Consumption of Materials in the United States,
By Grecia Matos and Lorie Wagner
materials use, intensity of use
The flows of nonfood and nonfuel materials through
the economy have significant impact on our lives and the
world around us. Growing populations and economies
demand more goods, services, and infrastructure. Since the
beginning of the 20th century, the types of materials con-
sumed in the United States have significantly changed. In
1900, on a per-weight basis, almost half of the materials con-
sumed were from renewable resources, such as wood, fibers,
and agricultural products, the rest being derived from nonre-
newable resources. By 1995, the consumption of renewable
resources had declined dramatically, to only 8 percent of
total consumption. During this century, the quantity of
materials consumed has grown, from 161 million metric tons
in 1900 to 2.8 billion metric tons by 1995, an equivalent of
10 metric tons per person per year. Of all the materials con-
sumed during this century, more than half were consumed in
the last 25 years. This paper examines the general historical
shifts in materials consumption and presents an analysis of
different measurements of materials use and the significance
of their trends.
Trends in Consumption of Raw Materials
Consumption Trends in the United States,
1900–1995 2
Consumption Trends in the World, 1970–1995 4
Consumption Measurements 5
Weight and Volume Comparisons 5
Intensity of Materials Use 5
Per Capita 5
Per Unit of Gross Domestic Product 7
Conclusions 8
Food, fuel and materials are the three broad categories
of commodities utilized in the economy to support the needs
of society. This paper examines materials, a category that
includes fibers, plastics, feedstock, metals, paper, cement,
and sand and gravel. It also includes resources that supply
our basic needs for producing food, clothing, shelter, trans-
portation, and infrastructure and that maintain and improve
our standard of living. Excluded are materials such as mine
tailings from metal production; overburden (material overly-
ing a mineral deposit) removed to access mineral ores; earth
and stone excavated for the construction of dams, highways,
and buildings (1); and the materials contained within finished
products imported to or exported from the United States (2).
Materials are derived from resources that are classified
as either renewable or nonrenewable. Renewable resources
are those that regenerate themselves, such as agricultural,
forestry, fishery, and wildlife products. If the rate they are
consumed becomes so great that it drives the resource to
exhaustion, however, these renewable resources can become
nonrenewable. Nonrenewable resources are those that are
formed over long periods of geologic time. They include
metals (primary and recycled), minerals, and organic materi-
als. In this paper, food, fuel, water, and air are not taken into
This paper is an overview of materials consumption in
the United States from 1900 to 1995 as measured at the input-
to-manufacturing stage. It includes a discussion of the
changes in the preferences of consumers and industry for dif-
ferent materials and presents different measurements of con-
sumption (weight and volume) as indicators of intensity of
use (see below). As used in this paper, materials consump-
tion is defined as the apparent consumption of raw materials.
This equals domestic primary and secondary (recycled) pro-
duction plus imports minus exports of raw material.
The data collection and analyses presented in this
paper provide the following:
1. Information for materials flow analysis of the U.S. econ-
omy, from extraction through processing, manufac-
turing, dissipation (quantity of the material released
directly to the environment, where no attempt to
Consumption of Materials in the United States, 1900–1995
recapture the material is made or where it is not prac-
tical), recycling, and ultimate disposition.
2. Information to help both the public and private sectors gain
understanding about the use of materials in the econ-
omy, and about the ultimate disposition of materials
into the environment.
3. An overview of shifting patterns in materials use in the
United States and throughout the world. Identifica-
tion of these patterns provides a framework for iden-
tifying future national and global materials
requirements and for understanding the long-term
issues of resource supply-and-waste management.
Trends in Consumption of Raw
The U.S. government has been tracking the use of mate-
rials since the 1880’s. The data gathered by the U.S. Geolog-
ical Survey, the former U.S. Bureau of Mines, and other
agencies provide a historical perspective on the changing
patterns of materials consumption and are used to illustrate
the long-term trends in materials use (3). The raw materials
consumed in the United States have grown substantially
since the beginning of the 20th century. These changes
reflect alterations in public demand, population growth, and
Potential impacts on the environment are related to the
physical flows that take place within a finite ecosystem. In
this chapter, major emphasis is placed not on monetary value
but physical data, that is, weight and (or) volume measures
[the purpose of the analysis may make one more relevant
than the other—such as analyses involving space issues, for
example, landfill disposal, where volume measurements may
be more relevant than weight (4)].
Consumption Trends in the United States,
The consumption profiles of renewable (agriculture,
wood products, and primary paper) and nonrenewable (non-
renewable organic, primary metals, industrial minerals, and
construction) materials are illustrated in figure 1. Reusable,
or recyclable, resources (recycled metals and paper) are also
included. This illustration also reflects the consumption pat-
tern of materials associated with major economic and mili-
tary events, including the depression of the 1930’s, World
War I, World War II, the post-World War II boom, the
energy crunch of the 1970’s, and the recession of the 1980’s.
At the beginning of the 20th century, each person consumed
per year approximately 2 t (metric tons) of materials; by
1995, that amount had increased to 10 t (metric tons), a five-
fold increase.
Construction materials include crushed stone and con-
struction sand and gravel (natural aggregates). They do not
include materials such as gypsum for wallboard, copper for
plumbing, wood or steel for construction frames, or asphalt
for roads. Natural aggregates are a major basic raw material
used by the construction, agriculture, and other industries (6).
On the basis of weight, construction materials dwarf all other
materials combined. They have—throughout the cen-
tury—been the most dominant of all types of materials used,
representing as much as three quarters (by weight) of con-
sumed renewable and nonrenewable resources annually.
Consumption of construction materials greatly
increased as a result of infrastructure growth (especially the
interstate highway system) after World War II. In recent
decades, construction materials have been used mainly in the
widening and rebuilding of roads damaged from weather and
heavier traffic loads and in construction of bridges, ramps,
and buildings (6).
The amount of recycled aggregates (crushed cement
concrete) is not included in figure 1. The sparse data avail-
able indicate that use of recycled aggregates has been
increasing, especially in the 1990’s. As the recycling of con-
struction and demolition debris increases, aggregate produc-
ers are starting to recycle concrete and asphalt. Because
much recycling of aggregates occurs in place at highway
construction sites without going through a market transac-
tion, precise data are not available.
An evident, major shift in the U.S. consumption is the
increased use of nonrenewable resources (fig. 2). At the
beginning of the 20th century, about 41 percent (by weight)
of the materials consumed domestically were renewable; by
1995, only 8 percent were renewable.
In the early 20th century, the U.S. economy moved
rapidly from an agricultural to an industrial base. In the
1950’s and 1960’s, it began a shift toward a service econ-
omy. This trend has caused a change in the mix of materials
consumed and has provided more extensive processing, min-
iaturization, sophisticated technology, electrification, com-
puterization, automation, and high-speed transport. At the
same time, increased transportation and new technologies
have led to increases in energy consumption (7).
Figure 3, which excludes construction materials, illus-
trates trends in the other categories. Industrial minerals
account for a large component of materials consumption,
almost equivalent, on a per-weight basis, to all of the remain-
ing materials. Industrial minerals include cement for ready-
mix concrete; potash and phosphate for fertilizer; gypsum for
drywall and plaster; fluorspar for acid; soda ash for glass and
chemicals; and sulfur, asbestos, abrasives, and various other
minerals for use in chemicals and industry. The proportion
of industrial minerals to total materials consumption used in
the economy increased until about 1960 and has been
roughly constant since.
Materials derived from agriculture (such as cotton,
wool, and tobacco), fishery products (such as fish meal), and
Trends in Consumption of Raw Materials
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980
Construction materials
Industrial minerals
Recycled metals
Primary metals
Nonrenewable organics
Recycled paper
Primary paper
Wood products
Great Depression
Oil crisis
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980
Renewable materials
Nonrenewable materials
wildlife (primarily fur) are so light in weight that they repre-
sent only a small part of the total materials consumed by
weight (4). In 1900, the United States used 3 million t of
agricultural material; by 1995, it used more than 6 million t.
Consumption of paper (as a primary product) showed
a slight increase from 1960 through 1995. Prior to 1960, the
consumption of paper was included in the wood products
category. Consumption of wood products (lumber, ply-
wood, and veneer) remained essentially unchanged through-
out the same period, thus representing about 6 percent of the
total materials used.
Nonrenewable organic material is today a major com-
ponent of materials consumption. The category emerged
gradually in the early part of the century, accounting for
approximately 2 million t in 1900. It has subsequently
undergone rapid growth, to 131 million t in 1995. The use of
nonrenewable organic material has increased as a result of
the development of new products and markets and material
replacements in established markets. In some applications,
synthetic fibers have replaced natural fibers, plastics have
replaced wood, and synthetic oils have replaced natural oils.
These replacements were the result of more desirable prop-
erties or cost advantages. Nonrenewable organic material
used in the production of asphalt, plastics, feedstock, syn-
thetic rubber, fibers, and petrochemicals exceeded 130 mil-
lion t in 1995. This quantity is approximately equal (on a
per-weight basis) to all primary and recycled (secondary)
metals consumed.
Use of metals declined slightly relative to other
materials during the last few decades. Reasons for this
Figure 1. Measurement of
the amount of raw materi-
als consumed in the United
States. WWI, World War I;
WWII, World War II (5).
Figure 2. Measurement of
the amount of renewable
and nonrenewable materi-
als consumed in the United
Consumption of Materials in the United States, 1900–1995
include the need for lighter weight materials (such as alumi-
num), the introduction of high-strength steel alloys in vehi-
cles, and the availability of lower cost substitute materials
(such as plastics).
Improvements in recycling technologies, costs, and
increased consumer preferences for environmentally sound
products have resulted in the growth of recycled material use,
both in metal and paper (fig. 3). The sudden emergence of
recycled materials in the 1960’s is more reflective of data
desegregation, because prior to that time, recycled material
was accounted for in total materials values. The data (3)
show that in 1995, recycled metals accounted for 47 percent
of metals consumption, up from 31 percent in 1970. This
resulted in a decline in the percentage of primary metals used
during the last few decades, even as total metal consumption
has increased (4). According to 1996 estimates, 63.5 percent
of all aluminum beverage cans, 58.2 percent of all steel cans,
37.9 percent of all glass containers, and 38.6 percent of all
polyethylene terephthalate soft-drink bottles were recovered
for recycling (8). As reported by the U.S. Geological Survey
in 1995, recycling is a significant factor in the supply of
many of the key metals used in our society; it provides envi-
ronmental benefits in terms of energy savings, reductions in
the volume of waste, and reductions in emissions associated
with the energy savings (3). For example, recycling alumi-
num saves about 95 percent of the energy needed to make
primary metal from ore (9).
Paper recycling has increased to 30 million t in 1995
from approximately 8 million t in 1960, almost a fourfold
increase. This increase is a result of improvements in paper
technologies, increased supplies of paper collected and
recovered for recycling, and changes in government policies
concerning the use of paper with recycled content.
Consumption Trends in the World, 1970–1995
As a basis for comparison, a consumption data set was
constructed for the world by using the same commodity
groupings as was used for the United States. The complete-
ness and standards of data reporting vary from country to
country, but world data are important as a point of reference.
As shown in figure 4, U.S. consumption rose from 2
to 2.8 billion t from 1970 to 1995. Over the same period,
world materials consumption rose from 5.7 billion t to 9.5
billion t. Thus, world consumption grew at a rate nearly dou-
ble that of the United States (1.8 percent vs. 1 percent).
Nonetheless, the United States still consumed about one-
third by weight of the reported world total materials con-
sumed, even though it accounts for approximately 5 percent
of the global population.
The increased U.S. and world consumption levels raise
issues related to resource adequacy and the impact on the
ecosystem. Further work is needed in this area to provide a
holistic approach to global issues in material consumption.
For many countries, the existing data are not as com-
prehensive as those from the United States. To provide a
comparative analysis on a per-capita basis, further work to
account for data not reported by some countries and informal
activities not accounted statistically is essential.
Although the United States consumes a lot of material,
future shortages are not necessarily inevitable, for several
reasons. Advances in technology and management increase
efficient materials use, reducing the need for resources.
There is also greater efficiency in materials extraction.
Recycling and materials substitution are also occurring. Not
every nation will necessarily repeat the American pattern of
development. The lessons learned about efficient materials
use in industrialized nations like the United States, if taught
Figure 3. Measurement of
the amount of raw materials
(excluding crushed stone
and construction sand and
gravel) consumed in the
United States.
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1995
Industrial minerals
Recycled metals
Primary metals
Nonrenewable organics
Recycled paper
Primary paper
Wood products
Intensity of Materials Use
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995
United States
and applied in developing countries, could usher in more
efficient global consumption of materials. The sooner indus-
trialized nations develop better technologies to use materials
more efficiently and diffuse this knowledge, the less we risk
future global materials scarcity.
Consumption Measurements
Different measurements—such as weight, volume, or
value—provide different perspectives on consumption.
Depending on the purpose of the analysis, one form of mea-
surement may be preferable, although a comprehensive anal-
ysis that encompasses all perspectives may be the more
Historically, mineral feedstocks have been valued by
weight; agricultural and fishery products by weight and vol-
ume; forest products by volume; and organic fuels by
weight, volume, and energy content. The data presented in
this paper have been standardized in terms of weight and vol-
ume. An accounting of consumption trends in monetary
terms would be valuable, but data for the commodity group-
ings were not available.
Weight and Volume Comparisons
A group of commodity categories were selected for
analyses over the period 1960 through 1995. As shown in
figures 5 and 6, the commodity groupings are wood products
(lumber, plywood, veneer, and other forestry products), pri-
mary paper, recycled paper, primary metals, recycled metals,
and plastics.
Primary metals have the highest apparent consump-
tion in terms of weight (fig. 5), but this picture changes when
viewed in terms of volume (fig. 6), where lower density
materials are given more emphasis.
In absolute values, both by weight and volume, recy-
cled metals and paper have gained market share during this
period. Although metals have faced strong competition
from other materials, demand has been strong, reflecting
the U.S. economy.
Plastics have shown an interesting growth pattern
during the same period. Since 1976, the population of the
United States consumed more plastics than recycled paper
on a per-weight basis and more than metals on a per-
volume basis.
Intensity of Materials Use
Long-term trends in materials consumption can also be
analyzed by examining the consumption per capita or per
unit of gross domestic product (GDP) because consumption
levels are heavily tied to the growth of population and the
economy. Intensity of materials use is defined as the amount
of materials used per year with respect to population or eco-
nomic output, often measured as total GDP. Intensity of use
measures may help gauge developmental status, economic
growth, and environmental quality, which is determined by
an efficient use of natural resources that minimizes depletion
and reduces pollution (11).
Per Capita
Figures 7 and 8 show the apparent consumption per
capita in the United States of selected materials in terms of
weight and volume, respectively. On a per-weight basis, pri-
mary metals show a declining trend in apparent consumption
Figure 4. Measurement of the
amount of materials consumed in
the United States and the world
Consumption of Materials in the United States, 1900–1995
Primary paper
Recycled paper
Primary metals
Recycled metals
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995
Primary paper
Recycled paper
Primary metals
Recycled metals
per capita from 1970 through 1991. Recycled metals, how-
ever, present a consistent upward trend. On a per-volume
basis, trends remained steady during the same period and
indicate a consumer preference for lighter materials, such as
The use of primary and recycled paper products per cap-
ita increased. In the last decade, recycled paper use has
steadily risen, as a result of improvements in paper recycling
technologies and in increased supplies of paper collected and
recovered. Some increases in the volume consumed per cap-
ita reflect increases in the velocity of consumption of goods
(the frequency with which materials are used and discarded
or expended in a year). This velocity increases when con-
sumers replace durable goods such as automobiles or appli-
ances more frequently or when they consume disposable
products instead of longer lived substitutes.
Plastics consumption per capita shows an upward
trend, mainly owing to the development of new products and
markets and material substitution in established markets. In
fact, in many cases, plastics have become the material of
choice, displacing metals, paper, leather, glass, and wood in
a range of common products (12).
Figure 5. Measurement (by
weight) of the amount of select-
ed materials consumed in the
United States.
Figure 6. Measurement (by
volume) of the amount of
selected materials consumed
in the United States.
Intensity of Materials Use
Primary paper
Recycled paper
Primary metals
Recycled metals
Primary paper
Recycled paper
Primary metals
Recycled metals
Per Unit of Gross Domestic Product
When the trends of the apparent consumption of mate-
rials per unit of GDP are analyzed on a per-weight and per-
volume bases, a slightly different trend emerges (figs. 9 and
10). On the basis of a per-ton unit of GDP, slightly more
recycled (metals and paper) products were consumed in the
economy per unit of GDP in 1995 than in 1960. Conse-
quently, primary metals and paper declined. The recycled
products contribute to the overall supply of metals and paper,
thereby reducing the demands on virgin metals and wood
Plastics show an upward trend in terms of weight and
volume per unit of GDP. This reflects the increasing role
that plastics play in the economy.
The data from the analysis of materials consumption
neither confirm nor deny the notion that the economy is in
the process of dematerialization or is less material intensive.
They do, however, indicate that increases in consumption
and changes in the composition of materials have been sig-
nificant, especially for low-density materials. Furthermore,
taking into account that quantities of post-consumer waste
will increase as population and GDP increase, new technol-
ogies will be required, and consumer preferences may have
to change.
Figure 7. Measurement (by
weight per capita) of the
amount of selected materials
consumed in the United
Figure 8. Measurement (by
volume per capita) of the
amount of selected materials
consumed in the United
Consumption of Materials in the United States, 1900–1995
Primary paper
Recycled paper
Primary metals
Recycled metals
Primary paper
Recycled paper
Primary metals
Recycled metals
Environmental impacts can be mitigated to the extent
that flows of materials are reduced by more efficient product
design, which will result in source reduction to the waste
stream or to where waste materials are recovered and recy-
cled. Reducing the amount of materials used per unit of pop-
ulation or GDP can contribute to the alleviation of
environmental stress and to greater economic and industrial
As shown by the data presented in this paper, consump-
tion of raw materials in the United States has increased dra-
matically throughout the 20th century and has changed its
composition substantially. The data underscore the need to
understand better our natural resources so that adequate sup-
plies of materials will be available to meet future demands,
Figure 9.
Measurement [by
weight per unit of gross do-
mestic products (GDP)] of
the amount of selected ma-
terials consumed in the
United States.
Figure 10. Measurement [by
volume per unit of gross do-
mestic products (GDP)] of
the amount of selected ma-
terials consumed in the
United States.
9References Cited
improve efficiency of materials use, and limit negative
impacts from the ultimate disposition of materials. There is
also a need to analyze materials use from all perspectives.
Further efforts are needed to develop consistent stan-
dardized information for accounting of resources and the
impact of resource use on the environment, the economy,
and, ultimately, the human population. The U.S. govern-
ment has a long history of tracking the flow of materials
through the economy. The basic data-collection and data-
analysis functions provided by Federal agencies are key ele-
ments to the understanding of materials use and shifts in
materials production and demand. It is crucial for future
studies that academia, policy makers, and business people
have ready access to a consistent set of statistics on material
extraction, use, disposal, and recycling/reuse.
In addition, understanding the flows of materials and
monitoring materials consumption trends provide the infor-
mation to assist the United States in determining how it can
satisfy its material needs at acceptable economic and envi-
ronmental costs. This is an important function because
materials, as well as food and energy, support the U.S. econ-
omy. The shifts in materials use during the last 95 years have
created a number of questions about the long-range impacts
of these trends in the domestic economy, the international
marketplace, and the environment.
As we approach the 21st century, we have challenges
to face. Using a materials flow approach to materials usage
can lead to improvements in product design, to technological
innovation that increases the efficiency of resource use, to
better waste-management practices, and to more-effective
policies. Furthermore, the awareness of materials choices
and consumption behavior can help us avoid activities that
degrade the environment and encourage activities that con-
serve ecosystems for the future.
Two basic issues need to be addressed: potential scar-
city (the continued availability of material resources both
regionally and globally) and the environmental impacts of
the extraction, processing, use, and disposal of this material.
This will require (a) monitoring changes in domestic con-
sumption levels and the reciprocal changes needed to sup-
port these levels by the ecosystem and the economy, (b)
analyzing the factors that are causing changes in current and
future demand for materials, and (c) supporting effective
policy alternatives, such as government procurement poli-
cies and labeling about environmental effects.
We are indebted to Donald G. Rogich, formerly with
the U.S. Bureau of Mines, for his insightful ideas, and to
Iddo Wernick, Columbia Earth Institute, and Thomas
Gunther, U.S. Department of the Interior, for their comments
and review.
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References Cited
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