888 272-7881 | Fax 802 258-3296 | [email protected] | studyabroad.sit.edu
Academic Reference Form
Please complete the top section of this form and ask a professor at the college or university level to complete the reference section or attach a letter of
reference. Personal references may be submitted only as additional support.
Applicant Information
first middle last nickname
Current address
city state postal code
area code
Program Choice
SIT Study Abroad program choice
Fall semester 20
Spring semester 20
Summer 20
Under Section 438, General Education Provisions Act (Public Law 90-247), you have the right to review materials submitted to World Learning/SIT in connection
with your application. This law also allows you to waive this right if you so choose, with the understanding that confidential recommendations are not required in
the admissions process. Please check one and sign:
I do waive my right of access to this recommendation. I do not waive my right of access to this recommendation.
Signature Date
Fax or email to SIT Study Abroad:
Fax 802 258-3296 | Email [email protected]
SIT Study Abroad is a rigorous interdisciplinary program that expects students to learn from both traditional and field-based academic methods and to synthesize
these approaches. SIT Study Abroad asks for references from a professor at the college or university level. Students are involved in challenging cross-cultural
both in and out of the classroom. To succeed, the applicant must have a high degree of academic and personal motivation and the ability to adjust to
people of
different social and cultural backgrounds. We cannot overemphasize, therefore, the value of your candid appraisal in enabling us to determine whether the
is appropriate for this kind of program and, if so, to help him or her obtain the most from the experience. We will be happy to accept a letter in lieu of this
Please note: We accept students into programs on a rolling basis. Many programs fill to capacity before the deadline. A space cannot be reserved until all
of a student’s application materials are received. Since the candidate’s application cannot be reviewed until we receive this form, please submit this form in a timely
manner to the student or to SIT Study Abroad as indicated by the student above.
How long and in what capacity (courses taught) have you known this student?
Name Title
Institution Department
city state postal code
Email Telephone
area code
SIT Study Abroad, 1 Kipling Road, PO Box 676, Brattleboro, VT 05302-0676 USA | Fax 802 258-3296 | Email study[email protected]
Academic Reference Form (continued)
In comparison with other students you have known, please rate the applicant on the following characteristics:
Excellent Good Average Poor Unknown
Writing ability
Ability to express himself or herself orally
Ability to cope with ambiguity
Ability to adjust to and cope with unusual/uncomfortable situations
Ability to work with a group of peers
Common sense and good judgment
I would would not expect the student to be appropriate and considerate as a homestay participant.
I would would not enjoy having the student as a member of a group for which I was responsible.
Please explain:
What are this student’s intellectual and/or other strengths relevant to studying abroad?
What are this student’s intellectual and/or other weaknesses that might be relevant to studying abroad?
Please comment on the student’s motivation for studying abroad. Does he or she have the ability and maturity to achieve his or her goals in studying abroad?
Additional comments
Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________________________
Applicant’s name
Program name