Please ensure extreme care is taken when replacing the battery in your vehicle. Also please make sure the engine, lights and all
accessories are turned off before removing old battery. Check if vehicle has a computerised electrical system. Most vehicles with on-
board computer systems require an alternative power source or memory minder to maintain electronic memory when the battery is
disconnected. Disconnecting the battery on such a vehicle without a memory minder may cause damage to the main computer or other
electrical equipment. We recommend you wear safety glasses during the replacement procedure. Ensure replacement battery meets or
exceeds minimum capacity and CCA rating for your vehicle.
Safety First! Do The Right Thing.
1. Lower the driver’s window enough to access the ignition keys
via window. (A safety measure against total-close central-
locking systems)
2. Turn off the engine, place into a neutral gear or park position
and engage the handbrake.
3. Fit memory minder into the cigarette lighter socket or
OBD / OBD II port and turn ignition key to the accessory
position.*NOTE: Radio memory can only be saved if radio is still
operating prior to engaging minder.
4. It is preferable to perform replacement in a well ventilated
environment. (To minimise the potential of explosion from
hydrogen gas emitted from the faulty battery)
5. Remove the negative terminal rst, then positive terminal and
wrap the terminal securely in a rag to insulate from shorting to
ground. (This precaution is necessary to avoid potential damage
to the wiring and / or electrical systems as a terminal may still
be alive)
6. Remove the hold-down clamp and carefully remove the battery,
taking note of the battery terminal positions, both positive and
7. Corroded steel parts should be cleaned and neutralised, (use
Bi-Carb Soda or terminal cleaning spray), dried and painted.
8. Terminals should be thoroughly cleaned.
9. Battery cable and starter motor connections should be checked
and tightened if necessary.
10. If terminal clamps or cables are badly corroded, they should be
11. Clean the battery tray of all debris, stones, etc. to ensure no
sharp objects can damage the battery casing.
12. Check the height of the replacement battery to ensure there is
sufcient bonnet clearance to avoid terminals shorting/fouling
on the closed bonnet.
13. Place the new battery in the tray, ensuring it sits level and that
terminal posts are positioned exactly the same as the battery
being replaced.
14. Replace and tighten hold-downs securely so that the battery
cannot move in the tray. Do not over-tighten as this can distort
the plastic battery casing. Be sure to check that radiator fan,
hoses and drive belts do not make contact with the battery.
15. Re-t cables and tighten terminals, (do not over-tighten),
ensuring that the negative ground terminal is connected last.
16. If a spark occurs during reconnection of the negative terminals,
have an auto electrician check for a current drain at your
earliest convenience.
17. Never hammer terminal connections onto battery posts as this
can damage the battery terminals or cause internal damage to
the battery.
18. Apply a coating of battery terminal protector to the posts and
bare cable connections.
19. Carefully remove memory minder from cigarette socket or OBD
port and start the engine. Check that Charge Warning indicator
light goes out and the charge gauge, (if tted), shows a normal
20. Check radio and clock functions to ensure no memory loss has
Battery Replacement Guide
Battery Safety Warnings & Information
Corrosive Hazard:
The product is hazardous according to the denition of
WorkSafe Australia.
All relevant safety precautions should be followed.
Keep battery and acid out of reach of children at all times.
Always store in a safe place, preferably in a plastic tray.
Keep battery out of direct sunlight, away from any heat
When charging battery, ensure good ventilation.
Polypropylene casing can be subject to static electricity.
Do not rub casing; wear rubber gloves when handling.
Batteries are heavy in nature - use correct lifting
Do not tilt the battery - this allows acid to leak out of
Use baking soda (Soda-Ash) and water to dilute any acid
Warning statements:
Observe the precautionary information on the battery label
and the vehicle’s operational manual regarding handling
and safety requirements of the battery.
Protective clothing:
Always wear eye protection and appropriate clothing as a
precautionary measure when working with the battery.
A damp towel covering the battery when handling will
minimise some splash and spark dangers.
Handling Warning:
Naked ames, sparks, and smoking are potential ignition
sources for explosions when in the vicinity of batteries.
Avoid shorting any wiring, terminals or spanners when
working around the battery, including electrostatic
A short circuit has the potential to cause re or the
explosion of the battery, even burns to the operator/
Only use a damp cloth with mild soap to clean the battery
case, only clean terminals with battery removed from
vehicle and avoid shorting terminals with brush to prevent
Explosion Danger:
Explosive gases are emitted when batteries are charged
or in service; these gases can cause injuries such as burns
and blindness.
Corrosive Warning:
The contents of lead-acid batteries are very corrosive. Any
direct contact with skin or eyes can result in burns and
Protective clothing and safety glasses should be worn
when handling to help prevent injury.
Do not allow electrolyte to escape from the battery casing;
it is a hazardous material and should not make contact
with ground water or drainage systems, intentionally or
First Aid:
Immediately rinse eyes with water or milk if they come
into contact with acid mix, then seek medical advice
without delay.
If contact with skin occurs, wash off with water and mild
soap at earliest opportunity. Clothes should be washed the
same way and rinsed thoroughly.
Always dispose of scrap batteries at an accredited
collection station. Never place batteries with household
waste. Do not allow battery electrolyte (acid) to leak. If the
casing is damaged, place into a plastic collection tray to
contain leaking acid prior to disposal. (Enquire regarding
local regulations)
Damaged and scrap lead-acid batteries can be returned to
any branch of R&J Batteries for safe disposal / recycling.
STUD Standard / SAE Small / JIS
Marine Twin LUG Multi Fit / DF
Terminal Types
Battery Layouts
- Multi
- Multi