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Table of Contents
Toccoa Falls College Community Covenant .................................................................................................. 7
Our Identity ................................................................................................................................................... 7
History ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Mission Distinctives .................................................................................................................................. 9
Mission Goals ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Vision Statement ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Statement of Faith ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Motto .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Athletics ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Christian Formation in the Classroom ........................................................................................................ 11
Foundations of Spiritual Formation ........................................................................................................ 11
Integration of Faith & Learning ............................................................................................................... 11
Christian Formation in the Community ...................................................................................................... 11
Chapel ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Small Groups ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Mentoring ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Fellowships .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Spiritual Formation Credits ......................................................................................................................... 12
Christian Formation in Mission & Ministry ................................................................................................. 14
Service and Outreach .............................................................................................................................. 14
Mission Trips ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Internships .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Academic Services ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Center for Academic Success .................................................................................................................. 15
Academic Facilities ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Seby Jones Library ................................................................................................................................... 15
Additional Facilities ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Bookstore and Gift Shop ......................................................................................................................... 16
Lois Delany Athletic Center ..................................................................................................................... 17
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Mail Center ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Career Services ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Dining Services ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Dining Hall ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Sack Lunches ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Eagle’s Nest ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Commuter Meal Plans ............................................................................................................................ 19
Housing and Residence Life ........................................................................................................................ 19
Residence Life Staff ................................................................................................................................. 20
Community Living Covenant ................................................................................................................... 20
Facilities .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Room Selection ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Roommates ............................................................................................................................................. 21
Check-in and Check-out Procedures ....................................................................................................... 21
Living Off Campus ....................................................................................................................................... 22
Married Student Housing ............................................................................................................................ 22
Pedestrians .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Recreational Activities ................................................................................................................................ 23
Camping .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Security Department ................................................................................................................................... 24
Parking & Traffic Regulations .................................................................................................................. 24
Vehicle Registration ................................................................................................................................ 25
Parking Regulations................................................................................................................................. 25
Vehicular Traffic Safety ........................................................................................................................... 26
Traffic and Parking Citations ................................................................................................................... 27
Traffic and Parking Enforcement ............................................................................................................ 27
Student Organizations ................................................................................................................................ 28
Wellness Services ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Student Counseling Center ..................................................................................................................... 28
Student Health Services .......................................................................................................................... 29
Frequently Contacted Numbers .................................................................................................................. 30
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Conduct Authority ....................................................................................................................................... 32
General Rights and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 33
The Right to Fundamental Fairness ........................................................................................................ 33
The Right to Review Records .................................................................................................................. 33
In General, a Student has the Right to: ................................................................................................... 33
The College Reserves the Right to Notify Parents when Deemed Necessary ........................................ 34
Jurisdiction .................................................................................................................................................. 34
Student Defined .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Standard of Proof ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Academic Integrity ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Academic Honor Code ............................................................................................................................ 36
Conduct Action for Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy ............................................................. 36
Alcohol ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
Appliances ................................................................................................................................................... 37
Arrest .......................................................................................................................................................... 37
Bullying ........................................................................................................................................................ 38
Bystanding ................................................................................................................................................... 38
Candles/Open Flame ................................................................................................................................... 38
Curfew ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Dance Standard ........................................................................................................................................... 39
Disrespect ................................................................................................................................................... 39
Disruptive Activity ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Dress Standard ............................................................................................................................................ 40
Drugs ........................................................................................................................................................... 40
Entry into Student Rooms ........................................................................................................................... 41
Failure to Comply ........................................................................................................................................ 42
Fire Alarms/Safety Equipment .................................................................................................................... 42
Furniture and Decorations .......................................................................................................................... 42
Gambling ..................................................................................................................................................... 43
Guests ......................................................................................................................................................... 43
Harassment ................................................................................................................................................. 43
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Hazing .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
Inappropriate, Indecent, or Derogatory Behavior or Language ................................................................. 44
Interference or Obstruction of the Conduct Process .................................................................................. 44
Internet Usage and Technology .................................................................................................................. 45
Lying/Fraud ................................................................................................................................................. 46
Motorized Vehicles ..................................................................................................................................... 46
Pets ............................................................................................................................................................. 46
Property Misusage ...................................................................................................................................... 47
Public Displays of Affection ......................................................................................................................... 47
Public Indecency ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Quiet Hours ................................................................................................................................................. 47
Retaliation ................................................................................................................................................... 48
Sexual Behaviors ......................................................................................................................................... 48
Pregnancy................................................................................................................................................ 48
Skateboards, Rollerblades, Scooters, Bicycles, or Similar Modes of Transportation ................................. 48
Solicitation/Student-Run Businesses .......................................................................................................... 49
Student Means of Expression ..................................................................................................................... 49
Theft ............................................................................................................................................................ 50
Tobacco/Smoking ........................................................................................................................................ 50
Unauthorized Entry, Possession, or Use ..................................................................................................... 50
Violence/Threats ......................................................................................................................................... 51
Weapons and Explosives ............................................................................................................................. 51
Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Policies ............................................................................................................ 52
Prevention and Education ....................................................................................................................... 53
Reporting an Incident to the College ...................................................................................................... 53
Reporting an Incident to Law Enforcement ............................................................................................ 54
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 55
Dating Violence ................................................................................................................................... 55
Domestic Violence .............................................................................................................................. 55
Sexual Assault ..................................................................................................................................... 56
Sexual Harassment .............................................................................................................................. 57
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Non-Title IX Sexual Harassment .......................................................................................................... 58
Sexual Exploitation .............................................................................................................................. 59
Stalking ................................................................................................................................................ 60
Further Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 61
Statement on Consent ............................................................................................................................ 62
Consent ............................................................................................................................................... 62
Incapacitation ..................................................................................................................................... 63
Coercion .............................................................................................................................................. 63
Sexual Misconduct Conduct Procedures ................................................................................................ 63
Being an Effective Bystander .................................................................................................................. 64
Reducing Risk and Warning Signs of Abuse ............................................................................................ 64
Reporting .................................................................................................................................................... 66
Reporting an Allegation of Violation of Policy ........................................................................................ 66
Timelines ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
Statement on Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................... 66
Policy on Student Withdrawals Pending Conduct Action ........................................................................... 67
Statement of Equal Rights of the Complainant and Respondent ............................................................... 67
Role of Advisors .......................................................................................................................................... 68
Proceedings are Private .............................................................................................................................. 68
Allegation/Report and Preliminary Investigation ....................................................................................... 68
Amnesty ...................................................................................................................................................... 69
Interim Actions ............................................................................................................................................ 70
Interim Suspension and RemovAL .......................................................................................................... 70
Interim Restriction .................................................................................................................................. 70
Interim Remedies and Resources ........................................................................................................... 71
Remedies ............................................................................................................................................. 71
Resources ............................................................................................................................................ 71
Notice of Allegations/Notice of Conduct Hearing ...................................................................................... 71
Student Conduct Hearings .......................................................................................................................... 71
Administrative Hearing ........................................................................................................................... 72
College Conduct Committee Hearing...................................................................................................... 72
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Notes: .................................................................................................................................................. 73
Findings ....................................................................................................................................................... 73
Not Responsible ...................................................................................................................................... 73
Responsible ............................................................................................................................................. 73
Sanctions ..................................................................................................................................................... 74
Sanctions, Individual Students ................................................................................................................ 74
Sanction Options ................................................................................................................................. 75
Sanctions, Student Organizations ........................................................................................................... 76
Conditions, Individual Students & Student Organizations ...................................................................... 76
Restrictions, Individual Students & Student Organizations .................................................................... 76
Appeals ........................................................................................................................................................ 77
General Guidelines .................................................................................................................................. 77
Grounds for Appeal ................................................................................................................................. 77
Procedures .............................................................................................................................................. 78
Administrative Appeals Hearing ............................................................................................................. 78
College Conduct Appeals Committee ..................................................................................................... 78
Involuntary Withdrawal Policy .................................................................................................................... 79
Student Concern and Complaint Policy ...................................................................................................... 80
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Toccoa Falls College is a Christ-centered community of learners, dedicated to “building character with
intellect.” We exist to fulfill the mission of cultivating a uniquely Christian learning community that
integrates the pursuit of truth with godly character to produce graduates prepared both personally and
professionally for service. Because we have committed to walk in a manner worthy of our calling (Eph.
4:1), we as a community press on in the journey of conforming to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29, II Cor.
3:18). We recognize that there are emotional, moral, social, physical, and intellectual components to
this task and desire spiritual formation in each and understand that this process is essential to our
mission and purpose.
To fulfill this commitment, every TFC employee and student agrees that:
1. The command to love God and love each other is essential (Matt. 22:37-40).
2. Love for one another requires that we walk with and serve each other desiring God’s best for each
other (Phil. 2:3-4).
3. The process of loving each other as Christ loves the church requires commitment to growth and
maturation in our spiritual selves (Eph. 4:11-16).
4. The commitment to spiritual formation by definition happens with the participation of each member
of the community: Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students.
As a member of this learning community, I will commit to walk with others in a manner that is respectful
of and sensitive to each person’s spiritual journey, to hold myself and others to the high standards of
truth found in God’s Word, to extend grace and forgiveness when we fall, and to speak the truth in love
with the goal of restoration (James 5:19-20).
Toccoa Falls College is a private, Christian institution of higher education that has sought to create and
encourage the kind of atmosphere in which quality Christian education can flourish. The college should
provide the student with precept and example from which a student can develop personal values within
a biblical framework. We believe that the application of biblical principles in the lives of students will
result in personal love and commitment to Christ, wholesome consideration for others, and a well-
disciplined life.
Toccoa Falls College is an affiliate college of the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination. The
college functions under a Board of Trustees that sets policy and an administration and faculty that
implement the policy. Toccoa Falls College continues to focus on students who are dedicated to Christ
and aspire toward academic excellence in preparing to invest their lives either in full-time Christian
ministry or in ministry through their chosen employment.
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TFC currently has 30 majors and 41 minors in four different schools: Arts & Sciences, Christian
Ministries, Nursing, and Professional Studies.
In the fall of 1907, Dr. Richard A. Forrest founded the Golden Valley Institute at Golden, North Carolina,
to provide educational opportunities for educationally deprived young people in the South. The institute
offered general and biblical studies to prepare dedicated persons for Christian ministries and service.
Realizing the need to be nearer a railroad for easier access, on January 1, 1911, Dr. Forrest purchased
the Haddock Inn and 100 acres of land including the beautiful Toccoa Falls, near Toccoa, Georgia. On
October 19, 1911, the institute moved from Golden Valley to Toccoa. Reorganized and enlarged, Toccoa
Falls Institute which had existed in embryo in Golden Valley became a reality. Since many early students
of Toccoa Falls Institute had not had the opportunity for a secondary education, the school offered
general and vocational high school courses along with the two-year track of biblical and theological
Under the direction of Dr. Forrest, the school kept pace with the advancement of educational standards
in the United States. In 1928, the State of Georgia fully accredited the Toccoa Falls High School. This
established a cooperative relationship with the county educational system that continued until the
academy closed in 1976.
In 1937, the two-year Bible Course was expanded to a four-year Bible college program by adding to the
biblical and theological studies a number of courses in the field of general education. The Legislature of
the State of Georgia chartered the college division in 1939 and authorized the institute to grant the
degree of Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Education. In 1957, the college received accreditation by the
Association for Biblical Higher Education, formerly the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges, and on
December 13, 1983, by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
During the history of the institution, there have been seven presidents: Dr. Richard A. Forrest, Founder;
Dr. Julian A. Bandy; Dr. Kenn W. Opperman; Dr. Paul L. Alford; Dr. Donald O. Young; Dr. W. Wayne
Gardner, and Dr. Robert Myers. In October 1975, in order to keep abreast of the current usage of terms,
the Board of Trustees changed the name from Toccoa Falls Institute to Toccoa Falls College.
Dr. Forrest often referred to the school as a “tree of God’s planting.” The tree has expanded and has
borne much fruit. It has also been severely tested on several occasions. In 1913, Haddock Inn, which
housed all the school facilities, burned to the ground. In 1950, fire destroyed LeTourneau Hall, the
women’s residence. In 1958, the music building burned.
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The severest trial of all came on November 6, 1977, when the dam holding back the lake above the falls
burst and 40 acres of water surged across the lower campus leaving in its wake 39 dead, 60 injured, and
millions of dollars in property damage. When the news of the tragedy spread, thousands of people
responded. Local, state, and federal agencies, churches, colleges, businesses, and private individuals
gave personal, material, and financial aid. With their help, the college recovered. God has been faithful.
Though tried by fire and water, His “tree” continues to flourish. The larger story of Toccoa Falls is found
in A Tree God Planted by Troy Damron.
The mission of Toccoa Falls College is to cultivate a uniquely Christian learning community that
integrates the pursuit of truth with godly character to produce graduates prepared both personally and
professionally for service.
Toccoa Falls College is an educational institution, a character-building enterprise, and a spiritual
formation community, all integrated into a unique way of life. Its primary purpose is to glorify God
through offering residential programs that prepare men and women for lives of personal fulfillment and
Christian servant leadership to the church and the world. It also seeks to glorify God through offering
non-residential Christ-centered programs to the community at large.
1. Spiritual: to orient, motivate, and lead students to emotional maturity, Christian commitment, and
spiritual depth
2. Academic: to provide an understanding of the Bible as the basis for Christian life and thought
within the context of the college statement of faith, and to introduce students to the cumulative
knowledge of the ages
3. Intellectual: to stimulate students to develop inquisitive and creative minds that possess tools for
critical analysis and to motivate them for continuing intellectual pursuits
4. Moral: to provide the atmosphere, motivation, and support system for developing Biblically based
lifestyles of wholesome attitudes and ethical principles
5. Professional: to produce graduates competent for Christian service to humanity in the areas of
their individual choices
Toccoa Falls College will be known as a premier Christian college that uniquely integrates biblical truth,
academic excellence, and intentional spiritual formation within a caring Christian community.
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The Board of Trustees and faculty subscribe to the following statement of biblical doctrines, thus
identifying Toccoa Falls College with the evangelical movement within Christianity. The Statement of
Faith is traditional and stems from the foundation of the college. Toccoa Falls College is committed to
teach and defend the historic and basic doctrines of evangelical Christianity:
The verbal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures as originally given
The existence and manifestation of one God in three personsFather, Son, and Holy Spirit
The incarnation and virgin birth of the Son of God
The redemption of man by the vicarious death of Christ on the cross
The bodily resurrection from the grave
The fact that all men have sinned and consequently must be regenerated by the working of
God’s grace
The fact of justification by faith
The sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the believer producing holiness of life and power for
Practical faith in the sufficiency of Christ for spiritual, temporal, and physical needs
The purifying hope of the Lord’s imminent return
The urgency of preaching the gospel to all mankind that men may be saved from eternal
Toccoa Falls College, even though non-sectarian, is to be conducted according to the faith and
teaching of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.
“Where Character is Developed with Intellect”
National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA), Division II in the following sports:
Men’s Baseball (Division I)
Men’s Basketball
Women’s Basketball
Men’s Soccer
Women’s Soccer
Women’s Volleyball
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Spiritual Life
The Office of Spiritual Formation (OSF) at Toccoa Falls College (TFC) seeks to create an academic and
campus environment where students, staff/administration, and faculty can develop a robust
understanding of Christian formation and engage in ongoing practices that nurture it. Simply stated, we
want to become a community that continually explores and practices what it means to love God with all
the heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others as we love ourselves (Matt 12:30-31). Since
Christian formation is holistic in scope, the OSF is committed to shaping a college experience that places
formation at the heart of both classroom and community life.
The Office of Spiritual Formation is committed to the idea that the classroom is a significant context for
Christian formation.
Students are required to complete BSF103, preferably within the first year of enrolling at TFC. This
course provides an introduction to the basic principles and formative practices of Christian formation
that create the conditions for faithful life before God. Throughout this course, students are invited to
open all of life to God’s transformative work; specifically, Christian formation is the process of being
transformed (with personal and corporate dimensions) into the image of Jesus (true humanity) Christ,
our Savior and Lord, and to be fashioned anew by the ongoing work of the Spirit for faithful participation
in the Father’s redemptive mission in and for the sake of the world. One of the concluding goals of this
course is to assist students in the development of an intentional plan for ongoing, Christian formation
for their subsequent years at TFC.
Throughout their academic career, students are encouraged to participate and collaborate with
professors/instructors to ensure the purposeful integration of faith and learning in the classroom with
an eye towards faithful living in the world.
The Office of Spiritual Formation is committed to the idea that community experiences play a significant
role in the Christian formation of our students.
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Students are invited, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10-10:50 in the morning, to gather together in
the Grace Performing Arts Center for an intentional experience of community worship known as Chapel.
This is an experience that invites the community to listen and respond to the work of God in our midst
through the communal worship practices of reading Scripture, prayer, musical expression, listening to
inspiring messages from a diverse group of speakers, and response. Periodically, additional chapel
experiences (e.g., special speakers, musical events/concerts, concerts of prayer, etc.) are scheduled on
alternate mornings and evenings.
Students are invited, on Thursdays from 10-10:50 in the morning, to participate with peers in a Barnabas
(B) Group. Some of our dedicated faculty, staff, and a few student leaders facilitate our B-Groups each
week. These groups provide a context where close, campus friendships can be forged, where spiritual
growth can be nurtured, and where God’s grace can be experienced, as we become the hands and feet
of God for each other on this formational journey. Students are given the opportunity to choose a B-
Group and facilitator at the beginning of the fall semester. If a student chooses to participate, a
commitment to the group for a minimum of one full semester is both encouraged and expected.
Students are invited to participate in a Mentoring relationship for the express purpose of Christian
formation with a staff/faculty member on campus. Applications for mentoring relationships must be
received and approved by the OSF within the first 45 days of the semester.
Students are invited to join and participate in a weekly fellowship group. The Student Mission Fellowship
(SMF) gathers on Wednesday nights in WM 104 and the Hmong Student Association (HSA) gathers on
Thursday evenings, mostly in WM 104, and occasionally in other venues.
Due to the commitment to Christian formation at TFC and the formative power of these community
experiences, students are expected each semester to earn a specified number of spiritual formation
credits (SFCs). For the 22-23 school year, the required SFCs are as follows:
Full-time students (12 hours or more) who live on campus must earn 30 SFCs each semester.
Full-time students (12 hours or more) who commute from within a 15-mile radius of campus are
required to earn 25 SFCs each semester.
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Full-time students (12 hours or more) who commute to campus from beyond a 15-mile radius
must earn 15 SFCs each semester.
Part-time students (7 to 11 hours) must earn 15 SFCs each semester.
Students taking 6 hours or less are encouraged, but not required to earn SFCs.
Students are responsible for signing in (using the iAttended App or checking in with a leader) to
earn a SFC for participation in chapels, B-Group meetings, and fellowship gatherings. Attempts
to cheat the attendance system by marking yourself as present and leaving the SFC experience
before its conclusion will result in the removal of the SFC for that experience.
Students can earn up to five SFCs each semester for participating in an approved mentoring
Students can earn up to five SFCs each semester for watching recorded chapels on YouTube
(http://tinyurl.com/tfcchapel) and submitting a one-page (double-spaced) reflection on the
experience. Submit reflection papers to spiritualformation@tfc.edu. The recorded chapel must
be from the current or previous academic year.
Students who fail to earn the requisite number of SFCs by the end of the semester are subject to
a $20 fine for each credit under the required amount (e.g., 25/30 credits 5 X $20 = $100).
Fines are assessed at the conclusion of each semester and must be paid in full to resume classes
the following semester.
Students who experience persistent problems related to utilizing the iAttended App should stop
by the Office of Spiritual Formation to discuss the issue. Students are encouraged to visit the
OSF or to contact
spiritualformation@tfc.edu or jjbr[email protected] with any request, question, or
concern. Students can obtain information and assistance with tracking SFCs through the Office
of Spiritual Formation. This office is located on the second floor of the Student Center.
For a full description of policies and procedures for how to earn SFCs, click on the Spiritual
Formation FAQ (
Although they do not qualify for SFCs, students are encouraged to maintain an ongoing practice of
personal disciplines that nurture Christian formation (e.g., solitude, prayer, the study of Scripture,
mission/evangelism, etc.). Students are encouraged to take advantage of sacred spaces set aside for
personal and corporate times of prayer, reflection, and encouragement in residence halls, and the
beautiful outdoors. Furthermore, Christian formation requires participation in a local faith community. It
is the expectation at TFC that all faculty, staff, and students attend, participate, and contribute to the life
of a local Christian congregation of their choosing.
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The Bible clearly tells us that spiritual maturation comes through ministry service (Eph. 4:11-16). As we
involve ourselves in the Great Commandment to love God and others (Matt 22:34-40) and the Great
Commission to make disciples (Matt 28:16-20), we experience victories and challenges that contribute
to our own spiritual growth. Therefore, at TFC we not only encourage involvement in ministry,
evangelism, and missions, we require participation in mentored Service and Outreach (SAO)
The Service and Outreach (SAO) program at Toccoa Falls College equips students for lifelong leadership
and service through partnerships with community organizations, local churches and other unique
outreach opportunities. Every student at Toccoa Falls College will complete four SAO courses before
they graduate. It is through these opportunities that students are able to explore and develop their gifts
and passions in order to serve Christ, help others, and experience personal growth. The variety of
opportunities allow our students to fulfill their SAO requirements in settings that put feet and hands to
what they are learning in the classroom. SAO courses will be reflected on their final transcript. To
receive course credit, students must go through the registration process each semester that they are
involved in an approved SAO ministry.
TFC students are encouraged by the Director of Student Engagement and their department advisor to
register for service opportunities that are related to their course work and major. All approved SAO
opportunities are listed on myTFC.edu at myResources. The Office of Student Engagement actively seeks
to collaborate with local community organizations, the local church, and the TFC campus community.
There is an application and approval process for all potential partnerships.
Although only Cross-Cultural majors are required to have a missions experience, TFC highly encourages
all students to consider taking at least one mission trip during their time in college. We intentionally
invite missions organizations to interact with students on campus and we often organize mission trips
that involve our students.
Some of the departments on campus require summer or semester-long internships that call for students
to live out Christian principles and to practice ministry skills in a real-life ministry context. These usually
occur during the Junior or Senior year so that students can begin to practice what they have learned.
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Campus Life
This office provides academic assistance to students through tutoring, academic advising, and facilitating
CLEP tests. This office also provides services to students with documented disabilities. The Center for
Academic Success is located on the first floor of Earl Hall.
Tutoring is a free service available to all traditional students. Tutoring is located on the second floor of
the Library. Tutors are available Sunday Thursday from 6 10 pm.
Regular office hours for all campus facilities are 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM unless otherwise specified.
The library is the focal point for assisting students with accessing & processing information in both print
& electronic formats. It is strategically designed to meet a broad spectrum of academic & personal
needs. A variety of seating options ranging from quiet study carrels to group study areas are available to
accommodate all types of activities. A coffee bar, café style tables, and comfortable seating provides a
relaxed atmosphere on the first floor of the library. Individual study carrels, a teaching classroom, and
conference room are located upstairs for users who need a quiet atmosphere for studying.
A student’s TFC ID card is also used as their library card while enrolled and must have it with them in
order to check items out of the library (loan period for books 2 weeks / DVDs 3 days). Computers
installed with both Mac & Windows software are located on both floors throughout the
building. Wireless access & printers are available on both floors. All students are assigned a student
account to log into the computers & a TFC email account. The student account username & password
also allows them access to the myTFC portal (my.tfc.edu) which contains all personal academic
information, course pages, financial information, & email accounts. The students’ TFC email address
and password give the student access to all online resources the library subscribes to.
A first-floor help desk with trained workers is staffed during all open hours to assist library users with
circulation, questions, problems accessing or using computers and basic research needs. Students are
credited $50 printing allowance per semester. Media services are available at the library help desk. Staff
are trained to assist students with laminating, copying, scanning, bulletin board paper &
printing. Multimedia equipment is available for checkout such as, camcorders, voice recorders,
headphones and a projector, with a loan period of 4 hours.
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The library is open 70+ hours/week and library hours are always posted on the front door and library
website. The Center for Academic Success provides tutoring in the tutor lab, located on the second floor
of the library. Check the tutor lab door or email studentaffair[email protected] for tutoring hours.
The library maintains an active collection of over 1 million electronic & print resources that are available
to all students, faculty, & staff. The OCLC DISCOVERY online catalog holdings includes a collection of over
350,000 e-books & over 55,000 print materials. Over 73,000 full-text journals and magazines are
available through consortium agreements. The library has agreements with vendors to provide
EBSCO and STATISTA. The library is a member of Georgia’s Library Learning Online (GALILEO), a
statewide resource-sharing network used by all Georgia educational institutions provided through the
University System of Georgia. GALILEO is an annual subscription-based service that provides the TFC
community access to approximately 200 online databases [www.galileo.usg.edu]. Over 10,000 full-text
journals and over 500,000 e-books are available to all library patrons through this resource.
As a member of Georgia’s Private Academic Libraries (GPALS) consortium, Toccoa Falls College students
have full circulation privileges to 23 libraries throughout the state of Georgia and the University of
Georgia. The University of Georgia at Athens allows TFC students, faculty, and staff to receive free UGA
library cards and reference services. The TFC Director of Library Services sends a letter verifying that the
faculty, staff, or student pursuing a UGA library card is in good standing with the Seby Jones Library. This
letter must be signed by the Director and the person seeking the UGA library card. In addition,
interlibrary loan service (ILL), which allows the borrowing of books from libraries all over the United
States (WORLDCAT), is available to all students, faculty, and staff for their research needs. Requests are
made via a form online or through email [
[email protected]]. Interlibrary loan services are advertised on the
library website at https://tfc.edu/academics/library/.
Instruction videos are located on the library website under “Research Resourcesfor all students to
access, to help with effectively searching for online resources. Our online librarian provides services by
email or phone and is also available with regular office hours Monday-Friday, 8:30am until 4:30pm. Print
materials are available to be picked up or mailed upon request.
Toccoa Falls Books & Gifts, located inside the Toccoa Falls Visitors Center, provides a variety of items for
the TFC Community and visitors to the Falls. Our selection consists of TFC apparel, imprint gifts, Christian
books and Bibles, and Toccoa Falls memorabilia.
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The Toccoa Falls Visitors Center and Toccoa Falls will be open Monday - Friday from 10:00AM to 4:00PM
and Saturday - Sunday from 12:00PM to 4:00PM.
Textbook ordering can be completed through TFC E-Campus Bookstore at www.tfc.ecampus.com. For
customer service or textbook questions, please call 859-209-6958 or email bookstore@ecampus.com.
This facility includes a hardwood court for basketball and volleyball, weight room, a racquetball court, a
training room, dressing and locker rooms, athletic offices, and concession area. Students may attend all
athletic events free of charge. Special tournaments from the NCCAA or another approved function may
require students, faculty, and staff pay an admission charge. Students who wish to schedule certain
events in the gym must seek approval at the Athletic Office. The Athletic Office must also approve all
scheduled events. Approval forms are available in the Athletic Office. Official athletic events, such as
intercollegiate games, intramural competitions, and college team practices have scheduling priority.
The Toccoa Falls Mail Center is located in the Parkerson Student Center. Hours for the Mail Center are
posted on the entrance door, and can differ depending on holidays. The Campus Mail Center sells
stamps, scantrons and other mailing supplies. USPS (United States Postal Service) shipping services are
available along with prepaid label drop off service for UPS, FedEx, and USPS. USPS Express and
International mail must be taken to the Toccoa Post Office to be processed. Any mail or packages
brought to the Campus Mail Center after 2:00 PM will be shipped out the following day.
Toccoa Falls College offers its students access to career development tools and access to job listings on
its website. Career Services assists with exploration of student talents and gifts, as well as helps to
identify abilities, values, and interests that affect career choice. The office also assists with résumé
preparation, mock interviews, and etiquette training for ease of transition into a job and career after
graduation. Intentional effort is given to preparation for internships or other opportunities prior to
graduation to ensure students are trained as best as possible prior to entering the workforce. Career
services is located in the Student Affairs Office on the second floor of the Parkerson Student Center.
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Toccoa Falls College contracts with Chartwells to provide all food services for the college. It provides
students with a well-balanced diet through a wide variety of menu choices. Students must provide their
student ID card to enter the dining hall at each meal. Cards are non-transferable. The dining hall serves
three meals per day, seven days per week. Please see hours posted in the location and on the dining
web site at https://dineoncampus.com/toccoa. The meal style is all-you-care-to-eat within the dining
Three (3) meal plans are available to residential students- the unlimited meal plan, 15-meal plan, and 5-
meal plan. The Unlimited Meal Plan provides all access dining 7 days a week and students can enter the
facility on an unlimited basis during hours of operation. The 15-meal plan provides 15 meals per
week. The 5-meal plan is a criteria-based plan and provides five (5) meals per week. In order to be
eligible for the 5-meal plan, a student must meet one of the following qualifications:
Senior (90 credits or more must be verified through the registrar’s office)
22 years of age or older
If you a have a medical reason to be on the 5-meal plan, you must submit justification from a licensed
medical physician when you submit the 5-Meal Plan application to Housing and Residence Life. The
medical justification must include a recommended diet the physician is requiring. Toccoa Falls Culinary
Services has the options of either providing for those needs per the physician’s specifications or allowing
the student an exemption from a meal plan entirely. Students can contact Student Affairs for questions
related to the above policy exceptions.
The college expects that those who dine in the dining hall will practice rules of good etiquette and
appropriate behavior, adhere to proper points of entry and exit, and cooperate fully with Culinary
Services staff. A student ID meal plan swipe or meal payment are required for entry into the dining hall.
Cash will not be accepted at this location. Students may only remove food from the facility with to-go
Off-campus students, faculty, and staff may purchase Eagle Bucks. Students may deposit any amount
(minimum $25.00) on their ID card and use it as a “debit” card at the dining hall and Eagle’s Nest. Each
purchase is deducted from the balance and students do not pay sales tax on purchases. Please see
details regarding additional incentives at https://dineoncampus.com/toccoa.
Sack lunches may be picked up in the dining hall for students with scheduling conflicts.
(e.g., Athletics, SAO, or academic obligations). Students/Coaches may obtain request forms from TFC
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Culinary Services. Meal plans will be charged for the lunches. You must have your student ID with you to
pick up your sack lunch or the ID number must be provided to dining services in advance.
We ask that you give us a notice of a minimum of 2 business days for group sack lunches.
Individual orders may be placed same day.
Please give 24-hours notice to cancel a group sack lunch.
If you have a regularly scheduled sack lunch and you miss two pick-ups, your regular lunch
order will be cancelled until you speak with the Director of Culinary Services.
All semester-long sack lunches end on exam week due to the change in class times.
You cannot eat in the dining hall and request a sack lunch at the same time.
The Eagle’s Nest is located in the Parkerson Student Center adjacent to the dining hall. It offers full meal
options, grab and go options, snacks, and hot and cold beverages- including Starbucks Coffee. Eagle
Bucks (declining balance,) Visa/MC are accepted. Cash will not be accepted at this location.
The college expects that those who dine in the Eagle’s Nest will practice rules of good etiquette and
appropriate behavior, adhere to proper points of entry and exit, and cooperate fully with Culinary
Services staff.
These meal plans are designed specifically to help commuting students enjoy all the choices of campus
along with the flexibility their schedule demands. Prices can be found at
Residence Life collaborates with students to enhance their academic experience by cultivating spiritual
maturity and personal development while promoting a Christ-centered community.
Living on-campus is a vital element in the Toccoa Falls College experience. It is within the residence halls
that students find a safe and encouraging environment to grow academically, socially, and
spiritually. Our residence halls are staffed with Resident Directors (RDs, full-time professionals) and
Resident Assistants (Ras, student leaders) to promote building healthy, Christ-centered communities
within each residence hall.
TFC requires all students to reside on campus, unless students meet one of the exceptions listed in the
Living Off Campus section found on page 22.
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It is the desire of the Residence Life Staff to build meaningful relationships with students and to see
them excel academically, socially, morally, and spiritually during their time at Toccoa Falls College.
Students are always welcome to share life and express concerns to any staff member. Housing and
Residence Life is open from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, and is located on the top floor of the Parkerson Student
Living in community offers many opportunities and responsibilities. As a member of the TFC residential
community we ask that students incorporate the values and standards of residential living into their
personal life choices. The Community Living Covenant is an expression of integrity and virtue that
should come forward in the actions of honorable men and women through the work of Christ in his/her
life. As an engaged member of the residential community at TFC, you agree to the following:
As a student in the Toccoa Falls College residence community, I voluntarily commit to live by the
following standards:
I will be considerate of my roommates and neighbors in regards to noise, cleanliness, and shared
use of space.
I will seek peace in working through any conflicts that arise with my roommates and all other
TFC students. I will do this in a direct manner with those involved.
I will confront fellow TFC students whose behavior falls outside of the TFC Student Handbook,
Residence Life policy, and/or laws of the state of Georgia.
I will choose to build up, respect, and encourage all members of the TFC community.
I will strive to be a person of integrity and self-control, truthful in speech, honest in conduct, and
morally pure in both thought and action.
Students are accommodated in various on-campus housing options. Each student is provided with a
twin bed, mattress, desk, chair, dresser, and closet space. Shared bathrooms are located on each hall. All
residence areas have laundry facilities and a shared kitchen area. Wireless internet is provided to each
of our students and the use of shared vacuum cleaners. Students are encouraged to have their own
renter’s insurance for personal belongings/contents while attending Toccoa Falls College and it is the
student’s responsibility to know the restrictions and guidelines of their specific plan.
Upperclassmen may choose to live in 3 - 4 bedroom terraces when available. Each terrace has a full
kitchen, a private living area, two bathrooms, and standard bedroom furnishings and services.
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New students are assigned a room and roommate by the Residence Life staff based on the information
provided on their Housing Preference Form during the application process. Returning students have the
opportunity to choose a living community, roommate and suitemates during housing selection which
takes place during the spring semester. During this process, students complete a Fall Housing
Application and pay a $100 deposit to reserve his/her space in housing.
A significant component of the residential experience is to have a roommate. Roommates provide
companionship, friendship, and accountability within the residence halls. The roommate relationship
should be built on mutual respect and consideration. Students are expected to encourage one another,
work through differences, and seek greater understanding through diverse backgrounds, cultures, and
life experiences. It is important that students develop good communication skills to express their
opinions and resolve conflicts in a manner that honors Christ. Resident Assistants (RAs) and Resident
Directors (RDs) are available for coaching in this area, if needed.
All students must secure their room assignments and keys from Residence Life staff upon arrival to
campus. Students are responsible to inspect their rooms at check-in and report any pre-existing
damages or missing furniture on the Room Condition Report. Students will be held financially
responsible for any damages to the residence hall and its furnishings upon move out.
Students must arrange a check-out time at the end of the semester with their Resident Assistant before
moving out of the residence hall. The student must be present for this check-out, sign the Room
Condition Report, and return the room key to a member of the Residence Life Staff before leaving the
campus. Students who leave without properly checking out with a Residence Life staff member,
including failing to show for the checkout time or not completing checkout requirements at the
scheduled time, will be fined according to the Room Condition Report. Room keys remain the property
of the college and may not be copied. The college charges $25.00 for each lost key.
Students are required to check out of the residence halls no later than 24 hours after their last final. All
residence facilities close at 5:00 PM the following day of the last scheduled final exam. Exceptions are
only made for graduating seniors in the spring, immediate family members of a graduating student,
students who are directly involved with the graduation ceremony, or summer residents. For students
approved to remain for the above reasons, residence facilities will close at 5:00 PM on the day after of
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Toccoa Falls College is proud of its history as a residential campus. This community environment is
central to a TFC student’s educational experience. Living and learning within your peer community
offers opportunities for growth and development that simply do not exist on commuter campuses. To
this end, TFC requires all traditional undergraduate students to reside on-campus, unless meeting one of
the following exceptions:
The student is living with an approved family member (parent, grandparent, or aunt/uncle) within
commuting distance (60 miles). The student must submit a letter from the family member stating
the student will be living at his/her residence.
The student is married.
The student is 23 years of age by the end of the semester of enrollment.
The student has completed 8 semesters of college, post high school graduation.
The student is living at Paradise Mountain Ministries after having lived on campus for 2 years.
If a student does not meet any of the above criteria, but feels that living off-campus is essential, he/she
should complete an Off-Campus Housing Application and provide all necessary and requested
information. Once completed and turned into the Division of Student Affairs, this form will be reviewed
by the Housing Committee. Students will be notified immediately after a decision has been made.
Students may appeal the committee’s decision directly to the Vice President of Student Affairs via email.
This appeal must be made in writing within 24 hours of the original decision being given to the student.
Applications to live off campus must be submitted by April 1 (for the Fall semester) and November 1 (for
the Spring semester).
Students should not enter into lease agreements until they have received official written notification of
their approval by Housing and Residence Life.
Students living off campus are responsible for the activities that occur in their residence. Violations of
handbook standards may result in disciplinary measures that could include immediate loss of off-
campus housing privileges.
The College provides economical housing for its married students in the Burton E. Boykin Apartment
complex, located on campus. Each unfurnished apartment has one or two bedrooms, one bath, a full
kitchen, and access to laundry facilities. Water and trash services are provided at no cost. Electricity,
cable and internet services are the responsibility of the tenant, if desired. Space is limited. Apartments
are rented on a first come, first served basis through the Division of Student Affairs. Applications are
located on mytfc.edu. The pet policy is listed in the Student Code of Conduct and is applicable to the
married student apartments.
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Pedestrians should yield the right-of-way to motorized vehicles, EXCEPT at a marked crosswalk.
Pedestrian traffic should not endanger their safety or interfere with vehicular traffic by willfully walking
or congregating in the streets. Motorized vehicles should come to a complete stop at all STOP signs
yielding to pedestrians and drive defensively so as not to put any pedestrian in danger. At TFC we are a
“walking campus”. Both the pedestrians and drivers should use extreme caution on campus to ensure
the safety of all.
Toccoa Falls College is a wonderful place to explore and engage in recreational activities that promote
physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. The college recommends that students, visitors, and other
members of the campus community use caution when exploring outdoors and seek guidance on areas
that are unfamiliar. Students should be aware of the following:
The college does not allow students to hike in restricted areas that have been designated such
through campus communication and/or posted signage.
The Division of Student Affairs must approve all bonfires.
Only students, faculty, staff, and approved guests of the college may use the swimming pond,
Lois DeLany Athletic Center, TFC cardio/weight room, athletic fields and pavilion. Any
exceptions to this must first be scheduled through the Division of Student Affairs.
Those jogging in the evening or early morning should wear clothing that is reflective and can be
seen in the dark.
The college assumes no responsibility for accidents that may happen to students who violate
hiking, swimming, and jogging regulations.
Motorized bikes and all-terrain vehicles are not permitted on unpaved campus roads or trails.
The college requires that students use sound judgment when planning a camping trip. It is advisable
that students notify a housing staff member or other college official of any camping trip that is being
planned. An indication of the general area where students will be is critical in the event of an
emergency, inclement weather, or if students become lost or disoriented.
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The Campus Security department is committed to maintaining a safety-conscious community. TFC
utilizes a variety of mechanisms and systems to ensure student safety. These include, but are not limited
to security cameras on campus, security personnel on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Campus property and buildings are patrolled as well as a combined effort between the Resident Life and
Security staffs to monitor access to the student residences areas. TFC uses an emergency alert system
that sends emergency messaging to phone, text, and computer desktops (faculty/staff). A door
barricade system is present in the academic classrooms. The TFC Security Department holds annual
training for RAs, educating student leadership in active shooter training, tornado safety, resident hall
evacuations and other emergency response scenarios. The goal of the Security Department is to create
an atmosphere of awareness that encourages everyone to report situations that just don’t seem right.
The Security Department is responsible for the enforcing of all parking rules and traffic laws on campus.
Security Guards are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Student Security Office is located in
the MIC building. The entrance is located on the end of the building, near the loading dock.
The Security office phone extension is #5220. The Security Center (at the entrance of campus) is phone
extension #5444. The Student Security Office hours are posted at the beginning of each semester.
It is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with TFC vehicle regulations and campus parking
rules. The rules and regulations have been adopted and are enforced to protect everyone who uses
campus streets and parking areas. Any student operating a vehicle on any part of the campus is
required to obey the laws of the state and the regulations of the college campus.
Having a vehicle at TFC is a privilege, not a right. The college does not accept any responsibility for loss
or damage to any vehicle parked or operated on campus.
For those establishing residency in Georgia, new residents in the state must register their automobile
within 30 days. Students can obtain registration and license plates in the Tax Commissioner’s office at
the courthouse in Toccoa. Students must bring proof of liability insurance and title or registration card
from out of state to register a car. Students must change their driver’s license within 30 days. Students
can obtain a booklet of rules from the Department of Motor Vehicles in downtown Toccoa.
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Out of concern for the safety of the student body, TFC limits the vehicles that enter our campus, or use
any part of it, to vehicles that are covered by insurance and have a valid license plate displayed. There is
no extra charge for a parking permit. The cost is covered under the general student fees explained in the
TFC catalog. If you bring a vehicle to campus, you must register for a permit. Students who complete
vehicle registration prior to New Student or Returning Student check-in will be able to pick up their
permits at check in. Permits that were not received on check-in days can be picked up at the TFC
security office. If a student is picking up their ID after student check=-in, the student should be prepared
with their student ID card to pick up permits.
1. All motorized vehicles, including motorcycles, that are operated on TFC property must have a current
TFC Permit.
2. Permits are obtained by registering your vehicle online. The registration form is found online at
my.tfc.edu. Registrations must be completed within three business days of the vehicle’s first being
on campus or following a change in license plate number. Registrations may be done online before
you arrive on campus and your permit will be waiting for you when you arrive.
3. The permit must be displayed at all times in the interior, lower, driver’s side of the windshield.
Permits issued in the fall semester are valid for the following spring semester.
4. The person who registers the vehicle is responsible for the vehicle and any/all citations issued to it.
5. In the case of having a temporary vehicle for 30 days or less, you may go to the Student Security
Office to receive a temporary pass that will sit on the dashboard of your vehicle until you get a new
permanent vehicle.
1. All parking at TFC is reserved. Faculty, Staff, Students and Visitors have assigned parking lots or
spaces. You are not allowed to park in any other lot or space on campus. There are times (see below)
that allow for exceptions to these regulations. During times of special events such as Homecoming,
Campus Preview, concerts etc. you may not be able to park in the reserved parking spots during the
evening hours or on the weekends. You will be informed through a “campus message” on your email
if an event required you to stay in your assigned parking lot/space. You are responsible to check your
email. You will be held responsible for any citation/ticket you receive during these restricted times.
2. Faculty and Staff spaces are marked with yellow paint. Faculty & Staff parking is reserved from 12:30
AM--5:00 PM, Monday Friday. Students may use these reserved spots from 5:00 PM 12:30 am on
weekdays and from 5:00 PM on Friday until 12:30 am on Monday.
3. Visitor parking is marked by red paint. They are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for official
4. Student parking spaces are marked with White paint or lettered signs designating a gravel lot. They
are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students are not allowed to park in any other student
parking lot other than their assigned lot/space, even on the weekends or after 5:00 PM. No cars are
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permitted to park at the Athletic Fields gravel lots during the hours of 12:30 AM through 7:00 AM for
safety reasons. Commuter Lots (specifically, parking lot “N”) are specifically reserved for commuting
students assigned to that lot between 12:30 AM and 5:00 PM. Parking Lot “R” is avaliable as
additional parking to campus except during Chapel hours on Tuesday and Wednesday, which is 9:30
AM through 11:00 AM, and other closed events.
5. Parking is not permitted in No Parking Zones. Any area that is not clearly marked for parking is
considered a No Parking Zone. Striped areas are also No Parking Zones.
6. Parking is not permitted in Fire Lanes. Fire Lanes are marked with a fire Lane, No Parking sign. There
are some red FDC signs and some red striping indicating fire lanes.
7. Parking is not permitted in spaces designated for the President and Vice Presidents.
8. Students needing to quickly access a postal box in the Mail Service Center can utilize five-minute
parking across from the Student Center.
9. Parking is not permitted in Handicap spaces unless you have a handicap permit. If you are
temporarily handicapped due to an injury or special physical situation, consideration will be given to
park closer to your classrooms. You must first obtain a temporary handicap parking permit from the
Director of the Academic Success Center.
Beginning at 6:00 PM each day, all vehicles entering on Kincaid Drive will be screened before the
security gate is raised to allow entrance to campus.
1. Traffic is controlled and monitored by having the security gate in the down position each day
beginning at 6:00 PM. Once the security gate operator has seen a valid TFC vehicle
identification permit on an incoming vehicle, that vehicle will be allowed to enter campus
without delay or question. If a permit is not visible, the vehicle will be stopped and a
determination made as to whether the driver and any passengers may enter. The driver’s name
will be requested as well as the desired campus destination before the vehicle is given the okay
to proceed. On occasion it might be necessary to check the driver’s identification first.
2. Beginning at curfew, 12:00 AM (midnight) weekdays, and at 1:00 AM on weekends, the gate to
enter campus will remain down until all persons in all entering vehicles can be identified.
Everyone in the vehicle will need a TFC ID or valid driver’s license to enter campus. All names
will be written down. This applies to all residence hall students, all married students, all faculty,
all staff, and all other persons wanting to enter campus to reach their homes or the homes of
those with whom they might be visiting. Likewise, at these same hours, the gate to exit campus
will be placed in the down position and all traffic leaving campus will be identified and their
names recorded.
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3. Any vehicle that is on campus without a license plate may be towed off campus at the owner’s
4. Under normal conditions the speed limit posted on campus is 20MPH or 25MPH. However, no
vehicle may be operated at any speed that is excessive for the conditions, which may result from
weather, traffic congestion, or pedestrian traffic.
5. Traffic signs and signals, as well as directions from Security Guards, must be obeyed. Failure to
obey traffic signs may result in a citation.
6. Operating a motorized vehicle in any area other than a street intended for motor vehicles is
7. All vehicle accidents should be immediately reported to the Stephens County Sheriff’s
Violation & Fines:
1st violation of any type Warning
2nd-5th involving student parking spaces or moving violations $75.00 each
2nd-5th involving visitor/faculty/staff parking spot or No Parking zones $50.00 each
2nd-5th involving fire lanes or handicapped parking spaces $100.00 each
After a 5th violation (or combination), you may receive a letter to meet with a college official.
6th-9th involving student parking spaces or moving violations $150.00 each
6th-9th involving visitor/faculty/staff parking spot or No Parking zones $100.00 each
6th-9th involving fire lanes or handicapped parking spaces $100.00 each
*Traffic citation charges are subject to change at the discretion of Campus Security.
1. All regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, even during
fall/spring breaks and Winterim. Special occasions (athletic events, concerts, Campus Preview,
weather conditions etc.) may require the Security department to impose parking and traffic
changes. You will be notified through email by campus messenger.
2. If a student has been wrongfully ticketed and has not violated TFC parking and traffic policies
written in this handbook, they may appeal the tickets within 7 days of the issued citation before
the fines are sent to Student Accounts. Citations must first be appealed using the Citation
Appeal form found online at my.tfc.edu through the “Services” tab, in the “Safety and Security”
section. Students may also come to the Student Security Office during posted office hours. You
will be notified via email on whether the appeal has been accepted. Citations for moving
violations will be placed on the vehicle physically the next time it is seen parked, or through a
student’s MSC box, or email.
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3. Students who are not willing to follow the policies regarding the use of their vehicle on campus
could receive a disciplinary referral to the Division of Student Affairs, which could result in loss
of parking privileges.
Information regarding the chartering of a new student organization is available in the Division of Student
Affairs. Students can complete the SGA Club Form to begin the approval process and to charter a new
organization or club. Submission of the form must also include a club purpose statement, a constitution,
and an organizational structure. The document is presented to the offices of Student Engagement and
the Student Government Association. With the approval of these offices and the Vice President for
Student Affairs, the new organization can be chartered.
The Office of Student Engagement and the Student Government Association must approve all SGA club
and organization events. All club events must be submitted to SGA through the SGA Event Proposal
Form, which can be found on myTFC.edu. The college’s official event calendar is housed in the Division
of Student Affairs and all student events must be placed on this calendar.
All organizations that need to use a college facility must contact the appropriate person who is in charge
of the facility to determine its availability. All academic spaces are under the Registrar’s Office.
Counseling, and Health Services are available and free to all TFC students.
Student Counseling Services is located in The TFC Wellness Center. During the semester, The TFC
Wellness Center is open Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM and on Friday 9:00 AM 2:00
PM with an hour closed for lunch at 12:00 noon. Individual, Couples, or Group Counseling along with
assessments, consultations, and referrals are available by appointment. All services offered are free and
confidential. If a student has a mental health need outside of office hours, contact the Resident
Assistant on duty. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with professors regarding classes
missed due to mental health. The TFC Wellness Center staff will not write excuses for missed
classes. More information is available by dialing extension 5304, emailing
[email protected], or walking
into the TFC Wellness Center during office hours.
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Student Health Services is located in The TFC Wellness Center. During the semester, The TFC Wellness
Center is open Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM and on Friday 9:00 AM 2:00 PM. Over-
the-counter medications, First Aid supplies, a blood pressure cuff, and scale are available for students’
use free of charge. If a student has a medical need outside of office hours, contact the Resident
Assistant on duty. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with professors regarding classes
missed due to illness. The TFC Wellness Center staff will not write excuses for missed classes. Students
are encouraged to have their own Health Insurance coverage while attending Toccoa Falls College and it
is the student’s responsibility to know the restrictions and guidelines of their specific plan.
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1-706-886-7299 dial extensions
Academic Grades: Registrar Ext. 5396
Bible/Theology Department Ext. 5279
Business Administration Department Ext. 5483
Campus Security and Parking: Campus Entry Station Ext. 5444
Campus Security and Parking: Main Office Ext. 5220
Career Services Ext. 5320
Communication Department Ext. 5270
Counseling Center Ext. 5304
Counseling/Psychology Department Ext. 5350
Director of Athletics Ext. 5352
Global Ministries Department Ext. 5252
Humanities/Natural Sciences Department Ext. 5350
International Student Services Ext. 5320
Internet Services Ext. 5463
Student Engagement Ext. 5324
Mail Services Center Ext. 5311
Ministry Leadership Department Ext. 5355
Music Department Ext. 5260
Office of Spiritual Formation Ext. 5291
Residence Hall /Activities: Director of Housing and Residence Life Ext. 5224
Scholarships: Financial Aid Ext. 5435
Student Employment: Assistant Director of Human Resources Ext. 5318
Student Government Association (SGA) Office Ext. 5301
Student Health Services Ext. 5304
Teacher Education Department Ext. 5298
Transcripts: Registrar Ext. 5396
Transportation: Maintenance Department Ext. 5309
Vice President for Academic Affairs Ext. 5250
Vice President for Enrollment Management Ext. 5380
Vice President for Student Affairs Ext. 5320
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Code of
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General Guidelines
As a Christian institution, the college has sought to establish standards and policies based on scriptural,
moral, and ethical principles. TFC wants students to commit themselves to the biblical standards of
acting justly (Micah 6:8), of placing others needs and interests ahead of their own (Philippians 2: 1-4),
and exemplifying the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). As a learning community, everyone accepts
responsibility for his/her actions. The Division of Student Affairs seeks to encourage and assist students
in maintaining high social standards.
The Code of Student Conduct outlines behavioral standards developed by the College community for
students and student organizations and the related procedures for addressing misconduct. Students
and student organizations are responsible for actions that constitute misconduct and violate the Code of
Student Conduct. Any student or student organization found responsible for misconduct may be subject
to conduct sanction(s), condition(s), and/or restriction(s).
The Code of Student Conduct and related processes educate students about their rights and
responsibilities while promoting holistic development, self-worth, and mutual respect for all members of
the College community. The student conduct component of college life is to encourage accountability
within our community and address misconduct from an educational and spiritual perspective.
Conduct regulations are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of college policy
regulating student conduct. These regulations should be interpreted broadly and do not define
misconduct in exhaustive terms.
The information listed here is either authored by Student Affairs or contains institutional policies for
which Student Affairs has responsibility for communicating and/or enforcing. More information
regarding academic policies or financial policies are located in the Academic catalog.
The authority to enact and enforce regulations of the College is vested in the Board of Trustees. The
responsibility for enforcing the regulations and imposing penalties is delegated to the President of the
College and any College officials the President designates. The Office of the Vice President for Student
Affairs is the principal agency for the administration of student conduct. The Vice President for Student
Affairs and the Director for Housing and Residence Life shall implement the student conduct procedures.
All references to the officials listed above shall be interpreted to include persons designated to act on
their behalf.
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Though the College conduct process at times may work collaboratively with TFC’s Campus Security
department or local law enforcement authorities, the College conduct system is not analogous to the
justice system used by criminal and civil courts. The conduct system at Toccoa Falls College serves to
promote the personal and spiritual growth of students while protecting the needs of the campus
community. Conduct action at the College will normally proceed notwithstanding any civil or criminal
The College is committed to a fundamentally fair conduct process. Each student alleged to have violated
any policy will receive notice of the allegations and have a hearing before the designated College
official(s). The College also allows for appeals, as outlined in the appeal procedures detailed in this Code.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ensures confidentiality of student educational
records and restricts disclosure to or access by third parties, except as authorized by law. A student
conduct record is an educational record. Officers of the federal and state governments and
representatives of accreditation agencies may have legal access to these files, as well as Toccoa Falls
College officials who are required to perform duties which necessitate having access to these files. In
addition, the College may disclose an education record to officials of another school in which a student
seeks enrollment or intends to enroll, upon request of officials of that other school.
All records concerning a student or student organization related to the conduct process will remain on
file in Housing and Residence Life for a minimum of seven (7) years from the date the students graduate
or are no longer enrolled at the institution.
1. Inspect his/her educational records within 45 days of the day the College receives a written
request from the student for access;
2. Require that the College obtain his/her prior written consent before releasing personally
identifiable information;
3. Request that corrections be made to educational records if the student believes the records are
inaccurate or misleading.
A student should submit to the Vice President for Student Affairs a written request that identifies the
portion of their student conduct record that they wish to inspect. The Vice President for Student Affairs,
or designee, will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the
records may be inspected.
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A student has the right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office at the U.S.
Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of
FERPA. A complaint must be submitted to the Office within 180 days of the date of the alleged violation
or of the date that the student knew or reasonably should have known of the alleged violation. The
complaint must contain specific factual allegations giving reasonable cause to believe that a violation of
the Act has occurred, and it should be emailed to FERPA.Complaints@ed.gov or printed and forwarded
to: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S. W.,
Washington, DC 20202-8520.
Toccoa Falls College will notify parents/legal guardians of students:
1. Who are under age 21, following the first violation of the TFC drug policy;
2. Who are under age 21, following the second violation of the TFC alcohol policy;
3. That are in a situation that is threatening to their own health or safety or that places another in
a situation that is threatening to their health or safety, both the parents and any “emergency
contact” may be notified. This may include any referral to any wellness center for alcohol or
drug assessment.
4. When the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee determines that circumstances exist
where it is in the best interest of the student and the College to notify the parent.
If it is deemed by the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee that it may be counterproductive to
notify a parent, then these notification procedures may be altered as necessary.
This Code applies to all Toccoa Falls College students and covers any behaviors that take place on
campus or off campus and may also apply to online actions when the Vice President for Student Affairs
or designee determines that the online conduct adversely affects a substantial interest of the College. A
substantial College interest is defined to include:
1. Any action that constitutes criminal offense as defined by federal or state or local law. This
includes, but is not limited to, single or repeat violations of any local, state or federal law
committed in the municipality where the College is located;
2. Any situation where it appears that the accused individual may present a danger or threat to the
health or safety of him/herself or others;
3. Any situation that significantly impinges upon the rights, property, or achievements of self or
others or significantly breaches the peace and/or causes social disorder;
4. Any situation that is detrimental to the educational interests of the College; and/or
5. Any online postings or other electronic communication, including cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking,
cyber-harassment, etc. occurring completely outside of the College control (e.g. not on College
networks, websites or between College email accounts) will only be subject to off-campus
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jurisdiction when those online behaviors can be shown to cause an on-campus disruption, when
they demonstrate other policy violations, or engage in a true threat.
Each student shall be responsible for his/her conduct from the time of application for admission through
the actual awarding of a degree, even though conduct may occur before classes begin or after classes
end, as well as during the academic year and during periods between terms of actual enrollment (even if
their conduct is not discovered until after a degree is awarded). The Code of Student Conduct shall apply
to a student’s conduct even if the student withdraws or is dismissed from the College while a conduct
matter is pending.
The College reserves the right to disqualify, discontinue, exclude, or involuntarily withdraw any student
from the College at the discretion of the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee, as
deemed necessary for the safety or well-being of the student or others. The College also reserves the
right to alter this Code of Student Conduct, or any portion thereof, at any time. The current Code of
Student Conduct supersedes all previous codes, and the policies expressed in the latest policy revisions
will govern all student conduct issues.
Student is defined as any individual for whom the College maintains student records and who:
Has applied to, been accepted to, is enrolled in, or registered with an academic program of the
College; or
has completed the immediately preceding semester or term, is not presently enrolled, and is
eligible for re-enrollment; or
is on an approved leave from the College.
In all cases of alleged violations of Toccoa Falls College’s Code of Student Conduct, the standard of proof
is the preponderance of the evidence (i.e., more likely than not). This standard is also employed when
making determinations regarding interim restrictions/actions.
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Conduct Policies
According to the Scriptures, followers of Jesus Christ will be people of integrity whose word can be fully
trusted (Psalm 15:4; Matt. 5:33-37). It is expected that Toccoa Falls College students, faculty and staff
understand and subscribe to the ideal of academic integrity and take full personal responsibility and
accountability for their work. Student are responsible for abiding by the TFC Academic Honor Code.
In accordance with Toccoa Falls College’s motto to center on Christ through the development of intellect
and character, students are expected to refrain from all forms of plagiarism. Plagiarism includes, but is
not limited to:
Buying a paper from a public source
Copying material
Submitting someone else’s work
Submitting previously written material without consent of faculty member
Using improper citation when referencing others’ ideas or directly quoting or
paraphrasing a source without attribution
Students are also expected to refrain from all forms of cheating. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
Using electronic devices and resources when completing an exam or quiz
Sharing information about exams or quizzes with classmates
Looking at peers’ papers during exams and quizzes
Allowing peers to view papers during exams and quizzes
The college expects students to act with integrity in all of their work, avoiding all forms of dishonesty,
cheating, and plagiarism.
The Vice President for Academic Affairs or his designee is the sole and final adjudicator of the
application of the Academic Honor Code and hears any student appeals related to academic integrity;
therefore, student conduct procedures described in the Conduct Procedures section of this Code of
Student Conduct do not apply in such cases. Findings related to academic integrity may be shared with
the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and may be considered in student conduct
All incidents of violations of academic integrity will be kept on record in the Registrar’s office.
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All students must refrain from the possession, manufacture, or consumption of any alcohol or alcoholic
products. Students are expected to comply with all state and local laws related to alcohol use in
addition to the College’s alcohol policy. As previously described in the jurisdiction section, this policy is
in effect year round.
The distribution of alcohol by students is permitted in employment roles only when the distribution is a
secondary function of that position. Examples of unacceptable employment roles include, but are not
limited to, bartending or working at a liquor store.
In accordance with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, the
College reserves the right to contact parents or guardians when a student under the age of 21 violates
the College alcohol policy.
The College encourages students with alcohol problems to seek assistance. The TFC Wellness Center
has confidential alcohol counseling and programs available. Affected individuals may be referred to
appropriate community agencies and organizations for assistance.
Due to Fire Code regulations and general fire safety considerations, the use of electrical appliances that
have high surface temperatures or that in any other way may create a fire or shock hazard are not
permitted in student rooms. The following electrical appliances are not permitted in residence hall
rooms: microwave ovens, hot plates, coil heaters, cookers, electric woks, fry pans, irons, toasters, indoor
grills, or pizza makers. These types of appliances may be used in a designated kitchen area where there
is a minimum of hazard.
Small refrigerators and coffee makers are permitted.
Students in attendance at Toccoa Falls College are subject to all local, state, and federal laws and
statutes. Students arrested by any law enforcement agency are required to inform the Vice President
for Student Affairs within 72 hours of their release. Students arrested may be subject to College
conduct processes when their conduct violates College policy. Failure to report this information to the
Vice President for Student Affairs will result in a Failure to Comply charge and may result in further
conduct action.
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Bullying is offensive, intimidating, malicious, or insulting behavior involving the misuse of power that
makes a person feel vulnerable, upset, humiliated, undermined, or threatened and is prohibited. Power
does not always mean being in a position of authority but can include both personal strength and the
power to coerce through fear or intimidation. Bullying can take the form of physical, verbal, and non-
verbal conduct.
Bullying takes many forms, all of which will cause distress. These behaviors include, but are not limited
to, hitting, pushing, tripping, kicking, spitting, teasing, using offensive names, ridiculing, intimidation,
exclusion, and threatening to take someone's possessions.
Complicity with or failure of any student to address known or obvious violations of the Code of Student
Conduct is a violation of this policy. Some examples of violations of this policy include but are not limited
1. A student who is present while an alcohol violation is occurring, whether on or off campus;
2. A roommate/suitemate does not reveal to Residential Housing staff that his/her
roommate/suitemate has an unauthorized person visiting and/or living in the residence halls;
3. A member of an organization who hears another member is repeatedly harassing another
individual (e.g., hazing, general harassment, etc.) but does not intervene and/or report the
Fire regulations prohibit the presence of any open flame or device that emits smoke, such as burning
incense, candles, oil lamps, or kerosene lanterns. These interfere with the smoke detection devices and
pose serious safety concerns to the larger community.
Use or possession of flammable materials, including incendiary devices or other dangerous materials, or
substances used to ignite, spread, or intensify flames for fire is prohibited unless expressly permitted by
a College official. Attempting to ignite and/or the action of igniting College and/or personal property on
fire either by intent or through reckless behavior that results, or could result, in personal injury or
property damage of College premises is prohibited. Any bonfire on campus must be approved by the
Office of Student Affairs. Contact
studentaffairs@tfc.edu to request permission for a bonfire.
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Freshmen/Sophomores Juniors/Seniors
Sunday Thursday 12:00 AM 2:00 AM
Friday Saturday 1:00 AM 3:00 AM
All campus building, lobbies, etc. will be closed at or before campus curfew. Students are expected to
be in their residence after curfew. Exceptions to curfew may be approved by your Resident Director.
Students should notify their RA or RD when leaving for the weekend or staying overnight off campus.
Repeated violations of curfew standards could result in conduct action.
Due to safety concerns, students may not sleep or stay overnight in a vehicle parked in a TFC parking lot.
Students found to be sleeping or staying past curfew in their vehicle may be subject to the student
conduct process.
The College recognizes God is praised through music and dance. Toccoa Falls College encourages
freedom of expression through music and dancing that promotes a positive view of self, acknowledges
cultural customs, and encourages accountability in social settings. Any dancing that is sexual in nature
or does not reflect Godly character is prohibited.
Toccoa Falls College values the image of God in His creation and consequently believes that respect
should be shown at all times to all members of the TFC community. TFC subscribes to and encourages
the equal right of all to pursue excellence in their lives without disrespect according to these
The College expects all students and faculty to remove from their behavior and speech habits, as well as
from their thinking, all indication of bias. All community members are expected to be attentive to all
their forms of communication with others (spoken, nonverbal, written, electronic, etc.). Slander, gossip,
lying, deception, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, and all forms of disrespect are considered inappropriate
and therefore disallowed.
No person or organization may interfere with, disrupt normal activity and operations of, or promote the
interference or disruption of students, faculty, administration, staff, or the educational mission of the
College or of the College or its buildings, equipment, or facilities. Any form of expression that interferes
with such activities and operations or invades the rights of persons is prohibited. Pranking or prank wars
may be considered a disruptive activity.
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Noncompliance with reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions on expression is considered a
violation of this policy. Such activity includes, but is not limited to, behavior in a classroom or
instructional program that interferes with the instructor or presenter's ability to conduct the class or
program or with the ability of others to profit from the class or program.
To remain in the vicinity of activity that is disrupting normal College functions when requested to leave
by a College official is prohibited. Bystanders, if their presence incites or adds to the disruption, as well
as more active participants in the disruptive activity, may be in violation of this policy as well.
Toccoa Falls College seeks to approach dress standard and appearance in a way that honors biblical
principles of modesty, as humility expressed in dress, and to provide general guidelines appropriate for a
Christ-centered educational institution preparing students for their profession and for service.
No dress standard can cover all contingencies, so students and community members must exert a
certain amount of judgment in their choice of clothing to wear on campus. In addition, our campus
culture supports the professional development of students and allows staff and faculty to communicate
additional dress guidelines for classes that are consistent with the course objectives. Some job specific
duties or other opportunities may require students to remove piercings for safety reasons or to cover
All clothes should be clean and in good condition.
Clothing should not be excessively short or revealing and should be in congruence with having
respect and honor for one’s body and for the campus community. For example, skirts/dresses
should fall mid-thigh, midriff and underwear should not show, casual wearing of leggings/tights
should have a dress or shirt over top that covers to the top of the thigh (except during exercise),
and shirt necklines should be respectful considering each person's unique body type.
Messages or images on apparel, and the apparel itself, should be consistent with the culture of
the college.
Footwear is required in public buildings.
Pajama pants are inappropriate for educational settings.
Swimwear should reflect modesty while at the swimming pond, in respect to the visitors of all
ages at the Welcome Center in front of the waterfall. Therefore, string bikinis and speedos are
No visible undergarments in public areas, including weight room and cardio areas.
If you are uncertain about acceptable, classroom-appropriate, or casual attire, please contact Residence
Life or Student Affairs staff.
Students are expected to comply with all federal, state, and local laws. In compliance with the drug-free
workplace requirements of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (1989), the following policy is in
effect for Toccoa Falls College:
Toccoa Falls College provides a drug-free workplace for its students and employees.
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All students must refrain from possessing, using, misusing, manufacturing, selling, or distributing
any counterfeit, illegal, dangerous or controlled drug or other substance. Controlled substances
include both prescription medication, medical marijuana, and “street drugs.” Prescription
medications must be used only by the person to whom they were prescribed.
Paraphernalia associated with the use of illegal drugs is disallowed on campus.
The use of any substance with the intent of being impaired/intoxicated is prohibited.
As previously described in the jurisdiction section, this policy is in effect year round.
The College reserves the right to use all legal means necessary to enforce its regulations and applicable
laws, which may include involving local and state law enforcement.
In accordance with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, the
College reserves the right to contact parents or guardians when a student under the age of 21 violates
the College drug policy.
Note: A student who receives a federal Pell Grant and who is convicted of a criminal drug offense that
occurred during the period of enrollment covered by the Grant must report the conviction in writing to
the Director, Grants and Contracts Service, U. S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW,
Room 3124, GSA Regional Service Building No. 3, Washington, D. C. 20202-4571. This report must be
made within ten (10) calendar days of the conviction. Failure to report such a conviction may subject
the student to suspension or termination of the Pell Grant and ineligibility for other types of federal
financial assistance.
The College encourages students with drug-related problems to seek assistance. The TFC Wellness
Center has confidential drug and alcohol counseling and programs available. Affected individuals may
be referred to appropriate community agencies and organizations for assistance.
The College recognizes residents desire for privacy, particularly in the context of their living situation,
and will do all it can to protect and guarantee their privacy. However, the College’s designated staff
member reserves the right to enter a resident’s room at any time for the following purposes:
A. To determine compliance with all relevant health and safety regulations;
B. To provide cleaning and/or pest control;
C. To perform maintenance work;
D. To search for missing College property;
E. To silence unattended loud alarms, music, or disruptive devices;
F. When building lock down and inspection is required during a closing period;
G. To show vacancies without prior notification;
H. Where there is an indication of danger to life, health, and/or property;
I. Where there is a reasonable suspicion of a policy violation.
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A room search by a designated TFC staff member is possible but rare. For such a search to occur the
conditions for room entry must exist and only staff members authorized by the Vice President for
Student Affairs may search a room. Items that violate College or housing regulations may be
A room search by law enforcement officials must be accomplished through the use of a valid search
warrant, or the student may sign a release (or give verbal permission) to allow the room to be searched
by law enforcement.
In accordance with Scripture (Romans 13), students are expected to conform to local, state, and federal
laws and authorities. Students and student organizations are expected to comply with and respond
appropriately to the reasonable and lawful requests of College officials in the performance of their
duties. Failure to comply with these reasonable directives and/or requests may result in conduct
measures. Failure to properly comply with or complete a sanction or obligation resulting from a conduct
hearing or adjudication may also be considered a violation of this policy.
Students may not intentionally sound a false fire alarm. Students may not tamper with, damage, disable
or misuse fire safety equipment. Such action is considered a compromise of campus safety and is
Students are required to evacuate any College building when a fire alarm is sounding and/or when
instructed to do so in an emergency or drill by College staff. Students are not permitted on exterior fire
escapes except in the event of an emergency.
Residence hall furniture may not be stored outside of its designated room or moved from one room to
another. Furniture is not to be taken out of any common area on campus.
Students have considerable latitude in decorating their rooms. However, they may not use wallpaper,
borders, paint, or tape on the walls, doors, ceilings, or windows. Items may be hung on doors and walls
using white sticky tack only (no thumbtacks, nails, adhesive strips, or any other item similar in use).
Ceiling lights should not be covered. In addition, items should not be hung from any drop ceiling. All
decorations (posters, pictures, etc.) should adhere to the philosophy and values of the College.
Additional furniture added by students, such as sofas or bookshelves, must be approved by the
appropriate Resident Director. Students may be asked to remove furniture that is unsanitary or in
disrepair. Students must furnish their own linens, pillows, blankets, and towels.
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The College is not responsible for any personal items left in residence hall rooms. Students should
monitor their personal belongings and should lock their doors when not present. Items found on
campus should be turned in to the Division of Student Affairs or the appropriate Resident Director.
Gambling, wagering, gaming and bookmaking are prohibited. This includes activities that involve
gambling for money or material possessions.
Students are welcome to host friends in their rooms according to specific residence hall policies. Guests
must be registered with the hosting student’s Resident Advisor at least 24 hours in advance and may not
stay on campus a total of more than three nights during a given semester. Guests may stay one night
for free, but must pay a $10 fee (payable to the students’ RA or RD) for each additional night.
The college prohibits members of the opposite sex from visiting rooms at any time except when there is
an open hall event. Exceptions may be granted by the RD for moving days. Children under the age of 14
may not spend the night in student residences, unless approved by the Resident Director.
All guests must comply with residence hall policies. Students are accountable for any and all violations
their guests may commit while visiting them.
Harassment is serious, severe, or pervasive conduct, that is unwanted or offensive that has the purpose
or effect of violating a person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, humiliating, hostile, or offensive
environment and is prohibited. Harassment includes verbal or written statements or symbols, physical
threats, or intimidating conduct that adversely affect the mental or emotional health of the individual or
that interfere with a person’s ability to function successfully in his or her academic work or social life.
Harassment also includes acts which are intended to insult or stigmatize an individual or group of
individuals on the basis of perceived or actual personal characteristics.
Pranking or playing a practical joke on another person may be considered a form of harassment and can
lead to injury, inappropriate behavior, and acts of retaliation that can be detrimental to the Toccoa Falls
College community. Vandalism of personal property may also be considered a form of harassment.
Hazing is the intentional, knowing, or reckless act directed against a student by one person acting alone
or by more than one person occurring on or off College premises that endangers or is likely to endanger
the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging or associating with,
being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, seeking and/or maintaining membership in any
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organization whose membership consists of students. Hazing is prohibited. Consent and/or
acquiescence by a student or students subjected to hazing is not a reasonable defense in a conduct
proceeding. Hazing includes, but is not limited to:
1. Any type of physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, using a harmful substance on the body
or similar activity.
2. Any type of physical activity that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that
adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of a student, such as sleep
deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, or calisthenics.
3. Any activity involving consumption of a food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug or other
substance which subjects a student to an unreasonable risk of harm or which adversely affects
the mental or physical health or safety of a student.
4. Any activity that intimidates or threatens a student with ostracism, that subjects a student to
extreme mental stress, shame or humiliation, adversely affects the mental health or dignity of a
student, or discourages a student from entering or remaining enrolled at the College, or may
reasonably be expected to cause a student to leave the organization or the College rather than
submit to acts described above.
5. Any activity involving nudity or forcing students to dress in a degrading manner.
6. Any activity in which a person solicits, encourages, directs, aids or attempts to aid another in
engaging in hazing; intentionally, knowingly or recklessly permits hazing to occur; has firsthand
knowledge of the planning of a specific hazing incident which has occurred and knowingly fails
to report the incident to Housing and Residence Life.
7. Any activity in which hazing is either condoned or encouraged or any action by an officer or
combination of members, pledges, associates or alumni of the organization of committing or
assisting in the commission of hazing.
NOTE: See State of Georgia current hazing law (G.S. 16-5-61) at
Inappropriate, indecent, or derogatory behavior, language, music, or dress will not be tolerated. This
includes but is not limited to the possession or display of pornographic or sexually suggestive material
and derogatory racial/ethnic material in any form on university-owned property or personal property
(e.g., vehicles, electronic devices, clothing, tattoos, etc.).
Students are prohibited from the following as they relate to the conduct process:
Discouraging or attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in or use of the
conduct process.
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Influencing or attempting to influence the impartiality of a student conduct staff member prior
to and/or during the conduct process.
Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the conduct
Students are obligated to demonstrate responsible behavior regarding the legal, ethical, and
appropriate use of TFC network infrastructure, computers, user accounts, and Internet services
(information resources). Unauthorized use of TFC information resources is prohibited, and may be
subject to criminal prosecution in addition to conduct sanctions, conditions and/or restrictions pursuant
to the Code of Student Conduct. Students should report any violations of the stated guidelines and
responsibilities regarding computer access and security to the Information Technology Department
TFC reserves the right to have authorized staff monitor the Internet activity of its students, staff, and
faculty, including the listing of sites visited. It also may limit or restrict access to objectionable material
on the Internet. Users have no expectation of privacy except as otherwise provided by applicable privacy
laws. Use of information resources is also subject to TFC I.T. Department policies, TFC policies, and other
applicable laws. All information resources are property of TFC.
The college has established the following guidelines to protect both the college and the user(s). Students
are expected to observe the following standards:
Respect the rights of others using campus information resources.
Students must use information resources for legitimate instructional, research, administrative,
or other approved purposes.
Students are limited to using only authorized computers, data, and software. TFC prohibits
students from accessing others data or accounts with the intent to read, browse, modify, copy,
or delete files and software.
Students are not allowed to degrade the performance of the TFC network by using large
amounts of bandwidth for personal use and are not allowed to bring personal wireless routers,
access points, or modems on campus.
TFC also prohibits using campus computers or networks to compromise other computers,
networks, or to commit crimes or other unethical acts.
Students are prohibited from tampering or damaging any TFC owned network, server, device, or
electrical equipment.
Students are prohibited from intentional spamming of students, faculty or staff, or outside
parties (defined as the sending of unsolicited and unwanted electronic communications,
including but not limited to e-mails and text messages to parties with whom the sender has no
existing business, professional or personal acquaintance) using TFC information resources.
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Students are prohibited from accessing and obtaining questionable material from the Internet.
Examples include but are not limited to sexually explicit material, racism, or hate groups.
Students are not allowed to obtain copies of copyrighted materials. This includes but is not
limited to copyrighted text, graphics, music, movies, and videos.
Lying or fraudulent behavior in, or with regard to, any transaction with the College, whether oral or
written is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
1. Knowingly furnishing false information to the College;
2. Altering or misusing documents;
3. Filing an allegation or report known to be without merit of cause, either with a College official or
with a law enforcement agency;
4. Misrepresenting the truth before a hearing of the College;
5. Falsely reporting an emergency or terroristic threat in any form.
6. Attempted or actual unauthorized use of a credit card, debit card, student identification card,
cell phone, personal identification number, test number, myTFC account information and/or
personal check, or other unauthorized use of personal property or information of another.
7. Possession or use of any form of false identification.
8. Lying about chapel attendance.
Out of concern for the safety of the student body, vehicles that enter our campus, or use any part of it,
must have insurance coverage and have a valid license plate displayed. Electric vehicles, hybrids, and
gasoline powered motor vehicles, including mopeds, scooters, and motorcycles, are to be parked,
stored, or driven only in designated areas. Students are not allowed to ride or drive vehicles that are
considered “off road” vehicles on any portion of the Toccoa Falls College property.
Reckless or unsafe driving and/or not adhering to speed limits, parking zones, etc. on campus are
The only pets allowed to live in on campus housing are fish, which must be maintained in a fish tank of
20 gallons or less. Violations of this policy may result in fines and cleaning charges. If a student has a
documented disability with written/medical justification warranting an emotional support animal or a
service animal that goes beyond the prescribed parameters, an exception to this policy could be made.
Further information about companion animal accommodations can be found in the Center for Academic
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Campus property should be respected at all times. All participants in acts of vandalism, including
spectators, may be held financially responsible for damage and may be subject to the conduct process.
Elevators should be used responsibly, including observing capacity limits. Students are expected to use
appropriate manners in the dining hall; throwing food is not permitted.
Sports of any kind are not permitted inside campus facilities other than the gymnasium. This includes
bouncing or throwing a ball, throwing a Frisbee, skateboarding, roller or in-line skating, bicycling, the use
of water balloons, squirt guns, or water fights. Objects or liquids should never be thrown from the
windows of College buildings. Students may be asked to limit the display of items visible through
campus windows and may not post signs or other items on the outside of College buildings.
Students are restricted from accessing all building roofs, unfinished or locked basements, and any other
locked portions of campus. Access to the top of the Falls is prohibited. Campus offices, classrooms, or
other non-public areas of campus should not be entered or utilized without specific permission.
TFC expects that students in any stage of a dating relationship reflect integrity, honor, and mutual
respect and consent in their relationships. Efforts should be made to preserve the comfort of other
community members in public common spaces. To this end, TFC community members are expected to
use discretion when displaying affection publicly. While not an exhaustive list, students should refrain
from the following: extended periods of hugging and kissing, sitting on or resting one’s head upon
another person’s lap, or lying down together.
Toccoa Falls college adheres to the Criminal Law of Georgia prohibiting public nudity (Georgia Code
Section §16-6-8). Therefore, it is College policy that nudity outside of the student’s room or restroom is
considered public nudity and will not be tolerated.
Anytime individuals live together in a community, a reasonable level of noise is expected. However,
loud or disturbing sounds such as, but not limited to, yelling, stereos, television, video games, bass,
musical instruments, etc., which interfere with others’ ability to sleep, study, or work are prohibited.
The college seeks to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to study, sleep and fellowship. Quiet
hours in all residence areas are 11 PM 8 AM, daily, unless otherwise posted by Housing and Residence
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Retaliation is intentional, adverse action taken, absent legitimate non-discriminatory purposes, that
physically, emotionally or mentally harms an individual as reprisal for filing or participating in a conduct
process, grievance process, or other protected activity. Retaliation is considered a serious violation of
College policy and will be treated as an issue of harassment or discrimination.
The College expects all members of the community to refrain from any form of sexual immorality
including, but not limited to, any form of extramarital sexual activity, adultery, promiscuity, touching of
intimate parts above or below clothing, homosexual behavior, transgenderism, viewing/participating in
pornography, or sharing sexual images of one’s self or others. Cohabitation is not allowed.
Students have access to on-campus confidential counseling services for proactive education or
assistance with relationship issues. Premarital and marital counseling are available for students and their
For information about our policies related to nonconsensual sexual misconduct, please see the Sexual
Misconduct/Title IX section located on page 51.
The College strongly believes that Christian conduct is a lifestyle. However, we acknowledge that anyone
can make decisions that bring about unintended consequences. In the event that an unmarried student
should become pregnant, TFC will support, to the extent it can, the spiritual, emotional and physical
well-being of those involved. As for enrollment, no student will be dismissed from TFC strictly due to
pregnancy but will be held to the behavioral standards outlined in this Handbook and could be subject
to the conduct process. If the affected student is currently living in an on-campus residence area,
he/she may have the option to move off campus or be reassigned to another residence area on campus.
TFC will assist the student and ensure proper confidentiality in accordance with TFC policy.
Use of skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, bicycles or other similar modes of transportation in College
buildings or on College premises in such a manner as to constitute a safety hazard or cause damage to
College or personal property is prohibited.
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No one can make collections or campaign for funds among students for any purpose except by
permission of the Division of Student Affairs. Those wanting to sell any kind of merchandise, solicit
subscriptions, or engage in any kind of commercial activity on campus will need to contact the Division
of Student Affairs for approval. Students are not allowed to operate a business from their on-campus
Toccoa Falls College is an educational institution. Its primary aim is not to be a vehicle for political or
social action. However, the College appreciates and endorses the fundamental right of expression, and
fully protects and encourages the fair and reasonable exercise of this right by individuals. Our freedom
of expression is not unlimited, but is constrained by the two great commandments of love for God and
love for neighbor. For Christians, free speech needs to be brought under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
With this freedom of expression comes a responsibility to welcome and promote the freedom of
expression for all, including those in disagreement and/or opposition. Individuals associated with this
institution represent a wide variety of viewpoints and attitudes; therefore, the college fosters free
expression and interchange of differing views through oral and written discourse, public assembly, and
logical persuasion.
The freedom of expression at the College may include students organizing and participating in peaceful,
respectful, and orderly public assemblies on College property to raise awareness and/or call on the
community to pray. The following guidelines articulate how to organize an assembly:
A public assembly is expected to respect daily classroom instruction, spiritual preparation for
worship outside and inside Grace Chapel before chapel begins, the day to day business of
campus staff, student residences, and the general life of the College; it does not include the
right to engage in conduct that disrupts the College’s operations and/or private living space;
violates local, state, and/or Federal law; or endangers the safety of others.
Any public assembly should expect a counter public assembly to be organized as a dissenting
voice to engage the campus from a different perspective at the same time and in the same
general location.
Organizers should appoint a spokesperson to collaborate with any SGA member and a Student
Affairs Director or the Vice President for Student Affairs to enhance cooperation and
communication in light of these guidelines before the assembly occurs.
The designated time and place for any student organized public assembly must be
predetermined in collaboration with any full-time Student Affairs Director or the Vice President
for Student Affairs
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Public assembly organizers and/or participants who disregard the guidelines outlined in this document
may subject themselves to legal action by the Toccoa Falls Sherriff’s Department (if local, state, and/or
Federal law is violated).
The classroom is the domain of the professor, and the professor determines how to maintain free
expression. With this authority comes the right to dismiss from the class any student who abuses the
privilege of expression.
Theft, shoplifting, or borrowing items without permission either on or off campus will not be tolerated.
This includes removing food, condiments, dishes, or utensils from the dining hall.
Smoking and the use of any tobacco products are prohibited. Possession of pipes (including hookahs)
and tobacco paraphernalia are prohibited. Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers (vapes) are also
The distribution of tobacco by students is permitted in employment roles only when the distribution is a
secondary function of that position.
All students are prohibited from the following:
1. Unauthorized entry into or use of College premises or equipment including another student’s
2. Unauthorized possession, use, duplication, production or manufacture of any key or unlocking
device, College identification card, or access code for use in College premises or equipment.
3. Unauthorized use of the College name, logo, registered marks, or symbols.
4. Unauthorized use of the College name to advertise or promote events or activities in a manner
that suggests sponsorship and/or recognition by the College.
5. Unauthorized use of on-campus laundry facilities by commuting or other non-residential
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The College prohibits physically violent, aggressive, threatening, or self-destructive conduct. This is
behavior that causes harm to a person or damage to property, causes fear for an individual’s safety or
the safety of others, or poses a substantial threat to or otherwise endangers any person’s physical or
emotional wellbeing. This policy is in effect whether the behavior was intentional or reckless. Conduct
that creates hazardous conditions for persons is also prohibited. This policy includes harm to self or
The unauthorized possession or use of firearms or weapons of any other kind including, but not limited
to, handguns, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, pellet guns, paintball guns, BB guns, knives with blades
longer than two inches (with the exception of knives intended for kitchen use), hunting bows/arrows, or
explosive or noxious materials on College premises is prohibited.
The College reserves the right to further determine the definition of a "weapon" and may prohibit other
devices on an individual basis. Items used aggressively or for violent purposes are prohibited and may
constitute a violation of this policy.
The ignition or detonation of anything which could cause damage to persons or property or disruption
by fire, smoke, explosion, noxious odors, stain, corrosion, or similar means is prohibited. Possession of
anything in the nature of fireworks, explosives, or chemical explosives is prohibited on any property
owned or operated by the College or at off-campus College sponsored events without prior College
Constructing mock explosive devices or issuing a bomb threat is prohibited.
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Toccoa Falls College is committed to maintaining a Christ-centered community, free of discrimination,
including sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating and domestic violence, and sexual misconduct in all
of its forms. TFC will not tolerate sexual misconduct by or against its students, faculty, or staff. In
addition, visitors, volunteers, vendors, consultants, third parties, or any person that provides services to
TFC are required to comply with the provisions of this policy. All community members must comply with
this policy, whether on campus or off campus, when engaged in activities sponsored by TFC or otherwise
related to TFC or its business. Such activities include, but are not limited to classes, seminars, meetings,
and study abroad programs.
The purposes of this policy include:
1. Prohibiting all forms of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct policies are defined below.
2. Creating a work environment that is free from sexual misconduct.
3. Encouraging reports and complaints when sexual misconduct has occurred.
4. Providing options for addressing and resolving complaints of sexual misconduct.
Persons who believe that they have experienced sexual misconduct or have witnessed sexual
misconduct of another community member are encouraged to bring the conduct to the attention of
appropriate individuals so that TFC can take prompt corrective action. TFC will take prompt corrective
action against any sexual misconduct by or against its community members. All TFC community
members are directed to implement and abide by the procedures outlined in this policy.
All complaints will be taken seriously and no one who acts in good faith to report sexual misconduct,
including third parties (e.g., vendors), will suffer actual or threatened retaliation or reprisal. TFC will
strive to protect the privacy of all individuals involved in complaints of sexual misconduct to the extent
feasible consistent with the college’s legal obligations. If it is determined through an appropriate and
prompt investigation that sexual misconduct has occurred, effective corrective action will be taken to
eliminate the sexual misconduct, attempt to ensure that it does not recur, and appropriately care for
those who may have been harmed.
If you have personally experienced any form of sexual misconduct, tell someone as soon as possible.
Immediate notification, ideally within the first 24 hours after any sexual misconduct occurs, helps assure
the preservation of evidence. Preserving evidence may be necessary for the proof of criminal sexual
misconduct or to obtain a protection order. In an emergency, call 911 (if on campus, dial 9 for an
outside line) or call the Office of Campus Security at 706-886-6831 x5299. In order to initiate TFC’s
response and resolution process under this policy, you or another person must notify the Title IX
Coordinator or a Title IX Investigator.
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TFC values environments that are filled with growth, development, accountability, and safety. Students
can be reassured that an intentional and proactive effort is given to keep safe and secure buildings.
Educational efforts are geared towards eliminating all forms of misconduct that include domestic
violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and other forms of sexual misconduct. Educating the
campus community through varied methods will include, but are not limited to; New Student
Orientation, residence hall programming, student organizations, campus email communication,
faculty/staff training. Assistance is given from the Stephens County Sheriff’s Office and other
partners. Additional information regarding the nature of these programs can be received from the Title
IX Coordinator, Housing and Residence Life, Vice President for Student Affairs, Human Resources, and/or
Stephens County Sheriff’s Office.
Policies and educational outreach are reviewed annually to ensure prevention and awareness are as
effective as possible.
Filing a report to address an alleged incident of domestic violence, dating violence, unwelcomed sexual
contact, sexual assault, and stalking ensures that the behavior moves towards being stopped. Reporting
is an action that is honorable and sends a strong message that the behavior was unwanted,
unwarranted, inappropriate, and harmful. The College can better address the above-mentioned
behavior when all involved parties come forward to address the actions of misconduct.
The College urges anyone who experiences or becomes aware of an incident involving Sexual
Misconduct, or who believes the Code of Student Conduct or a College policy has been violated, to
report the incident to the College by contacting any one of the following:
Wynn Coggin, Director for Housing and Residence Life and Title IX Coordinator, Parkerson
Student Center, Office A-7, 706-886-6831 ext. 5224,
Katie Thorne, Vice President for Student Affairs and Title IX Investigator, 107 Kincaid Drive, MSC
779, 706-886-6831, Parkerson Student Center, Office A-8 ext. 5320,
Mary Kaye Ritchey, Director of Human Resources and Title IX Deputy Coordinator, Business and
Administration Office, 706-886-6831 ext. 5238,
Campus Safety: 706-886-6831 ext. 5299, security@tfc.edu
Reports can be made by telephone, mail, email, in person, and online on the TFC website (visit
my.tfc.edu and fill out the Incident Report Form). Reports may be made at any time, including non-
business hours, by phone, email, mail, or the College’s website. Reports to the College should include as
much information as possible, including the names of the complainant, respondent, and other involved
individuals, and the date, time, place, and circumstances of the incidents, to enable the College to
respond appropriately. It is possible for individuals to submit this form anonymously.
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Upon receiving a report of Sexual Misconduct, the Title IX Coordinator will promptly contact the
complainant to discuss the availability of supportive measures with or without the filing of a formal
complaint and to explain the process of filing a formal complaint. In addition, when a student or employee
reports to the College that they have been a victim of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence,
or Stalking, whether the offense occurred on or off campus, the College will provide the student or
employee with a written explanation of the student’s or employee’s rights and options, along with the
procedures victims should follow.
If an individual has made a report to a TFC employee who is not a confidential resource and has not yet
heard from the Title IX Coordinator, please report directly to the Title IX Coordinator.
All victims of domestic violence, dating violence, unwelcomed sexual contact, sexual assault, and
stalking are encouraged to preserve any form evidence that include, but are not limited to; text
messages, chat/video messages through social media, email, clothing, recorded comments, or other
video means.
Some types of Sexual Misconduct prohibited by this Policy are also crimes under Georgia law. Individuals
who believe they may have been subjected to criminal Sexual Misconduct are strongly encouraged to
notify local law enforcement authorities or Campus Safety. If the individual requests, campus authorities
will assist in notifying law enforcement authorities. Individuals also have the option to decline to notify
such authorities. Individuals may file a criminal complaint and a formal complaint under this Policy
simultaneously. Reporting to law enforcement is not necessary for the College to proceed with a
complaint resolution process.
Individuals who would like to report Sexual Misconduct to law enforcement should contact the following:
911 (for emergencies)
Toccoa Falls Police Department, 92 N Alexander Street, Toccoa GA 30577, 706-886-8451
Stephens County Sheriff’s Department, 70 N Alexander Street #205, Toccoa GA 30577, 706-886-
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Sexual misconduct involves the following forms of sex discrimination and other misconduct: dating
violence, domestic violence, nonconsensual sexual contact, nonconsensual sexual intercourse, sexual
assault, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and stalking.
Dating violence is defined as violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship
of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The existence of such a relationship shall be
determined based on a consideration of the following factors: length of the relationship; type of
relationship; and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
Dating Violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse, such as physical harm, bodily
injury, criminal assault, or Sexual Assault, or the threat of such abuse. For purposes of this Dating
Violence definition, consent will not be a defense to a complaint of physical abuse. Dating Violence does
not include acts covered under the definition of Domestic Violence.
While Title IX requires that the alleged conduct occur in a College program or activity against a person in
the United States, the College also prohibits Dating Violence that did not occur in the College’s
education program or activity or against a person in the United States, but may nevertheless:
1. have continuing adverse effects on campus, College property, or in a College program or
2. substantially and unreasonably interfere with a community member’s employment, education,
or environment on campus, College property, or in a College program or activity, or
3. create a hostile environment for community members on campus, College property, or in a
College program or activity.
Domesitc violence is a felony or misdemeanor crime committed by a current or former spouse or
intimate partner of the victim under the Georgia family or Domestic Violence laws (or if the crime
occurred outside of Georgia, the jurisdiction in which the crime occurred).
Georgia family/domestic violence laws apply to any felony or commission of offenses of battery, simple
battery, simple assault, assault, stalking, criminal damage to property, unlawful restraint, or criminal
trespass. For purposes of this Domestic Violence definition, consent will not be a defense to a complaint
of physical abuse.
While Title IX requires that the alleged conduct occur in a College program or activity against a person in
the United States, the College also prohibits Domestic Violence that did not occur in the College’s
education program or activity or against a person in the United States, but may nevertheless:
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1. have continuing adverse effects on campus, College property, or in a College program or
2. substantially and unreasonably interfere with a community member’s employment, education,
or environment on campus, College property, or in a College program or activity, or
3. create a hostile environment for community members on campus, College property, or in a
College program or activity.
Any actual or attempted sexual contact, including contact with an object, with another person without
that person’s consent. Sexual Assault includes:
Nonconsensual Sexual Contact
Intentional contact, however slight and with any object or part of one’s body, of another’s private areas
(clothed or unclothed) or of one’s private areas with the part of another’s body (clothed or unclothed),
without consent. Private areas include inner thighs, buttocks, breasts, genitals, and groin area.
Nonconsensual Sexual Penetration
Sexual penetration, however slight and with any object, without consent. Penetration can be oral (when
penetration is with a private area), anal, or vaginal.
See the Statement on Consent below for more information.
The carnal knowledge of a person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the
victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her temporary or
permanent mental or physical incapacity.
The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification without
the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of
his/her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.
Nonforcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees
wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
Statutory Rape
Nonforcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent. In Georgia, the
age of consent is 16.
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While Title IX requires that the alleged conduct occur in a College program or activity against a person in
the United States, the College also prohibits Sexual Assault that did not occur in the College’s education
program or activity or against a person in the United States, but may nevertheless:
1. have continuing adverse effects on campus, College property, or in a College program or
2. substantially and unreasonably interfere with a community member’s employment, education,
or environment on campus, College property, or in a College program or activity, or
3. create a hostile environment for community members on campus, College property, or in a
College program or activity.
As used in this Policy, Title IX Sexual Harassment includes conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one
or more of the following definitions, when the conduct occurs (1) in the College’s education program or
activity and (2) against a person in the United States.
Title IX Quid Pro Quo Harassment
Title IX Quid Pro Quo Harassment occurs when an employee of the College, including a student
employee, conditions the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of the College on an individual’s
participation in unwelcome sexual conduct. Such unwelcome sexual conduct could include, but is not
limited to, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical contact or other
verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature.
Title IX Hostile Environment Harassment
Title IX Hostile Environment Harassment is unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex determined by a
reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a
person equal access to the College’s education program or activity.
Multiple instances of the following conduct, or other unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex, may
constitute Title IX Hostile Environment Harassment:
Unwelcome sexual flirtations, attention, advances, or propositions;
Requests for sexual favors;
Punishing or threatening to punish a refusal to comply with a sexual-based request;
Offering a benefit (such as a grade, promotion, or athletic participation) in exchange for
sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature;
Verbal abuse of a sexual nature or obscene language or slurs;
Jokes and comments of a sexual nature;
Verbal commentary about an individual’s body, sexual innuendo, or suggestive commentary
about a person’s clothing and appearance or references to body parts;
Displaying derogatory or sexually suggestive pictures or other objects in an office, in a
residence hall, or on a computer monitor;
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Visual conduct such as leering or making gestures;
Unwelcome kissing;
Unwelcome touching of a sexual nature such as patting, pinching, or brushing against
another’s body;
Gossip about sexual relations;
Cyber or electronic harassment of a sexual nature.
The circumstances that may be considered when determining whether conduct was so severe,
pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the College’s
education program or activity include, but are not limited to:
The frequency of the conduct;
The nature and severity of the conduct;
Whether the conduct was physically threatening;
The effect of the conduct on the victim’s mental or emotional state;
Whether the conduct was directed at more than one person;
Whether the conduct arose in the context of other discriminatory conduct;
Whether the conduct was merely a discourteous, rude, or insensitive statement;
Whether the speech or conduct deserves the protection of academic freedom
While Title IX requires that the alleged conduct meet a certain threshold before it is considered Title IX
Sexual Harassment, the College also prohibits unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex (1) that may not
rise to the level of Title IX Sexual Harassment (as defined above), (2) that did not occur in the College’s
education program or activity, but may nevertheless cause or threaten to cause an unacceptable
disruption at the College or interfere with an individual’s right to a non-discriminatory educational or
work environment, or (3) that did not occur against a person in the United States.
As used in this Policy, Non-Title IX Sexual Harassment is conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or
more of the following definitions:
Non-Title IX Quid Pro Quo Harassment
Non-Title IX Quid Pro Quo Harassment occurs when an employee of the College, including a student-
employee, conditions the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of the College on an individual’s
participation in unwelcome sexual conduct. Such unwelcome sexual conduct could include, but is not
limited to, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical contact or other
verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature.
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Non-Title IX Hostile Environment Harassment
Non-Title IX Hostile Environment Harassment is unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex determined by a
reasonable person to be so severe or pervasive that it substantially and unreasonably interferes with an
individual’s employment or education, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive employment or
educational environment.
Examples of Non-Title IX Hostile Environment Harassment may include the same type of conduct listed
above for Title IX Hostile Environment Harassment, when such conduct (1) does not rise to the level of
being so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to
the College’s education program or activity; (2) does not occur in the College’s education program or
activity; or (3) does not occur against a person in the United States.
Conduct cannot constitute both Title IX Sexual Harassment and Non-Title IX Sexual Harassment.
Accordingly, if conduct is determined to be part of a finding of Title IX Sexual Harassment, then that
conduct will not be separately analyzed as Non-Title IX Sexual Harassment.
Taking non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for anyone’s advantage or benefit other
than the person being exploited. Examples of Sexual Exploitation include, but are not limited to:
Intentional and repeated invasion of sexual privacy without consent (e.g., walking into the other
person’s room or private space without consent);
Prostituting another person;
Non-consensual taking of photographs/images, video recording, and/or audio recording of a
sexual or other private activity;
Non-consensual distribution of photographs/images, video recording, audio recording, or live-
streaming of a sexual activity;
Allowing third parties to observe sexual activities or view another’s intimate body parts, in a place
where that person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy, without consent;
Engaging in non-consensual voyeurism;
Inducing or coercing another to expose his or her intimate body parts in non-consensual
Intentional removal or attempted removal of clothing that exposes an individual’s bra,
underwear, or intimate body part, or that is otherwise sexual in nature, without consent;
Exposing one’s intimate body parts in non-consensual circumstances;
Ejaculating on another person without consent;
Distributing or displaying pornography to another in non-consensual or non-consensual or
unwelcomed circumstances;
Knowingly transmitting a sexually transmitted disease or sexually transmitted infection to another
person without that person’s knowledge and consent.
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Conduct cannot constitute both (1) Sexual Exploitation and (2) Title IX Sexual Harassment or Non-Title IX
Sexual Harassment. Accordingly, if conduct is determined to be part of a finding of quid pro quo or hostile
environment harassment pursuant to either the Title IX Sexual Harassment or Non-Title IX Sexual
Harassment definition, then that conduct will not separately be analyzed as Sexual Exploitation.
Stalking is engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable
person to fear for her, his or other people’s safety, or to suffer substantial emotional distress.
1. Course of Conduct: Two or more acts, including but not limited to, acts which the stalker
directly, indirectly, or through others, by any action, method, device or means, follows, monitors,
observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about a person or interferes with a person’s
2. Substantial Emotional Distress: Significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not
necessarily, require medical or professional treatment or counseling.
3. Reasonable Person: A reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar
identities to the victim.
Stalking behavior includes, but is not limited to, a person who:
Follows, monitors, or pursues another, whether in person or through any available technological
or other means;
Repeatedly makes telephone calls, sends text messages, or induces a victim to make telephone
calls to the actor, whether or not conversation ensues;
Makes or causes the telephone of another repeatedly or continuously to ring;
Repeatedly mails or delivers or causes the delivery by any means, including electronically, of
letters, messages, packages, through assistive devices for people with vision impairments or
hearing loss, or any communication made through any available technologies; or
Broadcasts or publishes (electronically or otherwise) the picture, name, address or telephone
number of a person protected by a restraining order knowing the person is likely to be harassed
or intimidated by others;
Following or lying in wait for the victim at places such as home, school, work, or recreational
Making direct or indirect threats to harm the victim, or the victim’s children, relatives, friends, or
Repeatedly posting information or spreading rumors about the victim on the internet, in a public
place, or by word of mouth, that would cause a person to feel threatened or intimidated. For
purposes of this definition, not all communication about a person will be considered to be
directed at that person.
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While Title IX requires that the alleged conduct occur in a College program or activity against a person in
the United States, the College also prohibits Stalking that did not occur in the College’s education program
or activity or against a person in the United States, but may nevertheless:
1. have continuing adverse effects on campus, College property, or in a College program or
2. substantially and unreasonably interfere with a community member’s employment, education,
or environment on campus, College property, or in a College program or activity, or
3. create a hostile environment for community members on campus, College property, or in a
College program or activity.
Unwelcome Conduct
For the purposes of the Title IX Sexual Harassment and Non-Title IX Sexual Harassment (see above)
definitions, unwelcome conduct is conduct that the individual did not request or invite and regarded as
undesirable or offensive. The fact that an individual may have accepted the conduct does not mean that
he or she welcomed it. On the other hand, if an individual actively participates in conduct and gives no
indication that he or she objects, then the evidence generally will not support a conclusion that the
conduct was unwelcome. That a person welcomes some conduct does not necessarily mean that person
welcomes other conduct. Similarly, that a person willingly participates in conduct on one occasion does
not necessarily mean that the same conduct is welcome on a subsequent occasion. Whether conduct
was unwelcome may be determined based on the context and circumstances of the encounter or
incident, including various objective and subjective factors.
On the Basis of Sex
For the purposes of the Title IX Sexual Harassment and Non-Title IX Sexual Harassment (see above)
definitions, conduct is on the basis of sex when it is sexual in nature or is referencing or aimed at a
particular sex.
Reasonable Person
For the purposes of the Title IX Hostile Environment Harassment and Non-Title IX Sexual Harassment
(see above) definitions, a “reasonable person” means a reasonable person in the shoes of the
complainant, considering the ages, abilities, and relative positions of authority of the individuals
involved in an incident.
Education Program or Activity
At a minimum, the College’s education program or activity includes all of the operations of the College,
including (1) locations on campus or otherwise owned or controlled by the College, such as residence
halls and learning spaces and (2) locations, events, or circumstances over which the College exercised
substantial control over both the respondent and the context in which the alleged Sexual Misconduct
occurred, such as TFC athletic events and other TFC-sponsored off-campus activities. Whether alleged
conduct occurred in the College’s education program or activity is a fact-specific analysis.
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Toccoa Falls College promotes the belief that sex is reserved for marriage. Although TFC maintains its right
to uphold and apply its religious beliefs with regard to sexual behavior, the College has no tolerance for
any form of Sexual Misconduct committed against any individual. Individuals are strongly encouraged to
report all incidents of Sexual Misconduct, even when the individual has a concern that they have engaged
in conduct that may violate provisions of the College’s Student Handbook relating to sexual behaviors.
See TFC’s Amnesty policy for more information.
At Toccoa Falls College, consent is defined as words or overt actions by a person in advance clearly
communicating a freely given, present agreement to participate in a particular sexual contact or activity.
Words or overt actions clearly communicate consent when a reasonable person in the circumstances
would believe those words or actions indicate a willingness to participate in a mutually agreed-upon
sexual contact or activity. Although consent does not need to be verbal, verbal communication is the
most reliable form of asking for and obtaining consent. It is the responsibility of the person initiating the
specific sexual contact or activity to obtain consent for that activity. For consent to be valid there must
be a clear expression in words or actions that the other individual consented to that specific sexual contact
or activity.
The definition of consent is subject to the following:
A person can withdraw consent at any time during sexual activity by expressing in words or actions
that he or she no longer wants the act to continue and, if that happens, the other person must
stop immediately.
A minor below the age of consent according to state law (age 16 in Georgia) cannot consent to
sexual activity. Sexual contact by an adult with a person below the age of consent is a crime as
well as a violation of this Policy, even if the minor appeared to have wanted to engage in the act.
Consent to some physical contact (such as kissing or fondling), by itself, cannot be presumed to
be consent for other sexual activity (such as intercourse).
The existence of consent is based on the totality of the circumstances, including the context in
which the alleged incident occurred and any similar previous patterns that may be evidenced.
Silence or the absence of resistance alone is not consent. Consent is active, not passive.
Whether an individual actively and willingly participates in conduct may be a factor in determining
whether there was consent.
A current or previous sexual relationship or encounter, by themselves, are not sufficient to
constitute consent to future sexual acts. In cases of prior relationships, the manner and nature
of prior communications between the parties and the context of the relationship may be factors
in determining whether there was consent.
An existing sexual, romantic, or marital relationship does not, by itself, constitute consent.
Prior sexual activity with other individuals does not imply consent.
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Consent cannot be procured, expressly or implicitly, by use of force, intimidation, threats, or
coercion, as that term is defined below.
An individual known to be, or who should be known to be, incapacitated, as defined by this Policy,
cannot consent to sexual activity initiated by another individual.
Use of alcohol or other drugs will never function to excuse behavior that violates this Policy.
Explicit consent to protected sexual contact does not constitute consent to unprotected sexual
Incapacitation is defined as the physical and/or mental inability to understand the fact, nature, or extent
of the sexual situation. It may be permanent or temporary. Someone who is asleep, unconscious, or
involuntarily physically restrained is incapacitated. Someone can also be incapacitated by alcohol or other
substances. With respect to incapacitation due to the ingestion of alcohol or other drugs, incapacitation
requires more than being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; a person is not incapacitated just
because they have been drinking or using other drugs. Where alcohol or other substances are involved,
incapacitation is determined based on the facts and circumstances of the particular situation, looking at
whether the individual was able to understand the fact, nature, or extent of the sexual situation; whether
the individual was able to communicate decisions regarding consent, non-consent, or the withdrawal of
consent; and whether such condition was known or reasonably should have been known to the accused
or a reasonable, sober person in the accused’s position. Intoxication of the respondent is not an excuse
for failure to obtain consent or failure to know of the complainant’s inability to consent.
Coercion is defined as the application of an unreasonable amount of pressure or
emotional/psychological manipulation that would induce an individual to do something against their
will. Coercion is more than an effort to persuade or attract another person to engage in sexual activity.
Coercive behavior differs from seductive behavior based on the degree and type of pressure someone
used to obtain consent from another. Coercion involves (1) the use of physical force, (2) threats of
severely damaging consequences or (3) pressure that would cause a reasonable person to fear severely
damaging consequences.
The Title IX Coordinator or her designee coordinates TFC’s response to alleged Sexual Misconduct policy
violations and the formal or informal resolution of any related complaints. These policies and their
resolution falls under guidelines provided by the Department of Education. Therefore, student conduct
procedures described in the Conduct Procedures section of this Code of Student Conduct do not apply in
such cases.
Procedures related to Sexual Misconduct complaints are further outlined in the TFC Title IX policy found
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Proactive intervention will serve the College in identifying students who may have the potential to either
hurt themselves or others. If a student, faculty or staff member is a witness to a comment or action that
is made which could lead to a violent act, either against themselves or the campus community, or to
Sexual Misconduct, a report should be made at once to the Division of Student Affairs. The bystander
should contact the Vice President for Student Affairs within 24 hours and submit a confidential report of
what they witnessed.
To be an effective bystander, consider engaging in one or more of the following ways:
Be proactive and speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Assist those with seeking help to address the situation that occurred.
Remember details related to the scene (gender, clothing, location, number of people involved,
comments made, names and description of others in the area, sound of voice tones, etc.).
Take seriously and advance the information provided to you as it deals with a misconduct issue,
specifically if it relates to an area of Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, Dating Violence, Domestic
Violence, and/or Sexual Assault.
Learn more about being an effective bystander.
Reducing risk in romantic relationships or platonic friendships helps students and employees stay more
safe and healthy. Listed below are a few options to reduce the risk that can compromise personal safety.
Be wary of meeting unknown people with whom you have communicated with online in a physical
Inform friends of where you are going.
Awareness of how to express yourself in clear and understandable terms.
Awareness of campus/community resources that can help.
Avoid substances that can impair your judgment while also being in an unknown/unfamiliar
Avoid locations that appear questionable or untrustworthy.
Be aware of exit locations and opportunities to flee a situation.
Visit with licensed counseling staff or others on campus or in the community to discuss challenges
or concerns in relationships.
Attend a personal safety course offered on campus or in the local community to learn basic self-
defense tactics/strategies.
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Warning signs can surface or evolve that can lead to non-healthy relationships. Listed below are examples
of warning signs that may be characteristic of abuse (2014, Center for Relationships Abuse Awareness):
Public criticism, humiliation from your partner in private or public
Nervousness around your partner
Being scared to disagree with your partner
Receiving pressure from partner for sexual activity
Lack of effective communication
Direct or indirect messages from your partner that indicate you are the one who should change
to make things better
Violent or threatening behavior in public or private
Dismissal of demeaning comments with excuses of “being tired” or “joking
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Conduct Procedures
The College will investigate any and all reports of alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct or
any College policy. The College is required to report all allegations of sexual assault, violent crimes, and
hate crimes to local law enforcement. However, under State law, the Reporting Party may request that
the report not identify the Reporting Party or the Responding Party.
Anyone who believes the Code of Student Conduct or a College policy has been violated should contact
one of the following:
Wynn Coggin, Director for Housing and Residence Life and Title IX Coordinator, Parkerson
Student Center, Office A-7, 706-886-6831 ext. 5224, w[email protected]
Katie Thorne, Vice President for Student Affairs and Title IX Investigator, 107 Kincaid Drive, MSC
779, 706-886-6831, Parkerson Student Center, Office A-8 ext. 5320,
Mary Kaye Ritchey, Director of Human Resources and Title IX Deputy Coordinator, Business and
Administration Office, 706-886-6831 ext. 5238,
Campus Safety: 706-886-6831 ext. 5299, security@tfc.edu
Students can also contact a Resident Director (RD) or a Resident Assistant (RA) to report a violation of
policy. If students do not want to make a report in person, students can fill out an online form to report
a policy violation by visiting my.tfc.edu and filling out the Incident Report Form.
It is recommended that reports of alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct should be received
by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs within ten (10) College working days of the alleged
incident to initiate conduct procedures. There is no time limit on reporting violations; however, the
longer someone waits to report an offense, the more difficult it becomes to obtain information and
evidence regarding the incidents. Incidents should be resolved within 60 days of notice regarding the
incident, not including appeal. This timeline may vary depending on the availability of students to
participate in the process, availability of evidence, delays for concurrent criminal investigations, breaks
between academic semesters, and other delays.
In some cases, the anonymity of a reporting party may not be possible. In cases where this is requested,
the Investigator, Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee will take all steps to protect a victim of
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discrimination. Should a reporter or reporting party’s identity need to be disclosed, all efforts to place
them on notice will be made.
If a reporting party would like the details of an incident to be kept confidential, the reporting party may
speak with on-campus counselors, campus health service providers, a sexual assault victim advocate,
off-campus rape crisis counselors, domestic violence resources, state assistance agencies, and members
of the clergy who will maintain confidentiality. Confidential employees at Toccoa Falls College include:
A. Amy Marshall, LCSW, Director of the Counseling Services, 706-886-6831 x 5349,
B. Rebecca Luttrell, LMSW, MHC, 706-886-6831 x 5304, rluttrell@tfc.edu
C. Jordan Brown, Director of Spiritual Formation, 7006-886-6831 x 5291, [email protected]
D. Rick Flateau, MS, ATC, Athletic Trainer, rfla[email protected]
Toccoa Falls College works to ensure that all alleged violations of the TFC Code of Conduct are
adjudicated in a timely manner. Should a student decide to withdraw from TFC and not participate in an
investigation and/or hearing, the process will nonetheless proceed in the student’s absence to
resolution. Non-attendance at a hearing will result in the loss of the right to appeal as outlined in the
Appeal section of this Handbook.
To be treated with respect by College officials.
To take advantage of campus support resources (such as the Counseling Center, the Wellness
Center, and Office of Spiritual Formation).
The right to be accompanied to any complaint resolution process meeting or proceeding by the
advisor of their choice, who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney. The College will not
limit the choice or presence of advisor for either the complainant or respondent in any meeting
related to the complaint resolution process.
To receive amnesty for violations of other College policy as applicable under the Amnesty policy.
To be free from retaliation.
To have privacy to the extent possible based on applicable law and College policy.
To have access to information regarding all applicable policies and procedures.
To receive a written explanation of available resources.
To have the right to participate or decline to participate in the complaint resolution process, with
the acknowledgement that not participating, either totally or in part, may not prevent the process
from proceeding with the information available.
To equitable procedures that provide both parties with a prompt and impartial complaint
resolution process conducted by officials who receive annual training on conduct prohibited by
this Policy.
To refuse to have an allegation resolved through the informal resolution procedures.
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To have notice of the allegations and an opportunity to respond.
To receive written notice of the date, time, location, participants, and purpose for all hearings,
investigative interviews, or other meetings at which the party’s participation is invited or
expected, with sufficient time for the party to prepare to participate.
To have timely notice of meetings that are part of the complaint resolution process at which the
complainant or respondent may be present.
An equal opportunity to identify relevant witnesses and other evidence and to suggest possible
topics to be covered with witnesses.
The right to timely and equal access to information that will be used during informal and formal
disciplinary meetings during the adjudication phase of the complaint resolution process. See the
Title IX Policy for specific details related to Title IX cases.
The right to appeal the decision as discussed in the Appeals section of this Handbook.
For the complainant, the right to report the incident to law enforcement at any time or to decline
to do so.
Periodic updates, and updates upon request, of the status of the investigation and adjudication.
To be informed in writing of the outcome/resolution of the complaint, sanctions, and the rationale
for the outcome.
The student may be advised by any person of his or her choosing during any meeting or hearing, but the
advisor may not participate directly, except for those functioning as Advisors in Title IX cases. Advisors
in Title IX cases will play an active role in the live hearing portion of the process.
All persons present during a hearing or participating in an investigation are expected to maintain the
privacy of the proceedings, subject to College consequences for failure to do so. While the contents of
the hearings and investigations are private, the parties have discretion to share their own experiences if
they so choose and should discuss doing so with their advisors/advocates.
In hearings involving more than one responding party or in which two reporting parties have accused
the same individual of substantially similar conduct, the standard procedure will be to hear the
allegations jointly; however, the Vice President for Student Affairs and/or Title IX Coordinator may
permit the hearing pertinent to each responding party to be conducted separately. In joint hearings,
separate determinations of responsibility will be made for each allegation and each responding party.
Upon receipt of an allegation of a violation of the Code of Student Conduct or a College policy, the
appropriate administrator or individual designated by the Vice President for Student Affairs/Title IX
Coordinator will conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether there are sufficient grounds
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to believe that a violation of the Code of Conduct occurred. The conduct officer/investigator will
inquire, gather, and review information about the reported student misconduct allegation and will
evaluate the accuracy, credibility, and sufficiency of the information. Incidents will not be forwarded for
a hearing unless there is reasonable cause to believe a policy has been violated. Reasonable cause is
defined as some credible information to support each element of the offense, even if that information is
merely a credible witness or reporting party’s statement. This investigation may include discussion with
faculty, staff or students. Interim actions or restrictions (see Interim Actions section) may be imposed at
this time.
When an initial report of misconduct by a third party does not identify the victim or the victim is not
available, the investigator will investigate the reported incident to fullest extent of the information
available. When a reporting party is identified but is reluctant to participate in the investigative process
and/or the student conduct process entirely, the College will make every attempt to follow the wishes of
the reporting party while weighing the interests of the campus community and the possibility of a
continuing threat. If the reporting party does not want to participate in the investigative process but has
no aversion to the College pursuing conduct action with respect to the named responding party, the
College will proceed with the student conduct process to the extent of the information available. If the
reporting party does not want the College to pursue the report in any respect, the College will
investigate further only if there is reason to believe that a significant continuing threat to the campus
community exists.
The College strongly encourages reporting of Sexual Misconduct by complainants and other individuals.
The integrity of the process is dependent upon the honesty of all involved in the complaint resolution
process. The College recognizes that sometimes an individual may be reluctant to report an instance of
Sexual Misconduct or participate in the process out of concern that their own conduct relating to the
incident (e.g., use of alcohol or drugs or engaging in sexual contact outside of marriage) involves a
violation of the TFC Code of Conduct or other College policy. The College’s overriding concern is for the
safety of its students and employees. Therefore, to encourage reporting, an individual who reports a
violation of this Policy in good faith or who participates in a complaint resolution process under this Policy
will not be disciplined by the College for any violation of College policies in which they might have engaged
in connection with the reported incident, except in the limited circumstances outlined in this section.
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The College may still pursue disciplinary action for alleged violations of College policies in instances
involving allegations of Sexual Misconduct or the distribution of illegal drugs, where any individual is
harmed by the conduct constituting a violation of other College policies or where the individual
engaging in a violation of another College policy holds a leadership role on campus.
Outside of those limited circumstances, the College will not discipline an individual who makes a good
faith report or participates in the complaint resolution process for any violation of College policies in
which they might have engaged in connection with the reported incident.
When amnesty is provided, the College may still impose educational or programming requirements or
other prevention measures to assist in avoiding further violations.
The College may take interim actions as necessary to protect the community from a threat to the health
or safety of the community as a whole, to any particular member of the community, or in cases where
there may be a risk of a substantial disruption to the normal operations of the College. If a student is
removed from campus on an emergency basis, the College will provide the student respondent with notice
and an opportunity to challenge the decision immediately following the removal. These actions may
include, but are not limited to:
A student/organization that is suspended on an interim basis is subject to all of the same restrictions as
if he/she/it had been suspended as a final sanction.
These restrictions may include, but are not limited to: restricted access to facilities, housing and/or
events, no contact orders with specific individuals, or any other restrictions deemed necessary by the
Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee, to be necessary to achieve the goals stated above.
*Altering any of these restrictions may be predicated on the requirement to engage in a psychological
assessment, drug/alcohol testing, interviews, etc. at the discretion of the Vice President for Student
Affairs or designee.
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The College will take immediate action to eliminate hostile environments, prevent reoccurrence, and
address any effects on the victim and community. This includes immediate steps to protect parties even
before the final outcome of the investigations, including mutual no-contact orders or working with
professors when both parties are enrolled in the same class.
Remedies for students may include, but are not limited to counseling services, victim’s advocate
assistance, modifications to on-campus housing, modifications to parking permissions, modifications to
academic schedule, or recommendations to employment reassignments. Remedies will be evaluated on
a case-by-case basis. See TFC’s Title IX Policy for further details of Interim Measures in a Title IX case.
Toccoa Falls College has a variety of resources to assist students involved in conduct processes or
experiencing concerns related to other student conduct. Resources include, but are not limited to
assistance in reporting criminal behavior to Campus Security, Stephens County Sheriff’s Office,
counseling services, medical assistance, academic support referrals, and other support services.
If, as a result of preliminary investigation, the appropriate administrator or designated staff member
determines that conduct action should be initiated, the student will receive proper notice of a conduct
hearing sufficiently in advance to afford the student a reasonable opportunity to prepare a response.
Notice will be sent via the student’s email, letter in campus mailbox, and/or be hand delivered.
Notice will include the following:
Specific alleged violations of policy(s); and
The place and time of the hearing, or a request that the student arrange a time within a
specified time period.
Based on the information gathered throughout the conduct process a student may be charged with
additional policy violations than were stated in the initial notification letter.
After proper notice has been given to the student, the College may proceed to conduct either an
Administrative or a College Conduct Committee Hearing and deliver a decision or recommendation
respectively. The Administrative or College Conduct Committee Hearing may be held and a decision or
recommendation made, regardless of whether the student responds, fails to respond, attends the
hearing or fails to attend the hearing. Should the student fail to attend the Administrative or College
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Conduct Committee Hearing, an Administrative Hearing Officer or the College Conduct Committee may
consider the information and render an administrative decision or College Conduct Committee
Hearings are closed to the public. Both the complaining and responding students have the right to be
present at the Conduct Hearing; however, they do not have the right to be present during deliberations.
Arrangements can be made so that complaining and responding students do not have to be in the
hearing room at the same time. To request changes in the scheduled hearing time, students should
contact Housing and Residence Life no less than three (3) days prior to the scheduled hearing.
An administrative hearing conducted by one hearing officer is the most common way a student conduct
case is adjudicated. Generally, the hearing officer will be the same person that conducted the
preliminary investigation. During the hearing, the student has the right to hear and present information
related to the conduct process and the allegations against him or her. Based on information learned in
the hearing, the hearing officer and/or investigator will make a finding of responsibility and assign
sanctions, if necessary.
A College Conduct Committee Hearing panel consists of three to five committee members which may
include faculty, staff and students. Availability may determine a different composition for the Hearing
Panel, and in complaints involving discrimination, sexual misconduct, or other sensitive issues, students
may be removed from the panel. During the College Conduct Committee Hearing, a designated
Committee Chairperson will facilitate the hearing process.
In cases requiring a College Conduct Committee, the investigator/student conduct officer will share with
the student(s) the names of those faculty, staff, and students trained for College Conduct Committees.
Students will be given the opportunity to strike any member of the College Conduct Committee whose
impartiality may be in question.
During the committee meeting, the Investigator/Student Conduct Officer presents the investigation
report, evidence, witnesses, allegations, and questions for deliberation. The College Conduct Committee
may question the investigator/student conduct officer, reporting party, responding party, and any
witnesses. The reporting party and responding party do not have the right to question each other nor
witnesses directly but may do so through the investigator/student conduct officer. The reporting party
and responding party have the right to add or make additional comments about the facts of the case.
Should new evidence be presented without prior discussion with the investigator/student conduct
officer, the hearing may be halted to consider the inclusion of this information. Impact statements will
also be halted if they are shared prior to the sanctioning phase of the hearing. In the event the chair of
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the hearing removes a student due to misconduct (reporting party, responding party, or witnesses), the
alleged misconduct will be forwarded to Housing and Residence Life.
Following the hearing, the College Conduct Committee will deliberate and will render a decision in
regard to the alleged misconduct as well as decide any sanctions, conditions and/or restrictions if
applicable. The chair of the College Conduct Committee will inform the Vice President for Student
Affairs, or designee, in writing of the decision(s).
Outcomes of the College Conduct Committee will be provided to the student(s) in writing within five (5)
College working days of the conclusion of the Formal Hearing.
Should a student fail to schedule and/or attend an Administrative Hearing or a College Conduct
Committee Hearing, a determination is made about his or her involvement without his or her input, and
the student’s right to appeal is forfeited.
Following the hearing, the hearing officer or the College Conduct Committee will submit finding[s] and
recommended sanction[s], if appropriate. The College will endeavor to reach a decision within 60
business days of its receipt of an allegation of a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. The student
will receive, in writing, the decision via email, campus mailbox, or hand delivery.
In these cases, the Hearing Officer or College Conduct Committee has determined that insufficient
evidence exists for a finding of responsible for any of the allegations. Parties may appeal the finding by
following the appeal procedure outlined in this Code. Upon a decision on appeal or expiration of the
appeal period, the case is closed and a record of the decision is retained.
The Hearing Officer or College Conduct Committee determines that sufficient evidence exists for a
finding of Responsible for a violation of any College policy. Parties may appeal the finding by following
the appeal procedure outlined in this Code. Upon a decision on appeal or expiration of the appeal
period, the case is closed and a record of the decision is retained.
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A Hearing Officer or the College Conduct Committee may impose sanctions, conditions and/or
restrictions as a result of a hearing where the student is found responsible. The Administrative Hearing
Officer and/or the College Conduct Committee may choose one or more options that appropriately
address the conduct.
If the allegation involves a student organization, the Administrative Hearing Officer or College Conduct
Committee may meet with a College staff member whose professional capacity involves the advising of
the organization. This staff member may provide information relevant to potential sanctions, conditions,
and restrictions for the committee.
The following College-wide conduct sanctions may be imposed upon students found responsible for a
violation of the Code of Student Conduct. All sanctions may be imposed either singularly or in
The purposes of imposing sanctions are twofold: one, to protect the College community from behavior
which is detrimental to the community and/or the educational mission of the College; and two, to assist
students in identifying acceptable parameters and consequences of future behavior. The sanction(s)
imposed is/are intended to correspond with the severity or frequency of violations, as well as the
student's willingness to recommit him/herself to behaviors that fall within the Code of Student Conduct
of the College and are consistent with the mission and values of the College. Other factors that may
affect the sanctions are:
1. The nature, severity of, and circumstances surrounding the violation;
2. An individual’s conduct history;
3. The need for sanctions/responsive actions to bring an end to the actions that were in
violation of the Code;
4. The need for sanctions/responsive actions to prevent the future recurrence of the
actions that were in violation of the Code;
5. The need to remedy the effects of the actions that were in violation of the Code on the
victim and/or the community.
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Sanctions are defined as the primary outcome of the alleged violation. If a student or student
organization is found responsible, the range of sanctions includes the following outcomes:
Expulsion occurs when the student is permanently withdrawn and separated from the College. The
status of expulsion will be shown permanently on the student’s academic record, including the
transcript or student organization’s registration. Conduct expulsion is noted on the student’s transcript
by the phrase “Administrative Withdrawal.” An administrative hold will be placed on the
student record by the Director of Housing and Residence Life to prevent future registration.
Suspension is a specific period of time in which a student is not allowed to participate in class or College-
related activities. The status of suspension will be shown on the student’s academic record, including
the transcript. Suspension is noted on the student’s transcript by the phrase “Administrative
Withdrawal”. Notification of suspension of a student will indicate the date on which it begins and the
earliest date the application for student readmission will be considered. If the student has failed to
satisfy any sanctions, conditions and/or restrictions that have been imposed prior to application for
readmission, the Director of Housing and Residence Life may deny readmission to a student. On denial
of a student’s readmission, the Director of Housing and Residence Life or designee will set a date when
another application for readmission may again be made.
Deferred suspension is a period of time where a suspension may be deferred for a period of observation
and review, but in no case will the deferred suspension be less than the remainder of the semester.
Further instances of misconduct under the Code of Student Conduct during this period may result in
additional sanctions, conditions and/or restrictions.
Probation is a period of time during which a student’s conduct will be observed and reviewed. The
student must demonstrate the ability to comply with College policies, rules, and/or standards and any
other requirement stipulated for the probationary period. Further instances of misconduct under the
Code of Student Conduct during this period may result in additional sanctions, conditions and/or
An official reprimand that makes the misconduct a matter of record in the student’s educational record.
Any further misconduct could result in further conduct action.
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Student organizations may also be subject to suspension of their organization’s registration. Suspension
is a specific period of time in which a student organization’s registration and privileges are suspended.
Notification of suspension of an organization will indicate the date on which the suspension begins and
the earliest date the application for re-registration will be considered. The College may deny an
organization’s request for re-registration if the organization’s misconduct during a period of suspension
would have warranted additional conduct action. If the organization has failed to satisfy any sanctions,
conditions, and/or restrictions that have been imposed prior to application for re-registration, the
Student Conduct Officer may deny re-registration to the organization. On denial of an organization’s
application for re-registration, the Student Conduct Officer will set a date when another application for
re-registration may be made.
A condition is an additional component of a conduct sanction. A condition is usually an educational or
personal element that is to occur in conjunction with the assigned sanction. Some examples of
conditions include, but are not limited to:
1. Personal and/or academic counseling intake session.
2. Accountability, Mentoring, or Discipleship with a designated TFC employee.
3. Discretionary educational conditions and/or programs of educational service to the College
and/or community.
4. Residence hall relocation and/or contract review/cancellation of residence hall contract and/or
use of dining facilities.
5. Restitution or compensation for loss, damage or injury, which may take the form of appropriate
service and/or monetary or material replacement.
6. Monetary assessment owed to the College.
7. Completion of an alcohol or drug education program.
A restriction is an additional component of a conduct sanction. A restriction is usually an educational
component that is to occur in conjunction with the sanction and will usually be time specific. Some
examples of restrictions include, but are not limited to:
1. Prohibited access to College facilities, services, programs and/or prohibited direct or indirect
contact with members of the College community.
2. Loss of privileges on a temporary or permanent basis, participation in co-curricular activities.
3. Revocation of parking privileges.
4. Denial of eligibility for holding office in registered student organizations.
5. Withdrawal of College funding (Student Government Association, departmental, Student Fees,
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The following guidelines apply to the appeal process:
1. Any party to a complaint (the Reporting Party or Responding Party) may submit an appeal to the
individual designated in the decision letter. That individual will serve as the appeal officer or will
organize a College Conduct Appeals Committee. The Vice President of Student Affairs will assign
an Appeal Officer which was not involved in the original investigation and hearing.
2. All sanctions coming from the original hearing are to be implemented while an appeal is
pending, unless a request for a stay of sanctions, or postponement, has been requested in
writing and that request has been granted. Submit a request for a stay of sanctions to the
appeal officer designated in the decision letter.
3. The presumptive stance of the Appeal Officer is to be that the original hearing body was correct
in its initial finding. The burden is on the appellant to show error as outlined below in the
Grounds for Appeal.
4. Appeals are not intended to be full re-hearings of the allegation(s). In most cases, appeals are
confined to a review of the written documentation from the original hearing and pertinent
documentation regarding the grounds for appeal.
5. The Appeal Officer or Committee may at his/her discretion request information from the
original Hearing Officer or Committee. In rare cases, the Appeal Officer will interview persons
involved in the original hearing and investigation.
A student may appeal the findings or sanctions from the original hearing if:
A procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter;
New evidence that was not reasonably available at the time of the determination regarding
responsibility or dismissal was made, that could affect the outcome of the matter;
The Hearing Officer had a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents
generally or the individual complainant or respondent that affected the outcome of the matter;
The sanction or other response by the College is substantially disproportionate to the findings.
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Students should submit a typed letter of appeal to the designated appeal officer within five business
days of the date on the decision letter. Students will have only one opportunity to appeal. Students who
did not schedule and attend the original hearing forfeit the right to appeal a decision.
The appointed Appeals Officer, or his/her designee, reserves the right to determine if an appeal will be
presented to the Student Conduct Appeals Committee or remain an administrative appeal. Upon review
of the case, the appeals officer or appeals committee may:
1. Affirm, modify, or reverse the findings of responsibility.
2. Affirm or modify, either to increase or decrease, the sanctions imposed.
Administrative appeal hearings are most common and are adjudicated by one Appeal Officer. The
Appeal Officer will endeavor to provide the student with a decision within 30 days of receipt of the filing
of the appeal. The decision will be communicated to the student via email, letter in campus mailbox,
hand-delivered letter, phone, or combination of these means. The decision of the Appeal Officer is final.
The College Conduct Appeals Committee consists of a represented group of College faculty, staff and
students selected by the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee. The College Conduct
Appeals Committee may establish rules and guidelines, as appropriate, for any given hearing but does
not have the authority to interpret or modify College policy or the Code of Student Conduct. The
decision of the College Conduct Appeals Committee is final.
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TFC reserves the right to withdraw a student involuntarily from the college. Such an involuntary
withdrawal is termed an “administrative withdrawal” or suspension. Reasons for this action may
include, but are not limited to, the behavior of a student who:
1. Demonstrates an apparent threat of harm to self or to others.
2. Engages in activity that leads to significant property damage.
3. Fails, after due notice, to satisfy financial obligations to the college.
4. Neglects to satisfy health regulations, such as required immunizations.
5. Is not attending classes on a regular basis, indicating an attitude of apathy.
6. Violates standards of the Code of Student Conduct that call for suspension or expulsion
as set forth in this handbook.
As a result of administrative withdrawal, suspension, or expulsion, the student will be removed from
classes, receive failing grades for that school term (FX), lose his or her status as a student of TFC, and
have TFC internet access revoked. The student will also lose the privilege of living in college-owned
residences. Before an administrative withdrawal is put into effect, the student 20 Toccoa Falls College
22-23 Catalog will be given opportunity to appeal the decision. Student suspension or expulsion, based
on matters related to violations of the Code of Student Conduct, may be appealed by means of the
process described in the TFC Student Handbook. Involuntary withdrawal based upon academic issues
may be appealed to the Academic Discipline Committee as described under the heading “Academic
Discipline Appeals” in the academic information section of the college catalog.
The student will not be allowed to apply for re-admittance for any subsequent term until the reasons for
withdrawal/dismissal have been resolved.
Any questions regarding financial obligations due to an involuntary administrative withdrawal should be
directed to the Director of Financial Aid and/or the Student Accounts Manager.
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We recognize that from time to time students may have concerns or complaints regarding a policy,
experience, or a decision. Toccoa Falls College wishes to provide a clear and efficient way for these
concerns or complaints to be presented to the proper office on campus. The following is a listing of
common concerns and the appropriate office to direct comments:
Academic concerns = Office of Academic Affairs
Athletic concerns = Athletic Office
Billing or Financial Aid concerns = Office of Student Accounts
Housing Issues or roommate concerns = Office of the Director of Housing and Residence Life
Parking, safety or security concerns = Office of Security
Meal plans or food service concerns = Chartwells Food Services Office
Racial or Sexual Harassment = Division of Student Affairs or Human Resources
Technology concerns = Office of the Director of Information Technology
Online Program or Dual Enrollment concerns = Office of the Vice President of Distance
General concerns = Office of Student Affairs
If students are not certain where to go or how to issue a complaint, appeal a decision, or seek to
promote change of a given policy, they are advised to bring any such issue to the Student Affairs Office.
When minor concerns can be resolved quickly, no formal record needs to be made. Students can choose
to submit a formal written complaint with the Student Affairs Office at any time by completing an
“Issues of Concern/Complaint” form. Students may also issue an informal complaint without a written
record in instances where they simply want advice or direction on dealing with a concern or complaint.
When concerns or complaints are first presented by a student’s parent, parents will be asked to
encourage their student to present the concern or complaint or write the appeal.
Records of formal student complaints and resolutions will be kept by the office receiving the formal
complaint, with a master storage in the Office of Student Affairs. This office will track the complaints by
ensuring that the relevant office closed the appeal, which will come by communication from the
relevant office in the list above to Student Affairs.
NOTE: Students are advised to review the TFC Student Handbook regarding appeals of student discipline
and the TFC Academic Catalog for academic appeal policies. Questions?
For those students who are not satisfied with the way TFC resolved the complaint, they should contact
the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission: