Williams-Sonoma, Inc.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Williams-Sonoma, Inc.’s Commitment to Ethical Business Conduct .................................................. 1
Equal Employment Opportunities......................................................................................................... 2
No Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation ..................................................................................... 2
How to Report Concerns or Violations ................................................................................................. 3
Report Hotline ............................................................................................................... 3
Reporting Accounting and Securities Laws Concerns .................................................. 4
Complying with Legal and Ethical Standards ...................................................................................... 4
Protecting Company Information and Assets ............................................................... 4
Compliance with Laws ................................................................................................. 5
Conducting Business Globally ...................................................................................... 5
Dealing with Governments ........................................................................................... 5
Our Responsibilities to Our Customers ........................................................................ 5
Our Responsibilities to Our Vendors ............................................................................ 6
Our Responsibilities to Each Other ............................................................................... 6
Fair Dealing with Our Competitors .............................................................................. 6
Other Company Policies ............................................................................................... 6
Conflicts of Interest............................................................................................................................... 7
Conflicts of Interest Situations Commonly Faced By Associates ........................................................ 7
Ownership Interests ...................................................................................................... 7
Outside Employment or Business Activities ................................................................ 7
Gifts, Merchandise and Entertainment ......................................................................... 8
Business Transactions with WSI .................................................................................. 8
Loans ............................................................................................................................. 9
Doing Business with Family Members or Friends ........................................................ 9
Supervising Family Members ....................................................................................... 9
Family Members at Competitors................................................................................... 9
Fraternization ................................................................................................................ 9
Corporate Opportunities ........................................................................................................................ 9
Disclosure of Conflicts; Request for Exceptions ................................................................................ 10
WSI’s Commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility ..................................................... 10
Public Communications and Filings ................................................................................................... 10
Communicating Information About the Company ............................................................................. 10
Protecting Confidential Information ................................................................................................... 11
Non-Solicitation .................................................................................................................................. 12
Protecting Intellectual Property .......................................................................................................... 12
Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Questionnaire ......................................................................... 13
Approvals and Waivers ....................................................................................................................... 13
Consequences of Failing to Adhere to this Code of Conduct ............................................................. 13
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
The Williams-Sonoma, Inc. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code of Conduct”) is a
statement of our Company’s standards of ethical business conduct based upon our commitment to
adhere to our values including our commitments to People First, our customers and our
stockholders and comply with the law. The responsibility to act ethically in all of our business
practices and to comply with the local and national laws in each country where we do business is
shared by all associates. We also all have a responsibility to voice any questions or concerns.
Additionally, we expect our leaders to model this standard in their decision-making and provide
ethical guidance to their teams. The Code of Conduct provides guidelines for proper behavior in the
workplace and identifies whom you should contact if you have specific questions or concerns.
The Code of Conduct applies to all directors, officers and associates of WSI and its affiliates, and to
any person performing work or providing services on WSI’s behalf, including temporary and
seasonal associates. WSI is a global company and this is likewise a global Code of Conduct. We
understand that local laws may be different and/or more expansive than the guidelines set forth in the
Code of Conduct. We respect and are committed to complying with the local laws of all locations in
which we do business. If compliance with this Code of Conduct should ever conflict with the law,
you must comply with the law. In addition, nothing in this Code of Conduct is intended or should be
construed to limit or impede rights protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act
Global associates should review the Appendix to this Code of Conduct for any country-specific
guidelines or provisions that may apply. If you have questions about this Code of Conduct or
applicable local laws, please contact your supervisor, your Human Resources representative or the
Legal Department.
References in the Code of Conduct to we, us, our, Williams-Sonoma, WSI or the Company are
generally intended to mean Williams-Sonoma, Inc. and all its affiliates, divisions, brands and
subsidiaries, including its global subsidiaries, stores and offices. This Code of Conduct is effective
as of December 10, 2020 and supersedes any previous version of the Code of Conduct issued or
written by WSI prior to this date.
If you have any questions about the meaning of the Code of Conduct, or how it applies to you,
please feel free to call the Legal Department at (415) 616-8388. Please read this Code of
Conduct carefully and sign the Acknowledgement of Receipt and Compliance (Attachment B)
OR complete the compliance course on WSI’s Learning Management System.
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity and honesty
throughout its business. For this reason, every associate has a responsibility to act with the highest
ethical standards, to treat other associates, vendors, customers, stockholders, governments and the
communities in which we do business with honesty, respect and civility, and to pursue business
activities that will withstand ethical scrutiny, maintain and enhance our reputation, and not violate
the law. In addition, each associate has a duty of loyalty to WSI. This means that each of us must
carry out our responsibilities on the basis of the best interests of the Company, independent of our
personal considerations or relationships. This Code of Conduct sets forth rules to enable associates
to avoid any personal interests or activities that might create or appear to create a conflict with the
LAST EDITED 12/10/2020
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
duty of loyalty to WSI, or might otherwise reflect unfavorably on WSI’s reputation or compliance
with law.
This Code of Conduct also serves as an agreement between you and the Company. As you are
aware, the business of the Company is highly competitive. Much of our success is the result of the
creativity, innovation and hard work of our many associates. Because the Company’s future and
your own opportunities within the Company will be enhanced by the greatest protection of the
Company’s intellectual property rights, including trade secrets and other confidential or proprietary
information, we ask you to enter into this agreement, in exchange for your employment, and the
payment to you of salary, bonus, equity awards and other compensation.
All associates and candidates for employment are provided equal employment opportunities.
Individuals are recruited, hired, assigned, promoted, compensated and trained on the basis of their
qualifications for the job, and without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity,
gender expression, age, national origin, ancestry, military or veteran status, sexual orientation,
mental or physical disability, genetic information, marital or familial status, or any other category
protected by federal, state or local law that does not affect one’s ability to perform the job.
Associates who feel they have been discriminated against in any way should immediately contact
Human Resources or our hotline (1-800-620-8610) in accordance with the complaint procedure
described below. Retaliatory action against any associate reporting discriminatory treatment or
participating in an investigation is not tolerated.
Our Equal Employment Policy incorporates the Company’s commitment to maintain an environment
free of discrimination in accordance with state and federal laws.
It is the policy of Williams-Sonoma, Inc. to provide an environment free of discrimination,
harassment, retaliation or undue imposition of any kind for associates, contractors, applicants,
customers, vendors and all other third parties with whom the Company conducts business.
Discrimination or harassment on the basis of any characteristic protected by law is strictly
prohibited. Harassment is any conduct that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating,
hostile, or offensive work environment, of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work
performance, or otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities. It includes,
without limitation, verbal harassment (epithets, derogatory statements or slurs), physical harassment
(assault or physical interference), and visual harassment (offensive or suggestive objects or posters,
cartoons or drawings).
Specifically, sexual harassment refers to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual activities
and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
submission to such conduct is made, whether explicitly or implicitly, as a term or
condition of an individual’s employment;
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for
employment decisions affecting an individual (such as promotions and benefits);
such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s
work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
Sexual harassment includes many forms of offensive behavior, including but not limited to:
unwanted sexual advances;
visual conduct, such as leering, making sexual gestures, or displaying sexually suggestive
objects, pictures, cartoons or posters;
verbal conduct, such as making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs or sexually
explicit jokes about an associate’s body or dress;
verbal sexual advances or propositions;
verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentary regarding an individual’s
body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, or suggestive or obscene
letters, notes or invitations;
emailing or forwarding sexually explicit or suggestive jokes, pictures, messages or other
materials; and
physical conduct, such as touching, assault, or impeding or blocking movements.
Part of your job and ethical responsibility is to help enforce this Code of Conduct. You should be
alert to possible violations and promptly report violations or suspected violations of this Code of
Conduct or other concerns regarding this Code of Conduct. To report a violation, you should:
Contact your supervisor, manager or Human Resources representative.
If you are not comfortable talking with one of those individuals, contact our General
Counsel, David King, at 415-616-8478 or [email protected].
If you wish to remain anonymous, you may send a letter addressed to the General Counsel at
3250 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109, or follow the instructions below to reach
the outside report hotline.
Report Hotline Associates who (i) are uncomfortable reporting their concerns or complaints to
their supervisor, manager, Human Resources representative or the General Counsel, (ii) have good
reason to believe that the General Counsel is involved in these matters, or (iii) would like to report
their complaints via phone or internet on an anonymous basis, may report their concerns to the
Company’s outside report hotline as follows:
In the U.S. or Canada, call toll-free: 1-800-620-8610
For toll-free access outside of the U.S. or Canada, there is a two-step process:
First, dial the applicable access code listed below:
Australia: 1-800-175-192
Turkey: 0811-299-0001
China: 400-120-0607
United Kingdom (C&W): 0-500-89-0011
Indonesia: 001-8030-174088
United Kingdom (U.K): 0-800-89-0011
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
India: 000-117
Singapore (Sing Tel): 800-011-1111
Italy: 800-172-444
Singapore (StarHub): 800-001-0001
Portugal: 800-800-128
France (France Tel): 0-800-99-011
Vietnam: 1-201-0288
France (Tel Development): 0805-701-288
Following the prompt, dial 1-800-620-8610.
For online reporting, visit
The report hotline is managed by an independent company not affiliated with Williams-Sonoma,
Associate reports should include a discussion of the following items: (i) a description of the matter
or irregularity, (ii) the period of time during which the associate observed the matter or irregularity,
and (iii) any steps that the associate has taken to follow up on the matter or irregularity, including
reporting it to a supervisor and the supervisor’s reaction. Associate reports may include, at the
associate’s option, the associate’s contact information in the event that additional information is
needed. As stated above, however, there is no requirement that the report identify the associate, if
the associate chooses to remain anonymous.
Reporting Accounting and Securities Laws Concerns If your concerns relate to accounting,
internal controls, auditing or securities laws matters, or if the General Counsel is implicated in any
violation or suspected violation, you may also refer to the company’s Policy for Reporting
Accounting and Securities Laws Concerns adopted by the Audit Committee of the Board of
Directors for additional reporting options and procedures. The Policy for Reporting Accounting and
Securities Laws Concerns is included in this Code of Conduct as Attachment A and is also available
on Homefront.
WSI associates must comply with all laws and regulations, and all financial reporting requirements,
applicable to WSI’s business. We also must act consistently with our values and with the highest
level of integrity and honesty in all our business dealings. If you have questions about this policy,
please contact your supervisor, your Human Resources representative or the Legal Department.
Protecting Company Information and Assets Each of us has a responsibility to protect the
Company’s assets, including physical assets, financial assets, intellectual property and
proprietary/confidential information, from theft, loss, damage or misuse. This includes, but is not
limited to, compliance with the policies set forth in the Associate Handbook (or the local equivalent,
such as “Company Regulations”), our Information Systems and Security Policy and our Record
Retention Policy. Each of us also has the responsibility to protect WSI’s reputation, one of our most
important assets, by pursuing business activities that will withstand ethical scrutiny, maintain and
enhance our reputation, and not violate the law.
In accordance with the WSI Insider Trading Policy, associates who have access to confidential
information are prohibited from using or disclosing that information for purposes of trading WSI
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
securities or for any other purpose other than the conduct of Company business. Using confidential
information for personal financial benefit or to “tip” others is both unethical and illegal. Short sales
(as described in the WSI Insider Trading Policy) and the purchase or sale of “put” or “call” options
on WSI securities is also prohibited. You should also not engage in any speculative transactions in
WSI securities that suggest you are trying to profit in short-term increases or decreases in WSI’s
stock price, such as “day trading”. If you have any questions about trading in WSI securities, you
should contact the General Counsel. Inquiries from investors or analysts should be directed to the
head of Investor Relations or the Chief Financial Officer.
Complying with Laws You are responsible for complying with all laws, rules, regulations and
regulatory orders that apply to our business, including insider trading laws. If you are located or
engaging in business outside of the United States, you must comply with laws, rules, regulations and
regulatory orders of the United States, in addition to the laws of other countries. If compliance with
this Code of Conduct should ever conflict with the law, you must comply with the law.
WSI is committed to compliance with the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the Securities and
Exchange Commission. Falsification of any financial report, or other record, including quality and
safety data, hours of work reports, time keeping data or expense reports, will result in immediate
disciplinary action up to and including termination. If you believe Company information has been
falsified or misused, you should immediately report the issue in accordance with the WSI Policy for
Reporting Accounting and Securities Laws Concerns (which is included in this Code of Conduct as
Attachment A and available on Homefront).
Conducting Business Globally In addition to complying with the Code of Conduct, the Company
has policies that require you to comply with specific laws and regulations concerning exports,
economic sanctions, international boycotts, bribery, payments, gifts to and entertainment of foreign
officials, and other aspects of global business operations. These laws include but are not limited to
the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the Anti-Boycott Laws, the U.K. Bribery Act and the anti-
bribery laws of any country where we are doing business. Please refer to the International
Compliance Policy available on Homefront for additional information. All associates involved in
the Company’s international business activities are required to familiarize themselves with, and
comply with, all Company policies relating to our global business operations.
Dealing with Governments In addition to complying with laws that apply generally, and policies
relating to our international business operations, you are also responsible for complying with special
laws, rules and regulations that relate to government contacts and government personnel in the U.S.
or any country where we are doing business. Any associate who deals with any governmental
agency or personnel is responsible for familiarizing themselves with and complying with these
special laws, rules and regulations.
Our Responsibilities to Our Customers We must treat our customers equally, with the highest
level of respect, honesty and service. Our customers must feel secure relying on our Company and
our products, and our marketing of those products. Therefore, our advertising must be truthful, and
any specific claims we make about our products must be supported by objective evidence. Also, we
may not unfairly disparage publicly any of the products, services or employees of our competitors.
Any comparisons we make between our products and those of our competitors must be fair and
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Our Responsibilities to Our Vendors Each of us must deal honestly, fairly, respectfully, openly
and impartially with our vendors and potential vendors. Specifically, we must purchase goods and
services based solely on the quality, performance, price and services offered, and consider a variety
of vendors to ensure we select vendors based on a neutral competitive selection process. All terms
with vendors should be set forth in a contract provided to Legal Department upon vendor set-up, and
not in any “side” letter or agreement. Please refer to the New Vendor Selection and Set Up Policy
available on Homefront for additional information.
Our Responsibilities to Each Other Our commitment to ethical business conduct starts with how
we treat our fellow associates. We must treat each other with respect, honesty, and fairness. Those
of us who supervise others should make sure our associates read and understand the Code of
Conduct, and encourage them to raise questions or concerns and take prompt and effective action to
ensure we comply with it.
Fair Dealing with Our Competitors It is our policy to lawfully compete in the marketplace. Our
commitment to fairness includes respecting the rights of our competitors to compete lawfully in the
marketplace and abiding by all applicable laws in the course of competing.
Most countries have well-developed bodies of law designed to encourage and protect free and fair
competition. These laws are broad and far-reaching and regulate the Company’s relationships with
its suppliers and customers. Competition laws generally address the following areas: pricing
practices (including predatory pricing, price fixing and price discrimination), discounting, terms of
sale, credit terms, promotional allowances, secret rebates, exclusive dealerships or distributorships,
product bundling and restrictions on carrying competing products. Competition laws also govern,
usually quite strictly, relationships between the Company and its competitors. Collusion among
competitors is illegal, and the consequences of a violation are severe. You must not enter into an
agreement or understanding, written or oral, express or implied, with any competitor concerning
prices, discounts or other terms or conditions of sale; profits or profit margins; costs; allocation of
product, customers, markets or territories; limitations on production or supply; boycotts of customers
or suppliers; or bids or the intent to bid. You also must not discuss or exchange information on these
The Company is committed to obeying both the letter and spirit of these laws, which are often
referred to as antitrust, consumer protection, competition or unfair competition laws. Although the
spirit of these laws is straightforward, their application to particular situations can be quite complex.
To ensure that the Company complies fully with these laws, you should promptly involve our Legal
Department when questionable situations arise.
Other Company Policies Many legal and ethical requirements apply to all WSI associates. You
are responsible for complying with all WSI policies. Some of these requirements are published on
Homefront under “All Policies & Documents” (e.g., the WSI Insider Trading Policy and the
Information Systems and Security Policy), and others are outlined in the WSI Associate Handbook
(e.g., confidentiality obligations, Associate Discount Policy), which is also available on Homefront.
However, these additional requirements do not in any way detract from the broader obligation to
comply with all applicable laws and to always behave professionally and with integrity.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
All business decisions should be made solely because they are in the best interest of the Company,
and not for personal benefit. In general, a conflict of interest exists when an associate has a
relationship or engages in an activity that may impair or adversely affect the associate’s judgment
regarding the best interests of WSI, or when an associate benefits financially from the associate’s
employment with WSI beyond compensation and financial benefits paid or granted by WSI.
Similarly, situations that appear to create a conflict of interest may also damage the Company’s
reputation and undermine morale. You should avoid any action that creates, or appears to create, a
conflict of interest with the Company. As noted, nothing in this Code of Conduct is intended or
should be construed to limit or impede rights protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations
Act (NLRA).
While it is impossible to anticipate and specify every situation which may give rise to a possible
conflict of interest between an associate’s personal interests and the best interests of WSI, this
section illustrates the types of business relationships or activities with a particularly high potential
for a conflict of interest. These relationships and activities should be avoided. If you have questions
about whether a particular activity may be a conflict of interest, please contact your supervisor, your
Human Resources representative or the Legal Department.
Ownership Interests Associates should not invest in any supplier, vendor or competitor of WSI,
other than buying or selling nominal amounts of stock in those that are publicly traded companies.
Outside Employment or Business Activities Associates may not serve as an officer, director,
partner, employee or consultant to, or otherwise work for or receive compensation for personal
services from, any supplier, vendor or competitor of WSI or any business entity that does or seeks to
do business with WSI.
Serving in such a capacity for a company that is not a supplier, vendor or competitor of WSI may be
permitted, but such activities must be approved in advance by Human Resources and must not
interfere with your duties to WSI. Service on the Board of Directors of any “for profit” company
must be approved by an Executive Committee member, in consultation with the General Counsel.
Always remember that you may not use any Company resources (including time, equipment,
facilities and fellow associates) to support any outside employment or business activities.
Gifts, Merchandise and Entertainment
No gift or entertainment should be accepted or given if it would obligate or influence, or appear to
obligate or influence, the recipient to the giver or vice versa. Please inform the General Counsel in
writing if anyone offers you or sends you a prohibited gift or if you have questions about this policy.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Associates in the United States
o Gifts and Merchandise Accepting or offering merchandise, discounts on
merchandise, samples for home use or gifts (other than gifts valued at less than
US$150) from any existing or prospective supplier, vendor or competitor of WSI
is prohibited. Even where gifts are permitted, the total gifts to or from an existing
or prospective supplier, vendor or competitor should not exceed US$250 per year.
Offering any items or discounts to any government employee or official or
employees of any company wholly or partly owned by any government is
prohibited. Samples must be sent to WSI offices and not to an associate’s home.
Associates may not purchase directly from WSI vendors for personal use except
when utilizing the same channels as an ordinary consumer. Accepting or making
gifts of cash or cash equivalents (including gift certificates or stock) is prohibited.
o Entertainment Associates may accept business meals and entertainment, such
as attending a local cultural or sporting event, which advance the Company’s
interests and are for the purpose of discussing business with a business associate.
For any single event valued at US$250 or more, associates must obtain prior
written approval from WSI’s Chief Executive Officer or General Counsel.
However, accepting tickets to an event if the business partner will not also be
present is considered a gift, subject to the US$150 and US$250 limitations
described above, rather than business entertainment. Business meals should be
appropriate to the occasion. Accepting trips is prohibited without prior
authorization of WSI’s Chief Executive Officer or General Counsel. Associates
must obtain prior written approval from the Legal Department before offering or
providing business meals, entertainment, or travel to any government employee or
Associates Outside of the United States
o Gifts, Merchandise and Entertainment Accepting or offering any gift,
including accepting or offering merchandise, discounts on merchandise, samples
for home use or gifts, regardless of value or amount is prohibited for all
associates outside of the United States. Similarly, associates outside of the United
States are prohibited from accepting any business meal and/or entertainment,
regardless of value or amount. Strictly limited exceptions to the prohibition
against accepting gifts, business meals and/or entertainment may be granted by a
director or above where acceptance is required for business courtesy and the value
is less than US$100. All gifts and meals given and received should be recorded in
the form of a Gift and Entertainment Log maintained in each office.
Business Transactions with WSI Associates should not participate, directly or indirectly, in any
business agreement or transaction involving WSI, except when acting in an official capacity on
behalf of WSI or when making purchases as a customer of the Company. Please contact WSI’s
General Counsel if you have questions about a particular activity or transaction.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Loans Associates may not borrow money from, loan money to, or guarantee a loan to any supplier,
vendor or competitor of WSI.
Doing Business with Family Members or Friends Hiring or pressuring other associates to hire a
family member or a personal friend, as an associate, independent contractor, supplier or vendor of
WSI is prohibited. For purposes of this Code of Conduct, “family member” includes any immediate
family member or person with whom you have a significant or live-in relationship. Prior to
conducting any WSI business with any family member, you must obtain written approval from
WSI’s Executive Vice President of Human Resources or General Counsel. You must always keep
WSI’s best interests as top priority in your business activities as an associate.
Supervising Family Members Supervising (directly or in the line of control), reviewing, or
asserting any influence on the job evaluation, pay or benefits of any family member is prohibited.
Any exceptions must be in writing from WSI’s Executive Vice President of Human Resources or
General Counsel.
Family Members at Competitors A conflict of interest could arise if an associate’s family member
is employed by a significant competitor of WSI. If your family member is or becomes employed by
a significant competitor of WSI, you must notify your supervisor, who must disclose the
circumstances to their Human Resources representative. If such circumstances are deemed to have a
direct and actual impact on your ability to perform your assigned responsibilities, such as by creating
a conflict of interest, the Company may reassign you or take other steps, including termination of
your employment, to eliminate the conflict. In addition, failure to disclose an actual conflict of
interest presented by these circumstances to your supervisor or Human Resources representative may
result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of your employment.
Fraternization Associates must not allow romantic relationships or friendships with other
associates to impair their job performance, adversely affect others or create an uncomfortable work
environment for others. It is important that you use tact, good judgment and sensitivity in these
situations, and specifically avoid favoritism, or the appearance of favoritism, open displays of
affection and making business decisions based on emotions or friendships rather than the best
interests of WSI. Supervisors are specifically required to disclose personal relationships with
associates who report in to their organization to their Human Resources representative. If a personal
relationship is established after employment, the Company may reassign one of the associates or
take other steps, including termination of one or both of the associates to eliminate the conflict
within the reporting relationship. As noted, nothing in this Code of Conduct is intended or should
be construed to limit or impede rights protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act
You may not directly or indirectly exploit for personal gain any business opportunities, including by
conducting outside business activities, that you discover through the use of Company property or
information or your position with the Company, unless you first disclose the opportunity fully to
your supervisor, the General Counsel or the Executive Vice President of Human Resources, and the
Company declines to pursue the opportunity. If necessary, WSI management will disclose the
opportunity to the Board of Directors, and management or the Board of Directors will evaluate the
opportunity. Once you have disclosed the opportunity, the Board of Directors or WSI management
will follow up with you as appropriate.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Associates must immediately disclose to their supervisors, any relationship or activity that might
create a conflict of interest. If you are unsure whether a particular situation creates a conflict of
interest, take the time to discuss it with your supervisor.
Under certain circumstances, a particular relationship or activity might not contradict or compromise
the best interests of WSI. However, associates may not themselves make such determinations.
Requests for exceptions must be originated by the department Senior Vice President and forwarded
to WSI’s Executive Vice President of Human Resources or General Counsel for approval. As
noted, nothing in this Code of Conduct is intended or should be construed to limit or impede rights
protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).
WSI also believes that we have an obligation to protect our environment now and for future
generations. In line with our values, we have defined our practices for product sourcing and
selection of socially responsible vendors. Please refer to the policies available on Homefront with
respect to ethical sourcing, supply chain practices and procurement.
The Company files reports and other documents with regulatory authorities, including the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange. In addition, from time to
time the Company makes other public communications, such as issuing press releases.
Depending on your position, you may be called upon to provide information to help assure that the
Company’s public reports and communications are complete, fair, accurate and understandable.
You are expected to use all reasonable efforts to provide complete, accurate, objective, relevant,
timely and understandable answers to inquiries related to the Company’s public disclosures.
Individuals involved in the preparation of public reports and communications on behalf of the
Company must use all reasonable efforts to comply with the Company’s disclosure controls and
procedures, and to keep current with all applicable reporting rules and regulations, such as those
set forth by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange.
These controls and procedures are designed to ensure full, fair, accurate, timely and
understandable disclosure in the Company’s public reports and communications.
If you believe that any disclosure is materially misleading or if you become aware of any material
information that you believe should be disclosed to the public, it is your responsibility to bring this
information to the attention of the Legal Department. If you believe that questionable accounting or
auditing conduct or practices have occurred or are occurring, you should refer to the Company’s
Policy for Reporting Accounting and Securities Laws Concerns for reporting procedures (which is
included in this Code of Conduct as Attachment A and available on Homefront).
You may not communicate on behalf of the Company unless you are authorized to do so by the
Company’s official spokespeople described below. In addition, you may not communicate on
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
behalf of the Company any information about the Company, our business, our competitors or
our industry generally to third parties, such as research firms, unless you are authorized to do so
by the Company’s official spokespeople. The Company has established specific policies
regarding who may communicate information on behalf of the Company to the public, the
press, market professionals (such as securities analysts, institutional investors, investment
advisors, brokers and dealers), security holders and research firms. Communication includes,
but is not limited to, interviews with the press, speaking at conferences or seminars, writing
articles or letters, participating in social media sites and chat rooms and blogging. Please also
refer to our Social Media Guidelines available on Homefront.
The Company’s Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, public relations personnel and
investor relations personnel are the Company’s official spokespeople for communicating information
on behalf of or about the Company.
Please refer all calls or other inquiries from the press, market professionals or security holders
seeking statements on behalf of the Company to the head of Investor Relations or Chief Financial
Officer, who will see that the inquiry is directed to the appropriate persons within the Company.
All other media or other calls seeking a comment on behalf of the Company should be forwarded
without comment directly to the Corporate Public Relations Department. This will ensure that our
contacts with the press are both factually accurate and consistent. Generally, the Public Relations
department handles all requests from media outlets.
To the extent associates communicate with media/reporters in an unofficial capacity, the associate
must not make any statement suggesting that the associate is speaking on behalf of the Company. The
Company suggests this response: “I am not authorized to comment for Williams-Sonoma, Inc."
All communications made to public audiences on behalf of the Company, including formal
communications and presentations made to investors, customers or the press, require prior approval
of the Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer.
As associates of the Company, and for the benefit of ourselves as well as the Company, we each
have a duty to safeguard our Company’s trade secrets and Confidential Information and to refrain
from any improper dealings with the confidential information of any other company, including our
competitors. Except as required or permitted by applicable law, associates may not disclose
Confidential Information either while an employee of WSI or at any time after employment ends,
regardless of the reason why employment ends. “Confidential Information” includes, but is not
limited to, all confidential, proprietary or trade secret information that is not generally known and
that therefore has economic value to the Company. Examples of this information include all
information, whether in written, oral, electronic, magnetic, photographic or any other form, that
relate to: the Company’s past, present and future businesses, products, product specifications,
designs, drawings, concepts, samples, intellectual property, inventions, know-how, sources, costs,
pricing, technologies, customers, vendors, other business relationships, business ideas and methods,
distribution methods, inventories, manufacturing processes, computer programs and systems,
employees, hiring practices, compensation, operations, marketing strategies and other technical,
business and financial information. Examples of Confidential Information also include the identity,
capabilities and capacity of vendors and of former vendors or others that were considered but
rejected and any non-public, personal information about any associates, customers, contractors,
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
vendors or other parties, including, but not limited to, social security, driver’s license, credit or debit
card number or payment card numbers. Nothing in this Code of Conduct is intended or should be
construed as prohibiting an associate from disclosing his or her own compensation information to
Additionally, associates may not bring or use any other company’s confidential information to WSI.
All associates must acknowledge by signing this Code of Conduct that they have not brought any
such confidential information from prior employers to WSI.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (DTSA) provides that an
individual shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for
the disclosure of a trade secret that is made (i) in confidence to a federal, state, or local government
official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney; and (ii) solely for the purpose of reporting or
investigating a suspected violation of law; or (iii) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit
or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. In addition, DTSA provides that an individual
who files a lawsuit for retaliation by an employer for reporting a suspected violation of law may
disclose the trade secret to the attorney of the individual and use the trade secret information in the
court proceeding, if the individual (i) files any document containing the trade secret under seal; and
(ii) does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order.
As part of our duty to safeguard the Company’s trade secrets and Confidential Information,
associates may not, either during their employment with the Company or for twelve months
afterward, directly or indirectly recruit, solicit or induce, or attempt to induce, any employee,
consultant or vendor of the Company to terminate employment or any other relationship with the
Company. Additionally, former associates may not use Confidential Information to recruit, solicit,
retain or hire any of the Company’s employees, consultants or vendors. By signing this Code of
Conduct, associates acknowledge that the restrictions contained in this paragraph are necessary for
the protection of the business and goodwill of the Company and are considered to be reasonable for
that purpose, and agree to be bound by such restrictions.
All intellectual property created, made or conceived by associates (solely or jointly) during
employment by the Company, are deemed owned exclusively by the Company whenever the
intellectual property relates to the actual or anticipated business of the Company or results from or is
suggested by any work performed by associates for or on behalf of the Company. Additionally,
associates agree that all residual rights (including but not limited to copyright, trademark, trade
dress, trade secret, design and patent rights) in all such intellectual property are assigned to the
Company and agree to assist the Company in securing patents, registering copyrights and
trademarks, and obtaining any other forms of protection for the intellectual property in the United
States and in other countries. For purposes of this Code of Conduct, “intellectual property” includes
artwork, photographs, graphic designs (including, for example, catalog designs, in-store signage and
posters), web site designs, audio-visual works, product designs, package designs, store interior and
exterior designs, trademarks, literary works, marketing collateral, catalog copy, vendor and customer
For associates in Singapore, please see the Appendix for information on non-solicitation.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
lists, manufacturing processes, custom software, training materials, business ideas and methods,
Confidential Information, and any other inventions or works of creative authorship.
Notwithstanding the foregoing section, associates are not obligated to assign to the Company
theirrights in intellectual property or an invention that associates develop entirely on their own time
without using the Company’s equipment, supplies, facilities or trade secret information, except for
those inventions that either (1) relate at the time of conception or reduction to practice to the
Company’s business, or the Company’s actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development
or (2) result from any work performed by the associates for the Company.
In order to protect the Company’s interests, WSI reserves the right to send a copy of the Code of
Conduct to future employers of our associates. Under the Code of Conduct, our associates
acknowledge that any breach of the obligations in the Code of Conduct would result in irreparable
injury to the Company, and agree that the Company will be entitled to injunctive and other equitable
relief (or other appropriate local legal action) to prevent any actual or threatened breach of this Code
of Conduct. The Code of Conduct does not create an obligation on the Company to continue the
employment of any associate. The provisions of the Code of Conduct will survive separation or
termination of employment by the Company for any reason.
As a condition of employment, in addition to receiving and signing this Code of Conduct, all new
corporate associates are required to complete a Code of Conduct Questionnaire. In addition, all
corporate associates, exempt associates in the care centers, distribution centers and manufacturing
centers, and all store associates at the assistant manager level (or local equivalent) and above will
also be required to complete the Code of Conduct Questionnaire on an annual basis. Thorough
completion and timely submission of the Questionnaire is an important job requirement.
Except as otherwise provided in the Code of Conduct, the Board of Directors, or a designated
committee of the Board, must review and approve any matters requiring special permission under
the Code of Conduct for any Company executive office or Board member. Except as otherwise
provided in this Code of Conduct, the General Counsel or the Executive Vice President of Human
Resources, must review and approve any matters requiring special permission under the Code of
Conduct for any other associate, agent or contractor.
Any waiver of any provision of this Code of Conduct for a member of the Board of Directors or an
executive officer must be approved by the Board of Directors or a designated committee of the
Board and promptly disclosed, along with the reasons for the waiver, to the extent required by law or
regulation. Any waiver of any provision of this Code of Conduct for any other associate, employee,
agent or contractor must be approved by the General Counsel or the Executive Vice President of
Human Resources.
Failure to adhere to this Code of Conduct (as well as the Policy for Reporting Accounting and
Securities Laws Concerns), including, but not limited to, failure to disclose any conflict of interest or
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
potential conflict of interest, or to seek an exception from the Company, will be considered a serious
violation of Company policy and is cause for disciplinary action up to and including immediate
termination of employment. Any such disciplinary action will be conducted in accordance with the
local prevailing laws and regulations.
If you have questions about this policy, please contact your supervisor, your Human Resources
representative or the Legal Department.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
This Appendix includes additional provisions that apply to you if you reside in one of the
countries listed below.
For associates in Singapore, the following provision applies with respect to Non-Solicitation:
As part of our duty to safeguard the Company’s trade secrets and Confidential Information,
associates may not, either during their employment with the Company or for six months afterward,
directly or indirectly recruit, solicit or induce, or attempt to induce:
any employee of the Company with whom you had contact or business related dealings in the
last twelve months of your employment with the Company, who is employed in a key, managerial or
executive capacity, or who has access to trade secrets, proprietary knowhow or other proprietary /
confidential information of the Company; or
any consultant or vendor of the Company, with whom you had contact or business-related
dealings in the last twelve months of your employment with the Company;
to terminate employment or any other relationship with the Company. Additionally, former
associates may not use Confidential Information to recruit, solicit, retain or hire any of the
Company’s employees, consultants or vendors. By signing this Code of Conduct, associates
acknowledge that the restrictions contained in this paragraph are necessary for the protection of the
business and goodwill of the Company and are considered to be reasonable for that purpose and
agree to be bound by such restrictions. Each undertaking and restriction contained in this part of the
Code of Conduct shall be read and construed independently of the other undertakings and
restrictions herein so that if one or more should be held to be invalid as an unreasonable restraint of
trade or for any other reason whatsoever then the remaining undertakings and restrictions shall be
valid to the extent that they are held not to be so invalid. If one or more of the undertakings or
restrictions should be held to be invalid as an unreasonable restraint of trade or for any other reason
whatsoever but would have been held valid if part of the wording thereof had been deleted or the
period thereof reduced or the range of activities or area dealt with reduced in scope, the said
undertakings and agreements shall apply with such modifications as may be necessary to make them
valid and effective.
Attachment A
Williams-Sonoma, Inc.
Policy for Reporting Accounting and Securities Laws Concerns
(amended and restated by the Audit and Finance Committee of the
Board of Directors on September 7, 2011)
Direct questions or comments regarding the enclosed Policy Statement to
the Legal Department.
The Audit and Finance Committee of the Board of Directors of Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (the
“Company”) has adopted the attached policy, which establishes procedures for (1) the receipt,
retention and treatment of complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing
matters or violations of securities laws; and (2) the confidential, anonymous submission by
associates of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters. Associates with
concerns or complaints regarding these matters may report their concerns to the Company’s General
Counsel or to the Company’s report hotline at 1-800-620-8610 (toll-free in U.S. and Canada only;
for toll-free access to the Company’s report hotline outside of the U.S. and Canada, please refer to
the section of the Policy titled “Reporting and Receipt of Associate Complaints”). The report hotline
is managed by an independent company not affiliated with Williams-Sonoma, Inc. The policy
applies to all associates of Williams-Sonoma, Inc. and its subsidiaries.
As a public company, the integrity of the Company’s financial information is paramount. The
Company’s financial information guides the decisions of the Company’s Board of Directors and
management, and is relied upon by its shareholders and the financial markets. The Company is also
committed to complying with securities laws and addressing any violations promptly. For these
reasons, the Company must maintain a workplace in which the Company can retain and treat all
complaints concerning questionable accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing matters,
violations of securities laws, or the Company’s reporting of fraudulent or inaccurate information,
and in which associates can raise these concerns free of any discrimination, retaliation or
It is the Company’s policy to encourage associates, when they believe that questionable accounting
or auditing practices or violations of securities laws have occurred or are occurring, to report those
concerns, with the option to report on an anonymous basis. All reports will be taken seriously and
will be promptly investigated. All information disclosed during the course of the investigation will
remain confidential, except as necessary to conduct the investigation and take any remedial action, in
accordance with applicable law.
The specific action taken in any particular case will depend on the nature and gravity of the
circumstances reported, as well as the quality of the information provided. Where questionable
accounting or auditing conduct or violations of securities laws has occurred, or fraudulent or
inaccurate information has been reported to the Company’s shareholders, the government or the
financial markets, those matters will be corrected and, if appropriate, the persons responsible will be
disciplined. The Company strictly prohibits discrimination, retaliation or harassment of any kind
against any associate who reports information pursuant to this Policy based on the associate’s
reasonable belief that such conduct has occurred.
Scanning Use Only
Williams-Sonoma, Inc.
Policy for Reporting Accounting and Securities Laws Concerns
(amended and restated by the Audit and Finance Committee of the
Board of Directors on September 7, 2011)
Scope of Matters Covered by Policy
This Policy covers associate complaints regarding the Company’s (1) accounting, internal
accounting controls or auditing matters (collectively, “Accounting Matters”) and (2) violations of
securities laws, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“Securities Matters”).
Accounting Matters include, without limitation, the following:
fraud or deliberate error in the preparation, evaluation, review or audit of any financial statement
of the Company;
fraud or deliberate error in the recording and maintaining of the Company’s financial records;
deficiencies in or noncompliance with the Company’s internal accounting controls;
misrepresentation or false statement to or by a senior officer or accountant regarding a matter
contained in the Company’s financial records, financial reports or audit reports; or
deviation from full and fair reporting of the Company’s financial condition.
Securities Matters include, without limitation, the following:
act or omission resulting in fraud or deceit in connection with the purchase or sale of any
Company security, including market manipulation of securities prices or volumes;
misrepresentation or false statement regarding a matter contained in the Company’s public
filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission;
corporate mismanagement resulting in breach of fiduciary duties to shareholders;
bribery or attempted bribery of a foreign official;
commercial bribery or attempted commercial bribery;
insider trading or abusive short selling practices; or
ponzi or pyramid investment schemes.
Associates with concerns or complaints relating to security violations, theft, safety issues or other
loss prevention matters should call the Company’s Loss Prevention hotline at 1-800-328-7880.
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Associates with concerns or complaints relating to employment matters should contact their Human
Resources representative.
Scanning Use Only
Reporting and Receipt of Associate Complaints
Associates with concerns or complaints regarding Accounting Matters or Securities Matters may
report their concerns to David King, General Counsel, at 415-616-8478 or [email protected].
Associates who wish to remain anonymous may send a letter addressed to the General Counsel
at: 3250 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109.
Associates who (i) are uncomfortable reporting their concerns or complaints to the General
Counsel, (ii) have good reason to believe that the General Counsel is involved in these matters,
or (iii) would like to report their complaints via phone or internet on an anonymous basis, may
report their concerns to the Company’s outside report hotline as follows:
In the U.S. or Canada, call toll-free: 1-800-620-8610
For toll-free access outside of the U.S. or Canada, there is a two-step process:
First, dial the applicable access code listed below:
Australia: 1-800-175-192
Turkey: 0811-299-0001
China: 400-120-0607
United Kingdom (C&W): 0-500-89-0011
Indonesia: 001-8030-174088
United Kingdom (U.K): 0-800-89-0011
India: 000-117
Singapore (Sing Tel): 800-011-1111
Italy: 800-172-444
Singapore (StarHub): 800-001-0001
Portugal: 800-800-128
France (France Tel): 0-800-99-011
Vietnam: 1-201-0288
France (Tel Development): 0805-701-288
Following the prompt, dial 1-800-620-8610.
For online reporting, visit
The report hotline is managed by an independent company not affiliated with Williams-Sonoma,
Associate reports should include a discussion of the following items: (i) a description of the
matter or irregularity, (ii) the period of time during which the associate observed the matter or
irregularity, and (iii) any steps that the associate has taken to follow up on the matter or
irregularity, including reporting it to a supervisor and the supervisor’s reaction. Associate
reports may include, at the associate’s option, the associate’s contact information in the event
that additional information is needed. As stated above, however, there is no requirement that the
report identify the associate, if the associate chooses to remain anonymous.
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Treatment of Complaints
Upon receipt of a complaint by the General Counsel or the report hotline, the recipient will (i)
determine whether the complaint actually pertains to Accounting Matters or Securities Matters
and (ii) when possible, acknowledge receipt of the complaint to the sender.
Complaints relating to Accounting Matters and Securities Matters will be reviewed and
investigated under the direction of the General Counsel (or, where it is reasonably determined
that the General Counsel is involved in the relevant matter, under the direction of an appropriate
person designated by the Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee of the Company’s Board of
Directors). The General Counsel or other person investigating the complaint may consult with
the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Controller, any other associate of the
Company, outside counsel, independent auditors and, if appropriate, the Audit and Finance
Committee, as a part of the investigation.
Confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest extent possible, consistent with the need to
conduct an adequate review.
Associates have a duty to cooperate in the investigation of complaints regarding Accounting
Matters or Securities Matters, or the investigation of discrimination, retaliation or harassment
resulting from the reporting or investigation of such matters. In addition, associates will be
subject to disciplinary action, including the termination of their employment, for failing to
cooperate in an investigation or deliberately providing false information during an investigation.
If, at the conclusion of an investigation, it is determined that Company policies or applicable
laws have been violated, the Company will take effective remedial action commensurate with the
severity of the offense. This action may include disciplinary action against the accused party,
including termination. Reasonable and necessary steps will also be taken to prevent any further
violations of law or Company policy.
Discrimination, Retaliation or Harassment
The Company strictly prohibits any discrimination, retaliation or harassment against any person
who, based on the person’s good faith belief that such misconduct occurred, reports complaints
regarding Accounting Matters or Securities Matters or who participates in an investigation of
complaints regarding Accounting Matters or Securities Matters. The Company will not harass,
discriminate or retaliate against any associate based upon any lawful actions of such associate
with respect to good faith reporting or investigation of complaints regarding Accounting Matters
or Securities Matters.
Associates who believe that they have been subjected to any harassment, discrimination or
retaliation for having submitted a complaint regarding Accounting Matters or Securities Matters
or participating in an investigation relating to such a complaint, should immediately report the
concern to either the General Counsel or to any supervisor. Such allegations shall be promptly
and thoroughly investigated in accordance with the Company’s investigation procedures outlined
Scanning Use Only
above. If allegations of discrimination, retaliation or harassment are substantiated, appropriate
disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken.
Reporting to Audit and Finance Committee and Retention of Complaints and Investigations
The General Counsel will maintain a log of all complaints, tracking their receipt, investigation and
resolution, and will prepare a periodic summary report for the Audit and Finance Committee.
Copies of complaints and such log will be maintained in a separate, confidential corporate file for
record-keeping purposes.
Additional Enforcement Information
Nothing in this Policy is intended to prevent associates from reporting information to the appropriate
federal or state law enforcement agency, when they have reasonable cause to believe that a federal or
state statute or regulation has been violated.
The Audit and Finance Committee or the Board of Directors can modify this Policy unilaterally at
any time without notice. Modification may be necessary to maintain compliance with state and
federal regulations.
Publication of the Policy
The Company will attach this Policy to the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. In
addition, the Company will include a reference to this Policy in the Associate Handbook distributed
to new associates and will post a copy of this Policy in the Policies and Documents section of the
Company’s Homefront site under “Policy for Reporting Accounting and Securities Laws Concerns”,
which associates may access via their Company computer.