Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
PB-060 (R. 1-24)
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Table of Contents
I. Introduction ......................................................................................... 4
II. General Property .................................................................................... 4
A. Real property, real estate and land .................................................................. 4
B. Uniform property tax .............................................................................. 4
C. Taxable/nontaxable property ....................................................................... 4
III. Assessment and Its Purpose ......................................................................... 5
IV. Assessors ............................................................................................ 5
A. Certication ........................................................................................ 5
B. Wisconsin Property Assessment Manual (WPAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
V. Assessment Process .................................................................................. 6
A. Municipal assessor is responsible for the assessment process ........................................ 6
B. Assessment classications of real property .......................................................... 6
C. Property information ............................................................................... 7
D. Information used to determine assessments ........................................................ 8
E. Notice of Changed Assessment ..................................................................... 9
F. Equitable assessment .............................................................................. 9
G. Assessment of personal property.................................................................... 10
VI. Manufactured and Mobile Homes ................................................................... 11
A. Denitions ......................................................................................... 11
B. Exempt mobile and manufactured homes .......................................................... 11
C. Monthly municipal mobile home permit fee ......................................................... 12
D. Mobile home assessment appeals ................................................................... 13
E. Mobile home exemption disputes................................................................... 13
F. Overview of manufactured and mobile home unit property taxes .................................... 13
VII. Equalized Value ...................................................................................... 14
A. Uses of equalized value ............................................................................. 14
B. Assessment compliance ............................................................................ 15
C. Full value law ....................................................................................... 15
VIII. Reassessment/Revaluation .......................................................................... 15
A. Initiating a reassessment ........................................................................... 16
B. Supervised assessment ............................................................................. 16
C. Initiating a revaluation ............................................................................. 16
D. Trespassing and Revaluation Notice ................................................................. 17
E. Sample Revaluation Notice ......................................................................... 18
F. Assessment roll .................................................................................... 18
G. Assessment questions .............................................................................. 18
H. Open Book ......................................................................................... 18
I. Appealing your assessment ......................................................................... 19
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
IX. Board of Assessors (BOA) ............................................................................ 19
A. Cities with a BOA ................................................................................... 19
B. BOA information ................................................................................... 19
X. Board of Review (BOR) ............................................................................... 20
A. Requirements to appeal an assessment to the BOR .................................................. 20
B. BOR members ...................................................................................... 20
C. BOR details ......................................................................................... 21
D. Providing information to the BOR ................................................................... 22
E. Appeal a BOR decision ............................................................................. 23
F. Flowchart of the assessment appeal process ........................................................ 25
XI. Levy and Rates ....................................................................................... 26
A. Property tax base/rate .............................................................................. 26
B. Tax rate ............................................................................................ 26
C. General property tax bill ............................................................................ 26
D. School taxes ....................................................................................... 27
XII. Collection ............................................................................................ 27
A. Property tax bills ................................................................................... 27
B. Payment of property taxes .......................................................................... 27
C. Interest on unpaid taxes ............................................................................ 27
D. Unlawful tax claim ................................................................................. 28
E. Excessive assessment claim ......................................................................... 28
F. Denial of unlawful tax or excessive assessment claim ................................................ 29
XIII. Assistance with Property Taxes ...................................................................... 29
A. Homestead tax credit ............................................................................... 29
B. Property tax deferral loan program ................................................................. 29
C. Assistance for the elderly ........................................................................... 29
D. Property tax exemption for veterans ................................................................ 29
XIV. Real Estate Property Tax Bill ......................................................................... 31
XV. Tax Rate .............................................................................................. 34
XVI. Special Purpose Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
XVII. Statutory References ................................................................................ 34
XVIII. Glossary .............................................................................................. 35
XIX. Contact Information ................................................................................. 38
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
I. Introduction
This guide provides information about property assessment and appealing your assessment. This guide also
describes the role of the assessor, local Board of Review (BOR), and taxation process. For additional information
on property valuation, see the Wisconsin Property Assessment Manual (WPAM). Contact your local assessor for
information about your property assessment and your local clerk for information about your property taxes.
Information in this publication was prepared by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s Oce of Technical and
Assessment Services.
II. General Property
Dened by state law, general property includes all taxable property, except property taxed under special provisions
(ex: utility, forest crop, woodland tax, and managed forest property).
A. Real property, real estate, and land
The land and all buildings, improvements, xtures, and rights and privileges connected with the land.
B. Uniform property tax
Article VIII of the state constitution requires the uniform taxation of property. Article VIII also provides the following
property taxation standards:
Legislature prescribes taxes on forest property
Taxation of agricultural land and undeveloped land does not need to be uniform with the taxation of other
real property
The state legislature enacts all property tax and assessment laws. The property tax assessment laws are covered in
ch. 70, Wis. Stats.
C. Taxable/nontaxable property
All property is taxable unless exempted by state law. Common property types exempt
by state law:
State and municipal property
Public and private school property
• Cemeteries
Property used for abatement of air and water pollution
Household furniture and furnishings
Manufacturing machinery specic processing equipment
Apparel and musical instruments for personal use
Money, bonds and stocks
Motor vehicles and aircraft
Livestock, inventories and merchant’s stocks
Computers and electronic peripheral equipment
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Obtaining an exemption
• Sec. 70.109, Wis. Stats., provides for a presumption of taxability. Exemptions shall be strictly construed, with the
burden of proof resting with the entity claiming the exemption.
• Secs. 70.11, 70.111, and 70.112, Wis. Stats., list property eligible for a property tax exemption
To obtain an exemption from property tax, most exemptions under sec. 70.11, Wis. Stats., require a Property Tax
Exemption Request Form (PR-230). File the form with the municipal assessor where the property is located by
March 1. On the form, the property owner requests an exemption under a specic state law and the property in
question must meet the requirements of that state law to receive an exemption.
See the Unlawful tax claim section in this guide for information on the process to contest taxability
See Chapters 19 and 21 of the WPAM for more information
III. Assessment and Its Purpose
An assessment is the value an assessor places on your property. This value determines what portion of the local
property tax levy is covered by your property.
An assessed value is the value a local assessor places on taxable property. Under state law, all non-agricultural
assessments must be based on the propertys market value as of January 1. State law recognizes every municipality
cannot be assessed at market value each year. The law requires each municipality is within 10% of market value
once every ve years. Assessed values are used to distribute the municipalitys tax burden among the individual
property owners.
The assessor of each taxation district determines the assessed value of all taxable property, with the exception
of manufacturing property. The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) annually assesses all manufacturing
property in the state. The assessor is appointed or elected at the local level. When the assessor completes the
assessments, the Assessor’s Adavit (PA-533) is signed and attached to the assessment roll as required by law. Both
are then turned over to the BOR. State law also provides for establishing county assessors. Currently, there is no
county with a county assessor in Wisconsin.
IV. Assessors
A. Certication
State law requires certication of assessors by DOR. Certication involves an exam that tests their knowledge of
appraisal and assessment law and administration. While there is no formal training required, assessors must show
that they have acquired the knowledge essential to do a satisfactory job through successful completion of the
certication exam.
In addition, many assessors in Wisconsin are active in professional organizations with established professional
standards for assessors and appraisers. The municipally employed assessor and the independently contracted
assessor and their sta (except clerical help) must have a current assessor certication at the appropriate level.
Five levels of assessor certication
1. Assessment technician
2. Property appraiser
3. Assessor 1
4. Assessor 2
5. Assessor 3
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
B. Wisconsin Property Assessment Manual (WPAM)
The WPAM species technical, procedural and administrative practices. It also denes procedures, policies, legal
decisions and assessor performance expectations.
State law (sec. 73.03, Wis. Stats.) provides DOR with the authority to prepare and publish the WPAM. The law
requires DOR to prepare a manual that discusses and illustrates accepted assessment methods, techniques and
practices with a view to more nearly uniform and consistent assessments of property at the local level. It also
requires that the manual be amended by DOR from time to time to reect advances in the science of assessment,
court decisions concerning assessment practices, statutory changes, costs, and statistical and other information
deemed valuable to local assessors by DOR.
V. Assessment Process
A. Municipal assessor is responsible for the assessment process
Discover – all property is subject to tax unless exempted by law
List – property characteristics determine value
Value – determine the value subject to property tax
B. Assessment classications of real property
State law requires the assessor to classify land on the basis of use. Classication aects the assessed value.
Beginning with assessments as of January 1, 2017, 2017 Wisconsin Act 115 created the following provision for
drainage district corridors: "…the assessor shall assess the land within a district corridor described under sec. 88.74
in the same class under sub. (2)(a) as the land adjoining the corridor, if the adjoining land and the land within the
corridor are owned by the same person."
Drainage districts are local governmental entities organized under a county drainage board for the primary
purpose of draining lands for agriculture. A drainage district establishes a legal mechanism for managing drains
and related facilities to ensure reliable drainage. Landowners who benet from drainage must pay assessments
to cover the cost of constructing, maintaining, and repairing district drains. As of June 2021, the Wisconsin
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) stated there were 190 districts located in 27
counties. See DATCPs drainage district website for additional information including an interactive map.
Eight statutory classications for real property
Residential (class 1) – sec. 70.32(2)(c)3., Wis. Stats.
» Any parcel (or part of a parcel) of untilled land not suitable for the production of row crops, on which a
dwelling or other form of human abode is located
» Vacant land where the most likely use is residential development
» Mobile homes assessed as real property are classied as residential
» Apartment buildings of up to three units are also classied as residential
Commercial (class 2)
» Land and improvements primarily devoted to buying and reselling goods
» Includes the providing of services in support of residential, agricultural, manufacturing and forest uses
Manufacturing (class 3)
» State law (sec. 70.995, Wis. Stats.) provides for the state assessment of manufacturing property
» Contact the Manufacturing Bureau District Oce for information on qualifying uses
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Agricultural (class 4)
» State law (sec. 70.32(2)(c)1g., Wis. Stats.) describes this as "land, exclusive of buildings and improvements,
which is devoted primarily to agricultural use"
» Land devoted primarily to the production of crops (excluding forestry operations) or the keeping, grazing,
or feeding of livestock
» Buildings and dwellings associated with growing, production and associated services are classied as
class 7– other
» Agricultural Assessment Guide for Wisconsin Property Owners provides classication examples
Undeveloped (class 5) – sec. 70.32(2)(c)4., Wis. Stats.
» Areas commonly called marshes, swamps, thickets, bogs or wet meadows
» Fallow tillable land (assuming agricultural use is the land’s highest and best use)
» Road right-of-way, ponds and depleted gravel pits
» Land because of soil or site conditions is not producing or capable of producing commercial forest products
Agricultural forest (class 5m)
» State law (sec. 70.32(2)(c)1d, Wis. Stats.) denes agricultural forest as land producing or capable of producing
commercial forest products, if the land satises any of the following:
- Forest land is contiguous to a parcel that is classied in whole as agricultural land. The forest land and the
contiguous agricultural parcel must have the same owner. Contiguous includes separated only by a road.
- Forest land is located on a parcel containing agricultural land for the January 1, 2004 assessment and on
January 1 of the current assessment year
- Forest land is located on a parcel where at least 50% of the acreage was converted to agricultural land for
the January 1, 2005 assessment year or thereafter
» Agricultural Assessment Guide for Wisconsin Property Owners provides classication examples
Productive forest land (class 6) – sec. 70.32(2)(c)2., Wis. Stats.
» Land producing or capable of producing commercial forest products. Forest land cannot include buildings
and improvements.
» Forested areas that are managed or set aside to grow tree crops for "industrial wood" or to obtain tree
products (ex: sap, bark, seeds)
» Forested areas with no commercial use made of the trees, including cutover
» Cherry orchards, apple orchards and Christmas tree plantations are classied as agricultural property
» Lands designated forest crop land and managed forest land by the Department of Natural Resources are
entered separately in the assessment roll
» Improvements on forest crop lands and managed forest land must be listed as real property under state law
(secs. 77.04(1) and 77.84, Wis. Stats.)
» Forested areas primarily held for hunting, trapping or in the operation of game preserves, must be classied
as forest, unless clearly operated as a commercial enterprise or exempt
Other (class 7) – sec. 70.32(2)(c)1m., Wis. Stats.
Buildings and improvements on a farm (ex: houses, barns and silos along with the land necessary for their
location and convenience)
C. Property information
Wisconsin has an annual assessment. This means that each years assessment is a new assessment. The assessor
is not obligated to keep the same assessment each year. The assessor may change your assessment because of
building permits or sales activity even if the assessor did not inspect your property.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
State law requires property be valued from actual view or from the best information that can be practicably
obtained. An interior inspection results in a better-quality assessment; however, it is not always possible to conduct
interior inspections. To ensure receiving a complete and accurate valuation, it benets the property owner to
provide interior viewing access of their residence. For the purposes of valuation, if access is denied, the assessor
will then base the valuation on the next best information available. However, if facts exist making an interior view
necessary to complete an accurate valuation, the assessor may seek a special inspection warrant under state law
(sec. 66.0119, Wis. Stats.), to view the interior of the home.
1. Notication process with Request to View Property Notice
Secs. 70.05(4m) and (4n), Wis. Stats. require assessors to provide property owners written notice when requesting
an interior view of the residence. DOR recommends sending a letter, allowing 14 calendar days for a response. If
the assessor does not receive a response, they may attempt in-person contact to obtain consent. If that step is
unsuccessful, the assessor may send a certied letter including the notice. If an interior view remains necessary to
complete an accurate valuation, refusal of entry can provide basis for seeking a special inspection warrant.
2. Sale of the property
When a property sells, the assessor must review the sale
Assessor veries the facts surrounding the sale to determine if it is an arms-length sale and usable for assessment
purposes, this may include an interior inspection (requiring notice to the property owner) of the property
Assessor uses sales to update assessments in a municipality when conducting a revaluation (Reassessment/
3. New construction and improvement maintenance
Under state law, the assessment must be based on the market value of the improvement. The assessor looks at
how much the total value of the building and land changed due to the improvement. The cost may not be the
true measure of any change in market value. If there is an increase in market value, it should be reected in an
increase in assessed value.
If a building is under construction as of January 1, the best way for the assessor to get this information is with an
on-site inspection and recording the data on the appropriate property record card
Onsite inspection reveals new or remodeled improvements not previously recorded
If the property owner started new or remodeled improvements before January 1 (the assessment day) and
nished after January 1, the assessor must nd out how much was completed as of January 1 and assess the
existing improvements as of January 1
Normal home repairs and maintenance generally prevent property values from falling and usually do not
warrant a change in the assessment
Example: A property is worth $90,000. As of January 1, the property owner started an addition, but only has a
foundation. The property should be appraised at the $90,000 plus the value of the foundation as of January 1. In
such a case, the value of the foundation should be determined by the construction cost and could possibly be
veried with construction receipts or the building permit.
D. Information used to determine assessments
Assessors consider information from many sources to determine your assessment.
1. Recent arms-length sales
Under state law, the best indicator of market value is a recent arm’s-length sale of a property provided it is in line
with recent arms-length sales of reasonably comparable property.
The assessor may not change the assessment of property based solely on the recent arms-length sale of property
without adjusting the assessed value of comparable properties in the same market area.
Sales should be recent – those several years old may not reect current market conditions
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Sales must be arms-length – there should be no relationship between the buyer and seller aecting the sales
price (ex: sales between relatives are typically not arm’s-length sales)
Buyer and seller are typically motivated
Both parties are well informed or well advised, and are acting in what they consider their own best interests
Reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market
Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of comparable nancial arrangements
Price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaected by special or creative nancing or
sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale
2. Recent arms-length sales of reasonably comparable property
If you did not recently purchase the property, the next best evidence is recent arms-length sales of reasonably
comparable property.
Comparable properties are those similar to your property in location, style, age, size and other features
Example: You own a ranch home built in 1962 that has 1,200 square feet, three bedrooms, one full bath and one
half bath, a two-car garage, and is on a level 7,200 square foot lot
» You should try to nd recent arms-length sales of property in your area with the same or similar features
» The more features of the sale properties that are the same as your property, the stronger the indication that
these sales prices represent your home’s market value
Assessor should be able to tell you what comparable sales they used to determine the market value of your property
3. No recent arm’s-length comparable sales
When there are no recent arms-length comparable sales, the value may be estimated using other available
information. This may include sales of less comparable properties, asking prices, cost and income approaches to
value, options to purchase, recent appraisals of your property, and insurance estimates.
E. Notice of Changed Assessment
Under state law (sec. 70.365, Wis. Stats.), whenever an assessor changes the total assessment of any real property
by any amount, the owner must be notied. The assessor is not required to provide notice if land is classied
as agricultural land, as dened in sec. 70.32(2)(c)1g., Wis. Stats., for the current year and previous year and the
dierence between the assessments is $500 or less. However, failure to receive a notice does not aect the validity
of the changed assessment.
The notice must be in writing and mailed at least 15 days (30 days in revaluation years) prior to the BOR meeting
(or meeting of the Board of Assessors if one exists). The notice contains the changed assessment amount and
the time, date and place of the local BOR (or Board of Assessors) meeting. The notice must include information
notifying the owner of the procedures to use to object to the assessment.
F. Equitable assessment
If your property’s assessment ratio is similar to the assessment level of the taxation district (see the Glossary section
of this guide), then your assessment is equitable. To determine your propertys assessment ratio, divide your
property’s assessed value by your property’s current market value.
Your Propertys Assessed Value
= X%
Current Market Value of Your Property
To make a sound decision, you must know your propertys assessed value, current market value and the
assessment level of the taxation district.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
G. Assessment of personal property
Eective with the January 1, 2024, assessment, 2023 Wisconsin Act 12 created sec. 70.111(28), Wis. Stats., which
exempts personal property. The exemption applies to:
Personal property as dened in sec. 70.04, Wis. Stats.
Steam and other vessels, furniture, and equipment
The exemption does not apply to:
Real property as dened in sec. 70.03, Wis. Stats.
Buildings, improvements and xtures on leased land, exempt land, managed forest land that is assessed as real
property under sec. 70.17(3), Wis. Stats.
Act 12 amended 70.17(1), Wis. Stats. and removed the option of assessing improvements on leased land as
personal property or real property. Starting with the 2024 assessment, improvements on leased land must be
assessed as real property. State law provides two processes to list and value buildings, improvements, and xtures
that are on leased land, exempt land, forest cropland and managed forest land.
Processes include:
1. Update the existing parcel’s listing and value to include all buildings, improvements & xtures
» Assessor updates the existing parcel’s real property listing and valuation to include the land and all
buildings, improvements, xtures and rights and privileges appertaining thereto.
» Listing and valuation includes:
- Manufactured and mobile homes (unless subject to a parking permit fee under sec. 66.0435(3), Wis. Stats.,
or otherwise exempt under a state law discussed below.)
- Buildings, improvements, and xtures on leased lands, on exempt lands, or on DNR forest program land
(managed forest land)
» Parcel owner:
- Receives the Notice of Changed Assessment
- Is able to appeal the assessment
- Receives the tax bill
2. Create a separate parcel for the buildings, improvements & xtures
» The property owner may create a separate parcel through a certied survey map, subdivision plat or
condominium plat that contain parcel descriptions and are recorded with the ROD
- See the Register of Deeds Association website for a recording document specic to a building,
improvement or xture
- Contact the County Real Property Lister where the property is located to determine what process may
work best for the property
» The municipality may create a separate parcel through the assessor plat process
» Each land parcel owner and each building, improvement or xture parcel owner:
- Receive a separate Notice of Changed Assessment specic to the parcel
- Is able to appeal the assessment specic to the parcel
- Receives a separate tax bill specic to the parcel
See the Unlawful tax claim section of this Guide for information on the process to contest taxability. See DORs
Personal Property Exemption Common Questions and Chapter 18 of the WPAM for additional information.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
VI. Manufactured and Mobile Homes
State law (sec. 70.17(3), Wis. Stats.) requires real property assessment of manufactured and mobile homes unless
subject to a monthly municipal permit fee or exempt from monthly municipal permit fees and property tax.
A. Denitions
Mobile home – "That which is, or was as originally constructed, designed to be transported by any motor
vehicle upon a public highway and designed, equipped and used primarily for sleeping, eating, and living
quarters, or is intended to be so used; and has the meaning given in sec. 101.91(10), Wis. Stats. and includes any
additions, attachments, annexes, foundations and appurtenances."
Manufactured home – dened by state law (sec. 101.91(2), Wis. Stats ), for property taxation as: a structure
that is designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation and that is certied by the
federal department of housing and urban development as complying with the standards established under 42
USC 5401 to 5425 and includes any additions, annexes, foundations and appurtenances
Camping trailer and recreational mobile home – state law (sec. 70.111(19)(a), Wis. Stats.) denes
camping trailers by reference to sec. 340.01(6m), Wis. Stats. as "a vehicle with a collapsible or folding structure
designed for human habitation and towed upon a highway by a motor vehicle"
State law (sec. 70.111(19)(b), Wis. Stats.) denes recreational mobile home by reference to sec. 66.0435(1)
(hm), Wis. Stats.
a. Prefabricated structure that is no larger than 400 square feet
b. Certied by the manufacturer as complying with the code promulgated by the American National Standards
Institute as ANSI A119.5
c. Designed to be towed and used primarily as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or
seasonal purposes
B. Exempt mobile and manufactured homes
Some mobile and manufactured homes are exempt from property tax. State law (sec. 70.111(19), Wis. Stats.),
exempts camping trailers and certain recreational mobile homes from taxation. A November 2020 Wisconsin Tax
Appeal Commission decision ruled secs. 70.111(19)(b), and 66.0435(1)(hm), Wis. Stats. exempt recreational mobile
homes (RMH) whether or not the RMH is attached to the real estate.
1. Recreational mobile homes (RMH)
Exemption applies to:
» RMHs dened in sec. 66.0435(1)(hm), Wis. Stats.
» Steps and a platform, not exceeding 50 square feet that lead to a doorway of a RMH
Exemption does not apply to:
» Land where the RMH is located
» Other additions, attachments, decks or patios (ex: garages, foundations, sheds)
» RMH that is a prefabricated structure that exceeds 400 square feet or is not certied by the manufacturer as
complying with the code promulgated by the American National Standards Institute as ANSI A119.5
» RMH that is not designed to be towed and used primarily as temporary living quarters
Measuring a mobile home for exemption:
» Total square footage (rounded to the nearest square foot) should be calculated using the outside length and
width of the mobile, including the area of any additions and attachments
» Only additions and attachments that are clearly attached to the recreational mobile home are included in the
calculation of total square footage
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
» Length and width of a mobile home or manufactured home should not include the excess measurements
caused by the protrusion of corner caps and end caps as this could inuence the exemption determination
» Freestanding structures (appurtenances) should not be included in the mobile home or manufactured home
area calculation
» Square footage disagreements should rst be discussed with the assessor .
2. Camping trailers
Sec. 70.111(19)(a), Wis. Stats. exempts camping trailers as dened in sec. 340.01(6m), Wis. Stats. – "a vehicle with a
collapsible or folding structure designed for human habitation and towed upon a highway by a motor vehicle."
Exemption applies to camping trailers that meet all of the following:
» A vehicle with a collapsible or folding structure
» Designed for human habitation
» And towed upon a highway by a motor vehicle during the year prior to the assessment date (e.g. was towed
on the highway during 2023 for the January 1, 2024, assessment)
Exemption does not apply to:
» Land where the trailer is located
» Additions, attachments, decks or patios
» Trailers that are not towed upon a highway by a motor vehicle during the year prior to the assessment date
(ex: was not towed on the highway during 2023 for the January 1, 2024, assessment)
3. Vacant until held for sale by a dealer
Vacant mobile or manufactured homes held for sale and owned by a licensed dealer, no matter its location, are
considered merchants stock-in-trade and are exempt under state law (sec. 70.111(17), Wis. Stats.). Vacant mobile or
manufactured homes held by the manufactured or mobile home community operator, that is not a licensed dealer
are taxable or subject to a monthly municipal permit fee.
4. Recreational motor homes
State law (sec. 70.112(5), Wis. Stats.), exempts motor vehicles from property taxation. This statute exempts items
such as Winnebago motor homes, Ford campers, and other motorized vehicles known as RVs. Licensed vehicles
and trailers are not considered mobile homes or manufactured homes.
5. Garages, sheds, and other freestanding structures determined to be real property are
assessed as:
Real estate
Assessor determines what is an addition and attachment
C. Monthly municipal mobile home permit fee
State law (sec. 70.112(7), Wis. Stats.), exempts from property taxation every mobile home unit subject to a monthly
parking municipal permit fee. According to state law, a municipality may enact an ordinance to collect a mobile
home or manufactured home parking monthly municipal permit fee from all units located within the municipality
except for:
Mobile homes or manufactured homes that are improvements to real property as dened in sec. 70.17(3), Wis.
Stats. Recreational mobile homes and camping trailers per sec. 70.111(19), Wis. Stats.
Recreational mobile homes located in campgrounds licensed under sec. 97.67, Wis. Stats.
Mobile homes located on land where the principal residence home owner is located per sec. 66.0435(9), Wis. Stats.
Vacant units that have been repossessed by the nancial institution are not subject to municipal parking fee
under sec. 66.0435(3)(c)9, Wis. Stats., "No monthly municipal permit fee may be imposed on a nancial institution,
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Wisconsin Department of Revenue
as dened in sec. 69.30(1)(b), Wis. Stats., that relates to a vacant unit that has been repossessed by the nancial
D. Mobile home assessment appeals
The mobile home or manufactured home owner may appeal the assessment by appearing at the BOR and
presenting sworn testimony as to its true and correct market value. This applies to a mobile home or manufactured
home whether it is assessed as real estate, or subject to the monthly municipal permit fee.
E. Mobile home exemption disputes
Disputes concerning exemption issues are not heard at the BOR. Property owners contesting exemption status may
le a claim of unlawful tax with the municipality by January 31 of the year in which the tax is payable, under state
law (sec. 74.35, Wis. Stats.). If the municipality rejects the claim, a direct appeal may be made to circuit court of the
county in which the property is located.
F. Overview of manufactured and mobile home unit property taxes
Unit per
Subject to
General Property Tax
Subject to
Municipal Permit Fee
Unit of any size including
Yes Yes, as real property No
Meets denition in 66.0435
and real property in 70.17(3)
Unit of any size including
additions still on wheels
Yes, as real property unless
subject to permit fee
Yes, if located in
municipality with
66.0435 permit fee
Meets denition in 66.0435
and real property in 70.17(3).
Subject to permit fee if in
66.0435 community; if subject
to fee, exempt from property
tax under 70.112(7)
Recreational mobile
home or vehicle no larger
than 400 square feet
designed to be towed
and used as temporary
living quarters
Exempt under 70.111(19)(b) to
include steps and a platform,
not exceeding 50 square feet
leading to a doorway of a
recreational mobile home, does
not apply to any other addition,
attachment, deck, or patio
No, by 66.0435(3)(c)
Meets denition in 66.0435(1)
(hm); and is exempt from
property tax under 70.111(19)
(b); exempt from permit fee
under 66.0435(3)(c).
Camping trailer designed
to expand into a tent
with built-in space for
mattress and other
No Exempt under 70.111(19)(a) No, by 66.0435(3)(c)
"Pop-up" trailer meets
denition of camping trailer
in 340.01(6m) as trailer
with collapsible or folding
structure towed on the
Twin-section units
transported on wheels
or dolly and assembled
on site
No Yes No
Not a unit under 66.0435.
Assessable if determined real
Buses or vans No Exempt under 70.112(5) No
Motor vehicle exempt from
property tax under 70.112(5)
Vacant unit held for sale
by a dealer
No No No
Considered merchant’s stock
under 70.111(17)
See Chapter 18 of the Wisconsin Property Assessment Manual for additional information.
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Wisconsin Department of Revenue
VII. Equalized Value
An equalized value is the estimated value of all taxable property in a taxation district, by class, as of January 1
and certied by DOR on August 15 of each year. The value represents market value (most probable selling price),
except for agricultural property, which is based on its use (ability to generate agriculture) and agricultural forest and
undeveloped lands, which are based on 50% of their full value.
It is necessary for DOR to determine an equalized value for each taxing jurisdiction. Equalized values are needed
since property is assessed in dierent taxing districts at dierent percentages of market value. Uniform values
are called equalized values because local levels of assessment are equalized and all non-agricultural property are
valued on an equal basis, 100% of full taxable value.
Note: The assessed value is important for maintaining equity among individual taxpayers within the municipality
while the equalized value maintains equity between municipalities and counties.
A. Uses of equalized value
Equalized values are used for apportioning county property taxes, public school taxes, vocational school taxes and
for distributing property tax relief. Apportioning is the process of dividing the tax levies for each taxing jurisdiction
among all municipalities containing territory in the jurisdiction, based on each district’s total value. For example, a
state levy is apportioned among all municipalities in the state; an individual countys levy among all municipalities
in the county; and a school levy among the municipalities in the school district.
The value of all property in dierent municipalities (but in the same taxing jurisdiction) must be known to calculate
how much of the total tax levy to apportion to each municipality. The values determined by local assessors cannot
be used to apportion levies among dierent municipalities. To do so would violate the rule of uniformity, since the
assessed values are not comparable among municipalities, whereas the equalized values are all at market value.
Example – this mathematical example helps show how equalized values are used:
County has within its borders three primary assessment districts: town, city and village
County wishes to levy a property tax of $40,000
Since the county has no assessment roll of its own, it will apportion the total levy among the three primary
assessment districts by sending a bill to each of them
Assessed and equalized value of three primary assessment districts and the county are shown below
Assessed Value
% to County Total
of Assessed Value
Full Value or
Equalized Value
% to County Total
of Equalized Value
Ratio of Assessed
to Equalized Value
Town 2,100,000 28.4% 2,000,000 25.0% 105.0%
City 4,500,000 60.8% 5,000,000 62.5% 90.0%
Village 800,000 10.8% 1,000,000 12.5% 80.0%
County Total $ 7,400,000 100.0% $ 8,000,000 100.0%
Since the county levy is a levy on property, the most logical way to apportion that levy among the districts is
according to the proportionate amount of property in each district.
If the assessed values were used, the apportionment of the county levy would be:
Town 28.4% of $40,000 = $ 11,360
City 60.8% of $40,000 = $ 24,320
Village 10.8% of $40,000 = $ 4,320
Total County Levy $ 40,000
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Wisconsin Department of Revenue
By using the equalized values, the apportionment of the county levy is changed substantially:
Town 25.0% of $40,000 = $ 10,000
City 62.5% of $40,000 = $ 25,000
Village 12.5% of $40,000 = $ 5,000
Total County Levy $ 40,000
While the example relates only to the apportionment of the county tax, the apportionment of school tax, sanitary
districts and other apportionments follow a similar pattern. There are over 100 statutory uses of equalized values.
B. Assessment compliance
Under state law (sec. 70.05(5)(b), Wis. Stats.), each municipality must assess all major classes of property within
10% of full value in the same year, at least once within a ve-year period. A 'major class' of property is dened
as a property class that includes more than 10% of the full value of the taxation district. If a municipality is non-
compliant after four consecutive years, DOR must notify the municipality of its non-compliance status. DOR issues
the municipality a second non-compliance notice after ve consecutive years of non-compliance, and issues an
order for supervised assessment after six consecutive years of non-compliance.
C. Full value law (sec. 70.05(5), Wis. Stats.)
An example of how DOR monitors compliance under the six-year cycle.
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 – First notice of non-compliance
The municipality has been non-compliant for four consecutive years, DOR issues the rst notice of non-
compliance by November 1, 2021.
2022 – Second notice of non-compliance
The municipality has been non-compliant for ve consecutive years, DOR issues the second notice of non-
compliance by November 1, 2022.
2023 – Order for supervised assessment
The municipality has been non-compliant for six consecutive years, DOR issues an order for a state supervised
assessment by November 1, 2023.
2024 – DOR supervises a revaluation
State supervised assessment completed.
VIII. Reassessment/Revaluation
The term reassessment, under state law (sec. 70.75, Wis. Stats.), means to completely redo the assessment roll. After
receiving a petition, DOR may order a reassessment of all (or any part) of the taxable property in a municipality if its
investigation determines the assessments are not in compliance with the law. DOR appoints one or more persons
to prepare a new assessment roll. The assessment roll, after completion by the appointed person(s), is substituted
for the original assessment roll. The municipality pays all expenses connected with a reassessment.
A revaluation is done by the assessor when the property records are outdated or inaccurate, assessment uniformity
is poor, a full revaluation hasn’t been done for 10 years, or reassessment is required under state law (sec. 70.75, Wis.
Stats.). A full revaluation includes on-site inspections (interior and exterior), measuring and listing all buildings,
taking photos, and sketching buildings.
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A. Initiating a reassessment
Under state law (sec. 70.75, Wis. Stats.), except in rst-class cities (Milwaukee), the owners of at least 5% of the
assessed value of all property in the municipality may submit a written petition to DOR for a reassessment of
the municipality. The basis of the petition must be that the property assessment in the taxation district is not in
compliance with the law and the public interest will be promoted by a reassessment. A petition for reassessment
may be obtained from the Equalization Bureau District Supervisor. The district supervisor can also answer any
questions you may have about circumstances of a potential sec. 70.75, Wis. Stats. petition. It is not necessary for
property owners to have appeared at the BOR to petition for a reassessment.
1. Reassessment details
For a reassessment, the assessment roll in question would be completely redone. The property owners do not have
to appear at the BOR to petition for a reassessment.
DOR holds a public hearing once a petition is veried to contain at least 5% of the assessed value of all property in
the municipality. The public hearing provides property owners and municipal ocials an opportunity to present
evidence for or against a reassessment.
2. DOR investigates the assessment and can:
Order a reassessment
Order special supervision of succeeding assessments
Deny the petition
Dismiss the petition
See DOR’s Guide for 70.75 Reassessments for more information.
B. Supervised assessment
A supervised assessment is an alternative to a reassessment. Under state law (sec. 70.75(3), Wis. Stats.), one or
more persons are appointed by DOR to assist the assessor in making the assessment for the following year. DOR
supervises the assessment work. The municipality pays all costs involved in a supervised assessment. A supervised
assessment is very similar to a revaluation under sec. 70.055, Wis. Stats., in that new assessment records and
assessed values are created. The previous year’s assessment roll is not aected.
C. Initiating a revaluation
1. A complete revaluation of all taxable property within a municipality is periodically
necessary. There may be several reasons for this, including:
Current assessment was not made in substantial compliance with the law
Inequities may exist within property classes
Inequities may exist between property classes
Governing body may want updated records to show the physical characteristics of all its taxable property
Governing body may want an original inventory of all its taxable property
When inequities happen, some property owners are paying more than their fair share of the property taxes and
some are paying less. A complete reassessment or revaluation may be the only remedy. Most property owners are
willing to pay the expenses of a revaluation to be assured that all are paying their fair share of property taxes.
Property owners fear that taxes will go up if a revaluation is done. This may or may not be the case. Taxes are
directly tied to the amount of money that the municipality needs to collect. This is called the levy. If the total levy
remains the same, only those properties that are not presently paying their fair share of the tax burden will pay
more taxes after a revaluation. Properties presently paying more than their fair share will pay less.
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Another area that property owners question is the tax rate. If the assessed values established by a revaluation are
greater than they were before and the tax levy is the same, then the tax rate will be less. For example, if the tax levy
remains unchanged and the total assessed value of the taxation district is doubled, the tax rate will be cut in half.
2. Before/after revaluation
Before: Levy/(Total Assessed Value) = $200,000/$4,000,000 = .05 or 5%
After: Levy/(Total Assessed Value)=$200,000/$8,000,000= .025 or 2.5%
D. Trespassing and Revaluation Notice
State law lists the following requirements before entry onto private property or a construction site (not including
buildings, agricultural land or pasture, or livestock connement areas) is allowed, once per year (assessment cycle),
for property tax assessment purposes unless the property owner authorizes additional visits:.
1. Requirements
Purpose – reason for the entry must be to make an assessment on behalf of the state or a political subdivision
Date – entry must be on a weekday during daylight hours, or at another time as agreed upon with the property
Duration – assessors visit must not be more than one hour
Scope – assessor must not open doors, enter through open doors, or look into windows of structures
Notice – if the property owner or occupant is not present, the assessor must leave a notice on the principal
building providing the owner information on how to contact them
2. Denial of entry
The assessor may not enter the premises if they received a notice from the property owner or occupant denying them
entry. The assessor must leave if the property owner or occupant asks them to leave. (sec. 943.15(1m)(f), Wis. Stats.)
If a reasonable written request (see Notication Process with Request to View Property Notice) to view the property
is refused, the assessor should not enter the property. The assessor may seek a special inspection warrant to view
the property, if necessary. The assessment should be based on the best information available – recent sale of the
subject or comparable properties, building permits, or previous viewings.
Notication must be published or posted before an assessor begins a revaluation. State law (sec. 70.05(5)(b), Wis.
Stats.) provides that before a city, village or town assessor conducts a property revaluation, the city, village or
town must publish a notice on its municipal website stating a revaluation will occur, listing the approximate dates.
The notice should describe the assessor’s authority to enter land, under secs. 943.13 and 943.15, Wis. Stats. If a
municipality does not have a website, it must post the required information in at least three public places within
the city, village or town.
The city, village or town should provide links to the above noted statutory references, so persons visiting the
website can click those links and review the statutes.
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Wisconsin Department of Revenue
E. Sample Revaluation Notice
A revaluation of property assessments in the (municipality) shall occur for the (year) assessment year. The approximate
dates of the revaluation notices being sent to property owners is expected to be in (month/year). Please also notice that
the Assessor has certain statutory authority to enter land as described in state law (secs. 943.13 and 943.15, Wis. Stats.).
The ability to enter land is subject to several qualications and limitations, as described within the foregoing statutes.
Copies of the applicable statutes can be obtained at public depositories throughout the State of Wisconsin, and from
the Wisconsin State Legislature website or a copy may be obtained from the municipal clerk upon payment of applicable
copying charges.
F. Assessment roll
Each property is described in books called “assessment rolls” that are open for examination at the clerks or
assessors oce during regular oce hours. You may also view properties other than your own.
Assessment roll contains the following for each property:
Parcel number (also appears on tax bill)
Property owner’s name and address
Legal description of the property
Assessed values, by class
G. Assessment questions
Contact your assessor if you have questions about your assessment:
When you meet with your assessor, review your property records and discuss how your assessment was made
Assessors maintain a record of your property, which includes a physical description and information on how
your assessment was developed
These property records are considered open records, which means the public has the right to inspect them. This
right does not include information gathered under a pledge of condentiality or where access is restricted by law.
You may also view the records for other properties
Discussing your assessment with the assessor may eliminate the need for a formal appeal to the BOR
H. Open Book
Attend the Open Book if you are unable to meet with your assessor – highly recommended
Open Book refers to a period of time (before BOR begins) when the completed assessment roll is open for
This period of time is an opportunity to discuss your property value with the assessor and provide reason for
changing the value, if appropriate
Assessor must be present for at least two hours while the assessment roll is open
State law (sec. 70.45, Wis. Stats.), requires the municipal clerk (or commissioner of assessments in rst class cities)
to publish or post a notice specifying the open book date(s) at least 15 days (30 days in revaluation years when
combining the Open Book and BOR notices) before the rst day the assessment roll is open for examination
Instructional materials on appealing your assessment to the BOR should be available at the open book
At Open Book, the assessor is allowed to make any changes that are necessary to perfect the assessment roll
When Open Book ends, any changes to the assessment roll (your property value) requires formal process in
front of the Board of Review or circuit court
Board of Review starts a minimum of seven days after the assessment roll is open for examination (Open Book)
under state law (sec. 70.45, Wis. Stats.) (sec. 70.47(1), Wis . Stats .)
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I. Appealing your assessment
If you disagree with your assessment, under state law (sec. 70.47, Wis. Stats.), you may appeal the assessment.
The BOR is the rst step in the appeal process (except for appeals to properties in cities with a Board of Assessors
(BOA) (see below). There is a local BOR for all property assessed by the local assessor. The Wisconsin Department of
Revenues BOA reviews manufacturing property assessed by the state assessors.
You may also appeal the property classication since it aects the assessed value of land classied as agricultural,
undeveloped, and agricultural forest.
Mobile home or manufactured homeowners may appeal their assessment by appearing at the BOR and presenting
sworn testimony as to its true and correct market value. This applies to a mobile home or manufactured home
whether it is assessed as real estate, or subject to the monthly municipal permit fee.
The property owner cannot appeal to the circuit court under an action for certiorari or to DOR under state law (sec.
70.85, Wis. Stats.), unless the property owner rst appears before the BOR.
Sources of information are listed below
Propertys assessed value is recorded in the assessment roll and is shown on your tax bill
Purchase price is usually the best evidence of market value if you have recently purchased the property
Sale price of other property comparable to yours is the next best evidence of market value
Professionally prepared appraisal is a reliable estimate of market value
Assessment level of the taxation district – to view, contact the assessor
Estimated fair market value of your property (determined by dividing your assessment by the assessment level)
is shown on your tax bill
IX. Board of Assessors (BOA)
A. Cities with a BOA
Most Wisconsin cities do not have a BOA. You should call the city assessor or clerk if you are not certain whether
your municipality has a BOA.
Only rst-class cities (Milwaukee) – are required to have a BOA
Second-class cities – may decide to provide a BOA
B. BOA information
BOA consists of members of the assessors sta
BOA investigates assessment complaints
BOA is an intermediate step in the appeal process to ease the burden on the BOR. Depending on the nature of
the complaint, the BOA may review the assessors records, talk to you directly and inspect your property.
You are required to complete an Objection Form for Real Property Assessment (PA-115A) to initiate a BOA
review. You must answer all the questions on the form and provide all the information relating to the propertys
value, including:
» Purchase price of your property
» Your opinion of market value
» Basis for your opinion
BOA will notify you of its decision. The time period required for you to receive notication will vary depending
on the workload. Once you receive notication, you have 15 days to provide a notice of intent in writing to
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the commissioner of assessments (rst-class cities) or city assessor (second-class cities) requesting to provide
testimony at the Board of Review (BOR). As previously stated, you must complete a Board of Review Objection
Form (PA-115A) before appearing at the BOR.
If your municipality does not have a BOA and you feel your assessment is incorrect, your formal appeal begins
with the BOR
X. Board of Review (BOR)
A. Requirements to appeal an assessment to the BOR
If you intend to le an objection, you must provide the BOR clerk with written or oral notice of intent to le
an objection at least 48 hours before the rst scheduled BOR meeting (or, for a late BOR, the rst scheduled
meeting after the roll is complete) under sec. 70.47(7)(a), Wis. Stats. There is no specic form for your notice.
» BOR may waive the 48-hour notice deadline if it is shown good cause and you submit objection form
(PA-115A) prior to or during the rst two hours of the BOR’s rst scheduled meeting, the BOR may waive the
48-hour notice requirement
» You must le a completed written and signed Objection Form for Real Property Assessment (PA-115A) with
the BOR clerk prior to or during the rst two hours of the BOR’s rst scheduled meeting (or the rst scheduled
meeting after the roll is complete for late BORs)
» You must object to the property’s total value
» If an improved parcel, you cannot object to only the land value or only the improvement value
» Objection forms are available from the local clerk or on DOR’s State Prescribed Forms web page
BOR may also waive the requirement up to the end of the fth day of the BOR session if you submit proof of
extraordinary circumstances for failing to appear during the rst two hours of the rst scheduled meeting. Sec.
70.47(3)(ak), Wis. Stats., allows the BOR to waive the notice of intent and objection form to the end of the fth day
BOR is responsible for raising and lowering any incorrect valuations and for correcting any errors in the roll.
Note: BOR’s function is not one of valuation, but of deciding if the facts presented, under oath before the BOR, are
valid. All deliberations must be done in open session and the BOR is required to decide each objection by a roll call
vote. If the BOR votes to change an assessment, it must state on the record the amount of the correct assessment
and that the correct assessment is reasonable in light of all relevant evidence received. A Notice of Board of Review
Determination (PR-302) should be sent to property owners as the BOR completes its work.
B. BOR members
Generally, the BOR consists of municipal ocials. In rst-class cities and in all other towns, cities and villages who
pass an ordinance to that eect, the BOR may consist of ve to nine residents of the town, city or village. In most
cases, the municipal clerk also functions as the BOR clerk.
A BOR may not convene unless it includes at least one voting member who attended a BOR training session prior
to the BOR’s rst meeting. Note: Eective 2022, at least one BOR member must complete BOR training each year
under sec. 70.46(4), Wis. Stats.
Each year, the municipal clerk must provide an adavit to DOR stating whether the member training requirement
is fullled.
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Wisconsin Department of Revenue
C. BOR details
1. BOR is required by law to meet
Each year, during the 45-day period beginning with the fourth Monday in April, but no sooner than seven days
after Open Book. In towns and villages, the BOR meets at the town or village hall, or some other place designated
by the town or village board. If there is no hall, it meets at the clerk’s oce. In towns, it meets in the location the
last annual town meeting was held. In cities, it meets at the council chamber or some other place designated
by the council. In Milwaukee it meets at a place designated by the tax commissioner. All BOR meetings and
deliberations must be publicly held and open to all citizens at all times.
If the assessment roll is not completed, the BOR will adjourn to some future date. At least 15 days (30 days in
revaluation years) before the rst meeting of the BOR, the BOR’s clerk must publish a class 1 notice; post a notice in
at least three public places and place a notice on the door of the town, village or city hall announcing the time and
place of the rst meeting. These notices must also contain the requirements for objecting to an assessment under
state law (sec. 70.47(7) (aa) and (ac) to (af), Wis. Stats.).
2. Holding a BOR
The BOR operates like a court; it hears evidence from you and the assessor before making a decision. The BOR can
act only on sworn evidence presented at the hearing.
During the rst two hours of the BOR’s rst meeting, the assessment roll and other assessment data are open for
examination. The BOR must establish a time for hearing each properly led objection. At least a 48-hour notice
of the hearing time must be given to the objector or the objectors attorney, and to the municipal attorney and
assessor. When all parties are present and waive the notice, the hearing may be held immediately.
State law allows the BOR to waive the BOR hearing for the property owner to appeal directly to the circuit court.
The BOR determines whether it will waive the BOR hearing. Contact the municipal clerk if you would like to appeal
directly to the circuit court.
State law requirements include:
Prohibiting a person scheduled to appear before the BOR from contacting or providing information to any BOR
member about their objection
Providing a notice to the BOR’s clerk at least 48 hours before the rst BOR meeting, stating whether the objector
is asking for removal of a board member from hearing the appeal, identifying the person to be removed and
estimating the length of time of the hearing
Requiring the objector, when appearing before the BOR, to specify (in writing) an estimate of the propertys
land and improvement value and to specify the information used to arrive at that estimate
Prohibiting a person from appearing before the BOR if the person or the assessor valued the property using
the income approach unless the owner supplies the assessor with all the income and expense information the
assessor requests
State law (sec. 70.47(7)(aa), Wis. Stats.) provides that the BOR may deny a hearing to a property owner who
does not allow the assessor to complete an exterior view. However, the Wisconsin Supreme Court expressed
due process concerns regarding a similarly worded statute in Milewski v. Town of Dover, 2017 WI 79, 377 Wis. 2d
38, 899 N.W.2d 303. It is DOR’s recommendation to allow a BOR hearing even if the property owner denied an
interior or exterior view. The lack of access to view, and the credibility of evidence oered can be managed as an
evidentiary issue at a BOR hearing, rather than denying access to the BOR.
3. BOR must correct any assessment errors
The BOR examines the roll and corrects all apparent errors in descriptions or calculations (inadvertently or
otherwise), and adds any omitted property to the roll. The BOR must notify the property owners concerned and
hold hearings before omitted property can be added to the assessment roll and before any other lawful changes
can be made.
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4. BOR cannot address tax issues
The BOR can only hear evidence relating to the assessment or value of your property. The BOR will not hear
evidence or act if your concern is that your taxes are too high.
5. BOR can question accuracy of a property assessment
State law makes no provision for you to appeal another individual’s property assessment. However, if the BOR has
reason to question the accuracy of a property assessment, which is not appealed, the BOR has the authority to
schedule a hearing to review the assessment. The BOR must notify the owner or agent of its intent to review the
assessment, and provide the date, time and place of the hearing. The hearing must be conducted according to the
procedure established in state law (sec. 70.47(8), Wis. Stats.). The BOR may then adjust the assessment based on the
evidence before them.
6. Removal of a BOR member
a. Objectors can remove a BOR member (except in rst- and second-class cities), if either of
these conditions apply:
Person objecting to his/her assessment requests the removal of a BOR member for any reason – only one
member may be removed for this reason
Member must show bias or prejudice (ex: a separate pending court action)
BOR members may be removed for other reasons. A municipality must remove any BOR member who has
a conict of interest under a municipality ordinance in regard to the objection. An interested party can also
remove a BOR member for bias when submitting an adavit that states the nature of the bias or prejudice. In
addition, any BOR member who violates the code of ethics for local government ocials under state law (sec.
19.59, Wis. Stats.), by hearing an objection shall recuse himself or herself from the hearing.
b. Request must be made at:
The time the objector provides his/her written or oral notice of intent to le an objection
At least 48 hours before the rst scheduled BOR meeting or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if
the BOR waived the 48-hour notice requirement
The notice must identify the member(s) to be removed.
D. Providing information to the BOR
State law allows the BOR to accept sworn written statements or testimony by telephone from property owners.
The BOR determines whether it accepts information in writing or over the phone. Contact the municipal clerk to
determine if the BOR accepts these forms of information.
The BOR can accept testimony by telephone, upon oath, from all ill or disabled persons. You must be prepared to
present to the BOR a letter from your physician, surgeon, or osteopath conrming your illness or disability. This
letter should be led with your objection form. You may designate a personal representative to appear before the
BOR on your behalf. You must submit a completed agent authorization request with the objection form.
1. Testimony at hearing
Keep in mind, the assessor’s value and classication are presumed correct. You should not make the mistake of
comparing your assessment to other properties. To have the assessment reduced, you must prove the property
is over assessed compared to sales in the municipality. To have the classication changed, you must prove the
property is not classied according to its predominant use.
Under state law (sec. 70.47(7)(ae), Wis. Stats.), if you are planning to protest an assessment, you must provide
the BOR, in writing, your estimate of the land value and all improvements you are objecting . You must specify
the information you used to arrive at that estimate. You should have information on the market value of your
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
non-agricultural property, including: a recent arms length sale of your property and recent sales of comparable
properties. Other factors include: size and location of the lot, size and age of the building, original cost,
depreciation and obsolescence, zoning restrictions and income potential, presence or absence of various building
components; and any other factors or conditions aecting the property’s market value.
The BOR allows sucient time for the assessor and the objector to present information. The assessor can also
request the BOR to subpoena witnesses to provide sworn testimony.
If you are ling an objection to valuation, you must submit your written objection form before the rst meeting or
during the rst two hours (except, with proof of extraordinary circumstances, an objection may be led up to the
end of the 5th day of the BOR session). The BOR must establish a time for hearing each properly led objection.
At least a 48-hour notice of the hearing time must be given to the objector or the objectors attorney, and to the
municipal attorney and assessor. When all parties are present and waive the notice, the hearing may be held
2. Witnesses/assessor
Property owner may have witnesses or experts provide sworn testimony on his/her behalf
Witnesses and experts must be prepared to provide documentation of their testimony
After you present your evidence and answer any questions, it is the assessors turn to present evidence. The
assessor presents evidence to support the assessment and answers questions from BOR members. You will also
have an opportunity to ask the assessor questions.
E. Appeal a BOR decision
A property owner has two ways to appeal a BOR decision. One is appealing to the circuit court under state law (sec.
70.47(13), Wis. Stats.), and the other is appealing to DOR under sec. 70.85, Wis. Stats. If a number of property owners
feel there are severe inequities in the entire assessment roll, they may appeal for a reassessment of the entire
municipality under sec. 70.75, Wis. Stats. (see 70.75 Reassessment Guide).
1. Appeal BOR decision to circuit court
Under state law (sec. 70.47(13), Wis. Stats.), you may appeal a BOR determination by action of certiorari (a court
order to review the written record of the hearing) to the circuit court. The court will not issue an order unless an
appeal is made to the circuit court within 90 days after the you receive notication from the BOR and pay the ling
fee. You must clearly state the improper action of the BOR and cannot submit new evidence. There is no trial for the
appeal to the circuit court, and may not even be a hearing. The court decides the case based solely on the written
record made at the BOR.
There are several limits on the circuit court’s review of the BOR
Circuit court must presume rightful action by the BOR. The valuation placed on the property is presumed
correct and binding on the BOR in the absence of evidence showing it to be incorrect.
BOR’s determination will be upheld if there is any substantial basis for it
If the taxpayer pursues certiorari review, the circuit courts review is limited solely to review of the BOR record.
The circuit court cannot conduct its own factual inquiry or admit any new evidence. On certiorari review,
the circuit court can consider "(1) whether the BOR’s acted within its jurisdiction; (2) whether the BOR acted
according to law; (3) whether the BOR’s action was arbitrary, oppressive or unreasonable, representing its will
rather than its judgment; and (4) whether the evidence was such that the BOR might reasonably make the order
or determination in question." (see Waste Management of Wisconsin Inc. v. Kenosha County Board of Review, 184
Wis.2d 541 (1994))
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
2. Appeal BOR decision to DOR
You may le an appeal to DOR under state law (sec. 70.85, Wis. Stats.), for the current year only, and only if you
contested the property assessment for that year to the BOR.
a. Appealing a BOR decision under state law (sec. 70.85, Wis. Stats.)
DOR must receive a written complaint (letter) within 20 days after delivery of the BOR determination
or within 30 days after the mailing date on the clerk’s adavit (if there is no return receipt). This date is
specied in the BOR Clerks adavit according to state law (sec. 70.47(12), Wis. Stats.).
This appeal process requires a non-refundable $100 ling fee
It is not available for properties with an assessed value over $1 million or properties located in rst-class
cities (Milwaukee)
DOR may revalue the property any time before November 1 of the assessment year or within 60 days after
receiving the appeal, whichever is later. If adjusted, the value is substituted for the original value and taxes
are paid accordingly.
b. Submit complaint letter to DOR
State that letter is an appeal to DOR under state law (sec. 70.85, Wis. Stats.)
Include name of the county and municipality (township, village, city) where the property is located
Include your name, mailing address and phone number
$100 ling fee – make check payable to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Send to the appropriate DOR Equalization Bureau District Oce
c. DOR appeal information
10% threshold – DOR may not change an assessment determined to be within 10% of the general
assessment level of all other property in the municipality, or the property’s value exceeds $1,000,000 as
determined by the BOR
DOR will hold an informal conference with the property owner and the assessor where each may present
- If DOR feels adequate evidence was presented during the conference, it will make a decision
- If DOR does not feel it has adequate evidence, DOR will investigate the appeal. Once the investigation is
completed, DOR will make a decision.
DOR may revalue the property any time before November 1 of the assessment year or within 60 days after
receiving the appeal, whichever is later. If adjusted, the value is substituted for the original value and taxes
paid accordingly.
DORs decision may be appealed by an action for certiorari in the circuit court of the county where the
property is located
DOR may revalue the property and equalize the assessment without the intervention of the BOR, if the
revaluation can be accomplished before November 1 of the assessment year or within 60 days of the receipt of
the written complaint, whichever is later. If DOR adjusts the value, it is substituted for the original value in the
assessment and tax rolls, and taxes are calculated and paid accordingly. You may appeal DOR’s decision, by an
action for certiorari, in the circuit court of the county where the property is located.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
F. Flowchart of the assessment appeal process
If you are not satised with your assessment, then consider the following assessment appeal process:
Discuss your
assessment with the
Do you still wish to
Does your
community have a
Board of Assessors?
Appeal to the Board
of Assessors
Continue Appeal?
Appeal to the Board
of Review
Continue Appeal?
Next avenue of
(2 options)
Department of
s. 70.85
Circuit Court
s. 70.47(13)
Continue Appeal?
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
XI. Levy and Rates
The governing body of each town, village, city, county, school district and state, levies the total amount of tax to be
raised. However, it is the city, village or town that prepares the tax bill and collects the initial tax payment.
Each year the governing body of the city, village, town, county and school district adopts a budget for the
following year. To nance the expenditures in the budget, it totals all expected revenue sources (ex: state aids,
shared taxes, license fees, tuition). This amount is then subtracted from the estimated expenditure gure and the
remainder must be raised from the property tax. In the case of the forestation state tax, the levy is determined by
the state legislature and is applied in terms of a statewide rate ($.1697 per $1,000 of full value).
A. Property tax/base rate
There are two basic components in any tax, the base and the rate. Multiplying the base times the rate, determines
the tax amount. The base is the value of all taxable property in the district. The clerk calculates the rate after the
governing body of the town, village or city determines how much money must be raised from the property tax. In
Wisconsin, the town, village, or city treasurer collects property taxes for the municipality, the school, the county
and the state.
B. Tax rate
The tax rate is the rate necessary to raise sucient money from the property tax to meet the levy. The tax rate
is determined by dividing the total assessment of a district into the levy. The rate is often expressed in terms of
dollars per thousand.
Each municipality must raise the funds needed to operate its own functions in addition to its share of the funds
needed for the county and school district operations along with the state forestation tax. The total amount of the
levy must be divided by the total assessed value of the municipality to establish the tax rate.
Tax Rate= Levy/(Assessed Value)= $1,000,000/$25,000,000= .04
City of Badgerville 200,000
County levy 230,000
School district(s) 560,000
State (forestation) 10,000
Total Levy $ 1,000,000
This example shows that the City of Badgerville must raise a total levy of $1,000,000. The total assessed value of the
city of Badgerville is $25,000,000. Using these gures, the tax rate on property located within the city of Badgerville
would be .04 per dollar of assessed value. Badgerville’s tax rate is $40 per $1,000 of assessed value.
C. General property tax bill
Using the previous example, suppose you own a $50,000 home in the city of Badgerville that is assessed at $45,000.
All property in the city of Badgerville is being assessed at 90% of market value.
Your Tax = Your Assessed Value x Tax Rate
Your Tax = $45,000 x .04 = $1,800.00
State legislature provides for annual property tax relief. Your tax bill receipt from the City of
Badgerville shows:
General property tax 1,800.00
State credit 300.00 *
Balance Due $ 1,500.00
* Amount of state credit is determined by a statutory formula and
varies from year to year and from one tax district to another.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
D. School taxes
Education in Wisconsin through high school is nanced heavily by local revenues which in turn rely strongly on the
general property tax. Property tax is based on the propertys market value rather than benets received, and must
consequently fall uniformly on all taxable property.
XII. Collection
A. Property tax bills
Initial payments are made to local treasurers (or if later in the year, to the county treasurer). Municipalities turn a
sizable portion over to other governmental units (school, county).
State law requires a municipality to mail the property tax bill to the taxpayer or the taxpayers designee. If the tax
bill is mailed to the taxpayers designee, the designee must provide the taxpayer with a copy of the bill. State law
(sec. 74.09(5), Wis. Stats.) requires the clerk to distribute tax bills no later than the third Monday in December.
B. Payment of property taxes
This depends on the payment schedule your local government provides. Some municipalities allow payment in
more than two installments. State law provides the following payment schedule unless your local governing unit
enacted a dierent schedule. Be sure to check with your local clerk to ensure timely payment of your general
property taxes.
If you pay by installment, your rst payment is due by January 31; the second installment is due July 31
If your rst installment of real property taxes, or special assessments allowing an installment option is not
received by the proper ocial on or before ve working days after the due date of January 31, the entire
amount of the remaining unpaid taxes or special assessments is delinquent as of February 1
If your second (or any subsequent) installment payment of real property taxes, or special assessments allowing
an installment option is not received by the proper ocial on or before ve working days after the due date,
the entire amount of the remaining unpaid taxes or special assessments is delinquent as of the rst day of the
month after the payment is due and interest and penalties are due.
C. Interest on unpaid taxes
If you pay your taxes late, you must pay interest on the unpaid portion. This interest goes back to February 1 and
accumulates at the rate of 1% per month. In addition, some counties impose an additional penalty of 1.5% per
month. If you don’t pay your taxes at all, you may lose your property.
The sale or purchase of property may result in the tax bill not being sent to the correct property owner. Although
the municipality is required to mail the tax bill to the taxpayer or to the taxpayer’s designee, failure to receive the
tax bill does not relieve the taxpayer of the obligation to pay the tax or any interest penalty. After purchasing a
property, if you do not receive a tax bill, contact your municipality to ensure it changed its records showing you as
owner. If you receive a tax bill when you no longer own a property, contact the municipality and provide the new
owners name and address.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
D. Unlawful tax claim
1. Sec. 74.35, Wis. Stats. provides for the recovery of unlawful taxes under very specic
conditions. An unlawful tax occurs when one or more of the following errors are made:
Clerical error made in the property description or in the tax calculation
Assessment included real property improvements that did not exist on the January 1 assessment date
Property was exempt from taxation
Property was not located in the municipality
Double assessment was made
Arithmetic, transpositional or similar error occurred
Note: An unlawful tax does not include judgment questions about the valuation. The subjective valuation issues
must be addressed through the BOR appeal process.
2. You can recover unlawful taxes under state law (sec. 74.35, Wis. Stats.), by ling a claim
with your municipality. The claim must:
Be in writing
State the alleged circumstances for the claim
State the amount of the claim
Be signed by the claimant or the claimants agent
Be served to the municipal clerk
A claim for the recovery of unlawful taxes paid to the wrong municipality must be led within two years after the
last date specied for timely payment of the tax. All other claims for recovery of unlawful taxes must be led by
January 31 of the year the tax is payable. No claim may be made unless the tax, or any authorized payment of the
tax, is timely paid.
If the municipality approves the claim, payment must be made within 90 days after the claim is allowed.
E. Excessive assessment claim
Under state law (sec. 74.37, Wis. Stats.), you may le a claim to recover the amount of general property tax imposed
because the property assessment was excessive.
To le a claim on excessive assessment, you must rst appeal to the BOR (unless notice under sec. 70.365, Wis.
Stats., was not given). You must le the claim with the municipality by January 31 of the year the tax is payable
under sec. 74.35 or 74.37, Wis. Stats.
Claim must:
Be in writing
State the alleged circumstances for the claim
State the amount of the claim
Be signed by the claimant or the claimants agent
Be served to the municipal clerk
You cannot le a claim on excessive assessment if you appealed the BORs determination to DOR or to circuit court.
No claim may be made unless the tax is timely paid under state law (sec. 74.35 or 74.37, Wis. Stats.).
If the municipality approves the claim, payment must be made within 90 days after the claim is allowed.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
F. Denial of unlawful tax or excessive assessment claim
If the municipality denies the claim, it must notify you by certied or registered mail within 90 days after the claim
is led. You may appeal the decision to circuit court if you feel the decision is incorrect. You must appeal within 90
days after receiving notice that the claim is denied.
If the municipality does not act on the claim within 90 days, you have 90 days to appeal to circuit court.
XIII. Assistance with Property Taxes
If you have a property tax question, rst contact your local assessor. The assessor is familiar with your local area and
has a copy of the property tax state laws, the WPAM and other information.
For additional questions on property tax, contact the DOR Equalization Bureau District Oce in your area.
A. Homestead tax credit
Income based property tax credit program for homeowner and renters
Reduces the property tax burden through a direct payment to low and moderate income Wisconsin residents
Amount of the benet varies, depending on total household income and property tax liability
Renters count part of their rent as property taxes
For more information, contact:
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Homestead Credit Unit
PO Box 8906
Madison, WI 53708 8906
(608) 266 8641
B. Property tax deferral loan program
Provides loans to qualifying elderly homeowners to help pay for property taxes
Principal and interest are repaid when you transfer ownership of your home or move from your home
Loan becomes a lien against your property
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) operates this program
For more information, contact:
Property Tax Deferral Loan Program, WHEDA
PO Box 1728, Madison, WI 53701-1728
(800) 755-7835
C. Assistance for the elderly
Voluntary Income Tax Assistance information (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) information is
located on DOR’s website
VITA is listed by county. These sites are designed to work on income taxes. The program also assists individuals
who qualify for homestead credit or the earned income credit that helps with property taxes.
D. Property tax exemption for veterans
State of Wisconsin does not oer a property tax exemption for veterans
Department of Veterans Aairs administers the Wisconsin veterans and surviving spouses property tax credit
under state law (sec. 71.07(6e), Wis. Stats.)
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
» Property tax credit provides a refundable property tax credit to eligible Wisconsin veterans and eligible
surviving spouses
» To be eligible for the property tax credit, the law requires that the veteran was a Wisconsin resident at the
time of entry into active service or was a resident of this state for any consecutive ve-year period after entry
into active service
» For more information, contact:
Department of Veterans Aairs
2135 Rimrock Road
PO Box 7843
Madison, WI 53707-7843
1-800-WIS-VETS (947-8387)
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
XIV. Real Estate Property Tax Bill
Your real estate property tax bill lists more than just how much you owe. Your tax bill also contains information
about local spending, local assessment practices, state aids and credits to local governments, tax rate, special
purpose costs, and payment procedures.
Property tax bill example
Refer to the example property tax bill while reviewing the next few pages. Your property tax bill format may be
slightly dierent from the example bill, however, it will still contain the same information.
2024 Property Tax Bill
School taxes reduced by
school levy tax credit
Est. Fair Mkt. Land Est. Fair Mkt. Improvements Total Est. Fair Mkt.
Net Assessed Value Rate
(Does NOT reflect credits)
A Star in this box
means Unpaid Prior
Year Taxes
Assessed Value Land Ass'd. Value Improvements Total Assessed Value Ave. Assmt. Ratio
Est. State Aids Est. State Aids % Tax
Taxing Jurisdiction Allocated Tax Dist. Allocated Tax Dist. Net Tax
Net Tax
IMPORTANT: Correspondence should refer to tax number.
• See reverse side for important information.
• Be sure this description covers your property. This description is
for property tax bill only and may not be a full legal description.
PO Box 123
PARCEL # 12-116-0029-0000
Not part of the bill template.
Prints only on bills for property
located within a Drainage District.
Drainage District Notification: $
16,632 17,466 317.60 328.20 3.3%
116,684 117,737 183.29 183.32 .02%
659,459 569,823 1,220.87 1,188.45 -2.6%
SCH. DIST. #3150
20,283 22,326 150.06 173.21 15.4%
813,058 727,352 1,889.09 1,890.38 .01%
2023 2024 2023 2024
22,000 76,900 98,900
22,250 77,750 100,000
Check For Billing Address Change
Net Property Tax
Full Payment Due On or Before January 31
Second Installment Payment Payable To:
Make Check Payable to:
Or First Installment Due On or Before January 31
First Dollar Credit
Lottery & Gaming Credit
Net Property Tax
PA-686/2 (R. 8-22)
And Second Installment Due On Or Before July 31
Warning: If not paid by due dates, installment
option is lost and total tax is delinquent subject to
interest and, if applicable, penalty.
Failure to pay on time. See reverse.
PO Box 123
79.76 74.64 -6.4%
105.56 121.08 14.7%
1,703.77 1,694.66 -0.5%
GARBAGE 359.02
Prop 076 (R. 12-13) pgs. 6-7 PDF used as clipart inserts for redesigned publication
FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY – Voter-Approved Temporary Tax Increases
Total Total Additional Taxes Year
Taxing Jurisdiction Additional Taxes Applied to Property Increase Ends
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
1. Property tax year
A property tax bill delivered to you in December applies for the property tax in that same year. Payment is due in
full by January 31. This due date does not indicate that the payment is for the next year property tax assessment.
Property tax bills are always sent out in the year in which they apply.
2. Local assessment practices
Bill and Sue Homeowners land assessment and the home and other buildings assessment on the land are added
together for the total assessment. The total assessed value is estimated by the local assessor. DOR calculated
the average assessment ratio of the village of Badger as a percentage. When an average assessment ratio is
considerably above or below 100% (or 1.0), a community-wide reassessment may be forthcoming. State law
requires average assessment ratios to be within 10% of market value, that is, between 90% and 110% once every
ve years. This requirement promotes tax fairness. When community assessments are not regularly updated to
reect changes in the real estate market, unfair taxation can result. As properties increase in value at dierent
rates, some property owners pay too much in tax and others pay too little. The total estimated fair market value is
calculated by dividing the total assessed value by the average assessment ratio. Property taxes are levied on the
total assessed value, not the total estimated fair market value.
3. Use-value assessment of agricultural land
Note: If a parcel contains farmland assessed according to its use-value as agricultural land, the estimated fair
market land and total estimated fair market value cannot be estimated using the average assessment ratio and,
therefore, will not be shown.
4. Unpaid prior taxes
Owners with a star in the box noting unpaid prior year taxes should contact the county treasurer to resolve this issue.
5. Net assessed value rate
The net assessed value rate is the same as dollars per $1000 of assessed property value. The net assessed value rate
is calculated by adding each taxing jurisdictions mill rate less the state credit.
6. Credit to local government
Part of the state credit consists of a school levy tax credit.
2024 Property Tax Bill
School taxes reduced by
school levy tax credit
Est. Fair Mkt. Land Est. Fair Mkt. Improvements Total Est. Fair Mkt.
Net Assessed Value Rate
(Does NOT reflect credits)
A Star in this box
means Unpaid Prior
Year Taxes
Assessed Value Land Ass'd. Value Improvements Total Assessed Value Ave. Assmt. Ratio
Est. State Aids Est. State Aids % Tax
Taxing Jurisdiction Allocated Tax Dist. Allocated Tax Dist. Net Tax
Net Tax
IMPORTANT: • Correspondence should refer to tax number.
• See reverse side for important information.
• Be sure this description covers your property. This description is
for property tax bill only and may not be a full legal description.
PO Box 123
PARCEL # 12-116-0029-0000
Not part of the bill template.
Prints only on bills for property
located within a Drainage District.
Drainage District Notification: $
16,632 17,466 317.60 328.20 3.3%
116,684 117,737 183.29 183.32 .02%
659,459 569,823 1,220.87 1,188.45 -2.6%
SCH. DIST. #3150
20,283 22,326 150.06 173.21 15.4%
813,058 727,352 1,889.09 1,890.38 .01%
2023 2024 2023 2024
22,000 76,900 98,900
22,250 77,750 100,000
Check For Billing Address Change
Net Property Tax
Full Payment Due On or Before January 31
Second Installment Payment Payable To:
Make Check Payable to:
Or First Installment Due On or Before January 31
First Dollar Credit
Lottery & Gaming Credit
Net Property Tax
PA-686/2 (R. 8-22)
And Second Installment Due On Or Before July 31
Warning: If not paid by due dates, installment
option is lost and total tax is delinquent subject to
interest and, if applicable, penalty.
Failure to pay on time. See reverse.
PO Box 123
79.76 74.64 -6.4%
105.56 121.08 14.7%
1,703.77 1,694.66 -0.5%
GARBAGE 359.02
Prop 076 (R. 12-13) pgs. 6-7 PDF used as clipart inserts for redesigned publication
FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY – Voter-Approved Temporary Tax Increases
Total Total Additional Taxes Year
Taxing Jurisdiction Additional Taxes Applied to Property Increase Ends
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
7. Local spending
Bill and Sue Homeowner live in Badger, Wisconsin where ve taxing jurisdictions exist (state, county, village, school
district, technical college). Common taxing jurisdictions include the state of Wisconsin (forestation tax), county,
municipality (city, village, or town), local public schools, technical college, and sanitary district. Other districts may
also be listed on your property tax bill.
8. State aids and credits to local governments
Wisconsin is almost unique among the states in terms of the amount of taxes raised at the state level, but spent at
the local level. Bill and Sue Homeowner can compare the estimated state aids allocated to the tax district to the
prior year gures. Bill and Sue Homeowners share of the net tax in the tax district before special purpose costs.
This amount contains the tax owed to each taxing jurisdiction. The two years net tax amounts by tax jurisdiction
are also listed along with a percent change comparison column. Bill and Sue Homeowner can compare the percent
change of the prior year net tax gures to the present year net tax gures for each jurisdiction including the totals
for each tax year. The lottery credit for Bill and Sue Homeowners property are listed in the taxable year.
9. First dollar credit
The rst dollar credit is paid to the owner of any real estate parcel where at least one improvement owned by
the landowner is located. The credit equals the school property tax on a certain amount of the value of the
improvements. This credit value is calculated every year by DOR, after taking into consideration the estimated
number of claims expected to be paid and school property tax rates (for K-8, union high, and K-12 school districts).
The credit value is set at the level that distributes the available funds. If the value of the parcel exceeds the credit
value, a full credit is paid. However, if the value of the parcel is less than the credit value, the credit is paid on the
actual value of the parcel.
The rst dollar credit is shown on property tax bills as a reduction of property taxes due. For taxpayers who pay
their taxes in two or more installments, the credit is applied equally to each installment.
The credit is paid to municipalities on the fourth Monday of July. The municipality treats the credit the same as
general property tax collections paid by taxpayers.
For additional information on rst dollar credit, visit our website.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
XV. Tax Rate
The net assessed value rate is the same as dollars per $1,000 of assessed property value. The net assessed value
rate is calculated by adding each taxing jurisdictions mill rate less the state credit.
In this case, Bill and Sue Homeowner will pay for each $1,000 of assessed value. By taking this net assessed value
rate and multiplying it by Bill and Sue Homeowners total assessed value, you determine Bill and Sue Homeowners
property tax before the lottery credit and any special purpose costs are included.
XVI. Special Purpose Costs
Special assessments
Your tax bill may contain a special assessment for some type of public work (ex: sewer, water, street, alley,
sidewalk). The assessor does not make special assessments. They are based on the cost of the improvement or the
repair and billed only to properties beneting from the work. If you have a question about a special assessment,
contact your local clerk.
Bill and Sue Homeowner have some additional costs taxpayers in other districts may not see on their tax bills.
special assessment, special charges or special taxes are listed in the upper-right section of the tax bill. Most of
these costs are listed on the tax bill by type (ex: curb and gutter, street, refuse collection, or weed control.
XVII. Statutory References
The following are the references to the appeals procedures contained in state law.
Municipal assessor
State law (sec. 70.365, Wis. Stats.) – requires the assessor to provide the real property owner a Notice of
Changed Assessment at least 15 days (30 days in revaluation years) before the BOR
Sec. 70.45, Wis. Stats. – details the notice requirements and time period the assessment roll must be open for
public inspection before the BOR
Board of Assessors (BOA) – state law (secs. 70.07 and 70.075, Wis. Stats.) – details the members,
organization and procedures of the BOA.
Board of Review (BOR) – state law (secs. 70.46 and 70.47, Wis. Stats.) – details the members, organization
and procedures of the BOR.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Circuit court
State law (sec. 70.47(13), Wis. Stats.) – (Certiorari) provides for the property owner to appeal the BOR’s
decision to the circuit court
Sec. 70.85(4)(c), Wis. Stats. – provides for the property owner to appeal DORs 70.85 decision to the circuit
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
State law (sec. 70.75, Wis. Stats.) – provides for property owners to appeal the assessment of the entire
municipality to DOR
Sec. 70.85, Wis. Stats. – provides for the property owner to appeal an individual assessment to DOR
State law (sec. 74.35, Wis. Stats.) – provides for the property owner to appeal an unlawful tax to the
Sec. 74.37, Wis. Stats. – provides for the property owner to appeal an excessive assessment to the municipality
XVIII. Glossary
Apportionment – dividing the tax levies for each taxing jurisdiction among all municipalities containing
territory in the jurisdiction, based on each districts total value
Arms length sale – sale between two parties, neither of whom is related to or under abnormal pressure from
the other (see market value)
Assessed value – dollar amount assigned to taxable property by the assessor for the purpose of taxation.
Assessed value is estimated as of January 1 and will apply to the taxes levied at the end of that year. Assessed
value is called a primary assessment because a levy is applied directly against it to determine the tax due. Accurate
assessed values ensure fairness between properties within the taxing jurisdiction. (See Equalized value for fairness
between municipalities).
Assessment level – relationship between the total assessed value and the equalized value of non-
manufacturing property minus corrections for the prior year over and under charges within a municipality – town,
village, or city. For example, if the assessed value of all the property subject to property tax in the municipality is
$2,700,000 and the equalized value in the municipality is $3,000,000 then the "assessment level" is said to be 90%
($2,700,000/$3,000,000 = .90 or 90%).
Assessment ratio – relationship between the assessed value and the fair market value. For example, if the
assessment of a parcel which sold for $150,000 (fair market value) was $140,000, the assessment ratio is said to be
93% (140,000 divided by 150,000). The dierence in the assessment level and the assessment ratio is that the level
typically refers to the taxation district; the ratio refers to the individual parcel. The assessment ratio does not apply
to agricultural lands, agricultural forest, or undeveloped lands.
Assessor – administrator charged with the assessment of property for ad valorem taxes; the precise duties dier
from state to state depending upon state statutes
Board of Assessors (BOA) – rst level of appeal in rst-class cities (Milwaukee) and certain second-class
cities (Madison). It consists of members of the tax commissioners or assessors sta who investigate and act on
assessment complaints
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Board of Review (BOR) – quasi-judicial board charged with the responsibility of raising or lowering
assessments proven incorrect as well as correcting any errors in the assessment roll. BOR consists of a clerk and
selected municipal ocers (other than the assessor) or citizens. It hears all objections to the amount or valuation
of property if objections are made in writing and led with its clerk prior to adjournment of public hearings. The
board examines the assessment roll or rolls and corrects all apparent errors in description or computation, adds all
omitted property to the assessment roll and determines whether an assessors valuation is correct from evidence
brought before it. The board cannot determine exempt or taxable status of property.
Certiorari – judicial review by the circuit court of an allegedly illegal or erroneous assessment. The circuit court
reviews only the written record of the BOR proceedings. New evidence cannot be introduced.
Chattel – an item of property other than real estate
Circuit court – rst level of appeal of the court system. Usually located in each county, the circuit court hears
appeals of the BOR, DOR or municipality decisions.
Comparable property – property that is similar to your property, including: location, style, age, size and other
physical features, depending on specic market preferences
Equalized value – estimated value of all taxable property in each taxation district, by class, as of January 1
and certied by DOR on August 15 of each year. The value represents market value (most probable selling price),
except for agricultural property, which is based on its use (ability to generate agriculture) and agricultural forest and
undeveloped lands, which are based on 50% of their full value.
Excessive assessment – an appeal to the municipality under sec. 74.37, Wis. Stats. claiming a property
assessment is excessive. The property owner les a claim against the municipality to recover the amount of
property tax imposed as a result of the excessive assessment.
Fair market value – synonymous with a property’s full value, market value. Fair market value is "the amount
the property will sell for in an arms-length transaction on the open market between a willing seller not obliged
to sell the property and a willing buyer not obliged to purchase it." Waste Management v. Kenosha County Board of
Review, 184 Wis. 2d 541, (1994)
Full value – (1) the value at 100% of the value standard. This is the value that should be applied in assessing the
property per Wisconsin statutes, see pages 9-6 to 9-10 of the WPAM. (2) The same as equalized value, however is
often used when referring to the value of school and special districts.
Levy – amount of tax imposed by a taxation jurisdiction or government unit
Market value – denition of market value is the most probable price which a property should bring in
a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting
prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not aected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this denition
is the consummation of a sale as of a specied date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions
1. Buyer and seller are typically motivated;
2. Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their own best interests;
3. A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;
4. Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of nancial arrangements comparable thereto; and
5. Price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaected by special or creative nancing or
sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale
Objection form – form you complete prior to BOR (Objection Form for Real Property (PA-115A). If you do not
answer all the questions, the BOR may refuse to act on your appeal.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
Open Book – period the assessment roll is open for public inspection prior to BOR
Real property – under most circumstances, real property includes the land, all buildings and improvements on
it; and all xtures, rights and privileges relating to it
Reassessment – revaluation of all properties within a given jurisdiction for the purpose of establishing a new
tax base. When a written complaint is made to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue by the owners of 5% or
more of the assessed valuation of the property within a municipality stating that the assessment of property in the
municipality is not in substantial compliance with the law and that the interest of the public would be promoted
by a reassessment, the department can order such actual doing over of the assessment roll (reassessment) of all or
part of the taxable property in municipality.
Revaluation – placing new values on all taxable property for the purpose of a new assessment. The previous
year’s assessment roll is not aected. The term is often used in conjunction with sec. 70.055, Wis. Stats., where
expert help can be hired to work with the assessor in revaluing the district.
Tax rate – rate generally expressed in dollars per hundred or dollars per thousand (mills) applied against the tax
base (assessed value) to compute the amount of taxes. The tax rate is derived by dividing the total amount of the
tax levy by the total assessed value of the taxing district.
Taxation district – town, village, or city. If a city or village lies in more than one county, that portion of the city
or village which lies in each county (see sec. 74.01(6), Wis. Stats.)
Taxing jurisdiction – entity which is authorized by law to levy taxes on general property which is located
within its boundaries. (See sec. 74.01(7), Wis. Stats.). In addition to towns, villages and cities, this includes school
districts, sewerage districts and lake rehabilitation districts, for example.
Unlawful tax – an appeal to the municipality under state law (sec. 74.35, Wis. Stats.), claiming a tax is unlawful
because a clerical error was made in the description of the property or computation of the tax, the assessment
included improvements which did not exist on the assessment date, the property was exempt from taxation, the
property was not located in the municipality, a double assessment was made, or an arithmetic transposition or
similar error has occurred
Use-value – value a specic property has for a specic use. Beginning in 2000, agricultural property is assessed
according to its use as farmland instead of its market value as indicated by sales. The guideline values are based on
5-year average income and expense data modied by the tax rate in each taxation district in the state.
Use-value assessment – assessment based on the value of the property as it is currently used, not its market
value. This only applies to agricultural land. The guidelines for the use values are based on administrative rules, and
developed by DOR sta serving as support for the Farmland Advisory Council who adopts the values.
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2024 Guide for Property Owners
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
XIX. Contact Information
Equalization Bureau
Contact Information
Eau Claire District Oce (79)
610 Gibson St, Ste. 7
Eau Claire, WI 54701-2650
Ph: (715) 836-2866 Fax: (715) 836-6690
Green Bay District Oce (81)
200 N. Jeerson St, Ste. 126
Green Bay, WI 54301-5100
Ph: (920) 448-5195 Fax: (920) 448-5207
Madison District Oce (76)
Mailing Address
PO Box 8909 #6-301
Madison, WI 53708-8909
Street Address
2135 Rimrock Rd #6-301
Madison, WI 53713-1443
Ph: (608) 266-8184 Fax: (608) 267-1355
Milwaukee District Oce (77)
819 N. 6th St, Rm. 530
Milwaukee, WI 53203-1682
Ph: (414) 227-4455 Fax: (414) 227-4071
Wausau District Oce (80)
730 N. Third St
Wausau, WI 54403-4700
Ph: (715) 842-5885 Fax: (715) 848-1033
Department of Revenue - Equalization District Oces
01 Adams 80 25 Iowa 76 48 Polk 79
02 Ashland 80 26 Iron 80 49 Portage 80
03 Barron 79 27 Jackson 79 50 Price 80
04 Bayeld 79 28 Jeerson 76 51 Racine 77
05 Brown 81 29 Juneau 80 52 Richland 76
06 Bualo 79 30 Kenosha 77 53 Rock 76
07 Burnett 79 31 Kewaunee 81 54 Rusk 79
08 Calumet 81 32 La Crosse 79 55 St. Croix 79
09 Chippewa 79 33 Lafayette 76 56 Sauk 76
10 Clark 80 34 Langlade 80 57 Sawyer 79
11 Columbia 76 35 Lincoln 80 58 Shawano 81
12 Crawford 76 36 Manitowoc 81 59 Sheboygan 81
13 Dane 76 37 Marathon 80 60 Taylor 80
14 Dodge 76 38 Marinette 81 61 Trempealeau 79
15 Door 81 39 Marquette 76 62 Vernon 76
16 Douglas 79 72 Menominee 81 63 Vilas 80
17 Dunn 79 40 Milwaukee 77 64 Walworth 77
18 Eau Claire 79 41 Monroe 79 65 Washburn 79
19 Florence 81 42 Oconto 81 66 Washington 77
20 Fond du Lac 81 43 Oneida 80 67 Waukesha 77
21 Forest 81 44 Outagamie 81 68 Waupaca 81
22 Grant 76 45 Ozaukee 77 69 Waushara 81
23 Green 76 46 Pepin 79 70 Winnebago 81
24 Green Lake 76 47 Pierce 79 71 Wood 80
Code Name
Wisconsin Counties - Alphabetical List
Equalization Districts
Eau Claire (79)
Green Bay (81)
Madison (76)
Milwaukee (77)
Wausau (80)