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Winter 2010
The Role of the Academic Reference Librarian in the Learning The Role of the Academic Reference Librarian in the Learning
Commons Commons
Judith A. Wolfe
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ted Naylor
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Jeanetta Drueke
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
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Wolfe, Judith A.; Naylor, Ted; and Drueke, Jeanetta, "The Role of the Academic Reference Librarian in the
Learning Commons" (2010).
Faculty Publications, UNL Libraries
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108 Reference & User Services Quarterly
For Your EnrichmEnt
Diane Zabel, Editor
rontline reference librarians purvey their skills in a
variety of reference service models. These range from
the traditional to the tiered to the information com-
mons (IC) to the learning commons (LC). Libraries
might use one pure form of any model, a hybrid model, or a
model in the process of transformation. A few libraries with
space and funding have fully adopted the latest model, the
LC. An examination of transformations to the LC indicates
that frontline reference librarians can to some extent effect
changes in their professional environments.
From the beginning of librarianship, the role of the reference
librarian has been defined by the patrons’ need for human
Reference librarians apply critical-thinking skills,
emotional intelligence, teaching ability, and question analysis
to connect the user with appropriate resources. While some
libraries developed variations (such as tiered models), the
traditional model, involving face-to-face interaction between
a patron and a librarian who answered every type of ques-
tion from one or more multipurpose service points, prevailed
throughout the “paper era.”
By necessity, reference librarians were shackled to the li-
brary and the print collection. Public-access computers and
remote access to data sets (i.e., Dialog) quickly sowed the
seeds for a revolution in reference routines. Dialog search
techniques were only the beginning. Soon, cyberspace was
born. Staying abreast of new technology and upgrading com-
puter skills became an integral part of reference librarians’
duties. In the new medium’s infancy, the reference librarian’s
role evolved to include nurturing and developing this new
electronic “baby.” The concomitant teaching role expanded to
instruction in the use of multiple material formats, the online
public access catalogs (OPACs), and the Internet. As the need
to assist patrons with technical issues grew, the single access
point for all types of assistance sometimes frustrated librarians
and failed their patron.
Libraries sometimes experimented with new types of tiered
models that addressed the need for technical help. At one level,
a general-information desk might be staffed by student assis-
tants, graduate assistants, or staff. Another desk, staffed by spe-
cially trained librarians and paraprofessionals, might provide
technical assistance. Specialists might be designated for word-
processing, spreadsheet, SSPS, Blackboard, RefWorks, and
other software assistance. Subject-specialist librarians might
provide in-depth research assistance, often by appointment.
Judith A. Wolfe, Ted Naylor,
and Jeanetta Drueke, Guest
Correspondence concerning this
column should be addressed to Diane
Zabel, Schreyer Business Library, The
Pennsylvania State University, 309
Paterno Library, University Park.
Judith A. Wolfe is the Liaison,
Cataloging, and Metadata Librarian
and Assistant Professor; Ted Naylor
is the Special Projects Librarian and
Assistant Professor of Practice; and
Jeanetta Drueke is the Coordinator
of Instruction and a Professor at
the University of Nebraska–Lincoln
The Role of
the Academic
Librarian in
the Learning
volume 50, issue 2 | Winter 2010 109
The Role of the Academic Reference Librarian in the Learning Commons
Instruction sometimes became closely tied to reference ser-
vices. Other libraries maintained a traditional service.
With the number of remote library users rapidly growing,
the need for new reference venues is clear. Reference services
have implemented e-mail, chat, instant messaging (IM), voice
over Internet protocol (VoIP), and text messaging. All of these
new services provide new communication challenges in refer-
ence and instruction.
Whatever the service model, attuned librarians recognize
that the library website, the physical facilities, the print and
electronic collections, reference, and instruction should be
essential and interconnected components.
One response to technology was the development of the in-
formation commons (IC). Beagle defines a library IC as a “new
type of physical facilityor section of a library “specifically de-
signed to organize workspace and service delivery around an
integrated digital environment” along with the support tech-
The physical library space is coordinated to become
an extension of student study areas, and workspaces are orga-
nized to accommodate collaboration. Therefore the physical
commons is designed to incorporate a cluster of access points
to the digital arena. Armed with these access points, trained
staff help users query, navigate, and process information.
In this “functional integration,” some reference librarians
continued to assume the role of general-information provider,
technical expert, referral assistant, point of contact, and help
center. Even more than before, librarians became jacks-of-
all-trades and had insufficient time to master any one trade.
If one envisions the library as two interacting spheres
the virtual and the physical—the library as interactive system
and the user experience of that system demand attention.
The stage was set for the next new thing. There were, it ap-
peared, many stakeholders in library services. The interactive
system expands to include not just library-based information-
technology specialists, metadata librarians, media specialists,
and bibliographic instruction coordinators, but also campus-
wide technology professionals, instructional designers, and
distance-education coordinators. The evolutionary stream
of social technology blurred the boundaries of print, and the
“functional integration of technology and service delivery to re-
align the library with the rapidly evolving digital environment
became the order of business.
For some libraries, this order
of business is leading to the next step from the IC to the LC.
The terms information commons and learning commons may
easily be confused. Bennett, however, defines an LC as a
place that brings
people together not around informally shared interests,
as happens in traditional common rooms, but around
shared learning tasks, sometimes formalized in class
as signments. The core activity of a learning commons
would not be the manipulation and mastery of informa-
tion, as in an information commons, but the collabora-
tive learning by which students turn in formation into
knowledge and sometimes into wisdom.
Libraries often create new LCs during an extensive reno-
vation or new building project, where money is flowing and
new space can be added. Though some might consider the
LC a necessary response to a changing environment, a high-
performance LC requires the luxury of a committed univer-
sity administration and community; a budget big enough to
build, renovate, or reorganize existing reference space; and
the ability to bring together units or groups with disparate
knowledge and culture.
The most visible and highly touted feature of the LC,
in comparison to the IC and other reference models, is the
number and variety of stakeholders both within the library
and within other campus groups and units. Intended to foster
collaboration, communication, and easy access to assistance,
the added physical space might be a new environment for
reference librarians.
The frontline reference librarians’ role in initiating, planning,
implementing, and operating LCs is unclear. Scholarly articles
about LCs often focus not on reference librarians but on the
students at the center of the LC or on the other stakeholders,
such as university administrators. While the literature does
not acknowledge the fullness of the reference librarians’ role,
a few pale signs appear.
Reference librarian service on LC planning and imple-
mentation committees does appear to be common. For
example, the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth’s LC
Planning Committee, in its final report, notes that in ad-
dition to the original library representative, “the Library’s
Information Services Department requested that two addi-
tional librarians from their department serve on the commit-
In the case of the LC, they write that “evidence-based
information exchanges between librarians and their faculty
and student constituencies continue to fuel collaborative
Haug, in “Learning Curve: Adapting Library Spaces,”
points to librarians’ observations as the origin of the LC at
Longwood University:
Library staff began observing that groups of students
frequently crowded around a single PC to work on col-
laborative projects. University professors seemed to be
assigning more and more group activities, and library
staff saw that the commons area should be redesigned to
meet the need for more collaborative style workspaces.
110 Reference & User Services Quarterly
For Your EnrichmEnt
Somerville and Brar, in their case study of the library at
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, note
reference librarian involvement at every stage. In terms of
early recognition of changing environments, they write that
amidst rapid technological change, aggravating financial
uncertainty, and escalating community expectations,
librarians at California Polytechnic . . . Have recog-
nized that nimble responsiveness requires reinven-
tion of library processes, procedures and services. . . .
They understood that this would require changing how
they think and what they think about.
In terms of data collection and implementation of the LC,
they write that “data collection and interpretation requires
sustained face-to-face communication between librarians
and student researchers. . . . The dialogues offered librarians
valuable experiential insights into use constituency perspec-
Despite the dearth of literature on the subject, refer-
ence librarian’s contributions are vital to LC’s success, and will
doubtless be a fundamental aspect of the continuing role of
librarians in reference services.
As many have noted, preparation is everything. In Abraham
Lincoln’s words, “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree,
I’d spend six sharpening my axe.” For reference librarians,
sharpening the axe might translate as
understanding the institution and its service issues;
building and advertising his or her unique knowledge of
research, sources, and users;
being aware of literature and trends;
communicating with other librarians and visiting other
libraries; and
creating collaborative working relationships with other
library and campus units.
Reference librarians also can help libraries move incremen-
tally toward an LC model. Elements of the LC can be devel-
oped and implemented as space and available resources allow.
These might include adding staff who help students in word
processing and computer skills, hiring student assistants with
specialized computer skills, developing closer relationships
between reference and instruction units, or sharing staff be-
tween reference and media services desks. By making such
smaller changes to service models, libraries can respond to
new user patterns and demands before major institutional
change comes about. Eckel et al. describe a typology of
change in which these incremental steps might be considered
adjustments or isolated change.
Therefore these steps help
meet users’ needs without exerting extensive pressure on the
library. If the library implements a full transformation later,
the pressure on the library might be lower.
Deb Carver, director at the University of Oregon, responding
to a reference panel at the Greater Western Library Alliance,
notes that specific changes in a reference operation are less
important than the culture created.
The “fluidity and trust”
of a collaborative and highly communicative environment,
adds Kristine Helbling, a fellow panelist, allow reference ser-
vices to move from a “unit-centric to a library wide operation”
like an LC.
Reference librarians can contribute to an institu-
tion’s dialog about an LC by doing the following:
preventing wholesale adoption of models that do not fit
patron needs
helping set appropriate goals and outcomes for the LC
coordinating the library services with the curriculum
Assisting faculty with “design thinking . . . course goals
and learning objectives,”
according to Sinclair, brings the
reference librarian in line with the concept of the blended
librarian. As described by Bell and Shank, a blended librar-
ian is “an academic librarian who combines the traditional
skill set of librarianship with the information technologist’s
hardware/software skills, and the instructional or educational
designer’s ability to apply technology appropriately in the
teaching-learning process.”
In this model, collaboration is
essential, and “the learning commons may be seen as an ex-
tension of the classroom experience.”
Implementing the LC model is in many ways similar to set-
ting up a household: it involves restructuring the organiza-
tion, learning new skills, and creating new spaces. Given its
nature, the evolution of an LC will usually require a major
transformational effort by numerous stakeholders. In some
areas, such as the allocation of space or resources, reference
librarians have limited roles to play. For example, they might
perform specific tasks, such as weeding older paper collec-
tions and helping reconfigure existing service points. How
the reference department adjusts and copes with a new space,
however, is a critical component of a successful LC. Refer-
ence librarians can help create an organizational culture that
embraces change, communication, and collaboration.
Reference librarian attitudes and knowledge can enrich
the internal communication and collaboration necessary to
the LC. A positive and robust reference department can serve
as an excellent role model for accepting change and providing
a positive climate of growth in the organization. Reference
librarians possess unique knowledge and experience that can
facilitate the transition to the LC model, and they will most
likely have transferable characteristics that are useful at every
stage of development. In new technology, reference librarians
volume 50, issue 2 | Winter 2010 111
The Role of the Academic Reference Librarian in the Learning Commons
are already working in an environment and discipline in
which technology and knowledge are, to some degree, already
integrated, and they are used to dealing with a diverse array
of patrons, coworkers, and library administrators.
Reference librarians are perfectly positioned to collaborate
with other stakeholders in the development of an LC model.
They operate in integrated virtual and physical worlds, where
the human and the computer work together. If reference
librarians are operating successfully, they already have ongo-
ing dialogues with other units and strong relationships with
individuals in other units. A collaborative culture cannot be
manufactured for the transition to an LC and abandoned
thereafter. Two things are clear: collaboration is important
when developing an LC, and it can be difficult to accomplish.
Furthermore, stakeholders’ ability to communicate across
disciplines is a prerequisite for success. Reference librarians,
along with their research skills, already have the capacity to
facilitate communication between groups through interaction
with diverse patrons.
Space plans generally include a constellation of reference,
instruction, technology, and other offices around a large space
for a computer lab and other services. Often, print reference
collections are downsized or eliminated. It is ironic that the
technology-driven LC brings many reference librarians back
to a more traditional focus on research assistance and infor-
mation provision. In many cases, IT specialists answer nu-
merous technology-related questions, paraprofessionals field
general questions, and reference librarians are on call only for
the rarer research questions and consultations. Referrals from
staff are common and consultations often take place. Trouble-
shooting access issues and revamping reference-interview
processes become the norm in this connected environment.
Collaboration between students and within the library takes
on multiple forms. Assisting in this collaboration poses a new
challenge for the reference librarian: reaching the patron via
the appropriate technology. In adapting to this “fluid envi-
ronment,” the reference librarian might feel the urgency of
meeting new ongoing demands.
Three Portraits of LCs in Action
The West Commons at the Georgia Institute of Technology
has the General Productivity Centre, which includes worksta-
tions, a presentation rehearsal studio, a multimedia studio,
tutors, and two service desks. Stuart wrote about the expan-
sion to an East Commons, which added flexible learning and
relaxing spaces and a café.
Later, the library opened offices
for academic advising, tutoring, computer assistance, and
other campus services. The central desk in the West Com-
mons is staffed by student assistants from the campus’s Office
of Information Technology, who help with software problems
and hardware maintenance. A second Information Services
desk along one side is staffed by librarians and paraprofes-
sionals in newly created information associate positions that
combine reference and technical skills. Stuart notes that
“Information Services staff quickly adjusted to living on the
margin of the West Commons.”
Reference librarian duties
were broadened to include creating events for students and
teaching freshman seminar courses.
At California State University, San Marcos (CSU San Mar-
cos), a new library designed to function as an LC opened in
2004. A reference area is close to public workstations, an
instruction classroom, reference and instruction librarians’
offices, reference and government document collections,
copy services, and an assistive technology lab. After a period
of testing various staffing configurations, two student infor-
mation assistants with special technology training staff the
reference desk. Questions can be referred to on-call librarians
or the library systems staff. The librarians have stated that
the service exceeds student expectations and that the system
frees librarians to work closely with students in individual
consultations and to work closely with faculty on informa-
tion literacy projects.
The University of Massachusetts W. E. B. Du Bois Library
LC includes a café, a writing center, advising and career ser-
vices, an assistive technologies center, and interlibrary loan
service. Technical support and general reference support
staff share a service desk. A separate reference and research
desk staffed by reference librarians with subject specialties
offers more complex or extended in-person help and man-
ages phone, e-mail, and IM services. Many questions can be
answered at both service points, and referrals between the
desks are routine. All staff communicates regularly through
meetings, e-mail, and blogs.
An assessment found that the
Reference and Research Desk was very effective and, in sur-
veys, highly valued by both students and librarians.
only did the reference librarians collaborate to produce this
successful model, but one librarian noted that the model
fostered further “collaboration and information sharing.”
The advances in technology have resulted in library users
with different expectations along with more access points
to information. The reference librarian, to compete with
ever evolving virtual media, must now be prepared to join
the Twitter generation. Patrons now often contact reference
librarians via text messaging, e-mail, IM, Facebook, and
Twitter. Reference has become more of a juggling act because
librarians must manage everything from face -to -face contact
to text messaging reference. Here are some suggestions and
predictions in the management of this new phase of reference:
The university library must advertise what services it of-
fers and what value it adds to the university experience.
The library must overcome the “we don’t need a library—
we have Google” mentality among patrons, especially
within the economic climate of today.
The reference librarian liaison role will take on even
greater importance through increased interaction with
teaching faculty.
112 Reference & User Services Quarterly
For Your EnrichmEnt
Library instruction and reference librarians will interact
more closely to develop online resources.
Reference librarians must be more involved in the devel-
opment of the libraries’ online presence.
Reference librarians must balance the LC role while still
maintaining the more traditional services and collections.
Reference librarians must also be well versed in the tech-
nology students are using, such as IM, mobile devices,
and social networking.
Communication and collaboration are key elements that
must be fostered and respected at all levels. The cultural
environment is an important consideration in any new
service, and one must have other stakeholders on their
side to have an effective program.
Reference librarians must increase and maintain effective-
ness through access to training and the time to learn and
digest new skills.
Reference librarians must have a focus on building and
sustaining effective training and cross-training programs.
Sodt lists six areas in which “2.0 reference librarians”
might require training: customer service, social network-
ing and collaboration, instruction, collection develop-
ment, website development, and reference.
Student-assistant training will be more critical as students
take on a greater role in the LC.
As funding diminishes because of the currently grim eco-
nomic environment, reference librarians must learn to do
more with less in terms of adding or enhancing services.
Reference librarians, despite the advances in technology,
must remain focused on their patrons.
Reference librarians and other stakeholders must assume that
in the transition to an LC, mistakes will happen, challenges
will continue to exist, collaboration and communication must
continue, continued assessments must be performed, and
adjustments must be made. For example, CSU San Marcos
abandoned a special research consultation office because stu-
dents simply met with librarians in their offices.
and Sonntag suggest that libraries plan for flexibility and
change, and they bravely point out their own institution’s
failure to foresee how the new reference area would change
patron–librarian interactions.
In addition, the LC will continue to evolve in response to
environments that remain beyond libraries’ control. The LC
and its staff will likely at some point be, in military parlance,
OBE (overcome/overtaken by events), in which the “initial
solution is rendered useless by unexpected events, raising a
need for a different solution.”
Reference librarians can participate in the ongoing
change using the same knowledge and skills they brought
to the original transition to an LC. Mountfield reports that
University of Auckland librarians contribute to assessment
with “periodic appraisal of services, activities and opera-
Mountifield also points out that librarian research
into educational trends and new technology can point the
way to new developments.
Reference librarians have fundamental skills and knowl-
edge that are applicable to all current and future reference
models. Reference librarians have a major role to play in the
planning and implementation of the LC and in the day-to-day
patron interaction within the LC. By facilitating high levels of
communication and collaboration between stakeholders, refer-
ence librarians help ensure the LC will meet the high expecta-
tions and demands of the modern user. The reference librarian
will continue to play a vital role in the synthesis of information
into knowledge and knowledge into wisdom, which supports
the goal of the LC and the overall mission of higher education.
It will be interesting to see how the new concept of the
blended librarian affects the LC model. The two are currently
contradictory: the LC brings together librarians and staff with
specific skills whereas in the blended librarian model the ref-
erence librarian is expected to be expert in all areas. Accord-
ing to Bell and Shank, “The concept of the blended librarian is
largely built on creating a movement that will encourage and
enable academic librarians to evolve into a new role in which
the skills and knowledge of instructional design are wedded
to our existing library and information technology skills.”
However the reference model evolves, librarians must be able
to communicate, collaborate, and change. As Sinclair remarks
regarding the blended library, “Librarians who can adapt to
the changing information landscape quickly and easily will
be sought after.”
The authors thank Michael Cartwright, professor emeritus
at Chadron State College, for his reading of this manuscript
before submission.
1. Kay Ann Cassell, Developing Reference Collections and Services in an
Electronic Age: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians (New York:
Neal-Schuman, 1999): 47.
2. Donald Beagle, “Conceptualizing an Information Commons,” The
Journal of Academic Librarianship 25, no. 2 (1999): 82.
3. Ibid., 83.
4. Scott Bennett, Libraries Designed for Learning (Washington, D.C.:
Council on Library and Information Resources, 2003): 38.
5. Magali Carrera, Donna Massano, and Sharon Weiner, UMass
Dartmouth LC Planning Committee, Final Report, February 2008
FinalReportFeb2008.pdf (accessed Aug. 26, 2010): 1.
6. Ibid., 9.
7. James C. Haug, “Learning Curve: Adapting Library Workspaces,”
Educause Quarterly 31, no. 4 (2008): 70.
8. Mary M. Somerville and Navjit Brar, “Collaborative Co-
Design: The Cal Poly Digital Teaching Library User Centric
.cgi?article=1031&context=lib_fac (accessed Aug. 26, 2010): 2.
volume 50, issue 2 | Winter 2010 113
The Role of the Academic Reference Librarian in the Learning Commons
9. Ibid., 5.
10. Peter Eckel et al., Taking Charge of Change: A Primer for Colleges
and Universities (Washington, D.C.: American Council on Educa-
tion, 1999): 16.
11. Greater Western Library Association, Webcast on Reinventing
Reference, 2009,
(accessed Oct. 5, 2009).
12. Ibid.
13. Bryan Sinclair, “The Blended Librarian in the Learning Commons:
New Skills for the Blended Library,” College & Research Libraries
News 70, no. 9 (2009): 504.
14. Steven Bell and John Shank, “The Blended Librarian: A Blueprint
for Redesigning the Teaching and Learning Role of Academic
Librarians,” College & Research Libraries News 65, no. 7 (July/Aug.
2004): 374.
15. Sinclair, “The Blended,” 505.
16. Donald Beagle, The Information Commons Handbook (New York:
Neal-Schuman, 2006): 50.
17. Crit Stuart, “Improving Student Life: Learning and Support
through Collaboration, Integration and Innovation,” in Learn-
ing Commons: Evolution and Collaborative Essentials, ed. Barbara
Schader (Oxford, UK: Chandos, 2008): 325–57.
18. Ibid., 341.
19. Susan Thompson and Gabriela Sonntag, “Building for Learning:
Synergy of Space, Technology and Collaboration,” in Learn-
ing Commons: Evolution and Collaborative Essentials, ed. Barbara
Schader (Oxford: Chandos, 2008): 132–34.
20. Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Anne C. Moore, and Beth W. Lang, “Refer-
ence Librarians at the Reference Desk in a LC: A Mixed Methods
Evaluation,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 34, no. 3 (2008):
21. Ibid., 237–38.
22. Ibid., 237.
23. Jill Sodt, “Training the 2.0 Reference Librarian,” Info Career Trends
(June 1, 2008), (accessed
Nov. 23, 2009).
24. Thompson and Sonntag, “Building for Learning,” 177–272.
25. Ibid.
26. Wikipedia, “Overcome by Events (OBE),” Aug. 31, 2009, http:// (accessed Oct. 16,
27. Hester Mountifield, “The Information Commons at the Univer-
sity of Auckland: Improving Student Life, Learning and Support
through Co-location, Collaboration, Integration and Innovation,”
in Learning Commons: Evolution and Collaborative Essentials, ed.
Barbara Schader (Oxford: Chandos, 2008): 398.
28. Bell and Shank, “The Blended Librarian,” 373.
29. Sinclair, “The Blended Librarian in the Learning Commons,” 506.