SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
What does SEWP stand for?
SEWP (pronounced ‘soup’) stands for Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement. The name reects the ability
to obtain mission critical, cutting edge and high-end ITC (Information T
echnology and Communication) products
(from Tablets to Supercomputers), Audio Visual and product-based solutions (e.g. installation, maintenance, and
engineering services) for individual, site or Agency-wide requirements.
Why does SEWP use a duck for a mascot?
The ducks came to be associated with SEWP (pronounced ‘soup’) based on the saying “it will be as easy as duck
soup.” The ducks were further inspired by the Marx Brothers’ movie ‘Duck Soup.’ From Wikipedia: The phrase
‘duck soup’ is an old Americanism that has been around since at least 1902. It refers to something that is very easy;
a cinch; a breeze. It has been in constant use for 100 years, although it is admittedly becoming less and less common
as time goes on. The most interesting thing about it is that no one knows where it came from.
What is the dierence between a Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) and a Multi-Agency
Contract (MAC)?
Government-wide Acquisition Contracts are Task Order or Delivery Order contracts for information technology
established by one Agency for Government wide use. The Oce of Management and Budget (OMB), pursuant to
section 5112(e) of the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA) and better known as the Clinger-
Cohen Act, designates an Executive Agent to operate each GWAC. The Economy Act does not apply when placing
orders under GWACs.
Multi-Agency Contracts (MACs) are Task Order or Delivery Order contracts established by one Agency for use
by Government Agencies to obtain a variety of supplies and services (see FAR 2.1, Denitions). The Economy
Act (FAR 17.5) applies to orders placed under MACs, with the exception of MACs for information technology
established pursuant to the Clinger-Cohen Act.
What NAICS codes can I use for SEWP procurements?
NAICS codes are dened at the contract level and therefore the NAICS codes at the delivery order must match those
of the contracts. When submitting RFQs and placing orders against Contracts in Group A, use NAICS 334111; for
RFQs and orders against Contracts in Groups B, C and D, use NAICS 541519.
Note that regardless of NAICS codes, the scope of each SEWP Contract is the same.
In SAM, I’ve found some of the vendor NAICS codes dier from those listed in SEWP V. Can I order from
SEWP based upon the NAICS codes in SAM?
While vendors can have other NAICS codes in SAM, NAICS Codes 541519 and/or 33411
1 are the contract level
assigned codes. The code used for a SEWP solicitation and subsequent orders must match the contract NAICS code:
Group A – NAICS Code: 334111 and Group B, C and D – NAICS Code: 541519
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Which entities (Governmental or non-Governmental) are allowed to place orders under the NASA SEWP
The SEWP contracts are for use by NASA, all Federal Agencies including Department of Defense and approved
support service Federal Agency contractors. Any Government Contracting Ocer or duly approved representative
is authorized to place delivery orders against the contract. Support Service Contractors may be authorized by their
Government Contracting Ocer to purchase from the SEWP Contracts on behalf of the Government.
Local and State Governments, and Federal Tribes are not authorized to issue orders against these contracts.
SEWP contracts are not available for personal use.
Can Government support service contractors make purchases o SEWP Contracts?
The SEWP contracts are for use by NASA, all Federal Agencies and approved support service Federal Agency
contractors. To authorize a contractor to purchase from the SEWP Contracts, the Contracting Ocer for the
support service contract should send a copy of an authorization letter to the SEWP Program Oce. Details of FAR
requirements and the letters contents are available on the SEWP website under ‘Order Info’.
Under what authority can Government Agencies use SEWP?
Pursuant to the Clinger-Cohen Act (The Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996), the Oce of
Management and Budget has designated NASA as an executive agent by:
ACQUISITIONS- “The Director shall designate (as the Director considers appropriate) one or more heads of
executive agencies as executive agent for Government-Wide acquisitions of information technology.”
NASA awards and manages the SEWP Contracts under this Executive Agent designation. As such, any Federal
Agency may utilize these contracts. A separate delegation authority is not needed to utilize SEWP.
My Agency’s contract oce only allows us to use AFWAY, First Source… can my Agency use SEWP?
SEWP is a Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWAC), authorized by OMB for all Federal Agencies to
utilize. Government Agencies may have stipulations pertaining to what contract vehicle(s) their Agency must use as a
rst option. Please check with your procurement organization to learn the particulars. Note also that the broad scope
of SEWP is such that an existing Agency contract may cover part but not all of the available products and services;
for example SEWP includes telecommunication and Audio-Visual technology solutions that may fall outside a
general IT product contract.
How does the requirement in FAR Part 17.502-1(a) aect SEWP?
FAR Part 17.502-1(a) requires a best procurement approach analysis be conducted prior to utilizing a GWAC or
interagency contract. If you would like assistance in the analysis for using the SEWP contracts, please contact the
SEWP helpline at 301-286-1478 / [email protected].
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
When does NASA SEWP’s Executive Agent designation for SEWP expire?
The Executive Agent designation for SEWP remains in eect until the end of the contract period (including any
options or extensions), unless the designation is otherwise modied by OMB.
Can Department of Defense (DoD) use SEWP?
As a Federal Agency, DoD, including all service branches, may utilize the SEWP Contracts. DoD policy is to
consider DoD contracts as the primary DoD contract vehicles. However, the Defense Procurement and Acquisition
Policy states that the use of interagency contracts, such as SEWP, is encouraged if it is in the best interest of DoD.
NASA has a signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Department of Defense regarding the use of the
SEWP Contract. The memorandum recognizes the mutual agreement of the involved parties to work together as
Federal partners and to demonstrate their commitment to achieve compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulations.
In addition, the MOA establishes a framework for the relationship to support the mission of both Agencies, improve
eciencies and leverage resources and capabilities. In particular, the MOA establishes procedures for the use of the
SEWP Contract by DoD.
As part of the MOA, DoD personnel must be trained in order to place orders against the SEWP contracts. The
amount of training required varies based on the dollar amount of the delivery orders. Most training is accomplished
by viewing the on-line training video. Personnel who will make frequent and/or large dollar orders are encouraged
(and in some cases required) to attend either a WebEx or free on-site training. Contact [email protected] or our
helpline at 301-286-1478 to schedule a free training session through our events team.
Can I use a SEWP Contract to order equipment for my personal use?
No. SEWP is only available for Federal Agency usage.
How many Contract Holders are on SEWP?
SEWP consists of over 140 pre-competed Prime Contract Holders, including more than 100 small businesses. Small
Business categories in SEWP V include: Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB); Woman-
Owned Small Businesses (WOSB); Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB);
HUBZone; Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSB); and Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB).
What is the dierence of the companies (Contract Holders)? Why would I use one instead of the other?
If you do not have your own dierentiator, we recommend going either to all of Group A (primarily composed of
manufacturers) or a combination of the Groups B through D (all value added resellers). The scope of products and
services available is the same for all Groups of contracts.
What parts of the FAR do the SEWP Contracts fall under?
SEWP V contracts are commercial contracts awarded under FAR Part 12. Fair Opportunity requirements in FAR Part
16.505 govern in regards to how quotes are solicited and how award selections are made.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
What is the meaning of SEWP Groups? Do I have to go to a particular Group based on the type of product I
am purchasing?
SEWP V was awarded to ve Multiple Award Contract Groups:
Group A OEMs and Value Added Resellers (VARs) NAICS 334111
Group B/SDVOSB Awarded as SDVOSB Set-Asides (VARs) NAICS 541519
Group B/HubZone Awarded as HubZone Set-Asides (VARs) NAICS 541519
Group C Awarded as Small Business Set-Asides (VARs) NAICS 541519
Group D Non-Set-Aside (VARs) NAICS 541519
All Groups have the same scope and therefore there is no requirement to go to a particular group based on product
type/requirement. The main dierentiations between the Groups are:
» 3 Groups (B/SDVOSB, B/HubZone and C) were awarded as Set-Asides with NAICS Code-541519
(Value Added Reseller NAICS Code);
» Group D was awarded via an open competition composed of value added resellers with NAICS Code-
541519 (Value Added Reseller NAICS Code);
» Group A has a NAICS Code of 334111 (Manufacturer NAICS Code) and therefore should not be
included with the other Groups when doing an RFQ
Group selection(s) can be based on market research, suggested sources, pre-existing quotes, use of the SEWP Market
Research Tool, business size, business type, etc... Based upon the diering NAICS Codes, you may either select
Group A ‘OR’ any combination of Groups B, C and/or D. If a ‘Group A selected RFQ closes without the receipt
of any quotes, then the RFQ can be modied and a selection of any combination of Groups B, C and/or D may be
I am a Department of Interior employee and need to follow the Buy Indian Act. Does SEWP have an Indian
The NASA SEWP contracts do not have a Buy Indian set-aside. The rule is specic to the Department of Interior and
not included in the Federal Acquisition Regulations whereby we could contemplate adding an Indian set-aside group.
Until the Small Business Administration (SBA) recognizes and formally adds wording to the Federal Acquisition
Regulations (FAR) citing this socio-economic designation as a bonade designation, Federal Agencies will not
be allowed to set-aside contracts of this nature with the exception of Agency specic contracts awarded by the
Department of Interior (DOI).
However, SEWP does have the ability to utilize informal subcontractors at the delivery order level which could be
awarded to a SEWP prime contract holder who agrees to a business relationship with an Indian organization. This
decision would be solely the SEWP prime contract holders decision.
BIA personnel should contact the DOI PAM Oce regarding policy issues involving Buy Indian purchases
associated with any strategic sourcing initiative including the use of the NASA SEWP Contracts.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Is leasing allowed under the SEWP Contracts?
As long as the Terms and Conditions are not in conict with the basic SEWP Contracts, Contracting Ocers may
negotiate additional Terms and Conditions at the Delivery Order level, including leasing (SEWP contract, A.1.3).
The SEWP Program does not provide a lease template for customers. Contracting Ocers must prepare their own
lease in accordance with the guidance in the FAR (Subpart 7.4), in addition to following their own Agency’s leasing,
review and approval procedures prior to issuance of any SEWP order with a lease.
Can my agency add our own Terms and Conditions (Ts and Cs) to SEWP contracts?
The SEWP Contracts include the clause (Section A.1.3. PROCEDURES FOR ORDERS):
“The issuing Contracting Ocer may negotiate additional Terms and Conditions for a specic order. (e.g. The
ordering Agency IT security policies, procedures and requirements or leasing of SEWP equipment may be included
in individual orders.) This contract shall prevail in the event of conict with any order.”
Current clauses can be found at:
Agencies with unique Terms and Conditions are encouraged to include the Ts and Cs on their Delivery Orders, after
ensuring that such Ts and Cs are mutually agreeable with the SEWP Contract Holder. An example may be special
delivery requirements. Note that neither Contract Holders nor Government Agencies may add unilateral Ts and Cs to
a SEWP Order.
Are SEWP Vendors allowed to submit quotes with their own Terms & Conditions?
Terms and Conditions are negotiable at the delivery order level but cannot conict the Terms and Conditions
contained in the basic SEWP V contracts. So both Government and Industry can propose Terms and Conditions
during the quote period and negotiate them as needed.
If the Government is concerned about any Industry proposed Ts and Cs, please forward them to [email protected]
for review and recommendations.
Are we required to sign/review End User License Agreements (EULA) or Terms of Service for software or
hardware orders?
Contract holders and Issuing Contracting Ocers (CO) should review any End User License Agreements and/
or Terms and Conditions prior to a contract holder providing a quote in response to an RFQ. Also, an Issuing CO
should review all EULAs and/or Terms and Conditions prior to award to determine whether those terms conict with
the Terms and Conditions in the basic SEWP V contracts and are acceptable for the Federal Government to accept.
Are BPAs/Blanket Purchase Agreements allowed on SEWP?
SEWP does not have a structure available that is identical to Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs). However,
SEWP has the ability to be used for Delivery Orders with Options (DOWOs) and along with the Fair Opportunity
procedures in FAR Part 16.505(b), some of the functionality related to Blanket Purchase Agreements can be applied
to the SEWP process. This functionality is as follows:
If an Agency has a requirement to purchase a set of known in-scope products/solutions, a Request for Quote (RFQ)
can be submitted using the Fair Opportunity guidelines to one or more SEWP Contract Groups.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
» The Agency may award one or more Delivery Orders based on the quotes received. The initial base
Delivery Order would establish the products/solutions and pricing for those items. The maximum time
for the existence of this order and any instructions for exercising options per the original quote and
initial Delivery Order should be noted in the initial order. The base and option years shall not exceed 5
years in duration.
» Agency ocials may then follow the procedures as stated in the base Delivery Order to place orders
against the initial quote.
» Any substantive change to the initial quote and subsequent base Delivery Order, such as increasing
the scope of products/solutions quoted, would require a renewed quoting and ordering cycle including
issuing a new RFQ following Fair Opportunity procedures.
» The actual usage and set-up of the base Delivery Order is the Issuing Contracting Ocers
responsibility. Typically, the base order is set up with an initial Delivery Order listing the products/
solutions and prices. Subsequent Delivery Orders are issued options as modications against the base
What is a Delivery Order with Options (DOWOs)?
SEWP has the ability to be used for Delivery Orders with Options (DOWOs) and along with the Fair Opportunity
procedures in FAR Part 16.505(b), some of the functionality related to Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) can be
applied to the SEWP process. This functionality is as follows:
If an Agency has a requirement to purchase a set of known in-scope products/solutions, a Request for Quote (RFQ)
can be submitted using the Fair Opportunity guidelines to one or more SEWP Contract Groups.
» The Agency may award one or more Delivery Orders based on the quotes received. The initial base
Delivery Order would establish the products/solutions and pricing for those items. The maximum time
for the existence of this order and any instructions for exercising options per the original quote and
initial Delivery Order should be noted in the initial order. The base and option years shall not exceed 5
years in duration.
» Agency ocials may then follow the procedures as stated in the base Delivery Order to place orders
against the initial quote.
» Any substantive change to the initial quote and subsequent base Delivery Order, such as increasing
the scope of products/solutions quoted, would require a renewed quoting and ordering cycle including
issuing a new RFQ following Fair Opportunity procedures.
» The actual usage and set-up of the base Delivery Order is the Issuing Contracting Ocers
responsibility. Typically, the base order is set up with an initial Delivery Order listing the products/
solutions and prices. Subsequent Delivery Orders are issued options as modications against the base
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
How can I determine if a SEWP Contract Holder is an Authorized Reseller for a manufacturer?
When using the SEWP Quote Request Tool, all quotes are accompanied with a Quote Verication le. That le
includes data on a number of item-specic issues including the level, if any, of authorization from the Original
Equipment Manufacturer/Provider (OEM):
» Contract Holder is the MFR
» Contract holder is an authorized reseller for all items produced by the provider.
» Contract holder is an authorized reseller for a clearly identied subset of items produced by the
» The Contract Holder obtains the products from an unidentied or unknown source
You can also request that Contract Holders identify whether or not they are an Authorized Reseller in a Request for
Note that Authorized Reseller information should be treated as part of a Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)
acquisition plan. For example, mission critical purchases would need the lowest risk and therefore requiring an
Authorized Reseller would mitigate risk; while a low priority acquisition may not require a possibly more costly
option of an authorized reseller and the use of an authorized distributor might be sucient.
If awarding a Delivery Order over $500K to a large business, must the ordering CO obtain a small-business
subcontracting plan from the Contract Holder per FAR 19.708(b)?
No the small-business subcontracting plans are handled at the Contract level. SEWP orders are orders under existing
contracts (FAR 16.5) and not a stand-alone procurement. The basic Contracts cover this requirement as well as
other FAR requirements for Part 12 commercial contracts. All SEWP large businesses have either a commercial
subcontract plan or a SEWP Contract specic subcontract plan as part of the basic Contract.
Are SEWP products BAA/TAA (Buy American Act/Trade Agreement Act) compliant?
Contract Holders must ensure that all items oered are notated on their quotes and in the SEWP database as to
whether or not an item is from a TAA compliant country. The Trade Agreements Act (19 U.S.C. 2501, et seq.) is the
enabling statute that implements numerous multilateral and bilateral international trade agreements and other trade
Since the estimated dollar value of each SEWP Contract exceeds the established Trade Agreements Act (TAA)
threshold, the TAA is applicable to all SEWP Contracts and only U.S.-made or designated country end products
shall be purchased under SEWP contracts unless an exception exists and is documented by the Contracting Ocer
as noted in FAR 25.401. Otherwise, the Contracting Ocer must follow the Procedures as outlined in “FAR 25.408
Note that Buy American Act (BAA) does not apply to IDIQ commercial IT contracts such as SEWP.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Are Letters of Authorization available from SEWP Contract Holders?
Although Government customers are allowed to request Letters of Authorization (LOA) in their RFQ, the SEWP
Program Oce highly recommends customers not request or rely on LOAs for a number of reasons including:
1. Many companies do not have such letters, as the term “authorized reseller” is not universally
recognized, but mainly used by major IT product rms.
2. The letters are easily copied and/or there are blank areas on the letter where the contractor can plug in
their information.
3. The person signing the letter may not have the authority to do so and may not be from the provider or
4. The letter may not refer to the products or services being sold.
5. The letter may be outdated.
6. The letter may be for commercial purchasing and not Federal purchasing.
Instead, the Government customer should rely solely on the SEWP Verication le that accompanies all quotes
obtained through the SEWP Quote Request Tool (QRT). SEWP employs a much more rigorous and controlled
process than LOAs. Within the SEWP Verication le, the Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) column will
list for each CLIN, one of the following codes:
» A - The Contract Holder is Authorized/Approved.
» N - The Contract Holder does not have a veried relationship with the Provider.
There are many reasons why the SEWP provided information in the Verication le is superior to a LOA:
1. An “A” indicates that the OEM considers the reseller to be a legitimate reseller for their products/
services regardless of whether the OEM has an actual LOA process.
2. SEWP has a closed process to ensure the requestor is the SEWP Contract Holder and the verier for an
“A” status is from the OEM.
3. SEWP goes directly to the OEM and, if designated, their central Point of Contact, to verify relationships
and avoid relying on an unknown authorizer or information from Contract Holders.
4. If a company is only authorized for a subset of an OEM’s products (and not others), the “A” will only
appear for the subset of products for which they are authorized.
5. Upon notication of any change to a resellers relationship with the OEM, the information on the SEWP
site is immediately updated.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
What type of products can I acquire through SEWP?
The NASA SEWP Procurement Vehicle is for IT products and product related services. Included in the scope of
SEWP is:
» IT hardware including servers, laptops, supercomputers, etc.
» Network and telecommunication products
» Software products including Software As A Service
» Cloud Computing
» Audio Visual products
» Teleconferencing and Videoconferencing products
» Peripherals and supplies such as printers, power supplies, etc.
» Maintenance and warranty
» Installation
» Site Planning
» Product Training
» Product-based Engineering Services
For services involving labor rates, such as installation and engineering services, price reasonableness is not
determined at the contract / catalog level. Price reasonableness for labor based services must be determined at the
delivery order level by the ordering agency.
Labor Support Services that are unrelated to a product and not list above, such as general operational support, are
available on a very limited basis – no more than 5% of the costs of products being purchased can be used to purchase
initial support services.
Any questions concerning scope can be referred to [email protected].
Does SEWP have a product catalog?
Unlike the traditional catalog-based contract where requests for products are based on what is available in a catalog,
SEWP is a request-based contract vehicle where the catalog is based on customer requests. Therefore, there is no
catalog to search.
As long as your requirements are within the scope of SEWP, you can send out a Request for Quote (RFQ) or a
Request for Information (RFI) for the IT products/services you are looking to obtain. The Contract Holders will add
the items to the contract based on your request and send you back a quote. You can then order the items based on the
quote. If you are uncertain about the scope, send your requirements to [email protected] for review.
How can I nd out what products are currently on the Contract?
The SEWP Website – – is directly tied into the Contract Database of Record. There are currently
over ve million line items. The products are updated daily based on customer requests. Because of the dynamic
nature of the SEWP catalog, the only way to determine what is available through SEWP is to utilize the SEWP on-
line Quote Request Tool.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Can services be purchased on SEWP?
Yes. The purchase of IT product based services is available without limitation including maintenance, warranty,
product training, site planning, installation and initial implementation and product-based engineering services. IT
products do not need to be purchased in order to obtain any of these services.
For services involving labor rates, such as installation and engineering services, price reasonableness is not
determined at the contract / catalog level. Price reasonableness for labor based services must be determined at the
delivery order level by the ordering agency.
Non-product based services; i.e. services other than maintenance, warranty, product training, site planning,
installation and initial implementation and product-based engineering services, may be purchased using the
Service CLINs on the contract provided that all such labor services are rm xed price and directly support the
associated equipment purchased on that delivery and that these additional services do not exceed 5% of the price
of the associated equipment/products. Examples of these types of limited services are consulting, applications
programming and operational support.
If you are unclear whether a given service is unlimited or falls under the 5% restriction, forward your requirements
such as your Statement of Work (SOW) to [email protected].
Are products on SEWP 508 compliant?
508 compliance is determined by the Government purchaser. Certain requirements must be met based on the type of
product(s) involved. To assist in determining 508 compliance, the SEWP Quote Request Tool includes a ‘Request
508 Info’ button. If selected, a blank Government Product Accessibility Template (GPAT) is sent to the Contract
Holders along with the Request for Quote.
Many large companies also provide 508 information including GPATs for their products on their websites. Specic
508 information can also be requested as part of a Request for Quote.
How often are products added to the SEWP Contracts?
Technical Refreshment of the SEWP Contracts is done on a daily basis. Information obtained through the SEWP
website is up to date with the current product oerings.
For cloud services, do the services that can be acquired through SEWP meet the FedRAMP standards?
No, FedRAMP and similar requirements should be specied and veried at the delivery order level.
Do all SEWP Contracts include EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assess Tool)?
EPEAT is a standard against which certain products can be evaluated based on their environmental impact. Products
such as laptops, desktops and monitors can be given a rating of bronze, silver or gold. When utilizing the SEWP on-
line Quote Request Tool, items that are EPEAT rated will be noted on the Quote page.
For more information on EPEAT ratings, see
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Can a quote contain used or refurbished equipment?
If equipment is used or refurbished and the Government requirement allows for used/refurbished (i.e. if the RFQ
does not state “new only”) then:
» The used/refurbished items must be clearly stated as such both in the quote and in the SEWP contract
line item.
» The items must be fully warrantable by the OEM (or a Government acceptable 3rd party) as if new.
Are SEWP prices “fair and reasonable”?
Yes – as noted below, prices of IT products on the SEWP catalog are determined to be fair and reasonable at the
contract level. Note that pricing for labor-based product services such as installation and engineering services are
not determined at the contract level – therefore, any requirements with labor rates involved will need to have fair and
reasonable pricing determination at the delivery order level by the ordering agency.
The SEWP Contracts are FAR Part 12 Commercial Contracts. Additional price analysis was done in accordance
with the following: The price design for SEWP is a proposed discount o the oerors commercial list price. Price
analysis was conducted in accordance with FAR 15.305(a)(1), to ensure that a ‘fair and reasonable’ price is paid by
the Government.
Reasonableness of proposed prices was established in accordance with FAR 15.403-1(c)(1)(i)(B), which provides
that a price is based on adequate price competition if two or more responsible oerors, competing independently
submit priced oers that satisfy the Government’s expressed requirement and there is not any nding that the price
of an otherwise successful oer is unreasonable.
To verify price reasonableness, oerors were instructed to submit their published price catalog or published schedule
of list prices in a form regularly maintained by the manufacturer or oerors, such as a catalog, price list, schedule or
other veriable and established record. Additionally, each contractor proposed a discount o product categories (such
as input-output device) of IT equipment.
These discounts remain for the life of the contract. Therefore, when new technology is added or list prices change
due to market uctuations, the SEWP price remains fair and reasonable.
There are several other price reasonability checkpoints in SEWP:
» A SEWP Prime Contract Holder cannot oer prices higher on their SEWP contract than is oered on
their GSA contract. This is exclusive of the surcharge. Since the SEWP fee is 0.34% compared to GSAs
0.75% fee, SEWP prices must be lower than GSA for that Contract Holder.
» When items are added or prices updated on a SEWP contract, prices are automatically compared to
other SEWP Contracts and must be within a reasonable price of all other contracts. Further comparisons
with GSA, commercial and other contracts may be done to verify any questionable pricing.
» All SEWP Delivery Orders are subject to Fair Opportunity. This internal competition provides an
incentive for Contract Holders to provide the best possible price in order to be selected for award.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Although the SEWP PMO database of record contains the fair and reasonable pricing determination before a product
is added to the contract, it is ultimately the issuing COs responsibility to determine fair and reasonable pricing at the
delivery order level based upon the specics of the requirement. Price analysis techniques at FAR 15.404-1(b)(2)
were utilized in the development of contract level pricing, however, in certain situations a CO may have a specic
requirement that requires further determination using the techniques at FAR 15.404-1(b)(2) as applicable. As noted
above, an example is a labor based services order where the price is based on the statement of work at the order
Can I purchase Open Market items on my SEWP Order?
No. All quoted items must be on the Contract Holders contract at the time they provide a quote.
Can I pay for maintenance ‘up front’?
The basic rule for monthly maintenance is to pay in monthly increments. SEWP Contracts, which are commercial
based contracts, make a distinction between maintenance and commercial extended warranty, packaged support and
software subscriptions.
An extended warranty or support package is the equivalent to what you buy at Circuit City or Best Buy - you pay
up front. Similarly, software subscriptions can be thought of like magazine subscriptions - you can pay monthly, but
it costs much more; typically you buy a one, two or three year subscription upfront. Alternative payment Terms and
Conditions, such as quarterly installments, can be negotiated with Contract Holders and included as part of your
Delivery Order.
Note: SEWP Contracts allow for monthly payments, but with the assumption that it will be more costly than
purchasing the package as a whole:
The Contractor shall provide an extended warranty, which can be purchased and begin at any time during the
standard commercial warranty period up to and including the end of the commercial warranty period. Extended
warranty packages may be invoiced and paid at the start of the warranty period. This extended warranty shall provide
coverage based on the standard commercial warranty.
At the Government’s discretion, the Government may order, at any time during a warranty period, monthly
maintenance at a Discounted Monthly Extended Warranty amount in lieu of the extended warranty.
Product and software maintenance, warranty and licensing shall be treated as a commercial product unless such
product is priced on a usage basis; e.g. maintenance on a printer based on usage must be invoiced monthly.
Software maintenance as a product includes the publishing of bug/defect xes via patches and updates/upgrades in
function and technology to maintain the operability and usability of the software product. It may also include other
no charge support that is included in the purchase price of the product in the commercial marketplace. No charge
support includes items such as user blogs, discussion forums, on-line help libraries and Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ), hosted chat rooms, and limited telephone, email and/or web-based general technical support for user self-
Software maintenance as a product does NOT include the creation, design, implementation, integration, etc. of a
software package. These examples are considered software maintenance as a service and are to be billed monthly.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
My Agency plans to buy thousands of ‘product(s) XYZ’. The SEWP price looks good on the Web, but can I
negotiate an even better price?
The published SEWP prices are the maximum prices the Contract Holders can charge the Government. Contract
Holders are allowed to charge less either on a per order basis, or for limited-time basis (e.g. closeout sale). Numerous
Government Agencies have combined this exibility with the inherent and on-going internal SEWP competition to
negotiate large savings, particularly for large purchases.
How does one satisfy Fair Opportunity / Competition Requirements when using a SEWP Contract?
FAR 16.505 provides that each contractor shall be given Fair Opportunity to be considered for each order issued
under multiple award contracts unless an exception exists under FAR 16.505(b)(2). At a minimum, to provide Fair
Opportunity, all Contract Holders within any one of the individually competed Contract Groups or selected set-aside
must be provided Opportunity. The SEWP online Quote Request Tool is the recommended method to assist in this
activity and to augment the required decision documentation.
Since SEWP contracts are pre-competed, can I go directly to a single SEWP Contract Holder for all my
SEWP Contracts are pre-competed and therefore formal competition (including synopsis, formal RFPs, etc.) is
not required. However, as with all multi-award contracts, Fair Opportunity must be provided to all associated
multi-award Contract Holders unless an exception exists and is properly documented. The SEWP website contains
information on Fair Opportunity requirements and the SEWP Quote Request Tool automatically prompts you with
the set of Contract Holders for which Fair Opportunity should be provided. For more information, see FAR 16.505
Only one company has the item I need on their SEWP Contract. Can I just directly award to them?
While at a given moment, there may be only one company with a product solution you require on a SEWP Contract,
Fair Opportunity is still required to all Contract Holders at least in the same Group or set-aside as the suggested
source. It is possible for other Contract Holders to add the product solution in time to also provide a quote. If this
is a follow-on situation or you have otherwise determined with certainty that there is only one source for a given
requirement, follow the steps outlined in FAR 16.505(b)(2) for exceptions to Fair Opportunity.
Can I close my RFQ early? I received one (or more) quotes and would like to select from the quotes already
While it is ultimately your decision as to how to provide Fair Opportunity (FAR 16.505) and correctly follow other
pertinent FAR requirements regarding issuances of RFQs, at a minimum the NASA SEWP Program Oce highly
recommends an RFQ remain open for the time period it was initially set to. Due to the high volume of RFQ’s that go
through the SEWP system, many Contract Holders wait until the nal day to submit their response. Therefore, even
if you have received a number of quotes prior to closure, it is possible that other companies will submit a quote.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Can I do a sole source RFQ?
Unless the order is under the micro-purchase limit, typically under $10,000, FAR 16.505(b) (1) provides that each
contractor shall be given Fair Opportunity for orders issued under multiple award contracts. At a minimum, to
provide Fair Opportunity, all Contract Holders within any one or more Groups or established set-asides must be
provided Opportunity. Therefore, orders over the micro-purchase limit can only be sole sourced if an exception exists
and the proper steps are taken as described in FAR 16.505(b) (2).
How can I obtain quotes from the Contract Holders on the SEWP Contracts?
The only method provided, and therefore recommended, by the NASA SEWP Program Oce for obtaining SEWP
Quotes is the utilization of the SEWP Quote Request Tool available at the SEWP Website. Use of this tool assists
in providing and documenting Fair Opportunity and verifying and assuring items quoted are on contract and
properly priced. Quotes may also be obtained by other methods; however, it is then your responsibility to assess the
reasonableness of any additional fees, level of competition, compliance with Fair Opportunity, terms and conditions,
price and availability verication, scope, etc.
Am I restricted to obtaining quotes only through the SEWP Quote Request Tool?
No. You can obtain your quotes through other methods. However, it is then your responsibility to assess the
reasonableness of any additional fees, level of competition, compliance with Fair Opportunity, terms and conditions,
price and availability verication, scope, etc., associated with quotes using other methods. Note that the SEWP
Quote Request Tool is the only tool provided by the NASA SEWP Program Oce for obtaining SEWP quotes.
Use of the SEWP Quote Request Tool method for obtaining quotes automatically incorporates price reasonableness,
scope and availability determination, Fair Opportunity compliance, Program level tracking and support, and display
and agging of issues at the contract, manufacturer and line item level, among other factors.
See for specic SEWP ordering information.
Note: Orders created from quotes received from a method other than the SEWP Quote Request Tool will be delayed
until the quoted items can be veried. Since this verication process is built into the Quote Request Tool, orders
created from quotes obtained through the SEWP Quote Request Tool can be processed as soon as they are received.
What is the dierence between a Request for Information (RFI), Market Research Request (MRR) and a
Request for Quote (RFQ)?
Requests for Information (RFI) are typically used to obtain information in advance of requesting quotes. Examples
of RFIs are requests to determine availability of certain types of products; technical feedback to assist in creating a
technically sound RFQ, etc. Responses to RFIs are typically not quotes and the information is not veried by the
SEWP Program.
Both Market Research Requests (MRRs) and Request for Quotes (RFQ) result in quotes and the items must be on
Contract at the time of the quote and are veried when the SEWP Quote Request Tool is used. The key dierence
between MRRs and RFQs is that MRRs do not typically result in an order but instead are used to begin an internal
acquisition process, while an RFQ is typically done at the end of the acquisition process and results in an order.
Requesting a quote does not obligate the Government to purchase based on the quotes and the Government may
issue multiple Quote Requests.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
How much time should I provide for Contract Holders to respond to my Quote Request?
The default time for a quote response is ve days. While you can reduce the time to two or even one day, this is not
recommended, as it typically does not allow enough time for any responses. The actual time selected should be based
on the size and complexity of the request.
How do I know if the items on a Quote are really on contract?
When using the Quote Request Tool, the Contract Holder must also send in a Verication File along with their quote.
This Verication File is checked against the SEWP database automatically by the SEWP Program Oce during the
quote submission process. The verication summary is available under the ‘CLIN List’ column of the on-line Quotes
tab. The customer need only check that the items in the ‘Pass’ le under the ‘CLIN List’ column match the items and
pricing on the quote.
If a quote is obtained from outside the SEWP Quote Request Tool, the verication process will not occur until the
order is processed by the SEWP Program oce.
How do I give my coworker access to my RFQ and any associated quotes?
You can assign multiple co-workers access to any quote. The list of quotes you have access to in the SEWP Quote
Request Tool has a drop-down menu of options for each RFQ. Select “Additional Contact”. Enter the person’s name
and e-mail address. If they are registered, they will have access to the RFQ. If they are not registered, they just need
to register and then they can access the RFQ.
NOTE: Last name and e-mail must match the information used when the co-worker registered.
Do I need to obtain three quotes to comply with Fair Opportunity?
No. Fair Opportunity, not the ‘three quote’ rule applies to the SEWP Contracts. You must provide Fair Opportunity
to all Contract Holders within at least one of the Contract Holder Groups or the available set-aside options. If after
providing the Fair Opportunity (preferably using the SEWP Quote Request Tool), only one company provides a
quote, you may proceed with the award and order unless your Agency has a separate minimum quote requirement.
Note that this is not a sole source since you provided Opportunity to the other Contract Holders.
It is recommended that if only one Contract Holder Group is queried and only one quote is obtained, that the RFQ be
re-issued, including multiple Contract Holder Groups in order to maximize competition.
Can I limit my RFQ to three suggested sources?
No. At a minimum, Fair Opportunity to all Contract Holders in a suggested source’s Group or set-aside must be
What is the Question and Answer feature and where is it located?
The Question and Answer feature provides a way to manage and respond to Contract Holder questions for open
quote requests through the QRT tool.
For more information on this feature, please view the Question and Answer video clip.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Why can I de-select Contract Holders on the SEWP Quote Request Tool since Fair Opportunity requires that
each Contract Holder in a group be provided the opportunity to provide a quote?
Deselecting Contract Holders will violate Fair Opportunity FAR requirements unless one or more of the following is
» Fair Opportunity has been previously provided and documented;
» The order is under the micro-purchase threshold, typically $10,000;
» A well-documented, well researched exception as noted in FAR Part 16.505(b) exists. It is
recommended that prior to citing an exception in FAR Part 16.505(b), you contact the SEWP Program
Oce for assistance;
» A documented Conict of Interest exists, or
» The RFQ is a continuation of an on-going RFQ process in which the initial RFQ provided Fair
Opportunity and a documented down-select process has occurred.
Can I specify brand name?
Brand Name or equal requirements traditionally apply when the Government is soliciting a new requirement and is
specifying a particular Brand Name in the solicitation. The SEWP Program recommends the following regarding
Brand Name:
» To the greatest extent possible, utilize generic specications rather than Brand Names.
» While the use of a Brand Name can help clarify the specications, if specifying brand name provides
clarication, then the use of Brand Name or Equal is recommended for requirements, whenever
» If the requirement is truly limited to one manufacturer and the order size will be over $30,000, per FAR
Part 16.505(a) (4) a justication and approval (J&A) document must be created and posted along with
the RFQ to all companies within the solicited Group(s).
» Brand name justications should not include any sensitive/proprietary/pricing data. In writing a
Justication and Approval Document, refer to FAR 6.302-7 for guidance.
Can a Contract Holder respond with a partial quote to my stated requirements?
Per the SEWP contracts, Section A.1.22. FAIR OPPORTUNITY AND REQUESTS FOR QUOTES, “if the
Contractor has insucient items on their contract to fully respond to the Formal RFQ, the Contractor must respond
with a No Bid,” unless your RFQ allows for partial quotes to be submitted.
Therefore, unless the RFQ specically allows for partial quotes, any quote that does not fulll all requirements of the
RFQ should be discarded.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
I have placed a Request For Quote/Request For Information (RFQ/RFI) using the SEWP on-line Quote
Request Tool. Can I accept quotes emailed to me directly from a SEWP Contract Holder?
No. SEWP policy prohibits Contract Holders from sending quotes outside the SEWP Quote Request system for
RFQs submitted through the use of the SEWP Quote Request Tool. If a Contract Holder submits a quote to you via
email, you should disregard the quote and immediately contact the SEWP Program Oce at [email protected].
We recommend that if you require any substantive changes to previously submitted quotes or are changing the
requirements of your RFQ/RFI that you extend or re-open the RFQ/RFI response time to allow Contract Holders to
submit their new or updated quotes through the system. This ensures that fair opportunity guidelines have been met
and that all items that were quoted are veried as being on the Contract Holders SEWP contract. Note that for minor
updates, you can re-open an RFQ/RFI for less than a day by placing a “0” in the “Reply needed in” text box.
The SEWP Program Oce will also re-open the RFQ for you at your request. Contact the SEWP Program Oce at
[email protected] for assistance.
If you are requesting a non-substantive change to previously submitted quotes; e.g. an updated eective quote
date, you can ask the Contract Holder to route the quote through the SEWP Program Oce. In the case of a non-
substantive update, we will immediately route the quote to you, without requiring the RFQ/RFI to be reopened.
I received a quote from a company I did not submit my RFQ to. Do I have to consider the quote?
No. Unsolicited quotes should not be considered in response to an Request for Quote (RFQ). Only those contract
holders who were solicited by the issuing agency are allowed access to an RFQ. Other companies may be notied of
an existing RFQ by a solicited contract holder. This information should only be used if they are assisting a solicited
contract holder with their response. If an unsolicited SEWP Contract Holder contacts you with a quote or other
information, you should ignore their quote and forward it to [email protected] so we can notify the company that
they cannot submit unsolicited quotes.
Can I obtain discounted prices using the NASA SEWP Quotes Request Tool?
While the SEWP catalog price is fair and reasonable, additional internal competition generated through Fair
Opportunity procedures provided by the SEWP Quote Request Tool will often result in additional discounted pricing
on a quote by quote basis. The average discount o the catalog pricing when utilizing the SEWP Quote Request Tool
is over 20%.
Is there a way to check geographic proximity of the vendors prior to choosing those who will get RFQ
We would recommend that if geographic proximity is important, it be included in your RFQ as part of the best value
decision; e.g. indicate that the proximity of a company will be part of your decision making.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
How can I acquire an updated quote from a Contract Holder for my RFQ?
The SEWP Quote Request Tool (QRT) provides customers with a simple and preferred method to request an updated
quote directly in the QRT, from one or more Contract Holders of their choice. Upon receipt of the request, Contract
Holders should provide the quote within one business day.
To request an updated quote, perform the following steps:
» After the request period has ended, log into the Quote Request Tool (QRT).
» From your RFQs displayed, click the ‘Action’ dropdown menu alongside the desired RFQ and select
‘Quotes’ to display the quotes provided by the Contract Holders.
» Click the ‘Request Updated Quote’ button, found next to the desired Contract Holders quote and a pop-
up box will appear.
» Within the pop-up box, provide a reason for the request and click the ‘Request Updated Quote’ button to
send to the request to the Contract Holder.
I just created a SEWP Request (RFQ/RFI) but it is not showing up. Do I need to resubmit?
If a new SEWP Request is missing or not showing-up in the SEWP Quote Request Tool then one of the following
reasons apply:
» New customers who submit a SEWP Request (RFQ/RFI) will have their rst Request reviewed by a
SEWP Customer Service Rep (CSR) before it is forwarded to the Contract Holder and made available
on the web site. This temporary hold is a security measure to allow SEWP sta an opportunity to review
any information / attachment(s) and to ensure no pricing data was included. This hold typically takes
under one business hour. If your Request is still not visible after one business hour, send a note to help@ for assistance.
NOTE: This hold is standard for rst time Request submission. If you have submitted Requests
previously, one of the following reasons likely apply.
» If one or more of your attachments was not correctly uploaded (one common reason is uploading a
shortcut rather than the actual le), then the Request will be held until a SEWP Customer Service Rep
(CSR) is able to review and contact you to provide assistance in getting your le(s) attached. It typically
takes less than one business hour for us to ascertain the issue and contact you.
» If it has been more than one business hour since you submitted your Request and you have not been
contacted by us and you still cannot see the request, then an error occurred during submission - please
send a note to [email protected] and we will investigate and provide you with our best possible
support in resolving the issue.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Does SEWP train Agencies on how to use the vehicle?
SEWP oers customer training sessions for any Federal Agency that is interested in gaining additional knowledge
on the SEWP contract. The training is free of charge. The interactive sessions last one and a half to two hours and
usually occur at the requesting Agency site.
Send an email to [email protected] in order to have your organization added to the queue of upcoming trainings.
There is also an introductory 20-minute video available on the SEWP website.
Note: DoD/Army/Air Force/Navy: the Pentagon has mandated SEWP training for all Procurement personnel who
utilize the SEWP Contracts. (Additional information may be found on the DoD Information Page.)
What information is covered during a customer training session?
The Free Customer Training Sessions provide knowledge on the Program Management and Procurement aspects of
the SEWP Contracts. The sessions are useful for Procurement and Technical Personnel involved in purchasing along
with key Agency decision makers. The following is covered during a SEWP Customer Training Session:
» The general concepts and scope of the Contract
» Customer Service and the order process
» Contract Groups and Fair Opportunity
» Website including the SEWP Quote Request, Contract Information, Program Performance, etc.
Send an email to [email protected] in order to have your organization added to the queue of upcoming trainings.
There is also an introductory 20-minute video available on the SEWP website.
Note: DoD/Army/Air Force/Navy: the Pentagon has mandated SEWP training for all Procurement personnel who
utilize the SEWP Contracts. (Additional information may be found on the DoD Information Page.)
What are the benets of attending a SEWP training session?
During a SEWP training, customers will have the opportunity to acquire extensive knowledge of the SEWP contract
vehicle. In addition, they will gain a better understanding of the web tools, along with the opportunity to discuss
procurement questions and/or any unresolved issues they may have with managers and contract personnel within the
SEWP organization.
Send an email to [email protected] in order to have your organization added to the queue of upcoming trainings.
There is also an introductory 20-minute video available on the SEWP website.
Note: DoD/Army/Air Force/Navy: the Pentagon has mandated SEWP training for all Procurement personnel who
utilize the SEWP Contracts. (Additional information may be found on the DoD Information Page.)
Are there a minimum number of attendees for a customer training?
SEWP does not require a minimum number of individuals to arrange a Customer Training. Historically we have held
them for 1 to 100s of people.
Send an email to [email protected] in order to have your organization added to the queue of upcoming trainings.
There is also an introductory 20-minute video available on the SEWP website.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Note: DoD/Army/Air Force/Navy: the Pentagon has mandated SEWP training for all Procurement personnel who
utilize the SEWP Contracts. (Additional information may be found on the DoD Information Page.)
Will it cost my organization to have a customer training session?
There is no charge for a SEWP Customer Training. The training is often held at the Agency’s own facility.
Send an email to [email protected] in order to have your organization added to the queue of upcoming trainings.
There is also an introductory 20-minute video available on the SEWP website.
Note: DoD/Army/Air Force/Navy: the Pentagon has mandated SEWP training for all Procurement personnel who
utilize the SEWP Contracts. (Additional information may be found on the DoD Information Page.)
Do you have a list of all the upcoming conferences and customer training sessions SEWP is attending this
A list of all events that SEWP will be attending can be located via our web site at – The link is
Event Calendar under the Fast Access Menu.
If you know of an event that you think SEWP may be interested in, please send an email to [email protected]. If
you are located in a geographic area where SEWP will be attending a function or providing customer training, it is
usually easy for us to arrange a meeting or training session at your site during that time.
Send an email to [email protected] in order to have your organization added to the queue of upcoming trainings.
There is also an introductory 20-minute video available on the SEWP website.
Note: DoD/Army/Air Force/Navy: the Pentagon has mandated SEWP training for all Procurement personnel who
utilize the SEWP Contracts. (Additional information may be found on the DoD Information Page.)
How would I obtain information on scheduling a customer training session?
Contact [email protected] or our helpline at 301.286.1478 to schedule a training session through our events team.
There is also an introductory 20-minute video available on the SEWP website and regular training webinars.
Note: DoD/Army/Air Force/Navy: the Pentagon has mandated SEWP training for all Procurement personnel who
utilize the SEWP Contracts. (Additional information may be found on the DoD Information Page.)
Is there video training available?
There are two introductory training videos available on our website. The rst video is a 20-minute introduction to
SEWP, including what’s in scope, our dynamic catalog, tools oered by SEWP, FAR Part 16, Contract Structure,
Pricing, Award notication, and how to contact our Customer Service Team.
The second training video focuses on SEWP Tools. This is a 35-minute video that dives into FAQs, SEWP contract
info, Contract Holders, Market Research Tool, Quote Request Tool, Question and Answer Tool, and more.
While it does not replace SEWP training, it does provide a general SEWP knowledge base until you can complete a
SEWP training.
Send an email to [email protected] in order to have your organization added to the queue of upcoming trainings.
There is also an introductory 20-minute video available on the SEWP website. For a list of upcoming trainings,
please check out SEWP Outreach and Events page.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
If I actively utilize SEWP for purchases over 25K and have been previously trained, do I need to complete
training again for SEWP V?
No you do not need to, but we recommend at a minimum, viewing the SEWP IV to V dierence video.
Are support contractors eligible to receive SEWP training?
Authorized support contractors can receive training on how to use the SEWP Website and create a Request for Quote
(RFQ), Market research and/or Request for Information (RFI).
Send an email to [email protected] in order to have your organization added to the queue of upcoming trainings.
There is also an introductory 20-minute video available on the SEWP website and regular training webinars.
Note: DoD/Army/Air Force/Navy: the Pentagon has mandated SEWP training for all Procurement personnel who
utilize the SEWP Contracts. (Additional information may be found on the DoD Information Page.)
I am an IT vendor. How do I become a SEWP Prime Contract Holder?
SEWP is composed of a set of pre-competed contracts. Prime Contract Holders are not added after the initial
competition and award until a follow-on competition occurs. The selection and award of the SEWP V contracts is
complete and the ordering period for SEWP V began on May 1, 2015. The SEWP V contracts are 5 year contracts
with one ve year option and are due to end April 30, 2025.
If your company has products or services that you wish to add to a current SEWP V contract or if you would like to
partner with an existing Contract Holder, please contact one or more of the current contract holders and determine
what opportunities are available under their contracts. A list of Points of Contact for each company can be found on
the SEWP Website.
What information is available on SEWP V (follow-on contracts for SEWP IV)?
NASA has completed evaluating the proposals received in response to SEWP V and made selection for award. The
eective ordering period for SEWP V started May 1, 2015.
SEWP V contracts are awarded based on a competitive source selection process. SEWP V contracts were awarded
for a period of 10 years with a 5 year base and a 5 year option period. If you are interested in participating in SEWP
V, please review the FAQ: “I am an IT vendor. How do I become a SEWP Prime Contract Holder?”
I am an IT manufacturer. How do I get my products added to a SEWP Contract?
New computer technology products are added to the SEWP contract via a Technology Refreshment process.
Companies who wish to have their products or services available through SEWP must contact one or more of the
Prime Contract Holders and negotiate with their SEWP Program Managers to become an approved provider through
the Prime’s contract.
The choice of Contract Holder to contact depends on which Contract Holder best ts your products. Each Contract
Holder has their own internal requirements and must meet the discount structure and other Terms and Conditions
with which they originally were awarded the Contract. If you reach agreement with a SEWP Prime Contract Holder,
they will submit your company for review and approval.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Once the SEWP Program Oce approves your company, usually done within 24 hours of a request, then your
products can be added through the Contract Holders Technology Refreshment request. Upon SEWP’s approval
of the Technology Refresh (also done within 24 hours of a request), the products will be available to the Federal
Government through the SEWP process.
I am a Government end-user. How can I nd out if any SEWP Contract Holder can provide products from a
SEWP is a dynamic catalog where items are added based on customer requests. Therefore, as long as the item you
require is within scope of the SEWP contracts it can be added to the contracts quickly. Below are the recommended
methods to have the product added:
» If you do not have a suggested source, for orders over the micro-purchase limit, typically under
$10,000, it is recommended that the SEWP Quote Request Tool be used. If you are in the early stages
of research and do not yet require any pricing, you can select RFI (Request for Information) as your
request type. Then you can ask a question of the Contract Holders, such as “If an RFQ of the following
type of requirement was submitted, would you be able to respond”; alternatively you can go right to
either the Market Research or RFQ (Request for Quote) request types and ask for either a preliminary or
nal quote.
» You can log into our Quote Request Tool by following this link:
» For orders under the micro-purchase limit, you can either use the SEWP Quote Request tool as
described above or contact one or more Contract Holders directly
» If you have a suggested source or sources and are looking for general availability information, you can
contact that company directly.
If you are uncertain as to whether your requirement is in scope of SEWP or otherwise would like assistance in
conducting the research, contact [email protected] and provide as much detail as possible.
What is the average amount of time it takes SEWP to review, process and approve a Technical Refresh (TR)?
As with all interactions with the SEWP Program Oce, all TRs (requests to add items to contracts) are reviewed and
either approved or denied within one business day.
What is the validity time period for SEWP quotes?
Typically, quotes are valid for 30 days. However, there is no default time period.
As stated in the SEWP Contract; Section A.1.22. FAIR OPPORTUNITY AND REQUESTS FOR QUOTES: “When
submitting a quote to a Government end-user, the contractor must clearly state the length of time the quote is valid.
The contractor shall honor any order submitted within the stated time period of a quote.”
When placing an order, ensure that the validity period stated on the selected quote is still in eect. If the validity
period has lapsed, contact the Contract Holder to obtain an extension and/or updated quote
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
I want to become a Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business & Cert HUBZone for a manufacturer that you
currently don’t have an Authorized Supplier for now.
You can contact one or more of the SEWP V Contract Holders to assist them in performance of their SEWP contracts
through a business to business relationship. The next SEWP competition will be in 10 years.
How do I order from the SEWP Contract?
When utilizing NASA SEWP contracts, there are two types of orders:
» Credit Card Orders
» Delivery/Task Orders
Credit Card Ordering Process
For orders under the micro-purchase limit, the Government customer can either utilize the Credit Card/Micro-
purchases page from the Fast Access menu or the SEWP Quote Request Tool (QRT).
The Credit Card/Micro-purchases page provides a list of SEWP Contract Holders, the Point of Contact (POC) for
that Contract Holder, and, when available, the ordering site. One or more Contract Holders can be contacted to obtain
quotes and orders can be placed directly with the Contract Holder.
The QRT can be used to send a request to one or more Contract Holders; obtain quotes through the SEWP system,
and then either contact the selected Contract Holder directly to place an order, or attach the selected quote with the
Request for Quote (RFQ) number in an e-mail to the SEWP Program Oce at [email protected].
For credit card orders above the micro-purchase limit, use the QRT to obtain quotes. Once you have the selected
quotes, RFQ numbers, and Agency-specic paperwork, forward the information to [email protected].
Delivery/Task Ordering Process
Internal ordering processes vary across Agencies for documenting and awarding Delivery/Task Ordering (DO/TO)
under existing contracts. The process and accompanying forms for Purchase Requests (PRs) and DO/TOs that are
issued against a SEWP contract are dened by each issuing Agency. There are no ocial or required SEWP forms.
The typical process is:
1. For an end-user to determine a requirement, then
2. Generate a PR through their Agency purchasing system.
3. The PR, along with any necessary funding information, is sent to that Agency’s procurement oce (or
an assisted acquisition service such as the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)).
4. Depending on the Agency’s processes, use either a Market Research Request (MRR) and/or an RFQ
to obtain quotes and make a best-value selection.
5. Once a selection is made, the issuing procurement oce creates the DO/TO. The Agency should use the
process, forms, and order number required for their Agency.
It is the Issuing Agency’s Contracting Ocer’s (CO’s/KO’s) responsibility to be aware of any Agency-specic
policies regarding issuing orders via existing contract vehicles such as Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
SEWP Orders should be routed to the NASA SEWP Program Oce via e-mail at [email protected]. The
Contract Holder may be included in the e-mail to the SEWP Program Oce. However, the Contract Holder cannot
begin the fulllment of an order until the SEWP Program Oce assigns a SEWP Tracking Number (STN).
Processing time is less than one business day from receipt and data entry of an order at the NASA SEWP Program
Oce, to delivery of the order to the appropriate Contract Holder. If an order cannot be processed due to incomplete
or incorrect information, both the issuing Procurement Ocial and the Contract Holder will be contacted by a
member of the NASA SEWP Customer Service sta within one business day. When an order is submitted to the
Contract Holder for fulllment, an e-mail conrmation is sent to the Government POCs who were designated when
the order was submitted.
As part of the quote selection/ordering process, is award notication required?
For orders under $6 Million, award notication is not required but we recommend, at a minimum, notifying non-
awardees. The SEWP Quote Request Tool has an award notication feature to make this simple to complete.
Do I need to synopsize my requirements over $25K?
SEWP orders are placed under the existing multi-award contracts. They do not need a synopsis. Exemption of this
action falls under Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 5.202(a)(6), which states that the Contracting Ocer
need not submit the notice required by FAR Part 5.201 when the contract action is an order placed under Subpart
Can I do a Credit Card Order against a SEWP Contract directly with the Contract Holder?
Yes, if it is a micro-purchase order, typically under $10,000, you may contact the Contract Holder directly. The
Contract Holders will forward the order information to the NASA SEWP Program Oce for processing and tracking.
All Delivery Orders paid by Credit Card must be routed to the NASA SEWP Program Oce from the customer
regardless of the order total.
What are the limits for using credit cards with SEWP?
There are no SEWP imposed limits to purchase card usage beyond the limits of an individual’s usage authority.
Are there any limits to the dollar amount on a SEWP order?
There are no mandatory contractual limits to the dollar amount of a SEWP order, as long as the total SEWP usage
of a given competed contract does not exceed the contract maximum of $20 Billion. Based on current usage, this
contract limit is unlikely to be reached on any SEWP contract.
A SEWP Contract Holder is not obligated to honor:
» Orders under $25
» Orders greater than $10 million
» Orders with a line item over $2M
However, SEWP Contract Holders have never exercised this option for small or large dollar amounts. Therefore,
there is essentially no dollar limit on SEWP orders beyond the $20 Billion contract cap.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
My oce plans on making regular use of the SEWP contract via either mailing or faxing orders to the NASA
SEWP Program Oce. Can I be notied when orders from anyone in my oce (Site/Agency) are received and
Upon authorization, pre-dened Government Procurement Oces can be set up to have an automatic e-mail
notication sent to that Procurement Oce whenever a SEWP order from that Oce is entered into our system. To
obtain authorization contact the SEWP helpline. The notication is sent when the order is entered, which is typically
within 24 hours of receipt of the order.
What is the current surcharge (handling fee) for using the SEWP contracts?
As of October 1, 2020, the SEWP surcharge for all orders is a 0.34%. The fee is included in the price of all products
and is not separately listed on quotes. It is the Contract Holders responsibility to pay the fee from their quoted
product prices.
Can my Delivery Order / Lease / Purchase Agreement extend beyond the Contract End date of Spring 2015?
From the SEWP Contract:
“Such orders may be issued from the eective date of the contract through the ordering period. Any order issued
during the eective period of this contract and not completed within that period shall be completed by the Contractor
within the time specied in the order. The contract shall govern the Contractor’s and Government’s rights and
obligations with respect to that order to the same extent as if the order were completed during the contract’s eective
period; provided, that the Contractor shall not be required to make any deliveries under this contract after the last
date of the last item to be delivered in the issued Delivery Order schedule.”
SEWP Program Oce guidelines:
» The end date of the eective ordering period of the SEWP IV Contracts is April 30, 2015. The end of
performance for a Delivery Order is based on the end date of that Delivery Order. The Contract Holder
is obligated to continue to perform until all deliverables are met. This includes warranty, maintenance,
installation and other in-scope services.
» Delivery Orders can extend beyond the end of the SEWP IV contracts; however, substantive
modications to an existing Delivery Order are not recommended unless optional line items were
requested at the time of quote in the RFQ and incorporated into the awarded delivery order at the time
of award.
» Administrative modications to Delivery Orders signed before or after the end of the SEWP IV contract
period are allowed.
Some examples:
» Product based leases can extend beyond the end of the SEWP Contract period including options set-up
prior to the end of the SEWP Contract period. However, no new items may be added to the lease and no
new options can be added after the end of the SEWP Contract period.
» Multi-year warranty and software licenses can extend up to 5 years beyond the end of the SEWP
Contract period. However, no new items may be added to the warranty or license; warranty and licenses
cannot be renewed or extended beyond the period of performance including options set forth in the
original Delivery Order.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
» A Delivery Order may include option years that extend beyond the end of the contract period if, at a
» The order is placed before the end of the contract period
» No substantive changes are made to the Delivery Order after the expiration of the contracts; for
example, adding more products to the order
» The option years do not extend more than 5 years after the end of the contract period
How does the 5 Year Rerepresentation regulation required by FAR 52.219-28 (Post-Award Small Business
Program Rerepresentation) aect SEWP IV contract terms and competition?
The Small Business Administration (SBA) issued a size rerepresentation regulation to ensure that Federal Agencies
receive credit for making contract awards to small businesses on long-term contracts (contracts of more than 5 years
in duration, including options). FAR Clause 52.219-28 (Post-Award Small Business Program Rerepresentation)
is contained in the SEWP IV basic contracts. The eects of the regulation fall primarily upon Federal Agencies,
preventing them from receiving credit for awards to small businesses, if the contract recipients are no longer small.
The regulation does not aect the terms and conditions of the basic contracts.
However, if a SEWP IV Contract Holder was awarded a small business set-aside contract in Groups B or C and as
a result of the rerepresentation has become an “other than small business”, the aected Contract Holder remains in
their group and is not able to respond to RFQ’s set-aside for small business. Business size changes were updated in
the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) and on the SEWP website eective May 1, 2012.
The contract level business sizes, not the business sizes reected in the CCR or elsewhere, must be used when
placing a delivery order against an existing contract. To obtain the current business size associated with a SEWP
contract, refer to the Prime Contract Holders link under the Contract Holders menu at The
contract sizes listed on that page are accurate and reect any changes due to novation or rerepresentations.
Note that Contracts under SEWP Groups B, C and D were awarded under NAICS Code 541519 where the size
standard is 150 employees. Contracts under SEWP Group A were awarded under NAICS Code 334111 where the
size standard is 1000 employees. Both NAICS codes and business sizes are set at the contract level and cannot be
changed at the RFQ/delivery order level.
The following SEWP IV Contract Holders business sizes were changed from “small” to “other than small”:
» Group B - MicroTech LLC
» Group C - ImmixGroup
» Group C - Intelligent Decisions
» Group C - Technica Corporation
» Group D - ImmixGroup
Have the SEWP V Clauses and Provisions changed from SEWP IV (i.e. new ones added, some removed)?
Yes. The Contracts are available by clicking on any contract holder link at
contractholders#/contractholderslist. A list of all SEWP V Clauses and Provisions are available at https://www.sewp.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Does a Contractor Performance Assessment Report (CPARs) document need to be submitted when ordering
through SEWP?
Yes - if the order is over the Simplied Acquisition Threshold (an agency dependent dollar amount), FAR regulations
now require the issuing oce to submit a CPARs evaluation regardless of the acquisition methodology. This report is
in addition to the annual past performance NASA completes for all SEWP Contract Holders through CPARs.
Delivery Order Level Set-asides for Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSBs) and Economically
Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Businesses (EDWOSBs)
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has authorized the use of 113 new NAICS Industry groups for WOSB
and EDWOSB set asides. WOSBs will now be eligible for contract participation in 92 NAICS industry groups.
EDWOSBs will now be eligible for contract participation in 21 designated NAICS industry groups, along with the
92 NAICS industry groups identied for WOSB. The eective date per the notice for use of these new NAICS was
3 March 2016. The Federal Register notice provided below applies:
On NASA SEWP, delivery order level set-asides cannot be awarded under NAICS Code 334111 which is applied to
Group A for either WOSBs or EDWOSBs. However; under NAICS Code 541519 which is applied to Groups B, C,
and D, delivery order level set-asides can be awarded to both WOSBs and EDWOSBs.
Additional guidance pertaining to this rule can be found on SBAs WOSB webpage at
contracting/government-contracting-programs/women-owned-small-businesses which states that if a NAICS Code is
on the WOSB list, you can set it aside for either WOSB or EDWOSB. However, if a NAICS is on the EDWOSB list,
and is not the WOSB list, the requirement can only be set-aside for EDWOSB.
What is the Established Authorized Reseller Program (EARP) and how does it apply to Supply Chain Risk
Please note that there is no way to ensure Supply Chain Security - the terminology used by NIST is SCRM - Supply
Chain Risk Management. SEWP has one of the most robust implementations of SCRM within the context of an IDIQ
contract. We start with the contract itself which contains several key aspects including the clause:
A.1.48. Supply Chain Risk
(a) Denition. “Supply chain risk” means the risk that an adversary may sabotage, maliciously introduce unwanted function, or
otherwise subvert the design, integrity, manufacturing, production, distribution, installation, operation, or maintenance of a
national security system (as that term is dened at 44 U.S.C. 3542(b)) so as to survey, deny, disrupt, or otherwise degrade the
function, use, or operation of such system.
(b) The Contractor shall implement appropriate safeguards and countermeasures in the provision of supplies and services to
the Government to minimize supply chain risk.
(c) In order to manage supply chain risk, the Government may use the appropriate authorities (such as those provided by section
806 of Pub. L. 111-383 for Department of Defense orders). In exercising these authorities, the Government may consider
information, public and non-public, including all-source intelligence, relating to a Contractors supply chain.
(d) If the Government exercises the appropriate authority such as that provided in section 806 of Pub. L. 111-383 (for
Department of Defense orders) to limit disclosure of information, no action undertaken by the Government under such
authority shall be subject to review in a bid protest before the Government Accountability Oce or in any Federal court.
(e) The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (e), in all subcontracts involving the
development or delivery of any information technology whether acquired as a service or as a supply.
SEWP FAQs 5/14/2021
Phone: (301) 286-1478
Fax: (301) 286-0317
Beyond that, all quotes include a verication le that notes key pieces of information including the veried
relationship between the contract holder and OEM - the verication is not by a less than reliable LOA (Letter of
Authorization) - we verify directly with the OEM.
Using that le, currently, you can review the relationships for each item quoted and determine any supply chain
risks. For example, you likely will want to ensure a Cisco router is from an authorized reseller; but may be willing to
accept that a monitor come through a distributor while a power cord can come from anyone. Or you may elect to take
a risk and accept the router from a non-authorized source - there are trade-os and it is up to you to make the risk
assessment - SEWP provides the data.
Beginning July 31, 2017, we will add a new layer. SEWP is calling this new layer the Established Authorized
Reseller Program (EARP). With the implementation of this feature, quotes will not be allowed from companies
who are not veried authorized resellers for products from OEMs with an Established Authorized Reseller Program;
e.g. Cisco, HP, Microsoft, Dell, etc. You will still be able to see all veried relationships, but unless you turn o the
default, you will only get quotes for critical items from veried and established authorized resellers.
For a quick overview of EARP, watch our 2-minute clip explaining the program at
Also NASA (through the SEWP Program) along with DOD are the 2 Government agencies who were involved in the
establishment of an ISO standard - ISO/IEC 20243:2015 - that addresses Supply Chain risk mitigation. This is a new
standard that SEWP is encouraging our contract holders to be certied in. Currently IBM and CDW-G are certied
and we expect others to be shortly. Once we have enough companies certied to make the distinction worthwhile, we
will recommend certication be part of a best value determination at the RFQ/Order level.