Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
MMWR / December 16, 2016 / Vol. 65 / No. 49 1405
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) is rec-
ommended to prevent HPV infections and HPV-associated
diseases, including cancers. Routine vaccination at age 11 or
12 years has been recommended by the Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices (ACIP) since 2006 for females
and since 2011 for males (1,2). This report provides recom-
mendations and guidance regarding use of HPV vaccines and
updates ACIP HPV vaccination recommendations previously
published in 2014 and 2015 (1,2). This report includes new
recommendations for use of a 2-dose schedule for girls and
boys who initiate the vaccination series at ages 9 through
14 years. Three doses remain recommended for persons who
initiate the vaccination series at ages 15 through 26 years and
for immunocompromised persons.
HPV infection causes cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers
in women; penile cancers in men; and oropharyngeal and anal
cancers as well as genital warts in both men and women (3).
Three HPV vaccines are licensed for use in the United States.
All are noninfectious. Quadrivalent and 9-valent HPV vac-
cines (4vHPV and 9vHPV, Gardasil and Gardasil 9, Merck
and Co, Inc., Whitehouse Station, New Jersey) are licensed for
use in females and males aged 9 through 26 years (1). Bivalent
HPV vaccine (2vHPV, Cervarix, GlaxoSmithKline, Rixensart,
Belgium) is licensed for use in females aged 9 through 25 years
(1). As of late 2016, only 9vHPV is being distributed in the
United States. The majority of all HPV-associated cancers are
caused by HPV 16 or 18, types targeted by all three vaccines.
In addition, 4vHPV targets HPV 6 and 11, types that cause
genital warts. 9vHPV protects against these and five additional
types: HPV 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58. All three vaccines have been
approved for administration in a 3-dose series at intervals of
0, 1 or 2, and 6 months. In October 2016, after considering
new clinical trial results (4), the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) also approved 9vHPV for use in a 2-dose series for
girls and boys aged 9 through 14 years (5). In October 2016,
ACIP recommended a 2-dose schedule for adolescents initiat-
ing HPV vaccination in this age range. This report provides
recommendations for use of 2-dose and 3-dose schedules for
HPV vaccination.
During November 2015–October 2016, the ACIP HPV
Vaccines Work Group held monthly telephone conferences
to 1) review and evaluate the quality of the evidence assessing
immunogenicity, efficacy, and postlicensure effectiveness of a
2-dose schedule; 2) consider benefits and harms of a 2-dose
schedule; 3) weigh the variability in the values and preferences
of patients and providers for a 2-dose schedule; and 4) examine
health economic analyses. During teleconferences, summaries
of findings were presented for Work Group discussion.
A systematic review was conducted to identify studies
involving human subjects* that reported primary data on
any important or critical health outcomes related to HPV
after 2 doses of 9vHPV, 4vHPV, or 2vHPV,
administered at an interval of 0 and ≥6 months (±4 weeks) to
Use of a 2-Dose Schedule for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination — Updated
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
Elissa Meites, MD
; Allison Kempe, MD
; Lauri E. Markowitz, MD
Recommendations for use of vaccines in children, adolescents
and adults are developed by the Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP). ACIP is chartered as
a federal advisory committee to provide expert external
advice and guidance to the Director of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on use of
vaccines and related agents for the control of vaccine-
preventable diseases in the civilian population of the United
States. Recommendations for use of vaccines in children
and adolescents are harmonized to the greatest extent
possible with recommendations made by the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of
Family Physicians (AAFP), and the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Recommendations
for routine use of vaccines in adults are harmonized with
recommendations of AAFP, ACOG, and the American
College of Physicians (ACP). ACIP recommendations
approved by the CDC Director become agency guidelines
on the date published in the Morbidity and Mortality
Weekly Report (MMWR). Additional information about
ACIP is available at
* No primary data on special populations or medical conditions, including
immunocompromising conditions, were available for 2-dose intervals and age
ranges specified.
No primary data on other important and critical outcomes, including genital warts,
precancers, oropharyngeal cancer, anal cancer, cervical cancer, vaginal/vulvar cancer,
and penile cancer, were available for 2-dose intervals and age ranges specified.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
1406 MMWR / December 16, 2016 / Vol. 65 / No. 49 US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
persons aged 9 through 14 years. The review focused on this
age group given available 2-dose trial data for 9vHPV (4).
Immunogenicity outcomes of interest were seroconversion,
geometric mean titers (GMTs), or antibody avidity. Studies
were excluded if they lacked a comparison group in which
efficacy of 3 doses of HPV vaccine against clinical endpoints
was demonstrated in clinical trials (e.g., females aged 15
through 26 years).
Evidence regarding a 3-dose schedule for
HPV vaccine was reviewed previously (1,2).
Quality of evidence was evaluated using the Grading of
Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation
(GRADE) approach. Detailed methods and GRADE tables
can be found online (6). Other studies from the search and
from the broader literature informed additional expert guid-
ance that extended beyond the research question addressed
formally via GRADE analysis (7). Evidence was reviewed by
the Work Group, summarized, and publicly presented at the
February and June 2016 ACIP meetings. CDC vaccine rec-
ommendations are developed using the GRADE framework
(8). Proposed recommendations were presented, and after a
public comment period, were approved unanimously
by the
voting ACIP members at the October 2016 ACIP meeting.
Summary of Key Findings
Immunogenicity. In the 9vHPV clinical trial that was the
basis for FDA approval of a 2-dose series, participants were
girls and boys aged 9 through 14 years, compared with young
females aged 16 through 26 years (4). Among 1,377 partici-
pants, ≥97.9% seroconverted to all nine vaccine-preventable
HPV types by 4 weeks after the last dose. For girls and boys
who received 2 doses of 9vHPV 6 months apart (0, 6 month
schedule) or 12 months apart (0, 12 month schedule), non-
inferiority criteria were met for seroconversion and GMTs.
Furthermore, GMTs were significantly higher for all 9vHPV
types among persons aged 9 through 14 years who received 2
doses compared with females aged 16–26 years who received
3 doses (0, 2, 6 month schedule). Six additional studies found
similar results for 4vHPV and 2vHPV (6). Immunogenicity
was found to be noninferior with 2 doses in persons aged 9
through 14 years compared with 3 doses in a group in which
clinical efficacy was demonstrated (GRADE evidence type 3).
Efficacy and effectiveness. Although efficacy and postlicen-
sure effectiveness studies were reviewed, none met the inclusion
criteria detailed above. The prelicensure HPV vaccine efficacy
trials were conducted with 3-dose series; post hoc analyses con-
ducted with data from some of these trials found high efficacy
against infection among vaccinees who received 2 doses and
those who received 3 doses (9,10). A large study comparing
2 doses with 3 doses also suggested similar efficacy against
infection (11). Postlicensure effectiveness studies have found
lower effectiveness against various HPV-associated outcomes
among vaccinees who received 2 doses compared with those
who received 3 doses, but methodologic challenges with these
studies limit interpretation of the findings.**
Duration of protection. Through 10 years of follow-up
from clinical trials, no evidence of waning protection after
a 3-dose series of HPV vaccine has been found (1). Because
antibody kinetics are similar with 2-dose and 3-dose series,
duration of protection is also expected to be long-lasting after
a 2-dose series (12,13).
Health impact and cost-effectiveness modeling.
Population-level effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of 2-dose
and 3-dose schedules of 9vHPV in the United States have been
modeled (14). Assuming both efficacy and duration of protec-
tion are similar with either schedule, a 2-dose series would be
cost-saving and have similar population impact to a 3-dose
series. Even if duration of protection is 20 years for a 2-dose
series and lifelong for a 3-dose series, additional benefits of
a 3-dose series would be relatively small, and a 2-dose series
would be more cost-effective (14).
HPV vaccines are highly effective and safe, and a powerful pre-
vention tool for reducing HPV infections and HPV-associated
cancers (1,2). Based on the available immunogenicity evidence,
a 2-dose schedule (0, 6–12 months) will have efficacy equivalent
to a 3-dose schedule (0, 1–2, 6 months) if the HPV vaccination
series is initiated before the 15th birthday (GRADE evidence
type 3) (6). ACIP recommends a 2-dose schedule for HPV vac-
cination of girls and boys who initiate the vaccination series at
ages 9 through 14 years (Category A recommendation).
Routine and catch-up age groups. ACIP recommends
routine HPV vaccination at age 11 or 12 years. Vaccination
can be given starting at age 9 years. ACIP also recommends
vaccination for females through age 26 years and for males
through age 21 years who were not adequately vaccinated
previously. Males aged 22 through 26 years may be vaccinated.
(See also: Special populations, Medical conditions)
Dosing schedules. For persons initiating vaccination before
their 15th birthday, the recommended immunization sched-
ule is 2 doses of HPV vaccine. The second dose should be
Studies were excluded when 2-dose interval was not ≥5 months.
Twelve votes to none, with one recusal.
** In studies conducted in the setting of a 3-dose HPV vaccine recommendation
or policy, many 2-dose recipients received HPV vaccine doses at a 1–2 month
interval; in addition, 2-dose recipients differed from 3-dose recipients in ways
that suggested differences in HPV exposure.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
MMWR / December 16, 2016 / Vol. 65 / No. 49 1407
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
administered 6–12 months after the first dose (0, 6–12 month
For persons initiating vaccination on or after their 15th
birthday, the recommended immunization schedule is 3 doses
of HPV vaccine. The second dose should be administered
1–2 months after the first dose, and the third dose should be
administered 6 months after the first dose (0, 1–2, 6 month
Persons vaccinated previously. Persons who initiated vac-
cination with 9vHPV, 4vHPV, or 2vHPV before their 15th
birthday, and received 2 doses of any HPV vaccine at the
recommended dosing schedule (0, 6–12 months), or 3 doses
of any HPV vaccine at the recommended dosing schedule (0,
1–2, 6 months), are considered adequately vaccinated.
Persons who initiated vaccination with 9vHPV, 4vHPV, or
2vHPV on or after their 15th birthday, and received 3 doses
of any HPV vaccine at the recommended dosing schedule, are
considered adequately vaccinated.
9vHPV may be used to continue or complete a vaccination
series started with 4vHPV or 2vHPV.
For persons who have been adequately vaccinated with
2vHPV or 4vHPV, there is no ACIP recommendation regard-
ing additional vaccination with 9vHPV.
Interrupted schedules. If the vaccination schedule is inter-
rupted, the series does not need to be restarted. The number
of recommended doses is based on age at administration of
the first dose.
Special populations. For children with a history of sexual
abuse or assault, ACIP recommends routine HPV vaccination
beginning at age 9 years.
For men who have sex with men,
ACIP recommends
routine HPV vaccination as for all males, and vaccination
through age 26 years for those who were not adequately vac-
cinated previously.
For transgender persons, ACIP recommends routine
HPV vaccination as for all adolescents, and vaccination
through age 26 years for those who were not adequately
vaccinated previously.
Medical conditions. ACIP recommends vaccination with 3
doses of HPV vaccine (0, 1–2, 6 months) for females and males
aged 9 through 26 years with primary or secondary immuno-
compromising conditions that might reduce cell-mediated
or humoral immunity,*** such as B lymphocyte antibody
deficiencies, T lymphocyte complete or partial defects, HIV
infection, malignant neoplasms, transplantation, autoimmune
disease, or immunosuppressive therapy, because immune
response to vaccination might be attenuated (Table) (7).
Contraindications and precautions. Contraindications
and precautions, including those related to pregnancy, are
unchanged from previous recommendations (1,2). Adverse
events occurring after administration of any vaccine should
be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
(VAERS). Reports can be submitted to VAERS online, by fax,
or by mail. Additional information about VAERS is available by
telephone (1-800-822-7967) or online (
TABLE. Recommended number of doses and intervals for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, by age at series initiation and medical conditions —
United States, 2016
Recommended number of
HPV vaccine doses
Recommended interval
between doses
Persons initiating HPV vaccination at ages 9 through 14 years,* except
immunocompromised persons
2 0, 6–12 months
Persons initiating HPV vaccination at ages 15 through 26 years
immunocompromised persons
initiating HPV vaccination at ages 9 through 26 years
3 0, 1–2, 6 months**
* ACIP recommends routine HPV vaccination for adolescents at age 11 or 12 years; vaccination may be given starting at age 9 years.
Persons with primary or secondary immunocompromising conditions that might reduce cell-mediated or humoral immunity (see also: Medical conditions)
In a 2-dose schedule of HPV vaccine, the minimum interval between the first and second doses is 5 months.
For persons who were not adequately vaccinated previously, ACIP recommends vaccination for females through age 26 years and for males through age
21 years; males ages 22 through 26 years may be vaccinated. Vaccination is recommended for some persons aged 22 through 26 years; see Medical conditions
and Special populations.
** In a 3-dose schedule of HPV vaccine, the minimum intervals are 4 weeks between the first and second doses, 12 weeks between the second and third doses, and
5 months between the first and third doses.
In a 2-dose schedule of HPV vaccine, the minimum interval between the first
and second doses is 5 months. If the second dose is administered after a shorter
interval, a third dose should be administered a minimum of 12 weeks after
the second dose and a minimum of 5 months after the first dose.
In a 3-dose schedule of HPV vaccine, the minimum intervals are 4 weeks
between the first and second doses, 12 weeks between the second and third
doses, and 5 months between the first and third doses. If a vaccine dose is
administered after a shorter interval, it should be readministered after another
minimum interval has elapsed since the most recent dose.
Including men who identify as gay or bisexual, or who intend to have sex
with men.
*** The recommendation for a 3-dose schedule of HPV vaccine does not apply
to children aged <15 years with asplenia, asthma, chronic granulomatous
disease, chronic liver disease, chronic lung disease, chronic renal disease,
central nervous system anatomic barrier defects (e.g., cochlear implant),
complement deficiency, diabetes, heart disease, or sickle cell disease.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
1408 MMWR / December 16, 2016 / Vol. 65 / No. 49 US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Members of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
(ACIP) (member roster for July 2016–June 2017 is available online
html); ACIP HPV Vaccines Work Group: Jorge E. Arana, MD,
Atlanta, Georgia; Joseph Bocchini, MD, Shreveport, Louisiana;
Harrell Chesson, PhD, Atlanta, Georgia; Tamera Coyne-Beasley,
MD, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; C. Robinette Curtis, MD, Atlanta,
Georgia; Carolyn D. Deal, PhD, Bethesda, Maryland; Shelley Deeks,
MD, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; John Douglas, MD, Greenwood
Village, Colorado; Linda Eckert, MD, Seattle, Washington; Sandra
Adamson Fryhofer, MD, Atlanta, Georgia; Julianne Gee, MPH,
Atlanta, Georgia; Bruce G. Gellin, MD, Washington, DC; Samuel
Katz, MD, Durham, North Carolina; Alison Kempe, MD, Denver,
Colorado (Chair); Aimée R. Kreimer, PhD, Bethesda, Maryland;
Joohee Lee, MD, Silver Spring, Maryland; Lauri E. Markowitz,
MD, Atlanta, Georgia (CDC Lead); Elissa Meites, MD, Atlanta,
Georgia; Amy B. Middleman, MD, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma;
Chris Nyquist, MD, Denver, Colorado; Sean O’Leary, MD, Aurora,
Colorado; Sara E. Oliver, MD, Atlanta, Georgia; Cynthia Pellegrini,
Washington, DC; Jeff Roberts, MD; Rockville, Maryland; José R.
Romero, MD, Little Rock, Arkansas; Jeanne Santoli, MD, Atlanta,
Georgia; Mona Saraiya, MD, Atlanta, Georgia; Debbie Saslow,
PhD, Atlanta, Georgia; Margot Savoy, MD, Wilmington, Delaware;
Shannon Stokley, DrPH, Atlanta, Georgia; Lakshmi Sukumaran,
MD, Atlanta, Georgia; Elizabeth R. Unger, PhD, MD, Atlanta,
Georgia; Patricia Whitley-Williams, MD, New Brunswick, New
Jersey; Rodney Willoughby, MD, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin; JoEllen
Wolicki, Atlanta, Georgia; Sixun Yang, MD, Rockville, Maryland;
Jane Zucker, MD, New York, New York.
Division of Viral Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory
Diseases, CDC;
HPV Vaccines Work Group, Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices, Atlanta, Georgia;
Department of Pediatrics, University
of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver, Colorado.
Corresponding author: Elissa Meites, [email protected], 404-639-8253.
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