Do I really need HPV vaccine? Yes!
You should get HPV vaccine because it can prevent some
types of cancer and genital warts.
Do I need it if I haven’t had sex yet? Yes!
You don’t have to have sex to catch HPV, but sex increases
your risk.
You can get HPV by skin-to-skin inmate contact.
People can get and spread HPV without knowing it.
It’s best to get vaccinated before you ever have sex.
Should I get HPV vaccine if I’ve already
had sex? Yes!
You sll need to get vaccinated even if you have had sex.
The vaccine provides protecon against many HPV types.
Why do I need more than 1 shot?
You need a series of HPV shots to be fully protected.
I didn’t get the vaccine at age 11 or 12.
Should I get it now? Yes!
HPV vaccinaon is recommended for people ages 9 through
26. Even though it is ideal to get HPV vaccine at age
11–12, it is sll highly eecve in teens and young adults.
Is HPV vaccine safe? Yes!
Millions of doses of HPV vaccine have
been given without any problem.
You may get a sore arm.
Occasionally, a few people faint, so sit
for 15 minutes aer geng the vaccine.
A Guide for Adults
Ages 18
26 Years
human papillomavirus
HPV is a very common virus that can lead to:
Cancers of the back of the throat, including
the base of the tongue and tonsils
Cancer of the cervix
Cancer of the penis, vagina, vulva, or anus
Genital warts
HPV vaccine can prevent these!
Adapted with permission from the Academic
Pediatric Associaon
Make sure
you get all your
HPV shots.
Complete your
For more informaon on vaccines
for teens and young adults, visit
or www.vaccineinforma
When Should I Get HPV Vaccine?
Make sure your healthcare provider reviews with you when you should be vaccinated.
age at first dose dose #2 dose #3
9 years unl 15th birthday 6–12 months aer dose #1 Not needed
15 years or older 1–2 months aer dose #1
At least 4 months
dose #2
note: If you have problems with your immune system,
you will need to receive 3 doses of HPV vaccine.
Item #4251 (1/15/2024)
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