Dovahzul Dictionary
Fourth Edition
The dragon language is a creation of Bethesda Softworks, LLC. The Elder Scrolls®, Skyrim®,
their logos, branding elements, and artwork are intellectual property of Bethesda, LLC. Any of
these featured herein are used for noncommercial, educational purposes. This dictionary is
unofficial and does not claim any ownership of the above or any affiliation with Bethesda
Softworks, LLC.
Dovahzul Dictionary
The dragon language, commonly referred to as Dovahzul (“dragon-voice”), is a fictional
language featured in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This dictionary is the fourth compilation of the
work done by the fan community at It contains all known words featured in
Skyrim and its supporting material, in addition to a supplementary lexicon invented by the
community. In total there are more than 11,500 entries, with over 5,000 Dovahzul words and
translations for over 6,500 English words.
Words are listed in English alphabetical order and written in both dragon runes and
their transliterations. Canon words are official words featured in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or its
supporting material including The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition: Prima Official Game
Guide. Semi-canon words are invented words that stem directly from canon words. Non-canon
words are invented words that do not stem directly from canon words. Modern words are
invented words for things or concepts that would not be found in The Elder Scrolls setting.
adj. adjective
adv. adverb
conj. conjunction
interj. interjection
n. noun
pref. prefix
prep. preposition
suff. suffix
v. verb
+ modern
Alphabet & Pronunciation
Below is a brief list of the dragon language’s 34 runes with their transliterations and typical IPA
pronunciations. For more details, see
/ɑ/, sometimes
uu, or u’u
/u/, or /uʔu/
aad 1D
v. invade.
aadak 1DAK
n. invasion.
"Aad" with the suffix "-ak.”
aadiik 1D3K
n. invader.
"Aad" with the suffix "-iik,” forms equivalent to
aadok 1DOK
n. guide dog.
Based on "Dok,” "hound,” and "Aak,” "guide.”
aagis 1GIS
v. erase.
aak 1K
v. guide / guidance.
Expanded definition to include "guidance.”
aakfus 1KFUS
n. sneeze.
A compound of "Aak" and "Fus,” "guided
force.” Co-authored by Numinex.
aakit 1KIT
v. escort.
From "Aak,” "guide.” Noun and a verb. Edited
from "Aaktir.”
aaksu 1KSU
v. cough.
Derived from "Aak" and "Su,” "guided air" (on
the analogy of "Aakfus" - "Sneeze").
aal 1L
v. may.
aalkos 1LKOS
adv. maybe / perhaps.
Literally translated.
aalzon 1LZON
n. elephant.
Edited from "Ahlzon.”
aam 1M
v. serve.
aan 1N
adj. a/an.
The articles "a"/"an" and "the" are rarely used
in the Dragon Language.
aand 1ND
n. duck.
aank 1NK
n. anxiety, stress, unease.
aankei 1NK2
adj. anxious.
"Aank" with the suffix "-kei.”
aanvorey 1NVOR9
adj. another.
A combination of "Aan" and "Vorey.”
aanwo 1NWO
pron. someone, somebody.
Derived from "Aan" and "Wo." Edited from
aar 1R
n. servant / slave.
aargron 1RGRON
n. bondage.
A compound of "Aar" and "Gron,” "slave-
aariik 1R3K
n. slaver.
"Aar" with the suffix "-iik.”
aarot 1ROT
n. slavery, servitude.
From "Aar," "slave/servant.”
aarzul 1RZUL
n. vassal, liegeman .
Edited from "Ahrsun." Means "servant voice.”
aas 1S
adj. agile, dexterous, acute.
aaskraan 1SKR1N
+ n. email.
Derived from Aas, "Quick," and Deykraan,
aav 1V
v. join.
aavin 1VIN
n. joint, juncture junction.
From "Aav," "to join.”
aavlaas 1VL1S
v. wed, marry, marriage, wedding.
A combination of "Aav" (Join) and "Laas"
(Life). Can be used as the verb "to wed,” or the
noun "wedding.”
aavrosii 1VROS3
n. sympathy, condolence.
Lit. "joined essence of sorrow.” Edited from
aax 1X
v. harm, damage.
Edited from "Arx.”
aaz 1Z
n. mercy.
aazaal 1Z1L
adj. merciful.
"Aaz" with the suffix "-aal,” "with or having
aaznu 1ZNU
adj. merciless.
"Aaz" with the suffix "-nu.”
aazrii 1ZR3
n. pity.
From "Aaz,” "mercy,” "Zii,” "spirit,” and
"Rii,” "essence.”
ag AG
v. burn.
agnaar AGN1R
n. pyre.
Edited from "Hutok." Portmanteau of "Ag" and
"Angaar," "burning tower.”
agoor AG8R
n. a mortal in need of burning.
Derived from "Ag" burn and "Joor" mortal.
Used as a insult, "I see a mortal in need of
agzii AGZ3
n. fervor, fervorous, fervent, fervid.
Literally "Burn(ing) Spirit.” A consuming
passion, usually self-destructive. See also
"Frinzii" and "Yolzii.”
ah 4
n. hunter.
ahdinaak 4DIN1K
adj. special, exceptional.
ahfiz 4FIZ
v. impel.
From the Old English Word "Afysan.”
ahgil 4GIL
n. clay.
ahgraat 4GR1T
n. vanguard.
Related to "Grah,” "battle.”
ahgreld 4GRELD
n. impulse.
ahgrun 4GRUN
n. chasm.
ahk 4K
adv. also, too.
"Too" meaning "as well" or "also." For
"excessively," see "Rem.”
ahkaan 4K1N
v. rip.
ahkol 4KOL
n. charcoal.
ahkon 4KON
n. trouble.
Edited from "Arokon.”
ahkoraav 4KOR1V
v. exhibit, exhibition.
From "Koraav,” "to see.”
ahkos 4KOS
v. exist / existence.
Edited from "Agos." Related to "Kos," "to be.”
ahkriim 4KR3M
n. capital.
Edited from "Akriim.”
ahkriis 4KR3S
n. acorn.
Edited from "Aakiis.”
ahkril 4KRIL
adv. bravely.
Modified from "Ahkrin" and "Kril.”
ahkrin 4KRIN
n. courage.
ahkrinaal 4KRIN1L
adj. gallant.
Gallant, "Courage" + -aal, literally meaning
"with courage.”
ahkrinaar 4KRIN1R
n. gallantry.
Modified from "Akrinaal,” "Gallant.”
ahkrol 4KROL
v. abrade, shave, scrape.
ahkron 4KRON
v. prevail.
Edited from "Ahwald." From "Kron," "to
ahkrop 4KROP
v. crawl, creep, sneak.
ahkt 4KT
v. brace.
ahlek 4LEK
n. bottle, canteen.
ahleksevmah 4LEKSEVM4
+ n. coaster.
Lit. "bottle mat.”
ahlon 4LON
v. relate.
ahlond 4LOND
n. relation / relations.
"Ahlon" with the suffix "-nd.”
ahlondein 4LOND2N
n. relationship.
"Ahlond" with the suffix "-ein.”
ahloriiv 4LOR3V
v. soothe.
Related to "Lor,” "thought.”
ahmiin 4M3N
n. vigilant, attentive, aware, alert /
vigilance, attention, awareness,
A compound of "Ah" and "Miin,” "hunter eye"
or "hunter-eyed.”
ahmik 4MIK
n. service.
ahmil 4MIL
v. hire, employ.
Based on "Ahmik,” "service.”
ahmilaat 4MIL1T
n. worker, employee.
"Ahmil" with the suffix "-aat,” "someone who is
ahmiliik 4MIL3K
n. employer, boss.
Ahmil with the suffix "-iik.”
ahmin 4MIN
v. notice.
From "Mindok,” "to know.”
ahminaal 4MIN1L
adj. noticeable.
Ahmin + aal, having notice.
ahmol 4MOL
n. swan.
ahmul 4MUL
n. husband.
ahmun 4MUN
n. groom.
Related to "Ahmul,” "husband.”
ahnaar 4N1R
n. torture, torturer.
Can be used as both a noun and verb.
ahney 4N9
conj. either.
From "Ney," "both." Edited from "Hjane.”
ahniif 4N3F
v. smirk, sneer.
Can also be used as a noun. Edited from
"Hiniif." Related to "Niif," "smile.”
ahnok 4NOK
interj. hello, hi.
ahpaan 4P1N
n. bag.
ahraan 4R1N
n. wound, injury, injure, hurt.
ahraandon 4R1NDON
n. bandage.
Lit. "wound-cover.”
ahreyn 4R9N
v. appreciate, value.
ahreyt 4R9T
n. lily.
Edited from "Arahst.”
ahrii 4R3
interj. alas.
ahrk 4RK
conj. and.
ahrol 4ROL
n. hill.
ahroldan 4ROLDAN
n. old hroldan inn, h'roldan.
Known as H'roldan before Old Hroldan.
ahrolsedovah 4ROLSEDOV4
n. whiterun.
The Dragon name for Whiterun, meaning "Hill
of the Dragons.”
ahrot 4ROT
v. impose.
Edited from "Ahlag." From "Rot," "word,"
imposing one's word or rule.
ahsit 4SIT
n. turnip.
ahsod 4SOD
n. task, errand, goal, mission.
From "Sod," "deed." Edited from "Hesk.”
ahst 4ST
prep. at.
ahstaad 4ST1D
adv. somewhere.
A compound of "Ahst" and "Staad,” literally "at
a place.” .
ahstaadvoz 4ST1DVOZ
adv. elsewhere.
From "Ahstaad" and "Voz,” "somewhere-else.”
ahstiid 4ST3D
adv. sometime.
A compound of "Ahst" and "Tiid,” literally "at
a time.” .
ahstiir 4ST3R
n. situation, circumstance.
From the Icelandic for "situation,"
ahstiroz 4ST7OZ
n. controversy.
Related to "Ahstiir,” "situation.”
ahsul 4SUL
adv. someday.
Derived from "Aan" and "Sul.”
ahtamun 4TAMUN
n. amateur, novice.
Related to "Mun,” "man.” Can also be an
ahtiid 4T3D
v. wear, erode, weather.
To wear with time.
ahtiv 4TIV
adj. separate.
Not the verb "to separate.”
ahvakaar 4VAK1R
n. abomination.
From "Ahvakiid,” "abominable.”
ahvakiid 4VAK3D
adj. abominable.
Inspired from Swedish (avskyvärd) and
Norwegian (avskyelig).
ahvaruz 4VARUZ
n. adultery.
Inspired from the Old English word
ahvit 4VIT
v. chant.
Also can be used as a noun. Edited from
ahvos 4VOS
v. harvest.
ahvulon 4VULON
n. assassin.
Shortened from "Ahsevulon,” "hunter of the
ahvus 4VUS
n. plant.
Can also be used as a verb, 'to plant.”
ahvusnaak 4VUSN1K
n. herbivore.
A combination of "plant" and "eat.”
ahzid 4ZID
adj. bitter.
ahzidal 4ZIDAL
n. dragon priest name, lit. "bitter
ahzidhes 4ZIDHES
adj. bittersweet.
Literally, "bitter-sweet.”
ahzidhonaat 4ZIDHON1T
n. dissonance, dissonant.
"Ahzid" with "Honaat," lit. "bitter sound" or
ahzidremhah 4ZIDREMH4
+ adj. minor (music).
Refers to the musical term. "Ahzid" with
"dremhah,” Lit. "Bitter Harmony.”
ahzuk 4ZUK
n. freak.
Edited from "Ahrzuk.”
ahzukus 4ZUKUS
adj. freaky, freakish.
From "Ahzuk" with suffix "-us.”
ahzul 4ZUL
n. malice.
Related to "Ahzid,” "bitter.”
ahzulkei 4ZULK2
adj. malicious.
"Ahzul" with the suffix "-kei.”
ahzur 4Z6
n. lemon.
akor AKOR
n. stern, rear.
Referring to the stern of a ship, rather than the
adjective meaning "serious.”
akwaar AKW1R
+ n. guitar.
al AL
n. destroyer.
al AL
v. destroy.
Edited from "Ald" to canon "Al." "Zu'u fen al,"
"I will destroy.”
aldol ALDOL
v. raze.
A portamenteau of "Al,” "Du,” and "Yol.”
aldwiirok ALDW3ROK
v. deface.
Compound of "Al" and "Dwiirok," "destroy-
alikr ALIKR
n. alik'r.
The dragon language does not have a separate
name for Alik'r. The apostrophe is removed in
alok ALOK
v. arise, rise.
Possibly related to "Lok.”
alok-dilon ALOK-DILON
n. necromancy.
A phrase that means "arising-dead.”
alt ALT
n. destruction.
Edited from "Aldak.”
alun ALUN
adv. ever.
alunlaag ALUNL1G
n. coma.
From "Alun" and "Laag," "ever-sleep.”
alunrinis ALUNRINIS
adj. unchanging, monotonous, boring,
From "Alun" and "Rinis," "ever-the-same."
Edited from "Unos.”
alunrovaan ALUNROV1N
n. vagabond.
Literally 'ever-wander'.
aluntiid ALUNT3D
n. future.
Lit. "ever-time.”
aluntiiduv ALUNT3DUV
+ adj. futuristic.
"Aluntiid" with the suffix "-uv,” "of or
pertaining to the future.” Edited from
alzah ALZ4
n. ounce.
alzit ALZIT
adj. razor, jagged.
Edited from "Aldin.”
am AM
n. lion.
amativ AMATIV
adv. onward / forward.
amiv AMIV
prep. onto / unto.
From "Amativ,” "onward.” Edited from
amokriin AMOKR3N
n. griffin, griffon, gryphon.
compund of 'Am' and 'Okriim'; lit. lion eagle.”
amriis AMR3S
n. silt.
amvit AMVIT
prep. ahead.
From "Amativ," "forward." Edited from
andag ANDAG
n. antler.
Based off of "Andel,” "branch.”
andel ANDEL
n. branch.
andiir AND3R
n. icon.
andiiv AND3V
n. victim.
andraas ANDR1S
n. sled, sleigh.
Edited from "Drahsk.”
angaar ANG1R
n. tower.
Edited from "Angar" and "Ahngaar.”
anhiim ANH3M
n. citadel, keep.
From "Hiim,” "city," and "Ahngaar," "tower.”
ankid ANKID
n. anchor.
areid AR2D
adv. beside.
Based on "Reid,” "side.”
aronuv ARONUV
adj. herbal.
Based on "Arov" with the suffix "-nuv,”
meaning "of, like, or pertaining to herbs.” Edited
from "Aroniil.”
aros AROS
v. arrive.
arosend AROSEND
n. arrival.
"Aros" with the suffix "-end,” "the act of
arov AROV
n. herb.
asaar AS1R
n. agility, dexterity.
"Aas" with the suffix "-aar.” Shortened from
asamit ASAMIT
prep. along.
From the Icelandic word for "along,” "ásamt.”
asnir ASN7
v. hurry, rush.
ath ATH
n. despair, gloom.
Derived from Old Norse "aethra.”
athaal ATH1L
adj. desperate.
Ath + aal, with despair.
athend ATHEND
n. desperation.
Ath + end, the act of despairing.
athlaan ATHL1N
v. implore.
Lit. "despair-request.”
athus ATHUS
adj. gloomy.
From "Ath,” "gloom" with suffix "-us.”
ativ ATIV
adv. toward.
Reverse derived from "Amativ,” "onward.”
Edited from "Wapur.”
ativaal ATIV1L
v. promote.
Related to "Ativut.” Edited from "Stenfal.”
ativut ATIVUT
v. advance, advancement, proceed,
progress, move forward.
From "Ativ," "toward.” Edited from "Stenfah.”
atmora ATMORA
n. atmora.
The dragon language does not have a separate
name for Atmora.
atruk ATRUK
pron. something.
Derived from "Aan" and "Truk,” literally "a
thing.” .
atum ATUM
prep. below.
Based on "Tum,” "down.”
atumei ATUM2
adj. lesser, lower, inferior.
From Atum, "less,” to be below or lower than
aus AUS
v. suffer.
ausiik AUS3K
n. sufferer.
ausul AUSUL
n. hell.
Literally, "suffer eternity.”
avmaad AVM1D
n. peanut.
From "Maad," "nut.”
avodal AVODAL
v. absolve, annul, uncurse.
avodalend AVODALEND
n. absolution.
"Avodal" with the suffix "-end.” .
avok AVOK
prep. above / over.
Based on "Vok,” "up,” and "Alok,” "arise.”
avokdil AVOKDIL
adj. afloat.
Lit. "above,” "deep.”
avokei AVOK2
adj. superior, greater, higher.
From "Avok,” "above,” to be above or higher
than something.
avokmiin AVOKM3N
n. eyebrow.
A compound that means "above-eye.”
avoktum AVOKTUM
adj. above and below.
"Akovtum lok ahrk gol,” "sky above and earth
avond AVOND
n. evening.
avtoknun AVTOKNUN
n. sausage.
baag B1G
v. punch.
Edited from "Bahk.”
baakrit B1KRIT
n. bottom.
Edited from "Baakriin.”
baansir B1NS7
n. lisp.
Edited from "Bansfir.”
baar B1R
adj. apparent, clear.
Edited from "Laar" to avoid conflict with
possible canon word "Laar.”
baarkei B1RK2
adj. obvious.
Derived from "Baar,” "clear,” being clear or full
of clearness. Edited from "Baarkei.”
baarom B1ROM
n. clarity.
"Baar" with the suffix "-om.” Edited from
baas B1S
n. art.
Edited from "Bahs.”
baasegolz B1SEGOLZ
n. sculpture.
Literally, "art of stone.” Edited from
baasus B1SUS
adj. artsy, artistic.
"Baas" with the suffix "-us.” Edited from
baat B1T
v. splat, splatter.
bah B4
n. wrath.
bahlaan B4L1N
adj. worthy.
Alternative spelling of "Balaan." "Balaan"
should normally be used.
bahlaas B4L1S
n. thirst.
Edited from "Grent" to avoid closeness with
canon "Krent." From "Bahlok," "hunger.”
bahlok B4LOK
n. hunger.
bahlokus B4LOKUS
adj. hungry.
"Bahlok" with the suffix "-us.”
bahnu B4NU
adj. benign.
Lit. "wrathless.”
bahsam B4SAM
n. balm, balsam.
Based on "balsam" which doesn't differ in Old
English, Swedish and Danish.
bahvit B4VIT
v. rescue.
Edited from "Bahvlir.”
bahwun B4WUN
v. accustom.
From Old English "bewuna.” Edited from
bahyek B4YEK
n. stream, creek, brook.
bal BAL
n. worth.
Derived from "Balaan,” "worthy.” Edited from
balaan BAL1N
adj. worthy.
balaar BAL1R
n. avail.
Related to "Bal,” "worth.” Edited from
balaas BAL1S
v. esteem, admire, admiration.
Both a noun and a verb. Based on "Bal,”
"worth.” Edited froom "Bahlaas.”
baliis BAL3S
adj. sublime, superb.
Related to "Bal.” Edited from "Bahliis.”
balkus BALKUS
adj. skittish, edgy.
From the word "Valk" meaning "Nervous.”
banaak BAN1K
n. scum, lowlife.
From "Baakrit" and "Naak," "bottom-feeder."
Edited from "Baanahk.”
banaan BAN1N
n. banana.
banlak BANLAK
n. coconut.
batak BATAK
n. button.
bau BAU
v. bang.
baviid BAV3D
n. squid.
bavir BAV7
adj. couth.
From the words "Eyvir" meaning "Well" and
"Bahd" meaning "Manner.”
begron BEGRON
v. restrict.
Edited from "Begriin." Related to "Gron," "to
bein B2N
adj. foul.
beinoz B2NOZ
v. infect.
bek BEK
interj. okay, sure, alright.
beku BEKU
n. pepper.
bel BEL
v. summon.
belend BELEND
n. conjuration.
"Bel" with the suffix "-end.”
beliik BEL3K
n. summoner, conjurer.
"Bel" with the suffix "-iik,” a practitioner of the
Conjuration school.
belur BEL6
n. shrine, altar.
belvut BELVUT
v. conjure.
From "Bel," "to summon," and "Horvut,"
bemahraan BEM4R1N
v. motivate, motivation.
Based on "Mahran,” "motive.”
ben BEN
n. hundred.
benangaar BENANG1R
n. nchardark.
From "Ben" and "Angaar," "The Hundred
beneruvos BENERUVOS
n. century.
A compound of "Ben" and "Eruvos,” "hundred-
benix BENIX
prep. among, amid, amidst.
From "Nix,” "between.” Edited from "Benex.”
bentmezaar BENTMEZ1R
n. centimeter.
bes BES
n. crop.
bestandii BESTAND3
adj. constant.
From Danish "bestandig" and Swedish
bex BEX
v. open.
bex-yol BEX-YOL
n. bonfire, campfire.
A compound of "Bex" and "Yol,” "open fire.”
bexnauaas BEXNAU1S
n. lyre.
From "Bex" and "Nauaas,” "open lute.” Edited
from "Bexnowaas.”
beyl B9L
n. cup, glass.
beyliir B9L3R
n. cooper.
From "Beyl,” "cup,” a repairer of barrels and
beylsaak B9LS1K
n. mug, tankard.
Derived from "Beyl,” "cup.”
beylund B9LUND
n. druid.
Related to "Lund" (Nature).
beymur B9M6
n. noose.
beyn B9N
v. scorn / scorned.
Can also be used as an adjective.
beyraal B9R1L
adj. guilty.
From "Beyrovin," "guilt.”
beyrovin B9ROVIN
n. guilt.
Edited from "Beyr." Related to "Tahrovin,"
beyzol B9ZOL
n. willow.
beznan BEZNAN
n. ellipse, oval.
beznaneyd BEZNAN9D
n. ellipsoid.
"Beznan" with suffix "-eyd" that which
resembles an ellipse/oval.
beznanus BEZNANUS
adj. elliptical.
"Beznan" with the suffix "-us," "ellipse-like" or
bii B3
adj. blue.
biijen B3JEN
adj. indigo.
From "Bii" and "Jen," "blue-purple.”
biin B3N
n. bronze.
From "Dwiin," "steel." Edited from "Eir.”
biirn B3RN
n. mail, chainmail.
From Old English "byrne.”
biirzah B3RZ4
n. bank.
biis B3S
v. pay.
biivild B3VILD
+ n. lazurite, the blue stone lapis lazuli.
From the words "Bii" meaning "Blue" and
"Vild" meaning "Rock.”
bil BIL
v. bump.
Can also be a noun. Edited from "Olv.”
bilbus BILBUS
adj. bumpy.
"Bil" (Bump) with the suffix "-us.” Edited from
bild BILD
v. defend.
Pronounced as "build" or "billed,” rather than
bildiik BILD3K
n. defender.
"Bild" with the suffix "-iik.”
bildrun BILDRUN
n. defense.
Based on "Bild,” "defend.”
bir B7
v. buy / purchase.
birbahlok B7B4LOK
+ n. consumerism.
From "Bir,” "to buy,” and "Bahlok,” "hunger.”
birgah B7G4
v. provide, supply.
From the Old Norse "birgja.”
birgahniir B7G4N3R
n. supply, provision.
"Birgah" with the suffix "-niir," "that which is
supplied or provided.”
birvog B7VOG
n. club, cudgel.
bix BIX
v. pry.
From "Bex,” "to open.” Pronounced with a short
bizur BIZ6
n. pear.
bizuryuv BIZ6YUV
n. quince.
A combination of "Bizur,” "pear" and "Yuvon,”
blad BLAD
n. cabbage.
From Old (and new) Norse "blad" ("leaf").
bo BO
v. fly, flow move, arrive, go.
bod BOD
n. flight, movement, motion.
Based on "Bo,” "to fly.”
bodein BOD2N
v. vigil, patrol, monitor.
From "Bo," "move," and "Dein," "guard." The
verb "to patrol" and the noun "patrol/vigil.”
boden BODEN
n. abode, residence, house, home.
Based on Bidung (Old English, lit. "abode").
Edited from "Bodein.”
bodiir BOD3R
v. lend.
From "Bodiis,” "to borrow.”
bodiis BOD3S
v. borrow.
bodilir BODIL7
+ n. movie, film, video.
Lit. "moving picture.”
bodilirkred BODIL7KRED
+ n. video game.
Lit. "moving picture game.”
bodilirpok BODIL7POK
+ n. television.
Lit. "moving-picture-box.”
bodoraal BODOR1L
adj. ironic.
Related to "Bodoraas" (Irony).
bodoraas BODOR1S
n. irony.
bodukaag BODUK1G
+ n. radiation.
Lit. "nuclear flow.”
bodukagaal BODUKAG1L
+ adj. radioactive.
"Bodukaag" with the suffix "-aal," lit. "with
bodzah BODZ4
n. tent.
Inspired by "Bodein" and "Zah," meaning
"residence" and "finite.”
bok BOK
n. age.
bokun BOKUN
n. beam, ray, a beam or ray of light.
"Flowing light,” used to describe a beam of light
rather than a physical beam. A noun only. Edited
from "Bohaan.”
bol BOL
n. calf.
bolaav BOL1V
v. grant.
bolog BOLOG
v. beg.
bologin BOLOGIN
n. beggar.
An alteration of "Bolog,” akin to "Qahnaarin"
from "Qahnaar.”
bomas BOMAS
v. gesture.
Based on 'Bo', 'movement.'.
bonaak BON1K
n. slice.
bonaar BON1R
adj. humble.
bonaarom BON1ROM
n. humbleness, humility.
"Bonaar" with the suffix "-om.”
bonit BONIT
v. swoop, sweep, esp. referring to
From "Bo," "to fly.”
bonu BONU
interj. begone.
Lit. "fly now." Edited from "Bonau.”
bonu BONU
v. fare.
Literally "going now." .
boraas BOR1S
n. yew, yew tree.
Edited from "Borask.”
bord BORD
n. table.
bord-niiv BORD-N3V
+ n. billiards, pool, billiard ball(s).
Lit. "table-ball.”
borii BOR3
adj. next.
Edited from "Bokrii.”
boriigaar BOR3G1R
adj. adjacent, consecutive.
From "Borii," "next.”
bormah BORM4
n. father, also used by dragons to refer
to akatosh.
bormah-kren BORM4-KREN
n. dragon break.
Lit. "Father-break,” styled after "Tiid-Ahraan,”
"time-wound.” Reference to Akatosh, the father
of dragons and god of time.
bormahus BORM4US
adj. fatherly, paternal.
"Bormah" with the suffix "-us.”
borod BOROD
n. wagon.
Pronounced "bore-ode.” From Bord: table, Rohd:
borodon BORODON
n. carriage.
Bord: table, Rod: wheel, Don: to cover.
bosgolz BOSGOLZ
n. pendulum.
Compound of "Bos" and "Golz,” "swinging
bosit BOSIT
v. swing.
From "Bo,” "to move.” Edited from "Bos.”
bosmoliin BOSMOL3N
n. secretion, particularly reproductive.
Derived from the phrase "flowing passion.”
bost BOST
n. waist.
botikah BOTIK4
n. store, stall, booth, boutique, any
small shop.
Derived from Old Occitan 'botica'.
boviir BOV3R
n. pants.
boviirey BOV3R9
n. trousers, tight-fit pants.
A compound of "Boviir" and "Veirey.”
bovit BOVIT
v. venture.
Related to "Bo," "to fly.”
bovit BOVIT
n. venture, adventure.
From "Bo," "to fly.”
bovitaan BOVIT1N
n. adventurer.
"Bovit" suffixed with "-aan." Edited from
bovortii BOVORT3
v. exceed. surpass.
From "Bo" and "Vortii," literally "fly beyond.”
bovoz BOVOZ
v. daunt.
bovul BOVUL
v. flee / fled.
bovultiin BOVULT3N
n. refugee.
Based on the Norwegian word for refugee,
"flyktning,” and "Bovul,” "to flee.”
bovun BOVUN
adj. eloquent, eloquence.
Based on "Bo,” "flow,” and "Vun,” "tongue.”
bovut BOVUT
v. dive.
Edited from "Skirn." Related to "Bo," "to fly.”
boz BOZ
n. cow.
bozeim BOZ2M
v. filter, permeate, percolate.
A compound of "Bo" and "Zeim,” it literally
means "Flow or move through.”
boziik BOZ3K
adj. bold / boldly.
bozikaar BOZIK1R
n. boldness.
"Boziik" with the suffix "-aar.”
bozok BOZOK
n. bull.
Based on "Boz,” "cow.”
bozul BOZUL
adj. fluent, fluency.
Literally means "flowing-voiced,” from "Bo"
and "Zul.”
bozuv BOZUV
adj. bovine.
Edited from "Boziil," "Boz" with the suffix "-
braag BR1G
v. beckon, bid.
braan BR1N
adj. fellow.
"Fellow Nord" "A Fellow Dragonborn.”
braandein BR1ND2N
n. fellowship.
"Braan" with the suffix "-dein.”
braat BR1T
v. switch, swap.
Edited from "Braht.”
brah BR4
v. use.
brahnu BR4NU
adj. useless.
"Brah" with the suffix "-nu.”
brahnuv BR4NUV
adj. usual, customary.
Based on "Brah,” "to use.” Edited from
brak BRAK
n. pitch.
branaat BRAN1T
n. switch.
From "Braat," "to switch." Edited from
brax BRAX
n. bow.
The bow of a ship, rather than the verb "to bow.”
brek BREK
n. deck.
The deck of a ship, as opposed to a deck of cards.
bremaan BREM1N
n. sload.
From "Bremaf,” "slug.”
bremaf BREMAF
n. slug.
brenaak BREN1K
n. bracelet.
brendon BRENDON
n. specter.
brendonus BRENDONUS
adj. spectral.
"Brendon" with the suffix "-us.”
brenhof BRENHOF
n. barn.
Based on Old English "bern" and the word
"Hofkiin,” "home.”
brenok BRENOK
v. strip, shed.
breyl BR9L
n. bead.
Edited from "Gruld.”
brigelt BRIGELT
n. jewel, jewelry.
Inspired by the dovahzhul words for beautiful
and metal: brit and gelt.
brii BR3
n. beauty.
briik BR3K
v. breach.
briin BR3N
n. ocean.
briinah BR3N4
n. sister.
briinahmaar BR3N4M1R
n. sisterhood.
briinahus BR3N4US
adj. sisterly.
"Briinah" with the suffix "-us.”
briinfahliil BR3NF4L3L
n. sea elf, maormer.
Translates to "Ocean Elf.”
brijaal BRIJ1L
n. kidney .
brilaas BRIL1S
adj. picturesque .
Related to "Brii,” "beauty.”
brit BRIT
adj. beautiful.
brod BROD
n. clan.
brodaan BROD1N
n. tribe.
From "Brod," "clan.”
brodaanuv BROD1NUV
adj. tribal.
"Brodaan" with the suffix "-uv," "of or
pertaining to a tribe.”
brodiir BROD3R
n. abbot.
Inspired from the Old English word "abbodrice.”
brolor BROLOR
n. street.
A city street, not used to mean "path" or "road.”
brom BROM
n. north.
bromaak BROM1K
n. compass.
Lit. "north-guide.”
bromen BROMEN
adj. northern, northerly.
bromgrindol BROMGRINDOL
n. solitude, the city of solitude.
From "Brom" and "Grindol,” "North Cliff.”
bromlom BROMLOM
n. dawnstar.
Lit. "Northwater.”
bron BRON
n. nord.
bronen BRONEN
adj. nordic.
"Bron" with the suffix "-en.”
bronjun BRONJUN
n. jarl.
Specifically Jarl - not just any king. Literally
"nord king.”
bronjunaar BRONJUN1R
n. bromjunaar.
Former capitol of Skyrim and center of the
Dragon Cult. Means "North Kingdom.”
bros BROS
n. soup.
brot BROT
n. bread.
Edited from "Brod" to "Brot" to avoid conflict
with the canon word "Brod.”
brotaag BROT1G
n. toast, toasted bread.
From "Ag" and "Brot." Refers to bread, not a
salutation or a verb meaning "to toast.”
brotaan BROT1N
n. sandwich.
brothal BROTHAL
n. dough.
brothuz BROTHUZ
n. conflict, feud, rivalry.
brotor BROTOR
n. breadstick.
Related to "Brot.”
brotumkip BROTUMKIP
n. pie.
Literally means "bread around food.”
bru BRU
n. elbow.
Shortened from "Bruu.”
brud BRUD
v. carry, bear.
brudaat BRUD1T
n. burden.
"Brud" with the suffix "-aat," "that which is
brudmun BRUDMUN
n. carrier, porter, deliveryman.
From "brud" meaning "to carry" and "mun"
meaning "man.” Together they literally mean
bruh BRUH
n. mist, fog.
bruhus BRUHUS
adj. misty, foggy.
"Bruh" with the suffix "-us.”
bruleyk BRUL9K
v. struggle.
From "Buruk" and "Suleyk.”
brulost BRULOST
n. pouch.
Based on "Brud,” "to bear or carry.”
bruniik BRUN3K
adj. savage.
brunikaar BRUNIK1R
n. savageness, savagery.
"Bruniik" with the suffix "-aar.” Edited from
brutsal BRUTSAL
n. addict.
brutul BRUTUL
n. addiction.
From "Brutsal,” "addict.”
bruz BRUZ
n. college, university.
bruzah BRUZ4
n. shard, fragment.
Edited from "Burzah" to avoid a homonym with
the word for "puzzle.”
bu'ul B5L
n. pyramid.
Noun and adjective; can refer to the shape, a
thing in that shape, or to describe something that
is that shape.
budiik BUD3K
n. monolith.
budlaak BUDL1K
n. pumpkin.
buf BUF
n. livestock.
Derived from Old Norse "bufe.”
buld BULD
n. shape / form / formation.
Can also be used as a verb, "to shape / to form.”
buldus BULDUS
adj. shapely, comely.
"Buld" with the suffix "-us.”
bulned BULNED
v. criticize, berate.
bulnedak BULNEDAK
n. criticism.
"Bulned" with the suffix "-ak.”
bunzit BUNZIT
v. bounce.
burdah B6D4
n. brim, rim.
Derived from Old Norse "bord.” Can also be
used as a verb.
burkaar B6K1R
n. alloy.
buruk B6UK
adj. hard, difficult.
Edited from "Burk.”
buruvaan B6UV1N
n. beverage.
burzah B6Z4
n. puzzle.
buush B5SH
v. clang, clash, clamor, the sound of
Edited from "Boosh.”
daak D1K
n. hazard, risk.
daal D1L
v. return.
daalnos D1LNOS
v. retaliate, retaliation, reprisal, to
retaliate against.
Lit. means "return-strike.” "Mu daalnos niin" =
"We retaliate against them.”
daaltun D1LTUN
v. reciprocate, reciprocation,
From "Daal" and "Tun," "return-trade.”
daan D1N
v. doom.
Edited from the incorrect "Daanii,” the "-ii" is
actually a possessive suffix.
daanik D1NIK
adj. doomed.
daar D1R
pron. this / these / those.
daarmindin D1RMINDIN
prep. hereafter.
Compound of "Daar" and "Mindin.”
daarz D1RZ
n. hint, clue.
Can be also used as a verb.
daarznu D1RZNU
adj. clueless.
"Daarz" with the suffix "-nu.”
daasin D1SIN
n. surface, surface area.
daazrii D1ZR3
v. affirm, confirm, testify.
Verb forms are "Daazriaan" and "Daazriin.”
daazun D1ZUN
v. amaze, astound.
dah D4
v. push.
dahik D4IK
conj. because.
dahmaan D4M1N
v. remember.
dahmaar D4M1R
n. remembrance.
From "Dahmaan," "to remember.”
dahmin D4MIN
adj. remembered.
Derived from "Vodahmin,” "unremembered.”
dahral D4RAL
n. hood/hat/cowl.
dahrin D4RIN
n. reason.
dahrinaal D4RIN1L
adj. reasonable.
"Dahrin" with the suffix "-aal,” "with/having
dahrm D4RM
v. brush.
Derives from "Dah / Push.”
dahst D4ST
v. scrap, to throw away or aside.
From "Dah,” "to push.”
dahstin D4STIN
n. trash, junk, scrap, garbage.
From "Dahst.”
dahstoskad D4STOSKAD
+ n. trashcan, garbage bin.
From "Dahst," "to throw away," and "Oskad,"
dahsul D4SUL
n. today.
A portamenteau of "daar sul.”
dahtiris D4T7IS
v. estrange, alienate.
From "Dah,” "push,” and "Tir,” "out.”
dahvol D4VOL
v. shun.
Related to "Dah,” "to push away.”
dahvulon D4VULON
n. tonight.
A portamenteau of "daar vulon.”
dahzunt D4ZUNT
v. bombard, barrage.
Edited from "Kunz." Related to "Dah" and
damdriik DAMDR3K
n. catapult.
daniik DAN3K
adj. doomed.
Alternate spelling of "Daanik.”
daput DAPUT
n. crust.
das DAS
adv. soon, shortly, presently.
dasmah DASM4
adj. imminent.
Literally "soon-falling.”
dein D2N
v. keep, guard.
deinmaar D2NM1R
n. keeper.
del DEL
n. honesty.
delaal DEL1L
adj. honest.
Del + -aal, with honesty.
delah DEL4
v. train, educate, discipline.
delahiik DEL43K
n. trainer, educator.
demdriik DEMDR3K
n. butterfly.
denaak DEN1K
v. soil, besmirch.
Verb form of "Denek," "soil.”
denek DENEK
n. soil.
denos DENOS
v. decline.
det DET
n. set.
From "Dopaan,” "group,” and "Met,” "match.”
devaak DEV1K
v. arrange, put in order.
See also "Tahlon.”
deykel D9KEL
n. book, scroll, written word.
Derived of the word Kel (which means Elder
Scroll). It refers to a book or a regular scroll, any
form of writing.
deykelsemindah D9KELSEMIND4
n. encyclopedia.
Meaning "book of knowledge.”
deykraan D9KR1N
n. parchment, paper.
deykrilir D9KRIL7
+ n. photograph, print.
From "Deykraan,” "paper,” and "Ilir,” "image.”
deylok D9LOK
n. territory, realm, domain.
Derived from the words Dii and Lok, in original
Dov-language, it literally means My-Sky. For
Joor, it is equivalent to 'territory'.
deyra D9RA
n. daedra.
deyradul D9RADUL
n. daedric prince.
From "Deyra" and "Du'ul.”
deyren D9REN
adj. daedric.
From "Deyra" with the origin suffix "-en.”
deytaak D9T1K
v. immerse, immersion.
From "Deyto," "to bury.”
deytaan D9T1N
n. burial.
From "Deyto,” "to bury.”
deyto D9TO
v. bury.
deytoniir D9TON3R
n. shovel, spade.
"Deyto" with the suffix "-niir,” "something
your bury with.”
deytonik D9TONIK
n. mudcrab.
Edited from "Prasmik.” Means "burying crab.”
deyvaaz D9V1Z
v. accumulate.
deyvut D9VUT
v. burrow, tunnel, dig.
From "Deyto," "to bury." Also a noun, "a
burrow or tunnel." Edited from "Osgor.”
dez DEZ
n. fate.
dezahrel DEZ4REL
v. gamble.
A combination of "Sahrel" (Tempt) and "Dez"
dezahrelin DEZ4RELIN
n. gambler.
Derived from "Dezahrel" (Gamble).
dezahrelstaad DEZ4RELST1D
+ n. casino.
From "Dezahrel" and "Staad," "gambling-
deziirukt DEZ3RUKT
+ n. poker.
From "Dez," "fate.”
dezmah DEZM4
n. plight, predicament.
Literally 'fate-fall.'.
dezmi DEZMI
adj. sinister, ominous, fateful,
A compound of "Dez" and "Mi,” "fate-
digol DIGOL
adj. mysterious, cryptic.
digoliik DIGOL3K
n. mystery, enigma.
Lit. "someone or something that is mysterious,
dii D3
pron. my, mine.
diil D3L
adj. undead.
diin D3N
v. freeze.
diinaan D3N1N
adj. frozen.
The past participle of "Diin.”
diinek D3NEK
v. disrupt, interrupt.
diingrah D3NGR4
n. stalemate.
From "Diin" and "Grah," "frozen battle.”
diipah D3P4
n. bubble.
diipahlom D3P4LOM
+ n. soda, pop, cola or any type of
carbonated drink.
Lit. "bubble,” "water.”
diipahus D3P4US
adj. bubbly.
From "Diipah,” "bubble" with suffix "-us.”
diirz D3RZ
n. vault.
diist D3ST
adj. first.
Ordinal of "Gein.”
diistaak D3ST1K
n. native, indigenous, aboriginal.
Derived from "Diist" and "Staak,” it literally
means "First inhabitant.”
diistiik D3ST3K
n. pioneer.
"Diist" with the suffix "-iik,” "someone who is
the first.”
diistkiin D3STK3N
n. firstborn.
A compound of "diist" and "kiin.”
diistmaas D3STM1S
n. march, first seed.
diistus D3STUS
n. priority.
From "Diist" with "Us," "first-before.”
diistzii D3STZ3
n. et'ada.
"First Spirits.”
diitak D3TAK
n. digit.
From "Sinak," "finger.”
diiv D3V
n. wyrm.
diivon D3VON
v. swallow.
dikinz DIKINZ
v. protrude.
Based on "Kinz,” "to pierce or puncture.”
dil DIL
adj. deep.
dilaar DIL1R
n. vulture.
dilah DIL4
v. dispute, argue, argument.
Derived from Old Norse. The verb "to dispute or
argue," and the noun "dispute/argument.”
dilahiik DIL43K
n. disuputer, disputant.
From "Dilah,” "dispute" with suffix "-iik.”
dilfahliil DILF4L3L
n. dwemer, dwarf, low-elves.
Composed of the words Dil and Fahliil, it
literally means Deep-Elves. Edited from
dilon DILON
adj. dead.
dilos DILOS
adj. deadly, lethal, fatal, causing
Expanded definition to include "lethal" and
dilosikin DILOSIKIN
n. slaughterfish.
A compound of "Dilos" and "Ikin,” "deadly
dimaar DIM1R
pron. myself.
dimbakey DIMBAK9
n. giraffe.
dinaak DIN1K
n. urn.
Based on "Dinok,” "death.”
dinok DINOK
n. death.
dinokaar DINOK1R
n. lich.
Derived from "Dinok" and "Aar,” literally
means "Death-Servant.”
dinoksetiid DINOKSET3D
n. end times.
Translates literally to "death of time.”
dir D7
v. die.
dirkah D7K4
n. die, dice.
Is its own plural.
diron D7ON
n. problem.
Derived from the words Dez, Orin and Deorf
(Old English, lit. "problem).
dironzaar D7ONZ1R
adj. problematic.
From "Diron,” "problem.”
dirsul D7SUL
n. tomorrow.
A compound of "Dir" and "Sul.”
dirun D7UN
n. caution.
Edited from "Djun.”
dirunkei D7UNK2
adj. cautious.
"Dirun" with the suffix "-kei.” Edited from
diwaan DIW1N
n. mustache.
do DO
prep. of / about.
This word is used more commonly in sentence
structure, where "Se" is used most often to make
compound words.
dograan DOGR1N
n. array, grid, group of objects.
Edited from "Graaz.”
doj DOJ
v. learn.
Edited from "Dojrah.”
dojuk DOJUK
n. research.
From "Doj,” "to learn.” Noun only.
dok DOK
n. hound, dog.
Expanded definition to include "dog.”
dokraas DOKR1S
n. puppy, pup.
From "Dok," "hound." Edited from "Vaas.”
dol DOL
n. iron.
Can be used as a noun or adjective, but not a
verb ("to iron" clothes, or "to iron out"
doliiv DOL3V
n. rust.
Can be a noun or a verb. Literally, "iron-
doliivus DOL3VUS
adj. rusty.
From "Doliiv,” "rust" with suffix "-us.”
dolkey DOLK9
+ n. train.
Means "iron horse.”
dolkeyin DOLK9IN
+ n. conductor.
Lit. means "train master.”
dolkeyven DOLK9VEN
+ n. railroad, train track or rail.
As in train track. lit. means "train path" or
metaphorically "train wind.”
dolok DOLOK
n. audacity.
Based on the Old English word "dollic.”
domiit DOM3T
v. merge.
domor DOMOR
v. seethe.
donin DONIN
n. blanket, sheet.
Related to "Don,” "to cover.”
donth DONTH
n. cart, truck, pull.
Related to "Ronth,” "vehicle.” Can also be used
as a verb, "to truck or pull something along.”
dopaan DOP1N
n. group.
dor DOR
n. prey.
doriik DOR3K
n. predator.
"Dor" with the suffix "-iik.”
dorok DOROK
n. benefit.
dortiis DORT3S
v. scintillate, coruscate.
The comma is in place to give you a pause in
doruvos DORUVOS
n. anniversary.
From "Eruvos,” "year.”
doruz DORUZ
v. trim.
dosk DOSK
n. mouse.
doskad DOSKAD
n. basket.
A combinationof "Hadroz" (weave) and
"Oskad" (container).
doskad-niiv DOSKAD-N3V
+ n. basketball.
From "Doskad" and "Niiv," literal adaptation.
dostoz DOSTOZ
n. fiend.
dostozuv DOSTOZUV
adj. fiendish.
"Dostoz" with the suffix "-uv,” "like a fiend.”
Edited from "Dostoziil.”
dov DOV
n. dragonkind, the race of dragons.
dovah DOV4
n. dragon.
dovahdaan DOV4D1N
n. dragonguard, blades.
"Dragon-Doom," referring to the Akaviri
dovahgolz DOV4GOLZ
n. dragonstone.
dovahik DOV4IK
n. drake.
dovahkendaar DOV4KEND1R
n. dragon knight, akaviri knight.
Literal compound.
dovahkiin DOV4K3N
n. dragonborn.
dovahkriid DOV4KR3D
n. dragon slayer.
Compound of Dovah(dragon), and kriid(slayer).
dovahmiin DOV4M3N
n. ruby, crimson gem.
Composed of the words Dovah and Miin, it
literally means Dragon-Eye, bit it refers to the
crimson gemstones that mortalkind call ruby - or
at times, dragons-eye. The latter refers to the fire,
Yol, that dragons, Dov, can create.
dovahnor DOV4NOR
n. akavir.
A compound of "Dovah" and "Nor,” "Dragon
dovahren DOV4REN
adj. draconic.
"Dovah" with the origin suffix "-ren.”
dovahsos DOV4SOS
n. dragonblood.
Is expressed as two words in-game, "Dovah
Sos." See also "Sossedov.”
dovahzul DOV4ZUL
n. dragon language.
The name of the language itself, from "Dovah"
and "Zul,” the "Dragon-Voice.”
dovahzulaan DOV4ZUL1N
n. dragon speaker.
The name for a speaker of Dovahzul.
draaf DR1F
n. shit, poop, crap.
Also a verb.
draafus DR1FUS
adj. shitty, crappy.
"Draaf" with the suffix "-us.”
draak DR1K
v. drown.
draaklo DR1KLO
n. quicksand.
Compound of "Draak" and "Klo,” "drowning
draal DR1L
v. pray.
draan DR1N
n. prayer.
From "Draal," "to pray." Edited from
draat DR1T
n. tool.
Edited from "Dahn" to avoid homophone with
canon "Daan.”
draaz DR1Z
n. second.
Refers to second in time, rather than the number.
draazog DR1ZOG
v. pillage.
drah DR4
v. commit.
From "Dreh," "to do." Edited from "Ahndah." .
drahlun DR4LUN
n. opinion.
drahvut DR4VUT
n. device, devise.
Related to "Dreh," "to do." Both the noun
"device" and the verb "to devise.”
draknah DRAKN4
n. incident, circumstance.
A happening of some sort. Accidental or
purposeful. .
dreh DREH
v. do / does.
drehlaan DREHL1N
v. done.
Means "have done" or "is done.”
drelaaz DREL1Z
n. conduct.
From "Dreh,” "to do.”
drem DREM
n. peace.
drem yol lok DREM YOL LOK
n. greetings.
dremet DREMET
n. complement.
From "Drem,” "peace,” and "Met,” "match.”
Can also be used as a verb. Not to be confused for
"to compliment.”
dremhah DREMH4
n. serenity, harmony, tranquility.
Lit. "peace-mind.”
dremiik DREM3K
n. pacifist.
Lit. "someone who is peaceful.”
dremjaar DREMJ1R
n. refuge.
Based on "drem" (peace) and "jaaril" (to
dremsil DREMSIL
adj. benevolent / kind.
From "Drem" and "Sil,” "peace-souled." Edited
from "Dremseik.”
dremyah DREMY4
v. negotiate, treat.
Lit. "peace-seek.” Edited from "Semjah.”
dren DREN
n. act, action, deed, feat.
Edited from "Stig.”
drenaal DREN1L
adj. active, operative, functional.
"Dren" and suffix "-aal,” literally "with or
having action.”
drendiir DREND3R
n. theory.
dreniir DREN3R
n. instrument, implement, utensil,
"Dreh" with the suffix "-niir,” meaning "that
which someone does something with.”
drenkiin DRENK3N
n. instinct.
From "Dren" and "Kiin," "inborn action.”
drensepaal DRENSEP1L
n. hostility, aggression.
From "Dren" and "Paal," lit. "the acts of a foe.”
drey DR9
v. did.
dreyvgir DR9VG7
n. dreugh.
The Dov-word for the Dreugh, a race of sapient
watercreatures that are well known throughout
drezig DREZIG
adj. hearty, healthy, ample .
As in "a hearty stew.” Inspired by Old Norse
"drjúgr" ("ample").
drezujah DREZUJ4
n. compendium, manual.
driik DR3K
v. engage, to partake or join with
driin DR3N
n. deer.
driinod DR3NOD
v. loiter, amble.
driinuv DR3NUV
adj. cervine.
From "Driin" with the suffix "-uv." Edited from
driivoh DR3VOH
n. dome.
drik DRIK
n. zone.
dro DRO
v. redo.
From "Dreh,” "to do.”
drog DROG
n. lord.
drogsenir DROGSEN7
n. hircine.
Literally, "Lord of the Hunt.”
drogus DROGUS
adj. lordly.
"Drog" with the suffix "-us.”
drok DROK
v. press.
drokpeliik DROKPEL3K
+ n. typewriter, keyboard.
From "Drok" and "Peliik," "press-writer.”
droliik DROL3K
n. agent, actor, player.
Based on "Dreh,” "to do.” Someone who has
active influence in something.
drovaz DROVAZ
v. trample.
droz DROZ
n. result, effect, affect.
Based loosely on "Dreh,” "to do.” Can be either
the noun "result/effect" or the verb "to result in
or affect.”
druf DRUF
n. grape.
drufruk DRUFRUK
n. grapefruit.
Literal translation.
druk DRUK
n. chair.
drul DRUL
n. ridge.
From the Gaelic word 'Druim' meaning ridge.
drun DRUN
v. bring/brought, also to cause, usher,
or make happen.
druniik DRUN3K
n. bringer.
"Drun" with the suffix "-iik.”
du DU
v. devour.
du'ul D5L
n. crown.
duaan DU1N
n. devourer.
Based on "Du,” "to devour.” Edited from
dubah DUB4
v. josh, rag, hoax.
dufil DUFIL
+ n. black hole.
Lit. "devouring star.”
dufrah DUFR4
n. infamy.
From "Frah," "fame.”
dufrahkei DUFR4K2
adj. infamous.
From "Frahkei,” "famous.” Edited from
dukaag DUK1G
+ n. nuke, nuclear, nuclear weapon.
Lit. "devouring blast.”
dukaan DUK1N
n. dishonor / dishonored.
dukiin DUK3N
n. demise, undoing.
From "Kiin,” something that will make you
dulgahvon DULG4VON
v. abdicate, relinquish rule.
Edited from "Forson.” Lit. "crown-yield.”
duliig DUL3G
adj. delicious.
Inspired by Norwegian "deilig" and "Du,”
"devour.” Edited from non-canon "Liig.”
dulmah DULM4
v. succeed, succession.
Means "to succeed or inherit,” as opposed to
"Prunt" which is the antonym of "fail.” Derived
from "Du'ul" and "Mah,” means "crown-fall.”
dulsos DULSOS
n. royalty.
From "Du'ul,” "crown,” and "Sos,” "blood.”
Edited from "Freiz.”
dulsosaal DULSOS1L
adj. royal.
"Dulsos" with the suffix "-aal,” "having royal
blood.” Alternatively, "crown-bleeding.” Edited
from "Freiziil.”
dum DUM
v. grind.
dumed DUMED
v. vary, differ.
From "Med,” "like.”
dumedak DUMEDAK
n. difference, variance.
From "Dumed," "to differ.”
dumor DUMOR
v. deprive.
dumos DUMOS
v. despise.
Related to "Mos,” "like.”
dun DUN
n. grace.
dunaak DUN1K
v. engulf, cover.
Edited from "Dun." Related to "Du," "devour.”
dunahkei DUN4K2
adj. ravenous.
From a combination of "Du," "devour," "Nah,"
"fury," and the suffix "-kei.”
dunarand DUNARAND
+ n. cancer, tumor.
Lit. "Devouring Growth.”
dunkei DUNK2
adj. gracious.
"Dun" with suffix "-kei.”
dur D6
n. curse.
duraal D61L
adj. accursed, cursed.
The adjective "to be cursed,” not the simple past
tense of "to curse.”
dustraan DUSTR1N
v. despoil.
Related to "Du," "devour.”
duvaat DUV1T
v. disavow, renounce, recant, abjure.
"Vaat" with the prefix "Vo-,” literally "un-
duviin DUV3N
v. tarnish.
From "Viin,” "to shine.”
duvoziir DUVOZ3R
adj. desolate.
duyiiv DUY3V
adj. dejected, rejected.
duziir DUZ3R
adj. insolent.
duziirah DUZ3R4
n. insolence.
Based on "Duziir,” "insolent.”
duzrah DUZR4
v. neglect.
Can also be a noun. Edited from "Dufrah.”
duzun DUZUN
v. disarm.
From "Zun,” "weapon.”
dwiin DW3N
n. steel.
dwiirok DW3ROK
v. carve.
dwiisinda DW3SINDA
n. inscription, word-carving.
Derived from the composition of the two words
Dwiirok and Siinda, it means Inscription rather
than Carving, thought it could be both. Plural is
dwinaar DWIN1R
n. automaton, steel-servant.
Composed of the words Dwin and Aar, it
literally means Steel-Servant and directly refers
to all and any 'living' Dwemer-construct. .
ediin ED3N
v. fire / shoot.
edil EDIL
n. character, nature, personality.
From Old Norse "edthli.”
edrah EDR4
n. volume, collection.
edun EDUN
n. shot.
The noun form of "Ediin.”
eftiir EFT3R
v. accord, according to.
Comes from the Old English word "æfter.”
egiis EG3S
adj. slender.
egnah EGN4
v. prefer.
eh EH
+ interj. ah.
The interjection "Ah" or "Aha.”
eim 2M
v. accept.
eimend 2MEND
n. acceptance.
"Eim" with the suffix "-end.”
eimindah 2MIND4
v. acknowledge.
eimindak 2MINDAK
n. acknowledgement.
"Eimindak" combined with the suffix "-dak.”
einzuk 2NZUK
adv. again.
eitah 2T4
v. smack.
Removed the double "tt.”
eiziid 2Z3D
n. fact.
eizurik 2Z6IK
v. annex.
ek EK
pron. her, hers.
ekmaar EKM1R
pron. herself.
The reflexive of "Rek.”
ekrah EKR4
n. goddess.
Based on "Rah,” "god.”
elaas EL1S
n. chocolate.
eldraag ELDR1G
v. surprise.
Can also be used as a noun.
eliir EL3R
v. animate, stimulate, arouse.
eliiruk EL3RUK
adj. erotic.
From "Eliir,” "arouse.”
elkroz ELKROZ
n. opal.
eln ELN
n. eight.
elnreid ELNR2D
n. octagon.
Meaning "eight-side.”
elskah ELSK4
v. fancy, cherish, adore, to be fond of.
elz ELZ
n. moose.
em EM
n. bee.
embodein EMBOD2N
n. beehive.
Literally "Bee-Home.”
emronk EMRONK
n. beeswax.
A compound of "Em" and "Ronk.”
emtiin EMT3N
v. realize.
emtiind EMT3ND
n. realization.
"Emtiin" with the suffix "-nd.”
enahk EN4K
n. spoon.
From "Nahkip,” "feed.”
endil ENDIL
v. dip.
Related to "Dil," "deep.”
enfan ENFAN
v. bestow.
Based on "Ofan,” "to give,” and the prefix "En-
" from "Ensosin,” "bewitch.”
enfavoth ENFAVOTH
v. contribute.
Derived from "voth,” "with,” and "Enfan,”
engein ENG2N
v. belong.
Formed from "Gein,” "one,” and the prefix "En-
,” from "Ensosin" ("bewitch").
enkii ENK3
n. ember.
From Kii (Ash).
enkron ENKRON
v. subjugate.
Based on "Kron,” "conquer.”
enlaag ENL1G
adj. asleep.
enlahvraan ENL4VR1N
v. accompany, gather together.
enmah ENM4
v. befall.
A combination of "Mah,” with the prefix "En-"
from "Ensosin.”
enmindok ENMINDOK
v. behold.
Literally, "to become knowing of.”
enmindokin ENMINDOKIN
n. beholder.
Added suffix "-in.”
enook EN8K
adj. each, every.
Expanded definition to include "every" in place
of non-canon words.
enookstaad EN8KST1D
adv. everywhere.
Compound of "Enook" and "Staad,” "each-
place.” Edited from non-canon "Svaanveyn.”
enriik ENR3K
v. indent.
enshar ENSHAR
adj. aloud.
Based on "Shar,” "loud.”
ensosin ENSOSIN
v. bewitch.
envok ENVOK
v. ascend.
Based on "Vok,” "up.”
erei ER2
conj. until.
Altered from "Enst" to match the canon word.
erkriin ERKR3N
n. cousin.
eruvos ERUVOS
n. year.
eruvus ERUVUS
adj. yearly, annual.
Based on "Eruvos" with the suffix "-us.”
es ES
interj. hush, shush, "shh.”
etaak ET1K
v. read.
evenaar EVEN1R
v. extinguish.
evenik EVENIK
n. prairie, grassland.
evgir EVG7
n. season.
evgiruv EVG7UV
adj. seasonal.
"Evgir" with the suffix "-uv," "of or pertaining
to the seasons.”
eviin EV3N
n. ivy.
eyfur 9F6
v. dissipate, disperse, scatter.
eylok 9LOK
n. species, kind, sort, breed.
From "Reyliik," "race.”
eyra 9RA
n. aedra.
Based on "Deyra,” "daedra.”
eyren 9REN
adj. aedric.
"Eyra" with the suffix "-en,” denoting origin.
eyron 9RON
n. donkey.
eytaag 9T1G
n. level, floor of a building.
eytik 9TIK
n. snack.
eyzan 9ZAN
n. husk.
ezil EZIL
n. sauce.
faad F1D
n. warmth.
faadhalriiv F1DHALR3V
n. mitten.
From "Faad," "Haal," and "Riiv;" "warmth-
faadus F1DUS
adj. warm.
From "Faad" with the suffix "-us." Edited from
faak F1K
n. limb, appendage.
Meaning a body part; the leg, arm, wing, or tail.
faal F1L
adj. the (formal).
Sometimes used with proper nouns.
faan F1N
v. range, scout, explore.
faaniik F1N3K
n. ranger.
"Faan" with the suffix "-iik.”
faant F1NT
v. compete.
Derived from Fah: for, Unt: to try. Edited from
faantak F1NTAK
n. competition, sport.
Derived from Fah: for, Unt: to try, -ak: -tion.
Edited from "Fahntak.”
faar F1R
adj. tall.
faareyth F1R9TH
n. valenwood.
Means "High Tree.” Edited from "Faarlen.”
faarom F1ROM
n. tallness.
From "Faar" with the suffix "-om.”
faas F1S
n. fear.
faasnu F1SNU
adj. fearless.
faast F1ST
n. alarm, hysteria, panic.
Derived from "Faas,” "fear.”
faastiid F1ST3D
n. crisis, emergency.
Literally, "fear time.”
faath F1TH
n. flood.
faaz F1Z
n. pain.
faazaal F1Z1L
adj. painful.
"Faaz" with the suffix "-aal,” something that
"has pain" or is "with pain.”
faazrot F1ZROT
v. insult, offend, slander.
Edited from "Sahrx,” compound of "Faaz,”
"pain,” and "Rot,” "word.”
fadaav FAD1V
v. cuddle, nuzzle, snuggle.
Related to "Faad" and "Aav," "to join warmth.”
fah F4
prep. for.
fahbo F4BO
v. continue, resume.
Edited from "Bahzim." From "Bo," "to fly.”
fahdon F4DON
n. friend.
fahdonmaar F4DONM1R
n. friendship.
Edited from "Fahdonein.” Closely means
fahdonus F4DONUS
adj. friendly.
Combines "Fahdon" (friend) with the suffix "-
fahfiik F4F3K
n. ocarina.
Related to "Fifiik,” "flute." Edited from
fahin F4IN
n. color / colour.
Edited from "Faain.”
fahinbo F4INBO
n. gradient.
From "Fahin" and "Bo," "color-flow.”
fahliil F4L3L
n. elf, elves.
"Fahliille" equally used for "elves.”
fahliilen F4L3LEN
adj. elven / elvish.
"Fahliil" with the suffix "-en.”
fahlu F4LU
n. garden.
Reverse-derived from "Fahluaan,” "gardener.”
fahluaan F4LU1N
n. gardener.
fahludraal F4LUDR1L
n. rosary.
Lit. "garden (of) prayer.”
fahluzok F4LUZOK
n. agriculture.
Based on "Fahluaan,” "gardener.”
fahmey F4M9
n. spot, speckle.
fahmeykaaz F4M9K1Z
n. jaguar.
From "Fahmey," "spot," and "Kaaz," "cat.”
fahral F4RAL
v. answer, reply, respond.
Cannot be used as a noun, see "Fahrald.”
fahrald F4RALD
n. answer, reply, response.
Strictly a noun, the verb form is "Fahral.”
fahrax F4RAX
adj. slyness, cleverness, deviousness.
fahvos F4VOS
adv. why.
From "Fah" and "Fos,” "for what.” Edited from
non-canon "Vahr.”
fahzon F4ZON
n. view, vista, scenery.
fantiik FANT3K
n. competitor.
Derived from Fah: for, Unt: to try, -iik: -or.
Edited from "Fahntiik.”
fantiikzin FANT3KZIN
n. sportsmanship.
From "Fantiik" and "Zin," "competitor's
far FAR
v. track.
faraan FAR1N
n. fortune, wealth.
faraanus FAR1NUS
adj. wealthy.
"Faraan" with the suffix "-us.”
fariik FAR3K
adj. precious, valuable.
From "Faraan," "wealth." Edited from "Ves.”
fask FASK
adj. soft, gentle, delicate.
faskah FASK4
n. fluff.
From "Fask,” "soft.”
faskiis FASK3S
adj. fuzzy.
From "Fask,” "soft.”
faskom FASKOM
adj. softness, gentleness, delicateness.
"Fask" with the suffix "-om.”
faskpravoz FASKPRAVOZ
+ n. couch.
Lit. "soft-bench.”
fastrah FASTR4
+ n. subway.
From "Strah,” "road/way.” .
fautiid FAUT3D
adj. recent, current, newly-passed.
Based off of "Usnutiid" or "Past,” and "Fau" or
"Fresh.” Directly translates as "Fresh Time.”
fax FAX
adj. sly, clever, devious.
faziigolz FAZ3GOLZ
n. emerald.
Derived from the composed words Feykro, Zii
and Golz, its literal meaning is Forest Spirit
Stone, referring to the green colour that emeralds
posses and often connect it with the forest and
feid F2D
n. flank.
From Reid (Side). Also used as a verb.
feim F2M
v. fade.
feimaan F2M1N
adj. ethereal.
Derived from "Feim,” literally means "faded.”
fein F2N
conj. than.
"Zulot fein" = "greater than.”
feinrolt F2NROLT
v. emphasize, emphasis.
fel FEL
adj. feral.
felaag FEL1G
v. hibernate.
Derived from "Felniir" and "Laag.”
felaan FEL1N
n. ferocity.
From "Fel," "feral.”
felhah FELH4
adj. rabid.
Lit. "feral-mind.”
felhahlun FELH4LUN
+ n. rabies.
From "Felhah," "rabid.”
feliig FEL3G
n. partner.
feln FELN
n. era.
felniir FELN3R
n. winter.
felniirus FELN3RUS
adj. wintry.
Combination of "Felniir" and the suffix "-us,”
adjective form of "Felniir.”
feluk FELUK
n. material, commodity.
fen FEN
v. will.
fend FEND
v. should.
Based on "Fent,” "shall.” Edited from "Fund" to
"Fend" to avoid conflict with the existing word
fent FENT
v. shall.
ferviit FERV3T
adj. curious.
fey F9
v. stay.
feyal F9AL
n. mob, crowd, horde, mass, gather.
As opposed to "Dopaan" (group), this would be a
"very big group.” Can also be used as the verb
meaning "to gather or crowd together.” Edited
from "Fjal.”
feyalvoth F9ALVOTH
v. huddle, to huddle together.
From "Feyal," "crowd," and "Voth," "with.”
feyfahliil F9F4L3L
n. bosmer, wood elf.
Derived of the composition of the words Feykro
and Fahliil, it means Forest-Elves and refers to
the Bosmer race.
feykro F9KRO
n. forest.
feykros F9KROS
n. dell.
From "Feykro,” "forest.”
feykroziis F9KROZ3S
n. spriggan.
Composed of the words Feykro and Zii, it
literally means Forest-Spirit.
feyl F9L
n. morning.
feylhahnu F9LH4NU
v. daydream.
A combination of "Feyl" (Morning) and
"Hahnu" (Dream).
feylil F9LIL
n. january, morning star.
A compound of "Feyl" and "Fil.”
feymah F9M4
v. settle.
From "Fey" and "Mah.”
feyn F9N
n. bane.
feyz F9Z
v. strain, struggle.
fid FID
v. send, set forth.
From Old Norse "foera.” Edited from "Fjerd"
and "Ferd.”
fifah FIF4
v. whistle, whiffle.
fifiik FIF3K
n. flute.
Referred to "Fifah" ("Whistle"), "whistler.”
fiid F3D
adv. meantime, meanwhile.
From "Fod,” "when,” and "Tiid,” "time.”
Edited from "Jol.”
fiik F3K
n. mirror.
fiikath F3KATH
n. mirage, illusion.
Derived from "Fiik,” "mirror.”
fiikmeyar F3KM9AR
+ n. clone.
From "Fiik" and "Meyar," "mirrored self.”
fiilos F3LOS
n. philosophy .
fiilosuv F3LOSUV
adj. philosophical .
"Fiilos" with the suffix "-uv,” "of or pertaining
to philosophy.” Edited from "Fiilosiil.”
fiit F3T
v. bite.
fiivut F3VUT
v. scowl, frown.
Edited from "Fiid.”
fiiz F3Z
v. hurt.
fiizkei F3ZK2
adj. hurtful.
From "Fiiz,” "to hurt.”
fikon FIKON
n. fig.
fil FIL
n. star.
fildinok FILDINOK
+ n. supernova.
Lit. "star-death.”
filgaaf FILG1F
+ n. nebula, planetary nebula.
Lit. "Star Ghost.”
filkaagend FILK1GEND
+ n. nova.
Lit. "star explosion." See also "Fildinok" for
filkiir FILK3R
n. ayleid.
Literally means "Star-Child.”
filklo FILKLO
n. stardust.
A compound of "Fil" and "Klo.”
filkun FILKUN
n. starlight.
A compound word of "Fil" and "Kun.” Edited
from "Filhaan.”
filmah FILM4
n. starfall, meteorshower.
filok FILOK
v. escape.
filreid FILR2D
n. starboard.
A compound of "Fil" and "Reid,” "starside.”
filrith FILRITH
+ n. solar flare.
Lit. "Star Flare.”
filrod FILROD
+ n. galaxy.
Lit. "star wheel.”
filsiin FILS3N
n. constellation.
Fil "star,” Siin "sign,” "star sign.”
filsul FILSUL
n. sunday / sundas.
Lit. "Star Day.”
filuv FILUV
adj. astral, stellar.
Of or pertaining to the stars, not used to mean
excellent or extraordinary. Edited from "Filiil.”
fin FIN
adj. the.
This word and other articles like it are rarely
fir F7
v. respect.
Also serves as the noun. From Ufir: respectable.
firig F7IG
adj. former, previous, earlier.
firok F7OK
n. bastard.
flaar FL1R
n. fleet, armada.
flesk FLESK
n. bacon.
fley FL9
n. tile.
flogah FLOG4
adj. fine.
fo FO
n. frost.
fod FOD
adv. when, while, whilst.
Expanded definition to include "while" and
fodiiz FOD3Z
n. hoar, hoarfrost.
Expanded definition to include "Hoarfrost.”
fokaronahs FOKARON4S
n. frost atronach.
Alteration of "Murakonahs" (Atronach) .
fol FOL
adj. ripe.
folaas FOL1S
adj. wrong.
folag FOLAG
n. frostbite.
Derived from "Fo" and "Ag," "frostburn."
Edited from "Fosuun.”
folhet FOLHET
n. alchemy.
folhetiik FOLHET3K
n. alchemist.
"Folhet" with the suffix "-iik.”
folokaan FOLOK1N
n. haunter.
From "Folook," "to hunt.”
folom FOLOM
n. ripeness.
"Fol" with the suffix "-om.”
folook FOL8K
v. haunt.
folookaal FOL8K1L
adj. haunted.
The adjective "to be haunted,” not the simple
past tense of the verb "to haunt.”
folov FOLOV
v. right, correct, remedy, rectify.
From "Folaas," "wrong." As an adjective, "right
or correct," and as a verb, "to
right/correct/remedy." Edited from "Geges" and
folul FOLUL
n. ripple.
folus FOLUS
adj. frosty.
Based on "Fo" with the suffix "-us.”
fomah FOM4
n. october, frost fall.
fomus FOMUS
adj. clumsy.
From "Fo" and the suffix "-us," referring to
clumsiness and numbness from being cold.
fon FON
v. seem, be like, look like.
Derived from the words Dii, Fen and Scridefan
(Old English, lit. "To seem").
fonaar FON1R
v. charge.
fook F8K
n. fetish.
for FOR
v. call, name.
"Nii foraan" = "It is called.”
foraan FOR1N
n. name.
Noun of "For,” "to name or call.”
foraan-rot FOR1N-ROT
+ n. pronoun.
Comes from "foraan" (name) and "rot" (word). .
foraankeitz FOR1NK2TZ
+ n. index.
Lit. "Name list.”
forahgol FOR4GOL
n. temper.
Derived from "Rahgol,” "Rage.”
forgen FORGEN
v. abstain, refrain.
forhah FORH4
v. allude, refer, allusion, reference.
The verb "to allude" and the noun "allusion.”
forokir FOROK7
n. enthusiasm.
Edited from "Fokmir.”
forun FORUN
v. congratulate, laud.
foruniis FORUN3S
n. congratulation, congratulations.
From "Forun,” "to congratulate.”
forveyk FORV9K
n. ease, easiness.
forvoth-rot FORVOTH-ROT
+ n. synonym.
Comes from the words "For," "name," and
"Voth," "with." A like-named word.
fos FOS
adv. what, which.
fosrik FOSRIK
v. depict.
fost FOST
n. bridge.
fotiid FOT3D
n. image, effigy, reproduction.
A compound of "Fo" and "Tiid,” something that
is frozen in time.
fozir FOZ7
n. debt.
fozok FOZOK
adj. utmost.
Related to "Zok,” "most.”
fraad FR1D
n. hearth, fireplace.
From "Faad," "warmth." Edited from "Reist.”
fraadgolz FR1DGOLZ
n. hearthstone.
From "Fraad" and "Golz," literal translation.
fraajik FR1JIK
v. rejoice, to feel joy or great delight.
A combination of "Fraan,” "feel,” and "Jiik,”
fraakar FR1KAR
v. to set a table.
fraan FR1N
v. feel, perceive.
Derived from the words Fel, Aan and Felan (Old
English, lit. "to feel").
fraanend FR1NEND
n. feeling, perception.
"Fraan" with the suffix "-end.”
frah FR4
n. fame.
frahdin FR4DIN
v. befriend.
From "Fahdon,” "friend.” Edited from
"Fahdiin" to avoid conflict with "Diin" or
frahkei FR4K2
adj. famous.
"Frah" with the suffix "-kei.”
frahraam FR4R1M
adj. fantastic.
frahzogin FR4ZOGIN
n. information.
franvoth FRANVOTH
v. console.
A compound of "Fraan" and "Voth,” "to feel
freik FR2K
n. farmer.
frein FR2N
v. melt.
Based on "Frin,” "hot.”
freind FR2ND
v. smelt.
Based on "Frein,” "to melt.”
freka FREKA
n. tundra.
fren FREN
n. heel.
frey FR9
v. aid, help, assist.
freydaan FR9D1N
n. lament, lamentation.
From "Freydah," "to lament.”
freydah FR9D4
n. lament.
freyend FR9END
n. assistance, help, aid.
Frey + -end suffix.
freyiik FR93K
n. assistant, helper.
"Frey" with the suffix "-iik.”
fridirlovaas FRID7LOV1S
+ n. serenade.
From "Fridir,” "serenity,” and "Lovaas,”
"song.” A noun only.
friik FR3K
n. apology.
friikir FR3K7
v. apologize.
Based on "Friik,” "apology.”
friim FR3M
v. sheathe.
friis FR3S
v. fry.
From "Frin,” "hot.”
friisgelt FR3SGELT
n. pan, skillet.
Lit. "frying-metal.”
friisgeltbrot FR3SGELTBROT
+ n. pancake.
From "Friisgelt" and "Brot," "pan-bread.”
friist FR3ST
adj. numb.
fril FRIL
adj. eager.
Based on "Frini,” "eagerness.”
frilin FRILIN
v. crave.
Composed of Frini and Laan - Eagerness and
Want, Request.
frin FRIN
n. hot, heat, eagerness.
frin-zeymah FRIN-Z9M4
n. brother-in-law.
Lit. "kin-brother.”
frinvahwuld FRINV4WULD
n. geyser, hot spring.
Composed by the words Frin, Vah and Wuld, it
literally means Hot Spring Whirlwind, referring
to the occasional waterspouts that erupt from
geysers. It can also indicate the calmer waters
around a geyser, then referring to simply the hot
springs. Plural is Frinvahwuldde. Alternate
form is Frinvah - Hotspring.
frinzii FRINZ3
n. fervor, fervorous, fervent, fervid.
Literally "Heated Spirit.” Uncontrollable,
spontaneous, enthralling passion. See also
"Agzii" and "Yolzii.”
frist FRIST
v. roast.
Both the noun and the verb, pertaining to meat.
frit FRIT
n. sheath, scabbard.
Edited from "Ulfriim.”
frod FROD
n. field, battlefield.
froiim FRO3M
n. broom.
frolaaz FROL1Z
v. forgive, forgiveness.
Inspired by Swedish "forlata.” Edited from
"Foral" and related to "Aaz,” "mercy.” Both the
verb "to forgive,” and the noun "forgiveness.”
frolk FROLK
v. check, verify, by looking.
From "Frolok,” "to look.”
frolok FROLOK
v. look.
Based on the word Foreloce (Old English, lit. "to
look"). Edited spelling from "Fhrolok.”
froloktiid FROLOKT3D
n. clairvoyance.
Lit. "look,” "time.”
fron FRON
adj. kin, kindred, kinsman, related,
Both an adjective and a noun. Kin or related by
blood. Expanded definition to include "kindred,"
"kinsman," and "relative.”
frondinok FRONDINOK
adj. extinct, extinction.
From "Fron" and "Dinok," "kin-death.”
fronmaar FRONM1R
n. kinship.
Lit. "kinhood.”
fruk FRUK
n. fruit.
General term for fruit. From Old Norse "frukt.”
frukilom FRUKILOM
n. juice.
A modified compound of "Fruk,” "fruit,” and
"Lom,” "water,” meaning "fruit-water.”
fruksethok FRUKSETHOK
n. bean.
"Fruit of the dirt.”
frul FRUL
adj. ephemeral / temporary.
frulahvu FRUL4VU
n. militia.
A combination of "Frul" (Temporary) and
"Lahvu" (Army).
frulahzun FRUL4ZUN
n. militiaman.
A combination of "Frul" (Temporary) and
"Rahzun" (Soldier).
frulrunir FRULRUN7
n. redoubt.
From "Frul" and "Runir," "ephemeral
frum FRUM
v. swoon, faint, with excitement.
frund FRUND
adj. glad.
frundiin FRUND3N
adv. gladly.
An alteration of "Frund.”
fruskah FRUSK4
n. whisky.
Edited from "Fuuskah.”
fuh FUH
v. snort, sniff, huff, grunt.
fuhil FUHIL
n. leaf.
Edited from "Duhil.”
fuhilpiin FUHILP3N
n. tea.
Edited from "Duhilom." Lit. "leaf-drink.”
ful FUL
adv. so.
fumrii FUMR3
v. convey.
fun FUN
v. tell, told.
fund FUND
v. would.
Based on "Fen,” "will.”
fundein FUND2N
v. unfurl / unfurled.
fundiir FUND3R
v. furl.
Derived from "Fundein" "unfurl.”
fundol FUNDOL
v. wrap.
funol FUNOL
v. eject.
From "Fus" and "Nol,” "to force away.”
funrah FUNR4
n. message.
Can also be used as a verb, "to message.” Edited
from "Dremah" to relate to "Fun," "tell.”
funrahiik FUNR43K
n. messenger.
"Funrah" with the suffix "-iik.” Edited from
funt FUNT
v. fail.
funtaas FUNT1S
n. failure.
From "Funt," "to fail.”
furah F64
n. yelp.
furgaan F6G1N
n. libel.
Inspired from the Old English word "forsecgan.”
fus FUS
n. force.
fusaav FUS1V
v. abduct, kidnap.
Lit. "force-join.”
fusk FUSK
v. throw, hurl, cast.
Based on "Fus,” "force.”
fuskaag FUSK1G
+ n. grenade.
Lit. "throw,” "explode.”
fuskah FUSK4
v. roll.
Based on "Fus,” "force.”
fuskei FUSK2
adj. forceful.
"Fus" with the suffix "-kei.”
fusond FUSOND
v. discard, dismiss, expel, force away.
fusriin FUSR3N
n. shockwave.
A combination of "Fus" and "Riin.”
fusrot FUSROT
v. demand, mandate.
From "Fus" and "Rot," "to make words of
force." Both a verb and a noun, "to demand" and
"a demand / force-words.”
fussekein FUSSEK2N
n. military, army.
A compound that means "force of war.”
fust FUST
v. joust.
fustir FUST7
v. banish, ban, expel, literally "force
A compound of "Fus" and "Tir.”
fustiroz FUST7OZ
v. exile.
Derived from "Fustir,” "to banish.”
fustum FUSTUM
v. cast, throw, cast down.
To throw something down.
fusvok FUSVOK
v. toss, throw upwards.
From "Fus," "force," and "Vok," "up.”
gaaf G1F
n. ghost.
gaafilir G1FIL7
+ n. hologram.
Lit. "ghost image.”
gaafus G1FUS
adj. ghostly.
"Gaaf" with the suffix "-us.”
gaal G1L
n. cove.
Related to "Gul,” "cave.”
gaan G1N
n. stamina.
gaansevah G1NSEV4
n. mentality.
From "Gaan" and "Hah,” literally: "Stamina of
gaar G1R
v. unleash, release.
See also "Komeyt.”
gaard G1RD
n. bastion, haven, sanctuary.
gaarfaz G1RFAZ
v. torment, agonize.
From "Gaar" and "Faaz," "to unleash pain.”
gaas G1S
adj. nasty, filthy, horrid.
From the Welsh for "nasty," "cas.”
gaat G1T
n. key.
Can also mean "vital" or "important.” Edited
from "Zrah.”
gaatrot G1TROT
+ n. password.
From "Gaat" and "Rot," lit. "key-word.”
gaav G1V
v. get/got.
Drived from the words Geh, Aav and Geafle (Old
English, lit. "to obtain").
gahfus G4FUS
n. pressure.
From "Gah,” "yield,” and "Fus,” "force.”
gahfustum G4FUSTUM
n. javelin.
From the Old English word "Gafeluc,” and
"Fustum,” "to throw or hurl.”
gahgort G4GORT
n. horker.
Edited from "Hjorem.”
gahlaak G4L1K
n. stampede.
gahlot G4LOT
n. stealth.
From "Gahrot,” "to steal,” and "Nahlot,”
gahnos G4NOS
v. absorb.
gahnosend G4NOSEND
n. absorption.
Gahnos (Absorb) with suffix "end" (tion).
gahrik G4RIK
n. falcon.
gahritaar G4RIT1R
n. larceny.
Edited from "Aaran." Related to "Gahrot," "to
gahrk G4RK
v. jerk, yank.
From Old English word root 'Ä¡earc'.
gahrot G4ROT
v. steal.
gahvon G4VON
v. yield.
Edited from the incorrect "Gah.”
gahvraan G4VR1N
v. glean.
From Latin word 'Glannus' meaning 'Glean,'
and 'Lahvraan,' 'to gather.'.
gahziin G4Z3N
n. logic, reasoning.
Loosely based off of "Greind" or "Intellect,” and
"Dahrin" or "Reason.”
gahziinuv G4Z3NUV
adj. logical.
"Gahziin" with the suffix "-uv.”
gakrizar GAKRIZAR
adj. opposite.
Related to "Kriz,” "to oppose.”
galgur GALG6
n. potion, elxir, tonic.
Inspired by Icelandic "Gullgerðarefni" Edited
from "Galger.”
galik GALIK
n. pine.
galiko GALIKO
n. boreal, coniferous, a boreal or
coniferous forest.
Derived from "Galik" and "Feykro,” "Pine
forest.” Edited from "Galikro.”
galv GALV
v. complain, whine, groan, moan.
Edited from "Gaal.”
ganog GANOG
adv. enough.
gasving GASVING
n. gauntlet.
gazviik GAZV3K
n. spigot.
gebahlok GEB4LOK
v. starve, famish.
"Bahlok" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make
gebild GEBILD
v. fortify.
Based on "Bild" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make
geblaan GEBL1N
v. complete, finish.
Literally, "to make (something) ended.”
gedrem GEDREM
v. pacify.
"Drem" (Peace) with the prefix "Ge-.”
gedremend GEDREMEND
n. pacification.
"Gedrem" with the suffix "-end.”
gedrok GEDROK
v. depress.
Refers to emotional depression, rather than a
physical depression or low area.
gedrokaan GEDROK1N
adj. depressed.
"Gedrok" with the suffix "-aan" to form an
adjective. Refers to emotional depression, rather
than a physical depression or low area.
gedrokend GEDROKEND
n. depression.
Based on "Gedrok" with the suffix "-end.”
Refers to emotional depression, rather than a
physical depression or low area.
gefaas GEF1S
v. scare, frighten.
"Faas" with the prefix "Ge-." Shortened from
gefask GEFASK
v. soften, lighten.
"Fask" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make soft.”
gegein GEG2N
v. unify, unite.
Based on "Pahgein" and "Gein" with the prefix
"Ge-,” "to make one.”
gegend GEGEND
n. unification.
A shortening of "Gegeinend,” "Gegein" with the
suffix "-end.”
gegrun GEGRUN
v. imprison.
From "Gron,” "bind.” "Grun" with the prefix
geh GEH
adv. yes.
geid G2D
v. loan.
geikaal G2K1L
n. alcohol, beer, mead, ale.
geikalstaad G2KALST1D
n. brewery.
gein G2N
n. one.
geinan G2NAN
adj. single.
From Gein, one.
geind G2ND
n. union, unification, communion,
Formed from "Gein,” "one.”
geinfahliil G2NF4L3L
n. aldmer.
Composed of Gein and Fahliil, it literally means
One-Elf and refers to the time when the Aldmer
encompassed all of the Elven-races.
geingolslen G2NGOLSLEN
n. hist, first-trees.
Composed by the words Gein and Golslen, it is
the Dov's name for the Hist, who are said to be
one of the first races on Nirn and one of only two
of those races to still exist.
geinmaar G2NM1R
n. oneself.
geinmu'ul G2NM5L
n. monarchy.
Literally, "one rule.”
geinraal G2NR1L
adj. monotheistic.
Derived from "Geinrah" with the suffix "-aal,”
"with or having one god.”
geinrah G2NR4
n. monotheism.
A compound of "Gein" and "Rah,” "One god"
(on the analogy with "Pogaanrah" - "Many
geinrokey G2NROK9
+ n. unicycle.
Follows the same root as "zirokey" but with the
number "gein.”
geinzahkey G2NZ4K9
n. unicorn.
Derived from "Gein,” "Zahk" and "Key,” it
literally means "One-horned horse.”
geivah G2V4
v. point, direct, indicate.
gejahrii GEJ4R3
v. fill.
"Jahrii" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make full.”
Edited from "Gejahr.”
gejeykaan GEJ9K1N
v. bewilder.
Literally, "Make confused.”
gejeykaant GEJ9K1NT
n. bewilderment.
The noun form of "Gejeykaan.”
gekahl GEK4L
v. authorize.
Based on "Kahl,” "authority.”
gekahlend GEK4LEND
n. authorization.
"Gekahl" with the suffix "-end.”
gekenlok GEKENLOK
v. encircle, surround, envelop.
"Kenlok" with the prefix "Ge-" .
gekenlokin GEKENLOKIN
n. atmosphere, environment, milieu.
Derived from "Gekenlok,” "that which
gekenlom GEKENLOM
n. moat.
A portmanteau of "Gekenlok" and "Lom,”
"encircling water.”
gekinzon GEKINZON
v. sharpen.
gekose GEKOSE
v. originate.
"Kose" with the prefix "Ge-.”
gekras GEKRAS
v. sicken.
"Kras" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make sick.”
gekrastok GEKRASTOK
adj. infectious.
From "Gekras,” "to make sick.”
gekrin GEKRIN
v. encourage, embolden.
Derived from "Krin,” with the prefix "Ge-,” "to
make courageous.”
gekrintiil GEKRINT3L
n. encouragement.
From "Gekrin," "to encourage.”
gel GEL
n. smoke.
Can also be used as a verb.
gelaag GEL1G
v. tire, exhaust, enervate.
"Laag" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make sleep,”
"to make tired.”
gelaar GEL1R
v. clarify, explain.
"Laar" with the prefix "Ge-.”
gelaarend GEL1REND
n. clarification, explanation.
"Gelaar" with the suffix "-end.”
gelah GEL4
v. enchant, ensorcel.
"Lah" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make magical.”
gelahaan GEL41N
adj. enchanted.
"Gelah" with the suffix "-aan.”
gelahiik GEL43K
n. enchanter.
"Gelah" with the suffix "-iik.”
gelahuz GEL4UZ
n. enchantment.
gelingrah GELINGR4
v. lengthen, stretch, prolong.
From "Lingrah,” "to make long.”
gelok GELOK
v. heighten, elevate, raise, lift.
From "Lok,” "to make high" or "put in the sky."
Edited from "Gekriis.”
gelokaat GELOK1T
+ n. elevator.
From "Gelok" with the suffix "-aat," "that
which is elevated.”
gelt GELT
n. metal.
Related to "Golt,” "ground.”
geltkey GELTK9
+ n. car, automobile.
Lit. "metal horse.”
geltlaas GELTL1S
+ n. robot.
Literally translates to "metal life.”
geltlaas-mun GELTL1S-MUN
+ n. cyborg.
From "Geltlaas" and "Mun," "robot-man.”
geltom GELTOM
+ n. wire.
Lit. "metal hair.”
geltviing GELTV3NG
+ n. airplane, aircraft, plane.
Lit. "metal wing.”
gelum GELUM
v. lower.
"Lum" with the prefix "Ge-." The verb meaning
"to lower,” rather than the adjective "more low
than." Edited from "Gekrinil.”
gelus GELUS
adj. smoky.
From "Gel,” "smoke" with suffix "-us.”
gemaar GEM1R
v. terrify.
"Maar" with the prefix "Ge-,” to "make terror.”
gemal GEMAL
v. belittle, shrink, minimize.
From "Mal," "to make little.”
gemalingren GEMALINGREN
v. abridge.
Based on "Malingren,” "to make short in
gemindok GEMINDOK
v. disclose, divulge, expose, impart.
"Mindok" with the prefix "Ge-,” literally "to
make known.”
gemogur GEMOG6
v. satisfy.
gemoguraal GEMOG61L
adj. satisfactory.
Composed of "gemogur";"satisfy" and suffix "-
aal," "having satisfaction.”
gemoro GEMORO
v. glorify.
"Moro" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make glory
gemulaag GEMUL1G
v. strengthen.
Based off of "Mulaag,” "strength.”
genaas GEN1S
v. revel, relish, bask in.
From "Genaz,” "to please.” Edited from
genaz GENAZ
v. delight, enliven, elate, please.
From "Unaz,” "to make happy.”
genazaal GENAZ1L
adj. pleasant, pleasurable.
Edited from "Kirnd" and "Ligendaal." From
"Genaz,” "pleasure," "with or having pleasure.”
genazend GENAZEND
n. pleasure.
From "Genaz,” "to please.” Edited from
genel GENEL
v. hasten, quicken, speed up.
Ge: to make.
genik GENIK
v. wisen.
From "onik" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make
genil GENIL
v. void, empty.
Literally "to make void.” Ge- "make,” Nil
genovul GENOVUL
v. liquify.
"Novul,” "liquid,” with the prefix "Ge-.” Means
"to make liquid.”
genul GENUL
v. nullify, cancel, abort.
Literally "to make null.”
genuld GENULD
n. cancellation, abortion.
From "Genul.”
genun GENUN
v. show, display, reveal, unveil,
"Nun" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make seen.”
genund GENUND
n. appearance.
From "Genun," "to appear." Edited from
gepruz GEPRUZ
v. improve, make better.
"Pruz" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make better.”
geqoth GEQOTH
v. entomb.
"Qoth" with the prefix "Ge-.”
gerah GER4
v. frustrate.
gerahgol GER4GOL
v. enrage.
"Rahgol" with the prefix "Ge-.”
gerahgron GER4GRON
v. anger, to make angry.
"Rahgron" with the prefix "Ge-.”
gerev GEREV
v. instill, impart.
gerevak GEREVAK
v. sanctify, consecrate.
"Revak" with the prefix "Ge-," "to make
gerik GERIK
v. broaden, widen, spread.
From "Urik,” "to make broad, wide.”
gesaak GES1K
v. expand, extend, enlarge, widen.
"Saak" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make large or
gesahlo GES4LO
v. weaken.
Derived from "Sahlo,” "weak.” Implies the
taking away of strength, versus "Imzalo" which
implies sickness or illness.
gesahqo GES4QO
v. redden.
"Sahqo" with the prefix "Ge-.”
gesein GES2N
v. slow, impede.
From Old Norse "seinn" and Ge- "make.”
gesiigor GES3GOR
v. inform.
Derives from "Saag,” "to say.”
geson GESON
v. lessen, decrease.
Based on "Son,” "less,” literally "make less.”
gesot GESOT
v. whiten, bleach.
From "Sot,” "white.”
gespein GESP2N
v. delay, stall.
From "Spein,” "to make late.”
gestahdim GEST4DIM
v. hallow.
From "Stahdim,” "to make holy.”
gestin GESTIN
v. free, loose.
Literally "make free/let free.”
gesuf GESUF
v. vaporize.
"Suf" with the prefix "Ge-.”
gesus GESUS
v. bloody, to cause bleeding.
"Sus" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make bloody.”
getiid GET3D
n. moment, instance.
Altered from "Get" to "Getiid.”
getiiraaz GET3R1Z
v. sadden.
"Tiraaz" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make sad.”
Corrected from "Getiraaz.”
gevahk GEV4K
v. simplify.
"Vahk" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make simple.”
gevahzen GEV4ZEN
v. prove.
"Vahzen" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make
geved GEVED
v. blacken.
"Ved" with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make black.”
geviin GEV3N
v. polish.
"Viin,” "to make shine.”
gevild GEVILD
n. castle, hold.
Any large, fortified, elevated place, larger than a
fort or keep.
gevildseod GEVILDSEOD
n. winterhold.
"Hold of Snow.” Pronounced "Geh-vild-seh-
gevoj GEVOJ
v. deafen.
"Voj" with the prefix "Ge-.”
gevolz GEVOLZ
v. worsen.
From "Volz,” "to make worse.” Edited from
"Gevol" to avoid conflict with the canon "Vol.”
gevoth GEVOTH
v. connect, conjoin, affiliate, associate.
"Voth,” "with,” with the prefix "Ge-,” "to make
gevothend GEVOTHEND
n. connection.
"Gevoth" with the suffix "-end.”
gevul GEVUL
v. darken, shroud, shade.
From "Vul,” "to make dark.”
geyal G9AL
v. tighten, narrow, thin.
Ge + Yal literally "to make tight/thin/narrow.”
geyol G9OL
v. ignite, light, kindle, spark.
"Yol,” "fire,” with the prefix "Ge-,” literally "to
make on fire.”
geyolkah G9OLK4
+ n. firework.
From "Geyol,” "ignite.”
geyt G9T
n. torso/chest.
Edited from "Geymaar.”
gezeydah GEZ9D4
v. justify.
"Zeydo" with the prefix "Ge-,” literally "make
just.” An "h" was added to facilitate verb
gezuk GEZUK
v. increase.
Based on "Zuk,” "more.” Literally, "make
giif G3F
n. sake.
giigel G3GEL
v. warble.
giiriz G3RIZ
v. pump.
ginun GINUN
n. space.
Derived from Old Norse. .
gir G7
v. listen.
girvestir G7VEST7
n. hamster.
girvoh G7VOH
n. vase, vessel.
giwahdaal GIW4D1L
n. example.
From "Giwahdil,” "evidence.”
giwahdil GIW4DIL
n. evidence.
gizan GIZAN
n. gallon.
glakel GLAKEL
n. glacier.
glimrel GLIMREL
n. energy.
gloz GLOZ
n. grudge.
gluus GL5S
n. luck, fortune.
gluuskei GL5SK2
adj. lucky, fortunate.
"Gluus" with the suffix "-kei,” literally, "to be
full of luck or fortune.”
gobahron GOB4RON
n. tapestry.
godaan GOD1N
n. raccoon.
gogil GOGIL
n. goblin.
gohiv GOHIV
n. pause, break.
Also verb form, "to pause.” Edited from "Hilv.”
gol GOL
n. stone / earth.
golah GOL4
adj. stubborn.
Most likely related to "Gol,” "earth.”
golahreid GOL4R2D
adj. opinionated.
Derived from "Golah.” Lit. means "stubborn,”
golahrom GOL4ROM
n. stubborness.
Golah + -rom.
golahzgal GOL4ZGAL
n. earthquake.
golboaan GOLBO1N
+ n. bulldozer.
Lit means "earth-mover.”
goldrah GOLDR4
n. boulder.
golgaaz GOLG1Z
n. tablet, a stone writing tablet.
Related to "Gol,” "earth.”
golgevild GOLGEVILD
+ n. bunker.
Lit. means "earth-castle.”
golgraad GOLGR1D
n. catacomb, crypt, any underground
place of burial.
Derived from Golz and Graad together to make
"stone grave.”
golklov GOLKLOV
n. pole.
Gol: earth, Klov: head, refers to a geographic
golmah GOLM4
v. land, landfall.
Compound meaning "earth-fall,” to "fall to
earth.” Is the verb "to land" and also the noun
golomen GOLOMEN
n. amphibian.
Derived from "Gol" and "Lom" with the suffix
"-en,” it literally means "from earth and water.”
golraf GOLRAF
n. crater.
A compound of "Gol" and "Raf,” "earth-hole.”
golrosik GOLROSIK
n. alphabet.
Related to "Gol, "Ro," and "Sik." Edited from
golrosikuv GOLROSIKUV
adj. alphabetical.
Based on "Golrosik" with the suffix "-uv.”
Edited from "Vuruniil.”
golsez GOLSEZ
n. amber.
Derived from the composite-word Golslengolz, it
means Treeblood Stone and refers to the fossil-
gemstone Amber, as it's usually made from tree-
sap. Given the fact that Alduin and his Dov are
directly created by Lorhkan and Akatosh, they
would undoubtingly know of the precise origins
of amberstones.
golstaad GOLST1D
n. terrain.
A compound of "Gol" and "Staad.”
golt GOLT
n. ground.
goltefend GOLTEFEND
n. gravity.
A compound of "Gol" and "Tef" with the suffix
goltin GOLTIN
n. ingot.
From "Golt," "ground." Edited from "Hask.”
goltnu GOLTNU
n. folly, nonsense, senseless.
Lit. "groundless." Edited from "Hegem.”
goltosgoriik GOLTOSGOR3K
n. groundhog.
Literally "ground digger.”
golvahrukt GOLV4RUKT
n. cairn.
From "Gol" and "Vahrukt," "earthen memory.”
golz GOLZ
n. stone.
golzaar GOLZ1R
n. golem, stone-servant.
Composed by the words Golz and Aar, it literally
means Stone-Servant or Stone-Slave. Though the
concept is hardly known in Tamriel itself, it can
also apply to the automatons of the Dwemer, as
they come from the very stones around the
dwemer cities, though of course certain processes
are found in between the basic material and the
finished product. Plural is Golzaarre.
golzewer GOLZEWER
n. markarth.
Compound meaning "Stone of the West.” Edited
from "Golzewelkand.”
golzokaaz GOLZOK1Z
n. coral.
From "Golz" and "Okaaz,” roughly "stone of the
golzul GOLZUL
adj. gruff, hoarse, gruffness,
Literally 'stone-voice' or 'stone-voiced.'.
golzus GOLZUS
adj. stony.
"Golz" with the suffix "-us.”
gon GON
v. begin.
gonaas GON1S
v. commence.
From "Gon,” "to begin.”
gonah GON4
v. start.
From "Gon,” "to begin.”
gonahsul GON4SUL
n. sunrise, sunup.
Lit. "start-day.”
goniik GON3K
n. beginner, starter.
"Gon" with the suffix "-iik.”
gonmaar GONM1R
n. inception, conception.
From "Gon," "to begin.”
gor GOR
v. test.
goraag GOR1G
n. magma, lava.
goraan GOR1N
adj. young.
goraaniik GOR1N3K
n. youngster.
"Goraan" with the suffix "-iik,” literally
"someone who is young.”
goraas GOR1S
n. youth.
Edited from "Vuth." Derived from canon
gorah GOR4
n. titan.
gornaar GORN1R
n. tour.
gorvahzen GORV4ZEN
n. experiment, trial.
Derived from "Test"/"Gor" and
"Truth"/"Vahzen,” literally "testing for the
gosis GOSIS
n. brass.
Can also be used as an adjective.
gosvah GOSV4
n. wood, timber, lumber, wooden.
Edited from "Gosvaa.”
gosvern GOSVERN
n. heaven.
got GOT
v. beget, sire.
From the Icelandic for "beget," "getið.”
gov GOV
n. brow.
govegein GOVEG2N
n. outcast, pariah.
It is derived from the words Govey and Gein,
Remove and one, meaning Removed One.
govend GOVEND
n. removal.
From "Govey," "to remove," with the suffix "-
govey GOV9
v. remove.
govir GOV7
n. belt.
govir GOV7
v. rid.
Derived from "Govey" "Remove.”
govoldeim GOVOLD2M
n. fortress.
goz GOZ
v. mount.
graad GR1D
n. grave.
graadnah GR1DN4
n. garden.
graadstaad GR1DST1D
n. graveyard.
A compound of "Graad" and "Staad,” "grave-
graag GR1G
n. green.
May be used as either a noun or adjective.
graak GR1K
n. rein.
graal GR1L
v. beat.
From "Grah,” "battle,” to strike, or defeat/win
against. Edited from "Grahr" and "Graht.”
graan GR1N
v. rout.
graar GR1R
adj. crude.
From the Icelandic for "crude," "grófur.”
graat GR1T
v. debate.
From "Grah," "battle," and "Rot," "word."
Edited from "Diskutir.”
graav GR1V
adj. serious.
graaz GR1Z
v. hack, slash.
Related to "Grah,” "battle.” Edited from
gradolv GRADOLV
n. gravel.
grah GR4
n. battle.
grah-zeymahzin GR4-Z9M4ZIN
n. ally.
A phrase that means "Battle-Companion.”
grahgeltviing GR4GELTV3NG
+ n. fighter, fighter aircraft or jet.
"Geltviing" with "Grah,” "battle.”
grahkun GR4KUN
n. battleaxe, waraxe, greataxe.
A compound of "Grah" and "Hahkun.”
grahmin GR4MIN
n. strategy.
From "Grahmindol,” "stratagem.”
grahmindol GR4MINDOL
n. stratagem .
grahstaad GR4ST1D
n. arena.
Compound of "Grah" and "Staad.”
grahveysun GR4V9SUN
+ n. battleship.
Literally translated.
gral GRAL
n. ruin, devastation, disaster.
Edited from "Rulg." From "Al," "to destroy.”
gram GRAM
n. cloud.
gramus GRAMUS
adj. cloudy.
"Gram" with the suffix "-us,” now based on the
canon word for "cloud.”
grav GRAV
n. effort.
gravnu GRAVNU
adj. effortless.
"Grav" with the suffix "-nu.”
gravunlom GRAVUNLOM
n. riften .
Compound of "Gravuun" and "Lom,” "autumn-
waters.” Shortened from "Gravuunlom.”
gravuun GRAV5N
n. autumn.
gravuunus GRAV5NUS
adj. autumnal.
"Gravuun" with the suffix "-us.”
greiz GR2Z
adj. moral, ethical.
greizah GR2Z4
n. morality, ethics.
Referred to "Greiz.”
grem GREM
n. violence.
From 'Gremak' meaning 'violent.'.
gremak GREMAK
adj. violent.
gren GREN
adj. raw.
From the Old English word "Grene.” Also
related to "Slen,” "flesh.”
grensesille GRENSESILLE
n. soul cairn.
Literally "prison of souls.”
griid GR3D
n. phase.
Related to "Tiid,” "time.”
griindol GR3NDOL
adj. almost.
griir GR3R
adj. bawdy, vulgar.
Related to "Graar,” "crude,” but with more of a
leaning toward comedic sexuality.
griiv GR3V
v. thrust.
Edited from "Usuul.”
grik GRIK
adj. such.
grin GRIN
n. bond.
Derived from "Gron,” "Bind.”
grind GRIND
v. meet.
grindol GRINDOL
n. cliff.
grinstiid GRINST3D
adv. often, oft, oftentimes, frequently.
From "Griindol" and "Unstiid,” "almost
grist GRIST
v. introduce.
From Grind: meet, Diist: first.
gristend GRISTEND
n. introduction .
From "Grist," "to introduce," with the suffix "-
grit GRIT
n. doubt.
Can also be used as a verb, "to doubt.” Edited
from "Ren.”
gritiik GRIT3K
n. doubter, skeptic.
"Grit" with suffix "-iik.”
gro GRO
adj. bound.
Bound as in, "captured and bound.”
grohiik GROH3K
n. wolf.
grohiin GROH3N
n. wolverine.
Inspired by "Grohiik,” "wolf.”
grok GROK
adv. hence, henceforth.
grokeitz GROK2TZ
+ n. album.
From "Gro" and "Keitz," "bound list.”
grol GROL
n. toad.
grolaan GROL1N
n. bequest.
Compound of "Gro,” "bound,” and "Laan,”
grolah GROL4
v. endure, withstand, persevere.
grolahnd GROL4ND
n. endurance, perseverance.
"Grolah" with the suffix "-nd.”
gron GRON
v. bind.
gronsuleyk GRONSUL9K
v. empower.
From "Gron" and "Suleyk," "bind-power.”
gronvu GRONVU
adj. boundless.
"Gron" with the suffix "-vu.”
gronzul GRONZUL
v. sentence.
Means "bind-voice.” The verb "to sentence" as
in "deliver a sentence" rather than the
grammatical unit.
groonah GR8N4
n. ogre.
groso GROSO
v. regret.
Lit. "bound to sorrow." Edited from "Dirn.”
grosokei GROSOK2
adj. regretful.
"Groso" with the suffix "-kei." Edited from
grotiin GROT3N
adj. heavy.
grotiinar GROT3NAR
adv. heavily.
Based on "Grotiin,” "heavy.”
grozah GROZ4
adj. likely, probable.
Derived from "Grozein,” meaning "Chance.”
grozahom GROZ4OM
n. likeliness, probability.
"Grozah" with the suffix "-om.”
grozein GROZ2N
n. chance, opportunity.
gru GRU
v. jog, trot.
From "Ru," "run.”
grud GRUD
adj. thick.
grudom GRUDOM
n. thickness.
"Grud" with the suffix "-om.”
gruhon GRUHON
n. fugitive.
Slightly related to "Ru,” "to run.”
gruin GRUIN
n. dread.
Pronounced "Groo-een.” Can also be the verb
grul GRUL
n. mud.
From "Gol," "earth." Edited from "Pras.”
grulus GRULUS
adj. muddy.
"Grul" with the suffix "-us.” Edited from
grunah GRUN4
v. suspect.
Derived from Old Norse "gruna.” Also related
to "Gruth,” "betrayal.” Can be used as a noun.
grund GRUND
n. map.
grundaar GRUND1R
n. suspicion.
From "Grun,” "suspect.”
grundiik GRUND3K
n. mapmaker, cartographer.
From "Grund,” "map,” with the suffix "-iik.”
grunir GRUN7
adj. suspicious.
Derived from Old Norse, "Grunr.”
grunvo GRUNVO
adj. thorough.
grunvom GRUNVOM
n. thoroughness.
From "Grunvo,” "thorough.”
grunz GRUNZ
n. prison.
Edited from "Gren.” From "Gron,” "bind.”
grunzah GRUNZ4
n. hostage, captive, prisoner.
Edited from "Grenzah.” From "Gron,” "bind.”
grut GRUT
v. betray.
Derives from Gruth.
gruth GRUTH
n. betrayal.
gruz GRUZ
v. greet.
From "Grind,” "meet.”
gul GUL
n. cave.
From "Gol,” "earth.”
gun GUN
v. visit.
gunaar GUN1R
v. smash, crush.
guniik GUN3K
n. visitor.
"Gun" with the suffix "-iik.”
guraad G61D
v. guarantee.
gurah G64
n. bale.
guriid G63D
v. compliment.
gut GUT
adj. far.
gutinok GUTINOK
+ n. sniper.
From "Gut,” "far,” and "Dinok,” "death.”
gutlein GUTL2N
n. planet.
Gut-Lein, literally "Far world.”
gutlok GUTLOK
+ n. space, outer space.
Means "far-sky.”
gutlokviing GUTLOKV3NG
+ n. spaceship, spaceshuttle.
Lit. "far-sky-wing.”
gutom GUTOM
n. distance.
Lit. "farness." Edited from "Hudin.”
gutovok GUTOVOK
v. daydream, to "space out.”
From "Gut" and "Tovok," "far-wonder.”
gutsiin GUTS3N
+ n. telegraph.
From "Gut" and "Siin," "far-sign.”
gutvild GUTVILD
+ n. asteroid.
From "Gut," "far," and "Vild," "rock.”
gutzekein GUTZEK2N
+ n. battery, artillery.
Lit. "far-batter" or "far-assault.”
gutzul GUTZUL
+ n. phone, telephone.
Lit. "far-voice.”
guur G5R
interj. bye, goodbye.
guvok GUVOK
v. imbue, infuse.
guzor GUZOR
n. sweat.
haadvohiik H1DVOH3K
n. forsworn.
A compound of "Haad" and "Voh" with the
suffix "-iik,” it literally means "who denies his
oath.” Particularly can be used for native-born
population of the Reach.
haaf H1F
n. inn.
haal H1L
n. hand.
haal-klur H1L-KL6
+ n. football, american football.
Lit. "hand-egg,” referring to the shape of the ball
being held in the hand.
haal-mulrunaz H1L-MULRUNAZ
+ n. handgun.
From "Haal" and "Mulrunaz," literal
haalit H1LIT
n. handle.
From "Haal,” "hand.”
haaljusk H1LJUSK
n. nail, fingernail.
Derived from "Haal" and "Jusk,” it literally
means "hand claw.”
haalkot H1LKOT
n. glove.
Edited from "Hanzin." From "Haal" and "Kot,"
haalkun H1LKUN
n. lantern.
Edited from "Hjalok." Lit. "hand-light.”
haalniv H1LNIV
v. caress, pet.
Edited from "Nik." From "Haal," "hand.”
haalokluv H1LOKLUV
n. april / rain's hand.
Haal: Hand, Lokluv: Rain.
haalrein H1LR2N
n. applause / applaud.
Lit. "hand,” "roar.” Also the verb "to applaud.”
haalvit H1LVIT
v. poke.
From "Haal,” "hand.” Edited from "Haalkun.”
haalvut H1LVUT
v. touch, specifically with one's hand.
haalvutir H1LVUT7
v. tag.
From "Haalvut,” "touch.”
haalz H1LZ
v. clap.
From "Haal," "hand.”
haalziik H1LZ3K
n. clapper.
"Haalz" with the suffix "-iik.”
haamid H1MID
n. cheese.
Edited from "Hjamid.”
haan H1N
n. paw.
Inspired by "Haal,” "hand,” and "Raan,”
haar H1R
n. pillar.
Edited from "Hjar" and "Hjaar.”
haaragelt H1RAGELT
n. malachite.
Related to "Gelt," "metal.”
haas H1S
n. health.
haav H1V
v. enter.
Edited from "Hav.”
haavneviis H1VNEV3S
n. heritage.
Based on "Haavneyz,” "inherit.”
haavneyz H1VN9Z
v. inherit.
haavniid H1VN3D
adj. inherent.
haaz H1Z
v. lunch.
hadaak HAD1K
n. dock.
Edited from "Daak.”
hadriid HADR3D
v. meditate.
A portmanteau of both "Hadrim" and "Tiid,”
and means "Mind-Time,” as in the time you
spend alone with your mind i.e. meditate.
hadriidak HADR3DAK
n. meditation.
"Hadriid" with the suffix "-ak.”
hadriidav HADR3DAV
adj. meditative.
From "Hadriid,” "meditate.”
hadroz HADROZ
v. weave.
hah H4
n. mind.
Synonyms with "Hahdrim,” and it seems to be
the root of it.
hahdrim H4DRIM
n. mind.
hahgolt H4GOLT
adj. concrete, solid, substantial.
Edited from "Hasiiv." Related to "Hah" and
"Golt," "grounded in the mind.”
hahkel H4KEL
n. novel.
Derived from "Deykel,” "book.”
hahkreh H4KREH
v. riddle.
The noun or the verb. Lit. "mind-bend.”
hahkun H4KUN
n. axe.
hahleit H4L2T
n. conscience.
Based on "Hah,” "mind.”
hahlor H4LOR
n. brain.
Edited to "Hahlor.” From "Hah,” "mind,” and
"Lor,” "to think.”
hahlot H4LOT
v. revere, regard, venerate.
From "Hah" and "Lot,” "mind-great.”
hahmoor H4M8R
n. mood.
Slightly inspired by the Norwegian word for
mood, humør. From "Hah," "mind." Edited
from "Hjumoor.”
hahnu H4NU
n. dream.
hahnud H4NUD
n. dreamer.
hahnuheim H4NUH2M
n. vision, hallucination.
Composed of the words Hahnu and Heim, it
literally means Dream-Forge and refers to the
state in which one enters when having visions or
hahnurov H4N6OV
n. delusion.
Related to "Hah,” "mind.”
hahsebom H4SEBOM
+ n. physics.
"Mind of Motion.”
hahsefil H4SEFIL
+ n. astronomy.
Lit. "mind of the stars.”
hahsegol H4SEGOL
+ n. geology.
"Mind of the earth.” Edited from "Hasoksegol.”
hahselaas H4SEL1S
+ n. biology.
"Mind of life.” Edited from "Hasokselaas.”
hahselein H4SEL2N
+ n. cosmology.
"Mind of world.”
hahselokos H4SELOKOS
+ n. meteorology, the study of weather.
From "Hah" and "Lokos," "mind of weather.”
hahseraan H4SER1N
+ n. zoology.
"Mind of animals.” Edited from "Hasokseraan.”
hahserah H4SER4
n. theology.
A compound of "Hah" and "Rah,” "mind of
hahsesiin H4SES3N
+ n. astrology.
Lit. "Mind of the signs.”
hahsewuth H4SEWUTH
+ n. archaeology.
"Mind of the old.” Edited from "Hasoksewuth.”
hahsezul H4SEZUL
+ n. linguistics.
Lit. "mind of voice.”
hahsok H4SOK
n. school, discipline, field, study.
Edited from "Hasok." Related to "Hah,"
hahsoksehah H4SOKSEH4
+ n. psychology.
"Study of the mind.”
hahstrun H4STRUN
+ n. brainstorm.
From "Hah" and "Strun," "mind-storm.”
hahtaar H4T1R
n. custom, practice, tradition.
From "Hah," "mind." Edited from "Hjatir.”
hahulaan H4UL1N
n. sentience, sentient.
Edited from "Aztiivan." From "Hah" and
"Ulaan," "complete-minded.”
hahvaas H4V1S
n. concern.
Not the verb "to relate with.”
hahvoth H4VOTH
v. concern.
Derived from "Hah,” "mind,” and "Voth,”
"with.” Can only be used as a verb.
hahvothzuk H4VOTHZUK
adv. otherwise.
Literally, "concerning more.”
hahvulon H4VULON
n. nightmare.
hakrim HAKRIM
n. frame.
Edited from "Hakir.”
handeykraan HAND9KR1N
+ n. tape.
From Hankal 'stick' and Deykraan 'paper'.
hariik HAR3K
adj. official.
From "Haar,” "pillar." Edited from "Hjaaris.”
havaat HAV1T
n. entrance, entry.
"Haav" with the suffix "-aat,” "that which is
entered.” Edited from "Havaht.”
hef HEF
adj. half.
hefahdon HEF4DON
n. acquaintance.
Lit. "half-friend." Edited from "Gufahdey.”
hefahus HEF4US
adj. idiotic, moronic, mindless.
Hef + Hah + -us.
hefhah HEFH4
n. idiot, halfwit, imbecile.
From "Hef" and "Hah," "half-mind.”
hefmun HEFMUN
n. midget, dwarf.
Compound meaning "half-man.”
hefrah HEFR4
n. demigod.
Lit. "half-god.”
hefsul HEFSUL
n. midday.
Literally, "Half Day.”
hefvaak HEFV1K
v. stammer, stutter, falter.
Derived from "Hef" ("Half") and "Tinvaak"
hefvulon HEFVULON
n. midnight.
Lit. "Half Night.”
hefyaav HEFY1V
n. radius.
From "Hef" and "Yaav.” Literally, "half-
hei H2
pron. you, plural.
Speaking to a plural group rather than a singular
"you,” "you all.”
heikel H2KEL
n. liver.
heim H2M
n. forge.
heimiik H2M3K
n. smith, blacksmith, forger.
"Heim" with the suffix "-iik.”
heimsekaan H2MSEK1N
n. skyforge.
Lit. "Forge of Kyne." Edited from "Heimselok.”
hein H2N
pron. your/yours, plural.
See "Hei.”
heinmaar H2NM1R
pron. yourselves.
See "Hei.”
hel HEL
v. set.
helt HELT
v. stop, halt.
hen HEN
n. five.
henreid HENR2D
n. pentagon.
Means "five-side.”
hes HES
adj. sweet.
hesbrot HESBROT
n. sweetroll.
hespaagliik HESP1GL3K
+ n. pudding.
From "Hes" and "Paagliik," "sweet-cream.”
hespik HESPIK
n. yam, sweet potato .
A combination of "Hes,” "sweet,” and "Hopik,”
"potato.” Edited from "Hespak.”
hesvun HESVUN
v. flatter.
A combination of "Hes" (sweet) and "Vun"
het HET
adv. here.
hevaak HEV1K
v. rave, fume.
From "Hevno," "brutal," and "Tinvaak,"
hevkah HEVK4
adj. abrupt.
From "Hevno,” "brutal,” a brutal stop.
hevnaar HEVN1R
n. brute.
Modified from "Hevno,” "brutal.”
hevno HEVNO
adj. brutal.
hevnoraak HEVNOR1K
n. brutality.
heyv H9V
n. duty.
hez HEZ
adj. bright.
hezdremhah HEZDREMH4
+ adj. major (music).
Refers to the musical term. "Hez" with
"dremhah,” Lit "Bright Harmony.”
hezhonaat HEZHON1T
+ n. consonance, consonant.
"Hez" with "Honaat," lit. "bright sound" or
"bright-sounding." Refers to sound rather than
hi HI
pron. you.
hiif H3F
n. help.
hiifahdon H3F4DON
n. benefactor.
From "Hiif,” "to help," "helping friend." Edited
from "Hiifarmah.”
hiifnu H3FNU
adj. helpless.
"Hiif" with the suffix "-nu.”
hiik H3K
v. clench.
hiim H3M
n. city.
Altered spelling from "Lopghiim.”
hiimsejun H3MSEJUN
n. windhelm.
A combination of "Hiim" and "Jun,” literally
"City of Kings.”
hiis H3S
adj. shrill.
Edited from "Hiisk.”
hiiv H3V
v. reach.
Edited from "Hiil" to avoid conflict with "Hil,”
hil HIL
n. heart.
From "Sil,” "soul.” Edited from "Zahreik.”
hilaus HILAUS
n. heartache.
Based on "Hil" and "Aus,” "heart-suffering.”
Edited from "Zahrikaus.”
hild HILD
n. apple.
hildlom HILDLOM
n. cider.
A compound of "Hild" and "Lom,” "apple-
hilk HILK
v. mix, combine, fuse.
hilkaan HILK1N
n. combination, fusion, mixture.
From "Hilk," "to combine or fuse.”
hilkiin HILK3N
n. hybrid.
Derived from "Hilk" and "Kiin.” Literally,
hillgrundhofkah HILLGRUNDHOFK4
n. ivarstead, formerly known as
hillgrund's steading.
Lit. "Hillgrund's stead(ing).”
him HIM
pron. your.
Alternate spelling of "Hin.”
himdah HIMD4
n. home, land, homeland.
Amended definition to differentiate it from
himkah HIMK4
n. acre .
himur HIM6
n. substance.
Edited from "Hjemur.”
hin HIN
pron. your, yours.
hind HIND
v. wish, hope.
hindah HIND4
n. favor.
Edited from "Hundah" to relate to "Hind,"
hindahraal HIND4R1L
adj. favorable.
Edited from "Hudaal," related to "Hindah,"
"favor" with the suffix "-aal.”
hindnu HINDNU
adj. hopeless.
"Hind" with the suffix "-nu.”
hinmaar HINM1R
pron. yourself.
The reflexive singular of "Hi.”
hinz HINZ
n. stupidity, idiocy, ignorance.
From Icelandic "heimskur.” Edited from
hinz-mey HINZ-M9
adj. idiot.
Edited from "Hinskey." "Stupid fool.”
hinzaal HINZ1L
adj. stupid, dumb, ignorant.
"Hinz" with the suffix "-aal." Edited from
hir H7
n. four.
hiraak H71K
n. pig.
Referred to "Hraak.”
hiraas H71S
adj. dainty, delicate, exquisite.
Edited from "Hraas.”
hiran H7AN
adj. quadruple.
Comes from "Hir.”
hireid H72D
n. rectangle, quadrilateral.
"Hir" with "Reid,” lit. "four-side.”
hirokey H7OK9
+ n. quad bike.
Follows the same root as "zirokey" (bicycle) but
with the number "hir.”
hirthod H7THOD
n. hedgehog.
hirvut H7VUT
v. imply, implication.
Edited from "Hiriid." The verb "to imply" and
the noun "implication.”
hiskol HISKOL
n. strawberry.
Edited from "Hiskeil.”
hiznaar HIZN1R
n. maze.
Edited from "Hiznor.”
hod HOD
n. ache.
Also a verb, "to ache.”
hodraan HODR1N
n. trough, manger.
Edited from "Hodrahn." Related to "Raan,"
hofkah HOFK4
n. steading / farm.
hofkahsejun HOFK4SEJUN
n. palace.
Literally "House of (the) King.” .
hofkahzof HOFK4ZOF
n. pitchfork.
Lit. 'farm-fork.'.
hofkiin HOFK3N
n. home.
hofkiinus HOFK3NUS
adj. homely.
"Hofkiin" with the suffix "-us.”
hofkiinvu HOFK3NVU
adj. homeless.
Hofkiin with the suffix -vu.
hofkinaar HOFKIN1R
n. steward, housekeeper.
Lit. "home-servant." Edited from "Bodenaar.”
hofkinspaan HOFKINSP1N
n. housecarl.
Derived of the words "Hofkiin" and "Spaan,”
"house-shield." Edited from "Bodeiken" and
hofnaar HOFN1R
n. estate.
Related to "Hofkiin," "house." Edited from
hok HOK
v. cross, pass.
hokaal HOK1L
v. stick.
Edited from "Hankal.”
hokaalvoth HOK1LVOTH
n. adhesive, glue.
Lit. "stick-with.”
hokaat HOK1T
n. crossing, crossway.
A place that is crossed. Hok plus -aat.
hokdeiniik HOKD2N3K
n. cross-guard.
Conjunction of "Hok" and "Deiniik" meaning
"Cross" and "Guard." The metal guard that is at
the base of the sword. It is above the hilt.
hokoron HOKORON
n. enemy / enemies.
hokzii HOKZ3
n. demon, shade, ghost.
Derived from the composition of the words
"Hokoron" and "Zii.”
hokziinus HOKZ3NUS
adj. demonic.
"Hokzii" with the suffix "-us,” demon-like.
Edited from "Hokziil.”
hol HOL
n. owl.
hon HON
v. hear.
honaat HON1T
n. sound, noise.
"Hon" with the suffix "-aat,” "that which is
heard.” Edited from "Honaht.”
honaatmul HON1TMUL
n. tone, tonality.
"Honaat" with "Mul,” lit. "sound-strength.”
honaatmuluv HON1TMULUV
adj. tonal.
"Honaatmul" with suffix "-uv," lit. "of or
pertaining to tone.”
honah HON4
v. sense.
From "Hon," "to hear.”
honahlaat HON4L1T
n. sensation.
From "Honah,” "sense" with suffix "-aat," "that
which is sensed." Edited from "Honand.”
hond HOND
prep. away.
hondativ HONDATIV
adj. astray.
"Hond" with the suffix "-ativ," "away-ward."
Edited from "Hondiir.”
honiir HON3R
n. ear.
From "Hon,” "to hear,” with the suffix "-niir,”
"with which one hears.”
honuv HONUV
adj. acoustic, aural.
"Hon" with the suffix "-uv," "of or pertaining to
hearing or sound.”
honvaas HONV1S
n. melody, note, tune.
From "Hon" and "Lovaas," refers to a musical
note. Edited from "Honfask.”
hopik HOPIK
n. potato.
Edited from "Hopak.”
horaak HOR1K
n. boar.
From "Hiraak," "pig." Edited from "Hraak.”
horaat HOR1T
v. levitate.
From "Horit," "to hover." Edited from
horit HORIT
v. float, hover.
Edited from "Hrot.”
horos HOROS
n. goose.
Edited from "Hros.”
horotviing HOROTV3NG
+ n. helicopter.
Lit. "floating wing.”
horvut HORVUT
n. trap / lure / snare.
Noun only. Expanded definition to include
horvutah HORVUT4
v. trap / catch / ensnare.
Verb only. Expanded definition to include
hos HOS
v. slap.
From "Nos,” "strike,” and "Haal,” "hand.”
host HOST
v. flick.
hostov HOSTOV
v. flicker.
hot HOT
n. giant.
Based on the Norse "jotunn.” Edited from
hotus HOTUS
adj. giant, gigantic, gargantuan, huge.
Lit. "giantly" or "giant-like." Edited from
hud HUD
adj. distant, remote.
hulir HUL7
v. cascade.
hun HUN
n. hero.
hunaar HUN1R
n. heroism.
From "Hun" with the suffix "-aar," roughly
hungaar HUNG1R
adj. heroic.
hunzah HUNZ4
n. trophy.
Related to "Hun," "hero." Edited from
huvut HUVUT
v. require.
Edited from "Hu'um.”
huvutaat HUVUT1T
n. requirement.
Edited from "Koshu'um." "Huvut" with the
suffix "-aat," "that which is required.”
huz HUZ
v. hark, heed.
huznu HUZNU
adj. heedless, careless, reckless,
A combination of the words "caution" and
huzrah HUZR4
v. hearken.
iidah 3D4
v. attack.
Can be both a verb, and a noun.
iilah 3L4
n. moon.
iilahkin 3L4KIN
adj. moonlit.
From "Iilahkun.”
iilahkun 3L4KUN
n. moonlight.
A compound of "Iilah" and "Kun.” Edited from
iilahnuv 3L4NUV
adj. lunar.
"Iilah" with the suffix "-nuv.” Edited from
iilahsegol 3L4SEGOL
n. moonstone.
iilahsufol 3L4SUFOL
n. moon sugar.
Literally "Moon Sugar.”
iilahsul 3L4SUL
n. monday / morndas.
Lit. "Moon Day.”
iim 3M
n. mer.
Based on the word for "orc," Ogiim, assuming it
is equivalent to "Orsimer.”
iinvak 3NVAK
v. adapt.
iirik 3RIK
n. chill.
Related to "Iiz,” "ice.”
iirikus 3RIKUS
adj. chilly.
"Iirik" with the suffix "-us.”
iisk 3SK
n. fang.
iiz 3Z
n. ice.
iizfil 3ZFIL
+ n. blue giant, blue giant star.
lit. "Ice Star.”
iizil 3ZIL
adj. heartless, pitiless.
A compound of "Iiz" and "Sil,” "ice-souled.”
iizkred 3ZKRED
+ n. hockey.
From "Iiz,” "ice,” and "Kred,” "game.”
iizlokluv 3ZLOKLUV
n. sleet.
Lit. "Ice rain.”
iizmalur 3ZMAL6
n. iceberg.
A compound of "Iiz" and "Malur,” meaning "a
piece of ice.”
iizrii 3ZR3
n. ice wraith.
Derived from "Iiz" and "Zii.” Edited from
iizstrun 3ZSTRUN
n. blizzard.
A compound of "Iiz" and "Strun,” "ice-storm.”
iizus 3ZUS
adj. icy.
"Iiz" with the suffix "-us.”
ikin IKIN
n. fish.
Can also be used as a verb, "to fish.”
iliis IL3S
v. hide.
The verb meaning "to hide,” not an animal's
iliistaad IL3ST1D
n. hideout.
A compound of "Iliis,” "to hide,” and "Staad,”
ilir IL7
n. image, picture, likeness.
ilit ILIT
n. fox.
ilkoth ILKOTH
adj. awkward, embarrassing .
ilos ILOS
v. conceal.
From "Iliis,” "to hide.”
imaar IM1R
v. enslave, control.
From "Aar," "slave.”
imaaraan IM1R1N
adj. enslaved.
Imaar + -aan suffix.
in IN
n. master.
inaak IN1K
v. lead, direct, to preside over.
From "In" and "Aak,” "master-guide.”
indagriin INDAGR3N
adj. intense .
inhon INHON
v. pervert, lead astray.
inhus INHUS
n. mastery.
inkoraav INKOR1V
v. oversee, manage.
Lit. "master-see.”
inlok INLOK
adj. jolly, jovial, merry.
inmindaar INMIND1R
n. headmaster.
Related to "In,” "master,” and "Mindah,”
inzah INZ4
n. idol.
iraz 7AZ
n. mint.
Refers to the plant/herb.
ireid 72D
adv. aside.
Based on "Reid,” "side.”
ireik 72K
n. habit.
irkbaan 7KB1N
n. hate, hatred.
Can also be used as a verb. Simplified "Irkbo"
and "Irkbaan" into one word, both a noun and a
irthaas 7TH1S
n. orchid.
irud 7UD
v. distract, divert.
izaak IZ1K
n. banter.
jaald J1LD
n. camp.
Also used as the verb. Inspired by Icelandic
jaaril J1RIL
v. protect.
jag JAG
n. shop.
Also a verb.
jah J4
n. will, willpower.
Related to "Hah,” "mind.”
jahdor J4DOR
n. gallows.
jahfir J4F7
v. develop, evolve.
jahfur J4F6
v. transform.
Edited from "Jafuur.”
jahfurt J4F6T
n. transformation.
From "Jahfur." Edited from "Jafuurend.”
jahkiit J4K3T
n. tint, shade.
jahrii J4R3
adj. full.
Edited from "Jahr.”
jakah JAK4
v. fulfill.
jaufrah JAUFR4
+ n. goffer.
jazbaar JAZB1R
n. minute.
jeh JEH
v. giggle, chuckle, chortle, titter.
jekah JEK4
v. boggle.
jen JEN
adj. purple, violet.
jenkazaar JENKAZ1R
n. amethyst.
jensoqat JENSOQAT
adj. heliotrope.
From "Jen" and "Soqat," "purple-pink.”
jer JER
n. east.
jeren JEREN
adj. eastern, easterly.
"Jer" with the suffix "-en.”
jeydahk J9D4K
n. confusion.
Edited from "Jeykaal" to "Jeydahk.”
jeyk J9K
v. confuse.
jeykiiv J9K3V
n. quandary, dilemma.
From "Jeyk,” "confuse.”
jeyzok J9ZOK
n. cone.
jifiin JIF3N
n. texture.
jii J3
interj. yay, huzzah, hurray.
Derived from Jiik, Joy. Yay is an informal word
that expresses triumph, approval, or
jiik J3K
n. joy.
Edited from "Jii" to "Jiik.”
jiist J3ST
n. obstacle.
Related to "Kriist,” "to stand.” Something that
stands against or in the way.
jin JIN
n. bush, shrub.
jir J7
n. pillow.
Edited from "Jeer" to "Jir,” as "ee" isn't used in
jisdeyn JISD9N
n. martyr.
jisdeynaan JISD9N1N
n. martyrdom.
jokaar JOK1R
v. reflect, reflection.
Can be used as both a noun, "reflection,” and a
verb, "to reflect.”
jonogah JONOG4
n. mulberry.
Related to "Ogah," "berry.”
joor J8R
n. mortal.
joormur J8RM6
adj. artificial, manmade.
A compound of "Joor" and "mur,” "mortal-
jor JOR
n. person.
From Joriin: people, and Joor: Mortal.
joraan JOR1N
adj. peopled, populated, crowded.
Related to "Jor,” "person.”
joraas JOR1S
n. crew.
Related to "Jor,” "people.” Edited from "Joraan.”
joriin JOR3N
n. people.
Related to Jor: Person, and Joor: Mortal.
jormaar JORM1R
adj. private, individual, confidential.
jormaar-kroson JORM1R-KROSON
+ n. copyright.
From "Jormaar" and "Kroson," "private work.”
jormah JORM4
n. public.
Also used as the adjective.
jot JOT
n. maw / jaw.
Expanded definition to include "jaw.”
jotkaaz JOTK1Z
n. sabre cat.
A compound of "Jot" and "Kaaz,” "Maw Cat.”
jud JUD
n. queen.
judus JUDUS
adj. queenly.
"Jud" with the suffix "-us.”
juk JUK
v. maim, mar, maul.
jul JUL
n. man / mankind / humans /
Expanded definition to include "humanity."
Means the collective "all men" or "all humans,"
not to be used to refer to an individual human.
For this see "Mun.”
julon JULON
n. nocturnal.
From the words "Jud,” "queen,” and "Vulon,”
"night.” Refers to the Daedric Prince.
jum JUM
n. liquor.
From the Finnish word "Juoma" (liquor).
Shortened from "Juum.”
jun JUN
n. king, light.
May be rarely used to refer to "light" or a
"guiding light." See also "Kun.”
junaar JUN1R
n. kingdom.
jundein JUND2N
n. kingship.
Derives from "Jun" and the suffix "-dein.”
junus JUNUS
adj. kingly.
"Jun" with the suffix "-us.”
jur J6
v. challenge.
juriik J63K
n. challenger.
From Jur: to challenge, -iik, -er.
juros J6OS
v. sag, droop.
jusk JUSK
n. claw / talon.
jusknu JUSKNU
adj. clawless.
"Jusk" with the suffix "-nu.”
juskov JUSKOV
n. carving, relief, embossment.
Particularly, carved words.
jusktii JUSKT3
n. count, score, point.
Lit. "claw count." The noun from of "Tii.”
juvroh JUVROH
n. guar.
kaag K1G
v. burst, blast, explode.
kaagend K1GEND
n. explosion, burst, blast.
"Kaag" with the suffix "-end.”
kaagrelt K1GRELT
n. medallion.
Derived from Krelt and Kagaav, Medal and
kaaguv K1GUV
adj. explosive.
From "Kaag" with the suffix "-uv.”
kaal K1L
n. champion.
kaaley K1L9
n. dose.
kaam K1M
n. shirt.
kaan K1N
n. kyne.
kaap K1P
v. pop.
kaarn K1RN
adj. wayward, disobedient, immoral,
Edited from "Kahr" to avoid association with
kaas K1S
n. pang, sharp sudden pain or painful
From "Faaz,” "pain.”
kaasendaar K1SEND1R
n. elsweyr.
Short for "desert of Khajiit.”
kaask K1SK
n. cage, cell.
kaat K1T
v. promise.
From "Vaat," "to swear." Edited from "Keit.”
kaatoz K1TOZ
v. lash.
kaaz K1Z
n. cat / khajiit.
kaazegram K1ZEGRAM
n. leopard.
Translated to "cat of the clouds" due its spots.
Edited from "Kaazsegram.”
kaazloz K1ZLOZ
n. kitten.
Literally means "cat cub.”
kadul KADUL
adj. ajar.
kagaav KAG1V
n. pendant, amulet.
kagiin KAG3N
n. charm.
From "Kagaav,” "pendant.” See also "Naag.”
kagugoz KAGUGOZ
n. cacophony.
kah K4
n. pride.
kahest K4EST
n. cauldron.
kahforaan K4FOR1N
n. renown.
From "Kah," "pride," and "Foraan," "name.”
kahl K4L
n. authority.
kahliir K4L3R
adj. celestial, heavenly.
kahlos K4LOS
n. cargo, luggage, baggage.
kahmaar K4M1R
v. gloat, boast, swagger.
From "Kah,” "pride,” and "-maar,” "self.”
kahmaariik K4M1R3K
n. braggart, one who boasts.
From "Kahmaar,” to boast. Literally "one who
takes pride in themselves.”
kahnezah K4NEZ4
n. clannfear.
kahnzon K4NZON
adj. serrated.
Based on "Kinzon,” "sharp.”
kahriik K4R3K
n. poet.
Based on "Kahriil,” "poem.”
kahriil K4R3L
n. poem, verse, epic.
kahrun K4RUN
adj. epic.
Referred to "Kahriil.”
kahruz K4RUZ
n. chaurus.
kahtu K4TU
n. corner.
kalaas KAL1S
n. cocoa.
Related to "Elaas,” "chocolate.”
kalah KAL4
n. story.
kalidaal KALID1L
adj. fabulous, mythical.
From "Kaliid,” "fable,” so great as to be from
fable or myth.
kaliid KAL3D
n. fable.
From "Kalah,” "story.”
kalul KALUL
n. ox.
kalumun KALUMUN
n. minotaur.
Derived from "Kalul" and "Mun,” it literally
means "Ox-man.” Plural is Kalumuz.
kalyul KALYUL
n. contract.
karaak KAR1K
n. skin.
Can also be used as a verb, "to skin.”
karaas KAR1S
v. wear, dress.
Related to "Karaak,” "skin.”
karon KARON
n. grease, oil.
kasiil KAS3L
adj. supernatural, uncanny, eerie,
kast KAST
adj. stuck, trapped.
Differs from "Horvutah.” "Horvutah" implies
being lured or tricked. This means being stuck or
trapped in a position without being tricked or
lured into that position.
kastalir KASTAL7
n. surcoat.
kathral KATHRAL
n. cotton.
katurah KAT64
n. kitchen.
kav KAV
n. roof.
kaviir KAV3R
n. rabbit, hare.
kavrot KAVROT
v. consummate.
kazaar KAZ1R
n. quartz.
kehah KEH4
n. lochaber axe.
Related to "Hahkun.” The Lochaber axe was a
Scottish war axe that came into use around
1600. The name of the weapon derives from
Lochaber, an area in the western Scottish
Highlands, as the weapon was employed
principally by the Scottish highlanders, who
(generally without any cavalry of their own)
required armament against cavalry.
keil K2L
n. floor.
Edited from "Keir.”
keilmiiraad K2LM3R1D
n. trapdoor.
Lit. "floor door.”
kein K2N
n. war.
keinlahzey K2NL4Z9
n. warmage, battlemage.
A compound of "Kein" and "Lahzey.”
keinsejoorre K2NSEJ8RRE
n. first dragon war.
Combines "kein" (war) and "joor" (mortal).
Known as the First Dragon War to the Nords,
the Dragons refer to it as "The War of Mortals.”
keinul K2NUL
n. fray, quarrel, clash.
Based on "Kein,” "war.”
keinus K2NUS
adj. warlike.
"Kein" with the suffix "-us,” "having the
qualities of war.”
keinveysun K2NV9SUN
n. warship.
Compound of "Kein,” "war,” and "Veysun,”
"ship.” Edited from "Grahveysun.”
keitz K2TZ
n. list.
keiz K2Z
n. rebellion, riot, revolt, revolution.
Related to "Kein.”
keizaal K2Z1L
n. skyrim.
kel KEL
n. elder scroll.
kelm KELM
n. pelt, hide, coat.
An animal pelt, as opposed to the English verb
"to pelt.”
kelnat KELNAT
v. deliver.
kem KEM
v. bark.
An animal's bark, as opposed to the bark of a
tree. Also a noun.
ken KEN
v. taste.
From Old Norse "kenna" and a reversal of
"Naak,” "to eat.” Edited from "Sahlok" to avoid
confusion with the dragon "Sahloknir,”
"phantom sky hunter.”
ken KEN
n. taste / flavor / flavour.
Also the word for "to taste.”
kendaar KEND1R
n. knight, paladin.
Derived from "Kendov" meaning warrior.
Edited from "Ken" and "Kend.”
kendov KENDOV
n. warrior.
kenfiir KENF3R
n. tang.
Related to "Ken," "flavor.”
kenlik KENLIK
n. cycle.
Related to "Kenlok,” "circle.”
kenlir KENL7
v. rotate.
From "Kenlok,” "circle.”
kenlok KENLOK
n. circle, loop.
kenlokus KENLOKUS
adj. round, circular.
"Kenlok" with the suffix "-us,” "having the
qualities of a circle.”
kent KENT
v. must.
Related to "Fent,” "shall.” Edited from "Kend.”
kenus KENUS
adj. tasty.
From "Ken, "taste,” with the suffix "-us.”
kenvu KENVU
adj. tasteless, insipid.
From "Ken, "taste,” with suffix "-vu.”
kerf KERF
n. coin.
kerl KERL
n. hag, crone.
From Old Norse "kerling.”
kerluvak KERLUVAK
n. hagraven.
Kerl "hag,” Ruvak "raven.”
kern KERN
n. corn.
Derived from Old Norse "Korn.”
kervaaz KERV1Z
v. detest, despise, disdain.
kes KES
n. limit, edge.
kesaal KES1L
adj. limited.
"Kes" with the suffix "-aal,” "having a limit.”
kesk KESK
n. rib.
From "Kaask,” "cage.”
kest KEST
n. tempest.
kestus KESTUS
adj. tempestuous.
"Kest" with the suffix "-us.”
ket KET
v. equip.
ketaan KET1N
adj. equipped.
Ket + -aan.
ketak KETAK
n. equipment.
Ket + -ak.
kethey KETH9
n. abatis.
ketokaan KETOK1N
n. abacus.
From "Tokaan,” "Number.”
key K9
n. horse.
keyal K9AL
n. week.
keyd K9D
n. steed.
Based on "Key,” "horse.”
keyhofkiin K9HOFK3N
n. stable.
Lit. "horse home.”
keymun K9MUN
n. centaur.
A compound of "Key" and "Mun,” it literally
means "Horse-man.” Plural is "Keymuz.”
keyn K9N
n. anvil.
keyr K9R
n. awe, marvel.
Pronounced like "care.” Can also be used as a
verb, "to awe or to marvel.”
keyraan K9R1N
n. colt.
A young male horse.
keyrek K9REK
n. mare.
"Key" suffixed with "Rek.”
keyriin K9R3N
n. filly, young female horse.
Based on "Key,” "horse.”
keyrok K9ROK
n. stallion.
"Key" suffixed with "Rok.”
keyroon K9R8N
n. foal.
A young horse of either gender.
kii K3
n. ash / ashes.
Is its own plural.
kiibam K3BAM
n. mushroom.
kiibok K3BOK
v. follow.
Derived from "Kinbok,” leader.
kiibokaar K3BOK1R
n. acolyte.
From "Kiibok," "to follow," and "Aar,"
kiibokin K3BOKIN
n. follower.
Uses the same suffix as "Qahnaarin,”
kiid K3D
n. pact.
kiidenek K3DENEK
+ n. podzol.
Lit. "Ash-soil.”
kiihus K3HUS
adj. ashen.
"Kii" with the suffix "-us.”
kiim K3M
n. wife.
kiimah K3M4
n. bride.
Related to "Kiim,” "wife.”
kiin K3N
v. born.
kiindah K3ND4
n. birth, creation.
A modification of "Kiin.”
kiindahqaar K3ND4Q1R
n. birthright.
A compound of "Kiindah" and "Qaar.”
kiindahsiin K3ND4S3N
n. birthsign.
A compound of "Kiindah" and "Siin.”
kiindahsul K3ND4SUL
n. birthday.
A compound of "Kiin" and "Dahsul.”
kiinoot K3N8T
n. talent.
Derived from "Kiin" and "Noot," meaning
"inborn skill.”
kiir K3R
n. child / children.
kiiraal K3R1L
adj. pregnant.
"Kiir" with the suffix "-aal,” "with child.”
kiird K3RD
v. play.
Comes from words 'kiir' meaning 'child', and
'dreh' meaning 'do'. Lit. "Child-do" which
loosely means "That which a child would likely
kiirdaas K3RD1S
adj. playful.
From "Kiird," "play.”
kiirmaar K3RM1R
n. childhood.
kiirus K3RUS
adj. childish, childlike.
"Kiir" with the suffix "-us.”
kiiz K3Z
adj. pent, shut in.
kinbok KINBOK
n. leader.
kinbokein KINBOK2N
n. general.
A compound of "Kinbok,” "leader,” and "Kein,”
kinbokrot KINBOKROT
n. leadership, command.
Lit. "leading word." See also "Uth.”
kinz KINZ
v. puncture, pierce, stab, penetrate.
Based on "Kinzon,” "sharp.”
kinziik KINZ3K
n. stabber.
"Kinz" with the suffix "-iik.”
kinzon KINZON
adj. sharp.
kinzonom KINZONOM
n. sharpness.
Based on "Kinzon,” "sharp.”
kinzuk KINZUK
v. impale, lance, skewer.
Based on "Kinz,” "to puncture.”
kip KIP
n. food.
kipaar KIP1R
n. intestine, bowel, gut.
Refers to "Kipah,” "Digestion.”
kipah KIP4
n. digest, digestion.
Refers to "Kip,” "Food.” Also can be used as a
verb, "Digest.”
kipraan KIPR1N
n. meal.
kiraav K71V
n. fountain.
kirg K7G
n. coal.
kirgar K7GAR
n. siege, besiege.
Also is a verb meaning "to lay siege to"; "Nust
kirgar Ahrolsedovah.”
kirkah K7K4
n. church.
kirkel K7KEL
n. circlet.
kirod K7OD
v. sustain.
kirt K7T
v. dry.
klaan KL1N
v. knock.
klad KLAD
v. load.
klahd KL4D
n. faucet, tap.
klav KLAV
n. ant.
kleiro KL2RO
n. genius.
Edited from "Kleir.”
kleirus KL2RUS
adj. ingenious.
From "Kleiro" with the suffix "-us.”
kleydo KL9DO
n. hay.
kleyt KL9T
n. bin, crib.
kliif KL3F
v. cling, adhere.
kliifkozvrii KL3FKOZVR3
+ n. gecko.
From "Kliif," "Koz," and "Vrii," "clinging foot
kliin KL3N
v. hatch.
From "Klur" and "Kiin.”
kliiz KL3Z
v. cleave, sever.
kliizfaak KL3ZF1K
v. amputate, amputation.
From "kliiz" and "faak";Noun and verb: means
both amputation and to amputate.
kliizfakaat KL3ZFAK1T
n. amputee, severed limb.
"Kliizfaak" + "-aat"; can refer to both an
amputee or his removed appendage.
klo KLO
n. sand.
klofraan KLOFR1N
adj. rough, coarse.
The 'r' is rolled more deeply than usual. "The
feeling of sand.” Can be used as a noun.
klohus KLOHUS
adj. sandy.
From "Klo" with the suffix "-us.”
klor KLOR
v. scratch.
klostrun KLOSTRUN
n. sandstorm.
A compound of "Klo" and "Strun.”
klov KLOV
n. head.
klovhod KLOVHOD
n. headache.
Literal compound.
klovnus KLOVNUS
n. bust.
Lit. "head-statue.”
klozul KLOZUL
v. rasp.
Literally 'sand-voice.'.
klur KL6
n. egg.
klus KLUS
n. skull.
From Old Norse "hauss" and "Klov," "head."
Edited from "Huus.”
ko KO
prep. in.
Not commonly used, often left to context.
koben KOBEN
n. percent.
Ko: in, Ben: hundred.
kobiil KOB3L
v. link, to link.
From Norwegian for "connect.” A noun and a
kod KOD
v. wield.
kodaar KOD1R
adv. therein.
Compound of "Ko" and "Daar," "in-this.”
kodaav KOD1V
n. bear.
kodiist KOD3ST
adj. original, initial.
Derived from "Kos" and "Diist,” it literally
means "be first.” Also can be used as a noun:
"Original,” "Primary source.”
kofun KOFUN
v. recount, narrate.
From "Fun," "to tell.”
kog KOG
v. bless.
Based on the canon "Kogaan,” "blessing.”
kogaan KOG1N
n. blessing, thanks.
"Thanks" is an informal definition.
kogron KOGRON
v. confine, confinement.
Lit. "bind within.”
kogroso KOGROSO
v. repent.
From "Groso,” "regret.”
kogur KOG6
v. secure.
Can be also used as an adjective.
kohet KOHET
adv. herein.
Compound of "Ko" and "Het," "in-here.”
kol KOL
n. crag.
kolahn KOL4N
v. reside, inhabit, occupy.
From "Ko" and "Lahney,” "to live in.”
kolahniik KOL4N3K
n. resident.
Adapted from "Ko" and "Lahney.”
kolkir KOLK7
n. bulk.
kolok KOLOK
adj. aloft, airborne.
Lit. "in,” "sky.” See also "Lok.”
kolos KOLOS
adv. where, wherein, in which.
A compound of "Ko" and "Los.” To say "where
is .. ,” you would say "kolos .. " instead of "kolos
los .. .”
kolost KOLOST
v. contain, hold.
A compound of "Ko" and "Lost,” "to have-in.”
kolov KOLOV
v. conform, comply, integrate.
kolovend KOLOVEND
n. conformation, integration,
"Kolov" with the suffix "-end.”
kolraag KOLR1G
n. grotto.
From "Kol,” "crag.”
kolvas KOLVAS
n. drug.
kolzakiiv KOLZAK3V
n. schematic.
komaan KOM1N
v. decide.
Edited from "Mahn.”
komah KOM4
v. plunge, fall (into).
A compound of "Ko" and "Mah,” "in-fall,” "to
fall into.” Doesn't need to be used with the
prepositions "Ko" or "Kotin.”
komandaal KOMAND1L
adj. decisive.
"Komaan" with the suffix "-aal,” literally "a
thing that holds decision.” Edited from
komant KOMANT
n. decision.
From "Komaan," "to decide." Edited from
komed KOMED
v. beseem.
From "Kos,” "to be,” and "Med,” "like or as.”
komeyk KOM9K
v. invite.
Edited from "Frimtiir." Related to "Komeyt,"
"to issue.”
komeykaan KOM9K1N
n. invitation.
Edited from "Framtiirend.”
komeyt KOM9T
v. issue / issued / let loose.
See also "Gaar.”
komiin KOM3N
n. design.
From "Mein,” "plot or plan,” with "Ko,” "in.”
kon KON
n. girl.
konaar KON1R
n. chief, chieftain.
konahrik KON4RIK
n. warlord.
kongaar KONG1R
n. arbitrary .
koniiyek KON3YEK
v. persuade.
konos KONOS
v. inflict, infliction.
From "Nos," "to strike." Also as a noun,
koor K8R
n. summer.
koorus K8RUS
adj. summery.
"Koor" with the suffix "-us.”
koos K8S
n. grain.
kopiraan KOP71N
v. proclaim, declare.
From "Piraan," "claim.”
kopirot KOP7OT
n. proclamation, declaration.
From "Kopiraan," "to proclaim," and "Rot,"
"proclaiming words.”
kopraamul KOPR1MUL
n. adrenaline.
From "Kopraan" and "Mul,” "Body-Strong.”
kopraan KOPR1N
n. body.
kopraanun KOPR1NUN
n. anatomy.
kopraanuv KOPR1NUV
adj. bodily.
"Kopraan" with the suffix "-uv," "of or
pertaining to the body.”
kopraanzii KOPR1NZ3
n. embodiment, incarnation.
Compound of "Kopraan" and "Zii,” "body-
koprein KOPR2N
n. stance.
Derived from the words Kopraan and Dein, lit.
"Body-Keep,” as in holding a certain
defensive/offensive position.
kopruzah KOPRUZ4
adj. positive.
"Pruzah" with "Ko,” being good.
koraak KOR1K
n. belief.
Derived from "Korah,” "believe.”
koraaknu KOR1KNU
n. atheist.
From "Korah" with the suffix "-nu," "without
koraas KOR1S
n. possiblity.
koraav KOR1V
v. see / sight.
Expanded definition to include "sight.”
koraaveyz KOR1V9Z
n. glasses, spectacles, monocle,
spyglass, any seeing aid made of glass.
A compound meaning "seeing-glass.”
koraaviik KOR1V3K
n. seer, watcher.
Combines "Koraav" and the suffix "-iik.”
koraavmed KOR1VMED
v. concur.
Literally, "see like." Expresses that you share the
same view as the speaker.
koraavnu KOR1VNU
adj. blind.
Lit. "sightless." Edited from "Porah.”
koraavuld KOR1VULD
+ n. parallax.
Lit. "seeing shift.”
koraazen KOR1ZEN
n. insight.
Modified version of "see truth.”
korah KOR4
v. believe.
korasaal KORAS1L
adj. possible.
Based on "Koraas" with the suffix "-aal.”
kord KORD
adj. prime.
koreyth KOR9TH
n. trunk.
From "Kopraan" and "Reyth.”
koriaan KORI1N
adj. witnessed, observed.
"Observe" with the "-aan" suffix.
korii KOR3
v. witness, observe.
Derived from Koriim, "observer.”
koriim KOR3M
n. witness, onlooker, observer.
Derives from "Koraav,” "to see.” A noun only.
korin KORIN
n. content, composition, constitution.
From "Ko," "in," denoting something that lies
within. Edited from "Puulin.”
koris KORIS
v. insert, input, infix.
Literal translation: "ko" with "ris,” "in-put.”
koros KOROS
v. happen, occur, transpire.
Based on "Kos,” an expanded meaning of "to
korosend KOROSEND
n. event, occurrence, occasion.
"Koros" with the suffix "-end.”
korosin KOROSIN
n. ravine.
korost KOROST
v. encounter.
Both the noun and the verb.
kortuz KORTUZ
n. rapier.
korvan KORVAN
n. alley.
korvanjund KORVANJUND
n. korvanjund.
The final resting place of High King Borgas,
same in the Dragon Tongue as English.
korvoth KORVOTH
n. concert.
From "Voth,” "with.”
kos KOS
v. be.
kosaan KOS1N
v. been (have been).
The verb "kos" with the suffix "-aan.” "Zu'u
kosaan" = "I have been.”
kosaat KOS1T
v. collide.
Edited from "Kesat.”
kosaatak KOS1TAK
n. collision.
"Kosat" with the suffix "-ak.” Edited from
kose KOSE
n. origin.
Portmanteau of the words Kos "Be" and Se
"Of,” i.e. Of Dwemer Origin.
koseik KOS2K
adj. literal, literalness, inner or true
Related to "Seik," "to mean.”
kosiir KOS3R
v. beware.
kosil KOSIL
adj. inner, within.
Is a compound of "Ko" and "Sil"; "kosil vokul,"
"an inner evil / an evil in the soul." For
inanimate objects, use "Ko" or "Zuko.”
kosilahey KOSIL49
n. animosity.
From "Kosil" and "Lahey," "inner loathing.”
kosmey KOSM9
v. pretend, feign, feint.
Noun or verb. From "Mey" and "Kos," "to
kosov KOSOV
v. behave, function, perform, act.
From "Kos,” "to be.”
kosoveyd KOSOV9D
n. behavior.
kostaad KOST1D
n. position.
Shortened from "Krostaad.”
kostim KOSTIM
n. spider.
kostir KOST7
v. practice.
From "Kos,” "to be.”
kostiruv KOST7UV
adj. practical.
"Kostir" with the suffix "-uv,” "of or pertaining
to practice.” Edited from "Kostiriil.”
kosungir KOSUNG7
n. jacket.
Dereived from Old Norse.
kot KOT
n. shoe.
Edited from "Rikoz.”
kotend KOTEND
v. congest, clog, congestion.
Derived from "Tend,” "obstruct.” The verb "to
congest or clog" and the noun "congestion.”
kothrakaas KOTHRAK1S
n. intercourse, exchange.
Related to "Ko,” "in,” and "Voth,” "with.”
kotin KOTIN
prep. into.
kotiv KOTIV
adj. inward.
kotrin KOTRIN
n. shoelace.
From "Kot" and "Trin," "shoe-string." Edited
from "Rikotrin.”
koven KOVEN
adv. somehow / someway.
Lit. "in some wind / by some wind." Edited from
kovir KOV7
v. enjoy, indulge.
Edited from "Kujiir.”
kovolkniir KOVOLKN3R
n. lid, seal.
Based on "Volk" with the suffix "-niir,”
"something used to hold something in.”
kovolzah KOVOLZ4
adj. negative.
"Volzah" with "Ko,” "in-badness.”
kovon KOVON
v. recite, declaim.
koz KOZ
n. foot / feet.
The unit of measurement rather than the
physical foot. Is its own plural.
kozeim KOZ2M
prep. throughout.
"Ko" compounded with "Zeim,” "In-Through.”
koziir KOZ3R
n. quality.
From "Kos.” A trait or characteristic, rather
than something that is of high quality.
kraak KR1K
n. chalk.
kraar KR1R
n. thrash.
Edited from "Jaar.”
kraaz KR1Z
n. spite.
krah KR4
n. cold.
krahoskad KR4OSKAD
+ n. fridge, refrigerator.
Lit. "cold container.”
krahral KR4RAL
n. kneecap.
krahus KR4US
adj. cool.
From "Krah," "cold.”
kramin KRAMIN
n. kettle.
kran KRAN
n. tide, tides.
kranas KRANAS
v. trip, stumble, fall over.
kranasviilon KRANASV3LON
n. tripwire.
A compound of "Kranas" and "Viilon.”
kranek KRANEK
+ n. gram.
Extended from "Kraan.”
krantok KRANTOK
n. advantage, upper-hand.
kras KRAS
adj. sick.
krasaar KRAS1R
n. sickness.
krasfaal KRASF1L
n. corruption, virus, anything that
corrupts health.
From "Kras," "sick.”
krasliivin KRASL3VIN
n. peryite.
A dragon name for Peryite, "Sick Wither
krasnovaar KRASNOV1R
n. disease.
krasraan KRASR1N
n. infection.
Derived from the words Kras and Ahraan, lit.
krastak KRASTAK
v. vomit, puke.
Based on "Kras," "sick.”
krastov KRASTOV
adj. vile, gross, disgust.
From "Kras," "sick." The adjective "vile/gross"
and the verb "to disgust.”
krasum KRASUM
v. snuffle, sniffle, wheeze.
A compound of "Kras" and "Sum,” it literally
means "sick breathing.” Can also be used as a
kravein KRAV2N
n. nephew.
krazahd KRAZ4D
n. goal, target, aim.
From "Zahd," "point." Edited from "Krazahl.”
kred KRED
n. game.
kreh KREH
v. bend.
krehlim KREHLIM
adj. limber, supple.
From "Kreh,” "bend.”
krehpaagol KREHP1GOL
adj. bowlegged .
Lit. "bend,” "walk.”
kreidol KR2DOL
n. granite.
krein KR2N
n. sun.
See also "Shul.”
kreinfruk KR2NFRUK
n. mango.
From "Krein" and "Fruk," "sun-fruit.”
kreintor KR2NTOR
n. november / sun's dusk.
Tor: dusk, krein: sun.
kreinvu KR2NVU
n. february, sun's dawn.
Lit. "Sun Dawn.”
kreinvulon KR2NVULON
n. solar eclipse, sun-night.
Composed of the words Krien and Vulon, it
literally means Sun-Night.
krek KREK
n. bend, crook, nook.
krel KREL
adj. crooked, bent, curved, curled.
Derived from "Kreh,” "to bend.”
krelt KRELT
n. medal.
Derived from Gelt and Kerf, metal and coin.
kreltuz KRELTUZ
n. sickle.
Lit. "curved blade.”
krelzahkrii KRELZ4KR3
n. saber, scimitar, cutlass, any kind of
curved sword.
A compound of "Krel" and "Zahkrii,” "curved
kren KREN
v. break, shatter.
Expanded definition to include "shatter.”
krenbahlok KRENB4LOK
n. breakfast.
Compound of "Kren,” "break,” and "Bahlok,”
kreniik KREN3K
n. breaker.
"Kren" with the suffix "-iik.”
krenlom KRENLOM
n. surf.
From "Kren" and "Lom," to describe water
breaking upon the shore.
krenlom-viing KRENLOM-V3NG
+ n. surfboard.
From "Krenlom" and "Viing," "surf-wing.”
krenmah KRENM4
v. crash, crash landing, esp. from
From "Kren" and "Mah," "breaking-fall.”
krenok KRENOK
v. divide, separate, split, division,
separation, schism.
From "Kren,” "break.” The verb "to divide" and
the noun "divide / division / separation.”
krent KRENT
adj. broken, shattered.
Expanded definition to include "shattered.”
krent-hah KRENT-H4
+ n. disorder, mental illness or disorder.
Literally "Broken Mind.”
krentaan KRENT1N
v. sunder.
From "Kren" and "Krent," "to break" and
krentar KRENTAR
v. surrender.
kresel KRESEL
v. sizzle, crackle, sputter.
krey KR9
n. vine.
kreyn KR9N
n. blight.
From "Feyn,” "bane.”
krezah KREZ4
n. scythe.
Taken from Kreh meaning bend and Zahkrii
meaning sword.
krif KRIF
v. fight.
krifiik KRIF3K
n. fighter.
From Krif, "to fight.”
krii KR3
v. kill.
kriid KR3D
n. killer / slayer.
kriik KR3K
v. tie.
kriilaanthuz KR3L1NTHUZ
n. euthanasia.
Based on "Krii,” "to kill.”
kriilom KR3LOM
v. evaporate.
From "Krii" and "Lom," "to kill water." The
verb "Dir" would be used for "evaporate" as an
intransitive verb; "the water died.”
kriin KR3N
v. slay / slew.
kriind KR3ND
n. slaughter, the act of killing or
The noun from "Krii" with the suffix "-nd.”
kriing KR3NG
n. bell.
Edited from "Balah.”
kriisjor KR3SJOR
n. archon, magistrate, anyone in high
Refers, to anyone holding a high office or power.
kriist KR3ST
v. stand.
kriitah KR3T4
n. crypt.
kriithul KR3THUL
n. july / sun's height.
Kriith: height, Shul: sun.
kriivah KR3V4
n. murder.
Noun or Verb.
kriivahkei KR3V4K2
adj. murderous.
"Kriivah" with the suffix "-kei.”
kriivat KR3VAT
v. assassinate, assassination.
Related to "Kriivah,” "murder.” Edited from
kril KRIL
adj. brave.
krilaan KRIL1N
n. bravery.
From "Kril,” "brave.”
krilot KRILOT
adj. valiant.
krilzin KRILZIN
adj. doughty.
From "Kril," "brave," and "Zin," "honor.”
krimaar KRIM1R
n. suicide.
From "Krii," "to kill oneself." Can also be used
as a verb that means "to commit suicide." Edited
from "Veslaad.”
krin KRIN
adj. courageous.
krinaan KRIN1N
adj. slain, past participle of "kriin.”
"Kriin" with the suffix "-aan.”
krisiiv KRIS3V
v. relax.
krivaan KRIV1N
n. murderer.
kriz KRIZ
v. oppose.
Derived from Krizey: opponent. Krif: to fight;
Zeymah: brother.
krizaak KRIZ1K
n. alternative.
Lit. "opposing,” "idea.”
krizend KRIZEND
n. opposition.
Derived from Kriz: to oppose. Krif: to fight,
Zeymah: brother.
krizey KRIZ9
n. opponent.
Stems from the words "Krif" (fight) and
"Zeymah" (brother). .
kro KRO
n. sorceror.
krodren KRODREN
+ n. process, procedure.
From "Kroson," "work," and "Dren,"
krog KROG
v. crouch.
krogiir KROG3R
n. shin.
Derived from "Krinil" and "Ogiir,” it literally
means "lower leg" .
krolurend KROL6END
n. agreement.
"Krolur" with the suffix "-end.”
kromaar KROM1R
n. sorcery.
From "Kro,” "sorcerer.”
kron KRON
v. conquer / win.
krongrah KRONGR4
n. victory / conquest.
krongrahdein KRONGR4D2N
n. championship.
From "Krongrah," "victory.”
krongrahkei KRONGR4K2
adj. victorious.
Derived from "Krongrah,” "victory,” and the
suffix from "Morokei,” "glorious,” based on
"Moro,” "glory.”
kroniid KRON3D
n. conqueror / victor.
Expanded definition to include "victor.”
kronimaar KRONIM1R
+ n. mechanism, machinery, machine.
Derived from "Kroson" and "Nimaar,” "works
itself.” Mainly refers to dwemer machinery
except automatons (for them word "dwinaar" is
kronlorot KRONLOROT
v. assess, hypothesize, conjecture.
Lit. "conquer-think." Edited from "Teklor.”
kropah KROP4
v. meddle, pry, interfere, snoop, to
Related to "Ahkrop," "sneak." Edited from
kropahvok KROP4VOK
n. interference, disturbance,
Edited from "Krozahvok.”
krosaan KROS1N
n. grievance.
From "Krosis," "sorrow.”
krosbord KROSBORD
n. desk.
Composed of 'kroson';'work' and 'bord';'table.
krosfahdon KROSF4DON
n. colleague, associate.
From "Kroson" and "Fahdon,” "work-friend.”
krosik KROSIK
v. yearn, pine.
Derived from Krosis, sorrow, as the meaning is
krosilov KROSILOV
n. dirge.
Taken from Krosis and Lovaas to be a song of
mourning for the lost.
krosis KROSIS
n. sorrow, pardon, sorry.
The word is often used in conversation as a
remark, using "sorrow" to express regret, pity,
or sympathy.
kroskinbok KROSKINBOK
n. administration, management, slave
Literally translates into "work leader.”
kroslen KROSLEN
n. lip/ lips.
kroson KROSON
n. work, labor.
Is both the noun and the verb.
krosorun KROSORUN
n. workplace, office, study.
'Kroson' with suffix '-orun'. Literally 'Place
where one works.'.
krotz KROTZ
n. job, occupation, profession.
kroved KROVED
v. corrupt, defile.
Used as a verb, "to disgrace or corrupt.”
kroz KROZ
v. rend.
Edited from "Foz.”
krozol KROZOL
n. crocodile.
krozu KROZU
v. intervene .
krozund KROZUND
n. intervention.
Based on "Krozu,” "to intervene.”
kru KRU
n. knee.
From "Bru," "elbow." Shortened from
krul KRUL
n. howl.
krumah KRUM4
v. kneel.
Literally 'knee-fall'.
krumon KRUMON
v. chew, munch, crunch.
krumonit KRUMONIT
+ n. taffy.
From "Krumon,” "to chew.” Edited from
krun KRUN
v. quell / quench.
Related to "Krii," "kill," and "Kron,"
krund KRUND
n. throne.
kruziik KRUZ3K
adj. ancient.
kruziikrah KRUZ3KR4
n. volkihar, ancient vampire.
Lit. "ancient cold.”
kruziikun KRUZ3KUN
+ n. quasar.
Lit. "Ancient Light.”
kruzikaar KRUZIK1R
n. rightness, birthright, ancient right
or privilege.
From "Kruziik,” "ancient,” and "Qaar,”
kud KUD
adj. shy.
Shortened from "Kuud.”
kul KUL
n. son(s).
kul KUL
adj. good, morally good.
Related to "Vokul,” which literally means
"ungood.” See "Pruzah" for the sense that
would be used in "I'm doing good,” or "good
kulaad KUL1D
v. jealousy.
kulaan KUL1N
n. prince.
kulaanus KUL1NUS
adj. princely.
"Kulaan" with the suffix "-us.”
kulaas KUL1S
n. princess.
kulaasus KUL1SUS
adj. princessly.
"Kulaas" with the suffix "-us.”
kuld KULD
n. text, script, scripture.
kump KUMP
n. basil.
kun KUN
n. light.
Reverse derived from "Vokun,” "shadow.”
kunfaad KUNF1D
n. lamp.
From "Kun,” "light,” and "Faad,” "warmth.”
kunfahliil KUNF4L3L
n. chimer.
kung KUNG
n. lot, bunch, multitude.
kungah KUNG4
n. cluster.
kunmaar KUNM1R
n. hermit.
kunpusojur KUNPUSOJ6
n. torchbug, firefly.
From "Kun" and "Pusojur.”
kunriiv KUNR3V
adj. imperfect, flawed.
kunuk KUNUK
n. pearl.
Derived from "Kun,” "light.” Edited from
kunukin KUNUKIN
n. clam.
From "Kunuk," "pearl.”
kunus KUNUS
v. anticipate.
Derived from "Kun,” "take,” and "Us,”
kunz KUNZ
adj. lit.
Based on "Kun,” "light.” The adjective meaning
"lit" as in "a lit candle,” rather than the past
tense of "to light.” Edited from "Kunt.”
kurahiv K64IV
v. achieve, attain.
kurahivend K64IVEND
n. achievement, attainment.
"Kurahiv" with the suffix "-end.”
kurlahmun K6L4MUN
n. journeyman.
Literal translation.
kurlank K6LANK
v. navigate.
kusaar KUS1R
n. curiousity.
kusah KUS4
n. interest, pursuit.
Can also be used as a verb meaning "to interest.”
"Zu'u kusahlaan ko.." = "I am interested in..”
kusahraal KUS4R1L
adj. interested.
A modification of "Kusah" with the suffix "-
aal,” "with or having interest.”
kusil KUSIL
adj. instant, prompt, urgent.
kuyiz KUYIZ
v. propel, drive, launch.
kuyizaat KUYIZ1T
n. projectile.
"Kuyiz" with the suffix "-aat,” "that which is
kuz KUZ
v. take, seize.
kuzniir KUZN3R
n. grapple, grapnel.
"Kuz" with the suffix "-niir,” "that which one
grabs with.” Means a grappling hook, not to be
confused for the verb "to grapple.” Edited from
kuzol KUZOL
v. raid.
Based on "Kuz.” Edited from "Kund" and
laaf L1F
n. delight.
Noun only. See also "Genaz.”
laag L1G
n. sleep.
Can be used as either a noun or verb.
laaghadrim L1GHADRIM
n. hypnosis.
Lit. "Sleep,” "mind.”
laagliis L1GL3S
v. yawn.
Derived from Laag, sleep. Can also be used as a
laagnu L1GNU
adj. sleepless, restless.
"Laag" with the suffix "-nu.”
laagus L1GUS
adj. sleepy, tired.
From Laag (Sleep).
laagvaas L1GV1S
n. lullaby.
Derived from "Laag" ("Sleep") and "Lovaas"
("Song, Music").
laak L1K
v. snore.
Edited from "Avlak." Related to "Laag," "to
laakir L1K7
n. onion, leek.
Derived from Old Norse "laukr" ("leek"). .
laakis L1KIS
n. conifer, larch.
A conifer tree.
laan L1N
n. want, request, question, query,
Edited from "Laan.” Related to "Laan,” "want.”
The verb "to ask or to question,” and the noun
laan L1N
v. want, request, ask, inquire.
laas L1S
n. life.
laasagos L1SAGOS
adj. extant.
From "Laas.”
laasuv L1SUV
adj. lifely, biological .
"Laas" with the suffix "-uv,” "of or pertaining
to life.” Edited from "Laasiil.”
laat L1T
adj. last.
laatmaas L1TM1S
n. august / last seed.
laavak L1VAK
v. suffocate.
lafaan LAF1N
n. parent.
lah L4
n. magicka, mana.
lahan L4AN
n. birch.
lahbaas L4B1S
n. arcana, school of magic.
Edited from "Lahbahs.”
lahbriin L4BR3N
n. witch.
From "Lah" and "Briinah.”
lahey L49
v. loathe.
Edited from "Laahey.”
lahfraan L4FR1N
v. discern.
From "Fraan,” "to perceive.”
lahiik L43K
n. shaman, diviner, magician.
From "Lah" with the suffix "-iik,” a general
term for anyone who possesses the powers of
lahk L4K
v. scold.
lahkmojon L4KMOJON
adj. flabbergasted.
lahlun L4LUN
n. shamanism.
"Lah" with the suffix "-lun" (on the analogy of
lahney L4N9
v. live.
lahnik L4NIK
adj. mystic, mystical.
Related to "Lah," "magicka." Edited from
"Lahvuun." Also a noun, "Mystic.”
lahnikaar L4NIK1R
n. mysticism.
"Lahnik" suffixed with "-aar." Can be used for
general belief in something supernatural as well
as for the Mysticism Magic School. Edited from
lahniv L4NIV
v. thrive.
Edited from "Bridask." Related to "Lahney," "to
lahspaan L4SP1N
n. ward .
Lah+Spaan, Magicka Shield .
lahvirn L4V7N
n. legion.
From "Lavhu," "army.”
lahvirnaar L4V7N1R
n. legionnaire.
From "Lahvirn,” "legion,” and "Aar,"
lahvraan L4VR1N
v. muster / gather.
lahvriiluz L4VR3LUZ
n. manager, overseer.
Based on "Lahvraan,” "to gather.”
lahvroth L4VROTH
v. assemble.
A compound of "Lahvraan" and "Voth,”
"gather-with.” Shortened from "Lahvraanoth.”
lahvu L4VU
n. army.
lahvukey L4VUK9
n. cavalry.
Edited from "Arahed." Lit. "army (of) horse.”
lahzey L4Z9
n. mage, wizard.
A derived word of the composite "Lahzeymah,”
lakif LAKIF
n. mischief.
laniid LAN3D
n. quiz.
From "Laan," "to ask.”
laniz LANIZ
v. imitate, copy, duplicate.
laniziik LANIZ3K
n. imitator, mimic, copycat.
Derived from "Laniz" with the suffix "-iik.”
lanrii LANR3
v. simulate.
From "Laniz,” "to imitate,” and "Rii,”
lask LASK
v. earn.
latiid LAT3D
adj. classic, traditional.
A compound of "Laat" and "Tiid,” "lasting
through time.”
legaar LEG1R
n. elk.
Derived from Old Norse "elg.”
leh LEH
conj. lest.
lehet LEHET
n. shrug.
leik L2K
n. level, difficulty, grade.
lein L2N
n. world, mundus, universe,
leinah L2N4
n. dress.
leinhaal L2NH1L
adj. clothed, dressed.
Based on Leinah + aal, "having dress.”
leinuv L2NUV
adj. worldly, earthly.
With "-uv,” "of or pertaining to the world.”
Edited from "Leiniil.”
leret LERET
n. nest.
lesk LESK
n. vegetable.
leyk L9K
n. rank, echelon.
leytah L9T4
n. source.
Based on the Finnish word for source, lähde,
and the Estonian word for source, läte.
leyvah L9V4
adj. local.
lid LID
n. party, troop, band.
Derived from Old Norse "lidth.”
lif LIF
v. leave, exit, depart.
Exit a room or building (as opposed to the
generic "Geyn" (leave).
lifaat LIF1T
n. exit.
The way out of a room or building, or situation.
"That which is exited.”
lig LIG
adv. please.
Edited from "Kir" to avoid conflict with canon
"Kiir.” The adverb "please," not the verb "to
lii L3
n. liberty.
liid L3D
v. liberate.
liidak L3DAK
v. liberation.
liik L3K
n. milk.
liin L3N
v. mate, sex.
Derives from "Smoliin,” "passion.” Can be used
as a noun or a verb. It doesn't require
prepositions or additional helping verbs. You
would simply say "Zu'u liin mok/mek.”
liinus L3NUS
adj. sexy.
Derived from "Liin,” "sex" and "-us"(-y).
liinvas L3NVAS
adj. sexual, reproductive.
liis L3S
interj. hiss, laughter.
Liis is a word for vicious hissing. It can also be
used for the Dovahzul equivalent of the English
haha: liisisis.
liisunvaar L3SUNV1R
n. leviathan.
From "Sunvaar," "beast.”
liiv L3V
v. wither.
liivor L3VOR
v. rot.
Derives from "Liiv / wither.”
liivrah L3VR4
v. diminish.
liivut L3VUT
v. spoil.
From "Liiv," "to wither.”
liizuk L3ZUK
n. marble.
likaan LIK1N
adj. weird.
likinstah LIKINST4
n. statement.
lingeltkey LINGELTK9
+ n. bus, van.
Derived from Lingrah, "Long" and Geltkey,
lingraan LINGR1N
n. length.
From "Lingrah," "long." Edited from
lingraav LINGR1V
v. watch.
Literally, "see long.”
lingrah LINGR4
adj. long.
lingrahbrax LINGR4BRAX
n. longbow.
A compound of "Lingrah" and "Brax.”
lingrahmiin LINGR4M3N
n. reconnaissance.
Lit. "long-eye.”
lingrahsul LINGR4SUL
n. solstice.
Lit. "long day.”
lingrahtey LINGR4T9
n. saga.
Lit. "long tale.”
lingraz LINGRAZ
n. pole-arm, pole weapon.
Based on "Tuz,” "blade,” and "Lingrah,”
lingrun LINGRUN
adj. wide.
From "Lingrah," "long.”
lingrus LINGRUS
adj. lengthy.
From "Lingrah" with the suffix "-us.”
lingzahkrii LINGZ4KR3
n. longsword.
A compound of "Lingrah" and "Zahkrii.”
liqos LIQOS
v. litter.
lir L7
n. worm.
lirah L74
n. trip.
lit LIT
n. quart.
One quarter of a gallon.
lith LITH
adj. few.
lo LO
v. deceive.
loaan LO1N
n. deceiver.
From "Lo," "to deceive.”
loah LO4
n. spectrum.
lodhir LODH7
n. veteran.
lofur LOF6
v. blush.
logolz LOGOLZ
n. sapphire, waterstone, blue
Derived from the composition of the words
Lokluv and Golz, its literal meaning is Skytear
Stone, referring to the colour of the gem.
lohiim LOH3M
n. town.
Edited the spelling slightly from "Poghiim.”
lok LOK
n. sky.
lok LOK
adj. high, aloft.
Edited from "Kriis." Based on the analogy of
"Tum," "down," and "Lum," "low.”
lokaal LOK1L
n. love.
Also the verb "to love." Edited from "Lokal.”
lokaalus LOK1LUS
adj. lovely.
Derives from "Lokaal" and the suffix "-us.”
Edited from "Lokalus.”
lokaalvut LOK1LVUT
v. attract.
From the words "Lokaal" meaning "love" and
"Horvut" meaning "lure.” Edited from
lokalaat LOKAL1T
adj. beloved, that which is loved.
Adjective and noun; "lokal" + "-aat.”
lokaliin LOKAL3N
n. lover.
"Lokaal" with the suffix "-in" instead of "-iik"
for a gentler sound. Edited from "Lokalin.”
lokalvutaal LOKALVUT1L
adj. attractive.
"Lokaalvut" with the suffix "-aal" , "with or
having attraction.”
lokhonaat LOKHON1T
+ n. treble.
From "Lok" and "Honaat," "sky-sound.”
lokiig LOK3G
v. overcome.
From "Lot,” "great.”
lokiin LOK3N
n. chick, fledgling, baby bird.
From "Lokraan,” "bird.”
lokluv LOKLUV
n. rain.
Composed of the two words Lok and Luv,
meaning Sky and Tear/Tears. Already, rain often
is seen as the crying of a certain deity.
lokluvfahin LOKLUVF4IN
n. rainbow.
Combined of Lokluv (Rain) and Fahin (Colour).
Could also be interpreted as "Sky Tear Color.”
lokluvus LOKLUVUS
adj. rainy.
"Lokluv" with the suffix "-us.”
lokoltei LOKOLT2
n. empire, emperor's grounds.
lokolteiren LOKOLT2REN
adj. imperial.
Lokoltei with the suffix -ren denoting origin. E.g.
That's Imperial -> Tol Lokolteiren. He's an
Imperial -> Rok Lokolteiren.
lokom LOKOM
n. highness, height, loftiness,
Edited from "Kriith." "Lok" with the suffix "-
om," "highness" or "skyness.”
lokos LOKOS
n. weather.
From Lok: sky, Kos: to be.
lokraan LOKR1N
n. bird.
Literally means "Sky animal.”
lokraas LOKR1S
n. pheasant.
From Lokraan (Bird).
lokrahzun LOKR4ZUN
+ n. paratrooper.
Lit. means "sky soldier.”
lokrem LOKREM
n. dove.
Derived from "Lokraan," "bird.”
lokreniik LOKREN3K
+ n. skyscraper.
From "Lok" and "Kren," "sky-breaker.”
loksestaad LOKSEST1D
n. climate.
A compound of "Lok,” "Se" and "Staad,” it
literally means "sky of the place" (on the analogy
of "Lokos" ("Sky being") which means
loksilkun LOKSILKUN
n. aurora, northern lights.
"Sky-aura.” Edited from "Loksilhaan.”
loktiv LOKTIV
adj. skyward.
From "Lok,” "sky,” and "Amativ,” "onward.”
Edited from "Lokiv" and "Atlok.”
lokun LOKUN
v. loom.
From "Vokun,” "shadow.”
lokus LOKUS
adj. lofty.
"Lok" with the suffix "-us.”
lokuv LOKUV
adj. aerial.
Of or pertaining to the sky. Edited from "Lokiil.”
lokzii LOKZ3
n. angel.
Composed of the words Lok and Zii, it refers to
the Spirits of the Sky, also known as 'angels' in
certain cultures or religions.
lom LOM
n. water.
lomaan LOM1N
v. drip, dribble.
From "Lom" and "Mah," the falling of water.
lomah LOM4
n. waterfall.
A compound of "Lom" and "Mah.”
lomahan LOM4AN
n. watermelon.
Literal translation.
lomiiz LOM3Z
adj. damp, wet.
Related to "Lom" (Water).
lomok LOMOK
n. pool.
From "Lom,” "water.”
lomos LOMOS
n. steam, water vapor.
Derived from water(Lom) and heat(Yos).
lomosus LOMOSUS
adj. steamy.
From "Lomos,” "steam" with suffix "-us.”
lomriiv LOMR3V
n. towel.
Lit. "watercloth.”
lomus LOMUS
adj. watery.
From "Lom,” "water" with suffix "-us.”
lon LON
n. fist.
loniix LON3X
n. toxin.
loniiz LON3Z
adj. toxic.
loorah L8R4
n. dye.
loost L8ST
v. hath.
A more formal version of "Lost.”
lor LOR
n. thought.
Based on "Lorot,” "to think.”
loraan LOR1N
adj. merry.
lorfonaar LORFON1R
v. suppose, assume, presume, guess,
Lit. "thought-charge," "to charge with thought."
Edited from "Tek.”
lorgutzul LORGUTZUL
+ n. smartphone.
Compound of "Lor" and "Gutzul,"
"thought/thinking phone.”
lorot LOROT
v. think.
lorotiik LOROT3K
n. thinker.
"Lorot" with suffix "-iik.”
lortaan LORT1N
n. rhetoric.
From "Lor," "thought.”
lorvod LORVOD
v. recollect, recall, recollection.
Lit. "thought,” "ago.”
los LOS
v. is / are / am.
losnaar LOSN1R
adj. passive.
lost LOST
v. has, have, had, was, were.
lostiid LOST3D
v. scry.
From "Qostiid,” "prophecy,” "Lom,” "water,”
and "Lo,” "deceive.”
lot LOT
adj. great.
lotaan LOT1N
adj. magnificence.
From "Lot," "great.”
lotaar LOT1R
n. greatness.
"Lot" with the suffix "-aar.”
lotah LOT4
n. lever.
lotaniik LOTAN3K
adj. magnificent.
From "Lot," "great.”
lotbormah LOTBORM4
n. grandfather.
Lit. "greatfather." Shortened from
lotdraal LOTDR1L
v. commend.
From "Lot" and "Draal,” "great praise.”
lotdwinaar LOTDWIN1R
n. centurion.
A compound of "Lot" and "Dwinaar,” referring
to the Dwemer Centurions.
lotgrahstaad LOTGR4ST1D
n. coliseum, colosseum, stadium.
From "Lot" and "Grahstaad," "great-battle-
lotjiik LOTJ3K
adj. overjoyed.
From "Lot" and "Jiik," "greatly-joyed.”
lotjun LOTJUN
n. high king.
Lit. "great-king.”
lotkiin LOTK3N
adj. highborn.
A compound of "Lot" and "Kiin.”
lotkiiv LOTK3V
n. prodigy.
Edited from "Akiiv." From "Lot," "great.”
lotlahzey LOTL4Z9
n. archmage.
Lit. "great-mage." Edited from "Ahtlahzey.”
lotlom LOTLOM
n. lake.
Derived from the words "Lot" and "Lom.”
Edited from "Lo'om" and "Lohom.”
lotmonah LOTMON4
n. grandmother.
Lit. "greatmother." Shortened from
lotmuzaar LOTMUZ1R
n. imga, the great ape.
Derived of the words "Lot,” "Muz" and
"Sunvaar,” it literally means "Great Men
Beasts" (on the analogy of "Golsemuzaar") .
lotpaal LOTP1L
n. nemesis, archenemy, archnemesis .
Derived from "Lot" and "Paal," "great-foe.”
lotrin-lovaas LOTRIN-LOV1S
+ n. harpsichord.
From "Lot," "Trin," and "Lovaas," "archstring
lotsul LOTSUL
n. holiday.
A compound of "Lot" and "Day.”
lotwid LOTWID
adj. overburdened, overencumbered,
From "Lot" and "Wid," "greatly-weighted.”
lotzahkrii LOTZ4KR3
n. claymore, greatsword.
lotzu'ul LOTZ5L
adj. ultimate.
Related to "Lot,” "great.”
lov LOV
v. near, approach.
lovaas LOV1S
n. music / song / voice.
Prima Official Skyrim Game Guide, p. 647.
lovaasmah LOV1SM4
n. coda, cadence.
Compound of "Lovaas" and "Mah," lit. "song-
lovaasuv LOV1SUV
n. musical.
"Lovaas" with the suffix "-uv." Edited from
lovadro LOVADRO
n. musician.
Based on "Lovaas,” "music.”
lovariis LOVAR3S
n. allergy.
lovok LOVOK
n. aether, aetherius.
From "Vok" and "Lok.”
lovokul LOVOKUL
n. aetherium.
From "Lovok,” "Aetherius.”
lovtiid LOVT3D
+ v. update.
Lit. "close to time.”
lovun LOVUN
adj. close, near.
Referred to "Lov,” "to near.”
lovuneh LOVUNEH
adv. seldom, rarely.
"Lovun" with "Neh," "nearly never" or "close
to never.”
lovut LOVUT
v. lure.
From "Lo," "deceive," and "Horvut," "lure."
For the noun see "Horvut.”
lox LOX
n. web.
loz LOZ
n. cub.
lozaan LOZ1N
n. deceit, deception.
From "Lo,” "to deceive.”
loziik LOZ3K
adj. deceitful, deceptive.
From "Lo," "to deceive.”
lozuk LOZUK
adj. sour.
lu LU
n. magic.
A modification of "Lah" (magicka). Edited from
lufeykro LUF9KRO
n. rainforest, jungle.
Derived from Lokluv and Feykro, it describes the
wetness of the environment and the density of
the trees. Plural is Lufeykrre instead of
Lufeykrooe, to aid in pronunciation.
luft LUFT
n. face.
luftiis LUFT3S
n. facet.
From "Luft," "face.”
luftilir LUFTIL7
n. face paint.
Compound of "Luft,” "face,” and "Ilir,”
luftnu LUFTNU
adj. anonymous.
Literally, "Faceless.”
luftnum LUFTNUM
adj. anonymity.
From "Luft,” "face,” lit. "facelessness.”
luftom LUFTOM
n. facial hair.
Lit. "face-hair.”
luhaal LUH1L
adj. magical.
"Luh" with the suffix "-aal.” Edited from
lul LUL
n. flora.
Related to "Laas,” "life.” Shortened from
lum LUM
adj. low.
Edited from "Krinil." Reverse-derived from
"Lumnaar," here meaning "low peak." Possibly
also related to "Tum," "down.”
lumhonaat LUMHON1T
+ n. bass, musical bass.
From "Lum" and "Honaat," "low-sound.”
lumnaar LUMN1R
n. valley.
Possibly from "Naar," meaning "low-peak.”
lumvit LUMVIT
v. subside, abate, ease.
From "Lum," "low.”
lun LUN
v. leech.
lunbrii LUNBR3
adj. scenic.
From the words "Brii" meaning "beauty" and
"Lund" meaning "nature.”
lund LUND
n. nature.
As in the natural world. Directly from Old
lunduv LUNDUV
adj. natural.
"Lund" with the suffix "-uv,” "of or pertaining
to nature.” Edited from "Lundiil.”
lus LUS
n. fauna.
Related to "Laas,” "life.” Shortened from
lusoz LUSOZ
n. turtle.
lusvaan LUSV1N
v. solve, solution.
The verb "to solve" and the noun "solution.”
luug L5G
n. flag.
luv LUV
n. tear / tears.
luvaal LUV1L
adj. tearful.
"Luv" with the suffix "-aal," "with or having
luvmah LUVM4
v. cry, weep, mourn, to shed tears.
Edited from "Graat." Lit. "tear-fall.”
luvmahliik LUVM4L3K
n. crier, mourner, lamenter, griever.
"Luvmah" with the suffix "-iik." Edited from
luwey LUW9
v. distort.
luz LUZ
n. stalk.
luzikin LUZIKIN
n. roe.
Based on "Ikin,” "fish.”
maad M1D
n. nut.
From "Maas,” "seed.”
maadus M1DUS
adj. nutty, nutlike.
"Maad" with the suffix "-us.” Does not have the
same connotations as the English "nutty.”
maag M1G
adj. main, primary.
derived from Old English mægen-―;
"main" as used in combination like main road
('maagstrah') or main thing ('maagtruk') .
maagstrah M1GSTR4
n. highway, main road.
'maag' derived from Old English mægen-â€
("main"; used in combination), combinated with
'strah' (way/road). .
maak M1K
n. spice, spices.
maakus M1KUS
adj. spicey, spiced.
"Maak" with the suffix "-us.”
maalut M1LUT
n. tattoo, warpaint.
Derived from Icelandic "maluth" ("painted").
maalutaan M1LUT1N
adj. tattooed, painted.
Maalut with suffix -aan.
maalz M1LZ
v. brawl.
maan M1N
n. myth.
maankir M1NK7
adj. resolute, determined, resolved.
The adjective meaning "resolute or determined,"
not the past tense of "to determine" or "to
maant M1NT
n. diamond.
maar M1R
n. terror.
maarahmik M1R4MIK
n. business.
Literally, "self-service.”
maarun M1RUN
+ n. terrorism.
From "Maar,” "terror" with suffix "-un.”
maas M1S
n. seed.
maasofaaliik M1SOF1L3K
n. vagina.
lit. "seed receiver.”
maasofaniik M1SOFAN3K
n. penis.
Lit. "seed giver.”
maat M1T
v. judge.
Also a noun. Edited from "Miknuur." Slightly
derived from "Vaat," "to swear.”
mah M4
v. fall / fell.
mahan M4AN
n. melon.
mahfaeraak M4FAER1K
adv. forever.
mahfil M4FIL
n. falling star, meteor.
mahgrii M4GR3
n. ore.
mahkaag M4K1G
+ n. mortar.
Lit. "falling blast.”
mahkur M4K6
n. pile, heap.
mahlaan M4L1N
adj. fallen.
"Mah" with the suffix "-aan"/"-laan.”
mahlotuz M4LOTUZ
+ n. guillotine .
Lit "falling great blade.”
mahlov M4LOV
v. embrace.
mahnad M4NAD
v. credit, accredit.
mahraan M4R1N
n. motive.
Edited from "Mahran.”
mahralwahl M4RALW4L
n. fiction.
"Imagined creation.”
mahralwahlkei M4RALW4LK2
adj. fictitious, "full of fiction.”
mahrk M4RK
adj. notch.
mahruz M4RUZ
n. lecture, discourse.
mahsah M4S4
v. stagnate.
mahtiid M4T3D
n. destiny.
From "Mah" and "Tiid," "falling time." Edited
from "Vuun.”
mahv M4V
v. mow.
From the Old English word "mĕwan" and
also uses the word "mah" (fall).
mahyun M4YUN
adj. fresh.
From "Yun," "new.”
mahzahd M4Z4D
n. brink, verge.
Lit. "falling point.”
makil MAKIL
adj. immense, massive, tremendous.
mal MAL
adj. little.
malas MALAS
v. dictate.
malbrii MALBR3
adj. pretty.
Lit. "little beauty.”
maldeykel MALD9KEL
n. letter, see notes.
Literally "Little book.” A written letter, rather
than individual letters such as "A" or "B.”
maldriin MALDR3N
n. fawn.
Edited from "Holmah." From "Mal" and
"Driin," "small-deer.”
maledun MALEDUN
+ n. pistol.
From "Mal," "little," and "Edun," "shot.”
maleyk MAL9K
n. merit.
malfask MALFASK
adj. dainty.
From "Fask,” "delicate,” with "Mal,” .
malfiit MALF3T
v. nibble.
From "Mal" and "Fiit," "little-bite.”
malfil MALFIL
+ n. white dwarf, white dwarf star.
Lit. "Little Star.”
malhahkun MALH4KUN
n. hatchet, tomahawk.
Lit. "little axe.”
malingren MALINGREN
adj. short, small, stunted .
A compound of "Mal" and "Lingren,” "short of
length,” as opposed to "Maltiid" which means
"short of time.”
malkey MALK9
n. pony.
Derived from "small horse.”
malkinz MALKINZ
v. jab.
Literally translated to "little stab.”
malkoraav MALKOR1V
n. glimpse, peek.
Lit. "little look.”
malmind MALMIND
v. acquaint, familiarize.
From "Mindok," "to know." Edited from
malmindok MALMINDOK
adj. familiar.
From "Malmind," "a little known." Edited from
malnaaz MALN1Z
adj. undersized, pigmy.
A compound of "Mal" and "Naaz,” "little-
malom MALOM
n. pond.
Edited from "Hjal," "smallwater.”
malovaas MALOV1S
n. ditty.
A short song. Literally "little song.”
malsezilf MALSEZILF
n. platinum.
Literally: "[a] little of silver,” from the literal
translation of "platina" from Spanish. ("little
silver"). .
maltiid MALT3D
adj. short, brief, momentary.
A compound of "Mal" and "Tiid,” it means
"short" as in a period of time, not a measure of
length or height.
maltiidom MALT3DOM
n. brevity, briefness, momentariness.
"Maltiid" with the suffix "-om.”
maltuniik MALTUN3K
n. peddler, vendor, huckster.
Derived from "Mal" and "Tuniik,” "small
malun MALUN
n. role.
From "Malur," "part.”
malur MAL6
n. piece, chunk, part, section, portion.
From "Mal,” "little.”
malureyd MAL69D
n. particle.
From "Malur" and "med," "piece-like.”
malveydoraak MALV9DOR1K
+ n. cigarette.
From "Veydo" and "Raak," lit. "little grass-
stick" or "little weed-stick." Shortened for
phonetic reasons.
malz MALZ
v. measure.
malzat MALZAT
v. dwindle.
Related to "Mal,” "little.”
mamutah MAMUT4
n. mammoth.
Derived from the base Eurasian word for the
mand MAND
n. drum.
marahdaal MAR4D1L
adj. imaginative.
A modification of "Marahld" with the suffix "-
aal,” "with imagination.”
marahl MAR4L
v. imagine.
Altered spelling from "Hadrimwhal,” then from
marahld MAR4LD
n. imagination.
Based on "Marahl,” "to imagine" with a
shortening of the suffix "-dahk.”
mard MARD
n. copper.
marnu MARNU
adj. selfless.
Based on "Meyar" with the suffix "-nu.”
marnurom MARN6OM
n. selflessness.
"Marnu" with the suffix "-rom.”
marul MARUL
n. dialect.
maruv MARUV
adj. selfish.
Based on "Meyar,” Literally "of or pertaining to
oneself.” Edited from "Mariil.”
maruvom MARUVOM
n. selfishness.
"Maruv" with the suffix "-om.” Edited from
marzaan MARZ1N
v. shriek, squeal.
Related to "Maar,” "terror,” and "Zaan,”
marzuh MARZUH
v. scream.
masek MASEK
n. lime.
matah MAT4
n. rope.
maunaz MAUNAZ
v. appease.
mavirk MAV7K
n. lichen.
maz MAZ
n. mast.
med MED
prep. like / similar to.
med-zeymah MED-Z9M4
adj. counterpart, equivalent.
Lit. "like-brother," referring to something that is
related or equivalent.
medaas MED1S
adj. alike, similar.
Based on "Med,” "like.”
medkoraav MEDKOR1V
v. resemble, to look like.
Compound of "Med" and "Koraav," "to look like
or similar to.”
medliinvas MEDL3NVAS
+ adj. homosexual.
Means "like-sexual.” Edited from
medven MEDVEN
adv. likewise.
From "Med" and "Ven," shortened from the
phrase "in a like wind.”
mein M2N
v. plan, plot.
meintiid M2NT3D
n. schedule.
Lit. "plan-time.” Can be used as a verb.
mek MEK
pron. her.
Accusative and dative case of "Rek.”
mel MEL
adj. incarnate, tangible.
melaat MEL1T
prep. during.
From the Icelandic for "during," "meðan.,”
and related to "Laat,” "last/lasting.”
meliis MEL3S
n. apron.
membrah MEMBR4
conj. unless.
men MEN
n. ten.
meneruvos MENERUVOS
n. decade.
A compound meaning "ten-year.”
menreid MENR2D
n. decagon.
Means "Ten-side.”
merak MERAK
n. pint.
met MET
v. match.
From "Med,” "like or similar.”
mey M9
v. fool.
meyar M9AR
n. self, own.
Derived from the pronoun ending -maar, but
separated from "Maar" meaning terror. Edited
from "Ma'are.”
meyardein M9ARD2N
adj. single-handed, alone, unaided, by
oneself or on one's own.
Also an adverb. "Meyar" with the suffix "-dein,"
meyarnkei M9ARNK2
adj. apprehensive, insecure, self-
Derived from the words, self and anxious and
modified to flow better.
meyarven M9ARVEN
v. fan.
From "Meyar" and "Ven," "self-wind" or
possibly "fool's wind." Could also be used as a
meydovah M9DOV4
n. dragonling.
The "fool's dragon,” referring to the dragonlings
of the Iliac Bay region.
meyfil M9FIL
+ n. brown dwarf, brown dwarf star.
lit. "fool's Star.”
meyk M9K
v. spurn.
Can also be the noun, an act of spurning.
meykel M9KEL
+ n. magazine.
From "Deykel," "book," "fool's scroll.”
meykovei M9KOV2
adj. continuous, assiduous.
meykrazahd M9KRAZ4D
n. decoy, dummy.
Lit. "fool's target.”
meyr M9R
n. ancestor.
meyren M9REN
adj. ancestral.
"Meyr" with the suffix "-en,” "of or from
meyrothaar M9ROTH1R
n. fanatic.
Derived from 'mey', fool, and 'rothaar', prayer.
Literally, "prayer fool.”
meyrothaarun M9ROTH1RUN
n. fanaticism.
From "Meyrothaar" with suffix "-un.”
meyus M9US
adj. foolish.
"Mey" with the suffix "-us.”
meyuz M9UZ
n. moron.
Based on "Mey,” "fool,” and "Meyus,”
meyvaatlo M9V1TLO
n. clavicus vile.
Name of the Daedric Prince, "Fool Swear
meyz M9Z
v. come, become.
meyzalok M9ZALOK
n. uprising, to rise up.
From "Meyz" and "Alok," "come arise.”
meyzvolaan M9ZVOL1N
v. trespass.
From "Meyz" and "Volaan," "come unwanted,"
or "come intrude.”
mezaar MEZ1R
n. meter.
meziv MEZIV
n. mode.
mid MID
adj. loyal.
midaav MID1V
n. fealty, lealty.
Derived from "Mid" (Loyal).
middovah MIDDOV4
n. loyalist, ally.
Means "loyal dragon." Can only be used to refer
to a dragon.
midrak MIDRAK
prep. against.
midrakmaar MIDRAKM1R
n. contradiction, contradictory.
From "Midrak," "against," and "Geinmaar,"
midrot MIDROT
n. loyalty.
Literally "loyal words.”
midsil MIDSIL
n. fidelity .
Lit. "loyal,” "soul.”
midun MIDUN
n. loyalty.
midzul MIDZUL
n. loyalist.
Lit. "loyal voice.”
mii M3
pron. us.
The accusative and dative case of "Mu.”
miik M3K
v. offer, barter, bargain.
Reverse-derived from Zahrahmiik.
miil M3L
n. woman.
Based on "Mun,” "man.”
miilah M3L4
n. women.
Plural form of the word woman.
miin M3N
n. eye / eyes.
miin-ner M3N-NER
n. eyeball.
From "Miin" and "Ner," "eye-sphere.”
miinahsul M3N4SUL
v. consider.
miindin M3NDIN
n. hindsight.
From "Miin,” "eye,” and "Mindin,” "after.”
miinom M3NOM
n. eyelash.
From "Miin" and "Om," lit. "eye-hair.”
miinz M3NZ
v. wink.
Based on "Miin,” "eye.”
miiraad M3R1D
n. door, doorway.
miiraak M3R1K
n. portal.
miirit M3RIT
n. blueberry.
miistir M3ST7
v. designate, denote, indicate.
miizun M3ZUN
v. envy.
Based on the Norwegian misunnelse.
milaar MIL1R
adv. rather.
Edited from "Miilaar.”
milah MIL4
n. palm.
minak MINAK
n. toe.
From "Sinak,” "toe.”
mind MIND
v. teach.
Pronounced "Meend.” From Mindok: to know.
mindaal MIND1L
adj. knowledgeable.
Mindah + -aal.
mindaas MIND1S
n. science.
Based on "Mindok,” "to know.”
mindaat MIND1T
n. teaching, lesson, instruction.
Lit. "that which is taught,” "Mind" with the
suffix "-aat.”
mindah MIND4
n. knowledge.
An alteration of "Mindok.”
mindahsik MIND4SIK
+ n. essay.
From "Mindah" and "Sik," "knowledge-word.”
mindaziik MINDAZ3K
n. scholar, pupil.
Related to "Mindaziir," "school.”
mindaziikein MINDAZ3K2N
n. scholarship.
"Mindaziik" with the suffix "-ein." Refers to the
studies of a scholar, not money that is granted
for education.
mindaziir MINDAZ3R
n. academy, school, institute.
Related to "Mindah,” "knowledge.” Has a more
formal sense than "Shanor.”
mindiir MIND3R
v. counsel.
From "Mindok,” "to know.”
mindin MINDIN
prep. after.
mindindaar MINDIND1R
adv. thereafter.
Compound of "Mindin" and "Daar," "after-
mindinhefsul MINDINHEFSUL
n. afternoon.
A combination of "after" and "midday.”
mindiniv MINDINIV
adv. afterwards.
Based "Mindin,” "after.”
mindinu MINDINU
adv. hereafter.
Compound of "Mindin" and "Nu," "after-now.”
mindirsul MIND7SUL
n. overmorrow, the day after
A contraction of "Mindir" and "Dirsul,” "after-
mindok MINDOK
v. know, known, knowable.
mindokah MINDOK4
n. scholar, savant.
A compound of "Mindok" and "Hah,” "know
mindokin MINDOKIN
adj. renowned.
Based on "Mindok,” "someone who is known.”
mindokziin MINDOKZ3N
n. signature.
Literally 'known-mark'.
mindol MINDOL
n. trick.
mindolaar MINDOL1R
n. trickery.
Edited from "Yirtiilaar" to fit the canon
mindolo MINDOLO
n. ruse.
Related to "Mindol,” "trick" and "Lo,”
"deceive.” Means "to trick/deceive.”
mindopah MINDOP4
n. teacher, mentor, tutor, lorekeeper,
sage, secret keeper.
Literally translates to (with a slight variation)
"Know of all.” .
mindopahdein MINDOP4D2N
n. tutelage, tutorship.
"Mindopah" with the suffix "-dein.”
mindoraan MINDOR1N
v. understand, comprehend.
mindosaal MINDOS1L
adj. intelligent, smart.
Edited from "Greindaal.”
mindosil MINDOSIL
n. intellect, intelligence.
From "Mindah,” "knowledge,” and "Kosill,”
mindrus MINDRUS
v. recognize / recognise.
From "Mindok,” "to know.”
minoh MINOH
n. inch.
minooka MIN8KA
+ adj. magenta.
mintiinon MINT3NON
n. infinity.
minz MINZ
v. stare.
From "Miin," "eye." Edited from "Ahfon.”
mir M7
n. allegiance / alliance.
miraad M71D
n. door/doorway.
Alternate spelling, see main spelling "Miiraad.”
miraak M71K
n. dragon priest name, lit. "allegiance
mirodaat M7OD1T
n. lyric.
"Mirodah" with the suffix "-aat,” "that which is
mirodah M7OD4
v. sing.
mirodahiik M7OD43K
n. singer.
"Mirodah" + "-iik"; one who sings.
mirol M7OL
n. sling.
Both the noun and the verb.
mirozun M7OZUN
n. slingshot.
mit MIT
adj. middling, medium, moderate,
Slightly inspired by "Mith,” "middle.”
mith MITH
n. middle, midst, halfway, center.
From Old Norse "mithr.”
mithan MITHAN
adj. median.
From "Mith," "middle." Can be used as both a
noun and an adjective.
mithil MITHIL
n. core.
From "Mith" and "Hil," "middle-heart.”
mithraa MITHR1
n. june / mid year.
Mith: middle, Raa: year.
mithsul MITHSUL
n. noon, midday.
Mithsul, literally Middle Day (Mith-Sul).
modokraan MODOKR1N
v. ravage, devastate.
Edited slightly from "Modokar.”
mok MOK
pron. him.
Accusative and dative case of "Rok.”
mol MOL
adj. minor.
Based on The Swedish word "Moll" (Minor).
mon MON
n. daughter.
Altered from "Hil" to match canon word.
monah MON4
n. mother.
monahus MON4US
adj. motherly, maternal.
"Monah" with the suffix "-us.”
monahven MON4VEN
n. throat of the world.
moor M8R
n. fun.
moorim M8RIM
n. comedy.
Edited from "Fahmun.”
moorus M8RUS
adj. funny.
"Moor" with the suffix "-us.”
mor MOR
v. direct.
Intended to be the root of "Morah,” "focus.” Can
also be used as an adjective.
morah MOR4
v. focus, concentrate, concentration,
morahkun MOR4KUN
+ n. laser.
Lit. "focused-light.”
moriik MOR3K
n. director.
"Mor" with the suffix "-iik.”
moriim MOR3M
n. widow.
From "Kiim," "wife.”
moriis MOR3S
n. tunic.
morkon MORKON
v. restrain, constrain, hinder.
morkonin MORKONIN
n. restraint.
From "Morkon,” "to restrain.”
mornd MORND
n. direction .
"Mor" with the suffix "-nd.”
moro MORO
n. glory.
morokei MOROK2
adj. glorious.
morwuld MORWULD
n. cyclone, twister, tornado.
Based on "Wuld,” "whirlwind.”
mos MOS
v. like.
The verb meaning "to like,” not the word
meaning "as" or "like.”
moskir MOSK7
v. corrode.
moskirus MOSK7US
adj. corrosive.
"Moskir" with the suffix "-us.”
motaad MOT1D
v. shudder, tremble, shake, rumble.
Expanded definition to include "tremble,"
"shake," and "rumble.”
motaak MOT1K
v. rattle.
From "Motaad," "to shudder.”
motaas MOT1S
v. cower.
From "Motaad,” "shudder,” and "Faas,” "fear.”
motag MOTAG
v. annoy, irritate.
motagend MOTAGEND
n. annoyance, irritation.
"Motag" with the suffix "-end.”
motmah MOTM4
v. slip.
motmahus MOTM4US
adj. slippery, elusive.
movut MOVUT
v. cheer.
moziir MOZ3R
n. mosaic.
mu MU
pron. we.
mu'ul M5L
v. rule.
Can be used as a noun as well. Based primarily
off of "Du'ul.” It is potentially a homophone to
"Mul,” but since one is a noun/verb and the
other an adjective, it shouldn't be hard to figure
out which is which in context.
mu'ulaav M5L1V
n. council.
A compound of "Mu'ul" and "Aav,” it literally
means "rulers' join" or "joint rule.”
mu'ular M5LAR
n. court.
From "Mu'ul,” "to rule.”
mu'uliik M5L3K
n. ruler.
Derived from "Mu'ul,” with the prefix "-iik.”
mu'ulsejoriin M5LSEJOR3N
n. democracy.
"Rule of the people.”
mu'ulsemuz M5LSEMUZ
n. republic.
Literally, "rule of men.”
mu'ulserah M5LSER4
n. theocracy.
"Rule of god.”
muah MU4
n. moo, low, the sound of a cow.
mudozaan MUDOZ1N
n. greybeard.
Related to "Zaan,” "voice/speech.”
muf MUF
adj. cozy, snug.
muhonah MUHON4
adj. sensitive.
From "Honah,” "sense.”
mukaronahs MUKARON4S
n. atronach.
mul MUL
adj. strong, strength.
mulaag MUL1G
n. strength, power.
Expanded definition to include "power.”
mulaan MUL1N
n. fortitude.
Based on "Mul,” "strong.”
muldeyto MULD9TO
+ n. drill.
From "Mul,” "strength,” and "Deyto,” "to
muldreniir MULDREN3R
+ n. power tool.
Compound of Mul 'strength' and Dreniir 'tool'.
muledil MULEDIL
n. integrity.
Literally "strength (of) character.”
mulhaan MULH1N
adj. unmoving, unchanging, still.
mulimaar MULIM1R
n. supremacy, regency, supreme or
total power.
Lit. "strong-control.”
mulnu MULNU
adj. powerless, false, wrong.
Lit. "without strength." Also used to mean
"wrong" or "false," as strength is equivalent to
truth and rightness.
mulrunaz MULRUNAZ
+ n. gun, firearm.
From "Mul,” "strength,” and the "Ronaaz"
family of words.
mulrunaziik MULRUNAZ3K
+ n. gunner / gunman.
From "Mulrunaz" with the suffix "-iik.”
mulvos MULVOS
adj. capable, capability.
Edited from "Aarthok.” "Mul" and "Vos,” the
strength to be able.
mulzen MULZEN
n. muscle.
From "Mul," "strong," and "Slen," "flesh.”
mun MUN
n. man.
munam MUNAM
n. werelion.
A compound of "Mun" and "Am,” "man-lion"
(on the analogy of "Mungrohiik").
munax MUNAX
adj. cruel.
mund MUND
n. hall.
mundaar MUND1R
n. travesty.
mundilaar MUNDIL1R
n. werevulture.
A compound of "Mun" and "Dilaar,” "man-
vulture" (on the analogy of "Mungrohiik").
muneyd MUN9D
n. humanoid, anthropomorph,
"Mun" with the suffix "-eyd.” Also can be used
as an adjective.
munfahliil MUNF4L3L
n. breton, manmer.
A compound of "Mun" and "Fahliil,” "man-
elf,” "manmer.”
mungrohiik MUNGROH3K
n. werewolf.
A combination of "Man" and "Wolf.”
munhraak MUNHR1K
n. wereboar.
A compound of "Mun" and "Hraak,” "man-
boar" (on the analogy of "Mungrohiik").
munkodaav MUNKOD1V
n. werebear.
A compound of "Mun" and "Kodaav,” "man-
wolf" (on the analogy of "Mungrohiik").
munkrozol MUNKROZOL
n. werecrocodile.
A compound of "Mun" and "Krozol,” "man-
crocodile" (on the analogy of "Mungrohiik").
munralok MUNRALOK
n. lycanthropy.
mur M6
v. render, make.
Used as in "to make happy." See "Wahl" for
"make" as in "to create.”
murahv M64V
n. transition, alteration, progression.
Related to "Mur,” "to make or render.”
muriiv M63V
v. alter.
From "Mur" and "Murahv.”
musanrak MUSANRAK
n. mahogany.
Also an adjective.
musgiir MUSG3R
n. scaffold.
musvey MUSV9
adj. opaque.
musveyom MUSV9OM
n. opacity.
"Musvey" with the suffix "-om.”
mutahl MUT4L
n. blur.
Also a verb.
muthir MUTH7
n. splinter.
muulmarik M5LMARIK
n. government.
Related to "Mu'ul,” "to rule.”
muz MUZ
n. men (plural of "man,” not
naad N1D
n. nede.
naaf N1F
adj. vain, conceited.
naag N1G
v. charm.
Also the noun.
naak N1K
v. eat.
naak-oraak N1K-OR1K
+ n. chopstick.
Lit. "eating-stick.”
naakin N1KIN
n. eater, consumer.
"Lein Naakin,” "World Eater.” Uses the same
suffix as "Qahnaarin,” as opposed to "-iik"
because "Naakiik" was awkward to pronounce.
naako N1KO
v. eaten.
naal N1L
prep. by.
naalein N1L2N
adj. alone / lone / lonely .
From "Naal" and "Gein,” "by oneself.” Edited
from "Enarah.”
naaleniik N1LEN3K
n. loner.
From "Naalein,” "someone who is alone.” Edited
from "Enariik.”
naan N1N
adj. any, anything.
Expanded definition to include "anything.”
naangein N1NG2N
n. anyone.
A compound of "Naan" and "Gein,” "any one.”
naanstad N1NSTAD
adv. anywhere, anyplace.
From "Naan" and "Staad,” "place.”
naar N1R
n. summit, peak.
Expanded definition to include "peak.”
naariv N1RIV
adj. crazy, crazed.
naas N1S
n. corpse, carcass.
naasfil N1SFIL
+ n. black dwarf, black dwarf star.
Lit. "Corpse Star.”
naat N1T
n. bat.
The animal, rather than a baseball or cricket bat,
or the verb meaning "to bat (away).”
naav N1V
v. warn.
naavah N1V4
adj. suave.
From "Naag,” "charm.”
naavar N1VAR
v. cultivate.
Loosely based on "Naram,” "to grow.”
naaz N1Z
n. outrage.
Related to "Nah,” "fury.” Edited from "Nahk"
and "Nahz.”
nadiin NAD3N
n. squirrel.
nagiis NAG3S
n. gang, mob.
nah N4
n. fury.
nahgah N4G4
n. psychic, diviner, channeller,
Based on Nahgahdinok ("necromancer"), which
may be a combination of Nag (Fury) Gah (Yield)
and Dinok (Death) or "Nahgah" and "Dinok.”
Either way, "Fury Yield" could come to mean
"diviner" or "charmer" ("mancer").
nahgahdinok N4G4DINOK
n. necromancer.
nahgahzii N4G4Z3
n. oracle.
Related to "Nahgahdinok,” "Necromancer.”
nahgriinos N4GR3NOS
n. labyrinth.
nahin N4IN
n. paint.
Related to "Fahin,” color. For the verb, see
"Verilir.” Edited from "Naain.”
nahjor N4JOR
n. maniac, someone who is mad.
From "Nah,” "fury,” and "Jor,” "person.”
nahkei N4K2
adj. furious.
"Nah" with the suffix "-kei.” Edited from
nahkip N4KIP
v. feed.
nahkiv N4KIV
v. discover.
nahkivaar N4KIV1R
n. discovery.
From "Nahkiv,” "discover.”
nahkorah N4KOR4
n. secunda.
Edited from "Akorah.”
nahkrah N4KR4
n. vendetta.
From "Nahkriin,” "vengeance.”
nahkriin N4KR3N
n. vengeance, revenge, to kill in
Lit. "fury-slay." The noun "vengeance" and the
verb "to kill in revenge.”
nahkrop N4KROP
v. lurk.
From "Ahkrop," "to sneak or crawl," and
"Nahlot," "silence.”
nahkuz N4KUZ
v. plunder, loot, sack.
From "Nah" and "Kuz," "fury-take." Edited
from "Najul.”
nahkuziik N4KUZ3K
adj. plunderer, looter.
"Nahkuz" with the suffix "-iik.” Edited from
nahl N4L
adj. living.
nahlaas N4L1S
adj. alive.
nahled N4LED
v. stifle.
From the Swedish "knäled.”
nahlii N4L3
n. entity, being.
A compound of "Nahl" and "Rii,” "Living
essence.” Edited from "Nahlrii.”
nahliik N4L3K
adj. mute.
Based on "nahlon," "silent." Can also mean the
noun, "someone who is mute.”
nahlimaar N4LIM1R
n. community, society.
A modification of the word "Nahlii" based on
"Briinahmaar,” "Sisterhood.” Edited from
nahlkopraan N4LKOPR1N
+ n. organism.
Lit. "living body.”
nahlok N4LOK
v. avenge.
From "Nahkriin,” "vengeance.” Edited from
nahlon N4LON
adj. silent.
Derived from the verb "Nahlot,” "silence.”
nahlot N4LOT
v. silence.
nahlotzaan N4LOTZ1N
+ n. silencer, suppressor.
Lit. means "silence shout.”
nahpok N4POK
v. sully, besmirch, soil, stain.
Edited from "Vepok." Related to "Pook,"
nahrz N4RZ
n. netch.
nahvenoz N4VENOZ
n. typhoon.
Related to "Nah,” "fury,” and "Ven,” "wind.”
nahwan N4WAN
v. dwell.
nahyol N4YOL
n. war fire, sea fire, wildfire.
A compound of "Nah" and "Yol,” "Fury-Fire.”
nakooriiz NAK8R3Z
n. sulfur, sulphur.
nalkun NALKUN
adv. already.
namas NAMAS
prep. except.
namok NAMOK
n. fern.
naraan NAR1N
n. adult.
From "Naram," "to grow.”
naram NARAM
v. swell, grow.
naramaan NARAM1N
adj. swollen.
naramriin NARAMR3N
n. puberty.
From "Naram,” "to swell or grow.”
narand NARAND
n. swelling, growth.
nau NAU
prep. on.
nauaas NAU1S
n. lute.
Pronounced "Now-aas.” Edited from "Nowaas.”
naurim NA6IM
v. invoke.
From Rim (To Gain/To Acquire) and Nau (On).
navik NAVIK
n. breeches.
nax NAX
n. cruelty.
neben NEBEN
prep. under, underneath, beneath.
nebenaraan NEBENAR1N
n. juvenile, teenage, teenager.
From "Neben" and "Naraan," "sub-adult.”
nebenbex NEBENBEX
adj. outdoor/outdoors.
compund of 'neben' and 'bex'; lit. under (the)
nebendein NEBEND2N
n. dungeon.
Formed from "Neben" and "Dein.”
nebengol NEBENGOL
adj. underground.
A compound of "Neben,” "under,” and "Gol,”
nebeniit NEBEN3T
n. trench, ditch.
"Neben" and "Niit,” "under-line.”
nebenkav NEBENKAV
adj. indoor/indoors .
Compound of 'neben' and 'kav'; lit. "under (the)
nebenlom NEBENLOM
adj. underwater.
A compound of "Neben,” "under,” and "Lom,”
nebenweyt NEBENW9T
n. basement, cellar.
"Neben" + "Weyt; under-room.
ned NED
v. deem, regard, reckon.
negol NEGOL
adj. nether.
A combination of "Neben" and "Gol.”
neh NEH
adv. never.
neilaas N2L1S
v. survive.
Derives from "laas / life.”
neilaasend N2L1SEND
n. survival.
Neilaas with the suffix -end, the act of surviving.
neilaasin N2L1SIN
n. survivor.
Based on "Neilaas,” "to survive.”
nekov NEKOV
n. cannibal.
Related to "Naak,” "to eat.”
nel NEL
adj. fast, quick, speedy, hasty.
nelom NELOM
n. speed, fastness, quickness.
"Nel" with the suffix "-om.”
nelru NELRU
v. dash, sprint.
Derived from "Nel" and "Ru,” literally "fast
neltiid NELT3D
adj. fleet, rapid.
From "Nel,” "fast.”
nemiir NEM3R
n. faculty.
nen NEN
n. nine.
Edited from "Niin" to "Nen" to avoid conflict
with the canon "Niin.”
nenfah NENF4
v. mention.
From the Icelandic for "mention," "nefna.”
nenreid NENR2D
n. nonagon.
Means "Nine-side.”
nenvaar NENV1R
v. allude, refer.
From "Nenfah,” "mention.” .
nep NEP
v. laugh.
nepend NEPEND
n. laughter.
Forming a noun from the verb "Nep" with the
suffix "-end.”
ner NER
n. sphere.
nesiik NES3K
n. basic, default.
Edited from "Besak.”
nev NEV
v. waste, decay, squander.
nevonaar NEVON1R
n. wasteland, desolation.
Based on "Nev,” "waste,” and "Nor,” "land.”
nevstjorn NEVSTJORN
n. chamber pot; latrine, toilet, urinal.
From "nev"; "waste,” and "stjorn,” "basin":
nevul NEVUL
n. urine, pee.
Combines 'nev' with 'novul' to make 'waste-
ney N9
adj. both.
neyliinvas N9L3NVAS
+ adj. bisexual.
Translates to "both sexual.”
neyrok N9ROK
n. conspiracy.
Derived from the words Nok and Tey.
ni NI
adv. not.
nibo NIBO
adj. lazy, slugish.
From "Bo," "to fly or move," describing someone
that is not inclined to move. Edited from
nibor NIBOR
v. ignore.
nid NID
adv. no / none / nothing.
nidrin NIDRIN
n. heathen.
nidzuk NIDZUK
adv. nevermore, anymore.
Lit. means "no-more.”
niforveyk NIFORV9K
n. unease.
From "Forveyk,” "ease.” .
nii N3
pron. it.
niid N3D
adv. no.
Alternate spelling for "Nid," "no.”
niidam N3DAM
n. ballista.
niif N3F
v. smile.
Also can be used as a noun.
niigol N3GOL
n. spear.
Derived from the words Nin and Golz, lit.
"stinging stone.”
niil N3L
pron. its.
The possessive form of "Nii,” used as an
adjective but listed here as a pronoun for search
niin N3N
pron. them.
niirah N3R4
n. echo.
Can also be used as a verb.
niislah N3SL4
n. breast, teat.
niist N3ST
pron. their, theirs.
Plural possessive pronoun of "Nust.” Edited
from "Nustu.”
niiv N3V
n. ball.
niivut N3VUT
v. chase, pursue.
niiz N3Z
n. hail.
The precipitation rather than "to call or hail.”
From Niiv: ball, Iiz: ice.
niizmah N3ZM4
n. hailstorm.
Literal equivalent.
nik NIK
n. crab.
Edited from "Mik.”
nikriin NIKR3N
n. coward.
nikrinaar NIKRIN1R
adj. cowardice.
From "Nikriin," "coward.”
nikron NIKRON
adj. unconquerable.
From "Nis" and "Kron," "cannot be
nil NIL
n. void.
nilaad NIL1D
v. forbid.
nilaadaan NIL1D1N
adj. forbidden.
nilaan NIL1N
adj. unwanted.
"Laan" with the prefix "Ni-," "not-wanted." See
also canon "Volaan," "intruder.”
niliik NIL3K
adj. blank.
From "Nil,” "void.” Can be also a noun and a
niliinvas NIL3NVAS
+ adj. asexual.
Translates to "not sexual.”
nilz NILZ
v. purge.
From "Nil,” "void.”
nimaar NIM1R
pron. itself.
Corrected a spelling mistake, was formerly
nimah NIM4
adj. loose.
nimqah NIMQ4
n. flail.
nimun NIMUN
pron. nobody, noone, none.
A compound of "Nid" and "Mun.”
nin NIN
v. sting.
niney NIN9
conj. neither.
From "Ahney," "either," and "Ni," "not-
either." Edited from "Hjani.”
ninurah NIN64
adj. discontent.
From "Vinurah," "content.”
nir N7
v. hunt.
nirkaanon N7K1NON
v. represent.
nirkaanond N7K1NOND
n. representation.
"Nirkaanon" with the suffix "-nd.”
niron N7ON
adj. non-canon.
Edited from "Voron.”
niroz N7OZ
adj. morbid.
nirvot N7VOT
v. stalk.
From "Nir," "hunt.”
nis NIS
v. cannot.
nisaad NIS1D
adj. fake.
"Saad" with the prefix "Ni-.”
nisahraan NIS4R1N
adj. invulnerable.
Edited from "Nehahraan." Means "cannot be
nisahraanom NIS4R1NOM
n. invulnerability.
"Nisahraan" with the suffix "-om.”
nisal NISAL
adj. indestructible.
"Nis" and "Al," "cannot destroy.”
nisbo NISBO
adj. immobile, immobilized,
Compound of "Bo" and "Nis,” "cannot-move.”
nisfranvoth NISFRANVOTH
adj. inconsolable.
Edited from "Vofranvothok.” From "Nis" and
"Franvoth,” "cannot be consoled.”
nisfrolaaz NISFROL1Z
adj. unforgivable.
From "Frolaaz" and "Nis,” "cannot be
nishind NISHIND
n. despair, hopeless.
From "Nis" and "Hind,” "cannot hope.” See
also "Ath" and "Hindnu.”
niskemaan NISKEM1N
adj. unamused.
Lit. "not-amused.”
niskorah NISKOR4
adj. unbelievable.
Derived from "Korah" combined with "Nis,”
"cannot be believed.” Edited from "Vokorahtok.”
niskrenok NISKRENOK
adj. indivisible, inseparable.
Lit. "cannot divide / be divided.”
nistaad NIST1D
adv. nowhere.
A compound of "Nid" and "Staad.”
nistmaar NISTM1R
pron. themselves.
The reflexive of "Nust.” Edited from
nivahriin NIV4R3N
adj. cowardly.
nivahzen NIV4ZEN
n. falsehood, falsity.
Lit. a "not-truth.”
niveiliin NIV2L3N
adj. agender.
A compound of "Ni" and "Veiliin.”
nivet NIVET
prep. versus.
niviik NIV3K
adj. invincible.
"Viik" with "Nis," "cannot be defeated.”
nivok NIVOK
adj. poor.
nivorn NIVORN
n. disposition.
nivosevild NIVOSEVILD
n. crevice, clef, crack.
Derived from "Nivosend,” "Se" and "Vild,” it
literally means "Split of a rock.”
nivosik NIVOSIK
adv. asunder.
nivudoz NIVUDOZ
adj. inevitable, unavoidable.
"Vudoz" with the prefix "Ni-.”
nivurot NIV6OT
v. conspire, plot.
Edited from "Rad." Means "un-valor words.”
nivzah NIVZ4
adj. false.
From "Vahzah,” "true.” Edited from "Hahjok.”
nivzahmiin NIVZ4M3N
+ n. camera.
Literally 'false eye'.
nix NIX
prep. between.
Edited from "Nex.”
nizaag NIZ1G
n. surroundings, location, area.
Edited from "Nexaag.”
nizeylum NIZ9LUM
v. disapprove, deplore.
From "Zeylum,” "approve" with prefix "Ni-.”
nizraad NIZR1D
adj. important, significant.
nizraadom NIZR1DOM
n. importance, significance.
njol NJOL
v. blurt, blab, call out.
nok NOK
v. lie / lay / laid.
Means "to lie down," "to lay something down,"
and "to tell a falsehood.”
nokhahnu NOKH4NU
n. hallucinate, hallucination.
"Lying dream.” Both the verb "to hallucinate"
and the noun "hallucination.”
nokiiv NOK3V
n. layer.
Based on "Nok,” "to lie.”
nokin NOKIN
n. liar.
From "Nok,” "to "lie," "someone who lies." Not
to be confused with "Praav," "lair.”
nokorun NOKORUN
n. cemetery.
"Nok" with the suffix "-orun," "place of rest.”
noksenonviik NOKSENONV3K
n. politician.
Noksenonvul with the "-iik" suffix, modified.
noksenonvul NOKSENONVUL
n. politics.
Literally, "lies of the noble.”
nokur NOK6
n. saddle.
Edited from "Nakuur.”
nol NOL
prep. from.
nomah NOM4
n. uncle.
Related to "Zeymah" and "Bormah." Edited
from "Okmah.”
nonaan NON1N
pron. aught.
Based off of "Naan.” Means "anything at all.”
nonvul NONVUL
adj. noble.
nonvulaan NONVUL1N
n. nobility.
From "Nonvul,” "noble.” Edited from
"Nonvulom" to avoid association with "Vulom.”
nonvulgolz NONVULGOLZ
n. gemstone, noble stone.
Composed of the words Nonvul and Golz (Stone,
countable), it defines the stones that man see as
valuable or "noble.”
nonvuliik NONVUL3K
n. nobleman, noblewoman.
"Nonvul" with the suffix "-iik.”
noolas N8LAS
n. ham.
noor N8R
v. emote.
noorend N8REND
n. emotion.
"Noor" with the suffix "-end.”
noorendaal N8REND1L
adj. emotional.
"Noorend" with the suffix "-aal,” "with or
having emotion.”
noot N8T
n. skill.
nor NOR
n. land, province, country, nation.
noraas NOR1S
v. blame, accuse, charge, accusation.
The verb "to blame, accuse, or charge,” and the
noun "blame, charge, or accusation.”
Lengthened to "Noraas.”
norkaal NORK1L
n. nationalist, patriot.
Lit. "country-champion.”
norok NOROK
adj. fierce / fiercest.
norzaar NORZ1R
n. ambassador, envoy, diplomat.
Inspired by "Nor,” "land,” and "Sahr,” "to
nos NOS
v. strike.
Part of the "Cyclone" shout in Dragonborn dlc.
nostig NOSTIG
n. offense.
Lit. "striking action.” In relation to "offense and
defense,” not "offended.”
noton NOTON
v. nod.
Derived from Middle High German 'notten'
(move around/shake).
novul NOVUL
n. liquid.
Can be used as a noun or adjective. .
novuldah NOVULD4
n. bouyancy.
Lit. "liquid Push.”
nox NOX
v. thank, thanks, thank you,
This is the root for the the expression of "thank
you.” Verb: To thank.
nu NU
adv. now.
nudraan NUDR1N
adj. modern.
Related to "Nu,” "now.”
nufost NUFOST
n. quail.
nuft NUFT
n. purpose, use.
For the verb, see "Brah.”
nuk NUK
adj. ready.
Can also be used as a verb, "to ready.”
nukaas NUK1S
n. puppet.
nuksliin NUKSL3N
v. butcher.
Lit. "to ready meat.”
nul NUL
n. zero.
nulaz NULAZ
n. diagonal.
Related to "Ulaz,” "angle.”
num NUM
adj. unique, rare, scarce.
Edited from "nun.”
numtaar NUMT1R
n. tract.
nun NUN
adj. seen.
Reverse derived from canon word 'Vonun'
meaning 'unseen'.
nunaakun NUN1KUN
n. revelation.
From "Nun,” "seen.” Edited from "Viimakuun.”
nunahst NUN4ST
v. manifest.
From "Nun,” "seen.” Edited from "Viimahst.”
nunal NUNAL
adj. mere.
From "Nunon," "only.”
nunon NUNON
adv. only.
nunon NUNON
adv. just.
nunt NUNT
adj. bare, barren, naked.
Edited from "Nun" to avoid conflict with semi-
canon "Nun.”
nuntom NUNTOM
n. nudity, nakedness, bareness.
"Nunt" with the suffix "-om.” Edited from
nurvim N6VIM
v. retire.
nurzir N6Z7
n. apathy.
nus NUS
n. statue.
nusaan NUS1N
adj. gone, absent.
From "Saan,” "to lose.” Edited from "Saark.”
nusaanom NUS1NOM
n. absence.
"Nusaan" with the suffix "-om.” Edited from
nust NUST
pron. they.
nuthaak NUTH1K
n. bother, nuisance.
nutiid NUT3D
n. present, now.
Composed of the words Nu and Tiid, it literally
means Now-Time.
nuv NUV
conj. nor.
Based on "Uv,” "Or.”
nuvah NUV4
n. presence, present.
From "Nu,” "now.”
nuvey NUV9
v. pervade.
Means "To be present throughout.” Related to
nuviis NUV3S
v. attend.
From the word "Nuvah,” "present.”
nuvistul NUVISTUL
adj. destitute.
nuz NUZ
conj. but.
nuz NUZ
adj. visible.
Reverse-derived from "Vonuz,” "invisible.”
nuzuk NUZUK
adj. arcane.
oben OBEN
n. expense.
obenaal OBEN1L
adj. expensive.
"Oben" with the suffix "-aal,” something that is
"with or having expense.”
oblaan OBL1N
n. end.
Also a verb.
obliis OBL3S
v. abolish, annul.
Edited from "Iklan.” From "Oblaan,” "to end.”
oblivion OBLIVION
n. oblivion.
Replaces the non-canon "Uradiin.”
od OD
n. snow.
oden ODEN
adj. arctic.
Derived from "Od,” meaning "of the snow.”
odfahliil ODF4L3L
n. snow elf.
Composed of the words Od and Fahliil, it
literally means Snow-Elf and refers to the few
pre-Falmer elfs that have not degenerated. It also
refers to the entire Falmer-race pre-corruption by
the Dwemer.
odhokzii ODHOKZ3
n. kamal, snow demon.
A denomination that refers to the Kamal-races,
that live in Akaviri and were well known to the
Dov, who once ruled those Dragonlands.
odogah ODOG4
n. snowberry.
Compound of "Od" and "Ogah,” literal
odrahgol ODR4GOL
n. avalanche.
Lit. "snow-rage.”
odstrun ODSTRUN
n. snowstorm .
Literal equivalent.
odus ODUS
adj. snowy.
ofaal OF1L
v. receive.
ofaalend OF1LEND
n. reception.
ofaalin OF1LIN
n. receiver.
"Ofaal" with the suffix "-in.” Edited from
ofahnir OF4N7
n. chord.
ofalaan OFAL1N
v. bequeath, devolve.
Portmanteau of "Ofan,” "give,” and "Laan,”
ofan OFAN
v. give.
ofanaat OFAN1T
n. gift, present, tribute, offering.
Literally "that which is given,” "Ofan" with the
suffix "-aat.”
ofaniik OFAN3K
n. giver.
"Ofan" with the suffix "-iik.”
ofanix OFANIX
v. exchange.
Derived from "Ofan" and "Nix.” Literally,
ofanjiik OFANJ3K
v. entertain.
Literally, "give joy.”
ofir OF7
adj. busy, occupied, engaged.
ofolin OFOLIN
adj. trivial, frivolous.
ofun OFUN
v. share.
Derives from "Ofan," "give." Shortened from
ofunlor OFUNLOR
v. comment, remark.
"Ofun" with "lor,” lit. "share-thought." Noun
or a verb.
ofunsil OFUNSIL
n. empathy .
From "Ofun" and "Sil," "shared-soul.”
ogah OG4
n. berry.
General term for a berry, the small fruit. Directly
from Latvian.
ogeliim OGEL3M
n. orichalcum.
ogiim OG3M
n. orc, orsimer.
ogiimen OG3MEN
adj. orcish.
"Ogiim" with the suffix "-en.”
ogiimor OG3MOR
n. orsinium.
From Ogiim and Nor (Orc and Land/Province).
ogiir OG3R
n. leg.
ok OK
pron. his.
okaadah OK1D4
n. longboat.
Taken from Okaaz (primary) meaning sea and
Himdah (quaternary) meaning home.
okaalah OK1L4
n. navy.
okaaron OK1RON
n. whale.
Variation of the word "Okaaz" which means sea.
okaaz OK1Z
n. sea.
okaziindah OKAZ3ND4
+ n. torpedo.
From "Okaaz" and "Iindah,” "sea-attack.”
okmaar OKM1R
pron. himself.
The reflexive of "Rok.”
okravaaz OKRAV1Z
n. shark.
Edited from "Vaak." Related to "Okaaz," "sea,"
and "Vaaz," "tear.”
okriim OKR3M
n. eagle.
okulom OKULOM
n. solitude, loneliness, isolation.
ol OL
adv. as.
olaak OL1K
n. dimension.
olak OLAK
n. library.
olakaan OLAK1N
n. librarian.
oldoz OLDOZ
n. horizon.
olg OLG
v. shiver, shudder, quiver.
olm OLM
n. crow.
olm-gefaasiik OLM-GEF1S3K
n. scarecrow.
From "Olm" and "Gefaas," lit. "crow-scarer.”
olmgahrot OLMG4ROT
n. magpie.
"Olm" and "Gahrot,” lit. "Stealing Crow.”
olnaav OLN1V
n. glen.
olniiv OLN3V
n. glade.
Based on "Glen,” "Olnaav.”
olqein OLQ2N
n. skeleton.
olqeinaas OLQ2N1S
adj. skeletal.
From "Olqein,” "skeleton.”
om OM
n. hair.
omaar OM1R
n. hour.
omnu OMNU
adj. bald.
Literally, "hairless.”
omshuniir OMSHUN3R
+ n. shampoo.
Lit. "hair soap.”
omus OMUS
adj. hairy.
"Om" with the suffix "-us.”
ond OND
interj. lo.
onik ONIK
adj. wise.
onikaan ONIK1N
n. wisdom.
onikiv ONIKIV
n. enlightenment / enlighten.
Expanded definition to include "enlighten.”
onlaas ONL1S
n. afterlife .
onliin ONL3N
n. mate, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend,
companion, any romantic partner.
From "Smoliin,” "passion.”
onol ONOL
n. turkey.
ont ONT
adv. once.
onvok ONVOK
v. admit.
oo 8
interj. oh.
oprot OPROT
v. execute.
oprotak OPROTAK
n. execution.
Uses "-ak" instead of "-dahk" for phonetic
oraak OR1K
n. stick.
oraakan OR1KAN
n. fagot.
From "Oraak,” "stick.”
oraan OR1N
adv. apart.
oraas OR1S
n. dearth.
oradgah ORADG4
n. organ.
An organ of the body.
orah OR4
v. remind.
A modification of "Hah" with the prefix "Or-.”
orbalaan ORBAL1N
v. redeem, redemption.
"Balaan" with the prefix "Or-,” "worthy again.”
Edited from "Orbahlaan.”
orbiis ORB3S
v. repay.
Related to "biis" with the prefix "Or-.”
orbrah ORBR4
v. reuse, repurpose.
From "Brah" with the prefix "Or-.”
orfor ORFOR
v. rename.
"For" with the prefix "Or-.”
orfrolok ORFROLOK
v. review.
"Frolok" with the prefix "Or-.” Can be used as
both a noun and verb.
orgevoth ORGEVOTH
v. reconnect.
From "Gevoth,” "Connect" with prefix "Or-.”
orim ORIM
v. regain, recover.
"Rim" with the prefix "Or-.”
orin ORIN
adv. even, fully, quite.
oris ORIS
v. replace, substitute.
"ris" (place/put) with prefix "or-"(re-).
orkiin ORK3N
adj. reborn, remade.
"Kiin" with the prefix "Or-.”
orkiindah ORK3ND4
adj. rebirth.
"Kiindah" with the prefix "Or-.”
orklad ORKLAD
v. reload.
From "Klad,” "load" with prefix "Or-.”
orkopraanzii ORKOPR1NZ3
n. reincarnation.
"Kopraanzii" with the prefix "Or-.”
orlaav ORL1V
v. consent, permit.
Derived from Old Norse "orlof.”
orlaavend ORL1VEND
n. consent, permission.
Orlaav + end.
orlavaan ORLAV1N
v. past participle of "orlaav.”
oron ORON
n. canon, creed, dogma, tenet.
orvegein ORVEG2N
v. reunify.
From "Gegein,” "unify" with prefix "Or-.”
orvorstaal ORVORST1L
v. reorganize.
"Vorstaal" with the prefix "Or-.”
orwahl ORW4L
v. rebuild, recreate, remake.
"Wahl" with the prefix "Or-.”
osk OSK
adj. deft.
oskad OSKAD
n. cabinet, drawer, jar, container.
osley OSL9
n. flower.
osos OSOS
pron. some.
osul OSUL
v. sew.
osuliik OSUL3K
n. seamstress, tailor.
"Osul" (Sew) with the suffix "-iik" - "one who
osvanir OSVAN7
n. jade.
oth OTH
n. orphan.
ov OV
v. trust.
ovkod OVKOD
adj. trustworthy.
Compound of "Ov" and "Kod," "trust-
ovriil OVR3L
n. wreath .
ozak OZAK
n. goat.
ozakvum OZAKVUM
n. goatee.
From "Ozak" and "Vum," "goat's beard.”
ozinkrel OZINKREL
n. continent.
ozinvey OZINV9
n. ivory.
ozinveyhaal OZINV9H1L
n. piano, keyboard.
"Ozinvey" and "Haal,” meaning "ivory hand"
in reference to older pianos having ivory keys.
ozur OZ6
adj. smooth, glossy, sleek.
ozuriiv OZ63V
n. gloss.
From "Ozur, "glossy.”
paag P1G
adj. fat.
paagliik P1GL3K
n. cream.
Literally "fat-milk.”
paagluf P1GLUF
v. shamble, shuffle.
Derived from "Paagol" (walk) and the Swedish
word "Lufsa" (shamble). A way of walking, not
as in shuffling of cards.
paagol P1GOL
v. walk.
paak P1K
n. shame.
paal P1L
n. foe, enemy.
paalikot P1LIKOT
n. adversary.
From "Paal,” "foe.”
paalus P1LUS
adj. enemy, hostile, aggressive,
Lit. "enemy-like." "An enemy soldier." Edited
from "Akir.”
paan P1N
n. region.
paar P1R
n. ambition.
paaz P1Z
adj. fair.
Means "fair" as in "just," and "fair" as in
"pleasant" or "beautiful.”
paazigran P1ZIGRAN
n. influence.
paazom P1ZOM
adj. fairness.
"Paaz" with the suffix "-om.”
paazrahgol P1ZR4GOL
adj. indignant.
Literally 'fair rage.'.
padiiz PAD3Z
n. zenith.
padir PAD7
n. needle.
pah P4
adj. all, everything, everyone.
Expanded definition to include "everyone.”
pahdul P4DUL
n. infant, baby.
Edited from "Padul.”
pahel P4EL
n. summary.
A combination of "pah" and "pel,” "all-write.”
pahelrot P4ELROT
n. document.
From "Pahel" and "Rot, "summary word.”
pahfod P4FOD
conj. whenever.
Lit. "all-when.”
pahfos P4FOS
adv. whatever.
A compound of "Pah" and "Fos,” "all-what.”
pahgein P4G2N
n. unity, oneness, solidarity.
A compound of "Pah" ("All") and "Gein"
pahkolos P4KOLOS
adv. wherever.
Lit. "all-where.”
pahkriivah P4KR3V4
n. genocide, extermination.
From "Pah" and "Kriivah,” "all-murder.”
pahlaan P4L1N
adj. intact.
From "Ulaan,” "whole,” and "Pah,” "all.”
pahlahvraan P4L4VR1N
n. assembly.
pahleinuv P4L2NUV
adj. universal, catholic, global.
From "Pah" and "Leinuv,” "pertaining to all the
world.” Edited from "Pahleiniil.”
pahliinvas P4L3NVAS
+ adj. pansexual.
Literally "all sexual.”
pahlok P4LOK
n. arrogance.
pahlokaal P4LOK1L
adj. arrogant.
"Pahlok" with the suffix "-aal,” "with or having
pahmindok P4MINDOK
adj. omniscient, omniscience, all
A compound of "Pah,” "all,” and "Mindok,” "to
pahnim P4NIM
adj. overall, general.
From "Pah,” "all.”
pahrak P4RAK
v. cooperate, to work together.
pahrakal P4RAKAL
adj. cooperative.
pahrelin P4RELIN
n. dictator.
Lit. "all-dominate-master.”
pahrelinaar P4RELIN1R
n. dictatorship.
From "Pahrelin," and "Junaar," "kingdom.”
pahrk P4RK
n. foot.
Edited from "Parq.”
pahrk-niiv P4RK-N3V
+ n. football, soccer.
From "Pahrk" and "Niiv," "foot-ball.”
pahrkmah P4RKM4
n. footstep.
Lit. "foot-fall.”
pahrkriiv P4RKR3V
n. sock, foot-wrap, or light slipper.
Lit. "foot-cloth.”
pahsaan P4S1N
v. eliminate.
A combination of "Pah" (All) and "Saan"
pahsu P4SU
n. confidence, assurance, surety.
From "Pahlok," "arrogance." Edited from
pahsuleyk P4SUL9K
n. omnipotence, omnipotent.
Lit. "all-power" or "all-powerful.”
pahsunaal P4SUN1L
adj. confident, sure.
"Pahsu" with the suffix "-aal,” "with or having
confidence.” Edited from "Edrahaal.”
pahvaak P4V1K
v. announce, to speak to many.
From "Pah" and "Tinvaak.”
pahvoth P4VOTH
adv. together, altogether.
A compound formed from "Pah,” "all,” and
"Voth,” "with.” Literally, "allwith.”
pahwahliik P4W4L3K
n. all-maker.
A compound of "Pah" and "Vahl" with teh
suffix "-iik,” it literally means "All-Creator.” A
mysterious deity revered as the wellspring of
creation by Ancient Atmorans and modern
Skaal. .
pahwo P4WO
adv. whoever, whomever.
Lit. "all-who.”
pahyaav P4Y1V
n. diameter.
From "Pah" and "Yaav.” Literally, "all-across.”
pahzul P4ZUL
adj. unanimous .
Lit. means "all-voiced.”
palaar PAL1R
n. platform.
Taken from the Icelandic word for "platform,”
palnekaar PALNEK1R
n. resolve.
panor PANOR
v. parry.
parok PAROK
v. scorch.
pas PAS
v. flap.
peh PEH
adv. quite.
peil P2L
v. swirl, churn.
pel PEL
v. write.
pel-deykel PEL-D9KEL
+ n. notebook.
From "Pel" and "Deykel," "writing-book." .
pelark PELARK
v. describe, define, detail.
pelein PEL2N
+ n. secretary.
Combination of "Pel" and "Mein.”
pelgah PELG4
n. diary, journal.
From "Pel," "to write.”
peliik PEL3K
n. scribe, writer.
"Pel" with the suffix "-iik,” "someone who
pelniir PELN3R
n. pen, pencil, quill, any writing
"Pel" with the suffix "-niir,” "something one
writes with.”
pelnoot PELN8T
n. handwriting.
A compound of "Pel" and "Noot,” it literally
means "writing skill.”
pelorun PELORUN
n. scriptorium, a scribes 'office'.
"Pel" with the suffix "-orun,” "a place of
peluft PELUFT
n. quill.
A compound of "Pel" ("Write") and "Uft"
pelvahrot PELV4ROT
v. subscribe.
Lit. "written vow.”
pelzahd PELZ4D
v. punctuate, punctuation.
Lit. means "to write a point," or "written
pentaar PENT1R
v. punish, punishment.
Both the noun "punishment" and the verb "to
pentaaz PENT1Z
n. sanction.
Related to "Pentaaz,” "punish.”
peyt P9T
n. rose.
piilo P3LO
adj. potent.
piin P3N
v. drink.
piinaar P3N1R
n. drinker.
From "Piin,” "to drink.”
piinzoliik P3NZOL3K
adj. milk drinker.
piir P3R
v. chop.
piit P3T
adj. top.
piiv P3V
n. pit.
pik PIK
n. trace.
pikoon PIK8N
n. genitalia, genitals.
pindaar PIND1R
n. plain, plains, field.
Refers to a grassland or field, rather than an
adjective describing something that is plain or
piniir PIN3R
n. vessel, glass, jug, horn, mug,
anything that one drinks from.
"Piin" with the suffix "-niir,” "something one
drinks with.”
piraad P71D
n. claimant.
From "Piraan," "to claim.”
piraak P71K
v. possess.
piraakt P71KT
n. possession, property.
From "Piraak," "possess." Edited from
piraan P71N
v. claim.
From "Piraak," "to possess." Edited from "Siir.”
plozkaro PLOZKARO
n. tentacle.
Inspired by the Greek for "tentacle,"
pluz PLUZ
v. row.
pluzvaad PLUZV1D
n. rowboat.
A compound of "Pluz" and "Vaad.”
pogaad POG1D
adj. dense.
Derived from "Pogaas.”
pogaan POG1N
adj. many.
pogaan-luft POG1N-LUFT
adj. subjective, debatable, indefinite.
Edited and expanded from "Diskutirok.” A
phrase that means "many-faced.”
pogaankrii POG1NKR3
v. massacre.
From "Pogaan" and "Krii,” "many-killing.”
pogaanraal POG1NR1L
adj. polytheistic.
Derived from "Pogaanrah" with the suffix "-
aal.” Means "with or having many gods.”
pogaanrah POG1NR4
n. polytheism.
A compound of "Pogaan" and "Rah,” it literally
means "Many gods.”
pogaas POG1S
n. much.
pogaat POG1T
adj. several.
From "Pogaan,” "many.”
pogaav POG1V
v. multiply.
From "Pogaan," "many.”
pogahko POG4KO
adj. profuse, much of.
From "Pogaas,” "much.”
poguk POGUK
n. option, choice.
Derived from "Pogaan,” Many, and "Truk,”
pogukus POGUKUS
adj. choosy, fastidious, particular,
fussy, persnickety.
From "Poguk" with the suffix "-us.”
pok POK
n. box.
Pronounce ["poke"].
poltor POLTOR
v. capture.
pook P8K
v. stink.
pooksum P8KSUM
n. burp, belch.
From "Pook" and "Sum," "stink-breath." Noun
or verb.
pookus P8KUS
adj. stinky.
"Pook" with the suffix "-us.”
por POR
n. island, isle.
Derived from "Nor,” "land.”
portav PORTAV
n. tomato.
posiil POS3L
adj. abound, bountiful, copious.
From "Pogaan,” "many.”
poskur POSK6
n. spruce.
povaan POV1N
adj. abundant, bountiful, plentiful,
fertile, fruitful.
Edited from "Zonorgraz.”
povaas POV1S
n. abundance, bounty, plenty, fertility.
Edited from "Norgraz.” Relates to "Pogaan,”
povortii POVORT3
adj. excessive.
From "Pogaas," "much," and "Vortii,"
pozaan POZ1N
n. elixir.
pozaar POZ1R
n. liter.
pozik POZIK
n. pound.
The measurement of weight, rather than the verb
"to pound" or the money.
praad PR1D
v. awake / wake.
From "Praan,” "to rest.”
praadnepiin PR1DNEP3N
n. coffee, caffeinated drink.
A slightly shortened form of 'praadniir piin', lit.
"the awakening drink.”
praadonah PR1DON4
adj. conscious.
Lit. "waking sense.”
praadonom PR1DONOM
n. consciousness.
Alteration of "Praadonah" with the suffix "-
praag PR1G
v. need.
praagek PR1GEK
adj. necessary, needed.
From "Praag,” "need.”
praak PR1K
v. slither, slide.
Expanded from "Prak.”
praak-ronaaz PR1K-RON1Z
+ n. cursor, mouse.
From "Praak" and "Ronaaz," lit. "slithering
arrow." Refers to the cursor or mouse of a
praal PR1L
v. sit, sat, seat.
Expanded definition to include "seat." The verb
"to sit or seat," and the noun "seat.”
praan PR1N
v. rest.
praanlovaas PR1NLOV1S
n. requiem.
A compound of "Praan,” "rest,” and "Lovaas,”
praav PR1V
n. lair, roost.
Edited from "Grim" to relate to canon "Praan.”
prahk PR4K
v. purify.
prahkend PR4KEND
n. purification.
"Prahk" with the suffix "-end.”
prahm PR4M
v. print.
prakem PRAKEM
n. snake.
prakemiil PRAKEM3L
n. lamia.
Literal translation of Lamia, "Snake-Woman.”
pravoz PRAVOZ
n. bench.
praz PRAZ
n. price.
prazaak PRAZ1K
n. dinner, supper, evening meal.
praznu PRAZNU
adj. priceless.
'Praz' with suffix '-nu'.
prekal PREKAL
n. sparrow.
prel PREL
v. call.
From "Bel," "to summon." Edited from "Peyl.”
prelah PREL4
n. token.
prem PREM
n. patience, patient.
From "Drem,” "peace.” Corrected to semi-
prenlon PRENLON
n. ring.
As in a piece of jewelry. "Gein prenlon wah
mu'ul must pah, gein prenlon wah siiv must,
gein prenlon wah drun must pah ahrk ko vulom
gron must.”
prez PREZ
n. park.
I changed the spelling a bit so it doesn't get
confused with the suffix "-rah.”
priitor PR3TOR
n. parsley.
priivum PR3VUM
+ n. president.
Edited from "Priivu'um." Possibly related to
"Vum," "beard," as a word of authority.
priizah PR3Z4
n. bonus, perk.
Can be noun or adjective. Related to "Pruzah,”
prin PRIN
adj. petite, petty, minor.
prodah PROD4
v. foretell / foretold.
prodahk PROD4K
n. divination.
Derived from "Prodah,” "to foretell.”
prodahven PROD4VEN
v. foreshadow.
"Foretelling Wind,” to foreshadow or hint at
something. Can be a noun or a verb.
prodaz PRODAZ
v. migrate.
prok PROK
n. arch.
prolg PROLG
v. tame.
Opposite of "Volg,” "wild,” and "Prem,”
promiin PROM3N
v. foresee, foresight.
From "Prodah,” "foretell,” and "Miin,” "eye.”
pronah PRON4
v. knit.
Based on Icelandic "prjóna,” 'to knit'. .
proviz PROVIZ
n. plume, plumage.
prozeyv PROZ9V
v. preen.
Related to "Proviz.”
prudaas PRUD1S
n. paradise.
prudaav PRUD1V
adj. proper, appropriate, suitable,
prudil PRUDIL
adj. shallow.
prudilom PRUDILOM
n. shallowness.
"Prudil" with the suffix "-om.”
prukriig PRUKR3G
n. hunchback.
prulogel PRULOGEL
n. corundum .
prulos PRULOS
n. expert.
Derived from "pruzaan,” "best.” Can be used as
an adjective.
prun PRUN
adj. brown.
Edited from "Brun" to "Prun.”
prunaak PRUN1K
v. dine, eat well.
From "Pruzah/Good" and "Naak/eat.”
prunsahqo PRUNS4QO
adj. maroon.
From "Prun" and "Sahqo," "brown-red." Edited
from "Pruuq.”
prunsogaal PRUNSOG1L
n. topaz.
From "Prun" and "Sogaal," "brown gem.”
prunt PRUNT
v. succeed.
Opposite of Funt: to fail. Derived from Unt: to
try, Pruzah, good.
pruntaas PRUNT1S
n. success.
From "Prunt,” "to succeed.”
prus PRUS
v. blink, flash.
prusfil PRUSFIL
+ n. pulsar, neutron star.
Lit. "Flashing Star.”
prust PRUST
v. study.
Shortened from "Pruust.”
prustiik PRUST3K
n. student.
"Prust" with the suffix "_iik." Shortened from
prustmun PRUSTMUN
n. apprentice.
From "Prust,” "study,” and "Mun,” "man.”
Shortened from "Pruustmun.”
pruvos PRUVOS
n. affection, feeling, sentiment.
pruvosaal PRUVOS1L
adj. affectionate, sentimental.
"Pruvos" with the suffix "-aal,” "with or having
pruz PRUZ
adj. better.
Based on "Pruzaan,” "Best,” and "Pruzah,”
pruzaan PRUZ1N
adj. best.
pruzah PRUZ4
adj. good, well.
Expanded definition to include "well.” For the
moral sense of "good,” see "Kul.”
pruzahguur PRUZ4G5R
interj. goodbye.
A compound of "Pruzah" and "Guur,” a
lengthier version of "Guur.”
pruzeim PRUZ2M
n. paragon, elite, exemplar, epitome.
From "Pruzah.”
pruziig PRUZ3G
n. virtue.
Related to "Pruzah,” "good.”
pugal PUGAL
n. olive.
pukreh PUKREH
v. dent, dint.
From "Kreh,” "to bend.”
pun PUN
n. flour, farina, meal.
Shortened from "Puun.”
punah PUN4
adj. female.
pund PUND
n. mill.
Referred to "Puun" ("Flour,” "Farina").
punkenlok PUNKENLOK
+ n. doughnut, donut.
From "Pun" and "Kenlok," "flour-circle."
Shortened from "Puunkenlok.”
punmak PUNMAK
adj. male.
pus PUS
adj. small, tiny.
pusaas PUS1S
n. powder.
From "Pus" meaning "Small.”
pusahkrii PUS4KR3
n. dagger, knife, shortsword.
It's the mixture of pus and zahkrii. Can refer to
any sword smaller than a longsword. (Literally
meaning small sword).
pusast PUSAST
adj. powdery.
From "Pusaas,” "powder.”
pusojur PUSOJ6
n. bug, insect, mosquito, fly.
General term for any kind of bug or insect.
pusonin PUSONIN
n. scorpion.
Derived from Pusojur and Nin to make Sting-
pusrig PUSRIG
adj. paltry, worthless.
Based on "Pus,” "small.”
puvah PUV4
n. detail.
Loosely based off of "Small" or "Pus" and
"Truth" or "Vahzen.”
puzaar PUZ1R
n. thane.
qaar Q1R
n. right, entitlement.
Something one has a right to, something someone
is entitled to obtain, or somehow they are entitled
to act.
qaariv Q1RIV
v. deserve.
From "Qaar,” "right.”
qah Q4
n. armor.
Part of the "Dragon aspect" shout in
Dragonborn Dlc.
qahaar Q41R
adj. armored.
From "Qah,” "armor.”
qahd Q4D
n. chest, case.
Derived from "Qah" an armored container.
qahdtus Q4DTUS
n. cuirass, chestplate.
A compound of "Qahd" meaning "Chest" and
"Tus" meaning "Plate." Armor someone would
wear to cover the front of their torso.
qahliir Q4L3R
n. armory.
Derived from "Qah,” "armor.”
qahmunus Q4MUNUS
n. mannequin.
From "Qah," "Mun," and "Nus," "armored
man statue.”
qahnaar Q4N1R
v. vanquish, deny, denial.
Means "to vanquish," and also "to deny.”
qahnaarin Q4N1RIN
n. vanquisher.
qahriil Q4R3L
+ n. tank.
Lit. "armor-monster.”
qahrus Q4RUS
n. cocoon.
From "Qarah," "shell.”
qahsuld Q4SULD
n. pauldron.
Armor one would wear to cover the shoulders.
qahv Q4V
n. pot.
Edited from "Qaar.”
qalos QALOS
v. touch.
qalteyk QALT9K
n. beaver.
qarah QAR4
n. shell.
From "Qah,” "armor.”
qarask QARASK
n. champagne.
qator QATOR
n. mace.
qavolaan QAVOL1N
v. rape.
Related to "Qalos,” "touch,” and "Volaan,”
qelek QELEK
v. baptize, anoint.
qeln QELN
v. sin.
qeraat QER1T
n. morningstar.
qerisogal QERISOGAL
n. gargoyle.
qeth QETH
n. bone.
qethgaaf QETHG1F
n. draugr.
Literally "Bone-Ghost,” Draugr is the Icelandic
word for Ghost.
qethkrah QETHKR4
v. spine chilling, bone chilling.
A compound meaning "bone-cold.” Used as a
verb. "Tol qethkrah,” "that is spine-chilling.”
qethsegol QETHSEGOL
n. stone.
Often used in reference to Word Walls. For the
general word see "Golz.”
qethsegolahrol QETHSEGOL4ROL
n. granite hill.
Alleged "correct" spelling of "Quethsegolahrol,”
supposing that it was misspelled in the book
"Holdings of Jarl Gjalund.”
qethserigir QETHSERIG7
n. spine.
Literally "bone of the back.”
qethsevulon QETHSEVULON
n. obsidian.
"Bone of the night.”
qethsewuth QETHSEWUTH
n. fossil.
"Bones of Old.”
qibiik QIB3K
adj. cutie.
"Qiib" with the suffix "-iik," someone who is
cute or adorable.
qiib Q3B
adj. cute, adorable, endearing.
qiilaak Q3L1K
v. submit, submission.
From "Qiilaan," "to bow.”
qiilaan Q3L1N
v. bow.
Means "to bow" rather than the weapon.
qiilaanzin Q3L1NZIN
n. salute, salutation.
Lit. "bow-honor.” Can also be used as a verb.
qiiraz Q3RAZ
n. robe.
qiistur Q3ST6
n. fever.
qiiv Q3V
n. hut, shack, cabin.
qo QO
n. lightning.
qobo QOBO
adj. nimble, swift.
Lit. "lightning,” "move.”
qobokaaz QOBOK1Z
+ n. cheetah.
From "Qobo" and "Kaaz," "swift-cat." Further,
qoborom QOBOROM
n. nimbleness, swiftness.
"Qobo" with suffix "-rom.”
qodii QOD3
n. chalice, goblet, grail.
Edited from "Qodeih.”
qolaak QOL1K
n. ballad.
qolaas QOL1S
v. herald.
qolaasuv QOL1SUV
adj. heraldic.
"Qolaas" with the suffix "-uv.”
qolor QOLOR
n. wit, cunning, quick wits.
Lit. "Lightning-thought.”
qomorah QOMOR4
+ n. electricity, electric, electrical.
Lit. "lightning focused.”
qomorahuv QOMOR4UV
+ adj. digital.
From "Qomorah," "electricity.”
qor QOR
adj. total.
qoreyn QOR9N
adj. sovereign .
Derives from " Qor / Total.
qosaar QOS1R
n. prophet.
From "Qostiid.”
qostiid QOST3D
n. prophecy.
qostiiduv QOST3DUV
adj. prophetic.
"Qostiid" with the suffix "-uv.”
qostrun QOSTRUN
n. thunderstorm.
Lit. "lightning storm.”
qoth QOTH
n. tomb.
Part of the shout "Soul Cairn Summon,” a shout
only the dragon Durnehviir from Dawnguard
dlc can use.
qothaan QOTH1N
n. funeral.
Referred to "Qoth,” "tomb.”
qubex QUBEX
n. lockpick.
From "Qulek,” "lock,” and "Bex,” "open.”
quethsegolahrol QUETHSEGOL4ROL
n. granite hill, was a small town in
what was later falkreath hold.
Possibly misspelled, may otherwise be
"Qethsegolahrol": "stone hill.”
qulaav QUL1V
v. fasten.
From "Aav,” "join,” and "Qulek,” "lock.”
qulek QULEK
n. lock.
As in a locked chest or "this lock is hard to pick,”
can also be used as a verb.
qulekolz QULEKOLZ
n. keystone.
From "Qulek" and "Golz," "locking stone.”
qurnen Q6NEN
n. standard, default, normal, regular.
raal R1L
v. growl, snarl.
Edited from "Gral.”
raald R1LD
n. temple.
raaldsevul R1LDSEVUL
n. vivec city.
Literally "Temple of the Dark.”
raalik R1LIK
n. fir.
raaminsah R1MINS4
n. sphinx.
raan R1N
n. animal.
raanahkoraav R1N4KOR1V
n. menagerie.
Compound meaning "animal exhibit.”
raanisav R1NISAV
+ n. zoo.
From "Raan," "animal.”
raanom R1NOM
n. fur.
A compound of "Raan" and "Om.”
raanomus R1NOMUS
adj. furry.
From "Raanom,” "fur.”
raanuv R1NUV
adj. animalistic.
"Raan" suffixed with "-uv.” Edited from
raas R1S
v. skip.
raaviir R1V3R
n. pirate.
raavun R1VUN
v. consist, compose.
raaz R1Z
n. size.
Example: "of large size" - "do saak raaz.”
raf RAF
n. hole, gap, rift.
From Old Norse "rauf.”
ragiinix RAG3NIX
n. sandwich .
Related to "Nix,” "between.”
ragnavir RAGNAV7
n. family.
rah R4
n. god, gods.
rahgol R4GOL
n. rage.
rahgot R4GOT
n. anger.
Either noun or verb.
rahgron R4GRON
adj. angry.
rahlo R4LO
n. course.
rahlodren R4LODREN
n. obligation .
Compound of "Rahlo,” "course,” "Dren,”
"action.” Edited from "Rahlostig.”
rahlozaan R4LOZ1N
n. guru.
rahlun R4LUN
n. religion.
Derived from "Rah" ("God"), with the "-lun"
rahlunkei R4LUNK2
adj. religious, clerical.
"Rahlun" with the suffix "-kei.”
rahmun R4MUN
n. cleric, clergy.
A compound that means "Godman.” Plural is
"Rahmuz,” "Godmen.”
rahn R4N
v. pass.
rahnaar R4N1R
n. sanctuary, a sacred or holy place.
From "Rah,” "god.”
rahnd R4ND
n. passage, access.
The noun form of "Rahn,” meaning "passage,”
"access,” or "way,” not a "passage/excerpt"
from writing.
rahnu R4NU
n. godless.
"Rah" with the suffix "-nu.”
rahnunahst R4NUN4ST
n. avatar.
Lit. "god-manifest.” See also "Kopraanzii.”
rahofan R4OFAN
n. miracle.
Lit. 'god-given'.
raholt R4OLT
n. frenzy.
From "Rahgol," "rage.”
rahun R4UN
n. saint.
Lit. "God-hero." Edited from "Hahgen.”
rahus R4US
adj. godly, godlike.
"Rah" with the suffix "-us.”
rahvahriin R4V4R3N
n. covenant.
"God-sworn,” "sworn to god.”
rahvok R4VOK
n. mask.
rahvul R4VUL
n. menace.
Related to "Vul," "dark." Edited from
rahvum R4VUM
n. necklace.
rahvurd R4V6D
+ n. lanyard .
Related to "Rahvum,” "necklace.”
rahwundun R4WUNDUN
n. pilgrimage.
From "Rah" and "Wundun.”
rahwunduniik R4WUNDUN3K
n. pilgrim.
From "Rah" and "Wunduniik.”
rahzaas R4Z1S
n. resource.
rahzun R4ZUN
n. soldier.
Reverse-derived from Sovrahzun.
rak RAK
n. moth.
rakroved RAKROVED
n. blasphemy.
Based on the dovah words for god and
disgrace/defile, "Rah" and "Kroved.”
ranemaar RANEM1R
n. daggerfall.
rath RATH
n. river.
rathol RATHOL
n. channel, canal, duct.
Based on "Rath,” "river.”
rav RAV
n. groove, slit.
rax RAX
n. tooth, teeth.
"Teeth" is included for search purposes. The
plural form can either be "Rax" or "Raxxe.”
raxnu RAXNU
adj. toothless, spineless, can be used
to refer to lack of dominance, strength,
or courage.
Can be used as a metaphor for "spineless"/
lacking dominance, strength, or courage.
razaan RAZ1N
n. rhythm.
raziir RAZ3R
n. mane.
redenteyk REDENT9K
n. accident.
rediirah RED3R4
v. edit.
This word has been inspired from Danish
(redigere) and Swedish (redigera).
reg REG
n. lady.
The feminine form of "Drog.”
rei R2
n. row, line.
reid R2D
n. side.
reik R2K
n. shock / lightning.
Sometimes a synonym to "Qo,” "Reik" refers
more to the magical element of shock and magical
reimokur R2MOK6
n. vermin.
rein R2N
v. roar.
reistig R2STIG
adj. definite / definitive / certain.
reistigaar R2STIG1R
n. definiteness, certainty.
From "Reistig," "definite / certain.”
rek REK
pron. she.
reken REKEN
n. garment, apparel.
rel REL
v. dominate, domination, dominance.
Expanded definition to include "domination"
and "dominance.”
reld RELD
n. leather.
reldaal RELD1L
adj. dominant.
Based on "Rel,” "to dominate,” "with or having
relokriin RELOKR3N
n. tsunami/tidal wave.
rem REM
adv. too.
To the extent, not also. See "Ahk.”
renek RENEK
adj. stale, dry, spoiled.
resh RESH
v. rob, cheat, con, robbery, heist.
Noun and verb.
reshiik RESH3K
n. robber, cheater.
"Resh" with the suffix "-iik.”
revak REVAK
adj. sacred.
revakaad REVAK1D
n. sanctum.
From "Revak" and "Staad.”
revakiiz REVAK3Z
n. stalhrim.
A compound of "Revak" and "Iiz,” it literally
means "Sacred ice.”
revkoron REVKORON
n. ceremony, custom, ritual.
revkoronuv REVKORONUV
adj. ceremonial, customary, ritual.
Of or relating to ceremony. Edited from
revneis REVN2S
n. bramble.
reyliik R9L3K
n. race / races (heritage).
reyliikun R9L3KUN
adj. racism.
"Reylik" with the suffix "-un.”
reym R9M
n. anus, ass, rectum.
reymuv R9MUV
adj. anal, rectal.
"Reym" with suffix "-uv," lit. "of or pertaining
to the anus.”
reynak R9NAK
n. llama.
reyth R9TH
n. tree.
reythkiir R9THK3R
n. sapling.
Lit. "tree-child.”
reythsos R9THSOS
n. sap.
"Tree blood.”
reyzan R9ZAN
v. remain.
From the Old English word "restan.”
reyziin R9Z3N
n. remnant, remains.
reyzir R9Z7
v. flicker.
rez REZ
n. pet.
rezmor REZMOR
n. candle.
rezmoriiv REZMOR3V
n. candelabra, candlestick.
Based on "Rezmor,” "candle.”
rezus REZUS
adj. pet.
Lit. "petly": used to describe something that is a
pet; "aan rezus wor": "a pet walrus.”
ribrulost RIBRULOST
n. backpack.
From the words "Rigir" (back) and "Brulost"
rideykel RID9KEL
+ n. e-book, digital book.
"Deykel" with the modern prefix "Ri-,"
"electric/digital book.”
rigevoth RIGEVOTH
+ n. network.
Comes from 'Ri-' and from 'gevoth' meaning
'Electric connection.'.
rigir RIG7
n. back.
The body part. Derived from Old Norse
"hryggr.” Can also be the preposition.
rigirtiv RIG7TIV
adv. backward.
Based on "Rigir,” "back,” and "Amativ,”
"onward.” Edited from "Yapur.”
rihahdrim RIH4DRIM
+ n. computer.
Lit. "electric mind.”
rihonaat RIHON1T
+ n. synthesizer, synthesized sound.
"Honaht" with the prefix "Ri-,” "electric
rihoniir RIHON3R
+ n. microphone.
"Honiir" with the prefix "Ri-,” "electric ear.”
rii R3
n. essence.
Part of the "Soul Tear" shout from the
Dawnguard dlc.
riid R3D
adj. dire, important.
Derived from "Rii,” literally means "the essence
of a situation.”
riidom R3DOM
n. importance.
From "Riid,” "important.”
riig R3G
v. reek, stench.
Can mean a noun or a verb "to reek or smell,” or
"a reek or stench.”
riik R3K
n. gale.
riil R3L
n. monster.
riilgaar R3LG1R
adj. essential.
Related to "Rii,” "essence.”
riilkei R3LK2
n. monstrous.
"Riil" with the suffix "-kei.”
riin R3N
n. wave.
riiv R3V
n. fabric, cloth.
riived R3VED
n. clothes, clothing.
Can also be used as a verb "to clothe.”
riiveis R3V2S
n. cradle.
riiz R3Z
v. rinse.
rikahtus RIK4TUS
+ n. circuit, computer chip.
Derived from "Rik-,” relating to electricity;
"hah,” mind; and "tus,” plate.
rikakwaar RIKAKW1R
+ n. electric guitar.
"Akwaar" with prefix "Rik-.”
rikmah RIKM4
n. chicken.
rikofaal RIKOF1L
+ v. download.
"Ofaal" with the prefix "Rik-.”
rikuth RIKUTH
+ n. computer program, code.
Using the prefix "Ri-/Rik-," "electric
rilahk RIL4K
n. masser.
rilorpel RILORPEL
+ n. blog.
Derived Risulor, "website," and "Pel,” "to
write.” Fully, "electric thought write.”
rim RIM
v. gain, acquire, obtain.
rimend RIMEND
n. acquisition, obtainment.
"Rim" with the suffix "-end.”
rindah RIND4
n. bark.
The bark of a tree, as opposed to a dog's bark.
rinid RINID
adj. equal.
From "Rinis,” "same.”
rinidsul RINIDSUL
n. equinox.
Lit. "equal day.”
rinik RINIK
adv. very.
rinis RINIS
n. same.
rinisur RINIS6
n. draw, tie.
Derived from "Rinis.”
rinveiliin RINV2L3N
adj. cisgender.
Derived from "Rinis" and "Veiliin.”
ris RIS
v. place, put.
Edited from "Raal.”
risulor RISULOR
+ n. website.
Using the prefix "Ri-,” "electric air thought.”
rith RITH
n. flash, flare.
rithwundun RITHWUNDUN
v. teleport.
From "Rith" and "Wundun," "flash-travel.”
rithwunduniik RITHWUNDUN3K
+ n. teleporter.
The suffix, "-iik" creating the verb,
"Rithwundun (teleport)" into a noun,
ritir RIT7
n. rhyme.
Derived from Rinis, or same.
ritrin RITRIN
n. ribbon.
Related to "Trin,” "string.”
rivun RIVUN
v. depend, rely.
Based off the Finnish word "Riippuvainen.”
Shortened from "Riivun.”
rivunaal RIVUN1L
adj. dependent.
"Rivun" with the suffix "-aal," "having
rizulvoth RIZULVOTH
+ n. server.
Meaning a computer server. "ri-" + "zulvoth":
"electric communicate.”
ro RO
n. balance.
roaal RO1L
adj. balanced, having balance.
From "Ro" with the suffix "-aal,” with or having
rod ROD
n. wheel.
Pronounced "rode.” Derived from an old
European root word for circle/round.
rodraan RODR1N
v. prepare.
From "Ro" and "Dreh." Edited from "Nahlok.”
rohah ROH4
n. sane, sanity.
Edited from "Zuriim.” Means "balanced mind /
rok ROK
pron. he.
rok ROK
n. word, very rarely used.
rokah ROK4
v. drift.
From the Icelandic for "drift," "reka." Edited
from "Rakah." Can be used either as a noun or a
rokiiz ROK3Z
n. whip.
rokmah ROKM4
n. rooster, cockerel, cock.
roktorig ROKTORIG
n. vocabulary.
From "Rok,” "word.”
rolnah ROLN4
adj. sudden.
rolur ROL6
v. agree.
Edited from "Kroklur" and "Krolur." Related to
"Ro," "balance.”
ronaan RON1N
n. archer.
ronaar RON1R
n. archery.
From "Ronaan,” "archer.”
ronaaz RON1Z
n. arrow.
ronadir RONAD7
n. juniper.
ronax RONAX
n. regiment.
roniik RON3K
n. rival.
Noun of "Ronit.”
ronir RON7
n. monk, ascetic, nun.
Not gender specific.
ronit RONIT
v. rival.
ronk RONK
n. wax.
ronth RONTH
n. vehicle, transport.
Non-specific, common.
roodam R8DAM
n. cloak, cape.
ropentaar ROPENT1R
n. retribution.
Lit. "balanced punishment.”
rorikhofkah RORIKHOFK4
n. rorikstead.
Lit. "Rorik's Stead.”
roronaaz RORON1Z
v. nock.
Meaning to ready an arrow on a bow. Melding of
"Ro,” "balance,” and "Ronaaz,” "arrow.”
rostaam ROST1M
n. sepal.
rot ROT
n. word.
Refers to a spoken or conceptual word, rather
than a written word , which is "Sik.”
rot-thun ROT-THUN
n. grammar.
Literally "Word-Law." Alternatively,
rotmulaag ROTMUL1G
n. word of power.
rotun ROTUN
v. translate / translation.
From "Rot" and "Tun," "word-trade." The verb
"to translate" and the noun "translation."
Shortened from "Rotuun.”
rotuniik ROTUN3K
n. translator.
From "Rot" and "Tuniik," "word-trader."
Shortened from "Rotuuniik.”
rotzekein ROTZEK2N
n. slander, calumny.
Lit. "word,” "assault.”
rovaan ROV1N
v. wander.
rovahaan ROV41N
n. wisp.
From "Rovaan,” "wander.”
rovaniik ROVAN3K
adj. wanderer.
Shortened from "Rovaaniik.”
rovit ROVIT
v. browse.
From "Rovaan," "wander,” and "Tovit,"
rovmonah ROVMON4
n. wispmother.
Derived from the words Rovahaan and Monah, it
means Wanderlight Mother.
rozol ROZOL
n. harbinger, omen.
ru RU
v. run.
rud RUD
n. depth.
Shortened from "Ruud.”
rudvim RUDVIM
v. clasp, clutch.
rukaan RUK1N
n. runner.
From "Ru,” "to run.”
ruknaar RUKN1R
v. climb / scale.
rukor RUKOR
n. residue.
rukoruv RUKORUV
adj. residual.
"Rukor" with the suffix "-uv,” "of or pertaining
to residue.” Edited from "Rukoriil.”
rul RUL
adv. when.
Special case, used only when the word is the first
in the sentence.
rum RUM
n. root.
Edited from "Arum.”
runaz RUNAZ
n. crossbow.
Edited from "Qahlaan.”
rund RUND
v. establish / found.
Shortened from "Ruund.”
rundak RUNDAK
n. foundation.
Combination of "Rund" and the suffix "-ak.”
Shortened from "Rundak.”
runir RUN7
n. stronghold.
rup RUP
n. chapter.
Chapter of a book or organization.
ruskir RUSK7
v. scurry, scamper.
Derived from "Ru,” "run.”
rut RUT
n. danger, threat, peril.
Edited from "Hask.”
ruth RUTH
n. rage, damn.
Primarily means "rage.” Can also be used as an
interjection, meaning "curses!" or "damn!.”
rutkei RUTK2
adj. dangerous, perilous.
"Rut" with the suffix "-kei.” Edited from
ruus R5S
n. throat, neck.
Edited from "Hruus.”
ruuslid R5SLID
n. collar.
ruuv R5V
n. hoard.
ruv RUV
adj. pure.
ruvaak RUV1K
n. raven.
ruvaar RUV1R
n. tiger.
ruvaarkey RUV1RK9
n. zebra.
From "Ruvaar" and "Key," lit. "tiger horse.”
ruveyzun RUV9ZUN
n. captain, a ship's captain.
Edited from "Ru'un." Related to "Veysun,"
ruvol RUVOL
adj. pale.
ruvolom RUVOLOM
n. paleness, pallor.
From "Ruvol,” "pale" with suffix "-om.”
ruvuk RUVUK
n. crescent.
ruz RUZ
adv. then.
ruzaak RUZ1K
n. bolt, dart.
Bolt of a crossbow, a small arrow. Can also be
used as a verb, "to dart or bolt.” Edited from
ruzun RUZUN
prep. since.
saad S1D
adj. real, actual.
From Old Norse "saðr" ("true").
saadom S1DOM
n. realness, reality, realism, actuality.
"Saad" with the suffix "-om.”
saag S1G
v. say, said.
Derived from the words Sah, Gah and Sagu (Old
English, lit. "Say").
saagtir S1GT7
v. exclaim.
Literally 'say out.'.
saak S1K
adj. big, large.
Variation of the dragon word for Mighty, Sahrot.
saakaviir S1KAV3R
n. kangaroo.
From "Saak" and "Kaviir," "large-rabbit.”
saakom S1KOM
+ n. afro.
From "Saak," "large," and "Om," "hair.”
saaltor S1LTOR
n. camel.
saalum S1LUM
n. brood.
Refers to a group, rather than to dwell in
saan S1N
v. lose.
saanahaal S1N41L
adj. demented.
From "Saanhah" and the suffix "-aal,” "with or
having dementia.”
saanhah S1NH4
n. dementia.
From "Saan" and "Hah,” "lost-mind.”
saanin S1NIN
n. loser.
Edited from "Siziik" to fit canon "Saan.”
saar S1R
n. loss.
An alteration of "Saan,” "to lose.”
saat S1T
v. sail.
saatiik S1T3K
n. sailor.
"Saat" with the suffix "-iik.”
saatvaas S1TV1S
n. shanty.
Derived from "Saatiik" ("Sailor") and "Lovaas"
("Song, Music").
saavir S1V7
adj. rich.
Can pertain to money or abundance of
something; a rich land, or a rich color.
sadon SADON
n. gray / grey.
Altered to include British English spelling in the
definition to make searching easier.
saf SAF
n. grove.
sah S4
n. phantom.
sahlag S4LAG
adj. pathetic, petty, pitiful.
Based on the Icelandic word "sorglegt.”
sahlo S4LO
adj. weak.
sahlojoor S4LOJ8R
n. pest, weakling.
Lit. "Weak-Mortal.” Edited from "Sojuur.”
sahlom S4LOM
n. weakness.
"Sahlo" with the suffix "-om.”
sahlon S4LON
n. smell, scent, aroma.
sahlonu S4LONU
adj. immune, immunity.
"Sahlo" with the suffix "-nu," "weakless.”
sahlos S4LOS
n. lust.
sahlovik S4LOVIK
adj. decrepit, feeble.
Related to "Sahlo,” "weak.”
sahluv S4LUV
n. dew.
Edited from "Hasah." Means "phantom tears.”
sahmey S4M9
n. stupor.
sahqo S4QO
adj. red.
sahqomun S4QOMUN
n. redguard .
A compound of "Sahqo" and "Mun,”
"Redman.” The plural is "Sahqomuz.”
sahqon S4QON
adj. crimson.
sahqonor S4QONOR
n. hammerfell.
From Sahqo (Red) and Nor (Land/Province),
"Red Land.”
sahqos S4QOS
adj. scarlet.
Derived from "Sahqo,” "red.”
sahrel S4REL
v. tempt.
sahrelend S4RELEND
n. temptation.
"Sahrel" with the suffix "-end.”
sahrok S4ROK
n. might.
From "Sahrot,” "mighty.”
sahrot S4ROT
adj. mighty.
sahsir S4S7
n. coil.
sahsun S4SUN
n. village.
sahsunaar S4SUN1R
n. villager.
sahto S4TO
v. quit.
Possibly related to "Sahlo,” "weak.”
sahtul S4TUL
n. pommel.
Edited from "Satuul.”
sahvaas S4V1S
adj. zealous.
From "Sahvot,” "faith.”
sahvaat S4V1T
n. zealot.
From "Sahvot," "faith.”
sahviir S4V3R
n. excuse.
sahvol S4VOL
v. excuse.
The verb "to excuse.” See "Sahviir" for the
sahvot S4VOT
n. faith.
sahvotei S4VOT2
adj. faithful.
From "Sahvot,” "faith.”
sahvotnu S4VOTNU
adj. faithless.
"Sahvot" with the suffix "-nu.”
sahvoz S4VOZ
n. reaper.
Related to "Sah,” "phantom.”
salaat SAL1T
n. lettuce.
Based on the Norwegian name for lettuce, salat.
saluk SALUK
v. perish.
saraan SAR1N
v. await, wait.
sarein SAR2N
v. hesitate.
From "Saraan,” "to wait,” and "Sein,” "slow.”
Edited from "Peksein.”
sarodaal SAROD1L
n. cyrodiil.
The dragon name for "Cyrodiil,” borrowed with
alterations to spelling. Edited from "Siirodiil.”
sarodaalen SAROD1LEN
adj. cyrodiilic, english.
"Sarodaal" with the origin suffix "-en.” This can
mean the Cyrodiilic/English language, or
anything from Cyrodiil. Edited from
sath SATH
n. bowl.
sav SAV
v. save.
Derives from "Saviik,” with the suffix "-iik" to
modify it into "Savior.”
savend SAVEND
n. salvation.
From "Sav" with the suffix "-end.”
saviik SAV3K
n. savior.
se SE
prep. of.
Used rarely in sentence structure, mostly used in
compound words.
sed SED
n. three.
sedan SEDAN
adj. triple.
From Sed, three.
sedbaas SEDB1S
n. trilogy.
From the words "Baas" and "Sed" meaning
"art" and "three.” To imply three works of art.
sedig SEDIG
n. triangle.
sedklov-du'ul SEDKLOV-D5L
n. tribunal.
Literally "Three-headed Crown.”
sedmet SEDMET
n. trio, triad.
Lit. "Three-match.”
sedzii SEDZ3
n. trinity.
From "Sed" and "Zii," "three-spirit.”
seh SEH
adj. light, soft.
Meaning "light in weight,” as opposed to visual
sehven SEHVEN
n. zephyr.
"Light wind.”
seik S2K
v. mean.
To mean something, rather than being
mean/rude. Edited from suk to seik to avoid a
seilhei S2LH2
n. ecstasy.
seiluz S2LUZ
v. fathom.
sein S2N
adj. slow.
From Old Norse "seinn.”
seinraan S2NR1N
n. sloth.
From "Sein," "slow," and "Raan," "animal."
Refers only to the animal.
seirak S2RAK
v. experience.
Can be used as a noun also.
seirakmun S2RAKMUN
n. adept.
From "Seirak" and "Mun,” "experienced man.”
sek SEK
n. bed.
sekmir SEKM7
n. shepherd.
sekreid SEKR2D
adj. bedside.
selor SELOR
adj. devout.
selrak SELRAK
v. devote.
Related to "Selor,” "devout.”
selvaas SELV1S
n. museum.
selvakor SELVAKOR
v. dedicate.
sen SEN
n. boy.
senah SEN4
n. bill.
sendaar SEND1R
n. desert.
Edited from Klopindaar.
sendahrol SEND4ROL
n. dune.
Formed from "Sendaar" and "Ahrol.”
sent SENT
v. deal.
Also a noun.
serk SERK
n. rat.
setjah SETJ4
v. adorn, decorate.
setjahl SETJ4L
n. adornment, decoration, ornament.
setkiir SETK3R
n. toy.
Based on "kiir,” "child.” Used exclusively to
refer to a child's toy.
setkiirjor SETK3RJOR
n. doll.
From "Setkiir" and "Jor,” lit. "toy person.”
sevmah SEVM4
n. carpet, rug.
sevnov SEVNOV
n. jam, jelly.
sevuryuv SEV6YUV
n. marmalade.
Derived from "Sevnov" and "Bizuryuv.”
seyl S9L
v. rock, sway, heave, waver.
seyrt S9RT
v. hiss.
More informal or casual than "Liis,” which has
more of a fierce or animalistic connotation.
seyvuz S9VUZ
v. paralyze, stun.
seyvuzos S9VUZOS
n. paralysis.
From "Seyvuzos.”
shaal SH1L
n. card.
shaan SH1N
v. inspire.
Part of the "Battle Fury" shout in the
Dragonborn dlc.
shanaar SHAN1R
n. inspiration.
From "Shaan," "to inspire.”
shar SHAR
adj. loud.
sharom SHAROM
n. loudness.
"Shar" with the suffix "-om.”
shiirugrah SH3RUGR4
n. chancellery.
Based on "Shiirukaar,” "chancellor.”
shiirukaar SH3RUK1R
n. chancellor.
shik SHIK
v. spit, sputter, splutter.
Pronounced "sheen.”
shir SH7
adj. dear.
shiraav SH71V
n. sweet, candy.
sholatz SHOLATZ
n. manganese.
shon SHON
adj. nice.
shovok SHOVOK
n. waltz.
shul SHUL
n. sun.
See also "Krein." A Word of Power. Possibly
related to "Sul," "day." Connotations may be
more strongly related to daylight, heat, and fire.
shulhild SHULHILD
n. nectarine.
Lit. "sun-apple.”
shulkun SHULKUN
n. sunlight, sunshine, daylight.
A combination of "Shul" and "Kun,” edited
from "Kreinhaan.”
shulmah SHULM4
n. sunset, sundown.
"Shul" with "mah" meaning "sun-fall.”
shulrod SHULROD
+ n. solar system.
Lit. "sun wheel.”
shulus SHULUS
adj. sunny.
From "Shul,” "sun" with suffix "-us.”
shuluv SHULUV
adj. solar.
"Shul" suffixed with "-uv,” "of or pertaining to
the sun.” Edited from "Kreiniil.”
shun SHUN
v. clean, cleanse, wash.
shuniir SHUN3R
n. soap, lotion.
"Shun" with the suffix "-niir,” "something you
clean or wash with.”
shunstaad SHUNST1D
+ n. washroom, bathroom, restroom,
From "Shun,” "to clean or wash,” and "Staad,”
shur SH6
v. go.
shuv SHUV
n. dish.
sifahliil SIF4L3L
n. falmer, lost elf.
Derived from the composite Sizaan-Fahliil, it
refers to the Falmer, as they exist post-
enslavement. For Snow Elf, see "Odfahliil.”
sifyaar SIFY1R
n. affinity.
Old Norse corruption of "Sifjar" meaning
"Affinity" as well.
sigolz SIGOLZ
n. runestone.
Derived from "Sik" and "Golz" (by the analogy
of "Dovahgolz").
sii S3
n. apparition, sprite.
With more benevolent connotations than "Gaaf"
or "Hokzii.”
siid S3D
adj. third.
Ordinal of "Sed.”
siifur S3F6
v. own.
siifurdein S3F6D2N
n. ownership.
"Siifur" with the suffix "-dein.”
siigonis S3GONIS
n. argonian, lizard.
siigren S3GREN
n. sigil, seal, charge.
Derived from Siin, Strin, and the Norwegian
"Segl,” meaning "Seal.”
siin S3N
n. sign.
siindah S3ND4
n. symbol.
Extension of the word "Siin" (sign). Edited from
siinorah S3NOR4
n. reminder.
Lit. means "sign,” "remind.”
siinsezin S3NSEZIN
n. badge.
Literally, "sign of honor.”
siintul S3NTUL
v. signify, signal, beacon.
Derived from "Siin" (Sign). Verb "to signify or
signal," and noun "signal or beacon.”
siinvu S3NVU
adj. signless.
"Siin" suffixed with "-vu.”
siison S3SON
n. python.
siith S3TH
n. page.
siiv S3V
v. find / found.
siivahzen S3V4ZEN
v. analyze, inspect, investigate.
A compound of "Find" or "Siiv,” and "Truth"
or "Vahzen.”
siizuk S3ZUK
adv. extra, additional.
Related to "Zuk,” "more.”
sijum SIJUM
n. rum.
From "Jum,” "liquor.” Edited from "Siiruum.”
sik SIK
n. rune, word.
Means a written word, not "Rot" which means
more of a spoken word.
sikdeykel SIKD9KEL
n. dictionary.
From "Sik" and "Deykel.”
sil SIL
n. soul.
sildwiin SILDW3N
n. mettle.
lit. "soul-steel.”
sileyz SIL9Z
n. emblem.
From "Siindah," "symbol.”
silfo SILFO
n. unrequited love.
Literally, "soul frost." The opposite of the
warmth in one's soul felt when one is in love.
silgren SILGREN
n. soul gem.
Lit. "soul prison.”
silkun SILKUN
n. aura.
From "Sil" and "Kun,” "soul-light.” Edited
from "Silhaan.”
sillesejoor SILLESEJ8R
n. mortal souls, the souls of mortals.
silliin SILL3N
n. soulmate.
Combination of Sil (Soul) and Liin (Mate).
silmand SILMAND
n. heartbeat.
A compound of "Sil,” "soul,” and "Mand,”
silnu SILNU
adj. soulless.
"Sil" with the suffix "-nu.”
silyol SILYOL
n. september / heart fire.
Yol: Fire, Sil: Soul.
sinak SINAK
n. finger / fingers.
sindugahvon SINDUG4VON
adj. unyielding.
sinkod SINKOD
n. gear.
From "Kod,” "wield.” Not to be confused with
the mechanical type of gear.
sinon SINON
adv. instead.
sir S7
v. sow.
As in one reaps what one sows.
sirn S7N
v. sell.
sirnaaz S7N1Z
n. merchant/clerk/seller.
From Sirn (Sell).
sirvein S7V2N
n. niece.
Related to "Kravein,” "nephew.”
sivaas SIV1S
n. beast.
See also "Sunvaar." Connotations may be more
benign and nature-oriented, closer in meaning to
"animal" than "monster.”
siz SIZ
v. lose.
Derived from "Sizaan,” "have lost.”
sizaan SIZ1N
v. lost.
skaam SK1M
n. skeever.
skaan SK1N
v. slam.
skag SKAG
v. smite, annihilate, demolish,
From "Ag," "burn." To destroy, particularly by
skah SK4
n. scourge, taint.
Can also be used as a verb "to taint.”
skahnov SK4NOV
n. mournhold.
skar SKAR
n. hawk.
skein SK2N
n. scar.
skem SKEM
v. amuse.
skemaan SKEM1N
adj. amused.
"Skem" with the suffix "-aan.”
sken SKEN
n. chain.
sken-worax SKEN-WORAX
+ n. chainsaw.
From "Sken," "chain," and "Worax," "saw.”
skeniir SKEN3R
n. gash, gouge, laceration, deep
skenpor SKENPOR
n. archipelago.
From the words "Sken" meaning "Chain" and
"Por" meaning "Island.”
skerah SKER4
n. stomach, belly.
skevur SKEV6
n. greave.
Shortened from "Skevuur.”
skeyz SK9Z
n. beetle.
skiif SK3F
v. grin.
From "Niif" meaning "to smile." Also can be
used as a noun.
skiiv SK3V
v. tilt, skew.
To tilt. Derived from English word "skew.”
skilaan SKIL1N
v. support, maintain, uphold.
Edited from "Skiilan.”
skildir SKILD7
v. oblige, constrain, necessitate,
skin SKIN
v. pinch.
Pronounced "Skeen.”
skobov SKOBOV
v. swindle, cheat.
Also can be used as a noun.
skoboviik SKOBOV3K
n. rogue, trickster, counterfeiter,
"Skobov" with the suffix "-iik.”
skovaan SKOV1N
+ n. kilt.
From "Skovaas," "skirt.”
skovaas SKOV1S
n. skirt.
skoz SKOZ
v. collect.
skozahrel SKOZ4REL
n. parlay, a cumulative series of bets.
From "Skoz,” "collect,” and "Dezahrel,”
skozriin SKOZR3N
adj. collective.
From "Skoz.”
skraav SKR1V
n. hull.
skras SKRAS
n. guile.
skuld SKULD
n. gate, gateway.
skunvar SKUNVAR
n. bargain.
skur SK6
n. scamp.
slaag SL1G
n. elf, mer, derogatory.
slen SLEN
n. flesh.
slenaak SLEN1K
n. carnivore.
A combination of "flesh" and "eat.”
slenaakin SLEN1KIN
n. sarcophagus.
Lit. "flesh eater,” based on the English
slendugaaf SLENDUG1F
n. ghoul.
Based on "Flesh,” "Devour,” and "Ghost.”
slenselok SLENSELOK
n. poultry.
A compound meaning "flesh of the sky.”
slentuz SLENTUZ
n. cleaver.
A compound of "Slen" or "Flesh" and "Blade"
or "Tuz,” literally means "flesh-blade.”
slesgen SLESGEN
n. blister.
Based on Old English "blegen" and "Slen,”
sliin SL3N
n. meat.
Like flesh, just more for edible purposes.
sliinbrot SL3NBROT
+ n. meatloaf.
From "Sliin" and "Brot," "meat-bread.”
sliit SL3T
v. snap.
sloog SL8G
v. bat.
Can also be used as the noun. For the animal, see
"Naat." .
sluv SLUV
n. silk.
Edited from "Su'uld.”
sluvus SLUVUS
adj. silky, silken.
"Sluv" with the suffix "-us.”
smaal SM1L
n. desire.
Edited from "Krahl.” Related to "Smoliin,”
"passion.” Also a verb.
smahlu SM4LU
n. sheep.
From Old Norse "smali.” Edited from "Smahl.”
smoliin SMOL3N
n. passion.
smolinaal SMOLIN1L
adj. passionate.
From "Smoliin" with the suffix "-aal.”
snaad SN1D
n. knot.
snol SNOL
n. pub, bar, tavern.
snoldein SNOLD2N
n. barman, barkeep, bartender.
Lit. "barkeep.”
snuk SNUK
n. dragonfly.
so SO
n. sorrow, melancholy, woe.
Expanded definition to include "Woe.”
sod SOD
n. exploit, deed.
sogaal SOG1L
n. gem, jewel.
sok SOK
n. six.
sokaaz SOK1Z
n. bay, gulf.
Derived from the words "So" and "Okaaz.”
sokei SOK2
adj. sorrowful, mournful, doleful,
woeful, solemn.
"So" with the suffix "-kei.”
sokoh SOKOH
v. clop, clatter.
Refers to the sound made by horse's hooves.
sokreid SOKR2D
n. hexagon.
Means "Six-Side.”
sol SOL
adj. orange.
Derived from Old Norse "sol" ("sun"). Only the
color. For the fruit, see "Solfruk.”
solfruk SOLFRUK
n. orange.
Compound of "Sol" and "Fruk,” "orange-fruit.”
solkiig SOLK3G
n. brawn, vigor, strength.
Refers to physical strength.
solkiigaal SOLK3G1L
adj. vigorous.
Literally, "having vigor.”
solog SOLOG
n. lead.
The metal "lead.” See "Inaak" for the verb "to
sologaal SOLOG1L
n. garnet.
solqahd SOLQ4D
n. robin.
Melding a "Sol" and "Qahd,” "orange-chest.”
som SOM
n. wool.
From "smahl,” sheep, and "om,” hair. Could also
likely be generalized to refer to any type of wool
(e.g. alpaca, etc). .
somah SOM4
n. tragedy.
Edited from "Hormun." Lit. "sorrowfall.”
somahus SOM4US
adj. tragic.
"Somah" with the suffix "-us.”
somit SOMIT
n. yarn.
Based on "som,” "wool,” but can refer to any
son SON
adv. less.
The word itself, as opposed to the prefix "So-.”
sonaak SON1K
n. priest.
sonaan SON1N
n. bard.
sonesk SONESK
n. carrot.
sont SONT
adv. thrice.
Based on "Sed,” "three,” and "Ont,” "once.”
sonvaak SONV1K
n. poetry.
A combination of "Sonaan,” "bard,” and
"Tinvaak,” "speech.”
sonziik SONZ3K
adj. irregular, peculiar, queer.
Mixed of 3 different sounds: english "queer,”
german "seltsam" and russian
транный.” Edited from
sook S8K
v. spin.
soqat SOQAT
adj. pink.
Combination of "Sot" and "Saqho.”
soron SORON
adj. semi-canon.
So: less, Oron: canon.
sos SOS
n. blood.
sosaal SOS1L
v. bleed.
sosahlos SOS4LOS
n. bloodlust, bloodthirst, sanguinary .
Literal, from "Sos" and "Sahlos." .
sosdiin SOSD3N
n. hypothermia.
A compound meaning "blood-freeze.”
sosfil SOSFIL
+ n. red giant, red giant star.
Lit. "Blood Star.”
sosforaan SOSFOR1N
n. surname.
Lit. "blood-name.”
sosfrin SOSFRIN
n. hyperthermia.
A compound of "Sos" and "Frin,” it literally
means "blood-hot" (on the analogy of "Sosdiin,”
sosgol SOSGOL
n. sandstone.
Lit. "blood-stone.”
sosin SOSIN
n. witch.
Reverse-derived from "Ensosin,” "bewitch.”
Possibly a compound of "Sos" and "In,” "blood-
master.” This has a more vile connotation than
sosinkros SOSINKROS
n. witchcraft.
From "Sosin" and using "Kroson," "work," as a
partial suffix to make "works or deeds of a
sosinmaar SOSINM1R
n. coven.
"Sosin" with "-maar," "witchhood." Could also
be seen as "witch-terror.”
soskiin SOSK3N
n. sibling.
A compound of "blood" and "born.”
soskren SOSKREN
n. incest.
"Sos" and "kren,” "blood break.”
soslen SOSLEN
n. gore, carnage.
Melding of "Sos,” "blood" and "Slen,” "flesh.”
sosmah SOSM4
n. bloodshed.
From "Sos" and "Mah,” "blood-fall.”
sosnaak SOSN1K
n. vampire.
Lit. "Blood-Eat.”
sosnaak-dur SOSN1K-D6
n. vampirism.
From "Sosnaak," "vampire," "Vampire-Curse.”
sossedov SOSSEDOV
n. blood of dragonkind, dragonblood.
sostrah SOSTR4
n. vein, artery.
Derived from "Sos" and "Strah,” it means
literally "blood's way.” Can be used to mean
either a vein or an artery.
sot SOT
adj. white.
sothah SOTH4
n. clockwork.
Also an adjective.
sotiiv SOT3V
v. excite.
sotiivend SOT3VEND
n. excitement, excitation.
"Sotiiv" with the suffix "-end.”
sotlaakir SOTL1K7
n. garlic.
Sot: white, Laakir: leek. Derived from the base
Scandinavian "vit-lok" ("garlic,” literally,
"white leek").
sov SOV
v. spend / spent.
sovaar SOV1R
n. plane, realm.
As in, a plane of existence.
sovaat SOV1T
n. payment, compensation.
"Sov" with the suffix "-aht,” "that which is
soven SOVEN
adj. secret, hidden.
sovit SOVIT
v. draw, pull, bring out.
sovngarde SOVNGARDE
n. sovngarde.
The dragon language does not have a separate
name for Sovngarde.
sovrahzun SOVR4ZUN
n. mercenary.
soz SOZ
n. yard.
soziik SOZ3K
adj. grave / gravely.
From "So," "sorrow.”
sozkul SOZKUL
v. scrub.
spaal SP1L
v. shield, safeguard, shelter.
Also the noun "shelter/safeguard.” "Spaan"
should be used over this in cases where the direct
translation is "shield.”
spaan SP1N
n. shield.
spein SP2N
adj. late.
spek SPEK
v. peck.
From "Spok," "beak.”
spiin SP3N
n. screen.
From "Spaan," "shield." Also usable as a verb,
"to protect or shield as with a screen.”
spiir SP3R
v. spray, splash.
spok SPOK
n. beak.
Edited from "Svok.”
staad ST1D
n. place, area, location, site.
The noun meaning "a place,” as opposed to the
verb "Raal" which means "to place or put.”
Added to the definition to clear confusion
between it and "Raal.”
staadnau ST1DNAU
adj. unbound.
staag ST1G
n. barrow, mound.
staak ST1K
n. inhabitant, denizen.
Referred to "Staad.”
staal ST1L
n. port.
staalzer ST1LZER
n. longshoreman, docker, someone
who loads and unloads ships at port.
staavek ST1VEK
v. miss / long for.
Longing for someone/something that is absent,
not to miss a target.
staaz ST1Z
n. harbor.
Edited from "Hjier.”
stahdim ST4DIM
adj. holy, divine.
stahduk ST4DUK
n. totem, holy symbol.
stahr ST4R
n. innocence.
stahraal ST4R1L
adj. innocent.
"Stahr" with the suffix "-aal,” "with
starak STARAK
n. bail.
A bail of hay, rather than the monetary sense.
stav STAV
n. spell.
A magic spell, not the verb "to spell.”
stavek STAVEK
v. to cast or use a spell.
Based on "Stav,” "spell.”
steg STEG
v. step.
Can be a verb or a noun.
stegniir STEGN3R
n. stair / stairs / ladder / stepladder.
Based on steg (to step), "that which is stepped.”
stek STEK
n. beef.
Inspired by Norwegian word for "roast.”
ster STER
v. kick.
ster-niiv STER-N3V
+ n. kickball.
From "Ster" and "Niiv," literally "kick-ball.”
stiilah ST3L4
adj. subtle, slight.
stiild ST3LD
n. quiet, calm, stillness.
The noun meaning "quietness/stillness,” not an
stiildus ST3LDUS
adj. quiet, calm, still.
"Stiild" with the suffix "-us" to form an
stiis ST3S
v. spill, shed, especially blood.
stin STIN
adj. free.
stin STIN
n. freedom.
Edited from "Stinun.”
stinrovaan STINROV1N
v. meander.
Lit. "free-wander.”
stintuz STINTUZ
n. freelance, freelancer.
Literally, "Free Blade.”
stiz STIZ
v. steer.
storn STORN
n. sink, basin.
Refers to a sink of water, etc., not the verb
meaning "to sink.” Edited from "Styorn" and
stov STOV
n. boot.
straag STR1G
v. turn.
straan STR1N
n. strife.
From "Strun," "storm," indicating harsh
strah STR4
n. road, way.
strahn STR4N
v. wade, ford.
strahtafiir STR4TAF3R
n. highwayman.
From "Strah" and "Tafiir,” "road-thief.”
strevind STREVIND
n. staple.
A basic principle or item; "a staple of the fantasy
genre," not referring to the "stapler" tool.
strilor STRILOR
adj. concise.
strilorend STRILOREND
adj. concision.
From "Strilor,” "concise" with suffix "-end.”
strimiin STRIM3N
v. nap.
To blink your eyes. Strin: shut, Miin: eyes.
Edited from "Srinmiin.”
strin STRIN
v. close, seal, shut.
The verb meaning "to close,” not the adjective
meaning "close" or "near.” Edited from "Srin.”
stroh STROH
n. ritual.
strov STROV
v. strum.
strovodinok STROVODINOK
n. necromancy.
Stroh: Ritual, Vodinok: Undead.
strun STRUN
n. storm.
strunaar STRUN1R
n. breakthrough, milestone.
Lit. "storm-summit,” something difficult to
strundaam STRUND1M
n. stormcloak.
Based on "Strun,” "storm,” and "Roodam,”
strundu'ul STRUND5L
n. stormcrown.
strungir STRUNG7
adj. turbulent, tremulous.
Based on "Strun," "storm.”
strunkaronahs STRUNKARON4S
n. storm atronach.
Alteration of "Mukaronahs" (Atronach).
strunmah STRUNM4
n. mountain.
strunmahus STRUNM4US
adj. mountainous.
"Strunmah" + "-us.”
strunsul STRUNSUL
n. saturday / loredas.
Lit. "Storm Day.”
strunus STRUNUS
adj. stormy, angry.
Combination of "Strun" and the suffix "-us.”
Mainly means "stormy" but can also mean
studaar STUD1R
n. excellence.
studen STUDEN
adj. excellent.
stum STUM
n. south.
From "Tum," "down." Edited from "Sedin.”
stunden STUNDEN
adj. southern, southerly.
From "Stum" with the suffix "-en.” Edited from
stur ST6
n. stool.
sturon ST6ON
v. agitate.
Inspired from the Old english word "styrian.”
styorngol STYORNGOL
n. swamp, bog, marsh.
A compound of "Styorn" (sink) and "Gol"
su SU
n. air.
su'um S5M
n. breath, inner spirit.
suf SUF
n. gas, vapor.
sufask SUFASK
adj. gossamer.
From "Fask,” "delicate.” Meaning "something
delicate.” Also used as a noun.
sufol SUFOL
n. sugar.
sufolbrot SUFOLBROT
n. cake.
A compound of "Sufol" and "Brot,” "sugar
sufolbrot SUFOLBROT
+ n. cookie.
From "Sufol" and "Brot," lit. "sugar bread.”
sufolduul SUFOLD5L
n. glaze/frosting.
From "Sufol" and "Du'ul,” "sugar-crown.” Can
also be a verb "to coat/crown with sugar.”
sufolus SUFOLUS
adj. sugary.
"Sufol" with the suffix "-us.”
sujir SUJ7
v. astonish, dazzle.
suk SUK
adj. least.
From "Zuk,” "most.”
sukaat SUK1T
n. intent, intention.
Based on "Sukah,” "to intend.” Edited from
sukah SUK4
v. intend.
sukiv SUKIV
n. minimum.
Derived from "Suk,” "least.” Also used as an
sul SUL
n. day.
sulak SULAK
adj. casual, nonchalant.
suld SULD
n. shoulder.
suldaan SULD1N
n. apocalypse, armageddon,
Inspired by "Sul" and "Oblaan.”
suldaanuv SULD1NUV
adj. apocalyptic.
"Suldaan" with the suffix "-uv.” Edited from
suleyk SUL9K
n. power.
suleykaar SUL9K1R
adj. powerful.
suleykoz SUL9KOZ
n. hierarchy.
Based on "Suleyk,” "power.”
suleyksejun SUL9KSEJUN
adj. realm, dominion.
Lit. "power of the king.”
suliiv SUL3V
v. choke, strangle.
Edited from "Drend." From "Su" and "Liiv,"
sulovaas SULOV1S
+ n. aria.
From "Su,” "air,” and "Lovaas,” "song.”
sulus SULUS
adj. daily.
"Sul" with the suffix "-us.”
sulvek SULVEK
n. comfort, solace.
For both noun and verb -- to comfort someone, or
to find comfort in something.) Edited from
sulvekaal SULVEK1L
adj. comfortable.
sum SUM
v. breathe.
The verb form of "Su'um,” also derived from
sumaar SUM1R
n. nose, nostril.
A variation of "Sum,” "to breathe.”
sumaariiv SUM1R3V
+ n. tissue paper.
From "Sumaar" and "Riiv," "nose-cloth.”
sumaas SUM1S
n. lung, lungs.
Refers to "Sum,” is its own plural.
sumah SUM4
v. whisper, murmur.
Derived from "Sum,” "breathe.”
sun SUN
v. blow, to blow air.
Edited from "Bos." Related to "Su," "air.”
sunaak SUN1K
n. pipe, reed, woodwind.
Referred to "Su" ("Air").
sunah SUN4
n. lance.
sunu SUNU
v. sigh.
From "Su,” "air.”
sunvaar SUNV1R
n. beast / beasts.
See also "Sivaas." Connotations may be more
wild or savage, closer in meaning to "monster"
than "animal.”
sur S6
adj. yellow.
suraas S61S
n. gust, surge, flurry.
suraath S61TH
n. velocity.
Related to "Su,” "air.”
surahgol S64GOL
n. hurricane.
A compound of "Su" and "Rahgol,” "air rage.”
suranmiik S6ANM3K
adv. especially, specifically,
suril S6IL
n. wheat.
sus SUS
adj. bloody / bloodied.
Derived from "Sos,” with the suffix "-us,”
contracted to form an easier-to-pronounce word.
sutah SUT4
v. sprinkle, spritz.
suth SUTH
n. breeze, draft.
Related to "Su,” "air.”
suvulaan SUVUL1N
n. twilight.
suyah SUY4
v. hug.
suz SUZ
v. figure, estimate.
The verb meaning "to figure,” rather than a
person "figure.”
svaan SV1N
adj. every.
svaangein SV1NG2N
pron. everyone.
See also "Pah.”
svenjir SVENJ7
n. savanna.
svin SVIN
v. swim.
From Old Norse "svima.”
sviniik SVIN3K
n. swimmer.
Svin and -iik.
svistak SVISTAK
n. ankle.
taak T1K
interj. ouch!/ow!.
taargu T1RGU
v. degrade, debase, abase.
Related to "aar,” "servant/slave.”
taavin T1VIN
n. debris, refuse.
taavoz T1VOZ
v. elaborate.
taazokaan T1ZOK1N
n. tamriel.
tafiir TAF3R
n. thief.
tah T4
n. pack.
tahdoor T4D8R
n. barrel.
Edited from "Hamrak.”
tahlok T4LOK
n. flock.
Lit. "pack (of the) sky.”
tahlon T4LON
v. align, straighten, order.
tahmus T4MUS
v. react.
Based of the Finnish "Taantumus" (Reaction).
tahmusend T4MUSEND
n. reaction.
"Tahmus" with the suffix "-end.”
tahrodiis T4ROD3S
adj. treacherous.
tahrovin T4ROVIN
n. treachery.
tahvir T4V7
adj. straight.
tahzos T4ZOS
n. broth.
tal TAL
n. account, report.
talaav TAL1V
n. hoof.
taldeykraan TALD9KR1N
+ n. newspaper.
From "Tal" and "Deykraan," "report paper.”
tanz TANZ
v. dance.
tarim TARIM
n. toll.
tarn TARN
adj. steady, stable.
tarukun TARUKUN
v. jabber, gabble, gibber.
tarvok TARVOK
n. greed.
tarvokus TARVOKUS
adj. greedy.
"Tarvok" with the suffix "-us.”
tasnah TASN4
n. compassion.
tauliis TAUL3S
n. talisman.
taumir TAUM7
n. bridle.
tavus TAVUS
adj. tan, beige.
tefsu TEFSU
v. suck.
Lit. "pull,” "air.”
tegal TEGAL
v. counter.
tegalrot TEGALROT
v. object, disagree.
From the words "Tegal" meaning "counter" and
the word "Rot" meaning "word.”
tegalrotak TEGALROTAK
n. objection.
From the word "Tegalrot" meaning "Object"
and the suffix "-ak.”
teivo T2VO
adj. drunk, intoxicated, inebriated.
tekar TEKAR
adj. hideous, haggard, ugly.
tekarom TEKAROM
n. hideousness, ugliness.
"Tekar" with the suffix "-om.”
tend TEND
v. bar, obstruct.
Based on "Tendrok,” "Barrier/Obstruction.”
tendrok TENDROK
n. barrier, obstruction.
ter TER
v. add, augment, increase, produce,
amplify, make many of.
Rhymes with "air.” Edited from "Tjer.”
terag TERAG
v. harry, harass, badger.
tet TET
n. title, epithet.
Inspired by Scandinavian terms for "title.”
tey T9
n. tale.
teyfuniik T9FUN3K
n. storyteller.
From "Tey" and "Fun.”
teymaak T9M1K
n. chronicle.
From "Tey,” "tale.”
teyx T9X
adj. front.
teyxah T9X4
n. frontier.
Derived from "Teyx.”
teyxom T9XOM
n. bangs.
Literally "Front hair.”
thaal TH1L
v. leap.
Slightly derived from "Thral," "jump.”
thaar TH1R
v. obey.
The verb form of "Thaarn.”
thaarn TH1RN
n. obedience.
thaarnu TH1RNU
adj. disobedient.
"Thaarn" + "-nu": "without obedience";
synonymous with "Vozothaarn.”
thalabrot THALABROT
n. pastry.
From "Brot,” "bread.”
ther THER
n. square, center.
thesk THESK
n. mess, disarray, turmoil.
From Icelandic "sothaskapur.”
thok THOK
n. dirt, soil.
From Old Norse "othokku.”
thokaz THOKAZ
v. pollute.
From "Thokus,” "dirty.”
thokriiv THOKR3V
n. rag.
Literally 'dirt-cloth'.
thokus THOKUS
adj. dirty.
From "Thok" with the suffix "-us.”
tholaar THOL1R
n. artifact, artefact, relic.
tholah THOL4
v. tolerate.
Derived from Old Norse.
thon THON
n. ton.
thraat THR1T
prep. despite.
From the Icelandic word for "despite,"
thral THRAL
v. jump.
thrinmah THRINM4
n. pineapple.
thu'um TH5M
n. dragon shout, voice.
This refers to the power of the Voice, not regular
thu'umnu TH5MNU
adj. voiceless.
A slur or curse, implying someone is incapable of
the Voice.
thul THUL
n. thunder.
Shortened from "Thu'ul.”
thulkei THULK2
adj. thunderous.
"Thul" with the suffix "-kei.” Shortened from
thun THUN
n. law.
From "Thur," "overlord.”
thunkodiik THUNKOD3K
+ n. police, policeman.
From "Thun" and "Kod," "law-wielder.”
thunuth THUNUTH
n. judge.
From "Thun" and "Uth," someone who
commands law.
thunuv THUNUV
adj. legal.
"Thun" with the suffix "-uv,” "of or pertaining
to the law.” Edited from "Thuniil." .
thunvu THUNVU
n. lawless, bandit, outlaw.
An adjective that means "lawless,” as well as a
noun that means "bandit" or "outlaw.”
thur TH6
n. overlord, overlordship, lordship,
tyranny, tyrant.
Expanded definition to include "lordship" and
thurot TH6OT
n. absolute, absolutness, an absolute
A compound meaning "overlord word.” The
adjective "absolute" and a noun meaning "an
absolute truth.”
thus THUS
n. shore.
Altered from "Tuuz" to avoid homophone with
"Tuz.” Edited from "Tuus" to avoid homophone
with "Tus.”
thuz THUZ
adv. thus, therefore.
Related to "Ruz,” "then.”
tii T3
v. count.
To count time or items. Like "Krii,” its past form
is "Tiaan.”
tiid T3D
n. time.
tiid-ahraan T3D-4R1N
n. time wound.
tiid-bo T3D-BO
n. time-flight, time travel, also as a
verb, to fly through time.
tiid-haalziik T3D-H1LZ3K
+ n. metronome.
From "Tiid" and "Haalziik," lit. "time-clapper.”
tiid-staadnau T3D-ST1DNAU
adj. existing outside of time, or not
bound to the laws of time.
Primarily in reference to the Elder Scrolls. Lit.
"time-unbound." Edited from "Miirney.”
tiidahmaan T3D4M1N
n. flashback, recollection, thoughts of
the past.
Lit. "time-remember.”
tiidfar T3DFAR
n. calendar.
Lit. "time-track.”
tiidmah T3DM4
v. destine.
Lit. "time-fall." Edited from "Vruun.”
tiidmiiraak T3DM3R1K
+ n. wormhole.
From "Tiid," "time," and "Miiraak," "portal.”
tiidnavir T3DNAV7
n. lineage, line, house.
Based on "Tiid" and "Ragnavir.”
tiidnu T3DNU
adj. timeless, permanent, immutable,
Edited from "Ahgul.”
tiidnul T3DNUL
n. timelessness, permanence,
Edited from "Ahgulom.”
tiidus T3DUS
adj. timely.
From "Tiid, "time" with suffix "-us.”
tiiduv T3DUV
adj. temporal.
"Tiid" with the suffix "-uv.” Edited from
tiik T3K
v. hang.
tiin T3N
adj. weary.
tiinah T3N4
n. aunt.
Related to "Briinah," "sister." Edited from
tiindo T3NDO
n. vintage.
From "Tiid,” "time.”
tiinu T3NU
adj. countless.
"Tii" with the suffix "-nu.”
tiiraaz T3R1Z
adj. sad.
Corrected from "Tiraaz.”
tiiraazom T3R1ZOM
n. sadness.
"Tiraaz" with suffix "-om.” Corrected from
tiizak T3ZAK
n. cistern.
tik TIK
n. month.
tikaar TIK1R
adv. monthly.
Tik + -gaar.
til TIL
adv. there.
timak TIMAK
v. mumble, mutter.
tind TIND
v. chat.
A shortened, casual form of "Tinvaak.”
tindey TIND9
n. calligraphy.
tingrol TINGROL
n. mongrel.
tinvaak TINV1K
v. talk, speak, discuss / speech,
conversation, discussion.
Can be used as both a verb, "to talk/speak,” and a
noun meaning "talk,” "speech,” or
tinvaakin TINV1KIN
n. speaker, orator.
Based on "Tinvaak.”
tinvaaknu TINV1KNU
adj. speechless.
tinvaakuv TINV1KUV
adj. social, conversational.
From "Tinvaak," "speech." Edited from
tinvaatey TINV1T9
n. play, an oral story.
From "Tinvaak" and "Tey,” "spoken tale.”
tinviis TINV3S
n. accent.
Edited from "Araak." Related to "Tinvaak,"
tinvirlaan TINV7L1N
n. syntax.
This was created from "Tinvaak" (speech) and
"Virlaan" (order).
tinvok TINVOK
n. language.
Based on "Tinvaak,” "speech.”
tir T7
adv. out.
tirah T74
adj. foreign.
Based on "Tir,” "out.”
tirahk T74K
adj. safe.
tirahkom T74KOM
n. safety, safeness.
tiran T7AN
n. border.
tirdun T7DUN
n. sage.
Shortened from "Tirduun.”
tirn T7N
n. ware / wares.
Is its own plural.
tirsum T7SUM
v. exhale.
Compound meaning "out-breathe.”
tirtiv T7TIV
adj. outward.
"Tir" with the suffix "-tiv.”
tirvah T7V4
n. clover.
tirzahtiid T7Z4T3D
adj. obsolete.
Lit. "out of time,” or "out of the finite time.” .
tivoz TIVOZ
n. upkeep.
to TO
conj. though, although.
Pronounced like "toe.”
todol TODOL
n. gait.
togaat TOG1T
v. attempt.
tokaan TOK1N
n. number.
tokaas TOK1S
n. math, mathematics.
From "Tokaan," "number.”
tokaasiik TOK1S3K
+ n. calculator.
"Tokaas" with the suffix "-iik," "that which does
tokah TOK4
n. guild, organization, league, club.
Edited from "Dokahl.”
tokingrah TOKINGR4
adj. flexible.
Loosely translated, "able to make long.”
tol TOL
pron. that.
tolaak TOL1K
v. twist.
tolaas TOL1S
n. advise/advice.
Edited from "Barlaas.”
tolal TOLAL
n. honey.
ton TON
n. thousand.
toneruvos TONERUVOS
n. millennium.
A compound meaning "thousand-year.”
tonkranek TONKRANEK
+ n. kilogram.
A compound of "Kranek" and "Ton.” Extended
from "Tonkraan.”
tonmezaar TONMEZ1R
n. kilometer.
A compound of "ton,” "thousand,” and
"mezaar,” "meter.”
tonpozaar TONPOZ1R
n. kiloliter.
"Pozaar" compounded with "Ton,” "thousand.”
toor T8R
n. inferno.
toorus T8RUS
adj. infernal.
"Toor" with the suffix "-us.” Edited from
tor TOR
n. dusk.
toraas TOR1S
n. doe.
Related to "Toriig.”
toriig TOR3G
n. stag, buck.
torsul TORSUL
n. thursday / turdas.
Lit. "Dusk Day.”
tovaak TOV1K
v. suggest, suggestion.
Edited from "Bardur." Related to "Tinvaak,"
tovit TOVIT
v. search.
tovitaan TOVIT1N
n. searcher, seeker.
tovok TOVOK
n. wonder.
tovokei TOVOK2
adj. wondrous.
From "Tovok" with the suffix "-kei.”
tovos TOVOS
n. thyme.
toz TOZ
adj. due.
tozein TOZ2N
n. mistake, fault, error, flaw, err.
Can also be used as a verb, "to err, mistake,
error, fault.”
tozeinvu TOZ2NVU
adj. faultless, flawless, perfect.
"Tozein" with the suffix "-vu.”
traas TR1S
n. grief.
traaskei TR1SK2
adj. grievous.
"Traas" with the suffix "-kei,” "full of grief.”
traaz TR1Z
n. beach.
trah TR4
v. grieve.
trahkiin TR4K3N
n. trait, attribute.
From "Kiin,” "born,” an inborn quality.
treiyun TR2YUN
n. cannon .
tren TREN
n. mile.
treymoz TR9MOZ
v. ambush.
triik TR3K
n. caravan, train, any procession of
trimal TRIMAL
n. trinket.
Based mostly on a small ware, a small thing.
Wares and Trinkets are used interchangeably in
the cases of some shop keepers and traders.
trin TRIN
n. string.
trir TR7
n. tip.
trof TROF
v. shred.
trofir TROF7
adj. tropic.
trofiren TROF7EN
adj. tropical.
Edited from "Wernek.” Means "of or originating
from the tropics.”
trog TROG
v. snatch, snag, grab.
Edited from "Vork.”
trok TROK
n. stuff.
A variation of 'truk' meaning 'thing'. Informal.
troz TROZ
n. thorn.
trug TRUG
v. stagger.
truk TRUK
n. thing.
trum TRUM
v. sink.
From "Tum," "down." The verb "to sink," not
the noun.
trun TRUN
n. case, matter, affair, ordeal.
Edited from "Hiitir.”
tu TU
n. hammer.
tudren TUDREN
n. wrist.
Edited from "Deh.”
tuk TUK
n. brick.
tuknokin TUKNOKIN
n. bricklayer.
Literally, "bricklayer,” from "Tuk" and "Nok.”
tukuz TUKUZ
v. suppress.
Related to "Ukuz,” "oppress.”
tul TUL
conj. still, yet.
Used to mean both "still" and "yet." From
"Rul," "when." Edited from "Maht.”
tuld TULD
v. tumble.
Based on "Wuld," "whirlwind," in a sense of
tulk TULK
n. sty.
From the Welsh for "sty," "twlc.”
tum TUM
prep. down.
tumah TUM4
n. downfall, collapse, crumble.
From "Tum" and "Mah.” Also a verb, "to
collapse, crumble, or have a downfall.”
tumbo TUMBO
v. descend.
From the words "Tum" meaning "Down" and
"Bo" meaning "Move.”
tumbonaar TUMBON1R
v. prostrate.
From "Tum,” "down,” and "Bonaar,”
tun TUN
n. trade.
Can also be a Verb.
tunihah TUNIH4
n. doloire .
Related to "Hahkun.” This type of axe is
sometimes called a Wagoners Axe. It is known
that axes of this type were carried with the
wagon trains supporting medieval and
Renaissance armies. It was probably used as both
a tool and a weapon and many are found in
various armories around the world. .
tuniik TUN3K
n. trader.
"Tun" with the suffix "-iik.”
turguld T6GULD
n. buckler.
turgun T6GUN
n. bucket.
turog T6OG
n. mule.
tursaal T6S1L
n. citizen, civilian.
tursaaldein T6S1LD2N
n. citizenship.
The noun "tursaal" with the suffix "ein/dein.
tursaaluv T6S1LUV
adj. civil.
"Tursaal" with the suffix "-uv.”
tursak T6SAK
v. collapse, crumble.
tus TUS
n. plate.
tus-niiv TUS-N3V
+ n. baseball.
From "Tus" and "Niiv," "plate-ball.”
tusron TUSRON
v. race, sprint, to move at full speed.
tuz TUZ
n. blade.
ubaak UB1K
n. base, station.
ufiik UF3K
n. troll.
ufiin UF3N
v. invent.
ufiinsah UF3NS4
n. invention.
Based of the Norwegian word "oppfinnelse.”
Edited from "Ufiinseh.”
ufiinsiik UF3NS3K
n. inventor.
Based on "Ufiinsah" with the suffix "-iik.”
ufir UF7
adj. decent, respectable.
ufirzah UF7Z4
n. decency.
From "Ufir,” "decent.”
uft UFT
n. feather.
uftdwiin UFTDW3N
n. mithril.
Based on "Uft" and "Dwiin,” "feather-steel.”
uful UFUL
v. worry.
Can be used as a noun or a verb.
ukiir UK3R
n. antic, caper.
ukust UKUST
n. oppression.
Edited from "Ukund.”
ukuz UKUZ
v. oppress.
Edited from "Ukun.”
ukuziik UKUZ3K
n. oppressor.
"Ukuz" with the suffix "-iik.” Edited from
ul UL
n. eternity.
ulaak UL1K
v. care.
Also a noun.
ulaakei UL1K2
adj. careful.
"Ulaak" with the suffix "-kei.”
ulaaknu UL1KNU
adj. careless.
"Ulaak" with the suffix "-nu.”
ulaaknurom UL1KN6OM
n. carelessness.
"Ulaaknu" with the suffix "-rom.”
ulaan UL1N
adj. entire, whole, complete.
Edited from "Ulan.”
ulanhimdah ULANHIMD4
adj. national.
Lit. "whole-home.”
ulaz ULAZ
n. angle.
uld ULD
v. might.
Based on "Aal.” The verb "might,” not the noun
meaning "strength/power.”
ulfah ULF4
n. creature.
uliid UL3D
adj. precise.
uliidom UL3DOM
n. precision, preciseness.
"Uliid" with the suffix "-om.”
ulm ULM
n. elm.
ulokuun ULOK5N
n. emperor, empress.
uloz ULOZ
v. wreck.
uluthan ULUTHAN
n. oregano.
um UM
prep. around.
umaak UM1K
n. log, record.
Can also be used as a verb, "to log/record.”
umdaal UMD1L
n. hilt.
umriid UMR3D
n. treasure.
Can be used as a noun or a verb.
un UN
pron. our, ours.
unad UNAD
v. choose.
Edited to "Unad" so it doesn't conflict with the
verb suffix "-iin.”
unadaan UNAD1N
adj. chosen.
"Unad" with "-aan.” Is also the present perfect
form of "Unad,” "have chosen.”
unagein UNAG2N
n. patron.
Based on "Unad" and "Gein,” literally, "chosen
unahzaal UN4Z1L
adj. unending / ceaseless / eternal (less
common than unslaad).
unaz UNAZ
adj. happy.
unaziin UNAZ3N
adv. happily.
An alteration of "Unaziin.”
unazom UNAZOM
n. happiness.
Derived from "Unaz" with the suffix "-om.”
undaar UND1R
adj. final.
undin UNDIN
prep. behind.
undoriik UNDOR3K
n. adventurer.
"Undoro" with the suffix "-iik.”
undoro UNDORO
n. adventure.
undorokei UNDOROK2
adj. adventurous.
"Undoro" with the suffix "-kei.” .
unen UNEN
n. billion.
uniid UN3D
n. term.
From the words "Tiid" meaning "Time" and
"Unad" meaning "Choose.”
unmaar UNM1R
pron. ourselves.
The reflexive of "Mu.”
unon UNON
n. million.
unslaad UNSL1D
adj. unending / ceaseless / eternal.
unslaar UNSL1R
adv. forevermore, evermore,
everlasting, everlastingly.
Related to "Unslaad,” "unending.” Can be used
as an adjective or an adverb.
unstiid UNST3D
adv. always, forever.
Derives from "Unslaad" and "tiid.”
unt UNT
v. try.
untaar UNT1R
adj. servile, abject.
Related to "Aar,” "slave/servant.”
untak UNTAK
n. trial.
"Unt" with the suffix "-ak,” the act of trying.
unviig UNV3G
v. dodge.
From Swedish "undvika,” Norwish "unnvike"
and Danish "undvige.”
ur 6
n. oar.
uraan 61N
n. brilliance, radiance, splendor.
urah 64
n. clock.
derived from German Uhr and from Latin
•ra (“hour―).
uraniik 6AN3K
adj. brilliant, radiant, splendid.
Edited from "Nirah.”
urid 6ID
v. reward, award.
Can also be used as a noun.
uriif 63F
n. prize.
Slightly related to 'Urid' - reward.
urik 6IK
adj. broad.
Used to describe like a broad scale(urik vrii), or
broad sword (urik zahkrii), or broad
understanding perhaps even, once
"understanding" or "knowledge" would be
added to the dictionary. Not sure how well it
would combine with a word though, might need
urikras 6IKRAS
n. epidemic.
Urik "broad" + Kras "sick.”
uroksvaal 6OKSV1L
n. marauder, reaver.
urzun 6ZUN
v. determine, conclude, choose.
us US
prep. before.
uskoros USKOROS
n. precedent.
Compound of "Us,” "before,” and "Koros,”
uskriif USKR3F
n. recipe.
Based on the Norwegian and Finnish language.
uslovaas USLOV1S
n. prelude.
Lit. "fore-song.”
usnaan USN1N
adj. foremost.
From "Us" and "Naan," "before any.”
usnutiid USNUT3D
n. history.
Lit. "before the present time.” This word
previously meant "past.”
ustidaan USTID1N
n. historian.
Edited from "Rotusnutiidel.”
ustiid UST3D
n. past.
Lit. "before-time.” Was previously "Usnutiid.”
usukah USUK4
v. premeditate.
From "Sukah" and "Us," "fore-intend.”
usul USUL
n. yesterday.
A compound of "Us" and "Sul,” "before-day.”
utan UTAN
adv. abroad, afar.
uth UTH
v. command, order.
uthaarn UTH1RN
v. enforce.
Compound of "Uth" and "Thaarn," "command
uthaarniik UTH1RN3K
n. enforcer.
"Uthaarn" with suffix "-iik.”
uthim UTHIM
n. colony.
uv UV
conj. or.
uvokriin UVOKR3N
n. hypocrite.
uzgrolein UZGROL2N
n. paradox, absurdity, anomaly,
Edited from "Jovein.” Means "not bound to the
uzgroleinuv UZGROL2NUV
adj. absurd, paradoxical.
Edited from "Joviin.” From "Uzgrolein,”
uznahgaar UZN4G1R
adj. unbridled.
uzur UZ6
v. convert.
uzvinos UZVINOS
adj. unassailable.
From Uznahgaar 'unbridled,' Vis 'can,' and Nos
'to strike.'.
vaad V1D
n. canoe/boat.
vaagol V1GOL
adj. stalwart, stout, sturdy, sturdiness.
Related to "Gol,” "earth,” "sturdy or stout as
vaak V1K
v. ram.
vaal V1L
n. bay.
"To keep at bay,” "to hold at bay,” rather than
the body of water.
vaalt V1LT
v. fold.
vaaltspiin V1LTSP3N
+ n. laptop.
From "Vaalt" and "Spiin," lit. "fold-screen.”
vaan V1N
v. glide, soar.
Edited from "Vond." From "Viing," "wing.”
vaar V1R
v. relent.
vaard V1RD
n. fjord.
vaaril V1RIL
n. campaign, crusade.
vaarnu V1RNU
adj. unrelenting, ruthless.
vaarnufaaz V1RNUF1Z
n. torment, anguish, agony.
Lit. "unrelenting pain." Edited from "Yevul"
and "Vulfaaz.”
vaarnurel V1RN6EL
v. overwhelm, overtake.
From "Vaarnu" and "Rel," "to dominate
vaaruk V1RUK
n. gossip, rumor.
Can be also used as a verb.
vaarun V1RUN
n. scoundrel.
vaat V1T
v. swear / swore.
vaaz V1Z
v. tear.
From the "Soul Tear" shout in the Dawnguard
dlc. Tear rip, not Tear cry.
vaazaan V1Z1N
adj. torn.
"Vaaz" with the suffix "-aan.” Also, "have
vaazkein V1ZK2N
n. civil war.
A compound of "Vaaz" ("to tear") and "Kein"
vah V4
n. spring.
vahdin V4DIN
n. maiden.
vahk V4K
adj. easy, simple.
vahkroved V4KROVED
adj. susceptible.
A combination of "Vahk,” "easy,” and "Kroved,”
vahkunz V4KUNZ
n. halberd, poleaxe.
From "Hahkun," "axe." Edited from
vahladyuld V4LADYULD
n. finance.
Lit. "manage-money.”
vahlii V4L3
v. seduce.
vahliind V4L3ND
n. seduction.
"Vahlii,” "seduce" with suffix "-nd.”
vahlin V4LIN
n. majesty.
vahlogolz V4LOGOLZ
n. standing stone.
Derived from "Vahlok" and "Golz" (by the
analogy of "Dovahgolz").
vahlok V4LOK
n. guardian.
vahlokeyv V4LOK9V
n. guardianship, responsibility,
Lit. "guardian duties.”
vahlom V4LOM
n. freshwater.
A compound of "Vah" and "Lom,” "spring-
vahlomok V4LOMOK
n. spring, spa.
From "Vah,” "spring,” and "Lomok,” "pool,”
refers to a water or mineral spring.
vahlt V4LT
adj. left.
The direction left, as opposed to the past tense of
vahlukad V4LUKAD
n. compromise.
Also a verb.
vahlusend V4LUSEND
n. commission .
vahlusendaar V4LUSEND1R
n. commissioner.
vahmaan V4M1N
n. member.
vahn V4N
n. maid.
Based on the word "Vahden" which means
vahnis V4NIS
n. blemish.
vahnuk V4NUK
v. fascinate, enthrall.
vahnuv V4NUV
adj. vernal.
"Vah" with the suffix "-nuv,” "of or pertaining
to spring.” Edited from "Vahiil.
vahpruzah V4PRUZ4
adj. valid, legitimate.
Modified from "true and good.”
vahraan V4R1N
v. heal, treat, treatment, healing.
From "Vo-Ahraan," "un-wound." The verb "to
heal" and the noun "healing/treatment." Edited
from "Tolsek.”
vahraniik V4RAN3K
n. healer, any kind of healer or treater
of wounds, mental, physical, or
From "Vahraan" with the suffix "-iik." Edited
from "Tolsekiin.”
vahranim V4RANIM
n. medicine.
From "Vahraan," "to heal." Edited from
vahriik V4R3K
n. heir.
Edited from "Defahn.”
vahriin V4R3N
adj. sworn.
vahriz V4RIZ
n. bile.
vahrot V4ROT
n. vow, oath.
From "Vahriin" and "Rot,” "sworn word.”
Edited from "Kesmah.”
vahrsk V4RSK
adj. harsh.
vahrskin V4RSKIN
n. a person who maintains strict
discipline or rule, martinet.
Lit. "Harsh,” "master.”
vahrugrii V4RUGR3
n. memorial, monument.
Based on "Vahrukt,” "memory.”
vahrukiv V4RUKIV
v. commemorate / commemoration.
Expanded definition to include
vahrukt V4RUKT
n. memory.
vahruktnu V4RUKTNU
n. amnesia.
From "Vahrukt" with the suffix "-nu,” "without
vahruktuv V4RUKTUV
n. mnemonic.
"Mnemonic" with the suffix "-uv," "pertaining
to memory.”
vahtinvah V4TINV4
n. testimony, testify.
From the words "Vahzen,” "truth,” and
"Tinvaak,” "speech/speak.”
vahyarak V4YARAK
n. banner.
vahzah V4Z4
adj. true.
vahzen V4ZEN
n. truth.
vahzensaag V4ZENS1G
n. proverb, aphorism.
Literally, "truth-saying.”
vaknor VAKNOR
n. coast.
A geographic coast, rather than the verb "to
coast (along).”
vakrom VAKROM
n. chastity.
Shortened variation of "Vakron" with the -om
vakron VAKRON
adj. chaste.
vald VALD
v. decimate.
Derived from "Ald,” "Destroy.”
valdak VALDAK
n. decimation.
"Vald" with suffix "-ak.”
valdrek VALDREK
n. wretch.
valdrekaan VALDREK1N
adj. wretched.
valdrekaanom VALDREK1NOM
n. wretchedness.
valinaar VALIN1R
adj. majestic.
valk VALK
adj. nervous.
valkjiik VALKJ3K
adj. giddish.
Lit. "nervous joy.”
valkom VALKOM
n. nervousness.
The noun form of "Valk,” "Nervous,” with the
suffix "-om.”
valkragrind VALKRAGRIND
n. congress.
From "Valkralin,” "delegate,” and "Grind,”
valkralin VALKRALIN
n. delegate.
valokein VALOK2N
interj. welcome.
valzapor VALZAPOR
n. summerset isle.
vanah VAN4
n. type, version.
vandul VANDUL
n. window.
vandulwahl VANDULW4L
n. fenestration.
Lit. "window-raising.”
vankar VANKAR
v. lack.
vanras VANRAS
n. treaty, compact.
vanvaak VANV1K
v. babble, prattle.
vasaar VAS1R
n. meadow, pasture.
vasik VASIK
v. drain.
vaskin VASKIN
n. flagon.
vaslahl VASL4L
n. lavender.
Also an adjective.
vasmiir VASM3R
n. staff.
vath VATH
adj. early.
Edited from 'Vuthuul' to 'Vath'.
vau VAU
adj. off.
Edited from "Auf" to "Vau.”
vax VAX
n. traitor, rebel, renegade.
vaxei VAX2
adj. traitorous, rebellious,
An alternate form of "Vax" with the suffix "kei.”
ved VED
adj. black.
vedaak VED1K
adj. pitch black, totally dark.
Based off is "Ved / Black.”
vedkrasom VEDKRASOM
n. plague, pestilence.
Literally "Black sickness.”
veik V2K
n. acid.
veikus V2KUS
adj. acidic.
"Veik" with the suffix "-us,” "having the
qualities of acid.”
veiliin V2L3N
n. gender, sex.
Related to "Liin.”
veinaar V2N1R
n. veal.
veirey V2R9
adj. skinny, thin.
Similar to "Yal" but refers more to an object that
is thin, whereas "Yal" refers more to an opening,
passage, or space that is thin.
veistul V2STUL
adj. wicked, vile.
vek VEK
v. hit, impact.
veklin VEKLIN
v. adjust.
vel VEL
v. tend, nurture, care for.
As in "To tend a farm.”
velaaz VEL1Z
n. banquet, feast.
velokraan VELOKR1N
n. hummingbird.
Derives from "Lokraan,” "bird.”
velvaas VELV1S
n. drinking song.
Derived from "Velaaz" ("Feast") and "Lovaas"
("Song, Music").
ven VEN
n. wind, current, path, way.
Primarily means "wind." Expanded definition to
also mean "path" or "way.”
vendus VENDUS
adj. windy.
"Ven" with the suffix "-us.”
vennesetiid VENNESET3D
n. the currents of time.
A compound formed from "Ven" and "Tiid.”
venro VENRO
adj. handsome.
From "Ven" and "Ro," "wind's balance.”
vensedren VENSEDREN
n. style, manner, method, fashion,
technique, demeanor.
Lit. "wind/way of doing.” Edited from
"Zensedreh." .
vensekos VENSEKOS
n. condition, state, aspect.
Literally, "wind/way of being.” Edited from
venselaas VENSEL1S
n. lifestyle.
Literally, "wind/way of life.” Edited from
venselor VENSELOR
n. paradigm, archetype, model,
Edited from "Lorozen." Lit. "wind of thought.”
venstrun VENSTRUN
n. windstorm.
Literal equivalent.
vensul VENSUL
n. friday / fredas.
Lit. "Wind Day.”
ventovitaan VENTOVIT1N
n. disciple.
Edited from "Nemel." Means "wind-seeker.”
venzoriik VENZOR3K
+ n. kite.
From "Ven" and "Zoriik," "wind-rider.”
verbaasiik VERB1S3K
n. artist.
"Bahs" with the prefix "Ver-" and the suffix "-
iik,” "someone who makes art.” Literally,
"artmaker.” Edited from "Verbahsiik.”
verfaas VERF1S
adj. fearsome.
"Faas" with the prefix "Ver-,” literally means
vergrav VERGRAV
v. strive, endeavor, focus, to make an
"Grav" with the prefix "Ver-,” "to make an
vergrundak VERGRUNDAK
n. cartography.
Literally, "the act of map-making.”
verilir VERIL7
v. paint, draw, to make a picture.
A non-specific term for a method of creating an
image. .
verin VERIN
n. element.
verinrii VERINR3
n. elemental .
A compound of "Verin" and "Rii,” "Element
essence.” Refers to ethereal spirits of elements
(for example, Ice Wraith - "Iizinrii" - elemental
of ice and snow).
verkeiniik VERK2N3K
n. warmonger.
"Kein" with the prefix "Ver-" and the suffix "-
iik,” lit. "someone who makes war.”
verkiir VERK3R
v. procreate, impregnate, breed,
As opposed to Liin (mate/sex) which doesn't
necessarily have the purpose of breeding. Ver: to
make, Kiir: child.
verlovaas VERLOV1S
v. play, perform, music-making, to
perform or play a song.
"Lovaas" with the prefix "Ver-," "to make
music." Should be used as an intransitive verb;
"Rek verlovaas," "she is making music.”
verlovaasniir VERLOV1SN3R
n. instrument, musical instrument.
"Lovaas" with the prefix "Ver-" and suffix "-
niir,” fully meaning "something one makes
music with.”
verluz VERLUZ
v. intimidate, coerce.
vernenfah VERNENF4
v. reference.
Lit. "to make mention.”
vernevul VERNEVUL
v. urinate, pee, piss.
"Nevul" with prefix "Ver-": lit. "make-urine.”
verotiik VEROT3K
n. author.
Lit. "word-maker.”
verqulekin VERQULEKIN
n. locksmith.
Literally, "lockmaker.”
vertal VERTAL
v. report, record.
Lit. "to make a report or account.”
verut VERUT
v. endanger, threaten.
"Rut" with the prefix "Ver-,” "to make danger
or threats towards.” Edited from "Verhask.”
vervisk VERVISK
v. party, celebrate.
The verb from "Visk,” lit. "to make celebration.”
verwahsar VERW4SAR
v. fantasize, daydream.
"To make fantasy,” "Wahsar" with the prefix
verziik VERZ3K
v. inscribe, draw, write.
"Ziik" with the prefix "Ver-,” "to make a mark.”
Means the artistic "to draw" rather than "to
draw a sword.” Edited from "Vermiir.”
vesey VES9
v. kiss.
Edited from "Besey.”
vet VET
v. hone, refine, file.
vetgar VETGAR
n. scene.
This word was created using the Icelandic word
for "scene,” "vettvangur." In a happy accident,
the Dovahzul word "vet" means "to hone or
file," which works, since a scene is a honed or
concentrated section of an act (as in a play).
vex VEX
n. onyx.
vey V9
v. cut.
veyd V9D
adj. grim, bleak.
From "Ved," "black." Edited from "Jiid.”
veydar V9DAR
n. store, shop.
veydo V9DO
n. grass.
veydol V9DOL
n. moss.
Edited from "Kigrath." From "Veydo," "grass.”
veydoraak V9DOR1K
+ n. cigar.
From "Veydo" and "Raak," lit. "grass-stick" or
"weed-stick,” Shortened for phonetic reasons.
veydosebriin V9DOSEBR3N
n. seaweed.
Lit. "grass of the sea.”
veydoz V9DOZ
n. weed.
Related to "Veydo,” "grass.”
veydusaas V9DUS1S
+ n. tobacco.
From "Veydo" and "Pusaas," lit. "grass-
powder" or "weed-powder,” Shortened for
phonetic reasons.
veyko V9KO
v. eviscerate, disembowel, gut.
From "Vey," "to cut.”
veyl V9L
prep. forth.
As in "He comes forth.”
veyloz V9LOZ
n. portrait.
veyr V9R
v. bloom, blossom, flourish.
veysed V9SED
n. trident.
From "Vey,” "cut,” and "Sed,” "three.”
veysenor V9SENOR
n. solstheim.
A compound of "Vey,”"Se" and "Nor,” it
literally means "cut of land.” Solstheim was a
part of mainland, but it was sundered from the
rest of Skyrim as a result of the battle between
Dragon Priests Vahlok and Miraak.
veysun V9SUN
n. ship.
veyz V9Z
n. glass.
vezar VEZAR
n. market.
Ment to sound similar to bizaar.
viid V3D
adj. aqua.
viiden V3DEN
adj. aquatic.
"Viid" with the suffix "-en,” "originating or of
viidost V3DOST
n. poison, venom.
viidsivaas V3DSIV1S
n. amphibian.
From "Viid" and "Sivaas," "aqua beast.”
viigah V3G4
n. billow.
viijun V3JUN
n. cockatrice, basilisk.
compound of 'Vith' and 'Jun'; lit. Serpent
viik V3K
v. defeat.
viil V3L
n. animus.
viilon V3LON
n. wire, thin rope.
viilt V3LT
adj. right.
The directional right, as opposed to just/fair or
correct. Edited from "Volt.”
viim V3M
v. shimmer, glimmer, glisten, sparkle,
glow, glint.
From "Viin," "shine." Edited from "Hindiis.”
viimuz V3MUZ
n. tsaesci, serpent-men, snake-men.
Derived from the composition of the words Vith
and Muz, its literal meaning is Serpent-Men
and refers to the serpent-folk of Akavir.
viin V3N
v. shine.
Alduin says it.
viinazil V3NAZIL
n. quicksilver.
Somewhat derived from "Viin,” "shine.”
viing V3NG
n. wing.
viingaal V3NG1L
n. winged.
"Viing" with the suffix "-aal,” "with or having
viinglingren V3NGLINGREN
n. wingspan.
Lit. "wing-length.”
viingnu V3NGNU
adj. wingless.
"Viing" with the suffix "-nu.”
viintaas V3NT1S
adj. shining.
viinun V3NUN
+ n. pornography, porn.
Lit. "show-bare.”
viir V3R
adj. dying, ceasing.
As a verb, "to die or cease.”
viirpraan V3RPR1N
n. coffin.
From "Viir" and "Praan," "dying rest.”
viiruh V3RUH
n. streak.
Based on the Finnish word "Viiru" for "streak.”
viiz V3Z
n. dust.
vik VIK
v. damn, damnation.
From "Viik," "defeat." The verb "to damn" and
the noun "damnation." Preferably pronounced
with a short "i.”
vikaar VIK1R
adj. vicious.
vikaarom VIK1ROM
adj. viciousness.
"Vikaar" with the suffix "-om.”
vikit VIKIT
v. twitch.
From Old English word for twitch; 'Twiccan'.
vild VILD
n. rock.
vildhahkun VILDH4KUN
n. pickaxe.
Conjunction of "Vild" and "Hahkun" meaning
"Rock" and "Axe.”
vilokaal VILOK1L
adj. lovable.
Edited from "Lokaaltok.” From "Lokaal" and
"Vis,” "can be loved.”
vilost VILOST
adj. available, availability.
From "Lost" and "Vis," "can be had.”
vilt VILT
n. venison.
Directly from Norwegian.
vinaak VIN1K
v. mislead, misdirect.
Related to "Inaak,” "to lead.”
vinal VINAL
v. accomplish.
Has influences from ancient norse word for
accomplish, which is "vinna.”
vinalaan VINAL1N
adj. accomplished.
"Vinal" with the suffix "-aan.”
vinalend VINALEND
n. accomplishment.
"Vinal" with the suffix "-end.”
vindo VINDO
adj. mild.
vinevuld VINEVULD
adj. interchangeable.
"Nix" and "Vuld" along with the prefix "Vi-" to
make "able of being swapped between" or
vint VINT
n. wine.
vinurah VIN64
adj. content, pleased.
vipiin VIP3N
adj. drinkable, potable.
Edited from "Piintok.” From "Piin" and "Vis,”
"can be drunk.”
vir V7
adv. how.
virahn V74N
adj. accessible, traversable, navigable,
From "Rahn,” "to pass,” and "Vis,” "can,” "can
be passed.”
virlaan V7L1N
n. system, program, scheme.
virot V7OT
n. quote.
Derived from "Rot.” Can also be used as a verb.
virpal V7PAL
n. ink.
vis VIS
v. can.
Derives from 'nis' - 'cannot' .
visaagis VIS1GIS
adj. erasable.
Edited from "Aagistok.” From "Aagis" and
"Vis,” "can be erased.”
viseim VIS2M
adj. acceptable.
A compound of "Eim" and "Vis,” "can accept.”
Edited from "Eimtok.”
visfrozaal VISFROZ1L
adj. forgivable.
"Frozaal" with "Vis,” "can be forgiven.”
visgezeyd VISGEZ9D
adj. justifiable.
Edited from "Gezeydahtok.” From "Vis" and
"Gezeydah,” "can be justified.”
visiinvak VIS3NVAK
adj. adaptable, adaptability.
Compound of "Vis" and "Iinvak,” "able to
visk VISK
n. party, festival, celebration.
Derived from Old Norse "viss.”
viskorah VISKOR4
adj. believable.
"Korah" combined with "Vis,” "can be
believed.” Edited from "Korahtok.”
viskren VISKREN
adj. breakable.
Edited from "Krentok.” "Vis" and "Kren,” "can
be broken.”
visliiv VISL3V
adj. perishable.
From "Liiv," "wither," "can wither.”
vismaal VISM1L
adj. desirable.
Edited from "Krahltok.” From "Smaal" and
"Vis,” "can be desired.”
vith VITH
n. serpent.
vo VO
v. undo.
vo-aavlaas VO-1VL1S
n. divorce.
From "Aavlaas" "Marry/Marriage" and "Vo-,"
lit. "unmarry" or "undo marriage.”
vobalaan VOBAL1N
adj. unworthy.
"Balaan" with the prefix "Vo-.” Changed from
incorrect "Vobahlaan.”
vobavir VOBAV7
adj. uncouth.
From the word "Bavir" meaning "Couth" with
the prefix "Vo-.”
vobein VOB2N
adj. unsullied, unsoiled, untarnished.
"Bein" with the prefix "Vo-," "un-fouled.”
vobok VOBOK
adj. ageless.
"Bok" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vobozun VOBOZUN
+ n. flak, could be used for any anti-air
Lit. "anti-flying weapon.”
vod VOD
adj. ago.
vodahmaan VOD4M1N
v. forget.
From "Dahmaan" with the prefix "Vo-,”
vodahmin VOD4MIN
adj. unremembered / forgotten.
vodein VOD2N
v. abandon, forsake, abandonment.
Edited from "Keyaam.” Literally "un-keep.”
vodeyto VOD9TO
v. exhume, to dig up.
"Deyto" with the prefix "Vo.”
vodigol VODIGOL
v. decrypt, decipher.
"Digol" with the prefix "Vo-,” lit. "to make
something not a mystery.”
vodiin VOD3N
v. thaw, defrost, unfreeze.
Combination of the prefix Vo- and Diin, lit.
vodrem VODREM
n. unrest, turmoil, discord.
Lit. "un-peace.”
vodremt VODREMT
v. disturb, disconcert.
A mutation of "Drem,” "peace,” with the prefix
"Vo-.” Edited from "Vodren.”
vodremtvulz VODREMTVULZ
n. syncopate, syncopation.
"Vodrem" with "Vulz," "disturbed pulse" or "to
disturb a pulse.”
vodul VODUL
v. overthrow, dethrone, depose,
unseat, usurp.
From "Du'ul,” literally "un-crown.” Edited
from "Gemah.”
vodun VODUN
n. disgrace.
"Dun" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vodunkei VODUNK2
adj. ungracious.
"Dunkei" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vofaas VOF1S
adj. unafraid.
"Faas" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vofahdonus VOF4DONUS
adj. unfriendly.
From "vo- meaning "un-" and "fahdonus"
meaning "friendly.”
vofrin VOFRIN
adj. uneager.
"Frin" with the suffix "Vo-." Edited from
vofrit VOFRIT
v. unsheathe.
"Frit" with the prefix "Vo-." Edited from
vofrul VOFRUL
adj. permanent, perpetual.
Lit. "un-temporary.”
vofrulaar VOFRUL1R
n. thrall.
Derived from "Vofrul" and "Aar,” "permanent-
servant,” referring to the Conjuration spells.
Edited from "Ahgulaar.”
vofun VOFUN
adj. untold, unspoken.
vofunvul VOFUNVUL
n. penumbra.
A compound of "Vofun" and "Vul.”
vog VOG
v. stomp.
Edited from "Voq.”
vogahriin VOG4R3N
n. defiance, resistance.
From "Vogahvon,” "to defy.”
vogahvon VOG4VON
v. defy, resist.
"Gahvon" with the prefix "Vo-,” literally "un-
yield.” Edited from "Vogah.”
vogejahrend VOGEJ4REND
n. vacation.
"Vogejahr" with the suffix "-end.”
vogejahrii VOGEJ4R3
v. vacate.
Translates as "unfill." Edited from "Vogejahr.”
vogekrin VOGEKRIN
v. discourage, dissuade, deter.
Derived from "Gekrin" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vogelah VOGEL4
v. disenchant.
"Gelah" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vogevoth VOGEVOTH
v. disconnect.
"Gevoth" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vogevothend VOGEVOTHEND
n. disconnection.
"Vogevoth" with the suffix "-end.”
vogil VOGIL
n. disk.
vogluus VOGL5S
n. misfortune.
"Gluus" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vogluuskei VOGL5SK2
adj. unlucky, unfortunate.
"Gluuskei" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vognun VOGNUN
v. vanish, disappear.
From "Genun" with the prefix "Vo-." Edited
from "Vodahvur.”
vogoz VOGOZ
v. dismount.
"Goz" with the prefxi "Vo-.”
vogrozah VOGROZ4
adj. unlikely, improbable.
"Grozah" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vohahgolt VOH4GOLT
adj. abstract, unreal.
Opposite of "Hahgolt,” "concrete.” Edited from
vohunaz VOHUNAZ
adj. unhappy.
A combination of "Unaz" with the prefix "Vo.”
voj VOJ
adj. deaf.
vojahrii VOJ4R3
adj. vacant.
Directly translates as "unfull." Edited from
vojahrom VOJ4ROM
adj. vacancy.
Translates as "unfullness" (noun).
vojul VOJUL
adj. inhuman.
"Jul" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vok VOK
prep. up.
From "Lok," "sky.”
vokendaar VOKEND1R
n. dremora.
"Kendaar" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vokesaal VOKES1L
adj. unlimited.
"Kesaal" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vokiir VOK3R
n. vampire child.
Lit. "un-child.”
voklad VOKLAD
v. unload.
From "klad,” "load" with prefix "Vo-.”
voklov VOKLOV
v. behead, decapitate.
Lit. "unhead,” "Klov" with the prefix "Vo-.”
voknau VOKNAU
prep. upon.
A literal combination of "Vok" and "nau.” A
contracted version of this word is "Von.”
vokoraak VOKOR1K
n. disbelief.
Derived from "Koraak" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vokoraav VOKOR1V
v. blind.
Verb only. "Koraav" with prefix "vo-,” "un-see"
or "de-sight.”
vokorah VOKOR4
v. disbelieve.
Derived from "Korah" with the prefix "Vo.”
vokorasaal VOKORAS1L
adj. impossible.
"Korasaal" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vokraaz VOKR1Z
n. node.
vokras VOKRAS
n. cure.
From "Kras," "undo sickness.”
vokren VOKREN
v. mend, amend, repair.
Lit. "un-break." Edited from "Zifahl." Also a
vokrii VOKR3
v. revive / restore.
Formed from "Krii" and the prefix "Vo-.”
vokriid VOKR3D
n. resurrectionist.
From "Vokrii,” "to revive.” Also "Kriid" with
the prefix "Vo-.”
vokriind VOKR3ND
n. restoration.
"Vokrii" combined with the suffix "-nd.” Edited
from "Yahnd" to match canon.
vokrin VOKRIN
adj. dispirited, discouraged.
Based on "Ahkrin,” "courage,” with the prefix
vokrotz VOKROTZ
adj. unemployed.
vokul VOKUL
adj. evil.
vokulhah VOKULH4
adj. malevolent.
From "Vokul" and "Hah,” "Evil-Mind.”
vokulin VOKULIN
n. villain.
Referred to "Vokul" ("Evil"), "someone who is
vokulom VOKULOM
n. evilness.
"Vokul" with the suffix "-om.”
vokun VOKUN
n. shadow.
"Kun" with the prefix "Vo-,” "un-light.”
vol VOL
n. horror.
volaan VOL1N
n. intruder.
volaav VOL1V
v. refuse, reject, refusal, rejection.
Opposite of "Bolaav,” "to grant.” Is the verb "to
refuse or reject" and the noun "refusal or
volbur VOLB6
n. chaos, change, disorder.
volburaal VOLB61L
adj. chaotic, disorderly, tumultuous.
"Volbur" with the suffix "-aal,” "with or having
chaos, change, disorder.”
volein VOL2N
n. otherworld, aetherius, oblivion.
Lit. "un-world," refers to any realm outside of
voleinah VOL2N4
v. undress, unclothe, disrobe.
"Lienah" with the prefix "Vo-.”
volg VOLG
adj. wild, untame, free.
volganor VOLGANOR
n. wilderness.
Volg + Nor, wildlands Edited from "Feykrovolg"
since "wilderness" can refer to more than just
volgin VOLGIN
n. barbarian, wildling.
From "Volg,” "someone who is wild.”
volglaas VOLGL1S
n. wildlife.
Conjunction of "Volg,” "Wild" and "Laas,”
volgom VOLGOM
n. wildness.
"Volg" with the suffix "-om.”
volk VOLK
n. hold, grip, grasp.
A harsh-sounding, definitive word. Can also be
used as a verb.
volkaan VOLK1N
n. dam, obstruction, can refer to
anything that holds something back.
Based on Volk, "Hold.”
volkon VOLKON
v. elect, appoint, choose.
volok VOLOK
n. underworld, hell.
Lit. "un-sky.”
volor VOLOR
v. abhor.
From "Vol,” "horror.”
volrog VOLROG
n. atrocity.
From "Vol,” "horror.”
volrokei VOLROK2
adj. atrocious.
From "Volrog,” "atrocity," with the suffix "-
volsung VOLSUNG
adj. horrible.
From "Vol,” "horror.”
voltolam VOLTOLAM
n. octopus.
voluk VOLUK
v. wipe, clear.
volunduv VOLUNDUV
adj. unnatural.
"Lunduv" with the prefix "Vo-.” Edited from
volunruud VOLUNR5D
n. volunruud.
A place in Skyrim, named the same in the
Dragon Tongue as English.
volz VOLZ
adj. worse.
Edited from "Vol" to "Volz" to avoid conflict
with the canon "Vol.”
volzaan VOLZ1N
adj. worst.
Based on "Volz,” "worst,” and "Pruzaan,”
volzah VOLZ4
adj. bad.
Derived from Volz: worse. Structured following
Pruzah, Pruz, Pruzaan (good, better, best).
Edited from "Volah" to avoid conflict with the
canon "Vol.”
vomedaas VOMED1S
adj. unalike, dissimilar, different.
Edited from "Vorpaal.”
vomindok VOMINDOK
adj. unknown.
"Mindok" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vomindoraan VOMINDOR1N
n. incomprehensible, inconceivable,
an incomprehensible idea.
Can also be spelled "Vonmindoraan.”
vomos VOMOS
v. dislike.
"Mos" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vomulhaan VOMULH1N
adj. dynamic, moving, changing.
"Mulhaan" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vomun VOMUN
+ n. drone, unmanned.
"Mun" with the prefix "Vo-.”
von VON
prep. upon.
A contraction of "Vok" and "Nau,” more casual
and conversational than "Voknau.”
vonahl VON4L
adj. inanimate, unliving.
"Nahl" with the prefix "Vo-.”
voniir VON3R
adj. emotionless, detached, uncaring.
vonmindoraan VONMINDOR1N
n. incomprehensible, inconceivable,
an incomprehensible idea.
Can also be spelled "Vomindoraan.”
vonok VONOK
interj. farewell.
vonov VONOV
v. distrust.
Also an adjective, from "Ov" with the prefix
vonum VONUM
adj. common, commonplace, plain.
Literally "non rare,” Vo-: non, Num: rare, edited
from "vonun.”
vonumiik VONUM3K
n. commmoner.
"Vonum" with the suffix "-iik," someone who is
vonun VONUN
adj. unseen.
vonuntiv VONUNTIV
n. veil, shroud.
From "Vonun," "unseen." Also a noun. Edited
from "Suuvan.”
vonuz VONUZ
adj. invisible.
vonzun VONZUN
n. spy.
Derived from "Vonun" and "Zun,” "hidden
vopaaz VOP1Z
adj. unfair.
"Paaz" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vopent VOPENT
n. impunity.
From "Pentaar," "punishment," with the prefix
vopiraak VOP71K
v. dispossess.
"Piraak" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vopraagek VOPR1GEK
adj. unnecessary.
"Praagek" with the prefix "Vo-.”
voprem VOPREM
n. impatient.
"Prem" with the prefix "Vo-.”
voprolg VOPROLG
adj. untamed.
From "Prolg,” "tame,” with prefix 'Vo-.”
voprudaav VOPRUD1V
adj. inappropriate, unsuitable,
improper, informal.
"Prudaav" with the prefix "Vo-." Edited from
voprus VOPRUS
adj. unblinking.
"Prus" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vopruziig VOPRUZ3G
n. vice.
Lit. "un-virtue.”
voqalos VOQALOS
adj. virgin.
Literally meaning "untouched.”
voqurnen VOQ6NEN
adj. abnormal, irregular.
"Qurnen" with the prefix "Vo-.”
voraak VOR1K
v. orient.
vordaas VORD1S
n. disguise.
From "Vorpaal,” "different.” Can also used be
used as a verb.
voreistig VOR2STIG
adj. uncertain.
"Reistig" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vorenaak VOREN1K
n. parasite.
A compound of "Vorey" and "Naak,” "other"
and "eat.”
vorevak VOREVAK
v. desecrate.
Lit. "un-sacred.”
vorey VOR9
adj. other.
voreykiin VOR9K3N
+ n. otherkin.
From "Vorey" and "Kiin," lit. "other-born.”
voris VORIS
v. displace.
"Ris" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vorivunaal VORIVUN1L
adj. independent.
From "Rivun" with the prefix "Vo-" and the
suffix "-aal," "not having dependence.”
vorlaav VORL1V
v. dissent.
Vo + orlaav. Can also be used as noun.
vorlem VORLEM
n. ladle.
vorliinvas VORL3NVAS
+ adj. heterosexual.
Combines the first part of "different" and the
word "sexual.”
vorliz VORLIZ
n. reign.
Also a verb.
vormung VORMUNG
v. admonish.
voro VORO
n. imbalance.
Combines "Vo" (Un-) and "Ro" (Balance).
vorohah VOROH4
adj. mad, insane, madness, insanity.
Edited from "Hren.” The adjective "mad or
insane,” and the noun "madness or insanity.”
Means "unbalanced-mind / unbalanced-
vorolur VOROL6
v. disagree.
Edited from "Vokrolur." "Rolur" with the prefix
voronit VORONIT
adj. unrivaled.
"Ronit" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vorstaal VORST1L
v. organize.
Can also be used as an adjective, "organized.”
vorstaald VORST1LD
n. organization, arrangement.
vortii VORT3
prep. past, beyond.
From the Icelandic for "past," "fortÃð."
Replaces the former word "On.”
vortiilok VORT3LOK
adj. extraordinary.
Compound of "Vortii" and "Lok,” "beyond-
skies" as a metaphor for being beyond normal.
vorul VORUL
n. class.
voruv VORUV
adj. impure.
"Ruv" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vos VOS
adj. able, enable, allow, let.
Edited from "Tok.” Related to "Vis,” "can." The
adjective "able," and the now also the verb "to
enable / allow / let.”
vosav VOSAV
adj. unsaved.
From "Sav,” "Save" with prefix "Vo-.” Not to
be confused with the imperative meaning "don't
voshul VOSHUL
n. umbra.
Lit. "un-sun.”
voshun VOSHUN
adj. unclean.
"Shun" with prefix "Vo.”
vosig VOSIG
n. mutton.
vosmaal VOSM1L
adj. undesired, undesirable.
"Smaal" with the prefix "Vo-," "not desired.”
vosmaar VOSM1R
n. ability.
Based on the root word "Vos.” Edited from
vosmah VOSM4
v. drop.
Compound of "Vos" and "Mah," "to let fall."
Edited from "Ilmah.”
vosotiiv VOSOT3V
v. bore.
"Sotiiv" with the prefix "vo-," lit. "unexcite."
Edited from "Zaknah.”
vosotiivend VOSOT3VEND
n. boredom.
From "Sotiiv," "unexcitement." Edited from
vost VOST
n. chamber.
Edited from "Nost" to avoid conflict with the
name "Lodunost.”
vostahdim VOST4DIM
adj. unholy.
"Stahdim" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vostavek VOSTAVEK
v. dispell.
"Stavek" with the prefix "Vo-.”
voteivo VOT2VO
adj. sober, teetotal.
"Teivo" with the prefix "Vo-.”
voth VOTH
prep. with.
vothaalvut VOTH1LVUT
n. contact.
From "Haalvut,” "touch,” and "Voth,” "with.”
vothaar VOTH1R
n. disobey.
"Thaar" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vothaarn VOTH1RN
n. disobedience.
vothdreh VOTHDREH
v. interact.
Compound of "Voth" and "Dreh," "do with.”
vothiz VOTHIZ
v. involve.
Derived from "Voth,” "with.”
vothjur VOTHJ6
v. contest.
From "Jur,” "challenge-together.” Also the
vothlo VOTHLO
v. confess.
From "Voth,” "with,” and "Lo,” "deceive.”
vothlorot VOTHLOROT
v. consult.
From "Voth" and "Lorot,” "to think
vothmul VOTHMUL
v. contend.
From "Voth" and "Mul,” "strength.”
vothnaar VOTHN1R
v. compare.
From "Voth," "with.”
vothni VOTHNI
prep. without.
A combination of "Voth" with the suffix "-ni.”
vothnikey VOTHNIK9
adj. horseless.
Literally "without horse.”
vothoris VOTHORIS
v. compensate.
vothunuv VOTHUNUV
adj. illegal.
"Thunuv" with the prefix "Vo-.” Edited from
votiidus VOT3DUS
adj. untimely.
From "Tiidus,” "timely" with prefix "Vo-.”
votirahk VOT74K
adj. vulnerable, unsafe.
"Vo-" with "Tirahk.”
votivut VOTIVUT
v. recede, regress, retreat, widthraw.
"Ativut" with the prefix "Vo-.” To move
backward or away.
votrul VOTRUL
adj. complex, complicated.
Related to "Voth,” "with.”
voviidost VOV3DOST
n. antidote.
"Viidost" with the prefix "Vo-,” "unpoison.”
vovorstaal VOVORST1L
adj. disorganized, unorganized.
From "Vorstaal,” "organize" with prefix "Vo-.”
vovoth VOVOTH
adj. contrary.
"Voth" with the prefix "Vo-,” "unwith.”
voyel VOYEL
adj. uneven.
"Vo-" + "yel." See also "Bilbus.”
voz VOZ
adv. else.
vozah VOZ4
adj. infinite.
"Zah" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vozahkel VOZ4KEL
+ n. internet.
Lit. "infinite (elder) scroll.”
vozahkel-tovitaan VOZ4KEL-
+ n. search engine.
Translates to "internet searcher," from
"Vozahkel" and "Tovitaan.”
vozahlaas VOZ4L1S
adj. immortal, immortality.
"Infinite Life.”
vozahnil VOZ4NIL
n. nothingness.
Lit. "infinite void." See also "Nid.”
vozahrom VOZ4ROM
n. infinity.
"Vozah" with the suffix "-rom.” There is already
a word for "infinity,” "Mintiinon,” but this is
derived from primary canon along with our "-
rom" suffix (to form a noun from an adjective).
vozinaal VOZIN1L
adj. dishonorable.
Means "with or having dishonor.”
vozodun VOZODUN
adj. disgraceful.
"Zodun" with the suffix "Vo-.”
vozokoraav VOZOKOR1V
adj. unaware, unwary.
"Zokoraav" with the prefix "Vo-.”
vozothaarn VOZOTH1RN
adj. disobedient.
"Vo-" + "zothaarn,” "un-obedient.”
vozriis VOZR3S
n. linen.
vrah VR4
adv. indeed.
vreyviis VR9V3S
v. impress.
vrii VR3
n. scale.
vriid VR3D
n. reptile.
From "Vrii" with the suffix "-iid,” "something
that has scales.”
vriiduv VR3DUV
adj. reptilian.
"Vriid" with the suffix "-uv.”
vroz VROZ
n. cherry.
vu VU
n. dawn.
vudeinmaar VUD2NM1R
n. dawnguard.
Lit. "Dawnkeepers.”
vudeym VUD9M
v. stumble.
vudoz VUDOZ
v. avoid, elude.
vug VUG
n. curve.
Can also be used as a verb. Shortened from
vugel VUGEL
n. ebony.
vugzahd VUGZ4D
n. hook.
From "Vug," "curve," and "Zahd," "point."
Edited from "Vuuzahd.”
vukahmiin VUK4M3N
n. subject, topic.
Derived from "Item/Object" + "Attention.”
vukein VUK2N
n. combat.
vul VUL
adj. dark.
vuld VULD
v. shift, change, transfer, modify.
vuldak VULDAK
n. change, modification.
From "Vuld" with the noun suffix "-ak.”
vuldakbuld VULDAKBULD
+ n. metamorphosis .
Lit. means "change,” "form.”
vuldiik VULD3K
n. changer, modifier, force of change.
"Vuld" with the suffix "-iik.”
vuldit VULDIT
v. tamper.
From "Vuld," "to change.”
vuldrus VULDRUS
adj. changeable, volatile.
"Vuld" with the suffix "-us.”
vulfahliil VULF4L3L
n. dark elf, dunmer.
Combines "Vul" (Dark), and "Fahliil" (Elf).
vulok VULOK
n. eclipse.
Vul-Dark, Lok-Sky.
vulom VULOM
n. darkness.
vulon VULON
n. night.
vulonaas VULON1S
adj. nocturnal.
The adjective rather than the Daedric Prince. A
combination of "Laas" and "Vulon.”
vulonfil VULONFIL
n. december / evening star.
Volun: night, Fil: star.
vulonriived VULONR3VED
n. sleepwear.
COmpound of "Vulon" and "Riived,” "night-
vulovaas VULOV1S
+ n. nocturne.
From "Vulon,” "night,” and "Lovaas,” "song.”
vulsik VULSIK
n. code, cipher.
From "Vul" and "Sik," "darkened runes."
Edited from "Mu'ur.”
vulsoven VULSOVEN
n. morrowind.
"Dark Sorrow Wind.”
vulz VULZ
v. pulse.
vulz-siin VULZ-S3N
+ n. time-signature.
vulzid VULZID
n. abyss.
Edited from "Fruun.” From "Vul,” "dark.”
vulziden VULZIDEN
adj. abyssal.
"Vulzid" with the suffix "-en,” meaning "from
an abyss.” Edited from "Fruunen.”
vum VUM
n. beard.
vumaal VUM1L
adj. bearded.
"Vum" (Beard) with the suffix "-aal.”
vun VUN
n. tongue.
From Bethesda's old word for "voice,” related to
"Zun,” "weapon.”
vund VUND
n. wall.
vundonin VUNDONIN
n. curtain, drape.
From "Vund" and "Donin,” "wall-sheet.”
vunek VUNEK
adj. futile.
vungol VUNGOL
n. mine.
Related to "Gol,” "earth.” Edited from "Ungol.”
vunonhaal VUNONH1L
n. pickpocket, sleight of hand.
Can be used as a verb, "to pickpocket.”
vunut VUNUT
v. lick.
Edited from "Dahv" and "Todaas." Related to
"Haalvut," "to touch.”
vur V6
n. valor.
From the "Battle Fury" shout in the Dragonborn
vuril V6IL
n. well.
A compound of "Gol" and "Lom,” meaning
vuro V6O
n. bliss.
vurul V6UL
n. pocket.
vus VUS
n. nirn.
vusarum VUSARUM
n. nirnroot.
A compound of "Vus" and "Arum.”
vusiin VUS3N
v. assign.
Related to "Siin,” "sign.”
vusoven VUSOVEN
n. nightingale.
From "Vulon,” "night,” and "Soven,” "secret.”
vust VUST
v. could.
Based on "Vis,” "can.” Edited from "Vus" to
avoid conflict with the canon word "Vus,”
vusul VUSUL
n. tuesday / tirdas.
Lit. "Dawn Day.”
vutharaak VUTHAR1K
adv. however.
Slightly based on "Mahfaeraak,” "forever.”
vuuk V5K
n. item, object.
vuukeitz V5K2TZ
n. inventory.
Lit. "item-list.”
waan W1N
conj. if.
waarth W1RTH
n. amount.
Inspired from the Old English word "weorð.”
wadren WADREN
v. block.
The verb meaning "to block/obstruct" or the
equivalent noun, not something "block-shaped,”
or "to shape something like a block.”
wah W4
prep. to.
"Wah" can be used as both a preposition and to
make infinitive verbs ("to wander,” " to fight,”
wahl W4L
v. build, create, make, raise, construct.
Used to describe the creation of something. For
the sense of "to cause something to become," as
in "to make happy," see "Mur.”
wahlaan W4L1N
v. built / created / raised.
wahlaaran W4L1RAN
adj. creative.
From "Wahl.”
wahlaat W4L1T
n. building, structure, creation,
"Wahl" with the suffix "-aat,” "that which is
built or created.”
wahliig W4L3G
n. creativity.
Related to "Wahl" (Create).
wahliik W4L3K
n. founder, builder, creator, maker.
"Wahl" with the suffix "-iik.”
wahlom W4LOM
n. reservoir.
From "Wahl" and "Lom,” "built-water,”
artificial water.
wahlzul W4LZUL
+ n. conlang, constructed language.
"Wahl" and "Zul," "created voice.”
wahrok W4ROK
n. tail.
wahsar W4SAR
n. fantasy.
wahsaruv W4SARUV
adj. fantastical.
Meaning "of, like, or pertaining to fantasy.”
Edited from "Wahrasiil.”
wahzil W4ZIL
n. waffle.
wasek WASEK
v. bathe.
wazahl WAZ4L
adj. exact, specific, accurate.
wazahlom WAZ4LOM
n. exactness, specificity, accuracy.
"Wazahl" with the suffix "-om.”
wazul WAZUL
v. afford.
wel WEL
conj. whether.
welon WELON
n. daisy.
weltir WELT7
v. elope.
wen WEN
pron. whose.
wer WER
n. west.
From "Jer," "east." Edited from "Welkand.”
werden WERDEN
adj. western, westerly.
"Wer" with the suffix "-en.” Edited from
werid WERID
n. praise.
weridaas WERID1S
n. hymn, anthem.
Derived from "Werid" ("Praise") and "Lovaas"
("Song, Music").
wern WERN
n. ode.
Referred to "Werid,”"to praise.”
werzon WERZON
adj. frugal.
weyt W9T
n. room.
wid WID
n. load, haul, capacity, weight.
Also a verb, "to haul or to load.”
wiif W3F
v. mock, deride.
wiigokel W3GOKEL
n. brothel.
wiil W3L
n. spiral.
wiistel W3STEL
adj. sincere, earnest, genuine.
wiistelom W3STELOM
n. sincerity, earnestness,
"Wiistel" with the suffix "-om.”
wiizaan W3Z1N
n. whore, slut, prostitute.
win WIN
v. wage.
To wage war, rather than a worker's wage.
wo WO
pron. who / whom.
Expanded definition to include "Whom.”
wol WOL
n. oak.
wolov WOLOV
n. spouse.
wook W8K
conj. nevermind, never mind.
Edited from "Wooq.”
wor WOR
n. walrus.
worah WOR4
n. chorus, choir.
worax WORAX
n. saw.
The tool, not the past tense form of "to see.” Also
can be used as a verb.
woraxpund WORAXPUND
n. sawmill.
A compound of "Worax" ("Saw") and "Pund"
wox WOX
n. gnat.
wuld WULD
n. whirlwind.
wuldsetiid WULDSET3D
n. vortex of time.
Lit. means "Vortex/whirlwind of time.” Related
to "Vennesetiid,” "winds of time,” but with a
more wild or chaotic connotation.
wult WULT
n. crime.
wultriin WULTR3N
n. criminal.
wund WUND
n. quest.
Derives from "Wundun" ("travel"), implying
that a "traveler" is seeking their "quest" or
wundaak WUND1K
n. journey.
From "Wundun," "travel." Edited from
wundokaaz WUNDOK1Z
n. voyage, journey, particularly by
From "Wundun," "travel," and "Okaaz," "sea."
Edited from "Ozakur.”
wundun WUNDUN
v. travel.
Also a noun.
wunduniik WUNDUN3K
n. traveler.
wursk W6SK
n. bath, bathtub.
Refers to the act of bathing, and the place in
which one bathes.
wuth WUTH
adj. old.
wuthrahnuv WUTHR4NUV
n. pagan.
Derived from "Wuth,” "Rah,” and the suffix "-
nuv,” "of old gods.” Edited from "Wuthrahiil.”
wuthsoskiin WUTHSOSK3N
n. older sibling.
Compound of "Wuth" and "Soskiin.”
wuthsul WUTHSUL
n. wednesday / middas .
Lit. "Old Day.”
yaav Y1V
prep. across.
Edited from "Yahv.”
yah Y4
v. seek, sought.
yahjol Y4JOL
n. harp.
yahnol Y4NOL
v. cook.
yahnoliik Y4NOL3K
n. cook, cooker, chef.
"Yahnol" + "-iik"; one who cooks.
yal YAL
adj. thin, tight, narrow.
Similar to "Veirey" but refers more to an
opening, passage, or space that is thin. "Veirey"
refers to an object that is thin.
yalzahkrii YALZ4KR3
n. katana.
A compound of "Yal" and "Zahkrii,”literally
means "narrow sword.”
yein Y2N
v. hail.
The verb meaning "to call or hail,” rather than
the precipitation. Related to "Rein," "roar."
Edited from "Hein.”
yel YEL
adj. flat, level, even.
yelbrot YELBROT
n. flatbread, tortilla.
Literally adapted.
yeldah YELD4
n. plateau.
Related to "Yel,” "flat.”
yelsliin YELSL3N
+ n. burger, hamburger, patty.
From "Yel" and "Sliin,” "flat-meat.”
yem YEM
n. blaze.
yen YEN
n. arm.
Can also be used as a verb, "to arm.”
yendruk YENDRUK
n. armchair.
From "Yen" and "Druk," literal equivalent.
yezin YEZIN
n. zest, zeal, gusto.
yiil Y3L
n. torch.
Can also be used as a verb, "to torch.”
yiilkun Y3LKUN
n. torchlight.
From "Yiil" and "Kun," literal equivalent.
yiir Y3R
v. gaze.
Can also be a noun.
yin YIN
v. dare, confront, challenge, risk.
yinok YINOK
v. bluff.
From "Nok,” "lie.”
yirgul Y7GUL
n. vest.
yirt Y7T
v. joke, jest, to kid.
yirtaar Y7T1R
n. wile.
Related to "Yirt,” "to joke or jest.”
yirtah Y7T4
n. prank.
From "Yirt,” "joke.”
yirtiik Y7T3K
n. jester, joker.
From "Yirt" with the suffix "-iik.”
yirtlovaas Y7TLOV1S
+ n. scherzo.
From "Yirt,” "jest,” and "Lovaas,” "song.”
yol YOL
n. fire.
yolangaar YOLANG1R
n. lighthouse.
A compound of "Yol" and "Angaar,” "fire
tower.” Edited from "Yolangar.”
yolein YOL2N
v. erupt, eruption.
A compound of "Yol" and "Lein,” "fire of the
world.” Can mean both the verb "to erupt" and
the noun "eruption.”
yolfuskiik YOLFUSK3K
+ n. flamethrower.
From "Yol" and "Fuskiik," "fire-thrower.”
yolget YOLGET
adj. molten.
From "Yol,” "fire,” and "Gelt,” "metal.”
yolgonis YOLGONIS
n. salamander.
From "Siigonis," "lizard," and "Yol," "fire-
yolgosvaa YOLGOSV1
n. firewood.
Derived from primary canon "Yol" and partially
quarternary canon "Gosvaa.”
yolgram YOLGRAM
n. fireball .
Lit. "fire-cloud.”
yolir YOL7
v. regenerate, regrow, renew.
Connected to the word "Yol" ("fire"), something
"rising from the ashes.”
yolirend YOL7END
n. regeneration, renewal, regrowth.
yolkaronahs YOLKARON4S
n. fire atronach.
Alteration of "Mukaronahs" (Atronach).
yolkern YOLKERN
+ n. popcorn.
Lit. "fire corn.”
yolkezil YOLKEZIL
n. hot sauce.
From "Yol" and "Ezil,” "fire-sauce.”
yolkun YOLKUN
n. firelight.
Literal equivalent.
yolmah YOLM4
+ n. bomb.
Lit. "fire-fell.”
yolom YOLOM
n. whiskey.
Lit. "firewater.”
yolos YOLOS
n. flame.
yolskein YOLSK2N
v. brand.
Lit. "fire,” "scar.”
yolstrunmah YOLSTRUNM4
n. volcano.
Composed by the words Yol and Strunmah, it
literally means Fire-Mountain and refers to the
most obvious element of a vulcano. Alternately, a
vulcano can also be called a Dovastrun or
Dovahstrunmah, referring to the shared trait -
yolstrunor YOLSTRUNOR
n. vvardenfell.
Derived of the words "Yolstrunmah" and "Nor,”
it literally means "Land of the Volcano.”
yoltaas YOLT1S
adj. flaming, ablaze, aflame, blazing.
Shortened version of "Yolostaas.” Not to be
confused for "firing.”
yolunslaad YOLUNSL1D
+ n. napalm.
Lit. "fire unending.”
yolus YOLUS
adj. fiery.
"Yol" with the suffix "-us.”
yolzii YOLZ3
n. fervor, fervorous, fervent, fervid.
Literally "Fire Spirit.” A bright, driving,
motivating passion, usually constructive. See
also "Agzii" and "Frinzii.”
yolzoor YOLZ8R
n. phoenix.
From the words "Yol" meaning "Fire" and
"Zoor" meaning "Legend.”
yoriik YOR3K
v. march.
yoritiiv YORIT3V
adj. intimate.
yormud YORMUD
v. tease.
Shortened from "Yormuud.”
yoro YORO
n. lore.
yos YOS
n. heat.
Derived from Yol, meaning fire and Su meaning
air. Edited to "Yos" to prevent a vowel ending.
yosel YOSEL
n. degree, temperature.
From "Yos,” "heat,” also related to "Yol,”
yostrah YOSTR4
n. crystal.
Edited from "Yostvah.”
yostrahuv YOSTR4UV
adj. crystalline.
"Yostrah" with the suffix "-uv," "crystal-like."
Edited from "Yostvahruv.”
yoz YOZ
v. boil.
From Yos (Heat).
yuld YULD
n. gold, septim, money, currency.
A generic word for any kind of money or
currency. From "Yuvon,” "gold.”
yuldik YULDIK
n. economy, market.
From "Yuld,” "gold.”
yulduv YULDUV
adj. monetary.
"Yuld" with the suffix "-uv.” Edited from
yulmey YULM9
n. pyrite.
A combination of Yuld, gold, and Mey, fool.
yulvid YULVID
n. purse.
Edited from "Yuulid.”
yumaas YUM1S
n. nectar.
yun YUN
adj. new.
Edited from "Yor.”
yunaar YUN1R
n. guest.
yuniik YUN3K
n. newcomer.
From "Yun,” a person or thing that is new.
Edited from "Yoriin.”
yunkiin YUNK3N
n. newborn.
Literal compound.
yunkliin YUNKL3N
adj. hatchling.
Lit. "new-hatch." Only refers to lizards or other
creatures, cannot be used to refer to dragons in
any sense.
yunok YUNOK
n. prism.
yunrot YUNROT
n. tidings, news.
From "Yun" and "Rot," "new-word.”
yusgri YUSGRI
adj. modest.
yusgriim YUSGR3M
n. modesty.
An alteration of "Yusgri.”
yusnol YUSNOL
v. bake.
To Bake, "Yosnol" comes from "Yos" and
"Yahnol" wich mean "Heat" and "cooking" To
make it more distinguishable from "Yahnol,” the
"O" from "Yos" became an "U.”
yuvol YUVOL
n. butter.
yuvon YUVON
adj. gold / golden.
yuvonfahliil YUVONF4L3L
n. altmer, high elf.
Edited from "Kriisfahliil." Means "golden elf.”
zaag Z1G
n. cult.
"Dovahzaag,” "Dragon Cult.”
zaagin Z1GIN
n. cultist.
zaak Z1K
n. idea, concept, notion.
zaakan Z1KAN
adj. ideal.
zaal Z1L
v. condemn.
zaalak Z1LAK
n. condemnation.
"Zaal" with the suffix "-ak.”
zaam Z1M
n. slave.
From the shout "Soul Cairn Summon,” a shout
only the dragon Durnehviir Can use in the
Dawnguard Dlc.
zaan Z1N
v. shout.
This refers to actual speech, not the Voice.
zaar Z1R
v. view.
Particularly as said of a vista, scene, etc.,
especially an admirable one.
zaarax Z1RAX
n. league.
zah Z4
adj. finite.
zahd Z4D
n. point.
Derived from the words Dez and Gah, based on
the words Ende and Gad (Old-English, lit.
meaning "point").
zahgraan-hah Z4GR1N-H4
n. forgetfulness, amnesia.
From "Zahgraan" and "Hah," "empty mind" or
zahk Z4K
n. horn.
Somewhat based on Zahkrii (Sword), Horns are
sharp a large majority of the time.
zahkaaron Z4K1RON
n. narwhal. narwhale.
Literally means horn-whale.
zahkein Z4K2N
v. attack, assault, batter.
From "Kein," "war." Edited from "Zekein.”
zahkose Z4KOSE
+ n. atom.
Lit. "finite origin.”
zahkrii Z4KR3
n. sword.
Is also its own plural.
zahkriidun Z4KR3DUN
n. swordsmanship.
Lit. "sword grace." Edited from
zahkriisos Z4KR3SOS
n. dragon priest name, lit. "sword-
blood," bloodied sword.
zahkriizon Z4KR3ZON
+ n. bayonet.
A small knife at the end of a rifle used for
zahkron Z4KRON
n. tactic.
From "Kron," "to conquer.”
zahksenorgraz Z4KSENORGRAZ
n. cornucopia, horn of plenty.
zahlaas Z4L1S
adj. mortal.
Lit. "finite-life.”
zahnir Z4N7
v. reserve, conserve, preserve.
Related to "Zah,” "finite.”
zahniruv Z4N7UV
adj. conservative.
"Zahnir" with the suffix "-uv.” Edited from
zahr Z4R
n. mouth.
Edited from "Zaar.”
zahraan Z4R1N
v. hollow, empty.
Edited from "Zokrani" and "Zahgraan.”
zahraanom Z4R1NOM
n. emptiness, hollowness.
"Zahraan" with the suffix "-om.” Edited from
"Zegranom" and "Zahgraanom.”
zahrahmiik Z4R4M3K
v. sacrifice.
zahrak Z4RAK
v. shock.
From "Reik,” "shock.” More general than
zahrid Z4RID
n. cheek.
From "Zahr,” "mouth,” and "Reid,” "side.”
Edited from "Zahrid.”
zahtiid Z4T3D
n. date, period.
Lit. "finite,” "time.”
zahvos Z4VOS
n. potential.
Related to "Vos,” "able.” Edited from "Zahtok.”
zal ZAL
n. salt.
zalk ZALK
v. utter, mouth.
zalus ZALUS
adj. salty.
"Zal,” "Salt,” with suffix "-us.”
zamak ZAMAK
n. mammal.
zanos ZANOS
n. marsh.
The "a" is emphasized. Prounounciation may
vary with dialect, of course.
zarok ZAROK
n. misery.
This is based on the elven word for misery from
the Inheritance Cycle book series.
zaunig ZAUNIG
n. devil.
zauniglom ZAUNIGLOM
n. vodka.
Literally "devil-water.”
zegur ZEG6
n. pebble.
zeik Z2K
n. spike.
zeim Z2M
prep. through.
zein Z2N
v. worship.
zeinsuleyk Z2NSUL9K
n. sacrament.
From "worship" and "power." Edited from
zemqulek ZEMQULEK
v. pick, (to pick a lock).
Based on "Qulek,” "lock.”
zent ZENT
v. expect.
zentaal ZENT1L
adj. expectant.
"Zent" with the suffix "-aal,” "with or having
zereim ZER2M
n. lexicon.
zereis ZER2S
v. slit.
zey Z9
pron. me.
The accusative and dative case of "Zu'u.”
zeydaan Z9D1N
n. justice.
Derived from Zeydo: "just.”
zeydo Z9DO
adj. just.
Just or morally right. For the adverb, see
"Nunon.” Edited from "Zeyda.”
zeyliik Z9L3K
n. brethren.
From "Zeymah,” "brother,” "Reyliik,” "race.”
zeylum Z9LUM
v. approve.
zeymah Z9M4
n. brother / brothers.
zeymahmaar Z9M4M1R
n. brotherhood.
A modification of the word "Zeymah" based on
"Briinahmaar,” "sisterhood.” Altered from
"Zeymahdein" to align more with canon.
zeymahus Z9M4US
adj. brotherly.
"Zeymah" with the suffix "-us.”
zeymahzin Z9M4ZIN
n. companion.
Expanded definition to include "cohort" and
zeymahzinmaar Z9M4ZINM1R
n. companionship.
Edited from "Koriidein.”
zii Z3
n. spirit.
ziidol Z3DOL
v. goad, urge, insist.
ziig Z3G
v. thrill, rouse.
ziik Z3K
n. mark.
From "Sik," "rune." Edited from "Miir.”
ziiklah Z3KL4
n. syndrome, malady, symptom.
ziikol Z3KOL
n. morale.
Related to "Zii,” "spirit.”
ziilun Z3LUN
n. animism.
"Zii" with the suffix "-lun.”
ziin Z3N
n. two.
Edited from "Zein.”
ziinahl Z3N4L
n. appeal, allure.
ziinan Z3NAN
adj. double.
From "Ziin,” "two.” Edited from "Zeinan.”
ziinhaal Z3NH1L
adj. two-handed.
A compound of "Ziin" and "Haal,” "two-hand.”
ziinin Z3NIN
n. twin.
From "Ziin,” "two,” and "Kiin,” "born.” Edited
from "Zeinin.”
ziinkeyal Z3NK9AL
n. fortnight.
Means "Two-week.”
ziinmet Z3NMET
n. pair, duo.
Lit. "two-match.”
ziinuv Z3NUV
adj. spiritual.
"Zii" with the suffix "-nuv.” Edited from
ziist Z3ST
adj. second.
Ordinal of "Ziin.”
ziistmaas Z3STM1S
n. may / second seed.
zilf ZILF
adj. silver.
From Old Norse "silfr.”
zilfyuld ZILFYULD
n. electrum.
Combination of "Silver" and "Gold,” just like
zin ZIN
n. honor / honour.
zinaal ZIN1L
adj. honorable / honourable.
"Zin" with the suffix "-aal,” "with or having
zind ZIND
n. triumph.
zindaal ZIND1L
adj. triumphant.
"Zind" with the suffix "-aal," "having
zinthro ZINTHRO
n. chivalry.
Based on "Zin,” "honor.”
zinul ZINUL
adj. super.
Used only as "super,” not as "very.”
zinuljoor ZINULJ8R
adj. superhuman.
From "Zinul" and "Joor,” "super-mortal.”
zir Z7
v. craft.
Can be used as both a noun and a verb.
zirokey Z7OK9
+ n. bicycle, bike.
From Ziin 'two', Ro 'balance', and Key 'horse'.
zixiir ZIX3R
adj. random.
zixiirom ZIX3ROM
n. randomness.
"Zixiir" with the suffix "-om.”
zobaas ZOB1S
adj. plentiful.
"Baas" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zobah ZOB4
adj. wroth, wrathful.
"Bah" with the prefix "Zo-,” "full of wrath.”
zobahlaas ZOB4L1S
adj. thirsty.
"Bahlaas" with the prefix "Zo-," "thirstful."
Edited from "Grentus.”
zodrem ZODREM
adj. peaceful.
A combination of "Drem" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zodremhah ZODREMH4
n. serene, harmonious, tranquil.
From "Dremhah," "full of serenity.”
zodun ZODUN
adj. graceful.
The put-together combination of grace and -ful.
zodunos ZODUNOS
n. martial art.
A compound of "Zodun" and "Nos.”
zof ZOF
n. fork.
Edited from "Zofk.”
zofaas ZOF1S
adj. fearful, scared, afraid.
zofan ZOFAN
adj. generous.
Based on "Ofan,” "to give,” with the prefix "Zo-
,” "full of giving.”
zofanaar ZOFAN1R
n. generosity.
"Zofan" with the suffix "-aar.”
zofenahk ZOFEN4K
+ n. spork.
From "zof"; "fork,” and "enahk"; "spoon.”
zofir ZOF7
adj. respectful.
"Fir" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zoglimrel ZOGLIMREL
adj. energetic.
"Glimrel" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zograv ZOGRAV
adj. effortful, arduous, rigorous.
"Grav" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zogravaar ZOGRAV1R
adv. effortfully, arduously,
A modified "Zograv" with the suffix "-gaar.”
zogrit ZOGRIT
adj. doubtful, dubious.
"Grit" with the prefix "Zo-,” means "with or
full of doubt.” Edited from "Zoren.”
zogut ZOGUT
adj. farthest, extreme.
Literally, "most far.”
zogutiik ZOGUT3K
n. extremist.
"Zugut" with the suffix "-iik,” "someone who is
zoh ZOH
n. sir, ma'am.
A gender-neutral title of respect.
zohaas ZOH1S
adj. healthy, healthful.
From "Haas" with the prefix "zo-," "full of
zohah ZOH4
adj. mindful.
Edited from "Kosah." "Hah" with the prefix
zoheyv ZOH9V
adj. dutiful.
"Heyv" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zohiif ZOH3F
adj. helpful.
"Hiif" with the prefix "zo-.”
zohind ZOHIND
adj. hopeful, wishful.
"Hind" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zohungaar ZOHUNG1R
adv. heroically.
zoirkbaan ZO7KB1N
adj. hateful.
Combination of "Irkbaan" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zojah ZOJ4
adj. willful.
"Jah" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zojiik ZOJ3K
adj. joyful.
zok ZOK
adj. most.
zokah ZOK4
adj. proud, prideful.
"Kah" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zokeyr ZOK9R
adj. awesome, marvelous.
"Keyr" with the prefix "Zo-.” Much different
connotation than English's meaning of "cool.”
"Zokeyr" implies being grand or awe-striking.
zokeyrom ZOK9ROM
n. awesomeness.
"Zokeyr" with the suffix "-om.”
zokhil ZOKHIL
adj. favorite.
From "Zok," "most." Edited from "Baklah.”
zokiv ZOKIV
adj. maximum.
Derived from "Zok,” "most.” Can be used as an
noun and an adverb.
zoklot ZOKLOT
adj. greatest, grand.
Compound of "Zok" and "Lot," "most-great.”
zoknu ZOKNU
adj. immediate.
Zok: most, Nu: now.
zoko ZOKO
adj. innermost.
"Ko" with the prefix "Zok-.”
zokoraav ZOKOR1V
adj. watchful, wary.
Combines "Koraav" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zokraaz ZOKR1Z
adj. spiteful.
"Kraaz" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zokro ZOKRO
adj. solid.
Edited to "Zokro.”
zokromaar ZOKROM1R
adj. sorcerous.
"Kromaar" with the prefix "zo-," "full of
zokrosis ZOKROSIS
adj. sorrowful, sorry.
"Krosis" with the prefix "Zo-." Used as the
adjective "sorry," "a sorry affair.”
zokroved ZOKROVED
adj. corrupt, defiled.
"Kroved" with the prefix "Zo-," "full of
zoktir ZOKT7
adj. outermost.
"Tir" with the prefix "Zok-.”
zokulaad ZOKUL1D
adj. jealous.
"Kulaad" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zokvul ZOKVUL
adj. darkest.
"Vul" combined with "Zok," "most dark.”
zol ZOL
n. zombie.
zolaaf ZOL1F
adj. delightful, enjoyable, appealing.
zolaas ZOL1S
adj. lively.
From "Laas,” "full of life.”
zom ZOM
n. itch.
Can be both noun and verb.
zomaar ZOM1R
adj. terrible, horrible, terrifying,
"Maar" with the prefix "Zo-,” something "full of
zomovut ZOMOVUT
adj. cheerful.
"Movut" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zomulaag ZOMUL1G
adj. formidable.
From "Mulaag," "strength.”
zonahkriin ZON4KR3N
adj. vengeful, vindictive.
"Nahkriin" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zonev ZONEV
adj. wasteful.
"Nev" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zonevom ZONEVOM
n. wastefulness.
"Zonev" with the suffix "-om.”
zoniiz ZON3Z
n. icicle.
From "Iiz,” "ice.”
zonox ZONOX
adj. thankful, grateful.
"Nox" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zont ZONT
adv. twice.
Based on "Zein,” "two,” and "Ont,” "once.”
zonuft ZONUFT
adj. purposeful, useful.
"Nuft" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zonuthaak ZONUTH1K
adj. bothersome.
"Nuthaak" with the prefix "Zo-,” "full of
zoor Z8R
n. legend.
zoortah Z8RT4
n. legacy.
From "Zoor,” "legend.”
zooruv Z8RUV
adj. legendary.
From "Zoor" with the suffix "-uv.” Edited from
zopaak ZOP1K
adj. shameful, ashamed.
"Paak" with the suffix "Zo-," full of shame.
zopaar ZOP1R
adj. ambitious.
"Paar" with the prefix "Zo-,” literally "full of
zor ZOR
v. ride.
zoraax ZOR1X
adj. harmful.
From "Aax" with the prefix "Zo-." Edited from
zorahem ZOR4EM
n. passenger.
Related to "Zoriik,” "rider.”
zorahzaas ZOR4Z1S
adj. resourceful.
"Rahzaas" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zoriik ZOR3K
n. rider.
From "Zor,” "to ride,” with the suffix "-iik.”
zorox ZOROX
v. create.
zos ZOS
n. seven.
zosovah ZOSOV4
+ n. surgeon.
Based on "Zosoviis.”
zosoviis ZOSOV3S
+ n. surgery, to perform surgery.
Slightly related to "Sos,” "blood.”
zosoviis-tuz ZOSOV3S-TUZ
+ n. scalpel.
Lit. "surgery blade.”
zosreid ZOSR2D
n. heptagon.
Means "seven-side.”
zothaarn ZOTH1RN
adj. obedient.
"Zo-" + "Thaarn"; full of obedience.
zothun ZOTHUN
adj. lawful.
"Thun" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zothunrot ZOTHUNROT
n. verdict, decree.
Lit. "lawful word.”
zovahzen ZOV4ZEN
adj. truthful.
"Vahzen" with the prefix "Zo-,” "full of truth.”
zoviidost ZOV3DOST
adj. poisonous, venomous.
"Viidost" with the prefix "Zo-,” literally
"poisonful,” "venomful'.
zovodahmaan ZOVOD4M1N
adj. forgetful.
"Vodahmiin" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zoyen ZOYEN
n. armful.
"Yen" with the prefix "Zo-.”
zu'u Z5
pron. i.
zud ZUD
n. net.
zugut ZUGUT
adv. farther, further.
"Gut" with the prefix "Zu-," "more far.”
zuk ZUK
adj. more.
From "Zok,” "most.”
zuko ZUKO
adj. inner.
"Ko" with the prefix "Zu-.” Used for inanimate
objects; "an inner edge." See also "Kosil.”
zul ZUL
n. voice.
The actual mortal voice, not the power of
Shouting ("Thu'um").
zulaan ZUL1N
n. speaker.
From "Zul," "voice.”
zuld ZULD
n. whirlpool, maelstrom.
Related to "Wuld,” "whirlwind.”
zulkronimaar ZULKRONIM1R
+ n. radio.
From "Zul" and "Kronimaar," "voiced
zulokraan ZULOKR1N
n. parrot.
Compound of "Zul" and "Lokraan," "voiced
zuloraan ZULOR1N
adj. merrier.
"Loraan" with the prefix "Zu-.”
zulpok ZULPOK
n. larynx.
A compound of "Zul" and "Pok,” "voice-box.”
zulvoth ZULVOTH
v. communicate / communication.
Both the verb "to communicate" and the noun
"communication." Edited from "Kiilaar." Means
"to voice with.”
zun ZUN
n. weapon.
zund ZUND
v. board.
To board a ship, rather than a wooden board.
zunrod ZUNROD
n. grindstone.
Lit. "weapon wheel.”
zuplaar ZUPL1R
v. supplant.
zurdon Z6DON
adj. blunt, forthright.
zurgah Z6G4
n. helm, helmet.
zurun Z6UN
adj. odd, strange, eccentric.
zuruniik Z6UN3K
n. stranger, someone who is strange.
Derived from zurun with the suffix -iik.
zurunjusk Z6UNJUSK
n. thumb.
A combination of "Zurun" (Odd/Strange) and
"Jusk" (Claw/Talon).
zuspein ZUSP2N
adj. later.
"Spein" with the prefix "Zu-.”
zuthiir ZUTH3R
v. persist.
zutir ZUT7
adj. outer.
"Tir" with the prefix "Zu-.”
zuvir ZUV7
v. repeat.
Can also be used as a noun.
zuwuth ZUWUTH
adj. elder/older.
"Wuth" combined with the prefix "Zu-.”
-ing suf. -taas.
a adj. aan.
abacus n. ketokaan.
abandon v. vodein.
abandonment n. vodein.
abase v. taargu.
abate v. lumvit.
abatis n. kethey.
abbot n. brodiir.
abdicate v. dulgahvon.
abduct v. fusaav.
abhor v. volor.
ability n. vosmaar.
abject adj. untaar.
abjure v. duvaat.
ablaze adj. yoltaas.
able adj. vos.
abnormal adj. voqurnen.
abode n. boden.
abolish v. obliis.
abominable adj. ahvakiid.
abomination n. ahvakaar.
aboriginal n. diistaak.
abort v. genul.
abortion n. genuld.
abound adj. posiil.
about prep. do.
above prep. avok.
abrade v. ahkrol.
abridge v. gemalingren.
abroad adv. utan.
abrupt adj. hevkah.
absence n. nusaanom.
absent adj. nusaan.
absolute adj. thurot.
absoluteness n. thurot.
absolution n. avodalend.
absolve v. avodal.
absorb v. gahnos.
absorption n. gahnosend.
abstain v. forgen.
abstract adj. vohahgolt.
absurd adj. uzgroleinuv.
absurdity n. uzgrolein.
abundance n. povaas.
abundant adj. povaan.
abyss n. vulzid.
abyssal adj. vulziden.
academy n. mindaziir.
accent n. tinviis.
accept v. eim.
acceptable adj. viseim.
acceptance n. eimend.
access n. rahnd.
accessible adj. virahn.
accident n. redenteyk.
accompany v. enlahvraan.
accomplish v. vinal.
accomplished adj. vinalaan.
accomplishment n. vinalend.
accord v. eftiir.
account n. tal.
accredit v. mahnad.
accumulate v. deyvaaz.
accuracy n. wazahlom.
accurate adj. wazahl.
accursed adj. duraal.
accusation n. noraas.
accuse v. noraas.
accustom v. bahwun.
ache n. hod.
achieve v. kurahiv.
achievement n. kurahivend.
acid n. veik.
acidic adj. veikus.
acknowledge v. eimindah.
acknowledgement n. eimindak.
acolyte n. kiibokaar.
acorn n. ahkriis.
acoustic adj. honuv.
acquaint v. malmind.
acquaintance n. hefahdon.
acquire v. rim.
acquisition n. rimend.
acre n. himkah.
across prep. yaav.
act v. kosov.
act n. dren.
action n. dren.
active adj. drenaal.
actor n. droliik.
actual adj. saad.
actuality n. saadom.
acute adj. aas.
adapt v. iinvak.
adaptability adj. visiinvak.
adaptable adj. visiinvak.
add v. ter.
addict n. brutsal.
addiction n. brutul.
additional adv. siizuk.
adept n. seirakmun.
adhere v. kliif.
adhesive n. hokaalvoth.
adjacent adj. boriigaar.
adjust v. veklin.
administration n. kroskinbok.
admiration v. balaas.
admire v. balaas.
admit v. onvok.
admonish v. vormung.
adorable adj. qiib.
adore v. elskah.
adorn v. setjah.
adornment n. setjahl.
adrenaline n. kopraamul.
adult n. naraan.
adultery n. ahvaruz.
advance v. ativut.
advancement n. ativut.
advantage n. krantok.
adventure n. undoro, bovit.
adventurer n. undoriik, bovitaan.
adventurous adj. undorokei.
adversarial adj. paalus.
adversary n. paalikot.
advice n. tolaas.
advise n. tolaas.
aedra n. eyra.
aedric adj. eyren.
aerial adj. lokuv.
aether n. lovok.
aetherium n. lovokul.
aetherius n. lovok, volein.
afar adv. utan.
affair n. trun.
affect n. droz.
affection n. pruvos.
affectionate adj. pruvosaal.
affiliate v. gevoth.
affinity n. sifyaar.
affirm v. daazrii.
afford v. wazul.
aflame adj. yoltaas.
afloat adj. avokdil.
afraid adj. zofaas.
afro n. saakom.
after prep. mindin.
afterlife n. onlaas.
afternoon n. mindinhefsul.
afterwards adv. mindiniv.
again adv. einzuk.
against prep. midrak.
age n. bok.
ageless adj. vobok.
agender adj. niveiliin.
agent n. droliik.
aggression n. drensepaal.
aggressive adj. paalus.
agile adj. aas.
agility n. asaar.
agitate v. sturon.
ago adj. vod.
agonize v. gaarfaz.
agony n. vaarnufaaz.
agree v. rolur.
agreement n. krolurend.
agriculture n. fahluzok.
ah interj. eh.
ahead prep. amvit.
aid v. frey.
aid n. freyend.
air n. su.
airborne adj. kolok.
aircraft n. geltviing.
airplane n. geltviing.
ajar adj. kadul.
akatosh n. bormah.
akavir n. dovahnor.
alarm n. faast.
alas interj. ahrii.
album n. grokeitz.
alchemist n. folhetiik.
alchemy n. folhet.
alcohol n. geikaal.
aldmer n. geinfahliil.
ale n. geikaal.
alert adj. ahmiin.
alertness n. ahmiin.
alienate v. dahtiris.
align v. tahlon.
alik'r n. alikr.
alike adj. medaas.
alive adj. nahlaas.
all adj. pah.
all-maker n. pahwahliik.
allegiance n. mir.
allergy n. lovariis.
alley n. korvan.
alliance n. mir.
allow v. vos.
alloy n. burkaar.
allude v. nenvaar, forhah.
allure n. ziinahl.
allusion v. forhah.
ally n. grah-zeymahzin, middovah.
almost adj. griindol.
aloft adj. lok, kolok.
alone adj. naalein, meyardein.
along prep. asamit.
aloud adj. enshar.
alphabet adj. golrosik.
alphabetical adj. golrosikuv.
already adv. nalkun.
alright interj. bek.
also adv. ahk.
altar n. belur.
alter v. muriiv.
alteration n. murahv.
alternative n. krizaak.
although conj. to.
altmer n. yuvonfahliil.
altogether adv. pahvoth.
always adv. unstiid.
am v. los.
amateur n. ahtamun.
amaze v. daazun.
ambassador n. norzaar.
amber n. golsez.
ambition n. paar.
ambitious adj. zopaar.
amble v. driinod.
ambush v. treymoz.
amend v. vokren.
amethyst n. jenkazaar.
amid prep. benix.
amidst prep. benix.
amnesia n. vahruktnu, zahgraan-hah.
among prep. benix.
amount n. waarth.
amphibian n. golomen, viidsivaas.
ample adj. drezig.
amplify v. ter.
amputate v. kliizfaak.
amputation v. kliizfaak.
amputee n. kliizfakaat.
amulet n. kagaav.
amuse v. skem.
amused adj. skemaan.
an adj. aan.
anal adj. reymuv.
analyze v. siivahzen.
anatomy n. kopraanun.
ancestor n. meyr.
ancestral adj. meyren.
anchor n. ankid.
ancient adj. kruziik.
and conj. ahrk.
angel n. lokzii.
anger n. rahgot.
anger v. gerahgron.
angle n. ulaz.
angry adj. rahgron.
angry n. strunus.
anguish n. vaarnufaaz.
animal n. raan.
animalistic adj. raanuv.
animate v. eliir.
animism n. ziilun.
animosity n. kosilahey.
animus n. viil.
ankle n. svistak.
annex v. eizurik.
annihilate v. skag.
anniversary n. doruvos.
announce v. pahvaak.
annoy v. motag.
annoyance n. motagend.
annual adj. eruvus.
annul v. obliis.
anoint v. qelek.
anomaly n. uzgrolein.
anonymity adj. luftnum.
anonymous adj. luftnu.
another adj. aanvorey.
answer n. fahrald.
answer v. fahral.
ant n. klav.
anthem n. weridaas.
anthropomorph n. muneyd.
anthropomorphic n. muneyd.
antic n. ukiir.
anticipate v. kunus.
antidote n. voviidost.
antler n. andag.
anus n. reym.
anvil n. keyn.
anxiety n. aank.
anxious adj. aankei.
any adj. naan.
anymore adv. nidzuk.
anyone n. naangein.
anyplace adv. naanstad.
anything adj. naan.
anywhere adv. naanstad.
apart adv. oraan.
apathy n. nurzir.
aphorism n. vahzensaag.
apocalypse n. suldaan.
apocalyptic adj. suldaanuv.
apologize v. friikir.
apology n. friik.
apothecary n. vahraniik.
apparel n. reken.
apparent adj. baar.
apparition n. sii.
appeal n. ziinahl.
appealing adj. zolaaf.
appear v. genun.
appearance n. genund.
appease v. maunaz.
appendage n. faak.
applaud v. haalrein.
applause n. haalrein.
apple n. hild.
appoint v. volkon.
appreciate v. ahreyn.
apprehensive adj. meyarnkei.
apprentice n. prustmun.
approach v. lov.
appropriate adj. prudaav.
approve v. zeylum.
april n. haalokluv.
apron n. meliis.
aqua adj. viid.
aquatic adj. viiden.
arbitrary n. kongaar.
arcana n. lahbaas.
arcane adj. nuzuk.
arch n. prok.
archaeology n. hahsewuth.
archenemy n. lotpaal.
archer n. ronaan.
archery n. ronaar.
archetype n. venselor.
archipelago n. skenpor.
archmage n. lotlahzey.
archnemesis n. lotpaal.
archon n. kriisjor.
arctic adj. oden.
arduous adj. zograv.
arduously adv. zogravaar.
are v. los.
area n. nizaag, staad.
arena n. grahstaad.
argonian n. siigonis.
argue v. dilah.
argument n. dilah.
aria n. sulovaas.
arise v. alok.
arm n. yen.
armada n. flaar.
armageddon n. suldaan.
armchair n. yendruk.
armful n. zoyen.
armor n. qah.
armored adj. qahaar.
armory n. qahliir.
army n. lahvu, fussekein.
aroma n. sahlon.
around prep. um.
arouse v. eliir.
arrange v. devaak.
arrangement n. vorstaald.
array n. dograan.
arrival n. arosend.
arrive v. bo, aros.
arrogance n. pahlok.
arrogant adj. pahlokaal.
arrow n. ronaaz.
art n. baas.
artefact n. tholaar.
artery n. sostrah.
artifact n. tholaar.
artificial adj. joormur.
artillery n. gutzekein.
artist n. verbaasiik.
artistic adj. baasus.
artsy adj. baasus.
as adv. ol.
ascend v. envok.
ascetic n. ronir.
asexual adj. niliinvas.
ash n. kii.
ashamed adj. zopaak.
ashen adj. kiihus.
ashes n. kii.
aside adv. ireid.
ask v. laan.
asleep adj. enlaag.
aspect n. vensekos.
ass n. reym.
assassin n. ahvulon.
assassinate v. kriivat.
assassination n. kriivat.
assault v. zahkein.
assemble v. lahvroth.
assembly n. pahlahvraan.
assess v. kronlorot.
assiduous adj. meykovei.
assign v. vusiin.
assist v. frey.
assistance n. freyend.
assistant n. freyiik.
associate v. gevoth.
associate n. krosfahdon.
assume v. lorfonaar.
assurance n. pahsu.
asteroid n. gutvild.
astonish v. sujir.
astound v. daazun.
astral adj. filuv.
astray adj. hondativ.
astrology n. hahsesiin.
astronomy n. hahsefil.
asunder adv. nivosik.
at prep. ahst.
atheist n. koraaknu.
atmora n. atmora.
atmosphere n. gekenlokin.
atom n. zahkose.
atrocious adj. volrokei.
atrocity n. volrog.
atronach n. mukaronahs.
attack v. iidah, zahkein.
attain v. kurahiv.
attainment n. kurahivend.
attempt v. togaat.
attend v. nuviis.
attention n. morah, ahmiin.
attentive adj. ahmiin.
attract v. lokaalvut.
attractive adj. lokalvutaal.
attribute n. trahkiin.
audacity n. dolok.
aught pron. nonaan.
augment v. ter.
august n. laatmaas.
aunt n. tiinah.
aura n. silkun.
aural adj. honuv.
aurora n. loksilkun.
author n. verotiik.
authority n. kahl.
authorization n. gekahlend.
authorize v. gekahl.
automaton n. dwinaar.
automobile n. geltkey.
autumn n. gravuun.
autumnal adj. gravuunus.
avail n. balaar.
availability adj. vilost.
available adj. vilost.
avalanche n. odrahgol.
avatar n. rahnunahst.
avenge v. nahlok.
avoid v. vudoz.
await v. saraan.
awake v. praad.
award v. urid.
aware adj. ahmiin.
awareness n. ahmiin.
away prep. hond.
awe n. keyr.
awesome adj. zokeyr.
awesomeness n. zokeyrom.
awkward adj. ilkoth.
axe n. hahkun.
ayleid n. filkiir.
babble v. vanvaak.
baby n. pahdul.
back n. rigir.
backpack n. ribrulost.
backward adv. rigirtiv.
bacon n. flesk.
bad adj. volzah.
badge n. siinsezin.
badger v. terag.
bag n. ahpaan.
baggage n. kahlos.
bail n. starak.
bake v. yusnol.
balance n. ro.
balanced adj. roaal.
bald adj. omnu.
bale n. gurah.
ball n. niiv.
ballad n. qolaak.
ballista n. niidam.
balm n. bahsam.
balsam n. bahsam.
ban v. fustir.
banana n. banaan.
band n. lid.
bandage n. ahraandon.
bandit n. thunvu.
bane n. feyn.
bang v. bau.
bangs n. teyxom.
banish v. fustir.
bank n. biirzah.
banner n. vahyarak.
banquet n. velaaz.
banter n. izaak.
baptize v. qelek.
bar n. snol.
bar v. tend.
barbarian n. volgin.
bard n. sonaan.
bare adj. nunt.
bareness n. nuntom.
bargain n. skunvar.
bargain v. miik.
bark v. kem.
bark n. rindah.
barkeep n. snoldein.
barman n. snoldein.
barn n. brenhof.
barrage v. dahzunt.
barrel n. tahdoor.
barren adj. nunt.
barrier n. tendrok.
barrow n. staag.
bartender n. snoldein.
barter v. miik.
base n. ubaak.
baseball n. tus-niiv.
basement n. nebenweyt.
basil n. kump.
basilisk n. viijun.
basin n. storn.
basket n. doskad.
basketball n. doskad-niiv.
bass n. lumhonaat.
bastard n. firok.
bastion n. gaard.
bat v. sloog.
bat n. naat.
bath n. wursk.
bathe v. wasek.
bathroom n. shunstaad.
bathtub n. wursk.
batter v. zahkein.
battery n. gutzekein.
battle n. grah.
battleaxe n. grahkun.
battlefield n. frod.
battlemage n. keinlahzey.
battleship n. grahveysun.
bawdy adj. griir.
bay n. vaal, sokaaz.
bayonet n. zahkriizon.
be v. kos.
be like v. fon.
beach n. traaz.
beacon n. siintul.
bead n. breyl.
beak n. spok.
beam n. bokun.
bean n. fruksethok.
bear v. brud.
bear n. kodaav.
beard n. vum.
bearded adj. vumaal.
beast n. sivaas, sunvaar.
beat v. graal.
beautiful adj. brit.
beauty n. brii.
beaver n. qalteyk.
because conj. dahik.
beckon v. braag.
become v. meyz.
bed n. sek.
bedside adj. sekreid.
bee n. em.
beef n. stek.
beehive n. embodein.
been v. kosaan.
beer n. geikaal.
beeswax n. emronk.
beetle n. skeyz.
befall v. enmah.
before prep. us.
befriend v. frahdin.
beg v. bolog.
beget v. got.
beggar n. bologin.
begin v. gon.
beginner n. goniik.
begone interj. bonu.
behave v. kosov.
behavior n. kosoveyd.
behead v. voklov.
behind prep. undin.
behold v. enmindok.
beholder n. enmindokin.
beige adj. tavus.
being n. nahlii.
belch n. pooksum.
belief n. koraak.
believable adj. viskorah.
believe v. korah.
belittle v. gemal.
bell n. kriing.
belly n. skerah.
belong v. engein.
beloved adj. lokalaat.
below prep. atum.
belt n. govir.
bench n. pravoz.
bend n. krek.
bend v. kreh.
beneath prep. neben.
benefactor n. hiifahdon.
benefit n. dorok.
benevolent adj. dremsil.
benign adj. bahnu.
bent adj. krel.
bequeath v. ofalaan.
bequest n. grolaan.
berate v. bulned.
berry n. ogah.
beseem v. komed.
beside adj. areid.
besiege v. kirgar.
besmirch v. nahpok, denaak.
best adj. pruzaan.
bestow v. enfan.
betray v. grut.
betrayal n. gruth.
better adj. pruz.
between prep. nix.
beverage n. buruvaan.
beware v. kosiir.
bewilder v. gejeykaan.
bewilderment n. gejeykaant.
bewitch v. ensosin.
beyond prep. vortii.
bicycle n. zirokey.
bid v. braag.
big adj. saak.
bike n. zirokey.
bile n. vahriz.
bill n. senah.
billiards n. bord-niiv.
billion n. unen.
billow n. viigah.
bin n. kleyt.
bind v. gron.
biological adj. laasuv.
biology n. hahselaas.
birch n. lahan.
bird n. lokraan.
birth n. kiindah.
birthday n. kiindahsul.
birthright n. kiindahqaar.
birthright n. kruzikaar.
birthsign n. kiindahsiin.
bisexual adj. neyliinvas.
bite v. fiit.
bitter adj. ahzid.
bittersweet adj. ahzidhes.
blab v. njol.
black adj. ved.
blacken v. geved.
blacksmith n. heimiik.
blade n. tuz.
blades n. dovahdaan.
blame v. noraas.
blank adj. niliik.
blanket n. donin.
blasphemy n. rakroved.
blast n. kaagend.
blast v. kaag.
blaze n. yem.
blazing adj. yoltaas.
bleach v. gesot.
bleak adj. veyd.
bleed v. sosaal.
blemish n. vahnis.
bless v. kog.
blessing n. kogaan.
blew v. sun.
blight n. kreyn.
blind v. vokoraav.
blind adj. koraavnu.
blink v. prus.
bliss n. vuro.
blister n. slesgen.
blizzard n. iizstrun.
block v. wadren.
blog n. rilorpel.
blood n. sos.
blood of dragonkind n. sossedov.
bloodeater n. sosnaak.
bloodied adj. sus.
bloodlust n. sosahlos.
bloodshed n. sosmah.
bloodthirst n. sosahlos.
bloody adj. sus.
bloody v. gesus.
bloom v. veyr.
blossom v. veyr.
blow v. sun.
blue adj. bii.
blueberry n. miirit.
bluff v. yinok.
blunt adj. zurdon.
blur n. mutahl.
blurt v. njol.
blush v. lofur.
boar n. horaak.
board v. zund.
boast v. kahmaar.
boat n. vaad.
bodily adj. kopraanuv.
body n. kopraan.
bog n. styorngol.
boggle v. jekah.
boil v. yoz.
bold adj. boziik.
boldly adj. boziik.
boldness n. bozikaar.
bolt n. ruzaak.
bomb n. yolmah.
bombard v. dahzunt.
bond n. grin.
bondage n. aargron.
bone n. qeth.
bonfire n. bex-yol.
bonus n. priizah.
book n. deykel.
boot n. stov.
booth n. botikah.
border n. tiran.
bore v. vosotiiv.
boreal n. galiko.
boredom n. vosotiivend.
boring adj. alunrinis.
born v. kiin.
borrow v. bodiis.
bosmer n. feyfahliil.
boss n. ahmiliik.
both adj. ney.
bother n. nuthaak.
bothersome adj. zonuthaak.
bottle n. ahlek.
bottom n. baakrit.
bought v. bir.
boulder n. goldrah.
bounce v. bunzit.
bound adj. gro.
boundless adj. gronvu.
bountiful adj. posiil, povaan.
bounty n. povaas.
boutique n. botikah.
bouyancy n. novuldah.
bovine adj. bozuv.
bow v. qiilaan.
bow n. brax.
bowel n. kipaar.
bowl n. sath.
bowlegged adj. krehpaagol.
box n. pok.
boy n. sen.
boyfriend n. onliin.
brace v. ahkt.
bracelet n. brenaak.
braggart n. kahmaariik.
brain n. hahlor.
brainstorm n. hahstrun.
bramble n. revneis.
branch n. andel.
brand v. yolskein.
brass n. gosis.
brave adj. kril.
bravely adv. ahkril.
bravery n. krilaan.
brawl v. maalz.
brawn n. solkiig.
breach v. briik.
bread n. brot.
breadstick n. brotor.
break v. kren.
breakable adj. viskren.
breaker n. kreniik.
breakfast n. krenbahlok.
breakthrough n. strunaar.
breast n. niislah.
breath n. su'um.
breathe v. sum.
breeches n. navik.
breed n. eylok.
breed v. verkiir.
breeze n. suth.
brethren n. zeyliik.
breton n. munfahliil.
brevity n. maltiidom.
brewery n. geikalstaad.
brick n. tuk.
bricklayer n. tuknokin.
bride n. kiimah.
bridge n. fost.
bridle n. taumir.
brief adj. maltiid.
briefness n. maltiidom.
bright adj. hez.
brilliance n. uraan.
brilliant adj. uraniik.
brim n. burdah.
bring v. drun.
bringer n. druniik.
brink n. mahzahd.
broad adj. urik.
broaden v. gerik.
broken adj. krent.
bromjunaar n. bronjunaar.
bronze n. biin.
brood n. saalum.
brook n. bahyek.
broom n. froiim.
broth n. tahzos.
brothel n. wiigokel.
brother n. zeymah.
brother-in-law n. frin-zeymah.
brotherhood n. zeymahmaar.
brotherly adj. zeymahus.
brought v. drun.
brow n. gov.
brown adj. prun.
browse v. rovit.
brush v. dahrm.
brutal adj. hevno.
brutality n. hevnoraak.
brute n. hevnaar.
bubble n. diipah.
bubbly adj. diipahus.
buck n. toriig.
bucket n. turgun.
buckler n. turguld.
bug n. pusojur.
build v. wahl.
builder n. wahliik.
building n. wahlaat.
built v. wahlaan.
bulk n. kolkir.
bull n. bozok.
bulldozer n. golboaan.
bump v. bil.
bumpy adj. bilbus.
bunch n. kung.
bunker n. golgevild.
burden n. brudaat.
burger n. yelsliin.
burial n. deytaan.
burn v. ag.
burp n. pooksum.
burrow v. deyvut.
burst v. kaag.
burst n. kaagend.
bury v. deyto.
bus n. lingeltkey.
bush n. jin.
business n. maarahmik.
bust n. klovnus.
busy adj. ofir.
but conj. nuz.
butcher v. nuksliin.
butter n. yuvol.
butterfly n. demdriik.
button n. batak.
buy v. bir.
by prep. naal.
bye interj. guur.
cabbage n. blad.
cabin n. qiiv.
cabinet n. oskad.
cacophony n. kagugoz.
cadence n. lovaasmah.
cage n. kaask.
cairn n. golvahrukt.
cake n. sufolbrot.
calculator n. tokaasiik.
calendar n. tiidfar.
calf n. bol.
call v. for, prel.
calligraphy n. tindey.
calm adj. stiildus.
calm n. stiild.
calumny n. rotzekein.
camel n. saaltor.
camera n. nivzahmiin.
camp n. jaald.
campaign n. vaaril.
campfire n. bex-yol.
can v. vis.
canal n. rathol.
cancel v. genul.
cancellation n. genuld.
cancer n. dunarand.
candelabra n. rezmoriiv.
candle n. rezmor.
candlestick n. rezmoriiv.
candy n. shiraav.
cannibal n. nekov.
cannon n. treiyun.
cannot v. nis.
canoe n. vaad.
canon n. oron.
canteen n. ahlek.
capability n. mulvos.
capable adj. mulvos.
capacity n. wid.
cape n. roodam.
caper n. ukiir.
capital n. ahkriim.
captain n. ruveyzun.
captive n. grunzah.
capture v. poltor.
car n. geltkey.
caravan n. triik.
carcass n. naas.
card n. shaal.
care v. ulaak.
careful adj. ulaakei.
careless adj. ulaaknu, huznu.
carelessness n. ulaaknurom.
caress v. haalniv.
cargo n. kahlos.
carnage n. soslen.
carnivore n. slenaak.
carpet n. sevmah.
carriage n. borodon.
carrier n. brudmun.
carrot n. sonesk.
carry v. brud.
cart n. donth.
cartographer n. grundiik.
cartography n. vergrundak.
carve v. dwiirok.
carving n. juskov.
cascade v. hulir.
case n. trun, qahd.
casino n. dezahrelstaad.
cast v. fusk, fustum.
castle n. gevild.
casual adj. sulak.
cat n. kaaz.
catacomb n. golgraad.
catapult n. damdriik.
catch v. horvutah.
catholic adj. pahleinuv.
cauldron n. kahest.
cause v. drun.
caution n. dirun.
cautious adj. dirunkei.
cavalry n. lahvukey.
cave n. gul.
cease v. viir.
ceaseless adj. unahzaal, unslaad.
ceasing adj. viir.
celebrate v. vervisk.
celebration n. visk.
celestial adj. kahliir.
cell n. kaask.
cellar n. nebenweyt.
cemetery n. nokorun.
centaur n. keymun.
center n. mith, ther.
centimeter n. bentmezaar.
centurion n. lotdwinaar.
century n. beneruvos.
ceremonial adj. revkoronuv.
ceremony n. revkoron.
certain adj. reistig.
certainty n. reistigaar.
cervine n. driinuv.
chain n. sken.
chainmail n. biirn.
chainsaw n. sken-worax.
chair n. druk.
chalice n. qodii.
chalk n. kraak.
challenge v. jur, yin.
challenger n. juriik.
chamber n. vost.
chamber pot n. nevstjorn.
champagne n. qarask.
champion n. kaal.
championship n. krongrahdein.
chance n. grozein.
chancellery n. shiirugrah.
chancellor n. shiirukaar.
change v. vuld.
change n. vuldak.
changeable adj. vuldrus.
changer n. vuldiik.
changing adj. vomulhaan.
channel n. rathol.
channeller n. nahgah.
chant v. ahvit.
chaos n. volbur.
chaotic adj. volburaal.
chapter n. rup.
character n. edil.
charcoal n. ahkol.
charge v. fonaar, noraas.
charge n. siigren, vahlokeyv.
charm n. kagiin.
charm v. naag.
charmer n. nahgah.
chase v. niivut.
chasm n. ahgrun.
chaste adj. vakron.
chastity n. vakrom.
chat v. tind.
chaurus n. kahruz.
cheat v. skobov, resh.
cheater n. skoboviik, reshiik.
check v. frolk.
cheek n. zahrid.
cheer v. movut.
cheerful adj. zomovut.
cheese n. haamid.
cheetah n. qobokaaz.
chef n. yahnoliik.
cherish v. elskah.
cherry n. vroz.
chest n. qahd, geyt.
chestplate n. qahdtus.
chew v. krumon.
chick n. lokiin.
chicken n. rikmah.
chief n. konaar.
chieftain n. konaar.
child n. kiir.
childhood n. kiirmaar.
childish adj. kiirus.
childlike adj. kiirus.
children n. kiir.
chill n. iirik.
chilly adj. iirikus.
chimer n. kunfahliil.
chivalry n. zinthro.
chocolate n. elaas.
choice n. poguk.
choir n. worah.
choke v. suliiv.
choose v. unad, urzun.
choosy adj. pogukus.
chop v. piir.
chopstick n. naak-oraak.
chord n. ofahnir.
chortle v. jeh.
chorus n. worah.
chosen adj. unadaan.
chronicle n. teymaak.
chuckle v. jeh.
chunk n. malur.
church n. kirkah.
churn v. peil.
cider n. hildlom.
cigar n. veydoraak.
cigarette n. malveydoraak.
cipher n. vulsik.
circle n. kenlok.
circlet n. kirkel.
circuit n. rikahtus.
circular adj. kenlokus.
circumstance n. draknah, ahstiir.
cisgender adj. rinveiliin.
cistern n. tiizak.
citadel n. anhiim.
citizen n. tursaal.
citizenship n. tursaaldein.
city n. hiim.
civil adj. tursaaluv.
civil war n. vaazkein.
civilian n. tursaal.
claim v. piraan.
claimant n. piraad.
clairvoyance n. froloktiid.
clam n. kunukin.
clamor v. buush.
clan n. brod.
clang v. buush.
clannfear n. kahnezah.
clap v. haalz.
clapper n. haalziik.
clarification n. gelaarend.
clarify v. gelaar.
clarity n. baarom.
clash v. buush.
clash n. keinul.
clasp v. rudvim.
class n. vorul.
classic adj. latiid.
clatter v. sokoh.
clavicus vile n. meyvaatlo.
claw n. jusk.
clawless adj. jusknu.
clay n. ahgil.
claymore n. lotzahkrii.
clean v. shun.
cleanse v. shun.
clear adj. baar.
clear v. voluk.
cleave v. kliiz.
cleaver n. slentuz.
clef n. nivosevild.
clench v. hiik.
clergy n. rahmun.
cleric n. rahmun.
clerical adj. rahlunkei.
clerk n. sirnaaz.
clever adj. fax.
cliff n. grindol.
climate n. loksestaad.
climb v. ruknaar.
cling v. kliif.
cloak n. roodam.
clock n. urah.
clockwork n. sothah.
clog v. kotend.
clone n. fiikmeyar.
clop v. sokoh.
close adj. lovun.
close v. strin.
cloth n. riiv.
clothed adj. leinhaal.
clothes n. riived.
clothing n. riived.
cloud n. gram.
cloudy adj. gramus.
clover n. tirvah.
club n. tokah, birvog.
clue n. daarz.
clueless adj. daarznu.
clumsy adj. fomus.
cluster n. kungah.
clutch v. rudvim.
coal n. kirg.
coarse adj. klofraan.
coast n. vaknor.
coaster n. ahleksevmah.
coat n. kelm.
cock n. rokmah.
cockatrice n. viijun.
cockerel n. rokmah.
cocoa n. kalaas.
coconut n. banlak.
cocoon n. qahrus.
coda n. lovaasmah.
code n. vulsik, rikuth.
coerce v. verluz.
coffee n. praadnepiin.
coffin n. viirpraan.
coil n. sahsir.
coin n. kerf.
cold n. krah.
coliseum n. lotgrahstaad.
collapse v. tursak.
collapse n. tumah.
collar n. ruuslid.
colleague n. krosfahdon.
collect v. skoz.
collection n. edrah.
collective adj. skozriin.
college n. bruz.
collide v. kosaat.
collision n. kosaatak.
colony n. uthim.
color n. fahin.
colosseum n. lotgrahstaad.
colour n. fahin.
colt n. keyraan.
coma n. alunlaag.
combat n. vukein.
combination n. hilkaan.
combine v. hilk.
come v. meyz.
comedy n. moorim.
comely adj. buldus.
comfort n. sulvek.
comfortable adj. sulvekaal.
comissioner n. vahlusendaar.
command v. uth.
command n. kinbokrot.
commemorate v. vahrukiv.
commemoration n. vahrukiv.
commence v. gonaas.
commend v. lotdraal.
comment v. ofunlor.
commission n. vahlusend.
commit v. drah.
commmoner n. vonumiik.
commodity n. feluk.
common adj. vonum.
commonplace adj. vonum.
communicate v. zulvoth.
communication n. zulvoth.
communion n. geind.
community n. nahlimaar.
compact n. vanras.
companion n. zeymahzin, onliin.
companionship n. zeymahzinmaar.
compare v. vothnaar.
compass n. bromaak.
compassion n. tasnah.
compel v. skildir.
compendium n. drezujah.
compensate v. vothoris.
compensation n. sovaat.
compete v. faant.
competition n. faantak.
competitor n. fantiik.
complain v. galv.
complement n. dremet.
complete adj. ulaan.
complete v. geblaan.
complex adj. votrul.
compliance n. kolovend.
complicated adj. votrul.
compliment v. guriid.
comply v. kolov.
compose v. raavun.
composition n. korin.
compound n. geind.
comprehend v. mindoraan.
compromise n. vahlukad.
computer n. rihahdrim.
computer chip n. rikahtus.
computer program n. rikuth.
con v. resh.
conceal v. ilos.
concentrate v. morah.
concentration n. morah.
concept n. zaak.
conception n. gonmaar.
concern v. hahvoth.
concern n. hahvaas.
concert n. korvoth.
concise adj. strilor.
concision adj. strilorend.
conclude v. urzun.
concrete adj. hahgolt.
concur v. koraavmed.
condemn v. zaal.
condemnation n. zaalak.
condition n. vensekos.
condolence n. aavrosii.
conduct n. drelaaz.
conductor n. dolkeyin.
cone n. jeyzok.
confess v. vothlo.
confidence n. pahsu.
confident adj. pahsunaal.
confidential adj. jormaar.
confine v. kogron.
confinement v. kogron.
confirm v. daazrii.
conflict n. brothuz.
conform v. kolov.
conformation n. kolovend.
confront v. yin.
confuse v. jeyk.
confusion n. jeydahk.
congest v. kotend.
congestion n. kotend.
congratulate v. forun.
congratulation n. foruniis.
congratulations n. foruniis.
congress n. valkragrind.
conifer n. laakis.
coniferous n. galiko.
conjecture v. kronlorot.
conjoin v. gevoth, gevoth.
conjuration n. belend.
conjure v. belvut.
conjurer n. beliik.
conlang n. wahlzul.
connect v. gevoth.
connection n. gevothend.
conquer v. kron.
conqueror n. kroniid.
conquest n. krongrah.
conscience n. hahleit.
conscious adj. praadonah.
consciousness n. praadonom.
consecrate v. gerevak.
consecutive adj. boriigaar.
consent v. orlaav.
consent n. orlaavend.
conservative adj. zahniruv.
conserve v. zahnir.
consider v. miinahsul.
consist v. raavun.
console v. franvoth.
consonance n. hezhonaat.
consonant n. hezhonaat.
conspiracy n. neyrok.
conspire v. nivurot.
constant adj. bestandii.
constellation n. filsiin.
constitution n. korin.
constrain v. skildir, morkon.
construct v. wahl.
construct n. wahlaat.
constructed language n. wahlzul.
consult v. vothlorot.
consume v. naak.
consumer n. naakin.
consumerism n. birbahlok.
consummate v. kavrot.
contact n. vothaalvut.
contain v. kolost.
container n. oskad.
contend v. vothmul.
content adj. vinurah.
content n. korin.
contest v. vothjur.
continent n. ozinkrel.
continue v. fahbo.
continuous adj. meykovei.
contract n. kalyul.
contradiction n. midrakmaar.
contradictory n. midrakmaar.
contrary adj. vovoth.
contribute v. enfavoth.
control v. imaar.
controversy n. ahstiroz.
conversation v. tinvaak.
conversational adj. tinvaakuv.
converse v. tinvaak.
convert v. uzur.
convey v. fumrii.
cook n. yahnoliik.
cook v. yahnol.
cooker n. yahnoliik.
cookie n. sufolbrot.
cool adj. krahus.
cooper n. beyliir.
cooperate v. pahrak.
cooperative adj. pahrakal.
copious adj. posiil.
copper n. mard.
copy v. laniz.
copycat n. laniziik.
copyright n. jormaar-kroson.
coral n. golzokaaz.
core n. mithil.
corn n. kern.
corner n. kahtu.
cornucopia n. zahksenorgraz.
corpse n. naas.
correct v. folov.
corrode v. moskir.
corrosive adj. moskirus.
corrupt adj. zokroved.
corrupt v. kroved.
corruption n. krasfaal.
corundum n. prulogel.
coruscate v. dortiis.
cosmology n. hahselein.
cotton n. kathral.
couch n. faskpravoz.
cough v. aaksu.
could v. vust.
council n. mu'ulaav.
counsel v. mindiir.
count v. tii.
count n. jusktii.
counter v. tegal.
counterfeiter n. skoboviik.
counterpart adj. med-zeymah.
countless adj. tiinu.
country n. nor.
courage n. ahkrin.
courageous adj. krin.
course n. rahlo.
court n. mu'ular.
cousin n. erkriin.
couth adj. bavir.
cove n. gaal.
coven n. sosinmaar.
covenant n. rahvahriin.
cover v. dunaak.
cow n. boz.
coward n. nikriin.
cowardice adj. nikrinaar.
cowardly adj. nivahriin.
cower v. motaas.
cowl n. dahral.
cozy adj. muf.
crab n. nik.
crack n. nivosevild.
crackle v. kresel.
cradle n. riiveis.
craft v. zir.
crag n. kol.
crap n. draaf.
crappy adj. draafus.
crash v. krenmah.
crater n. golraf.
crave v. frilin.
crawl v. ahkrop.
crazed adj. naariv.
crazy adj. naariv.
cream n. paagliik.
create v. wahl.
created v. wahlaan.
creation n. kiindah, wahlaat.
creative adj. wahlaaran.
creativity n. wahliig.
creator n. wahliik.
creature n. ulfah.
credit v. mahnad.
creed n. oron.
creek n. bahyek.
creep v. ahkrop.
crescent n. ruvuk.
crevice n. nivosevild.
crew n. joraas.
crib n. kleyt.
crier n. luvmahliik.
crime n. wult.
criminal n. wultriin.
crimson adj. sahqon.
crisis n. faastiid.
criticism n. bulnedak.
criticize v. bulned.
crocodile n. krozol.
crone n. kerl.
crook n. krek.
crooked adj. krel.
crop n. bes.
cross v. hok.
cross-guard n. hokdeiniik.
crossbow n. runaz.
crossing n. hokaat.
crossway n. hokaat.
crouch v. krog.
crow n. olm.
crowd n. feyal.
crowded adj. joraan.
crown n. du'ul.
crude adj. graar.
cruel adj. munax.
cruelty n. nax.
crumble v. tursak.
crumble v. tumah.
crunch v. krumon.
crusade n. vaaril.
crush v. gunaar.
crust n. daput.
cry v. luvmah.
crypt n. kriitah, golgraad.
cryptic adj. digol.
crystal n. yostrah.
crystalline adj. yostrahuv.
cub n. loz.
cuddle v. fadaav.
cudgel n. birvog.
cuirass n. qahdtus.
cult n. zaag.
cultist n. zaagin.
cultivate v. naavar.
cunning n. qolor.
cup n. beyl.
cure n. vokras.
curious adj. ferviit.
curiousity n. kusaar.
curled adj. krel.
currency n. yuld.
current adj. fautiid.
current n. ven.
curse n. dur.
cursed adj. duraal.
cursor n. praak-ronaaz.
curtain n. vundonin.
curve n. vug.
curved adj. krel.
custom n. hahtaar, revkoron.
customary adj. revkoronuv, brahnuv.
cut v. vey.
cute adj. qiib.
cutie adj. qibiik.
cutlass n. krelzahkrii.
cyborg n. geltlaas-mun.
cycle n. kenlik.
cyclone n. morwuld.
cyrodiil n. sarodaal.
cyrodiilic adj. sarodaalen.
daedra n. deyra.
daedric adj. deyren.
dagger n. pusahkrii.
daggerfall n. ranemaar.
daily adj. sulus.
dainty adj. hiraas, malfask.
daisy n. welon.
dam n. volkaan.
damage v. aax.
damn v. vik.
damn interj. ruth.
damnation n. vik.
damp adj. lomiiz.
dance v. tanz.
danger n. rut.
dangerous adj. rutkei.
dare v. yin.
dark adj. vul.
dark elf n. vulfahliil.
darken v. gevul.
darkest adj. zokvul.
darkness n. vulom.
dart n. ruzaak.
dash v. nelru.
date n. zahtiid.
daughter n. mon.
daunt v. bovoz.
dawn n. vu.
dawnguard n. vudeinmaar.
dawnstar n. bromlom.
day n. sul.
daydream v. verwahsar, feylhahnu, gutovok.
daylight n. shulkun.
dazzle v. sujir.
dead adj. dilon.
deadly adj. dilos.
deaf adj. voj.
deafen v. gevoj.
deal v. sent.
dear adj. shir.
dearth n. oraas.
death n. dinok.
debase v. taargu.
debatable adj. pogaan-luft.
debate v. graat, grah, krif, vukein.
debris n. taavin.
debt n. fozir.
decade n. meneruvos.
decagon n. menreid.
decapitate v. voklov.
decay v. nev.
deceit n. lozaan.
deceitful adj. loziik.
deceive v. lo.
deceiver n. loaan.
december n. vulonfil.
decency n. ufirzah.
decent adj. ufir.
deception n. lo.
deceptive adj. loziik.
decide v. komaan.
decimate v. vald.
decimation n. valdak.
decipher v. vodigol.
decision n. komant.
decisive adj. komandaal.
deck n. brek.
declaim v. kovon.
declaration n. kopirot.
declare v. kopiraan.
decline v. denos.
decorate v. setjah.
decoration n. setjahl.
decoy n. meykrazahd.
decrease v. geson.
decree n. zothunrot.
decrepit adj. sahlovik.
decrypt v. vodigol.
dedicate v. selvakor.
deed n. sod.
deem v. ned.
deep adj. dil.
deer n. driin.
deface v. aldwiirok.
default adj. nesiik.
default n. qurnen.
defeat v. viik.
defend v. bild.
defender n. bildiik.
defense n. bildrun.
defiance n. vogahriin.
defile v. kroved.
defiled adj. zokroved.
define v. pelark.
definite adj. reistig.
definiteness n. reistigaar.
definitive adj. reistig.
deft adj. osk.
defy v. vogahvon.
degrade v. taargu.
degree n. yosel.
dejected adj. duyiiv.
delay v. gespein.
delegate n. valkralin.
delicate adj. fask, hiraas.
delicateness adj. faskom.
delicious adj. duliig.
delight n. laaf.
delight v. genaz.
delightful adj. zolaaf.
deliver v. kelnat.
dell n. feykros.
delusion n. hahnurov.
demand v. fusrot.
demeanor n. vensedren.
demented adj. saanahaal.
dementia n. saanhah.
demigod n. hefrah.
demise n. dukiin.
democracy n. mu'ulsejoriin.
demolish v. skag.
demon n. hokzii.
demonic adj. hokziinus.
denial n. qahnaar.
denizen n. staak.
denote v. miistir.
dense adj. pogaad.
dent v. pukreh.
deny v. qahnaar.
depart v. lif.
depend v. rivun.
dependent adj. rivunaal.
depict v. fosrik.
deplore v. nizeylum.
depose v. vodul.
depress v. gedrok.
depressed adj. gedrokaan.
depression n. gedrokend.
deprive v. dumor.
depth n. rud.
deride v. wiif.
descend v. tumbo.
describe v. pelark.
desecrate v. vorevak.
desert n. sendaar.
deserve v. qaariv.
design n. komiin.
designate v. miistir.
desirable adj. vismaal.
desire n. smaal.
desk n. krosbord.
desolate adj. duvoziir.
desolation n. nevonaar.
despair n. ath, nishind.
desperate adj. athaal.
desperation n. athend.
despise v. kervaaz, dumos.
despite prep. thraat.
despoil v. dustraan.
destine v. tiidmah.
destiny n. mahtiid.
destitute adj. nuvistul.
destroy v. al.
destroyer n. al.
destruction n. alt.
detached adj. voniir.
detail v. pelark.
detail n. puvah.
deter v. vogekrin.
determine v. urzun.
determined adj. maankir.
detest v. kervaaz.
dethrone v. vodul.
devastate v. modokraan.
devastation n. gral.
develop v. jahfir.
device n. drahvut.
devil n. zaunig.
devious adj. fax.
devise n. drahvut.
devolve v. ofalaan.
devote v. selrak.
devour v. du.
devourer n. duaan.
devout adj. selor.
dew n. sahluv.
dexterity n. asaar.
dexterous adj. aas.
diagonal n. nulaz.
dialect n. marul.
diameter n. pahyaav.
diamond n. maant.
diary n. pelgah.
dice n. dirkah.
dictate v. malas.
dictator n. pahrelin.
dictatorship n. pahrelinaar.
dictionary n. sikdeykel.
did v. drey.
die v. dir, viir.
die n. dirkah.
differ v. dumed.
difference n. dumedak.
different adj. vomedaas.
difficult adj. buruk.
difficulty n. leik.
dig v. deyvut.
digest n. kipah.
digestion n. kipah.
digit n. diitak.
digital adj. qomorahuv.
digital book n. rideykel.
dilemma n. jeykiiv.
dimension n. olaak.
diminish v. liivrah.
dine v. prunaak.
dinner n. prazaak.
dint v. pukreh.
dip v. endil.
diplomat n. norzaar.
dire adj. riid.
direct v. inaak, mor, geivah.
direction n. mornd.
director n. moriik.
dirge n. krosilov.
dirt n. thok.
dirty adj. thokus.
disagree v. vorolur, tegalrot.
disappear v. vognun.
disapprove v. nizeylum.
disarm v. duzun.
disarray n. thesk.
disaster n. gral.
disavow v. duvaat.
disbelief n. vokoraak.
disbelieve v. vokorah.
discard v. fusond.
discern v. lahfraan.
disciple n. ventovitaan.
discipline v. delah.
discipline n. hahsok.
disclose v. gemindok.
disconcert v. vodremt.
disconnect v. vogevoth.
disconnection n. vogevothend.
discontent adj. ninurah.
discord n. vodrem.
discourage v. vogekrin.
discouraged adj. vokrin.
discourse n. mahruz.
discover v. nahkiv.
discovery n. nahkivaar.
discuss v. tinvaak.
discussion n. tinvaak.
disdain v. kervaaz.
disease n. krasnovaar.
disembowel v. veyko.
disenchant v. vogelah.
disgrace n. vodun.
disgraceful adj. vozodun.
disguise n. vordaas.
disgust adj. krastov.
dish n. shuv.
dishonor n. dukaan.
dishonorable adj. vozinaal.
dishonored adj. dukaan.
disk n. vogil.
dislike v. vomos.
dismiss v. fusond.
dismount v. vogoz.
disobedience n. vothaarn.
disobedient adj. thaarnu, vozothaarn, kaarn.
disobey n. vothaar.
disorder n. volbur, krent-hah.
disorderly adj. volburaal.
disorganized adj. vovorstaal.
dispell v. vostavek.
disperse v. eyfur.
dispirited adj. vokrin.
displace v. voris.
display v. genun.
disposition n. nivorn.
dispossess v. vopiraak.
disputant n. dilahiik.
dispute v. dilah.
disrobe v. voleinah.
disrupt v. diinek.
disruption n. kropahvok.
dissent v. vorlaav.
dissimilar adj. vomedaas.
dissipate v. eyfur.
dissonance n. ahzidhonaat.
dissonant n. ahzidhonaat.
dissuade v. vogekrin.
distance n. gutom.
distant adj. hud.
distort v. luwey.
distract v. irud.
distrust v. vonov.
disturb v. vodremt.
disturbance n. kropahvok.
disuputer n. dilahiik.
ditch n. nebeniit.
ditty n. malovaas.
dive v. bovut.
divert v. irud.
divide v. krenok.
divination n. prodahk.
divine adj. stahdim.
diviner n. nahgah, lahiik.
division v. krenok.
divorce n. vo-aavlaas.
divulge v. gemindok.
do v. dreh.
dock n. hadaak.
docker n. staalzer.
document n. pahelrot.
dodge v. unviig.
doe n. toraas.
does v. dreh.
dog n. dok.
dogma n. oron.
doleful adj. sokei.
doll n. setkiirjor.
doloire n. tunihah.
domain n. deylok.
dome n. driivoh.
dominance n. rel.
dominant adj. reldaal.
dominate v. rel.
domination n. rel.
dominion adj. suleyksejun.
done v. drehlaan.
donkey n. eyron.
donut n. punkenlok.
doom v. daan.
doomed adj. daniik, daanik.
doomsday n. suldaan.
door n. miiraad, miraad.
doorway n. miiraad, miraad.
dose n. kaaley.
double adj. ziinan.
doubt n. grit.
doubter n. gritiik.
doubtful adj. zogrit.
dough n. brothal.
doughnut n. punkenlok.
doughty adj. krilzin.
dove n. lokrem.
down prep. tum.
downfall n. tumah.
download v. rikofaal.
draconic adj. dovahren.
draft n. suth.
dragon n. dovah.
dragon break n. bormah-kren.
dragon language n. dovahzul.
dragon shout n. thu'um.
dragon slayer n. dovahkriid.
dragon speaker n. dovahzulaan.
dragonblood n. sossedov, dovahsos.
dragonborn n. dovahkiin.
dragonfly n. snuk.
dragonguard n. dovahdaan.
dragonkind n. dov.
dragonling n. meydovah.
dragonstone n. dovahgolz.
drain v. vasik.
drake n. dovahik.
drape n. vundonin.
draugr n. qethgaaf.
draw n. rinisur.
draw v. verziik, verilir, sovit.
drawer n. oskad.
dread n. gruin.
dream n. hahnu.
dreamer n. hahnud.
dremora n. vokendaar.
dress n. leinah.
dress v. karaas.
dressed adj. leinhaal.
dreugh n. dreyvgir.
dribble v. lomaan.
drift v. rokah.
drill n. muldeyto.
drink v. piin.
drinkable adj. vipiin.
drinker n. piinaar.
drip v. lomaan.
drive v. kuyiz.
drone n. vomun.
droop v. juros.
drop v. vosmah.
drown v. draak.
drug n. kolvas.
druid n. beylund.
drum n. mand.
drunk adj. teivo.
dry v. kirt.
dry adj. renek.
dubious adj. zogrit.
duck n. aand.
duct n. rathol.
due adj. toz.
dull adj. alunrinis.
dumb adj. hinzaal.
dummy n. meykrazahd.
dune n. sendahrol.
dungeon n. nebendein.
dunmer n. vulfahliil.
duo n. ziinmet.
duplicate v. laniz.
during prep. melaat.
dusk n. tor.
dust n. viiz.
dutiful adj. zoheyv.
duty n. heyv.
dwarf n. dilfahliil, hefmun.
dwell v. nahwan.
dwemer n. dilfahliil.
dwindle v. malzat.
dye n. loorah.
dying adj. viir.
dynamic adj. vomulhaan.
e-book n. rideykel.
each adj. enook.
eager adj. fril.
eagerness n. frin.
eagle n. okriim.
ear n. honiir.
earlier adj. firig.
early adj. vath.
earn v. lask.
earnest adj. wiistel.
earnestness n. wiistelom.
earth n. gol.
earthly adj. leinuv.
earthquake n. golahzgal.
ease v. lumvit.
ease n. forveyk.
easiness n. forveyk.
east n. jer.
easterly adj. jeren.
eastern adj. jeren.
easy adj. vahk.
eat v. naak.
eaten v. naako.
eater n. naakin.
ebony n. vugel.
eccentric adj. zurun.
echelon n. leyk.
echo n. niirah.
eclipse n. vulok.
economy n. yuldik.
ecstasy n. seilhei.
edge n. kes.
edgy adj. balkus.
edit v. rediirah.
educate v. delah.
educator n. delahiik.
eerie adj. kasiil.
effect n. droz.
effigy n. fotiid.
effort n. grav.
effortful adj. zograv.
effortfully adv. zogravaar.
effortless adj. gravnu.
egg n. klur.
eight n. eln.
either conj. ahney.
eject v. funol.
elaborate v. taavoz.
elate v. genaz.
elbow n. bru.
elder adj. zuwuth.
elder scroll n. kel.
elect v. volkon.
electric adj. qomorah.
electric guitar n. rikakwaar.
electrical adj. qomorah.
electricity n. qomorah.
electrum n. zilfyuld.
element n. verin.
elemental n. verinrii.
elephant n. aalzon.
elevate v. gelok.
elevation n. lokom.
elevator n. gelokaat.
elf n. fahliil, slaag.
eliminate v. pahsaan.
elite n. pruzeim.
elixir n. pozaan.
elk n. legaar.
ellipse n. beznan.
ellipsoid n. beznaneyd.
elliptical adj. beznanus.
elm n. ulm.
elope v. weltir.
eloquence n. bovun.
eloquent adj. bovun.
else adv. voz.
elsewhere adv. ahstaadvoz.
elsweyr n. kaasendaar.
elude v. vudoz.
elusive adj. motmahus.
elven adj. fahliilen.
elves n. fahliil.
elvish adj. fahliilen.
elxir n. galgur.
email n. aaskraan.
ember n. enkii.
emblem n. sileyz.
embodiment n. kopraanzii.
embolden v. gekrin.
embossment n. juskov.
embrace v. mahlov.
emerald n. faziigolz.
emergency n. faastiid.
emote v. noor.
emotion n. noorend.
emotional adj. noorendaal.
emotionless adj. voniir.
empathy n. ofunsil.
emperor n. ulokuun.
emphasis v. feinrolt.
emphasize v. feinrolt.
empire n. lokoltei.
employ v. ahmil.
employee n. ahmilaat.
employer n. ahmiliik.
empower v. gronsuleyk.
empress n. ulokuun.
emptiness n. zahraanom.
empty v. genil, zahraan.
enable v. vos.
enchant v. gelah.
enchanted adj. gelahaan.
enchanter n. gelahiik.
enchantment n. gelahuz.
encircle v. gekenlok.
encounter v. korost.
encourage v. gekrin.
encouragement n. gekrintiil.
encyclopedia n. deykelsemindah.
end n. oblaan.
end times n. dinoksetiid.
endanger v. verut.
endearing adj. qiib.
endeavor v. vergrav.
endurance n. grolahnd.
endure v. grolah.
enemy n. hokoron, paal.
enemy adj. paalus.
energetic adj. zoglimrel.
energy n. glimrel.
enervate v. gelaag.
enforce v. uthaarn.
enforcer n. uthaarniik.
engage v. driik.
engaged adj. ofir.
english adj. sarodaalen.
engulf v. dunaak.
enigma n. digoliik.
enjoy v. kovir.
enjoyable adj. zolaaf.
enlarge v. gesaak.
enlighten v. onikiv.
enlightenment n. onikiv.
enliven v. genaz.
enough adv. ganog.
enrage v. gerahgol.
enslave v. imaar.
enslaved adj. imaaraan.
ensnare v. horvutah.
ensorcel v. gelah.
enter v. haav.
entertain v. ofanjiik.
enthrall v. vahnuk.
enthusiasm n. forokir.
entire adj. ulaan.
entitlement n. qaar.
entity n. nahlii.
entomb v. geqoth.
entrance n. havaat.
entry n. havaat.
envelop v. gekenlok.
environment n. gekenlokin.
envoy n. norzaar.
envy v. miizun.
ephemeral adj. frul.
epic adj. kahrun.
epic n. kahriil.
epidemic n. urikras.
epithet n. tet.
epitome n. pruzeim.
equal adj. rinid.
equinox n. rinidsul.
equip v. ket.
equipment n. ketak.
equipped adj. ketaan.
equivalent adj. med-zeymah.
era n. feln.
erasable adj. visaagis.
erase v. aagis.
erode v. ahtiid.
erotic adj. eliiruk.
err v. tozein.
errand n. ahsod.
error n. tozein.
erupt v. yolein.
eruption v. yolein.
escape v. filok.
escort v. aakit.
especially adv. suranmiik.
essay n. mindahsik.
essence n. rii.
essential adj. riilgaar.
establish v. rund.
estate n. hofnaar.
esteem v. balaas.
estimate v. suz.
estrange v. dahtiris.
et'ada n. diistzii.
eternal adj. unahzaal, unslaad.
eternity n. ul.
ethereal adj. feimaan.
ethical adj. greiz.
ethics n. greizah.
euthanasia n. kriilaanthuz.
evaporate v. kriilom.
even adj. yel.
even adv. orin.
evening n. avond.
evening star n. vulonfil.
event n. korosend.
ever adv. alun.
everlasting adv. unslaar.
everlastingly adv. unslaar.
evermore adv. unslaar.
every adj. enook.
everyone pron. pah, svaangein.
everything adj. pah.
everything n. lein.
everywhere adv. enookstaad.
evidence n. giwahdil.
evil adj. vokul.
evilness n. vokulom.
eviscerate v. veyko.
evolve v. jahfir.
exact adj. wazahl.
exactness n. wazahlom.
example n. giwahdaal.
exceed v. bovortii.
excellence n. studaar.
excellent adj. studen.
except prep. namas.
exceptional adj. ahdinaak.
excessive adj. povortii.
exchange n. kothrakaas.
exchange v. ofanix.
excitation n. sotiivend.
excite v. sotiiv.
excitement n. sotiivend.
exclaim v. saagtir.
excuse n. sahviir.
excuse v. sahvol.
execute v. oprot.
execution n. oprotak.
exemplar n. pruzeim.
exhale v. tirsum.
exhaust v. gelaag.
exhibit v. ahkoraav.
exhibition n. ahkoraav.
exhume v. vodeyto.
exile v. fustiroz.
exist v. ahkos.
existence n. ahkos.
exit n. lifaat.
exit v. lif.
expand v. gesaak.
expect v. zent.
expectant adj. zentaal.
expel v. fustir, fusond.
expense n. oben.
expensive adj. obenaal.
experience v. seirak.
experiment n. gorvahzen.
expert n. prulos.
explain v. gelaar.
explanation n. gelaarend.
explode v. kaag.
exploit n. sod.
explore v. faan.
explosion n. kaagend.
explosive adj. kaaguv.
expose v. gemindok.
exquisite adj. hiraas.
extant adj. laasagos.
extend v. gesaak.
extermination n. pahkriivah.
extinct adj. frondinok.
extinction adj. frondinok.
extinguish v. evenaar.
extra adv. siizuk.
extraordinary adj. vortiilok.
extreme adj. zogut.
extremist n. zogutiik.
eye n. miin.
eyeball n. miin-ner.
eyebrow n. avokmiin.
eyelash n. miinom.
eyes n. miin.
fable n. kaliid.
fabric n. riiv.
fabulous adj. kalidaal.
face n. luft.
face paint n. luftilir.
facet n. luftiis.
facial hair n. luftom.
fact n. eiziid.
faculty n. nemiir.
fade v. feim.
fagot n. oraakan.
fail v. funt.
failure n. funtaas.
faint v. frum.
fair adj. paaz.
fairness adj. paazom.
faith n. sahvot.
faithful adj. sahvotei.
faithless adj. sahvotnu.
fake adj. nisaad.
falcon n. gahrik.
fall v. mah.
fallen adj. mahlaan.
falmer n. sifahliil.
false adj. nivzah, mulnu.
falsehood n. nivahzen.
falsity n. nivahzen.
falter v. hefvaak.
fame n. frah.
familiar adj. malmindok.
familiarize v. malmind.
family n. ragnavir.
famish v. gebahlok.
famous adj. frahkei.
fan v. meyarven.
fanatic n. meyrothaar.
fanaticism n. meyrothaarun.
fancy v. elskah.
fang n. iisk.
fantasize v. verwahsar.
fantastic adj. frahraam.
fantastical adj. wahsaruv.
fantasy n. wahsar.
far adj. gut.
fare v. bonu.
farewell interj. vonok.
farina n. pun.
farm n. hofkah.
farmer n. freik.
farther adv. zugut.
farthest adj. zogut.
fascinate v. vahnuk.
fashion n. vensedren.
fast adj. nel.
fasten v. qulaav.
fastidious adj. pogukus.
fastness n. nelom.
fat adj. paag.
fatal adj. dilos.
fate n. dez.
fateful adj. dezmi.
father n. bormah.
fatherly adj. bormahus.
fathom v. seiluz.
faucet n. klahd.
fault n. tozein.
faultless adj. tozeinvu.
fauna n. lus.
favor n. hindah.
favorable adj. hindahraal.
favorite adj. zokhil.
fawn n. maldriin.
fealty n. midaav.
fear n. faas.
fearful adj. zofaas.
fearless adj. faasnu.
fearsome adj. verfaas.
feast n. velaaz.
feat n. dren.
feather n. uft.
february n. kreinvu.
feeble adj. sahlovik.
feed v. nahkip.
feel v. fraan.
feeling n. qarah.
feeling n. pruvos.
feet n. koz.
feign v. kosmey.
feint v. kosmey.
fell v. mah.
fellow adj. braan.
fellowship n. braandein.
female adj. punah.
fenestration n. vandulwahl.
feral adj. fel.
fern n. namok.
ferocity n. felaan.
fertile adj. povaan.
fertility n. povaas.
fervent n. agzii, frinzii, yolzii.
fervid n. agzii, frinzii, yolzii.
fervor n. agzii, frinzii, yolzii.
fervorous n. agzii, frinzii, yolzii.
festival n. visk.
fetish n. fook.
feud n. brothuz.
fever n. qiistur.
few adj. lith.
fiction n. mahralwahl.
fictional adj. mahralwahlkei.
fictitious adj. mahralwahlkei, mahralwahlkei.
fidelity n. midsil.
field n. frod, pindaar, hahsok.
fiend n. dostoz.
fiendish adj. dostozuv.
fierce adj. norok.
fiercest adj. norok.
fiery adj. yolus.
fig n. fikon.
fight v. krif.
fighter n. krifiik, grahgeltviing.
figure v. suz.
file v. vet.
fill v. gejahrii.
filly n. keyriin.
film n. bodilir.
filter v. bozeim.
filthy adj. gaas.
final adj. undaar.
finance n. vahladyuld.
find v. siiv.
fine adj. flogah.
finger n. sinak.
fingernail n. haaljusk.
finish v. geblaan.
finite adj. zah.
fir n. raalik.
fire n. yol.
fire v. ediin.
fire atronach n. yolkaronahs.
firearm n. mulrunaz.
fireball n. yolgram.
firefly n. kunpusojur.
firelight n. yolkun.
fireplace n. fraad.
firewood n. yolgosvaa.
firework n. geyolkah.
first adj. diist.
first dragon war n. keinsejoorre.
first seed n. diistmaas.
firstborn n. diistkiin.
fish n. ikin.
fist n. lon.
five n. hen.
fjord n. vaard.
flabbergasted adj. lahkmojon.
flag n. luug.
flagon n. vaskin.
flail n. nimqah.
flak n. vobozun.
flame n. yolos.
flamethrower n. yolfuskiik.
flaming adj. yoltaas.
flank n. feid.
flap v. pas.
flare n. rith.
flash n. rith.
flash v. prus.
flashback n. tiidahmaan.
flat adj. yel.
flatbread n. yelbrot.
flatter v. hesvun.
flavor n. ken.
flavour n. ken.
flaw n. tozein.
flawless adj. tozeinvu.
fled v. bovul.
fledgling n. lokiin.
flee v. bovul.
fleet n. flaar.
fleet adj. neltiid.
flesh n. slen.
flexible adj. tokingrah.
flick v. host.
flicker v. hostov, reyzir.
flight n. bod.
float v. horit.
flock n. tahlok.
flood n. faath.
floor n. keil.
flora n. lul.
flour n. pun.
flourish v. veyr.
flow n. ven.
flow v. bo.
flower n. osley.
fluency n. bozul.
fluent adj. bozul.
fluff n. faskah.
flurry n. suraas.
flute n. fifiik.
fly v. bo.
fly n. pusojur.
foal n. keyroon.
focus v. morah, vergrav.
foe n. paal.
fog n. bruh.
foggy adj. bruhus.
fold v. vaalt.
follow v. kiibok.
follower n. kiibokin.
folly n. goltnu.
food n. kip.
fool v. mey.
foolish adj. meyus.
foot n. pahrk, koz.
football n. pahrk-niiv, haal-klur.
footstep n. pahrkmah.
for prep. fah.
forbid v. nilaad.
forbidden adj. nilaadaan.
force n. fus.
forceful adj. fuskei.
ford v. strahn.
foreboding adj. dezmi.
foreign adj. tirah.
foremost adj. usnaan.
foresee v. promiin.
foreshadow v. prodahven.
foresight v. promiin.
forest n. feykro.
foretell v. prodah.
foretold v. prodah.
forever adv. mahfaeraak, unstiid.
forevermore adv. unslaar.
forge n. heim.
forger n. heimiik.
forget v. vodahmaan.
forgetful adj. zovodahmaan.
forgetfulness n. zahgraan-hah.
forgivable adj. visfrozaal.
forgive v. frolaaz.
forgiveness n. frolaaz.
forgotten adj. vodahmin.
fork n. zof.
form n. buld.
formal adj. prudaav.
formation n. buld.
former adj. firig.
formidable adj. zomulaag.
forsake v. vodein.
forsworn n. haadvohiik.
forth prep. veyl.
forthright adj. zurdon.
fortify v. gebild.
fortitude n. mulaan.
fortnight n. ziinkeyal.
fortress n. govoldeim.
fortunate adj. gluuskei.
fortune n. faraan, gluus.
forward adv. amativ.
fossil n. qethsewuth.
foul adj. bein.
found v. rund, siiv.
foundation n. rundak.
founder n. wahliik.
fountain n. kiraav.
four n. hir.
fox n. ilit.
fragment n. bruzah.
frame n. hakrim.
fray n. keinul.
freak n. ahzuk.
freakish adj. ahzukus.
freaky adj. ahzukus.
fredas n. vensul.
free v. gestin.
free adj. stin, volg.
freedom n. stin.
freelance n. stintuz.
freeze v. diin.
frenzy n. raholt.
frequently adv. grinstiid.
fresh adj. mahyun.
freshwater n. vahlom.
friday n. vensul.
fridge n. krahoskad.
friend n. fahdon.
friendly adj. fahdonus.
friendship n. fahdonmaar.
frighten v. gefaas.
frivolous adj. ofolin.
from prep. nol.
front adj. teyx.
frontier n. teyxah.
frost n. fo.
frost atronach n. fokaronahs.
frost fall n. fomah.
frostbite n. folag.
frosting n. sufolduul.
frosty adj. folus.
frown v. fiivut.
frozen adj. diinaan.
frugal adj. werzon.
fruit n. fruk.
fruitful adj. povaan.
frustrate v. gerah.
fry v. friis.
fugitive n. gruhon.
fulfill v. jakah.
full adj. jahrii.
fume v. hevaak.
fun n. moor.
function v. kosov.
functional adj. drenaal.
funeral n. qothaan.
funny adj. moorus.
fur n. raanom.
furious adj. nahkei.
furl v. fundiir.
furry adj. raanomus.
further adv. zugut.
fury n. nah.
fuse v. hilk.
fusion n. hilkaan.
fussy adj. pogukus.
futile adj. vunek.
future n. aluntiid.
futuristic adj. aluntiiduv.
fuzzy adj. faskiis.
gabble v. tarukun.
gain v. rim.
gait n. todol.
galaxy n. filrod.
gale n. riik.
gallant adj. ahkrinaal.
gallantry n. ahkrinaar.
gallon n. gizan.
gallows n. jahdor.
gamble v. dezahrel.
gambler n. dezahrelin.
game n. kred.
gang n. nagiis.
gap n. raf.
garbage n. dahstin.
garden n. graadnah, fahlu.
gardener n. fahluaan.
gargantuan adj. hotus.
gargoyle n. qerisogal.
garlic n. sotlaakir.
garment n. reken.
garnet n. sologaal.
gas n. suf.
gash n. skeniir.
gate n. skuld.
gateway n. skuld.
gather v. lahvraan.
gather n. feyal.
gauntlet n. gasving.
gaze v. yiir.
gear n. sinkod.
gecko n. kliifkozvrii.
gem n. sogaal.
gemstone n. nonvulgolz.
gender n. veiliin.
general n. kinbokein.
general adj. pahnim.
generosity n. zofanaar.
generous adj. zofan.
genitalia n. pikoon.
genitals n. pikoon.
genius n. kleiro.
genocide n. pahkriivah.
gentle adj. fask.
gentleness adj. faskom.
genuine adj. wiistel.
genuineness n. wiistelom.
geology n. hahsegol.
gesture v. bomas.
get v. gaav.
geyser n. frinvahwuld.
ghost n. gaaf, hokzii.
ghostly adj. gaafus.
ghoul n. slendugaaf.
giant n. hot.
giant adj. hotus.
gibber v. tarukun.
giddish adj. valkjiik.
gift n. ofanaat.
gigantic adj. hotus.
giggle v. jeh.
giraffe n. dimbakey.
girl n. kon.
girlfriend n. onliin.
give v. ofan.
giver n. ofaniik.
glacier n. glakel.
glad adj. frund.
glade n. olniiv.
gladly adv. frundiin.
glass n. beyl, veyz, piniir.
glasses n. koraaveyz.
glaze n. sufolduul.
glean v. gahvraan.
glen n. olnaav.
glide v. vaan.
glimmer v. viim.
glimpse n. malkoraav.
glint v. viim.
glisten v. viim.
gloat v. kahmaar.
global adj. pahleinuv.
gloom n. ath.
gloomy adj. athus.
glorify v. gemoro.
glorious adj. morokei.
glory n. moro.
gloss n. ozuriiv.
glossy adj. ozur.
glove n. haalkot.
glow v. viim.
glue n. hokaalvoth.
gnat n. wox.
go v. bo, shur.
goad v. ziidol.
goal n. krazahd, ahsod.
goat n. ozak.
goatee n. ozakvum.
goblet n. qodii.
goblin n. gogil.
god n. rah.
goddess n. ekrah.
godless n. rahnu.
godlike adj. rahus.
godly adj. rahus.
gods n. rah.
goffer n. jaufrah.
gold adj. yuvon.
gold n. yuld.
golden adj. yuvon.
golem n. golzaar.
good adj. pruzah, kul.
goodbye interj. guur, pruzahguur.
goose n. horos.
gore n. soslen.
gossamer adj. sufask.
gossip n. vaaruk.
got v. gaav.
gouge n. skeniir.
government n. muulmarik.
grab v. trog.
grace n. dun.
graceful adj. zodun.
gracious adj. dunkei.
grade n. leik.
gradient n. fahinbo.
grail n. qodii.
grain n. koos.
gram n. kranek.
grammar n. rot-thun.
grand adj. zoklot.
grandfather n. lotbormah.
grandmother n. lotmonah.
granite n. kreidol.
granite hill n. quethsegolahrol, qethsegolahrol.
grant v. bolaav.
grape n. druf.
grapefruit n. drufruk.
grapnel n. kuzniir.
grapple n. kuzniir.
grasp v. volk.
grass n. veydo.
grassland n. evenik.
grateful adj. zonox.
gratitude v. nox.
grave adj. soziik.
grave n. graad.
gravel n. gradolv.
gravely adj. soziik.
graveyard n. graadstaad.
gravity n. goltefend.
gray n. sadon.
grease n. karon.
great adj. lot.
greataxe n. grahkun.
greater adj. avokei.
greatest adj. zoklot.
greatness n. lotaar.
greatsword n. lotzahkrii.
greave n. skevur.
greed n. tarvok.
greedy adj. tarvokus.
green n. graag.
greet v. gruz.
greetings n. drem yol lok.
grenade n. fuskaag.
grey n. sadon.
greybeard n. mudozaan.
grid n. dograan.
grief n. traas.
grievance n. krosaan.
grieve v. trah.
griever n. luvmahliik.
grievous adj. traaskei.
griffin n. amokriin.
griffon n. amokriin.
grim adj. veyd.
grin v. skiif.
grind v. dum.
grindstone n. zunrod.
grip n. volk.
groan v. galv.
groom n. ahmun.
groove n. rav.
gross adj. krastov.
grotto n. kolraag.
ground n. golt.
groundhog n. goltosgoriik.
group n. dopaan.
grove n. saf.
grow v. naram.
growl v. raal.
growth n. narand.
grudge n. gloz.
gruff adj. golzul.
gruffness adj. golzul.
grunt v. fuh.
gryphon n. amokriin.
guar n. juvroh.
guarantee v. guraad.
guard v. dein.
guardian n. vahlok.
guardianship n. vahlokeyv.
guess v. lorfonaar.
guest n. yunaar.
guidance n. aak.
guide v. aak.
guild n. tokah.
guile n. skras.
guillotine n. mahlotuz.
guilt n. beyrovin.
guilty adj. beyraal.
guitar n. akwaar.
gulf n. sokaaz.
gun n. mulrunaz.
gunman n. mulrunaziik.
gunner n. mulrunaziik.
guru n. rahlozaan.
gust n. suraas.
gusto n. yezin.
gut n. kipaar.
gut v. veyko.
h'roldan n. ahroldan.
habit n. ireik.
hack v. graaz.
had v. lost.
hag n. kerl.
haggard adj. tekar.
hagraven n. kerluvak.
hail n. niiz.
hail v. yein.
hailstorm n. niizmah.
hair n. om.
hairy adj. omus.
halberd n. vahkunz.
half adj. hef.
halfway n. mith.
halfwit n. hefhah.
hall n. mund.
hallow v. gestahdim.
hallucinate n. nokhahnu.
hallucination n. hahnuheim, nokhahnu.
halt v. helt.
ham n. noolas.
hamburger n. yelsliin.
hammer n. tu.
hammerfell n. sahqonor.
hamster n. girvestir.
hand n. haal.
handgun n. haal-mulrunaz.
handle n. haalit.
handsome adj. venro.
handwriting n. pelnoot.
hang v. tiik.
happen v. koros.
happily adv. unaziin.
happiness n. unazom.
happy adj. unaz.
harass v. terag.
harbinger n. rozol.
harbor n. staaz.
hard adj. buruk.
hare n. kaviir.
hark v. huz.
harm v. aax.
harmful adj. zoraax.
harmonious n. zodremhah.
harmony n. dremhah.
harp n. yahjol.
harpsichord n. lotrin-lovaas.
harry v. terag.
harsh adj. vahrsk.
harvest v. ahvos.
has v. lost.
hasten v. genel.
hasty adj. nel.
hat n. dahral.
hatch v. kliin.
hatchet n. malhahkun.
hatchling adj. yunkliin.
hate n. irkbaan.
hateful adj. zoirkbaan.
hath v. loost.
hatred n. irkbaan.
haul n. wid.
haunt v. folook.
haunted adj. folookaal.
haunter n. folokaan.
have v. lost.
haven n. gaard.
hawk n. skar.
hay n. kleydo.
hazard n. daak.
he pron. rok.
head n. klov.
headache n. klovhod.
headmaster n. inmindaar.
heal v. vahraan.
healer n. vahraniik.
health n. haas.
healthful adj. zohaas.
healthy adj. drezig, zohaas.
heap n. mahkur.
hear v. hon.
hearken v. huzrah.
heart n. hil.
heart fire n. silyol.
heartache n. hilaus.
heartbeat n. silmand.
hearth n. fraad.
hearthstone n. fraadgolz.
heartless adj. iizil.
hearty adj. drezig.
heat n. frin, yos.
heathen n. nidrin.
heave v. seyl.
heaven n. gosvern.
heavenly adj. kahliir.
heavily adv. grotiinar.
heavy adj. grotiin.
hedgehog n. hirthod.
heed v. huz.
heedless adj. huznu.
heel n. fren.
height n. lokom.
heighten v. gelok.
heir n. vahriik.
heist n. resh.
helicopter n. horotviing.
heliotrope adj. jensoqat.
hell n. ausul, volok.
hello interj. ahnok.
helm n. zurgah.
helmet n. zurgah.
help v. frey.
help n. hiif, freyend.
helper n. freyiik.
helpful adj. zohiif.
helpless adj. hiifnu.
hence adv. grok.
henceforth adv. grok.
heptagon n. zosreid.
her pron. ek, mek.
herald v. qolaas.
heraldic adj. qolaasuv.
herb n. arov.
herbal adj. aronuv.
herbivore n. ahvusnaak.
here adv. het.
hereafter adv. mindinu.
hereafter prep. daarmindin.
herein adv. kohet.
heritage n. haavneviis.
hermit n. kunmaar.
hero n. hun.
heroic adj. hungaar.
heroically adv. zohungaar.
heroism n. hunaar.
hers pron. ek.
herself pron. ekmaar.
hesitate v. sarein.
heterosexual adj. vorliinvas.
hexagon n. sokreid.
hi interj. ahnok.
hibernate v. felaag.
hidden adj. soven.
hide v. iliis.
hide n. kelm.
hideous adj. tekar.
hideousness n. tekarom.
hideout n. iliistaad.
hierarchy n. suleykoz.
high adj. lok.
high elf n. yuvonfahliil.
high king n. lotjun.
highborn adj. lotkiin.
higher adj. avokei.
highness n. lokom.
highway n. maagstrah.
highwayman n. strahtafiir.
hill n. ahrol.
hillgrund's steading n. hillgrundhofkah.
hilt n. umdaal.
him pron. mok.
himself pron. okmaar.
hinder v. morkon.
hindsight n. miindin.
hint n. daarz.
hircine n. drogsenir.
hire v. ahmil.
hirvut n. hirvut.
his pron. ok.
hiss interj. liis.
hiss v. seyrt.
hist n. geingolslen.
historian n. ustidaan.
history n. usnutiid.
hit v. vek.
hoar n. fodiiz.
hoard n. ruuv.
hoarfrost n. fodiiz.
hoarse adj. golzul.
hoarseness adj. golzul.
hoax v. dubah.
hockey n. iizkred.
hold v. kolost.
hold n. gevild, volk.
hole n. raf.
holiday n. lotsul.
hollow v. zahraan.
hollowness n. zahraanom.
hologram n. gaafilir.
holy adj. stahdim.
home n. hofkiin, boden, himdah.
homeland n. himdah.
homeless adj. hofkiinvu.
homely adj. hofkiinus.
homosexual adj. medliinvas.
hone v. vet.
honest adj. delaal.
honesty n. del.
honey n. tolal.
honor n. zin.
honorable adj. zinaal.
honour n. zin.
honourable adj. zinaal.
hood n. dahral.
hoof n. talaav.
hook n. vugzahd.
hope v. hind.
hopeful adj. zohind.
hopeless adj. hindnu.
hopeless n. nishind.
horde n. feyal.
horizon n. oldoz.
horker n. gahgort.
horn n. zahk, piniir.
horrible adj. zomaar.
horrid adj. gaas.
horrifying adj. zomaar.
horror n. vol.
horse n. key.
horseless adj. vothnikey.
hostage n. grunzah.
hostile adj. paalus.
hostility n. drensepaal.
hot adj. frin.
hot spring n. frinvahwuld.
hound n. dok.
hour n. omaar.
house n. boden, tiidnavir.
housecarl n. hofkinspaan.
housekeeper n. hofkinaar.
hover v. horit.
how adv. vir.
however adv. vutharaak.
howl n. krul.
huckster n. maltuniik.
huddle v. feyalvoth.
huff v. fuh.
hug v. suyah.
huge adj. hotus.
hull n. skraav.
human n. mun.
humanity n. jul.
humanoid n. muneyd.
humans n. jul.
humble adj. bonaar.
humbleness n. bonaarom.
humility n. bonaarom.
hummingbird n. velokraan.
hunchback n. prukriig.
hundred n. ben.
hunger n. bahlok.
hungry adj. bahlokus.
hunt v. nir.
hunter n. ah.
hurl v. fusk.
hurray interj. jii.
hurricane n. surahgol.
hurry v. asnir.
hurt v. ahraan, fiiz.
hurtful adj. fiizkei.
husband n. ahmul.
hush interj. es.
husk n. eyzan.
hut n. qiiv.
huzzah interj. jii.
hybrid n. hilkiin.
hymn n. weridaas.
hyperthermia n. sosfrin.
hypnosis n. laaghadrim.
hypocrite n. uvokriin.
hypothermia n. sosdiin.
hypothesize v. kronlorot.
hysteria n. faast.
i pron. zu'u.
ice n. iiz.
iceberg n. iizmalur.
icicle n. zoniiz.
icon n. andiir.
icy adj. iizus.
idea n. zaak.
ideal adj. zaakan.
idiocy n. hinz.
idiot n. hefhah.
idiot adj. hinz-mey.
idiotic adj. hefahus.
idol n. inzah.
if conj. waan.
ignite v. geyol.
ignorance n. hinz.
ignorant adj. hinzaal.
ignore v. nibor.
ill adj. kras.
illegal adj. vothunuv.
illness n. krasaar.
illusion n. fiikath.
image n. ilir, fotiid.
imaginary adj. mahralwahlkei.
imagination n. marahld.
imaginative adj. marahdaal.
imagine v. marahl.
imbalance n. voro.
imbecile n. hefhah.
imbue v. guvok.
imga n. lotmuzaar.
imitate v. laniz.
imitator n. laniziik.
immediate adj. zoknu.
immense adj. makil.
immerse v. deytaak.
immersion v. deytaak.
imminent adj. dasmah.
immobile adj. nisbo.
immobilized adj. nisbo.
immoral adj. kaarn.
immortal adj. vozahlaas.
immortality n. vozahlaas.
immovable adj. nisbo.
immune adj. sahlonu.
immunity adj. sahlonu.
immutability n. tiidnul.
immutable adj. tiidnu.
impact v. vek.
impale v. kinzuk.
impart v. gemindok, gerev.
impatient n. voprem.
impede v. gesein.
impel v. ahfiz.
imperfect adj. kunriiv.
imperial adj. lokolteiren.
implement n. dreniir.
implore v. athlaan.
imply v. hirvut.
importance n. nizraadom, riidom.
important adj. riid, nizraad.
impose v. ahrot.
impossible adj. vokorasaal.
impregnate v. verkiir.
impress v. vreyviis.
imprison v. gegrun.
improbable adj. vogrozah.
improper adj. voprudaav.
improve v. gepruz.
impulse n. ahgreld.
impunity n. vopent.
impure adj. voruv.
in prep. ko.
inanimate adj. vonahl.
inappropriate adj. voprudaav.
incarnate adj. mel.
incarnation n. kopraanzii.
inception n. gonmaar.
incest n. soskren.
inch n. minoh.
incident n. draknah.
incomprehensible adj. vomindoraan,
inconceivable adj. vomindoraan,
inconsistency n. uzgrolein.
inconsolable adj. nisfranvoth.
increase v. gezuk, ter.
indeed adv. vrah.
indefinite adj. pogaan-luft.
indent v. enriik.
independent adj. vorivunaal.
indestructible adj. nisal.
index n. foraankeitz.
indicate v. miistir, geivah.
indigenous n. diistaak.
indignant adj. paazrahgol.
indigo adj. biijen.
individual adj. jormaar.
indivisible adj. niskrenok.
indoor adj. nebenkav.
indoors adj. nebenkav.
indulge v. kovir.
inebriated adj. teivo.
inevitable adj. nivudoz.
infamous adj. dufrahkei.
infamy n. dufrah.
infant n. pahdul.
infect v. beinoz.
infection n. krasraan.
infectious adj. gekrastok.
inferior adj. atumei.
infernal adj. toorus.
inferno n. toor.
infinite adj. vozah.
infinity n. mintiinon, vozahrom.
infix v. koris.
inflict v. konos.
infliction v. konos.
influence n. paazigran.
inform v. gesiigor.
informal adj. voprudaav.
information n. frahzogin.
infuse v. guvok.
ingenious adj. kleirus.
ingot n. goltin.
inhabit v. kolahn.
inhabitant n. staak.
inherent adj. haavniid.
inherit v. haavneyz.
inhuman adj. vojul.
initial adj. kodiist.
injure v. ahraan.
injury n. ahraan.
ink n. virpal.
inn n. haaf.
inner adj. kosil, zuko.
innermost adj. zoko.
innocence n. stahr.
innocent adj. stahraal.
input v. koris.
inquire v. laan.
inquiry n. laan.
insane adj. vorohah.
insanity n. vorohah.
inscribe v. verziik.
inscription n. dwiisinda.
insect n. pusojur.
insecure adj. meyarnkei.
inseparable adj. niskrenok.
insert v. koris.
inside adj. ko.
insight n. koraazen.
insipid adj. kenvu.
insist v. ziidol.
insolence n. duziirah.
insolent adj. duziir.
inspect v. siivahzen.
inspiration n. shanaar.
inspirational adj. shaan.
inspire v. shaan.
instance n. getiid.
instant adj. kusil.
instead adv. sinon.
instill v. gerev.
instinct n. drenkiin.
institute n. mindaziir.
instruction n. mindaat.
instrument n. verlovaasniir, dreniir.
insult v. faazrot.
intact adj. pahlaan.
integrate v. kolov.
integration n. kolovend.
integrity n. muledil.
intellect n. mindosil.
intelligence n. mindosil.
intelligent adj. mindosaal.
intend v. sukah.
intense adj. indagriin.
intent n. sukaat.
intention n. sukaat.
interact v. vothdreh.
interchangeable adj. vinevuld.
intercourse n. kothrakaas.
interest n. kusah.
interested adj. kusahraal.
interfere v. kropah.
interference n. kropahvok.
internet n. vozahkel.
interrupt v. diinek.
intervene v. krozu.
intervention n. krozund.
intestine n. kipaar.
intimate adj. yoritiiv.
intimidate v. verluz.
into prep. kotin.
intoxicated adj. teivo.
introduce v. grist.
introduction n. gristend.
intruder n. volaan.
invade v. aad.
invader n. aadiik.
invasion n. aadak.
invent v. ufiin.
invention n. ufiinsah.
inventor n. ufiinsiik.
inventory n. vuukeitz.
investigate v. siivahzen.
invincible adj. niviik.
invisible adj. vonuz.
invitation n. komeykaan.
invite v. komeyk.
invoke v. naurim.
involve v. vothiz.
invulnerability n. nisahraanom.
invulnerable adj. nisahraan.
inward adj. kotiv.
iron n. dol.
ironic adj. bodoraal.
irony n. bodoraas.
irregular adj. sonziik.
irregular adj. voqurnen.
irritate v. motag.
irritation n. motagend.
is v. los.
island n. por.
isle n. por.
isolation n. okulom.
issue v. komeyt.
issued v. komeyt.
it pron. nii.
itch n. zom.
item n. vuuk.
its pron. niil.
itself pron. nimaar.
ivarstead n. hillgrundhofkah.
ivory n. ozinvey.
ivy n. eviin.
jab v. malkinz.
jabber v. tarukun.
jacket n. kosungir.
jade n. osvanir.
jagged adj. alzit.
jaguar n. fahmeykaaz.
jam n. sevnov.
january n. feylil.
jar n. oskad.
jarl n. bronjun.
javelin n. gahfustum.
jaw n. jot.
jealous adj. zokulaad.
jealousy v. kulaad.
jelly n. sevnov.
jerk v. gahrk.
jest v. yirt.
jester n. yirtiik.
jewel n. sogaal, brigelt.
jewelry n. brigelt.
job n. krotz.
jog v. gru.
join v. aav.
joint n. aavin.
joke v. yirt.
joker n. yirtiik.
jolly adj. inlok.
josh v. dubah.
journal n. pelgah.
journey n. wundaak, wundokaaz.
journeyman n. kurlahmun.
joust v. fust.
jovial adj. inlok.
joy n. jiik.
joyful adj. zojiik.
judge v. maat.
judge n. thunuth.
jug n. piniir.
juice n. frukilom.
july n. kriithul.
jump v. thral.
junction n. aavin.
juncture n. aavin.
june n. mithraa.
jungle n. lufeykro.
juniper n. ronadir.
junk n. dahstin.
just adj. zeydo.
just adv. nunon.
justice n. zeydaan.
justifiable adj. visgezeyd.
justify v. gezeydah.
juvenile n. nebenaraan.
kamal n. odhokzii.
kangaroo n. saakaviir.
katana n. yalzahkrii.
keep n. anhiim.
keep v. dein.
keeper n. deinmaar.
kettle n. kramin.
key n. gaat.
keyboard n. ozinveyhaal, drokpeliik.
keystone n. qulekolz.
khajiit n. kaaz.
kick v. ster.
kickball n. ster-niiv.
kidnap v. fusaav.
kidney n. brijaal.
kill v. krii.
killer n. kriid.
kilogram n. tonkranek.
kiloliter n. tonpozaar.
kilometer n. tonmezaar.
kilt n. skovaan.
kin adj. fron.
kind adj. dremsil.
kind n. eylok.
kindle v. geyol.
kindred n. fron.
king n. jun.
kingdom n. junaar.
kingly adj. junus.
kingship n. jundein.
kinship n. fronmaar.
kinsman n. fron.
kinsmen n. fron.
kiss v. vesey.
kitchen n. katurah.
kite n. venzoriik.
kitten n. kaazloz.
knee n. kru.
kneecap n. krahral.
kneel v. krumah.
knife n. pusahkrii.
knight n. kendaar.
knit v. pronah.
knock v. klaan.
knot n. snaad.
know v. mindok.
knowable v. mindok.
knowledge n. mindah.
knowledgeable adj. mindaal.
known v. mindok.
korvanjund n. korvanjund.
kyne n. kaan.
labor n. kroson.
labyrinth n. nahgriinos.
laceration n. skeniir.
lack v. vankar.
ladder n. stegniir.
ladle n. vorlem.
lady n. reg.
laid v. nok.
lair n. praav.
lake n. lotlom.
lament n. freydah, freydaan.
lamentation n. freydaan.
lamenter n. luvmahliik.
lamia n. prakemiil.
lamp n. kunfaad.
lance n. sunah.
lance v. kinzuk.
land v. golmah.
land n. himdah, nor.
landfall v. golmah.
language n. tinvok.
lantern n. haalkun.
lanyard n. rahvurd.
lapis lazuli n. biivild.
laptop n. vaaltspiin.
larceny n. gahritaar.
larch n. laakis.
large adj. saak.
larynx n. zulpok.
laser n. morahkun.
lash v. kaatoz.
last adj. laat.
last seed n. laatmaas.
late adj. spein.
later adj. zuspein.
latrine n. nevstjorn.
laud v. forun.
laugh v. nep, liis.
laughter n. nepend.
launch v. kuyiz.
lava n. goraag.
lavatory n. shunstaad.
lavender n. vaslahl.
law n. thun.
lawful adj. zothun.
lawless n. thunvu.
lay v. nok.
layer n. nokiiv.
lazurite n. biivild.
lazy adj. nibo.
lead v. inaak.
lead n. solog.
leader n. kinbok.
leadership n. kinbokrot.
leaf n. fuhil.
league n. tokah, zaarax.
lealty n. midaav.
leap v. thaal.
learn v. doj.
least adj. suk.
leather n. reld.
leave v. lif.
lecture n. mahruz.
leech v. lun.
leek n. laakir.
left adj. vahlt.
leg n. ogiir.
legacy n. zoortah.
legal adj. thunuv.
legend n. zoor.
legendary adj. zooruv.
legion n. lahvirn.
legionnaire n. lahvirnaar.
legitimate adj. vahpruzah.
lemon n. ahzur.
lend v. bodiir.
length n. lingraan.
lengthen v. gelingrah.
lengthy adj. lingrus.
leopard n. kaazegram.
less adv. son.
lessen v. geson.
lesser adj. atumei.
lesson n. mindaat.
lest conj. leh.
let v. vos.
lethal adj. dilos.
letter n. maldeykel.
lettuce n. salaat.
level n. eytaag, leik.
level adj. yel.
lever n. lotah.
leviathan n. liisunvaar.
levitate v. horaat.
lexicon n. zereim.
liar n. nokin.
libel n. furgaan.
liberate v. liid.
liberation v. liidak.
liberty n. lii.
librarian n. olakaan.
library n. olak.
lich n. dinokaar.
lichen n. mavirk.
lick v. vunut.
lid n. kovolkniir.
lie v. nok.
liegeman n. aarzul.
lies v. nok.
life n. laas.
lifely adj. laasuv.
lifestyle n. venselaas.
lift v. gelok.
light n. kun, jun.
light adj. seh.
light v. geyol.
lighten v. gefask.
lighthouse n. yolangaar.
lightning n. qo, reik.
like prep. med.
like v. mos.
likeliness n. grozahom.
likely adj. grozah.
likeness n. ilir.
likewise adv. medven.
lily n. ahreyt.
limb n. faak.
limber adj. krehlim.
lime n. masek.
limit n. kes.
limited adj. kesaal.
line n. tiidnavir, rei.
lineage n. tiidnavir.
linen n. vozriis.
linguistics n. hahsezul.
link v. kobiil.
lion n. am.
lip n. kroslen.
liquid n. novul.
liquify v. genovul.
liquor n. jum.
lisp n. baansir.
list n. keitz.
listen v. gir.
lit adj. kunz.
liter n. pozaar.
literal adj. koseik.
literalness adj. koseik.
litter v. liqos.
little adj. mal.
live v. lahney.
lively adj. zolaas.
liver n. heikel.
livestock n. buf.
living adj. nahl.
lizard n. siigonis.
llama n. reynak.
lo interj. ond.
load v. klad.
load n. wid.
loan v. geid.
loathe v. lahey.
local adj. leyvah.
location n. nizaag, staad.
lock n. qulek.
lockpick n. qubex.
locksmith n. verqulekin.
loftiness n. lokom.
lofty adj. lokus.
log n. umaak.
logic n. gahziin.
logical adj. gahziinuv.
loiter v. driinod.
lone adj. naalein.
loneliness n. okulom.
lonely adj. naalein.
loner n. naaleniik.
long adj. lingrah.
long for v. staavek.
longboat n. okaadah.
longbow n. lingrahbrax.
longshoreman n. staalzer.
longsword n. lingzahkrii.
look v. frolok.
look like v. fon.
loom v. lokun.
loop n. kenlok.
loose v. gestin.
loose adj. nimah.
loot v. nahkuz.
looter adj. nahkuziik.
lord n. drog.
lordly adj. drogus.
lordship n. thur.
lore n. yoro.
loredas n. strunsul.
lose v. saan, siz.
loser n. saanin.
loss n. saar.
lost v. sizaan.
lost elf n. sifahliil.
lot n. kung.
lotion n. shuniir.
loud adj. shar.
loudness n. sharom.
lovable adj. vilokaal.
love n. lokaal.
lovely adj. lokaalus.
lover n. lokaliin.
low adj. lum.
low n. muah.
lower adj. atumei.
lower v. gelum.
lowlife n. banaak.
loyal adj. mid.
loyalist n. midzul, middovah.
loyalty n. midrot, midun.
luck n. gluus.
lucky adj. gluuskei.
luggage n. kahlos.
lullaby n. laagvaas.
lumber n. gosvah.
lunar adj. iilahnuv.
lunch v. haaz.
lung n. sumaas.
lure v. lovut.
lure n. horvut.
lurk v. nahkrop.
lust n. sahlos.
lute n. nauaas.
lycanthropy n. munralok.
lyre n. bexnauaas.
lyric n. mirodaat.
ma'am n. zoh.
mace n. qator.
machine n. kronimaar.
machinery n. kronimaar.
mad adj. vorohah.
madness n. vorohah.
maelstrom n. zuld.
magazine n. meykel.
mage n. lahzey.
magenta adj. minooka.
magic n. lu.
magical adj. luhaal.
magician n. lahiik.
magicka n. lah.
magistrate n. kriisjor.
magma n. goraag.
magnificence adj. lotaan.
magnificent adj. lotaniik.
magpie n. olmgahrot.
mahogany n. musanrak.
maid n. vahn.
maiden n. vahdin.
mail n. biirn.
maim v. juk.
main adj. maag.
maintain v. skilaan.
majestic adj. valinaar.
majesty n. vahlin.
major adj. hezdremhah.
make v. wahl, mur.
maker n. wahliik.
malachite n. haaragelt.
malady n. ziiklah.
male adj. punmak.
malevolent adj. vokulhah.
malice n. ahzul.
malicious adj. ahzulkei.
mammal n. zamak.
mammoth n. mamutah.
man n. jul, mun.
mana n. lah.
manage v. inkoraav.
management n. kroskinbok.
manager n. lahvriiluz.
mandate v. fusrot.
mane n. raziir.
manganese n. sholatz.
manger n. hodraan.
mango n. kreinfruk.
maniac n. nahjor.
manifest v. nunahst.
mankind n. jul.
manmade adj. joormur.
manmer n. munfahliil.
mannequin n. qahmunus.
manner n. vensedren.
manual n. drezujah.
many adj. pogaan.
maormer n. briinfahliil.
map n. grund.
mapmaker n. grundiik.
mar v. juk.
marauder n. uroksvaal.
marble n. liizuk.
march v. yoriik.
march n. diistmaas.
mare n. keyrek.
mark n. ziik.
markarth n. golzewer.
market n. vezar, yuldik.
marmalade n. sevuryuv.
maroon adj. prunsahqo.
marriage n. aavlaas.
marry v. aavlaas.
marsh n. zanos, styorngol.
martial art n. zodunos.
martinet n. vahrskin.
martyr n. jisdeyn.
martyrdom n. jisdeynaan.
marvel n. keyr.
marvelous adj. zokeyr.
mask n. rahvok.
mass n. feyal.
massacre v. pogaankrii.
masser n. rilahk.
massive adj. makil.
mast n. maz.
master n. in.
mastery n. inhus.
match v. met.
mate n. onliin.
mate v. liin.
material n. feluk.
maternal adj. monahus.
math n. tokaas.
mathematics n. tokaas.
matter n. trun.
maul v. juk.
maw n. jot.
maximum adj. zokiv.
may n. ziistmaas.
may v. aal.
maybe adv. aalkos.
maze n. hiznaar.
me pron. zey.
mead n. geikaal.
meadow n. vasaar.
meal n. kipraan, pun.
mean v. seik.
meander v. stinrovaan.
meantime n. fiid.
meanwhile adv. fiid.
measure v. malz.
meat n. sliin.
meatloaf n. sliinbrot.
mechanism n. kronimaar.
medal n. krelt.
medallion n. kaagrelt.
meddle v. kropah.
median adj. mithan.
medicine n. vahranim.
mediocre adj. mit.
meditate v. hadriid.
meditation n. hadriidak.
meditative adj. hadriidav.
medium adj. mit.
meet v. grind.
melancholy n. so.
melody n. honvaas.
melon n. mahan.
melt v. frein.
member n. vahmaan.
memorial n. vahrugrii.
memory n. vahrukt.
men n. muz.
menace n. rahvul.
menagerie n. raanahkoraav.
mend v. vokren.
mentality n. gaansevah.
mention v. nenfah.
mentor n. mindopah.
mer n. slaag, iim.
mercenary n. sovrahzun.
merchant n. sirnaaz.
merciful adj. aazaal.
merciless adj. aaznu.
mercy n. aaz.
mere adj. nunal.
merge v. domiit.
merit n. maleyk.
merrier adj. zuloraan.
merry adj. loraan, inlok.
mess n. thesk.
message n. funrah.
messenger n. funrahiik.
met v. grind.
metal n. gelt.
metamorphosis n. vuldakbuld.
meteor n. mahfil.
meteorology n. hahselokos.
meteorshower n. filmah.
meter n. mezaar.
method n. vensedren.
metronome n. tiid-haalziik.
mettle n. sildwiin.
microphone n. rihoniir.
mid year n. mithraa.
middas n. wuthsul.
midday n. hefsul, mithsul.
middle n. mith.
middling adj. mit.
midget n. hefmun.
midnight n. hefvulon.
midst n. mith.
might n. sahrok.
might v. uld.
mighty adj. sahrot.
migrate v. prodaz.
mild adj. vindo.
mile n. tren.
milestone n. strunaar.
milieu n. gekenlokin.
military n. fussekein.
militia n. frulahvu.
militiaman n. frulahzun.
milk n. liik.
mill n. pund.
millennium n. toneruvos.
million n. unon.
mimic n. laniziik.
mind n. hah, hahdrim.
mindful adj. zohah.
mindless adj. hefahus.
mine n. vungol.
mine pron. dii.
minimize v. gemal.
minimum n. sukiv.
minor adj. mol, ahzidremhah, prin.
minotaur n. kalumun.
mint n. iraz.
minute n. jazbaar.
miracle n. rahofan.
mirage n. fiikath.
mirror n. fiik.
mischief n. lakif.
misdirect v. vinaak.
misery n. zarok.
misfortune n. vogluus.
mislead v. vinaak.
miss v. staavek.
mission n. ahsod.
mist n. bruh.
mistake n. tozein.
misty adj. bruhus.
mithril n. uftdwiin.
mitten n. faadhalriiv.
mix v. hilk.
mixture n. hilkaan.
mnemonic n. vahruktuv.
moan v. galv.
moat n. gekenlom.
mob n. feyal, nagiis.
mock v. wiif.
mode n. meziv.
model n. venselor.
moderate adj. mit.
modern adj. nudraan.
modest adj. yusgri.
modesty n. yusgriim.
modification n. vuldak.
modifier n. vuldiik.
modify v. vuld.
molten adj. yolget.
moment n. getiid.
momentariness n. maltiidom.
momentary adj. maltiid.
monarchy n. geinmu'ul.
monday n. iilahsul.
monetary adj. yulduv.
money n. yuld.
mongrel n. tingrol.
monitor v. bodein.
monk n. ronir.
monocle n. koraaveyz.
monolith n. budiik.
monotheism n. geinrah.
monotheistic adj. geinraal.
monotonous adj. alunrinis.
monster n. riil.
monstrous n. riilkei.
month n. tik.
monthly adv. tikaar.
monument n. vahrugrii.
moo n. muah.
mood n. hahmoor.
moon n. iilah.
moon sugar n. iilahsufol.
moonlight n. iilahkun.
moonlit adj. iilahkin.
moonstone n. iilahsegol.
moose n. elz.
moral adj. greiz.
morale n. ziikol.
morality n. greizah.
morbid adj. niroz.
more adj. zuk.
morndas n. iilahsul.
morning n. feyl.
morning star n. feylil.
moron n. meyuz.
moronic adj. hefahus.
morrowind n. vulsoven.
mortal n. joor.
mortal adj. zahlaas.
mortar n. mahkaag.
mosaic n. moziir.
mosquito n. pusojur.
moss n. veydol.
most adj. zok.
moth n. rak.
mother n. monah.
motherly adj. monahus.
motion n. bod.
motivate v. bemahraan.
motivation n. bemahraan.
motive n. mahraan.
mound n. staag.
mount v. goz.
mountain n. strunmah.
mountainous adj. strunmahus.
mourn v. luvmah.
mourner n. luvmahliik.
mournful adj. sokei.
mournhold n. skahnov.
mouse n. dosk, praak-ronaaz.
mouth n. zahr.
mouth v. zalk.
move v. bo.
movement n. bod.
movie n. bodilir.
moving adj. vomulhaan.
mow v. mahv.
much n. pogaas.
mud n. grul.
mudcrab n. deytonik.
muddy adj. grulus.
mug n. beylsaak, piniir.
mulberry n. jonogah.
mule n. turog.
multiply v. pogaav.
multitude n. kung.
mumble v. timak.
munch v. krumon.
mundus n. lein.
murder n. kriivah.
murderer n. krivaan.
murderous adj. kriivahkei.
murmur v. sumah.
muscle n. mulzen.
museum n. selvaas.
mushroom n. kiibam.
music n. lovaas.
musical n. lovaasuv.
musician n. lovadro.
must v. kent.
mustache n. diwaan.
muster v. lahvraan.
mute adj. nahliik.
mutter v. timak.
mutton n. vosig.
my pron. dii.
myself pron. dimaar.
mysterious adj. digol.
mystery n. digoliik.
mystic adj. lahnik, lahnik.
mystical adj. lahnik.
mysticism n. lahnikaar.
myth n. maan.
mythical adj. kalidaal.
nail n. haaljusk.
naked adj. nunt.
nakedness n. nuntom.
name v. for.
name n. foraan.
nap v. strimiin.
napalm n. yolunslaad.
narrate v. kofun.
narrow adj. yal.
narrow v. geyal.
narwhal n. zahkaaron.
narwhale n. zahkaaron.
nasty adj. gaas.
nation n. nor.
national adj. ulanhimdah.
nationalist n. norkaal.
native n. diistaak.
natural adj. lunduv.
nature n. lund, edil.
navigable adj. virahn.
navigate v. kurlank.
navy n. okaalah.
nchardark n. benangaar.
near v. lov.
near adj. lovun.
nebula n. filgaaf.
necessary adj. praagek.
necessitate v. skildir.
neck n. ruus.
necklace n. rahvum.
necromancer n. nahgahdinok.
necromancy n. strovodinok, alok-dilon.
nectar n. yumaas.
nectarine n. shulhild.
nede n. naad.
need v. praag.
needle n. padir.
negate v. vo.
negation n. vo.
negative adj. kovolzah.
neglect v. duzrah.
negotiate v. dremyah.
neither conj. niney.
nemesis n. lotpaal.
nephew n. kravein.
nervous adj. valk.
nervousness n. valkom.
nest n. leret.
net n. zud.
netch n. nahrz.
nether adj. negol.
network n. rigevoth.
never adv. neh.
nevermind conj. wook.
nevermore adv. nidzuk.
new adj. yun.
newborn n. yunkiin.
newcomer n. yuniik.
news n. yunrot.
newspaper n. taldeykraan.
next adj. borii.
nibble v. malfiit.
nice adj. shon.
niece n. sirvein.
night n. vulon.
nightingale n. vusoven.
nightmare n. hahvulon.
nimble adj. qobo.
nimbleness n. qoborom.
nine n. nen.
nirn n. vus.
nirnroot n. vusarum.
no adv. nid, niid.
nobility n. nonvulaan.
noble adj. nonvul.
nobleman n. nonvuliik.
noblewoman n. nonvuliik.
nobody pron. nimun.
nock v. roronaaz.
nocturnal adj. vulonaas.
nocturnal n. julon.
nocturne n. vulovaas.
nod v. noton.
node n. vokraaz.
noise n. honaat.
non-canon adj. niron.
nonagon n. nenreid.
nonchalant adj. sulak.
none pron. nimun.
none adv. nid.
nonsense n. goltnu.
nook n. krek.
noon n. mithsul.
noone pron. nimun.
noose n. beymur.
nor conj. nuv.
nord n. bron.
nordic adj. bronen.
normal n. qurnen.
north n. brom.
northerly adj. bromen.
northern adj. bromen.
nose n. sumaar.
nostril n. sumaar.
not adv. ni.
notch adj. mahrk.
note n. honvaas.
notebook n. pel-deykel.
nothing adv. nid.
nothingness n. vozahnil.
notice v. ahmin.
noticeable adj. ahminaal.
notion n. zaak.
nova n. filkaagend.
novel n. hahkel.
november n. kreintor.
novice n. ahtamun.
now n. nutiid.
now adv. nu.
nowhere adv. nistaad.
nuclear n. dukaag.
nudity n. nuntom.
nuisance n. nuthaak.
nuke n. dukaag.
nullify v. genul.
numb adj. friist.
number n. tokaan.
nun n. ronir.
nurture v. vel.
nut n. maad.
nutty adj. maadus.
nuzzle v. fadaav.
oak n. wol.
oar n. ur.
oath n. vahrot.
obedience n. thaarn.
obedient adj. zothaarn.
obey v. thaar.
object v. tegalrot.
object n. vuuk.
objection n. tegalrotak.
obligation n. rahlodren.
oblige v. skildir.
obliterate v. skag.
oblivion n. oblivion, volein.
observe v. korii.
observed adj. koriaan.
observer n. koriim.
obsidian n. qethsevulon.
obsolete adj. tirzahtiid.
obstacle n. jiist.
obstruct v. tend.
obstruction n. tendrok, volkaan.
obtain v. rim.
obtainment n. rimend.
obvious adj. baarkei.
ocarina n. fahfiik.
occasion n. korosend.
occupation n. krotz.
occupied adj. ofir.
occupy v. kolahn.
occur v. koros.
occurrence n. korosend.
ocean n. briin.
octagon n. elnreid.
october n. fomah.
octopus n. voltolam.
odd adj. zurun.
ode n. wern.
of prep. do, se.
off adj. vau.
offend v. faazrot.
offense n. nostig.
offer v. miik.
offering n. ofanaat.
office n. krosorun.
official adj. hariik.
oft adv. grinstiid.
often adv. grinstiid.
oftentimes adv. grinstiid.
ogre n. groonah.
oh interj. oo.
oil n. karon.
okay interj. bek.
old adj. wuth.
old hroldan inn n. ahroldan.
older adj. zuwuth.
olive n. pugal.
omen n. rozol.
ominous adj. dezmi.
omnipotence n. pahsuleyk.
omnipotent adj. pahsuleyk.
omniscience n. pahmindok.
omniscient adj. pahmindok.
on prep. nau.
once adv. ont.
one n. gein.
oneness n. pahgein.
oneself n. geinmaar.
onion n. laakir.
onlooker n. koriim.
only adv. nunon.
onto prep. amiv.
onward adv. amativ.
onyx n. vex.
opacity n. musveyom.
opal n. elkroz.
opaque adj. musvey.
open v. bex.
operative adj. drenaal.
opinion n. drahlun.
opinionated adj. golahreid.
opponent n. krizey.
opportunity n. grozein.
oppose v. kriz.
opposite adj. gakrizar.
opposition n. krizend.
oppress v. ukuz.
oppression n. ukust.
oppressor n. ukuziik.
option n. poguk.
or conj. uv.
oracle n. nahgahzii.
orange n. solfruk.
orange adj. sol.
orator n. tinvaakin.
orc n. ogiim.
orchid n. irthaas.
orcish adj. ogiimen.
ordeal n. trun.
order v. uth, tahlon.
ore n. mahgrii.
oregano n. uluthan.
organ n. oradgah.
organism n. nahlkopraan.
organization n. tokah, vorstaald.
organize v. vorstaal.
orichalcum n. ogeliim.
orient v. voraak.
origin n. kose.
original adj. kodiist.
originate v. gekose.
ornament n. setjahl.
orphan n. oth.
orsimer n. ogiim.
orsinium n. ogiimor.
other adj. vorey.
otherkin n. voreykiin.
otherwise adv. hahvothzuk.
otherworld n. volein.
ouch! interj. taak.
ounce n. alzah.
our pron. un.
ours pron. un.
ourselves pron. unmaar.
out adv. tir.
outcast n. govegein.
outdoor adj. nebenbex.
outdoors adj. nebenbex.
outer adj. zutir.
outermost adj. zoktir.
outlaw n. thunvu.
outrage n. naaz.
outside adj. tir.
outward adj. tirtiv.
oval n. beznan.
over prep. avok.
overall adj. pahnim.
overburdened adj. lotwid.
overcome v. lokiig.
overencumbered adj. lotwid.
overjoyed adj. lotjiik.
overloaded adj. lotwid.
overlord n. thur.
overlordship n. thur.
overmorrow n. mindirsul.
oversee v. inkoraav.
overseer n. lahvriiluz.
overtake v. vaarnurel.
overthrow v. vodul.
overwhelm v. vaarnurel.
ow! interj. taak.
owl n. hol.
own v. siifur.
own adj. meyar.
ownership n. siifurdein.
ox n. kalul.
pacification n. gedremend.
pacifist n. dremiik.
pacify v. gedrem.
pack n. tah.
pact n. kiid.
pagan n. wuthrahnuv.
page n. siith.
pain n. faaz.
painful adj. faazaal.
paint v. verilir.
paint n. nahin.
painted adj. maalutaan.
pair n. ziinmet.
palace n. hofkahsejun.
paladin n. kendaar.
pale adj. ruvol.
paleness n. ruvolom.
pallor n. ruvolom.
palm n. milah.
paltry adj. pusrig.
pan n. friisgelt.
pancake n. friisgeltbrot.
pang n. kaas.
panic n. faast.
pansexual adj. pahliinvas.
pants n. boviir.
paper n. deykraan.
paradigm n. venselor.
paradise n. prudaas.
paradox n. uzgrolein.
paradoxical adj. uzgroleinuv.
paragon n. pruzeim.
parallax n. koraavuld.
paralysis n. seyvuzos.
paralyze v. seyvuz.
parasite n. vorenaak.
paratrooper n. lokrahzun.
parchment n. deykraan.
pardon n. krosis.
parent n. lafaan.
pariah n. govegein.
park n. prez.
parlay n. skozahrel.
parrot n. zulokraan.
parry v. panor.
parsley n. priitor.
part n. malur.
particle n. malureyd.
particular adj. pogukus.
particularly adv. suranmiik.
partner n. feliig, onliin.
party n. visk, lid.
party v. vervisk.
pass v. rahn, hok.
passable adj. virahn.
passage n. rahnd.
passenger n. zorahem.
passion n. smoliin.
passionate adj. smolinaal.
passive adj. losnaar.
password n. gaatrot.
past n. ustiid.
past prep. vortii.
pastry n. thalabrot.
pasture n. vasaar.
paternal adj. bormahus.
path n. ven.
pathetic adj. sahlag.
patience n. prem.
patient adj. prem.
patriot n. norkaal.
patrol v. bodein.
patron n. unagein.
pattern n. venselor.
patty n. yelsliin.
pauldron n. qahsuld.
pause n. gohiv.
paw n. haan.
pay v. biis.
payment n. sovaat.
peace n. drem.
peaceful adj. zodrem.
peak n. naar.
peanut n. avmaad.
pear n. bizur.
pearl n. kunuk.
pebble n. zegur.
peck v. spek.
peculiar adj. sonziik.
peddler n. maltuniik.
pee v. vernevul.
pee n. nevul.
peek n. malkoraav.
pelt n. kelm.
pen n. pelniir.
pencil n. pelniir.
pendant n. kagaav.
pendulum n. bosgolz.
penetrate v. kinz.
penis n. maasofaniik.
pent adj. kiiz.
pentagon n. henreid.
penumbra n. vofunvul.
people n. joriin.
peopled adj. joraan.
pepper n. beku.
perceive v. fraan.
percent n. koben.
perception n. fraanend.
percolate v. bozeim.
perfect adj. tozeinvu.
perform v. kosov, verlovaas.
perhaps adv. aalkos.
peril n. rut.
perilous adj. rutkei.
period n. zahtiid.
perish v. saluk.
perishable adj. visliiv.
perk n. priizah.
permanence n. tiidnul.
permanent adj. tiidnu, vofrul.
permeate v. bozeim.
permission n. orlaavend.
permit v. orlaav.
perpetual adj. vofrul.
perseverance n. grolahnd.
persevere v. grolah.
persist v. zuthiir.
persnickety adj. pogukus.
person n. jor.
personality n. edil.
persuade v. koniiyek.
pervade v. nuvey.
pervert v. inhon.
peryite n. krasliivin.
pest n. sahlojoor.
pestilence n. vedkrasom.
pet n. rez.
pet v. haalniv.
pet adj. rezus.
petite adj. prin.
petty adj. sahlag, prin.
phantom n. sah.
phase n. griid.
pheasant n. lokraas.
philosophical adj. fiilosuv.
philosophy n. fiilos.
phoenix n. yolzoor.
phone n. gutzul.
photograph n. deykrilir.
physics n. hahsebom.
piano n. ozinveyhaal.
pick v. zemqulek.
pickaxe n. vildhahkun.
pickpocket n. vunonhaal.
picture n. ilir.
picturesque adj. brilaas.
pie n. brotumkip.
piece n. malur.
pierce v. kinz.
pig n. hiraak.
pigmy adj. malnaaz.
pile n. mahkur.
pilgrim n. rahwunduniik.
pilgrimage n. rahwundun.
pillage v. draazog.
pillar n. haar.
pillow n. jir.
pinch v. skin.
pine v. krosik.
pine n. galik.
pineapple n. thrinmah.
pink adj. soqat.
pint n. merak.
pioneer n. diistiik.
pipe n. sunaak.
pirate n. raaviir.
piss v. vernevul.
pistol n. maledun.
pit n. piiv.
pitch n. brak.
pitchfork n. hofkahzof.
pitiful adj. sahlag.
pitiless adj. iizil.
pity n. aazrii.
place v. ris.
place n. staad.
plague n. vedkrasom.
plain adj. vonum.
plain n. pindaar.
plan v. mein.
plane n. sovaar, geltviing.
planet n. gutlein.
plant n. ahvus.
plate n. tus.
plateau n. yeldah.
platform n. palaar.
platinum n. malsezilf.
play v. kiird, verlovaas.
play n. tinvaatey.
player n. droliik.
playful adj. kiirdaas.
pleasant adj. genazaal.
please v. genaz.
please adv. lig.
pleasurable adj. lig.
pleasure n. genazend.
plentiful adj. povaan.
plenty n. povaas.
plight n. dezmah.
plot v. mein, nivurot.
plumage n. proviz.
plume n. proviz.
plunder v. nahkuz.
plunderer adj. nahkuziik.
plunge v. komah.
pocket n. vurul.
podzol n. kiidenek.
poem n. kahriil.
poet n. kahriik.
poetry n. sonvaak.
point v. geivah.
point n. zahd, jusktii.
poison n. viidost.
poisonous adj. zoviidost.
poke v. haalvit.
poker n. deziirukt.
pole n. golklov.
poleaxe n. vahkunz.
police n. thunkodiik.
policeman n. thunkodiik.
polish v. geviin.
politician n. noksenonviik.
politics n. noksenonvul.
pollute v. thokaz.
polytheism n. pogaanrah.
polytheistic adj. pogaanraal.
pommel n. sahtul.
pond n. malom.
pony n. malkey.
pool n. lomok.
poop n. draaf.
poor adj. nivok.
pop n. diipahlom.
pop v. kaap.
popcorn n. yolkern.
populated adj. joraan.
porn n. viinun.
pornography n. viinun.
port n. staal.
portal n. miiraak.
porter n. brudmun.
portion n. malur.
portrait n. veyloz.
position n. kostaad.
positive adj. kopruzah.
possess v. piraak.
possession n. piraakt.
possible adj. korasaal.
possiblity n. koraas.
pot n. qahv.
potable adj. vipiin.
potato n. hopik.
potent adj. piilo.
potential n. zahvos.
potion n. galgur.
pouch n. brulost.
poultry n. slenselok.
pound n. pozik.
powder n. pusaas.
powdery adj. pusast.
power n. suleyk, mulaag.
power tool n. muldreniir.
powerful adj. suleykaar.
powerless adj. mulnu.
practical adj. kostiruv.
practice n. hahtaar.
practice v. kostir.
prairie n. evenik.
praise n. werid.
prank n. yirtah.
prattle v. vanvaak.
pray v. draal.
prayer n. draan.
precedent n. uskoros.
precious adj. fariik.
precise adj. uliid.
preciseness n. uliidom.
precision n. uliidom.
predator n. doriik.
predicament n. dezmah.
preen v. prozeyv.
prefer v. egnah.
pregnant adj. kiiraal.
prelude n. uslovaas.
premeditate v. usukah.
prepare v. rodraan.
presence n. nuvah.
present n. nutiid, ofanaat, nuvah.
presently adv. das.
preserve v. zahnir.
preside v. inaak.
president n. priivum.
press v. drok.
pressure n. gahfus.
presume v. lorfonaar.
pretend v. kosmey.
pretty adj. malbrii.
prevail v. ahkron.
previous adj. firig.
prey n. dor.
price n. praz.
priceless adj. praznu.
pride n. kah.
prideful adj. zokah.
priest n. sonaak.
priestess n. sonaak.
primary adj. maag.
prime adj. kord.
prince n. kulaan.
princely adj. kulaanus.
princess n. kulaas.
princessly adj. kulaasus.
print n. deykrilir.
print v. prahm.
priority n. diistus.
prism n. yunok.
prison n. grunz.
prisoner n. grunzah.
private adj. jormaar.
prize n. uriif.
probability n. grozahom.
probable adj. grozah.
problem n. diron.
problematic adj. dironzaar.
procedure n. krodren.
proceed v. ativut.
process n. krodren.
proclaim v. kopiraan.
proclamation n. kopirot.
procreate v. verkiir.
prodigy n. lotkiiv.
produce v. ter.
profession n. krotz.
profuse adj. pogahko.
program n. virlaan.
progress v. ativut.
progression n. murahv.
projectile n. kuyizaat.
prolong v. gelingrah.
promise v. kaat.
promote v. ativaal.
prompt adj. kusil.
pronoun n. foraan-rot.
propel v. kuyiz.
proper adj. prudaav.
property n. piraakt.
prophecy n. qostiid.
prophet n. qosaar.
prophetic adj. qostiiduv.
prostitute n. wiizaan.
prostrate v. tumbonaar.
protect v. jaaril.
protrude v. dikinz.
proud adj. zokah.
prove v. gevahzen.
proverb n. vahzensaag.
provide v. birgah.
province n. nor.
provision n. birgahniir.
pry v. kropah, bix.
psychic n. nahgah.
psychology n. hahsoksehah.
pub n. snol.
puberty n. naramriin.
public n. jormah.
pudding n. hespaagliik.
puke v. krastak.
pull n. donth.
pull v. sovit.
pulsar n. prusfil.
pulse v. vulz.
pump v. giiriz.
pumpkin n. budlaak.
punch v. baag.
punctuate v. pelzahd.
punctuation v. pelzahd.
puncture v. kinz.
punish v. pentaar.
punishment v. pentaar.
pup n. dokraas.
pupil n. mindaziik.
puppet n. nukaas.
puppy n. dokraas.
purchase v. bir.
pure adj. ruv.
purge v. nilz.
purification n. prahkend.
purify v. prahk.
purple adj. jen.
purpose n. nuft.
purposeful adj. zonuft.
purse n. yulvid.
pursue v. niivut.
pursuit n. kusah.
push v. dah.
put v. ris.
puzzle n. burzah.
pyramid n. bu'ul.
pyre n. agnaar.
pyrite n. yulmey.
python n. siison.
quad bike n. hirokey.
quadrilateral n. hireid.
quadruple adj. hiran.
quail n. nufost.
quality n. koziir.
quandary n. jeykiiv.
quarrel n. keinul.
quart n. lit.
quartz n. kazaar.
quasar n. kruziikun.
queen n. jud.
queenly adj. judus.
queer adj. sonziik.
quell v. krun.
quench v. krun.
query n. laan.
quest n. wund.
question n. laan.
quick adj. nel.
quicken v. genel.
quickness n. nelom.
quicksand n. draaklo.
quicksilver n. viinazil.
quiet adj. stiildus.
quiet n. stiild.
quill n. pelniir, peluft.
quince n. bizuryuv.
quit v. sahto.
quite adv. peh.
quiver v. olg.
quiz n. laniid.
quote n. virot.
rabbit n. kaviir.
rabid adj. felhah.
rabies n. felhahlun.
raccoon n. godaan.
race v. tusron.
race n. reyliik.
races n. reyliik.
racism adj. reyliikun.
radiance n. uraan.
radiant adj. uraniik.
radiation n. bodukaag.
radio n. zulkronimaar.
radioactive adj. bodukagaal.
radius n. hefyaav.
rag n. thokriiv.
rag v. dubah.
rage n. rahgol, ruth.
raid v. kuzol.
railroad n. dolkeyven.
rain n. lokluv.
rain's hand n. haalokluv.
rainbow n. lokluvfahin.
rainforest n. lufeykro.
rainy adj. lokluvus.
raise v. wahl, gelok.
raised v. wahlaan.
ram v. vaak.
random adj. zixiir.
randomness n. zixiirom.
range v. faan.
ranger n. faaniik.
rank n. leyk.
rape v. qavolaan.
rapid adj. neltiid.
rapier n. kortuz.
rare adj. num.
rarely adv. lovuneh.
rasp v. klozul.
rat n. serk.
rather adv. milaar.
rattle v. motaak.
ravage v. modokraan.
rave v. hevaak.
raven n. ruvaak.
ravenous adj. dunahkei.
ravine n. korosin.
raw adj. gren.
ray n. bokun.
raze v. aldol.
razor adj. alzit.
reach v. hiiv.
react v. tahmus.
reaction n. tahmusend.
read v. etaak.
ready adj. nuk.
real adj. saad.
realism n. saadom.
reality n. saadom.
realization n. emtiind.
realize v. emtiin.
realm adj. suleyksejun.
realm n. deylok, sovaar.
realness n. saadom.
reaper n. sahvoz.
rear n. akor.
reason n. dahrin.
reasonable adj. dahrinaal.
reaver n. uroksvaal.
rebel n. vax.
rebellion n. keiz.
rebellious adj. vaxei.
rebirth adj. orkiindah.
reborn adj. orkiin.
rebuild v. orwahl.
recall v. lorvod.
recant v. duvaat.
recede v. votivut.
receive v. ofaal.
receiver n. ofaalin.
recent adj. fautiid.
reception n. ofaalend.
recipe n. uskriif.
reciprocate v. daaltun.
reciprocation v. daaltun.
reciprocity v. daaltun.
recite v. kovon.
reckless adj. huznu.
reckon v. ned.
recognise v. mindrus.
recognize v. mindrus.
recollect v. lorvod.
recollection v. lorvod.
recollection n. tiidahmaan.
reconnaissance n. lingrahmiin.
reconnect v. orgevoth.
record v. vertal.
record n. umaak.
recount v. kofun.
recover v. orim.
recreate v. orwahl.
rectal adj. reymuv.
rectangle n. hireid.
rectify v. folov.
rectum n. reym.
red adj. sahqo.
redden v. gesahqo.
redeem v. orbalaan.
redemption n. orbalaan.
redguard n. sahqomun.
redo v. dro.
redoubt n. frulrunir.
reed n. sunaak.
reek v. riig.
refer v. nenvaar, forhah.
reference v. vernenfah, forhah.
refine v. vet.
reflect v. jokaar.
reflection v. jokaar.
refrain v. forgen.
refrigerator n. krahoskad.
refuge n. dremjaar.
refugee n. bovultiin.
refusal n. volaav.
refuse n. taavin.
refuse v. volaav.
regain v. orim.
regard v. ned, hahlot.
regency n. mulimaar.
regenerate v. yolir.
regeneration n. yolirend.
regiment n. ronax.
region n. paan.
regress v. votivut.
regret v. groso.
regretful adj. grosokei.
regrow v. yolir.
regrowth n. yolirend.
regular adj. qurnen.
reign n. vorliz.
rein n. graak.
reincarnation n. orkopraanzii.
reject v. volaav.
rejected adj. duyiiv.
rejection n. volaav.
rejoice v. fraajik.
relate v. ahlon.
related adj. fron.
relation n. ahlond.
relations n. ahlond.
relationship n. ahlondein.
relative adj. fron.
relax v. krisiiv.
release v. gaar.
relent v. vaar.
relic n. tholaar.
relief n. juskov.
religion n. rahlun.
religious adj. rahlunkei.
relish v. genaas.
reload v. orklad.
rely v. rivun.
remade adj. orkiin.
remain v. reyzan.
remains n. reyziin.
remake v. orwahl.
remark v. ofunlor.
remedy v. folov, folov.
remember v. dahmaan.
remembered adj. dahmin.
remembrance n. dahmaar.
remind v. orah.
reminder n. siinorah.
remnant n. reyziin.
remote adj. hud.
removal n. govend.
remove v. govey.
rename v. orfor.
rend v. kroz.
render v. mur.
renegade n. vax.
renew v. yolir.
renewal n. yolirend.
renounce v. duvaat.
renown n. kahforaan.
renowned adj. mindokin.
reorganize v. orvorstaal.
repair v. vokren.
repay v. orbiis.
repeat v. zuvir.
repent v. kogroso.
replace v. oris.
reply n. fahrald.
reply v. fahral.
report n. tal.
report v. vertal.
represent v. nirkaanon.
representation n. nirkaanond.
reprisal v. daalnos.
reproduce v. verkiir.
reproduction n. fotiid.
reproductive adj. liinvas.
reptile n. vriid.
reptilian adj. vriiduv.
republic n. mu'ulsemuz.
repurpose v. orbrah.
request v. laan.
request n. laan.
requiem n. praanlovaas.
require v. huvut.
requirement n. huvutaat.
rescue v. bahvit.
research n. dojuk.
resemble v. medkoraav.
reserve v. zahnir.
reservoir n. wahlom.
reside v. kolahn.
residence n. boden.
resident n. kolahniik.
residual adj. rukoruv.
residue n. rukor.
resist v. vogahvon.
resistance n. vogahriin.
resolute adj. maankir.
resolve n. palnekaar.
resolved adj. maankir.
resource n. rahzaas.
resourceful adj. zorahzaas.
respect v. fir.
respectable adj. ufir.
respectful adj. zofir.
respond v. fahral.
response n. fahrald.
responsibility n. vahlokeyv.
rest v. praan.
restless adj. laagnu.
restoration n. vokriind.
restore v. vokrii, yahn.
restrain v. morkon.
restraint n. morkonin.
restrict v. begron.
restroom n. shunstaad.
result n. droz.
resume v. fahbo.
resurrectionist n. vokriid.
retake v. orim.
retaliate v. daalnos.
retaliation v. daalnos.
retire v. nurvim.
retreat v. votivut.
retribution n. ropentaar.
return v. daal.
reunify v. orvegein.
reuse v. orbrah.
reveal v. genun.
revel v. genaas.
revelation n. nunaakun.
revenge n. nahkriin.
revere v. hahlot.
review v. orfrolok.
revive v. vokrii.
revolt n. keiz.
revolution n. keiz.
reward v. urid.
rhetoric n. lortaan.
rhyme n. ritir.
rhythm n. razaan.
rib n. kesk.
ribbon n. ritrin.
rich adj. saavir.
rid v. govir.
riddle v. hahkreh.
ride v. zor.
rider n. zoriik.
ridge n. drul.
rift n. raf.
riften n. gravunlom.
right v. folov.
right adj. viilt.
right n. qaar.
rightness n. kruzikaar.
rigorous adj. zograv.
rigorously adv. zogravaar.
rim n. burdah.
ring n. prenlon.
rinse v. riiz.
riot n. keiz.
rip v. ahkaan.
ripe adj. fol.
ripeness n. folom.
ripple n. folul.
rise v. alok.
risk n. daak.
risk v. yin.
ritual adj. revkoronuv.
ritual n. stroh, revkoron.
rival v. ronit.
rival n. roniik.
rivalry n. brothuz.
river n. rath.
road n. strah.
roar v. rein.
roast v. frist.
rob v. resh.
robber n. reshiik.
robbery n. resh.
robe n. qiiraz.
robin n. solqahd.
robot n. geltlaas.
rock v. seyl.
rock n. vild.
roe n. luzikin.
rogue n. skoboviik.
role n. malun.
roll v. fuskah.
roof n. kav.
room n. weyt.
rooster n. rokmah.
root n. rum.
rope n. matah.
rorikstead n. rorikhofkah.
rosary n. fahludraal.
rose n. peyt.
rot v. liivor.
rotate v. kenlir.
rough adj. klofraan.
round adj. kenlokus.
rouse v. ziig.
rout v. graan.
row v. pluz.
row n. rei.
rowboat n. pluzvaad.
royal adj. dulsosaal.
royalty n. dulsos.
ruby n. dovahmiin.
rug n. sevmah.
ruin n. gral.
rule v. mu'ul.
ruler n. mu'uliik.
rum n. sijum.
rumble v. motaad.
rumor n. vaaruk.
run v. ru.
rune n. sik.
runestone n. sigolz.
runner n. rukaan.
ruse n. mindolo.
rush v. asnir.
rust n. doliiv.
rusty adj. doliivus.
ruthless adj. vaarnu.
saber n. krelzahkrii.
sabre cat n. jotkaaz.
sack v. nahkuz.
sacrament n. zeinsuleyk.
sacred adj. revak.
sacrifice v. zahrahmiik.
sad adj. tiiraaz.
sadden v. getiiraaz.
saddle n. nokur.
sadness n. tiiraazom.
safe adj. tirahk.
safeguard v. spaal.
safeness n. tirahkom.
safety n. tirahkom.
sag v. juros.
saga n. lingrahtey.
sage n. tirdun.
said v. saag.
sail v. saat.
sailor n. saatiik.
saint n. rahun.
sake n. giif.
salamander n. yolgonis.
salt n. zal.
salty adj. zalus.
salutation n. qiilaanzin.
salute n. qiilaanzin.
salvation n. savend.
same n. rinis.
sanctify v. gerevak.
sanction n. pentaaz.
sanctuary n. gaard, rahnaar.
sanctum n. revakaad.
sand n. klo.
sandstone n. sosgol.
sandstorm n. klostrun.
sandwich n. brotaan, ragiinix.
sandy adj. klohus.
sane adj. rohah.
sanguinary n. sosahlos.
sanity n. rohah.
sap n. reythsos.
sapling n. reythkiir.
sapphire n. logolz.
sarcophagus n. slenaakin.
sat v. praal.
satisfactory adj. gemoguraal.
satisfy v. gemogur.
saturday n. strunsul.
sauce n. ezil.
sausage n. avtoknun.
savage adj. bruniik.
savageness n. brunikaar.
savagery n. brunikaar.
savanna n. svenjir.
savant n. mindokah.
save v. sav.
savior n. saviik.
saw n. worax.
sawmill n. woraxpund.
say v. saag.
scabbard n. frit.
scaffold n. musgiir.
scale n. vrii.
scale v. ruknaar.
scalpel n. zosoviis-tuz.
scamp n. skur.
scamper v. ruskir.
scar n. skein.
scarce num.
scare v. gefaas.
scarecrow n. olm-gefaasiik.
scared adj. zofaas.
scarlet adj. sahqos.
scatter v. eyfur.
scene n. vetgar.
scenery n. fahzon.
scenic adj. lunbrii.
scent n. sahlon.
schedule n. meintiid.
schematic n. kolzakiiv.
scheme n. virlaan.
scherzo n. yirtlovaas.
schism v. krenok.
scholar n. mindokah, mindaziik.
scholarship n. mindaziikein.
school n. hahsok, mindaziir.
science n. mindaas.
scientist n. mindokah.
scimitar n. krelzahkrii.
scintillate v. dortiis.
scold v. lahk.
scorch v. parok.
score n. jusktii.
scorn v. beyn.
scorned v. beyn.
scorpion n. pusonin.
scoundrel n. vaarun.
scourge n. skah.
scout v. faan.
scowl v. fiivut.
scrap n. dahstin.
scrap v. dahst.
scrape v. ahkrol.
scratch v. klor.
scream v. marzuh.
screen n. spiin.
scribe n. peliik.
script n. kuld.
scriptorium n. pelorun.
scripture n. kuld.
scroll n. deykel.
scrub v. sozkul.
scry v. lostiid.
sculpture n. baasegolz.
scum n. banaak.
scurry v. ruskir.
scythe n. krezah.
sea n. okaaz.
seal n. kovolkniir, siigren.
seal v. strin.
seamstress n. osuliik.
search v. tovit.
search engine n. vozahkel-tovitaan.
searcher n. tovitaan.
season n. evgir.
seasonal adj. evgiruv.
seat v. praal.
seaweed n. veydosebriin.
second adj. ziist.
second n. draaz.
second seed n. ziistmaas.
secret adj. soven.
secretary n. pelein.
secretion n. bosmoliin.
section n. malur.
secunda n. nahkorah.
secure v. kogur.
seduce v. vahlii.
seduction n. vahliind.
see v. koraav.
seed n. maas.
seek v. yah.
seeker n. tovitaan.
seem v. fon.
seen adj. nun.
seer n. koraaviik.
seethe v. domor.
seize v. kuz.
seldom adv. lovuneh.
self n. meyar.
selfish adj. maruv.
selfishness n. maruvom.
selfless adj. marnu.
selflessness n. marnurom.
sell v. sirn.
seller n. sirnaaz.
semi-canon adj. soron.
send v. fid.
sensation n. honahlaat.
sense v. honah.
senseless adj. goltnu.
sensitive adj. muhonah.
sentence v. gronzul.
sentient adj. hahulaan.
sentiment n. pruvos.
sentimental adj. pruvosaal.
sepal n. rostaam.
separate v. krenok.
separate adj. ahtiv.
separation v. krenok.
september n. silyol.
septim n. yuld.
serenade n. fridirlovaas.
serene n. zodremhah.
serenity n. dremhah.
serious adj. graav.
serpent n. vith.
serrated adj. kahnzon.
servant n. aar.
serve v. aam.
server n. rizulvoth.
service n. ahmik.
servile adj. untaar.
servitude n. aarot.
set n. det.
set v. hel.
settle v. feymah.
seven n. zos.
sever v. kliiz.
several adj. pogaat.
sew v. osul.
sex v. liin.
sex n. veiliin.
sexual adj. liinvas.
sexy adj. liinus.
shack n. qiiv.
shade n. hokzii, jahkiit.
shade v. gevul.
shadow n. vokun.
shake v. motaad.
shall v. fent.
shallow adj. prudil.
shallowness n. prudilom.
shaman n. lahiik.
shamanism n. lahlun.
shamble v. paagluf.
shame n. paak.
shameful adj. zopaak.
shampoo n. omshuniir.
shanty n. saatvaas.
shape n. buld.
shapely adj. buldus.
shard n. bruzah.
share v. ofun.
shark n. okravaaz.
sharp adj. kinzon.
sharpen v. gekinzon.
sharpness n. kinzonom.
shatter v. kren.
shattered adj. krent.
shave v. ahkrol.
she pron. rek.
sheath n. frit.
sheathe v. friim.
shed v. brenok, stiis.
sheep n. smahlu.
sheet n. donin.
shell n. qarah.
shelter v. spaal.
shepherd n. sekmir.
shield v. spaal.
shield n. spaan.
shift v. vuld.
shimmer v. viim.
shin n. krogiir.
shine v. viin.
shining adj. viintaas.
ship n. veysun.
shirt n. kaam.
shit n. draaf.
shitty adj. draafus.
shiver v. olg.
shock v. zahrak.
shock n. reik.
shockwave n. fusriin.
shoe n. kot.
shoelace n. kotrin.
shoot v. ediin.
shop n. jag, veydar.
shore n. thus.
short adj. maltiid, malingren.
shortly adv. das.
shortsword n. pusahkrii.
shot n. edun.
should v. fend.
shoulder n. suld.
shout v. zaan.
shovel n. deytoniir.
show v. genun.
shred v. trof.
shriek v. marzaan.
shrill adj. hiis.
shrine n. belur.
shrink v. gemal.
shroud n. vonuntiv.
shroud v. gevul.
shrub n. jin.
shrug n. lehet.
shudder v. motaad, olg.
shuddered v. motaad.
shuffle v. paagluf.
shun v. dahvol.
shut v. strin.
shy adj. kud.
sibling n. soskiin.
sick adj. kras.
sicken v. gekras.
sickle n. kreltuz.
sickness n. krasaar.
side n. reid.
siege n. kirgar.
sigh v. sunu.
sight n. koraav.
sigil n. siigren.
sign n. siin.
signal v. siintul.
signature n. mindokziin.
significance n. nizraadom.
significant adj. nizraad.
signify v. siintul.
signless adj. siinvu.
silence v. nahlot.
silencer n. nahlotzaan.
silent adj. nahlon.
silk n. sluv.
silken adj. sluvus.
silky adj. sluvus.
silt n. amriis.
silver adj. zilf.
similar adj. medaas.
similar (to) prep. med.
simple adj. vahk.
simplify v. gevahk.
simulate v. lanrii.
sin v. qeln.
since prep. ruzun.
sincere adj. wiistel.
sincerity n. wiistelom, wiistelom.
sing v. mirodah.
singer n. mirodahiik.
single adj. geinan.
single-handed adj. meyardein.
sinister adj. dezmi.
sink n. storn.
sink v. trum.
sir n. zoh.
sire v. got.
sister n. briinah.
sisterhood n. briinahmaar.
sisterly adj. briinahus.
sit v. praal.
site n. staad.
situation n. ahstiir.
six n. sok.
size n. raaz.
sizzle v. kresel.
skeever n. skaam.
skeletal adj. olqeinaas.
skeleton n. olqein.
skeptic n. gritiik.
skew v. skiiv.
skewer v. kinzuk.
skies n. lok.
skill n. noot.
skillet n. friisgelt.
skin n. karaak.
skinny adj. veirey.
skip v. raas.
skirt n. skovaas.
skittish adj. balkus.
skull n. klus.
sky n. lok.
skyforge n. heimsekaan.
skyrim n. keizaal.
skyscraper n. lokreniik.
skyward adj. loktiv.
slain adj. krinaan.
slam v. skaan.
slander n. rotzekein.
slander v. faazrot.
slap v. hos.
slash v. graaz.
slaughter n. kriind.
slaughterfish n. dilosikin.
slave n. aar, zaam.
slave master n. kroskinbok.
slaver n. aariik.
slavery n. aarot.
slay v. kriin.
slayer n. kriid.
sled n. andraas.
sleek adj. ozur.
sleep n. laag.
sleepless adj. laagnu.
sleepwear n. vulonriived.
sleepy adj. laagus.
sleet n. iizlokluv.
sleigh n. andraas.
slender adj. egiis.
slew v. kriin.
slice n. bonaak.
slide v. praak.
slight adj. stiilah.
sling n. mirol.
slingshot n. mirozun.
slip v. motmah.
slippery adj. motmahus.
slit n. rav.
slit v. zereis.
slither v. praak.
sload n. bremaan.
sloth n. seinraan.
slow v. gesein.
slow adj. sein.
slug n. bremaf.
slugish adj. nibo.
slut n. wiizaan.
sly adj. fax.
slyness adj. fahrax.
smack v. eitah.
small adj. pus, malingren.
smart adj. mindosaal.
smartphone n. lorgutzul.
smash v. gunaar.
smell n. sahlon.
smelt v. freind.
smile v. niif.
smirk v. ahniif.
smite v. skag.
smith n. heimiik.
smoke n. gel.
smoky adj. gelus.
smooth adj. ozur.
snack n. eytik.
snag v. trog.
snake n. prakem.
snap v. sliit.
snare n. horvut.
snarl v. raal.
snatch v. trog.
sneak v. ahkrop.
sneer v. ahniif.
sneeze n. aakfus.
sniff v. fuh.
sniffle v. krasum.
sniper n. gutinok.
snoop v. kropah.
snore v. laak.
snort v. fuh.
snow n. od.
snow elf n. odfahliil.
snowberry n. odogah.
snowstorm n. odstrun.
snowy adj. odus.
snuffle v. krasum.
snug adj. muf.
snuggle v. fadaav.
so adv. ful.
soap n. shuniir.
soar v. vaan.
sober adj. voteivo.
soccer n. pahrk-niiv.
social adj. tinvaakuv.
society n. nahlimaar.
sock n. pahrkriiv.
soda n. diipahlom.
soft adj. fask, seh.
soften v. gefask.
softness adj. faskom.
soil v. nahpok, denaak.
soil n. denek, thok.
solace n. sulvek.
solar adj. shuluv.
solar eclipse n. kreinvulon.
solar flare n. filrith.
solar system n. shulrod.
soldier n. rahzun.
solemn adj. sokei.
solid adj. zokro.
solid adj. hahgolt.
solidarity n. pahgein.
solitude n. okulom, bromgrindol .
solstheim n. veysenor.
solstice n. lingrahsul.
solution n. lusvaan.
solve v. lusvaan.
some pron. osos.
somebody pron. aanwo.
someday adv. ahsul.
somehow adv. koven.
someone pron. aanwo.
something pron. atruk.
sometime n. ahstiid.
someway adv. koven.
somewhere adv. ahstaad.
son n. kul.
song n. lovaas.
soon adv. das.
soothe v. ahloriiv.
sorceror n. kro.
sorcerous adj. zokromaar.
sorcery n. kromaar.
sorrow n. krosis, so.
sorrowful adj. sokei, zokrosis.
sorry adj. zokrosis.
sorry adj. krosis.
sort n. eylok.
sought v. yah.
soul n. sil.
soul cairn n. grensesille.
soul gem n. silgren.
soulless adj. silnu.
soulmate n. silliin.
sound n. honaat.
soup n. bros.
sour adj. lozuk.
source n. leytah.
south n. stum.
southerly adj. stunden.
southern adj. stunden.
sovereign adj. qoreyn.
sovngarde n. sovngarde.
sow v. sir.
spa n. vahlomok.
space n. ginun, gutlok.
spaceship n. gutlokviing.
spaceshuttle n. gutlokviing.
spade n. deytoniir.
spark v. geyol.
sparkle v. viim.
sparrow n. prekal.
speak v. tinvaak.
speaker n. tinvaakin, zulaan.
spear n. niigol.
special adj. ahdinaak.
species n. eylok.
specific adj. wazahl.
specifically adv. suranmiik.
specificity n. wazahlom.
speckle n. fahmey.
spectacles n. koraaveyz.
specter n. brendon.
spectral adj. brendonus.
spectrum n. loah.
speech v. tinvaak.
speechless adj. tinvaaknu.
speed n. nelom.
speedy adj. nel.
spell n. stav.
spend v. sov.
spent v. sov.
sphere n. ner.
sphinx n. raaminsah.
spice n. maak.
spiced adj. maakus.
spices n. maak.
spicey adj. maakus.
spider n. kostim.
spigot n. gazviik.
spike n. zeik.
spill v. stiis.
spin v. sook.
spine n. qethserigir.
spineless adj. raxnu.
spiral n. wiil.
spirit n. zii.
spiritual adj. ziinuv.
spit v. shik.
spite n. kraaz.
spiteful adj. zokraaz.
splash v. spiir.
splat v. baat.
splatter v. baat.
splendid adj. uraniik.
splendor n. uraan.
splinter n. muthir.
split v. krenok.
splutter v. shik.
spoil v. liivut.
spoiled adj. renek.
spoon n. enahk.
spork n. zofenahk.
sport n. faantak.
sportsmanship n. fantiikzin.
spot n. fahmey.
spouse n. wolov.
spray v. spiir.
spread v. gerik.
spriggan n. feykroziis.
spring n. vah, vahlomok.
sprinkle v. sutah.
sprint v. tusron, nelru.
sprite n. sii.
spritz v. sutah.
spruce n. poskur.
spurn v. meyk.
sputter v. shik, kresel.
spy n. vonzun.
spyglass n. koraaveyz.
squander v. nev.
square n. ther.
squeal v. marzaan.
squid n. baviid.
squirrel n. nadiin.
stab v. kinz.
stabber n. kinziik.
stable adj. tarn.
stable n. keyhofkiin.
stadium n. lotgrahstaad.
staff n. vasmiir.
stag n. toriig.
stagger v. trug.
stagnate v. mahsah.
stain v. nahpok.
stair n. stegniir.
stairs n. stegniir.
stale adj. renek.
stalemate n. diingrah.
stalhrim n. revakiiz.
stalk n. luz.
stalk v. nirvot.
stall n. botikah.
stall v. gespein.
stallion n. keyrok.
stalwart adj. vaagol.
stamina n. gaan.
stammer v. hefvaak.
stampede n. gahlaak.
stance n. koprein.
stand v. kriist.
standard adj. nesiik.
standard n. qurnen.
standing stone n. vahlogolz.
stank v. pook.
staple n. strevind.
star n. fil.
starboard n. filreid.
stardust n. filklo.
stare v. minz.
starfall n. filmah.
starlight n. filkun.
start v. gonah.
starter n. goniik.
starve v. gebahlok.
state n. vensekos.
statement n. likinstah.
station n. ubaak.
statue n. nus.
stay v. fey.
steadfast adj. tiidnu.
steading n. hofkah.
steady adj. tarn.
steal v. gahrot.
stealth n. gahlot.
steam n. lomos.
steamy adj. lomosus.
steed n. keyd.
steel n. dwiin.
steer v. stiz.
stellar adj. filuv.
stench v. riig.
step v. steg.
stepladder n. stegniir.
stern n. akor.
steward n. hofkinaar.
stick n. oraak.
stick v. hokaal.
stifle v. nahled.
still adj. tul, stiildus, mulhaan.
stillness n. stiild.
stimulate v. eliir.
sting v. nin.
stink v. pook.
stinky adj. pookus.
stole v. gahrot.
stomach n. skerah.
stomp v. vog.
stone n. gol, qethsegol, golz.
stony adj. golzus.
stood v. kriist.
stool n. stur.
stop v. helt.
store n. veydar, botikah.
storm n. strun.
storm atronach n. strunkaronahs.
stormcloak n. strundaam.
stormcrown n. strundu'ul.
stormy n. strunus.
story n. kalah.
storyteller n. teyfuniik.
stout adj. vaagol.
straight adj. tahvir.
straighten v. tahlon.
strain v. feyz.
strange adj. zurun.
stranger n. zuruniik.
strangle v. suliiv.
stratagem n. grahmindol.
strategy n. grahmin.
strawberry n. hiskol.
streak n. viiruh.
stream n. bahyek.
street n. brolor.
strength n. mul, mulaag, solkiig.
strengthen v. gemulaag.
stress n. aank.
stretch v. gelingrah.
strife n. straan.
strike v. nos.
string n. trin.
strip v. brenok.
strive v. vergrav.
strong adj. mul.
stronghold n. runir.
struck v. nos.
structure n. wahlaat.
struggle v. bruleyk, feyz.
strum v. strov.
stubborn adj. golah.
stubborness n. golahrom.
stuck adj. kast.
student n. prustiik.
study n. hahsok, krosorun.
study v. prust.
stuff n. trok.
stumble v. vudeym, kranas.
stun v. seyvuz.
stunted adj. malingren.
stupid adj. hinzaal.
stupidity n. hinz.
stupor n. sahmey.
sturdiness n. vaagol.
sturdy adj. vaagol.
stutter v. hefvaak.
sty n. tulk.
style n. vensedren.
suave adj. naavah.
subject n. vukahmiin.
subjective adj. pogaan-luft.
subjugate v. enkron, enkron.
sublime adj. baliis.
submission v. qiilaak.
submit v. qiilaak.
subscribe v. pelvahrot.
subside v. lumvit.
substance n. himur.
substantial adj. hahgolt.
substitute v. oris.
subtle adj. stiilah.
subway n. fastrah.
succeed v. prunt, dulmah.
success n. pruntaas.
succession v. dulmah.
such adj. grik.
suck v. tefsu.
sudden adj. rolnah.
suffer v. aus.
sufferer n. ausiik.
suffocate v. laavak.
sugar n. sufol.
sugary adj. sufolus.
suggest v. tovaak.
suggestion n. tovaak.
suicide n. krimaar.
suitable adj. prudaav.
sulfur n. nakooriiz.
sully v. nahpok.
sulphur n. nakooriiz.
summary n. pahel.
summer n. koor.
summerset isle n. valzapor.
summery adj. koorus.
summit n. naar.
summon v. bel.
summoner n. beliik.
sun n. krein, shul.
sun's dawn n. kreinvu.
sun's dusk n. kreintor.
sun's height n. kriithul.
sundas n. filsul.
sunday n. filsul.
sunder v. krentaan.
sundown n. shulmah.
sunlight n. shulkun.
sunny adj. shulus.
sunrise n. gonahsul.
sunset n. shulmah.
sunshine n. shulkun.
super adj. zinul.
superb adj. baliis.
superhuman adj. zinuljoor.
superior adj. avokei.
supernatural adj. kasiil.
supernova n. fildinok.
supper n. prazaak.
supplant v. zuplaar.
supple adj. krehlim.
supply n. birgahniir.
supply v. birgah.
support v. skilaan.
suppose v. lorfonaar.
suppress v. tukuz.
suppressor n. nahlotzaan.
supremacy n. mulimaar.
surcoat n. kastalir.
sure adj. pahsunaal.
sure interj. bek.
surety n. pahsu.
surf n. krenlom.
surface n. daasin.
surfboard n. krenlom-viing.
surge n. suraas.
surgeon n. zosovah.
surgery n. zosoviis.
surmise v. lorfonaar.
surname n. sosforaan.
surpass v. bovortii.
surprise v. eldraag.
surrender v. krentar.
surround v. gekenlok.
surroundings n. nizaag.
survival n. neilaasend.
survive v. neilaas.
survivor n. neilaasin.
susceptible adj. vahkroved.
suspect v. grunah.
suspicion n. grundaar.
suspicious adj. grunir.
sustain v. kirod.
swagger v. kahmaar.
swallow v. diivon.
swamp n. styorngol.
swan n. ahmol.
swap v. braat.
sway v. seyl.
swear v. vaat.
sweat n. guzor.
sweep v. bonit.
sweet n. shiraav.
sweet adj. hes.
sweet potato n. hespik.
sweetroll n. hesbrot.
swell v. naram.
swelling n. narand.
swift adj. qobo.
swiftness n. qoborom.
swim v. svin.
swimmer n. sviniik.
swindle v. skobov.
swing v. bosit.
swirl v. peil.
switch n. branaat.
switch v. braat.
swollen adj. naramaan.
swoon v. frum.
swoop v. bonit.
sword n. zahkrii.
swordsmanship n. zahkriidun.
swore v. vaat.
sworn adj. vahriin.
symbol n. siindah.
sympathy n. aavrosii.
symptom n. ziiklah.
syncopate n. vodremtvulz.
syncopation n. vodremtvulz.
syndrome n. ziiklah.
synonym n. forvoth-rot.
syntax n. tinvirlaan.
synthesizer n. rihonaat.
system n. virlaan.
table n. bord.
tablet n. golgaaz.
tactic n. zahkron.
taffy n. krumonit.
tag v. haalvutir.
tail n. wahrok.
tailor n. osuliik.
taint n. skah.
take v. kuz.
tale n. tey.
talent n. kiinoot.
talisman n. tauliis.
talk v. tinvaak.
tall adj. faar.
tallness n. faarom.
talon n. jusk.
tame v. prolg.
tamper v. vuldit.
tamriel n. taazokaan.
tan adj. tavus.
tang n. kenfiir.
tangible adj. mel.
tank n. qahriil.
tankard n. beylsaak.
tap n. klahd.
tape n. handeykraan.
tapestry n. gobahron.
target n. krazahd.
tarnish v. duviin.
task n. ahsod.
taste n. ken.
taste v. ken.
tasteless adj. kenvu.
tasty adj. kenus.
tattoo n. maalut.
tattooed adj. maalutaan.
tavern n. snol.
tea n. fuhilpiin.
teach v. mind.
teacher n. mindopah.
teaching n. mindaat.
tear n. luv.
tear v. vaaz.
tearful adj. luvaal.
tears n. luv.
tease v. yormud.
teat n. niislah.
technique n. vensedren.
teenage n. nebenaraan.
teenager n. nebenaraan.
teeth n. rax.
teetotal adj. voteivo.
telegraph n. gutsiin.
telephone n. gutzul.
teleport v. rithwundun.
teleporter n. rithwunduniik.
television n. bodilirpok.
tell v. fun.
temper n. forahgol.
temperature n. yosel.
tempest n. kest.
tempestuous adj. kestus.
temple n. raald.
temporal adj. tiiduv.
temporary adj. frul.
tempt v. sahrel.
temptation n. sahrelend.
ten n. men.
tend v. vel.
tenet n. oron.
tent n. bodzah.
tentacle n. plozkaro.
term n. uniid.
terrain n. golstaad.
terrible adj. zomaar.
terrify v. gemaar.
terrifying adj. zomaar.
territory n. deylok.
terror n. maar.
terrorism n. maarun.
test v. gor.
testify n. vahtinvah.
testify v. daazrii.
testimony n. vahtinvah.
text n. kuld.
texture n. jifiin.
than conj. fein.
thane n. puzaar.
thank v. nox.
thank you v. nox.
thankful adj. zonox.
thanks v. kogaan, nox.
that pron. tol.
thaw v. vodiin.
the adj. faal, fin.
their pron. niist.
theirs pron. niist.
them pron. niin.
themselves pron. nistmaar.
then adv. ruz.
theocracy n. mu'ulserah.
theology n. hahserah.
theory n. drendiir.
there adv. til.
thereafter adv. mindindaar.
therefore adv. thuz.
therein adv. kodaar.
these pron. daar.
they pron. nust.
thick adj. grud.
thickness n. grudom.
thief n. tafiir.
thin v. geyal.
thin adj. yal, veirey.
thing n. truk.
think v. lorot.
thinker n. lorotiik.
third adj. siid.
thirst n. bahlaas.
thirsty adj. zobahlaas.
this pron. daar.
thorn n. troz.
thorough adj. grunvo.
thoroughness n. grunvom.
those pron. daar.
though conj. to.
thought n. lor.
thousand n. ton.
thrall n. vofrulaar.
thrash n. kraar.
threat n. rut.
threaten v. verut.
three n. sed.
thrice adv. sont.
thrill v. ziig.
thrive v. lahniv.
throat n. ruus.
throat of the world n. monahven.
throne n. krund.
through prep. zeim.
throughout prep. kozeim.
throw v. fusk, fustum.
thrust v. griiv.
thumb n. zurunjusk.
thunder n. thul.
thunderous adj. thulkei.
thunderstorm n. qostrun.
thursday n. torsul.
thus adv. thuz.
thyme n. tovos.
tide n. kran.
tides n. kran.
tidings n. yunrot.
tie n. rinisur.
tie v. kriik.
tiger n. ruvaar.
tight adj. yal.
tighten v. geyal.
tile n. fley.
tilt v. skiiv.
timber n. gosvah.
time n. tiid.
time wound n. tiid-ahraan.
time-signature n. vulz-siin.
timeless adj. tiidnu.
timelessness n. tiidnul.
timely adj. tiidus.
tint n. jahkiit.
tiny adj. pus.
tip n. trir.
tirdas n. vusul.
tire v. gelaag.
tired adj. laagus.
tissue paper n. sumaariiv.
titan n. gorah.
title n. tet.
titter v. jeh.
to prep. wah.
toad n. grol.
toast n. brotaag.
tobacco n. veydusaas.
today n. dahsul.
toe n. minak.
together adv. pahvoth.
toilet n. nevstjorn.
token n. prelah.
told v. fun.
tolerate v. tholah.
toll n. tarim.
tomahawk n. malhahkun.
tomato n. portav.
tomb n. qoth.
tomorrow n. dirsul.
ton n. thon.
tonal adj. honaatmuluv.
tonality n. honaatmul.
tone n. honaatmul.
tongue n. vun.
tonic n. galgur.
tonight n. dahvulon.
too adv. ahk, rem.
took v. kuz.
tool n. draat, dreniir.
tooth n. rax.
toothless adj. raxnu.
top adj. piit.
topaz n. prunsogaal.
topic n. vukahmiin.
torch n. yiil.
torchbug n. kunpusojur.
torchlight n. yiilkun.
tore v. vaaz.
torment n. vaarnufaaz.
torment v. gaarfaz.
torn adj. vaazaan.
tornado n. morwuld.
torpedo n. okaziindah.
torso n. geyt.
tortilla n. yelbrot.
torture n. ahnaar.
toss v. fusvok.
total adj. qor.
totem n. stahduk.
touch v. haalvut, qalos.
tour n. gornaar.
toward adv. ativ.
towel n. lomriiv.
tower n. angaar.
town n. lohiim.
toxic adj. loniiz.
toxin n. loniix.
toy n. setkiir.
trace n. pik.
track v. far.
tract n. numtaar.
trade n. tun.
trader n. tuniik.
tradition n. hahtaar.
traditional adj. latiid.
tragedy n. somah.
tragic adj. somahus.
train n. triik, dolkey.
train v. delah.
trainer n. delahiik.
trait n. trahkiin.
traitor n. vax.
traitorous adj. vaxei.
trample v. drovaz.
tranquil n. zodremhah.
tranquility n. dremhah.
transcribe v. pelnix.
transfer v. vuld.
transform v. jahfur.
transformation n. jahfurt.
transition n. murahv.
translate v. rotun.
translation n. rotun.
translator n. rotuniik.
transpire v. koros.
transport n. ronth.
trap v. horvutah.
trap n. horvut.
trapdoor n. keilmiiraad.
trapped adj. kast.
trash n. dahstin.
trashcan n. dahstoskad.
travel v. wundun.
traveler n. wunduniik.
traversable adj. virahn.
travesty n. mundaar.
treacherous adj. tahrodiis, vaxei.
treachery n. tahrovin.
treasure n. umriid.
treat v. vahraan, dremyah.
treatment n. vahraan.
treaty n. vanras.
treble n. lokhonaat.
tree n. reyth.
tremble v. motaad.
tremendous adj. makil.
tremulous adj. strungir.
trench n. nebeniit.
trespass v. meyzvolaan.
triad n. sedmet.
trial n. untak, gorvahzen.
triangle n. sedig.
tribal adj. brodaanuv.
tribe n. brodaan.
tribunal n. sedklov-du'ul.
tribute n. ofanaat.
trick n. mindol.
trickery n. mindolaar.
trickster n. skoboviik.
trident n. veysed.
tried v. unt.
trilogy n. sedbaas.
trim v. doruz.
trinity n. sedzii.
trinket n. trimal.
trio n. sedmet.
trip n. lirah.
trip v. kranas.
triple adj. sedan.
tripwire n. kranasviilon.
triumph n. zind.
triumphant adj. zindaal.
trivial adj. ofolin.
troll n. ufiik.
troop n. lid.
trophy n. hunzah.
tropic adj. trofir.
tropical adj. trofiren.
trot v. gru.
trouble n. ahkon.
trough n. hodraan.
trousers n. boviirey.
truck n. donth.
true adj. vahzah.
trunk n. koreyth.
trust v. ov.
trustworthy adj. ovkod.
truth n. vahzen.
truthful adj. zovahzen.
try v. unt.
tsaesci n. viimuz.
tsunami n. relokriin.
tuesday n. vusul.
tumble v. tuld.
tumor n. dunarand.
tumultuous adj. volburaal.
tundra n. freka.
tune n. honvaas.
tunic n. moriis.
tunnel v. deyvut.
turbulent adj. strungir.
turdas n. torsul.
turkey n. onol.
turmoil n. thesk, vodrem.
turn v. straag.
turnip n. ahsit.
turtle n. lusoz.
tutelage n. mindopahdein.
tutor n. mindopah.
tutorship n. mindopahdein.
twice adv. zont.
twilight n. suvulaan.
twin n. ziinin.
twist v. tolaak.
twister n. morwuld.
twitch v. vikit.
two n. ziin.
type n. vanah.
typewriter n. drokpeliik.
typhoon n. nahvenoz.
tyranny n. thur.
tyrant n. thur.
ugliness n. tekarom.
ugly adj. tekar.
ultimate adj. lotzu'ul.
umbra n. voshul.
unafraid adj. vofaas.
unaided adj. meyardein.
unalike adj. vomedaas.
unamused adj. niskemaan.
unanimous adj. pahzul.
unassailable adj. uzvinos.
unavoidable adj. nivudoz.
unaware adj. vozokoraav.
unbelievable adj. niskorah.
unblinking adj. voprus.
unbound adj. staadnau.
unbridled adj. uznahgaar.
uncanny adj. kasiil.
uncertain adj. voreistig.
unchanging adj. alunrinis, mulhaan.
uncle n. nomah.
unclean adj. voshun.
unclothe v. voleinah.
unconquerable adj. nikron.
uncouth adj. vobavir.
undead adj. diil.
under prep. neben.
underground adj. nebengol.
underneath prep. neben.
undersized adj. malnaaz.
understand v. mindoraan.
underwater adj. nebenlom.
underworld n. volok.
undesirable adj. vosmaal.
undesired adj. vosmaal.
undo v. vo.
undress v. voleinah.
uneager adj. vofrin.
unease n. aank, niforveyk.
unemployed adj. vokrotz.
unending adj. unahzaal, unslaad.
uneven adj. voyel.
unfair adj. vopaaz.
unforgivable adj. nisfrolaaz.
unfortunate adj. vogluuskei.
unfriendly adj. vofahdonus.
unfurl v. fundein.
unfurled v. fundein.
ungracious adj. vodunkei.
unhappy adj. vohunaz.
unholy adj. vostahdim.
unicorn n. geinzahkey.
unicycle n. geinrokey.
unification n. geind, gegend.
unify v. gegein.
union n. geind.
unique adj. num.
unite v. gegein.
unity n. pahgein.
universal adj. pahleinuv.
universe n. lein.
university n. bruz.
unknown adj. vomindok.
unleash v. gaar.
unless conj. membrah.
unlikely adj. vogrozah.
unlimited adj. vokesaal.
unload v. voklad.
unlucky adj. vogluuskei.
unmanned n. vomun.
unmoving adj. mulhaan.
unnatural adj. volunduv.
unnecessary adj. vopraagek.
unorganized adj. vovorstaal.
unreal adj. vohahgolt.
unrelenting adj. vaarnu.
unremembered adj. vodahmin.
unrest n. vodrem.
unrivaled adj. voronit.
unruly adj. kaarn.
unsafe adj. votirahk.
unsaved adj. vosav.
unseat v. vodul.
unseen adj. vonun.
unsettling adj. kasiil.
unsheathe v. vofrit.
unsoiled adj. vobein.
unspoken adj. vofun.
unsuitable adj. voprudaav.
unsullied adj. vobein.
untame adj. volg.
untamed adj. voprolg .
untarnished adj. vobein.
until conj. erei.
untimely adj. votiidus.
unto prep. amiv.
untold adj. vofun.
unveil v. genun.
unwanted adj. nilaan.
unwary adj. vozokoraav.
unworthy adj. vobalaan.
unyielding adj. sindugahvon.
up prep. vok.
update v. lovtiid.
uphold v. skilaan.
upkeep n. tivoz.
upon prep. voknau, von.
uprising n. meyzalok.
urge v. ziidol.
urgent adj. kusil.
urinal n. nevstjorn.
urinate v. vernevul.
urine n. nevul.
urn n. dinaak.
us pron. mii.
use v. brah.
use n. nuft.
useful adj. zonuft.
useless adj. brahnu.
usher v. drun.
usual adj. brahnuv.
usurp v. vodul.
utensil n. dreniir.
utmost adj. fozok.
utter v. zalk.
vacancy adj. vojahrom.
vacant adj. vojahrii.
vacate v. vogejahrii.
vacation n. vogejahrend.
vagabond n. alunrovaan.
vagina n. maasofaaliik.
vain adj. naaf.
valenwood n. faareyth.
valiant adj. krilot.
valid adj. vahpruzah.
valley n. lumnaar.
valor n. vur.
valuable adj. fariik.
value v. ahreyn.
vampire n. sosnaak.
vampire child n. vokiir.
vampirism n. sosnaak-dur.
van n. lingeltkey.
vanguard n. ahgraat.
vanish v. vognun.
vanquish v. qahnaar.
vanquisher n. qahnaarin.
vapor n. suf.
vaporize v. gesuf.
variance n. dumedak.
vary v. dumed.
vase n. girvoh.
vassal n. aarzul.
vault n. diirz.
veal n. veinaar.
vegetable n. lesk.
vehicle n. ronth.
veil n. vonuntiv.
vein n. sostrah.
velocity n. suraath.
vendetta n. nahkrah.
vendor n. maltuniik.
venerate v. hahlot.
vengeance n. nahkriin.
vengeful adj. zonahkriin.
venison n. vilt.
venom n. viidost.
venomous adj. zoviidost.
venture v. bovit.
venture n. bovit.
verdict n. zothunrot.
verge n. mahzahd.
verify v. frolk.
vermin n. reimokur.
vernal adj. vahnuv.
verse n. kahriil.
version n. vanah.
versus prep. nivet.
very adv. rinik.
vessel n. girvoh, piniir.
vest n. yirgul.
veteran n. lodhir.
vice n. vopruziig.
vicious adj. vikaar.
viciousness adj. vikaarom.
victim n. andiiv.
victor n. kroniid.
victorious adj. krongrahkei.
victory n. krongrah.
video n. bodilir.
video game n. bodilirkred.
view v. zaar.
view n. fahzon.
vigil v. bodein.
vigilance n. ahmiin.
vigilant adj. ahmiin.
vigor n. solkiig.
vigorous adj. solkiigaal.
vile adj. veistul, krastov.
village n. sahsun.
villager n. sahsunaar.
villain n. vokulin.
vindictive adj. zonahkriin.
vine n. krey.
vintage n. tiindo.
violence n. grem.
violent adj. gremak.
violet adj. jen.
virgin adj. voqalos.
virtue n. pruziig.
virus n. krasfaal.
visible adj. nuz.
vision n. hahnuheim.
visit v. gun.
visitor n. guniik.
vista n. fahzon.
vocabulary n. roktorig.
vodka n. zauniglom.
voice n. zul, thu'um, lovaas.
voiceless adj. thu'umnu.
void n. nil.
void v. genil.
volatile adj. vuldrus.
volcano n. yolstrunmah.
volkihar n. kruziikrah.
volume n. edrah.
volunruud n. volunruud.
vomit v. krastak.
vortex n. wuld.
vow n. vahrot.
voyage n. wundokaaz.
vulgar adj. griir.
vulnerable adj. votirahk.
vulture n. dilaar.
vvardenfell n. yolstrunor.
wade v. strahn.
waffle n. wahzil.
wage v. win.
wagon n. borod.
waist n. bost.
wait v. saraan.
wake v. praad.
walk v. paagol.
wall n. vund.
walrus n. wor.
waltz n. shovok.
wander v. rovaan.
wanderer adj. rovaniik.
want v. laan.
want n. laan.
wanton adj. huznu.
war n. kein.
waraxe n. grahkun.
warble v. giigel.
ward n. lahspaan.
ware n. tirn.
wares n. tirn.
warlike adj. keinus.
warlord n. konahrik.
warm adj. faadus.
warmage n. keinlahzey.
warmonger n. verkeiniik.
warmth n. faad.
warn v. naav.
warpaint n. maalut.
warrior n. kendov.
warship n. keinveysun.
wary adj. zokoraav.
was v. lost.
wash v. shun.
washroom n. shunstaad.
waste v. nev.
wasteful adj. zonev.
wastefulness n. zonevom.
wasteland n. nevonaar.
watch v. lingraav.
watcher n. koraaviik.
watchful adj. zokoraav.
water n. lom.
waterfall n. lomah.
watermelon n. lomahan.
watery adj. lomus.
wave n. riin.
waver v. seyl.
wax n. ronk.
way n. ven, strah.
wayward adj. kaarn.
we pron. mu.
weak adj. sahlo.
weaken v. gesahlo.
weakling n. sahlojoor.
weakness n. sahlom.
wealth n. faraan.
wealthy adj. faraanus.
weapon n. zun.
wear v. ahtiid, karaas.
weary adj. tiin.
weather n. lokos.
weather v. ahtiid.
weave v. hadroz.
web n. lox.
website n. risulor.
wed v. aavlaas.
wedding v. aavlaas.
wednesday n. wuthsul.
weed n. veydoz.
week n. keyal.
weep v. luvmah.
weight n. wid.
weird adj. likaan.
welcome interj. valokein.
well adv. pruzah.
well n. vuril.
were v. lost.
werebear n. munkodaav.
wereboar n. munhraak.
werecrocodile n. munkrozol.
werelion n. munam.
werevulture n. mundilaar.
werewolf n. mungrohiik.
west n. wer.
westerly adj. werden.
western adj. werden.
wet adj. lomiiz.
whale n. okaaron.
what adv. fos.
whatever adv. pahfos.
wheat n. suril.
wheel n. rod.
wheeze v. krasum.
when adv. fod, rul.
whenever conj. pahfod.
where adv. kolos.
wherein adv. kolos.
wherever adv. pahkolos.
whether conj. wel.
which adv. fos.
whiffle v. fifah.
while adv. fod.
whilst adv. fod.
whine v. galv.
whip n. rokiiz.
whirlpool n. zuld.
whirlwind n. wuld.
whiskey n. yolom.
whisky n. fruskah.
whisper v. sumah.
whistle v. fifah.
white adj. sot.
whiten v. gesot.
whiterun n. ahrolsedovah.
who pron. wo.
whoever adv. pahwo.
whole adj. ulaan.
whom pron. wo.
whomever adv. pahwo.
whore n. wiizaan.
whose pron. wen.
why adv. fahvos.
wicked adj. veistul.
wide adj. lingrun.
widen v. gesaak, gerik.
widow n. moriim.
wield v. kod.
wife n. kiim.
wild adj. volg.
wilderness n. volganor.
wildlife n. volglaas.
wildling n. volgin.
wildness n. volgom.
wile n. yirtaar.
will v. fen.
will n. jah.
willful adj. zojah.
willow n. beyzol.
win v. kron.
wind n. ven.
windhelm n. hiimsejun.
window n. vandul.
windstorm n. venstrun .
windy adj. vendus.
wine n. vint.
wing n. viing.
winged n. viingaal.
wingless adj. viingnu.
wingspan n. viinglingren.
wink v. miinz.
winter n. felniir.
winterhold n. gevildseod.
wintry adj. felniirus.
wipe v. voluk.
wire n. viilon, geltom.
wisdom n. onikaan.
wise adj. onik.
wisen v. genik.
wish v. hind.
wishful adj. zohind.
wisp n. rovahaan.
wispmother n. rovmonah.
wit n. qolor.
witch n. sosin, lahbriin.
witchcraft n. sosinkros.
with prep. voth.
withdraw v. votivut.
wither v. liiv.
within adj. kosil, ko.
without prep. vothni.
withstand v. grolah.
witness v. korii.
witness n. koriim.
witnessed adj. koriaan.
wizard n. lahzey.
woe n. so.
woeful adj. sokei.
wolf n. grohiik.
wolverine n. grohiin.
wolves n. grohiik.
woman n. miil.
women n. miilah.
wonder n. tovok.
wondrous adj. tovokei.
wood n. gosvah.
wood elf n. feyfahliil.
wooden adj. gosvah.
woodwind n. sunaak.
wool n. som.
word n. rot, sik, rok.
word of power n. rotmulaag.
work n. kroson.
worker n. ahmilaat.
workplace n. krosorun.
world n. lein.
worldly adj. leinuv.
worm n. lir.
wormhole n. tiidmiiraak.
worry v. uful.
worse adj. volz.
worsen v. gevolz.
worship v. zein.
worst adj. volzaan.
worth n. bal.
worthless adj. pusrig.
worthy adj. bahlaan.
would v. fund.
wound n. ahraan.
wrap v. fundol.
wrath n. bah.
wrathful adj. zobah.
wreath n. ovriil.
wreck v. uloz.
wretch n. valdrek.
wretched adj. valdrekaan.
wretchedness n. valdrekaanom.
wrist n. tudren.
write v. pel, verziik.
writer n. peliik.
written v. kriinaan.
written word n. deykel.
wrong adj. folaas, mulnu.
wroth adj. zobah.
wyrm n. diiv.
yam n. hespik.
yank v. gahrk.
yard n. soz.
yarn n. somit.
yawn v. laagliis.
yay interj. jii.
year n. eruvos.
yearly adj. eruvus.
yearn v. krosik.
yellow adj. sur.
yelp n. furah.
yes adv. geh.
yesterday n. usul.
yet adv. tul.
yew n. boraas.
yield v. gahvon.
you pron. hi, hei.
young adj. goraan.
youngster n. goraaniik.
your pron. hin, hein, him.
yours pron. hin, hein.
yourself pron. hinmaar.
yourselves pron. heinmaar.
youth n. goraas.
zeal n. yezin.
zealot n. sahvaat.
zealous adj. sahvaas.
zebra n. ruvaarkey.
zenith n. padiiz.
zephyr n. sehven.
zero n. nul.
zest n. yezin.
zombie n. zol.
zone n. drik.
zoo n. raanisav.
zoology n. hahseraan.
Prefixes & Suffixes
-aal -1L
suf. forms an adjective (see notes).
Meaning "with" or "having" something.
"Sulvekaal" (comfortable) literally means
something "with comfort" or that "has comfort.”
-aan / -laan -1N / -L1N
suf. present perfect suffix, see notes.
Used to form present perfect tense and past
participles. "Zu'u krifaan," "I have fought."
"Zu'u mindokaan," "I have known." "Viikaan
paal," "a defeated foe." When a word ends with
"ah," becomes "Mahlaan" or "Grahlaan.”
-aar -1R
suf. -ness, forms a noun from an
From "Krasaar," "sickness." See also "-om," an
equivalent suffix.
-aat -1T
suf. creates an noun from a verb, see
Creates a noun from a verb meaning "one or that
which is [verb]. A defendee (bildaat) is one who
is defended (bildaan) or subject to defend (bild), a
burden (Brudaat) is that which is carried or
bared. Edited from "-aht.”
-dein / -ein -D2N / -2N
suf. engl. "-ship.”
Equivalent to the English "-ship" that
transforms a noun or verb into a noun of higher
meaning. "Dein" is used if the letter "D" is
absent from the last syllable of the word, "-ein" if
it contains a "D.”
-en / -ren -EN / -REN
suf. to denote origin, see notes.
To turn a word into an origin, to describe where
something came from, or its type. -en for non
vowel ending words, and -ren for words that end
in vowel sounds. E.g. Bron -> Bronen (Nord ->
Nordic) Dovah -> Dovahren (Dragon ->
-eyd/-meyd -9D/-M9D
suf. -oid, like or resembling.
Referred to "Med" ("Like, Similar to"). Used to
form an adjective as well as noun. It is
equivalent to "-oid" or "-morph/-morphic.” For
example, "Muneyd" is "Humanoid,
Antropomorph(ic).” "-meyd" is used for words
that end in vowels.
-iik/ -d -3K/ -D
suf. "-er" (see notes).
Forms a noun from verbs or adjectives, as in
"Wanderer" from "Wander,” "Wunduniik.” If
the word ends in a vowel, the suffix is "-d,” as in
"Kriid.” It can also be used to make nouns out of
adjectives: "Zuruniik,” "stranger,” "Goraaniik,”
"youngster,” meaning "someone who is
strange,” "someone who is young,” etc.
-iin / -liin -3N / -L3N
suf. future tense suffix.
Implies "will,” E.g. Battle = Grah He will battle
dragons. Rok grahliin dovahhe.
-kei -K2
suf. -ous/ -ious.
Meaning "possessing of" or "full of,” modifies a
noun to an adjective. An example is "Morokei"
("glorious"), based on "Moro" ("glory").
-maar -M1R
suf. forms nouns, see notes.
Used in "Geinmaar" and "Nimaar" to refer to
the reflexive self. Used in "Briinahmaar" to form
the word "sisterhood." Used in "Deinmaar" to
form "keeper.”
-nd / -end / -ak -ND / -END / -AK
suf. "-tion,” used turn a verb into a
Like -tion or -ment in English. E.g. Imagine ->
Imagination "-end" is used in cases where "-nd"
doesn't. If the word ends with a "d,” "-ak" is
used instead. Indicates state or condition.
-ni -NI
suf. not.
Used to turn certain verbs into negative forms,
i.e. an English example would be "Isn't,”
"Can't,” "Won't.” Very rarely used.
-niir -N3R
suf. turns verbs into nouns, see notes.
This suffix makes nouns from verbs with the
meaning of "something one ___ with,” ex.
"Pelniir,” the word for "pen" or "quill,” means
"something one writes with.”
-nu -NU
suf. -less.
"Faasnu" = "fearless,” "Laasnu" = "lifeless,”
etc. Means "without or absence of.”
-om / -rom -OM / -ROM
suf. -ness.
Turns an adjective into a noun, "Vulom" =
"Darkness.” Edited to "-om" from "-ah"/"-rah"
to match canon words.
-orun -ORUN
suf. changes a verb to noun, see
Makes a noun meaning "place where one ___.”
"Pelorun,” "Scriptorium,” "a place where one
-taas -T1S
suf. present participle suffix, see notes.
Derived from "Viintaas,” "shining.” Used to
make present participles such as "viintaas tuz,”
"a shining blade.” Replaces the old suffix -von.
-tiv -TIV
suf. -ward, toward(s).
"Amativ," "onward." "Kotiv," "inward.”
-un / -lun -UN / -LUN
suf. -ism, see notes.
Forms a condition noun from a verb, "Hunun" =
"Heroism,” "Nekovun" = "Cannibalism.” "-un"
is used unless the verb ends in a vowel, in which
case "-lun" is used instead.
-us -US
suf. "-y,” modifies a noun into an
Seen in the English "snowy,” "slippery,” and
the Dragon "Odus" and "Motmahus.” Means
"having the qualities of.”
-uv / -nuv -UV / -NUV
suf. forms an adjective from a noun.
Means "of, like, or pertaining to" something,
"Zooruv" - "Legendary,” "of/pertaining to
legend.” "-nuv" if the noun ends in a vowel.
Edited from "-iil / -riil" to avoid conflict with
canon possessive suffix.
-vu -VU
suf. -less.
To be used with words that end with "n.”
ge- GE-
pref. forms a verb (see notes).
Means "to make or render,” "Gemulaag" means
"strengthen,” "Gekahl" means "authorize,” etc.
The resulting verb is a transitive verb, which
requires an object.
ni- NI-
pref. non-.
The prefix form of "Ni.”
or- OR-
pref. re-.
"Ordreh" = "redo,” "Orwahl" = "rebuild,” etc.
ri-/rik- RI-/RIK-
+ pref. denotes relation to electricity,
Derived from "reik," "shock.” "Rik-" is used if
word begins with a vowel.
ver- VER-
pref. forms a verb (see notes).
"Make [noun],” the act of creating the noun
applied. Verdrem; to make peace. Verkein; to
make war.
vo- VO-
pref. un- prefix. (opposite of. e.g.
unkind, unlikeable).
zo- ZO-
pref. "-ful.”
The prefix is used to modify a noun to an
adjective, and is equivalent to the English "-ful,”
seen in "fearful" and "joyful,” and the Dragon
"Zofaas" and "Zojiik.” This isn't always the
case, however ("Brii" is "beauty" and "Brit" is
"beautiful"). It is also seen in "Zohungaar,”
zok- ZOK-
pref. most.
Used as a prefix, this is equivalent to the English
"-est,” in "fastest,” "bravest,” etc.
zu- ZU-
pref. more.
Very rarely used to mean "more ___.”
Grammar Cheat Sheet
Aan is often cut and left to context.
Fin is often cut and left to context.
Faal is formal and used for proper
Adjectives may precede or follow the
noun they describe.
Zuk mul “more strong / stronger”
Zok mul “most strong / strongest”
Adjectives may also be used as adverbs;
boziik “bold/boldly.” Alternatively, use a
noun with the appropriate preposition:
Voth ahkrin “with courage / bravely
Voth krosis “with sorrow / sorrowfully”
Ko vahzen “in truth / truly”
Compound Words
Form compounds or show possession
with se; sossedov “the blood of
Plural Nouns
Repeat the last letter and add -e; dovah
“dragon” > dovahhe “dragons. For
nouns that end in a vowel, add -he; zii
“spirit” > ziihe “spirits.”
All nouns can be their own plural.
Possessive Suffixes
-i “my”
-ii “his/her/its”
-iil “your”
-u “our”
Subject Object Possessive Reflexive
I 1st p. sing. zu'u zey dii dimaar
we 1st p. pl. mu mii un unmaar
you 2nd p. pl. hi hi hin hinmaar
he 3rd p. sing. m. rok mok ok okmaar
she 3rd p. sing. f. rek mek ek ekmaar
it 3rd p. sing. n. nii nii niil nimaar
they 3rd p. sing. pl. nust niin niist nistmaar
-a/-ha to-infinitive
-aan past participle
-taas present participle
to-infinitive “to ____”
present tense “____”
past tense “____ed”
present perfect “have____ed”
present prog. “is ____ing”
future tense “will ____”
Conjugations for bo “to fly”:
to-infinitive boha
present t. bo
past t. bo / drey bo
present perfect boaan
present prog.* botaas
future tense fen bo
Conjugations for mah “to fall”:
to-infinitive maha
present t. mah
past t. mah / drey mah
present perfect mahlaan
present prog.* mahtaas
future tense fen mah
Conjugations for krii “to kill”:
to-infinitive kriiha
present t. krii
past t. krii / drey krii
present perfect kriaan
present prog.* kritaas / kriitaas
future tense fen krii
Conjugations for diin “to freeze”:
to-infinitive diina
present t. diin
past t. diin / drey diin
present perfect dinaan / diinaan
present prog.* dintaas / diintaas
future tense fen diin
*Present progressive is typically expressed as simple present; zu’u bo “I fly / I am flying.”
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