Seattle University Chapel of St. Ignatius Wedding
Seattle University Specific Documents and Requirements
There are certain legal and financial commitments to complete when having a wedding
at the Chapel.
Wedding Finance Agreement and $250 Non-refundable deposit (required to
confirm requested date, at least 6 months before)
Proof of Liability Insurance Coverage: requires a coverage of more than 1 million
dollars. Can be procured from your own provider, or through Seattle University
Conference and Events Services (due at least 5 months before)
Parking Fee of $100: covers the cost of parking for all guests at rehearsal and
wedding, but does not reserve the full chapel lot. If the lot is full, guests will be directed
to another campus lot (due 30 days before the wedding)
Final payments: Remaining balance depends on fee charged per university
affiliation. (due 30 days before wedding). The fees cover the cost of the space, our
Campus Ministry staff assistance in your planning and preparation for marriage, as
well a wedding coordinator and student server for the rehearsal and wedding day.
o Other charges you will incur (not necessarily payable to Seattle University) will
be in your selected marriage preparation program, and stipends to your
musician(s) and presider.
Catholic Wedding Required Documents and Process
Wherever you marry in the Catholic Church, you have to complete certain documents
that attest to your identity and your freedom and preparation to marry. These will be
collected by the Campus Minister for Liturgy, unless there is a prior arrangement with
your presiding priest or parish.
Freedom to Marry Canonical Form 29.1: The Campus Minister for Liturgy will
have to interview the bride and groom separately to complete this form.
Freedom to Marry Witness Canonical Form 29.2: Witness form must be
completed be one witness for each person (bride and groom). The witness for each
must be someone who knows the bride/groom well, and for longer than they have
known each other. It can be a family member or friend.
Baptismal Certificate/Sacramental Record:
o If baptized Catholic in the U.S.: your baptismal certificate must be issued
from the parish of your baptism within 6 months of your wedding date
o If baptized Catholic outside the U.S.: you must provide a photocopy of your
baptismal certificate, or have a witness of your baptism fill out a baptismal
o If baptized in another tradition: you must provide a photocopy of your
baptismal certificate, or have a witness of your baptism fill out a baptismal
o If never baptized: you do not need to provide a certificate.
Marriage Preparation: A letter or certificate indicating that you have completed an
approved marriage preparation course. Must be completed 4 months before the
wedding date.
Prior marriages: If either the bride or groom has had a prior marriage (civil or
religious), then you must provide documentation of formal annulment by the Marriage
Church witness: The priest or deacon serves as an official church witness to your
wedding. If the priest or deacon is from outside of the archdiocese of Seattle they will
need to complete documentation by the archdiocese that permits them to assist at your
wedding. Please have your priest or deacon be in touch with the Campus Minister for
Liturgy to discuss any faculties the priest may need, or any scripts, ritual books etc.
Chapel of St. Ignatius Policies
Specific guidelines regarding decorations and use of the Chapel space
Chapel Capacity: Saint Ignatius Chapel seats approximately 230 people in pews
with additional standing room not to exceed the Fire Code Regulation capacity of 299.
Additional seats may not be added.
Access to the Chapel: There are two options for wedding times 12pm and 5pm on
Saturdays. The Chapel is available to the couple for the 12pm slot from 9:30am-
1:30pm, and for the 5pm slot from 2:30pm-6:30pm. Couples may begin their
ceremony earlier during their designated access time, but it must be at least one hour
after the Chapel access time (i.e. after 10:30am or 3:30pm). Our Chapel staff arrive
one hour before the ceremony start time. The bridal party is welcome to arrive earlier,
and designate someone to call Public Safety (x5990) to unlock the restrooms/bride’s
Environment: During each liturgical season the Chapel will have different
environmental set up. The Chapel is available to the couple “as is” for their wedding.
The Chapel staff will not move any of our decorations, plants, or environment for a
wedding. You may move plants (in consultation with the Chapel staff), but you must
return everything to the default setting after your wedding.
Flowers: Arrangements for the altar are permitted, but our staff recommends an
arrangement in front of the ambo, or behind the altar (flanking the gold leaf). Speak to
Campus Minister for Liturgy for information and ideas for flowers. Please let us know
ahead of time if you intend to donate the flowers from your wedding to the chapel.
Pew Decorations: Affixing flowers or candles to the chapel pews is not allowed due
to damage concerns.
Aisle runners or items on the floor: are not permitted due to safety concerns
Thrown flower petals (fresh or made of silk) are not permitted due to damage
concerns, and the safety of those walking.
Candles beyond those used in the sanctuary for the altar or ambo are not allowed. In
keeping with the liturgical rites of the Catholic Church, “Unity Candles” are not used.
Tables for programs and guest book: These may be placed in the narthex. The
Chapel staff can offer you small stands for this purpose.
Food and Drink: Eat and drink well before your wedding. Food and drink are not
allowed in the chapel, except in the Narthex and the Bride’s Room, and you are
welcome to use the outdoor spaces near the Chapel. Please designate someone to clean
up all food waste from the Chapel after your wedding, to ensure the cleanliness of the
Chapel for others’ use. All food waste must be disposed in bins outside the Chapel.
Alcoholic beverages before the wedding are not allowed under any circumstances,
and are not permitted on chapel grounds. Please inform your family and friends of this
policy; it is a non-negotiable.
Photography/Videography: The chapel is available for pictures before the
wedding liturgy during the access time with photos stopping ½ hour before the
ceremony (i.e. 9:30am-11:30am or 2:30pm-4:30pm). The chapel is generally not
available for photographs following the ceremony, unless special arrangements are
made with the Campus Minister for Liturgy. Limited flash photography is permitted,
but any flash photography during the ceremony must be muted. Video cameras are
permitted but the camera must remain behind worshippers in a fixed position
throughout the ceremony, and video lighting is not permitted. Due to the technology
in the Chapel, we are not able to directly record audio from our sound system.
Photographers and Videographers should not interfere with any aspect of the
procession, liturgy, or recessional. Posing during the liturgy, waving to the couple or
distracting from the ceremony is not allowed.
Care of the facilities:
Please designated a trusted friend or family member to arrive
early to contact Public Safety and open the restrooms and bridal room (if arriving
before staff). At the end of the wedding liturgy designated person should also check
the restrooms and the chapel for anything left by your wedding party. Flowers, boxes,
programs, etc. should be removed following the ceremony unless prior arrangements
have been made with the Campus Minister for Liturgy. All trash, especially food items,
should be removed to bins outside the Chapel. All valuables left behind will be
immediately remitted by staff to the office of Public Safety at 206.296.5990.
Outdoor spaces:
You are welcome to take photos for your wedding around campus.
Please note that the use of rice, confetti, birdseed or flower petals, inside or outside, is
not allowed. Bubbles are allowed outside, being sure to respect the Reflection Pool.
Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to enter into the Reflection Pool.
The Wedding Rehearsal
Scheduling the Rehearsal: Rehearsals are usually scheduled on Fridays at 5pm or
6pm and take approximately 45 minutes. You may schedule an alternate time with the
Campus Minister for Liturgy, including on Thursday evenings. Parking for guests for
the rehearsal is included in the parking fee.
Rehearsal Attendance: Everyone who has a role in the wedding liturgy should be
present at the rehearsal, including any liturgical ministers, the priest or deacon,
attendants and immediate family. Please advise everyone to arrive early, in light of
Seattle traffic. A Chapel wedding coordinator and an altar server will be present to
facilitate the rehearsal walk-through and ensure that all in attendance feel comfortable
and confident about their roles.
Marriage License: The couple should bring their marriage license to the rehearsal,
completely filled out with the couple’s information. The Campus Ministry staff will
prepare it for the wedding day. The legal paperwork will be mailed to the county by the
Campus Ministry staff. You will receive back the ceremonial copy for your records.
Please designate someone to collect this after the wedding.
The Wedding Day
Access to the Chapel: Access to the Chapel is granted in accordance with the time
slot you have reserved for your wedding. Please refer to the policy above.
Promptness: The bride and groom should arrive at least 20 minutes before the
wedding start time, to ensure that the liturgy begins on time. Wedding liturgies must
begin promptly at the designated start time out of respect for your guests, staff, and
any other liturgies scheduled for that day.
Roman Catholic marriage ceremonies follow a set pattern as laid out in the Order of
Celebrating Matrimony ritual book. There are two basic forms of the marriage
ceremony: the Rite of Marriage (Without Mass), and a Nuptial Mass. Both contain
liturgies of the Word, but only the Nuptial Mass contains the celebration of Eucharist.
Every year the Campus Ministry Team holds a Wedding Planning Evening, which
is required for all couples. This event provides sacramental formation and liturgical
education with a ceremony walk-through accompanied by live music to share ideas
and best practices.
The Campus Minister for Liturgy will provide you with a book (United in Christ) to
help you select readings for your liturgy, and a Ceremony Template, including all
the choices for the couple to make regarding the ceremony, and the order of people in
the procession. Please complete and submit the Ceremony Template at least 30 days
before your wedding liturgy. The United in Christ book should be returned at your
rehearsal so that other couples may use it.
Liturgical Music: Work with the Campus Minister for Liturgical Music to select
musicians and music for your wedding liturgy. Wedding music personnel should
include at least one cantor and accompanist familiar with Catholic worship. All
music in the liturgy must be played live and should be sacred music appropriate for
the liturgical setting. The Campus Minister for Liturgical Music will provide a
resource list of recommended Chapel musicians and options for music selection.
The Campus Minister for Liturgical Music must approve all music selections at least
30 days before the wedding.
Worship Aid: We strongly encourage you to create a robust worship aid (program)
which allows everyone to participate fully as witnesses to your marriage. Consider
including spoken and sung responses. The Campus Minister for Liturgical Music can
offer you sample templates.
Ministers of hospitality: to greet your guests and distribute worship aids.
Consider how you can help your friends and family to gather together with
hospitality and a prayerful spirit. Will you greet them as a couple at the door? Will
you ask a few friends or relatives to offer hospitality as others begin to arrive?
Seating: While it is common in many places to designate a bride’s side and a
groom’s side, the Catholic Order of Celebrating Matrimony makes no mention of
where people should sit. Think about what seems most hospitable to you. How can
you symbolize the joining of your families? What will help your guests come
together in a spiritual bond of prayerful support?
Order of the Service:
Procession: Only one continuous song, played live. Must be a classical/sacred piece
of music. The order of procession is as follows:
Altar Server (provided by Campus Ministry)
Presider (priest or deacon)
Wedding Party (arranged according to your preference) Some couples do not
have attendants, but choose to have important friends or family members as
part of the procession. These could include godparents, grandparents, etc.
Groom escorted by parents, Bride escorted by parents
Couples may choose to walk down the aisle together, as ministers of the sacrament
of marriage. In a Catholic wedding, the procession is linked with all other
liturgical processions and is a joyous, celebratory way to move people from one
place to another. Processions signal beginnings, endings, or transitions from one
part of a liturgy to the next.
Introductory Rites/Welcome/Opening Prayer (led by the priest/deacon)
Liturgy of the Word: choose lectors (readers) who can proclaim not merely read
out loud. At least one of your readings must directly refer to marriage (indicated in
the resources provided by the Campus Minister for Liturgy).
Hebrew Scriptures (Additional options during Easter Season) Read by:__
Responsorial Psalm (led by your cantor)
Epistle from New Testament (optional) Read by: __
Sung Alleluia (led by your cantor)
Gospel Reading (read by priest/deacon)
Celebration of Matrimony. The couple stands before the congregation (who are
all witnesses) and declare their freedom and desire to enter into marriage. The
priest/deacon stands facing the couple in the main aisle, among the assembly.
A declaration of consent / proclamation of vows in the standard Roman
Catholic format.
A blessing and exchange of rings
Optional cultural adaptation: the exchange of arras (coins)
Song of Praise/Thanksgiving
Prayer (Prayers of the Faithful): intercessory prayers, prepared by the
couple in advance. The Campus Minister for Liturgy will offer a sample. Can be led
by one or two readers.
Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)
Lazo and Veil (optional cultural adaptations)
Nuptial Blessing: A special blessing for the bride and groom. It’s a tradition in the
Chapel to have the bride and groom move to the center aisle and be surrounded by
their friends and family in a web of blessing for this special prayer.
Final Blessing
Closing Hymn/Recessional: The couple would lead the way out of the church,
followed by attendants and family. The couple/witnesses/priest or deacon would
immediately sign their marriage license.
Bell Ringing: A tradition at the Chapel is for couples to ring the bells of the Chapel
(outside, but the Reflection Pool) immediately following signing their marriage
license. Bells in the Christian tradition signal the passage of time, celebration, or
important threshold moments. All guests are invited to circle the Reflection Pool so
they can celebrate with the couple during the bell ringing.
Further requirements for the Celebration within Mass:
Both the bride and the groom, as well as a majority of those attending should be
Catholic if you choose to celebrate marriage within a mass, so as not to exclude those
If celebrating within mass, a Gloria is sung during the introductory rites, before
opening prayer. The liturgy is the same as above up to after the Universal Prayer:
Preparation of the Table: Gifts are brought up by 2 people,
Preparation music: ________________
Eucharistic Prayer: Parts of the mass are sung. Mass setting: ____
Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)
Lazo and Veil (optional cultural adaptations)
Nuptial Blessing
Sign of Peace
Communion Music:
Eucharistic Ministers: Number needed varies depending on number of
assembly anticipated. The bride and groom, if interested, can also serve as
Ministers of Communion.
Final Blessing
Closing Hymn/Recessional: The couple would lead the way out of the church,
followed by attendants and family. The couple/witnesses would immediately sign
their marriage license.