Rev. 8/1/2023
In accordance with Section 803.3 of the Centre Region Rental Housing & Building Safety Code, 2023 Edition, at the
beginning of each lease period and at least annually thereafter, the person in charge shall provide all tenant(s) on the lease,
information regarding the following requirements, including reference to any ordinances.
Maximum occupancy for the residential property
Maximum number of persons who can reside in the rental property
If the property is a student home
Regulations regarding dogs (if present)
Regulations regarding property maintenance
Regulations regarding refuse, parking, weeds, and removal of snow and ice from sidewalks
Information on the handling of recyclable materials
Specific information regarding the State College Division of the Health and Neighborhood Services and the Centre
Region Code Administration
Signed copy of the fire safety certification
Regulations regarding tampering with fire protection equipment
Notification in writing of all scheduled inspections a minimum 7 calendar days prior to the scheduled inspection date
and 1 calendar day prior to reinspection
Notice of regulations regarding roof occupancy and possible penalties
Notice of regulations regarding interior furniture and possible penalties
Notice of regulations regarding unsanitary conditions in rental properties and regulations and possible penalties
Notice of information regarding tenants’ rights as published by the municipality
Notice of information regarding fire safety as published by the municipality
For units where the tenant is responsible for payment of utilities (electricity, natural gas, propane, fuel oil, water,
etc.), the owner shall make available to the tenant the prior 24 months of utility costs prior to signing the lease
agreement. The tenant is responsible for providing utility cost information to the owner within 60 days of the receipt
of the bill from the utility.
1) A signed copy of the acknowledgment shall be maintained by the person in charge and made available to the
tenant(s), code official, or municipality upon request.
2) It is the responsibility of the tenant(s) to review the documents referenced and be familiar with the requirements for
the rental property. All tenants on the lease shall sign the acknowledgment and return it to the person in charge.
3) Any tenant or owner failing to execute the acknowledgment shall be in violation of this section and subject to the
penalties set forth in Section 107.3 of the Centre Region Rental Housing & Building Safety Code, 2023 Edition.
Neither the owner nor the tenant(s) shall be responsible for any other party’s failure to execute the acknowledgment.
4) A Tenant Notification Acknowledgement is provided on the reverse side of this document.
The completed agreement does not need to be returned with the application packet.
Please be prepared to provide access to the signed form at the time of inspection.
Centre Region Code Administration
2643 Gateway Dr, Ste 1, State College, PA 16801
Phone: 814-234-3812 Email: [email protected]et
Rev. 8/1/2023
Borough of State College Tenant Notification Acknowledgment
THE PERSON IN CHARGE of the rental unit at (address)____________________________________________
hereby certifies that tenant(s) effective (date) ____________________ have been provided with all required rental
property information in accordance with Section 803.3 of the Centre Region Rental Housing & Building Safety Code,
2023 Edition.
In accordance with the provisions of Borough of State College Ordinance # 2206 the person in charge hereby
provided the tenant(s) with the following information, or provided a webpage where the information could be
Maximum occupancy for the residential property
Maximum number of persons who can reside in the rental property
If the property is a student home
Regulations regarding dogs (if present)
Regulations regarding property maintenance
Regulations regarding refuse, parking, weeds, and removal of snow and ice from sidewalks
Information on the handling of recyclable materials
Specific information regarding the State College Division of the Health and Neighborhood Services and the Centre
Region Code Administration
Signed copy of the fire safety certification
Regulations regarding tampering with fire protection equipment
Notification in writing of all scheduled inspections a minimum 7 calendar days prior to the scheduled inspection date
and 1 calendar day prior to reinspection
Notice of regulations regarding roof occupancy and possible penalties
Notice of regulations regarding interior furniture and possible penalties
Notice of regulations regarding unsanitary conditions in rental properties and regulations and possible penalties
Notice of information regarding tenants’ rights as published by the municipality
Notice of information regarding fire safety as published by the municipality
For units where the tenant is responsible for payment of utilities (electricity, natural gas, propane, fuel oil, water,
etc.), the owner shall make available to the tenant the prior 24 months of utility costs prior to signing the lease
agreement. The tenant is responsible for providing utility cost information to the owner within 60 days of the receipt
of the bill from the utility.
Additional information can be found on the Centre Region Code Administration Website. Visit
and review the tenant information under rental housing.
All tenants on a lease shall sign the acknowledgment and return it to the person in charge.
As stated in Borough of State College Ordinance # 2206 any tenant or owner failing to execute the acknowledgment shall
be in violation of Section 803.3 of the Centre Region Rental Housing & Building Safety Code, 2023 Edition, and subject to
the penalties set forth in Section 107.3 of the Centre Region Rental Housing & Building Safety Code, 2023 Edition. Neither
the owner nor the tenant(s) shall be responsible for any other party’s failure to execute the acknowledgment.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Acknowledgment:
___________ _________________________________ __________ _________________________________
Date Tenant Signature Date Tenant Signature
___________ _________________________________ __________ _________________________________
Date Tenant Signature Date Tenant Signature
___________ _________________________________ __________ _________________________________
Date Tenant Signature Date Tenant Signature
___________ _________________________________ __________ _________________________________
Date Tenant Signature Date Tenant Signature
_________ _____________________________________________
Date Person in Charge Signature