The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has granted Nine Entertainment Co. Pty Limited (NINE) the
exclusive right to distribute, transmit, broadcast, communicate, exhibit and display to the public by any
means and to any device (Transmit) the Olympic Games Paris 2024 within Australia.
No other organisation may Transmit within Australia sound or images of any Olympic event, including
training venues, sporting action, the Opening Ceremony, the Closing Ceremony and medal ceremonies,
mixed zones, interviews or other activities which occur at Olympic Venues, including Olympic Village,
except as permitted by these News Access Rules (NAR), as set out below.
These rules apply to all forms of Transmission, including television (including free to air and pay
television, including digital channels, digital multi-channels, linear channels and services such as “News
Active” or “Sports Active”), Radio, Podcast, Internet, Mobile Platform, Social Media and other interactive
media or electronic medium.
The terms included in the following sections of these NARs define the conditions that apply to the
broadcasting and transmission of Olympic Material by Non Rights Holder (NRH) news organisations.
Capitalised terms used in these News Access Rules have the meaning set out in the Definitions section
of these News Access Rules.
These NAR’s shall be in effect from the opening of the Olympic Villages on 18 July 2024 until the closing
of the Olympic Villages on 13 August 2024 (NAR Period).
By accessing and using Olympic Material the user agrees to the terms of these News Access Rules.
Access, supply and use of Olympic Material shall cease immediately in the case of non-compliance by
Non-Rights Holders with these News Access Rules.
These Television News Access Rules apply to all Olympic Material broadcast on Television across all
channels (including digital multi-channels) by Non Rights Holders.
1) Olympic Material may be used only as a part of regularly scheduled News Programs. News
Programs cannot be positioned or promoted as Olympic programs and must contain stories
about other news or sporting events. Olympic Material cannot be used in any promotion for any
News Program or any other program whatsoever.
2) 3 x 3 x 3
a) Subject to the exception for All-News Networks as set out in paragraph 3 below,
Olympic Material may appear in no more than three News Programs per day. A
Simulcast or replay of a News Program on another channel is considered a separate
News Program for the purposes of these NAR.
b) The duration of Olympic Material used in any one News Program shall not exceed a
total of 3 minutes. Further, the broadcast of Olympic Material contained in a News
Program will not exceed one third of the duration of any individual Olympic event or
30 seconds, whichever is the lesser time, provided however, that if the duration of an
individual Olympic event is less than 15 seconds, the whole of the event can be shown
in a News Program.
c) Subject to paragraphs 5 and 6 below, News Programs in which Olympic Material
appears must be separated by at least three hours. The three hours is calculated from
the end of the first News Program to the start of the next News Program. However, if
a broadcaster regularly telecasts multiple Hard News Programs from 16:00 hours to
19:30 hours local time, it may broadcast reports utilising excerpts of Olympic Material
during one locally-orientated Hard News Program and also during one network Hard
News Program during this time period, so long as the combined broadcast time of
Olympic Material shown in both programs does not exceed a total of three minutes.
d) Olympic Material must not be broadcast on interactive services such as 'News Active'
or 'Sports Active', which would allow the viewer to make a viewing choice within a
channel and to thereby view Olympic Material at times other than when broadcast as
part of a News Program as set out in this paragraph.
3) 6 x 1½
In the case of an All-News Network, the network may use Olympic Material during multiple
News Programs, as long as the Olympic Material is used in no more than six News Programs
per day and does not exceed a total of one and one half minutes in any one News Program.
The other provisions of paragraph 2(b) and paragraph 2(d) continue to apply.
For the avoidance of doubt, the NAR’s in paragraph 2 and 3 apply across a NRH’s entire
network, including digital multi-channels. If a NRH broadcasts an All-News channel and normal
programming channels, the NRH may elect whether to be treated under rule 2(a) (3x3x3) or 3
(6x1.5) for its network.
4) Should any Non-Rights Holder be permitted to use any footage of previous Olympic Games
(Archive Olympic Material) under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth),
then the amount of Olympic Material otherwise permitted to be broadcast pursuant to
paragraphs 2(b) or 3 above shall be reduced by the duration of such footage of Archive Olympic
Material and the other provisions of the NAR’s apply to the use of such Archive Olympic
5) Non-Rights holders must not broadcast any Olympic Material:
a) unless that Olympic Material has already been broadcast by NINE on either Channel
Nine (9), 9Gem, 9Go!, 9Life, or 9Rush; or
b) if not so broadcast by NINE, until the conclusion of the day immediately following the
day in which the Olympic event concluded (that is, until 24:00 on the following day).
6) Each broadcast, communication or other like transmission of Olympic Material must give an on-
screen credit to NINE by leaving on the 9, 9Gem, 9Go!, 9Life or 9Rush watermark, as the case
may be or, should the Olympic Material not be sourced through NINE, by adding a super video
credit to NINE of at least five seconds to read as follows:
Courtesy of Nine Network".
NINE’S watermark must not be obscured, cut-off, removed or covered by another watermark.
Non-Rights holders shall not be permitted to include its network watermark on Olympic Material.
7) Broadcasts of Olympic Material shall cease no later than 48 hours after the conclusion of the
broadcast of the event by NINE, as the case may be.
8) Non-Rights Holders, provided they are holders of ENR accreditation and subject to Paris 2024’s
permit requirements:
a) will have access, without equipment, to Olympic Venues;
b) must not do telephone reports from Olympic Venues.
9) Non-Rights Holders, provided they are holders of ENR accreditation and subject to Paris 2024’s
permit requirements:
a) will have access, with equipment, to the Main Press Centre (MPC) and can film all
official press conferences held in the MPC; and;
b) will have access to the press conferences downloadable from the Press Conferences
section of myInfo;
and may:
c) broadcast in Australia; and
d) communicate via the Internet, without any territorial restrictions,
all or portions of any press conference held in the MPC with a delay from the conclusion of that
press conference. It is understood that any and all monitoring and initial enforcement activities
for compliance with this paragraph shall be under NINE’s exclusive responsibility.
10) ENR accreditation shall not entitle a Non-Rights Holder to originate or broadcast any
transmission, programming or feed, including via the Internet or Mobile Platform, from the
Olympic Venues, including the MPC.
11) Subject to the material which Non-Rights Holders may communicate via the Internet pursuant
to paragraph 9(d) or paragraphs 25 to 30 inclusive (relating to the Internet and Mobile Platform
Broadcast), Olympic Material may not be transmitted or communicated over the Internet,
Mobile Platform, Social Media or via any other interactive media or electronic medium
without the express prior written approval of the IOC. Olympic Material must not be transmitted
or communicated on interactive services such as 'News Active' or 'Sports Active', which would
allow the viewer to make a viewing choice within a channel and thereby to view Olympic Material
at times other than when broadcast as part of a News Program.
12) Olympic Material shall not be provided by the ONA to non-Rights Holders unless they provide
a prior written guarantee to the IOC (with a copy to NINE), in a form and substance satisfactory
to the IOC, that they will fully comply with all terms and conditions of these News Access Rules.
13) Non-Rights Holders will:
a) not make available or provide Olympic Material to any third party without the express
prior written consent of the IOC and NINE;
b) ensure that no advertising, promotion, publicity or other message appears at the same
time (be it superimposed or on a split screen or otherwise) as Olympic Material and/or
at the same time as any other coverage of the Olympic Games which contains any
Olympic imagery or Olympic marks;
c) ensure that no advertising or other message is placed before, during or after the
broadcast of Olympic Material, in such a manner as to imply an association or
connection between any third party, or third party's product or service, and Olympic
Material or the Olympic Games; and
d) not use any Olympic or Games trade marks in a manner as to imply an association or
connection between the NRH, the IOC or Olympic Games (eg use in lower frame
super); and
e) not allow any broadcast sponsorship of Olympic Material (including of any section or
highlights within a News Programme that contains Olympic Material).
The use of some Olympic trademarks and words is tightly controlled in Australia by the Olympic
Insignia Protection Act
In relation to non-rights holding radio stations:
To protect the rights of the Rights Holding Broadcasters, but to also respect the requirements of the
Olympic Charter regarding the “fullest coverage by the different media and the widest possible audience
in the world for the Olympic Games”, the IOC recognises the need for news organisations to have limited
access to Olympic Material, for news purposes, in accordance with these Radio News Access Rules.
All use of Olympic Material is strictly subject to the following restrictions:
14) Olympic Material may be used only as a part of regularly scheduled daily News Programs of
which the actual news element constitutes the main feature. News Programs shall not be
positioned or promoted as Olympic programmes.
15) Olympic Material may be used in no more than ten (10) News Programs per day. The News
Programs in which Olympic Material is used must be separated by at least 55 minutes and must
not contain more than 60 seconds of Olympic Material.
16) Non-Rights Holding Broadcast Organisations shall not broadcast play-by-play commentary or
analogous coverage of any Olympic Material, whether on a live or delayed basis, or any other
material obtained while inside an Olympic Venue, including interviews, except with respect to
official press conferences as described following.
17) Broadcasts of Olympic Material shall cease no later than 48 hours after the conclusion of the
broadcast of the event by NINE, as the case may be.
18) Non-Rights holders must not broadcast any Olympic Material:
a) unless that Olympic Material has already been broadcast by NINE on either Channel
Nine (9), 9Gem, 9Go!, 9Life, or 9Rush; or
b) if not so broadcast by NINE, until the conclusion of the day immediately following the
day in which the Olympic event concluded (that is, until 24:00 on the following day)
19) No advertising, promotion or other message can be placed before, during or after the broadcast
of Olympic Material in such a manner as to imply an association or connection between any
third party, or third party's product or service, and Olympic Material or the Olympic Games.
Broadcast sponsorship of Olympic Material (including of any section or highlights within a News
Programme that contains Olympic Material) is not permitted.
20) NRH’s must ensure NINE is credited for the use of Olympic Material in each broadcast.
21) Non-Rights Holders, provided they are holders of ENR accreditation and subject to Paris 2024’s
permit requirements:
a) will have access, without equipment, to Olympic Venues;
b) must not do telephone reports from Olympic Venues. NRH accredited journalists are
not permitted to do telephone voice reports from inside venues, including the mixed
zones; and
c) will have access, with equipment, to the MPC and can record and broadcast all official
press conferences held in the MPC.
22) Olympic Material may not be transmitted or communicated via the Internet, mobile services
device or any other interactive media or electronic medium without the express prior written
approval of the IOC.
23) Notwithstanding the above Non-Rights Holding Radio Broadcast Organisations may
communicate, via the internet, all or portions of press conferences that take place in the MPC,
without any territorial restrictions, provided that there is a delay from the conclusion of the press
conference. The delay does not apply to (i) the IOC Executive Board, the IOC Session and the
IOC President’s press conferences; and (ii) the IOC/Paris 2024 Daily Press Briefings, which
may be broadcasted live.
24) Should any Bona Fide News Organisations be permitted to use any footage of previous Olympic
Games (“Archive Olympic Material) under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright Act
1968 (Cth), then the amount of Olympic Material otherwise permitted to be transmitted pursuant
to paragraph 15 above shall be reduced by the duration of such footage of Archive Olympic
25) Notwithstanding the general prohibition established under paragraph 22 above, Olympic
Material and Archive Olympic Material included in a Radio News Programme may be distributed
via Simulcast or “on demand” via the Internet (as applicable), provided that the Radio News
Programme of the Non-Rights Holding Radio Broadcast Organisation (i) complies with these
NARs in their entirety (ii) is also customarily made available in such manner by the Non-Rights
Holding Radio Broadcast Organisation outside the Games Period; (iii) is available only on the
official branded Internet services of the Non-Rights Holding Radio Broadcast Organisation and
(iv) employs Geoblocking and other security measures in a manner which complies with these
Additional IOC Internet Guidelines regarding the use of Olympic content by Non-Rights Holding
Broadcast Organisations will also apply. Refer to
These Digital News Access Rules address the transmission of Olympic Material via Digital Platforms
within the Australian Territory, so as to permit limited transmissions by Bona Fide News Organisations
during the NAR Period. The rules set out in paragraphs 25 to 30 inclusive are in addition to the rules
set out in the Television News Access Rules set out in paragraphs 1 to 13 inclusive.
For the avoidance of doubt, transmission via Digital Platforms includes simultaneous transmission of
Television broadcasts (whether by streaming, multicast or by other means) and all use of Olympic
Material will count towards the NRH’s permitted Digital allowance as set out below.
Any Olympic Material transmitted within the Australian Territory must only be accessible to viewers
within the Australian Territory, and as such any transmission of a News Bulletin containing Olympic
Material on a Digital Platform must be restricted to persons in the Australian Territory only
(Geoblocked). Any transmission on a Digital Platform which is not Geoblocked will breach the IOC's
intellectual property rights and the rights of other Rights Holding Broadcasters in other territories. It is
the full responsibility of the news organisation transmitting the Olympic Material in accordance with
these Digital News Access Rules to ensure the territorial integrity of such transmissions.
26) Bona Fide News Organisations may use a total of 180 seconds of Olympic Material per day on
any Digital Platform subject to the following provisions:
a) Olympic Material may only appear in a video highlights package (or in the case of a
Podcast, an audio highlights package) that is designed as a news update bulletin
("News Bulletin"), and in no more than three (3) such News Bulletins per day. Each
News Bulletin can only be posted once (eg posted to one article or the news/sports
homepage once only);
b) Each News Bulletin must be one continuous video clip (or in the case of a Podcast, one
continuous audio programme);
c) No more than sixty (60) seconds of Olympic Material may be used in any one News
d) Each new News Bulletin must be separated by a period of at least three hours;
e) The transmission of Olympic Material contained in any News Bulletin will not exceed
one third of the duration of any individual Olympic event or 30 seconds, whichever is
the lesser time, provided however, that if the duration of an individual Olympic event is
less than 15 seconds, the whole of the event can be shown in a News Bulletin;
f) Each News Bulletin must be removed no later than 24 hours after it was first transmitted
on the Digital Platform as the case may be;
g) Each News Bulletin must give an on-screen credit to whichever of 9, 9Gem, 9Go!, 9Life,
or 9Rush was the source of the Olympic Material, by:
i) leaving on the 9, 9Gem, 9Go!, 9Life, or 9Rush watermark as the case may be.
NINE’S watermark must not be obscured, cut-off, removed or covered by
another watermark
ii) should the Olympic Material not be sourced through NINE, the NRH must add
a super video credit to NINE to read as follows: “Courtesy of Nine Network";
iii) a written credit must be given which is immediately next to, and clearly
identifiable with, the News Bulletin, to read as follows:
"Courtesy of Nine Network
27) Subject to technical feasibility, in the case of a Podcast, the NRH must ensure Nine is credited
for use of Olympic Material, provided this is in keeping with standard market practice.Olympic
Material can only be transmitted:
a) if that Olympic Material has already been broadcast or transmitted by NINE on either
Channel 9 (9), 9Gem, 9Go!, 9Life, or 9Rush; or
b) if not broadcast or transmitted by NINE, until the conclusion of the day immediately
following the day in which the Olympic event concluded (that is, until 24:00 on the
following day).
28) The transmission of each News Bulletin must be Geoblocked whereby it can be viewed on the
Digital Platform only from within the Australian Territory.
29) Bona Fide News Organisations must:
a) ensure that no advertising, promotion, publicity or other message appears at the same
time (be it superimposed or on a split screen or otherwise) as Olympic Material and/or
at the same time as any other coverage of the Olympic Games which contains any
Olympic imagery or Olympic marks;
b) ensure that no advertising, promotion (including any broadcast sponsorship) or other
message is placed before, during or after the transmission of the News Bulletins (eg
advertising pre-rolls or NRH billboards);
c) ensure there is no Broadcast sponsorship of Olympic Material (including of any section
or highlights within a News Bulletin that contains Olympic Material);
d) ensure that News Bulletins are not positioned or promoted as Olympic programs and
Olympic Material cannot be used in any promotion for any News Bulletin or any other
program whatsoever;
e) not advertise, market or promote the availability of Olympic Material on their websites,
apps, Mobile Platforms or other digital (including social) platforms
f) not use Olympic Material in graphic animated formats such as gifs (ie GIFV), GFY,
WebM, or short video formats such as Vine and/or TikTok; and
g) not create a separate Olympic sub-domain to host the content in that Olympic Material
may only be used on the Bona Fide News Organisations' 'ordinary news site'.
The use of some Olympic trademarks and words is tightly controlled in Australia by the Olympic Insignia
Protection Act.
30) Should any Bona Fide News Organisations be permitted to use any Olympic footage of
previous Olympic Games (“Archive Olympic Material”) under the fair dealing provisions of the
Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), then the amount of Olympic Material otherwise permitted to be
transmitted pursuant to paragraph 25 above shall be reduced by the duration of such footage
of Archive Olympic Material.
31) The accreditation of any organisation or person(s) accredited at the Olympic Games may be
withdrawn without notice, at the absolute discretion of the IOC, if these Digital News Access
Rules are breached or for purposes of ensuring compliance with these Digital News Access
32) Notwithstanding the general prohibition established under paragraph 22 above, Olympic
Material and Archive Olympic Material included in a Podcast News Programme may be
distributed via Simulcast or “on demand” via the Internet (as applicable), provided that the
Podcast News Programme of the Non-Rights Holding Organisation (i) complies with these
NARs in their entirety (ii) is also customarily made available in such manner by the Non-Rights
Holding Radio Broadcast Organisation outside the Games Period; (iii) is available only on the
official branded Internet services of the Non-Rights Holding Radio Broadcast Organisation and
(iv) employs Geoblocking and other security measures in a manner which complies with these
33) The Olympic Venue hosting the Opening Ceremony corresponds to the yellow-coloured area
and all the bridges within this area highlighted in the map below. Within this perimeter, all rules
included in these NARs and any other relevant IOC guidelines shall apply, jointly with any
applicable accreditation terms and conditions.
34) Recognising the unique nature of the Opening Ceremony, two (2) adjacent areas to the security
perimeter (at Pont de léna and Pont de la Tournelle - both identified in red) have been allocated
for Non-MRHs’ operations. Non-MRHs are permitted to interact with the spectators and capture
the emotions of the public attending the Opening Ceremony by recording, filming, originating or
Distributing audio/video reports and interviews (which may be captured via smartphone or other
devices or technology), via any platform whatsoever (whether on a live or delayed basis) from
these two (2) dedicated areas, provided that any such content excludes any Opening Ceremony
activity and observe all other relevant terms of these NARs, in particular those provided under
paragraph 16 regarding a play-by-play commentary or analogous coverage of this Olympic
Specific Rules for the Champions Park
35) Recognising the unique nature of the Champions Park, a limited number of Non-MRHs
(provided they are holders of ENR accreditations and in possession of a daily permit), will be
permitted access with equipment to the Champions Park dedicated Press mixed zones (only),
and will be allowed to record video/audio interviews within such dedicated mixed zone for
Distribution in accordance with these NARs as Olympic Material (included within the total
permitted number of minutes per day specified in paragraphs 2, 3 or 26) and subject to the
following additional conditions:
a) There shall be no live Broadcasts or play-by-play commentary or analogous coverage of
the Champions Park events;
b) No material filmed or recorded in the Champions Park may be made available to third
parties, with the exception of Non-MRHs who are IOC Official Recognised World News
Agencies who are entitled to make such material available to their affiliates and subscribers.
c) Non-MRHs may not erect any freestanding facilities of any type within the mixed zone at
Champions Park at any time.
36) Access to Non-MRHs will be granted on a daily basis by IOC Media Operations and managed
on site by Paris 2024 to:
a maximum of three (3) domestic Television Non-MRHs (holders of ENR accreditations) -
each daily permit will apply to a crew of three (3) people and one (1) camera-; and a
maximum of three (3) domestic Radio Non-MRHs (holders of ENR accreditations) -each
daily permit will apply to a crew of two (2) people and one (1) microphone/recorder a
maximum of five (5) international Television Non-MRHs and a maximum of five (5)
international Radio Non-MRHs (both holders of ENR accreditations) -each daily permit will
apply to a crew of three (3) people and one (1) camera for a Television Non-MRH and a
crew of two (2) people and one (1) microphone/recorder for a Radio Non-MRH);
Each daily permit will allow access to the Champions Park only for the date for which it is
issued. Only one crew can use such a daily permit.
Any branding on crew members’ clothing or equipment must be minimal and unobtrusive.
Paris 2024 and/or the IOC, at their discretion, may require that the advertising, promotional
and identification material be removed or covered up. Promotional or other advertising
material must not be distributed;
Allocation and distribution of daily permits to accredited ENRs will be implemented by the
IOC and managed from the IOC Media Operations Office at the MPC; and
Access into the Champions Park for accredited ENRs who have received a daily permit,
and are carrying equipment, will be monitored by Paris 2024 and granted through a
designated gate.
N.b.: Paris 2024 and the IOC may, at their discretion, further limit the number of Non-Rights Holders
within the Champions Park on particular days/times.
Specific Rules for the Marathon Pour Tous
37) Recognising the unique nature of the Marathon Pour Tous, a limited number of Non-MRHs
(provided they are holders of ENR accreditations and in possession of a permit), will be
permitted access with equipment to the Marathon Pour Tous’ dedicated mixed zones (only),
and will be allowed to record video/audio interviews within such dedicated mixed zones for
Distribution in accordance with these NARs as Olympic Material (included within the total six
(6) minutes per day referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Section II) and subject to the following
additional conditions:
a) There shall be no live Broadcasts or play-by-play commentary or analogous coverage of
the Marathon Pour Tous;
b) No material filmed or recorded in the Marathon Pour Tous may be made available to third
parties, with the exception of Non-MRHs who are IOC Official Recognised World News
Agencies who are entitled to make such material available to their affiliates and subscribers.
c) Non-MRHs may not erect any freestanding facilities of any type within the dedicated mixed
zones at the Marathon Pour Tous at any time.
38) Access to Non-MRHs will be granted by Paris 2024 -under the direction of the IOC- to:
a maximum of five (5) domestic Television Non-MRHs (holders of ENR accreditations) -
each permit will apply to a crew of three (3) people and one (1) camera-; and a maximum
of three (3) domestic Radio Non-MRHs (holders of ENR accreditations) -each permit will
apply to a crew of two (2) people and one (1) microphone/recorder for a Radio Non-MRH-;
a maximum of five (5) international Television Non-MRHs and a maximum of five (5)
international Radio Non-MRHs (both holders of ENR accreditations) -each permit will apply
to a crew of three (3) people and one (1) camera for a Television Non-MRH and a crew of
two (2) people and one (1) microphone/recorder for a Radio Non-MRH);
Any branding on crew members’ clothing or equipment must be minimal and unobtrusive.
Paris 2024 and/or the IOC, at their discretion, may require that any branding be removed
or covered up. Promotional or other advertising material must not be distributed;
Allocation and distribution of permits to accredited ENRs will be implemented by the IOC
and managed from the IOC Media Operations Office at the MPC; and
Access into the Marathon Pour Tous for accredited ENRs who have received a permit, and
are carrying equipment, will be monitored by Paris 2024 and granted through designated
39) NINE, Paris 2024 and the IOC will monitor compliance with these News Access Rules for the
duration of the Olympic Games.
40) The IOC reserves the right to revoke access permits under these News Access Rules for Non-
Rights Holders within Olympic Venues for the duration of the Olympic Games, aside from any
other sanctions, in the event of any breach. In the case of breach of these News Access Rules,
the IOC shall notify the Non-Rights holder in writing of the breach, offer the Non-Rights holder
the opportunity to participate in a meeting with the IOC at the MPC to express its position and,
depending upon the circumstances, the IOC may suspend the Non-Rights holder’s access to
any Olympic Venues until further notice. Non-Rights holders shall be given a maximum of
twenty-four (24) hours as of the meeting with the IOC to cure the breach or demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the IOC that it is not in breach of the News Access Rule. Failing this, Non-Rights
holder’s accreditation and any other access to an Olympic Venue, as well as access to the
Olympic Material may be revoked. Such actions by the IOC shall be without prejudice to
possible legal action and/or claim for damages by the IOC.
41) The accreditation of any organisation or person(s) accredited at the Olympic Games may be
withdrawn without notice, at the sole discretion of the IOC, if the News Access Rules are
breached or for purposes of ensuring compliance with these News Access Rules.
42) These News Access Rules shall be in effect from the opening of the Olympic Villages on 18
July 2024 until the closing of the Olympic Villages on 13 August 2024. The IOC reserves the
right to amend these News Access Rules as it deems appropriate. The IOC Executive Board
shall be the final authority with respect to the interpretation and implementation of these News
Access Rules.
43) Any dispute, controversy or claim arising from or in connection with the execution or
interpretation of these News Access Rules or breach thereof not resolved after exhaustion of
the legal remedies established by the IOC, and which cannot be settled amicably:
(a) if during the Games Period, shall be submitted exclusively to the CAS Ad Hoc Division for
the Olympic Games for final and binding arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration
Rules applicable to the CAS ad hoc division for the Olympic Games; or
(b) if outside of the Games Period, shall be submitted exclusively to the CAS for final and
binding arbitration in accordance with the Code of Sports-related Arbitration.
Unless the parties agree otherwise, the CAS Panel shall be composed of three arbitrators and
the language of the arbitration shall be English.
The CAS Panel will decide the dispute in application of these NARS, any other applicable IOC
regulation and Swiss law.
44) Additional “IOC Social and Digital Media Guidelines for persons accredited to the Games of the
XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024 apply.
45) The IOC and NINE intend to protect the exclusive television, Pay Television, Digital and radio
rights to Transmit Paris 2024, as granted by the IOC, to the Rights Holders and Licensees within
their Territories, and as such will vigorously enforce these News Access Rules.
“All-News Network” means a channel which has news as its sole or predominant content.
“Bona Fide News Organisation” is an organisation which provides news services as one of its
services or as its only service.
“CAS” means the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
“Champions Park” means the Olympic Venue located in Trocadéro Gardens, at the foot of the Eiffel
Tower dedicated to congratulating athletes following their respective competitions.
“Digital Platforms” means all digital delivery platforms including the Internet, Mobile, applications,
social media platforms. For the avoidance of doubt, it does not include any digital Television or Radio.
“ENR” means accredited Non-Rights Holder.
“Games Marks” means the official emblem, mascot, pictograms and other identifications,
designations, logos and insignias identifying the Olympic Games and does not include the Olympic
“Geoblocked” means a broadcast being restricted to within the specified territory.
“Hard News Program means News Programs focusing primarily on multiple local, regional, national
or international current events.
“IBC” means the International Broadcast Centre.
“IOC” means the International Olympic Committee.
myInfo” means the IOC’s Olympic Games Information System Service.
“MPC” means the Main Press Centre.
“News Agency” means a media organisation whose primary business is the reporting and
syndicating of news.
“News Programs” means regularly scheduled daily news programs of which the actual news element
constitutes the main feature and which, for the avoidance of doubt, does not include news promos and
updates, entertainment programs, entertainment news programs, sports programs or special programs.
“Non-Rights Holder or NRH” means broadcast media organisations who have not been granted the
right to broadcast the Olympic Games in a particular territory.
“OBS” means the Olympic Broadcasting Services, the host broadcaster of the Olympic Games.
“Olympic Event” means any official activity or event that occurs primarily at an Olympic Venue during
the Games or that is related to the Games, including, without limitation, training sessions, sporting
action, Opening, Closing and Victory Ceremonies, interviews, press conferences and any other activity
that occurs or is originated at an Olympic Venue.
“Olympic Games” or “Games” means the Olympic Games Paris 2024, to be held between 26 July
2024 11 August 2024.
“Olympic Marks” means the Olympic Symbol and the Games Marks.
“Olympic Material” means sounds or moving images of any Olympic event, wherever and whenever
broadcast and however sourced, including sporting action, Opening and Closing ceremonies, medal
ceremonies or other activities which occur at Olympic Venues.
“Olympic Symbol” means the five interlaced rings.
“Olympic Venues” shall include all venues which require an Olympic accreditation card, ticket or areas
that have non-ticketed public access, but which are Olympic areas containing the look of the Games
branding and requiring security checks or other forms of controlled entry. Olympic Venues include the
Olympic village, the competition venues, the training and practice venues, IBC and MPC, the
Champions Park venue, the Marathon Pour Tous venue and areas immediately surrounding any of the
preceding. For the purposes of these guidelines, monuments and landmarks located within an Olympic
Venue are excluded from this definition whenever filmed and/or recorded without any look of the Games
branding or any Olympic Event.
“ONA” means Olympic Television News Agency, the ad hoc news agency, which is operated by OBS,
which provides news access to world News Agencies and other Non-Rights Holders in accordance with
these News Access Rules and the policies of the IOC.
“Opening Ceremony” means the inaugural event of the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024, to
take place in Paris, France on 26 July 2024.
“Paris 2024” means the Organizing Committee of the XXXIII Olympic Games and Paralympic Games
of Paris 2024.
Podcastmeans audio News Program, regularly scheduled, that are stored in digital form and
accessible via the Internet or a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series prior to the
issuing of these NAR.
“Radio” means the broadcast of linear audio programming by means of electronic signals via radio
waves, intended for intelligible reception on conventional radios, cable radios and satellite radios. For
the avoidance of doubt, Radio shall specifically exclude, without limitation, the Internet, radio
downloading, video streaming and any other form of video-on-demand, Internet exhibition, exhibition
via any interactive media and/or wireless platforms and devices (including mobile telephones, tablets
and similar devices).
“Rights Holding Broadcaster/Rights Holder” means a corporation who has been granted the right
to broadcast the Olympic Games in a particular territory.
Simulcast” means simultaneous and unmodified linear transmission via the Internet.
“Television means the broadcast of a linear audiovisual programming by means of electronic signals
intended for intelligible reception on the screen of conventional television monitors. Notwithstanding the
foregoing and for the avoidance of doubt, Television shall specifically exclude, without limitation,
Internet, video downloading, video streaming (whether on-demand or as a simultaneous transmission
of the Television broadcast), Internet exhibition, exhibition via any interactive media and/or wireless
platforms and devices (including mobile telephones, tablets and similar devices) home video, future
media and radio.