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The Business Case for Pricing Vaccines
February 2022
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a nonprofit professional organization of 67,000 primary
care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the
health, safety, and well-being of all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults, has long supported
vaccination as an essential preventive health measure for children and families. One of the goals of the
AAP, shared by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), is to promote maximum
vaccination coverage for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
Supporting Vaccination in the Medical Home
The pediatric medical home is the backbone to the vaccination infrastructure for children. Adequate
payment must support the ability to administer vaccines in the medical home to every child, regardless
of payer. As shown by the CDC National Immunization Survey-Child
, disparities persist in vaccination
coverage for children, and there is much work to be done to close care gaps and ensure all children have
equitable access to life-saving vaccines. It is essential that every pediatric vaccine provider receive
adequate payment to capture every opportunity to provide vaccines at the point of care.
To be able to sustain administering vaccines, providers must be paid at a level that ensures recovery of
the total direct and indirect expenses. After all, pediatric practices spend a significant cost on vaccines,
which are the second highest expense following payroll for many practices. Furthermore, public and
private sector payers must recognize that a pediatric practice is a business entity and must run on
sound, generally accepted business principles. For practices to remain viable, they must be paid for the
full costs of vaccine-related expenses and generate a margin for all components of vaccination.
Several studies published in the Pediatrics supplement, “Financing of Childhood and Adolescent
underscore the need for appropriate payment to cover the total costs of vaccination. In one
major study, a cross-sectional survey of private practices in 5 states (California, Georgia, Michigan, New
York, and Texas) concluded that there is wide variation in payment for vaccines and administration fees
by payers, resulting in the “need for providers to seek opportunities to reduce costs and increase
reimbursements” for vaccination.
Two Distinct Components of Vaccination
It is important to note that there are two distinct components of vaccination: the vaccine product and
immunization administration. These two components must be separately recognized and separately paid
at a level that supports ongoing vaccination.
The vaccine product Current Procedural Terminology (CPT
) code must be reported to capture expenses
related to the product alone. The product code does not reflect the work and expense that the
immunization administration codes entail. Immunization administration entails separate work,
practice expense, and professional liability insurance expense and is, therefore, separately reportable,
with CPT codes reported either per vaccine (9047190474) or per component (9046090461).
Whereas there are no direct vaccine purchase costs for universal purchase states and for publicly
sourced vaccines (VFC and pandemic vaccines), the immunization administration fee must cover
compensation for indirect vaccine acquisition and maintenance expenses, as well as overhead (in
addition to the components already defined in the CPT codes for immunization administration).
Vaccine Product-Related Expenses
To ensure that providers can continue their vital role administering vaccines, the AAP recommends
that payments to providers for the vaccine product should exceed the acquisition cost and overhead
expenses associated with the vaccine product.
Nominal immunization administration fees cannot
make up for inadequate vaccine payments due to the separate expenses captured under the product
and administration codes; both need to be appropriately paid by payers.
Following are direct and indirect expenses related to the vaccine product, necessitating payment above
the direct acquisition cost:
Purchase price (acquisition cost) of the vaccine
This is the amount paid by the physician for the vaccine. Although discounts may exist, these are
not available to all pediatric practices and may be time limited. Additionally, larger healthcare
entities often have greater leverage in purchasing power compared to smaller, independent
practices. Cost and payment disparities between pediatric practices cannot be a barrier to
protecting individual and public health.
An accurate and verifiable public source on the current manufacturer's price for vaccines can be
accessed on the CDC vaccine price list for the private sector at
The CDC private sector vaccine price list should be used as a transparent methodologic basis for
vaccine acquisition and invoice cost as part of the total cost of the vaccine. In addition, payers
should subscribe to the available email updates on price changes and update their fee schedules
accordingly in a timely manner
(within 60 days or as soon as possible based on contractual
requirements, state law, or other requirements).
Personnel costs for ordering and inventory
Medical office staff (clinical and administrative) must take time to monitor vaccine stock, place
orders, ensure safe storage procedures, and negotiate costs, delivery, and payment terms for
Storage equipment and monitoring costs
Vaccines must be stored at very specific temperature ranges and, therefore, require special
monitoring and storage equipment. Of note, while the practice expense component of the total
immunization administration code pays for some vaccine storage costs, certain other expenses
may not be included. These could include freezer(s), freezer lock(s), freezer alarm system(s), and
generators for continued electrical supply (all of which are depreciated).
Insurance against loss of the vaccine
Professional liability malpractice insurance does not cover vaccine product, so additional insurance
coverage is needed by the practice. Practices without this insurance must personally bear the
expense of any vaccine lost due to equipment failure or human error in temperature control.
Recovery of costs attributable to inventory shrinkage, wastage, and nonpayment
Inventory shrinkage refers to the uncompensated loss of product due to theft, vendor error, and
administrative error. Additionally, there is an estimated wastage/nonpayment of at least 5%, which
practices must account for, due to situations such as drawing up the vaccine and having the
patient/family reconsider and refuse, resulting in subsequent non-payment, or a loss of dose that
may occur in attempting to vaccinate an uncooperative/combative patient. This would also include
collection costs in response to nonpayment by the patient or third-party payer.
Lost opportunity costs
This is the cost of maintaining a large vaccine inventory. Each pediatrician or other provider of
privately-supplied vaccines maintains a significant cost of vaccine inventory, which in some cases
has been reported to be as high as $15,000 or more. Maintaining product inventory results in
monies being tied up that otherwise might be available for investment or other opportunities to
generate revenue. Practices must receive an appropriate return on their investment.
Total expenses
When the direct and indirect expenses for the vaccine product are combined, this results in total
expenses at 17% to 28% over acquisition cost. To sustain and support vaccination in the medical
home, payments for the vaccine product should be at the level that covers the total vaccine expenses
plus a reasonable margin.
As such, payment for vaccines must meet the following criteria:
Be based on a transparent and verifiable data source, such as the CDC vaccine price list for the
private sector, available at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/vfc/awardees/vaccine-
Cover the vaccine product acquisition price as well as all related expenses, including a return
on investment for the dollars invested in vaccine inventory.
Be at least 125% of the current private sector cost on the CDC vaccine price list.
Additional Challenges and Considerations with Vaccination
Increasing number and cost of vaccines
The emergence of new vaccines and novel technologies have played an increasingly important role in the
prevention and/or reduction in mortality and morbidity from infectious diseases. However, as the
number of vaccines continues to rise, so does the potential for uncompensated costs. As more
combination vaccines are added and the ACIP schedule is gaining increasing complexity, the process of
ordering, inventory management, and making appropriate clinical decisions adds additional burden to
practice teams.
Alternative Sites for Vaccination Outside the Medical Home
In part due to an inadequate payment infrastructure, the adult primary care model has experienced
decreased vaccination within the medical home. In fact, in many regions of the country, pediatricians
have been vaccinating adults in their community against annual influenza and eagerly stepped up to
protect all ages with COVID-19 vaccine. While pharmacies and hospitals serve as alternate solutions for
adults, they are not appropriate as the primary pediatric vaccination infrastructure.
Two additional burdens have emerged over the past decade: growing vaccine hesitancy and increased
technology expenses for sharing of vaccination data.
Vaccine Hesitancy
Educating and counseling families on the role, indications, and safety of each vaccine product can
require substantial time and resources.
Pediatricians are a trusted source of information, and before
some families decide to get a child vaccinated, pediatricians must spend considerable time counseling
them to fully address questions and concerns. This counseling may or may not result in a vaccine being
administered during a particular encounter, though it may result in a vaccine being administered later
after the family further considers the information. The cost of ongoing vaccine education is one that
must be supported in the overhead of the pediatric medical home as an investment in individual and
public health.
Increased Technology Requirements for Sharing Vaccination Data
An increasing number of states now require vaccination information exchange within a specified
reporting period. This technology comes at a cost (often both set-up and maintenance fees) to the
pediatric practice and must be considered as part of adequate payment. This technology infrastructure
often also requires time-consuming reconciliation by staff as challenges in data exchange remain.
Pediatricians play a critical role in vaccination. To support pediatricians in their role of vaccinating
children and the community, public and private payers must ensure appropriate payment for all
aspects of vaccination. Vaccines protect children and families, and it is imperative to remove all
barriers to children receiving life-saving vaccines.
1. Hill HA, Yankey D, Elam-Evans LD, Singleton JA, Sterrett N. Vaccination Coverage by Age 24
Months Among Children Born in 2017 and 2018 - National Immunization Survey-Child, United
States, 2018-2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2021;70(41):1435-1440. Published 2021 Oct 15.
2. Financing of Childhood and Adolescent Vaccines. Pediatrics. 2009;124(Suppl 5).
3. Freed GL, Cowan AE, Clark SJ. Primary care physician perspectives on reimbursement for
childhood immunizations. Pediatrics. 2009;124 Suppl 5:S466-S471. doi:10.1542/peds.2009-1542F
4. Hudak ML, Helm ME, White PH; AAP Committee on Child Health Financing. Principles of
Child Health Care Financing. Pediatrics. 2017;140(3):e20172098. doi:10.1542/peds.2017-2098
5. Edwards KM, Hackell JM; AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases, The Committee on Practice
and Ambulatory Medicine. Countering Vaccine Hesitancy. Pediatrics. 2016;138(3):e20162146.