Resource efficiency
Plastic in textiles: towards
a circular economy for
synthetic textiles in Europe
Plastic-based  or synthetic textiles are woven into our daily lives in Europe. They are in the
clothes we wear, the towels we use and the bed sheets we sleep in. They are in the carpets,
curtains and cushions we decorate our homes and offices with. And they are in safety belts, and
car tyres, workwear and sportswear. Synthetic textile fibres are produced from fossil fuel
resources, such as oil and natural gas. Their production, consumption and related waste handling
generate greenhouse gas emissions, use non-renewable resources and can release
microplastics. This briefing provides an overview of the synthetic textile economy in Europe,
analyses environmental and climate impacts, and highlights the potential for developing a circular
economy value chain.
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Consumption and production of synthetic textiles in Europe
Key messages
An underpinning report on "Plastic in textiles: potentials for circularity and reduced environmental and climate
impacts" by the EEAs European Topic Centre on Waste and Materials in a Green Economy (ETC/WMGE) is
In 2017, European households consumed about 13 million tonnes of textile products
(clothing, footwear and household textiles). Synthetic fibres, such as polyester and nylon,
make up about 60% of clothing and 70 % of household textiles.
Synthetic textiles affect the environment and climate throughout their life cycle through
resource use, and the emission of greenhouse gases and pollutants. In addition, between
200 000 and 500 000 tonnes of microplastics from textiles enter the marine environment
each year.
In contrast to cotton, the production of synthetic fibres does not use agricultural resources,
toxic pesticides or fertilisers.
EU consumers discard about 5.8 million tonnes of textiles annually  around 11 kg per
person - of which about two thirds consist of synthetic fibres. In Europe, about one third of
textile waste is collected separately, and a large part is exported.
Promoting sustainable fibre choices and control of microplastic emissions, and improving
separate collection, reuse and recycling, have the potential to improve the sustainability and
circularity of synthetic textiles in a circular economy.
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Resource efficiency and waste > Resource efficiency > Plastic in textiles: towards a circular economy for synthetic textiles in Europe
Since the late 1990s, polyester has surpassed cotton as the fibre most
commonly used in textiles.
The global consumption of synthetic fibres increased from a few thousand tonnes in 1940 to more
than 60 million tonnes in 2018, and it continues to rise. Since the late 1990s, polyester has surpassed
cotton as the fibre most commonly used in textiles. While the majority of synthetic textile fibres are
produced in Asia, Europe stands out as the worlds largest importer of synthetic fibres by trade value
(Birkbeck, 2020), and also produces and exports such fibres.
Estimates of textile consumption per person in Europe are uncertain, ranging from 9 to 27 kg per
person (Beton, et al., 2014; Watson, et al., 2018; ETC/WMGE, et al., 2019; ajn, 2019). It is
estimated that, in 2017, European households consumed about 13 million tonnes of textile products
(clothing, footwear and household textiles) (Stadler, et al., 2018).
Over 70 % of synthetic textile fibres are processed into clothing and household textiles. The
remainder is used for technical textiles (e.g. safety wear) and industrial uses (e.g. vehicles and
machinery) (Ryberg, et al., 2017). Synthetic fibres are cheap and versatile, enabling the production of
cheap, fast fashion and high-performance textiles for durable clothing.
The EU production of synthetic fibres totalled 2.24 million tonnes in 2018: 1.78 million tonnes were
imported, 0.36 million tonnes exported and 3.66 million tonnes consumed (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. EU production, consumption and trade of synthetic fibers, 2018
At a global level, the production of synthetic fibres currently consumes
approximately 1 % of crude oil production (48 million tonnes per year)
(Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017; EIA, 2020), and is expected to
Production and use of bio-based synthetic fibres is currently negligible (European Bioplastics 2020).
Source: Based on Eurostat and ETC/WMGE data.
Note: Synthetic fibers and yarns are a subset of PRODCOM product groups 13.10 and
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More than half of the global fibre production is polyester, making it the most common synthetic fibre
(55 million tonnes in 2018) (Textile Exchange, 2019). Polyester is a strong fibre and produced at a
low price. It is used in a multitude of applications. Clothing accounts for a large share of its use, as a
cheaper and thinner alternative to cotton. After polyester, nylon is the most common synthetic fibre. It
is a strong fibre that is widely used in tights, carpets and umbrellas. In 2018, over 5 million tonnes of
nylon fibre was produced (Textile Exchange, 2019).
It is estimated that EU consumers discard about 5.8 million tonnes of
textiles annually  about 11 kg per person  of which roughly two thirds
are synthetic (Beasley, and Georgeson, 2014).
In Europe, about one third of textile waste is collected separately, and a large part is exported for
reuse or recycling abroad. While percentages vary between countries, about 60-70 % of all collected
textiles are reused (locally or abroad), 10-30 % are recycled and 10-20 % are incinerated for energy
recovery or landfilled (Watson, et al., 2020). Textiles that are not separately collected end up in
mixed waste. Globally, it is estimated that only 0.06 % of all textile waste (typically cotton-rich
products) is recycled into fibres for use in new textile products (Textile Exchange, 2020). Recycling of
synthetic fibres is not observed at scale.An estimated 42 million tonnes of plastic textile waste was
generated globally in 2015. This accounts for 13 % of all plastic waste, making textiles the third
largest contributor to plastic waste generation (Geyer, et al., 2017). The total amount of textile waste
generated annually in the EU is unknown.
Environmental and climate impacts of synthetic fibres and
The production and consumption of textiles generate environmental pressures and impacts such as
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; air and water pollution; land, water and other resource use; and
impacts related to the use of chemicals. The range of impacts depends on the fibre type
(ETC/WMGE, et al., 2019).
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The production of synthetic fibres requires large amounts of energy and is
a significant contributor to climate change and the depletion of fossil fuel
The production of synthetic fibres requires large amounts of energy and is a significant contributor to
climate change and the depletion of fossil fuel resources. However, in contrast to cotton  the most
common natural fibre  producing synthetic fibres does not require agricultural resources or the use
of toxic pesticides or fertilisers (Sandin, et al., 2019).
Thus, if a comparative assessment of overall impact on the environment and climate is extended
beyond resource depletion and GHG emissions to include land use, water use and ecosystem
impacts, it is not possible to make a straightforward comparison of different fibre types in terms of
their overall environmental performance (Beton, et al., 2014). Different fibres clearly have different
environmental and climate impacts, so which textile is deemed more advantageous depends on
which impact one focuses on. Figure 2 below provides an overview of the environmental and climate
impacts of textiles.
Figure 2. Environmental impacts across the life cycle of synthetic textiles
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The specific relative environmental and climate impacts of the most common synthetic fibres and
cotton can be compared, per kilogram of dyed, woven fabric, as shown in Figure 3. The synthetic
fibre nylon has the highest impact per kilogram for climate change and fossil fuel use. For land use,
water use, eutrophication and mineral resource scarcity, cotton has the highest impact per kilogram.
A similar comparison can be made between polyester and cotton: the full life cycle of 1 kg of
polyester fabric is estimated to be responsible for the release of more than 30 kg of carbon dioxide
equivalent, while only around 20 kg are associated with cotton (Beton, et al., 2014).
It is important to keep in mind that impacts also depend on the production volumes of the fibres and
fabrics. For example, while the manufacturing of polyester uses less energy than nylon, its annual
production rate is much higher resulting in higher overall impacts.
Figure 3. Comparison of the environmental impacts for the manufacturing of 1 kg of dyed,
woven fabric
Environmental effects are not only generated during the production of textiles. During use, the main
environmental impacts are generated by domestic and/or industrial washing, drying and ironing.
While these caretaking activities require a lot of energy and contribute to climate change, they also
enable longer and more intensive product use, adding to the products lifespan.
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The importance of considering the entire life cycle becomes obvious when looking at the example of
microplastics shed from synthetic textiles throughout their lifespan. Microplastics are a fairly recent
issue of concern. They are a new topic of research and not included in typical life cycle analysis.
Much is still to be learned about the magnitude of their impact on human health and the
It is estimated that between 200 000 and 500 000 tonnes of microplastic
fibres from textiles enter the marine environment each year (Sherrington,
2016; Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017).
Microplastics are shed from synthetic textiles throughout their life cycles: from fibre and fabric
manufacturing, through use and washing to their final disposal, whether by landfilling, incineration or
recycling. It is estimated that between 200 000 and 500 000 tonnes of microplastic fibres from textiles
enter the marine environment each year (Sherrington, 2016; Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017).
Towards a circular economy for synthetic fibres and textiles
In the 2020 circular economy action plan, the European Commission
identified textiles as a priority product category with significant
potential for circularity.
In the 2020 circular economy action plan, the European Commission identified textiles as a priority
product category with significant potential for circularity. The action plan recognises that textiles are
the fourth highest pressure category for the use of primary raw materials and water, after food,
housing and transport, and the fifth for greenhouse gas emissions (EEA, 2019; EC, 2020b). The
action plan envisages a comprehensive EU strategy for textiles aiming to strengthen industrial
competitiveness and innovation in the sector, boosting the EU market for sustainable and circular
textiles, including the market for textile reuse, addressing fast fashion and driving new business
models. In 2019, the first Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for textile
products (T-shirts) were developed (Elsen, et al., 2019; Pesnel, and Payet, 2019).
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In line with the 2020 circular economy action plan, this EEA briefing and its underpinning ETC/WMGE
report highlight some pathways to make synthetic textile production and consumption more circular
and sustainable. These are sustainable fibre choices, control of microplastic emissions and improved
separate collection, reuse and recycling.
Sustainable fibre choices: the choice of fibres not only defines textile
product properties and performance but also determines the environmental
impact of the resulting product and will influence the fate of synthetic
textiles throughout the rest of their life cycles. While a shift to natural or bio-
based fibres may reduce the impacts from the use of fossil fuel resources
and greenhouse gas emissions, these fibres do not always have equivalent
properties and are not necessarily more sustainable over the entire life
cycle. The guiding principle is that the choice of fibre should match the
textile products application, the properties required, and the expected
lifespan and end-of-life processes. At the design stage, important choices
are made on the fibre types to be used for a particular product or
application. The importance of fit-for-purpose fibre selection implies that
there is no use in ruling out certain fibre types  e.g. synthetic ones  and
that there is no go-to fibre type that by itself constitutes a sustainable
textiles industry.
Control of microplastic emissions: several initiatives have been set up to
study the factors that influence microplastic emissions  including those
from synthetic textiles  and assess their effect on human health and the
environment. At the same time, many strategies, such as adapted textile
construction and filters in washing machines, are being explored to reduce
the emissions of microplastics to water and air during a textiles life cycle.
In implementing the EU plastics strategy, efforts will not only focus on
building the knowledge base related to the risk and the occurrence of
microplastics in the environment, and improving and harmonising
measuring methods, but also be targeted at increasing the capture of
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microplastics in practice, e.g. by filters(EC, 2020a).
Improved separate collection, reuse and recycling: reuse and recycling
are critical to reducing the demand for virgin fibres and achieving a circular
economy. Fibre recycling is especially challenging in the case of synthetic
textiles, for both technical and economic reasons. Improved separate textile
collection, accurate automated sorting and high-quality textile reuse and
recycling have significant potential to reduce environmental impacts.
However, many technical, economic and social challenges will have to be
overcome to facilitate and encourage reuse and make fibre-to-fibre
recycling technically and economically viable. Under the EU Waste
Framework Directive, separate collection of textile waste will be obligatory
in all Member States by 1 January 2025. This calls for prior installation of
sufficient sorting and recycling capacity.
The COVID-19 crisis has led to a sudden but rapid decrease in consumer demand for textiles and
consequential cash-flow problems and unemployment in the textiles sector. There are risks that
these factors could slow down the shift to a more circular and sustainable textiles sector. At the same
time, the crisis demonstrates the fragility of the current way of working and offers the momentum to
fundamentally change the textiles system towards greater circularity, with positive economic and
environmental outcomes.
To achieve a circular and more sustainable textile system, while supporting economic recovery, a
number of textile and clothing organisations have proposed a list of measures (Euratex, 2020; Policy
Hub, and Boston Consulting Group, 2020).
Adam, M., 2018, 'The role of human resource management (HRM) for the implementation of
sustainable product-service systems (PSS)  an analysis of fashion retailers', Sustainability10(7), pp.
Resource efficiency and waste
Resource efficiency and waste > Resource efficiency > Plastic in textiles: towards a circular economy for synthetic textiles in Europe
Beasley, J. and Georgeson, R., 2014, Advancing resource efficiency in Europe. Indicators and waste
policy scenarios to deliver a resource efficient and sustainable Europe, European Environmental
Bureau, Brussels.
Beton, A., Cordella, M., Dodd, N., Boufateh, I., Wolf, O., Kougoulis, J., Dias, D., Desaxce, M.,
Perwueltz, A., Farrant, L., Gibon, T., Le Guern, Y. and Institute for Prospective Technological
Studies, 2014, Environmental improvement potential of textiles (IMPRO Textiles), Publications Office
of the European Union, Luxembourg.
Birkbeck, C. D., 2020, Strengthening international cooperation to tackle plastic pollution: options for
the WTO, Global Governance Brief, 1,
EC, 2020a, 'A new Circular Economy Action Plan For a cleaner and more competitive Europe.
COM(2020) 98 final', accessed March 26, 2020.
EC, 2020b, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the
Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions A new circular economy action
plan for a cleaner and more competitive Europe, COM(2020) 98 final of 11 March 2020.
EEA, 2019, Textiles in Europes circular economy, EEA Briefing, 10/2019, European Environment
EIA, 2020, Short-term energy outlook, US Energy Information Administration.
Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017,Circular fashion  a new textiles economy: redesigning fashions
Elsen, M., van Giesen, R., van den Akker, K. and Dunne, A., 2019, Consumer testing of alternatives
for communicating the environmental footprint profile of products  final report, Specific contract No
070201/2018/790277/SFRA/ENV.B.1 under Framework contract No CHAFEA/2015/CP/01, prepared
by the Ipsos consortium,
ETC/WMGE, Christis, M., Vercalsteren, A., Arnold, M., Nicolau, M., Lafond, E., Mortensen, L. F. and
Coscieme, L., 2019, Textiles and the environment in a circular economy, Eionet Report, ETC/WMGE
2019/6, European Topic Centre for Waste and Materials in a Green Economy.
Euratex, 2020,Circular textiles, European Apparel and Textile Confederation.
European Bioplastics, 2020, 'Bioplastics market data', European Bioplastics e.V., accessed May 20,
Geyer, R., Jambeck, J. R. and Law, K. L., 2017, 'Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made',
Science Advances3(7), pp. e1700782.
Pesnel, S. and Payet, J., 2019, Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) T-shirts,
Policy Hub and Boston Consulting Group, 2020,Proposal for an EU green recovery plan in the textile,
Resource efficiency and waste
Resource efficiency and waste > Resource efficiency > Plastic in textiles: towards a circular economy for synthetic textiles in Europe
Published on 28 Jan 2021
apparel and footwear industry.
Ryberg, M., Laurent, A. and Hausch, M., 2017, Mapping of global plastics value chain and plastics
losses to the environment, United Nations Environment Programme.
ajn, N., 2019,Environmental impact of the textile and clothing industry. What consumers need to
know, European Parliamentary Research Service.
Sandin, G., Roos, S. and Johansson, M., 2019, Environmental impact of textile fibers  what we
know and what we dont know. Fiber Bible part 2, Mistra Future Fashion.
Sherrington, C., 2016,Plastics in the marine environment, Eunomia, Bristol, UK.
Stadler, K., Wood, R., Bulavskaya, T., Södersten, C.-J., Simas, M., Schmidt, S., Usubiaga, A., Acosta
Fernández, J., Kuenen, J., Bruckner, M., Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Merciai, S., Schmidt, J. H., Theurl, M.
C., Plutzar, C., Kastner, T., Eisenmenger, N., Erb, K.-H. et al., 2018, 'Exiobase 3: developing a time
series of detailed environmentally extended multi-regional input-output tables', Journal of Industrial
Ecology22(3), pp. 502515.
Textile Exchange, 2019,Preferred fiber & materials. Market report 2019,
Textile Exchange, 2020,Material change insights report 2019  the state of fiber and materials
Watson, D., Aare, A. K., Trzepacz, S. and Dahl Petersen, C., 2018,Used textile collection in European
cities. Study commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat under the European Clothing Action Plan (ECAP),
Watson, D., Trzepacz, S., Lander Svendsen, N., Wittus Skottfelt, S., Kiørboe, N., Elander, M. and
Ljungkvist Nordin, H., 2020, Towards 2025: Separate collection and treatment of textiles in six EU
countries, Miljøstyrelsen.
Briefing no. 25/2020
Title: Plastic in textiles: towards a circular economy for synthetic textiles in Europe
HTML - TH-AM-20-021-EN-Q - ISBN 978-92-9480-304-7 - ISSN 2467-3196 - doi: 10.2800/661804
PDF - TH-AM-20-021-EN-N - ISBN 978-92-9480-305-4 - ISSN 2467-3196 - doi: 10.2800/555165
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Resource efficiency and waste > Resource efficiency > Plastic in textiles: towards a circular economy for synthetic textiles in Europe