IARC Evidence Summary Brief No. 4
Every year cervical cancer kills nearly
350 000 women globally, 90% of whom
live in low- and middle-income countries
(LMICs). More than 95% of cervical
cancers are caused by oncogenic types of
human papillomavirus (HPV).
The vaccine against HPV is very safe
and highly eective in preventing cervical
cancer. Thus, a fundamental pillar of the
strategy to eliminate cervical cancer is
reaching the goal of vaccinating 90% of
girls with the HPV vaccine by the age of
15 years.
However, suicient and regular access
to HPV vaccines remains a signicant
challenge in LMICs. Moreover, the multiple-
dose schedule of HPV vaccination can
make vaccination programmes logistically
more complex, more expensive, and less
resilient to vaccine supply disruptions.
The optimization of the HPV vaccination
schedule is expected to improve access
to the vaccine, oering countries the
opportunity to expand the number of girls
who can be vaccinated and alleviating
the burden of the oen complicated and
expensive follow-up required to complete
the vaccination series. It is vital that
countries strengthen their HPV vaccination
programmes, expedite implementation,
and reverse the declines in coverage.
IARC has implemented studies to
accelerate cervical cancer elimination by
making HPV vaccination more eicient
and eective. These include (i) evaluating
the eicacy of single-dose HPV
vaccination, (ii) evaluating a new HPV
vaccine, and (iii) making evidence-based
projections of the public health impact of
single-dose HPV vaccination.
In 2020, WHO launched a Global Strategy
to Eliminate Cervical Cancer as a Public
Health Problem.
That goal is supported by three key
strategic pillars, with the following
targets: primary prevention (90% of
girls aged 9–14 years vaccinated with
the HPV vaccine), secondary prevention
(70% of women screened using a high-
performance test twice in their lifetime,
by ages 35 years and 45 years, and 90%
of women with precancer treated), and
tertiary prevention (90% of women with
invasive cancer managed).
Introduction of the HPV vaccine has
been slow, particularly in LMICs but also
in high-income countries. In 2021, global
coverage with two doses was only 15%.
Reasons for the low coverage of HPV
vaccination include:
the HPV vaccine is one of the most
expensive vaccines to be introduced in
routine immunization programmes;
a shortage of vaccine supply forced
many LMICs to defer the planned
introduction of vaccination;
contacting adolescent girls for the
second dose is challenging; and
vaccine hesitancy has been
exceptionally high for this gender-
specic vaccine (girls are the priority
target population).
Major strengths of IARC’s evidence of single-dose vaccine eicacy
Previous studies have suggested that one dose of HPV vaccine could be as eicacious
as two or three doses in healthy women. However, the small numbers of participants
highlighted the need for additional evidence to conrm the preliminary results.
IARC conducted a large study in which 15 000 girls who received one, two, or three doses
of HPV vaccine were followed up for more than 10 years with immunological testing; aer
women were married, vaccine eicacy against persistent HPV infection was evaluated by
paired age groups.
The strong evidence provided by this study contributed signicantly to the World
Health Organization (WHO) Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE)
changing the recommendation on HPV vaccination to one dose (the o-label single-dose
Protection from a Single Dose
of HPV Vaccine
A major public health impact
from IARC studies of vaccine eicacy
IARC Evidence Summary Brief No. 4
IARC Evidence Summary Brief No. 4
Evaluating the eicacy of
single-dose HPV vaccination
In September 2009, IARC initiated a
multicentre randomized trial, funded
by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
to compare the eicacy of two versus
three doses of the quadrivalent HPV
vaccine (Gardasil) in unmarried girls aged
10–18 years in India.
The trial was converted into a
longitudinal cohort study by default aer
the abrupt suspension of HPV vaccination
in any trial by the Government of India in
April 2010. By then, 4348 participants had
received three doses, 4980 had received
two doses (at 0 and 6 months), and
4949 had received one dose. Aer they
were married, vaccinated women and
a control cohort of 1484 unvaccinated
women provided samples annually for
surveillance of HPV infection. At age
25 years, vaccinated women and a control
cohort of 3500 unvaccinated women were
invited for cervical screening. Women
who were HPV-positive at screening
underwent colposcopy and biopsy.
In addition, blood samples for
immunological assays were obtained at
dierent time points (at 7, 12, 18, 24, 36,
48, and 60 months) up to 10 years aer
vaccination from a convenience sample
of vaccinated participants and a control
group of age-matched unvaccinated
women. All laboratory assays were
performed independently and in a
blinded manner.
“The outcomes of this trial are expected to improve accessibility of HPV vaccine
and improve vaccine supply, especially for LMICs.
– Dr Partha Basu,
Early Detection, Prevention, and Infections Branch, IARC
Key evidence messages
With one third or one half of the cost per person, policy-makers and governments can save nancial resources.
One dose of HPV vaccine provides similar protection to that provided by two or three doses against persistent infection with HPV16 and HPV18,
the genotypes responsible for nearly 70% of cervical cancers.
A single-dose schedule should reduce programme costs and facilitate the scaling up of HPV vaccination to improve the vaccination coverage.
A single-dose schedule is likely to simplify logistics and make programmes more resilient by enabling multi-age catch-up and vaccination of boys.
A single-dose schedule will probably be more acceptable to the population.
Adequate supplies of new vaccines will be a huge step to accelerate cervical cancer elimination in LMICs and globally.
With the three or two doses previously used per girl, a boy and a girl could now be vaccinated, increasing the herd eect and improving
programme resilience.
Call to action
Policy-makers globally should introduce HPV vaccination with
one or two doses for girls, as recommended by WHO.
Vaccine manufacturers should ensure equity in
access to HPV vaccines, particularly in LMICs.
Immunization programme managers should assess
strategies to improve HPV vaccination coverage that could
include the use of a single-dose schedule.
IARC Evidence Summary Brief No. 4
Key ndings of IARC’s single-dose
vaccine eicacy trial
The IARC study found that even aer
only one dose of vaccine, there is a high
and long-lasting immune response
10 years later. The antibody response
indicates that the protection is unlikely to
fade anytime soon. The immunological
ndings are consistent with the single-
dose vaccine’s high eicacy against
persistent HPV16/18 infections. The
results show that a single dose of the
vaccine is as eective as two or three
doses in preventing persistent HPV16
and HPV18 infections (see Figure 1).
No cases of high-grade cervical
precancers were associated with HPV16
or HPV18 in any of the vaccinated women
who underwent screening.
Evaluating a new HPV vaccine
Currently there are six licensed HPV
vaccines: three bivalent vaccines
(Cecolin, Cervarix, and Walrinvax), two
quadrivalent vaccines (Cervavac and
Gardasil), and one nonavalent vaccine
(Gardasil 9). For these vaccines, most
LMICs pay about US$ 10 per dose for
their immunization programmes, and
there is a global shortage of supply.
The Serum Institute of India has
developed a quadrivalent HPV vaccine
(Cervavac), which is likely to cost less
than previous HPV vaccines as a result
of a novel production system and local
production in India.
IARC was part of a collaboration
between the Serum Institute of India,
the Department of Biotechnology of
the Government of India, and the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation to design
phase II/III randomized trials to evaluate
this new vaccine and to implement the
trial at several sites in India.
The Drugs Controller General of
India, the country’s licensing authority,
agreed to license the new vaccine if its
immunogenicity could be proved to be
non-inferior to that of Gardasil with a
good safety prole.
The study, which involved girls and
boys aged 9–14 years (two-dose cohort)
and women and men aged 15–26 years
(three-dose cohort), was completed
Quadrivalent vaccine protects against HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18, which cause most HPV-
associated cancers and genital warts.
Vaccine eicacy was calculated as 1 minus the HPV infection rate in the vaccinated group,
divided by the HPV infection rate in the unvaccinated group.
Incident infection was dened as the detection of an HPV type in any one sample.
Persistent infection was dened as the detection of the same HPV type in two consecutive
samples taken at least 10 months apart.
Each enrolled participant contributed once to persistent infections, once to incident
infections, or both.
Immunogenicity is the antibody response.
“Eliminating cervical cancer is a commitment we have made and can
do. We can accelerate the timeline towards elimination by investing in
research and innovation. These important trials from IARC have helped
inform policy recommendations by
WHO and facilitate our support to
governments and other stakeholders
to eliminate cervical cancer together.
– Dr Bente Mikkelsen,
Director of Noncommunicable Diseases, WHO
Fig. 1 Evolution of immune responses against HPV16 and HPV18 over time in the recipients of a single dose or three doses of HPV vaccine. *Blood was col-
lected from three-dose recipients at 7 months and from single-dose recipients at 12 months aer dose 1.
IARC Evidence Summary Brief No. 4
successfully. The new vaccine was
found to be highly immunogenic, and
immunogenic non-inferiority compared
to women aged 15–26 years who
received Gardasil was demonstrated in
both girls and boys against the targeted
HPV types. The safety prole was also
comparable to that of Gardasil. Aer
reviewing the study outcomes, the
Indian regulators approved marketing
authorization for the new vaccine for
females and males aged 9–26 years.
An approval by the Drugs Controller
General will enable the Government
of India to procure enough doses of
HPV vaccine produced by the Serum
Institute of India because nearly
50 million girls aged 9–14 years in India
are waiting to receive the vaccine. The
introduction of the new HPV vaccines
that have recently been developed
(Cervavac, Cecolin, and Walrinvax) will
be a huge step to accelerate cervical
cancer elimination in India and globally,
and an option to improve access and
Evidence-based projections of the
public health impact of single-dose
HPV vaccination
IARC projected the health benets
and potential economic impact of a
national single-dose HPV vaccination
programme for girls in India. The
study found that such a vaccination
programme could substantially reduce
the incidence of cervical cancer, to
below the incidence rate established
by WHO as the threshold for the
elimination of cervical cancer as a
public health problem (see Figure 2).
If HPV vaccination is introduced now,
it could prevent almost 1 million cases
of cervical cancer over the lifetime of
the birth cohort currently aged 10 years
or younger. This study complements
existing evidence that single-dose
HPV vaccination could be an eective,
eicient, and cost-eective strategy for
cervical cancer prevention in India and
other LMICs.
This mathematical economic modelling
study showed that the introduction of
single-dose HPV vaccination in India
is likely to be cost-eective. Two-dose
vaccination would have a less favourable
cost–eectiveness prole. These results
“With the new safe, highly eective, and aordable
vaccine, LMICs are on the way to universalizing
national-level HPV vaccination programmes.
– Professor Neerja Bhatla,
Past Chair of Womens Cancer Committee, FIGO
Fig. 2 Projected impact of single-dose HPV vaccination of girls on cervical cancer incidence in India.
Current WHO HPV vaccine recommendations (2022):
IARC Evidence Summary Brief No. 4
could be used by health oicials in the
Indian government in their decision-
making on the introduction of HPV
vaccination and could convey several
lessons for implementation in other
New WHO recommendations
In April 2022, WHO SAGE evaluated the
evidence that has recently emerged
that single-dose schedules provide
comparable eicacy to two-dose or
three-dose schedules.
The WHO SAGE review concluded that
a single-dose HPV schedule delivers solid
protection against HPV, comparable
to that of a two-dose schedule. WHO
advised that countries may now choose
between a one-dose or two-dose
schedule for girls aged 9–14 years.
Implications: early policy
changes aer the new WHO
IARC studies contributed signicantly to
the new single-dose recommendation
from WHO, and countries in all parts
of the world are planning to switch or
have already switched to a one-dose
schedule, including Albania, Australia,
Cabo Verde, Ireland, Mexico, Solomon
Islands, Tonga, and the United Kingdom.
Several National Immunization
Technical Advisory Groups in GAVI-
eligible countries have already
recommended a single-dose schedule
and may soon introduce HPV
vaccination, including in Bangladesh,
India, and Nigeria.
Indian citizens who participated in the Evaluation of the eicacy of single-dose HPV vaccination trial, and Indian investigators and collaborators
involved in this study from Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad; Christian Fellowship Community Health Centre, Ambilikkai; Nargis
Dutt Memorial Cancer Hospital, Barshi; Mehdi Nawaj Jung Cancer Institute Hyderabad; Cancer Foundation of India, Kolkata; Civil Hospital, Aizawl,
Mizoram; Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai; All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi; Jehangir Clinical Development Centre, Pune; Sir Thodup
Namgyal Memorial Hospital, Gangtok, Sikkim; and Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram.
We are very grateful to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for their generous nancial support, and to the European Commission Seventh
Framework Programme grant HPV-AHEAD (FP7-HEALTH-2011-282562) for partial support for the establishment of the laboratory at Rajiv Gandhi
Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan, former Principal Investigator; Partha Basu, Principal Investigator; Richard Muwonge, co-Investigator; Eric Lucas,
co-Investigator; Tarik Gheit, co-Investigator; Iacopo Baussano, co-Investigator; Irene Man, co-Investigator; International Agency for Research on
Cancer, Lyon, France.
Key references
Joshi et al. (2023). Vaccine. 41(1):236–45. PMID:36446654
Man et al. (2022). Lancet Oncol. 23(11):1419–29. PMID:36174583
Basu et al. (2021). Lancet Oncol. 22(11):1518–29. PMID:34634254
Photo credit: Adobe Stock by terovesalainen (banner, p. 1), © 2022 Joshi et al., published by Elsevier Ltd under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://crea
tivecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) (p. 3, top), © WHO/PAHO (p. 3, bottom), compiled from Man et al. (2022), published by Elsevier Ltd (p. 4, top)
The mention of specic companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by WHO or
contributing agencies in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary
products are distinguished by initial capital letters.
For more information about HPV vaccine trials, please email b[email protected]
To cite this Brief
IARC (2023). Protection from a Single Dose of HPV Vaccine: A major public health impact from IARC studies of vaccine eicacy (IARC Evidence
Summary Briefs, No. 4). Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: https://www.iarc.who.int/evidence-summary-
For information on the IARC Evidence Summary Briefs series, please email evidencebriefseries@iarc.who.int
April 2023
“These recommendations will pave the way for
more girls and women to be vaccinated and thus
prevent cervical cancer.
– Professor Rakesh Aggarwal,
WHO SAGE member