User Research Plan Template !
(created by Aurelius for public use:!
[insert project name here]!
1. Background
The background section should be brief. Tell stakeholders and clients about the recent
history of the project, why you’re conducting the research, and what you’re going to
2. Objectives & Goals
Why are you conducting user research? What problems do you hope to solve? What is
the end goal after completing the research? Share all relevant details here
3. Stakeholders & Team
List each stakeholder and team member participating in the research along with their
roles. (Bonus: add any responsibilities and expectations of each person for clarity)
<person name and title>: include whether each person is a stakeholder or research team
member + responsibilities and expectations
<person name and title>:
<person name and title>:
<person name and title>:
4. Existing Research to Reference (optional)
Reference any past research projects, insights and outcomes relevant to this new study
for context, where possible.
5. Audience & Participant Recruiting
Persona/Customer segment (include the # of people you want to include from this
group): add a description here of this recruiting segment with more details!
Persona/Customer segment (include the # of people you want to include from this
group): add a description here of this recruiting segment with more details!
Persona/Customer segment (include the # of people you want to include from this
group): add a description here of this recruiting segment with more details!
6. Metrics
7. Research Focus & Scope
Why are you conducting user research? What problems do you hope to solve? What is
the end goal after completing the research?
8. Research Questions
Share questions you’ll ask in the research or even question themes more broadly
Question/Question theme 1:
Question/Question theme 2:
Question/Question theme 3:
9. Budget
Provide a quick summary of the cost and breakdown of that cost for the research to be
10. Timeline
List key milestones for the research, when they will begin and finish with dates
e.g. “Improve usability of the sign up process”
reduce time on task!
Increase sign up count
e.g. recruiting participant fee (per person)
Milestone [date mm/dd/yyyy]:
Milestone [date mm/dd/yyyy]:
Milestone [date mm/dd/yyyy]:
Milestone [date mm/dd/yyyy]:
11. Method(s)
Share details on the specific method(s) you’ll use to conduct research and a brief
description of what they are (bonus: share any specific reasons why these methods
help answer your research goals and specific needs of the project)
12. Tool(s)
List the tool(s) to be used to deploy, conduct, analyze and share the research and
insights or outcomes so the team knows what to expect