240 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 98, Number 4
August 15, 2018
Epistaxis is one of the most common otolaryn-
gologic emergencies, occurring in up to 60% of the
general population, with one in 10 of those aected
seeking medical attention. It accounts for one in
200 emergency department visits.
Epistaxis has
a bimodal age distribution, peaking in children
younger than 10 years and in adults between 70
and 79 years of age.
Males are slightly more likely
to experience epistaxis than females.
Approximately 90% of epistaxis cases arise from
the anterior part of the nasal septum; this is
known as anterior epistaxis.
Anterior bleeding
most commonly occurs from the rich vascular
supply at the Kiesselbach plexus (Figure 1).
plexus is formed by terminal branches of the
internal carotid artery (anterior and posterior
ethmoidal arteries) and external carotid artery
(sphenopalatine, superior labial, and greater pal-
atine arteries).
Posterior epistaxis typically occurs along the
nasal septum or lateral nasal wall, and originates
from branches of the internal maxillary, spheno-
palatine, and descending palatine arteries.
posterior ethmoid artery provides a small contri-
Because hemostasis is more dicult to
achieve with posterior bleeding, the distinction
between anterior and posterior epistaxis guides
A focused history and physical examination
identify most causes of epistaxis (Table 1).
the initial presentation of bleeding, the physi-
cian should determine the side of the bleeding as
well as inquire about previous bleeding episodes
and treatment, comorbid conditions, and med-
ication use.
e dierential diagnosis should
include local and systemic etiologies. In children,
Epistaxis: Outpatient Management
Jason P. Womack, MD; Jill Kropa, MD; and Marissa Jimenez Stabile, DO
Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey
This clinical content conforms to AAFP
criteria for continuing medical education (CME).
See CME Quiz on page 203.
Author disclosure: No relevant financial
Patient information: A handout on this
topic is available at https:// www.aafp.org/
Epistaxis is a common emergency encountered by primary care physicians. Up to 60% of the general
population experience epistaxis, and 6% seek medical attention for it. More than 90% of cases arise
from the anterior nasal circulation, and most treatments can be easily performed in the outpatient
setting. Evaluation of a patient presenting with epistaxis should begin with assessment of vital signs,
mental status, and airway patency. When examining the nose, a nasal speculum and a good light
source, such as a headlamp, can be useful. Compressive therapy is the first step to controlling anterior
epistaxis. Oxymetazoline nasal spray or application of cotton soaked in oxymetazoline or epinephrine
1: 1,000 may be useful adjuncts to compressive therapy. Directive nasal cautery, most commonly using
silver nitrate, can be used to control localized continued bleeding or prominent vessels that are the
suspected bleeding source. Finally, topical therapy and nasal packing can be used if other methods
are unsuccessful. Compared with anterior epistaxis, posterior epistaxis is more likely to require hos-
pitalization and twice as likely to need nasal packing. Posterior nasal packing is often associated with
pain and a risk of aspiration if it is dislodged. After stabilization, patients with posterior packing often
require referral to otolaryngology or the emergency department for definitive treatments. (Am Fam
Physician. 2018;98(4):240-245. Copyright © 2018 American Academy of Family Physicians.)
Downloaded from the American Family Physician website at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright © 2018 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncom-
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August 15, 2018
Volume 98, Number 4 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 241
repeated digital trauma (e.g., nose picking) is the
most common cause. ere are no known specic
conditions or risk factors associated with poste-
rior epistaxis.
It is unclear whether seasonal
changes or hypertension has a direct role.
Physical Examination
e physical examination should begin with
assessment of vital signs, mental status, and air-
way patency. When examining the nose, a nasal
speculum and good light source, such as a head-
lamp, are useful. e Kiesselbach plexus should
be examined rst for bleeding, followed by the
vestibule, septum, and turbinates. If a bleeding
source cannot be identied in these areas, there
is concern for posterior bleeding. If bleeding per-
sists aer attempts to control anterior bleeding
with compression and packing, management of a
possible posterior source should be initiated.
Outpatient management of anterior epistaxis is
a stepwise process beginning with conservative
measures to control bleeding and moving toward
more invasive means to achieve hemostasis. An
initial assessment of airway patency is necessary.
A brisk bleed can lead to a large amount of blood
entering the posterior pharynx, potentially caus-
ing airway obstruction. Any concern for airway
obstruction should be immediately referred for
emergency evaluation.
Once airway patency has been determined,
compressive therapy should be applied to stop
bleeding in the anterior nasal plexus. Firm pres-
sure is placed on the bilateral nostrils, below the
nasal bones, for 10 to 15 minutes without interrup-
tion. Simple manual pinching may be used, or a
nasal clip can be fashioned using tongue depres-
sors taped together (Figure 2). To aid compressive
therapy, direct spray of oxymetazoline (Afrin) or
Causes of Epistaxis
Chronic sinusitis
Environmental irritants
Granulomatous disease
Pyogenic granuloma
Viral illness
Septal deviation or perforation
Cocaine use
Foreign body
Nasal fracture
Nasal intubation
Nasal oxygen
Nose picking
Surgical procedure
Topical medications (e.g., intranasal steroids)
Tumors and vascular malformations
Liver disease
Vitamin deficiencies (A, C, D, E, K)
Information from references 3 and 6.
Anterior ethmoid artery
Posterior ethmoid artery
Sphenopalatine artery
labial artery
Greater palatine artery
Vascular anatomy of the nasal cavity.
Illustration by Christy Krames
Reprinted with permission from Kucik CJ, Clenney T. Management
of epistaxis. Am Fam Physician. 2005; 71(2): 305.
Downloaded from the American Family Physician website at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright © 2018 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncom-
mercial use of one individual user of the website. All other rights reserved. Contact copyrights@aafp.org for copyright questions and/or permission requests.
242 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 98, Number 4
August 15, 2018
application of cotton soaked in oxymetazoline or
epinephrine 1: 1,000 may be useful to abate or slow
the bleeding.
Clinicians should be aware of the
adverse eects of systemic epinephrine absorption,
such as elevated blood pressure and tachycardia.
Aer compressive therapy, the nares should
be inspected for any sign of continued bleeding.
Any hematoma must be evacuated for proper
inspection. is can be accomplished through
the patient blowing the nose, suction, irrigation,
or direct forceps evacuation. Proper lighting is
crucial; a headlamp provides adequate lighting
and leaves the hands free to maneuver. A nasal
speculum is useful to increase the eld of vision
during inspection.
e next step is directive therapy. If there con-
tinues to be bleeding or a prominent vessel that is
suspected to be the source of the bleeding, direct
vasoocclusive therapy to the area is warranted.
In the outpatient setting, the use of silver nitrate
sticks is convenient and eective. Silver nitrate
creates a chemical cautery when it comes in con-
tact with a moist mucous membrane. e silver
nitrate should be applied in a circumferential pat-
tern around the site of bleeding before it is applied
to the bleeding site itself. Brisk bleeding will wash
silver nitrate away before cauterization, so relative
hemostasis is needed for this approach to be suc-
Electrical desiccation in the same pattern
is also an eective way to control bleeding in the
Blind cauterization is not recommended,
because excessive destruction of the nasal mucosa
with silver nitrate or electrical desiccation can
lead to ulceration and septal perforation.
If compressive therapy is inadequate and direc-
tive therapy is ineective or impossible because
of continued brisk bleeding, topical therapy and
nasal packing are the next options. Traditional
nasal packing involves placing cotton stripping
impregnated with petroleum jelly into the base
of the nasal cavity, and layering until the nares
are completely compressed (Figure 3).
is is
an eective measure for controlling nasal bleed-
ing, although rebleeding occurs in about 15%
of patients.
Nasal tampons and nasal balloon
packing may be easier to use
; however, unless
the practice treats a large number of patients with
epistaxis, it may not be feasible if these materials
are not readily available.
Nasal packing should be le in place for 48
hours. e use of oral and topical antibiotics in
patients with nasal packing is common to prevent
infectious complications such as staphylococcus-
induced toxic shock syndrome and sinusitis, but
there is little evidence to support antibiotic use.
Topical hemostatic agents such as Floseal and
Surgicel may be eective for managing epistaxis,
but are oen unavailable in the outpatient setting.
Posterior epistaxis is oen brisk, and given the
location of these vessels, it is usually dicult to
visualize the site of bleeding. Compared with
anterior epistaxis, patients with posterior epi-
staxis are more likely to require hospitalization
and are twice as likely to require nasal packing.
Nasal compressive device using tongue
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Volume 98, Number 4 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 243
As with anterior epistaxis, the physician should
evaluate and clear the airway, and provide intra-
venous access and uid resuscitation, if needed.
Patients with posterior epistaxis generally require
referral to an otolaryngologist aer stabilization.
Chemical cautery is usually not possible for
posterior epistaxis because the source of bleed-
ing is rarely identied.
Newer products that
can adhere to an irregular moist surface, such as
gelatin-thrombin matrix,
are still being tested,
and there is no evidence to support their blind
Posterior nasal packing may be attempted by
a physician trained in this procedure. It is up to
70% eective at treating posterior epistaxis when
performed by trained physicians
; however, it is
not as successful as endoscopic or surgical man-
agement, and may be less cost-eective as an ini-
tial management technique.
Nonetheless, it
is a common procedure that may be attempted
Clinical recommendation
rating References
Compressive therapy should be the first intervention to stop anterior epistaxis. C 12, 13
Silver nitrate and electrical desiccation are eective at stopping anterior epi-
staxis in patients when compressive therapy is unsuccessful.
C 10, 14
When available, endoscopic artery ligation may be the best initial treatment
for posterior epistaxis because it is more eective than packing and less costly
than endovascular embolization.
B 20, 22, 23
A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence;
C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the
SORT evidence rating system, go to https:// www.aafp.org/afpsort.
Packing of the anterior nasal cavity using gauze strip impregnated with petroleum jelly. (A) Gauze is gripped with
bayonet forceps and inserted into the anterior nasal cavity. (B) With a nasal speculum (not shown) used for exposure,
the first packing layer is inserted along the floor of the anterior nasal cavity. Forceps and speculum then are with-
drawn. (C) Additional layers of packing are added in an accordion-fold fashion, with the nasal speculum used to hold
the positioned layers down while a new layer is inserted. Packing is continued until the anterior nasal cavity is filled.
Illustration by Christy Krames
Reprinted with permission from Kucik CJ, Clenney T. Management of epistaxis. Am Fam Physician. 2005; 71(2): 309.
244 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 98, Number 4
August 15, 2018
in the outpatient setting or en route to an emer-
gency department.
Posterior packing is performed using a bal-
loon catheter, Foley catheter, or red rubber cath-
eter with cotton packing. e catheter is passed
through the nostril, down the nasopharynx, and
into the oropharynx (Figure 4).
e balloon
is inated with 8 to 10 mL of water and gently
retracted until it sits in the posterior choana. If
cotton packing is used, the rubber catheter is
drawn out of the mouth aer it is visualized in
the oropharynx. e packing is secured to the
end of the catheter and then pulled back through
the mouth to sit in the choana. In each case, trac-
tion is maintained by clamping the area outside
of the nostril, making sure to provide padding
between the clamp and the nasal ala to minimize
the risk of alar necrosis.
Posterior packing is oen associated with pain,
and there is a risk of aspiration if it is dislodged.
Patients are commonly monitored in the hos-
pital while packing is in place. ere is up to a
Posterior nasal packing. (A) After adequate anesthesia has been administered, a catheter is
passed through the aected nostril and through the nasopharynx, and drawn out the mouth
with the aid of ring forceps. (B) A gauze pack is secured to the end of the catheter using umbil-
ical tape or suture material, with long tails left to protrude from the mouth. (C) The gauze pack
is guided through the mouth and around the soft palate using a combination of careful traction
on the catheter and pushing with a gloved finger. This is the most uncomfortable (and most
dangerous) part of the procedure; it should be completed smoothly and with the aid of a bite
block (not shown) to protect the physician’s finger. (D) The gauze pack should come to rest in
the posterior nasal cavity. It is secured in position by maintaining tension on the catheter with
a padded clamp or firm gauze roll placed anterior to the nostril. The ties protruding from the
mouth, which will be used to remove the pack, are taped to the patient’s cheek.
Illustration by Christy Krames
Reprinted with permission from Kucik CJ, Clenney T. Management of epistaxis. Am Fam Physician. 2005; 71(2): 310.
Gauze roll
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Volume 98, Number 4 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 245
50% chance of rebleed with posterior epistaxis.
Telemetry may be considered given the possibil-
ity of a vasovagal reex, which can cause cardiac
abnormalities and respiratory arrest.
If clinicians with appropriate expertise are
available, endoscopic artery ligation and endo-
vascular embolization are more eective than
Endoscopic treatment may be the
best initial treatment, because it is less costly than
embolization and more eective than packing.
This article updates a previous article on this topic by
Kucik and Clenney.
Data Sources: Literature search included the use
of medical databases PubMed, Ovid, and Essential
Evidence Plus. Keywords used included epistaxis,
anterior epistaxis, posterior epistaxis, epistaxis man-
agement. Search dates: February 1 to May 15, 2017.
The Authors
JASON P. WOMACK, MD, is an assistant professor
in the Department of Family Medicine and Com-
munity Health at Rutgers University Robert Wood
Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, N.J. Dr.
Womack is also the director of the sports medi-
cine fellowship.
JILL KROPA, MD, is an assistant professor in the
Department of Family Medicine and Community
Health at Rutgers University Robert Wood John-
son Medical School.
professor in the Department of Family Medicine
and Community Health at Rutgers University Rob-
ert Wood Johnson Medical School.
Address correspondence to Jason P. Womack,
MD, Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson
Medical School, 1 Robert Wood Johnson Pl., MEB
2nd Fl., New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (e-mail:
womackja@rwjms.rutgers.edu). Reprints are not
available from the authors.
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