UX Research Study Chore Responsive Website
& Research
Title: Usability study of Chore Website
Author: Alecia Mitchell, UX Researcher, alecia@gmail.com
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Before the unmoderated usability study:
Stakeholders: Task Masters executives, including Shira Amara (Head of Online
Sales) and John Jacobs (Chief Marketing Officer)
Project Background: We are creating a new responsive website to help kids and
parents manage their home responsibilities and rewards. We need to find out if the the
main user experience, navigating the on-boarding and sign-up experience of the chore
website, is easy to complete. We also wan tto understand the challenging users might be
facing in the sigh up process.
Research Goals: Determine if users can complete their core tasks in the website, and
what issues might hinder them from using our site.
How long does it take for a user sign up through the website?
Are users able to successfully navigate through the onboarding?
Do users think our website is easy or difficult to navigate?
What are the users thought processes behind the sign-up user flow and process?
What are the potential design changes we could make to help improve the user
Time on task (how long does it take participants to complete the sign up flow?)
Conversion rates (measure the percentage of users who successfully signed up)
User error rates (target problem areas that need improvement to refine the ideal user flow
through prototype)
System Usability Scale: a questionnaire to evaluate user feedback
Unmoderated usability study
Location: United States, remote (participants will complete study in their homes)
Date: Sessions will take place on May 21 and 22, 2021
Length: Each session will last 20-25 minutes, based on a list of prompts,
and includes a short questionnaire.
Compensation: $25 Amazon gift card for participation in the study
The following introduction appears on the screen:
Intro: Welcome to our study. Before we begin, do I have your permission to record this
session with audio and video?
Please remember that I am not testing you, there are no right or wrong answers, I am only
looking for your honest feedback. This study is being conducted to help make a website
that allows parents and children navigate the chore system in their homes. We'll start with a
few questions, then you'll receive some prompts to complete while using the website.
Your answers will help make this app easier for people to use. If you have any questions,
please don't hesitate to ask.
Date: May 21-22, 2021
Participants consist of parents who want to have a reliable, cohesive space to set their
children's chores and subsequently reward them, and family members that want to be a
part of the children's development.
Two females, two males and one non-binary, ages ranging from 26-60
One visually impaired user of assistive technologies (switch device, screen reader)
UX Research Study Wedding Venue App
Basic Questions
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After the unmoderated usability study
The participants will complete the System Usabilty Scale questionnaire
Participants will score the following ten statements by selecting one of five
responses that range from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree.”
o I think I would use the website frequently.
o I found the website unnecessarily complex.
o I thought the website was easy to use.
o I found the various functions in this website were well integrated.
o I need the support of a technical person to be able to use this website.
o I find the website easy to navigate.
o I think there is inconsistency within the website.
o I imagine that most people would learn to use this website quickly.
o I feel confident using the website.
o I need to learn a lot of things before I can get going using this website.
What does a typical day in your life look like?
Do you use a chore chart at home?
Do you find it easy or difficult to use a chore chart, and why??
What is the hardest part about using a chore chart?
How do you feel about your current process of completing chores, and rewards payouts?
During the unmoderated usability study:
A list of prompts appears on the screen:
Prompt 1: Starting on the landing page, chose to sign up for this website.
o Prompt 1 follow up: Is there anything you would change about the process of
signing up? How easy or difficult was this task to complete?
Prompt 2: Select the child sign up page on the website.
o Prompt 2 follow up: Is there anything you would change about the child sign-up?
How easy or difficult was this task to complete?
Prompt 3: Confirm the sign-up process and go to the family dashboard.
o Prompt 3 follow up: Is there anything you would change? How easy or difficult
was this task to complete?
Prompt 4: From the Chores page, figure out how to search for chores
o Prompt 4 follow up: Is there anything you would change? How easy or difficult
was this activity to complete?
Prompt 5: How do you feel about this chore website overall? What did you like or dislike
about your experience?