Knox County 2023 Handbook
Knox County
Updated: 1/10/2023
Knox County 2023 Handbook
My HEAD to clearer thinking
My HEART to greater loyalty
My HANDS to larger service, and
My HEALTH to better living for my club,
my community, my country and my world.
"To Make the Best Better"
A four-leaf clover with the letter "H" on
each leaflet, meaning the development
of Head, Heart, Hands and Health, is the
official 4-H Club emblem.
4259 N Purdue Road
Vincennes, IN 47591
Telephone: 812-882-3509
Fax: 812-882-3537
Office Hours - Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Mitch Wagoner ................... Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Valerie Clingerman ........... Extension Educator, Ag/Natural Resources, CED
Tonya Short ......................... Extension Educator, Health & Human Science
Kim King .............................. Office Manager
JoAnn Smith ........................ Part-time Secretary
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Table of Contents
4-H Council ..................................................................................................................... 6
4-H Pledge, Motto, Emblem & Creed .............................................................................. 2
4-H/Mini 4-H Leaders and Clubs ..................................................................................... 5
Deadlines ........................................................................................................................ 8
Fashion Review ............................................................................................................... 9
General Livestock Rules & Guidelines for Animal Exhibits .................................. 122-124
General Rules .............................................................................................................. 7-8
General Terms and Conditions ................................................................................ 13-18
Grievance/Appeal Guidelines & Form ...................................................................... 19-21
Guidelines for Record Keeping ..................................................................................... 12
Livestock Auction ........................................................................................................ 125
Livestock ID Guidelines ........................................................................................ 126-127
Livestock Show Information ................................................................................. 128-150
Mini 4-H .................................................................................................................... 22-23
Office Information ............................................................................................................ 2
Project list ........................................................................................................................ 4
Poster Preparation ................................................................................................... 10-11
Project Information/Rules ....................................................................................... 24-121
Senior Round Robin Showmanship............................................................................. 151
State Fair ........................................................................................................................ 8
Knox County 2023 Handbook
(page) Projects:
24-25 ..... Aerospace
26-27 ..... Animals Education
28 .......... Arts & Crafts
29 .......... Fine Art
30 .......... Model Craft
31 .......... Needle Craft
32-33 ..... Beekeeping
34-36 ..... Cake Decorating
37-38 ..... Child Development
39-42 ..... Communications
43-48 ..... Computer
49-50 ..... Construction & Architectural
51-52 ..... Consumer Clothing
53-55 ..... Electric
56-59 ..... Entomology
60-61 ..... Fashion Revue
62-65 ..... Floriculture
66-73 ..... Foods
74-75 ..... Forestry
76-79 ..... Garden
80-85 ..... Genealogy
86-87 ..... Geology
88 .......... Health
89-90 ..... Home Environment
91-92 ...... Lawn & Garden Tractor Safety
& Operator Skills
93-94 ...... Photography
95-97 ...... Sewing
98-99 ...... Shooting Sports
100 ......... Small Engine
101 ......... Soil & Water Conservation
102 ......... Sport Fishing
103-104... Tractor Safety & Operator Skills
105 .......... Veterinary Science
106 .......... Weather & Climate Science
107 .......... Wildlife
108-109... Woodworking
110-111... Zero-Turn Mower Operation
112 ......... County Project: Card Making
113 ......... County Project: Collections
114 .........
County Project: Crops
115 ......... County Project: Fashion Design
116 ......... County Project: Gift Wrapping
117-118... County Project: Recycling
118 ......... County Project: Scrapbooking
119 ......... County Project: Sports
120 ......... County Project: Wearable Art
121 .......... County Project: Welding
122-124..... General Livestock Rules &
Guidelines for Animal Exhibits
125 ............ Auction Rules
126-127..... Livestock ID Guidelines
128-129..... Beef
130 ............ Cats
131 ............ Dairy
132 ............ Dogs
133-135..... Goats
136-140..... Horse & Pony
141-142..... Llamas & Alpacas
143-144..... Poultry
145-146..... Rabbits
147-148..... Sheep
149-150..... Swine
151 ............ Round Robin
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Darlene Decker 769-4545
Rex Decker 881-9366
Amber Klein 881-8679
Ashley Blubaum
Joe & Kim King 887-7143
Angela Holscher 890-0695
Andrea Chattin 890-6370
Holly Spanger 890-7904
Linda Hammelman
Brandy Toney
Paul Clingerman 574-551-8312
Alex Rusch 890-6763
Kenneth Risley, Jr. 887-1584
Logan Gabheart 890-9871
Dianna Hatcher 890-7726
Tracee & Jeff Rode 887-7364
Heather & Jason
Misiniec 735-2023
Jennifer Kramer 735-4100
Phillip Hedge 890-5230
Amy Osborne 881-7723
Meagan Keyes 890-5541
4-H Educator 882-3509
Knox County 2023 Handbook
as of January 1, 2023
Kim Downen (Fair Board Rep.)
Josh Anthis
Ashley Blubaum
Casey Butler
Jennifer Candler
Kristi Cardinal
Ryan Chattin (Vice President)
Rob French
Lori Graham
Dianna Hatcher
Angela Holscher
Tracey Kahre
Travis Kahre
Meagan Keyes (President)
Greg Laake (Treasurer)
Meagan Lafferty
Rob Marchino
Beth Newton (Secretary)
Lacey Newton
Amy Osborne
Mike Ruppel
Dan Short
Carrie Wilson
Madison Hedge
Sidney Kahre
Madeleine Kaiser
Adeline Laake
Jacob Misiniec
CT Nash
Paris Robinson
Kaelyn Rode
Knox County 2023 Handbook
1. Youth may become 4-H members
when they enter the 3
grade and
continue through 12
grade. A member
may continue membership for a
maximum of ten (10) years or through
the calendar year in which he/she
reaches age 19.
2. 4-H enrollment is typically made in
the county in which an individual
resides. However, individuals may join
another county, as long as their
membership does not violate county
policy. Knox County requires council
approval for dual membership. During a
calendar year, a 4-H member enrolled in
a given project is expected to exhibit
that project only in the county of
enrollment. Participation in 4-H related
events (judging, Share the Fun) must be
in the county of primary enrollment.
Behavioral Criteria
3. 4-H members, Leaders, Parents and
the public: When attending, participating
or acting in behalf of the 4-H program,
all persons are expected to conduct
themselves in accordance with accepted
standards of social behavior, to respect
the rights of others, and to refrain from
any conduct which may be injurious to
the 4-H program. The following actions
constitute misconduct for which persons
may be subject to disciplinary penalties
and/or dismissal from the program:
(a) Dishonesty in connection with any
4-H activity by cheating or knowingly
furnishing false information.
(b) Alteration or unauthorized use of
4-H records.
(c) Obstruction or disruption of any 4-H
activity or aiding and encouraging other
persons to engage in such conduct.
(d) Failure to comply or aiding or
encouraging other persons not to
comply with specific terms and
conditions of a given project, contest, or
(e) Failure to comply with directions of
4-H officials acting in the proper
performance of their duties.
(f) Inhumane treatment of 4-H animal
4. It is recommended that 4-H’ers attend
their club meetings to receive the
maximum benefit from enrolling in 4-H.
It is a courtesy to let your 4-H leader
know if you cannot attend.
5. A club member may enroll in only
one division of a project (except crafts,
and sewing for fun) for each year and
may exhibit only in the projects and
divisions enrolled. Divisions are
determined by grade in school at
enrollment time, unless otherwise stated
in the project section of the handbook.
6. Exhibits are to be delivered to the
fairgrounds during the specified time.
7. 4-H members are to follow project
manuals, however, for exhibiting
projects at the fair the Knox County 4-H
( this) Handbook will be the basis for
judging decisions.
8. Fair passes picked up when you turn
in your general record sheet at check-in.
The Fair Board is not responsible for
lost fair passes.
9. Ribbons of blue, red, white will be
awarded to all exhibits which meet
requirements. Late projects will receive
participation ribbons.
10. Champion ribbons will be awarded
for the best blue ribbon exhibit in each
Knox County 2023 Handbook
division of a project at the judge’s
11. When one or more divisions have a
champion, a Grand Champion and a
Reserve Grand Champion will be
12. No additional premiums are given
for championship.
13. The premiums of each ribbon group
are as follows:
Blue ribbon group --- $2.00
Red ribbon group ---- $1.50
White ribbon group -- $1.00
14. Check project information for correct
day to have project judged.
15. Premium money may be secured for
4-H exhibits between 3:00 p.m.
Thursday until 10:30 a.m. Saturday.
16. Exhibits not picked up will be
disposed of after the fair.
17. Any 4-H’er found tampering with
another 4-H’ers project will forfeit any
future participation for 1 year.
18. The judge’s decision on all ribbons
awarded is final.
19. Error in Judging: The judge has the
right to change (lower) ribbon placing if
the project requirements are not met
and the error is discovered prior to the
judge’s departure.
must be horizontal & covered with
plastic; they will be taken down a ribbon
if they are in the wrong direction.
21. The Knox County 4-H Association
reserves the right to not display any
exhibit that may be deemed
inappropriate for the fair-going
22. There will be ONE comprehensive
record sheet per member required.
Complete the one record sheet and
place in your green member’s record
behind the white record of achievement.
This change should make completing
requirements easier.
Enrollment forms January 15, 2023
Livestock possession date see
Livestock guidelines
Drop & Add projects May 15, 2023
Members not complying with
established dates and deadlines for
exhibition may be denied exhibition
Exhibition of 4-H projects in local,
county or state exhibits/fairs is
considered a privilege and is voluntary
on the part of the exhibitor. Not following
the established rules of the projects will
be grounds for exclusion from the
competition/exhibition or the project
The completion of a 4-H project must
not be misinterpreted as exhibition of
said project at a local, county or state
fair. A 4-H member is considered
complete in their project work for the
year when they have completed 1) an
official enrollment form prior to the
deadlines 2) turned in the completed
record sheet prior to the deadline, 3)
had an extension educator verify the
existence of the project.
The 2023 Indiana State Fair will be July
28 thru August 20. 4-H projects that are
State Fair eligible have the requirements
listed on the Indiana State Fair website:
Non-perishable projects will be taken
from the 4-H exhibit hall. Perishable
projects due in office will be announced.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
All State Fair projects will be available
for pickup on August 22.
This is open to any Clothing project
member. The Fashion Revue consists of
public presentation/judging where each
member models their garment. The
Fashion Revue is held the week before
the Fair. Garments modeled in Fashion
Revue must have been made by
participants since the preceding year's
county exhibit. There will be a Junior
and Senior Revue. Members in Sewing
division I, II, III, IV, and V are in Junior
Revue. State Fair Categories are
Each county may enter six participants
in the State Fair with a maximum of two
per category. These participants must
be in grades 8-12 and not have passed
their 19th birthday on January 1 of the
current year. Outfits to be worn in the
State 4-H Fashion Revue cannot be
exhibited at the State Fair in the sewing
Definition of an outfit: An outfit is a
garment or garments that when put
together make a complete look - such
as one or two piece dress, or one or two
piece pant suit, or a three piece
combination such as pants, vest and
blouse or shirt.
Informal/Casual Wear: A complete outfit
of one or two pieces suitable for school,
weekend, or casual, informal activities.
Dress Up: This is suitable for special,
church, or social occasions that are not
considered to be formal. It may be an
outfit of one or more pieces with or
without its own costume coat or jacket
(lined or unlined). This is not an outfit
that would be worn to school, weekend,
or casual informal activities.
Suit or Coat: The suit consists of two
pieces including a skirt or pants and its
own lined jacket. It is not a dress with a
jacket as in “dress up”. The coat is a
separate lined coat for your wardrobe. It
will be judged separately as a coat with
its own accessories.
Separates: Consists of three garments
that must be worn as a coordinated
complete outfit. Each piece should be
versatile enough to be worn with other
garments in your wardrobe.
Formal Wear: This outfit may be one or
more pieces suitable for any formal
occasions, such as proms, weddings,
and formal evening functions.
Free Choice: A complete outfit
comprised of garments that do not fit in
the other classifications. Examples
include: tennis wear, swim wear, athletic
or sportswear, lounge wear, riding
habits, historic, dance, theatrical, or
international costumes, capes, and
unlined coats.
IN ADDITION to the Clothing project on
Fashion Review night, exhibitors from
the Consumer Clothing project are
invited to model their chosen outfit.
Sewing for Fun exhibitors can also
show off what they have created. Both
of these categories are not judged the
evening of Dress Review. Fashion
Design participants can compete in a
modeling competition during Fashion
Review. Letters are mailed to all
enrollees in these projects
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Very Important
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the
4-H member’s exhibit. This reference list include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference
list be attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a
notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the manner in which references are listed.
ALL posters will be 22x28 inches and displayed HORIZONTALLY 28” across. (Vertical
posters will be dropped one place) All 4-H posters must use foam core board. This material
can be used as the poster or can have a poster board attached to it.
Foam core board may be purchased from the Extension Office. Be sure to purchase the
correct size foam core board from other sources. It is not acceptable to use plywood, or
Masonite or similar materials for poster backing.
Poster sleeves and salon print sleeves are available for purchase from the Extension Office
and recommended. You may cover your poster with other clear plastic that is heavy enough
not to wrinkle. DO NOT USE SARAN WRAP!!
All posters must also have hook tape secured to the back of the poster along the
edges. Hook tape may be purchased from the Extension Office.
Project labels from the Extension Office must be attached to the lower right hand corner of
the poster after covering with plastic.
Purpose of 4-H Posters
4-H Posters provide an opportunity for members to share information about 4-H and a wide
range of projects. Posters may be stand-alone pieces that can be exhibited at fairs and events,
or visual aids developed to assist with presentations.
Secrets of Success
A successful poster will:
· Catch the eye of the passerby
· Be simple and clear
· Impress an idea or a fact upon the viewer
· Stimulate the viewer to support your idea, get more information, or take appropriate action.
· Have space left overwhite space is not blank space. Posters that are uncluttered are easier
to read. Posters make People:
An effective poster: attracts attention, focuses on a main interest or idea, and motivates you to
take action.
Planning A Poster
A poster should have one main idea. Have the reason for the poster clearly in mind before you
· Consider who your viewer will be
· Decide what you want them to know
· Decide what you want them to do
· Think of a clever theme or slogan
· Limit your effort to one main idea
· Make a small rough sketch
· Remember that this type of visual communication is an aid to what you are trying to teach with
your project.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Choosing Colors
Color combinations affect how easily the message is read as well as the overall appearance of
the poster.
· Consider the Contrast: This means you use dark letters on a light background, and light letters
on a dark background.
· Let the most important items be the most important color.
· Colors that are close to the background shade will not show up well and cannot be read at a
· Avoid using too many different colors. Two or three should be sufficient. You don’t want to
overwhelm your main point!
· Avoid putting red and green next to each otherthis is hard to focus on if a person is
· Avoid bright neon colorsthey may catch the eye, but they are hard to focus on.
· Lower case letters are easier to read than all CAPITALS. Use capitals only for emphasizing an
important phrase or word to give variety.
· Save fancy or script lettering for catching the attention of the viewer.
· When hand lettering, always use guidelines. Using a ruler, lightly pencil in straight lines that
can be erased when your poster is complete.
· Letters may be cutout and glued on, or precut letters may be purchased.
· Keep written material to a minimum. Use only headings, captions and signs necessary to tell
the story. Use different size lettering for items of varying importance.
· Allow margins to keep things from running together and looking too cluttered.
· Below is a table of letter sizes and their effectiveness:
Viewing Distance
8 feet
16 feet
32 feet
64 feet
Ask your parents, 4-H Leader, or older 4-H member to look at your
poster and tell you what they think.
1. Cut out all your letters, pictures and graphics.
2. Draw guidelines and place or draw in letters.
3. Lay all your pieces of your poster out on the poster board.
4. Ask yourself, “How does it look?”
5. Revise and rearrange as needed.
6. Re-Do anything that should be a different size or color.
7. Move things around until you are happy with the overall effect and message of your poster.
8. Glue everything in place.
Courtesy of: New Mexico State University
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Record keeping is one of the simplest things there is to do in any 4-H project, yet
it is one of the things 4-H members seem to dread the most. Here are some
suggestions for making your record keeping simpler and also to make your
records reflect the effort you have put into your project and club work.
Well-kept records will help you apply for trips & awards in the future.
1. All 4-H members are to use the green Indiana 4-H Club Members record
book. These green record books are available at the County Extension Office if
yours needs to be replaced.
2. All 4-H members must have the white "My Record of 4-H Achievement" card
and it must be the first record attached inside the green Indiana 4-H Club
Members record book.
3. The white "Record of 4-H Achievement" should be completely filled out both
front and back each year. You should list on the front side of the record the
years of membership (2007, 2008, etc.) and the project levels taken (Clothing II,
Electric IV). The back of the card should be completed to show the number of
meetings attended each year, offices held, etc. This is the basis for many trips
and awards in the later years of 4-H.
4. Complete the one record sheet and place in your green member’s record
behind the white record of achievement. This change should make completing
requirements easier.
5. Current year's records should be attached in the back of the green Members
record book. Always put the current records in the back.
6. Start keeping your 4-H records right after the fair. For example, all the cookies
and cakes you bake from August to February can go in this year's Foods record.
7. Keep all of your 4-H records and manuals together--maybe in a box or a
special drawer. Hold on to your old manuals and record sheets.
8. You must turn in your one general 4-H record sheet at check-in in order to
get your fair pass. Turn in only your general record sheet, not your green
Member’s record book. These sheets will be returned to you next year when you
sign up for 4-H.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
The Indiana 4-H Program Philosophy and Expectations:
The Indiana 4-H Youth Development program serves the youth of Indiana by providing a
strong educational youth development program. This program delivers educational experiences
in a variety of settings. Caring, capable and contributing adults assist in the 4-H program as
role models for youth. The rich heritage of the 4-H Program is one to be valued and passed
along to future generations.
The Indiana 4-H Youth Policies and Procedures Handbook includes certain standards and
guidelines to assure that 4-H is a positive youth development program. County 4-H policy is
guided by the county 4-H policy making or governing board (i.e., 4-H Council) as provided by
the County Extension Board. Legal authority for the 4-H Program rests with the Director of the
Cooperative Extension Service at Purdue University. No county 4-H policy may conflict with
state 4-H policy or with federal guidelines and requirements.
Deadlines for county and state participation should be carefully constructed so as to encourage
rather than to discourage participation. Such deadlines should be well published. Members not
complying with established and published dates and deadlines for exhibition may be denied the
opportunity to exhibit.
It is the policy of 4-H to be an inclusive organization. No county policy or practice should be
used to arbitrarily exclude youth from either membership or participation. Youth should
participate in 4-H Youth Development opportunities at levels and times that best suit the
youth's development and support family involvement.
Per state and federal guidelines, volunteers and Extension Educators may not require youth to
attend 4-H club meetings in order to complete 4-H or exhibit their work.
4-H Mission and Vision
4-H Mission: The Indiana 4-H Youth Development mission is to provide real-life educational
opportunities that develop young people who positively impact their community
and world.
4-H Vision: Indiana 4-H Youth Development strives to be the premier, community-based
program empowering young people to reach their full potential.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
4-H Club Membership:
Youth may become 4-H members when they enter the third grade and may continue their
membership through the completion of grade 12. Each individual may continue membership
for a maximum of ten (10) consecutive years.
(1) Youth who enroll in grade three and are advanced academically (thus graduating early)
may continue for a total of 10 years ONLY if the enrollment occurs in consecutive years.
(2) Those youth who are academically advanced and “skip” 3rd grade, may begin the program
as a 4th grader and may continue for a total of 10 years ONLY if the enrollment occurs in
consecutive years.
(3) Those youth who enroll in grade three and are retained a grade in school may continue to
progress through the 4-H Program by adding subsequent years of participation, but MAY
NOT exceed 10 years of participation. For example, if a member is retained one year in
school (public, private, or home), their final year of 4-H membership would conclude the
summer following their junior year of high school.
(4) Those youth who entered the program in 3rd grade and for one reason or another leave
formal education prior to the completion of 12th grade may continue for a total of 10 years
ONLY if the enrollment occurs in consecutive years.
NOTE: 10 years of membership in the 4-H Youth Development Program is an opportunity ---
not an entitlement. Those youth who do not enroll as 3rd grade students or meet the exceptions
above, conclude their involvement with the program during the summer immediately following
the completion of their senior year in high school.
An individual’s 4-H grade is determined by the school grade in which he or she is classified at
the time of year he or she enrolls in 4-H. A member does not advance in 4-H grade until he or
she enrolls in 4-H for the subsequent year. Each member should enroll in the division of a
project/subject that would best suit his/her interest and potential for personal growth and would
enhance their family involvement.
Opportunities in the 4-H program are available to all Indiana youth as defined regardless of
race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual
orientation or disability. Married young men and women of 4-H age may participate in any of
the 4-H projects and activities. However, married persons must participate by the same terms
and conditions and/or guidelines as unmarried participants. Membership in 4-H is gained by
annually enrolling through a Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Office located
in each of Indiana's 92 counties.
The Indiana 4-H Youth Development program year is October 1 to September 30 annually.
Enrollment is an annual process attained by completing individual 4-H enrollment via the
4HOnline enrollment process. Statewide 4HOnline enrollment occurs annually October 1
through January 15.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Mini 4-H Non-Competitive Policy:
Mini 4-H is a program designed to encourage positive development of children, Kindergarten
through second grade. The goal of Mini 4-H is to help young children explore friendships outside
the family; explore the way in which things work; practice both small and large muscle control;
and think about the ways people work together on projects.
The NON-COMPETITIVE learning environment for Mini 4-H includes:
1. Planned learning activities in which children are invited to be active and explore materials and
ideas without the pressure of completing a specific product or exhibit.
2. Low adult/leader to child ratio that allows time for adults/leaders to provide individual,
positive encouragement and assistance.
3. Simple, interesting activities that are fun.
4. Encouragement of children to participate in a group activity by sharing and or displaying their
activity projects.
5. Rewards that are identical and/or ribbons of the same color for everyone.
DO NOT JUDGE projects, but instead discuss them with the child.
NOTE: Purdue University and the Indiana 4-H Youth Development Program do not support,
endorse, or encourage programming for children prior to Kindergarten. 4-H Youth Development
Extension staff members and 4-H Volunteers may not offer, or encourage others to offer,
programming for children prior to Kindergarten.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Indiana youth typically enroll in 4-H Youth Development programs in the county or state in
which they reside. However, individuals living in one county may join 4-H in another county.
There may be educational or social reasons for an individual joining 4-H in a different county
than that of their primary residence. During a single program year, a 4-H member enrolled in a
given project is expected to enroll and exhibit that project only in one county of enrollment.
In the event that a project is not offered in the county of primary 4-H enrollment, a 4-H
member may enroll in that specific project in a different county. Approval of this special
exception rests with the 4-H Extension Educator. Participation in 4-H related activities and
events (i.e., judging, share-the-fun, auction) must be in the county of primary 4-H enrollment.
The above policy is not intended to provide an escape mechanism for 4-H members and
families who are unwilling to follow the terms and/or conditions in their current county of 4-H
membership. Decisions regarding 4-H membership in a non-resident county (a county you do
not live in), rest with the 4-H Extension Educator in the receiving county.
Note: In a statement from our federal partner in Washington, D.C., the following statement
appears: "Anytime there are procedures for exclusion of individuals from events which use the
4-H name there are potential challenges to enforcement of the exclusions. The challenges have
a substantial potential to prevail and they frequently result in negative publicity for the
organization. Therefore, before choosing a policy of exclusion it is wise to evaluate the
exclusion being considered, to be sure there is an overwhelming educationally based need for
the exclusion".
Extension employees and volunteers are obligated to eliminate (and should not create) any
practices that limit, deprive, or tend to deprive any youth of opportunities for membership
and/or participation in the Indiana 4-H program.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Behavioral Criteria for 4-H Events and Activities:
(Recommend distributing with health forms for trips/activities.)
To 4-H members, volunteers, parents and the public: When attending, participating or acting on behalf
of the 4-H program, all persons are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with accepted
standards of social behavior, to respect rights of others, and to refrain from any conduct which may be
injurious to the 4-H program. The following actions constitute misconduct for which persons may
be subject to disciplinary consequences and/or dismissal from the program:
(a) Dishonesty in connection with any 4-H activity by cheating or knowingly furnishing false
(b) Alteration or unauthorized use of 4-H records.
(c) Obstruction or disruption of any 4-H activity or aiding and encouraging other persons to engage in
such conduct.
(d) Failure to comply or aiding or encouraging other persons not to comply with specific terms and
conditions of a given project, contest, or activity.
(e) Failure to comply with directions of 4-H officials acting in the proper performance of their duties.
(f) Inhumane treatment of 4-H animal projects.
There are many opportunities for 4-H members, volunteers, parents and the public to participate
in 4-H events and activities. When involved in such experiences, members, volunteers, parents
and the public are expected to follow all rules and regulations as outlined by those responsible
for the specific program or activity. In all such 4-H activities, the following constitute a violation
of behavioral expectations:
1) Possession or use of fire crackers, gun powder, firearms, chemicals or other materials that can be
used to create an explosive mixture.
2) Misuse of fire equipment or sounding a false fire alarm.
3) Having a guest of a different gender in your sleeping quarters, or inappropriate sexual behavior.
4) Physical or verbal abuse of any person or conduct which threatens or endangers the health or
safety of any person.
5) Theft of or malicious damage to property.
6) Possession, use, or distribution of alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco and tobacco-like products, or other
dangerous substances.
7) Inappropriate displays of affection towards another person(s).
8) Distribution, misuse, or abuse of over-the-counter, homeopathic (including supplements and
vitamins), or prescription medications.
9) Inappropriate clothing or lack of clothing during the event or activity.
10) Lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct.
11) Unauthorized entry, use or occupancy of any facility.
12) Any conduct which threatens or interferes with maintenance of appropriate order and discipline or
invades the rights of others.
13) Unwillingness to follow appropriate health and safety procedures.
14) Reckless or inappropriate behavior.
When violations occur at out-of-county, district, area, state and/or national 4-H events, the
following procedures will be followed.
(a) The parents/legal guardians may be contacted to arrange transportation home for the violator(s)
(b) The local extension educator may be notified.
I verify that I am a 4-H member, I have read and will abide by the rules and behavioral expectations, set
by the Indiana 4-H program or I will forfeit my right to stay. Both signatures are required.
4-H member signature
Parent//legal guardian signature
____________________________________Date_______________ (Attach 4-H member’s
recent photo to back of this form)
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Guidelines for Exhibition and Completion:
Following are policies that govern exhibition and completion of 4-H Projects:
Exhibition: Exhibition of 4-H projects/subjects in local, county, or state exhibits/fairs, in person
or virtually, is voluntary on the part of the exhibitor. The exhibition of 4-H projects/subjects
provides 4-H members an opportunity to display their 4-H projects/subjects, enter into
competition, and participate in an educational/social environment with peers. With exhibition
also comes the responsibility for abiding by all the terms and conditions pertaining to the
respective 4-H project.
Completion: The completion of a 4-H experience may include a variety of options and must not
be misinterpreted solely as exhibition of a project at a local, county, or state fair. There are a
number of ways that a young person may participate in the 4-H Youth Development Program in
addition to the club-based option. Participating in these 4-H opportunities enable the youth to
build skills that will serve them well throughout their adult lives.
Some of these participation options do not include the preparation of a specific exhibit by an
individual that would be on display at a fair or similar event. In some cases, the youths’ actual
participation may be the final product that results in their completion of a year of 4-H. Some
examples of this participation include working as a team to develop a robot for a workshop or
challenge; completing a Spark Club experience; participating in State 4-H Band or Chorus;
taking part in a science training or experiment; participating in an after school 4-H experience;
4-H members are considered complete in their 4-H educational experience for the year when
they have (1) completed the 4-H member enrollment process prior to the established and
published date for enrolling; and (2) had an officially recognized 4-H volunteer/Extension
Educator verify the existence of the completed project/subject or the member’s participation in a
4-H educational experience – this could be in the form of an exhibit, poster, report, presentation,
etc. Or, a member may choose to submit a completed record sheet in lieu of an exhibit to
complete the club- or fair-based 4-H project/subject. The 4-H record sheet will be based on
printed or web-based educational materials (used by Indiana 4-H Youth Development) and
submitted prior to the established and published date.
Though exhibiting in local, county, and state exhibits/fairs is not required for project completion,
as it does not necessarily relate directly to content and skills learned in the development of the
4-H project, project exhibition is encouraged as a continuation of the educational experience.
Extension employees and volunteers are obligated to eliminate (and should not create) any
practices that limit, deprive, or tend to deprive any youth of opportunities for membership and/or
participation in the Indiana 4-H program.
Per state and federal guidelines, volunteers and Extension Educators may not require youth to
attend 4-H club meetings in order to complete 4-H or exhibit their work.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Grievance/Appeal Guidelines for County 4-H Program Issues:
(Activities, Programs, Projects)
The grievance procedures outlined in this document are utilized as part of an internal process of
the Indiana 4-H Youth Development program for use when grievances of 4-H members, their
parents/guardians, or 4-H volunteers cannot be resolved via reasonable conversation. This policy
affords the opportunity in those unique situations to allow voice or opinion to be heard when there
is a dispute regarding 4-H participation, activities or programs. This is not a mechanism for
complaints against individual 4-H members (or their families), 4-H volunteers, judging officials
for competitive events, or Purdue Extension staff. All resulting decisions will be made in
accordance with the Indiana 4-H Program’s stated mission to be an inclusive organization
designed to encourage and maximize youth participation. The rights of the individual filing the
grievance are limited to those provided by Indiana 4-H Program policy.
Purdue University, as the Land Grant University in Indiana, is charged (by the United States
Department of Agriculture) with implementing the 4-H Program in communities across the State
of Indiana. Purdue Extension Educators in each Indiana county represent the university in local
communities and have the responsibility of assuring all 4-H volunteers meet basic university
criteria as they serve as representatives of the university. Purdue Extension Educators additionally
provide oversight to 4-H volunteers including the assurance that Indiana 4-H Policies and
Procedures are appropriately implemented in 4-H Program delivery.
Individual county 4-H policies and procedures should be created and reviewed to assure they do
not contradict established statewide 4-H policies and procedures. If a contradiction is discovered
during the grievance process, Indiana 4-H Program policy shall be followed in determining the
grievance outcome.
1. Grievances are made by completing the Indiana 4-H Grievance/Appeal form with the
burden of proof being the responsibility of the individual filing the grievance. The
completed grievance/appeal form and supporting documentation shall be presented to
the president of the 4-H policy-making body (e.g., 4-H Council) or the Purdue Extension
Educator who works with the 4-H Program. (NOTE: concerns regarding staff, volunteers,
members, or other individuals are not issues for which a grievance may be filed. 4-H
volunteers are assigned by the 4-H Extension Educator. Concerns regarding 4-H
volunteers, members, or other individuals should be addressed directly with the Purdue
4-H Extension Educator.)
2. Grievances pertaining to 4-H activities, programs or projects shall be filed within 14
days of an incident or occurrence. Grievances pertaining to county fair related issues are
often time-sensitive and must be filed within 24 hours of the incident.
Continue to next page.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
3. The grievance process occurs in the county where the issue or concern arises and offers
three opportunities for a concern to be heard and reviewed.
A. The grievance is initially heard by an unbiased, representative grievance sub-
committee of approved 4-H Volunteers. It is the Purdue Extension Educator
assigned to 4-H Programming who shall annually work with the chair of the county
4-H Council to determine this committee’s membership to include a combination of
3-6 of the following individuals: one representative of the 4-H Council; two 4-H
volunteers serving as a 4-H club organizational leader; one member of the County
Extension Board; one 4-H volunteer knowledgeable in the subject matter (project)
of concern (this individual will vary dependent on the issue raised with the
grievance); one youth representative; and up to three community leaders. The
Purdue Extension Educator assigned to 4-H shall convene the group.
B. The person filing a grievance may appeal a decision of the 4-H Grievance
Committee to the State 4-H Program Leader or designee. The Program Leader or
designee will review the facts in evidence and render a decision. This is the second
and final level in the appeal process
**The intent of a two-level process is to assure different individuals have the opportunity to
hear and act on the grievance. ALL individuals involved at any level of the grievance
procedure are reminded of the importance of keeping discussions regarding grievances
To maintain the confidentiality of the parties involved, the grievance hearings at each level
will be closed to the public. Only the individuals who have filed the grievance, the members
of the grievance committee, and the Purdue Extension Educators will be present during each
level of the grievance process, ***The grievance process is internal to the Indiana 4-H Youth
Development Program and meetings of the grievance committees are not subject to Indiana’s
Open Door Policy.
The Purdue Extension Educator assigned to work with the 4-H Program has the obligation to
inform all parties that there is a grievance procedure if there are disagreements with policies.
The practice of charging fees from those filing grievances shall be eliminated and all counties
will utilize the Indiana 4-H Grievance/Appeal Form as part of the grievance process
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Grievance/Appeal Form
WARNING: You must read and initial this section before proceeding to complete this
____ 1. I understand and agree that filing a grievance that alleges A. facts that are not true, or
B. facts that I know are not true, or C. facts I should know are not true: will be
considered a violation of the 4-H behavioral expectations.
____ 2. I understand and agree that all statements made herein by me are subject to the pains
and penalties of perjury and I hereby affirm that my statements herein are true.
____ 3. I understand that perjury is a crime in Indiana.
I, the undersigned, allege that the following term(s) and condition(s) have been violated:
The facts which support this allegation are set out as follows:
(If needed, additional sheets may be attached.)
I swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury (1) (2) that I have read, understand, and accept
the above statements to be true, accurate, and complete.
Signed: ______________________________________________
Date: _______________ Time submitted: ___________________
Print your name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________
Oath (3)
Before me, __________________________ A Notary Public in and for ___________ County,
State of Indiana, personally appeared ________________ and he/she being first duly sworn by
me upon his/her oath, says that the facts alleged in the foregoing instrument are true.
(signed) ___________________________________ My commission expires: _____________
1. Perjury making a false, material statement under oath or affirmation, knowing the statement to be false or not
believing it to be true. In Indiana, a person who commits perjury commits a Level 6 felony,(4) which may be
punishable by imprisonment, fine, or restitution (Indiana Code 35-44.1-2-1 and 35-50-2-1)
2. Prosecution for violations of Indiana law will be referred to the proper authorities.
3. Oath An affirmation of truth of a statement before an authorized person.
4. Felony A crime of graver or more serious nature than those designated as misdemeanors.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibits entered on the Wednesday or Saturday prior to fair.
1. Open to 4-H’ers who are in Grades Kindergarten, 1, and 2. Grade will be determined by the grade in school during the current
school year. (If 4-H’ers are in 3
through 12
grade this year they are eligible for traditional 4-H).
2. Completed 4-H’ers will receive a 4-H ribbon when they bring their exhibit to the Fairgrounds.
3. Each Mini 4-H’er can exhibit 2 of the projects offered.
4. Mini 4-H enrollment deadline is January 5
You will create a piece of art by experiencing the fun of exploring and feeling new textures and art forms.
Exhibit Requirements: You will select and make one arts and crafts exhibit from the Mini 4-H Arts & Crafts Manual.
Learn about choosing a bike, bicycle care, traffic rules, hazards of the road, safety and helmets.
Exhibit requirements: You should exhibit 14” X 22” horizontal poster based on one of the activities covered in the manual
You will build a 4-H Collection of stamps, unusual rocks, coins, thimbles, campaign buttons, etc.
Exhibit Requirements: Your exhibit will be a 14”x22” horizontal poster labeled “MY 4-H COLLECTION” Or you may choose an
idea from the manual.
Learn about fossils and dinosaurs.
Exhibit Requirements: Exhibit one of the following: a fossil cast, a dinosaur scrapbook, a dinosaur model, a poster about
dinosaurs or something from the manual.
Opportunity to learn dog obedience by attending dog club meetings
Exhibit Requirements: Exhibit a 14” x 22” poster labeled “My Dog and Me” or participate in the dog show.
Explore the world of farm animals.
Exhibit requirements: Exhibit one of the following: a story about a farm animal or a farmer, a poster about farm animals, a model
of a farm animal, rewrite a fairy tale using farm animals, or an idea from the manual.
You will learn how to mix and measure ingredients, plus learn how to make a no-bake cookie.
Exhibit Requirements: You should exhibit one of the following: peanut butter sandwich, popcorn snack, no bake cookies, kitchen
safety poster, food pyramid poster or marshmallow treats.
Learn about trees, the wood they make and the animals that live in trees.
Exhibit Requirements: Exhibit one of the following on a 14” X 22” poster displayed horizontally: the parts of a tree, the uses of
wood, animal tree homes, types of trees, leaf collection or leaf rubbings. Other exhibit options are listed in the manual.
You will learn how to plant and care for your garden. Be sure to do the work yourself.
Exhibit Requirements: You should exhibit one of the following: a plate of three vegetables, a plant in a pot, a vegetable
scrapbook, or a Chia pet.
You will learn: how to groom, identify parts, safety rules, types of tack, breeds of horses, and the needs of your horse.
Exhibit Requirements: Your exhibit will consist of a 14" x 22" horizontal poster and have a title “Mini Horse & Pony”. Please refer
to your manual for details. You will also have the opportunity to participate in the Mini Horse & Pony Show.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
In this project you will learn how to put together a model kit of the snap type requiring no gluing. You may pick out a model boat,
car, airplane or whatever you want.
Exhibit Requirements: You should exhibit one of the following: a snap together model, a model made from clay or popsicle sticks,
a model with a background, a model made of different things like legos or toothpicks.
In this project you will learn about selecting a pet, it’s safety, shelter, food, exercise and all about caring for an animal you love.
Exhibit Requirements: You will exhibit a 14" X 22" horizontal poster or a notebook about your special pet.
Learn about plants and their special needs. Do great experiments with plants. You will also learn about different flowers.
Exhibit Requirements: Exhibit one of the following: 3 cut flowers in a vase, a flowering plant, a house plant, a cacti, a colored
flower, a 14” X 22” poster on the parts of a flower, a flower notebook, or a plant maze.
Learn about poultry through a manual and/or hands on.
Exhibit Requirements: You may do a 14” x 22” poster or bring a live chicken to the fair. If bringing a chicken to the fair is your
choice, it will need to be banded and blood tested. You must have possession by May 15.
Learn how to care for a rabbit by attending rabbit club meetings and participating in rabbit club activities.
Exhibit Requirements: You will bring a rabbit to the fair for the show only. Unless you are using an entry for an older rabbit
member, mini 4-H rabbits do not stay during the fair. Your rabbit will need to be ear tattooed and in your possession by May 15.
Collect the basic tools for sewing-which will be your sewing kit. You will learn how to sew by hand or machine. Exhibit
Requirements: You should exhibit one of the following: a sewing kit, pin cushion, Cool Cat or Honey Bear, machine practice pages
or a throw pillow. Pillow may be any size.
Have fun learning about the sun, planets, and exploring space.
Exhibit Requirements: Exhibit one of the following: a planet mobile (ready to hang), a model of a planet or moon hit by asteroids, a
model of a comet, or choose from ideas in manual.
Learn about the popular types of whales and dolphins, the parts of the whale, whale songs and the learning dolphin. Exhibit
Requirements: Exhibit one of the following: a whale or dolphin scrapbook, a whale or dolphin model, a 14” X 22” poster showing
the size of a whale, or a whalarama.
Learn to identify birds and mammals. In this project you will be supplied the pictures to color and cutout for your poster.
Exhibit Requirements: You should exhibit one of the following: a birds of Indiana poster, a bird feeder, a bird watching chart, an
insect collection, or idea from manual.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project eligible for State Fair
The 4-H aerospace program provides youth with educational information and experiences about
aerodynamics, flight and rocketry.
State Fair Entries:
3 rockets, drones, remote control aircraft, posters, notebooks or display boards per county; one
per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
“Ready to Fly” and E2X rockets are not permitted. Rockets may be exhibited with a base, but
launch pads are not permitted. All rockets must weigh less than 3.3 pounds and considered an amateur
rocket according to FAA regulations. Remote control aircraft or drones may be constructed from a kit or
purchased ready-to-fly. The power source (rocket engine, battery pack, etc.) is to be removed before
being placed in public exhibition.
Rockets will not be launched and remote control aircraft or drones will not be flown at state fair.
Launching rockets and flying aircraft or drones at the county level is optional based on adult supervision
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Construct a rocket of your choice designed for a new model rocket enthusiast with a difficulty
level that is appropriate for the suggested grade level, or a poster or display board on any topic in the
manual. Similar topics not included in the manual are permissible. Rockets cannot be ready-to-fly (RTF)
or have plastic fins. Cluster engine rockets and rockets that take an engine D or above are not permitted
in this level.
Remote control aircraft or drone of your choice that is age/grade appropriate and compliant with
FAA regulations, federal and state laws, and local ordinances. This exhibit choice is to include a
notebook or poster including how the aircraft/drone was used and aerospace skills learned. Displaying
the aircraft or drone is optional.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Construct a rocket of your choice designed for a model rocket enthusiast with some experience
and with a difficulty level that is appropriate for the suggested grade level, or a poster or display board
on any topic in the manual. Similar topics not included in the manual are permissible. Rockets cannot be
ready-to-fly (RTF) or have plastic fins. Cluster engine rockets and rockets that take an engine E or above
are not permitted in this level.
Remote control aircraft or drone of your choice that is age/grade appropriate and compliant with
FAA regulations, federal and state laws, and local ordinances. This exhibit choice is to include a
notebook or poster including how the aircraft/drone was used and aerospace skills learned. Displaying
the aircraft or drone is optional.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Construct a rocket of your choice designed for an experienced model rocket enthusiast and with a
difficulty level that is appropriate for the suggested grade level, or a poster or display board on any topic
in the manual. Similar topics not included in the manual are permissible. Rockets cannot be ready-to-fly
(RTF) or have plastic fins. Cluster engine rockets and rockets that take an engine G or above are not
permitted in this level.
Remote control aircraft or drone of your choice that is age/grade appropriate and compliant with
FAA regulations, federal and state laws, and local ordinances. This exhibit choice is to include a
notebook or poster including how the aircraft/drone was used and aerospace skills learned. Displaying
the aircraft or drone is optional.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is has some exhibit that are eligible for State Fair
Youth can learn about livestock and companion animals through a variety of experiences.
State Fair Entries:
3 Cat entries per county; one per level.
3 Dog entries per county; one per level.
3 Llama entries per county; one per level.
3 Poultry entries per county; one per level.
3 Rabbit entries per county; one per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
Owning or showing an animal is not required. Members enrolled in any 4-H animal or livestock
project can exhibit in this project and are to contact their county 4-H educator to learn if they are to also
be enrolled in animal education.
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any specie
related topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Check with the Purdue Extension office in your
county to determine if enrollment is required in the species project you want to learn about. Owning or
possessing an animal is not required.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any specie
related topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Check with the Purdue Extension office in your
county to determine if enrollment is required in the species project you want to learn about. Owning or
possessing an animal is not required.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any specie
related topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Check with the Purdue Extension office in your
county to determine if enrollment is required in the species project you want to learn about. Owning or
possessing an animal is not required.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Allows youth to learn life skills and grow in project knowledge while expressing creativity in a
variety of mediums.
State Fair Entries:
5 entries per county as determined by the county 4-H educator and fair officials.
For Knox County, 3 will come from General Craft and 2 from Recycling
Exhibit Guidelines:
Youth may exhibit any art or craft that does not meet exhibit requirements in Fine Arts, Needle
Craft, Model Craft or Construction and Architectural Replica.
Exhibitors should be considerate of space. Exhibits too large to safely move or requiring lots of
space should be exhibited using photographs and a description of work in a notebook.
All arts and craft exhibits must include a 4-H Craft Information Card, 4-H 618A
. This
information card is to describe work completed so the judge can more accurately evaluate the exhibit.
Craft information cards are for judging purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
If multiple pieces make up the exhibit, a photograph of the complete exhibit should be attached
to the exhibit so the total exhibit can properly be displayed. For safety purposes any craft exhibit that
resembles a sword, knife, or look-a-like weapon will be judged but will not be displayed.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate artwork.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate artwork.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate artwork.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Allows youth to learn life skills and grow in project knowledge while expressing creativity
through painting and drawing.
State Fair Entries:
2 entries per county as determined by the county 4-H educator and fair officials.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All arts and craft exhibits must include a 4-H Craft Information Card, 4-H 618A. This
information card is to describe work completed so the judge can more accurately evaluate the exhibit.
Craft information cards are for judging purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
Oil, charcoal, pastels, pencil, ink, acrylic, watercolor or similar artistic work can be displayed on
canvas, canvas board, or paper. All work must be framed as a picture and prepared for hanging. Canvas
art on a wooden frame is considered prepared for hanging provided that frame has a hanger.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate artwork.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate artwork.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate artwork.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Allows youth to learn life skills and grow in project knowledge while expressing creativity when
building a model.
State Fair Entries:
2 entries per county as determined by the county 4-H educator and fair officials.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All arts and craft exhibits must include a 4-H Craft Information Card, 4-H 618A. This
information card is to describe work completed so the judge can more accurately evaluate the exhibit.
Craft information cards are for judging purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
If multiple pieces make up the exhibit, a photograph of the complete exhibit should be attached
to the exhibit so the total exhibit can properly be displayed. For safety purposes any craft exhibit that
resembles a sword, knife, or look-a-like weapon will be judged but will not be displayed.
Exhibits must be a small scale replica made of injected styrene plastics with approximately 25%
of the surface painted. Wood, paper, clay die-cast, or snap together models are not permitted. Screws
and pre-painted or pre-decaled factory models are not permitted. Exhibits made from building blocks
(Lego) are not permitted.
If the model is being built from a kit, include a copy of the instructions with the information card.
Original instructions should be kept by the exhibitor in a safe location at home.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate model.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate model.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate model.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Allows youth to learn life skills and grow in project knowledge while expressing creativity in
needle crafts.
State Fair Entries:
2 entries per county as determined by the county 4-H educator and fair officials.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All arts and craft exhibits must include a 4-H Craft Information Card, 4-H 618A. This
information card is to describe work completed so the judge can more accurately evaluate the exhibit.
Craft information cards are for judging purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
Hand crafted knitting, embroidery, crocheting, needlepoint, crewel, candle wicking,
chicken scratching, hand quilting, tatting, huck embroidery, and hemstitching are suggested exhibits.
Entries may also include pulled, drawn and counted thread work and punch needle work. Needle craft
exhibits do not include latch hook, plastic canvas, machine knitting, machine quilting, or arm
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate needle craft.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate needle craft.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate needle craft.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due the Saturdays prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
This project will help youth learn beekeeping, the types of bees, the honey and wax they produce,
the plants that attract bees, and the equipment a beekeeper needs.
State Fair Entries:
1 educational exhibit per county.
1 honey exhibit per member, unlimited number of county entries.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Special Notes:
There are no age/grade specifications for beekeeping exhibits. No bee hives may be
brought to the State Fair.
Honey water content will be measured.
Fill level: the honey should be filled to the jar shoulder, not over, nor under
Chunk honey should go in a wide-mouth jar, preferably one specially made for chunk
honey (see beekeeping catalogs).
Be careful to distinguish "chunk honey"(comb in jar) from "cut comb" (comb only in box).
Honey (including chunk, cut comb and comb) must be collected since the previous county
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Educational Poster or Display (grades 3-12)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any
beekeeping topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Youth can also design and complete an
independent study activity.
Single Honey Product (grades 3-12)
Exhibit one of the following:
1. Extracted honey - 2 one-pound jars, shown in glass or clear plastic, screw-top jars holding
1 pound of honey each.
2. Chunk honey (comb in jar)- 2 one-pound jars(wide-mouth glass or clear plastic).
3. Cut-comb honey - 2 one- pound boxes (These are usually 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" in size).
Two Honey Products (grades 3-12)
Exhibit two of the four kinds of honey listed below.
1. Extracted Honey - 2 one-pound jars (glass or clear plastic).
2. Chunk Honey (comb in jar) - 2 one-pound jars (wide-mouth - glass or clear plastic).
3. Cut-comb Honey - 2 one-pound boxes. Boxes are usually 4 1/2" x 4 1/2"
4. Comb Honey - 2 sections (honey built by bees in frames of wood commonly called
"sections." Boxes are usually 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" in size).
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Saturday prior to the fair
This project has exhibits eligible for State Fair.
Cupcakes are not eligible for State Fair.
The cake decorating project allows youth to utilize their artistic ability and expressions as they
learn decorating techniques and skills. Anyone wanting to learn baking skills should refer to the 4-H
foods project.
State Fair Entries:
3 entries per county; one per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
The cake decorating project provides skills-based educational experiences that provide an
opportunity for mastery before building on that experience to develop more advanced skills. This
subject area is divided into three levels: Beginner (Grades 3-5), Intermediate (Grades 6-8), and
Advanced (Grades 9-12). While the defined grades are intended to be a guide, older youth enrolled in
this subject for the first time may start in a lower grade skill level with permission by the county
extension educator, followed by an appropriate level the following year.
Skills and techniques demonstrated should be age/grade appropriate. While it is not to say a
beginner level member cannot master an advanced level skill, it would be rare and unique. Therefore,
exhibited cakes must demonstrate the minimum five techniques from their given level outlined in
Indiana 4-H Cake Decorating Skills and Techniques, 4-H 710A
, but may also include higher/lower level
techniques that have been mastered. Any higher/lower level techniques will not be counted as part of
the minimum five, but nevertheless will be evaluated for quality. All exhibited cakes must be created
using a Styrofoam, foam, or other solid dummy. Unless otherwise stated, cakes are to be iced using
royal icing or buttercream. Buttercream icing will not withstand environmental conditions and may
become soft, melt, not withhold its shape, and colors may bleed when being displayed an extended
period of time. When displaying a cut-up cake or tiered cake, the exhibitor must include a diagram and
description indicating how the cake was assembled. This diagram and description can be attached to or
written on the skills sheet. All exhibits must include a completed Cake Decorating Skills Sheet (4-H 710)
and must accompany the cake for the judge’s reference during judging. Skills sheets are for judging
purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Cupcake: ALL projects must be on a solid display board such as cardboard or wood. ALL display boards must
measure 3-4 inches larger than the cupcake display. Boards should be covered. Icing must be used in your project;
however, artificial items may also be used. Items that are edible must be attached naturally; artificial items may be
attached to y our display using glue, wire, etc.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
State Fair - Requirements: A minimum of five beginner level skills are to be demonstrated. A list of skills to
choose from can be found on the Indiana 4-H Cake Decorating Skills and Techniques, 4-H 710A sheet.
Cakes must be on a cake board strong enough to support the cake (approximately 3/8” thick) and 2-4”
larger than the cake. For example, if the cake is 8” in diameter, then the cake board must be 10-12” in
diameter. The cake board must be neatly covered and well taped or otherwise attached underneath. Cakes
exhibited in the beginner level are to be a single tier/layer, no more than 5” tall, and may be round, square,
or rectangular and the cake board is to be no more 12”x12”.
Cupcake County Only Requirements: Display 6 individually decorated cupcakes. Cupcakes must be displayed in a
single layer, on a solid display board. Your cupcake display area must not exceed an 18”x18”x18” display area.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
State Fair - Requirements: A minimum of five intermediate level skills are to be demonstrated and the cake
may include additional skills from the beginner level. A list of skills to choose from can be found on the
Indiana 4-H Cake Decorating Skills and Techniques, 4-H 710A sheet. Cakes must be on a cake board strong
enough to support the cake (approximately 3/8” thick) and 2-4” larger than the cake. For example, if the
cake is 9”x13” rectangular, then the cake board must be 11”x15” to 13”x17” rectangular. The cake board
must be neatly covered and well taped or otherwise attached underneath. Cakes exhibited in the
intermediate level are to be a single or double tier/layer, no more than 12” tall and may be any shape. Youth
may choose to decorate an inverted (upside down) character pan or create a 3-dimensional cake. It is also
permissible to cut-up pieces of Styrofoam, foam, or other solid material to create a new shape, like a
butterfly or castle for example. The cake board is to be no more than 24”x24”.
Cupcake County Only Requirements: Display 12-18 cupcakes, decorated in a theme. Cupcakes may be
decorated individually or as a group, as long as the theme is carried out in your display. Your cupcake display area
must not exceed a 24”x24”x24” display area. No matter your display, your cupcake project MUST be presented on a
solid display board.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
State Fair - Requirements: A minimum of five advanced level skills are to be demonstrated and the cake may
include additional skills from the beginner and intermediate levels. A list of skills to choose from can be
found on the
Indiana 4-H Cake Decorating Skills and Techniques, 4-H 710A sheet. Cakes must be on a cake
board strong enough to support the cake (approximately ½” thick) and 4” larger than the base cake. For
example, if the cake is 26” in diameter, then the cake board must be 30” in diameter. The cake board must
be neatly covered and well taped or otherwise attached underneath. Cakes exhibited in the advanced level
may be multiple layer and/or tiered and may include multiple cakes, like a wedding cake. Youth may choose
to create a character or 3-dimensional cake by cutting-up pieces of Styrofoam, foam, or other solid material
to create a new shape. Dowel rods, plates, etc. should be used to support multiple layers and tiers. Fondant
icing, gum, and sugar paste is permissible. Cakes may be any shape, no more than 36” tall and the cake
board is to be no more than 36”x36”. A minimum of five advanced level skills are to be demonstrated and
the cake may include additional skills from the beginner and intermediate levels. A list of skills to choose
from can be found on the Indiana 4-H Cake Decorating Skills and Techniques, 4-H 710A sheet.
Cupcake County Only Requirements: Display 2436 cupcakes, decorated in a theme. Cupcakes may be
decorated individually or as a group, as long as the theme is carried out in your display. Your cupcake display area
must not exceed a 30”x30”x30” display area. No matter your display, your cupcake project MUST be presented on a
solid display board.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Youth will learn about developmental stages of infants, toddlers and young children.
State Fair Entries:
4 entries per county; one per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Activities may be designed to be displayed on the floor, but please be considerate of space
availability. Each item is to be labeled with the 4-H member’s name, county and club so fair staff can
keep all components together if it needs to be moved after judging is complete.
Notebooks are to include the following:
Identifications on the front showing 4-H member’s name, county, club, grade and year in
Title page naming the activity.
Pages explaining how activity was developed and is to be used.
Photographs showing how the activity was used along with assembly.
Explanation of skills learned and any additional information to share with the reader.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Level A (grades 3-4 suggested)
Exhibit a poster, display, or notebook about a manual activity. Other similar activities are
Level B (grades 5-6 suggested)
Exhibit a poster, display, or notebook about a manual activity. Other similar activities are
Level C (grades 7-9 suggested)
Exhibit a poster, display, or notebook about a manual activity. Other similar activities designed
to help develop physical, emotional or cognitive skills are permissible.
Level D (grades 10-12 suggested)
Exhibit a poster, display, or notebook about a manual activity. Other similar activities designed
to help develop physical, emotional or cognitive skills are permissible.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Local Contest will be held on Date and Location TBA.
This project is eligible for State Fair
The communications project teaches verbal and non-verbal communication and presentation
State Fair Entries:
Demonstration 3 junior individuals, 3 senior individuals, 3 junior teams and 3 senior teams per
Informative 4-H Presentation 3 junior individuals, 3 senior individuals.
Professional Persuasive Presentation 3 junior, 3 senior, 3 junior teams and 3 senior teams per
county per county.
Public Speaking 3 junior and 3 senior per county.
Creative Writing 3 exhibits per county, one per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
Effective communications drives all aspects of day-to-day life. Youth are to learn about the
process of
communication, to learn about different modes of communication and to strengthen their own
communication skills. As you explore the world of communication and the manuals, you will enjoy
learning more about yourself and others. Youth completing this project are expected to participate in a
variety of experiences allowing them to develop communication skills rather than create an exhibit to be
displayed at the county or state fair.
A series of 4-H manuals is available with activities designed to develop communication skills at a
specific grade level. Module 1 is for Beginner Level youth in grades 3-5. Module 2 is for Intermediate
Level youth in grades 6-8. Module 3 is for Advanced Level youth in grades 9-12. Suggested activities to
develop communication skills include:
Complete an activity from the grade appropriate manual.
Give a demonstration or presentation at a club meeting.
Participate in a verbal communication event. See verbal communication section below.
Submit a news release to local news media about a 4-H event or topic.
Participate in a radio interview.
Present information about 4-H to a civic organization or similar group.
Participate in the Indiana 4-H Spread the News workshop (Grades 9-12).
Participate as an actor in a community theater.
Other activities that demonstrate communication skill development.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Verbal Communication Events
The following verbal communication events and activities are offered to 4-H members as a way to
teach presentation and public speaking skill development. They are often used in 4-H meetings, and a
county 4-H youth development program may choose to offer these as competitive events. The
demonstration, informative presentation, professional persuasive presentation and public speaking are
competitive events at Indiana State Fair.
The following apply to all state fair communication events:
Members may use a PowerPoint, Prezi, or other digital presentation, signs, and other props that
will enhance their presentation when giving their how-to demonstration to the audience from a
stage or stage-like setting.
If digital media will be used to enhance the presentation, contestants are encouraged to provide
their own laptop computer. If the laptop is not equipped with a standard HDMI external video
connection, the contestant will need to supply an appropriate adapter. While a standard PC
laptop will be available, the quality and compatibility of the digital media cannot be guaranteed
as PowerPoint will be the only digital media available at state fair.
Live animals are not permitted at state fair.
There is no interaction with the audience.
Questions may be asked of the contestants by the judges following the presentation.
Events that have a team category, it is for two (2) people and will be determined by the highest
grade level of any member of that team. If a team is awarded the State Fair Achievement Trip,
only those team members in grades 9-12 will be permitted to attend the trip.
The State Fair Achievement Trip may be awarded in each event to a maximum of the top three
(3) blue merit senior individual members and top (1) blue merit senior team at the discretion of
the judges. Trip winners must be of blue merit quality.
Refer to the Indiana State Fair 4-H handbook for the date, time, and location of each event. Check with your
county extension educator for information about entering these events.
All 4-H members are encouraged to present a demonstration at their club or county level.
This contest allows the 4-H member to show the audience step-by-step procedures how-to-do
something related to any 4-H project.
Examples of a demonstration include how to take a prize winning photograph, how to give an
intramuscular antibiotic injection or shot, how to design a mini-barn blueprint, how to construct
a garment, how to develop a wildlife rehabilitation plan, how to treat a cat for fleas, etc.
Junior members (grades 3-8) have 5-7 minutes to present their demonstration, while senior
members (grades 9-12) will present their demonstration in 5-10 minutes.
Categories will be Junior Individual, Senior Individual, Junior Team, and Senior Team.
Informative 4-H Presentation
This contest allows the 4-H member to present a topic of their choice related to a 4-H event,
project, or activity to the audience.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Examples of an informative 4-H presentation include the benefits of attending 4-H Round-Up,
State 4-H Junior Leader Conference, 4-H Academy, or Citizenship Washington Focus; the
impact of a community service project on the 4-H members involved and their community; why
a family should enroll their children in 4-H; how 4-H prepares a young person for the workforce
or college, etc.
Junior members (grades 3-8) have 5-7 minutes to present their informative presentation, while
senior members (grades 9-12) will present their informative presentation in 5-10 minutes.
Categories will be Junior Individual and Senior Individual.
Professional Persuasive Presentation
Contestants will be required to research a public issue in their community, collect data showing
how this issue is or could affect their community, formulate a plan to address this issue, and
present it in a professional manner using electronic digital media such as PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.
Contestants are to submit two (2) sets of accompanying handouts at registration. These
handouts will be provided to the judges.
It is suggested that youth practice by presenting their professional presentation to service clubs,
4-H council or fair board, government officials, or other boards.
Examples of public issues could be the lack of accessibility to trails or public parks, congested
traffic locations, public health issues, impoverished neighborhoods, school dropout rates, the size
of farm machinery outgrowing the size of roads, etc.
Junior members (grades 3-8) will present in 5-7 minutes and senior members (grades 9-12) will
present their professional presentation in 5-10 minutes.
Categories will be Junior Individual, Senior Individual, Junior Team and Senior Team.
Public Speaking
This contest allows the 4-H member to give their prepared speech to an audience from a stage or
stage-like setting.
Props, signs, and PowerPoint presentations are not permitted.
The topic can be of the 4-H member’s choice.
Junior members (grades 3-8) have 3-5 minutes to give their speech while senior members
(grades 9-12) will give their speech in 5-7 minutes.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Creative Writing
This exhibit allows youth to express creativity while developing writing skills. Examples include a
story, autobiography, biography, journal entry, poetry, children’s story, skit or play, fiction
in verse, alternative history, song lyrics, movie script, creative nonfiction and more. Writing must
be authored by the 4-H member and can be fiction or non-fiction.
Exhibits are to be displayed in a notebook or binder appropriately labeled on the front with the
title, 4-H member’s name, grade in school, club and county. The notebook or binder is to include
a title page and authored work. While most creative writing exhibits will not require research, a
bibliography giving credit to sources is to be included with any research article.
Work can be handwritten or typewritten.
Illustrations or photos may be included to enhance the writing.
Writing should not include excessive blood, gore, violence or sexual themes and must be
appropriate for all ages to read.
Creative Writing Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate item. While length or word count is not required,
one-page or 250 words is appropriate for most beginners.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate item. While length or word count is not required,
two-page or 500 words is appropriate for most intermediate members.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate item. While length or word count is not required,
more than three pages or more than 750 words is appropriate for most advanced members.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
The 4-H computer science project is designed for youth to engage in an interactive project to
learn all levels of familiarity with computers.
State Fair Entries:
3 per county; one per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
There are three exhibit grade level divisions; Grades 3-5, Beginner; Grades 6-8, Intermediate;
and Grades 9-12, Advanced. Exhibits are to be skill appropriate for the member’s grade level.
Youth enrolled in the computer project will select one of the below subject categories to study,
regardless of grade. Youth may choose to create an exhibit demonstrating skills learned during the year.
Check with your county Purdue Extension Office to determine if a computer will be available during
judging and if there will be an opportunity to explain your exhibit to the judge. Exhibits qualifying for
state fair are to be submitted on a thumb drive securely attached to a notebook/portfolio describing
accomplishments, skills learned, design ideas, budget, a summary of what was done, screenshots
showing the development and final project, etc. as the exhibitor will not be able to discuss their work
with a judge. Poster and display board exhibits are permissible. Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed
horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display
boards should be designed to sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be
left in the lower right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff. Youth may
continue in the same subject category in subsequent years expand on the previous year’s topic, or choose
a new topic. Subject categories are:
Block Based Programming
Text Based Programming
Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship
Computer Forensics
Hardware and Networking Design/Install/Repair
Graphic Design and Computer Art
Software submitted to be reviewed by a judge must be compatible on both PC and Mac platform.
If additional software other than Microsoft Office Suite is required to view the member’s work, that
software must be provided by the member and comply with all manufacturer copyright laws. Apps can
be Android or IOS compatible.
All notebooks/portfolios must include a reference list indicating where information was
obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit. This reference list
should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is
recommended this reference list be the last page of a notebook or included as part of the display visible
to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the manner in which references are listed.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Programming, Block- and Text-based Programming:
Youth can submit programming projects in a language of their choosing. Some popular choices
include, but are not limited to:
Block-based: Scratch, Code Studio, Alice, etc.
Text-based: Python, JavaScript, C/C++, C#,, R, Go, Java, PHP, Perl, Ruby, etc.
Beginner Grades 3-5 Create a program using language of your choice. You should comment
your work and it must include at least ten different commands. Skills this program could use are:
User input
Any other similar skill
Intermediate Grades 6-8 Create a program using programming language of your choice. You
should comment your work and it must include at least ten different commands. Skills this program
could use are:
More robust demonstration of beginner skills
Correct syntax
Any other similar skill
Advanced Grades 9-12 Create a program using programming language of your choice. You should
comment your work and it must include at least ten different commands. Skills this program could use
More robust demonstration of Intermediate Skills
Interact with databases
Integrate multiple languages into one program
Demonstrate utilization of a version control system
Any other similar skill
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship
Beginner Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship Grades 3-5 - Build a website
demonstrating a knowledge of:
Use a website builder to create your website
Insert non-stock image into your site
Use a template to achieve a unified look
Explain CSS in your documentation, what CSS is and why it’s important
Must have at least two pages and include all items listed above
Intermediate Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship Grades 6-8 - Build a website
demonstrating a knowledge of:
Create your own site or use a website builder
Modify existing HTML
Modify existing CSS
Have a unified theme throughout
Use a photo editing software to create custom images
Must have at least five pages and include all items listed above
Advanced Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship Grades 9-12 - Build a website
demonstrating a knowledge of:
Create a custom site using appropriate industry tools
Have a responsive website
Add useful and appropriate plugins
Test for and eliminate bugs
Include links for social media
Include custom audio/video
Must have at least ten pages and include all items listed above
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Computer Forensics (id theft, online bullying, ethical use of technology, responsible
social media use)
Beginner Computer Forensics Grades 3-5 Research and create a 3-5 minute presentation on one
of the following topics. Present to a group of peers and have an adult leader verify, create a YouTube or
MP4 instructional video, or printed slides and notes using PowerPoint or similar presentation software.
Media Balance and Well Being
Privacy and Security
Digital Footprint and Identity
Relationships and Communication
Cyberbullying, Digital Drama and Hate Speech
News and Media Literacy
Any other similar topic
Intermediate Computer Forensics Grades 6-8 Research and create a 6-8 minute presentation on
one of the following topics. Present to a group of peers and have an adult leader verify, create a YouTube
or MP4 instructional video, or printed slides and notes using PowerPoint or similar presentation
Digital Citizenship:
o Media Balance and Well Being
o Privacy and Security
o Digital Footprint and Identity
o Relationships and Communication
o Cyberbullying, Digital Drama and Hate Speech
o News and Media Literacy
Cyber Security
o Ethics and Society
o Security Principles
o Classic Cryptography
o Malicious Software
o Physical Security
o Web Security
Any other similar topic
Advanced Computer Forensics Grades 9-12 Research and create a 10-12 minute presentation on
one of the following topics. Present to a group of peers and have an adult leader verify, create a YouTube
or MP4 instructional video, or printed slides and notes using PowerPoint or similar presentation
Digital Citizenship:
o Media Balance and Well Being
o Privacy and Security
o Digital Footprint and Identity
o Relationships and Communication
o Cyberbullying, Digital Drama and Hate Speech
o News and Media Literacy
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Cyber Security
o Ethics and Society
o Security Principles
o Classic Cryptography
o Malicious Software
o Physical Security
o Web Security
Any other similar topic
Hardware and Networking Design/Install/Repair
Beginner Grades 3-5 Choose 1-2 items from the list and create a report/presentation (including
images) of what you did.
Deconstruct and reconstruct a computer
Learn and report how binary works and how computers use numbers
Troubleshoot hardware problems
Explore operating systems
Investigate open source resources
Install/upgrade operating systems
Design a dream machine (give reasons)
Any other similar design/install/repair
Intermediate Grades 6-8 Choose 1-2 items from the list and create a report/presentation
(including images) of what you did.
Identify network hardware
Design a computer network
Explain Internet Protocol
Explain different types of servers
Use different protocols to communicate
Add peripherals to a network
Secure a networked computer
Share applications simultaneously
Setup a Raspberry Pi or other micro-controller
Any other similar design/install/repair
Advanced Grades 9-12 - Choose one or two items from the list ad create a report/presentation
(including images) of what you did.
Design and implement a computer network
Secure your network
Understand technology needs in your community.
Help to solve these needs by organizing a committee or team to work on identified issues.
Teach a computer science class to younger 4-Hers.
Build your dream computer
Network multiple micro-controllers
Research careers in technology
Any other similar design/install/repair
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Graphic Design and Computer Art
There are three divisions; Beginner (Grades 3-5), Intermediate (Grades 6-8) and Advanced (Grades
9-12). Youth are to use a software program to create or design an item that requires graphic design or
artistry. The name of the software and version is to be included with the exhibit. Exhibits are to be
age/grade appropriate. Ideas include, but are not limited to, the following:
Logo design
T-shirt or apparel screen printing design
Promotional brochure
Marketing materials
Computer generated art
Computer altered photographs/images Photographs taken by the 4-H member and altered by
the 4-H member using a computer are to be entered in the Photography project as a
creative/experimental exhibit. Youth must obtain permission from the owner before altering
someone else’s photograph/image and include a copy of that permission with the exhibit to
insure there is no copyright violation.
Suggested exhibits include, but are not limited to, a notebook including a printout of code with
requirements marked, a flowchart showing how the robot works, images of the robot being built and the
final robot in action, a video, a live demonstration, or other applicable exhibits.
Beginner Grades 3-5
Create a flowchart
Build a robot
o Use block based program to operate
Sequential programs
Events at beginning
o Use at least one basic sensor
Intermediate Grades 6-8
Create a flowchart with sub-routines
Include at least two sensors in robot
Use at least three events in code
Create 2 loops in code
Operation of robot should be smooth
Advanced Grades 9-12 - Above guidelines plus:
Use text based language
Use advanced logic including
o Multiple (three or more) events
o Multiple (three or more) loops
o At least three sub routines
o Special consideration if robot is not a kit
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Allows youth to learn life skills and grow in project knowledge while expressing creativity when
designing replicas.
State Fair Entries:
1 entry per county as determined by the county 4-H educator and fair officials.
“Knox County will send the Grand Champion Farm Scene.”
Exhibit Guidelines:
Exhibits can include farm scenes, town models, building replicas, or similar items and can be
constructed from building blocks (Lego), erector sets, or other materials. The product should be
constructed to scale as much as possible. Consider adding a clear cover to protect the exhibit while being
displayed to the public. This exhibit will most likely be displayed on an 8’ long table top with two or
three exhibits per table.
Exhibitors should be considerate of space. Exhibits too large to safely move or requiring lots of
space should be exhibited using photographs and a description of work in a notebook.
All arts and craft exhibits must include a 4-H Craft Information Card, 4-H 618A
. This
information card is to describe work completed so the judge can more accurately evaluate the exhibit.
Craft information cards are for judging purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
If an exhibitor is concerned about their creation being damaged while on display, they should
consider constructing a clear plastic cover to encase the exhibit.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to fair
This project is not eligible for State Fair
This exhibit may be constructed with Legos, K-Nex, Construx, Erector, Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs, Duplo blocks, craft
sticks, etc. Size limitations MUST be followed or you will be dropped (1) one ribbon placing. Exhibit may be
glued. Members should construct a more advanced project each year.
Requirements: Beginner, Grades 3-5
Exhibit may be of any design, no taller than 24” on a sturdy base of no more than 24” square. Exhibit may be of any
design. The exhibit will be judged on: creativity, construction techniques, soundness/sturdiness, balance, and
overall design.
Requirements: Intermediate, Grades 6-8
Exhibit may be of any design, no taller than 24” on a sturdy base of no more than 24” square. Exhibit may be of any
design. The exhibit will be judged on: creativity, construction techniques, soundness/sturdiness, balance, and
overall design.
Requirements: Advanced, Grades 9-12
Exhibit may be of any design, no taller than 30” on a sturdy base of no more than 30” square. Exhibit may be of any
design. The exhibit will be judged on: creativity, construction techniques, soundness/sturdiness, balance, and
overall design.
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project eligible for State Fair
Requirements: Level A, Grades 3-4
Exhibit a farm scene display the maximum size of 24” x 36” built on rigid wood. The display is limited to field tilling (plows, disks, or
planting). Roads, lanes, trees, fence rows, and back drop may be used to set off field or trees.
Requirements: Level B, Grades 5-6
Exhibit a farm scene display the maximum size of 24” x 36” built on rigid wood. The display is limited to any type of field work (tilling
or harvesting). Roads, lanes, trees, fence rows, animals, and back drop may be used.
Requirements: Level C, Grades 7-9
Exhibit a farm scene display the maximum size of 30” x 36” built on rigid wood. This display may be of any type of farm. (Example:
Farmstead (buildings, grain handling equipment, field work, and harvesting.)
Requirements: Level D, Grades 10-12
Exhibit an agricultural display of things other than farmstead or farm tillage. Displays are to be a minimum of 24” x 24” to a
maximum of 30” x 36and must be built on rigid wood. (Examples: Livestock auctions, farm equipment dealerships, agriculture
educational events, agricultural field days, and other displays of your imagination.
*NEW* The Grand Champion Farm Scene is now eligible to go to State Fair. As the exhibitor, it is your responsibility to
transportation the exhibit to and from State Fair. The Extension Office will not provide or arrangements for transportation of exhibit.
The Extension Office will provide entry tag and instructions on how, when, and where the project needs to delivered and picked up
from State Fair.
*NEW* Size change due to Grand Champion exhibiting at State Fair.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due and modeled one week before fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Additional optional activity is Dress Review one week prior to fair
This project is designed to teach clothing selection, wardrobe planning, care of clothing and
personal grooming.
State Fair Entries:
3 Notebooks per county, no clothing; one per level.
1 advanced level per county to model in state fair fashion revue.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
The front of the notebook is to include the 4-H member’s name, county, club, and level. Personal
information such as phone number, mailing address, etc. should not be included in any notebook
Youth will be expected to model their purchased outfit and accessories at the county level.
Modeling at state fair is limited to only the advanced level and will be judged separate from the
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Complete one activity from each group in the manual and share your results or answers in a
notebook, labeling each activity. With help from a parent or mentor, purchase an item of clothing that
you'll wear with other clothes in your wardrobe. Examples might be slacks, blouse, jeans, shirt, sweater,
or sweatshirt. Choose an accessory to go with your purchase. Accessories could be shoes, sweatband,
belt, jewelry, socks or similar item.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Complete one activity from each group in the manual and share your results or answers in a
notebook, labeling each activity. Purchase and accessorize a casual or school outfit. Accessories may be
purchased or selected from what you currently have.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Complete one activity from each group in the manual, or similar activity of choice and share your
results or answers in a notebook, labeling each activity. If completing an activity not included in the
manual, be sure to include in your notebook an explanation describing how the activity was developed
and intended objectives. Purchase and accessorize an outfit of your choice. Accessories may be
purchased or selected from what you currently have.
Special note regarding Indiana State Fair In addition to the advanced consumer clothing state
fair entry submitting their notebook for evaluation, the exhibitor will also be invited to model their
purchased outfit in fashion revue. The notebook and modeling will be judged independently and one
will not have any consideration for the other at state fair.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
The 4-H electricity and electronics program provides youth with educational information about
electricity and how it can be used to benefit the human race.
State Fair Entries:
5 electric exhibits per county, one per level
1 electronic exhibit per county, level 5
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Youth are encouraged to complete the activities as instructed in the manual or found on the
electric web page.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Electric Level 1 (1
year in Electric)
Exhibit one article of choice displaying proper wiring techniques, made during the current 4-H
program year. It must demonstrate a minimum of five (5) or more of the appropriate level of “Skills to be
Attained” items as outlined in the “4-H Electric and Electronic Skills & Knowledge Chart”. A completed
copy of the “Exhibit Skills & Knowledge Sheet” must accompany the project. Skills sheets are for judging
purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
Exhibit Suggestions:
Circuit board 6” by 6” of Series/Parallel Circuit
Poster board (22” by 28”)
Display (appropriately sized for displayed equipment)
Notebook/Report that covers any topic that is in the National 4-H Electric Curriculum Electricity
Excitement Book 1 or Investigating Electricity Book 2, Purdue Extension website Level 1
activities/project sheets, or from the appropriate level of the Skills & Knowledge Chart.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Electric Level 2 (2
year in Electric)
Exhibit one article of choice displaying proper wiring techniques, made during the current 4-H
program year. It must demonstrate a minimum of five (5) or more of the appropriate level of “Skills to be
Attained” items as outlined in the “4-H Electric and Electronic Skills & Knowledge Chart”. A completed
copy of the “Exhibit Skills & Knowledge Sheet” must accompany the project. Skills sheets are for judging
purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
Exhibit Suggestions:
Magnetic Powered Shake Flashlight with optional display
Circuit board 6” by 6” of Series/Parallel Circuit (with modifications if exhibited in Level 1)
Electric Motor
Poster board (22” by 28”)
Display (appropriately sized for displayed equipment)
Notebook/Report that covers any topic that is in the National 4-H Electric Curriculum Electricity
Excitement Book 1 or Investigating Electricity Book 2, Purdue Extension website Level 2
activities/project sheets, or from the appropriate level of the Skills & Knowledge Chart.
Electric Level 3 (3
year in Electric)
Exhibit one article of choice displaying proper wiring techniques, made during the current 4-H
program year. It must demonstrate a minimum of five (5) or more of the appropriate level of “Skills to be
Attained” items as outlined in the “4-H Electric and Electronic Skills & Knowledge Chart”. A completed
copy of the “Exhibit Skills & Knowledge Sheet” must accompany the project. Skills sheets are for judging
purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
Exhibit Suggestions:
Wiring Project (ie. extension cord, trouble light, wire sizes and uses, plug configurations, test
equipment, etc.)
Electrical tool and supply kit
Poster board (22” by 28”)
Display (appropriately sized for displayed equipment)
Notebook/Report that covers any topic that is in the National 4-H Electric Curriculum Wired for
Power Book 3, Purdue Extension website Level 3 activities/project sheets, or from the
appropriate level of the Skills & Knowledge Chart.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Electric Level 4 (4
year in Electric)
Exhibit one article of choice displaying proper wiring techniques, made during the current 4-H
program year. It must demonstrate a minimum of five (5) or more of the appropriate level of “Skills to be
Attained” items as outlined in the “4-H Electric and Electronic Skills & Knowledge Chart”. A completed
copy of the “Exhibit Skills & Knowledge Sheet” must accompany the project. Skills sheets are for judging
purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
Exhibit Suggestions:
Wiring Wire a lamp. The lamp can be a re-wired lamp or one that is built new.
Electrical tool and supply kit
Poster board (22” by 28”)
Display (appropriately sized for displayed equipment)
Notebook/Report that covers any topic that is in the National 4-H Electric Curriculum Wired for
Power Book 3, Purdue Extension website Level 4 activities/project sheets, or from the
appropriate level of the Skills & Knowledge Chart.
Electric Level 5 (5
year or more in Electric)
Exhibit one article of choice, displaying proper wiring techniques, made during the current 4-H
program year that demonstrates a minimum of five (5) or more of the appropriate level of “Skills to be
Attained” items as outlined in the “4-H Electric and Electronic Skills & Knowledge Chart”. A completed
copy of the “Exhibit Skills & Knowledge Sheet” must accompany the project. Skills sheets are for judging
purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
Exhibit Suggestions:
Equipment Wiring including but not limited to: parts identification, appliance repair, lamps
and other lighting, equipment wiring, control system, security system, topic that covers safety,
motors/generators, electric heating, heat pumps, AC, water heaters, and other electric
Home Wiring included by not limited to any circuits found in the wiring of a house or “barn”,
service entrance, switching, receptacles, generator transfer circuit, safety, electrical math, and
Electronic Equipment Any project or kit containing transistors or integrated circuits or vacuum
tubes such as radio, TV, computer, robot, cell phone, and others.
Poster board (22” by 28”)
Display (appropriately sized for displayed equipment)
Notebook/Report that covers any topic that is in the National 4-H Electric Curriculum Entering
Electronics, Purdue Extension website Level 5 activities/project sheets, or from the appropriate
level of the Skills & Knowledge Chart.
Video Presentation Create a video showing the work accomplished and skills learned. This video
should include the same type of information as required in written notebook listed above. This
video is to be no more than ten minutes in length and formatted as MP4 and submitted on a
thumb drive. This video can also be uploaded to a YouTube account with the video being made
public and the link submitted for evaluation.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
This project will help you study insects and their relationship with people. You can also learn
how to collect, preserve, and identify insects.
State Fair Entries:
3 collection exhibits per county, one per level
3 educational exhibits per county, one per level
Educational Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Collection Exhibit Guidelines:
Collections are to include the following:
Title as Insect Collection year in Entomology
Order refer to ID-401, page 57.
Display mounted insects are to have been legally and personally collected in the United States and
displayed in an 18”x24” collection box displayed horizontally. Collections including multiple boxes are to be
numbered 1 of 3, etc. ID 401 A-F cards (for grades 3-8) and 401-I cards (for grades 9 - 12) are to be placed
inside the display box in an attractive manner.
Identification – Collection display boxes are expected to contain the specified number of insects, families, and
orders specified (see chart below). All insects must be in the adult stage and be properly mounted on insect
pins or be contained in vials as directed.
Pin Labels - Each pin or vial must contain two labels:
1) Top label is to include collection date, location, and collector name.
2) Bottom label is to include common name and other optional identification data.
Box Labels Box labels (computer generated or neatly printed) are used for orders and families as required
(see chart below) and are to be placed flat against the bottom of the box. Insects must be properly grouped
directly under the correct order and family label. For example, all insects belonging to a particular order must
be placed under that order label. Orders to be used are listed in the reference book ID- 401. If family level
identification is required, the insects should be further grouped together under the correct family label.
Educational Box One additional box (educational), based on the specific theme (see chart below), is
required for grades 9-12, in addition to the insect collection boxes. This box can be created in any manner
chosen (without the mounting, pinning or identifying restrictions specified above).
Judges evaluating collection exhibits should judge based on educational content, scientific
accuracy, eye appeal and creativity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Monarch Butterfly Statement:
Q: Many have noticed the decrease in number of Monarch butterflies both in Indiana and
throughout the country and wonder if and how Entomology at Purdue is responding. Are 4-H and
youth still required to catch these endangered insects for their collection boxes?
A: Monarch butterflies are now officially on the threatened species list. While we know that
collecting Monarch butterflies for 4-H collections or displays does not constitute a significant risk to
their population when compared to the effects of climate change, pesticide contamination and
habitat loss, capitalizing on this opportunity to discuss their decline is an excellent way to bring
public focus to this important issue. We want our youth (and all IN citizens) to recognize the
Monarch butterfly, understand its biology and be empathetic to its conservation.
Therefore, we have instituted the following update to our youth and 4H Entomology programs.
Effective immediately, we no longer encourage students to ‘collect’ Monarch butterflies for exhibits,
displays or 4-H insect collections. But, rather than simply removing the Monarch butterfly from the
list of 150 insects that 4-H students are to recognize, we want to highlight it so that students really do
learn to recognize them and understand their peril. After all, the more we are familiar with this
species, the more apt we will be to assist and support the conservation of this iconic species.
Link to a recent article from our Department pertaining to Monarch butterflies
Spotted Lanternfly Statement
Q: Are there any new changes to rules or directions for the 4H or FFA youth projects or
competitions that students and coaches should look for?
A: To keep the youth Career Development (CDE judging) and 4-H collection projects current, it is
important to occasionally add new insects to the list. Due to the invasion of a serious new insect
pest throughout the Midwest called the Spotted Lanternfly, we have added it to the list of insects
found in the “How to Make an Awesome insect Collection and (ID-401) and Who Let the Bugs Out
(ID-402) extension resources. Please be aware that students are now expected to identify and
understand its biology and behavior as well as its potential impact in Agriculture.
Indiana 4-H Youth Development partners with Purdue University academic departments to develop 4-H project guidelines. The
Monarch butterfly and Spotted Lanternfly statements are provided by Dr. Timothy J. Gibb, Department of Entomology.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (1
Year in Entomology)
Create a collection based on the year in Entomology or an educational exhibit.
Year in
Collection Information Total
year 10 insects, identified and pinned on cards (ID 401A) 1
year 20 insects, mounted (pins or vials). Identify all insects by common
name and identify five (5) to order. Include card ID 401B.
year 30 insects, mounted (pins or vials). Identify all insects by common
name and identify 15 to order. Include ID 401C.
Intermediate (4
Year in Entomology)
Create a collection based on the year in Entomology or an educational exhibit.
Year in
Collection Information Total
year 40 insects, exhibit a minimum of 6 orders, mounted (pins or vials).
Identify all insects by common name and order. Include ID 401D.
year 50 insects, exhibit a minimum of 8 orders, mounted (pins or vials).
Identify all insects by common name and order. Identify ten (10) to
family. Include card ID 401E.
year 60 insects, exhibit a minimum of 10 orders, mounted (pins or vials).
Identify all insects by common name and order. Identify 30 to family.
Include card ID 401F.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Advanced (7
Year in Entomology)
Create a collection based on the year in Entomology or an educational exhibit. Advanced level
insect collections are to also include an education box, for a total of four boxes. Advanced level youth
may instead create an independent study topic of choice.
Year in
Collection Information Total
year 70 insects, exhibit a minimum of 12 orders, mounted (pins or vials).
Identify all insects by common name, order, and family. One
educational box, theme: insect behavior. Include card ID 401I.(1-3
collection boxes plus 1 educational box*). Place ID 401I in first
collection box only.
Card ID 401I download
year 80 insects, exhibit a minimum of 14 orders, mounted (pins or vials).
Identify all insects by common name, order, and family. One
educational box, theme: insect pest management. Include card ID 401I.
(1-3 collection boxes plus 1 educational box*). Place ID 401I in first
collection box only.
Card ID 401I download
year 90 insects, exhibit a minimum of 16 orders, mounted (pins or vials).
Identify all insects by common name, order, and family. One
educational box, theme: insects in the environment. Include card ID
401I. (1-3 collection boxes plus 1 educational box*). Place ID 401I in
first collection box only.
Card ID 401I download
year 100 insects, exhibit a minimum of 18 orders, mounted (pins or vials).
Identify all insects by common name, order, and family. One
educational box, theme: benefits of insects. Include card ID 401I. (1-3
collection boxes plus 1 educational box*). Place ID 401I in first
collection box only.
Card ID 401I download
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Saturday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
This project teaches youth skills to present themselves in a professional manner by providing an
opportunity for youth to model the outfit constructed in the 4-H sewing project.
State Fair Entries:
6 senior exhibits per county with no more than two exhibits per category. An exhibitor may
participate in only one senior fashion revue category at state fair.
Note State fair fashion revue grand champion will be selected from the six senior sewing
category champions modeling their sewn garment or outfit plus the advanced consumer clothing
champion modeling their purchased outfit.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All garments and outfits modeled in Fashion Revue, except consumer clothing entries, must have
been constructed by the 4-H member modeling that same garment or outfit. Youth qualifying to exhibit
the same garment or outfit in Indiana State Fair Sewing and Fashion Revue must choose which project
they wish to participate as one cannot exhibit the same garment or outfit in both projects at state fair.
DEFINITION OF AN OUTFIT: An outfit is a garment or garments that when put together
make a complete look - such as one or two piece dress, or one or two piece pant suit, or a three piece
combination, such as pants, vest, and blouse or shirt.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Junior (grades 3-7 suggested)
Model the garment or outfit constructed for the sewing project. Accessories may be purchased or
selected from what you currently have.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Senior Categories (grades 8-12 suggested)
Informal or Casual Wear: A complete outfit of 1 or 2 pieces suitable for school, weekend, or casual,
informal activities. In this category, a complete outfit is defined as a garment or garments that when
put together make a complete look - such as one or two piece dress, or one or two piece pant suit, or a
combination, such as pants, vest, blouse or shirt.
Dress Up: This is suitable for special, church, or social occasions that are not considered to be formal. It
may be an outfit of one or more pieces with or without its own costume coat or jacket (lined or unlined).
This is not an outfit that would be worn to school, weekend, or casual, informal activities.
Free Choice: A complete outfit comprised of garments that do not fit in the other classifications. A
complete outfit is defined as a garment or garments that when put together make a complete look -
such as one or two piece dress, or one or two piece pant suit, or a three piece combination, such as
pants, vest, and blouse or shirt. Individual garment examples include: tennis wear, swim wear,
athletic or sportswear, lounge wear, riding habits, historic, dance, theatrical, or international
costumes, capes, and unlined coats.
Suit or Coat: The suit consists of two pieces including a skirt or pants and its own lined jacket. It is not
a dress with jacket as in "dress up wear". The coat is a separate lined coat. It will be judged separately as
a coat with its own accessories.
Separates: Consists of three garments that must be worn as a coordinated complete outfit. In
this category, a complete outfit is defined as a garment or garments that when put together make a
complete look - a three piece combination, such as pants, vest, and blouse or shirt. Each piece
should be versatile enough to be worn with other garments.
Formal Wear: This outfit may be one or more pieces suitable for any formal occasion, such as proms,
weddings, and formal evening functions.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Saturday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Youth will learn basic information and skills needed to grow healthy plants and flowers as well as
floral design techniques.
State Fair Entries:
8 floral exhibits per county, 2 per level
4 educational exhibits per county, 1 per level
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Floral arrangements can be constructed using fresh flowers and greenery grown yourself or
purchased, flowers and greenery dried yourself or purchased, or artificial flowers or greenery.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Level A (grades 3-4 suggested)
Floral Option - Create a simple bud vase (1-3 stems of main flower plus appropriate filler and/or
greenery) or simple round arrangement (small, compact round cluster of flowers plus appropriate filler
and/or greenery).
Educational Display Option Create a poster, notebook or display about 1 of the following:
1. Chronicle your work in your flower garden (planning, planting, care, harvest, arrangement made
with your flowers)
2. Describe how you planned or designed your garden, including how you chose the kinds of
3. Explain how you harvested your flowers, cared for them, and used them in an arrangement.
4. Explore and explain: pollination - what it is, why important, different ways it occurs or
transplanting - what, how, things to watch out for; or role of insects with flowers (good, bad or
5. Explore and explain seed germination.
6. Explore and explain how to care for a 'sick' plant.
7. Report on interview with a floriculture professional (what do they do, types of jobs, type of
training, hours worked, etc.)
8. Describe an experiment you did and the results.
9. Describe a community service project you did related to your flowers project.
10. Another similar activity.
Level B (grades 5-6 suggested)
Floral Option Create a mixed planter that includes 3 or more kinds of plants, make an item from dried
plants, or display a house plant (flowering or non-flowering) you’ve grown.
Educational Display Option Create a poster, notebook or display about 1 of the following:
1. Report how you harvested your flowers and/or herbs, cared for them, dried them, and used
2. Explore and explain: insects and your flowers and/or herbs.
3. Explore and explain: starting seeds indoors -- the process and pros and cons.
4. Explore and explain: perennials -- what are they, how are they used, benefits or drawbacks.
5. Investigate and describe a butterfly garden -- what types of plants, benefits to insects and
butterflies, etc.
6. Describe how you planned or designed your garden, including how you chose the kinds of plants,
any problems, successes.
7. Describe your houseplant - how you cared for, transplanted to larger pot, any problems, or
8. Explore and explain: plant biology -- form and function, growth, photosynthesis, etc.
9. Explore and explain: how to grow plants indoors -- things to consider, common problems and
10. Explore and explain: environmental effects related to plants (such as light, water, soil, or
11. Describe an experiment you did and the results.
12. Explore and explain topics from "Imagine That" -- plants around the world, information about
different cultural uses of plants, different ways you used your plants/herbs/flowers.
13. Another similar activity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Level C (grades 7-9 suggested)
Floral Option Create a terrarium, combination or European planter (3 or more kinds of plants),
corsage, boutonniere, or specialty arrangement in a container (using dried flowers, roses, or lilies as the
primary content).
Educational Display Option Create a poster, notebook or display about 1 of the following:
1. Explore and explain: vegetative propagation -- how to, different types, problems and solutions,
different uses of.
2. Explore and explain: plant nutrients -- what are they, why does the plant need them, what
happens if the plant has too much or too little, planters or containers vs. garden.
3. Investigate the design of multiple plant containers -- how to, things to considers, selecting plant
materials, uses of.
4. Describe how you created your corsage or boutonnieres; or dried arrangement. Be sure to include
appropriate information on design principles and how they are used to create your arrangement.
5. Explore and explain: floral tools and materials (how to use, what they are, care of tools, different
uses of a tool or material).
6. Explore and explain: preserving cut flowers -- how, problems, uses of and/or diseases related to
cut flowers.
7. Illustrate, explore and explain how you dry flowers or other plant materials and/or describe
different methods and/or how, why use them.
8. Explore and explain: medicinal uses and toxicity of fresh and dried flowers and plants.
9. Describe an experiment you did and the results.
10. Describe a career exploration activity you did, such as job shadow, interview with a professional.
11. Describe a community service activity you did related to your flowers project -- what you did,
why, results, etc.
12. Another similar activity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Level D (grades 10-12 suggested)
Floral Option Create a seasonal arrangement, modern or contemporary arrangement, bridal bouquet,
special occasion centerpiece, or plant you have propagated and grown yourself.
Educational Display Option Create a poster, notebook or display about 1 of the following:
1. Describe how you created your arrangement, include information on the design principles
2. Explore and explain how you utilize different flowers to make a similar style arrangement for
different seasons (tulips in spring, mums in fall, etc.) or how to utilize similar flowers to make
different styles of arrangements.
3. Explore and explain: the cost of arrangement and/or a cost comparison with flowers (different
types flowers, different time year, etc.).
4. Explore and explain: forcing flowers (bulbs, branches, etc.).
5. Explore and explain: marketing in the floral industry (large or small business) and/ or a market
survey and results, and how they can benefit the floral industry.
6. Explore and explain: how to start a business related to the floral industry and may include a
business plan.
7. Explore and explain the origins of flowers and/or the floriculture industry around the world.
8. Explore and explain: tissue culture, biotechnology, or traditional breeding of new flower types --
what are they, how are they used, pros and cons.
9. Explore and explain: be a plant detective -- what kinds of problems might you have in growing
and caring for flowers, and how to solve.
10. Describe an experiment you did and the results.
11. Describe a community service activity you did related to your flowers project: how, why, results.
12. Another similar activity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Saturday prior to the fair
The foods project teaches basic baking, preservation and nutrition education skills.
State Fair Entries for Foods, Baked & Food, Preserved:
2 Level A entries per county.
2 Level B entries per county.
3 Level C entries per county.
3 Level D entries per county.
Microwave Cooking and Create-A-Mix are not eligible for State Fair.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Refer to the Purdue Extension Food Preservation
web site for resources and Purdue Extension
educators trained to answer food preservation questions.
Purdue Extension Food Safety Policy (revised 10/2020):
For Food Competitions: Fillings, frostings, glazes, and meringues are not permitted to
contain cream cheese, sour cream, heavy cream, or whipped cream if they are not fully cooked/baked.
These items are allowed as ingredients in food products IF the final product is cooked/baked.
Additionally, raw milk, raw milk products or uncooked eggs/egg whites are not permitted. Eggs/egg
whites that have been cooked to 160
F (i.e. pasteurized or included as part of a batter and baked) are
acceptable. No home- canned fruits, vegetables, or meats are permitted as ingredients in food
Foods should be transported to the competition in a way that minimizes contamination and
maintains the quality of the food (i.e. foods that are judged as frozen should remain frozen at all
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Recipes must be provided that identifies all ingredients that were used in each part of the product.
Any ingredient that could be a potential allergen must be clearly identified. Potential food allergens
include, but are not limited to, milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, crustacean shellfish, wheat, soy and
sesame. Each food product must be labeled with the following information:
Address (4-H member information can be taken from enrollment if needed)
Contact information (phone and/or email address; 4-H member information can be taken
from enrollment if needed)
Date the food product was made
Contestants should carefully wash their hands and make sure that their hands do not have any
open cuts before preparing foods. If cuts are present, the wound should be bandaged and a single use
food service glove worn on the hand during all stages of food production. Contestants should not be
preparing food exhibits for competition within 48 hours of recovering from any illness. People
experiencing symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and/or jaundice should not be allowed to prepare
Judges and individuals who will consume products from county and/or state competitions
should be informed that they are at risk for foodborne illness since the established policy cannot
guarantee that an entry has been properly prepared or handled before, during or following the
competition. The food products for competitions are home produced and processed and the production
area is not inspected by the Indiana Department of Health. Tasting of a food product is solely at the
discretion of the judge and consumers. Judges are NOT to taste any home preserved foods such as
low-acid or acidified foods like green beans, tomatoes or tomato products, jams/jellies/fruit preserves
or fermented products produced in the home.
A completed recipe card is to be submitted with each exhibit. Recipe cards are for judging
purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor. Laminating, wrapping the recipe card in plastic,
or placing it in a clear plastic bag is optional. Since it is illegal in the State of Indiana for youth under the
age of 21 to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages, 4-H members are to use recipes that do not
include an alcoholic beverage as an ingredient. A suitable non-alcoholic or imitation product may be
Baked food products may be from a boxed mix following the instructions, a boxed mix with
added ingredients, or ingredients combined from scratch. Youth are to place their name, county and
club on the bottom side of their plate, pan or other container and the official entry tag provided will be
placed with the exhibit.
A completed recipe card is to be submitted with each exhibit. Recipe cards are for judging
purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor. Laminating, wrapping the recipe card in plastic,
or placing it in a clear plastic bag is optional. Since it is illegal in the State of Indiana for youth under the
age of 21 to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages, 4-H members are to use recipes that do not
include an alcoholic beverage as an ingredient. A suitable non-alcoholic or imitation product may be
Baked food products should be covered during transport and displayed on a paper or foam plate,
or another type of disposable container. Pies, casseroles and other similar items are to be baked in a
disposable pan. Cakes and sticky items may be displayed on a cardboard strong enough to support the
item and covered in foil, plastic, wax paper, or similar substance.
Perishable baked exhibits entered for state fair competition will not be displayed and instead will
be donated to a central Indiana homeless shelter.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Preserved food products should be displayed in an appropriate container, preferably
disposable. Containers will not be returned to the exhibitor.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Frozen exhibits entered for state fair competition will not be displayed and instead will be
donated to a central Indiana homeless shelter. Home-canned exhibits will be displayed but will be
disposed at the state fair’s conclusion.AKA, jars will not be returned from State Fair!!
Level A (grades 3-4)
Baked: Choose one or more of the baked products below, or a similar baked product of choice. It is
suggested a participant choose a different option each year, but this is not a requirement. Exhibits entered at
state fair will be donated to local homeless shelters after being judged and not displayed.
Three uniced snack sized cookies.
Three standard sized unlined muffins.
Three standard sized unlined muffins containing an ingredient that is a source of Vitamin A or C.
Three snack sized granola bars.
Three snack sized brownies or blondies.
An educational poster, notebook or display about a food or nutrition topic of choice that is
age/grade appropriate.
Any other similar baked item.
Preserved: Choose one or more of the preserved products below, or a similar preserved product of choice.
It is suggested a participant choose a different option each year, but this is not a requirement. Exhibits
entered at state fair will be donated to local homeless shelters and not displayed.
A package of 3 baked or unbaked, snack-sized (approximately 2”-3” individual size) frozen cookies.
Display in freezer bag or freezer container. (NOTE: Freezer containers will not be returned.) Include
index card with recipe and instructions for defrosting or baking. Label with name of product, quantity,
and date frozen.
One package of frozen berries. Display in freezer bag or freezer container. (NOTE: Freezer containers
will not be returned.) Include index card with recipe and instructions for cooking or defrosting. Label
with name of product, quantity, and date frozen.
One package of dehydrated fruit or vegetable. Display in an appropriate bag or container. Include index
card with recipe and instructions for cooking or defrosting. Label with name of product, quantity, and
date dehydrated.
An educational poster, notebook or display about a food or nutrition topic of choice that is age/grade
Any other similar preserved item.
Create-A-Mix County Only - Requirements:
Exhibit: Create cookies using a box mix and at least 2 additional ingredients of your choice. Bring a package of 6
cookies. Bring original recipes and the recipes you created.
Microwave Cooking County Only RequirementsGrade 3:
Exhibit: A microwave snack 1 serving in plastic container.
Microwave Cooking County Only RequirementsGrade 4:
Exhibit: Microwave fudge 6 pieces.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Level B (grades 5-6)
Baked: Choose one or more of the baked products below, or a similar baked product of choice. It is
suggested a participant choose a different option each year, but this is not a requirement. Exhibits entered at
state fair will be donated to local homeless shelters after being judged and not displayed.
A single layer cake without frosting.
A single layer reduced-fat cake without frosting. Reduce the amount of fat in the recipe by using a
fruit puree or baby food fruit product that does not contain yogurt.
A standard loaf-sized quick bread.
A standard loaf-sized quick bread containing an ingredient that is a source of Vitamin A or C.
A coffee-cake.
A coffee-cake containing an ingredient that is a source of Vitamin A or C.
Three biscuits or scones that are plain, sweet or savory.
Three biscuits or scones that are plain, sweet or savory using a whole grain flour mixture.
Three biscuits or scones that are plain, sweet or savory containing an ingredient that is a source of
Vitamin A or C.
Three no-yeast, any shape pretzels (shaped, stick or nugget).
Three no-yeast, any shape pretzel with a whole grain flour mixture (shaped, stick or nugget).
Three no-yeast breadsticks.
Three no-yeast cinnamon rolls or other flavored roll without icing or glaze.
A no-yeast sweet bread without icing or glaze.
An educational poster, notebook or display about a food or nutrition topic of choice that is age/grade
Any other similar baked item.
Preserved: Choose one or more of the preserved products below, or a similar preserved product of choice.
It is suggested a participant choose a different option each year, but this is not a requirement. A square,
oblong or round layer cake. Exhibits entered at state fair will be donated to local homeless shelters and not
One uncooked frozen mini-pizza using whole-grain pita bread, English muffin, bagel, or already
prepared crust (no larger than 7" in diameter) with toppings of your choice. Include at least 4
MyPlate food groups on your pizza. Meat toppings such as hamburger, sausage, bacon, etc. must be
cooked. Display on covered cardboard inside freezer bag. Include index card with recipe and
instructions for cooking. Label with name of product, quantity, and date frozen.
One package of any frozen vegetable or combination vegetables. Display in freezer bag or freezer
container. (NOTE: Freezer containers will not be returned.) Include index card with instructions for
defrosting and cooking. Label with name of product, quantity, and date frozen.
One container of frozen fruit or vegetable juice. Include index card with instructions for defrosting
and cooking. Label with name of product, quantity, and date frozen.
One container of frozen soup. Include index card with recipe and instructions for defrosting and
cooking. Label with name of product, quantity, and date frozen.
A frozen ready-to-eat breakfast sandwich, burrito or similar item. Display on covered cardboard
inside freezer bag. Include index card with recipe and instructions for cooking. Label with name of
product, quantity, and date frozen.
An educational poster, notebook or display about a food or nutrition topic of choice that is age/grade
Any other similar preserved item.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Create-A-Mix County Only - Requirements:
Exhibit: Create brownies using a box mix and at least 2 additional ingredients of your choice. Bring a package of 6
brownies. Bring original recipes and the recipes you created.
Microwave Cooking County Only RequirementsGrade 5:
Exhibit: Microwave bar cookies or brownies 6 bars.
Microwave Cooking County Only Requirements- Grade 6:
Exhibit: Microwave upside down cake one whole cake.
Level C (grades 7-9)
Baked: Choose one or more of the baked products below, or a similar baked product of choice. It is
suggested a participant choose a different option each year, but this is not a requirement. Exhibits entered at
state fair will be donated to local homeless shelters after being judged and not displayed.
Three yeast bread sticks or yeast rolls (any shape, medium size not a sweet roll)
Three (3) yeast bread sticks or yeast rolls (any shape, medium size - not a sweet roll), using a whole grain
flour mixture. Participants are expected to learn how to knead bread dough by hand and allow it to rise
appropriately. It is NOT acceptable to use a home bread maker.
A yeast bread loaf or braid. Participants are expected to learn how to knead bread dough by hand and
allow it to rise appropriately. It is NOT acceptable to use a home bread maker.
A yeast bread (can be loaf, braid) using a whole grain flour mixture such as whole wheat, rye, oat bran, etc.
Participants are expected to learn how to knead bread dough by hand and allow it to rise appropriately. It
is NOT acceptable to use a home bread maker.
Homemade pizza using a yeast dough. Judges are not expecting this item to be presented hot out of the
One package of an, invented healthy snack (such as a granola bar, popcorn snack, trail mix, etc.). Your
snack must include at least 2 food groups from MyPlate. Exhibit must include your snack product and a
separate folder containing a marketing plan with product name, recipe, how it will be packaged, a package
design, where it will be sold and suggested selling price. Style your snack for a photo shoot and include the
picture in your marketing plan. Label should include product name, date, quantity, and serving size.
Prepare an entrée casserole that meets three MyPlate requirements for a meal. Use care when
transporting to prevent spoilage. Judges are not expecting this casserole to be presented hot out of the
An educational poster, notebook or display about a food or nutrition topic of choice that is age/grade
Any similar baked item.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Preserved: Choose one or more of the preserved products below, or a similar preserved product of choice.
It is suggested a participant choose a different option each year, but this is not a requirement. Exhibits
entered at state fair will be donated to local homeless shelters and not displayed.
One (1) container of freezer jam. Include index card with recipe and instructions for storing.
Label with name of product, quantity, and date frozen.
One jar of a canned tomato product using the Hot Pack Method for a boiling water bath canner,
such as tomato juice, catsup, barbecue sauce, or salsa. Include index card with recipe and
instructions for cooking or using the product. Label with name of product, quantity, and date
canned. Canned products must have the ring on the jar top to protect the seal. Note: Only
food preservation products made using USDA approved recipes and techniques
are acceptable.
One jar of a canned pickled product or canned pickles. Include index card with recipe,
processing, and storage instructions. (Products using a fancy pack are not accepted.) Label
with name of product, quantity, and date canned. Canned products must have the ring on the
jar top to protect the seal. Note: Only food preservation products made using USDA
approved recipes and techniques are acceptable.
Frozen yeast dough (bread loaf, roll balls, sticks, pizza, etc.). Include index card with recipe and
instructions for defrosting and cooking. Label with name of product, quantity, and date frozen.
An educational poster, notebook or display about a food or nutrition topic of choice that is
age/grade appropriate.
Any similar preserved item.
Create-A-Mix County Only - Requirements:
Exhibit: Create quick bread “muffins, corn beard, biscuits, etc.” using a box mix and at least 2 additional ingredients of
your choice. Bring a package of 6 pieces or whole container of quick bread. Bring original recipes and the recipes you
Microwave Cooking County Only - Requirements:
Exhibit: Grade 7 Microwave fruit crisp one whole crisp
Grade 8 Microwave coffee cake one whole cake
Grade 9 Microwave candy 6 pieces
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Level D (grades 10-12 suggested)
Baked: Choose one or more of the baked products below, or a similar baked product of choice. It is
suggested a participant choose a different option each year, but this is not a requirement. Exhibits entered at
state fair will be donated to local homeless shelters after being judged and not displayed.
A single or double crust baked fruit pie (no graham cracker crust). (Note: Custards, cream, cream
cheese frosting and fillings, and raw egg white frosting are not acceptable in an exhibit because they
are highly perishable when left at room temperatures.)
A baked food product for a catered meal or special event in which organizers have requested low fat
and/or reduced sugar items. Exhibit will include your food product and a notebook outlining how
this product is to be used at the event, menu, supplies to buy, preparation schedule, equipment, table
layout, etc. A table display is optional.
Select a condition in which people have to specifically modify their eating habits (diabetes, heart
disease, Celiac disease, food allergies, etc.) Prepare a baked food product appropriate for someone
with this condition. Exhibit will include your food product and a notebook summarizing the
condition or allergy, nutrition considerations involved with the condition, a description of your
baked item, and an explanation of how it fits within the nutrition considerations. Make sure to note
any ingredients that could cause an allergic reaction.
Prepare an entrée casserole that meets four MyPlate requirements for a meal. Use care when
transporting to prevent spoilage. Judges are not expecting this casserole to be presented hot out of
the oven.
An international or ethnic food of choice. This may be a cold or hot product. Use care when
transporting to prevent spoilage. Judges are not expecting this product to be presented hot out of the
A specialty pastry.
Create a baking mix and provide a sample of the baked product. Include an index card with
instructions, wet ingredients needed, and baking instructions.
An educational poster, notebook or display about a food or nutrition topic of choice that is age/grade
Any other similar baked item.
Preserved: Choose one or more of the preserved products below, or a similar preserved product of choice.
It is suggested a participant choose a different option each year, but this is not a requirement. Exhibits
entered at state fair will be donated to local homeless shelters and not displayed.
One jar of pressure canned vegetables, meat or combination product, such as soup, stew,
spaghetti sauce with meat, etc. Include index card with recipe and instructions for cooking or
using the product. (Products using a fancy pack are not accepted.) Label with name of product,
quantity, and date canned. Canned products must have the ring on the jar top to protect the
seal. Note: Only food preservation products made using USDA approved recipes
and techniques are acceptable.
One package of a combination food frozen entree in freezer container. The combination food
should contain 3 food groups from MyPlate. Exhibit should include an index card with recipe
and instructions for reheating. Display in disposable containers. No containers will be returned.
Label with name of product, quantity, and date frozen.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
A jar of cooked jam or a reduced-sugar fruit spread. Include recipe card. Label with name of
product, quantity, and date made. Note: Only food preservation products made using
USDA approved recipes and techniques are acceptable.
One container of a thaw and eat frozen prepared appetizer. Include index card with recipe and
instructions for defrosting. Label with name of product, quantity, and date frozen.
One container of a thaw and eat frozen prepared dessert. Include index card with recipe and
instructions for defrosting. Label with name of product, quantity, and date frozen.
An educational poster, notebook or display about a food or nutrition topic of choice that is
age/grade appropriate.
Any other similar preserved item.
Create-A-Mix County Only - Requirements:
Exhibit: Create and exhibit a cake or a baked non-perishable product using at least 2 other ingredients in addition to
those called for by the box mix. Originality & uniqueness in creating with a mix will also be taken into consideration
when judging the advanced division.
Bring original recipes and the recipes you created.
Microwave Cooking County Only - Requirements:
Exhibit: Grade 10 Microwave double layer or bundt cake one whole cake
Grade 11 Microwave pie 1 whole pie
Grade 12 Microwave jam or jelly 1 jar
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
This project teaches youth natural resources and forestry related skills.
State Fair Entries:
3 per county; one per level
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any forestry
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any forestry
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any forestry
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate, prepare a herbarium collection that contains at least 25
native Indiana forest leaves, or prepare a herbarium collection that contains at least 25 native Indiana
forest shrubs. Youth can also design and complete an independent study activity.
Herbarium Collections - Collect 25 terminal twigs and at least two leaves, if space allows (only
one compound leaf is required), from native forest trees. Mount the specimens on 11 ½" x 16 ½" paper.
One leaf on the twig must be mounted to show the back side of the leaf. Label each sheet with the
following: common name, scientific name, where collected, county where collected, date collected, name
of collector, and specimen number. Cover each specimen. There are no specific references given for
these exhibits. Youth are encouraged to use Extension publications, the Internet, books, and forest
specialists when collecting and identifying specimens. The herbarium collection must be accessible to
the judges. Do not cover it under the plastic that covers your poster. Youth may want to attach a folder or
other holder over your poster to hold the mounted, covered specimens.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Saturday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Youth will learn about plant growth, soil nutrition, and management of insects and diseases
related to fresh vegetable and herb production.
State Fair Entries:
1 collection per member, unlimited number of county entries.
5 single vegetable entries per member, unlimited number of county entries.
3 herb entries per member, unlimited number of county entries.
1 potato tray entry per member, unlimited number of county entries.
1 tomato plate entry per member, unlimited number of county entries.
1 educational exhibit entry per county.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Refer to Suggested 4-H Garden Exhibits, 4-H 970-w, to learn about size, weight, and other
suggested specifications.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Vegetable exhibits entered for state fair competition will not be displayed and instead will be
donated to a central Indiana food bank.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Level A (grades 3-4 suggested)
Choose one or more options outlined below. All vegetable and herb exhibits must include
common name, Latin name, and variety. Vegetable exhibits entered at state fair will be donated to local
food banks and homeless shelters after being judged and not displayed.
Level B (grades 5-6 suggested)
Choose one or more options outlined below. All vegetable and herb exhibits must include
common name, Latin name, and variety. Vegetable exhibits entered at state fair will be donated to local
food banks and homeless shelters after being judged and not displayed.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Level C (grades 7-9 suggested)
Choose one or more options outlined below. All vegetable and herb exhibits must include
common name, Latin name, and variety. Vegetable exhibits entered at state fair will be donated to local
food banks and homeless shelters after being judged and not displayed.
Level D (grades 10-12 suggested)
Choose one or more options outlined below. All vegetable and herb exhibits must include
common name, Latin name, and variety. Vegetable exhibits entered at state fair will be donated to local
food banks and homeless shelters after being judged and not displayed.
Garden Collection Option
Create a 3-plate, 4-plate, or 5-plate collection display of vegetables you have grown and cared for
from the single vegetable list. Display each vegetable on a disposable plate. Inclusion of flowers is
Single Vegetable Option
Display from the list below vegetables you have grown and cared for on a disposable plate.
Plated Display Description
Asparagus, 5 spears
Cowpea, black-eyed pea, southern pea, etc., 10 pods or ½ cup shelled
Snap, Green or Wax, 10 pods
Lima-large or small - 10 pods or ½ cup shelled
Navy, kidney, shell out, etc.-1/2 cup shelled
Round, flat, and long types, 3
Broccoli, 1 head
Broccoli raab
Broccoli raab, 3 heads
Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts, 5 heads
Chinese type (bok choy or pak choi), 1 head
Chinese type (napa cabbage), 1 head
Round, Flat or Pointed type, 1 head
Carrots, 3
Cauliflower, 1 head
Celery, 1 bunch
Chard, 10 bundled leaves
Collards, 10 bundled leaves
Sweet-yellow, white or bicolor, 3 ears
Dill, Pickling, 3
English or hothouse, 1
Slicing with seeds, 3
Eggplant, 1
Kale, 10 bundled leaves
Kohlrabi, 3
Muskmelon (cantaloupe), 1
Okra, 3 pods
Green, 5 onions in a bunch
Red, Yellow or White, 3
Parsnips, tops off, 3
Peas, edible pod such as snow peas ,10 pods
Peas, unshelled, 10 pods
Bell type, 3
Chili type, 3
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Serrano type, 3
Banana/Long/Wax/Hungarian type, 3
Pimiento type (red), 3
Cayenne type, 3
Jalapeno type, 3
Cherry type, 3
New Mexican, long green, Anaheim type, 3
Ancho type, 3
Tabasco type, 3
Habanero type, 3
Potatoes, any color, 3
Pumpkin, (other), 1
Table, Canning, or Ornamental, 1
Radishes, 5
Rhubarb, 3 stalks bundled
Rutabaga, 3
Spinach, 10 bundled leaves
Banana, or other large winter squash type, 1
Buttercups, Turbans, 1
Butternut, 1
Cushaw, 1
Hubbards blue, green or golden, 1
Scallops/Patty Pans, 1
Straight or crookneck i.e. summer squash, 1
Acorn, 1
Zucchini or cocozelle, 1
Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes, 3
Tomatillos, 3
Turnips, 3
Watermelon, 1
Herb Option
Display from the list below a single herb plant you have grown and cared for in an appropriate
size pot that has a saucer bottom.
Herb Name and Description
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) "all edible types"
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) "all edible types"
Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) "all edible types"
Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) "all edible types"
Coriander or Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) "all edible types"
Dill (Anethum graveolens)
French tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
Lavender (Lavendula sp.) "all edible types"
Mint (Mentha sp.) "all edible types"
Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) "all edible types"
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana)
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) "all edible types"
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Potato Tray Option
Display from the list below approximately 30 potatoes you have grown and cared for in a 12 ½
x18” tray. A tray will be provided when checking-in potato exhibits at state fair.
Potato Description
Red (Norland, Triumph), etc.
Russett (Haig, Norgold, Superior), etc.
White, long type (Kennebec), etc.
White, oval type (Irish Cobbler), etc.
White, round type (Katahdin), etc.
Other (yellow, blue, etc.)
Tomato Plate Option
Display from the list below tomatoes you have grown and cared for on a disposable plate.
Tomato Description
Pink or purple, 3
Red (for canning), 3
Red (for market), 3
Roma or paste type, 3
Intermediate type, 10
Small Cherry or Pear, 10
Yellow or orange, 3
Educational Exhibit Option
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any gardening
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Youth can also design and complete an independent study
County Awards for Garden Project:
Garden Exhibit:
o Award Division Champion & Reserve Division Champion to the following: Single Vegetable, 3 Plate,
4 Plate, & 5 Plate. Pick your Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Garden Exhibit from the Division
o Award Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Watermelon. No Division Champion.
o Award Division Champion & Reserve Division Champion to each type of Tomatoes. Pick the Grand
& Reserve Grand Champion Tomatoes from the Division Champions.
Potatoes Tray
o Award Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Potatoes Tray. No Division Champion.
o Award Division Champion & Reserve Division Champion to each type of Herb. Pick the Grand &
Reserve Grand Champion Herb from the Division Champions.
Educational Poster
o Award Division Champion & Reserve Division Champion to each age group (Junior, Intermediate, &
Senior). Pick the Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Educational Poster from the Division
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
This project helps young people know where their ancestors resided, traveled, and developed
some family tradition.
State Fair Entries:
5 entries per county; one per division.
Exhibit Guidelines:
Forms for this project are found on the Indiana 4-H Web site click
on "projects" and then on Genealogy to reach downloadable forms. This project is organized into
divisions and not grades for a youth cannot start in Division 3 without first completing Division 1 and
Division 2. This is a project that builds on the previous division information in order to be successful in
building your family tree. If you are using a genealogical commercial software program, you may need to
type in or hand write in information required by the Indiana 4-H genealogy project. See 4-H forms on the
4-H website linked above.
The exhibit will consist of no more than four (4) notebooks for Division 1-4 and first year Advanced
Division. (If a notebook requires additional space, label it as notebook x, continued.) Those notebooks
Book #1Appropriate size notebook or binder, contains introduction sheet, pedigree charts and
family group sheets
Book #2 Appropriate size notebook or binder, contains additional information worksheets and
diary of work
Book #3Appropriate size notebook or binder, contains supporting documents, pictures, etc.
Book #4Appropriate size notebook or binder, contains Advanced Division options only (Begin
using this notebook in first year of the advanced division or the fifth year of project enrollment.)
Another notebook should be maintained and kept in a secure place at home to keep original
personal and legal documents as well as previously exhibited work.
Note Youth may consolidate information in order to have fewer notebooks. In this case indicate
on the cover the notebook numbers included and use dividers to separate information by notebook
number as well as contents as indicated below.
Notebooks should be tabbed and in the following order:
Book #1 - Introductory Page; Pedigree Charts; Family Group Sheets
Book #2 - Additional Information Worksheets; Diary of Your Work
Book #3 - Any Other Documents (label with ancestor numbers on tab)
Book #4Advanced Division Options (label each tab separately with the specific option); Diary of
Your Work (this will be a second diary describing work done for each advanced division option)
Pedigree Charts, Family Group Sheets, Additional Information Worksheets, and Diary Sheets are to
be placed in the notebook back-to-back in sheet protectors to save space, reduce the information being
Knox County 2023 Handbook
damaged, and reduce the number of sheet protectors required.
So the notebook exhibit can be displayed to the public and to minimize the potential of identity
theft, original legal documents are NOT to be included in the exhibit notebook. Instead, a photocopy of
any legal document is to be included in the notebook and all identifiable information (like social security
numbers) except for names is to be completely marked out. Original legal documents are to be kept in a
secure location by the 4-H member and his/her family.
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where information
was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H members exhibit. This reference list
should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc.
Reference notations are to be made in the “source” column of the Family Group Sheet and on each
If information on a family member is unknown, an additional information worksheet for each
required ancestor is still required. Write “unknown” or “NIA” (no information available) in PENCIL for
each sheet of unknown ancestors or list several ancestors on a page and insert page in proper numerical
After exhibiting the 1
year of the ADVANCED Division, only the Advanced Division notebook (Book #4)
with ALL OPTIONS (no pedigree charts, no family group sheets, no additional information sheets, no
documents from Divisions1-5) needs to be exhibited each year the genealogy project continues.
Suggested Genealogy Supply List:
Four 3” D-ring notebooks (Book #1, #3, #4 will be exhibited and the fourth 3” D-ring notebook to
maintain documents at home and NOT exhibited.)
One 2” D-ring notebook (Book #2)
Computer or legible printing/handwriting (be consistent with method used)
#2 lead pencil with soft eraser
Black i
nk pen
Yellow highlighter
Notebook tabs AND acid free dividers (several tabs will be needed, be consistent with style used,
should not appear past edge of notebook)
Fine point permanent Black marker
Acid free and non-glare sheet protectors Acid free paper
Acid free glue stick
Acid free satin Scotch tape Scissors
Lots of creativity to make the exhibit your own while still following the exhibit guidelines.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Division 1 (1
year in project suggested)
Exhibit notebook that includes the following:
o Book #1
An Introduction page with a recent photograph of yourself.
Completed three-generation pedigree chart. This includes you, your parents, and your
grandparents, ancestors #1 through #7. Put all surnames in capital letters and all dates in
military form (12 July 1974). Give each person a number, as described in the "Recording the
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Information" section of the Indiana 4-H Genealogy Resource Guide 4-H 748. You must use
the pedigree charts listed at the, 4-H 748Pc-W or 4-H
748Pbw-W or the commercial software forms, but not the old "packet" pedigree charts.
A Family Group Sheet for your parents and each pair of grandparents. Sources of information
MUST be filled in on family group sheets (see section "Recording the Information").
o Book #2 (Ancestors 1-7 information)
Four (4) "Additional Information Worksheets":
one(1) for you, the 4-H member
one (1) for your parents
one (1) for each set of grandparents (total = two worksheets)
A diary of your work
o Book #3 (Ancestors 1-7 information)
Any documents or pictures pertaining to these three generations. Documents must be labeled
with ancestor name and ancestor number. Pictures need to be labeled with ancestor name, plus
names of all known people, place and date picture was taken, as well as ancestor numbers.
Division 2 (2
year in project suggested)
Exhibit notebook that includes the following:
o Book #1
Four-generation pedigree chart. This would include you, your parents, grandparents, and
great-grandparents, ancestors #1 through #15. You must use the pedigree charts listed at, 4-H 748Pc-W or 4-H 748Pbw-W or the commercial
software forms, but not the old "packet" pedigree charts
A Family Group Sheet for each pair of great-grandparents. Sources of information filled in on
family group sheets (see section "Recording the Information" in the Indiana 4-H Genealogy
Resource Guide 4-H 748).
o Book #2 (Ancestors 8-15 information)
An additional information worksheet for each set of great grandparents.
A diary of your work
o Book #3 (Ancestors 8-15 information)
Any photographs taken of tombstones of your ancestors and their children. Please document
location of tombstone(s) and label with ancestor name, ancestor number, and date photo was
taken. Rubbings are acceptable in lieu of photographs.
Any other documents or pictures pertaining to these generations, correctly labeled.
Exhibit Book #1, Book #2, and Book #3. Books 2 and 3 should only include Division 2 ancestors 8-15 and
related information.
Division 3 (3
year in project suggested)
Exhibit notebook that includes the following:
o Book #1
Five-generation pedigree chart, ancestors #1 through #31. Computer programs do not
generally print chart numbers, so if you are using a computer program, make sure you have
the correct number of ancestors. If an ancestor is UNKNOWN, please indicate as
UNKNOWN. You must use the pedigree charts listed at, 4-H 748Pc-W or 4-H 748Pbw-W, or the commercial
software forms, but not the old "packet" pedigree charts
Additional Family Group Sheets for generation five (5). Sources of information must be filled
Knox County 2023 Handbook
in on family group sheets (see section "Recording the Information" in Indiana 4-H
Genealogy Resource Guide 4-H 748.).
o Book #2 (Ancestors 16-31 information)
Additional information worksheets
A diary of your work
o Book #3 (Ancestors 16-31 information)
Write an autobiography, the story of your life. Include pictures, relevant dates, and important
events. OR, write an essay about what your hopes and dreams are for the future, or about life
goals you hope to attain.
Any documents or pictures pertaining to these generations, correctly labeled.
Exhibit Book #1, Book #2, and Book #3. Books 2 and 3 should only include Division 3 ancestors 16- 31
and related information.
Division 4 (4
year in project suggested)
Exhibit a notebook(s) that includes the following:
o Book #1
Six-generation pedigree charts, ancestors #1 through #63.Computer programs do not generally
print chart numbers, so if you are using a computer program, make sure you have the correct
number of ancestors. You must use the pedigree charts listed at, 4-H 748Pc-W or 4-H 748Pbw-W, or the commercial
software forms, but not the old "packet" pedigree charts
Additional Family Group Sheets for generation six (6). Sources of information must be filled in
on family group sheets (see section "Recording the Information").
o Book #2 (Ancestors 32-63 information)
Additional information worksheets
A diary of your work
Knox County 2023 Handbook
o Book #3 (Ancestors 32-63 information)
A copy of a photograph or a story of a sixth-generation ancestor. Include information about the
date when the photograph was taken, how or where you found it and what's happening in it or
why it was taken. If this is unavailable, write a story about the historical period during which
your sixth generation ancestor was living.
Any documents or pictures pertaining to these generations, correctly labeled.
Exhibit Book #1, Book #2, and Book #3. Books 2 and 3 should only include Division 4 ancestors 32- 63
and related information.
Advanced (5
year and above in project suggested)
Exhibit notebook that includes the following:
o Book #1
Seventh and eighth-generation pedigree charts, ancestors #64 through #255. If ancestry is
unknown, please indicate as Unknown. Computer programs do not generally print chart
numbers, so if you are using a computer program, make sure you have the correct number of
Your family group sheet for generations seven and eight.
Sources of information filled in on family group sheets (see section "Recording the
Information" in the Indiana 4-H Genealogy Resource Guide, 4-H 748).
o Book #2 (Ancestors 64-255 information)
Additional Information worksheets
Diary of your work
o Book #3 (Ancestors 64-255 information)
Any documents or pictures pertaining to these generations; correctly labeled.
o Book #4
One new advanced level option (see below). Advanced division exhibitors must include ALL
options submitted in prior years, with each option labeled with the year completed.
Pedigree charts are available on the Indiana 4-H Web site for your additional genealogy
research. EACH YEAR FOLLOWING, continue to add ancestors to your pedigree charts. In
addition, choose one of the following options that has not been completed previously. Please
identify, by letter, the option that you are completing (for example: Advanced Division, Year 1,
Option A; Advanced Division, Year 2, Option C; etc.)
Advanced Division Year 2 and beyond Exhibit Book #4 that contains advanced division options
and a second diary of work. If additional ancestry information was found in the seventh and eighth
generation, exhibit Book 1 noting ancestors completed this year along with Books 2 and 3
demonstrating this year’s work.
EXPLAIN the information received as to how it relates to you and your ancestors.
Copies of documents obtained in previous divisions are acceptable and should be
utilized in the option chosen if needed.
A. A migration map of your eight-generation ancestors. You should have at least one
Knox County 2023 Handbook
map per family line with charts or explanations of the migrations.
B. A timeline historical report of a family line. Show how this family fits into history.
Document your report as well as possible with dates, records, places or maps, pictures,
etc. Be sure to include proper labels and sources.
C. A census history of a family line. Census abstract forms can be found on several websites.
Download forms to abstract the census. Your notebook should contain copies of the census
and the completed abstract form for each census.
D. A history of your family's religious background for any family line or lines. Include a brief
history of the denomination. Include baptism, confirmation or profession of faith and
membership records. Also include information or history of the congregations involved. Be
sure to include proper labels and sources.
E. A history of your family's military service for a family line. Include supporting documents
when possible. These documents could include military records, (muster rolls, discharge
papers, etc.), pension records, and bounty land records, as well as maps and pictures. Be
sure to include proper labels and sources.
F. A research paper on a famous ancestor. Prove your relationship to this person with
documentation. Try to include pictures and anecdotes to enhance your paper.
G. Complete a family line or lines back as many generations as possible beyond eight
generations (ancestors 256 and beyond). Include pictures, maps and documents. Be sure
to include proper labels and sources.
H. A timeline historical report of another family line not previously completed. Document as
well as possible as in Option B. You need to state at the beginning that this is a second
family historical report on such ancestor.
I. A history of your family's military service for a family line not previously completed. Include
supporting documents as in Option E. You need to state at the beginning that this is a second
family military history report on such ancestor.
J. Family DNA history. (This can be a very expensive option) Please include charts and
explanations. i.e. use pie charts, ethnicity estimates, approximate percentage regionally,
number of countries searched, genetic percentage, family tree, graphs, etc.
K. Any other genealogy related activity of choice.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Geology involves studying the earth's crust, its layers, and their history. Youth learn to identify
Indiana rocks, minerals, and fossils.
State Fair Entries:
3 per county; one per level
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Specimens may also be displayed in a 24”x 18”x 3” collection box, displayed horizontally.
You may purchase your specimens and may display rocks, fossils, and minerals. If you purchase
a specimen, indicate when and where you purchased it and the location where you would expect to find
the specimen. If you collect a specimen, indicate the county and township where you found it.
Posters and display boxes will be exhibited "standing up" at the Indiana State Fair. Therefore,
you need to mount your specimens securely. Subject matter experts suggest the following methods:
soaking ½ cotton ball in Elmer's glue, hot glue, or clear tub sealant. Place the cotton ball in your box and
put your rock (or fossil or mineral) on the cotton ball and let sit. It will take 1-2 weeks for Elmer's glue to
fully harden. Specimens mounted with Elmer's glue can be removed by soaking the cotton ball in water.
Glue remaining on the rock may be brushed off with an old, damp toothbrush.
When exhibiting rocks show a fresh surface (recently cracked or broken surface) to help judges
identify the rock.
Labels - Include the specific geographical location where you would expect to find any specimens
as well as where you actually acquired it (found, purchased, etc.).
Do not identify your specimens any further than phylum and class. There is one exception to this
for fossils which are identified to phylum OR class. Class should only be used for fossils of mollusks,
backboned animals, and arthropods.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any geology
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any geology
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate, or collection of 8-16 minerals and/or fossils.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any geology
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate, or collection of 15-25 minerals and/or fossils and/or jewel
stones. Youth can also design and complete an independent study activity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
The 4-H Health project is designed for youth interested in basic first aid and healthy well-being,
as well as those interested in pursuing a medical profession career.
State Fair Entries:
3 exhibits per county; one per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any health
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Another option is to create a family first aid kit, emergency
kit, an emergency kit to take on a hiking, biking, skiing or similar trip, or another similar kit.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any health
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Another option is to create a personal nutrition kit to use
when doing physical activity like chores, working out at the gym, hiking, biking, skiing, or another
similar kit.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any health topic of choice
that is age/grade appropriate. Another option is to create an activity or guide to help yourself or others
become more aware of financial wellness, mental health, disease prevention, or other similar topic that
promotes healthy habits. Youth can also design and complete an independent study activity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Youth will apply the principles of design to home design and decoration as well as learn about
care of home furnishings.
State Fair Entries:
6 per county; two per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Choose one of the following options:
Furniture Item and Notebook create a wall hanging, storage organizer, a set of 3-5
accessory items or something similar for the home or similar activity.
Design Board and Notebook color a line drawing from your manual and create three
color schemes, color a line drawing from your manual and demonstrate dominant and
supportive color, or display a line drawing showing where furniture would be placed in
the room or similar activity.
Portfolio Collect different color schemes, magazines showing different furniture
designs, or magazines/photographs of formal vs informal balance, dominant and
supportive colors, etc. or similar activity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Choose one of the following options:
Furniture Item and Notebook refinish or repurpose a piece or set of furniture, storage
unit, or display a collection of 3-5 similar home accessory items, or similar activity.
Design Board and Notebook create a line drawing for a room in your home showing
furniture layout, accessory items and fixtures or similar activity.
Portfolio display a sample of three different types of wall treatment with explanation of
each, three different floor treatments with explanation of each, an energy plan for your
home, or similar activity.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Choose one of the following options:
Furniture Item and Notebook refinish or repurpose a piece or set of furniture, storage
unit, or display a collection of 3-5 similar home accessory items, or similar activity.
Design Board and Notebook display a floor plan for any room of your house or the
whole house or apartment, or similar activity.
Portfolio display a sample of three different lighting or window treatments with an
explanation of each, interview an interior designer and prepare a report, a home energy
saving proposal plan, or similar activity.
Exhibit Categories:
Furniture Item and Notebook
An actual piece of furniture accompanied by a standard notebook (3-ring binder) explaining the
who, what, when, where, why, and how of the chosen project. We suggest including pictures showing
where the item will be used. Also, we encourage 4-H members to include pictures of themselves doing
the project, but this is not required. Always place your identification information in the notebook and on
the furniture.
Design Board and Notebook
Standard 22" x 28" poster, displayed horizontally with a firm backing. Design boards must be
covered with plastic to protect and help hold items in place. An identification name tag must be attached
in the lower right corner. The notebook is to help explain the who, what, when, where, why, and how of
the chosen design. This can be a "before and after project" or "plan in the
future" project.
Standard notebook (3-ring binder). If 4-H members choose to do this option more than one year, we suggest
that they keep the previous year's materials in the notebook. Place materials for the current year in the front,
with the previous year's materials clearly marked or labeled at the back. Always place your identification
information in the notebook.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
The 4-H lawn and garden tractor and equipment program develops principles of engine
operation, hydraulic systems, electrical systems, safe operation skills.
State Fair Entries:
4 educational exhibits per county; one per level
3 junior and 3 senior driving contestants will qualify at the county level to compete at the area
level contest. 3 junior and 3 senior driving contestants will qualify at the area level to compete at
the state contest.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books,
magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board,
be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to
discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Youth may exhibit in the operator skills option, educational exhibit option or both. Youth
choosing to exhibit in the lawn and garden tractor, tractor, or zero-turn mower operator skills driving
option must select one, but may be enrolled in all three projects.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Educational Exhibit Option
Level A (grades 3-4 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any lawn and
garden tractor safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that is age/grade
Level B (grades 5-6 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any lawn and
garden tractor safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that is age/grade
Non-Driving Option due Wednesday prior to the fair
The Non-Driving option project is eligible for State Fair
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Level C (grades 7-9 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any lawn and
garden tractor safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that is age/grade
Level D (grades 10-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any lawn and
garden tractor safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that is age/grade
appropriate. Youth can also design and complete an independent study activity.
Operator Skills Option - NO LONGER OFFERED IN KNOX
The operator skills component is an educational and training activity conducted by adult 4-H
volunteers. A parent or guardian is encouraged to be present when their child is operating a lawn and
garden tractor. The adult 4-H volunteer has the authority to deny a child the opportunity to participate
in the operator skills option when it is deemed a child is unable to safely operate a lawn and garden
tractor due to size, weight, or any other reason that could place the child and/or others in harm.
Junior (grades 3-7 suggested)
Youth will demonstrate their operation skills by driving a lawn and garden tractor through an
obstacle course as outlined in 4-H 84, Conducting 4-H Operator Safety Contests.
Senior (grades 8-12 suggested)
Youth will demonstrate their operation skills by driving a lawn and garden tractor through an
obstacle course as outlined in 4-H 84, Conducting 4-H Operator Safety Contests.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project eligible for State Fair
This project teaches youth how to take quality photographs with a camera or digital device.
State Fair Entries:
2 beginner per county
3 intermediate per county
3 advanced per county
Exhibit Guidelines:
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or
covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using
no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an
exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
All images are to be original images taken by the 4-H member during the current program year.
Captions are not recommended.
Print board exhibits are to include 10 photos mounted on a poster as described above, each
no larger than 5”x7”. Number each print 1-10. Prints may be a mix of digital and/or standard
development. Create a title of choice for the print board exhibit. Space should be left in the lower right
hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Salon prints are to be no larger than 11”x14”, mounted on a standard 16”x20” salon mount, and
displayed vertically. Salon prints are to be placed in a clear plastic sleeve and captions are not
recommended. Space should be left in the lower right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by
Purdue Extension staff.
Images may be taken with a film camera, digital camera, cell phone, or other electronic device.
Altering of images by any other means besides the device it was taken with is to be entered in the
creative/experimental category. Creative/experimental exhibits must include the original photo on
the back side of the board, a description of how the image was altered, and equipment/software used to
alter the image.
Editing photos such as cropping, color adjustment, and other enhancements are considered to be
part of the normal photography educational learning process and are permissible. So judges can better
evaluate a photography exhibit, the 4-H member is asked to attach to the back of their salon or print
board exhibit the make and model of camera used and a description of any editing.
A photo that has been modified to change the original intent, meaning or story captured should
be entered in the creative or experimental class. Photos exhibited as creative or experimental are to
attach to the back of their exhibit the make and model of camera used, software or other tools used to
change the photo, a description of how the photo was changed, and copy of the original photo before
Sepia tone photographs (mono chromatic) are to be entered as black and white photos.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Choose one or more of the following:
Black and White Print Board
Color Print Board
Black and White Salon Print
Color Salon Print
Creative/Experimental Salon Print
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Choose one or more of the following:
Black and White Print Board
Color Print Board
Black and White Salon Print
Color Salon Print
Creative/Experimental Salon Print
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Choose one or more of the following:
Black and White Print Board
Color Print Board
Black and White Salon Print
Color Salon Print
Creative/Experimental Salon Print
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due and modeled one week before fair.
This project has exhibit eligible for County Only and State Fair.
Additional optional activity is Dress Review one week prior to fair
Sewing Non-Wearable: State Fair guidelines: The sewing project teaches fabric selection, pattern
selection and sewing machine use to construct items used around the home or other purposes.
Sewing Wearable: State Fair guidelines: T
he sewing project teaches fabric selection, pattern selection
and sewing machine use to construct garments and outfits to be worn by the 4-H member or another
State Fair Entries:
Sewing Non-Wearable: State Fair guidelines: 10 exhibits per county; one per grade level
Sewing Wearable: State Fair guidelines: 5 junior exhibits per county; one per grade level
6 senior exhibits per county; one per category
Exhibit Guidelines:
Older youth enrolled in the 4-H sewing project for the first time may not feel comfortable
demonstrating their assigned grade level skills. In this instance the county 4-H youth development
educator may, at the request of the 4-H member and parent, assign the member to a lower level grade
level to develop fundamental skills.
Provide a completed sewing skills card, 4-H 925c-W, with the exhibit. Skills sheets are for
judging purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using
information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Grade 3
Sewing Non-Wearable: State Fair guidelines: Create one non-wearable sewn item demonstrating
at least 2 skills from Sewing Skills and Techniques, 4-H-925-SC-W.
Sewing Wearable: State Fair guidelines: C
reate one clothing article to be worn by the 4-H
member or another person demonstrating at least 2 skills from Sewing Skills and Techniques, 4-H-925-
Grade 4
Sewing Non-Wearable: State Fair guidelines: Create one non-wearable sewn item, or set of items,
demonstrating at least 2 skills from Sewing Skills and Techniques, 4-H-925-SC-W, in addition to those
learned in the prior grade.
Sewing Wearable: State Fair guidelines: C
reate one clothing article to be worn by the 4-H
member or another person demonstrating at least 2 skills from Sewing Skills and Techniques, 4-H-925-
SC-W, in addition to those learned in the prior grade.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Grade 5
Sewing Non-Wearable: State Fair guidelines: Create one non-wearable sewn item, or set of items,
demonstrating at least 3 skills from Sewing Skills and Techniques, 4-H-925-SC-W, in addition to those
learned in prior grades.
Sewing Wearable: State Fair guidelines: Create one clothing article or a simple two piece outfit to
be worn by the 4-H member or another person demonstrating at least 3 skills from Sewing Skills and
Techniques, 4-H-925-SC-W, in addition to those learned in prior grades.
Grade 6
Sewing Non-Wearable: State Fair guidelines: Create one non-wearable sewn item, or set of items,
demonstrating at least 4 skills from Sewing Skills and Techniques, 4-H-925-SC-W, in addition to those
learned in prior grades.
Sewing Wearable: State Fair guidelines: C
reate two garments that can be worn together to be
worn by the 4-H member or another person demonstrating at least 4 skills from Sewing Skills and
Techniques, 4-H-925-SC-W, in addition to those learned in prior grades.
Grade 7
Sewing Non-Wearable: State Fair guidelines: Create one non-wearable sewn item, or set of items,
demonstrating at least 5 skills from Sewing Skills and Techniques, 4-H-925-SC-W, in addition to those
learned in prior grades.
Sewing Wearable: State Fair guidelines: Create an outfit that can be worn by the 4-H member or
another person demonstrating at least 5 skills from Sewing Skills and Techniques, 4-H-925-SC-W, in
addition to those learned in prior grades
Senior Exhibit Category Class Guidelines (grades 8-12):
Sewing Non-Wearable: State Fair guidelines: Create one non-wearable sewn item, or set of items,
demonstrating at least 6 skills from Sewing Skills and Techniques, 4-H-925-SC-W, in addition to those
learned in prior grades:
Sewing Wearable: State Fair guidelines: Youth may enter an exhibit in one or more categories.
Create an outfit from one of the categories defined below that can be worn by the exhibitor or another
person demonstrating at least 6 skills from Sewing Skills and Techniques, 4-H-925-SC-W, in addition to
those learned in prior grades.
All senior sewing outfits exhibited in Fashion Revue must be made and worn by the
DEFINITION OF AN OUTFIT: An outfit is a garment or garments that when put
together make a complete look - such as one or two piece dress, or one or two piece pant
suit, or a three piece combination, such as pants, vest, and blouse or shirt.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Informal or Casual Wear:
A complete outfit of 1 or 2 pieces suitable for school, weekend, or casual, informal
activities. In this category, a complete outfit is defined as a garment or garments that when
put together make a complete look - such as one or two piece dress, or one or two piece pant
suit, or a t combination, such as pants, vest, blouse or shirt.
Dress Up:
This is suitable for special, church, or social occasions that are not considered to be
formal. It may be an outfit of one or more pieces with or without its own costume coat or jacket
(lined or unlined). This is not an outfit that would be worn to school, weekend, or casual,
informal activities.
Free Choice:
A complete outfit comprised of garments that do not fit in the other classifications.
A complete outfit is defined as a garment or garments that when put together make a
complete look - such as one or two piece dress, or one or two piece pant suit, or a three
piece combination, such as pants, vest, and blouse or shirt. Individual garment examples
include: tennis wear, swim wear, athletic or sportswear, lounge wear, riding habits,
historic, dance, theatrical, or international costumes, capes, and unlined coats.
Suit or Coat:
The suit consists of two pieces including a skirt or pants and its own lined jacket. It is
not a dress with jacket as in "dress up wear". The coat is a separate lined coat. It will be
judged separately as a coat with its own accessories.
Consists of three garments that must be worn as a coordinated complete outfit.
In this category, a complete outfit is defined as a garment or garments that when put
together make a complete look - a three piece combination, such as pants, vest, and
blouse or shirt. Each piece should be versatile enough to be worn with other garments.
Formal Wear:
This outfit may be one or more pieces suitable for any formal occasion, such as proms,
weddings, and formal evening functions.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
The 4-H shooting sports project teaches safe operation of firearms and archery
State Fair Entries:
3 per county; one per level
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H
member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be
attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included
as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way
references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic
sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to
sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower
right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Live ammunition is not allowed to be exhibited (no powder or primer). Firearms or
ready to shoot bows are not allowed to be exhibited. Unstrung bows are permissible.
An arrow with its arrowhead attached must be displayed in a secure case. An
arrowhead without the arrow attached must be displayed in a secure case. An arrow may be
displayed unsecured if its arrowhead is removed. Modern broadhead arrows are not allowed
to be exhibited.
Displays involving firearms or bows may be exhibited as a photographic display on a
poster or in a notebook following grade level guidelines. Handmade items must include
information explaining how the item was made and its intended use. Photos are encouraged.
Some county 4-H programs offer in-person shooting instruction, depending on
facilities. Disciplines include archery, rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader and pistol. In-person
instruction in any of these disciplines must be led by a 4-H certified instructor. While some
counties provide an option to exhibit at the county level, there is no state fair exhibit in these
specific disciplines. Contact your county 4-H educator to learn about discipline
opportunities in your county.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity,
therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about a shooting sports topic of
choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about a shooting sports topic of
choice that is age/grade appropriate. Another option is to create an item to be used when
developing shooting sports skills.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about a shooting sports topic of
choice that is age/grade appropriate. Another option is to create an item to be used when
developing shooting sports skills. Youth can also design and complete an independent study
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
The 4-H Small Engine project creates the education and hands-on opportunity for
youth to learn all about engines.
State Fair Entries:
3 per county; one per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H
member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be
attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included
as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way
references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic
sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to
sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower
right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
The actual small engine may be displayed if mounted on a stable base. For safety
reasons, all fluids (fuel and oil) must be removed before taking the exhibit inside a building.
A notebook is to accompany the engine display and include details and pictures of what was
done to the engine.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity,
therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any small engine topic of
choice that is age/grade appropriate or a rebuilt small engine.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any small engine topic of
choice that is age/grade appropriate or a rebuilt small engine.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any small engine topic of
choice that is age/grade appropriate or a rebuilt small engine. Youth can also design and
complete an independent study activity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
The soil and water science project teaches youth about soil, water, and environmental
State Fair Entries:
3 per county; one per level
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H
member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be
attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included
as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way
references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic
sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to
sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower
right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity,
therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any soil and water topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any soil and water topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any soil and water topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Youth can also design and
complete an independent study activity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
The 4-H sportfishing project teaches safe habits and youth develop an appreciation
for natural resources.
State Fair Entries:
3 per county; one per level
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H
member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be
attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included
as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way
references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic
sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to
sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower
right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity,
therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about a sportfishing topic of choice
that is age/grade appropriate.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about a sportfishing topic of choice
that is age/grade appropriate. Another option is to create an item to be used when
developing sportfishing skills.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about a sportfishing topic of choice
that is age/grade appropriate. Another option is to create an item to be used when
developing sportfishing skills. Youth can also design and complete an independent study
Knox County 2023 Handbook
TRACTOR Safety & Operator Skills
Driving Contest will accrue sometime before fair
Non-Driving Option poster due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
The 4-H tractor and equipment program develops principles of engine operation,
hydraulic systems, electrical systems, safe operation skills.
State Fair Entries:
4 educational exhibits per county; one per level
3 junior and 3 senior driving contestants will qualify at the county level to compete at
the area level contest. 3 junior and 3 senior driving contestants will qualify at the
area level to compete at the state contest.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H
member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be
attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included
as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way
references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic
sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to
sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower
right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Youth may exhibit in the operator skills option, educational exhibit option or both.
Youth choosing to exhibit in the lawn and garden tractor, tractor, or zero-turn mower
operator skills driving option must select one, but may be enrolled in all three projects.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity,
therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Educational Exhibit Option
Level A (grades 3-4 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any tractor safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that is
age/grade appropriate.
Level B (grades 5-6 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any tractor safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that is
age/grade appropriate.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Level C (grades 7-9 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any tractor safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that is
age/grade appropriate.
Level D (grades 10-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any tractor safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that is
age/grade appropriate. Youth can also design and complete an independent study activity.
Operator Skills Option
The operator skills component is an educational and training activity conducted by
adult 4-H volunteers. A parent or guardian is encouraged to be present when their child is
operating a lawn and garden tractor. The adult 4-H volunteer has the authority to deny a
child the opportunity to participate in the operator skills option when it is deemed a child is
unable to safely operate a lawn and garden tractor due to size, weight, or any other reason
that could place the child and/or others in harm.
Junior (grades 3-7 suggested)
Youth will demonstrate their operation skills by driving a tractor and wagon or trailer
through an obstacle course as outlined in 4-H 84, Conducting 4-H Operator Safety Contests.
Senior (grades 8-12 suggested)
Youth will demonstrate their operation skills by driving a tractor and wagon or trailer
through an obstacle course as outlined in 4-H 84, Conducting 4-H Operator Safety Contests.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
This project provides a hands-on learning experience that helps youth learn more
about the Veterinary Science profession.
State Fair Entries:
3 per county; one per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H
member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be
attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included
as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way
references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic
sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to
sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower
right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity,
therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any veterinary science topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any veterinary science topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any
veterinary science topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Youth may also choose
to develop a teaching aid, develop a project in conjunction with a veterinarian and
present a report about that project and its findings, or another report of your choosing.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
Youth will learn information about weather and climate science.
State Fair Entries:
3 per county; one per level
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H
member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be
attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included
as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way
references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic
sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to
sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower
right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity,
therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any weather and climate topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any weather and climate topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any weather
and climate topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Youth can also design and complete an
independent study activity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
This project helps youth learn to identify wildlife, basic wildlife needs, and how
wildlife interacts with other wildlife and people.
State Fair Entries:
3 per county; one per level
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H
member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be
attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included
as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way
references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic
sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to
sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower
right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity,
therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any wildlife topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any wildlife topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any wildlife
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Youth can also design and complete an
independent study activity.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is eligible for State Fair
The 4-H woodworking project provides youth with educational information about
wood and how it can be used to construct items.
State Fair Entries:
4 per county; one per level.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H
member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be
attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included
as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way
references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic
sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to
sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower
right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity,
therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Level 1 (grades 3-4 suggested)
Exhibit one article of choice made during the current 4-H program year
demonstrating a minimum of five (5) techniques outlined in the
Indiana 4-H Woodworking
Tools, Techniques and Skills Chart 4-H 6875C-W. Exhibits may also include higher level
techniques that have been mastered. Any higher level techniques will not be counted as part
of the minimum five, but nevertheless will be evaluated for quality. A woodworking skills
sheet is to be submitted with the exhibit for judging. Skills sheets are for judging purposes
only and will not be returned to the exhibitor. Youth may also choose to create an
educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any woodworking
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Level 2 (grades 5-6 suggested)
Exhibit one article of choice made during the current 4-H program year
demonstrating a minimum of five (5) techniques outlined in the
Indiana 4-H Woodworking
Tools, Techniques and Skills Chart, 4-H 6875C-W. Exhibits may also include lower and/or
higher level techniques that have been mastered. Any lower/higher level techniques will not
be counted as part of the minimum five, but nevertheless will be evaluated for quality. A
woodworking skills sheet is to be submitted with the exhibit for judging. Skills sheets are for
judging purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor. Youth may also choose to
create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any
woodworking topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Level 3 (grades 7-9 suggested)
Exhibit one article of choice made during the current 4-H program year
demonstrating a minimum of five (5) techniques outlined in the
Indiana 4-H Woodworking
Tools, Techniques and Skills Chart, 4-H 6875C-W. Exhibits may also include lower and/or
higher level techniques that have been mastered. Any lower/higher level techniques will not
be counted as part of the minimum five, but nevertheless will be evaluated for quality. A
woodworking skills sheet is to be submitted with the exhibit for judging. Skills sheets are for
judging purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor. Youth may also choose to
create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any
woodworking topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Level 4 (grades 9-12 suggested)
Exhibit one article of choice made during the current 4-H program year
demonstrating a minimum of five (5) techniques outlined in the
Indiana 4-H Woodworking
Tools, Techniques and Skills Chart, 4-H 6875C-W. Exhibits may also include lower level
techniques that have been mastered. Any lower level techniques will not be counted as part
of the minimum five, but nevertheless will be evaluated for quality. A woodworking skills
sheet is to be submitted with the exhibit for judging. Skills sheets are for judging purposes
only and will not be returned to the exhibitor. Youth may also choose to create an
educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any woodworking
topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
ZERO-TURN MOWER Safety & Operator Skills
The 4-H zero-turn mower and equipment program develops principles of engine
operation, hydraulic systems, electrical systems, safe operation skills.
State Fair Entries:
4 educational exhibits per county; one per level
3 junior and 3 senior driving contestants will qualify at the county level to compete at
the area level contest. 3 junior and 3 senior driving contestants will qualify at the
area level to compete at the state contest.
Exhibit Guidelines:
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating
where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H
member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be
attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included
as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way
references are listed.
Posters are to be 22”x28” and displayed horizontally and placed in a clear plastic
sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to
sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower
right hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff.
Youth may exhibit in the operator skills option, educational exhibit option or both.
Youth choosing to exhibit in the lawn and garden tractor, tractor, or zero-turn mower
operator skills driving option must select one, but may be enrolled in all three projects.
Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity,
therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Educational Exhibit Option
Level A (grades 3-4 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any zero-turn mower safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that
is age/grade appropriate.
Level B (grades 5-6 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any zero-turn mower safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that
is age/grade appropriate.
Non-Driving Option due Wednesday prior to the fair
The Non-Driving option project is eligible for State Fair
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Level C (grades 7-9 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any zero-turn mower safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that
is age/grade appropriate.
Level D (grades 10-12 suggested)
Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on
any zero-turn mower safety, maintenance, operating system or operation topic of choice that
is age/grade appropriate. Youth can also design and complete an independent study activity.
Operator Skills Option - NO LONGER OFFERED IN KNOX
The operator skills component is an educational and training activity conducted by
adult 4-H volunteers. A parent or guardian is encouraged to be present when their child is
operating a lawn and garden tractor. The adult 4-H volunteer has the authority to deny a
child the opportunity to participate in the operator skills option when it is deemed a child is
unable to safely operate a lawn and garden tractor due to size, weight, or any other reason
that could place the child and/or others in harm.
Junior (grades 3-7 suggested)
Youth will demonstrate their operation skills by driving a zero-turn mower through
an obstacle course as outlined in 4-H 84, Conducting 4-H Operator Safety Contests.
Senior (grades 8-12 suggested)
Youth will demonstrate their operation skills by driving a zero-turn mower through an
obstacle course as outlined in 4-H 84, Conducting 4-H Operator Safety Contests.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
County Project: CARD MAKING
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project not eligible for State Fair
In this project you will make your own standard size (4¼ “ x 5½”) greeting cards. Cards must be created by and
handmade by the 4-H’er. Cards may be inspired by a project seen elsewhere but the finished item should be your
own design. Cards will not be printed on the computer.
Display information: Participant’s name is to be written on the back of every item for identification. Each item will
need to be temporarily attached to ½ sheet of foam board (22”x14”) with Velcro, sticky tac, or some other method.
The board needs to be displayed VERTICALLY. The finished board will need a poster project label/tag on the front in
the UPPER right-hand corner. These exhibits are displayed standing up against the wall on tables. Do not cover
boards with plastic so the judge and public can see inside your creations.
Requirements: Beginner, Grades 3-5
Exhibit 5 homemade cards of standard card size with either a single top or side fold. The cards may be made for any
Requirements: Intermediate, Grades 6-8
Choose an event and exhibit 5 handmade cards/ paper projects for that special occasion. Exhibit will include an
invitation card, greeting card, thank you card, gift tag, and a choice item.
Requirements: Advanced, Grades 9-12
Exhibit 5 handmade cards. One basic card will show how your skills have improved and the other 4 cards will
showcase your developing artistic skills
Knox County 2023 Handbook
County Project: COLLECTIONS
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project not eligible for State Fair
Collections can be defined as the gathering of similar articles, objects, etc. The collectible items listed in the
Collections Project Manual are just an example of the wide variety of collections you may choose from. Your project
is not limited to the items on the list, use your own ideas. Remember, collecting is a hobby, have fun and be
General Guidelines:
1. Each collection must be accompanied by a project notebook. The collection must be added to each year in order
to show growth in the project. Clearly label or otherwise identify collected items that were added each project
year by putting tabs for each year in notebook. The notebook must contain:
b. “Story About My Collection” giving information of interest about your collection, i.e. where to purchase, cost, the
history of the item, etc.
c. Photograph of the complete collection for the current project year. (NOTE: Photographs from previous years
must also be in the notebook in order to visually show growth in the project from year to year.)
2. Members with very large or valuable collections should provide a photograph or group of small photographs of the
collections or addition to your collection. (see Poster Preparation below)
3. Collections that will remain at the fair must be prepared for display by the member in a manner that will assure the
safe keeping of the collection. It is recommended that valuable objects be protected by exhibiting them in a
securely covered display case, securely fastened to a display board, or left at home.
Poster Preparation
All posters will be 22x28 inches and displayed horizontally with the 28 inches across. Vertical posters will be
dropped one ribbon placing.
All 4-H posters must use foam core board. This material can be used as the poster or can have a poster board
attached to it.
Foam core board may be purchased from the Extension Office. If purchased elsewhere, make sure your
purchase is 22x28 inches.
Poster sleeves and salon print sleeves are available for purchase from the Extension Office and
recommended. You may cover your poster with other clear plastic that is heavy enough not to wrinkle. Do not
use saran wrap.
All posters must have hook tape secured to the back of the poster along the edges. Hook tape may be
purchased from the Extension Office. Please secure the tape 24 hours in advance for best adhesion.
Project/exhibit labels from the Extension Office must be attached to the lower right hand corner of the poster
after covering with plastic. Please allow room for this label when organizing your poster presentation.
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where information
was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.
Exhibit Divisions:
Beginning - Grades 3 - 5
Intermediate - Grades 6 - 8
Advanced- Grades 9 - 12
Exhibit Requirements For All Divisions:
Collections may be exhibited in any one of the following manners:
1. A poster (22" X 28") following the above Poster Preparation guidelines.
2. Neatly & attractively arranged in a box not to exceed 22"x28". Securely cover with clear glass or rigid plastic.
3. Securely fastened on a display board not to exceed 22" X 28" and covered with clear plastic for protection.
4. Your completed story about your exhibit.
5. Neatly arranged photographs of very large or valuable items attractively arranged in either a notebook or on a
You MUST have your name and club name on each piece you wish to leave for exhibit.
NOTE: Leaves, insects, weeds, and rocks are NOT to be exhibited in the Collections project. 4-H members
must enroll and complete the Forestry, Entomology, Weeds or Geology projects to exhibit these items.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
County Project: CROPS
Exhibit due Saturday prior to the fair
This project not eligible for State Fair
4-H members will learn about the growth and management of crop plants.
Poster Preparation
All posters will be 22x28 inches and displayed horizontally with the 28 inches across.
Vertical posters will be dropped one ribbon placing.
All 4-H posters must use foam core board. This material can be used as the poster or can
have a poster board attached to it.
Foam core board may be purchased from the Extension Office. If purchased elsewhere,
make sure your purchase is 22x28 inches.
Poster sleeves and salon print sleeves are available for purchase from the Extension
Office and recommended. You may cover your poster with other clear plastic that is heavy
enough not to wrinkle. Do not use saran wrap.
All posters must have hook tape secured to the back of the poster along the edges. Hook
tape may be purchased from the Extension Office. Please secure the tape 24 hours in
advance for best adhesion.
Project/exhibit labels from the Extension Office must be attached to the lower right hand
corner of the poster after covering with plastic. Please allow room for this label when
organizing your poster presentation.
Project: Corn, Soybean, & Wheat:
Beginner: Grades 3-5
Intermediate: Grades 6-8
Advanced: Grades 9-12
CORN: Requirements: All Divisions
1. Exhibit one stalk of corn with bare roots.
2. Label the parts of a corn stalk: brace roots, ear, husk leaves, internode, node, leaf blade,
leaf sheath, ligule, permanent roots, seminal roots, silks, and tassel.
3. Bring completed crops record sheet (see list below) and 2 completed activities from the
manual to fair check-in.
SOYBEAN: Requirements: All Divisions
1. Exhibit a completed crops record sheet and one of the following:
2. 6 soybean stalks showing roots
3. poster as outlined in the manual
WHEAT: Requirements: All Divisions
1. Exhibit one gallon of wheat harvested from the current year
2. Bring completed crops record sheet to fair check-in.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
County Project: FASHION DESIGN
Exhibit due and modeled one week before fair.
This project not eligible for State Fair
Additional optional activity is Dress Review one week prior to fair
Posters will follow rules under Poster Preparation. All other exhibits should be no larger than 16”x16”. Picture albums
should consist of at least five pages and have before and after pictures wherever applicable. All reports should be in
a binder.
Poster Preparation
All posters will be 22x28 inches and displayed horizontally with the 28 inches across. Vertical posters will be
dropped one ribbon placing.
All 4-H posters must use foam core board. This material can be used as the poster or can have a poster board
attached to it.
Foam core board may be purchased from the Extension Office. If purchased elsewhere, make sure your
purchase is 22x28 inches.
Poster sleeves and salon print sleeves are available for purchase from the Extension Office and
recommended. You may cover your poster with other clear plastic that is heavy enough not to wrinkle. Do not
use saran wrap.
All posters must have hook tape secured to the back of the poster along the edges. Hook tape may be
purchased from the Extension Office. Please secure the tape 24 hours in advance for best adhesion.
Project/exhibit labels from the Extension Office must be attached to the lower right hand corner of the poster
after covering with plastic. Please allow room for this label when organizing your poster presentation.
All posters, notebooks, & display boards must give references.
Requirements: Division 1Grade 3 - Fun with Hair - Exhibit one of the following:
display a hair care kit
make and display hair accessories
display braid styles
make a poster on topic from manual
Requirements: Division 2 Grade 4 - Jewelry As A Fashion Statement - Exhibit one of the following:
accessorize an outfit using a mini mannequin
make jewelry
make and decorate an organizer for your jewelry
make a poster on topic from manual
Requirements: Division 3 Grade 5 Modern Nails - Exhibit one of the following:
make and decorate a manicure kit
make an album of nail color, treatments, or art
make a poster on topic from manual
Requirements: Division 4-10 Grade 6-12 choose one new category each year
My Style - Exhibit one of the following:
design and create your own t-shirt
two page report on favorite designer
make a poster on topic from manual
make a poster of your style quiz and responses
First Impressions
make a poster on topic from manual
Fashion World
make a poster on topic from manual
Miss Manners
Make a poster on topic from manual.
Makeup Your Face - Exhibit one of the following:
Make and decorate an organizer for your makeup
make a poster on topic from manual
Pull It All together
make a poster on topic from manual
Walk With Style - Exhibit one of the following:
Make and decorate an emergency locker kit
make a binder of modeling situations make a
poster on topic from manual.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
County Project: GIFT WRAPPING
General Requirements:
Package must have exhibit label attached.
Package should not contain a gift.
Package should contain a weight according to size, i.e. baggie of sand.
One exhibit per person.
Exhibits using purchased bows will be discounted
Exhibit package must have been wrapped by 4-H’er since the end of the previous year.
ALL DIVISIONS: All packages must be labeled according to the directions in the manual.
Requirements: Division 1Grade 3 One simple wrapped box, square and or rectangular, including bows you
made by yourself.
Requirements: Division 2Grade 4 One wrapped cylinder-shaped package with a finished-flat end, using
commercial paper. Show creativity in materials you choose.
Requirements: Division 3Grade 5 One square, rectangle or cylinder shaped package. Design your own paper.
Requirements: Division 4Grade 6 One square, rectangle or cylinder shaped package. Top must be wrapped
separately, include liner for box.
Requirements: Division 5Grade 7 One wrapped package using any material other than homemade or
commercial paper and bows, for example fabric, bubble wrap, cardboard, etc.
Requirements: Division 6Grade 8 One, self-made bag, decorated and filled with tissue for display.
Requirements: Division 7Grade 9 One, odd shaped package wrapped in commercial paper or your own paper.
Shape may be heart, round, octagon, diamond, etc.
Requirements: Division 8Grade 10 One package - must be a container that is not box like, using a variety of
wrapping materials, i.e. flower pot, boot.
Requirements: Division 9Grade 11 Set of packages, not more than three, in a tier effect, using any type of gift
Requirements: Division 10Grade 12 Free choice one package using skills from above divisions
Exhibit due Wednesday of the fair
This project is not eligible for State Fair
Knox County 2023 Handbook
County Project: RECYCLING
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project eligible for State Fair
State Fair legibility: Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champ projects are eligible to go to State Fair.
Poster Preparation
All posters will be 22x28 inches and displayed horizontally with the 28 inches across. Vertical posters will be
dropped one ribbon placing.
All 4-H posters must use foam core board. This material can be used as the poster or can have a poster board
attached to it.
Foam core board may be purchased from the Extension Office. If purchased elsewhere, make sure your
purchase is 22x28 inches.
Poster sleeves and salon print sleeves are available for purchase from the Extension Office and
recommended. You may cover your poster with other clear plastic that is heavy enough not to wrinkle. Do not
use saran wrap.
All posters must have hook tape secured to the back of the poster along the edges. Hook tape may be
purchased from the Extension Office. Please secure the tape 24 hours in advance for best adhesion.
Project/exhibit labels from the Extension Office must be attached to the lower right hand corner of the poster
after covering with plastic. Please allow room for this label when organizing your poster presentation.
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s
Requirements: Beginner, Grades 3-5
Select one of the following to exhibit. (Do a different exhibit each year.)
1. Exhibit a useful or decorative item you have recycled from household trash.
2. A poster on one of the following:
a. a recycling center in your home
b. how to prepare newspapers for recycling
c. explain the three “R’s” of recycling
d. explain the recycling symbols
e. read a magazine article and make a poster on the topic covered
f. Do a “mini landfill” and report your findings after 6 months
g. Set a up a recycling center for you or your family and make a poster on the results.
Requirements: Intermediate, Grades 6-8
Select one of the following to exhibit: (Do a different exhibit each year.)
1. Exhibit TWO separate useful or decorative items you have recycled from household trash.
2. A poster or a notebook on one of the following:
a. how to identify plastics for recycling
b. how to conserve and recycle water
c. how to prepare glass for recycling
d. how to prepare cardboard for recycling
e. identify excessive packaging and how to reduce, using at least three items
f. how to make a compost pile
g. how to identify aluminum products and which ones can be recycled
h. set a up a recycling center for you or your family and make a poster on the results (should not be the
same household used in previous years).
3. Do a community recycling project i.e. neighborhood clean-up, adopt a highway.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Requirements: Advanced, Grades 9-12
Select one of the following to exhibit: (Do a different exhibit each year.)
1. Exhibit THREE seperate useful or decorative item you have recycled from household trash.
2. A poster or a notebook on one of the following:
a. list of household hazardous waste
b. how you recycle on your farm
c. recycling batteries
d. cloth versus disposable diapers
e. landfills
f. disposing of old tires
g. disposing of used oil
h. disposing of junk cars
i. disposing of old appliances
j. disposing of industrial waste
k. disposing of farm chemical waste
l. septic systems operations and problems
m. set a up a recycling center for you or your family and make a poster on the results (should not be the
same household used in previous years).
3. Do a community recycling project i.e. neighborhood cleanup, adopt a highway.
4. Volunteer with your community’s earth day or solid waste district educational program and do a poster on your
County Project: SCRAPBOOKING
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project not eligible for State Fair
1. 4-H’ers may submit one scrapbook album for each of the six categories:
Family and Friends
Parties or Events
2. Each album will have a front and back cover with pages firmly attached between the covers. Albums may be any
size. Page protectors are recommended.
3. Each scrapbook album will have the required number of pages.
4. Journaling is recommended within the project. Without journaling, the photos and memorabilia will be less
meaningful over time.
5. Each scrapbook will have a label (attached with string) with the 4-H member’s name, club, and division on the
6. Each 4-H member will indicate the pages in the album to be considered for judging.
Requirements: Beginner, Grades 3-5
Exhibit 6 pages to be judged for each scrapbook album.
Requirements: Intermediate, Grades 6-8
Exhibit 8 pages to be judged for each scrapbook album.
Requirements: Advanced, Grades 9-12
Exhibit 10 or more pages to be judged for each scrapbook album.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
County Project: SPORTS
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project not eligible for State Fair
Study information obtained from the library or other sources concerning the history of your sport.
Beginner: Grades 3-5
Choose one of the following titles for your poster:
Safety Rules for: (i.e. Tennis, Rugby, Swimming, Archery, Golf, etc.)
Intermediate: Grades 6-8
Choose one of the following titles for your poster:
Basic Skills to Develop For:
History of __________ Sport
Advanced: Grades 9-12
Choose one of the following titles for your poster:
Biography of Famous Olympic Athlete
Exercise Value of:
Poster Preparation
All posters will be 22x28 inches and displayed horizontally with the 28 inches across. Vertical
posters will be dropped one ribbon placing.
All 4-H posters must use foam core board. This material can be used as the poster or can have a
poster board attached to it.
Foam core board may be purchased from the Extension Office. If purchased elsewhere, make sure
your purchase is 22x28 inches.
Poster sleeves and salon print sleeves are available for purchase from the Extension Office and
recommended. You may cover your poster with other clear plastic that is heavy enough not to
wrinkle. Do not use saran wrap.
All posters must have hook tape secured to the back of the poster along the edges. Hook tape may
be purchased from the Extension Office. Please secure the tape 24 hours in advance for best
Project/exhibit labels from the Extension Office must be attached to the lower right hand corner of
the poster after covering with plastic. Please allow room for this label when organizing your poster
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s
Knox County 2023 Handbook
County Project: WEARABLE ART
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project not eligible for State Fair
Wearable Art can be created on just about anything. Some techniques include tie dye, batik, stenciling, quilting, iron-
on transfers, etc. Attach a 3x5 card to your exhibit briefly describing the exhibit in terms of what techniques you used.
Only one item will be judged in the beginner and intermediate levels. A single item or number of items to complete an
outfit will be judged in the Advanced level. Designs may be applied to a purchased or constructed item of apparel but
cannot be added to from year to year.
Requirements: Beginner, Grades 3-5
Exhibit one item with a simple design
Requirements: Intermediate, Grades 6-8
Exhibit one item with a design of additional colors and methods of application
Requirements: Advanced, Grades 9-12
Exhibit a more complicated design and methods of application on a single item OR on one complete outfit.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
County Project: WELDING
Exhibit due Wednesday prior to the fair
This project is NOT eligible for State Fair
Project Requirements:
Exhibitors may choose between Stick or Mig welding. You may exhibit both, but they will be judged separate.
All welds need to be attached to a board for display & judging.
All exhibits will have the following information attached on an index card:
a) For Stick Includes:
a. Electrode(s) number
b. Electrode(s) diameter
c. Amperage(s) or dial setting
d. Polarity(s)
b) For Mig includes:
a. Wire Size
b. Wire Speed
c. Dial Setting
d. Gas Type
Poster Preparation
All posters will be 22x28 inches and displayed horizontally with the 28 inches across. Vertical posters will be
dropped one ribbon placing.
All 4-H posters must use foam core board. This material can be used as the poster or can have a poster board
attached to it.
Foam core board may be purchased from the Extension Office. If purchased elsewhere, make sure your
purchase is 22x28 inches.
Poster sleeves and salon print sleeves are available for purchase from the Extension Office and
recommended. You may cover your poster with other clear plastic that is heavy enough not to wrinkle. Do not
use saran wrap.
All posters must have hook tape secured to the back of the poster along the edges. Hook tape may be
purchased from the Extension Office. Please secure the tape 24 hours in advance for best adhesion.
Project/exhibit labels from the Extension Office must be attached to the lower right hand corner of the poster
after covering with plastic. Please allow room for this label when organizing your poster presentation.
Notebook exhibits must be displayed in a standard three ring binder.
All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where
information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s
Requirements for Poster: Judged by Division
Exhibit on a 22”x28’ poster. The board should include a picture of the welding equipment available to you,
including safety equipment (helmet, gloves, safety glasses or goggles), and display 5 welding rods of different sizes &
types. Label as to size of rod, heat range, metal type, and metal thickness (gage).
Requirements: Beginning, Grades 3-5
Exhibit one (1) weld (choose from: run a bead, lap weld, butt weld, corner weld or “T” weld). The metal
size should be 2” wide X 6” long and no more than ¼” thick. The 6” sides should be welded together.
Attach required information label.
Requirements: Intermediate, Grades 6-8
Exhibit two (2) weld (choose from: run a bead, lap weld, butt weld, corner weld or “T” weld). The metal
size should be 2” wide X 6” long and no more than ¼” thick. The 6” sides should be welded together.
Attach required information label.
Requirements: Advanced, Grades 9-12
Exhibit four (4) weld (choose from: run a bead, lap weld, butt weld, corner weld or “T” weld). The metal
size should be 2” wide X 6” long and no more than ¼” thick. The 6” sides should be welded together.
Attach required information label.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
1. Each 4-H member shall own his/her 4-H exhibit. Ownership, personal possession, and regular care of
the animal must be in effect on or before the county and state enrollment deadlines and continuously
until after the 4-H show at the county and/or state fair.
2. 4-H Livestock Possession Date:
a. For Beef, Dairy, Goats, Horse & Pony, Llama & Alpaca, Sheep, and Swine is May 15,
b. For Poultry and Rabbits it is the date on Banding and Tattooing.
3. For 4-H breeding animals: family corporations and/or partnerships of 4-H members with one or more
parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or legal guardians are acceptable.
4. For 4-H dairy cattle: family corporations and/or partnerships of the 4-H member with unrelated
persons or dairy operations are also acceptable.
5. Dairy heifers, horses, ponies, alpacas and llamas may be leased subject to approval of both the
county 4-H dairy, horse and pony, or llama committee and the respective County Extension Educator.
4-H animals (horse and pony, dairy, alpacas and llamas are only eligible to be leased by a single4-H
member in a 4-H program year.
6. 4-H animals exhibited after the animal enrollment deadline (May 15th), at any show by anyone other
than the person whose 4-H enrollment record is connected to the ID of the animal in Indiana
4HOnlinewill not be eligible to be shown in the 4-H show at the Knox County Fair and Indiana State
7. 4-H market animals and commercial animals must be individually identified and verified under the
supervision of the county 4-H program at county identification events by May 15th(May 16 in 2022
since the 15thfalls on a weekend).These species include market lambs and commercial ewes, dairy
wethers, dairy feeder steers, dairy beef steers, beef steers, market and commercial heifers, meat
goat wethers, and market wether dams.
8. This term/condition does not apply to siblings and parents, who may show each other’s animals at
any show during the year without jeopardizing Knox County Fair and State Fair eligibility, regardless
of whether or not the sibling is a 4-H member.
a. Policies on how to handle a violation of ownership: The individual filing the compliant must
provide evidence and a written statement detailing the violation to the Extension Educator as
soon as the violation been identified. Once the Extension Educator has received the evidence
and the written statement, that Extension Educator will meet with another Extension Educator to
form a 3 person unbiased committee (1 representative from each 4-H Council, Livestock
Committee, and Extension Board) to review the evidence. If the evidence shows violation of
ownership the animal will then be disqualified from the show and showmanship.
9. NOTE: This term/condition does not apply to the horse & pony program where a parent MAY
also show the horse or pony after it has been enrolled in the 4-H Program.
10. 4-H animals are expected to be in the possession and regular care of the 4-H member who
owns/leases them (unless other arrangements have been agreed upon by the county 4-H council)
from the animal enrollment deadline until the conclusion of the county and/or state fair.
11. 4-H animals purchased, sold or offered for sale after the enrollment deadline and prior to the Indiana
State Fair (including animals that have gone through a "Premium Only Auction"), shall not be
eligible to show in the 4-H show at the Indiana State Fair.
12. Livestock exhibits should not be handled by anyone except the 4-H’er and/or family members, without
permission. In the event of concern for the health and/or welfare of the animal, one should contact a
4-H Livestock Superintendent and/or Extension Educator.
13. All EXHIBITORS, PARENTS, and SPECTATORS, will conduct themselves as ladies and
gentlemen. They are to conduct themselves in such a way as to set a good example for other
4-H exhibitors and spectators at the show. IMPOLITE BEHAVIOR, POOR SPORTSMANSHIP,
OR DISRUPTIVE ACTIONS (as deemed by the show management) will result in disqualification
and/or removal from the fairgrounds.
14. All 4-H Exhibitors exhibiting the following species (Beef, Dairy, Goats, Poultry, Rabbits,
Sheep, & Swine) are required to be certified in the a Youth Animal Quality program designate
by the Indiana 4-H before they are allowed to check-in their animals.
15. The Fair Board veterinarian will determine if animals are sick and need to be sent home.
16. All animal/s must stay in their area/pen/cage until approval is given by an Extension Educator before
they are release from the fair. Failure to comply, the 4-H’er will forfeits any 4-H premium money, 4-H
auction money, all auction privileges for that year, and will not be allowed to show that specie/s the
following year.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
17. All animals must conform to State Board of Animal Health requirements.
18. The use of excessive abuse of animals is strictly prohibited.
19. All animals must remain within 100 feet of their respective barn (exception horses).
20. The use of identifiable or unidentifiable foreign substance including: drugs, steroids, or chemicals,
greater than those standards established by the USDA or FDA are prohibited.
21. Mini 4-H: any animal over 300 pounds must be held by an adult at all times.
22. 4-H’ers must wear approved helmet whenever mounted on horse at club meetings or 4-H events.
23. Appropriate dress must be worn by all 4-H livestock members during show, auction and livestock
pictures. This includes: no sandals, no halter tops, no bare midriffs, no shorts, no T-shirts with
inappropriate language.
24. County livestock rules are not an extension of State Fair rules and do not guarantee eligibility at the
State Fair.
25. Any 4-H’er tampering with another 4-H’ers project will forfeit any future participation for one year.
26. No bedding is permitted in the barns before Sunday of the fair.
27. Livestock bedding is not to be removed before the animals are released. Failure to do so will result in
the loss of auction money.
28. Superintendents have the authority to send unruly animals home for safety reasons.
29. Superintendents and the 4-H Youth Educator as the authority to disqualify any animal and send it
30. Green livestock records for Beef, Dairy, Dairy Goats, Sheep, and Swine must be turned into
the Extension office the Monday prior to the fair. Activity books for Cats, Dogs, Horse & Pony,
Poultry, and Rabbits must also be turned into the Extension office the Monday prior to the fair.
Failure to do so will result in the 4-H member not earning any premium money.
31. A member may only have 2 entries in any one class of livestock.
32. Pens may be assigned as needed by the superintendent.
33. Breed and eligibility determinations will be made by a committee, appointed by the 4-H Council.
34. Showmanship categories are determined by the grade in school at the end of the last school year.
35. Animals (except horses) may not be kept at a professional fitter’s facility.
36. All species: Grooming must be done within 100 feet of respective barn or in case of horses, from
horse show arena. 4-H animal exhibitors may receive clipping and grooming assistance only from an
immediate family member including, father, mother, step-father/mother, legal guardian, brother, sister,
step-brother/sister, grandfather/mother, step-father/mother, aunt, uncle, aunt’s/uncle’s children, from
a current 4-H member, and/or from individual enrolled in the Indiana 4-H Approved Animal Grooming
Assistance Program.
37. Portacools or other A/C blowers are NOT allowed in the barns other than assigned by Knox County
Fair Board, Livestock Committee, &/or Extension Office.
38. Mentor showmanship class: 4-H members may show a species they are not enrolled in. Sign up with
that respective specie’s superintendent.
39. 4-H members who participate in showmanship classes may only show their own animals which will be
exhibited by them in a regular 4-H class. Showmanship will be judged on the training of the animal
and the showmanship ability of the exhibitor. The following showmanship rules are for all species but
Horse & Pony.
40. Extension Office will post a list of Showmanship winners.
41. Showmanship Divisions. Grade in school on January 1 of the current year.
a) Junior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grades are eligible. Once a 4-H
member is the champion junior showman, they must compete in Intermediate showmanship in
subsequent years.
b) Intermediate showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 6th, 7th or 8
grades are eligible. Once a 4-
H member is the champion intermediate showman, they must compete in senior showmanship in
subsequent years.
c) Senior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 9th grade or above are eligible (exception only for
previous years’ intermediate showmanship winners).
d) Champions & Reserve Champions will be awarded for every age division.
42. Starting 2019 Fair, Each species (Beef, Goats, Sheep, Swine, & Round Robin) will have a
meeting at the County Fair and the department will submit a list of 5 names to the Extension
Office. Anyone at the meeting can submit a potential judge’s name & contact information.
Only an active 4-H member from that species may only have one vote per species
43. All livestock exhibitors must obtain a Premises ID number from the State Board of Animal Health. (To
obtain a Premises ID#, please contact the Indiana BOAH at 877-747-3038 ext. 383.)
Knox County 2023 Handbook
44. 4-H members showing registered beef, Boer goats, dairy, dairy goats, sheep and swine must present
a registration certificate (no photocopies, carbons or fax copies, except a fax directly from the national
breed association to the Knox County 4-H Fair) to the 4-H show manager before the specified time for
each specie, showing that the exhibitor owns the animal being exhibited, as per ownership terms, on
or before the May 15 ID deadline and continuously until 4-H show day at the Indiana State Fair. 4-H
breeding beef, Boer goats, dairy goats, sheep and swine must be registered in one of the following
ownership methods:
a) in the 4-H members’ name
b) John Smith and Sons
c) John Smith, Sons and Daughters
d) John Smith & Family (family includes sons, daughters, and legal guardian youth only)
e) Mark Smith (brother) and Mary Smith (sister)
f) Family corporations, where the 4-H members’ name appears as a holder of stock in the
corporation, and proof of same must be supplied on or before the enrollment date
g) Family partnership where the 4-H members father, mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle,
grandparent, and/or legal guardian is also in the family partnership and the 4-H member's name
appears on the legal, notarized partnership. A copy of the written document must be on file with
the Extension Office before the ID deadline.
45. 4-H breeding beef, Boer goats, dairy goats, sheep and swine will NOT be accepted in the Knox
County 4-H Show or the State Fair 4-H Show if they are registered in a father's name only, farm name
only, or partnerships with unrelated persons (such as "Smith View", "Smith Oak", "John Doe and
William Smith (4-H member)", "Long Oak and William Smith (4-H Member)", etc.).
46. The Knox County 4-H & Knox County Fair protects the integrity of the Knox County Fair, 4-H
Competitions and the food supply. At no time shall animal exhibits have any substance present,
alteration or tissue anomalies that:
a. Violates standards established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
b. Violates standards established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
c. Provides any potential performance enhancing quality or any potential showing advantage
including but not limited to tampering, altering, or misrepresenting any exhibit; coloring that alters
or misrepresents breed characteristics [except as allowed in 4-H Beef Cattle, 4-H Sheep, and 4-H
Meat Type Goats]; pumping air or other substances to alter conformation; methods to induce
artificial fill; performing surgical and/or non-surgical procedures to alter the animal’s configuration
or natural conformation of any part of the animal’s body; and unethical fitting. The following
generally accepted management practices are allowed: hoof trimming, dehorning, removal of
hair, castration, branding, tattooing, ear notching, and docking of tails.
State Fair
Entries and Entries Fees for the Indiana State Fair must be made on-line by the
Please check State Fair website for deadline dates
Knox County 2023 Handbook
This auction is sponsored by the 4-H Livestock Auction Committee in cooperation with the Knox County Fair Board.
Auction will be Thursday evening at 5:30 p.m.
1. Guidelines for participating in the Knox County 4-H Livestock Premium Auction:
a. Any Exhibitor of the following projects will be allowed to participate in the 4-H Auction: Beef,
Dairy, Goats, Sheep, and Swine.
b. Selected exhibitors in the following projects will be allowed to participate in the 4-H Auction:
Horse & Pony, Llama/ Alpaca, Poultry, and Rabbits. The following exhibitors will be allowed
space in the 4-H Auction:
1. 10 year member of that species
2. Grand & Reserve Grand Mare
3. Grand & Reserve Grand Gelding
4. Grand & Reserve Grand Pony
5. Horse & Pony Buckle winners only (not including Round Robin)
6. Halter Grand & Reserve Grand Llama & Alpaca from both Male & Female
7. Overall Performance Class winner for Llama & Alpaca
8. Grand & Reserve Grand Poultry
9. Reserve Champion of breed of Grand & Res. Grand poultry
10. Breed Champions and Reserve Champion Poultry
11. Grand & Reserve Grand rabbits
12. Reserve Champion of breed of Grand and Res. Grand rabbits
13. Breed Champions in rabbits
2. Hogs, lambs and calves will be weighed. Hogs will be tagged when they arrive on the fairgrounds.
3. Release time of all animals from livestock barns after the auction will be published. The decision time
will be made considering both human and animal safety. Animals that leave early without permission
will cause the youth to loss their auction money.
4. Exhibitors may participate in the auction only one time per year.
5. A service charge of 5% will be will be deducted from all sale checks. (Proceeds will be used to defray
expenses of Auction.)
6. The 4-H’er is responsible for thanking the buyer for their support of the auction.
7. It is the 4-H'ers responsibility to identify the species being represented at the auction and turn in the
general record sheet and a color picture (size to be determined) of their animal with their name on the
back by the due date.
8. 2023 auction order will be:
a. Horse, Goats, Beef, Dairy, Llama/ Alpaca, Swine, Rabbits, Poultry, & Sheep,.
9. The Auction Committee and the Fair Board will expect orderly conduct and compliance with auction
rules by the exhibitors and their attendants. Any violations of this rule would warrant withholding of
the premiums and could mean banning from future 4-H auction sales.
10. All bids at the sale will be final.
11. Club members must groom their animals for show at the Auction.
12. Club Members must be present at the time of the auction to handle their animals in the sale ring. No
substituting will be allowed. Unless approved by Auction Committee.
13. The Grand Champion will sell first in each specie, followed by the Reserve Grand Champion.
14. 4-H'ers are expected to be ready for the auction at the specified time. If the 4-Her and animal are late
they may be moved to the end of the respective specie. Any 4-Her not available by the end of specie
sale must scratch.
15. 4-H’er must consign their own animal that they have shown during the fair for the auction. They
cannot use a family members.
16. The Auction Committee reserves the right to make any needed adjustments to the above rules
deemed necessary to carry out a successful auction. All such adjustments must be cleared by the
Youth Educator, 4-H Council President, and the Auction Committee Chairman.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
4-H Livestock at the Knox County Fair must have Column B & C
4-H Livestock at the Indiana State Fair must have Column A & C
Column A
Column B
Column C
Indiana State
Fair 4-H
Knox County
4-H Fair
Indiana State Board of
Animal Health’s (BOAH)
requirements for
animal exhibitions in state
Beef Cattle
Steers &
840RFID Tag
5digit County
DNA Hair
840RFID Tag
5digit County
840-RFID Tag with US
shield, NUES tags with US
shield, OR Official USDA
Program tag with a US
840RFID tag
DNA Hair
840RFID tag
Dairy Cattle
840 RFID Tag
registered name
DNA Hair
840-RFID tag
Dairy Goat
Breed Registry Tattoo
Official Scrapie tag with US
shield, Official Scrapie
Tattoo, OR Registration
tattoo/ microchip matching
registration papers.
5digit County Tag OR Tattoo
Meat Goat
Wethers &
840-RFID Tag
5digit County
DNA Hair
5digit County
Market Goat
Breed Registry
DNA Hair
Breed Registry
Breed Registry Tattoo OR
Microchip that Matches Registration
Official USDA Scrapie Tag OR
Official Scrapie Tattoo
Horses and Pony
2 colored photos
(face and all 4 feet)
Physical description of the
animal; Digital photographs
sufficient to identify the
individual animal; OR
USDA-approved electronic
implant (microchip).
Knox County 2023 Handbook
4-H Livestock at the Knox County Fair must have Column B & C
4-H Livestock at the Indiana State Fair must have Column A & C
Column A
Column B
Column C
Indiana State
Fair 4-H
Knox County
4-H Fair
Indiana State Board of
Animal Health’s (BOAH)
requirements for
animal exhibitions in state
Llama and Alpaca
2 colored photos
(face and all 4 feet)
Physical description of the
animal; Digital photographs
sufficient to identify the
individual animal; Official ear
tag; Tattoo; OR USDA-
approved electronic implant
Blood testing
Blood tested
Blood testing required
Rabbit N/A
840-RFID Tag
5digit County
DNA Hair
5digit County
Official Scrapie tag with US
shield, Official Scrapie Tattoo,
OR Registration tattoo/
microchip matching
registration papers.
840-RFID Tag
5digit County
Tag OR official
scrapie tag
DNA Hair
5digit County
Tag OR
official scrapie
840-RFID Tag
ID Matches
DNA Hair
ID that
Not Eligible for
4-H Exhibition
5-digit County
Tag OR
840RFID Tag
Ear Notch
DNA Hair
Ear Notch
840-RFID Tag with US shield,
NUES tags with US shield,
Official PIN tag, OR Ear
notch/ Tattoo matching
registration paperwork.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Paul Clingerman & Jennifer Steffy
Judging: Wednesday, 8:00 am
Classes pay premiums of: $10.00 $7.50 $5.00 $3.00 $2.00
Showmanship premium: $5.00 sponsored by United Produces Inc.
1. Tags for Beef Cattle:
1. All Beef Cattle are to have an 840-RFID tag in the ear.
2. Beef Steer, Commercial, and or Market Heifer need a 5-digit county tag.
3. Beef Registered Heifer will need tattoo matching registration papers.
2. Beef Cattle going to Indiana State Fair must submit a DNA Hair Samples in envelope by the
enrollment deadline date.
3. Steer classes may be divided into light, medium and heavy as determined by superintendents
and shown in that order.
4. Breed Order of Show will be posted day of the show.
5. Show Order of Classes will be posted the day of show.
6. A-I sired classes: (Must be declared at tagging) Limit of 2 entries per 4-H'er in each class. Entry
to be made in 4-H'ers name at time of weigh in and name of sire and breed of sire must be
named upon leading into ring.
A. A-I sired Steer class. All ages, all breeds.
B. A-I sired Heifer Class. All ages, all breeds.
7. All A-I cattle will be excluded from Knox County Bred class.
8. During the Fair, Cattle must be in the barn from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. No animals may leave the barn
from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
9. Beef Superintendents will designate the fitting areas of day of show.
10. All grooming equipment must be moved out of the walkways after 5 p.m.
11. No Aerosol cans in make arena on top of the hill.
12. All beef cattle “steers, commercial heifers, & registered heifers” must have been enrolled
and identified by May 15th. Purebred heifers must have papers with the ear tattoo identical to
the papers. AI and Knox County Bred must be declared by May 15.
13. Showmanship Divisions. Grade in school on January 1 of the current year.
a) Junior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grades are eligible. Once a 4-H
member is the champion junior showman, they must compete in Intermediate showmanship in
subsequent years.
b) Intermediate showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 6th, 7th or 8
grades are eligible. Once a
4-H member is the champion intermediate showman, they must compete in senior
showmanship in subsequent years.
c) Senior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 9th grade or above are eligible (exception only
for previous years intermediate showmanship winners).
Senior Showmanship the judge needs to place 1-5.
d) Champions & Reserve Champions will be awarded for every age division.
Age classes are:
a. Junior heifer calves born January 1 to March 31, 2023
b. Winter heifer calves born November 1 to December 31, 2022
c. Senior heifer calves born September 1 to October 31, 2022
d. Late summer yearling heifers born July 1 to August 31, 2022
e. Early summer yearling heifers born May 1 to June 30, 2022
f. Spring yearling heifers born March 1 to April 30, 2022
g. Junior yearling heifers born January 1 to February 29, 2022
h. Senior yearling heifers born September 1 to December 31, 2021
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Beef Breed
Belted Galloway
Composite: 50% cannot be black
Chianina & Chi-Angus
Mini Herd
MHBA rules
MHBA rules
Red Angus
Red Poll
Santa Gertrudis
Shorthorn Plus
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Kim King
Judging: Wednesday, 3 p.m.
Ribbons pay: Blue $2.00, Red $1.50, White $1.00
All Divisions -- Exhibit in the 4-H Cat Show.
Any boy or girl in 4-H may become a 4-H cat project member. At least 3 activities are to be completed
in the cat manual. Turn in manual before fair along with other livestock/animal manuals.
2. A member may show a maximum of 4 animals in the Cat Show if the 4-H member owns the cat, or is
a family cat. Records need to be kept on each animal. Only one entry per class.
3. The cat may be either a purebred or a household pet.
4. The cat must be fed and cared for by the 4-H member.
5. Cats do not need to be registered or pedigreed in order to enter the cat project.
6. To be eligible to be shown the cat or kitten must be at least 3 months old and have had its first
distemper shot by the day of the show.
7. Cats will be brought to the Fair the day of the show and shall be taken home after the completion of
the show. No cats are to be left unattended at any time.
8. The cat will be removed from its cage during judging. The member will stay and watch his or her cat
being judged, then return it to its cage. If a cat is not on the judging table at the time the class is
judged, the cat will not be judged. The member is not allowed to speak with the judge unless so
requested by the judge.
9. Each 4-H member must exhibit his or her own animal at the Cat Show. Each cat shall be under the
restraint of the owner.
10. All cats shall come to the show in a carrier and leave in their carrier. The only time the animal should
be removed from the cage is when they are showing or for last minute grooming.
11. State Fair Manual states that a collar and leash may be used but is to be removed for judging.
County contest will use this rule also.
12. The final placing will be the determination of the judge.
13. It is recommended that all 4-H cats, other than pedigreed breeding stock, be neutered or spayed.
14. 4-H cats must be free of fleas, fungus, ear mites, or other communicable diseases.
Classes are: (Cats can only be entered into one class)
Household Kittens: cats aged 4-8 months on day of show.
Purebred: cats of a recognized breed, kept pure of many generations. If the cat is registered, it must
have a current registration number from one of the national cat registries, such as the Cat Fanciers
Long Haired: cats whose coat has long top hairs, with a thick wooly under-coat. The length of the hair
on the cat’s tail is often used as a determining factor. Hair length is normally 1 ½ “long or more.
Short Haired: cats whose coat has only short hairs, a smooth, textured coat. Cat tail hair is usually less
than 1 ½ “in length.
Household Adults: cats 8 months of age or older on show day.
Purebred: cats of a recognized breed, kept pure of many generations. If the cat is registered, it must
have a current registration number from one of the national cat registries, such as the Cat Fanciers
Long Haired: cats whose coat has long top hairs, with a thick wooly under-coat. The length of the hair
on the cat’s tail is often used as a determining factor. Hair length is normally 1 ½ “long or more.
Short Haired: cats whose coat has only short hairs, a smooth, textured coat. Cat tail hair is usually less
than 1 ½ “in length.
For purposes of this show, a kitten will be defined as an animal between three (3) to eight (8) months of age.
Additional categories for age may be added at the discretion of the judge.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Duke McGiffen
Judging: Wednesday, between Heifer and the Steer.
Classes pay premiums of: $10.00 $7.50 $5.00 $2.00
1. All Dairy Cattle are to have an 840-RFID tag in the ear.
2. All 4-H animals will show by breed and age.
3. All animals must be enrolled by May 15
of the current year.
4. Dairy animals do not have to be registered but they must be purebred or of one breed. No
crossbred dairy animals will be allowed to show.
5. If your dairy animal is not registered (i.e. registration papers with a matching tattoo number)
they must come to the beef weigh-in and tagging to be tagged with a county ear tag.
6. It is recommended that 4-H exhibitors wear white shirts or blouses in the dairy show ring.
7. All dairy feeder steers must be 100% dairy blood but do not have to be registered animals.
Crosses of beef and dairy breeds will not be allowed.
8. Dairy feeder steers will be shown according to weight.
9. Feeder steers must weigh from 300 to 750 lbs. at the time of check-in.
10. Yearlings that have been freshened must be shown in the Cow class.
11. Order of Show by breeds: Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey, and other breeds.
Age Group Classes
Junior Calf-Born 3/1/23 or later (at least 4 months old)
Fall Senior Calf- Born--12/1/22—2/29/23
Senior Calf- Born 9/1/22—11/30/22
Summer Junior Yearling--Born 6/1/228/31/22
Junior Yearling- Born 3/1/205/31/22
Intermediate Senior YearlingBorn 12/1/21—2/29/22
Senior YearlingBorn 9/1/2011/30/21
Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion
Two year old cow not in milk--Born 9/1/208/31/21
Two year old cow in milkBorn 9/1/20 - 8/31/21
Three Year old cowBorn 9/1/19—8/31/20
Four year old cowBorn 9/1/18—8/31/18
Senior Champion & Reserve Senior Champion and Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion
Showmanship Divisions. Grade in school on January 1 of the current year.
a) Junior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grades are eligible. Once a 4-H member is
the champion junior showman, they must compete in Intermediate showmanship in subsequent years.
b) Intermediate showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 6th, 7th or 8
grades are eligible. Once a 4-H
member is the champion intermediate showman, they must compete in senior showmanship in
subsequent years.
c) Senior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 9th grade or above are eligible (exception only for
previous years’ intermediate showmanship winners).
Senior Showmanship the judge needs to place 1-5.
d) Champions & Reserve Champions will be awarded for every age division.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Logan Gabheart and Catena Minnich
Agility: Sunday, 6:30 p.m.
Judging: Tuesday, 8:30 a.m.
Ribbons pay: 1
: $4.00 2
: $3.00 3
: $2.00 Others: $1.00
All Divisions must participate in Dog Show at the Knox County Fair.
1. A participant can show only one dog.
2. Dogs may be purebred or mixed breed. No wolf hybrids allowed.
3. A dog being shown in dog obedience project must belong to exhibitor or to a member of the immediate
family on or before May 15, or at time of beginning local project.
4. Dogs must be 6 month old by State Fair to show at the Knox County Fair and at the Indiana State Fair.
5. Dogs participating in the 4-H program must be current on vaccinations. Vaccinations required are a
one year or three year Rabies vaccine, a one year or three year DHPP, Lepto every year, and Kennel
Cough (Bordetella) every year. Proof of this vaccination must be presented at the first training class.
Dogs should also be checked for heartworms. Some veterinarians do not carry the DHLPP vaccine so
call them early to assure your dog gets the correct shots.
6. All dogs are to be fed, trained and cared for by the 4-H'er.
7. Members must be equipped with a 6 ft. lead (leather or cotton) and a proper fitting training collar. No
pinch/ prong collars.
8. Female dogs in season are not allowed to be shown at the county or state level.
9. All dogs competing in agility and showmanship must also compete in obedience.
10. For their safety, all dogs competing in agility must be one and half year old, of sound structure, and the
proper weight for its size. Giant size breeds are excluded from show for safety of dog.
11. Agility work will be done on a flat buckle collar without tags.
12. Members are to complete at least 3 activities from the manual. The manual is then to be turned in
before the fair along with other livestock/animal books.
13. Competing in showmanship the youth are required to use a show collar and lead.
14. All dogs must be properly groom and showing no signs on flea to attend a meeting/practice and show.
15. Knox County Dog Show follows Indiana State Fair Dog Show rule and guidelines.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Rich Chattin & Joe Ruppel
Judging: Tuesday, 9:00 a.m.
Premiums: 1
: $6.00 2
: $4.00 3
: $3.00 4
: $2.00 Others: $1.00
1. All goats must be enrolled by May 15
2. Goats are to be in possession of the 4-H'er on or before May 15, current year. For the youngest class of goats the
mother must be in the 4-H’ers possession by May 15.
3. All 4-H Boer goats (except wethers) must have a readable tattoo identical to the one recorded on their registration
certificate. Meat goat wethers & wether dams must be identified by a 5-digit County tag with this number on
4hOnline. Meat goat wethers, wether dams, & Boer goats going to the Indiana State Fair must have an
840-RFID Tag (Extension Office has the new 840-RFID tags.) and turn in a DNA Hair Sample by May 15.
4. Any goat wishing to be shown in the Best Knox County bred class will need to have a scrapie tag starting with
5. All goats must be in place by 10:00 p.m. Sunday.
6. All goats will be required to have on a collar while they are penned for safety.
7. All animals must meet the official health rules. Animals must be free of abscesses, open sores, pinkeye,
respiratory diseases, foot rot, sore mouth and external parasites.
8. Registration papers must be shown to qualify for purebred class.
9. No bucks will be allowed.
10. Breed order of show will be posted the day of the show.
11. Muzzles may not be used.
Meat Goat Wethers & Wether Does
1.) All wethers must be shown with their milk teeth in place.
2.) Wether classes will be divided according to the weight of the animals, with a 50 lb. minimum.
3.) The number of classes will depend on the number of wethers that arrive for the Knox County fair.
Registered Boer Does “FullBlood Does (94% or greater) & Percentage Does (less than 93.9%)
Junior Show
1.) 3 months-old and under (born 4/19/2023 5/15/2023)
2.) 3 months-old to under 6 months-of-age (born 1/19/2023 – 4/18/2023)
3.) 6 months-old to under 9 months-of-age (born 10/19/2022 – 1/18/2023)
4.) 9 months-old to under 12 months-of-age (born 7/19/2022 – 10/18/2022)
Yearling Show
5.) 12 months-old to under 16 months-of-age (born 3/19/2022 – 7/18/2022)
6.) 16 months-old to under 20 months-of-age (born 11/19/2021 – 3/18/2022)
7.) 20 months-old to under 24 months-of-age (born 7/19/2021 – 11/118/2021)
Senior Show
8.) 24 months-old to under 36 months-of-age (born 7/19/20207/18/2020)
9.) 36 months-old and older (born 7/18/2020 or before)
Junior Division Does
1.) All does under 12 months of age on the day of the show shall compete in the Junior Division.
2.) Junior Champions will be selected from the first place class winners in the junior division.
3.) Reserve Junior Champion will be selected from the animals remaining in the Junior Champion
Class, plus the animal that stood second to the Junior Champion in their individual class.
Yearling Division Does
1.) All does that are from 12 months old to fewer than 24 months of age on the day of the show shall
compete in the Yearling Division.
2.) Yearling Champions will be selected from the first place class winners in the Yearling Division.
3.) Reserve Yearling Champions will be selected from the animals remaining in the Yearling Champion
class, plus the animal that stood in second to the Yearling Champion in her individual class.
Senior Division Does
1.) All does that are at least 24 months of age on the day of the show shall compete in the Senior
2.) Senior Champions will be selected from the first place class winners in the senior division.
3.) Reserve Senior Champions will be selected from the animals remaining in the senior champion
class, plus the animal that stood in second to the Senior Champion in their individual class.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Rich Chattin & Joe Ruppel
Judging: Tuesday 9:00 a.m.
Premiums: 1
-$6.00 2
-$4.00 3
-$3.00 4
- $2.00 Others-$1.00
1. All dairy goats must be enrolled by May 15.
2. Goats are to be in possession of the 4-H'er on or before May 15, current year. For the youngest
class of goats the mother must be in the 4-H’ers possession by May 15.
3. All Dairy Goats must have a readable tattoo identical to the one recorded on their registration
4. Dairy Wethers need to have a 5-digit County Tag or Tattoo.
5. Any goat wishing to be shown in the Best Knox County bred class will need to have a scraipie tag
starting with IN42.
6. All goats must be in place by 10:00 p.m. Sunday.
7. All goats will be required to have on a collar while they are penned for safety.
8. All animals must meet the official health rules, and have a health certificate. Animals must be free
of abscesses, open sores, pinkeye, respiratory diseases, foot rot, sore mouth and external
9. Registration papers must be shown to qualify for purebred class.
10. No bucks will be allowed.
11. Dairy breeds order of show will be posted day of show.
12. Muzzles may not be used.
Senior Division - consists of milking Does one year and older year and under 2 years
Doe....2 years and under 3 years
Doe....3 years and under 5 years
Doe….5 years and over
Senior Champion Doe
Senior Reserve Champion Doe
Junior Division - consists of Does under 2 years of age that are not in milk and have never been
Junior Doe…born on or after April 1, current year
Intermediate born March 1
to March 31
current year
Senior Doe…born before April 1 and under 1 year
Yearling Doe…one year and under 2 yrs
Junior Champion Doe
Junior Reserve Champion Doe
Grand Champion Doe
Reserve Grand Champion Doe
Wether Classcastrated wethers under 1 year of age
Goat Showmanship information is after Pygmy Goats Information
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Rich Chattin & Joe Ruppel
Judging: Tuesday, 9:00 a.m.
Premiums: 1
: $6.00 2
: $4.00 3
: $3.00 4
: $2.00 Others: $1.00
1. All Pygmy goats must be enrolled by May 15
2. Goats are to be in possession of 4-H'er on or before May 15, current year. For youngest class of goats
the mother must be in the 4-H’ers possession by May 15.
3. All 4-H Pygmy goats must be tattooed or microchipped. If Pygmy goats are microchipped, the 4-H
exhibitor must furnish their own chip reader.
4. Any goat wishing to be shown in the Best Knox County bred class will need to have a scraipie tag
starting with IN42.
5. All goats must be in place by 10:00 p.m. Sunday.
6. All goats will be required to have on a collar while they are penned for safety.
7. All animals must meet the official health rules, and have a health certificate. Animals must be free of
abscesses, open sores, pinkeye, respiratory diseases, foot rot, sore mouth and external parasites.
8. Registration papers must be shown to qualify for purebred class.
9. No bucks will be allowed.
10. Breed order of show will be posted the day of the show.
11. Muzzles may not be used.
Junior Pygmy Doe ShowOne year old or younger
1.) Junior Doe Kids born on or after April 1, current year
2.) Intermediate Doe Kids born March 1
to March 31
current year
3.) Senior Doe Kids born before April 1 and under 1 year
4.) Yearling Doe…one year and under 2 yrs
Senior Pygmy Doe ShowOver one year of age
1.) Milking Doe (any age)
2.) Jr. Freshened Doe born Feb. 14
2022 – Aug. 13
3.) Senior Freshened Doe born Aug. 14
2021 – Feb. 14
4.) Two Year Old Does born Aug. 14
2020Aug. 13
5.) Three Year Old Does born Aug. 14
2019 – Aug. 13
6.) Four Year Old Does born Aug. 14, 2018 – Aug. 14
7.) Does Five Years Old and Over born Aug. 13
2018 or before
Pygmy Wethers
1.)Senior wethers Year and over
2.)Junior wethers year and under
Showmanship Divisions. Grade in school on January 1 of the current year.
a) Junior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grades are eligible. Once a 4-H member is
the champion junior showman, they must compete in Intermediate showmanship in subsequent years.
b) Intermediate showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 6th, 7th or 8
grades are eligible. Once a 4-H
member is the champion intermediate showman, they must compete in senior showmanship in
subsequent years.
c) Senior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 9th grade or above are eligible (exception only for
previous years’ intermediate showmanship winners).
Senior Showmanship the judge needs to place 1-5.
d) Champions & Reserve Champions will be awarded for every age division.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Dianna Hatcher and Amy Dunn
Horse and Pony Premiums:
4H members receive cash for participating in classes at the fair.
This cash comes from the 4-H council funds
Premium money is not paid for Grand Champion Halter or the versatility pleasure Classes
Premium Money will be withheld if required classes are not completed.
-$6, 2
-$4, 3
-$3, 4
-$2, all others & Mini $1
Order of Show: Monday 4 P.M.
1. Speed & Action: Senior
2. Speed & Action: Intermediate
3. Speed & Action: Junior
4. Pony Poles
5. Horse Poles: Senior
6. Horse Poles: Intermediate
7. Horse Poles: Junior
8. Pony Barrels
9. Horse Barrels: Senior
10. Horse Barrels: Intermediate
11. Horse Barrels: Junior
12. Flag Race: Senior
13. Flag Race: Intermediate
14. Flag Race: Junior
15. Closed Figure 8 race: Senior
16. Closed Figure 8 race: Intermediate
17. Closed Figure 8 race: Junior
18. Keyhole Race: Senior
19. Keyhole Race: Intermediate
20. Keyhole Race: Junior
21. Arena Race: Senior
22. Arena Race: Intermediate
23. Arena Race: Junior
24. Catalog Race: Senior
25. Catalog Race: Intermediate
26. Catalog Race: Junior
27. Sack Race: Senior
28. Sack Race: Intermediate
29. Sack Race: Junior
Order of Show: Saturday 9AM
30. Showmanship: Senior
31. Showmanship: Intermediate
32. Showmanship: Junior
33. Showmanship: Mini
34. Showmanship: Mentor
35. Pony Halter: Gelding
36. Pony Halter: Mare
37. Grand Pony
38. Gelding Halter: Division 1
39. Gelding Halter: Division 2
40. Gelding Halter: Division 3
41. Gelding Halter: Division 4
42. Grand Champion Gelding
43. Mini Halter
44. Mare Halter: Division 1
45. Mare Halter: Division 2
46. Mare Halter: Division 3
47. Mare Halter: Division 4
48. Grand Champion Mare
49. Mare & Foal Halter
50. Hunter Showmanship
51. English Halter
52. Hunter Under Saddle
53. Hunter Equitation
54. Hunter Hack
55. Western Riding: Senior
56. Western Riding: Intermediate
57. Western Riding: Junior
58. Horsemanship: Senior
59. Horsemanship: Intermediate
60. Horsemanship: Junior
61. Horsemanship: Mini
62. Versatility Pleasure: Senior
63. Versatility Pleasure: Intermediate
64. Versatility Pleasure: Junior
65. Pleasure Mini
66. Egg & Spoon Mini
67. Trail: Senior
68. Trail: Intermediate
69. Trail: Junior
70. Trail: Mini
Order of Show: Thursday 9:00 a.m.
71. Gaited Western Pleasure
72. Pony Pleasure
73. Junior Horse Pleasure (animals 5 year & younger)
74. Pleasure: Senior
75. Pleasure: Intermediate
76. Pleasure: Junior
77. Walk Trot (non-lopers only)
78. Ranch Riding: Senior
79. Ranch Riding: Intermediate
80. Ranch Riding: Junior
81. Novice Pleasure: Senior
82. Novice Pleasure: Intermediate
83. Novice Pleasure: Junior
84. Reining: Senior
85. Reining: Intermediate
86. Reining: Junior
87. Walk/Trot: Senior
88. Walk/Trot: Intermediate
89. Walk/Trot: Junior
90. Egg & Spoon Senior
91. Egg & Spoon Intermediate
92. Egg & Spoon Junior
93. Bareback Pleasure, Senior
94. Bareback Pleasure, Intermediate
95. Bareback Pleasure, Junior
All animals need to be enrolled and identified by May 15, current year.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
1. The Knox Co. 4-H Horse and Pony Club uses the Indiana 4-H Horse and Pony Handbook (4-H
661) as a guideline for the program. Any Situation not covered by this book will be handled by the
Horse & Pony Superintendents on a case by case basis. It is the responsibility of each family to
obtain a copy of this book. Each family must have one.
2. The 4-H Horse & Pony project is to be a learning experience and to be FUN!!
3. There will be 4-H’ers there with different levels of experience and abilities, therefore, safety for
EVERYONE will be considered TOP PRIORITY. Safety and safe practices fall to the adult
4. Any violation of the Knox County 4-H rules (by the member or their family) may cause the 4-H’er
and their animal to be eliminated from competition at the County level.
5. Digital Pictures will be used for identification on both the County and State levels. Digital pictures
must be submitted on-line with the horse enrollment form. You must supply the leaders with a
copy of the enrollment form and a 4x6 copy of one picture of each horse enrolled, showing all four
feet and the face in the one picture. This photo must be acceptable proof of identification to the
leaders and Purdue.
6. All enrolled animals must have current vaccines required by Purdue University prior to being
trailered to any 4-H event. Vaccine Form should be hand-carry to all 4-H Horse and Pony Events
(County, Area, and State Fair). A copy of the Vaccine Form needs to be turn-in to Horse and
Pony Superintendents. Vaccines should be administer 30 days before the horse or pony is
around other horses and ponies.
7. Any animal to be shown in the 56" and under classes will be subject to measurement. All
borderline animals not previously enrolled must be measured before the county fair.
8. Each 4-H Member may enroll unlimited number of animals. Mare & Foal is considered one entry
Only 2 horses can be shown in any one class. No stallions are allowed to be enrolled nor are they
allowed on the grounds.
9. All livestock must be owned and cared for by the 4-H’er. Partnership or other financial
arrangements with parents or other adults is acceptable. **NOTE: Any horse or pony not owned
by the 4-H’er or the immediate family must have an official lease agreement on file by the May
10. The 4-H exhibitor is responsible for the accuracy and the completeness of the 4-H Horse and
Pony enrollment form. If forms are incorrect or incomplete the 4-H member may be disqualified.
11. Appropriate tack, footwear (boots w/ heel), and an ASTM or SEI standard 1163 or above helmet,
and the county livestock dress code(including long pants and shirts with a capped sleeve for
riders) will be REQUIRED for all events, classes, and practice meetings. (This is a 4-H Policy)
12. At the official H&P meeting nights at the fairgrounds, only the 4-H members will be allowed in the
arena during demonstration and practice times.
13. Horseback Riding at the fairgrounds is limited to the area surrounding the riding arena. Riding in
other areas of the fairgrounds (barn areas and south of the access road) is prohibited.
14. Purdue Liability Policy covers only members and approved adult volunteers. All equine
professionals, activity sponsors, and spectators, are covered by the Equine Inherent Risk Law as
stated by the Burns Indiana Code Ann. S 34-4-44-1 (1995). This law is strongly supported by the
American Horse Council.
15. Required record books must be turned in to the Extension Office or appropriate people by the
designated day set. This is an appropriate expectation of 4-H.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
16. If you are stalling your horse at the fair for the week, you are to lead it to and from the horse
arena when you practice.
17. Superintendents reserve the right to notify fair board vet, in case of accident or illness or any
other medical concern, for any animal stalled at the fair.
18. As stipulated in “General Livestock Rules” 4-H animal exhibitors may receive grooming
assistance from an immediate family member. Trainers are welcome at all horse events however
during the week of the fair and on show days ALL trainers (individuals whose known main source
of income is from preparing horses for show)are to refrain from assisting (Hands-On) with any
procedure that enhances an animal’s physical appearance or performance. This includes but not
limited to clipping, grooming, lunging, riding, and working at halter. It in no way implies the
individual cannot assist in an emergency situation where someone or an animal is at risk.
19. If your horse is stalled at the fair, that animal is not released until 10:00 pm on Friday night. If the
Horse Show ends you will be required to stay until the approved release time.
20. Any exhibit removed from the fairgrounds prior to the official release time will be disqualified. Any
placings and prizes (including ribbons, money, medals, trophies, etc.) will be forfeited.
21. The barn area, stalls, and tack locations should be kept clean and free from anything that could
pose a hazard to other exhibitors or visitors at the fair.
22. All livestock pens MUST be cleaned prior to leaving on Friday night.
23. Superintendents have the authority to send home unruly animals.
24. All EXHIBITORS, PARENTS, and SPECTATORS, will conduct themselves as ladies and
gentlemen. They are to conduct themselves in such a way as to set a good example for other 4-H
exhibitors and spectators at the show. IMPOLITE BEHAVIOR, POOR SPORTSMANSHIP, OR
DISRUPTIVE ACTIONS (as deemed by the show management) will result in disqualification
and/or removal from the fairgrounds.
through 5
through 7
grade and above.
(Child’s grade in school is the grade they were in on January 1 of the current year)
26. To be able to compete in other classes on the county level, each 4-H’er is required to compete in
one of the showmanship classes.
27. While showing, safety is of utmost concern. Show ring courtesy dictates that all exhibitors
maintain a safe distance between animals in both halter and performance classes.
28. It is recommended that each exhibitor/animal combination enrolled in the State Show, compete in
the same class, or most similar qualifying class at either the area or county level.
29. All 4-H animal exhibits must be free of drug, steroid, and chemical or foreign substance residue.
30. The top five places in each livestock class, and any suspect animal(s) or those selected at
random may be required upon conclusion of the judging, to submit to examination or tests as
prescribed by the Fair Board or the 4-H Council. Officials reserve the right to require mandatory
drug or steroid testing of animals entered for the show. Entry by an exhibitor expressly grants the
31. The decision of the Judge is FINAL. Any questions concerning placings, participation, or other
show related problems should be addressed to the “Show Committee”
32. The Round Robin Participant will be selected by the Judge from the Senior Showmanship class.
Senior Showmanship the judge needs to place 1-5.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
33. Six individuals will be selected to participate in the 4-H Auction. They are: Grand Champion Mare,
Gelding, and Pony and Reserve Grand Champion Mare, Gelding, and Pony. If these 4-H’ers
choose not to sell the horse they will be replaced by the Judge’s next choice. Beginning in 2017,
the following buckle winners will have an opportunity to sell in the Auction; if they choose not to
sell they will NOT be handed down. Contesting, Distinguished 4-H Member, and Versatility for
Senior, Intermediate, and Junior. These 4-H’ers will sell in the regular rotation schedule of the
34. The Auction Committee and the Fair Board expect orderly conduct and compliance with the
Auction rules by the exhibitors and their attendants. Any violation of this rule would warrant
withholding of the premiums and could have banning from future 4-H Auction Sales.
35. Anyone wishing to participate at the State level should obtain a copy of the State Fair Rules in the
State Fair Handbook either from the Extension Office or on-line @
36. Entries and Entries Fees for the Indiana State Fair must be made on-line by the deadline. Please
check State Fair website for deadline dates (
37. All state fair entries must print a copy of their on-line horse enrollment and a copy of the State
Fair entry form and take it with them to the show
38. Indiana state fair tickets are required to enter the state fair after the fair has started. These are
mailed to you after you have enrolled on-line.
Specialty Awards
Participation Points
The leaders have established a point value for different activities during the year. These points
are accumulated from attendance, demonstrations, work days, local open shows, and the tack
auction, working in the concession stand, and the parade in Vincennes, and participating at the
Indiana State Fair. There will be a participation buckle awarded to the high point winner in ALL 3
DIVISIONS. In addition to receiving the belt buckle individuals will have the opportunity to sell
an enrolled horse or pony in the auction.
Attendance1 point
With horse---1 point
Bringing drinks---1 point **requires a minimum of a 12 pack of drinks (Gatorade, soft
drinks, or water)
Helping with a demonstration---1 point (assisting another individual with a demonstration)
Doing a demonstration----3 points (researching, lecture, and demonstrating)
Attending the area show ---2 points
Parade 2 points
Work Days (Horse & Pony or Council)3 points (Must be present 75%/day)
Registering for the Indiana State Fair 2 points (provide receipt)
Participating at the Indiana State Fair 5 points (points will be awarded for next consecutive
Contesting Points
Using the premium money amounts converted to points each horse and rider combination will
receive points based on placing and participation in individual classes. To achieve the
maximum points the member should select what they believe to be their best animal and enroll
it in as many classes as possible. There will be a belt buckle awarded to the high point in each
division. In addition to receiving the belt buckle individuals will have the opportunity to sell the
horse or pony in the auction.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Versatility Points
Using the premium money amounts converted to points an individual horse and rider
combination selected by the 4H member will receive points based on placing and
participation in the selected classes. To achieve the maximum points the member should select
what they believe to be their best animal and enroll it in the designated classes. There will be a
belt buckle awarded to the high point in each division. In addition to receiving the belt buckle
individuals will have the opportunity to sell the horse or pony in the auction.
These Classes are as follows:
1. Poles
2. Barrels
3. Pleasure (individuals must compete in the versatility pleasure all sizes for their age
4. Horsemanship
5. Western Riding
6. Trail
***English Pleasure is an optional class to be used only as a tie breaker.
Round Robin
A belt buckle will be awarded to the individual that competes in the Round Robin.
***The Round Robin takes place in the show barn on Thursday of the fair and is comprised of
the SENIOR SHOWMANSIP WINNERS of the different species. In the event the senior horse
showmanship winner forfeits competing (or is already qualified in another species) in the Round
Robin, the next eligible individual to compete will receive the buckle
Special Notes
***Each 4H member can ONLY win 1 buckle. Once a member accepts the buckle for an event,
no further points will be kept for other buckles. An individual implies such by accepting the
*** Any animal sold in the 4-H Auction is ineligible for the Indiana State Fair
***In the event Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Classes decline to sell in the
auction it will be passed to the next eligible individual.
*** Buckle winners will not be passed down (Participation Point winners may sell any enrolled
***Any gifts awarded by the club require the completion of the project and the showmanship
class for their age group.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
4-H Llamas & Alpacas
Superintendent: Stephanie & Joe Keller
Judging: Sunday, 4:00 p.m.
County Guidelines:
1. Llamas/Alpacas must be identified in 4HOnline by May 15 with the upload of 2 pictures.
4HOnline states “State Fair Only” the need for pictures but 2 pictures are required for Knox
County exhibition.
2. In showing the animal at all times the Four Quadrants of Show should be demonstrated by the
Four Quadrants of Show: If the Judge views the animal on the front side of animal, the Exhibitor
should stand on the opposite side, if the Judge is viewing the animal on the back side, the
Exhibitor should be standing on the same side of the Judge.
3. All Exhibitors will be expected to help set-up, clean-up and take down the stalls and the exhibit
4. All Exhibitors showing their own animals must provide their own feed, feed pans, water buckets,
bedding, halters, and black leads.
5. All Exhibitors are required to care for the animals, clean pens, water, food, and grooming on a
daily basis.
6. Llamas & Alpacas will show together.
7. No intact Llama or Alpaca male 24 months of age or older will be permitted to show.
8. Nursing Llama or Alpaca mothers may not be accompanied in the ring by their babies. We
recommended not showing nursing llama mothers.
9. No Llama under the age of five (5) months or Alpaca under the age of (6) months may be shown.
10. All Exhibitors will have a number displayed on their chest and back, so Judge can identify.
Exhibitors enter ring in clockwise patterns, Judge will provide guidance in how she or he would
like Exhibitor to proceed. A Ring Steward will be in the show ring to assist in the show. Ring
Steward will advise Judge on how many Exhibitors to place in each class.
11. Each Exhibitor will accumulate points during the course of the show, for each class they
participate in and place in.
12. The points will be added up by a scorekeeper, at the end of the show the points will determine the
Grand Champion of Show and the Reserve Grand Champion of Show.
13. 4-H Members are limited to one entry in each class.
14. Only show officials and exhibitors are permitted in the show ring.
15. Official show apparel is white button down shirt, with black pants, and closed toe shoes.
(Classes are subject to change. Classes will be finalized by June 1
A. OBSTACLE CLASS - Exhibitor and animal are judged on their ability to negotiate obstacles.
Five specific obstacles are required:
1. jump
2. change of pace
3. backing
4. bridge/ramp
5. maneuvering
Obstacle course will be displayed to Exhibitor prior to the show, a walk through will be performed by
the Ring Steward prior to each class, for the benefit of the Judge and Exhibitor. A score card will
be assigned for each Exhibitor, If the Exhibitor misses or skips an obstacle, zero points will be
given for that obstacle. If the Exhibitor attempts the challenge and animal refuses to follow
through, 1 point will be awarded for effort. Exhibitor can make up to two attempts then the Judge
will ask them to continue on to the next challenge.
Level 1 - Grades 3, 4, & 5
Level 2 - Grades 6, 7, & 8
Level 3 - Grades 9, 10, 11, & 12
Knox County 2023 Handbook
B. HALTER CLASS - Animals are judged on their appearance and conformation (head, neck, body,
straightness of top line, legs, jaw alignment and way the animal moves). In addition, both animal and
exhibitor will be judged on handling and preparation of the animal.
Male and Female Llamas/ Miniature Lamas
6 months up to 2 years of age
Over 2 years of age (Males must be none-breeding)
Male and Female Alpacas
6 months up to 2 years of age
Over 2 years (Males must be none-breeding)
C. SHOWMANSHIP CLASS - Exhibitors are judged on their knowledge of the animal and ability to
show his/her animal to the best of his/her ability.
Judging Areas:
1. Four Quadrants of Show
2. Grooming (both animal and exhibitor)
3. Following directions
4. Presentation of animal
5. Answering questions that pertain to their animal
6. Backing animal
7. Changing position with other exhibitors in the show ring.
Showmanship Divisions. Grade in school on January 1 of the current year.
a) Junior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grades are eligible. Once a 4-H
member is the champion junior showman, they must compete in Intermediate showmanship in
subsequent years.
b) Intermediate showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 6th, 7th or 8th grades are eligible. Once a 4-
H member is the champion intermediate showman, they must compete in senior showmanship in
subsequent years.
c) Senior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 9th grade or above are eligible (exception only for
previous years’ intermediate showmanship winners).
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Brent Hislip and Kim Downen
Assistant Superintendent:
Judging: Monday 8:00 a.m.
Poultry Premiums: Blue-$3.00 Red-$2.00 White-$1.00
1. All Poultry must be in place by 10.00 p.m. on Sunday. No animals will be removed without
the approval of the Poultry Superintendents.
2. Class champions and class reserve champions may be represented in the auction on
3. Individual bird identification required for entry. Member is to do at least 3 activities from
manual and turn in early with other livestock/animal manuals.
4. The show will be judged by the APA (American Poultry Association) Standards of
Perfection and ABA (American Bantam Association) Bantam Standard.
5. If an animal is part of a pen it cannot be shown in any other class.
6. No fighting cocks, geese, guineas, peacocks, or pheasants.
7. All birds must be washed dried, and groomed prior to arriving at the Fair on Sunday.
8. No Poultry may be exhibited showing signs of an infectious or communicable disease or
external parasites.
9. All Poultry presented for exhibition must meet one of the following requirements:
a. Test negative for pullorum-typhoid within 90 days prior to the date of their exhibition.
b. Be hatched from eggs originating from certified NPIP pullorum-typhoid clean flocks.
c. Originate from a flock where the entire flock is certified NPIP pullorum-typhoid clean.
d. To meet NPIP Requirements a purchase receipt from a hatchery, breeder, or farm store
clearly showing the breed, quantity, and purchased date will be required.
10. All birds must be banded and blood tested each year by staff unless NPIP certification is
11. Every bird is required to have identification band on the leg of the bird to exhibit at the fair.
There will be NO retagging.
12. Poultry Classes will be posted day of the show. Categories will be Large Fowl, Commercial
chickens, Bantam chickens, Turkeys, Waterfowl, and Pigeons.
12. Champion ribbons will be awarded for the best blue ribbon exhibit in each division.
13. No additional premiums are given for Championships.
14. A member may have 2 entries in each of the Large Fowl Classes, Bantam Classes, Turkey
Classes, Waterfowl Classes, and Pigeon Classes. A member may only have 1 entry in
the Commercial classes.
15. Dirty birds will be dropped one (1) ribbon place as determined by the judge.
16. Once a 4-H member wins an intermediate showmanship class they will participate in the
senior showmanship class at the next year’s fair.
17. It is the responsibility of the 4-H’er to feed and water their animals while at the fair
and to keep the cage area under the pen clean.
18. Poultry are to be in the possession of the 4-H’er on or before May 15
, current year. All
Poultry exhibits must be banded.
19. All birds, depending on breed, must be large enough to blood test and band to be
determined by the Poultry Superintendents.
20. No items will be placed in the Poultry Barn other than exhibitor tags and 4-H ribbons unless
approved by the Poultry Superintendents.
21. Only the Poultry Superintendents can make changes to the exhibitor tags on cages.
22. All birds in the Poultry Building will be removed by midnight on Friday night.
23. The Maximum number of cages per exhibitor is 12.
24. The Maximum number of birds that can be banded per exhibitor is 30.
25. Poultry exhibitors will be required to have a water bottle type water, also called a Fount, for
each of the pens which can be purchased from the Superintendent.
26. Superintendents are the only ones who can move birds from cage to cage
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Poultry Classes:
White Egg Shell pullets (2 birds)
White Egg Shell hens (2 birds)
Brown Egg Shell pullets (2 birds)
Brown Egg Shell hens (2 birds)
Dual Purpose pullets (2 birds)
Dual Purpose hens (2 birds)
Roasters (2 birds)
White Shell chicken eggs, hen or pullet (6 eggs)
Brown Shell chicken eggs, hen or pullet (6 eggs)
All Other chicken eggs, hen or pullet (6 eggs)
American large fowl
Asiatic large fowl
Continental large fowl
English large fowl
Mediterranean large fowl
All Other Standard Breeds large fowl
Modern Game
Old English Game
Single Comb Clean Legged
Rose Comb Clean Legged
All Other Comb Clean Legged
Feather Legged
Turkey Any Breed/Any Sex
Heavy Weight Duck
Medium Weight Duck
Light Weight Duck
Bantam Duck
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Jennifer Stafford & Phillip Hedge
Showmanship & Judging: Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Poster judging: Wednesday before the fair
Rabbit Premiums: Blue $3.00, Red $2.00, White $1.00
Note: Judging will begin at 9:00 a.m. with Mini 4-H showing first. Directly after the Mini, the general 4-H
Rabbit Show will begin.
1. 4-H members may complete the Rabbit program in more than one way. The ways are:
a. Making and turning in a rabbit poster
b. Rabbit Showmanship
c. Exhibiting rabbits at the fair
2. All members must complete the rabbit manual.
3. 4-H’ers must have rabbits in their ownership and their possession no later than May 15
of the
current year.
4. All rabbits must have a legible tattoo in the left ear for identification purposes, and the county tattoo in
the right ear. There will be one tagging date for putting these tattoos in the rabbit’s ears and will be
established for those who have rabbits that need tattooing. This date will be as close to the May 15
possession date as possible. Both tattoos must been in the rabbits ear by May 15
5. All rabbits must be ID on 4HOnline by May 15. The following information is required: the
rabbits Tattoo, Birthdate, Sex, & Breed. This is to be done for ALL rabbits even if these are the
same rabbits that were used last year.
6. A Member may show a maximum of 12 rabbits with entries from no more than 4 breeds. A
member can only have 4 entries per class.
7. Rabbits are judged as follows:
a. Classes are judged for Blue, Red, and White ribbons
b. Class blue ribbons are judged for class champion and reserve class champion
c. All class champions are judged to get a breed champion and reserve breed champion
d. All 4-class breed champions will compete for their 4-class Grand Champion and the Reserve
Grand Champion
e. All 6-class champions will compete for the 6-class Grand Champion and the Reserve Grand
f. The 4-class and the 6-class Grand Champions will compete for the overall Best of Show
8. Champion ribbons and trophies and Reserve Champion ribbons will be awarded in each breed.
9. No additional premiums are given for champions.
10. All rabbit members must indicate the numbers and the breeds of their rabbits that they intend to show
during the fair so that cages and trophies can be in place. Forms will be sent to each member who
has indicated that they are showing rabbits. These must be returned by JULY 1. Failure to return this
form will mean that the 4-H’er will NOT be allowed to show their rabbits.
11. It is the member’s responsibility to know the breed, sex, and the class of the rabbit that they are
12. Members need to follow the dress code for showing their rabbits:
a. Wear long pants
b. Wear either a lab coat or long sleeved shirt
c. Shoes should not be open toed or have open heals
d. Have longer hair pulled back
e. No gum chewing
13. Rabbits entered in the wrong breed or class may be put in the correct breed or class if that breed or
class has not already been judged, or it may be put in the cross breed class.
14. It is the responsibility of the 4-H’er to feed and water their animals while at the fair and to keep all litter
from beneath their cages. Carriers and food should not be kept in the barn.
16. Breed Order of Show will be posted at livestock check in and on day of show.
17. NO personal fans in rabbit barn.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
1. Showmanship is showing the judge what you know about your rabbit
2. Members will show their rabbit one at a time in front of the judge
3. Members must follow the dress code set forth in the rules for rabbits.
4. There are 3 levels of showmanship.
Level 1 - Junior (grades 3, 4, and 5)
Level 2 - Intermediate (grades 6, 7, and 8)
Level 3 Senior (grades 9 and above)
Once a 4-H member wins an intermediate showmanship class they will participate in the senior
showmanship class at next year’s fair. 2014 intermediate showmanship winners will be advanced to
the senior class at 2015 fair.
5. The judge will use a state approved score sheet for his scoring.
1. Members have the opportunity to make a poster instead of showing a rabbit, or in addition to showing
a rabbit.
2. Posters are to be entered in the 4-H building during the Saturday non-perishable judging.
3. Posters should be informative and from one of the following subjects:
a. Breeds and Characteristics
b. Feeding and care
c. Housing
d. Having litters
4. Posters must have a 3x5 file card listing resources used in making the poster attached to the back of
the poster in the center.
5. A champion and a reserve champion will be awarded in the poster project. Posters will be judged as
blue, red, or white.
6. Posters should follow the regulations for the posters in the general 4-H rules.
7. Rabbit poster premiums are the same as all entries in the 4-H building.
1. Mini 4-H members may attend rabbit club meetings and participate in rabbit club activities.
2. Mini 4-H members may show 1 rabbit and they need to follow the May 15
ownership and possession
date deadline as the other rabbit members.
3. Mini 4-H members must have the same ear tattoos that regular 4-H rabbit members must have in
their rabbit’s ears.
4. Mini 4-H members may show a rabbit that is going to be shown by a regular 4-H member who is
taking the rabbit project.
5. Mini 4-H rabbits DO NOT stay at the fair. The mini 4-H rabbit goes home after it has been judged,
unless it is an entry for an older rabbit member.
6. All mini 4-H rabbit members will show their rabbits at the start of the rabbit show. All members will
bring their rabbits to the show table at the same time and stand behind their rabbit while being
7. There is no premium money paid for the mini 4-H rabbits.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Rex Decker & ______________
Judging: Monday, 9:00 a.m.
Premiums: 1
-$6, 2
-$4, 3
-$3, 4
-$2 and others $1
All entries must be made to superintendent by 10:00 p.m. on Sunday
1. Market lambs must use a five (5) digit ear tag. Commercial ewes may be identified by a 5-
digit county tag or a farm flock tag. Registered ewes must be identified by the ear tag that
corresponds to the tag number listed on the ewe's registration paper. Any Sheep going to
the Indiana State Fair must have an 840-RFID Tag (Extension Office has the new 840-
RFID tags.) and turn in a DNA Hair Sample by May 15.
2. 4-H animal may not be maintained at a professional fitter’s facility
3. Direct application of ice, ice water, alcohol, Freon or other refrigerant to the hide of lamb is
strictly prohibited.
4. Market lambs must be under 1 year of age on show day and still have their lamb’s teeth
5. A ewe lamb may not be shown as both a market and breeding animal in a given year. A ewe
lamb can be shown as a market lamb one year and then shown as a yearling breeding ewe
the following year.
6. Any lamb showing evidence of testicular tissue is ineligible in the wether class.
7. Purebred market lambs must be born of purebred parents of the same breed and exhibit
characteristics consistent with that breed.
8. A pair of lambs in breeding classes must both be of the same sex.
9. Pair class animals must be entered and shown by the same exhibitor
10. Any breeding ewes or rams wishing to be shown in the Best Knox County Bred class must
have a scraipie tag starting with IN42.
11. Muzzles may not be used.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
BREED ORDER OF SHOW: Will be posted day of show.
Yearling ram (1 yr. and under 2 yr.)
Fall ram lamb (born Sept1-Dec31, last year)
Commercial ram
Ram lamb (born Jan 1 & after, this year)
Champion ram & Reserve Champion ram
Yearling ewes (1 yr. and under 2 yr.)
Pair of yearling ewes
Fall ewe lamb (born Sept 1-Dec 31, last year)
Ewe lambs (born Jan 1 & after, this year)
Pair of ewe lambs
Champion ewe & Reserve Champion ewe
Best 4 head
Ram and 2 ewes
Supreme Champion ram (Selected from Champion rams of each breed)
Supreme Reserve Champion ram
Supreme Champion ewe (Selected from Champion ewes of each breed)
Supreme Reserve Champion ewe
Best Knox County bred ram
Best Knox County bred ewe lamb
Best Knox County bred wether
Lightweight market lamb
Medium weight market lamb
Heavy weight market lamb
Pair market lambs
Champion market lamb
Reserve champion market lamb
Champion pair of market lambs
Grand Champion market lamb
Grand Champion Pair of market lambs
Showmanship Divisions. Grade in school on January 1 of the current year.
a) Junior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grades are eligible. Once a
4-H member is the champion junior showman, they must compete in Intermediate
showmanship in subsequent years.
b) Intermediate showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 6th, 7th or 8
grades are eligible. Once
a 4-H member is the champion intermediate showman, they must compete in senior
showmanship in subsequent years.
c) Senior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 9th grade or above are eligible (exception
only for previous years’ intermediate showmanship winners).
Senior Showmanship the judge needs to place 1-5.
d) Champions & Reserve Champions will be awarded for every age division.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Superintendent: Justin Marchino & Jared Thomas
Judging: Tuesday, 5:00 p.m.
Premiums: 1st--$6.00 2nd--$4.00 3rd--$3.00
4th--$2.00 Other--$1.00
1. All Swine are to have an 840-RFID tag in the ear.
2. All entries must be made to Superintendent by 10:00 p.m. on Sunday.
3. All swine will be judged by breeds and crossbred. Purebred stock must have registration
4. All swine must be ear notched & enrolled by May 15
. Questionable ear notches will be
subject to review by a screening committee and the animal will be disqualified if the
committee deems the ear notch to be more recent than May 15.
5. Bedding for pens will be limited to wood chips only.
6. Only Box fans are to be used during the fair.
7. All market hogs will be weighed in and tagged at time of delivery to fairgrounds. Hogs
will only be weighed once.
8. All hogs should be washed prior to arriving at the fair Sunday.
9. No animal can show in both the market and breeding class.
10. Breed order of show: Determined by superintendents.
11. All hogs of each breed will show in one class unless numbers warrant dividing into
lightweights and heavy weights. The superintendents will determine the breaking point.
12. The committee in charge will act upon any items not included above.
13. Any hogs not going through the Auction or to market must be off the fairgrounds by 8:30
a.m. Saturday. All animals other than auction are the owner's responsibility to remove at
the designated time.
14. All barrows must weigh between 220- 300 pounds to exhibit, in accordance with State
Fair rules.
15. Gilts must weigh:
1. Purebred with registration papers no less than 180 pounds
2. Crossbred gilts 200 and over
16. No Boars.
17. Limit of 9 head per 4-H'er.
18. Classes:
Market Hogs
Light Barrow
Heavy Barrow
Champion Barrow
Reserve Champion Barrow
Grand Champion Barrow
Res. Grand Champ Barrow
Champion Gilt
Reserve Champion Gilt
Res. Grand Champion Gilt
Grand Champion Gilt
19. The Swine Superintendents will assign all swine pens.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
20. Slick clipping or body shaving of 4-H barrows and gilts is prohibited. Animal’s
slick clipped or body shaved less than one half inch (in length) will not be allowed
to exhibit. Hair length can be looked at any time by the committee prior to the
Swine Show Tuesday morning. Hair will be checked if a complaint is filled. The
complaint’s animals will also be subject to be checked.
21. Showmanship Divisions. Grade in school on January 1 of the current year.
a) Junior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grades are eligible.
Once a 4-H member is the champion Intermediate showman, they must compete in
junior showmanship in subsequent years.
b) Intermediate showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 6th, 7th or 8
grades are
eligible. Once a 4-H member is the champion intermediate showman, they must
compete in senior showmanship in subsequent years.
c) Senior showmanship - all 4-H exhibitors in the 9th grade or above are eligible
(exception only for previous years’ intermediate showmanship winners).
Senior Showmanship the judge needs to place 1-5.
d) Champions & Reserve Champions will be awarded for every age division.
Knox County 2023 Handbook
Judging will be Wednesday 7 p.m.
Superintendents: Jason and Heather Misiniec
-- Contest should be FUN
-- Should be something to strive for as Senior showmen.
-- Will be only one (1) winner
--Contestant winners of each species shall not be revealed until contest ends.
Who Participates:
-- Senior Showman winners of various livestock classes (beef, dairy, sheep, swine, horse, dairy goat)
-- If NO Senior Showman then no representative from that species
-- Senior Showmen are eligible to participate in Round Robin Showmanship more than once if they
continue to be the winner of the livestock species.
-- Previous Round Robin winners are ineligible to participate.
Livestock Used for Show:
-- Livestock superintendents of each species contact various exhibitors for permission to use their animal.
-- Animals should be gentle.
-- Owner of selected animals to bring animal and equipment necessary for showing to show arena at time
of show (halters, brush, show stick, etc.).
-- Animals should be clean, but no extensive grooming to be done.
Owners of animals used will stay to insure safety of the animal, equipment and spectators, and to return
animal to stall after contest. Owner is NOT to assist contestants.
Animal Selection for Showmanship Participants:
-- To be by blind draw
-- Each animal given a number and contestants draw for their animal
-- Participants will not be allowed to show their own animal, redraw another number
Showman Qualifies In More Than One Livestock Area:
-- If showman qualifies in more than one livestock area, the first livestock area qualified in shall be the
one they represent.
-- Each livestock area will have a runner up to be the alternate.
-- Judge will place each contestant in each livestock species and assign point value for placing. Lowest
point wins; i.e., 1st--1 points, 2nd--2 points, 3rd--3 points, 4th--4 points, 5th--5 points, 6th--6 point.
-- In the event of a tie the judge will determine the winner at his discretion.
BEEF: Animal to come to ring in show halter, bring brush, show stick, scotch comb
DAIRY: Heifers to come to ring with show halter
SWINE: Brush and cane, stick or whip
SHEEP: No halter while showing
GOATS: Cup for milking
HORSES: Bring show halter, brush, and comb
ONLY light grooming will be necessary by contestants. Brush visible dirt or straw. Goats may be milked.
Horses will be haltered in contest.