prior written consent of the author.
Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure all the information contained in this book
is accurate, the author & publisher can accept no liability for any consequential loss or damage,
however caused, arising as a result of using the information contained.
All the projects in this book are also available as complete projects kits from:
Table of Contents
Connect a Wireless Doorbell to your Pi.................................................................................................
Wireless doorbell & PIR receiver project.....................................................................................
Connecting to an older Raspberry Pi model A or B......................................................................
Connecting to a Raspberry Pi B+, A+, Pi Zero, Pi 2 or Pi 3.........................................................
Install WiringPi library..................................................................................................................
Install 433Utils..............................................................................................................................
Photo of test.sh script & the output it produces:...........................................................................
A word about the way folders & files are organised on a Raspberry Pi.......................................
How to make an executable script................................................................................................
Setting up a spare Gmail account, just for your Pi to use.............................................................
Send an email when the doorbell or PIR is triggered....................................................................
Setup the Raspberry Pi camera module........................................................................................
Text overlay date & time on a photo.............................................................................................
How to attach a buzzer to the Raspberry Pi..................................................................................
How to play an MP3 file when the doorbell is pressed.................................................................
How to connect your Pi to your WiFi router using a USB WiFi dongle.......................................
How to make your Pi automatically run our scripts at startup......................................................
Night & day photo emailer script for PiNoIR camera..................................................................
A script that detects a doorbell & a PIR sensor.............................................................................
Using a Sony PS2 or PS3 Eye Toy USB webcam to take photos.................................................
Script to grab photo from webcam when door is opened..............................................................
Script to capture photos from Easycap USB video grabber..........................................................
Bluetooth scanning........................................................................................................................
Set up Wifi Sniffing on Raspbian build........................................................................................
Scan for WiFi Probe Requests.......................................................................................................
Connect to your Pi remotely from your PC..................................................................................
How to transfer files from your Pi to PC using Filezilla..............................................................
Reverse Engineering Wireless Gadgets..................................................................................................
How to receive codes from a wireless remote on your Raspberry Pi...........................................
Transmitting signals......................................................................................................................
Remote control mains sockets.......................................................................................................
Replaying a captured code............................................................................................................
Remote control mains relays.........................................................................................................
How to connect the relay to an LED panel and 12 volt battery pack............................................
How to connect the relay to other voltages...................................................................................
How to control hardware from a web browser interface........................................................................
Connect an LED to GPIO pin 4 and control it from a web browser.............................................
Install WiringPi library..................................................................................................................
Install Apache Web Server............................................................................................................
Setup the CGI scripts to make the web page buttons active.........................................................
Setup port forwarding on your router...........................................................................................
Controlling Wireless Mains Sockets from a web browser............................................................
Using a PHP web page to control an LED....................................................................................
Using a PHP web page to remote control main sockets................................................................
How to stream CCTV audio over a network..........................................................................................
Audio capture hardware options...................................................................................................
A CCTV microphone....................................................................................................................
Power supply for the CCTV Mic..................................................................................................
USB Audio capture device............................................................................................................
Streaming Audio from one Raspberry Pi to another.....................................................................
On the receiving Pi........................................................................................................................
On the sending Pi:.........................................................................................................................
Audio Mixer Panel........................................................................................................................
Different audio sampling rates......................................................................................................
Pan and tilt camera control.....................................................................................................................
Pan & tilt camera bracket for Raspberry Pi..................................................................................
Wiring Diagram.............................................................................................................................
Servo Driver Software..................................................................................................................
Desktop control panel to pan & tilt...............................................................................................
SSH remote pan & tilt with streaming to VLC.............................................................................
Installing the web browser camera control applications...............................................................
Streaming video to a web browser................................................................................................
In our first Home Security Projects book for Raspberry Pi we showed you how to connect PIR
motion sensors and magnetic door/window sensors to your Pi, and have your Pi email photos to
your mobile phone when activity was detected.
In this second book we build on that by showing you how to connect a cheap wireless doorbell to
the internet, and get photos of callers emailed to your phone. We also show you how to create your
own home automation system, using inexpensive wireless mains sockets, light switches & relays,
and control them from your tablet or mobile phone's web browser - you can also have the Pi turn the
appliances on and off at pre-set times.
In later chapters we show you how to make a motorised cctv security camera that you can pan & tilt
from a web browser on your phone, and also control from a graphical panel on your Pi's desktop.
If you've ever wondered how to stream CCTV audio from one Pi to another over a network or the
internet, we also show you the best USB Audio capture and microphone hardware to use and the
simplest way to stream it from the command line.
All our wireless projects use the licence-free 315MHz equipment in North America and 433.92MHz
in the UK/Europe. The typical equipment that operates at these frequencies is very inexpensive.
Here are some examples of typical costs on eBay:
433MHz super heterodyne shielded wireless receiver module 30 metre range £4/$5
433MHz transmitter & receiver boards for Arduino/Raspberry Pi £2/$3
3 Pack of Status Remote Control Mains sockets 433MHz £15/$19
Remote control light switches 1,2 or 3 gang £12/$15
433MHz 12 volt relays – use to control 5 or 12 volt DC or 240/120V AC mains 10A £3/$4
433MHz Lloytron MIP wireless Doorbell push available in White or Black £5/$6
433MHz Lloytron MIP wireless PIR motion sensor £11/$14
433MHz Lloytron MIP wireless door sensor £6/$8
Using the standard 433MHz receiver and transmitter boards, it's possible to “talk & listen” to a wide
range of equipment using any model of Raspberry Pi – you're not locked into a single manufacturer,
like you would be if you'd bought Energenie power sockets and installed their wireless GPIO hat.
The scripts in subsequent chapters show you how to receive codes and timing values from your
433MHz or 315MHz wireless devices, and then be able to replay those codes from simple Python
scripts running on your Pi.
We show you how to transmit codes to turn mains sockets, relays & light switches on and off at
certain times of day. We also show you how to create a web browser interface that lets you control
mains sockets, relays and light switches from your phone or tablet over WiFi or the internet.
Say goodbye to manually trying to reverse-engineer 433MHz and 315MHz OOK AM signals using
Audacity, Baudline, GNUradio, Inspectrum etc.
Connect a Wireless Doorbell to your Pi.
Wireless doorbell & PIR receiver project.
This project will allow your Raspberry Pi to listen out for the 433MHz radio signal transmitted by a
variety of Lloytron MIP wireless doorbells, PIR sensors & Magnetic door sensors. It will also detect
signals from Driveway Patrol & Digiteck driveway alarms.
The Pi can differentiate between the unique codes from each device & send you an email stating
which has been triggered. If you have a Raspberry Pi camera or USB webcam pointing at the
doorway, you can get a photo of the visitor emailed to your mobile phone.
You'll need: 433MHz receiver board , mini breadboard, three IDC connection wires (all pictured), 5
volt buzzer & 2 connection wires.
Connecting to an older Raspberry Pi model A or B
The blue wire in the picture is an optional antenna wire, which should be 17.3cm long & can be
coiled around a biro so it takes up less space. We didn't need to use an external antenna wire in any
of our tests.
The colour of the wires isn't important, just make sure connect the correct points together.
Connecting to a Raspberry Pi B+, A+, Pi Zero, Pi 2 or Pi 3.
The blue wire in the picture is an optional antenna wire, which should be 17.3cm long & can be
coiled around a biro so it takes up less space. We didn't need to use the external antenna wire in any
of our tests.
You can use different coloured wires, just make sure you connect the correct points together.
The red wire connects to 5 volt + on the Pi, the black wire connects to GND & the yellow wire
connects to GPIO 27 (which in WiringPi-speak is confusingly referred to as GPIO 2)
Install WiringPi library
Before we go any further we need to install WiringPi, a set of utilities that make talking to the GPIO
pins easy. Enter these commands at the $ terminal prompt:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git-core
git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi
cd wiringPi
git pull origin
gpio -v
gpio readall
cd ..
You'll now see a list of all the GPIO assignments for Wiring Pi. I've highlighted our GPIO pin 27.