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Questions/ANSWERS for Santa Claus
1. Are the elves your children? No, they come from all the different lands of the world and each
one, when they reached the age of 150 sent me a message asking for an interview to become an
elf. Then after completing the required courses in Elf College, they became full-fledged elves and
could work at The North Pole.
2. Are there lots of buildings at the North Pole? Oh, my, YES! We have pretty much all the same
kinds of buildings you have in your town. Some of my favorite ones are the North Pole Post
Office, the Northern Lights Movie Theater and the Tasty Delight Ice Cream Shop.
3. Are you real? As far as I can tell, I am very real. Probably just as real as you are. I get asked that
a lot, so most of the time I check by pulling on my beard, and it’s always there. So, I must be
4. Can we visit you at the North Pole? You can always visit me at the North Pole in your dreams
and imagination, but the only way to physically visit there is to be invited to come and attend Elf
College and live there as an Elf.
5. Can you bring my puppy back to life? Puppies and other pets are very important in each of our
lives. I have had quite a few dogs and cats in my life and I love each one of them. But, it is the
eternal plan that every living creature has a life span. Some live many hundreds of years, like
me. And, some live only a few months. But, we each can find great joy and happiness in our
time. I miss each of my pets when they are gone, but I always have them with me in my
6. Can you say something in ELF language? Yes, but you probably wouldn’t understand it. I had to
learn it myself as a second language. But, here goes. In ELF, my name is Fleegle and The North
Pole is called Gundervoller. If I want to say something like “May I please have some more
cake?”, it would be “Froble ecken muhaha zein?
7. Did you have to go to school like me? Yes, when I was growing up, I had to go to school and
learned many things similar to what you are learning. But, I also went to Elf College and learned
a lot about making toys and how to fly the sleigh.
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8. Do the elves have to go to school? Yes, they sure do. Just in Elf College alone, they spend nearly
90 years learning all the things they need to know to be helpful around The North Pole. Some of
the things they learn are how to take care of the reindeer and how to make Christmas cookies.
9. Do you ever get sad? Yes, I get sad, sometimes. But, then I think of all the wonderful times I
have and all the children I get to meet and that makes me happy again.
10. Do you have any baby reindeer? Oh, my, YES! You see there are thousands and thousands of
reindeer at my home. Every year we have thousands of more reindeer born. When they grow
up, they each have many different things to learn, just like the elves do.
11. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have quite a few brothers and sisters. Each one has
special skills that contribute to the needs of the entire family. Some of my brothers you may
have seen at the malls or other places, where I couldn’t appear. But, each one of them has the
great spirit of Christmas and can listen to all your desires.
12. Do you know any magical creatures? Yes, there are many magical creatures in the world. One
of my favorites are the fairies, pixies and wood nymphs. After all, I was raised by a magical wood
nymph, named Necile. She’s the one who adopted me and named me Nicholas.
13. Do you know Frosty, the snowman? I have read stories about Frosty and I know a song about
him, but actually, he’s just make believe.
14. Do you know Jesus? I never got to meet him when he was alive on the earth, because I’m only
468 years old. But, I have spoken with him in spirit many times.
15. Do you play Santa Claus? (Most common! From adults) If you mean, do I act like Santa. Well, I
sure hope I do. After all, I AM him. 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Actually, on leap years
there is an extra day and I get to sleep-in.
16. Does your sleigh have seat belts? Absolutely! Every sleigh is equipped with several seat belts.
Sometimes, when I’m flying high in the sky and the reindeer try to trick me by flying loopity-
loops. If I didn’t have on a seatbelt, I might fall out of the sleigh. One time, when I was delivering
toys, I got stuck in my seatbelt and had to lay my finger on the side of my nose and give a nod,
to get out. HOHOHO!!!
17. Have you ever been on the naughty list? Why? Well, I promise I won’t tell anyone about the
time you were on the naughty list, if I don’t tell you about my time. That’s why I keep track of
the naughty list, so I can be sure to keep my name off it.
18. Have you ever flown in an airplane? Oh, YES! I have flown many many times. That’s how I get
around whenever I visit, if it’s not Christmas Eve. The North Pole is a very long way away and the
toy sleigh only flies on Christmas Eve.
19. How can I become an elf and live at the North Pole? When you turn 150 years old, you can
send me a letter asking for an interview and I will visit you. If you still want to be an elf after
that, you can go to Elf College. After 90 years learning in all the different classes at the college,
you will be an ELF First Class and can then live and work at The North Pole.
20. How can you read every letter you get? That takes a lot of my time when I’m not making or
delivering toys. I have gotten pretty good at speed reading. If I really try, I can read 100 letters
every minute. And, I have lots of elves that are assigned to the North Pole Post Office that make
shorter versions of some of the longer letters, before I read them.
21. How can you remember so many names? Well, you see, I have spent many years remembering
names. Most of the children, I am very familiar with and know them because of watching over
them while they were growing up. And, usually I have a memory elf with me to help me
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remember how to say some of the more unusual names from different countries. Like
Zuazuazua from the Land of Nod.
22. How did you meet Mrs. Claus? Actually, I met her while I as attending Elf College. She was the
most beautiful elf I had ever seen. She was learning how to make the best Christmas cookies in
The North Pole bakery. I thought she made the best cookies, so we started dating. And the rest
is history.
23. How do the reindeer and your sleigh fly? It takes special magic dust to make the reindeer and
toy sleigh fly. The red fairies are the makers of that kind of dust and they bring a supply to The
North Pole every season, just before Christmas so we can put it in the reindeer food.
24. How do you get all those toys in that bag? It kind of amazes me, too, that the bag can hold so
many toys. Sometime, I may tell you about green fairy dust. But for now, I remember that one
time, one of the children I was visiting, crawled into the bag and I accidentally flew him to The
North Pole, without knowing it. Eight hours later, he finally found his way out of the bag and
WOW was he hungry. After Mrs. Claus fed him we carried him back to his own home. His
parents had been so worried, but they were thrilled to have him home again.
25. How do you get in the house if there's no chimney? Many houses don’t have chimneys, these
days and in some parts of the world nobody has a chimney. So, we had to work out a special
way for me to get into those houses. I have a magic key that only works for me and only works
on Christmas Eve that will let me into any house for a one-time visit. Would you like to see it?
26. How do you get to every house in the world in one night? That was a special course I took at Elf
College. And, it’s one of the things I learned there, that I’m not supposed to tell others about.
It’s a big secret.
27. How do you know if a child is naughty or nice? First of all, please know this. Every child is nice
some of the time and naughty some of the time. Many times, all I must do is look in their eyes
and I can tell if they are nice at that moment. I also have Naughty or Nice detectors for those
that are more trouble. I have found that even the naughty children have nice things about them.
28. How do you know if I move to a different house? There is a whole group of elves that have no
other job other than keeping track of where children are going to be on Christmas Eve. In all my
years, there have only been a couple of times that the elves didn’t know. And that was long
before we got computers to help us keep track of them.
29. How do you know which toys go to which child? It used to be that there were not so many
children and not so many different kinds of toys. Nowadays, we have computers to help us
remember who gets what. And, if we can’t find it, we bring them something special that we
know they will love, even if it wasn’t what they asked for.
30. How fast does your sleigh go? On Christmas Eve, the reindeer and the toy sleigh can fly at the
SPEED OF MAGIC, which is even faster than the SPEED OF LIGHT. That is over a million miles per
second. I really must hold onto my hat when we hit that speed. Fortunately, we only have to do
it a few times and we get caught back up.
31. How in the world do you get ponies in your sleigh? The truth is, I don’t actually deliver live
ponies any more. I used to, but they started jumping out of the sleigh at 32,000 feet above the
Earth and ponies can’t fly, so the government made me stop delivering live ones. However, I can
still deliver toy ponies. And, parents can bring live ponies for their children, if there is a good
place for them to live. Having and taking care of a pony is a very big responsibility.
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32. How long is your beard? It goes all the way from my chin down to the end of the hair.
Sometimes it is shorter than others. If I need to, I can make it grow longer and wider, especially
on those cold Christmas Eve nights flying in the sleigh.
33. How many children do you have? I am the father of 4 children. Each one helps me at The North
Pole. One of them will become Santa when I retire. It’s a family business.
34. How many elves do you have? First of all, I don’t have elves. There are thousands of them that
live and work, under my direction, at The North Pole. Mrs. Claus also has hundreds that work in
the bakery and kitchen just to keep all of the others fed.
35. How many reindeer do you have? Oh, my! There are thousands of reindeer at The North Pole.
Each one has a specific responsibility. Some of them pull the toy sleigh on Christmas Eve. Can
you name them? Hundreds of others do things like pull the mail sleighs that fly all around the
world on a constant basis and pick up the letters from the children to me and deliver them to
The North Pole Post Office.
36. How much do you weigh? Mrs. Claus says that I weigh much more than I should. So, she has me
on a diet, right now. I’m only allowed to eat 20 cookies a day. Sometimes, that’s just not
enough, so I sneak a few other. Does that put me on the naughty list?
37. How old are you? I like to say that I’m as old as my hair and older than my teeth, but I’m losing a
lot of my hair, so I guess I’ll start telling my true age. This past year I had my 468th birthday.
How old are you?
38. How old is Rudolph? Rudolph is not quite as old as me. He was born when my father was Santa
Claus. I remember when he was just a fawn. He didn’t always have a red nose, you know.
39. How will you find me if I'm visiting my grandma? There is a whole group of elves that have no
other job other than keeping track of where children are going to be on Christmas Eve. They also
know where your grandma lives. If you don’t believe me, just ask her.
40. I asked you for a pony, why didn't you bring it? I thought I brought you a ‘My Little Pony’ last
Christmas. Did I get it wrong? If you were wanting a real live pony, I guess I misunderstood your
letter. Only parents are allowed to bring their children live pets.
41. Is there a reindeer barn at the North Pole? There are many reindeer barns there. The biggest
one is right in the middle of The North Pole Village right next to The North Pole Post Office. The
reindeer that stay in there are the ones that pull the thousands of different Post Office sleighs
that pick up the letters from all the children of the world.
42. Is your beard always white? Sometimes it is whiter than at other times. Usually when I am flying
in the toy sleigh it gets pretty dirty. You would, too, if you were flying behind so many reindeer.
43. Is your beard real? It’s as real as me. Do you want to give it a little tug to make sure it doesn’t
come off. But, be careful, because if you tug too hard, I get to tug you back just as hard.
44. Other than cookies, what do you like to eat? I probably like to eat the same things you like.
Cookies are my favorite, but also cakes, pies and ice cream. But, those don’t give me all the full
nutrition I need. So, I also eat, vegetables and meats and drink milk and water.
45. What animal languages can you speak? I definitely can speak reindeer and horse. Other
languages I speak, but not very well, like cow, cat and dog. I’m still learning how to speak skunk.
There are only a few things I need to say in Skunk, though.
46. What did you bring me for Christmas last year? Now, let’s see. I seem to remember that you
asked me for a (girl) doll; (boy) truck. Is that right? Yes I thought so!; No Oh dear, I knew I
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should have brought my memory elf with me, she remembers everything. I’ll try to look it up
when I get to my house at The North Pole and tell you when I see you again.
47. What different languages do you speak? Well, obviously, I speak English. And, I definitely speak
ELF. Most other languages I am fluent enough to get around the world and meet the children.
And, since I’m the Santa for the Earth, I don’t speak Martian! HOHOHO!!!
48. What do reindeer like to eat? Sometimes, I think the reindeer will eat pretty much anything I
put in front of them. But, I know they love cookies especially the oatmeal raisin kind. When
they were loose and running in the wild, they used to eat lichen off of the trees. Lichen is kind of
like moss. You wouldn’t like it, but they like it nearly as much as cookies. I always say “They’re
liken the lichen!” One thing I know they don’t like is carrots and Brussel sprouts.
49. What do you, absolutely, not like to eat? I’m kind of like my reindeer. I don’t eat Brussel
sprouts. Mrs. Claus has tried to fix it many different ways, but I just never have developed a
taste for it. I’m sure your mother or father may make it in a way that you like. Is that true?
50. What happens if the fire in chimney is burning? HOHOHO! I like to say that if I go down the
chimney and the fire is burning that it makes me a “Crispy Kringle”. But, that’s just a joke.
Actually, I carry with me purple fairy dust, just to put out the fire temporarily so I can go in and
out of the house.
51. What happens if there's no snow? That was one of the challenges that I faced when I first
became Santa Claus. Much of the world never has any snow. That would be sad, wouldn’t it? I
developed a special set of retractable rubber tires that automatically come out where there is
no snow, so that I can land safely. In those places, I don’t usually land on the roofs and they
don’t have fireplaces very often, so usually I stick to the ground and the roads. The reindeer
can’t travel quite as fast, but it’s close to the SPEED OF MAGIC.
52. What hobbies do you have besides making toys? Well, making toys is not really a hobby to me,
anymore. It’s more of a job. One of my favorite things to do is eat cookies and read good books.
I also love to visit with all the children of the world. It brings me joy to see them happy and
53. What if I hide in your bag, would I end up at the Pole? I wouldn’t advise trying that. The bag is
much bigger on the inside than it looks like on the outside. You could get lost inside it and might
miss your dinner trying to find your way out.
54. What is Mrs. Claus' first name? Mrs. Claus’ name is Rebecca. She is not as old as I am, but we’ve
known each other for over 200 years. I remember the day I first met her at Elf College. She was
and still is the most beautiful person I have ever met.
55. What is my elf's name? Are you talking about your Elf-on-the-Shelf elf? If so, you get to name
them whatever you want. They each have different names at The North Pole and I know them
by that name. But, they are happy whenever you name them yourself. At The North Pole, your
elf is named Alpha (Beta, Gamma, Delta…. (Greek letters).
56. What is my name? At The North Pole, the elves call you Ein (Zwei, Drei, Fier, … (German
numbers). Of course, your parents got to name you whatever they wanted. What is your name
where you live? Oh, now I understand; (Ein, Zwei) in ELF language means (Mary, John) in English.
57. What is the highest grade you were in? I have attended many universities in the world. I have
many degrees. My two favorite degrees are from two Georgia schools. At Georgia Tech, I
studied Toy Making and at the University of Georgia, I studied Reindeer Ranching. I guess that
would mean I have completed the 23rd grade.
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58. What is the North Pole like? Oh, outside the Pole it is barren and windy and very cold. That way
we keep out unwanted salesmen. HOHOHO!! But, the village is, actually, under the ground and
is very warm and beautiful. My house in the village is right in the center of town so I can keep
track of everything that is going on.
59. What is your address? If you want to send me a letter, you just need to send it to Santa, North
Pole, and it will get to me. My actual street address at The Pole is 25 December Lane, North
Pole, Earth. I had to add the Earth part because some were trying to find me on Mars. Now,
that’s SILLY!
60. What is your favorite Christmas song? Ooh! Now that’s a difficult question to answer. I have a
lot of favorite songs. ‘Silent Night’ is one of my favorites, although my Christmas Eve nights are
usually anything but silent. I guess, after thinking about it, I would have to say ‘Santa Claus is
Coming to Town’. And, that’s my favorite thing to do also.
61. What is your favorite holiday? Definitely, Halloween! You might think it would be Christmas,
but, I have to work on Christmas. HOHOHO!!! On Halloween, I go to one of my homes in the
sunny south of the USA and wait for the children to come and see me and say ‘Trick or Treat’,
instead of me going out to see them.
62. What is your favorite kind of cookie? I guess my favorite cookie would have to be one that you
may not know about. At The North Pole the elves make a cookie that is called
FleeganSchmeeganWorfleTaggern. That’s a long name and we just call it Fleegies for short. But,
another cookie that is made in the world you live in is called Snickerdoodles. I think I mostly like
it because it makes me laugh every time I say it.
63. What is your favorite kind of music? We have a wonderful radio station at The North Pole with
the call letters WRAP. Any music they play on that station is called Wrap music. That’s the
favorite music for all of the elves when they are wrapping presents. HOHOHO!!!
64. What is your favorite movie? We have a great movie theater at The North Pole called The
Northern Lights Movie Theater. It shows pretty much all the same movies that you see at your
theaters. But, my current favorite is ‘ELF’. I just laugh and laugh at the antics that Buddy (who
was really a human raised by elves) gets involved in when he is in the city with his real dad.
65. What is your favorite toy? Personally, I like to play with trains and trucks. I also like to work with
my computer. It’s kind of like a toy to me and I do, sometimes play games on it. But, the favorite
toy I ever made was the first toy I ever made. It was a doll that I carved for a little girl elf.
66. What is your favorite possession? Wow, that’s a really tough question. I guess the favorite thing
I own would be my walking stick. It’s not too tall and not too short. It’s made from the arctic
willow that is an endangered tree here at The North Pole. There are only a few of them left and
the only way we can use the wood is if it falls to the ground from the tree. It is absolutely
beautiful when the bark is stripped from it and it is shined up. I have it with me. Would you like
to see it?
67. What is your real name? Wow, I have many names in different places around the world, such
as: Sinter Class, Weinachtsmann, Saint Nicholas, Ded Moroz and Papa Noel. But at The North
Pole if they are not just calling me Santa, they call my Kris Kringle. That’s the name my parents
gave me when I was born.
68. What kind of pets do you have at the North Pole? Well, the reindeer are not really pets, but I
guess if one of them was, it would be Rudolph. He has been in the family for hundreds of years
and is very loving. We also have a dog named Jingles and a cat named Snowball.
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69. What presents do you ever get yourself? Often the elves give me presents at Christmas. Usually
they are something they made themselves. Giving presents is much easier than receiving them.
Although, there is joy in both. I guess my favorite gift was given to me by Mrs. Claus. It is an
electric reclining chair that I can sit and relax in after a hard night’s ride around the world.
70. What should I leave for you to eat at my house? You can leave pretty much anything you want,
but if you want to really please me, leave me some warm cookies and cold milk. Sometimes, I
like hot cocoa to dunk the cookies in. It really depends on the temperature around where you
live. If you are in the hot tropical areas, a little ice cream is also nice.
71. What time are you coming to my house? I really don’t know. It pretty much depends on you. I
will probably be at your house about 5 or 10 minutes after you start dreaming. Don’t try and
wait up for me, because I am not supposed to come while you are awake on Christmas Eve. If
you don’t go to bed on time, it really makes my night that much longer waiting on you.
72. What time do you have to go to bed? Since I’m an adult, I don’t have anyone trying to make me
go to bed at any particular time. I have learned through my life that I need to get enough sleep
to make it through the next day. So, I usually control when I go to bed, myself. However, on
Christmas Eve, I don’t get to go to bed for nearly 40 hours straight. That makes for a long night
unless I use blue fairy dust and make time stop for a while, which I do, every once in a while.
73. What was the first toy you ever made? It was a doll that I carved for a little girl elf. I named the
doll ‘Toy’ because the elf’s name was Yot (toy backwards). In fact, that is where the word toy
came from. She still has it and I get to see it pretty much every year.
74. What was your favorite year? Every year is pretty special to me. I’ve been around for 468 of
them so they all mean a lot to me. But, I guess I have to say that NEXT year is always my favorite
one. Because, I’m always planning for the next one right after Christmas is over.
75. What was your most embarrassing moment? One year I was delivering the last toy in the bag
when the sun started coming up and I knew I needed to finish the delivery fast. Unfortunately,
my seatbelt got stuck and I had to use a little magic to get out. I laid my finger beside my nose
and gave a nod and up I rose. But, my Santa suit and boots were still stuck in the sleigh. There I
was wearing nothing but my underwear, trying to sneak down a boy’s chimney. The reindeer
looked at me and started laughing and snickering, as reindeer do. I made it out on time, but I
was so embarrassed.
76. Where do the elves come from? Elves come from all the different countries of the world. One of
the things they learn in Elf College is the ELF language, so it can be the common language of The
North Pole. They all have mothers and fathers, just like you. They have worked hard to earn the
right to be an elf at The North Pole.
77. Where do you go for vacation? Sometimes, I go to the beach, but usually I like to vacation in the
mountains. I don’t have much time for vacations, because there is so much to do to get ready
for the next Christmas.
78. When did you and Mrs. Claus get married? We got married 448 years ago. I remember the day
very well. It was right after Christmas on December 28. My great grandfather was still Santa
Claus at that time, just before he retired. It was a beautiful day and all my family was there. My
fiancé, Rebecca, was dressed in a beautiful pure white wedding gown with a headdress of gold
and flowers. Nothing was ever as beautiful and the sun shone brightly as she walked toward me
down the aisle. I’ll never forget it. Of course, she reminds me every day how lucky I am, just by
her still being beside me.
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79. Where are the reindeer now? I certainly hope they are still up at The North Pole getting ready
for the wild ride on Christmas Eve. They have a hard job to do on that night, flying at the SPEED
OF MAGIC. If you are wondering how I got here to see you. Well, the reindeer only fly on
Christmas Eve, so they couldn’t come. I had to take a dog sled to the closest airport in Norway
and then get on a jumbo jet and fly to the airport. From the airport, I picked up my local truck
that is parked in a special hangar guarded by some of the strongest elves we have. I drove here
just to see you. It is my pleasure. Would you like to see my truck?
80. Where do you get your red suits? Mrs. Claus made some of the and others were made in The
North Pole Seamstress Shop. I have quite a few of them, because I do a lot of different things.
Usually they ARE red. But, I also have green ones and blue ones and purple ones. I wear
different colors depending on what country I am visiting.
81. Where were you born? I was born in Lexington, Kentucky, USA because that’s where my mother
was. My dad and she were preparing for their Christmas season before they retired and were
visiting some children there.
82. Who is your favorite reindeer? There’s no question about this, I don’t even have to think about
it. Rudolph is my favorite reindeer. He was treated very roughly by all the other reindeer when
he was just starting out, but is essential to getting things done on Christmas Eve.
83. Where do you get your red suits? Mrs. Claus made some of the and others were made in The
North Pole Seamstress Shop. I have quite a few of them, because I do a lot of different things.
Usually they ARE red. But, I also have green ones and blue ones and purple ones. I wear
different colors depending on what country I am visiting.
84. Where were you born? I was born in Lexington, Kentucky, USA because that’s where my mother
was. My dad and she were preparing for their Christmas season before they retired and were
visiting some children there.
85. Who is your favorite reindeer? There’s no question about this, I don’t even have to think about
it. Rudolph is my favorite reindeer. He was treated very roughly by all the other reindeer when
he was just starting out, but is essential to getting things done on Christmas Eve.
86. Who were your mother and father? My father was Santa Joe and my mother was Mrs. Claus.
Her first name was Roselyn. They both served well in the office of Santa Claus for many years
until they retired many years ago. They still live in the North Pole Village, but now take care of
their garden and visit with all of their descendants.
87. Who are all those people dressed like Santa at the mall? Some of them are my brothers. I have
lots of brothers and cousins that often appear all around the world at the same time. They
represent me and do a very good job of it. I have a huge family. Also, some of them are just
friends who know that I need lots of help and go out since I can’t be everywhere at the same
88. Why did you bring me something that I didn't ask for? Sometimes children don’t really know
what they want and just see a photo in a magazine or catalog and decide they want that. If I
didn’t bring you what you asked for, maybe one of the elves, perhaps it was your own elf told
me you would like something else better. I usually listen to what the elves say, because they
usually know you better than you know yourself.
89. Why didn't you bring me the million dollars I asked for? A long time ago I was asked to bring
money to someone as a Christmas present. So, I instructed the elves to make up some money,
since we don’t use money at The North Pole. But, when the government found out that we were
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making money, they told us that it was against the law and we stopped. We make toys at the
village and that is what we stick to. That is what we are good at. The only thing I have that I can
give out are some fake $Million bills that are given as a joke.
90. Why do all the other reindeer pick on Rudolph? Rudolph was different as a young reindeer. He
was very innocent and even then, others started picking on him. It hurts to be picked on, doesn’t
it? Then, when his nose, in fact his entire body turned red because he ate a whole bag of red
fairy dust, that just made him more different. But, they don’t pick on him anymore, do they?
And, why is that? That’s right, because he saved Christmas with his bright and shining nose on a
foggy night long ago. That’s not the most interesting part of Rudolph. He has a memory twice
the size of any other reindeer. He is the one that remembers exactly where every child lives and
where they will be on Christmas morning.
91. Why do you give toys to children? The one thing I have found as Santa Claus is that children
love to laugh and play. It does my heart good to see them doing just that. I don’t think I could
ever stop delivering toys, at least not until one of my children became Santa after I retired. I
probably would still work in the toy making line then, though.
92. Why do presents from you have writing like my Moms? Oh, my! I have all sorts of elves and
people that help to wrap the presents that I bring. Some of them are wrapped before being put
in the bag, but some would be too awkward to handle if they were wrapped. And, some are just
too big to wrap. Those, we usually put a big red bow on. I have to enlist the help of moms and
dads and others to write out some of the tags on the presents. If the elves and I did everything,
we would never get it all delivered in time.
93. Why do the reindeer pull your sleigh? I tried to pull the sleigh myself once. It was way too
heavy for me. Then we tried to pull it with a hundred elves and even then, it wouldn’t budge
when fully loaded. We found that the reindeer were specially gifted for both flying and pulling,
especially when there was red fairy dust involved. When my great-great grandfather was Santa
Claus he only had two reindeer to pull the sleigh, because there were much fewer children in
the world. We had increased the number of reindeer as the years have gone by to pull the
heavier load.
94. Why do you live at the North Pole? When my ancestors were looking to find a place to put up
the toy shop away from the eyes and ears of those trying to spy on us, we looked for the most
barren faraway place and found that The North Pole satisfied our needs. They built the entire
village under the ground and ice and made a wonderful home for my family and all the elves.
95. Why do you only come if I'm asleep? One of the rules, as Santa, that I have was handed down
to me from many many years ago. Christmas presents are supposed to be surprises. If you were
awake when I delivered them, part of the surprise of waking to find all the presents under the
tree would be missing. So, I wait until I know you are asleep and then deliver. I’m sure that some
of your friends are asleep before you are, so I go to their houses first and then to yours, later.
96. Why do you wear a red suit? I only wear the red suit in the United States or other places that
like that look. In some countries, I wear blue, green, yellow or purple. I love all the colors.
Usually the colors are bright and bold so that if I fall out of the sleigh and down into the snow
it’s easier for the reindeer to find me.
97. Will you bring me a new kidney for Christmas? Unfortunately, I don’t have access to kidneys or
other body parts. We only make toys at The North Pole, but one thing I can do is pray for you to
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get the help you need. I promise I will do that. And, I pray for all the other children in the world,
98. Why is Rudolph's nose red? When Rudolph was just a baby, a fawn, two of the red fairies were
delivering our season’s supply of red fairy dust, that we use to make the reindeer and sleigh fly.
They got into an argument while Rudolph was standing by them and they laid the bag of dust
down in the snow and proceeded to fight. Rudolph saw the bag, and knowing that it was used in
the food for the older reindeer to make them fly, he decided to eat some of it. It tasted so good
to him that he ate the whole bag. He even ate the bag. Well, his whole body turned immediately
red, even his antlers and his nose. He started flying all over the place until I got some of the
elves who were reindeer wranglers to throw a rope around him and pull him down. They then
tied him up and started feeding him Brussel sprouts to get rid of the redness in his body. Two
days later everything was back to normal, except his nose. The next Christmas after he started
leading the sleigh, we were in a terrible snow storm and had to land and travel on Christmas Eve
by road. After delivering the toys to one of the houses that night, I came back out to the road
and couldn’t find my sleigh or any of the reindeer since a snow plough had covered it up with
snow from the road. Then I saw a red gleaming light under the snow and sure enough. It was
Rudolph. So, his nose saved us again that day.
99. Will you make Billy stop hitting me? I am so sorry that someone is mistreating you. Hitting and
otherwise hurting anyone is a bad thing. I can’t force anyone to do anything different than they
want to. But, you have the power to tell your parents or other family member when someone is
hurting you. That is all part of growing up. Just make sure you are always doing the right thing
and telling others when someone is doing the wrong thing to you.
100. Will you bring me whatever I want for Christmas? I would love to bring you whatever
you want for Christmas. But, the truth is, that even though I am Santa, I can’t bring you
everything. I promise to bring you toys, so you can have fun and laugh. Sometimes we want
things that really wouldn’t be too good for us. One thing I’ve learned is that working hard for
something makes it even more valuable and appreciated by me.
101. Will you give my presents to the poor children? I am so proud of you that you would
want your presents delivered to the poor children. I assure you that I do deliver many presents
to them. But, I want to see your eyes gleam when you see your new presents, also. However,
since you mentioned it, maybe it would be nice for you to take some of your toys, new ones or
old ones to your church or your friends families so that you, yourself, can feel the joy I feel in
giving presents to others.
102. You are kind of early, aren't you Santa? (very common) (this is usually asked of me by
adults when I am out and about as a 365 Santa and it’s not Christmas season.) No, I am actually
trying to catch up from last year’s and planning for next year’s deliveries. You see, everything
that the elves make is not always made perfectly and someone has to perform warranty work
on the gifts. Since the elves are already busily making toys for next season, it is left up to me to
do the repair work. And, since I am already out preparing for next Christmas by inspecting
chimneys and repairing the ones that I busted going