Microsurgical anatomy of the external carotid artery: a
stereoscopic study
Anatomia microcirúrgica da artéria carótida externa: um estudo estereoscópico
Gustavo Rassier Isolan
, Adamastor Humberto Pereira
, Paulo Henrique Pires de Aguiar
Ápio Cláudio Martins Antunes
, João Pedro Mousquer
, Marcel Rozin Pierobon
Background: Knowledge of the anatomical structures of the external carotid artery by means of stereoscopic study may yield better results in
microsurgery of the external carotid artery.
Objective: To describe the structures of the external carotid artery under stereoscopic view, identifying its multiple aspects.
Methods: e cervical regions of twelve cadavers were dissected using a surgical microscope with 3 to 40 X magnification. e anatomical dissections
were documented using the technique to obtain three-dimensional images (3D), aiming at producing stereoscopic images.
Results: e use of the stereoscopic technique allowed a tri-dimensional approach to the extracranial arterial circulation, and the performance of
surgical dissections such the combined approach to the posterior fossa and infratemporal fossa, making microvascular surgery and neurosurgical
procedures more precise.
Conclusion: e use of images obtained by the stereoscopic technique produced a more assertive result in relation to the anatomy study for
microsurgical or neurosurgical procedures, allowing better analysis before performing complex neurosurgical procedures.
Keywords: stereoscopic vision; carotid artery, external; three-dimensional images.
Contexto: O conhecimento das estruturas anatômicas da artéria carótida externa por meio do estudo estereoscópico pode determinar melhores
resultados em microcirurgias da artéria carótida externa.
Objetivo: Descrever as estruturas da artéria carótida externa sob a visão estereoscópica, identificando seus múltiplos aspectos.
Métodos: Doze regiões cervicais foram dissecadas, utilizando-se microscópico cirúrgico com 3 a 40X de aumento. As dissecções anatômicas foram
documentadas utilizando-se a técnica para obtenção de imagens tridimensionais (3D), objetivando a produção de impressões estereoscópicas.
Resultados: O uso da técnica estereoscópica possibilitou a abordagem da circulação arterial extracraniana, sendo realizados estudos cirúrgicos do tipo
combinado fossa posterior e fossa infratemporal, tornando as microcirurgias e os procedimentos neurocirúrgicos vasculares mais precisos.
Conclusão: O uso das imagens obtidas pela técnica estereoscópica produziu um resultado mais assertivo em relação ao estudo da anatomia
para a microcirurgia e procedimentos neurocirúrgicos, facilitando melhor aprendizado previamente à realização de procedimentos complexos
em neurocirurgia.
Palavras-chave: visão estereoscópica; artéria carótida externa; imagens tridimensionais.
Study carried out at the Microsurgery Laboratory of the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, USA.
PhD; Professor at the Surgical Science Postgraduate Program of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil.
PhD; Professor at the Vascular Surgery Service of the Clinics Hospital of Porto Alegre; Postgraduated in Surgical Science at UFRGS – Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil.
PhD; Professor at the Neurosurgery Service of the Clinics Hospital of Porto Alegre – Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil.
Medical Student at UFRGS – Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil.
MsD Student; Postgraduated in Surgical Science at UFRGS – Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil.
Financial support: none.
Conflict of interest: nothing to declare.
Submitted on: 07.20.10. Accepted on: 08.03.11.
J Vasc Bras. 2011;11(1):3-11.
Microsurgical anatomy of the external carotid artery: a stereoscopic study - Isolan GR et al.J Vasc Bras 2011, Vol. 11, Nº 1
e external carotid artery presents complex anatomy
that should be known in depth by vascular surgeons, neu-
rosurgeons, head and neck surgeons, among other profes-
sionals. When studied using conventional photographic
images, such anatomy does not show the real depth of
some structures. In order to to mitigate this problem and
to provide a tri-dimensional (3D) perspective in printed
images, the 3D anaglyphic method was created. e pur-
pose of this study is to present detailed results of micro-
surgical dissections of the external carotid artery by means
of stereoscopic imaging.
Material and methods
is study was conducted at the Microsurgery
Laboratory, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, United
States. e cervical region of twelve cadavers were dis-
sected using a surgical microscope of 3 to 40 X magnica-
tion. e cadavers were injected with color silicon and po-
sitioned with a Mayeld skull clamp; the head was stretched
and rotated, simulating the surgical position to approach
the extracranial arterial circulation. en, combined poste-
rior fossa and infratemporal fossa surgical dissections were
performed, that simulated operations for jugular foramen
tumors, as well the simulation of vascular neurosurgical
procedures, such as: endarterectomy and extra- to intracra-
nial arterial anastomosis.
e anatomical dissections were documented using the
technique to obtain 3D images, aiming at the production
of stereoscopic prints. In this technique, pictures are tak-
en of the same object from two dierent positions, but on
the same horizontal plane. e rst position corresponds
tothe le eye view and the second position correspondsto
the right eye view. e images were superimposed, using
a previously dened soware program, coordinated and
printed. A Nikkon D70 camera, 8.0 megapixels with macro
lens was used to document the dissections. e device was
adapted to a sliding bar assembled on a tripod. e lens and
the shutter speed were set at f32 and 1/60 seconds, respec-
tively. e stereoscopic technique employed by the authors
is detailed in a previous study conducted by Ribas et al.
e prints made using the stereoscopic technique should be
viewed with red-green stereoscopic glasses.
e authors described the anatomy based on the stud-
ies conducted by Testut and Latarjet
and Rhoton
e external carotid artery arises from the bifurcation of
the common carotid artery, also called primitive carotid artery;
there is one artery on the right and another on the le side of the
neck. e right common carotid originates from the brachio-
cephalic trunk, at the lower part of the neck, while the common
le carotid starts at the aortic arch, presenting a small intratho-
racic segment, which makes it longer than the right common ca-
rotid. ese arteries run from their origins to the upper border
of the thyroid cartilage, where they bifurcate to form external
and internal arteries.
e common carotid arteries are located in each side of
the antero-lateral region of the neck (carotid region), and are
related posteriorly with the cervical sympathetic chain and
with the transverse apophysis of cervical vertebrae covered by
the prevertebral muscles and the deep cervical aponeurosis.
e transverse apophysis (transverse process) of C
presents a voluminous and palpable tubercle, which is used
as the surgical reference point to access the common ca-
rotid; this prominence is called Chassaignac tubercle. At
this level, the common carotid artery is crossed posteriorly
by the inferior thyroid artery. It is related to the esophagus
and the trachea (tracheoesophageal axis) inferiorly, to the
laringotracheal axis superiorly, to the sternocleidomastoid
muscle anteriorly, and in close contact with the internal jug-
ular vein along all its extension. e vagus nerve is between
these two large caliber vessels.
e common carotid artery, the internal jugular vein and
the vagus nerve form the neurovascular bundle of the neck,
which is wrapped by a very evident sheath, oering an excellent
plane for surgical dissection. is artery bifurcates at the level of
the upper border of the thyroid cartilage, forming the internal
and external carotids. At the bifurcation, the common carotid
artery presents a bulge, known as carotid bulb.
e external carotid artery starts at the level of the upper
border of the thyroid cartilage lamina and ends behind the
neck of the mandible, between the tip of the mastoid process
and the angle of the mandible. It bifurcates inside the parotid
gland forming the supercial temporal artery and the maxil-
lary artery, also known as internal maxillary artery.
Figures 1 to 10 illustrate the external carotid artery
anatomy. e external carotid artery branches are: superior
thyroid artery, ascending pharyngeal artery, lingual artery,
facial artery, occipital artery, posterior auricular artery, su-
percial temporal artery and (internal) maxillary artery.
Superior thyroid artery
e superior thyroid artery starts at the anterior aspect of
the external carotid artery, at the level of the greater cornu of
the hyoid bone. When the common carotid artery bifurcates
Microsurgical anatomy of the external carotid artery: a stereoscopic study - Isolan GR et al. J Vasc Bras 2011, Vol. 11, Nº 1
above the usual level, this artery can have its origin at the
carotid bulb. Running a deep anterior and later downward
course , it divides into small branches onto the upper pole of
the thyroid lobe. Along its course, the superior thyroid artery
is in contact with the pharynx and the larynx, below the in-
frahyoid muscles. In this course, it supplies the thyroid gland
with its terminal (anterior and posterior) branches and the
larynx with its collateral (superior laryngeal and cricothy-
roid) branches. e following branches have been identied:
• Infrahyoidbranch:paralleltothelowerborderofthehyoid
bone, it supplies the supra- and infrahyoid muscles.
• Middlesternocleidomastoidartery branch:4to6cm
long, it starts and crosses the common carotid artery
and the internal jugular vein, entering the deep portion
of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and it is accompa-
nied by a large tributary of the internal jugular vein.
• Superior laryngeal artery: has its origin at the supe-
rior thyroid artery, following an anteroinferior course
to subsequently bifurcate into two terminal branches,
one external and one posterior. e external branch is
behind the terminal branches of the superior laryngeal
nerve and the upper portion of the branch behind the
posterior nerve bundles. e posterior branch runs
posteriorly, closely related to the arytenoid fold.
• Inferiorandposteriorlaryngealarteries:theyrunup-
wards posteriorly to the cricoarytenoid muscle, aer
anastomosing with the posterior portion of the superior
laryngeal branch. ey supply the inferior pharyngeal
constrictor, the ary-arytenoid, posterior cricoarytenoid
and the cricothyroid muscles.
• Terminalbranches:aninternalbranchthataccompanies
the upper border of the thyroid body and that anasto-
moses at the midline with the branch from the opposite
side; an external branch that runs downwards and bifur-
cates over the external portion of the corresponding thy-
roid lobe; and a posterior branch that crosses behind the
thyroid gland, between this gland and the trachea
Figure 1 shows the side view of the external carotid ar-
tery branches and Figure 2 shows the same image, but using
the stereoscopic technique.
Ascending pharyngeal artery
e ascending pharyngeal artery is the only branch
that comes o the posterior face of the external carotid ar-
tery, near or at the same level of the lingual artery. It runs
upwards in contact with the lateral wall of the pharynx and
ends at the base of the skull, entering the jugular foramen
and the hypoglossal canal
It supplies the dura-mater of the inferior clivus region,
and at the same time, it anastomoses with branches of the
dorsal meningeal artery, which starts at the meningohypo-
physeal trunk into the cavernous sinus. ese branches sup-
ply the upper two-thirds of the clivus
(Figures 3 and 4).
Lingual artery
e lingual artery has its origin at the medial aspect
of the external carotid artery, on average 2 cm cephalad
to the carotid bulb, and runs obliquely and anteriorly. It
runs in front of and over the greater cornu of the hyoid
Figure 1. Side view of the external carotid artery branches. 1. superior
thyroid artery; 2. inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle; 3. thyroid car-
tilage; 4. submandibular gland; 5. lingual artery; 6. hypoglossal nerve; 7.
facial artery; 8. ascending palatine artery; 9. stylohyoid muscle; 10. sty-
loglossus muscle; 11. ascending pharyngeal artery; 12. internal jugular
vein (sectioned); 13. vertebral artery; 14. suboccipital triangle; 15. styloid
process and posterior auricular artery; 16. maxillary artery; 17. infraor-
bitary nerve; 18. buccinator muscle.
Figure 2. Side view of the external carotid artery branches using the
stereoscopic technique.
Microsurgical anatomy of the external carotid artery: a stereoscopic study - Isolan GR et al.J Vasc Bras 2011, Vol. 11, Nº 1
bone and runs under the hyoglossal muscle to reach the
anterior portion of the tongue through its terminal branch
(deep lingual artery)
Along its course, the lingual artery gives o three im-
portant collateral branches:
• Hyoidbranch:itrunsalongthehyoidbone,rstabove
and then below it. It anastomoses with the branch from
the opposed side at the midline, forming an arch locat-
ed between the genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles. It
supplies the insertions of the infrahyoid muscles above
and the stylohyoid branches, at the junction where the
digastric and mylohyoid branches meet.
• Dorsallingualartery:itisusuallyofsmallcaliberand
was identied in only one cadaver. It has an ascending
branch that runs inferiorly, reaching both sides of the
base of the tongue and ending at the mucosa that cov-
ers the caliciform papillae, the anterior arch, the so
palate and the epiglottis.
Sublingual artery: it is a exible vessel in the anatomical
dissections that runs in parallel to Whartons duct, between the
mylohyoid and genioglossus muscles. Along its course, it gives
o branches to the sublingual gland and the hyoglossus mus-
cle, branches above the genioglossus and branches below the
geniohyoid muscle before bifurcating into terminal branches:
one superior, towards to middle portion of the horizontal
branch of the mandible and one inferior, which enters the mid-
dle mental canal through the sub and intragenian foramina.
Figure 3. Advanced dissection of the skull base, showing the middle
meningeal artery and its point of penetration into the middle fossa (12),
as well as the cervical internal carotid artery entering the skull base, after
which it is called intrapetrous portion of the internal carotid artery. 1. lat-
eral rectal muscle; 2. V1; 3. V2; 4. V3; 5. trochlear nerve; 6. oculomotor nerve;
7. M2 branches of the middle cerebral artery above the insula; 8. posterior
cerebral artery; 9. Gasserian ganglion; 10. ICA; 11. Eustachian tube; 12. mid-
dle meningeal artery; 13. V3; 14. oropharynx; 15. styloid process.
Figure 4. A) Axial magnetic nuclear resonance in T1 with gadolinium, showing an injury on the right jugular foramen surface, compatible with a paraganglio-
ma; B) arteriography with injection of contrast into the right external carotid artery, showing filling across the occipital artery (single arrow) and ascending pha-
ryngeal artery (dual arrow), the two vessels were embolized; C) cross-sectional arteriography with catheterization of the right internal carotid artery, showing
a small tumoral blush originated in the carotid-tympanic branches of the intrapetrous portion of the ICA; D) surgical stage showing the previously separated
temporalis muscle; E) dissection and exposure of the neurovascular structures of the neck; F) computed axial tomography in the immediate post-operative
period, showing hypodense material compatible with fat graft inside the mastoid portion of the temporal bone during the skull base reconstruction.
Microsurgical anatomy of the external carotid artery: a stereoscopic study - Isolan GR et al. J Vasc Bras 2011, Vol. 11, Nº 1
Facial artery
e facial artery has its origin on average 1.5 cm above
the lingual artery. It runs an ascending and oblique course
anteriorly; initially in contact with the pharyngeal wall, it
passes under the posterior belly of the digastric muscle and
the stylohyoid muscle, entering the anterior groove of the
masseter muscle and crossing the horizontal ramus of the
. Finally, it runs obliquely upward and forward,
following the nasolabial crease. It ends at the internal angle
of the eye, under the name of angular artery, which anasto-
moses with one of the branches of the ophthalmic artery
e collateral branches of the facial artery are: the cervical
and facial branches (Figures 6 and 7).
Cervical branches
The inferior ascending palatine artery arises from
the facial artery 4 to 5 cm distally to its origin. It runs
anterior e superiorly, passing between the fibers of the
styloglossus muscle. It ascends through the lateral aspect
of the pharynx, gives off a branch to the tongue muscles
and branches off distally to the palatine tonsil, superior
pharyngeal constrictor muscle and stylopharyngeal mus-
cle. It anastomoses with the superior palatine and inferi-
or pharyngeal arteries. The internal pterygoid muscle ar-
tery arises from the inferior palatine, and rarely from the
facial artery, and supplies the internal pterygoid muscle.
The submental artery is a larger vessel, that has its ori-
gin at the facial artery at the level of the submandibular
gland. It runs horizontally along the lower border of the
mandible, between the mylohyoid muscles and the ante-
rior belly of the digastric muscle, supplying several small
branches to these muscles along its course. It ends in the
mental region, where it anastomoses with the terminal
ramifications of the inferior dental arch.
Facial branches
The inferior masseteric artery has this name to be
distinguished from the masseteric artery, which arises
from the internal maxillary artery and is the main sup-
plier to the masseter muscle. The inferior labial artery
arises from the facial artery at the level of the lips. It runs
horizontally into the muscles of the lower lip and it anas-
tomoses at the midline with the same artery from the op-
posite side. The superior labial artery starts at the same
level as the inferior labial artery, but it runs to the upper
lip, where it anastomoses at the midline with the same
artery from the opposite side. The lateral nasal artery
arises from the facial artery at the level of the nose side
and runs forward and inside and bifurcates, almost im-
mediately after its origin, in the three branches, resulting
in slender ramifications to the alae, to the dorsum and to
the lobe. The terminal branches of this artery anastomo-
ses with the same arteries from the opposite side.
Figure 5. Posterior cervical region showing the occipital artery and vein (sin-
gle arrows). Contralateral occipital artery (dual arrow) and C2 dorsal branch.
Figure 6. Side view of the intratemporal fossa. e zygoma and part of
the mandible were removed. 1. facial artery; 2. buccinator muscle; 3. su-
perior posterior alveolar artery; 4. sphenopalatine artery; 5. deep tempo-
ral arteries (anterior and posterior); 6. lateral pterygoid muscle (upper
head); 7. maxillary artery; 8. medial pterygoid muscle (lower head); 9.
buccal nerve; 10. buccal artery; 11. styloid process; 12. medial pterygoid
muscle; 13. lingual nerve; 14. inferior alveolar nerve; 15. external carotid
artery; 16. posterior auricular artery; 17. posterior belly of the digastric
muscle; 18. angle of the mandible; 19. condylar process.
Microsurgical anatomy of the external carotid artery: a stereoscopic study - Isolan GR et al.J Vasc Bras 2011, Vol. 11, Nº 1
Occipital artery
It arises from the posterior aspect of the external ca-
rotid artery, near the origin of the facial artery, and runs
posteriorly and upwards to supply the neck region. e col-
lateral branches of the occipital artery are:
• superiorsternocleidomastoidbranch:runstothedeep
sternocleidomastoid muscle;
• muscularbranchesinvariablenumberthataregiven
o at dierent levels of the occipital artery and go to
neighboring muscles;
• stylomastoidbranch:entersthestylomastoidforamen,
in close relation with the facial nerve along its course.
Its ramications go to the eardrum, mastoid cavity and
semicircular canals.
• meningealartery:entersthemastoidforamen,supply-
ing the dura-mater of the mastoid region (Figure 5).
Posterior auricular artery
Also named retroauricular artery, it arises right
above the occipital artery and runs a posterosuperior
oblique course, passing beneath the posterior belly
of the digastric muscle, finally reaching the posterior
border of the mastoid
It has the following terminal
branches: an anterior branch that supplies the inter-
nal face of the ear and supplies the external face with
small distal branches, called perforators, which supply
the skin of the helix, antihelix, concha and earlobe; one
posterior branch, which spreads in the region behind
the ear, anastomosing with branches from the occipital
and superficial temporal arteries.
Superficial temporal artery
e supercial temporal artery is one of the terminal
branches of the external carotid artery. It arises right above
the mandibular condyle, inside the parotid gland and goes
upward, anterior to the tragus. In its most supercial course,
it passes (between the two fascias of the temporalis muscle)
above the temporalis muscle and the anterior auricular mus-
cle, and divides into two terminal branches: frontal and pari-
etal. e supercial temporal artery is accompanied along all
its course by the supercial temporal vein and partially by the
auriculotemporal nerve
(Figure 8).
Maxillary artery
e maxillary artery is one of the terminal branches of
the external carotid artery (the other one is the supercial
temporal artery), which arises at the level of the neck of
the mandible and its initial course is inside the parotid
. e maxillary artery is divided into three portions:
mandibular (or retromandibular), pterygoid and pterygo-
palatine. ese subdivisions of the maxillary artery are es-
tablished in relation to the lateral pterygoid muscle
. From
lateral to medial direction, the rst portion is laterally, the
second is at the same level and the third is medially located
in relation to the muscle. In our dissections, the maxillary
artery was lateral to the buccal and lingual arteries and to
the inferior alveolar nerve in all specimens
The branches of the first portion penetrate into fo-
ramens of base of the skull. This segment of the maxil-
lary artery passes between the mandibular condyle and
the sphenomandibular ligament, running alongside the
auriculotemporal nerve. Its branches are: the deep au-
ricular artery, closely related to the wall of the external
acoustic meatus
; the anterior tympanic artery, which
runs parallel to the chorda tympani nerve and enters
the petrotympanic fissure; and the middle meningeal
artery, the first maxillary artery branch that runs super-
ficially to the lateral pterigoid muscle. It may start at a
trunk in common with the inferior alveolar artery, but
this pattern was not observed in our dissections. It as-
cended to enter the spinal foramen; the accessory men-
ingeal artery may start at the medium meningeal artery
and ascends next to the tensor veli platini and levator
Figure 7. Stereoscopic side view of the intratemporal fossa.
Microsurgical anatomy of the external carotid artery: a stereoscopic study - Isolan GR et al. J Vasc Bras 2011, Vol. 11, Nº 1
Figure 8. Anatomo-radiologic correlation of the superficial temporal artery. 1. frontal branch; 2. parietal branch. e arrow in the smaller figure indi-
cates the maxillary artery.
veli palatine muscles and to reach the foramen ovale,
which was observed in two cadavers. The mandibular
artery enters the mandibular foramen through the me-
dial surface of the mandible to supply the mandible and
the teeth of the inferior dental arch
The second portion of the maxillary artery was lo-
cated superficially to the lateral pterygoid muscle in all
specimens. The anterior and posterior branches of the
deep temporal artery supply the temporalis muscle. The
masseter artery runs inside the mandibular incisure
to reach the masseter muscle
. The pterygoid artery
presents a variable number and supplies the pterygoid
muscle. The buccal artery runs parallel to the buccal
branch of the mandibular nerve and supplies the skin
and mucous membrane above the buccinator muscle
(Figures 9 and 10).
Figure 9. Side view of the left face with dissection of deeper tissues.
e masseter muscle was removed. e insertion of the temporalis
muscle tendon was inserted in the coronoid process of the mandible.
1. mentalis muscle; 2. depressor labii inferioris; 3. depressor anguli oris;
4. platysma muscle fibers; 5. orbicularis oris muscle; 6. risorius muscle;
7. greater zygomatic muscle; 8. facial artery; 9. angle of the mandible;
10. retromandibular vein; 11. coronoid process; 12. condylar process; 13.
temporalis muscle tendon inserted in the coronoid process; 14. zygoma;
15. superficial temporal artery; 16. perioral fat.
Figure 10. Side view of the left face with dissection of deeper tissues,
using the stereoscopic technique.
Microsurgical anatomy of the external carotid artery: a stereoscopic study - Isolan GR et al.J Vasc Bras 2011, Vol. 11, Nº 1
e external carotid artery supplies most of the so tis-
sues of the head and neck, as well as the meninges, giving
o six branches before dividing into the supercial tempo-
ral artery and the maxillary artery.
Studies on the external carotid artery are extremely im-
portant, due to the anatomical structures found there. Poor
knowledge of this artery surgical anatomy may lead to in-
advertent injuries. At operation, two parameters are used to
identify the external carotid artery: it runs more anteriorly
than the internal carotid artery and gives o several branch-
es in the neck, while the internal carotid artery has none.
Carotid endarterectomy is the surgical procedure with
the highest number of co-operative studies demonstrat-
ing its eectiveness. e selection criteria for symptomatic
patients were determined particularly by the co-operative
study called NASCET (North-American Symptomatic
Carotid Endarterectomy Trial)
, according which the neu-
rologically stable patients with carotid stenosis of 70% or
above benet from the surgery in the services where the
morbimortality is below 6%. e higher the stenosis degree,
the higher the surgery benet. But, in patients with stenosis
between 50 and 69%, the surgery should be indicated only
in services where the morbimortality is below 2%
When exposing the cervical spine for cervical spine
discectomy through an anterior approach, aer opening the
supercial fascia and retracting laterally the sternocleido-
mastoid muscle, the pre-tracheal fascia was observed, which
involves the muscles from the lower portion of the hyoid
(of which the most important is the omohyoid muscle), the
vasculo-nervous bundle, the esophagus and trachea. is
bounded region is called the carotid triangle
e occipital artery is the main branch used for arterial
bypass in the posterior fossa and it is usually anastomosed
to the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA).
e ascending pharyngeal artery is the main blood
supply to the paragangliomas of the jugular foramen and
other tumors located in it.
For reconstruction of the base of the skull aer resec-
tion for carcinoma, the facial artery is the main artery used
to supply the ap to be graed. In juvenile nasopharyngeal
angiobromas, the maxillary artery is the main artery to
be embolized. In some cases, the posterior auricular artery
supplies the glomic tumors of the jugular foramen, and it
may be embolized in the preoperative period or ligated dur-
ing the operation.
e supercial temporal artery is the main vessel that
can be anastomosed in the M4 branch of the middle cere-
bral artery, in the low-ow bypass
e brain processes the stereoscopic view by observing
an object captured from two dierent points (retina of each
eye), providing a notion of depth. e stereoscopic photo-
graphic documentation provides this notion of depth which,
otherwise, would not be conceived with conventional 2D
images. Currently, 3D images have been increasingly pro-
duced, not only for medical publications, but especially for
general media, which can be seen in 3D movies and ani-
noted that this technology is not new. Since the publication
of Bassett Stereoscopic Atlas
, originally published in 1961
and reedited in 1994, up to two recently published micro-
surgery atlas, one edited by Poletti and Ojemann in 1985
and one by Kraus and Bailey in 1994
, stereoscopic im-
ages have been presented.
Recently, surgical and anatomical stereoscopic vid-
eos have been used for pedagogical purposes in projec-
tors, computer displays and printed (anaglyphic) method.
Besides oering a better anatomical illustration and a
better 3D understanding, the use of stereoscopic images
can also enhance the individuals familiarity with his/her
own three-dimensionality and promote the spatially re-
lated skills. e article of Ribas et al.
already highlighted
that the form is the primitive unit of perception and that
stereoscopic images have denitive advantage in the pro-
duction of illustrations. Virtual environments for surgery
planning and training, which are being developed through
telesurgical systems, will also require stereoscopic visual-
ization and the individual’s familiarity with the 3D con-
cepts and stereoscopy.
e study of the external carotid artery, under the per-
spective of microsurgical anatomy, provides a 3D view to
the surgeon, due to the fact that an anatomical region can
be studied in dierent angles and according to the surgical
position of the patients. e stereoscopic documentation
is useful, as it adds the sense of depth of the documented
anatomy. Studies of this type can be more didactical in the
teaching of anatomy.
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Gustavo Rassier Isolan
Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre
Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2.350
CEP 90035-903 – Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil
Author´s contributions
Study conception and design: GRI
Data analysis and interpretation: GRI, ACMA, MRP
Data collection: GRI
Writing: GRI, MRP
Critical analysis: AHP, PHPA, JPM
Final approval*: GRI, AHP, PHPA, SPM, MRP, ACMA
Overall responsibility: GRI*All authors have read and approved the final version
submitted to J Vasc Bras.
All figures are available in color at: http://www.jvascbr.com.br/
Figures 6 and 10 need 3D glasses.