Concur Invoice: Purchase
Request and Purchase
User Guide for Standard Edition
Last Revised: September 16, 2023
Applies to these SAP Concur solutions:
Concur Expense
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Concur Travel
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Concur Invoice
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Concur Request
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition i
Last Revised: September 16, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Overview ....................................................................................................1
Section 2: Access the Feature .....................................................................................2
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do ....................................................3
Create a Purchase Request .......................................................................................... 4
Add New Item ....................................................................................................... 4
Review Vendor Information .................................................................................... 5
Request New Vendor ............................................................................................. 6
Enter Purchase Request Details ............................................................................... 8
Manage a Pending Request ................................................................................... 11
Manage Images ....................................................................................................... 11
Search for a Ship-to Address ..................................................................................... 15
Change Ship-To or Bill-To Address.............................................................................. 15
Create and Submit a PO Change Order ....................................................................... 17
Edit an Existing Purchase Request .............................................................................. 20
Delete an Existing Purchase Request .......................................................................... 20
Cancel a Change Request .......................................................................................... 20
Copy an Existing Purchase Request ............................................................................ 21
Change Purchase Request Policy ................................................................................ 22
Submit a Purchase Request ....................................................................................... 23
View Purchase Orders ............................................................................................... 23
Create Invoices From Purchase Orders ........................................................................ 23
Recall a Purchase Request ......................................................................................... 24
Auto-Assign PO-Based Invoices to Original Purchase Request Owner .............................. 25
Reassign PO-Based Invoices Created Within Concur Invoice...................................... 26
Reassign PO-Based Invoice Created Outside of Concur Invoice.................................. 27
Manage Receipts and Receipt Images ......................................................................... 27
Search for a Purchase Request ................................................................................... 28
Change View Search Option .................................................................................. 28
Add a Comment to an Item ....................................................................................... 29
View Comments ....................................................................................................... 30
View the Audit Trail .................................................................................................. 32
Select Different Vendors for Project- and Event-Based Requests .................................... 33
Distribute (Allocate) a Purchase Request ..................................................................... 33
Import Distributions ............................................................................................ 36
Create and Manage Allocation Favorites ................................................................. 38
Act As a Proxy for a Purchase Request User ................................................................. 41
How It Works...................................................................................................... 41
ii Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition
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Stop Acting as a Proxy ......................................................................................... 43
View the Approval Flow ............................................................................................. 43
View Default Purchase Request Approver .................................................................... 44
Email Notifications of Status Change and Required Approvals ........................................ 45
Section 4: What the Purchase Request Approver Can Do........................................... 45
Search for a Purchase Request ................................................................................... 46
Change View Search Option .................................................................................. 46
Send Back a Purchase Request .................................................................................. 46
Approve and Forward a Purchase Request ................................................................... 48
Approve a Change Request ........................................................................................ 48
Upload and View Images ........................................................................................... 49
View Comments ....................................................................................................... 52
View the Audit Trail .................................................................................................. 53
View the Approval Flow ............................................................................................. 54
Add a Comment to an Item ....................................................................................... 55
View Purchase Order Contact and Email Address .......................................................... 57
Section 5: What the Purchasing Admin Can Do.......................................................... 57
Process Purchase Requests ........................................................................................ 57
Send Back a Purchase Request ............................................................................. 58
Search for a Purchase Request .............................................................................. 59
Change View Search Option .................................................................................. 60
Use a Query to Search for a Purchase Request ........................................................ 60
View Associated Images to a Purchase Request ....................................................... 63
Purchase Order Contact and Email Address............................................................. 64
Clear Exceptions for a Purchase Request ................................................................ 64
Approve a Purchase Request................................................................................. 65
Approve and Forward a Purchase Request .............................................................. 66
Approve a Change Request ................................................................................... 67
Upload, View, and Delete Images .......................................................................... 67
View Comments .................................................................................................. 70
Review Audit Trail ............................................................................................... 71
View Approval Flow ............................................................................................. 72
Change Ship-To Address ...................................................................................... 74
Add a Comment to an Item .................................................................................. 75
Delete an Item from a Purchase Request ................................................................ 77
Distribute (Allocate) a Purchase Request ................................................................ 77
Process Purchase Orders ........................................................................................... 84
Review or Change a Vendor .................................................................................. 85
Change Ship-To or Bill-To Address......................................................................... 86
Edit Purchase Order Details .................................................................................. 87
Send Back a Purchase Order ................................................................................. 88
Create Invoices From Transmitted Purchase Orders ................................................. 90
Void a Purchase Order ......................................................................................... 90
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Upload, View, and Delete Images .......................................................................... 92
Close a Purchase Order ........................................................................................ 95
Reopen a Closed Purchase Order ........................................................................... 97
View Associated Images to the Purchase Order ....................................................... 98
Search for a Purchase Order ................................................................................. 98
Use a Query to Search for a Purchase Order ........................................................... 99
View PO Amount That Has Been Invoiced ............................................................. 101
View Original Invoice or Purchase Request Associated with a PO ............................. 102
Review the Audit Trail ........................................................................................ 104
Preview a Purchase Order................................................................................... 105
Preview a PO Change Order ................................................................................ 107
Transmit Purchase Order to the Vendor ................................................................ 108
Automatically Transmit Purchase Orders .............................................................. 109
Transmit a Change Order ................................................................................... 109
Manage Receipts and Receipt Images .................................................................. 110
Extract Purchase Orders .......................................................................................... 111
Download and Search for Purchase Order Extracts ..................................................... 112
Section 6: Configure Column and Fields Set View .................................................... 113
Add, Delete, and Move Columns ............................................................................... 113
Rearrange Columns ................................................................................................ 114
iv Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition
Last Revised: September 16, 2023
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Revision History
September 16, 2023
Updated the Create a Purchase Request section to include the new Policy field.
August 31, 2022
Minor edits; cover date not updated
January 21, 2022
Updated the copyright year; no other changes; cover date not updated
December 2, 2021
Updated the screenshots and text on pages 105 and 106 to reflect new static
suffix for the From line in PO preview.
March 4, 2021
Updated the copyright year; no other changes; cover date not updated
October 21, 2020
Added information about users with the Purchase Request User and Purchase
Request Processors roles being able to delete images.
June 12, 2020
Minor edit; no content change.
June 11, 2020
Added information about reopening closed purchase orders.
May 21, 2020
Added note that states that users who do not have access to the Distribution
functionality will not see it.
January 8, 2020
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
December 17, 2019
Removed references to the deprecated pause while Acting as another user
October 8, 2019
Minor edit; no content changes.
September 25, 2019
Minor spelling correction; no content changes.
September 24, 2019
Updated the Reassign PO-Based Invoice Created Outside of SAP Concur
September 23, 2019
Updated the Auto-Assign PO-Based Invoices to Original Purchase Request
Owner procedure.
May 11, 2019
Added information about the new View Details link and new comments icon.
February 28, 2019
Fixed a couple more instances of 'payment request'. Updated 'Concur' to SAP
Concur'. Updated images and added some details in the 'act as a proxy user'
January 30, 2019
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not updated
November 17, 2018
Added Purchase Order Extracts. Updated screenshots with outdated logos (with
exceptions). Replaced instances of ‘payment request’ with ‘invoice.
April 11, 2018
Changed the check boxes on the front cover; no other changes; cover date not
March 19, 2018
Added information about bill-to address on PO Change Order editable when
deleted on original purchase order.
March 17, 2018
Added information about ship-to address on PO Change Order editable when
deleted on original purchase order.
October 14, 2017
Added information about hyperlinked invoice and purchase request numbers.
Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition v
Last Revised: September 16, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
September 16, 2017
Updated some images to show the now available hyperlinked purchase
requests and purchase orders in some windows for purchase request users,
purchase request processors, and purchase order processors.
July 29, 2017
Added information about transmitted PO PDF emails to vendors displaying all
June 24, 2017
Added the following information:
Purchase Request Creators can create invoices from their purchase orders
Purchase request users can add notes to vendors for specific purchase
June 3, 2017
Added the following information:
Search options for purchase request processors
PO contact name and email address available in Vendor list and field for
purchase request creators, purchase request approvers, and purchase
request processors
April 22, 2017
Added the following information:
PO Change Order feature
Users can change bill-to address on purchase requests
Users cannot edit or delete a receipt that is associated with an invoice
March 18, 2017
Added information about purchase request users being able to see the
purchase orders resulting from their purchase requests.
January 20, 2017
Added information about Invoice Users being able to reassign invoices to
another user.
December 13, 2016
Changed copyright and cover; no other content changes.
December 5, 2016
Updated the guide content to new corporate style; no content changes.
November 4, 2016
Added information about the following:
The Concur Receiving feature
Processor page now displaying all invoices that need to be processed
for new clients
October 14, 2016
Added information about the Need By Date field.
September 9, 2016
Added information about the following:
Purchase request vendor search enhancements
Ability to change purchase request policy
August 12, 2016
Added information about warning message appearing for processor in Preview
Purchase Order window and updated purchase order images.
July 8, 2016
Added information about searching for a ship-to address.
February 19, 2016
Added information about the following:
Exporting query results
Ability to view account code
Older revision history has been removed.
vi Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition
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NOTE: Multiple SAP Concur product versions and UI themes are available, so this
content might contain images or procedures that do not precisely match your
implementation. For example, when SAP Fiori UI themes are implemented, home
page navigation is consolidated under the SAP Concur Home menu.
Section 1: Overview
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Purchase Request and Purchase Order
Section 1: Overview
The Purchase Requests and Purchase Orders (PR and PO) feature allows clients to
achieve internal spend authorization by using purchase requests. These requests are
become purchase orders (documents that authorize a supplier to provide goods or
services at specified prices and quantities) in return for payment. When coupled with
existing Concur Invoice, PO Matching and Pay functionality, these features provide
an end-to-end spend authorization to pay lifecycle.
Section 2: Access the Feature
2 Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition
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Section 2: Access the Feature
To access the Purchase Request (PR) feature, first ensure that SAP Concur has
enabled the feature.
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and
Purchase Order Setup Guide.
To access the feature, click Requests, and then select an option in the Purchase
Request menu depending on your user role.
Users who work with purchase requests and purchase orders have a unique view
designed to allow rapid entry and review. Additional options allow each user,
depending on their role, to submit, approve, and transmit, or as required, return a
request to the requestor, or even to terminate the PO past its transmittal phase,
after it is in the hands of the vendor.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
The user with the Purchase Request User role is limited to opening only the Pending
Requests page via the Request > Request Items menu. When creating the
purchase request, the user is assembling goods and/or services request items, then
assembling these items under a single PR, using a descriptive name, such as Flood
Damage Repair or Christmas Gala 2022. This is essentially the reverse of tasks
presented when creating an invoice in Concur Invoice, where the line items follow
the header items. If the user clicks in the Vendor field, the five most recently used
vendors appear in a list. Users may also click the More Search Options link that
appears in the vendor list to be able to perform more advanced search options.
These search options are also available on the purchase request details page.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
4 Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition
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Create a Purchase Request
Add New Item
The user may create one or more items by first clicking Add New Item, selecting
the PO policy based on activated country packs, specifying the type of item (Goods
or Services), and then selecting a vendor. When selecting a vendor, type the name
in the Vendor field to view a list of vendors from which to choose.
NOTE: The Policy lists field values are determined from the users Profile
configuration on the Invoice Information page in Invoice Settings.
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Review Vendor Information
After selecting a vendor, the user can see the vendor address below the Vendor
field. If the vendor information includes the PO contact name and/or the PO contact
email address, this information will also be displayed below the Vendor field.
After selecting a vendor in the Vendor field, the user can review all available vendor
information by clicking View Details to open the Vendor Information page.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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The View Details link is also available for each line item in the Request Items
section when the user views an opened purchase request.
The PO contact name, email address, and View Details link are also visible in the
Request Items section of a purchase request line item that is opened for editing.
Request New Vendor
When adding new items to a purchase request, the user can also request a new
vendor by clicking Request New Vendor.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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The Request New Vendor page appears.
After entering the required information and clicking OK, the new vendor is added to
the system with a status of Unapproved.
NOTE: The Vendor Manager reviews and approves the vendor as appropriate. For
more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Administration User Guide for
Standard Edition.
The user can now fill out the remaining fields for the purchase request type.
Required fields are marked with a red bar.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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NOTE: If the user selects a needed-by date, this date appears on the Purchase
Order page and in the Preview Purchase Order window. If the field is left
blank, the purchasing admin will not see this field in the Preview Purchase
Order window.
Enter Purchase Request Details
After entering the required information, the user clicks Request and the Purchase
Details page opens.
To save the request, the user must fill in the required purchase request header
information. The required fields are marked with a red bar.
When the user clicks in the Ship To Address or Bill To Address field, a list of the
addresses that the Invoice Admin configured in Product Settings > Company
Locations displays.
For more information about company locations, refer to the Concur Invoice:
Company Locations User Guide.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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After selecting an address, the user can change the address by clicking Change or
make the address their default shipping address by selecting (enabling) Make this
location my default.
The default address will be selected in the Ship To Address field automatically when
new purchase requests are created.
The default shipping address can be changed by clicking Change on the Purchase
Details page, changing the address, and then re-selected (enabling) Make this
location my default.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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The user can also change the default shipping address by going to Profile > Profile
Settings > Invoice Preferences.
You can add comments for purchase request users, approvers and processors and
add notes to the vendor about a purchase request.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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Manage a Pending Request
Clicking Save adds the request to the Pending Requests section on the Request
Items page.
Prior to submitting the request, you can add line items, edit existing line items,
submit, edit, or delete the request. In addition, you can use the Actions menu to
add an image and you can review comments and the audit trail.
If comments have been added to a purchase request line item or purchase request
header, an icon displays next to the Show Comments link.
After you submit the purchase request, you can no longer make changes to the
Manage Images
The user can upload, view, and delete images. In addition, the user can attach
supporting documents to a purchase order that transmits to a vendor by selecting
(enabling) the Include in PO Transmission check box in the Upload Image
window. Further, the user can choose documents that are already available for a
purchase request and attach these documents for the vendor.
To upload an image
1. Click Actions > Upload Image.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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The Upload Image window appears.
2. Click Browse and select the desired image by double-clicking it, or by
selecting it and clicking Open.
3. (Optional) Select (enable) the Include in PO Transmission check box.
4. Click Upload.
5. Click Close.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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To view an image:
1. On the Request page, click Image Gallery.
The Purchase Request Images window appears. If there are more than one
image or supporting document, you can toggle between them by using the
Next and Previous buttons.
NOTE: You can also include supporting documents in the PO transmission
from the Purchase Request Images window by selecting (enabling)
the Include in PO Transmission check box.
NOTE: The approver and purchasing admin, who processes purchase
requests, can view images and include supporting documents in the PO
transmission. The processor can also delete images, whereas approver
2. Click Save or Cancel when you are done.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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To delete an image:
1. On the Request page, click Image Gallery.
2. In the Purchase Request Images window, click Delete Image.
The Please Confirm window appears.
3. Click Yes. Once you have deleted an image, the next image, if there is one,
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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Search for a Ship-to Address
To search for a ship-to address, start entering the company name in the Ship To
Address field. The list that appears shows the company name and the full address
details. In addition, the list shows the default address.
Change Ship-To or Bill-To Address
The purchase request user can change the ship-to or bill-to address on purchase
requests, so that they can send the vendor the correct address to which to ship or
bill the request. Users can switch to any ship-to or bill-to address available for their
The default ship-to or bill-to address that is used on policy level should be used for
the purchase request. If the user changes the policy on the purchase request, the
system does not change the ship-to or bill-to address on the purchase request since
the user might have changed this previously from the former policy default.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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To change the ship-to or bill-to address:
1. Double-click the desired purchase request. The Purchase Request window
2. In the Ship To or Bill To section, click Change.
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3. In the Ship To or Bill To field, click the field to select a different ship-to or
bill-to address. (Example of Bill To field below.)
4. Click Save.
Create and Submit a PO Change Order
Provided SAP Concur or the client admin has activated the PO Change Order feature,
the purchase request user will be able to start creating PO change orders from their
transmitted purchase orders. The purchase request user first locates the purchase
order from which they would like to create a change order by clicking Requests >
Purchase Requests > My Purchase Orders.
From the All Orders page, the purchase request user can view their purchase orders
in read-only mode, but will be able to select a transmitted purchase order, and then
clicks Actions > Create Change Order.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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The purchase order will now return to the original purchase request, and an icon
appears on the now unsubmitted purchase request. As a matter of fact, most users
who work with a specific purchase request or purchase order that is in a PO Change
Order mode will see this icon next to the purchase request/purchase order.
NOTE: Once the purchase order is in a PO Change Order mode, additional changes
cannot be requested for that purchase order until it has been approved.
The purchase request user can now add new line items to the purchase request by
opening the purchase request and clicking Add.
Apart from adding line items, the purchase request user can edit, delete, or
distribute line(s) they they have just added. All other fields will be read-only, such as
vendor details. In addition, they can add or update the ship-to and bill-to addresses
on the PO Change Order if the addresses were deleted on the original purchase
order. When the purchase request user has added the desired line items, they need
to click Save.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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After saving the purchase request, the purchase request user is taken back to the
purchase request details page from which they can click Submit to send the
purchase request for approval. The purchase request will go through the same
approval workflow as previously.
NOTE: If the purchase request is part of a limit approval workflow, the approval
workflow will be based on the new total purchase order amount.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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Edit an Existing Purchase Request
To edit a purchase request, for example adding items, double-click it directly and use
the instructions in the Create a Purchase Request section as a guide.
NOTE: Once the purchase request has been submitted, the purchase request user
cannot edit the request.
Delete an Existing Purchase Request
The user can delete a purchase request by clicking the Trash icon for the
unsubmitted request on the Pending Requests page, or, by clicking Delete if the
user has opened the request.
Cancel a Change Request
If the purchase request user wants to cancel any current unsubmitted change
requests they are working on, for example, if a manager does not approve a change
and sends the request back to the purchase request user, they can do so by clicking
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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Copy an Existing Purchase Request
The user can copy a purchase request to create a new request. Do this by either:
Unsubmitted Request: Clicking the Copy icon for the unsubmitted request
Submitted Request: Selecting the request and then clicking Copy Request
from the Actions menu of the submitted request
NOTE: A user cannot copy a request that is associated with a closed purchase
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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Change Purchase Request Policy
Purchase request users can change policies of unsubmitted purchase requests, for
example, if they have selected incorrect ones.
Concur Invoice will track the change of policy in the audit trail.
To change the policy, the user needs to open the purchase request and click the Edit
Then, in the Policy list, the user can change the policy and click Save.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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Submit a Purchase Request
Once submitted, the purchase request is first moved to the Active Items section
pending final approval and processing, and then order generation and transmittal to
the supplier.
View Purchase Orders
Purchase request users can view the purchase orders resulting from their created
purchase requests. To do so, in the Purchase Request menu, click My Purchase
NOTE: If you are both a purchase request user and a purchase request processor,
you will not see the My Purchase Orders menu option.
Create Invoices From Purchase Orders
Purchase request creators can create invoices from their own transmitted purchase
orders by selecting the Create Payment Request option in the Actions menu,
either from the All Orders page or from an opened purchase order.
All Orders page:
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
24 Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition
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Purchase Order page:
Recall a Purchase Request
The purchase request user can recall a purchase request that they have submitted
but that the approver has not yet approved.
To recall a purchase request:
1. On the Pending Requests page, double-click the submitted, but the not yet
approved purchase request.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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2. On the Request page, in the Actions menu, click Recall Request.
3. In the Recall Request window that appears, click Yes.
Auto-Assign PO-Based Invoices to Original Purchase Request Owner
SAP Concur created or externally created PO-based invoices that can be
automatically assigned to the purchase request owner provided the Assign invoice
to Purchase Request Owner option is selected (enabled) in the Approval
Routing step of Product Settings.
This means that Concur Invoice will try to find the purchase request owner of the
PO-based invoices. When the PR owner is found, Concur Invoice will automatically
assign the purchase request owner as the invoice owner of the PO-based invoices.
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Approval Routing Setup
Guide for Standard Edition.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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Reassign PO-Based Invoices Created Within Concur Invoice
If the user wants to assign the unsubmitted PO-based invoice, where the PO is
generated within Concur Invoice, they can do so from the My Invoices page.
To reassign a PO-based invoice:
1. Open the invoice and then click the Assign button.
The Assign Invoices window appears..
2. Select the purchase request owner (the default selection) or search for the
desired owner.
3. Click Assign.
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Reassign PO-Based Invoice Created Outside of Concur Invoice
In cases where the AP user needs to assign the externally created PO-based invoice,
they can do so by clicking the Assign button or the Select Invoice Owner link.
If they click the Assign button, the Assign Invoices window appears where the AP
user can see who requested the purchase order or search for the desired owner and
assign the PO-based invoice to that user.
Manage Receipts and Receipt Images
Purchase Request Owners, who work with the Receiving feature, can add, edit,
delete receipts and receipt images of the transmitted purchase order provided the
Allow Purchase Request Owners to Edit their own Purchase Orders option is
selected (enabled) in Invoice Settings.
NOTE: If a receipt is associated with an invoice, a user will not be able to edit or
delete the receipt and the Edit and Delete buttons will be disabled. If a user
needs to make changes to an invoice, they need to first unassociated the
receipt to the invoice.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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For more information, refer to the Concur Receiving section of the Concur
Invoice: Purchase Order Matching User Guide.
Search for a Purchase Request
Purchase request users can search for their submitted purchase requests in the
search area by selecting different search criteria, such as Vendor Name, Item Total,
or Order No.
Change View Search Option
Purchase request users can also use the Change View menu to display active items
or items submitted by date range. By changing the view, the result appears on the
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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Add a Comment to an Item
Purchase request users can add comments to an item to clarify an item or to provide
more information about an item.
To add a comment to an item:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. In the Items section, click Show Comments.
3. Click the Add Comment link that appears.
4. In the comments field, type the comment, and then click Save.
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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The comment appears in the Request Items section.
If comments have been added but are hidden, an icon is displayed next to the
Show Comments link.
View Comments
The purchase request user can view comments about the purchase request that they
have entered in the Details section of the purchase request or that the approver has
entered when they have sent back a purchase request to the user.
To view comments:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. If comments have been added at the header level of the purchase request, an
icon displays next to the Comments link. Click Comments to review the
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3. In the Comment History window that appears, view the comments about
the purchase request.
4. Click Close.
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View the Audit Trail
To review the audit trail, open the purchase request, and then click Audit Trail.
The Audit Trail window appears with information about actions that the purchase
request user and the system have taken on the specific purchase request.
NOTE: All users who have access to a PO change order transaction will be able to
view the audit trail history of the PO Change Order.
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Select Different Vendors for Project- and Event-Based Requests
When creating their purchase request, users may select a different vendor for each
item within the overall purchase request. Associating a vendor at the item level adds
more detail to the request and, combined with the ability to create project- or event-
based requests, makes the process more efficient and budget appropriate.
For example, an office update project may combine goods (pens and pencils)
alongside services (cleaning), with different vendors as required.
From this single request, multiple purchase orders are generated, each associated
with the items contained in the original request. The unique PO number guides the
system when an action, such as Send Back, requires that all POs be identified with
the parent PR being returned to the requestor.
Distribute (Allocate) a Purchase Request
The purchase request user or purchasing admin, who processes purchase requests,
can specify distributions at the line item level, so that they can allocate the cost of
the purchase accurately. In addition, if they want to apply the same distributions to
all line items, they can specify the distributions once and apply it to all line items.
NOTE: The purchase request user, the approver, and the purchasing admin, who
processes purchase requests, can create and manage distributions
NOTE: Only users with access to the Distribution functionality will see it. Users who
need to access the Distribution functionality should contact their client
Section 3: What the Purchase Request User Can Do
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Distribute a purchase request:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, select one or more itemizations to that you want to
distribute between departments.
3. Click Distribute > Distribute Selected Items.
The Distribute Selected Items page appears.
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4. Click Distribute By and select to distribute the allocation by amount or by
5. Click Add. The total is now evenly spread between the number of allocations
(you may adjust these manually, but the percent must equal 100 or the
amount the overall total, excepting tax and shipping before you can proceed).
6. Complete all required fields and the optional fields as directed by your
company. (Your company defines the fields that appear on this page.)
7. Click Save.
You can add or delete an item by clicking the Add or Delete button
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Import Distributions
The purchase request user can import their distributions (allocations) by using the
Import feature. This feature supports clients who need to distribute a single purchase
request across a large number of cost objects. For example, the corporate office may
decide one purchase request should be shared by all the 400 company retail
locations. Imported distributions can be:
Specified to import as either percentage or amount, with restrictions based on
the sign (negative or positive)
Applied across multiple line items at once
To import distributions:
1. Double-click the purchase request that you would like to open.
2. On the Request page, in the Items section, select the item for which you
want to import distributions.
3. Click Distribute, and then Import Distributions.
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4. In the Import Distributions window that appears, click Browse to select
the file that you want to import. You may download a sample Excel file (.xls)
template based off distribution (allocation) configuration fields by clicking
Download Template.
5. Select the file to import, and then click Open.
6. Click Import.
Concur Invoice imports the distributions and displays them in Concur Invoice.
7. Click Save.
NOTE: While Concur Invoice imports the distributions, error checking and
validations are processed, and the results appear in the Import
Errors window.
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Create and Manage Allocation Favorites
Users often allocate many expenses in an identical manner. For example, they will
allocate 20% of an expense to Cost Center A, and 80% to Cost Center B. The
Allocation Favorites feature allows the user to save a group of allocations, to use on
other expenses.
When the user applies these allocation favorite "sets" to another expense, the
system validates the data in those stored allocation records to ensure any project
codes or other list fields are still valid, and alerts the user if the user needs to correct
data. The user adds the allocation to the expense, and then the user can edit the
allocation just like a manually entered allocation row.
To create an allocation favorite:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, in the Items section, select the item for which you
want to create a favorite allocation.
3. Click Distribute > Distribute Selected Items.
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4. In the Distribute By menu, select if you would like to distribute the
allocation by amount or percentage.
NOTE: You can use the Add button to correctly identify and budget the
expense to the accounting system. For example, use this if your need
to spread your expenses across several projects or departments.
5. Click Add to Favorites.
The Add to Favorites window opens.
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6. Enter a name for the allocation favorite and then click Save. The system adds
the allocation to your favorites, which you can see if you click Favorites.
To assign your allocation favorite:
To assign your allocation favorites, follow the To create allocation favorite procedure
that is described above. However, instead of clicking Add to Favorites, in the
Favorites menu, select the favorite allocation that you would like to use.
To remove an allocation favorite:
Over time, allocation favorites will become incorrect or obsolete. The user can
remove out-of-date allocation favorites by clicking on the red X icon next to the
name as shown in the figure below.
To edit an allocation favorite:
The user can update the set by using it on an expense, making needed corrections,
and then saving the resulting allocations to the same allocation favorite name. The
system will confirm that the user wants to overwrite the existing set.
On the Distribution Summary page of the Distribute Selected Items window,
the user may view a summary of a distribution they made of a particular line item.
Users may view the account code for the expense type that they selected when they
created an item, so that they know which account code is going to apply to a specific
purchase request. The account code for a purchase request is applicable for the item,
but displayed and available at the distribution level. As the account code is derived
from the expense type selected for an item, the same account code will be applied
across all distributions for that item.
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The user will be able to see the Account Code column in the following two places:
In the Distribution Summary tab on the Request Number page
In the Items section on the Request Number page
Act As a Proxy for a Purchase Request User
A user can be assigned a role that allows them to act on behalf of users assigned the
Purchase Request User role. This feature is identical to its implementation in Concur
Invoice, and is designed specifically to work within Purchase Request, without
changing the Purchase Request User role and access right when they exit Purchase
Request and begin working within Concur Invoice.
How It Works
The proxy feature works when the following role relationship is in effect:
The Invoice Admin role is assigned to the user who will act as a proxy for
users with the Purchase Request User role.
The Purchase Request User role is assigned to the users that the Invoice
Admin will act as a proxy for.
With this relationship in place, the Invoice Admin sees a list of users in the Acting
as other user list in the Profile menu and will have the ability to select and act as a
proxy for any user with the Purchase Request User role.
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To act as a user with the Purchase Request User role:
1. (Invoice Admin) Click Profile and then select the name of the user with the
Purchase Request User role from the menu in the Acting as other user field.
NOTE: If the Invoice Admin has permission to act as users with other roles,
those other users will also appear in the menu.
2. Click Start Session.
While the Invoice Admin is acting as a proxy for the Purchasing Request User, they
will see the Purchase Request User's name below the SAP Concur logo on the left
side of the page. In addition, a message that indicates they are acting as the
selected user replaces the Profile menu heading.
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Stop Acting as a Proxy
To stop acting as a proxy for the Purchase Request User:
1. Click on the message that indicates you are acting as the Purchase Request
2. Click Done acting for others.
View the Approval Flow
The purchase request user can view the workflow to see all the approval steps that
are part of the purchase request process. In addition, it is possible to submit the
purchase request from the Approval Flow for Purchase Request window.
To view the approval flow:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, click Approval Flow.
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3. In the Approval Flow for Purchase Request window, review the workflow,
and then click Cancel, or click Submit to submit the request.
View Default Purchase Request Approver
The purchase request user can view the default purchase request approver by going
to Profile > Profile Settings > Invoice Approvers. For users, the Invoice
Approver page is a read-only page.
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Email Notifications of Status Change and Required Approvals
Clients receive email notifications about status changes or approvals to be done of
purchase requests. These notification emails contain a link that will take the client
directly to the specific purchase request that has changed or that needs to be
Section 4: What the Purchase Request Approver Can Do
The user who has the Purchase Request Approver role clicks Approvals > Purchase
Requests to access the request with which they need to work. The Request
Pending your Approval page and its actions are virtually identical to those in
Invoice, including search functionality and a Change View option to view by action
or approval date range.
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Additional options let the approver review the image and either approve, or send the
purchase request back to the requestor. The approver is limited in what they can
change in the request, and so may elect to send back, or have the purchasing admin
adjust as needed.
Search for a Purchase Request
Approvers can search for approved purchase requests or requests that are pending
approval in the search area by selecting different search criteria, such as Requestor
Last Name, Total, or Request No.
Change View Search Option
Approvers can also use the Change View menu to display requests pending their
approval or requests approved by date range. By changing the view, the result
appears in the page.
Send Back a Purchase Request
Approvers can send back a purchase request prior to transmittal to vendor to remove
a purchase request from its workflow for the purpose of additional review, correction
of the associated purchase request amount or cost object, or amend some additional
items to the PR.
When a Send Back action is taken on the PR, the assigned purchase request
number is voided, the original associated request item(s) are made read-only, and a
new, duplicate PR is created with a status of Sent Back to Employee that includes the
original items and allocations that were part of the now-retired PR. An indicator is
also added to the new PR to show it was generated based on a now-invalid PR.
Finally, an email notification is generated and sent based on the purchase request
email notification settings for the requestor.
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To send back a purchase request:
1. On the Requests Pending your Approval page, select the purchase request
you want to send back by clicking its check box.
2. Click Send Back.
3. In the Send Back Purchase Request window that appears, enter a
comment about why you want to send back the purchase request, and then
click OK.
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Approve and Forward a Purchase Request
If the approver wants to approve a purchase request but also add another approver,
they can do this by opening the desired PR and clicking Approve & Forward.
In the Approve & Forward Purchase Request window that appears, the approver
can add another approver and a comment about why they would like to do this.
Complete this step by clicking Approve & Forward.
Approve a Change Request
When the approver logs in to approve the purchase request, they will see the icon,
which indicates that this is a change request.
Apart from approving the purchase request, the approver will be able to edit the
quantity of the purchase request. In addition, the approver can send the purchase
request back to the purchase request user by clicking Send Back. The approver
should include a send-back reason and the purchase request user is then notified by
email that the purchase request is being sent back. Reminders, notifications, and
escalations work the same way for change requests as they do for purchase
Section 4: What the Purchase Request Approver Can Do
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Once the approver clicks Approve, the purchase request will proceed to the
purchase request processor for approval.
Upload and View Images
The approver can upload and view images to the purchase requests. However,
approvers cannot delete images.
To upload an image:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, click Actions > Upload Image.
Section 4: What the Purchase Request Approver Can Do
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The Upload Image window appears.
3. Click Browse and select the desired image by double-clicking it, or by
selecting it and clicking Open.
4. (Optional) Select (enable) the Include in PO Transmission check box.
5. Click Upload.
6. Select the file that you want to upload by double-clicking it or selecting it and
clicking Open.
7. Click Close.
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To view an image:
1. Open the desired request.
2. On the Request page, click View Image Gallery.
The Purchase Request Images window appears. If there are more than one
image or supporting document, you can toggle between them by using the
Next and Previous buttons.
NOTE: You can also include supporting documents in the PO transmission
from the Purchase Request Images window by selecting (enabling)
the Include in PO Transmission check box.
3. Click Save or Cancel when you are done.
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View Comments
The approver can view comments about the purchase request that the purchase
request user has entered in the Details section of the purchase request or that the
approver has entered when they have sent back a purchase request to the user.
To view comments:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. If comments have been added at the header level of the purchase request, an
icon displays next to the Comments link. Click Comments to review the
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3. In the Comment History window that appears, view the comments about
the purchase request.
4. Click Close.
View the Audit Trail
To review the audit trail, open the purchase request, and then click Audit Trail.
Section 4: What the Purchase Request Approver Can Do
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The Audit Trail window appears with information about actions that the approver
and the system have taken on the specific purchase request.
NOTE: All users who have access to a PO change order transaction will be able to
view the audit trail history of the PO Change Order.
View the Approval Flow
The approver can view the workflow to see all the approval steps that are part of the
purchase request process. In addition, they can approve or send back the purchase
request in the Approval Flow for Purchase Request window.
To view the approval flow:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, click Approval Flow.
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3. In the Approval Flow for Purchase Request window, review the workflow,
and click Cancel, or click Approve or Send Back to approve or send back
the purchase request.
Add a Comment to an Item
Approvers can add comments to an item to make a clarification about an item, or to
provide more information.
To add a comment to an item:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. In the Items section, click Show Comments.
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3. Click the Add Comment link that appears.
4. In the comments field, type the comment, and then click Save.
The comment appears in the Request Items section.
If comments have been added but are hidden, an icon is displayed next to the
Show Comments link.
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View Purchase Order Contact and Email Address
The purchase request approver will see the contact name and email address of the
purchase order contact in the Vendor field of the Request Items section of the
opened purchase request in edit mode, provided this information has been imported
into Invoice. This makes it easy to quickly find the relevant contact person of the
purchase order.
Section 5: What the Purchasing Admin Can Do
The user who has the purchasing admin role can process both purchase requests and
purchase orders. This section talks about how to process purchase requests and
purchase orders.
Process Purchase Requests
The purchasing admin typically reviews a PR for completeness. This means reviewing
that required field types are completed, exceptions are cleared, and other details to
ensure the requestor has properly filled out the request.
The purchasing admin clicks Requests > Process Purchase Requests. Here, the
purchasing admin can review purchase requests pending all approvers and perform
processing tasks on the purchase request.
NOTE: The default view showing all requests pending processing appears for new
clients only.
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When opened, all functionality available to the original purchase requestor is
available to the purchasing admin, plus additional actions such as the following:
Approve the PR
Send the request back to the requestor for corrections
View the associated image(s) for the PR
Clear exceptions on the selected PR
Create queries to search for requests
Send Back a Purchase Request
Purchasing admins can send back a purchase request prior to transmittal to vendor
to remove a purchase request from its workflow for the purpose of additional review,
correction of the associated purchase request amount or cost object, or amend some
additional items to the PR.
When a Send Back action is taken on the PR, the assigned purchase request
number is voided, the original associated request item(s) are made read-only, and a
new, duplicate PR is created with a status of Sent Back to Employee that includes the
original items and allocations that were part of the now-retired PR. An indicator is
also added to the new PR to show it was generated based on a now-invalid PR.
Finally, an email notification is generated and sent based on the purchase request
email notification settings for the requestor. The image below shows a sample email
body text:
To send back a purchase request:
1. On the Requests Pending Processor Review page, select the purchase
request you want to send back by clicking its check box.
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2. Click Send Back.
3. In the Send Back Purchase Request window that appears, enter a
comment about why you want to send back the purchase request, and then
click OK.
Search for a Purchase Request
Purchasing admins can search for purchase requests pending processor review in the
search area by selecting different search criteria, such as Requestor Last Name,
Total, or Vendor Name.
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Change View Search Option
Purchasing admins can also use the Change View menu to display requests pending
processor review, all requests, or change order requests pending processor review.
By changing the view, the result appears on the Requests Pending Processor
Review page, the All Requests page, or the Change Orders Requests Pending
Processor Review.
Use a Query to Search for a Purchase Request
You can also search for a request by using standard queries or those you create
yourself using options within the Query section of PR Processor. The query can be
created by clicking New Query where you can build a customized, condition-based
query to return your requests, or you can select an existing query that you have
You can create a new query for your personal use on the Processor Query page.
Queries you create are your own and cannot be viewed, edited, deleted, or used by
anyone else. This means that all newly created queries cannot be shared across
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To create a new query:
1. Click Query > New Query.
2. In the Query Builder window, build the conditions for the query.
3. Click:
Save & Run: Saves the query in the Query menu, and runs it
immediately, returning the results.
Save: Saves the query for use in the Query menu.
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You are allowed to edit only those custom queries you have created, and no other
user-created custom queries are available for edit, only your own.
To edit your custom queries:
1. Click Queries > Edit Saved Query and point to the query you wish to edit.
2. Click the query in the list to open it in the Query Builder window. Refer to
Create a Custom Query in this document to edit your query.
3. When done click:
Save & Run: Saves the query in the Query menu, and runs it
immediately, returning the results.
Save: Saves the query for use in the Query menu.
You are allowed to delete only those custom queries that you have created. You
cannot delete others user-created custom queries.
To delete your custom query:
1. Click Queries > Edit Saved Query and point to the query you wish to
2. Click the query in the list to open it in the Query Builder window.
3. Click Delete.
4. In the Please Confirm window that appears prompting you to confirm your
action of deleting the query, click Yes.
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You can export your query results into an Excel-based data template. This allows you
to open Excel and load the results of your query for use in application.
To export the results of your query:
1. Run the query for the results you are seeking.
2. Click Send to Excel in the lower-right corner of the page.
The data is loaded and automatically appears in Excel with each column
representing a field within the purchase request.
View Associated Images to a Purchase Request
To view associated images to the purchase request, click Image Gallery.
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Purchase Order Contact and Email Address
The purchase request processor can see the contact name and email address of the
purchase order contact in the Vendor field of the Request Items section of the
opened purchase request in edit mode, provided this information has been imported
into Concur Invoice. This makes it easy to quickly find the relevant contact person of
the purchase order.
Clear Exceptions for a Purchase Request
To clear exceptions for a purchase request, read the exception message in the
Exceptions section of the purchase request that you have opened and take the
actions necessary to resolve the exception(s).
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Approve a Purchase Request
To approve a purchase request, simply select the request and then click Approve.
If you need to review the details of the purchase request, you may first open the
request by double-clicking it.
Ensure that you clear any exceptions before you approve the purchase request.
Following approval, the system turns the purchase request into one or more
purchase orders, each PO generated from an item that makes up the parent request.
For the PR shown in the figure below, the system creates two POs, which will go to
two different vendors:
Section 5: What the Purchasing Admin Can Do
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Approve and Forward a Purchase Request
If the purchasing admin wants to approve the purchase request but also add another
approver, they can do this by opening the desired PR and clicking Approve &
In the Approve & Forward Purchase Request window that appears, the
purchasing admin can add another approver and a comment about why they would
like to do this. Complete this step by clicking Approve & Forward.
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Approve a Change Request
Once the approver has approved the change request, the request will proceed to the
purchase request processor for approval. The approver will see a icon, which
indicates that this is a change request.
To approve a change request:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, select the change request to approve and then click
Upload, View, and Delete Images
The purchasing admin, who processes purchase requests, can upload, view, and
delete images to the purchase requests.
To upload an image:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, click Actions > Upload Image.
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The Upload Image window appears.
3. Click Browse and select the desired image by double-clicking it, or by
selecting it and clicking Open.
4. (Optional) Select (enable) the Include in PO Transmission check box.
5. Click Upload.
6. Click Close.
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To view an image:
1. On the Request page, click Image Gallery.
The Purchase Request Images window appears. If there are more than one
image or supporting document, you can toggle between them by using the
Next and Previous buttons.
NOTE: You can also include supporting documents in the PO transmission
from the Purchase Request Images window by selecting (enabling)
the Include in PO Transmission check box.
2. Click Save or Cancel when you are done.
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To delete an image:
1. On the Request page, click Image Gallery.
The Purchase Request Images window appears.
2. Select the image you want to delete and click Delete Image.
View Comments
The purchasing admin can view comments about the purchase request that the
purchase request user has entered in the Details section of the purchase request or
that the approver has entered when they have sent back a purchase request to the
To view comments:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, click Comments.
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3. In the Comment History window that appears, view the comments about
the purchase request.
4. Click Close.
Review Audit Trail
To review the audit trail, open the purchase request, and then click Audit Trail.
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The Audit Trail window appears with information about actions that the purchasing
admin and the system have taken on the specific purchase request.
NOTE: All users who have access to a PO change order transaction will be able to
view the audit trail history of the PO Change Order.
View Approval Flow
The purchasing admin can view the workflow to see all the approval steps that are
part of the purchase request process. In addition, it is possible to approve or send
back the purchase request from the Approval Flow for Purchase Request
To view approval flow:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, click Approval Flow.
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3. In the Approval Flow for Purchase Request window, review the workflow,
and click Cancel, or click Approve or Send Back to approve or send back
the purchase request.
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Change Ship-To Address
The purchasing admin can change the ship-to address.
To change the ship-to address:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. In the Ship To Address section, click the Change link.
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3. Click in the field that appears and select the ship-to name.
4. Click Save.
Add a Comment to an Item
Purchasing admins can add comments to an item to clarify an item or to provide
more information about the item.
To add a comment to an item:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. In the Items section, click Show Comments.
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3. Click the Add Comments link that appears.
4. In the comments field, type the comment, and then click Save.
The comment appears in the Items section.
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Delete an Item from a Purchase Request
The purchasing admin can delete an item from the purchase request.
To delete an item from a purchase request:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. In the Items section, select the item that you want to remove.
3. Click the Trash icon.
The system will remove the item from the purchase request.
Distribute (Allocate) a Purchase Request
The purchasing admin, who processes purchase requests, can specify distributions at
the line item level, so that they can allocated the cost of the purchase accurately. In
addition, if they want to apply the same distributions to all line items, they can
specify the distributions once and apply it to all line items.
NOTE: Both the purchase request user and the approver can also create and manage
distributions (allocations).
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Distribute a purchase request:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, select one or more itemizations to that you want to
distribute between departments.
3. Click Distribute > Distribute Selected Items.
The Distribute Selected Items page appears.
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4. Click Distribute By and select to distribute the allocation by amount or by
5. Click Add. The total is now evenly spread between the number of allocations
(you may adjust these manually, but the percent must equal 100 or the
amount the overall total, excepting tax and shipping before you can proceed).
6. Complete all required fields and the optional fields as directed by your
company. (Your company defines the fields that appear on this page.)
7. Click Save.
You can add or delete an item by clicking the Add or Delete button
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The purchasing admin can import their distributions (allocations) by using the Import
feature. This feature supports clients who need to distribute a single purchase
request across a large number of cost objects. For example, the corporate office may
decide one purchase request should be shared by all 400 company retail locations.
Imported distributions can be:
Specified to import as either percentage or amount, with restrictions based on
the sign (negative or positive)
Applied across multiple line items at once
To import distributions:
1. Double-click the purchase request that you would like to open.
2. On the Request page, in the Items section, select the item for which you
want to import distributions.
3. Click Distribute, and then Import Distributions.
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4. In the Import Distributions window that appears, click Browse to select
the file that you want to import. You may download a sample Excel file (.xls)
template based off distribution (allocation) configuration fields by clicking
Download Template.
5. Select the file to import, and then click Open.
6. Click Import.
Concur Invoice imports the distributions and displays them in the invoice.
7. Click Save.
NOTE: While Concur Invoice imports the distributions, error checking and
validations are processed, and the results appear in the Import
Errors window.
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The purchasing admin has the same ability as the purchase request user and
approver to create and manage allocations.
To create an allocation favorite:
1. Open the desired purchase request.
2. On the Request page, in the Items section, select the item for which you
want to create a favorite allocation.
3. Click Distribute > Distribute Selected Items.
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4. In the Distribute By menu, select if you would like to distribute the
allocation by amount or percentage.
NOTE: You can use the Add button to correctly identify and budget the
expense to the accounting system. For example, use this if your need
to spread your expenses across several projects or departments.
5. Click Add to Favorites.
The Add to Favorites window opens.
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6. Enter a name for the allocation favorite and then click Save. The system adds
the allocation to your favorites, which you can see if you click Favorites.
Process Purchase Orders
The purchasing admin typically reviews a purchase order for buying details. This
means, for example, reviewing the PO for correct shipping method and terms, and
reviewing the selected vendor to ensure it is a preferred supplier.
To process purchase orders, the purchasing admin clicks Requests > Process
Purchase Orders. Here, the purchasing admin can review PO requests pending all
approvers and perform processing tasks on the PO request.
NOTE: The default view showing all requests pending processing appears for new
clients only.
With the purchase order open in detail view, the purchasing admin can perform the
following actions:
Review and change the selected vendor
Change the Ship To and Bill To values
Create queries to search for requests
Send the request associated with an untransmitted PO back to the requestor
(the PO number is voided, and a new PR is created in this scenario)
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Void transmitted POs
Close transmitted POs
View associated image(s) for the POs
Review the original payment or purchase requests associated with this
purchase order
Edit certain purchase order details such as description and need-by date
Review the audit trail
Preview purchase orders, in PDF format
Transmit POs to vendors
Review or Change a Vendor
To view or change a vendor:
1. Double-click the desired purchase order. The Purchase Order window
2. In the Vendor section, click View Details or Edit depending on what you
want to do.
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Change Ship-To or Bill-To Address
To change the ship-to or bill-to address:
1. Double-click the desired purchase order. The Purchase Order window
2. In the Ship To or Bill To section, click Edit.
3. In the Change Address window, select a different ship-to or bill-to address.
Change Address window (ship-to address):
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Change Address window (bill-to address):
4. Click Save.
Edit Purchase Order Details
Purchasing admins can edit some of the details, for example, the description, need-
by date, or shipping cost of the purchase order.
To edit purchase order details:
1. Open the desired purchase order.
2. Click Edit.
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3. In the Purchase Order Details window that appears, edit the fields and then
click Save.
Send Back a Purchase Order
Purchasing admins can send back a purchase order prior to transmittal to vendor to
remove a purchase order from its workflow for the purpose of additional review,
correction of the associated purchase request amount or cost object, or amend some
additional items to the PR.
When a Send Back action is taken on the PO, the assigned PO number is voided, the
original associated request item(s) are made read-only, and a new, duplicate PR is
created with a status of Sent Back to Employee that includes the original items and
allocations that were part of the now-retired PO. An indicator is also added to the
new PR to show it was generated based on a now-invalid PR.
Finally, an email notification is generated and sent based on the purchase request
email notification settings for the requestor. The image below shows a sample email
body text:
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To send back a purchase order:
1. On the Purchase Orders Pending Transmission page, select the purchase
order you want to send back by clicking its check box.
2. On the Actions menu, click Send Back.
3. In the Send Back Purchase Order window that appears, enter a comment
about why you want to send back the purchase order, and then click OK.
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Create Invoices From Transmitted Purchase Orders
When purchasing admins view their list of purchase orders, they can create an
invoice from a purchase order on this list. The option to create an invoice from the
PO list is available only when the purchasing admin selects a single, transmitted PO
that has not yet been closed.
This feature is useful when, for example, the supplier has sent a PO-based invoice,
but not provided the purchase order number of that invoice.
The purchasing admin can create the invoice in the Actions menu on the All Orders
Void a Purchase Order
A purchasing admin may want to void a purchase order after transmittal to vendor if,
for example, the order cannot be fulfilled due to a discontinued item, or if there are
vendor issues or changes in the business environment that deems the PO invalid.
When a purchasing admin voids a purchase order, the system sets the PO to Voided.
A record of the PO remains in the system, but the PO is not included in any listing or
extract of general purchase orders. However, voided purchase orders can be included
in search result lists by filtering the search where the status is equal to Voided.
Voiding the PO is a "housecleaning" measure used to ensure any associated invoices
referencing this PO Number will be identified and handled appropriately.
NOTE: Before the purchasing admin voids a purchase order, the system must first
extract the PO.
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To void a purchase order:
1. On the All Orders page, select the purchase order you want to void by
clicking its check box.
2. On the Actions menu, click Void.
3. In the Void Purchase Order window that appears, enter a comment about
why you want to void the purchase order, and then click OK. The system
updates the audit log and changes the status of the purchase order to Voided.
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Upload, View, and Delete Images
The purchasing admin, who processes purchase orders, can upload, view, and delete
images of purchase orders.
To upload an image:
1. Open the desired purchase order.
2. On the Request page, click Actions > Upload Image.
The Upload Image window appears.
3. Click Browse and select the desired image by double-clicking it, or by
selecting it and clicking Open.
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4. (Optional) Select (enable) the Include in PO Transmission check box.
5. Click Upload.
6. Click Close.
To view an image:
1. On the Purchase Order page, click View Image Gallery.
The Purchase Order Images window appears. If there are more than one
image or supporting document, you can toggle between them by using the
Next and Previous buttons.
NOTE: You can also include supporting documents in the PO transmission
from the Purchase Order Images window by selecting (enabling) the
Include in PO Transmission check box.
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2. Click Save or Cancel when you are done.
To delete an image:
1. On the Purchase Order page, click View Image Gallery.
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2. In the Purchase Order Images window, click Delete Image.
The Please Confirm window appears.
3. Click Yes. Once you have deleted an image, the next image, if there is one,
Close a Purchase Order
When a purchasing admin closes a purchase order after transmittal to vendor, the
system removes the closed PO from the list of purchase orders pending actions. This
helps the processor to manage their POs and their statuses more efficiently.
If the purchasing admin wants to search on closed POs, they can do so by selecting
Status Equals Closed in the search area. The page will list all the closed POs.
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NOTE: Please note that the purchasing admin cannot copy a request if it is
associated with a closed PO.
NOTE: If the client uses an external purchasing system, a standard PO import into
Concur Invoice can update any PO with a Closed status.
To close a purchase order:
1. On the All Orders page, select the purchase order you want to close by
clicking its check box.
2. On the Actions menu, click Close.
3. In the Close Purchase Order window that appears, enter a comment about
why you want to close the purchase order, and then click OK. When the
purchasing admin has closed the PO, it will no longer appear in the list of that
In addition, a closed PO will not be available in the list of active POs for
matching invoices.
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Reopen a Closed Purchase Order
Users with the Purchasing Admin role can reopen closed purchase orders. This is
useful when a PO has been incorrectly closed and needs to be reopened and
processed correctly.
To reopen a closed purchase order:
1. On the Closed purchase orders page or in an opened purchase order, in the
Actions menu, select Reopen.
The Reopen Purchase Order window appears.
2. In the Comments field, enter a comment and then click OK. The PO is
reopened with the status it was in when it was closed. For example, if the
status of the PO was Transmitted to Vendor when the PO was closed, the PO
will be reopened with a status of Transmitted to Vendor.
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View Associated Images to the Purchase Order
To view associated images to the purchase order, click View Image.
Search for a Purchase Order
Purchasing admins can search for purchase orders that are pending transmission or
all purchase orders in the search area by selecting different search criteria, such as
Requestor Last Name, Total, or Vendor Name.
Purchasing admins can also use the Change View menu to display purchase orders
or change orders pending transmission or purchase orders pending vendor approval.
By changing the view, the result appears on the page.
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Use a Query to Search for a Purchase Order
You can also search for a purchase order by using standard queries or those you
create yourself using options within the Query section of PO Processor. The query
can be created by clicking New Query where you can build a customized, condition-
based query to return your purchase orders, or you can select an existing query that
you have created.
You can create a new query for your personal use on the Purchase Orders
Pending Transmission page. Queries you create are your own and cannot be
viewed, edited, deleted, or used by anyone else. This means that all newly created
queries cannot be shared across processors.
To create a new query:
1. Click Query > New Query.
2. In the Query Builder window, build the conditions for the query.
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3. Click:
Save & Run: Saves the query in the Query menu, and runs it
immediately, returning the results.
Save: Saves the query for use in the Query menu.
You are allowed to edit only those custom queries you have created, and no other
user-created custom queries are available for edit, only your own.
To edit your custom queries:
1. Click Queries > Edit Saved Query and point to the query you wish to edit.
2. Click the query in the list to open it in the Condition Builder window. Refer
to Create a Custom Query in this document to edit your query.
3. When done click:
Save & Run: Saves the query in the Query menu, and runs it
immediately, returning the results.
Save: Saves the query for use in the Query menu.
You may delete only those custom queries that you have created. You cannot delete
others user-created custom queries.
To delete your custom query:
1. Click Queries > Edit Saved Query and point to the query you wish to
2. Click the query in the list to open it in the Condition Builder window.
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3. Click Delete.
4. In the Please Confirm window that appears prompting you to confirm your
action of deleting the query, click Yes.
You can export your query results into an Excel-based data template. This allows you
to open Excel and load the results of your query for use in application.
To export the results of your query:
1. Run the query for the results you are seeking.
2. Click Send to Excel in the lower-right corner of the page.
The data is loaded and automatically appears in Excel with each column
representing a field within the purchase order.
View PO Amount That Has Been Invoiced
PO Processor can see how much of the purchase order amount that has been
invoiced. To do so, the PO Processor may create a query that defines if a purchase
order has been fully or partially invoiced, or not invoiced at all. This information is
important and lets the PO Processor take necessary actions, such as closing the
purchase order, or contact the vendor regarding the outstanding invoices.
NOTE: The query will be based on approved invoices.
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In the following example, the system will query for purchase orders where 90
percent or more of the PO amount have been invoiced.
By clicking the Preferences button, the PO Processor can add the new column,
Total Invoiced Net Amount (in Percentage) to the Purchase Orders page.
View Original Invoice or Purchase Request Associated with a PO
To view the original payment or purchase request associated with a specific purchase
order, click View Associations.
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The Purchase Order Associations window appears with information about the
associated payment and purchase order requests of the purchase order.
NOTE: Depending on your user permission role, you might be able to click on the
associated invoice and/or purchase request number to see the related record.
The purchasing admin can double-click the purchase request in the Purchase Order
Association window to view the approval flow of a purchase request within a
purchase order.
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Review the Audit Trail
To review the audit trail, click Audit Trail.
The Audit Trail window appears with information about actions that the purchasing
admin has taken on the specific purchase order.
NOTE: All users who have access to a PO change order transaction will be able to
view the audit trail history of the PO Change Order.
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Preview a Purchase Order
The purchasing admin has a unique view of the overall PR to PO creation by being
able to view a PDF of the final purchase order, as it will appear to the vendor on
receipt via email. This view allows the purchasing admin to verify information in a
single view, including address, email, and comments to the vendor.
In addition, purchasing admins can view all documents that are associated with a
specific purchase order, which gives them an overview of all documents that they
transmit to a vendor.
This includes documents uploaded by:
Administrators who configure purchase orders in PO Configuration
Users who create purchase requests and select the Include in PO
Transmission option
Approvers who approve purchase requests and select the Include in PO
Transmission option
Purchasing admins who process purchase requests and select the Include in
PO Transmission option
To preview a purchase order in PDF format:
1. On the All Orders page, double-click the purchase order that you want to
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2. Click Preview.
The Preview Purchase Order window appears.
The purchasing admin can correct selected items in the Preview Purchase
Order window, and add one or more additional email addresses as needed. If
multiple email addresses exist, vendors will see all other contacts who
received the email by looking at the To line of their email. This helps prevent
multiple vendor contacts from fulfilling the same purchase order.
To change any PO data presented in the PDF, the purchasing admin opens the
actual PO and edits the fields.The purchasing admin can also email the PO
from this window by clicking Transmit.
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The client administrator can change the default text (Body text, address,
instructions, etc.) in the PO Configuration step of Setup.
The processor can change the prefix for the From address but cannot change
the suffix of the address from "".
Preview a PO Change Order
Once a PO change order has gone through the workflow and has been fully
approved, the PO processor will be able to open the Preview Purchase Order
window view information about the revision number and revision date of the last
revision, new line items, and updated amount of the PO change order.
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The PO processor can also view a Change Order Revision section of the purchase
order PDF with revision information.
Transmit Purchase Order to the Vendor
To transmit a purchase order to the vendor, click Transmit.
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Automatically Transmit Purchase Orders
The client administrator may enable (select) an option in the Setup Wizard, which
removes a workflow step in the purchase order process. In this case, Concur Invoice
will transmit purchase orders from the processed purchase request directly to the
NOTE: If the purchase order contains incorrect data, such as an incorrect vendor
email address, Concur Invoice will not transmit the purchase order
automatically, but instead it will require manual PO processing.
Transmit a Change Order
When the purchase request processor has approved the purchase request, the PO
processor will be able to see an updated purchase order with a Pending Transmission
status in the processor view. They will also be able to tell that the purchase order is
a change order by the icon that is visible by the order number.
The PO processor can open the purchase order to see the newly added line item(s)
and a notification that the purchase order has changed.
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When the PO processor has reviewed the updates of the purchase order, they click
Transmit. Once the purchase order has been transmitted, all the icons disappear
that are associated with that specific purchase order.
Manage Receipts and Receipt Images
Purchasing Administrators, who work with the Receiving feature, can add, edit,
delete receipts and receipt images of the transmitted purchase order.
NOTE: If a receipt is associated with an invoice, a user will not be able to edit or
delete the receipt and the Edit and Delete buttons will be disabled. If a user
needs to make changes to an invoice, they need to first unassociated the
receipt to the invoice.
For more information, refer to the Concur Receiving section of the Concur
Invoice: Purchase Order Matching User Guide.
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Extract Purchase Orders
The Purchase Order Extracts page enables the Purchasing Admin to run an on-
demand job to extract purchase order or purchase order receipt data from the
Concur Invoice system. After the data is extracted, clients can download the data
and then import it into their system of record so that the inventory values reflect the
quantities received.
To extract purchase orders:
1. Click Requests > Purchase Order Extracts.
2. On the Extract menu, click Purchase Order Extract.
3. Click the Run Purchase Order Extract Now button to start the extract.
Section 5: What the Purchasing Admin Can Do
112 Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition
Last Revised: September 16, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Download and Search for Purchase Order Extracts
Once the data has been extracted, the extract can be downloaded as a pipe-
delimited text file.
To download the extracted data, select the row for the extract you want to
download, and then click Download File. The file is downloaded to the default
download location for the local machine.
You can also search for previously generated extracts by setting a range of dates in
the Extract Date (From) and Extract Date (To) fields, and then clicking Search.
Section 6: Configure Column and Fields Set View
Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition 113
Last Revised: September 16, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Section 6: Configure Column and Fields Set View
The approver and purchasing admin working with either purchase orders or purchase
requests can arrange the column view to include and exclude fields, and arrange the
sequence in the order they want.
Add, Delete, and Move Columns
First, click Preferences to open the Preferences window, and then select or clear
the check boxes next to those fields you want to add or remove.
Section 6: Configure Column and Fields Set View
114 Concur Invoice: Purchase Request and Purchase Order User Guide for Standard Edition
Last Revised: September 16, 2023
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Rearrange Columns
A simple drag-and-drop action lets you grab the column heading, and then move it
to a new location in the list view.