Effective Access to Student Education (EASE)
Florida State Website Information
Contains Effective
Access to Student
Application and
Office of Financial Aid
1 Aerospace Blvd
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
The primary intent of establishing residence in Florida
must not be for the purpose of education. To be
considered a Florida resident for this program, students
must reside in the state of Florida for 12 consecutive
months prior to the first day of classes. The Effective
Access to Student Education scholarship provides tuition
assistance to resident students attending non-profit
private college and universities located in the state. The
program is administered by the Florida Department of
Education pursuant to Florida statutes and administrative
rules adopted by the State Board of Education. Each
participating eligible institution administers the program
for and on behalf of the eligible students it enrolls. Funds
for support of the Effective Access to Student Education
(EASE) scholarship are contingent each year upon the
appropriations made available by the Florida Legislature.
Applicants must submit the Effective
Access to Student Education
no later than the first day of the
academic year for which the grant is
An applicant must be a U.S. citizen or
eligible non-citizen and living in Florida
for twelve (12) consecutive months
prior to the first day of classes of the
academic term for which assistance is
requested. The primary intent of
establishing residence in Florida must
not be for the purpose of obtaining an
education. An individual who comes to
Florida as an out-of-state resident to
enroll in a Florida postsecondary
educational institution will not meet the
Florida residency requirement for state
financial aid purposes regardless of the
length of time enrolled.
Dependent students may take the
residency of either parent who meets
the Florida residency requirement even
if claimed as a dependent by a non-
resident parent. A parent is either a
natural or adoptive parent or a legal
guardian. A dependent applicant will be
considered to have met the
requirements of Florida residency if the
applicant has lived with a relative for
the past five years who has had day-to-
day supervision of the individual, and
the relative meets all the requirements
for Florida residency.
For the purpose of residency, an
independent applicant must not be
eligible to be claimed as a tax
exemption by any person other than a
spouse, must be self-supporting for
twelve (12) consecutive months prior to
the first day of classes of the academic
term for which assistance is requested,
and have the intent, for purposes other
than education, that Florida be their
legal state of residence.
Residents of Florida stationed out-of-
state on active military duty, their
spouses and dependent children, will
retain Florida residency status.
Active duty members of the armed
forces stationed in Florida, their
spouses and dependent children, and
full-time instructional and
administrative personnel of state public
schools, colleges and universities, and
their spouses and dependent children
are classified as Florida residents.
An applicant receiving funds through
this program, who subsequently loses
Florida residency status, may be eligible
to continue to receive funds for a
period of twelve (12) months.
Applicants who have questions
regarding residency status should
contact the financial aid office of the
institution they plan to attend.
Applicants must be enrolled in a first
bachelor’s degree program at an eligible
independent Florida college or
Applicants must enroll each academic
term for a minimum of twelve (12)
credits. If you are taking online classes,
please contact the Financial Aid Office
to determine eligibility. Not all online
classes are eligible towards EASE.
Recipients must not owe a repayment
under any state grant or scholarship
Recipients must not be in default on
any federal Title IV or state student loan
program unless satisfactory
arrangements to repay have been
Applicants must have met the
registration requirements for the
Selective Service Act.
Students shall be eligible to receive
financial aid for a maximum of nine (9)
semesters or fourteen (14) quarters.
Five-year eligibility does not extend to a
program which leads to the
simultaneous award of a graduate and
an undergraduate degree.
Applicants who are on the program
for the first time are not required to
have a minimum grade point average.
Renewal applicants shall have earned
a minimum cumulative grade point
average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale and have
earned twelve (12) credits per term or
the equivalent for the number of terms
for which aid was received.
Applicants who fail to earn the
minimum number of credits required
for renewal shall lose their eligibility for
renewal for a period equivalent to one
academic year. However, they may
apply for reinstatement during a
subsequent application period and may
be eligible for an award if they have
earned a minimum cumulative grade
point average of 2.0 on a
4.0 scale.
The cumulative grade point average
and the number of credit hours earned
for renewal or reinstatement of an
award will be determined at the end of
the second semester or third quarter. A
course for which a student receives an
incomplete at the end of the second
semester or third quarter will not be
used in evaluating the student’s
eligibility for a renewal or reinstatement
award. A student who earns the
minimum number of credits required
for renewal but who fails to meet the
minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point
average, may be granted a probationary
award for up to the equivalent of one
(1) academic year and shall be required
to earn a cumulative grade point
average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale by the end
of the probationary period to be eligible
for subsequent renewal.
n. A student who receives an award and
subsequently fails to meet the academic
progress requirements due to verifiable
illness or other emergency beyond the
student’s control may be granted an
exception from the academic
requirements. Such a recipient shall
make a written appeal to the
institution. The appeal shall include a
description and verification of the
circumstances. Verification of the illness
or other emergency may include, but
not be limited to, a written statement
of a physician, parent or college official.
The institution shall recommend each
exception to the Office of Student
Financial Assistance, Florida
Department of Education.
o. Applicants must not be enrolled in a
program of study leading to a degree in
theology or divinity.
Applicants must be making
satisfactory academic progress as
defined by the college or university in
which they are enrolled.
Each award shall be awarded for one
academic year. The award issued to a
full-time student shall:
Be no more than 40% of the
full cost to the state per
academic year for an
undergraduate student in
public postsecondary
education or the amount
specified in the General
Appropriations Act.
Be paid on a prorated basis
each quarter or semester.
Be adjusted when the amount
of other scholarships and
grants designated for tuition
and fees, combined with the
award, exceeds the cost of
tuition and fees. *This includes
but is not limited to: Chapter
33, Sponsored Payments
(employee tuition assistance
or any other organization
providing payment towards
tuition and fees), Yellow
Ribbon and Military Tuition
An applicant may transfer from one
eligible institution to another, provided
that he continues to meet all eligibility
Applicants must submit applications
to the financial aid office of the college
they plan to attend by the date
specified by that college. Intentional
falsification of information shall result in
the denial of any pending application
and revocation of any award currently
held to the extent that no further
payments shall be made. Students who
knowingly falsify information are guilty
of a second-degree misdemeanor.
Applicants must submit two of the
following documents as proof of Florida
Residency: Florida voter’s registration
card; Florida driver’s license; Florida
identification card; Proof of homestead
exemption in Florida; Proof of a
permanent home in Florida which is
occupied as a primary residence by the
individual or by the individual’s parent if
the individual is a dependent student;
Transcripts from a Florida high school
for multiple years if the Florida high
school diploma or GED was earned
within the last 12 months; Proof of
permanent full-time employment in
Florida for at least 30 hours per week
for a 12-month period
The amount of the award is based on
the amounts established in the General
Appropriations Act. The student will be
notified by the institution of the
amount of the award. Awards are made
to eligible students by the institution
each academic term, excluding summer
Payments are made by the Florida
Department of Education directly to the
approved institution on behalf of and to
the credit of each eligible student
certified and invoiced by the institution
to the Department of Education by the
established deadline. Payments are
made each academic term, excluding
summer terms.
Questions regarding specific individual
circumstances will be answered by the
authorized official of the educational
institution the student is attending.
Decisions with respect to student
eligibility and qualifications for this
program are made by each participating
The Privacy Act of 1974 requires state
agencies to inform applicants of the
reasons for requesting their Social
Security Number (SSN). The Florida
Department of Education requests a
SSN on all applications for student
financial assistance in order to correctly
identify applicants, match each
applicant’s financial aid record with the
student record at the postsecondary
institution the applicant attends and
help coordinate state student aid
programs with federal student aid
An applicant will not be denied financial
assistance for failure to disclose the
SSN. Without a SSN, correct
identification of an applicant’s record
cannot be assured and may result in an
error in the award amount or a delay in
the disbursement of an award.
Pursuant to Florida Statute
228.2001, state student financial
assistance is provided to eligible
applicants without discriminating on the
basis of race, sex, national origin,
marital status or handicap.
Minority status will be considered when
it is required by law as a condition of
eligibility or selection.
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2022-2023 23FXWFLP
Please check with your campus for application deadline.
SECTION I: PARENT INFORMATION - To be completed by parent (Please type or print)
Applicant’s Name: _
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Student ID: _ ___ Beginning Date of Permanent Residency in Florida _
___ ___ ___ _
Month Day Year
Permanent Address: __ __ ___
City State Zip
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Please submit two of the following documents as proof of Florida residency along with this completed form:
1. A Florida voter’s registration card.
2. A Florida driver’s license.
3. A State of Florida identification card.
4. A Florida vehicle registration.
5. Proof of a permanent home in Florida
which is occupied as a primary residence by the individual or by the individual’s parent if the individual
is a dependent student.
6. Proof of homestead exemption in Florida.
7. Transcripts from a Florida High School for multiple years if the Florida High School diploma or GED was earned within the last 12 months.
8. Proof of permanent full-time employment in Florida for at least 30 hours per week for a 12-month period.
Who Is a Florida Resident?
For the purpose of determining eligibility for state financial assistance programs and tuition subsidy programs, a Florida resident is a person who has
established and maintained legal residence in Florida for at least twelve months prior to the fall semester/term, for “other than educational purposes”.
Residence in Florida must be for the purpose of establishing a permanent home and not
merely incident to enrollment at an institution of higher
education. Living in or attending school in Florida will not, in itself, establish legal residence. Generally, students who were considered to be non-Florida
residents at the time they applied for admission to Embry-Riddle shall remain so classified for the duration of their enrollment. Florida law allows for
limited exceptions to this rule. Students who meet the federal definition of a dependent student are presumed to be legal residents of the same state as
their parents.
Basic Eligibility Criteria:
Must be a Florida resident and a U. S. citizen or permanent resident for 12 consecutive months prior to first day of classes of the Fall term of the
academic year for which funds are requested. Must meet Embry-Riddle standards of progress as well as initial and renewal requirements set forth by
Florida Department of Education.
Payments of Award Criteria:
The three Bright Futures Scholarships: A minimum of 6 credit hours is required for payment. Each semester, final award eligibility will be reviewed after
the published extended drop date has expired. At that time, any award adjustments necessary will be made and the State will be notified of the change
in award.
The Effective Access to Student Education scholarship requires full-time enrollment (at least 12 credit hours). The full-time enrollment must be maintained
until after the published extended drop date has expired. If enrollment is reduced to less than full-time the award will be charged back at that time and
the State will be notified of the loss of the award.
Students that attend a Florida Center and are receiving Tuition Assistance (TA) are required to provide the following information.
This includes but is
not limited to: Chapter 33, *Sponsored Payments, Yellow Ribbon and Military Tuition Assistance.
*Sponsored payments include: employee tuition assistance or any outside organization providing payment towards tuition and fees.
I have read and understand the conditions of this form; the information contained on this application is true, complete, and correct; and to the best of
my knowledge and belief, I am eligible for the Effective Access to Student Education scholarship as defined under Florida Laws.
Signature of Applicant’s Parent Date
Note: If you purposely give false information on this form, you may be subject to fine or imprisonment or both under Section 837.06. Florida
Note: Students may be asked by their educational institution to provide additional documentation to verify their eligibility for the Effective
Access to Student
Education scholarship. Awards are provided to eligible applicants without discriminating on the basis of race, sex, national
origin, marital status, or handicap.