Inmate Programs and Services
914 Inmate Mail
and Reentry
Department Order Manual
Effective Date:
March 2, 2022
August 12, 2022
DO 914 (4/7/17)
Scheduled Review Date:
January 1, 2024
Contains Restricted Section(s)
David Shinn, Director
MARCH 2, 2022
EXPECTED PRACTICES ................................................................................................................... 1
PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................... 1
PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.0 MAIL GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 INCOMING MAIL ................................................................................................................. 3
4.0 INTER-RELATIONAL MAIL ..................................................................................................... 8
5.0 OUTGOING MAIL ................................................................................................................. 9
6.0 PUBLICATIONS ................................................................................................................. 10
7.0 UNAUTHORIZED CONTENT ................................................................................................ 13
8.0 PUBLICATION REVIEW PROCESS ........................................................................................ 15
DEFINITIONS/GLOSSARY .............................................................................................................. 17
ATTACHMENT ............................................................................................................................. 18
FORMS LIST ................................................................................................................................ 18
AUTHORITY ................................................................................................................................ 18
MARCH 2, 2022
American Correctional Association (ACA) Expected Practices: 5-ACI-4A-20, 5-ACI-7D-01, 5-ACI-7D-02,
5-ACI-7D-03, 5-ACI-7D-04, 5-ACI-7D-05, 5-ACI-7D-06, 5-ACI-7D-07, 5-ACI-7D-08, 5-ACI-7D-09, and
This Department Order establishes regulations, processes and procedures for inmates to send and receive
mail, music, and individually reviewed publications. All mail is processed consistent with postal regulations
and the security requirements of correctional facilities. Each publication is individually reviewed consistent
with the Department’s legitimate penological interest in maintaining the safety, security and orderly
operations of the institutions. {5-ACI-7D-01}
1.1 There is no limitation put on the amount of mail an inmate may send or receive, regardless of
custody or detention status, provided the incoming mail meets requirements, does not violate
policy, and the mail is not between an inmate and any of the following: {5-ACI-4A-20}
{5-ACI-7D-02} (A.R.S. §31-231)
1.1.1 Released offenders currently under Community Supervision by the Department,
excluding members of their immediate family as defined in the Glossary of Terms.
1.1.2 An inmate confined in any local, state or federal correctional facility including, but
not limited to county jails, detention centers, halfway houses, privately operated
correctional facilities, and juvenile facilities, excluding an inmate’s immediate family
as defined in the Glossary of Terms. Inter-relational mail shall be approved as outlined in section 4.0.
1.1.3 Current or former Department/private prison employees and/or current or former
Department volunteers. This will be for a period of two years from the separation of
employment or volunteer commitment, except when the inmate is immediate family.
Exceptions to this rule can only occur with the Warden’s prior written approval.
1.1.4 Minors who are not the inmate’s natural or adopted child or minors who do not have
parents’ or guardians’ prior written approval.
1.1.5 Anyone who advises the Warden or Deputy Warden in writing that he/she does not
wish to receive mail from a particular inmate. This request must be documented
through an Arizona Correctional Information System (ACIS) entry and filed in the
inmate’s Master Record File, and the Mail and Property File.
1.1.6 Victim(s) of a crime for which an inmate was convicted and/or their family members
when the victim has requested for no communication on a Post-Conviction
Notification request in accordance with Department Order #1001, Inmate Release
System. Victims who have not formally made the “No Inmate Mail” request may
communicate with the inmate or the inmate’s family members with prior Warden or
Deputy Warden written approval. This request must be documented and filed in the
inmate record and through an ACIS entry. (A.R.S. §13-4411.01)
MARCH 2, 2022 Unit/Complex staff shall notify the inmate of the victim’s request and
that further contact with the victim or his/her family members identified
by the victim will result in disciplinary action. (A.R.S. §31-235)
1.2 All outgoing domestic mail shall be sent by pre-stamped envelope only, unless otherwise
indicated. Domestic postage stamps are not sold in inmate stores. Only Global stamps for
International mail will be available through the inmate store.
1.2.1 Health and Welfare Indigent inmates shall be provided with pre-printed envelopes for
five one-ounce pieces of “free” first class mail per month. If additional postage is
required, inmates may submit a request in accordance with Department Order #902,
Inmate Legal Access to Courts. {5-ACI-7D-03}
1.2.2 All postage required beyond the limits cited in this Department Order and all postage
for inmate groups and organizations shall be at the expense of the inmate, group or
1.2.3 Postage stamps shall not be used as negotiable instruments or legal tender as
payment for materials ordered from private vendors.
1.2.4 Inmates are prohibited from bartering, trading, selling, or exchanging postage stamps
for any goods or services.
1.2.5 Inmates are subject to the limits for possession of postage stamps as outlined in
Department Order #909, Inmate Property, Attachment A.
1.3 Mail room staff shall fully complete:
1.3.1 A Registered, Insured and Certified Mail Log, Form 914-2, detailing and itemizing all
incoming and outgoing registered, insured and certified mail.
1.3.2 Legal Mail Log, Form 914-1, detailing all incoming and outgoing legal mail. All
incoming and outgoing legal mail shall be processed as outlined in Department Order
#902, Inmate Legal Access to Courts.
1.3.3 An Incoming and Outgoing Packages Tracking document. The document shall be in
the Google Sheets format and in accordance with Incoming and Outgoing Packages
Tracking Format, Attachment A. The format shall be pre-approved by the Warden
and Prison Operations.
1.3.4 Documentation of all incoming and outgoing publications, in the tracking system
established at each facility.
1.4 Completed forms and logs shall be subject to periodic inspections. This inspection process
shall consist of reviewing, as applicable:
1.4.1 The name and Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry
(ADCRR) Inmate Identification Number (ADCRR number) of each inmate sending or
receiving a package.
1.4.2 The name and address of each sender and addressee.
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1.4.3 The detailed description of the contents.
1.4.4 The amount of postage for each outgoing package.
1.4.5 The date of the mailing or receipt of each package, and the name of the staff who
recorded the information.
1.5 A continuous tally of outgoing indigent envelopes to account for each qualifying indigent
inmate’s monthly limit of five “free” mailings.
2.1 Staff members shall provide inmates with the correct mailing address upon their arrival at a
new Department/private prison facility. It shall be the responsibility of the inmate to notify
correspondents of the correct mailing address.
2.2 Incoming mail addressed to inmates must have the inmate’s complete first and last name, the
inmate’s name under which he/she is incarcerated (unless legally changed), the inmate’s
correct ADCRR number, as well as the inmate's unit name and the appropriate Post Office
2.3 Incoming mail must have a complete return address including the sender's name and the
complete street address or Post Office Box. Mail without a complete return address shall be
opened and read to inspect the contents to make a reasonable attempt to ascertain the
identity of the sender. If the sender can be identified and the mail does not present any
security concerns, the mail may be delivered to the inmate. If the sender cannot be verified,
the inmate shall receive a notice and the mail shall be held for 90 calendar days before it is
2.4 It is the inmate’s responsibility to notify correspondents of his/her mailing address. Where
local U.S. Postmaster practice permits, a U.S. Postal Service (USPS) change of address form
shall be completed by the inmate and sent to the USPS. All Department/private prison
facilities shall make these forms available. Incoming mail shall be forwarded as follows:
2.4.1 Mail that arrives without an inmate ADCRR number shall be forwarded to the inmate
if staff can verify that the inmate to whom the mail is addressed is the only inmate
in ADCRR custody with that name.
2.4.2 Mail that arrives without an inmate ADCRR number and there is more than one
inmate with that name in ADCRR custody shall be stamped “Return to Sender.
Inmate Numbers on ADCRR website at Inmate DataSearch,” and returned.
2.4.3 Mail that arrives for an inmate at an institution where the inmate is no longer housed
shall be forwarded to his/her current institution. {5-ACI-7D-10}
2.4.4 When possible, First Class mail belonging to an inmate who is temporarily confined
at a hospital or local county jail shall be forwarded. {5-ACI-7D-10} For county jails (i.e., Maricopa and Yuma) that accept only post cards,
any other First Class mail will be returned to the sender. First Class mail
in this situation will not be held until the inmate returns.
MARCH 2, 2022
2.4.5 Mail belonging to an inmate who is no longer in physical custody of the Department
shall be forwarded up to 90 calendar days after his/her release, provided a
forwarding address is on file. If there is no forwarding address is available, the mail
shall be stamped "inmate is no longer in custody" and returned to the sender.
2.4.6 All mail received for inmates on escape status shall be forwarded to the Criminal
Investigation Unit (CIU) for evaluation and processing.
2.5 Designated staff at each unit/complex are authorized to open, inspect and read incoming mail
to prevent criminal activity and prevent inmates from receiving contraband or any other
material that may be detrimental to the safe and orderly operation of the institution.
2.5.1 Incoming mail shall be withheld from an inmate if it meets one or more of the
following criteria: Poses a direct and immediate threat to the security, safety or order of
the institution. Substantially hinders efforts to treat or rehabilitate the inmate; however,
legal mail will not be withheld for this purpose. Threatens the intended recipient. Promotes, aids or abets criminal activity or violation of Department rules,
including but not limited to rioting, extortion, escape, illegal drug use,
conveyance of contraband, solicitation of funds, violence towards
others, and promotes or encourages Security Threat Groups (STG) and/or
Criminal Street Gangs. Has content written in code or that contains hidden messages.
2.5.2 Mail meeting one or more of the criteria in 2.5.1 through of this section shall
be forwarded to the CIU for review. The CIU shall return the mail for delivery within
72 hours unless it is determined that an investigation is required, in which case the
mail shall be held. If it is determined that the mail is not to be delivered, the inmate
shall be notified unless notification would interfere with the investigation.
2.5.3 When an incoming envelope is stamped “Return to Sender staff shall open and
inspect it for contraband before returning it to the inmate.
2.5.4 Incoming legislative correspondence shall be opened in the presence of the inmate to
whom it is addressed and may only be inspected to the extent necessary to establish
the presence of contraband.
2.6 Inmates may only receive funds for deposit into inmates’ accounts, in accordance with
Department Order #905, Inmate Banking/Money System. No other monetary instrument shall
be deposited into an inmate’s account unless authorized in Department Order #905, Inmate
Banking/Money System.
MARCH 2, 2022
2.6.1 The Business Office/designated staff shall process the monetary instruments that
meet the Department requirements and return those that do not meet Department
requirements at the Department’s expense.
2.6.2 The Business Office shall notify the CIU of any received Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) checks. The CIU may notify the IRS if deemed appropriate.
2.6.3 Outgoing inmate/IRS correspondence shall contain a notation by staff on the
envelope directing the correspondence to the Criminal Investigations Branch at the
Service Center to which the correspondence is addressed.
2.7 Unauthorized property or material discovered in incoming mail shall be removed from incoming
letters and held as contraband. {5-ACI-7D-08}
2.8 An inmate may not possess more than 40 photographs at a time; may not receive more than
40 photographs at a time within a 30 calendar day period; and may not exchange
photographs previously held in the property room with photographs currently possessed by
the inmate. Any incoming mail containing more than 40 photographs, and any incoming mail
which, cumulative with other incoming mail within a 30 calendar day period would result in
an inmate possessing more than 40 photographs at a time, will constitute contraband and the
entirety of its contents will be processed in accordance with Department Order #909, Inmate
Property. {5-ACI-7D-08}
2.9 An Inmate Property/Contraband/Disposition, Form 909-6, and Notice to Sender of Rejection of
Incoming Mail/Property, Form 909-3, shall be completed and sent to the inmate. Inmates have
90 calendar days to either have item(s) destroyed or returned to the sender. The Department
shall not pay for the cost of notifying the sender of the inmate’s contraband arrangements or
its mailing cost. {5-ACI-7D-08}
2.9.1 The Department shall not be responsible for the cost of returning unauthorized
property or material that includes, but is not limited to: Used or unused postage stamps Stickers, labels, address labels or decorative stamps Photos where the non-photo side can be separated (Polaroids) Photos of other inmates Unknown foreign substances and/or powders Oils, perfumes, incense or personal property items Lottery tickets or games of chance Tax forms and Publications, unless in accordance with Department Order
#919, Inmate Resource Center/Library Services Battery operated greeting cards, or greeting cards larger than 8 ½” by
11” Unused Greeting cards, stationary, and/or envelopes
MARCH 2, 2022 Unused postcards Writing instruments; any type or kind Bookmarks Laminated items Inspirational cards, medals or medallions Candy, gum, or any food items Arts and crafts supplies Content that depicts, encourages, or describes methods of escape and/or
eluding capture This includes materials that contain blueprints,
drawings, descriptions or photos of Arizona prison facilities or private
prison facilities, Public Transportation maps, road maps of Arizona or
states contiguous to Arizona. (“Contiguous”, as used in this section,
means states surrounding and bordering Arizona, i.e., California, Nevada,
Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and Mexico, or any portion thereof.) A printed individual item (not a supplement of an item such as a
newspaper), specifically intended for the purpose of advertising or selling
merchandise (catalog, circular) for any items that an inmate would not be
permitted to receive. Catalogs for publications and other items inmates would be
able to receive shall be processed according to the
Publication Review requirements. Credit Reports Personal or professional/commercial photographs that feature nudity or
sexually explicit acts, as detailed in the Glossary of Terms Photos of current or former Department/private prison employees and/or
Department volunteers, unless they are immediate family
2.10 Newspaper clippings, magazine articles, cartoons or copies of material from the internet may
be enclosed within personal mail; however, the content is subject to the Publication Review
process. Internet material containing information about staff or other inmates is unauthorized
if it is determined to be a threat to the safe and orderly operation of an institution and/or a
threat to the safety of any other person. Inmates are not authorized to receive items from the
ADCNet website.
2.11 Inmates may be permitted to view crime scene and/or autopsy photographs in accordance
with Department Order #909, Inmate Property.
2.12 Incoming third class/bulk mail and publications will be delivered provided the mail/publication
content meets policy guidelines and:
2.12.1 Is prepaid, as defined the Glossary of Terms;
MARCH 2, 2022
2.12.2 Is addressed to a specific inmate or inmates with the correct name, ADCRR number
and housing location.
2.13 Undeliverable Standard Mail shall be returned to the Post Office, if the Post Office will accept
it. If the Post Office does not accept the undeliverable mail, it shall be documented in the
appropriate log and destroyed/shredded and bagged by staff and placed in a dumpster or
other trash container.
2.14 Urgent mail, including but not limited to, overnight mail shall be delivered within one business
day, unless circumstances make delivery impractical. {5-ACI-7D-09}
2.15 Excluding holidays and weekends, incoming mail shall not be held and shall be delivered
within 24 hours, unless circumstances make delivery impractical. {5-ACI-7D-09}
2.16 All mail and publications with metal bindings other than staples, including paper clips, binder
clips, and other metal fasteners are prohibited. An inmate who receives a metal binding piece
of mail and/or publication shall be informed of its arrival and will either decide to have the
publication processed as contraband or give his/her written permission to have the binding
removed prior to its release to the inmate. Staff shall make note of the removal in the
inmate’s property file.
2.16.1 Staples in all mail and publications are prohibited in the following types of housing
units: Condemned Row Administrative or Disciplinary Confinement High Custody Maximum Custody Mental Health Treatment Units (Baker and Flamenco)
2.17 Calendars Inmates shall be allowed one calendar from an approved vendor (up to 12”x12”).
2.17.1 Calendars with metal bindings (e.g., papers clips, binder clips and other metal
fasteners, other than staples) are prohibited.
3.1 Compact discs (CDs) and/or cassettes are not authorized except in accordance with
Department Order #902, Inmate Legal Access to the Courts and Department Order #909,
Inmate Property..
3.2 Envelopes/packages from the inmate’s attorney of record containing legal CDs and/or
cassettes shall have the inmate’s complete first and last name, the inmate’s name under
which he/she is incarcerated unless legally changed, the correct ADCRR number, institution
and unit, and the appropriate Post Office Box.
3.2.1 CDs and/or cassettes sent in from the inmate’s attorney of record shall be
considered legal materials and are to be stored in the inmate’s designated box(es) for
legal materials upon receipt.
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3.2.2 In order to review legal CDs and/or cassettes which contain autopsy, crime scene, or
sensitive victim photos, inmates shall submit an Inmate Letter to the unit Deputy
Warden in accordance with Department Order #909, Inmate Property.
3.3 CDs and/ or cassettes shall no longer be an authorized method of media storage (excluding
legal materials).
4.1 Inmates who meet the definition of immediate family, as defined in the Glossary of Terms,
and those who are the verified natural or legally adopted parents of a child are authorized to
have inter-relational mail, provided the communication meets the criteria set forth in this
Department Order.
4.2 In order to have inter-relational mail privileges, the natural or adoptive parents shall:
4.2.1 Provide the child’s birth certificate, and
4.2.2 The relationship can be readily verified by staff, i.e., it is clear in the pre-sentence
report or file.
4.3 Inter-relational communication shall not contain communications with or on behalf of any
other inmates that do not have inter-relational mail approval.
4.4 Only letters, homemade greeting cards or greeting cards purchased through the inmate store
are authorized for inter-relational mail. The transfer of funds and/or any other item is
4.5 The sending unit/complex shall verify the inmate's relationship and stamp the outgoing letter
as "verified.” Letters that have not been verified and approved shall be returned to the inmate
4.6 All inter-relational mail privileges shall be pre-approved by both the requesting and receiving
Warden or Deputy Warden. Approvals and denials are at the discretion of the Warden or
Deputy Warden and may be revoked when it is in the best interest of institutional security.
4.7 The inmate shall pay postage. Health and Welfare Indigent inmates may be provided postage
as outlined in section 1.0.
4.8 Inmates who wish to send mail to an incarcerated immediate family member shall submit the
request to their assigned Correctional Officer III who shall verify the relationship.
4.9 The assigned Correctional Officer III or designated staff at the requesting institution shall:
4.9.1 Complete a Request to Communicate with an Incarcerated Family Member, Form
915-3, as outlined in Department Order #915, Inmate Phone Calls.
4.9.2 Verify that an immediate family relationship exists between the inmates.
4.9.3 Forward the application to the Warden or Deputy Warden for approval/disapproval.
4.9.4 Forward copies of the approved applications to the respective mail/property rooms at
the requesting and receiving institution.
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4.9.5 Advise inmate of disapproved applications, and note all approvals and denials on
5.1 All outgoing inmate mail shall include on the envelope the inmate’s complete first and last
name (the name under which he is incarcerated), ADCRR number, and full return address,
including the name of the complex, unit and bed location. (A.R.S. §31-235)
5.1.1 Institution mail room staff shall return mail lacking this information to the sending
inmate, if known, for a correction.
5.1.2 If the inmate sender is not known, the correspondence shall be opened to make a
reasonable attempt to determine the identity of the inmate sender. If the identity
cannot be determined, the mail shall be held in a "Dead Letter" repository for 90
calendar days, pending claim. If no claim is made, the mail shall be processed as
unclaimed property. (A.R.S. §12-940)
5.1.3 Inmates shall seal outgoing mail and place it in locked mailboxes located throughout
the institution or in other areas designated by the Warden or Deputy Warden. Mail
shall be collected at approximately the same time each workday, except on
weekends and holidays, and shall be delivered to the mail room for processing.
5.1.4 Inmates shall not use the complex or unit address to fraudulently identify themselves
as employees, agents, or representatives of the Department, complex, unit, or
private prison facility.
5.2 Unsealed outgoing mail, for the below listed recipients, shall be brought to the mail room for
inspection and processing. Mail room staff shall inspect the unsealed envelope for contraband,
but shall not read the content of the enclosed correspondence. {5-ACI-7D-06}
5.2.1 The inmate's attorney, a judge, or court
5.2.2 Publisher or editor of a newspaper, news magazine or periodical of general
distribution, national or international news service or to the station manager of any
radio or television stations
5.2.3 The Director, Deputy Directors, or Assistant Directors of the Department
5.2.4 Elected or appointed public officials
5.3 Staff shall read up to 10% of outgoing mail. Mail may be returned to the inmate, retained by
the institution, or removed from the mailing (the balance of which shall be mailed) when the
contents or communications: {5-ACI-7D-05}
5.3.1 Pose a direct and immediate threat to the security, safety or order of the institution.
5.3.2 May substantially hinder efforts to treat or rehabilitate the inmate.
5.4 Staff shall not stamp or mark the contents of outgoing read mail, rather, the envelope or box
shall be stamped or marked as having been inspected and resealed prior to mailing.
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5.5 Outgoing inmate mail is subject to being opened and read by staff when there is a reasonable
belief that the inmate is using the mail to further a crime or circumvent Department
regulations or written instructions. Such mail may include, but is not limited to:
5.5.1 Depiction or the encouragement of activities that may lead to the use of physical
5.5.2 Information that involves escape plans and/or activities that violate Department or
institution regulations or written instructions.
5.5.3 Threatens the intended recipient.
5.5.4 Promotes, aids or abets criminal activity or violation of departmental rules, including
but not limited to, rioting, extortion, escape, illegal drug use, conveyance of
contraband, solicitation of funds, violence towards others, and promotes or
encourages STG.
5.5.5 Mail written in code or provides instruction on code use.
5.6 Outgoing mail that is deemed to be detrimental to the security or safe operation of the
institution or that may impede the protection of the public or facilitate criminal activity shall
be referred to the CIU for further action.
5.7 The CIU shall:
5.7.1 Retain the redacted portion of any outgoing mail during any investigation, and then
return it to the sender.
5.7.2 Stamp the un-redacted portion of any redacted mail to indicate that portions of the
mail were redacted, and mail it to the recipient unless doing so would interfere with
an ongoing investigation.
5.7.3 The Department may redact the item or determine not to mail the item.
5.8 Mail outlined in 5.7.2 of this section shall be sent within 72 hours; unless it is determined
that such mail is not to be sent. If the mail is not to be sent, the inmate shall be notified of
such within 72 hours, unless doing so interferes with an ongoing investigation.
5.9 Excluding holidays and weekends, outgoing mail shall not be held and shall be delivered to the
Post Office within 24 hours unless circumstances make delivery impractical.
6.1 Personal letters are not subject to Publication Review.
6.2 All publications are subject to screening and review and shall meet standards and guidelines
as detailed in this Department Order.
6.3 The envelope/container shall have the inmate’s complete first and last name under which
he/she is incarcerated unless legally changed, the correct ADCRR number, institution and unit,
and the appropriate Post Office Box.
6.4 Publications shall come directly from a Department authorized publisher, distributor, or retailer
and be consistent with copyright laws.
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6.4.1 Department authorized publishers may directly sell or donate their new or used
publications to individual inmates provided the content of the publications meets
standards and guidelines outlined in this Department Order. Used publications must
be in good condition, free of highlighting, underlining, notes, or other marks.
6.4.2 Department authorized distributors and/or retailers may sell or donate new
publications to individual inmates provided the content of the publications meets
standards and guidelines outlined in this Department Order. Secondary markets (also
known as Third Party Vendors) such as, Amazon Marketplace, Barnes
and Noble Marketplace, e-Bay, and Craig’s List are not authorized retailers or
distributors. These sources are offered as examples only and do not represent an
exhaustive list of secondary markets. The Department may deem a vendor to be a
Third Party at its discretion.
6.4.3 All other individuals and/or entities may not sell or donate publications to individual
inmates, but may donate new or used publications to a Department facility generally
provided the content of the publications meets standards and guidelines as outlined
in this Department Order. Used publications must also be in good condition, free of
highlighting, underlining, notes, or other marks. Mail room staff shall verify that an incoming publication is from a
Department authorized publisher, distributor, or retailer and not from a
Third Party Vendor prior to opening the publication.
6.5 Non-English publications may be delayed due to necessary translation. If translators for a
specific language are not available, the Department may reject a non-English language
6.6 Incoming publications shall be pre-paid. Cash on Delivery (COD) orders and contract
purchases such as music or book clubs are prohibited and will be returned to the sender at the
inmate’s expense. Donated publications not coming in from a recognized publisher, distributor
or retailer shall be processed as contraband or donated to an inmate library provided they
meet Departmental policy requirements and publication review as set forth in this Department
6.7 Publications shall be forwarded for a 90-day period if the inmate is in custody at a
Department or private prison facility, provided there is no state or other governing
rules/regulations preventing the forwarding of the publication.
6.7.1 The inmate shall be responsible for the change of address notifications.
6.7.2 At the end of the 90-day period, the publications shall be subject to contraband
policies and procedures and will no longer be forwarded.
6.8 Inmates are responsible for staying within publication possession limit requirements as
outlined in Department Order #909, Inmate Property, Attachment A and may be subject to
disciplinary action for exceeding publication/property limits. Items over the established limit
shall be considered contraband.
6.9 Authorization to withdraw funds from an inmate’s account for the purchase of a publication
does not constitute approval of the publication.
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6.10 All publications, including those that are part of a title or series, are reviewed on an
individualized basis. Rejection of several issues of any one publication is not sufficient reason
to reject a subscription to a publication in its entirety, unless the publication regularly includes
sexually explicit material or other unauthorized material as defined in the Glossary of Terms as
part or all of its content.
6.11 Unless there is a legitimate correctional concern relating to security, safety, criminal activity
or a threat to the orderly operation of the institution, the contents of incoming publications or
publications under review shall not be revealed to any non-Publications Review Staff. Only
those staff approved to participate in publication review and who have received publication
review training shall be involved in processing, reading, and reviewing publications.
6.12 No publication shall be excluded solely on the basis of its appeal to a particular ethnic, racial
or religious group.
6.13 Only the Office of Publication Review may remove or redact content of any publication that
may be in violation of section 7.0 to make the publication acceptable only upon an inmate or
publisher appeal as defined within this policy. The Office of Publication Review may cease
removing or redacting unauthorized content when the practice places an unreasonable burden
on resources due to the volume of incoming mail, publications, the required redaction or
removal of unauthorized content, and the dissemination thereof in redacted form. Complex
mail and property staff may remove stapled or perforated items including, but not limited to,
items that may be in violation of this Department Order provided that no damage is done to
the publication in the removal process.
6.14 Previous decisions to exclude publications, regardless of any subsequent revisions in
standards or criteria, remain final. Previously excluded Publications shall not be re-submitted
for review or appeal under this Department Order.
6.15 Publications delivered to an inmate in error at any complex/unit prior to or contrary to an initial
review or an appeal may be considered contraband upon official notice from the Office of
Publication Review that the publication has been excluded. Inmates will be provided the
options of mailing the publication out at their own expense, arranging for an approved visitor
to pick up the publication, or having it destroyed.
6.16 Approved incoming publications for inmates in disciplinary detention may be held until the
inmate is released from detention.
6.17 The Department will provide notice to publishers via email of the decision to exclude a
publication or part of a publication within 14 calendar days following the decision to exclude.
If no email address is available, the notice will be sent to the publisher’s mailing address as
specified within the publication. Publishers will have the same opportunity to seek an appeal
as an inmate under Department Order #914. The notice to the publisher shall include
sufficient information to identify the specific publication and the reason(s) for the exclusion.
6.18 A legal publication that contains unauthorized content that is either (a) directly quoted from a
trial or appellate court’s decision, opinion, or order, or (b) otherwise taken from a court case,
government publication, or news wire service (such as the Associated Press), shall not be
withheld if the unauthorized content is reasonably necessary to understand the fundamental
legal issue or legal principle of the legal publication.
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6.19 Publications that contain nudity and/or descriptions of sexual behaviors/acts, or violent acts,
shall not be withheld if such unauthorized content is within a publication commonly
considered to constitute a well-known and widely recognized religious work (such as the
Bible, the Koran, the Book of Mormon) or literary work (such as Shakespeare).
7.1 In order to assist with rehabilitation and treatment objectives, reduce sexual harassment and
prevent a hostile environment for inmates, staff and volunteers, inmates are not permitted to
send, receive or possess sexually explicit material that is detrimental to the safe, secure, and
orderly operation of the facility as set forth in this Department Order. In addition, in order to
assist with rehabilitation and treatment objectives, and promote the safe, secure, and orderly
operation of the facility, inmates are not permitted to send, receive or possess unauthorized
content, whether or not it contains sexually explicit material, that is detrimental to these
objectives and to operational considerations as set forth in this Department Order. [Revision
August 12, 2022]
7.2 Prohibited publications include, but are not limited to:
7.2.1 Publications that depict nudity of either gender. (For nudity see the Glossary of
7.2.2 Publications that depict any of the following acts and behaviors in either visual,
audio, or written form: Physical contact by another person with a person's unclothed genitals,
pubic area, buttocks or, if such person is a female, breast Sadomasochistic abuse Sexual intercourse, vaginal or anal, fellatio, cunnilingus, bestiality or
sodomy Masturbation, excretory functions, and lewd exhibition of the genitals Incestuous sexual activity Sexual activity involving an unwilling participant, or a participant who is
the subject of coercion, or any sexual activity involving children
7.2.3 Depictions or descriptions that incite, aid, or abet riots, work stoppages, means of
resistance, or any other behaviors that may be detrimental to the safe, secure, and
orderly operation of the institution.
7.2.4 Depictions or descriptions of street gangs and/or Security Threat Groups (STG), and
related gang/STG paraphernalia, including, but not limited to, codes, signs, symbols,
photographs, drawings, training material, and catalogs.
7.2.5 Depictions, descriptions and instructions regarding the function of locks and/or
security devices (e.g., cameras, alarms) or how to bypass or defeat the security
functions of these devices.
7.2.6 Depictions, descriptions, instructions on the use of hands, feet, or head as weapons,
fighting weapons and techniques, self-defense and martial arts.
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7.2.7 Depictions or descriptions, or promotion of drug paraphernalia or instructions for the
brewing of alcoholic beverages or the manufacture or cultivation of drugs, narcotics
or poisons.
7.2.8 Content that is oriented toward and/or promotes racism and/or religious oppression
and the superiority of one race/religion/political group over another, and/or the
degradation of one race/religion/political group by another.
7.2.9 Depictions, descriptions or instructions regarding the sale, manufacture,
concealment, or construction of ammunition, guns, rifles, bombs, explosives or any
other type weaponry; displays, realistic pictures, or cutaway pictures of guns or
knives suitable for use in making of reproduction weapons. The photograph of a gun
or knife in a recognized magazine or publication (e.g., Field and Stream), standing
alone, is not sufficient to exclude the publication.
7.2.10 Detailed illustrations, explanations, and/or descriptions of computers,
communications systems or electronics.
7.2.11 Depictions, descriptions or content that promotes or instructs on identity theft.
7.2.12 Content that depicts, encourages, or describes methods of escape and/or eluding
capture. This includes materials that contain blueprints, drawings, descriptions or
photos of Arizona prison facilities or private prison facilities, Public Transportation
maps, road maps of Arizona or states contiguous to Arizona. (“Contiguous”, as used
in this section, means states surrounding and bordering Arizona, i.e., California,
Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and Mexico, or any portion thereof.)
7.2.13 Content that contains survival skills that could be used as an aid in eluding capture
following an escape.
7.2.14 Pictures, depictions, illustrations, explanations, instructions, and/or patterns for
tattoos and/or skin modification equipment which would provide, at minimum, visual
aids for inmates wishing to reproduce this type of body ornamentation and/or
7.2.15 Cipher or code or instruction on the usage of code.
7.2.16 Pictures, depictions or illustrations that promote acts of violence including, but not
limited to, murder, rape, sexual assault, assault, amputation, decapitation,
dismemberment, mutilation, maiming, disfigurement, crime scene/autopsy
photographs, or cruelty to animals.
7.2.17 Sexually explicit content in publications, photographs, drawings, or in any type of
image or text, that depicts sexual poses or attire or sexual representations of
inmates, correctional personnel, law enforcement, military, medical/mental health
staff, programming staff, teachers or clergy. [Revision August 12, 2022]
7.2.18 Medical publications that may contain diagrams of the human anatomy and or
instructions on harming oneself or others.
7.2.19 Canine search procedures, techniques and scent discrimination.
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7.2.20 Any publication or part of a publication that, although not specifically set forth
herein, may otherwise be detrimental to the safe, secure, and orderly operation of
the institution.
7.3 A publication will not be rejected based solely upon inclusion of an advertisement promoting
the following:
7.3.1 Three-way calling services;
7.3.2 Pen pal services;
7.3.3 The purchase of products and services with postage stamps;
7.3.4 The purchase of products and services that violate Departmental policy;
7.3.5 Conducting a business while incarcerated.
8.1 Complex mail room supervisors shall act as the first level of review on all incoming
publications and shall decide whether a publication is allowed or excluded from the complex.
8.1.1 Complex mail room supervisors may consult with other complex mail room
supervisors or with the Office of Publication Review prior to making a decision.
8.1.2 A decision to allow or exclude a publication by one complex shall be binding on all
other complexes.
8.2 Within 14 calendar days of the decision to exclude a publication, complex mail room staff
shall send the inmate the Office of Publication Review Notice of Result, Form 914-6,
informing the inmate of the decision and the opportunity to appeal the decision within 30
calendar days of the inmate’s actual receipt of the notice of exclusion. Complex mail room
staff will simultaneously inform the Office of Publication Review of the decision to exclude a
8.2.1 The Office of Publication Review shall notify publishers within 14 calendar days
when one of their publications or part of a publication is excluded. Publishers may request an appeal by notifying the Office of Publication
Review within 30 calendar days of the publisher’s receipt of the
8.2.2 The only publications to be sent to the Office of Publication Review are those for
which an inmate or a publisher has requested an appeal of the complex decision. Inmates may give their request for an appeal to the complex Publication
Review staff through Inmate Letter, Form 916-1, within 30 calendar
days of the actual receipt of the notice of exclusion. When an inmate requests an appeal, complex staff shall
inform the inmate the appeal may result in redaction of
parts or exclusion of the entire publication.
MARCH 2, 2022 If no appeal is requested within the 30 calendar days, the inmate shall be
provided the options of mailing the publication out at the inmate’s
expense, arranging for an approved visitor to pick up the publication, or
having it destroyed. Publications under appeal will not be processed pursuant to the options
provided to inmates outlined in of this section, until final
disposition of the appeal. All excluded publications shall be held for 60
calendar days to allow timely appeals to be received and processed by
the Office of Publication Review. An inmate may opt out of the holding
periods provided in this section through Inmate Letter, Form 916-1 to
complex Publication Review staff. The Office of Publication Review may consult with any person who may
have information or insight to assist in making the correct appeal
decision. An appeal decision by the Office of Publication Review,
whether from an inmate or a publisher, may: Allow the publication by redacting a limited amount of
unauthorized content, subject to the limitations in section
6.0, 6.13; Overturn the complex exclusion and allow the publication in
its entirety; Uphold the complex exclusion and exclude the publication
in its entirety. Appeal decisions made by the Office of Publication Review are final and
exhaust inmates’ administrative remedies. The Office of Publication Review shall log the page, paragraph and
unauthorized content that is redacted and/or excluded in the Publication
Review Database. An un-redacted version of the redacted portions of the
publication with the unauthorized content identified shall also be
maintained by the Office of Publication Review. Comments indicating the
basis for overturning the complex exclusion of unauthorized content shall
be logged in the Publication Review Database.
8.3 The complex level Publication Review staff shall:
8.3.1 Approve/release publications that do not require additional review.
8.3.2 Notify affected inmates when a publication is excluded and inform inmates of the
appeal process.
8.3.3 Process inmates’ appeal requests, notify affected inmates of the pending appeal, and
notify inmates of the outcome or inform inmates if the requests are not within
8.3.4 Update the Publication Review Database with the appropriate review decisions.
8.3.5 Inform affected inmates of the results of publication appeals.
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8.3.6 Provide the Warden with a copy of any appeal decisions.
8.3.7 Respond to inmate publication review-related letters, questions, or concerns.
8.4 The Office of Publication Review shall:
8.4.1 Notify publishers within 14 calendar days when one of their publications or part of a
publication is excluded and inform them of the appeal process.
8.4.2 Act as the appeal level for appeals received from inmates or publishers. The Office
of Publication Review shall: Determine if the publication shall be allowed by redacting a limited
amount of unauthorized material, completing the redaction, and providing
redacted materials to the complexes, subject to section 6.0, 6.13. Overturn the complex exclusion and allow the publication in its entirety; Uphold the complex exclusion and exclude the publication in its entirety.
8.4.3 Complete appeals within 60 calendar days and prepare and distribute the appeal
decisions for inmate and publisher appeals.
8.5 Inmates may file grievances on Publication Review procedural issues. Grievances shall be
processed through the inmate’s unit to the Central Office Appeals Unit. The appeal response
shall only address procedural issues and will not reconsider any decisions to exclude
Refer to the Glossary of Terms for the following:
Criminal Activity
Excretory Functions
First Class Mail
Illegal Contraband
Immediate Family (Inmate)
Incestuous Activity
Inter-Relational Mail
Legislative Correspondence
Periodical Class Mail
Prepaid Publications
MARCH 2, 2022
Sadomasochistic Abuse
Security Threat Group (STG)
Sexually Explicit Material
Standard Mail
Unauthorized Material
Attachment A - Incoming and Outgoing Packages Tracking Format
914-1, Legal Mail Log
914-2, Registered, Insured and Certified Mail Log
914-6, Office of Publication Review - Notices of Result
A.R.S. §12-940 et seq, Unclaimed Property in Hands of Public Agency
A.R.S. §13-2501, Definitions
A.R.S. §13-2505, Promoting Prison Contraband; Exceptions; X-Radiation; Body Scans; Classification
A.R.S. §13-3309, Seizure; Exception; Definition
A.R.S. §13-3501, Definitions
A.R.S. §13-3503, Seizure of Obscene Things; Disposition
A.R.S. §13-4301 et seq, Forfeiture
A.R.S. §13-4411.01, Notice of Right to Request Not to Receive Inmate Mail
A.R.S. §13-4429, Return of Victim's Property; Release of Evidence
A.R.S. §31-231, Unauthorized Communication With Prisoner; Classification; Definition
A.R.S. §31-235, Prisoner Correspondence; Definitions
MARCH 2, 2022