1Printing services at your library
Library Services
Printing services
at your library
2 Printing services at your library
Setting up a Papercut account to
pay for printing and copying ������������������������������������4
Printing in the library������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Using library printers to scan to your email �����������������������������������������������������������������14
How to use Web print������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
Printing services at your library 3
Papercut – the new library
print system
The Library Service has recently invested in a
new system for printing and photocopying at your
library� The new printing system, called Papercut,
will enable customers to securely manage their
printing, photocopying and scanning using the
library’s public computers�
All your prints can be managed and paid for efficiently online,
without the need to use a coinbox� For customers still wanting to
use cash, print vouchers will be available to buy over the counter
Papercut also allows library customers to print securely to the
library printer from their own device via Wifi� Prints can be sent
from home at any time of the day to be collected later
Accounts are simple to set up, you just need your library card and
PIN, so you don’t need to memorise more account details�
4 Printing services at your library
Setting up a Papercut
account to pay for
printing and copying
Set up or log in to your account
If you are on a library computer, you will
see a box at the top right-hand corner of
the screen showing a zero account balance�
This amount will change once you have created
or logged into your account and added funds�
Click on Account Log in to go to the
Papercut web portal�
You will then see this box appear� In the username box you will see the letters
‘nluser’� you will need to overtype these with your library card number and
enter your PIN in the ‘password’ box
If you’re not a library member already
you can join in the library or online
via our website at
Alternatively if you are printing from your
own device or want to photocopy, you can
access the Papercut web portal by going to
Please note, you need to use the whole
address, including ‘https://’
You will need to log in with your library card and PIN
(Tip: if you don’t already have an account, entering your
library card and PIN details will automatically create one for you)�
Printing services at your library 5
In order to print or photocopy, you need to put some credit onto your
Papercut account� There are two ways to add funds to your account, either
directly with a debit or credit card, or by buying a voucher from library staff
Adding fund to your account using a credit or debit card
After log in, you will see the screen below with a side bar menu�
Click onAdd Credit’, choose your amount from the drop-down box and click
the Add value’ green button� The minimum amount you can add is 25p�
Enter your card details on the following screen by selecting the relevant icon
and input your card details� Click on “Yes, I confirm payment”� Ensure you
receive payment confirmation�
6 Printing services at your library
Adding credit using a library voucher
Vouchers can be bought from library staff during staffed hours� They are
available in denominations of 50p, £1, £2, £5 and £10� Please note, no
change can be given from a voucher� Vouchers have an expiry date, but once
added to the account, funds will remain until used and do not expire�
Follow the log in instructions above and choose the ‘Redeem Card’ option
from the side menu:
Enter the number on your voucher and click ‘Redeem Card’:
Click on ‘Summary’ on the menu to view your updated balance�
Printing services at your library 7
Your Papercut account will also show the following account details
Transaction history:
Recent print jobs:
Jobs pending release:
8 Printing services at your library
If you have a document you would like to print, go to the print
menu and select the colour or mono (black and white) printer
Click print� You will now see a box asking you to log in to PaperCut�
Enter your library card and PIN and the system will automatically
open your account, or set one up for you if you don’t have one already
The Papercut system defaults to keep you logged in until you log out from
the PC� You can choose a shorter period if you want to in the ‘Remember
drop down box�
Adding credit to your account
In order to print, you need to put some credit onto your account� There are two
ways to add funds to your account, either directly with a debit or credit card, or
by buying a voucher from library staff� Vouchers are available in denominations
of 50p, £1, £2, £5 and £10� No change can be given from a voucher
Please see the ‘Setting up a Papercut account to pay for printing and
copying’ on page 4 for further information.
Printing in the library
Printing services at your library 9
Releasing prints
Go to the printer and enter your card number in the username field
and PIN in password�
After you have logged in you are shown this screen where you
can print all documents or select the documents you want to print�
You can amend documents in the print release screen
10 Printing services at your library
If you click on print release, you will see this screen where you can
select/amend each job delete or take no action� Your print will stay
in the system for 72 hours�
Select the job by clicking the box on the left� If you have forgotten
to choose 2 sided printing you can select it here�
By clicking the arrow next to the job you have selected you will
get the options below which tells you the cost, the details of the
print and how much credit you have�
Click print and the print is released�
Please remember to click Authentic/Logout on the
top right of the display when you have finished�
Printing services at your library 11
In order to photocopy, you will need a Papercut account which will allow
you to add the funds to pay for your copying� Accounts are easy to set up,
you just need your library card and PIN�
There are two ways to add funds to your account, either directly with a
debit or credit card, or by buying a voucher from library staff� Vouchers are
available in denominations of 50p, £1, £2, £5 and £10� No change can
be given from a voucher
Please note, if you don’t have sufficient funds to complete all photocopying,
the printer will not finish your job�
Please see the ‘Setting up a Papercut account for printing and copying’
on page 4 for further information. If you will find setting up an online
account difficult please speak to a member of staff.
Once you have an account with funds, please follow these instructions
to photocopy:
12 Printing services at your library
Log on to the printer using your library card and PIN�
Click on ‘Device functions’:
The following screen will appear� Click ‘next’ to get to Copy screen
Printing services at your library 13
Make your selection and click ‘Start’�
Please remember to click Authentic/Logout on the top right of
the display when you have finished�
14 Printing services at your library
Using library printers
to scan to your email
You can scan to your email address IF your email address is registered on
our library system and your PaperCut account is at least 1 day old� If your
email is not registered, you will need to ask a member of staff to do this for
you and the system will update overnight which will then allow you to scan
to your email� Scanning to email is free of charge so you will not need funds
on your account�
Log into the screen on the printer using your library card and PIN�
Click Scan, if you are happy with default settings, click Start:
Printing services at your library 15
You can edit the subject of the email and file name by clicking in the
box and using the on-screen keyboard:
‘Settings’ will give you the following options� Make your selection and
click ‘Start’
Please remember to click Authentic/Logout on the top right
of the display when you have finished�
16 Printing services at your library
How to use Web print
The library uses a system called Papercut to enable you to print from your
own device, either whilst in the library or from home� You will need a
Papercut account and sufficient funds on the account to pay for the printing�
For information on how to set up an account and add funds please see
‘Setting up a Papercut account to pay for printing and copying on page 4’.
Once logged into your account select ‘web print’ from the side menu and
click on the green button to submit a job�
Select mono or colour and click on the green button�
Printing services at your library 17
Select the number of copies and click on upload documents� There is no
option to choose double sided printing here, but you can then choose to
“Print as 2 sided” once you get to the printer� See page 10�
Click ‘Upload from computer’�
18 Printing services at your library
This is an example of how your files will look�
You can check if your file type is supported here�
Wait for files to process after upload is complete�
Your files will be held in a queue for up to 72 hours for you to collect�
Please see ‘Printing in the library – Releasing prints on page 9’
for how to collect your prints�
Printing services at your library 19
For help with Papercut, please:
Speak to a member of staff in the library
Email us at [email protected].uk