Ben Davis University High School
2024-2025 Student Handbook
Ben Davis University
1155 S. High School Road
Indianapolis, IN 46241
Principal: Valerie Miller
Phone: 317-988-7800
FAX: 317-243-5683
Twitter: @BDUtv_News
Table of Contents
District Mission Statement 3
BDU Mission Statement & Principal’s Message 3
Map of Ben Davis University High School 4
Wayne Township Calendar 2022-2023 5-6
Grading Scale 6
22-23 Bell Schedules 7
BDU Diploma Requirements 7
BDU Audits & Petition to Graduate 8
Graduation Pathway Requirements 8
Attendance Policy 9-10
Responsible Use of Technology 11
Chromebook Replacement/Repair Charges 11
Transportation and Bus Information 12
Before & After School Procedures 13
Student Transcripts & Counselor Requests 14
Dismissal Procedures for Parent Pick-up & Drop-off 15
Dismissal & Parent Pick-up Procedures 15
School Nurse, Medications 16
Discipline Plan/Drug Testing 16
Bullying,Lockers, Parking Permit 17
Honors Schedule 17
Dress Code 18-19
Students Deliveries & Outside Food 19
Student Cellular Devices and Electronic Devices 19
Ben Davis University High School Main Office…….………….…988-7800
Electronic Newsletters are sent out quarterly through ParentSquare.
Mrs. Valerie Miller Principal 317-988-7860
Mr. Quentin Hunter Assistant Principal 317-988-7864
Mr. Michael Woods VU Assistant Dean 317-988-7861
Mrs. Rachael Stone VU Secretary 317-988-7862
Mrs. Stephanie Kachur Counselor/Guidance Director 317-988-7803
Ms. Molly Cordes Counselor 317-988-7804
Mrs. Barbara Keglovits Secretary to Principal/Discipline 317-988-7866
Ms. Eva Brown Receptionist/Attendance 317-988-7800
Ms. Candice Woods Treasurer 317-988-7863
M.S.D. of Wayne Township Mission Statement
The mission of the Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township is:
To activate and accelerate student learning.
Equal Educational Opportunity
The Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township does not discriminate, deny benefits to
nor exclude anyone from participation based on sex, race, national origin, religion, or
Mission Statement of BDUHS
Ben Davis University High School, a partnership with the MSD of Wayne Township community
and Vincennes University, will provide rigorous, innovative educational programming designed
for students who excel in a small and supportive academic environment, culminating in a high
school diploma and an associate degree.
Message from the Principal
Welcome to Ben Davis University High School Indiana’s MOST SUCCESSFUL Early College! We
believe in providing an exceptional educational experience that sets the stage for lifelong
success, and BDU is designed to do just that. BDU offers a unique opportunity for motivated
and ambitious students to earn their high school diploma while simultaneously earning an
Associates degree. BDU is an amazing place to be and its continued success is a direct
reflection of the outstanding students and staff as well as our supportive families. BDU fosters
a nurturing and inclusive community that values each student’s unique strengths and
aspirations. Our dedicated faculty and staff work collaboratively to provide personalized
guidance, mentorship, and support to ensure the well-being of every scholar. I strongly
encourage all members of the BDU Families to stay informed of important updates this
summer through the use of Parent Square. I also encourage all Wayne Township families that
use Facebook to take the time to “LIKE” the Wayne Township Facebook page and follow our
school and district Twitter accounts @BDUtv_News and @WayneTwpSchools to keep up with all
the great things that happen everyday at BDU and in our Wayne Township community. The
deep partnerships that develop between home and school help to ensure the success of all of
our BDU Scholars and Wayne Township students! Together, let’s unlock the limitless potential
within your child and provide them with an extraordinary head start towards a successful
Mrs. Valerie Miller
2024-2025 School Calendar
Mon, Jul 29-Tue, Jul 30 Teacher Workday (District Staff Development, No students)
Wednesday, July 31 Pre-K, Preschool, Grades K-12 Students Full Day
Monday, September 2 Labor Day (No School)
Friday, September 27 END OF FIRST GRADING PERIOD (42 Days)
Mon, Oct. 7 Fri, Oct 11 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Mon, Oct. 14 Fri, Oct 25 Pre-K, Preschool, Grades K-12 Fall Recess (No School)
Tuesday, November 5 Pre-K, Preschool, Grades K-12 No School (Staff Development Day)
Wed-Fri, Nov 27-29 Thanksgiving Recess (No School)
Friday, December 20 END OF FIRST SEMESTER (88 Days)
Mon, Dec 23-Fri, Jan 3 Winter Recess (No School)
Monday, January 6 Staff Returns from Winter Recess
Tuesday, January 7 Pre-K, Preschool, Grades K-12 Return from Winter Recess
Monday, January 20 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School)
Monday, February 17 Presidents’ Day (No School)
Friday, March 14 END OF THIRD GRADING PERIOD (47 Days)
Mon, Mar 24-Fri, Apr 4 Spring Recess (No School)
Monday, May 26 Memorial Day (No School)
Wednesday, Jun 4 END OF SECOND SEMESTER (Pre-K Grade 11 Last Day) (94 Days)
Thursday, Jun 5 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (Teacher Workday, No Students)
Possible make-up days will occur in the following order if cancellation of school occurs:
2 Maximum
5 Maximum
8 or More
No Make-up Days
eLearning Days
5 or more days prior to the possible make-up day:
January 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
February 17 Presidents’ Day
May 26 Memorial Day
June 4 Last Day of School
BDU Grading Scale
Letter Grade
***Please note that all BDU scholars MUST earn a C or above on both dual-credit and high school only
courses in order to be on track for an associate degree and earn transferable college credits AND an
academic & technical honors diploma
BDU Bell Schedules
Ben Davis University High School
24-25 Bell Schedule
Bell Schedule 1
Period 1
9:20 - 10:20
Period 7
9:20 - 10:55
Period 2
10:25 - 11:25
Period 8
11:00 -1:00
120 (25)
Period 3
11:30 - 12:55
85 (25)
Lunch 1
Lunch 1
Lunch 2
Lunch 2
Lunch 3
12:35 - 1:00
Lunch 3
Period 9
1:05 - 2:35
Period 4
1:00 - 2:00
Period 5
2:05 - 3:05
2:40 - 4:10
Period 6
3:10 - 4:10
BDU Diploma Requirements
All BDU Scholars are on track to earn a Core 40 HS Diploma with both Academic &
Technical Honors as well as an Associate Degree. AHD/THD requires at least three
years of a world language and some scholars will take four years. AHD/THD also requires
pre-calculus & trigonometry and Indiana requires that all students take math all four years so
Finite and Probability & Statistics is a math option for seniors who complete pre-calc/MATH
102 & trig their junior year.
Failure to stay on track for an associate degree could result in a transfer to BDHS in
order to ensure that they are not in jeopardy of not earning their Core 40 HS
BDU Audits & Petition to Graduate
Every BDU Scholar is required to attend an audit each year where they will review their high
school diploma progress as well as their associate degree progress with a BDU guidance
counselor and VU early college coordinator or assistant dean. Parents/guardians are invited
and encouraged to attend! Sophomore & Juniors have audits in the spring. Seniors have a
fall audit and a spring petition to graduate.
Graduation Pathways Requirements
All BDU Scholars graduate under the Indiana Graduation Pathways Requirements which align
with our requirements for scholars to earn a Core 40 HS Diploma with AHD/THD and complete
their Associate Degree. Below is the breakdown of how each requirement is completed by our
BDU Scholars followed by the state requirements for Graduation Pathways.
1. Box 1 Core 40 Diploma
2. Box 2 Project-Based Learning through Sophomore Bridging Program
3. Box 3 AHD/THD Diploma OR Dual Credits
Attendance Policy
When a student is absent from school, the following procedures must be followed:
A parent or guardian must call the attendance reporting line at
317-988-7890 before the end of the school day, of the day the absence occurs to notify the
school of the absence. This information should be included in the voice mail message:
Student’s name and grade
Name of person making the call and relationship to student
Reason for absence
Date of the absence
A contact telephone number for verification
If the student’s absence is due to a medical, dental, or other professional appointment, a
physicians note from the place of business is required within 48 hours of the
All phone calls and verification notes must be received by the Attendance Secretary within 48
hours of the students return to school in order for the absence to be excused. If a note or
phone call is NOT received within 48 hours, the absence will be considered unexcused. The
day of return is the first 24 hours. The attendance voicemail is available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. It is the responsibility of the student and parents to report absences to
the school promptly.
Tardy to School - Arriving at school after the 9:20am bell.
Absence to School - Not attending more than 50% of the school day.
Unexcused Absences School Policy
The attendance procedures for students with an excessive absences are as follows:
Number of Absences
Parent Call
Parent Conference
Parent Conference/Attendance Contract
Final Conference
Transfer Request
AM Tardy to School Policy
The attendance procedures for students with an excessive amount of tardies to
school are as follows:
*Additional AM Tardies (10+) could result in removal from BDU and placement at WPA
our alternative school or BDED our night school program and these students would lose
the opportunity to earn their associate degree.
All students will receive an EXCUSED AM tardy if their parent calls or signs them in, anything
after 9:20AM. A parent calling in MUST have a documented reason for their AM Tardies to
school or it will move to an UNEXCUSED AM Tardy.
Any students that do not have a parent call or sign them in will receive an UNEXCUSED tardy
which will then be subject to the following consequences.
Tardy to Class Policy
The attendance procedures for students with an excessive amount of tardies to class are
as follows:
In order to maximize instructional time, students are expected to arrive to all classes
before the bell rings. If a student is not in the classroom when the bell rings, they
will be counted as tardy by their professor. Tardies will accumulate on a semester
basis the number of tardies that a student accumulates during the first semester
WILL NOT carry over to the second semester.
Class Tardy*
& 2
When the student does not
arrive to class on time.
Verbal Reprimand
by Teacher
Parent Phone Call
by Teacher
Referral & Loss of
(determined by
Referral & Loss of
(determined by
*5+ minutes late = truancy (class cut) which will result in a referral and the student will be subject to
immediate disciplinary consequences.
Loss of Privilege could include the following
Number of Tardies
Lunch Detention
Loss of Clubs
After School Detention (scheduled)
1 Day ISS (scheduled)
Attendance Contract
Loss of Passing Periods
Loss of Honor Schedule Privileges
Loss of Clubs
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
The Wayne Township High Schools offer a filtered Wi-Fi network on campus. Students may bring a
personal device to school to use for educational purposes. Students are expected to connect to the filtered
Wi-Fi network to ensure access to quality online resources.
Important Facts
Users of the Wi-Fi network have filtered Internet access just as they would on a district-owned
device. Wayne Township High Schools offer many educational resources via the Internet. These
resources can be accessed anytime and anywhere students have access to the Internet;
therefore, learning is extended beyond the classroom.
Students may bring their own technology device (laptop, netbook, cell phone, tablet, etc.) to
school to be utilized in the classroom at the discretion of the teacher. By connecting to the
schools’ Wi-Fi, users accept the terms of the MSD of Wayne Township’s Responsible Use Policy
(RUP) located on the MSD of Wayne Township website at
Students are expected to exhibit digital responsibility/citizenship and follow the Responsible Use
Policy (RUP) while using personal or district-owned technology.
Students will log onto the Wi-Fi network by using their district-provided username and password
Device Responsibility
1. Students are expected to connect to the filtered Wi-Fi while on campus.
2. The technology devices students bring to school are their sole responsibility.
3. The district assumes no responsibility for personal devices if they are lost, loaned, damaged, or
stolen. Only limited time or resources will be spent trying to locate stolen or lost items.
4. Personal devices may be subject to investigation in accordance with district policy.
5. Students are to keep their devices secure at all times and not loan them to others.
6. Students must keep devices on silent mode during the school day.
7. Audible use of devices is not permissible unless authorized by a staff member.
8. Students are expected to arrive on campus with fully charged devices.
9. Students must follow school procedures for reporting illness, early dismissal, and other forms of
communication home.
Transportation & Bus Information
Riding a bus is a privilege provided to any student who resides in Wayne Township.
Transportation is not provided to out-of-district students. All students must adhere to the
transportation rules provided at the start of the school year and upon request from their
assigned driver.
BDU Drop-off & Departure Times
Buses drop students at 9:05am. In the afternoon, Buses depart at 4:15 pm. For late
arrivals, students who arrive on a late bus are given a pass or an excused late to class via a
PA announcement and breakfast stations are held open for their arrival. All students are
expected to go straight to their bus immediately after the 4:10pm bell. Buses will not be held
for students exiting late from the building.
Riding an Unassigned Bus
All students are assigned a bus and route by transportation, which is available online by going
to the transportation portion of our website. Students cannot ride an unassigned bus at any
time. The school does not accept temporary bus permissions. All bus decisions are made by
MSD of Wayne Township Transportation Department.
Getting Off at a Different Bus Stop
Students are only given permission on a temporary basis (no more than 5 days) to get off at
a different stop. Verbal permission (parents/guardians can call or write a note and include
their phone number) MUST be received before a special bus pass is issued which is presented
to the driver by the student.
Work Permits
Work permits are no longer obtained through the schools. Effective July 1, 2021 all Indiana
employers who employ five or more minor employees under the age of 18 must use the new
Youth Employment System (YES) to register those employees with the Youth Employment
division of the Indiana Department of Labor. This new system replaces the previous “intent to
employ” form completed through the schools. Please note that the new system does not
change the state’s work-hour requirement for minors and all employers must still comply with
the Teens Work Hour restrictions and Prohibited and Hazardous Occupation restrictions for
minors. Ultimately, we encourage all BDU parents/guardians to carefully consider
employment opportunities for our scholars to ensure that the school is prioritized above all job
Before-School Procedures
Students may be dropped off before school at door 10 starting at 8:30am, but will have to
remain in the double doors area until 9:05am daily. At 9:05am daily door 10 and door 12 will
be open to allow the students to access the following areas where direct supervision will be
Media Center
Commons Area
Students who drive to school can enter the building at door 12 starting at 9:05am, but again
must go to one of the four areas listed above.
Students are not to go onto the 2
or 3
floor areas until 9:05am.
Breakfast may be picked up at the two breakfast stations near Door 9 and Door 12.
After-School Procedures
We do allow students to remain in the commons or Door #10 until the office closes at
4:45pm. Students waiting for a ride are not to be in other parts of the building unless they
are supervised by an adult. Individual study tables can be arranged with teachers and our VU
Learning Coach holds study tables. After the office closes at 4:45pm, all students that are not
supervised by an adult MUST report to the double doors area at Door 10 to wait for their rides
or can remain outside the building by Doors 12 & 1.
These building policies and procedures are designed for the security
and safety of all BDU students.
Student Transcripts
Graduation from high school is an important accomplishment. Employers, the military,
government programs and colleges all request documentation of high school performance in
the form of an official transcript. A transcript confirms the courses you studied, the
requirements you met and the grades you earned as a high school student.
You may request a transcript to be sent to colleges or universities through NAVIANCE. Your
username is your student ID# and your password is your birth date. A signed request form is
required to send a transcript to the military or for scholarship applications. Directions can be
found on the BDU website by clicking the Order Transcripts icon on the BDU home page.
VU Transcript Request
A student's signature is required each time a VU transcript is requested. The request must be
in writing by completing a Vincennes University Transcript Request Form that is
available in BDU's main office. Once the form has been completed and returned to BDU's main
office, it will be faxed to VU's Registrar's office for processing.
Official transcripts are marked with the official seal of the University and are mailed directly
by the Registrar's Office to official representatives of other universities, to certification
agencies, to military representatives, etc. Any transcript mailed directly to the student is
considered unofficial and it will not be accepted by any agencies listed above as official.
There is no charge for a VU transcript.
Counselor Request Procedures
If you have an issue you need to discuss with your counselor, you must complete a google
form. QR codes for the google form are located throughout the building. Your counselor will
call you down to their office when they are able to meet with you. If it is an emergency,
please let the school secretary know.
Who is my counselor?
Mrs. Kachur
Mrs. Kachur
Miss Cordes
Dismissal Procedures for Parent Pick-up & Drop-off
1. All parents wishing to drop off their child must enter the campus through the south
entrance off Morris Street and Fruitdale Road.
2. Parents can NOT drop off/pick up their child at the main entrance (door 10) on the
east side of the building between 9:05am-9:15am and 4:00pm-4:20pm. This is our
staff lot and bus lot ONLY.
3. Coming in through Fruitdale road, go into the first entrance on the left to the large
parking lot. Pull into a designated parking space. Parents should drop off their
student in the parking lot and have their students cross at the crosswalk. Releasing
students outside of the parking lot creates a hazard for all parties. Our campus has
three programs that all start and end at different times – Adult Education, Wayne
Township Preschool, and BDU which is why you MUST follow these procedures.
4. Parents needing to pick up their child early must park in the east parking lot (lot
directly off High School Road) near the main entrance (door 10) and come into the
main office to sign out their child. Parents cannot park or line up on the curb in
front of the main entrance to wait for their child as this will cause the buses
to not be able to depart and creates traffic jams.
5. Parents waiting to pick-up their child can do so in the southwest parking lot off High
School Road in a designated parking space. Parents should not line up along the
curb near the community offices at the south side of the building (door 1) as this will
block exiting traffic including the departing buses. (Handicap parking is limited and
fills quickly)
6. Again, we must stress the importance of NO CURBSIDE PARKING at any time and NO
U-TURNS AT ANY TIME. Additionally, staff members will be present to direct traffic
and there will be NO HANDICAP PARKING DURING DISMISSAL. Please make sure
that you follow these procedures when picking up your child to ensure the safety of
all staff, students, and parents.
Dismissal & Parent Pick-up Procedure
School Nurse & Medications
BDU has a school nurse on staff who keeps her clinic open to students during the school day.
If a student should need to visit the nurse during the school day, their instructor will write a
referral to the nurse. The nurse will determine the treatment of the student and whether or
not the student should be allowed to go home. Students are prohibited from calling their
parent or guardian and requesting an early pick-up without consulting with the school nurse
first. Any student who leaves school, without the authorization of the school nurse, will be
considered truant and subject to disciplinary consequences.
Students are not allowed to carry prescription OR over the counter medications on them while
on school grounds. Medication MUST be given to the nurse with the permission to take
medication on file. All over the counter medication must be unopened. Please call our nurse
with any questions 317-988-7923.
Ben Davis University HS Discipline Plan
The University campus created a discipline plan that was developed to ensure the academic
integrity of our building. The plan is meant to promote a school atmosphere which is
conducive to student learning. Student conduct is one important indicator of school climate
and a critical factor in determining a quality school. Students subjected to disciplinary actions
by either the school administration or from their respective professors will be addressed
according to this plan. The staff at BDUHS reserves the right to deal with each student’s case
according to their individual situation before considering appropriate consequences. This plan
is not intended to be the “last word” or “all-inclusive” concerning misbehaviors or penalties,
but it is a conscientious attempt to deal fairly and consistently with students.
The University will employ progressive discipline which may include any of the following
consequences: Verbal warning, conferencing, parent meeting, in-school suspension,
out-of-school suspension, alternative placement, lunch detention, after school detention,
denial of privileges (loss of passing period, no internet, honor schedule), contract and/or
drivers license revocation.
Drug Testing
The use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco is prohibited and requires interventions.
Students may be tested through voluntary testing, which requires parental/guardian
permission, or required testing based on individualized, reasonable suspicion. Voluntary
testing may be requested when a student violates certain rules or if the student is having
significant trouble with grades or attendance. “Individualized reasonable suspicion” means
circumstances which, when considered together in the context of which each occurred, give
rise to a reasonable belief that, at the time the test would be administered, the test would
show that the student had used a drug, alcohol or tobacco in violation of Indiana or Federal
Law or MSD of Wayne Township Student Conduct Rules.
Substances for which students may be tested include illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol,
tobacco, and substances that mask the presence of or block the detection of another
substance. The use of a “blocking agent” is an expellable offense. The refusal to provide a
specimen is a violation and will have the same consequences as a positive test. The results of
voluntary testing will be reported to the district testing coordinator who will notify the
parent/guardian of the results. If the test results are positive, the testing coordinator will
work with the parent/guardian to find appropriate assistance for the student. The
consequences of a confirmed, positive, required test shall be consistent with the Student Code
of Conduct.
Bullying is not acceptable or tolerated at BDUHS. It is our expectation that ALL acts of
bullying will be reported immediately to the university faculty, counselors, and/or
administrators. If parents are aware of bullying, they should contact an administrator
immediately. Consequences for bullying will include the full range of disciplinary actions up to
and including expulsion.
Per Indiana Code (IC 20-33-8-0.2) "Bullying" means overt, repeated acts or gestures,
including: (1) verbal or written communications transmitted; (2) physical acts committed; or
(3) any other behaviors committed; by a student or group of students against another
student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other student.
You will be assigned a locker with a combination for your entire time at BDUHS. A change
may not be made without permission. You should not share lockers or tell others your
locker combination; this will prevent items from being taken or stolen from your
locker. For your safety, you must have permission from a staff member or be accompanied
by an adult to use your locker before 9:00 a.m. or after 4:15 p.m. If you have difficulties
with your locker, report it to the office. Lockers will be checked and cleaned periodically. You
should not leave food or beverages in your locker. Each student will have a name plate
identifying their assigned locker and will be assigned that same locker for the entire time a
student is enrolled at BDU. Upon graduation, students will receive their name plate.
Parking Permit
Applications for parking permits are available in the main office. A parking permit is required
if you drive to school. You will need a valid driver’s license, copy of registration, and proof of
insurance. There is a $20 fee for the entire school year or $10 for only one semester. Driving
to school is a privilege and this privilege may be revoked by school administration at any time
for failing to follow safe driving rules. A valid BDU parking permit must be displayed in your
vehicle if you drive to school.
Honors Schedule
Honors Schedules are a privilege reserved for upperclassmen only in grades 11 & 12. School
administrators reserve the right to remove this privilege at any time should the student abuse
the privilege or fail to continue to have good attendance, grades, and behavior while on
honors schedule. All honors schedule students will receive a pass on a lanyard and they must
wear this lanyard to exercise their honors schedule privileges while on campus.
HIGH HONORS Students on High Honors can leave campus or report to the commons or
media center during non-instructional time SRT, directed studies, or lunch.
B’s or above in ALL classes
No “unexcused” absences
No “unexcused” tardies to school
No “unexcused” early releases from school
No “excessive” tardies to class (3 or more is considered excessive)
Demonstration of on-line course progress (on-track % completed)
No discipline referrals or removals from class
Parent Permission
M.S.D. of Wayne Township Student Dress Guidelines
The Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township is committed to providing an environment
that is the most beneficial for student’s safety and learning. A broad-based committee of
parents, teachers, students and administrators developed the following guidelines which were
approved by the Wayne Township School Board. They were designed to reflect Wayne
Township’s Community Values. These guidelines are consistent with the Student Code of
Conduct Rules for the MSD of Wayne Township.
No article of clothing, tattoo, or accessory may contain language or graphic representations
depicting or promoting the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, showing gang affiliation or
encouraging gang activity, violence, or sexual activity. These guidelines are provided to assist
students and their families in recognizing what is acceptable in Wayne Township schools.
Please contact your student’s principal for further clarification and requests for special
circumstance exemptions.
Shirts / Tops
All shirts or tops must “cover” the underarm, chest, shoulders (no spaghetti straps), stomach,
and back.
Pants, Skirts, Shorts
All articles of clothing on the lower torso must rest naturally at the top of the hip to ensure
that undergarments are not visible in the standing or sitting position. Shorts and skirts must
be mid-thigh/fingertip in length when a student’s arms are comfortably at his/her side.
Clothing which is primarily constructed of spandex, spandex type, or other excessively tight
material is not permitted as an outer garment, unless it is covered by acceptable clothing at
the mid-thigh/fingertip length. Pajamas are not permitted. Any holes in the clothing above
fingertip length must be covered with tape or other materials.
Footwear must be worn in school at all times. House shoes and house slippers are not
permitted. At the elementary level, shoes should be appropriate for recess and student safety
should be a consideration. Excessively loose shoes or shoes that pose a tripping hazard should
be avoided.
Jackets / Coats
Jackets are permitted to be worn in the school during the instructional day. Heavy coats
designed for frigid temperatures and/or excessively large coats are not permitted.
Headwear and Glasses
Sunglasses shall not be worn in the buildings. Students may wear baseball caps. Students
may appropriately use articles (barrettes, headbands, scarves) designed to pull or hold hair.
Hair / Facial Jewelry
Student’s hair, jewelry, or other accessories should not interfere with the educational
environment of the school or safety of each student.
Book bags / Backpacks
Book bags and backpacks are permitted in school. Excessively large bags and bags with
rollers may be restricted during the school day.
Undergarments / See-Through Materials
Undergarments are not to be visible at any time. Outer garments are to be worn in a manner
which will cover up all undergarments. See-through materials do not constitute “cover.
This list is not intended to be an exhaustive list of prohibited items. Clothing,
accessories, and other items deemed disruptive, offensive, or contrary to the
school’s mission by the school administration may be prohibited.
Student Deliveries
Deliveries of balloons, cake, flowers, or other celebratory items will be accepted, but will not
be delivered to the student during the school day. Students who receive deliveries will be
contacted to pick up the item at the end of the school day.
Food deliveries from outside restaurants are not allowed for students at BDU. If a student
places a food order (pizza, Jimmy John's, etc.) that is delivered to the front desk and it is not
paid for, it will be refused. If a student places a food order that has been paid for, it will be
placed in the refrigerator and the student will be called down at the end of the day to pick it
If a parent or student brings in fast food, they are not allowed to eat this in the cafeteria or
commons. They will be provided with the option of eating this in the office during SRT or
lunch, but other students will not be allowed to join them. Students are allowed to bring in a
beverage and consume this in the commons, but frozen beverages such as shakes are not
allowed to be brought into the cafeteria. If a student attempts to bring in outside food,
they will be escorted to the office to eat their food on the first offense and on the
second offense the food will be taken from the student and held in the office until
the end of the day.
Student Cellular Devices and Electronic Devices
SB 185 prohibits students from using wireless communication devices in
classrooms, during instructional time. Students will be required to safely place their
wireless devices and associated electronic devices in a safe storage area for the
duration of classroom instruction time. Students who choose to disobey this school
policy will be progressively disciplined.