How to manually configure an Apple iOS device (iPhone, iPad
or iPod) for the eduroam Wi-Fi service
Please note these instructions have been written using an iPod Touch running
software release 2.2.1. The iOS operating system and menus depicted should be the
same across the iPhone, iPad and iPod devices. Subsequent updates to the software
may result in the screens not being exactly as shown in this document but the
entries/settings remain the same.
1. Select Settings from the device homepage
2. This should bring up the device settings, as shown in the screen print below.
3. TapWi-Fi” to display the wireless settings, as shown in the screen print below.
4. Switch “Wi-Fion by clicking on the button which is set to “Off, so it changes to
On”. After a brief pause a list of wireless networks should be displayed, as
shown in the screen print below. (Please note the exact wireless networks
available may differ depending on where you are on campus.)
5. Selecteduroam”, to connect to the “eduroam wireless service. Your device will
display a screen to enter your user credentials, as shown in the screen print
6. Enter the following information:
a. EnterUsername as your University PC username, in the format of (e.g.
b. Enter the password that you use to log in to a Heriot-Watt University PC
7. Click the “Join” button at the bottom right of the screen. This will then display
the Certificate” screen (as shown in the screen print below) prompting you to
Verify the certificate. Ensure the certificate name is as listed below and click
the “Accept” button:
8. You should be returned to theWi-Fi Networksscreen (as shown in the screen
print below), wait for a few seconds, whilst your device attempts to login.
9. You should now be able to browse the internet, and your username and
password have been saved. However sometimes when subsequently connecting
to the “eduroam wireless service an additional step may be required as detailed
in the Renew Lease” section of this document.
Renew Lease
In some cases, after connecting to theeduroam” wireless service, an additional step
is required to complete the connection to the wireless network. This additional step
is documented below.
1. Navigate to the “Wi-Fisettings page. This screen should look like the one shown
in the screen print below.
2. Click on blue arrow to the right of eduroam” on the “Wi-Fi” Network screen, this
should display the network settings for the “eduroam” wireless network as
shown in the screen print below.
3. If the IP Address is set to anything starting with 169.254.n.n or the “Router” and
DNS” addresses are blank then your device has not automatically acquired some
of the wireless network settings.
4. To acquire the correct wireless network settings click the Renew Lease” button,
this will display a prompt, as shown in the screen print, below.
5. Click “Renew Lease and wait a few seconds, until the IP address updates, to an
address starting 137.195.n.n and IP addresses are filled in for the “Router, and
DNS” settings, as shown in the screen print below.
6. You device should now be connected.
These instructions were tested on an iPod Touch running software release 2.2.1, but should function
on any iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad running software version 2 or higher.
If you need further assistance please contact the IT Service Desk on extension 4045
or at