The (2023) Guide to Perfect Roofing Content
With the emergence of ChatGPT and Jasper, roofing companies may wonder what perfect
content looks like in 2023. Similarly, old-school SEO practices, like mass-publishing blog posts,
remain prevalent in the roofing marketing landscape. But should roofers still use these tactics?
Roofing Webmasters answers these questions in more in our 2023 guide to perfect content.
Google's Helpful Content Update Hates Your B.S. Roofing Content
Homepage Content
Your roofing website’s homepage should feature original images of your company, staff, and
equipment. It should also list your business information, like address, phone number, and
service area. Your homepage title tag should contain your target keyword, city, and brand name.
Some roofers prefer to use their homepage as a hub page rather than targeting a keyword. This
is a mistake, as your homepage naturally acquires the most links, making it a valuable SEO
asset. As a result, you should target your primary keywords like roofer or roofing company in
(your city, your state). This way, you distribute your SEO equity to interior pages in the menu.
Service Page Content
Service page content is important because it specifically targets long-tail keywords. For
example, if you offer standing seam metal roofing services, you can’t merely include this on your
metal roofing service page. Instead, you need a separate page for standing seam metal roofing
services. Google and other search engines prefer to rank the more specific page.
Another service page content factor is topical relevance. It’s wise to group topics into clusters
with internal linking. For instance, your metal roofing page will link to your standing seam metal
roofing page, your aluminum roofing page, etc. These topical clusters build authority in SEO.
City Page Content
Most roofing companies offer services in cities outside of their main office location. For example,
if your office address is in Dallas, TX, you likely offer roofing services in Frisco, Plano, and
Mckinney. As a result, publishing individual location pages is the best way to expand reach.
City pages remain a controversial element of SEO, mainly because most websites use them as
doorway pages, which is a black-hat SEO practice. These pages are essentially duplicated
versions that only replace the city name within the content. You want to avoid this strategy and
instead utilize the DataPins method, which we will discuss in more detail later in the guide.
Do City Pages Work for Roofing Company SEO in 2022?
Other Page Content
Your website should also feature an About Us and Contact Us page highlighting your company.
About Us Pages
About Us pages are not intended to rank well on Google. Your goal is to increase the comfort of
visitors who enter your website through another page. As a result, About Us pages should
feature more images of your company and outline your roofing history and expertise.
Contact Us Pages
Contact Us pages should be short and to the point. Every roofing website’s Contact page should
feature a form that allows visitors to input their contact information, like name, phone number,
and email address. Your Contact page should also emphasize your phone number and address.
DataPins Content
DataPins content is the true game-changer in 2023, as it legitimizes your service and city
pages. Google values an acronym known as EEAT, which stands for experience, expertise,
authority, and trustworthiness. DataPins helps you achieve this by empowering your techs to tag
recent roofing jobs to the app, which then publishes them to the most relevant website page.
Furthermore, DataPins services as your reputation management platform by automating review
requests via SMS and email and showcasing verified customer reviews directly on your website.
Nothing builds social proof better than user-generated content from your employees and
customers. Best of all, DataPins uses schema markup and tagging to maximize its SEO.
FAQs about Roofing Website Content in 2023
Can Roofers Rank Using AI-Generated Content?
Roofing companies should not copy and paste AI-generated content from ChatGPT or Jasper AI
into their roofing website. While the content may rank initially, its chances of maintaining
rankings are very low. Furthermore, unedited content of any kind is not effective for SEO
purposes. Google plans to release a version of ChatGPT called Apprentice Bard in 2023.
Are Blog Posts Effective for Roofing Websites in 2023?
Blog posts are largely ineffective for roofing websites in 2023. Google’s Helpful Content Update
targets content that lacks value for the user. Most blog posts on roofing websites are never read
by visitors and only degrade the value of your other content (like service pages). Of course,
there are still some instances where blog posts can be useful, like providing original insights.
Where Can I Get DataPins?
You can visit and sign up for DataPins, or you can call Roofing Webmasters at
(800) 353-5758 to discuss how to maximize your roofing content strategy with DataPins in 2023.