Secure Cloud Computing Architecture (SCCA)
Functional Requirements
Developed by the
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
for the
Department of Defense (DoD)
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 2
DISN Boundary Security ........................................................................................................ 2
DoD Cloud Hosted System Security ...................................................................................... 3
Cloud Governance ................................................................................................................. 3
Implementation Guidance .................................................................................................... 3
Secure Cloud Computing Architecture Technical Components and Topology ............................. 3
DoD Cloud Security Guidance ............................................................................................... 6
Networks and Topology ........................................................................................................ 6
Cybersecurity Capabilities ..................................................................................................... 9
Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 9
Capability Modularity, Decoupling and Applicability .......................................................... 10
Applicable Security Policies ......................................................................................................... 11
Reference Documents ................................................................................................................. 12
2 Functional Requirements .................................................................................................................... 13
Security Requirements ................................................................................................................ 15
Cloud Access Point .............................................................................................................. 15
Virtual Datacenter Security Stack ....................................................................................... 19
Virtual Datacenter Managed Service .................................................................................. 21
Trusted Cloud Credential Manager ..................................................................................... 22
System Connectivity Requirements ............................................................................................ 24
DISN Connectivity ................................................................................................................ 26
Mission Application Connectivity ........................................................................................ 27
Management Network Connectivity for Off-Premise CSO ................................................. 27
Management Network Connectivity for On-Premise CSO .................................................. 29
Optional Cyber Security and Interface Translation ............................................................. 31
Mission Support System Requirements ...................................................................................... 33
Mission Applications ........................................................................................................... 33
Component Management ................................................................................................... 34
Performance Management ................................................................................................. 35
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Security Information & Event Management (SIEM) ........................................................... 35
Full Packet Capture (FPC) .................................................................................................... 36
Performance Requirements ........................................................................................................ 37
BCAP/ICAP Performance ..................................................................................................... 38
VDSS Performance .............................................................................................................. 38
VDMS Performance ............................................................................................................. 39
Continuity of Operations Requirements ..................................................................................... 39
BCAP/ICAP Continuity of Operations .................................................................................. 39
VDSS Continuity of Operations ........................................................................................... 40
VDMS Continuity of Operations .......................................................................................... 40
System Scalability Requirements ................................................................................................ 41
BCAP/ICAP Scalability .......................................................................................................... 41
VDSS Scalability ................................................................................................................... 41
VDMS Scalability ................................................................................................................. 42
Backup and Restoration Requirements ...................................................................................... 42
BCAP/ICAP Backup and Restoration ................................................................................... 42
VDSS Backup and Restoration ............................................................................................. 43
VDMS Backup and Restoration ........................................................................................... 43
Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................. 44
Appendix B: Threat Definitions ................................................................................................................... 47
Appendix C: Cloud Component Terminology .............................................................................................. 50
Table 1. Initial SCCA Threat Considerations ................................................................................................ 14
Table 2. BCAP Security Requirements ........................................................................................................ 16
Table 3. ICAP Security Requirements .......................................................................................................... 17
Table 4. VDSS Security Requirements ......................................................................................................... 20
Table 5: VDMS Security Requirements ....................................................................................................... 21
Table 6. TCCM Security Requirments.......................................................................................................... 23
Table 7. DISN Connectivity Requirements ................................................................................................. 26
Table 8. Mission Application Connectivity .................................................................................................. 27
Table 9. Off-Premise Management Network Connectivity ......................................................................... 29
Table 10. On-Premise Management Network Connectivity ....................................................................... 31
Table 11. Optional Cyber Security and Interface Translation ..................................................................... 32
Table 12. Integration with Mission Applications ........................................................................................ 33
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Table 13. Component Management Requirements ................................................................................... 34
Table 14. Performance Management Requirements ................................................................................. 35
Table 15. Security Information & Event Management Requirements ....................................................... 36
Table 16. Full Packet Capture (FPC) Requirements .................................................................................... 37
Table 17. BCAP/ICAP Performance Requirements ..................................................................................... 38
Table 18. VDSS Performance Requirements ............................................................................................... 38
Table 19. VDMS Performance Requirements ............................................................................................. 39
Table 20. BCAP/ICAP Continuity of Operations Requirements................................................................... 39
Table 21. VDSS Continuity of Operations Requirements ............................................................................ 40
Table 22. VDMS Continuity of Operations Requirements .......................................................................... 40
Table 23. BCAP/ICAP Scalability Requirements .......................................................................................... 41
Table 24. VDSS Scalability Requirements .................................................................................................... 42
Table 25. VDMS Scalability Requirements .................................................................................................. 42
Table 26. BCAP/ICAP Backup and Restoration Requirements .................................................................... 42
Table 27. VDSS Backup and Restoration Requirements ............................................................................. 43
Table 28. VDMS Backup and Restoration Requirements ............................................................................ 43
Figure 1. Cloud Computing Foundations ...................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2. Secure Cloud Computing Architecture (SCCA) Components ......................................................... 5
Figure 3. Notional Cloud Service Provider Infrastructure & Networks ......................................................... 7
Figure 4. Notional DISN Management Networks .......................................................................................... 8
Figure 5. SCCA Component Alignment to Cybersecurity Organizations ..................................................... 10
Figure 6. SCCA Component Applicability .................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7. Notional SCCA System & Connectivity ......................................................................................... 25
Figure 8. Management Network Connectivity for Off-Premise CSO .......................................................... 28
Figure 9. Management Network Connectivity for On-Premise CSO ........................................................... 30
Version 2.9
Date Description of Change
01/16/2015 Initial functional requirements description
02/02/2015 Update on functional requirements document
02/09/2015 Updates to address results of 2/7/15 review with DISA leadership
2/13/2015 Updates to address results of 2/10/15 review with DISA leadership
and MITRE Team Review
3/17/2015 Updates to address comments
Update to address RE comments
4/10/2015 Update to address RE & CTO comments
4/22/2015 Update to address RE comments
6/15/2015 Update to address RE & CC/S/A comments
6/24/2015 Update to add network requirements
6/30/2015 Update to add CAP Extension Appendix
7/15/2015 Update to address administrative comments from PAO and removed
FOUO marking.
10/30/2015 Update to address DoD community and CSP comments
2/23/2016 Renamed CAP FRD to SCCA FRD and updated to include SCCA
10/31/2016 Update to address industry and DoD Component comments
1/31/2017 SCCA Pilot Team Inputs
Version 2.9
Executive Summary
As the Department of Defense (DoD) strives to meet the objectives of the DoD CIO to maximize the use
of commercial cloud computing, the Defense Information System Network (DISN) perimeter and DoD
Information Network (DoDIN) systems must continue to be protected against cyber threats. DISA is
responsible for developing the DISN protection requirements and guidance to secure the connection point
to the Cloud Service Provider (CSP). DISA is well positioned to provide enterprise capabilities to secure
DoD Mission Owner systems deployed to the commercial cloud.
The purpose of the Secure Cloud Computing Architecture (SCCA) is to provide a barrier of protection
between the DISN and commercial cloud services used by the DoD while optimizing the cost-performance
trade in cyber security. The SCCA will proactively and reactively provide a layer of overall protection
against attacks upon the DISN infrastructure and mission applications operating within the commercial
cloud. It specifically addresses attacks originating from mission applications that reside within the Cloud
Service Environment (CSE) upon both the DISN infrastructure and neighboring tenants in a multi-tenant
environment. It provides a consistent CSP independent level of security that enables the use of
commercially available Cloud Service Offerings (CSO) for hosting DoD mission applications operating at all
DoD Information System Impact Levels (i.e. 2, 4, 5, & 6).
Requirements defined herein cover the array of CSOs to include Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). However, the authors have been careful
to word requirements with sufficient specificity to address the DoD cloud security posture while enabling
innovation and allowing flexibility in implementations. The shared responsibility model is assumed to
persist so that, where important for cost savings, identified security capabilities can be delivered by either
DoD, commercial CSP, or 3
party organizations.
Version 2.9
1 Introduction
The DoD has made great strides in protecting the DoD Information System Network (DISN) from security
threats at its boundary through Non-secure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet) hardening
initiatives. As the DoD move to maximize the use of commercial cloud computing, the DISN perimeter
must continue to be protected against cyber threats from external connections. As such, DISA is
responsible for developing the requirements to support the DoD in implementing DISN perimeter
protection at the connection point to multiple Cloud Service Providers (CSP). DISA is also well
positioned to provide enterprise protection capabilities for mission applications and Mission Owner
(MO) data hosted within the commercial Cloud Service Environment (CSE).
This document provides a summary of the Secure Cloud Computing Architecture (SCCA) and its
requirements based upon and analysis of possible attack vectors. The boundary requirements that were
developed apply to all cloud service offerings including: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a
Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). SCCA requirements have been developed based upon
the DoD experiences covering successful implementations of commercial and other non-DoD systems.
Such systems have included Internet Access Points (IAPs), NIPRNet Federated Gateway (NFG), and direct
connections to approved contractor facilities. SCCA requirements are intended to be consistent with
Joint Information Environment (JIE) objectives
This document addresses functional requirements necessary to enable detection, protection, and
response to cyber security threats against the DISN from Non-DoD on- or off-premise CSPs. It also
provides functional requirements for the protection, detection, and response to cyber security threats
against DoD systems deployed into commercial CSEs for all DoD Information System Impact Levels (i.e.,
2, 4, 5, & 6). The requirements currently specified within this document pertain only to the security and
associated interoperability necessary to facilitate secure deployment and operations of DoD IT systems
incorporating commercially owned cloud based Information Technology (IT) services.
The SCCA provides a capability and governance model, which is built upon guidance and requirements
provided by the DoD Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide (SRG)
. As such, it is based upon
the handling of systems and information categorized by all DoD mission Impact levels.
DISN Boundary Security
The SCCA is designed to meet the boundary protection needs of the DISN by protecting the DISN from
cyber-attacks originating from within the CSP’s CSE. A CSE may be comprised of an array of CSOs from a
particular CSP; wherein, a CSO is one or a bundle of cloud services offered for sale by the CSP.
Implementing the SCCA will mitigate potential damages to the DISN and will provide the ability to detect
and prevent an attack before reaching the DISN. It will provide a consistent level of security that
facilitates the implementation of commercial provided cloud services to support DoD mission
DoD Cybersecurity RA
Version 2.9
DoD Cloud Hosted System Security
The SCCA establishes the capabilities and governance models through which to protect DoD mission
owner enclaves, application servers, virtual systems, and information hosted within the commercial
cloud. Functional requirements defined herein are applicable for all CSO environments (i.e., IaaS, PaaS,
SaaS). However, use of the SCCA is not a mandate. It is recognized that commercial CSPs, 3
Providers, and DoD Mission Owners may deliver DoD compliant security solutions with the approval of
the assigned Authorization Official (AO).
Cloud Governance
The SCCA addresses the need for specialized DoD governance over IT systems and operations that
employ commercial CSOs. While existing DoD data center STIGs and emerging JIE requirements apply,
the SCCA specifically addresses the need to tightly control privileged user access (including root) to the
commercial CSP’s CSO management and configuration systems. Unlike typical on-premise DoD data
centers, these systems are generally accessible from the internet or other non-DoD controlled
communication networks. Additionally, these systems employ the CSP’s Identity and Access
Management (IdAM) systems which may not be federated with an authorized DoD IdAM system. While
the governance model typically applies well for IaaS and some PaaS offerings, it may not apply to SaaS
and some PaaS offerings where cloud consumers are excluded from CSO administration systems. The
SCCA privileged cloud user access governance model applies specifically to the use of access control
systems provided and managed by the CSP.
Implementation Guidance
SCCA functional requirements are intended to provide DoD-wide capabilities for the secure
implementation and employment of commercial CSOs. This document does not specify the DoD
Organization responsible to deliver or operate SCCA technical components. However, DISA is
responsible for protection of the DISN and will therefore provide for enterprise boundary defense and
associated DISN connection services. While DISA will develop and deliver SCCA enterprise services, DoD
Components and Mission Owner elements may develop and deliver their own SCCA technical
components in accordance with requirements specified herein. However, DISA’s SCCA enterprise
services are intended to reduce the cost of deployment and operations of DoD cloud hosted systems. It
is generally expected that SCCA technical components implemented by one DoD organization could be
made available to other DoD organizations and mission partners. Accordingly, capability and
operational consistency across technical component implementations is desired.
Secure Cloud Computing Architecture Technical Components and Topology
The SCCA is specifically architected and intended to deliver the security capabilities defined by the DoD
Cloud Computing Requirements Guide (CC SRG) as necessary to support secure deployment of DoD
systems and information into the commercially owned and operated CSP industry segment. A DoD
Provisional Authorization (PA) provides a validation of a CSP’s compliance with the DoD CC SRG guidance
for hosting systems operating at an indicated DoD System Impact Level. Assuming a CSP has achieved a
DoD PA, the SCCA defines DoD system implementation and governance requirements necessary to
protect the DISN boundary and commercial cloud hosted DoD mission systems and information;
illustrated in Figure 1. The construction of the SCCA is intended to levy no additional requirements upon
the commercial CSP industry other than those related to secure connectivity.
Version 2.9
Figure 1. Cloud Computing Foundations
The SCCA is broken into four technical components to allow flexible implementation and DoD IT
organization ownership. As illustrated in
Figure 2, it is comprised of:
Cloud Access Point (CAP):
The CAP provides access to the Cloud, boundary protection of DISN from the Cloud, and cyber
defense capabilities such as firewall and intrusion detection and prevention (IDS/IPS) at the DISN
boundary. Full packet capture (FPC) and interface translation may be provided, as needed, to
support secure connectivity and access to individual commercial cloud hosting systems. The CAP is
specifically tailored to operate at DoD Impact levels 4 and 5. In order to support both on-premise
and off-premise Non-DoD CSPs, CAP requirements are decomposed into Internal-CAP (ICAP) and
Boundary-CAP (BCAP) requirements.
Virtual Datacenter Security Stack (VDSS):
The VDSS provides DoD Core Data Center (CDC)-like network security capabilities such as firewall,
intrusion detection, and intrusion prevention systems. It also provides application security
capabilities such as web application firewall (WAF) and proxy systems. The VDSS can reside within
or outside of the CSP’s infrastructure (virtually or physically). VDSS capabilities can also be provided
as-a-Service by a third party vendor (for IaaS) or a CSP (for IaaS and SaaS). VDSS feeds should be
provided to a DoD Cybersecurity Service Provider (CSSP) performing enclave boundary defense. The
VDSS also supports sharing of security event data among cyber security stakeholders. The VDSS is
specifically tailored to operate at all DoD Information Impact Levels.
DoD Cloud Computing SRG
DoD Provisional
DoD Mission Systems
SCCA Systems
Version 2.9
Virtual Datacenter Managed Services (VDMS):
The VDMS provides system management network and mission owner system support services
necessary to achieve JIE management plane connectivity and mission owner system compliance. It
provides secure management network connectivity to the DISN, virtual host based management
services, and identity and access management services for DoD Controlled Access Card (CAC)
authentication to virtual systems. The VDMS is specifically tailored to operate at all DoD mission
Impact Levels. VDMS functionality applies directly to IaaS environments but may not be specifically
applicable to PaaS and SaaS CSOs as such functionality may be inherent to the associated CSP and
validated through the DoD PA
Trusted Cloud Credential Manager (TCCM):
The TCCM is an individual or entity appointed by the DoD mission owner’s Authorizing Official (AO)
to establish plans and policies for the control of privileged user access (to include root account
credentials) used to establish, configure, and control a mission owner’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
configuration once connected to the DISN. The TCCM establishes and manages Least-Privilege
Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) accounts and credentials used by privileged DoD users and
systems to administer and control DoD CSO configurations. The role of TCCM is intended to operate
at all DoD information Impact Levels. However, the TCCM may not apply to some SaaS solutions
where DoD account owners are not required to use the CSP’s Identity and Access Management
(IdAM) system to administer user accounts and service configurations.
Figure 2. Secure Cloud Computing Architecture (SCCA) Components
Version 2.9
With the exception of the TCCM, SCCA component functional requirements are considered applicable to
all cloud service models (i.e., IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS). However, requirements are not specific to provider.
SCCA technical capabilities may be delivered by the responsible DoD organization, a DoD authorized
CSP, or an authorized 3
party Security-as-a-Service (Sec-aaS) provider. Users of the SCCA are intended
to be responsible DoD Mission Owners or DoD Components accredited as a CSSPs by USSTRATCOM IAW
DoD O-8530.01-M. For typical IaaS and PaaS solutions, all CAP, VDSS, VDMS, and TCCM requirements
are considered applicable. However, for some SaaS solutions, VDSS and VDMS functionality may be
delivered by the CSP and authorized under the DoD Provisional Authorization (PA). For CSOs where DoD
consumers are not given privileged user access control and management capabilities, the TCCM is not
DoD Cloud Security Guidance
In accordance with the DoD Cloud Computing SRG, DoD cloud access systems will enable CSP
connections to the DISN consistent with security objectives identified by the information impact levels
described therein. The SRG provides guidance for the implementation of cloud access systems
. An
Internal CAP (ICAP) allows connectivity between the DISN and a non-DoD (US Commercial) On-Premise”
CSP such as milCloud 2.0. JIE requirements and DoD Data Center architectures govern security
capabilities for “On-Premise” CSP connectivity and to the DISN.
The Boundary CAP (BCAP) allows
connectivity between the DISN and a non-DoD (US Commercial) “Off-Premise” CSP.
Networks and Topology
There are several networks in use when hosting a DoD mission application within a CSP as illustrated by
Figure 3. There are the CSP’s private networks that are used by the CSP to manage the underlying
infrastructure and CSO implementation, such as the physical host systems, network infrastructure, the
virtualization layer, and service hosts. Access to these networks is limited to authorized CSP privileged
user staff and are isolated from the Internet.
Version 2.9
User Plane: Non-Privileged User Environment
The User Plane is the network plane where user and data traffic
Management/Data Plane: Privileged-User Environment
The Management Plane carries DoD privileged users (e.g.
BCND, MCND, System Administrators), maintenance, and
monitoring traffic.
Customer Portal: Ordering & Provisioning
The Customer Portal is the interface where the TCCM and
Mission Owner access to provision accounts, instantiate
systems and/or applications, and monitor user activity.
Cloud Service Offering: CSP Owned Private Network
The CSP Owned CSO is the network plane where the various
CSOs reside, including the customer portal, SaaS, and CSP-
provided capabilities to support IaaS/PaaS environments
(e.g. identity management, domain services).
Cloud Service Provider: CSP Infrastructure Private Network
The CSP Owned Infrastructure is the network plane where
physical hosts of CSOs reside. Access to this network is out
of band and is only accessible by the CSP.
Figure 3. Notional Cloud Service Provider Infrastructure & Networks
The DoD User, Data, and Management networks are virtually isolated from the CSP’s private networks.
The Management Plan is established inside the CSE virtual network layer and provides Mission Owner
(MO) administrators and security operations personnel access to MO virtual systems. The Data Plane is a
network used for back-end communications between applications system tiers. The Production Plane
establishes the user environment. Each of these is virtually segmented from the others. Access to these
networks is via the CAP. As such, these networks appear to a DoD user as an extension of the DoDIN.
For typical IaaS and PaaS offerings, the Customer Portal is used by CSO account holders to provision CSP
services and deploy mission owner systems into the CSE (this may not be the case with SaaS offerings).
CSO accounts are generated by the CSP and associated credentials are created by the CSP’s DoD
authorized IdAM system. The CSP’s IdAM system is also be used to establish credentials and for
interacting with Application Program Interface (API) and Command Line Interface (CLI) services. These
systems and services are not assumed to be federated with DoD IdAM systems. Customer Portals and
API/CLI service end-points are typically internet accessible. As a result, the TCCM establishes and
manages the CSP originated authentication and authorization credentials for DoD users having CSO
account privileges. The TCCM may employ functions of the VDMS to accomplish this role.
Version 2.9
The DISN management network (illustrated in Figure 4) is used to manage DoD Systems and perform
CND service provider operations in accordance with JIE JMN design
. The DISN management network
and the mission owner management network will be integrated to facilitate DoD privileged user access
to mission owner virtualized systems. The CAP will support connections to the mission owner
management networks.
The CAP will provide direct dedicated and secure network connectivity to the CSP as well as isolation for
all traffic planes: User/Data, and Management. These planes may translate into Subnets, Zones or
Virtual Routing & Forwarding (VRF) segments within the CSE. Within the CSE of the CSP, traffic
separation will be achieved using the CSP’s networking services.
Figure 4. Notional DISN Management Networks
Version 2.9
Cybersecurity Capabilities
The SCCA provides an array of cyberspace defensive capabilities to provide DISN boundary defense and
protect DoD systems and information deployed to a Commercial CSP. It has been designed to extend the
DISN common security posture into the authorized commercial CSP segment while leveraging and
interoperating with the broader DoD cyber security defenses. Its design achieves the DoD requirements
for traffic inspection
and cyber security
while minimizing communication bandwidth demand and
duplication of defenses.
Roles and Responsibilities
The SCCA is architected to support three (3) primary roles and responsibilities for which entity definition
is provided within the DoD Cloud Computing SRG:
Mission Owner (MO)
A MO is a DoD entity responsible for delivering and operating a DoD mission system. MOs are
responsible for the procurement, deployment, and secure operations of their mission systems
deployed to the cloud environment. Accordingly, MOs are expected to maintain trusted
configuration baselines and to perform continuous monitoring for deployed mission systems.
Capabilities by the VDMS have been specifically selected to support this operational
requirement. Additionally, the MO is required to establish or assign an entity to fulfill the
requirements of the TCCM.
Mission Cyberspace Protection (MCP)
The MCP organization is the DoD entity charged with the responsibility of securing a MO’s
enclave and networked systems by establishing and delivering cybersecurity capabilities. The
MCP is specifically responsible for cyber defense of MO systems. The security capabilities of the
VDSS have been specifically selected to support this operational requirement. The MCP can also
be the MO themselves or a certified CSSP providing MCP capabilities.
DISN Boundary Cyberspace Protection (BCP)
The DISN BCP organization is the DoD entity charged with the responsibility to establish and
deliver cybersecurity capabilities to protect the DISN. This entity will be DISA. It is assumed that
DISA will deliver CAP systems and services.
The alignment of SCCA components to cybersecurity mission is illustrated in Figure 5. Cyber security
information from the CAP supports the mission of the organization providing BCD. However, cyber
security information from the VDSS supports the missions of organizations providing both BCD and
MCD. The VDMS acts similarly to support the missions of organizations providing both MCD and
Missions. Establishment and execution of TCCM governance activities is specifically a MO responsibility.
NDAA 2015
DoDI 8530.01
Version 2.9
Figure 5. SCCA Component Alignment to Cybersecurity Organizations
Capability Modularity, Decoupling and Applicability
The SCCA security capabilities are considered modular and decoupled components. However, regardless
of the owner or operator of the capability, each SCCA function is required for a comprehensive
cyberspace defense capability. Additionally, individual requirements need not be specifically achieved
within a given component if they can be achieved at some other point in the cybersecurity architecture.
Therefore, if requirements can be met by non-SCCA systems, it is not necessary to deploy redundant
systems to achieve SCCA component capabilities. For this reason, it may be possible to employ security
systems and services of the CSP or other DoD systems to meet SCCA component capability
Furthermore, specification is not made regarding the division of virtual versus physical system
implementation of SCCA component capabilities. As a result, SCCA components may be implemented as
either physical or virtual systems. This allows for the virtualization and colocation of SCCA component
Moreover, the SCCA is built upon the assumption of DoD cybersecurity information sharing. This implies
that sensor data derived from SCCA component is sharable among cybersecurity service provider
organizations to achieve the DoD cybersecurity mission. For example, event data derived from a Web
Application Firewall (WAF), performing Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) traffic
break and inspect, could be retrieved and employed by both the BCD and MCD organizations to
accomplish their respective cybersecurity missions.
The SCCA is established to provide a set of components to assist DoD Mission Owners in achieving the
requirements of the DoD Cloud Computing SRG. As illustrated in Figure 6, SCCA component capabilities
Version 2.9
apply to both DoD on-premise (e.g. milCloud 2.0) and off-premise CSP systems as well as IaaS, PaaS, and
SaaS CSOs operating at all Impact Levels.
Figure 6. SCCA Component Applicability
Applicable Security Policies
Security and risk management policies applicable to any IT system deployed in a DoD environment are
pertinent to the SCCA. In addition, the SCCA must comply with all privacy and Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws and regulations if traffic involves any personal or medical
information. Guiding DoD policies are:
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 6211.02D Defense Information Systems Network
(DISN) Responsibilities, 4 August 2015
Committee on National Security Systems Instruction (CNSSI) 1253 Security Categorization and Control
Selection for National Security Systems, 15 Mar 2012
DoD Cloud Way Forward, V 1.0; 23 Jul 2014
DoD Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide (CC SRG), Version 1, Release 2; 18 Mar 2016.
DoD CIO Memo, Updated Guidance on the Acquisition and Use of Commercial Cloud Computing
Services, 15 Dec 2014
DoD OSD Memo: Procedures for Operational Test and Evaluation of Cybersecurity in Acquisition
Programs; 1 Aug 2014
Version 2.9
DoDI 5000.02 Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, 7 Jan 2015
DoDI 5000.44 Protection of Mission Functions to Archive Trusted Systems and Networks (TSN), 5 Nov
DoDI 8500.01 Cybersecurity, 14 Mar 2014
DoDI 8550.01 Internet Services and Internet-Based Capabilities; 11 Sep 2012.
DoD Instruction 8510.01 Risk Management Framework (RMF) for DoD Information Technology (IT),
dated 12 March 2014
DHS Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) Reference Architecture Document Version 2.0 Federal
Interagency Technical Reference Architectures, 1 Oct 2013
National Defense Authorization Action (NDAA), 2015
NIST SP 500-292 Cloud Computing Reference Architecture, Sep 2011
NIST SP 500-293 US Government Cloud Computing Technology Roadmap Volume I, Oct 2014
NIST SP 800-53 Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations,
Revision 4, Apr 2013
NIST SP 800-160 Systems Security Engineering Considerations for a Multidisciplinary Approach in the
Engineering of Trustworthy Secure Systems, Second Public Draft, May 2016
Reference Documents
Technical reference materials used for the creation of this document is as follows:
DoD Program Manager’s Guidebook for Integrating the Cybersecurity Risk Management Framework
RMF) into the System Acquisition Lifecycle, 26 May 2015
DoD Cloud Industry Day, Roger Greenwell & Peter Dinsmore; 29 Jan 2015
DoD Cybersecurity Reference Architecture, V4.0, dated 17 June 2016
DoD Security Architecture Reference Model (SARM) Description, V 3.0 (Final); 24 Sep 2014.
DoD JIE) Core Data Center (CDC) Engineering Design specification (EDS), Version 2.0; 15 Dec 2014
DoD Joint Information Environment (JIE) Enterprise Operations Center (EOC) Engineering Design
Specification (EDS), Version 3.0: 13 August 2015
DoD Joint Information Management Network (JMN) Engineering Design Specification, v3.6 (draft), 30
June 2016
DoD Unified Capabilities Requirements 2013 (UCR 2013); Jan 2013
DoD Internet-NIPRNet DMZ Inc. 1, Phase 2, Technology Overview, v3, Release 1; 6 Jul 2015
DoD Enterprise Cloud Service Broker Cloud Security Model, V 2.1; 13 Mar 2014
DoDI 8551.01, Ports, Protocols, and Services Management (PPSM); 28May 2014
Version 2.9
DoDI 8530.01 Cybersecurity Activities Support to DoD Information Network Operations, 7 March 2016
DISA NIPRNet DOD DMZ Policy Requirements Version, V 2 Release; 08 Aug 2014
DISA Network Services Telecommunications Service Level Agreement (SLA); 12 Mar 2014
DISA Network Services Virtual Private Network (VPN) Customer Ordering Guidance, V 2.4; 12 Mar 2013
DISA NIPR Federated Gateway (NFG) Network Design, V 1.4 (Draft); 12 Nov 2012
DISA Enclave Checklist V4, Release 5; 27 July 2012
DISA Secure Remote Computing Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) V2, Release 5; 29 July
DISA Remote Access Policy Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) V2 Release 11; 22 Apr 2016
2 Functional Requirements
Requirements decompose into security, connectivity, and specific capabilities, such as full packet
capture and integration with management system. The requirements describe the capabilities required
for the SCCA to protect the DISN, establish connectivity between the DISN and the CSO, operational
aspects (e.g., Disaster Recovery Plan), component management, and mission cyber defense. The SCCA
requirements are a logical representation of various component capabilities.
In order to identify the security requirements, the requirements analysis process considered possible
threats against the DISN from a malicious attacker on a compromised CSO virtual infrastructure
component or hosted mission application. Threats were then assessed for their applicability to attacks
against DISN assets. Once a threat was shown to be possible, a requirement to detect and protect was
written. Further requirements were derived from the threat analysis to address the data handling
requirements necessary to provide effective cyber security response. Table 1 identifies the initial threats
considered for derivation of SCCA security requirements. The NIPRNet/SIPRNet Cyber Security
Architecture Review (NSCSAR) Joint Task Force (JTF) will further refine and assess cyber threats to DoD
cloud assets.
The following assumptions are made with respect to the threat environment for a Non-DoD CSP Cloud
Service Environment (CSE):
CSE networks and systems are owned and operated by the commercial CSP
The CSO holds a DoD Provisional Authorization (PA) for Impact Levels 2, 4 and/or 5 in
accordance with the SRG
The CSO is accessible from the Internet for impact level 2 applications
The CSO is only accessible from the NIPRNet via a CAP for impact level 4/5 applications
The CSO is only accessible from the SIPRNet for impact level 6 applications
CSP management personnel have controlled access to physical, hypervisor, and virtual
environment layers
Version 2.9
Table 1. Initial SCCA Threat Considerations
Threat Source
Information Systems Threat
Virtual Machine (VM) Escape
Cross VM Attack
CSP Resource Denial of Service
Session Hijack/Man-In-The Middle
Service Account Hijack
Virtual Machine Hijack
Unauthorized Virtual Machine Management Console Access
Data Exfiltration
Advanced Persistent Threat
Malicious Code/Malware
SQL Injection
VoIP Call Eavesdropping
VoIP Call Modification
VoIP Call Hijacking
VoIP System DOS
Network Enumeration
Botnet Denial of Service
Unauthorized IP Source/Destination
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) Hopping
DNS Hijacking (CSE hosted application DNS request)
IP Route Hijacking
IP Address Spoofing
Rogue Access Device/Access Point Hijack (com carrier traffic interception or
adding to IaaS Local Area Network (LAN))
Appendix B: Threat Definitions
Virtualization layer threats are not assumed to exist for CSPs employing not virtualized hosting environments
Version 2.9
Threat Source
Information Systems Threat
Unauthorized CAP Privileged User Account Access
Security Requirements
Below are the security requirements allocated to each of the SCCA components. They are judiciously
selected to achieve the following objectives:
1. DISN Boundary Defense (CAP)
2. Mission Owner Enclave and Application Defense (VDSS)
3. Mission Application End-Point Defense (VDMS)
4. DISN and Mission Defense (TCCM)
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of a CAP solution:
System requirements for the implementation of the DoD Enterprise Recursive Service (ERS) to
support Domain Name Service (DNS) Resolution are addressed, as needed, by the ERS Program
Office; associated requirements are not the responsibility of the SCCA system.
DISN network routing to support specific and Mission Owner connectivity is addressed, as
needed, by DISA Network Operations and Network Engineering Offices; associated requirements
are not the responsibility of the SCCA system.
Network requirements to enable Cloud service operations in the event of Internet Access Point
(IAP) cutoff are address, as needed, by DISA Network Operations/Engineering and the individual
Identity Federation requirements to enable CAC authentication of non-privileged DoD users to
cloud hosted DoD (e.g., IaaS and PaaS) or SaaS provided systems and services is the
responsibility of the CSO procuring DoD Component or Program Office; associated requirements
are not the responsibility of the SCCA system.
Cloud Access Point
Below is a list of requirements derived from the threat risk analysis. These requirements define threat
mitigation capabilities necessary to protect the DISN. As threats evolve, the CAP security requirements
will also evolve to deliver risk-based defense capabilities. CAP security requirements are not specific to
physical location nor logical-physical implementation. This means that the option to locate the CAP
within a Cloud Service Environment (CSE) is allowed. Further, the ability to collocate the CAP with other
components of the SCCA to leverage infrastructure and system sharing is permitted. CAP requirements
are composed of BCAP and ICAP requirements. Boundary Cloud Access Point
Table 2 provides BCAP security requirements. The main purpose of the BCAP is to protect the DISN. It
serves as a point defense to detect and prevent intrusion, unauthorized routes, known malicious code,
and malicious network activity. It security event capture data is intended for use by JFHQ-DoDIN
Situational Awareness (SA) systems.
Version 2.9
Table 2. BCAP Security Requirements
Req. ID BCAP Security Requirements
The BCAP shall provide the capability to detect and prevent malicious code injection
into the DISN originating from the CSE
The BCAP shall provide the capability to detect and thwart single and multiple node
DOS attacks
The BCAP shall provide the ability to perform detection and prevention of traffic flow
having unauthorized source and destination IP addresses, protocols, and
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports
The BCAP shall provide the capability to detect and prevent IP Address Spoofing and
IP Route Hijacking
The BCAP shall provide the capability to prevent device identity policy infringement
(prevent rogue device access)
The BCAP shall provide the capability to detect and prevent passive and active
network enumeration scanning originating from within the CSE
The BCAP shall provide the capability to detect and prevent unauthorized data
exfiltration from the DISN to an end-point inside CSE
The BCAP and/or BCAP Management System shall provide the capability to sense,
correlate, and warn on advanced persistent threats
The BCAP shall provide the capability to detect custom traffic and activity signatures
The BCAP shall provide an interface to conduct ports, protocols, and service
management (PPSM) activities in order to provide control for BCND providers
The BCAP shall provide full packet capture (FPC) for traversing communications
The BCAP shall provide network packet flow metrics and statistics for all traversing
The BCAP shall provide the capability to detect and prevent application session
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Requirements Internal Cloud Access Point
Table 3 provides ICAP security requirements. The ICAP provides a combination of DISN boundary
protection and Mission Owner enclave protection similar to what would be expected within a Core Data
Center (CDC). As such, its’ requirements set is larger than that of the BCAP. From a security perspective,
the ICAP must additionally protect against the possible internet backdoor connection that may be
present within an on-premise commercial cloud service implementation.
The following assumption with respect to ICAP security requirements are made:
Existing and planned CDC security systems are capable of delivering ICAP security functionality
ICAP requirements can be achieved by deployment of any combination of physical and/or
virtual systems.
Table 3. ICAP Security Requirements
Req. ID ICAP Security Requirements
The ICAP shall provide the capability to detect and prevent malicious code injection
into the DISN originating from the CSE
The ICAP shall provide the capability to detect and thwart single and multiple node
DOS attacks
The ICAP shall provide the ability to perform detection and prevention of traffic flow
having unauthorized source and destination IP addresses, protocols, and
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports
The ICAP shall provide the capability to detect and prevent IP Address Spoofing and
IP Route Hijacking
The ICAP shall provide the capability to prevent device identity policy infringement
(prevent rogue device access)
The ICAP shall provide the capability to detect and prevent passive and active
network enumeration scanning originating from within the CSE
The ICAP shall provide the capability to detect and prevent application session
The ICAP shall provide the capability to detect and prevent unauthorized data
exfiltration from the DISN to an end-point inside CSE
The ICAP and/or ICAP Management System shall provide the capability to sense,
correlate, and warn on advanced persistent threats
The ICAP shall provide the capability to write and detect custom traffic and activity
Version 2.9
Req. ID ICAP Security Requirements
The ICAP shall provide the capability to detect and/or prevent VoIP call
eavesdropping, modification, and hijacking
The ICAP shall provide an interface to conduct ports, protocols, and service
management (PPSM) activities in order to provide bi-directional control.
The ICAP shall maintain separation of all management, user, and data traffic.
The ICAP shall allow the use of encryption for segmentation of management traffic.
The ICAP shall provide a reverse proxy capability to handle service access requests
from client systems
The ICAP shall provide a capability to inspect and filter application layer
conversations based on a predefined set of rules (including HTTP) to identify and
block malicious content
The ICAP shall provide a capability that can distinguish and block unauthorized
application layer traffic
The ICAP shall provide a capability that monitors network and system activities to
detect and report malicious activities
The ICAP shall provide a capability that monitors network and system activities to
stop or block detected malicious activity
The ICAP shall perform break and inspection of Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport
Layer Security (TLS) communication traffic supporting single and dual authentication
for traffic destined to systems hosted within the CSE. Decryption of message
payloads is not implied.
The ICAP shall provide a monitoring capability that captures log files and event data
for cyberspace analysis
The ICAP shall provide an archiving system for common collection, storage, and
access to event logs by Boundary and Mission cyberspace privileged users
The ICAP shall provide a FIPS-140-2 compliant encryption key management system
for storage of DoD generated and assigned server private encryption key credentials
for access and use by the Web Application Firewall (WAF) in the execution of SSL/TLS
break and inspection of encrypted communication sessions
The ICAP shall provide a DoD DMZ Extension to support connection from the
NIPRNet DoD DMZ COI of supported mission owners
Version 2.9
Req. ID ICAP Security Requirements
The ICAP shall provide full packet capture (FPC) for traversing communications
The ICAP shall provide network packet flow metrics and statistics for all traversing
The ICAP shall provide for the inspection of traffic entering and exiting the CSE.
Virtual Datacenter Security Stack
The Virtual Data Center Security Stack (VDSS) serves to protect Mission Owner enclaves and applications
hosted in an off-premise CSO. VDSS services may be offered by a DoD Component, Mission Owner, or
Enterprise Service Provider. Such services may be provisioned from application CSP, the CSP market
place, or other third party authorized provider. VDSS functionality may be deployed within the CSE, the
MeetMe Point, CAP, or supporting Core Data Center (CDC), as required. VDSS requirements apply to all
IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS offerings of a CSP.
The VDSS will maintain the separation of communication traffic between virtual subnets operating
within the user, data, and management planes of the DISN
. The VDSS will perform traffic inspection
and filtering of traffic to provide cybersecurity for cloud resident enclaves and mission owner
applications. The VDSS will support the Cyber Security Service Provider (CSSP) organizations having
either Boundary or Mission Owner defense objectives. VDSS security requirements are provided in Table
4. VDSS requirements are anticipated to apply to all cloud service models including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
VDSS requirements are not specific as to provider and can be delivered by either the responsible DoD
organization, a DoD authorized CSP, or an authorized 3
party provider.
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of a VDSS solution:
Routing within the CSP is accomplished via CSP’s Software Defined Networking (SDN).
Routing of public IP space within the DISN for the purpose of application advertisement and
whitelisting is prohibited, unless specifically authorized.
Security information and event data from the VDSS can be made available to either the DISN
Boundary CSSP, the Mission owner defense objectives. For example, SSL/TLS session data could
be used to support both the MO CSSP to protect the end-point system and the Boundary CSSP
to protect the DISN.
A single DoD-managed network security enclave deployed to a IaaS or PaaS CSE may support
multiple Mission Owners while maintaining virtual separation between Mission Owner virtual
Version 2.9
environments. For SaaS providers, this assumption is validated by the DoD Provisional
Table 4. VDSS Security Requirements
Req. ID VDSS Security Requirements
The VDSS shall maintain virtual separation of all management, user, and data traffic.
The VDSS shall allow the use of encryption for segmentation of management traffic.
The VDSS shall provide a reverse proxy capability to handle access requests from
client systems
The VDSS shall provide a capability to inspect and filter application layer
conversations based on a predefined set of rules (including HTTP) to identify and
block malicious content
The VDSS shall provide a capability that can distinguish and block unauthorized
application layer traffic
The VDSS shall provide a capability that monitors network and system activities to
detect and report malicious activities for traffic entering and exiting Mission Owner
virtual private networks/enclaves
The VDSS shall provide a capability that monitors network and system activities to
stop or block detected malicious activity
The VDSS shall inspect and filter traffic traversing between mission owner virtual
private networks/enclaves.
The VDSS shall perform break and inspection of SSL/TLS communication traffic
supporting single and dual authentication for traffic destined to systems hosted
within the CSE
The VDSS shall provide an interface to conduct ports, protocols, and service
management (PPSM) activities in order to provide control for MCD operators
The VDSS shall provide a monitoring capability that captures log files and event data
for cybersecurity analysis
The VDSS shall provide or feed security information and event data to an allocated
archiving system for common collection, storage, and access to event logs by
privileged users performing Boundary and Mission CND activities
Management of FIPS 140-2 compliance for cryptographic components deployed to virtualized systems is the
responsibility of the VDSS system owner in collaboration with the CSP and applicable 3
party vendors. Associated
risks should be addressed at Authorization.
Version 2.9
Req. ID VDSS Security Requirements
The VDSS shall provide a FIPS-140-2 compliant encryption key management system
for storage of DoD generated and assigned server private encryption key credentials
for access and use by the Web Application Firewall (WAF) in the execution of SSL/TLS
break and inspection of encrypted communication sessions.
The VDSS shall provide the capability to detect and identify application session
The VDSS shall provide a DoD DMZ Extension to support to support Internet Facing
Applications (IFAs)
The VDSS shall provide full packet capture (FPC) or cloud service equivalent FPC
capability for recording and interpreting traversing communications
The VDSS shall provide network packet flow metrics and statistics for all traversing
The VDSS shall provide for the inspection of traffic entering and exiting each mission
owner virtual private network.
Virtual Datacenter Managed Service
The VDMS is the SCCA component responsible for application host security. VDMS provides the security
systems that manage the security posture of the Mission Owner Enclave. VDMS will provide common
DoD Core Data Center (CDC) services
Such as common security and utility services, as specified in
Table 5. VDMS requirements are anticipated to apply to IaaS and PaaS service models. VDMS
requirements are not specific as to provider and can be delivered by either the responsible DoD
organization, a DoD authorized CSP, or an authorized 3
party provider. Associated SaaS provider
requirements are considered to be validated by the DoD Provisional Authorization.
Table 5: VDMS Security Requirements
Req. ID
VDMS Security Requirements
The VDMS shall provide Assured Compliance Assessment Solution (ACAS), or
approved equivalent, to conduct continuous monitoring for all enclaves within the
The VDMS shall provide Host Based Security System (HBSS), or approved equivalent,
to manage endpoint security for all enclaves within the CSE
Version 2.9
Req. ID
VDMS Security Requirements
The VDMS shall provide identity services to include an Online Certificate Status
Protocol (OCSP) responder for remote system DoD Common Access Card (CAC) two-
factor authentication of DoD privileged users to systems instantiated within the CSE
The VDMS shall provide a configuration and update management system to serve
systems and applications for all enclaves within the CSE
The VDMS shall provide logical domain services to include directory access, directory
federation, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and Domain Name System
(DNS) for all enclaves within the CSE
The VDMS shall provide a network for managing systems and applications within the
CSE that is logically separate from the user and data networks.
The VDMS shall provide a system, security, application, and user activity event logging
and archiving system for common collection, storage, and access to event logs by
privileged users performing BCP and MCP activities.
The VDMS shall provide for the exchange of DoD privileged user authentication and
authorization attributes with the CSP's Identity and access management system to
enable cloud system provisioning, deployment, and configuration
The VDMS shall implement the technical capabilities necessary to execute the mission
and objectives of the TCCM role.
Trusted Cloud Credential Manager
The TCCM is an SCCA business role responsible for credential management with the purpose of
enforcing least privilege access for privileged accounts that are established and managed using the CSP’s
IdAM system. VDMS systems will provide interfaces, as appropriate, to CSP IdAM system to execute the
TCCM role. The TCCM is an individual or DoD organization responsible to establish plans, polices, and
procures to securely manage CSP provided Customer Portal account access credentials and privileges.
The TCCM retains control over the CSO root account credential and defines and issues role based access
rights for lower level credential holders. Conceptually, the TCCM becomes the owner of a Mission
Owner’s CSO root credential prior to approval to connect to the DISN. The intent is to provide a
mechanism whereby privileges necessary to configure unauthorized network connections and destroy
systems and information within the CSE are limited and tightly controlled.
The TCCM is responsible for ensuring and overseeing the proper operation of the CSP’s Identity and
Access Management (IdAM) system when it is made available to cloud consumers. As a result, the
TCCM is considered critical for most IaaS and PaaS solutions but may not be applicable to SaaS solutions
which offer no CSO management capabilities. Implementation of the TCCM function is not intended to
place unique identity management requirements upon the commercial CSP segment nor does it prohibit
Version 2.9
the use of DoD-CSP federation or third party identity broker solutions to provide the intended IdAM
The TCCM concept is based upon an assumption that the CSP has implemented an IdAM system to
control cloud customer access to the CSP provisioning and resource configuration systems which
enables management over the CSO. Such systems can include the CSP’s Customer Provisioning Portal
(CPP), Application Program Interface (API), and Command Line Interface (CLI) service components.
Fundamental, the TCCM must lock down credentials that can be used to create unauthorized networks.
The TCCM is appointed by the Authorizing Official (AO) charged with oversight of an IT system. The
TCCM is the enforcer of least privileged access model, responsible for the provision and control of
commercial cloud privileged user credentials. The TCCM owns and maintains the Cloud Credential
Management Plan (CCMP). Prior to connection to the DISN, DISA will validate the existence of the CCMP
as part of the Connection Approval Process defined in the Connection Process Guide (CPG).
While development and management of a CCMP is a requirement for connectivity to the DISN,
implementation of the TCCM does not preclude implementation and use of DoD Component, CSP, or 3
party provided identity broker solutions. Table 6 provides TCCM functional requirements.
The following assumptions regarding TCCM requirements are made:
The VDSS will implement the technical capabilities necessary for an individual to carry out the
mission and objectives of the TCCM role.
Table 6. TCCM Security Requirments
Req. ID
TCCM Security Requirements
The TCCM shall develop and maintain a Cloud Credential Management Plan (CCMP) to
address the implementation of policies, plans, and procedures that will be applied to
mission owner customer portal account credential management
The TCCM shall collect, audit, and archive all Customer Portal activity logs and alerts
The TCCM shall ensure activity log alerts are shared with, forwarded to, or retrievable
by DoD privileged users engaged in MCP and BCP activities
The TCCM shall, as necessary for information sharing, create log repository access
accounts for access to activity log data by privileged users performing both MCP and
BCP activities
The TCCM shall recover and securely control customer portal account credentials
prior to mission application connectivity to the DISN
The TCCM shall create, issue, and revoke, as necessary, role based access least
privileged customer portal credentials to mission owner application and system
administrators (i.e., DoD privileged users).
Version 2.9
Req. ID
TCCM Security Requirements
The TCCM shall limit, to the greatest extent possible, the issuance of customer portal
and other CSP service (e.g., API, CLI) end-point privileges to configure network,
application, and CSO elements
The TCCM shall ensure that privileged users are not allowed to use CSP IdAM derived
credentials which possess the ability to unilaterally create unauthorized network
connections within the CSE, between the CSO and the CSP’s private network, or to the
System Connectivity Requirements
The SCCA CAP, VDSS, and VDMS components provide secure connectivity between cloud-based systems
and DISN management, user, and data networks as illustrated in
ACAS: Assured Compliance
Assessment Solutions
CSAAC: Cyber-Situational Awareness
Analytic Cloud
ESM: Enterprise Systems Management
FW: Firewall
HBSS: Host-Based Security Services
HSM: Hardware Security Module
IA: Information Assurance
IAP: Internet Access Point
IDS: Intrusion Detection System
IPS: Intrusion Protection System
IntTrl: Interface Translation
JIA: Joint Information Assurance
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
OCSP: Online Certificate Status Protocol
OOB: Out-of-Band network
RCVS: Robust Certificate Validation Service
SaaS: Software-as-a-Service WAF: SRX:
VDC: Virtual Data Center
Web Application Firewall
Figure 7. Overall, the SCCA is intended to provide the cyberspace defense capabilities necessary to
support DoDIN operations in accordance with DoDI 8530.01. Accordingly, it establishes networks and
connectivity to support system administration, mission operations, and cyberspace defense. It provides
an extension of the Out-of-Band (OOB) network used for management and cyberspace defense and for
generation and collection of security event and information. Data flows to support authorized DoD
Internet and NIPRNet users are also supported.
The CAP provides secure connectivity between the CSP and the DISN. Although not illustrated in
ACAS: Assured Compliance
Assessment Solutions
CSAAC: Cyber-Situational Awareness
Analytic Cloud
ESM: Enterprise Systems Management
FW: Firewall
HBSS: Host-Based Security Services
HSM: Hardware Security Module
IA: Information Assurance
IAP: Internet Access Point
IDS: Intrusion Detection System
IPS: Intrusion Protection System
IntTrl: Interface Translation
JIA: Joint Information Assurance
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
OCSP: Online Certificate Status Protocol
OOB: Out-of-Band network
RCVS: Robust Certificate Validation Service
SaaS: Software-as-a-Service WAF: SRX:
VDC: Virtual Data Center
Web Application Firewall
Figure 7, the ICAP provides connectivity for on-premise CSPs while the BCAP provides connectivity for
Off-Premise CSPs. While an off-premise CSP will be allowed to connect directly to a BCAP, a CSP may
also connect to a BCAP through a MeetMe Point (MMP). MMPs are commercial facilities where CSP
connections may be aggregated for private transport to a BCAP. MMPs may be strategically placed
geographically to provide commercial carrier communication aggregation points. The BCAP and MMP
are generally referred to together as “CAP/MeetMe”. There may be many CAPs and many MMPs that
are sized and geographically distributed to optimize network performance. Further, BCAPs and MMPs
may not be physically collocated.
Version 2.9
The VDSS provides Mission Owner enclave perimeter protections within the Cloud Service Environment
(CSE) but also acts as the break and inspect point for traffic capture used by both DISN Boundary and
DoD Mission CSSPs and a central peering point for all instantiated virtual network enclaves. Acting as
the logical common routing point for cloud enclaves, the VDSS ensures that all traffic entering and
leaving every enclave within the CSE will be inspected by the VDSS security stack. This is not to say that
all traffic types and routes will receive all levels of inspection. It is assumed that the traffic inspection
and logging capabilities of the CSP will be employed to the greatest extent possible.
The VDMS brings the management tools necessary to maintain a compliant security posture for Mission
Owner enclaves; also known as Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). These services may be provisioned from a
party DoD service provider or deployed by the Mission Owner.
ACAS: Assured Compliance
Assessment Solutions
CSAAC: Cyber-Situational Awareness
Analytic Cloud
ESM: Enterprise Systems Management
FW: Firewall
HBSS: Host-Based Security Services
HSM: Hardware Security Module
IA: Information Assurance
IAP: Internet Access Point
IDS: Intrusion Detection System
IPS: Intrusion Protection System
IntTrl: Interface Translation
JIA: Joint Information Assurance
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
OCSP: Online Certificate Status Protocol
OOB: Out-of-Band network
RCVS: Robust Certificate Validation Service
SaaS: Software-as-a-Service WAF: SRX:
VDC: Virtual Data Center
Web Application Firewall
Figure 7. Notional SCCA System & Connectivity
Version 2.9
DISN Connectivity
This section describes the network requirements for establishing DISN network connections to CSEs.
Table 7 provides DISN connectivity requirements.
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of DISN connectivity.
CAP connected Mission Owner virtual networks are treated as an extension of the DoD
Information Network (DoDIN)
A CSP may connect to the DISN by one of the following (subject to change):
a) Direct physical connection to the BCAP or ICAP
b) MeetMe Point (MMP) for off-premise CSPs.
Established MMPs will provide direct connectivity into the CSP’s private network.
Table 7. DISN Connectivity Requirements
Req. ID DISN Connectivity Requirements
The BCAP and ICAP shall extend the DoDIN into the virtual network of the Cloud
Service Environment (CSE)
The BCAP shall provide a network connection to established MeetMe Points in order
to route DISN traffic to impact level 4 & 5 mission applications hosted in Off-Premise
The MeetMe facility shall provide the capability to host a DISN endpoint router and
provide cross connect transport to a CSP router
The BCAP shall provide a capability to simultaneously connect to multiple CSPs via a
MeetMe Point
The BCAP/ICAP and CSP network connections shall be designed to ensure network
traffic follows CC/S/A routing policies
The BCAP shall connect to the DISN and MeetMe Point using DISN Transport or a
secure leased line
The BCAP/ICAP and VDSS shall support IPv4 (native, implemented through a dual-
stack approach for compatibility with IPv6, as needed)
The BCAP/ICAP shall maintain logical network segmentation between Impact Levels 4
& 5 traffic flows passing to and from CSP systems.
Version 2.9
Mission Application Connectivity
DoD Mission Owner applications reside within a CSE operating at Impact Levels 4/5 will be accessible
only via the CAP/MeetMe-VDSS component combination. Table 8 identifies mission application
connectivity requirements.
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of mission application
The DISN will be extended to the CSP
All traffic bound for the Internet will traverse the BCAP/ICAP and IAP
DISN traffic will traverse a BCAP/ICAP
DISN traffic leverages NIPRNet transport to the BCAP/ICAP and commercial carriers to the CSP
Mission applications may be Internet facing; Internet Facing Applications (IFAs) can be non-
restricted or restricted (requiring CAC authentication).
DoD users on the Internet may first connect into their assigned DISN Virtual Private Network
(VPN) network before accessing a DoD private applications. IFAs, may be accessed by Internet
user through the IAP and traversing the BCAP/ICAP.
Table 8. Mission Application Connectivity
Req. ID Mission Application Connectivity Requirements (Impact Level 4/5)
User traffic to/from the NIPRNet to/from a commercial CSO shall traverse a CAP
The MeetMe Point shall be a termination and aggregation point for connections to
the DISN originating from Off-Premise CSPs unless a CSP is connected directly to the
The BCAP/ICAP shall implement and maintain logical network separation of Internet-
sourced traffic for IFA from NIPRNet-sourced traffic
Management Network Connectivity for Off-Premise CSO
As illustrated in Figure 8, three (3) management networks exist within the CSP: 1) CSP’s Management
Networks (used by CSP operators to manage the CSE), 2) Customer Portal (used by DoD Mission Owner
privileged users to typically provision IaaS and PaaS CSO services), and 3) The VDMS (typically used by
DoD Mission Owner privileged users to manage systems deployed to the IaaS and PaaS CSE). The CSP’s
Management Network is private and accessible only via CSP personnel. The Customer Portal is provided
to the DoD Mission Owner by the CSP for the purpose of provisioning and configuring CSOs. Service end-
points for Application Program Interfaces (API) and Command Line Interfaces (CLI) are generalized as
part of the Customer Portal network. These systems can be accessed through the internet by DoD
privileged users only (e.g., DoD system and network administrators). The VDMS is employed by DoD
Version 2.9
Mission Owner privileged users (e.g., DoD system and network administrators) and is accessible only via
the CAP. Table 9 provides management network connectivity requirements for the SCCA.
Figure 8. Management Network Connectivity for Off-Premise CSO
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of management connectivity:
Mission Owners are able to use DISN management networks for management of resources
within their CSE consistent
Transfer of CSP originated cybersecurity event and vulnerability data from CSP is performed via
the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) network
IaaS and PaaS CSOs will provide a mechanism to create a mission owner management network
within the virtual network of the CSO
The Customer Portal will be addressed via Public-IP
The VDMS will be addressed via DoD-IP
Virtual systems deployed into the CSE will achieve connectivity to user, data, and management
networks through the use of logically separate and distinct virtual network interface capabilities.
Mission Owner Management Network traffic for impact levels 4 and 5 traverses the BCAP; the
DISN and CSP management networks are separate and distinct in accordance with the JIE JMN
Version 2.9
Table 9. Off-Premise Management Network Connectivity
Req. ID Management Connectivity Requirements
The VDMS enclave shall form the DISN management network within the CSE
The VDMS shall allow DoD privileged user access to mission owner management
interfaces inside the CSO
The VDMS shall provide secure connectivity to mission owner management systems
inside the CSO that is logically separate from mission application traffic.
Management Network Connectivity for On-Premise CSO
As illustrated in Figure 8, three (3) management networks exist within the CSP: 1) The CSP’s
Management Networks (used by CSP operators to manage the CSE), 2) The Customer Portal (used by
DoD Mission Owner privileged users to typically provision IaaS and PaaS CSOs), and 3) The VDMS
(typically used by DoD Mission Owner privileged users to manage systems deployed to the IaaS and PaaS
CSE). The CSP’s Management Network is private and accessible only via CSP personnel. The Customer
Portal is provided to the DoD Mission Owner by the CSP for the purpose of provisioning and configuring
CSOs. Service end-points for Application Program Interfaces (API) and Command Line Interfaces (CLI) are
generalized as part of the Customer Portal network. These systems may be accessed directly via the
ICAP by DoD privileged users only (e.g., DoD system and network administrators). The VDMS may be
employed as a means of extending the DoD management network into the on-premise CSP if other
equivalent means are not provided by the Mission Owner or CSP. Table 10 provides SCCA management
network connectivity requirements for support to the on-premise CSP.
Version 2.9
Figure 9. Management Network Connectivity for On-Premise CSO
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of management connectivity:
Mission Owners are able to use DISN management networks for management of resources
within their CSE
Transfer of CSP originated cybersecurity event and vulnerability data from CSP’s management
network is performed via channels specified by the assigned DoD CSSP
IaaS and PaaS CSOs will provide a mechanism to create a mission owner management network
within the virtual network of the CSO
A DoD Mission Owner may establish a virtual management network within the CSO delivered by
the CSP. As such, the VDMS may not necessarily be deployed into the CSO
The on-premise CSP will employ DoD-IP addresses for all systems and services associated with
delivered CSOs. Accordingly:
Version 2.9
o The Customer Portal will be addressed via DoD-IP
o The DoD management environment within the CSO and/or the deployed VDMS will be
addressed via DoD-IP
Mission Owner Management Network traffic for impact levels 4 & 5 traverses the ICAP; the DISN
and CSP management networks are separate and distinct in accordance with the JIE JMN.
Table 10. On-Premise Management Network Connectivity
Req. ID Management Connectivity Requirements
The ICAP shall provide secure connectivity to the mission owner established virtual
management networks inside the CSO; This network may or may not be
implemented by the VDMS
The ICAP shall allow secure client access to the by CSP privileged users to CSP owned
and operated management network.
The ICAP shall allow the transfer of security sensor data from the mission owner
virtual networks to the DISN management network
The ICAP shall provide network traffic isolation between the CSP’s privileged user
(i.e., CSP Personnel) management network and DoD Mission Owner virtual
(Optional) The VDMS enclave shall form the DISN management network within the
CSE and provide the same capabilities identified in Table 9.
Optional Cyber Security and Interface Translation
The CAP will optionally provide a capability to translate network interfaces for specific CSOs. Table 11
provides DISN network interface and translation requirements. Optional requirements can be
implemented at either the ICAP or the BCAP.
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of a DISN network interfaces and
Media traffic is restricted to NIPRNet and Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) traffic uses
the DoD Voice-ISP service not a CSP provided service.
The cloud service may integrate with the DoD unclassified telephone network (i.e., DSN or
Enterprise-Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)) via VoIP (Session initiation Protocol (SIP)
Version 2.9
A cloud service may host a VoIP solution where the session controller is in the CSP supporting
hardware based telephones or softphones on NIPRNet such that DISN endpoints may not be
integrated within a collaboration application
A CSP may be unable to reconfigure assigned host IP interface addresses from public IP to DoDIN
IP ranges.
Table 11. Optional Cyber Security and Interface Translation
Req. ID Interface and Translation Requirements
(Optional) The CAP shall provide the capability to detect and/or prevent VoIP call
eavesdropping, modification, and hijacking when interfacing DISN to CSP hosted
VoIP systems
(Optional) The CAP shall provide the capability to support all enterprise level Session
Border Controller (SBC) capabilities and functions as defined in the Unified
Capabilities Requirements (UCR) 2013
when interfacing DISN to CSP hosted VoIP
and SIP systems
(Optional) The CAP shall provide the capability to terminate VoIP signaling sessions
such as the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) or Assured (AS)-SIP as a back-to-back
user agent when interfacing DISN to CSP hosted VoIP systems
(Optional) The BCAP and ICAP shall provide the capability to terminate/Decrypt and
initiate/encrypt VoIP (e.g., SIP/AS-SIP) signaling sessions secured with Transport
Layer Security (TLS) when interfacing DISN to CSP hosted SIP systems
(Optional) The BCAP and ICAP shall provide the capability to dynamically manage
the opening and closing of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports carrying Real-time
Transport Protocol (RTP)/RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) media streams
(Optional) The BCAP and ICAP shall provide the capability to decrypt and encrypt
VoIP media streams using Secure RTP (SRTP)/ Secure RTCP (SRTCP) when interfacing
DISN to CSP hosted VoIP systems
(Optional) The BCAP and ICAP shall provide the capability to support interoperability
with the Enterprise-VoIP service on NIPRNet by signaling with AS-SIP-TLS and
encrypting media using SRTP when interfacing DISN to CSP hosted VoIP systems
(Optional) The BCAP and ICAP shall provide the capability to support monitoring of
VoIP signaling and alerting to CND capabilities when interfacing DISN to CSP hosted
VoIP systems
(Optional) The BCAP shall provide network address translation (NAT) to translate
public IP to DISN IP when Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) CSOs require the use of
public IP.
DoD UCR 2015
Version 2.9
Req. ID Interface and Translation Requirements
(Optional) The BCAP shall provide secure DNS proxy to support cloud hosted system
URL resolution of public IP space using DISN IP translation
(Optional) The BCAP shall provide break and inspection capability of application
layer traffic (to include SSL/TLS) for boundary CND purposes (e.g. forward proxy)
(Optional) The BCAP and ICAP shall provide direct connectivity of CSP provided email
exchange services to the DoD EEMSG for the purposes of email hygiene inspection
Mission Support System Requirements
Mission Applications
SCCA components will be built to accept, pass, and interoperate with mission owner applications that
are compliant with DoD system and data center STIGs. Table 12 provides mission application integration
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of a DoD mission application
SCCA documentation will provide information detailing common and hybrid security controls
which are eligible for adoption and inheritance by mission systems
The BCAP and ICAP will be accredited as a networking component of the DISN
VDSS and VDMS Assessment and Authorization will be performed separately by the VDSS and
VDMS providers in accordance with the DoD Cloud Computing SRG.
Table 12. Integration with Mission Applications
Req. ID
Integration with Mission Applications Requirements
The BCAP, ICAP, and VDSS shall allow approved ports and protocols communications
to include whitelisted mission application traffic & services access from Internet via
the DISN Internet Access Point (IAP)
The VDSS shall provide CSO resident or remotely hosted mission enclave perimeter
protection and sensing
The BCAP, ICAP, and VDSS shall allow secure connections to the mission owner
application enclave for user plane traffic sourced from within the DISN or the Internet
via the IAP
The BCAP, ICAP, and VDSS shall provide for logical separation of mission owner
application networks
Version 2.9
Component Management
SCCA components will be built to integrate with existing DoD Computer Network Defense (CND) and
administration systems, capabilities, and networks. Component Management is concerned with
managing the health, status, and configuration of SCCA systems. Table 13 provides SCCA component
management requirements.
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of SCCA component management
SCCA management systems will be hosted within and accessible via the DISN management
network and the DISA datacenter management networks.
SCCA management systems will ensure consistency between SCCA primary and failover systems
Table 13. Component Management Requirements
Req. ID
Component Management System Requirements
SCCA components shall provide element managers to manage the configuration of
system elements comprising the CAP, VDSS, and the VDMS
SCCA component managers shall be able to manage (e.g., set security, configuration,
& routing policies and install patches) SCCA system security and network components
SCCA component managers shall allow for the configuration, control, and
management of Ports, Protocols, and Services Management (PPSM) in accordance
with DoDI 8551.01
SCCA component managers shall provide a capability to implement and control
system configuration, report configuration change incidents, and support DoD
Component change configuration management systems and processes
SCCA management systems shall support the sharing of Combatant Commands,
Services, Agencies (CC/S/A) SIEM event & correlation data with the CC/S/A and CND
Service Providers
SCCA components shall provide logically separate network interfaces for access from
the management network infrastructure that is logically separate from production
SCCA components shall support management administration from the DISN
management system and/or DISA Datacenter Management System
SCCA components shall provide sensor events, performance, and resource utilization
metrics to the component operators
DoDI 8551.01 PPSM
Version 2.9
Req. ID
Component Management System Requirements
SCCA components shall provide for management traffic segmentation from user and
data plane traffic
Performance Management
Performance Management is the monitoring and management of performance and availability of SCCA
systems and components. Performance Management operates to detect and diagnose complex system
performance problems to maintain an expected level of service. SCCA management systems will operate
within the management network (DISN or Cloud side) to provide a performance management capability
for monitoring the performance and health of SCCA security components. Table 14 provides SCCA
performance management requirements.
Table 14. Performance Management Requirements
Req. ID
Performance Management Requirements
SCCA security elements (i.e., BCAP, ICAP, VDSS, and VDMS) shall provide a
performance management capability to monitor the health and status of security
SCCA security elements shall provide performance data, such as CPU, bandwidth,
memory and disk I/O, and storage utilization to SCCA management systems for
performance analysis and reporting
The SCCA security elements shall be able to generate reports and alerts based on
performance information provided by SCCA systems.
Security Information & Event Management (SIEM)
Security information and event management (SIEM) technology provides real-time analysis of security
alerts generated by SCCA hardware and applications. The SIEM capability is implemented by both
Boundary and Mission CND service providers to interpret system, user, and application events. The SCCA
does not provide a full SIEM capability. However, log aggregation, forwarding, and indexing components
must be implemented to integrate with and interoperate with JMN SIEM systems. Table 15 provides
SIEM capability requirements.
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of a SCCA SIEM support
SCCA management systems will support integration with a SIEM capability that will collect,
store, normalize, aggregate and correlate security relevant events from SCCA components
The SCCA management system will provide an Event Management Capability that collects,
stores, and correlates security relevant events
Version 2.9
SCCA generated security information and event data will feed Acropolis and JMN SIEM systems,
as required to support CSSP operations.
Table 15. Security Information & Event Management Requirements
Req. ID
SIEM Requirements
SCCA elements shall support the delivery of security relevant events through element
management ports
SCCA elements shall support CC/S/A unique tagging of events
SCCA elements shall provide a checksum mechanism to detect the unauthorized
alteration of event information during transmission of event data
SCCA elements shall securely provide security relevant events to SCCA element
management systems for logging, filtering, and correlating
SCCA elements shall support caching of security relevant events if logging of events is
not available
SCCA shall provide BCP and MCP operator access to security information and security
relevant event data derived from SSL/TLS session traffic which is broken and
inspected at the VDSS and ICAP
SCCA shall feed specifically identified security information and security relevant event
data necessary for situational awareness (SA) to Acropolis
Full Packet Capture (FPC)
Full Packet Capture (FPC) is used during analysis of event traffic by the SIEM capability. The capability
will capture, store, and provide event correlated session traffic back to the SIEM for use by CND Service
Providers engaged in both Boundary and Mission defense. The FPC capability will be implemented at the
break and inspection points to provide the greatest CND visibility and situational awareness. However,
since FPC may be performed at multiple points within the DISN to include JRSS, the IAP, and the Core
Data Centers, the FPC function of the VDSS is intended to be configurable according to traffic flow
source and destination points to avoid multiple point capture. Additionally, depending upon the
capabilities available within the CSO, FPC equivalent data may also be captured within the CSE. Table 16
provides FPC capability requirements.
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of SCCA FPC capabilities:
FPC data captured in the CSE will be stored within the CSE.
FPC data will not be archived except to support forensic investigations.
Version 2.9
Table 16. Full Packet Capture (FPC) Requirements
Req. ID
Full Packet Capture (FPC) Requirements
The FPC shall support integration with SIEM systems to effect data search and
retrieval, such as the capability to pull select timeframes of captured data
The FPC shall provide the means to reconstruct all network traffic sessions traversing
the SCCA Component.
The FPC shall provide defined data queries that run against metadata
The FPC shall provide a capability to request an arbitrary subset of packets
The FPC shall locally store captured traffic for 30 days
The FPC data shall be isolated from user and data plane traffic via cryptographic or
physical means
The FPC data shall be query-able from a secure remote location on the management
The FPC function shall be configurable according to traffic flow source and destination
points to avoid multiple point capture
Performance Requirements
This section provides the SCCA system quality of service (QoS) and performance requirements. QoS and
performance requirements affecting the CSP infrastructure and service offerings will be defined by
Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the CSP and the acquiring DoD Mission Owner at the time of
procurement. Specifications on CSO performance are out of scope for this document.
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of SCCA performance
The BCAP/ICAP will maintain DISN Service Level Agreement (SLA) objectives
The BCAP/ICAP and design will not degrade RTT latency performance between DISN nodes as
defined in the DISN SLA for Intra-CONUS, Intra-EUR, and Intra-PAC
DISA Network Services Telecommunications SLA
Version 2.9
BCAP/ICAP Performance
Table 17 below provides the requirements for CAP performance.
Table 17. BCAP/ICAP Performance Requirements
Req. ID
BCAP/ICAP Performance Requirements
The BCAP shall support scalability of up to 10 Gigabit/second throughput between the
The ICAP shall start with 1 Gigabit/second throughput and have ability to scale up to
The BCAP/ICAP shall support assured bandwidth (Quality of Service)
The BCAP/ICAP shall support IP packet forwarding in accordance with Mission Owner
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) tagged QOS prioritization
The BCAP/ICAP shall meet NIPRNet backbone availability of 99.5%
The BCAP/ICAP unit processing latency shall be no greater than 35 milliseconds
The BCAP (location/performance) design shall provide Round-Trip Time (RTT) in
accordance with DISN SLA latency between the CSP and DISN services nodes:
<100msec for Intra-CONUS
<150msec for Intra-EUR
<150msec for Intra-PAC (Oahu, HI-Western Pacific)
The BCAP/ICAP unit packet loss shall be <1%
VDSS Performance
Table 18 provides the requirements for VDSS Performance.
Table 18. VDSS Performance Requirements
Req. ID
VDSS Performance Requirements
The VDSS unit processing latency shall be no greater than 35 milliseconds
The VDSS unit packet loss shall be <1%
Version 2.9
Req. ID
VDSS Performance Requirements
The VDSS shall achieve availability of 99.5%
The VDSS shall support NIPRNet assured bandwidth (Quality of Service) for mission
owner systems residing within the commercial cloud
The VDSS shall support IP packet fowarding in accordance with Mission Owner
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) tagged QOS prioritization
VDMS Performance
Table 19 provides the requirements for VDMS performance.
Table 19. VDMS Performance Requirements
Req. ID
VDMS Performance Requirements
The VDMS shall achieve availability of 99.5%
Continuity of Operations Requirements
SCCA components will support DoD Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) to ensure that DoD
components are able to continue performance of essential functions under a broad range of system
outage circumstances.
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of continuity of operations
DISN routing will support dynamic allocation of traffic between multiple CAP/MeetMe points
Virtualized SCCA elements will be designed to achieve the COOP needs of supported Mission
Owner segments.
BCAP/ICAP Continuity of Operations
Table 20 provides the requirements for the CAP Continuity of Operations.
Table 20. BCAP/ICAP Continuity of Operations Requirements
Req. ID
BCAP/ICAP Continuity of Operations Requirements
In the event of a catastrophic site failure, the ICAP and BCAP/MeetMe shall allow the
failover of functionality from one site to another with minimum impact to mission
user application traffic and mission owner management traffic. The amount of time
needed to failover a site should be less than 30 seconds once initiated.
Version 2.9
Req. ID
BCAP/ICAP Continuity of Operations Requirements
The BCAP/ICAP shall maintain online backup configurations for recovery of operations
The BCAP/ICAP management systems shall provide a mechanism for managing
The BCAP/ICAP management systems shall provide the capability to ensure all SCCA
element configurations and policies are recoverable
The BCAP/ICAP shall maintain offsite backup configurations for the recovery of
VDSS Continuity of Operations
Table 21 provides the requirements for VDSS Continuity of Operations.
Table 21. VDSS Continuity of Operations Requirements
Req. ID
VDSS Continuity of Operations Requirements
The VDSS management systems shall provide a mechanism for managing failover in
accordance with DoD UCR 2013.
The VDSS management systems shall provide the capability to ensure all SCCA
element configurations and policies are recoverable
The VDSS shall maintain offsite backup configurations for the recovery of operations
VDMS Continuity of Operations
Table 22 provides the requirements for VDMS Continuity of Operations.
Table 22. VDMS Continuity of Operations Requirements
Req. ID
VDMS Continuity of Operations Requirements
The VDMS management systems shall provide a mechanism for managing failover
The VDMS management systems shall provide the capability to ensure all SCCA
element configurations and policies are recoverable
Version 2.9
Req. ID
VDMS Continuity of Operations Requirements
The VDMS shall maintain offsite backup configurations for the recovery of operations
System Scalability Requirements
SCCA components will be built to support scalability both horizontally (add processing components) and
vertically (add resources to processing components) to handle a growing amount of work or to improve
system performance. Scalability solutions may also address the number and location of nodes.
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of SCCA scalability requirements:
The active and passive security elements, bandwidth, application session demand, and number
of SCCA security components will change over time
CAP/MeetMe node location and distribution will be a factor considered for maintaining the DISN Service
Level Agreement SLA
; not all CSPs will be reachable from a single CAP/MeetMe point.
BCAP/ICAP Scalability
Table 23 provides the requirements for CAP Scalability.
Table 23. BCAP/ICAP Scalability Requirements
Req. ID
CAP Scalability Requirements
The BCAP/MeetMe shall be designed to scale to meet the bandwidth and session
demands of all projected CSO hosted mission applications and to support accessibility
by multiple CSPs
In the event of a failover, the surviving BCAP/MeetMe at an alternate site shall have
sufficient capacity to meet the combined bandwidth and session demands of its own
plus those failed over from the other site
The BCAP/ICAP shall support scalability of up to 10 Gigabit/second throughput at all
points within the design
VDSS Scalability
Table 24 provides the requirements for VDSS scalability.
DISA Network Services Telecommunications SLA
Version 2.9
Table 24. VDSS Scalability Requirements
Req. ID
VDSS Scalability Requirements
The VDSS shall be designed to rapidly scale virtual elements up and down in capacity
to achieve negotiated (between components provider and Mission Owner) SLA
objectives while minimizing metered billing CSO costs incurred by DoD procuring
The VDSS shall support scalability in increments of 1 Gigabit/second throughput at all
points within the design without costly modification
VDMS Scalability
Table 25 provides the requirements for VDMS Scalability.
Table 25. VDMS Scalability Requirements
Req. ID
VDMS Scalability Requirements
The VDMS shall be designed to rapidly scale virtual elements up and down in capacity
to achieve negotiated (between components provider and Mission Owner) SLA
objectives while minimizing metered billing CSO costs incurred by DoD procuring
Backup and Restoration Requirements
The SCCA components will be built to provide a mechanism to perform regularly scheduled backup of
SCCA system binaries and configurations as well as the ability to fully restore SCCA system components
to their last known good configuration. Backup and restoration requirements apply to SCCA systems
The following assumptions are made with respect to implementation of SCCA backup and restoration
Backup systems are protected in accordance with DoD end-point protection policies.
BCAP/ICAP Backup and Restoration
Table 26 provides the requirements for CAP Backup and Restoration.
Table 26. BCAP/ICAP Backup and Restoration Requirements
Req. ID
BCAP/ICAP Backup and Restoration Requirements
The BCAP/ICAP shall provide the ability to backup and restore security, network,
account, and system configurations
Version 2.9
Req. ID
BCAP/ICAP Backup and Restoration Requirements
The BCAP/ICAP shall provide the capability to backup configuration and system data
of all SCCA elements
The BCAP/ICAP shall provide the means to restore operational capability
VDSS Backup and Restoration
Table 27 provides the requirements for VDSS Backup and Restoration.
Table 27. VDSS Backup and Restoration Requirements
Req. ID
VDSS Backup and Restoration Requirements
The VDSS shall provide the ability to backup and restore security, network, account,
and system configurations
The VDSS shall provide the capability to backup configuration and system data of all
VDSS elements
The VDSS shall provide the means to restore operational capability
VDMS Backup and Restoration
Table 28 provides the requirements for VDMS Backup and Restoration
Table 28. VDMS Backup and Restoration Requirements
Req. ID
VDMS Backup and Restoration Requirements
The VDMS shall provide the ability to backup and restore security, network, account,
and system configurations
The VDMS shall provide the capability to backup configuration and system data of all
VDMS elements
The VDMS shall provide the means to restore operational capability
Version 2.9
Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations
Attack Vector
Boundary Cloud Access Point
Boundary Cyber Defense Provider
Cloud Credential Management Plan
Commercial Cloud Service Provider
Cloud Access Point
Combatant Command/Service/Agency
Core Data Center
Computer Network Defense
Computer Network Defense Service Provider
Committee on National Security Systems
Committee on National Security Systems Instruction
Continuity of Operations
Cloud Service Environment
Cloud Service Offering
Cloud Service Provider
CSP Security Stack
Controlled Unclassified Information
Defense Information Systems Agency
Data Loss Prevention
Demilitarized Zone
Department of Defense
DoD Information Network
Department of Defense Information Network
Distributed Denial of Service
Version 2.9
Denial of Service
Enterprise Email Security Gateway
Federal Information Processing Standards
Full Packet Capture
Functional Requirements Document
Host Based Security Services Program
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Information Assurance
Infrastructure as a Service
Internet Access Point
Internal Cloud Access Point
Joint Management System
Mission Cyber Defense Provider
MeetMe Point
NIPRNet Federated Gateway
Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Security System
Platform as a Service
Public Key Infrastructure
Risk Management Framework
Software as a Service
Security Architecture Reference Model
Secure Cloud Computing Architecture
Security Information and Event Manager
Session Initiation Protocol
Version 2.9
Service Ordering and Provisioning Portal
Security Requirements Guide
Secure Real-Time Protocol
Security Technical Implementation Guides
Transport Layer Security
Trusted Cloud Credential Manager
Uniform Resource Locator
United States Cyber Command
Virtual Datacenter Managed Service
Virtual Datacenter Security Stack
Virtual Local Area Network
Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine Manager
Voice over IP
Virtual Private Network
Version 2.9
Appendix B: Threat Definitions
Advanced Persistent Threat - A set of stealthy and continuous computer hacking processes, often
orchestrated by human(s) targeting a specific IT asset.
Cross-VM AttackA threat vector whereby the threat actor seeks to acquire information from or
disrupt operations of a collocated adjacent tenant Virtual Machine (VM).
CSP Resource Non-Compliant Configuration (Non-Compliance Activity) - A detectable presence or
persistence of an application, operating system, or platform vulnerability that is exploitable by an
Data Exfiltration - Unauthorized copying, transfer or retrieval of data from a computer or server.
Denial of Service - A threat vector whereby a network of automated attack platforms operate
synchronously to consume available system resources, bind the operations of a system, and/or
otherwise disrupt normal system operations. This is also known as a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
where the attack source is more than oneand could be thousandsof unique IP addresses. A denial-of-
service (DoS) attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended
users. This definition also addresses CSP owned and operated resources.
DNS Hijacking (CSO hosted app DNS request) - A threat vector whereby is an attacker acts to subvert
the resolution of Domain Name System (DNS) queries. This can be achieved by malware that overrides a
computer's TCP/IP configuration to point at a rogue DNS server under the control of an attacker, or
through modifying the behavior of a trusted DNS server so that it does not comply with internet
IP Address Spoofing - A threat vector whereby an attacker seeks to achieve network access through the
creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a forged source IP address, for the purpose of concealing
the identity of the sender or impersonating another computing system.
IP Route Hijacking - A threat vector where an attacker seeks the illegitimate takeover of groups of IP
addresses by corrupting routing tables; aka: IP Hijacking, BGP hijacking, prefix hijacking or route
Malicious Code/Malware (Malicious Logic) - A threat vector for which an attacker seeks the exploitation
of a computer bug that is caused by processing invalid data. Malicious code, malware, or logic Injection
is used by an attacker to introduce (or "inject") code into a vulnerable computer program and change
the course of execution.
Network Enumeration - The unauthorized scanning of network assets for the purpose of discovering
system vulnerabilities through to mount an attack
Pooled Resource Data Leakage (User Intrusion) - A threat vector whereby the shared storage, memory,
and/or compute resource of the virtualization environment are exploited by a neighbor tenant to yield
unauthorized information disclosure.
Version 2.9
Rogue Access Device/AP Hijack (com carrier traffic interception or adding to IaaS LAN) - A threat
vector whereby an illegitimate network device is installed on a secure network without explicit
authorization from the network administrator, whether added by a well-meaning employee or by a
malicious attacker.
Session Hijack/Man-In-The MiddleA threat vector whereby an
attacker secretly relays and possibly
alters the communication between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each
Service Account HijackA threat vector whereby CSP service account credentials are compromised and
an attacker gains unauthorized access and root privileges of the cloud service account established to
support provisioning of cloud systems by the cloud consumer.
SQL Injection - A code injection technique, used to attack data-driven applications, in which malicious
SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution (e.g. to dump the database contents to the
Unauthorized CAP Privileged User Account Access Perimeter - A threat vector whereby for which the
result is to provide unauthorized access to privileged user accounts.
Unauthorized TCP/IP Source/Destination - A threat vector whereby and attacker seeks to execute an
exploit or gain access to a network through an unauthorized TCP port or IP address.
Unauthorized Virtual Machine Management Console Access (Root Intrusion) - A threat vector whereby
privileged user access the Virtual Machine Management (VMM) interface is achieved.
Virtual Machine Hijack (Root Intrusion) - A threat vector whereby the threat actor seeks to acquire
privileged access to and control over a virtual machine.
Virtual Machine (VM) EscapeA threat vector whereby the threat actor seeks to break-out of a
servicing Virtual Machine (VM) which is collocated with other tenant’s, to subvert operations of the
underlying shared virtualization environment, physical host, or other cloud resources.
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) Hopping - A method of attacking networked resources on a Virtual
LAN (VLAN). The basic concept behind all VLAN hopping attacks is for an attacking host on a VLAN to
gain access to traffic on other VLANs that would normally not be accessible. There are two primary
methods of VLAN hopping: switch spoofing and double tagging.
VoIP Call Eavesdropping - A threat vector whereby an attacker seeks to capture, interpret, and/or
record a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) call session.
VoIP Call Hijacking - A threat vector whereby an attacker seeks to intercept and take control of a user
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) call session on a particular host, communicating with another host.
VoIP Call Modification - A threat vector whereby an attacker seeks to capture and modify the contents
of a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) call session.
VoIP System DOS - A threat vector whereby an attacker seeks to disrupt functionality or limit availability
of the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system.
Version 2.9
Version 2.9
Appendix C: Cloud Component Terminology
CAP refers to a component of the SCCA designed to provide DISN boundary defense
Commercial CSP (C-CSP) refers to a Non-DoD Non-Federal Government organization offering cloud
services to the public and/or government customers as a business, typically for a fee with the intent to
make a profit.
CSO refers to a CSP’s Cloud Service Offering (recognizing that a CSP may have multiple offerings).
CSE refers to the cloud-computing environment within a CSP
CSP by itself refers to any or all Cloud Service Providers, DoD or non-DoD.
CSS, CSP Security Stack, by itself refers to the perimeter protections provided by the cloud service
DoD CSP refers to a DoD owned and operated CSP, such as the DISA milCloud offering.
DoDIN The globally interconnected, end-to-end set of information capabilities for collecting, processing,
storing, disseminating, and managing information on demand to warfighters, policy makers, and support
personnel. The DoDIN includes owned and leased communications and computing systems and services,
software (including applications), data, security services, other associated services, and National Security
Systems (NSS). Non-DoDIN Information Technology (IT) includes stand-alone, self-contained, or
embedded IT that is not, and will not be, connected to the enterprise network.
DISN The globally interconnected DoD enterprise telecommunications transport network infrastructure.
It is integrated and configured to provide long-haul information transfer services for all Department of
Defense activities. It provides/supports dedicated point-to-point, switched voice and data, imagery, and
video teleconferencing services.
Federal Community Cloud: Is a multi-tenant cloud in which services are provided for the exclusive use
of the DoD and Federal Government organizations. Resources providing the cloud services must be
dedicated to Federal Government use and require physical separation from non-DoD/non-Federal
Impact Levels are cloud information security levels defined by the combination of: 1) the type of
information to be stored and processed in the CSP environment; and 2) the potential impact of an event
that results in the loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability of DoD data, systems or networks. DoD
Mission Owners categorize mission information systems in accordance with DoDI 8510.01 and CNSSI
1253 to select the impact level that most closely aligns with defined baselines.
MeetMe Point refers to a place within a colocation center where CSP’s and DoD can physically connect
to one another and exchange data.
DoD Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide (CC SRG)
Version 2.9
Mission Owners are entities such as program managers within the DoD Components responsible for
instantiating information systems and applications leveraging a CSP’s Cloud Service Offering.
Non-DoD CSP refers to a commercial or Federal Government owned and operated CSP.
Off-premises commercial data centers, systems, and CSPs operating within facilities that are not under
the direct control of the DoD.
On-premises includes DoD data centers, authorized commercial data centers, other facilities located on
a DoD Base, Camp, Post and Station (B/C/P/S), or in a commercial or another government facility (or
portions thereof) under the direct control of DoD personnel and DoD security policies.
Private Cloud: Is a cloud in which services are provided for the exclusive use of the DoD; supporting
multiple DoD tenants or DoD sponsored tenants in the same cloud. The DoD maintains ultimate
authority over the usage of the cloud services, and any non-DoD use of services must be authorized and
sponsored through the DoD. Resources providing the cloud services must be dedicated to DoD use and
have physical separation from resources not dedicated to DoD use. Common Services are capabilities
provided as a service to a broad range of mission application owners, such as infrastructure (e.g.,
domain name service and directories) or security (e.g., enclave security scanning and endpoint
protection) services.
VDMS refers to the Virtual Data-Center Management Services component of the SCCA designed to
provide end-point protections for mission owner applications such as DoD ACAS, HBSS, IDAM, etc.
VDSS refers to the Virtual Data-Center Security Stack component of the SCCA designed to provide
mission owner system defense.