January 2024
Search Find a Supplier on the Business & Finance site and Procuring Goods and Services on
the Administrative Resource Center (ARC) site to understand the standard methods used to
procure goods and services.
REQUISITION [RQ] - Request to purchase goods and/or services not allowable on the PCard:.
The first step in acquiring a Purchase Order is to create a Requisition.
Either: In the Search field type in Create Requisition or
Click Workday MENU choose Requisitions App (which can be added in) or
Click Workday MENU Request Travel or Purchase, click Request to Procure Goods and/or
Services link. Choose Start Requisition.
After submitting a purchase Requisition, it will go through an approval process.
Search Catalog-contracted suppliers with catalogs uploaded to Workday system
Request Non-Catalog Items-internal/non-contracted supplier but no catalog available.
Connect to Supplier Website-preferred contracted vendors with direct purchase link.
BUCKEYE BUY [CATALOG] -Buckeye Buy User Guides
Search Catalog link= STORES - enter a brief-detailed product description, click the Inventory box
Staples- Mandated Supplier for Office Supplies: All OFF-Campus locations are to use the Staples
Regional Catalog. On-Campus locations use the Staples Columbus catalog.
For any other purchase that may require a PO and the supplier is not on contract.
GOODS Use this requisition for a specific quantity to buy. Goods are generally tangible items, but
there could be instances where a goods requisition is used to purchase a specific frequency or
quantity of services (such as a monthly service arrangement) -Workday will put In-System POs in
the Goods line.
SERVICE - Use this requisition for a total dollar amount to purchase. Services are generally
intangible, but there could be instances where a services requisition is used to purchase goods,
such as in the case of a blanket purchase order.
The Buckeye Buy Marketplace Quotes website hosts quotations from multiple contracted
suppliers. Each supplier has their own portal within the site through which they submit quotations
for their services and goods under contract. Quotes can be imported directly into the Workday
Financial system. Initiator approves quote from supplier.
January 2024
TO FIND REQUISITIONS: as the initiator type “My Requisitions” in Search field or a list of Requisitions
can also be found under the Requisitions app. To find Requisitions entered by others, type “Find
Requisition” OR type the number directly in the Search field.
PURCHASE ORDER [PO] - Commercial document and official offer from the buyer to seller.
This is the preferred buying tool and requires delivery to an OSU office/location. Buying Tool
Decision Tree The requisition will be sourced to a purchase order, they cannot be issued directly
by a requestor. Once approved a Purchase Order number will be created and initiator/supplier will
be notified. The PO number is required before an invoice can be paid.
Open Requisition. To find PO#, scroll to the goods or service line. PO# is
on the far right under Sourced Column. If no PO# listed, it is not yet
created. Initiator will receive notification when a PO is issued from a
Click the PO link to open the “View Service Order Line.” Click the PO#
link there as well to get to the “View Purchase Order.
TO CHANGE A PO (CHANGE ORDER) OR TO CLOSE A PO: Fill out the Webform on the CFAES Finance
Webpage, Service Center Help TAB, Purchase Order (PO) Assistance for Change Order or Closure
TO PRINT PURCHASE ORDERS: not a requirement- option to print: locate a PO in Workday, in View
Purchase Order Screen scroll mid-way of page to line of SERVICE LINES, PROCESS HISTORY,
ATTACHMENTS, PRINTING RUNS, BALANCES choose “Printing Runs” and click on link under
‘PDF File’.
Issued: ready to use. PO# has been sent to the Supplier- doesn’t mean the supplier has been
paid.(Other Status: Partially Paid Fully Paid)
When a GOOD is received or SERVICE is completed before a PO has been requested/when an
Invoice has already been received. Must attach the INVOICE instead of a QUOTE and then send
the invoice to AP with the PO# typed at the top.
January 2024
INVOICE [INV]- A commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer, relating to a sale
transaction and indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the
seller had provided the buyer.
The invoice is scanned with Optical character recognition software so
therefore cannot have handwriting on it.
Invoices must have UNIQUE Invoice Numbers, If invoice number is not
provided by supplier, they will need to create a unique invoice number using
the account number plus date (preferred) use dates, initials of supplier, etc…
Lines and description must match the PO.
PO#s must be typed in the format that Workday requires:
PO-100XXXXXXX- at the top- with Invoice NUMBER and Invoice DATE.
Invoices must be sent to apinvoices@osu.edu by either the supplier or the
initiator- not both. If Accounts Payable receives more than one invoice
against the PO it can create a Match Exception and freeze the PO until the Match Exception
has been cleared. Match Exceptions also occur if the Invoice is over the PO amount.
TO FIND AN INVOICE: once it has been submitted to AP and given time to be processed- drill down in the
PO to locate the invoice. Scroll right in the Line to the Business Document Lines to see if the INV # shows
below the RQ# there. Then click the INV link to get to the View Supplier Invoice Line screen, click Supplier
Invoice: INV# link To open the invoice- click on the link on the right side of the screen by Document Link.
TO COMPLETE PAYMENT CYCLE: Watch for action in Workday system to approve payment for Blanket
PO Invoices and $3000 & over invoices.
TO FIND UNIPRINT INVOICES: click on the MFDs Copiers TAB on the UniPrint Webpage
PAYMENT TERMS ARE NET 30, 60, 90: depending on the status of the vendor in Workday or how the vendor
is to be paid, either by check or by EFT. Due date is determined by this Net status after the Invoice Date.
TRANSACTION REFERENCE is the Check #, if an E in front of this number, that indicates paid by Electronic
Funds Transfer a Direct Deposit. Checks are only cut weekly on Thursdays, and EFTs are done on all
business days.
INVOICE STATUS: Paid, Approved, Matched, Unpaid, Match Exception, Partially Paid
to be emailed to apinvoices@osu.edu in Pdf format only
show up unless the invoice is in “PAID” status. To find paid date or
check/EFT reference numbers: in ‘View Supplier Invoice’ screen, click on
Activity TAB, then ellipsis (…) beside the magnifying glass when hovering over it-
Then click ‘Accounting- View Accounting’ in gray column of popup- that opens “Operational Journal
Information” screen to show Check #, or EFT reference #, under ‘Additional Worktags’ column.