© Copyright Tungsten Corporation plc 2018
Convert purchase orders into invoices
© Copyright Tungsten Corporation plc 2018
Hello, this video was designed to show you how easy it is to submit invoices and credit notes by utilizing the PO Convert method
via the Tungsten Network portal.
To begin, click “My POs” located in the main menu bar at the top of the page.
© Copyright Tungsten Corporation plc 2018
The “My POs” page gives you
the ability to search for
purchase orders that have been
delivered to Tungsten Network
from your customer. You can
manage your purchase orders
by moving them to a different
status within the “My PO
summarysection. Updating
the status of your purchase
order allows you to confirm
which purchase orders are
open, closed, rejected or
archived. When your purchase
order is newly created or
updated by your customer, it
will appear in the new or
pending status. Tungsten
Network will send an email
confirming the purchase order
is available in the portal under
the “My PO summarysection.
After reviewing the email, you
are ready to begin.
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Please search for your purchase
order on the left side of the
screen. Prior to completing the
search, please ensure to select
your customer or customers from
the drop down menu. Once the
report is run, all purchase orders
in the status selected will be
shown at the bottom of the page.
You also have the ability to select
the blue hyperlinked text
available under “My PO
summarysection. Once a
selection is made, all purchase
orders in the selected status will
appear at the bottom of the
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Select the purchase order by
clicking the blue link located on
the left side of the page next to
the purchase order number.
Its important to review the
purchase order details prior to
accepting your purchase order. If
the purchase order contains
invalid or missing information, it
may be best to reject the
purchase order and notify your
customer. If the purchase order
has been fulfilled and no longer
will be used, move the purchase
order to the archived status. If all
purchase order details are valid,
click “Convert PO.
© Copyright Tungsten Corporation plc 2018
The “Invoice number” field allows entry of your
invoice or credit note number. Once your
documents number has been entered, tick the
box located next to Net amount. This will allow
you to select the PO line items you would like to
include in your electronic invoice or credit note.
Partial billing is accepted; please adjust the
quantity only as the unit price has been fixed
and should not be changed.
Tungsten Network processes invoices submitted
by users that span the globe. Its important to
ensure tax is referenced on your invoice
correctly. If operating in a region where tax is
referenced at the line item level, please select
the tax type from the drop menu. Next, enter
the tax amount. If operating in a region where
tax is referenced at the summary level of the
invoice, you will have the option to enter the tax
amount prior to previewing and submitting your
Tungsten Network allows you to submit invoices
against the same purchase order. Please ensure
to use a unique invoice or credit note number
for each submission.
Click “Create invoice” once all PO line items
have been selected.
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Please confirm that you have selected the correct purchase order line items to be included in your invoice or credit note. If not,
please click “Back”. If all information shown is valid, click “Confirm” to proceed to the final page.
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Please enter your name, phone
number and email address in the
Your details” section. Next, enter
the name, phone number and email
address for your customer in the
“Who you are invoicing section.
Tungsten also gives you the ability to
save contact details within the
“Create invoice” page. Please click
the blue circle located in the “Your
details” and “Who you are
invoicing” sections. Once contact
details have been entered, please
exit out of the text box to continue.
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If the shipping location is
different from the invoice from or
invoice to location, please enter
the correct shipping details in the
appropriate fields. If you are not
shipping products, please bypass
this section. To enter shipping
information, tick the box. To add
a shipping address to your profile
to be used for future
submissions, please click the blue
circle located next to the
“Company name” field. Once
shipping details have been
entered, please exit out of the
text box to continue.
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Please expand the Additional header field if additional header information is required by your customer. Once details such as bill of
lading, delivery note number and cost centre have been entered, please move to the next section.
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Its important to update your invoice
date, payment due date and delivery
date by selecting the calendar
located in the “Invoice details”
section. This will ensure your date is
in the correct format upon
submitting your invoice. Some
regions of the world require a tax
point date. If operating in one of
these regions, you will be required
to reference this mandatory data in
the “Tax point date” field. Your
currency and purchase order
number should not be changed. The
invoice or credit note will be
validated against the purchase order
details available in the Tungsten
Network system. If header and line
level details do not match the
purchase order data, your invoice is
subject to rejection by Tungsten
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If submitting a credit note, its
important to ensure your document
type states “Credit note”. If not, please
select “Credit note” from the drop
down menu under documents type
located in the “Invoice details” section.
Once “Credit note” has been selected,
please ensure to provide the original
invoice number, date and reason for
your credit note submission.
The “Invoice items” section does not
accept negative values in the quantity
or unit price fields. In other words, the
system will not allow the entry of
negative signs. When the line items are
saved, the document will be treated as
a credit note. The gross amount will
not reflect a negative value.
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Its important to note again, line
items details should not be
modified. These details were
provided to Tungsten Network by
your customer. These Good or
Service lines can only be modified
to provide additional information
and/or a date range. For example,
work performed between January
1st and January 15th. Its best to
follow standard invoicing practices
when referencing line item
discounts and/or entering
additional information at the line
item level.
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Adding Special Line items are allowed. Special line items are not listed on your purchase order. If you feel an additional normal line
item should be added to your purchase order, contact your customer directly. Request that your PO is updated and resent to
Tungsten Network. Once your purchase order has been updated, it will be available under “Pending” in the “My PO Summary. If
you would like assistance with updating your purchase order, please create a support ticket via the Help & Support page. Tungsten
Network is more than happy to contact your customer on your behalf.
Please remember to add your attachment prior to submitting your invoice or credit note. Please do not attach an additional copy
of an invoice. Attachments should be used for supporting documentation only needed to approve your invoice.
© Copyright Tungsten Corporation plc 2018
The invoice summary contains the net, tax and gross. If you are in a region of the world where tax is referenced at the line level, tax
type and amount were entered after the purchase order was accepted. If you are located in the region of the world where tax is
referenced at the summary level only, please enter the full invoice or credit note tax amount at this time. Please “Previewprior to
submitting your invoice or credit note.
As you can see, converting your purchase order via “My POs” page is very easy. You are encouraged to use the Help & Support
page if you need assistance navigating the Tungsten Network portal or are experiencing a technical issue using the site.
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and to view more
videos, please visit the
Help & Support section