Student Guidebook 2020–2021
The course oerings and requirements of the University of Tennessee are continually under
examination and revision. This student guide presents the oerings and requirements in eect
at the time of publication, but there is no guarantee that they will not be changed or revoked.
Current information may be obtained from the following sources:
Admission Requirements:
Course Oerings and Degree Requirements: *See Undergraduate Catalog,
ABET: The university’s engineering programs are fully accredited by the
ABET Engineering Accreditation Program.
*Refer to the engineering and campus resources sections on pages 3 and 4 of this book for a
more comprehensive list of resources and contact information at the University of Tennessee.
CREDITS: Tickle College of Engineering Communications Oce
All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment and admission without regard to race, color, national origin,
religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran
status, and parental status. In accordance with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the University
of Tennessee armatively states that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, or disability in its education programs and
activities, and this policy extends to employment by the university. Inquiries and charges of violation of Title VI (race, color, and national
origin), Title IX (sex), Section 504 (disability), the ADA (disability), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (age), sexual orientation,
or veteran status should be directed to the Oce of Equity and Diversity, 1840 Melrose Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37996-3560, telephone
865-974-2498. Requests for accommodation of a disability should be directed to the ADA Coordinator at the Oce of Equity and
Diversity. A project of the Tickle College of Engineering. Job 427336.
The New Engineering Complex
Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 1 1
Academic Departments ..............................1
Administrative Contacts ..............................1
Tutoring ............................................ 2
Additional Resources ............................... 2
New Students ......................................3
Academic Standing ................................. 3
Good Academic Standing ...........................3
Academic Probation ................................ 3
Advising Model .....................................4
How is College Life Dierent from High School? ....5–6
TECHNOLOGY & STUDENT PRIVACY ................. 8
FERPA Statement ................................. 8
DIVERSITY PROGRAMS ..............................9
(CO-OPs and INTERNSHIPS) ......................... 10
ARE YOU CAREER READY? ...........................12
Programs Abroad Oce (PAO) ......................13
Study Abroad for Engineering Students ..............13
Global Engineering Initiatives ........................13
Undergraduate Grades ..............................14
First Year Composition ..............................14
International Students ...............................14
ABC/N Grading System .............................14
Changes in Registration .............................14
Grades that do not Influence Grade Point Average ....15
Satisfactory/No Credit Grading System ..............15
Repeating Courses ..................................15
Grade Replacement Policy for Three Lower Division
(100-400 Level) Courses ........................... 15
Aerospace Engineering .............................16
Biomedical Engineering .............................16
Biosystems Engineering .............................17
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering .............17
Civil and Environmental Engineering .................18
Computer Engineering ..............................19
Computer Science ................................. 19
Electrical Engineering ..............................20
Industrial & Systems Engineering ...................20
Materials Science and Engineering ...................21
Mechanical Engineering ............................22
Nuclear Engineering ...............................23
Aerospace ........................................24
Biomedical ....................................... 25
Biosystems ........................................26
Pre-Professional Concentration ...................27
Chemical .........................................28
Biomolecular Concentration ......................29
Civil ...............................................30
Computer Engineering ..............................31
Computer Science .................................32
Electrical ..........................................33
Power & Energy Systems Concentration ...........34
Industrial ..........................................35
Materials Science and Engineering ..................36
Mechanical ........................................37
Nuclear ...........................................38
Radiological Engineering Concentration ...........39
MINORS ............................................40
PRE-HEALTH INFORMATION .........................41
Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program ..........42–43
ADVANCED PLACEMENT ............................45
Math Placement ...................................47
English & Foreign Language ........................48
UTrack INFORMATION ...............................55
MyUTK INFORMATION ...........................56-57
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE PLANNER ...................58
ACADEMIC CALENDAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
KEY TERM DATES ...................................60
OFFICE LOCATIONS BY BUILDING ...................62
Biosystems Engineering
& Soil Science
Danielle Carrier, Dept. Head .................865-974-7266 / [email protected]
Daniel Yoder, Professor, Advisor .............865-974-7116 /
101 Biosystems Engr & Env Science Building
Chemical & Biomolecular
Bamin Khomami, Dept. Head .................865-974-2421 /
Kerri Cline, Senior Advisor ..................865-974-2351/k[email protected]
419 Dougherty Building
Civil & Environmental
Chris Cox, Dept. Head ........................865-974-2503 /
Jeremy Mobley, Advisor ................865-974-0724/
325 John D. Tickle Engineering Building
Electrical Engineering &
Computer Science
Greg Peterson, Dept. Head .............. 865-974-3461 / [email protected]
MIke Taylor, Senior Advisor ..............865-974-3510 /
Joanna Rathbone, Advisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865-974-9147 / jr[email protected]
401 Min H. Kao Building
Industrial and Systems
John Kobza, Dept. Head .................. 865-974-3333 / [email protected]
Rachel Duncan, Advisor ................ 865-974-7651 /
525 John D. Tickle Engineering Building
Materials Science
& Engineering
Veerle Keppens, Dept. Head .................865-974-5336 /
Hannah Swan, Advisor ................... 865-974-8202 / hsw[email protected]
414 Ferris Hall
Mechanical, Aerospace, and
Biomedical Engineering
Kivanc Ekici, Interim Dept. Head ..........865-974-5115 /
Jennifer Hartwig, Senior Advisor ....... 865-974-7243 / [email protected]
Roger Gray, Senior Advisor .............. 865-974-7665 / rgr[email protected]
414 Dougherty Building
Nuclear Engineering J. Wesley Hines, Dept. Head .................865-974-2525 / [email protected]
Amanda Lovelace, Advisor .............. 865-974-8240 / alov[email protected]
301 Nuclear Engineering Building
Associate Dean for Academic
and Student Aairs
Ozlem Kilic ...............................865-974-2454 / [email protected]
101 Perkins Hall
Engineering Advising Oce Margie Russell, Director .............865-974-4008 /
Lisa Byrd, Assistant Director;
Tucker Adkins, Advisor;
Kate Burford, Advisor;
316A Perkins Hall
Engineering Fundamentals Division Richard Bennett, Director ...............865-974-9810 / [email protected]
207 Perkins Hall
Engineering Honors Kevin Kit, Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865-974-9810 / [email protected]
322 Perkins Hall
Engineering Professional Practice Todd Reeves, Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865-974-5323 / [email protected]
110 Perkins Hall
Engineering Diversity Programs Travis Grin, Fred D. Brown Jr. Director .... 865-974-0625 / tra[email protected]
301 Perkins Hall
2 2 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 3 3
Academic Advising
Chemistry Help Sessions
513 Buehler Hall
Student Disability Services
100 Dunford Hall
Educational Advancement
Greve Hall Room 302
821 Volunteer Blvd.
Engineering Fundamentals
Help Sessions
108 Perkins Hall
The Math Place (Math Tutoring)
Hodges Library North Commons
Oce of Multicultural
Student Life
1800 Melrose Ave. Black Cultural
Writing Center
212 Humanities & Social Sciences
Student Success Center
Greve Hall Room 324
821 Volunteer Boulevard
Find additional tutoring locations
Additional Resources
Campus Information
Center for Global
Engagement / Study Abroad
1620 Melrose Avenue
Computer and Laptop Help
The Commons
2nd Floor Hodges Library
865-974-9900 (OIT HelpDesk)
Engineering Diversity
301 Perkins Hall
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Hodges Library Ground Floor
International House
1623 Melrose Avenue
Oce of National
Scholarships and Fellowships
317 Greve Hall
Oce of
Undergraduate Research
109 Melrose Hall,
1616 Melrose Avenue
One Stop Shop
Financial Aid, Scholarships,
Transcripts, Grades,
General Questions
Hodges Library Ground Floor
Parking Services
2121 Stephenson Drive
Student Counseling Center
1800 Volunteer Boulevard
Student Health Services Clinic
1800 Volunteer Boulevard
Student Conduct and
Community Standards
405 Student Services Building
University Honors Program
130 Howard Baker Center
1640 Cumberland Avenue
University Housing
2107 Andy Holt Avenue
Veterans Resource Center
G020 Hodges Library
VolCard (UT ID) Oce
408 Student Services Building
Contact information for
individual colleges:
Agricultural Sciences &
Natural Resources
125 Morgan Hall
Phone: 865-974-7303
Architecture & Design
103C Art & Architecture Building
Phone: 865-974-3232
Arts & Sciences
313 Ayres Hall
Phone: 865-974-4481
342 Haslam Business Building
Phone: 865-974-5096
Communication &
202 Communications Building
Phone: 865-974-3603
Education, Health, &
Human Sciences
332 Bailey Education Complex
Phone: 865-974-8194
316A Perkins Hall
Phone: 865-974-4008
203 Nursing Building
Phone: 865-974-7606
Social Work
303 Henson Hall
Phone: 865-974-3351
The Tickle College of Engineering is committed to the
belief that academic advising engages students by
teaching them how to become members of the higher
education community, to think critically about their role
and responsibilities as engineers, and to prepare them to
be educated members of a global community.
Prior to advanced registration, all students who have
earned fewer than 30 hours at UT Knoxville or are on
Academic Probation, or have not declared a major
within a specific college (undecided, pre-major, interest,
undeclared) or are flagged as O Track by UTrack
system are required to meet with an advisor during each
main term of the academic year (i.e., during fall and
spring). All other students are required to consult with an
advisor for a substantial conference during a designated
term each year. Students whose ID numbers end in an
even digit are required to meet with an advisor during
fall semester. Students whose ID numbers end in an odd
digit are required to meet with an advisor during spring
semester. However, Engineering students are encouraged
to consult regularly with their major advisor during each
semester of the academic year, especially if they plan to
participate in internship or co-op positions that might
aect class scheduling.
The Engineering Advising Oce delivers academic
advising on an appointment basis. To make an
appointment, use the e-mail link sent to you to
schedule using Navigate.
Advising appointments are normally oered
on 30-45-minute individual intervals. Hours
of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Eastern), Monday through Friday.
Academic Standing
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, expects
all students who enter to make progress toward
graduation. To graduate from UT Knoxville, a student
must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average
(GPA) of 2.0. The university reviews students’ academic
records at the end of each term to determine academic
standing. The catalog contains additional requirements
for specific programs.
Good Academic Standing
A student is in good academic standing when both the
student’s term and cumulative GPAs are 2.0 or higher or,
if after two consecutive terms, the student’s cumulative
GPA is 2.0 or higher and at least one term GPA is also 2.0
or higher.
Academic Probation
A student will be placed on Academic Probation when
(1) his/her cumulative GPA falls below the minimum
acceptable level of 2.0 for one semester or (2) the
semester GPA falls below the minimum acceptable level
of 2.0 two consecutive terms of enrollment. During the
semester that a student is placed on Academic Probation,
and any other semesters in Academic Probation, a student
must participate in a special directive advising program
to help the student address concerns that are impacting
his/her academic performance and to outline a plan
for achieving academic success. While on Academic
Probation, students must have met with an advisor prior
to registering for all following terms, which includes
summer term. This model of early intervention is designed
to help students regroup and position themselves for
academic success. Students on Academic Probation
status during a term will automatically be dismissed at the
end of that term if both:
• The cumulative GPA is below a 2.0, and
• The term GPA is below a 2.0
For first-time, first-year, and transfer students, the summer
term prior to their first fall term will not be included in the
dismissal decision.
A student will no longer be on Academic Probation
when his or her cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or
higher and the term grade point average is 2.0 or higher.
This policy is in place in recognition of the University of
Tennessee, Knoxville’s minimum grade point average of
2.0 for graduation.
4 4 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 5 5
How is College Life Dierent from High School?
Engineering Advising
Professional Advisor — Assist students in the
development of educational plans that are consistent
with their aspirations, interests, and strengths;
encourage students’ holistic engagement (academically,
socially, culturally, and professionally) with the
college experience. Educate students about curricular
requirements, academic standards/policies related to
a chosen major. Guide students through career and
professional development opportunities available. Assist
students with course planning, academic forms, and
technologies such as DARS, MyUTK, Grades First, and
Faculty — Reinforce academic strategies to be
successful in the major. Discuss faculty research in the
major, preparation for graduate school interests, career
opportunities in major field, collaborate with professional
advisors on specific student issues. Discuss major specific
course content, technical electives in the major, and
concentrations and/or minors for the major.
Career Counselor — Guide students through self-
exploration process that includes strengths, interests,
abilities, and challenges relating those to the world of
work and goals in higher education. Assisting students
in developing educational plans that are consistent with
academic and career goals. Refer to campus resources
that support career exploration, experience learning,
and leadership opportunities. Guide students through
developing resume and interview skills.
Transition Advisor — Advising and creating new
academic plans for students no longer meeting major
requirements and are required to change majors/colleges.
Advising new prospective and transfer students who
are not admitted to the college of their choice. Advising
students and creating new academic plans with students
who want to change colleges/majors but are unclear as
to their new academic/career goals.
Success Center Coach — Teach and support academic
success strategies such as time management,
prioritization of involvements, test taking skills, campus
tutoring opportunities.
Collaborative and Integrated Advising Community Supporting Student Success
Personal Freedom in High School
You may be able to join many clubs and activities while
taking classes.
Your time is usually structured by others.
Guiding principle: You will usually be told what your
responsibilities are and corrected if your behavior is
out of line.
High School Classes
You spend 6 hours each day—30 hours a week—
in class.
The school year is 36 weeks long; some classes extend
over both semesters and some do not.
You are provided with textbooks at little or
no expense.
You are not responsible for knowing what it takes
to graduate.
High School Teachers
Teachers check your completed homework.
Teachers remind you of your incomplete work.
Teachers approach you if they believe you
need assistance.
Teachers present material to help you understand the
material in the textbook.
Teachers often write information on the board to be
copied in your notes.
Teachers often take the time to remind you of assignment
and due dates.
Personal Freedom in College
You must be selective in your participation choices to avoid
overextending yourself.
You manage your own time.
Guiding Principle: You are old enough to take responsibility
for what you do and don’t do, as well as for the
consequences of your decisions.
College Classes
You spend 12 to 16 hours each week in class.
The academic year is divided into 2 separate 15 week
semesters plus a week for exams. Summer School is in
3 sessions; First and Second are 4 weeks each and Full
is all summer.
You need to budget substantial funds for textbooks.
Graduation requirements are complex and dier for
dierent majors and sometimes dierent catalog years.
You are expected to know those that apply to you. Learn to
run your DARS report.
College Professors
Professors may not always check completed homework, but
they will assume you can perform the same tasks on tests.
Professors may not remind you of incomplete work.
Professors are open and helpful, but most expect you to
initiate contact if you need assistance.
Professors may not follow textbooks. Instead to amplify
the text, they may give illustrations, provide backgroud
information, or discuss research about the topic you are
studying. They may expect you to relate the classes to the
textbook readings.
Professors may lecture nonstop, expecting you to identify
the important points in your notes. When professors
write on the board it may be to amplify the lecture, not to
summarize it. Good note taking skills are a must.
Professors expect you to read, save, and consult the course
syllabus. It spells out exactly what is expected of you, when
assignments are due, and how you will
be graded.
6 6 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 7 7
Title Goes Here
How is College Life Dierent from High School?
Studying in High School
You may study outside of class as little as 0 to 2 hours a
week, and this may be mostly last minute test preparations.
You often need to read or hear presentations only once to
learn all you need to learn about them.
You are expected to read short assignments that are then
discussed, and often re-taught, in class.
Guiding principle: You will usually be told in class what
you need to learn from assigned readings.
Tests in High School
Testing is frequent and covers small amounts of material.
Time to finish tests may be abundant.
Testing may ask for large amounts of memorization
of material.
Teachers frequently conduct review sessions, pointing out
the most important concepts.
Grades in High School
Consistently, good homework grades may help raise your
overall grade when test grades are low.
Extra credit projects are often available to help you raise
your grade.
Initial test grades, especially when they are low, may not
have an adverse eect on your final grade.
Tutoring in high school
Students may only seek tutoring when failing.
Tutoring is mainly with a teacher- one on one.
Studying in College
You need to study at least 2 to 3 hours outside of class for
each hour in class—every day.
You need to review class notes and text material regularly.
You are assigned substantial amounts of reading and
problem solving which may not be directly addressed
in class.
Guiding Principle: It is up to you to read and understand
the assigned materials; lecture and assignments proceed
from the premise that you have already done so. You need
to review class notes and text material regularly.
Tests in College
Testing is usually infrequent and may be cumulative,
covering large amounts of material. You, not the professor,
need to organize the materials to prepare for the test. A
course may only have 2 or 3 tests in a semester.
Testing in college requires you to budget your time and
finish in time allowed.
Testing in college will be applied knowledge to new
problems and not memorization.
Professors rarely oer review sessions, and when they
do, they expect you to be an active participant, one who
comes prepared with questions.
Grades in College
Grades on tests and major papers usually provide most of
the course grade.
Extra credit projects are often NOT available in
college classes.
Watch out for your first tests. These are usually wake
up calls to let you know what is expected. Seek tutoring
support early and often in classes where low test grades
happen. Tests may count dierent percentages toward
your total grade - read your syllabus.
Tutoring in college
Students seek tutoring from the beginning to help earn
the best grades possible.
Tutoring in college may be with a professor or tutoring
center sta or fellow student on campus. Often in small
group or classroom setting.
The Financial Wellness Center, located inside the One Stop Student Services Oce, helps students improve
money management skills through one-on-one appointments, presentations, and online resources. Broaden
your money management knowledge and learn the most current and relevant information possible to make
the best financial decisions to meet your goals. Explore your own financial information in greater detail by
using these powerful tools and calculators to forecast and assess your financial standing.
Individual Appointments
Start developing the skills you need to succeed with money via one-on-one meetings with peer guides, who
can provide information on:
• Financial goal setting
• Creating a spending plan
• Saving
• Credit cards and scores
• Student loan types
• Student loan repayment options
• Banking basics
What to Expect: You and your peer guide will discuss your current financial situation, your goals, and
the best strategy for follow up. To get the most out of your visit, it may help to bring specific figures or
statements. Please note that peer guides provide education, information, and strategies only. Students
interested in financial planning and investments are encouraged to consult a financial professional.
Ready to Schedule Your Appointment?
1. Log in to MyUTK with your netID and password.
2. Under the Academic Support, select Grades First.
3. Then select Appointments for Advising or Other Academic Help.
4. Select Financial Wellness.
5. Select Financial Wellness again.
6. Select Location – Hodges Library.
7. Select Appointment Time.
Services also include:
A website with comprehensive, noncommercial information to help inform your financial decisions
Net Price Calculator:
This calculator is intended to provide you with estimated financial aid and out-of-pocket costs based on
the information you enter about yourself and your family.
Loan Calculator:
Many families use loans in addition to other funding sources to help finance educational expenses, but
we recognize there is a lot to consider when using loans. Our team is committed to helping you identify
the very best and most responsible financing plan to support your goals. These tools will help shed light
on repaying your loans.
Center for Financial Wellness
8 8 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 9 9
Student Organizations
• American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
• American Institute of Chemical Engineers
• American Nuclear Society
• American Society of Agricultural and
Biological Engineers
• American Society of Civil Engineers
• American Society of Mechanical Engineers
• Associated General Contractors of America
• Association of Computing Machinery
• Biomedical Engineering Society
• Tickle College of Engineering Ambassadors
• Engineering Mentor Program
• FIRST Alumni at UT Knoxville
• Hydrolunteers
• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
• Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers
• Institute of Transportation Engineers
• Material Advantage
• National Society of Black Engineers
• Society of Automotive Engineers
• Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
• Society of Women Engineers
• Systers: Women in EECS
• Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity
• UTK Volunteers Without Borders
• Women in Industrial and Systems Engineering
• Women in Nuclear
Honor Societies
• Alpha Nu Sigma, Nuclear Engineering Honor
• Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society
• Eta Kapp Nu, Electrical Engineering Honor Society
• Pi Tau Sigma, National Mechanical Engineering
Honor Society
• Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society
Scholarships, Student Organizations, Technology & Student Privacy
The Tickle College of Engineering annually awards
an average of nearly $1,000,000 in scholarships to
qualified undergraduate students. Students must be
accepted into the University of Tennessee and the
Tickle College of Engineering to apply for engineering
scholarships. Students need not apply for specific
scholarships as the Scholarship Committee will match
qualified students with available awards. Please contact
the One Stop Shop for the complete list of application
requirements and deadlines, Hodges Library Ground
Floor, 865-974-1111,
The returning/transfer student scholarship application is
on MyUTK. Application deadline is February 1.
Scholarships are awarded each academic year in
the spring for the upcoming fall semester. For more
information contact the Academic and Student Aairs
Oce at 865-974-2454 or stop by 101 Perkins Hall.
Student Organizations and Honor Societies (
Tickle College of Engineering Undergraduate Scholarships
Laptops are required for all students, including incoming freshmen. VolTech, located within the Student Union on
campus, sells Apple and PC computers, mobile devices, and accessories at reduced rates for students.
The website is
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The method with which the University of Tennessee
governs the distribution of student information is based on
the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 or
FERPA. This Act, as amended, established the requirements
governing the privacy of student educational records in
regards to the release of those records and access to those
records. This Act is also known as the Buckley Amendment.
The Act gives four basic rights to students:
the right to review their education records;
the right to seek to amend their education records;
the right to limit disclosure of personally identifiable
information (directory information);
and the right to notify the Department of Education
concerning an academic institution’s failure to comply
with FERPA regulations.
FERPA provides for confidentiality of student records;
however, it also provides for basic identification of people
at the University of Tennessee without the consent of the
individual. Release of information to third parties includes
directory information, such as contained in the campus
directory, in the online web-based people directory and
in sports brochures. Students are notified of their FERPA
rights and the procedures for limiting disclosure of
directory information in Hilltopics, at Orientation for new
students, and on the website of the University Registrar,
Diversity Programs
Oce of Diversity Programs
Travis Grin, Program Director
301 Perkins Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-2360
Telephone: 865-974-0625
Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority
Participation (TLSAMP)
The Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
(TLSAMP) is a partnership between Tennessee State
University, LeMoyne-Owen College, Middle Tennessee
State University, University of Memphis, University of
Tennessee and Vanderbilt University. The program’s goal
is to increase the number of under-represented minority
students studying and graduating in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math (STEM).
The objectives to support the goal of the alliance are to:
• Recruit under-represented minority students to pursue
science or engineering as a career;
• Improve the quality of the learning environment for
under-represented minority science and engineering
students at all schools; and
• Ensure that a large number of undergraduate students
are prepared to enter graduate school.
• TLSAMP Seminars
• Collaborative Learning
• Drop-In Center
• Graduate School Preparations
• Mentoring
• Undergraduate Summer Research
• Research Symposium
• Summer Bridge Program
Retention Eorts
• Financial Assistance
•Tutorial Programs/Services
• Strategies for Basic Skills Courses
National GEM Consortium
The college is committed to outreach and retention eorts
to increase the number of female engineering students.
Today, more than ever, women are discovering the exciting
opportunities and unique challenges in the engineering
field. At UT, we encourage the interest of young women in
the science, techonology, engineering, and math (STEM)
fields thorugh outreach, pre-college programs, and
mentoring and support during their college careers.
The college is proud of the fact that the number of
our female professors has increased to a total of 27, at
present. The presence of accomplished women who
serve as faculty memebers serves as inspiration for both
students and for the junior female faculty who have
recently joined the college.
Signature Programs/Services
• WomEngineers Welcome Dinner
• WomEngineers Day
• Mentoring Opportunities
• Student Organizations
10 10 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering
Cooperative Education / Career Development
Engineering Professional Practice
Todd Reeves, Director
110 Perkins Hall, Knoxville TN 37996-2030
Telephone: 865-974-5323
Cooperative Education (Co-op) Program
Students have the opportunity to gain real world
experience in their engineering field of study by working
multiple semesters (normally three) with the same
employer before they graduate.
Typically a co-op student will alternate between
semesters of work and school beginning in their
sophomore year. The exact co-op rotation plan is created
by the student in coordination with the Engineering
Professional Practice oce, their academic advisor, and
the needs of their particular co-op employer. Making use
of the summer semesters for work assignments or classes
enable the co-op experience to have minimal impact on a
student’s planned graduation date.
Internship Program and Benefits
The internship program diers from co-op in that the
students will only work one paid assignment with an
employer, usually in the summer. While students can still
gain valuable engineering experience in an internship, this
shorter duration experience provides a subset of the total
experience students obtain in the co-op program. Most
employers recruit students for internship opportunities
during a student’s junior year. Most engineering internships
occur during the summer before the senior year.
Co-op and Internship Program Requirements
To participate fully in the Engineering Professional
Practice program, students should register with the
oce during their freshman year. They will then have an
opportunity to go through an in-depth orientation and
advisement process, learn the steps to a successful job
search, and be prepared to participate in our Engineering
Expo each fall and spring semester to seek co-op and
internship opportunities.
Though the specific GPA requirements for each
opportunity will vary depending on the needs of the
employers, most employers require a GPA of 3.0 or
above. Before students go on thier first assignment, they
must complete 30 hours of course work and be in good
academic standing.
1 2
2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
2 3
2 3 4
You’re here.
Where are you
• Strong Interest Inventory
• TypeFocus
• Choosing a major/career
• Resumes and interviews
• Job and internship search
• Graduate/professional school planning
• Exploring Majors and Careers
• Career Strategies for the Arts/Sciences
• Disability employment topics
• Diversity events
• Veterans Initiatives
• Career Conversations panels
• Networking events
• VolTreks
• Career fairs
• Internships
• Part-time jobs
• Service/Volunteer opportunities
• Research
Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 13 13 12 12 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering
Adapted from the NACE Career Readiness Competencies
Critical Thinking/
Problem Solving
Practice sound reasoning and
analytical skills to make
decisions and overcome problems
Articulate thoughts and ideas
clearly to a variety of audiences and
employ eective public speaking skills
Build collaborative relationships
with coworkers and be able
to work well in a team environment
Leverage existing digital technologies
ethically and eciently to complete
tasks; demonstrate eective
adaptability to new technologies
Utilize the strengths of others to
achieve common goals; use
interpersonal skills to develop and
motivate others
Work Ethic
Exhibit eective work habits such
as punctuality, working productively,
personal accountability, integrity,
and ethical behavior
Identify skills, strengths, knowledge,
experiences, and areas of growth
related to career goals; navigate job
options and pursue opportunities
Demonstrate openness, inclusiveness,
sensitivity, and the ability to interact
respectfully with all people;
understand individuals’ dierences
1. Participate in undergraduate research programs within
TCE and beyond
2. Reflect on the skills developed through engineering
fundamental courses
1. Present your research findings in class or at a conference
2. Join a student organization where you can hone your oral
communication skills, such as the Speech and Debate
Society or the TCE Engineering Ambassadors
1. Work with a team of fellow students and compete in the
Steel Bridge Competition
2. Participate in UT’s EcoCAR 3 Team to gain hands-on
experience working on a multidisciplinary collaboration
1. Use your LinkedIn Learning account to learn more about
coding and various programming languages
2. Take courses that will expand your knowledge of how to
1. Join one of 30 or more engineering student organizations
and seek a leadership role
2. Show initiative and provide leadership for group projects
assigned in courses
1. Participate in events sponsored by professional associations
within TCE, e.g., Society of Women Engineers, the Engineering
Mentor Program, or the National Society of Black Engineers
2. Intern or co-op with a company of interest to gain related
experience and build professionalism
1. Meet with the Engineering Career Consultant to update
your resume and create career goals
2. Attend the Engineering Expo or the STEM & Engineering
Career Fair to network with companies and learn about
1. Participate in an Engineering Faculty-Directed Study
Abroad Program such as trips to London, Milan or Hamburg
2. Go on a TCE Alternative Spring Break trip and participate
in a local impact engineering project
Global Experiences
The University of Tennessee has embarked on an
ambitious plan to help students gain the international and
intercultural knowledge they need to succeed in today’s
world. Engineering, like all professions, is becoming very
globally oriented. It is important for you to take advantage
of opportunities while you are a student in order to be
Ready for the World. Apply for your passport now—the
world awaits!
UT Programs Abroad Oce (PAO)
The “PAO” provides students with information about their
options for overseas study, research, work, volunteer projects,
and travel. The PAO administers most of UTs international
one-for-one student exchange programs, including ISEP.
Attend an information session at the Programs Abroad Oce
(1620 Melrose Hall). Information sessions are held at 2:00
pm every Monday-Friday during the academic year. During
the general information session, we discuss the programs
available to you, what to look for in a program, how to use
the resource center, using financial aid, transferring credits,
programs requirements, and will answer your questions. If
you are unable to attend an information session due to a
conflict at 2:00 pm, please contact our oce and we will be
glad to schedule an appointment for you (865-974-3177 or
Center for Global Engagement, Programs Abroad Oce
1620 Melrose Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37996-3531
Phone: 865-974-3177
Fax: 865-974-2985
Study Abroad for Engineering Students
Engineering study abroad programs allow you to stay
one semester or shorter in an English speaking or foreign
language-based schools throughout the world. You can
choose between individual trips or pre-arranged trips,
where you would live and travel with a small group of
UT students. Prior to applying for an Engineering Study
Abroad Program, you should schedule an advising session
with your Tickle College of Engineering advisor. You are
eligible to apply for the Study Abroad Program after
freshman year or after the first semester at UT, if you are
a transfer student. Most programs require a minimum 2.5
to 2.75 GPA. For non-English language programs, it is
required that you have minimum 4 semesters of equivalent
of foreign language (faculty-led programs are exceptions).
UT Study Abroad programs include 5 types of programs:
UT faculty-led, Exchange, Direct, Third Party, and
Academic Internships.
Kevin Kit, Director
Engineering Honors
322 Perkins Hall
Phone: 865-974-9874
Global Engineering Initiatives
The Tickle College of Engineering oers the opportunity for
insight-abroad experiences for students for periods of a week
to ten days, scheduled during school breaks. This enables the
engineering major to have a short abroad experience without
interrupting classes or delaying graduation.
The flagship program for this initiative is the Engineering
Alternative Spring Break, an annual trip to a foreign location
to participate in an engineering project of local impact. On
trips during other times of the year, engineering students
may participate in a field-relevant service project in a
foreign location, see engineers at work outside of the United
States, or observe engineering applications and methods
employed abroad. This may happen through a visit to an
engineering university, lectures on specific engineering
challenges, tour of a plant or manufacturing facility, or
observations of pertinent engineering developments in
locations overseas. Students will also visit sites of cultural
and historic significance.
Although these programs are not credit-bearing, they
satisfy the Honors’ “Global Experience” requirement and
are a significant addition to a resume. A limited number of
scholarships are oered to defray travel costs.
Judith Mallory, International Coordinator
59 Perkins Hall
Phone: 865-974-9234
14 14 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 15 15
Grades, Credit Hours, Grade Point Average
The unit of credit is the semester credit hour. One semester
credit hour represents an amount of instruction that
reasonably approximates both 50 minutes per week of
classroom-based direct instruction and a minimum of two
hours per week of student work outside the classroom over
a fall or spring semester. Normally, each semester credit
hour represents an amount of instruction that is equivalent
to 700 minutes of classroom-based direct instruction. The
amount of time that is required to earn one semester credit
hour in a laboratory, fieldwork, studio, or seminar-based
course varies with the nature of the subject and the aims
of the course; typically, a minimum of two or three hours of
work in a laboratory, field, studio, or seminar-based setting
is considered the equivalent of 50 minutes of classroom-
based direct instruction. Semester credit hours earned in
courses such as internships, research, theses, dissertation,
etc. are based on outcome expectations established by the
academic program.
Each course at the university carries a number of credit hours
specified in the course description. At the completion of
each course, a student will be assigned a grade reflecting the
student’s performance in the course. Passing grades carry a
certain number of quality points per credit hour in the course.
A student’s grade point average is obtained by dividing the
number of quality points the student has accumulated at UT
Knoxville by the number of hours the student has attempted
at UT Knoxville, not including hours for which grades of I, N,
NC, NR, P, S, and W have been received.
Undergraduate Grades
Grade Performance
Quality Points
Per Grade
A Superior 4.00
A- Intermediate Grade 3.70
B+ Very Good 3.30
B Good 3.00
B- Intermediate Grade 2.70
C+ Fair 2.30
C Satisfactory 2.00
C- Unsatisfactory 1.70
D+ Unsatisfactory 1.30
D Unsatisfactory 1.00
D- Unsatisfactory .70
F Failure 0.00
First Year Composition
First year composition courses are oered on a system
of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, I, N, W grading. All entering first
year students, except international students, should enroll
in a first year composition sequence during their first year
unless they have been awarded equivalent credit through
credit by examination or dual-enrollment or other transfer
International Students
Entering international students whose native language is not
English are placed in English courses based on TOEFL scores.
Advisors will assist students with English class placement.
ABC/N Grading System
ABC/N grading is an alternative to the standard A-F grading
system. Courses oered only on the ABC/N grading system
are identified in the course description. For a course oered
on the ABC/N grading system:
A student who earns a grade of A, A–, B+, B, B–, C+, or
C will have that grade entered on the permanent record.
These grades will be included in the calculation of both the
student’s cumulative grade point average and an in-state
student’s HOPE grade point average.
A student who earns a grade of C–, D+, D, D–, or F will have
that grade entered on the permanent record with the letter
N as a prefix (for example, NF). In this case, hours earned in
the course will be removed from the student’s earned-hour
total, but will be included in the student’s attempted-hour
total. Grades with the N prefix will not be included in the
calculation of the student’s cumulative grade point average,
but will be included in the calculation of an in-state
student’s HOPE grade point average.
Transfer students are held to the same program requirements
and policies as UT students. For students who transfer to UT
coursework in a course with ABC/N grading, only courses for
which a grade of C or higher was earned will be eligible to
meet program requirements.
Changes in Registration
For full term fall and spring classes, undergraduate students
may add classes through the seventh calendar day counted
from the beginning of the term.
For single session fall and spring classes, undergraduate
students may add classes through the sixth calendar day
counted from the beginning of the session.
Because of the nature of some classes, permission of the
department head may be required to add a course after
the first day of the term or session. Students may also, as
departmental policies permit, change class sections through
the add deadline.
Students may drop classes, with no notation on the academic
record, through the seventh calendar day of the term. From
the eighth calendar day of the term until the 84th calendar
day of the term, students may drop full term fall and spring
classes and receive the notation of W (Withdrawn) on the
academic record.
After the 84th calendar day of the term, students may not
drop full term fall and spring classes. From the 85th day of
the term to the last day of classes, a student may completely
withdraw from a fall or spring term, subject to regulations
listed in the catalog section Total Withdrawal from the
For single session fall and spring classes, students may drop
classes, with no notation on the academic record, through the
sixth calendar day of the session. From the seventh calendar
day of the session until the 38th calendar day of the session,
students may drop single session fall and spring classes and
receive the notation of W (Withdrawn) on the academic
record. After the 38th calendar day of the session, students
may not drop single session fall and spring classes.
The following are additional regulations related to
dropping individual full term fall and spring classes
after the seventh calendar day of the term, or dropping
individual single session fall and spring classes after the
sixth calendar day of the session:
• Students are allowed six individual class drops during
their academic career (until a first bachelor’s degree
is earned). If dropping a course results in a mandatory
drop of another course or courses due to a mutual
corequisite relationship, these drops together will be
counted as only one of the four class drops.
• Former students holding a bachelor’s degree from UT
or any other regionally accredited institution of higher
learning who return to pursue a second bachelor’s
degree are allowed six additional individual class drops.
• Students pursuing more than one major or degree
simultaneously are not allowed additional drops
beyond the six individual class drops.
Total withdrawal from a term (dropping all courses) does
not impact a student’s six allowed individual class drops.
• The W grade is not computed in the grade point
• Classes may be dropped using MyUTK.
Failure to attend a course is not an ocial withdrawal and
will result in the assignment of an F grade.
Grades that do not Influence Grade Point Average
The following grades carry no quality points and hours
for which these grades are earned are not counted in
computing a student’s grade point average.
• NC (No Credit) indicates failure to complete a course
satisfactorily when taken on an S/NC basis.
• S (Satisfactory) is assigned for C or better work when
a course is taken on an S/NC grading basis.
• W (Withdrawal) is assigned in courses when a student
has ocially withdrawn from the university. W is also
assigned in courses when a student withdraws from
a course between the 11th and 84th calendar day
of classes. Regulations concerning withdrawal from
courses or from the university appear under Adds,
Drops, and Withdrawals.
Satisfactory/No Credit Grading System
The purpose of this system is to encourage the student to
venture beyond the limits of those courses in which the
student usually does well and, motivated by intellectual
curiosity, explore subject matter in which performance
may be somewhat less outstanding than work in other
subjects. To this end, Satisfactory/No Credit (S/NC)
grading has been developed for undergraduate courses
(100-, 200-, 300-, and 400-level courses).
Neither grade is counted in a student’s grade point
average, but, like all other grades, is entered on the
permanent record.
S is given for C or better work on the traditional grading
scale and NC is given for grades of C–, D+, D, D–, and F.
• The student only receives credit in the course if an S is received.
• A student may not repeat a course for S/NC if the
student received a conventional grade (A, A–, B+, B,
B–, C+, C, C–, D+, D, D–, and F).
If the student elects non-conventional grading, grades of
A, A–, B+, B, B–, C+, C will be recorded on the student’s
permanent academic record as S, and C–, D+, D, D– or F as NC.
The grade of I for incomplete work will be recorded as
an SI, which will not be computed in the average.
A student is permitted to change the system of
grading in a course through the add deadline.
The changing of an S/NC grade to a conventional letter
grade or vice versa is not permitted unless an error is
determined by the Oce of the University Registrar
Repeating Courses
General Repeat Policy
Students who are struggling with a class should talk with
their advisor before deciding whether to withdraw from
and/or plan to repeat a class.
Courses may be repeated twice, for a total of three
attempts per course.
A grade of W does not count as one of the
three attempts.
Grades of C-, D+, D, D-, F, Incomplete, and NC are
counted as one of the three attempts.
No course may be repeated if a grade of C or better
has already been earned.
Each repeated course is counted only once in
determining credit hours presented for graduation.
With limited exceptions (see Grade Replacement
Policy), all grades earned in repeated courses will
count in calculating the GPA.
Exceptions to the number of times a course may
be repeated will be allowed only with prior written
permission from the head of the department where
the course is being oered and the student’s college
dean or designee.
Grade Replacement Policy for Three Lower Division
(100-400 Level) Courses
Students may replace up to three grades earned in
undergraduate (100-400 level) courses by repeating
the course. All other grades will be included in
computing the cumulative grade point average.
For in-state students, only one grade replacement can
be used to raise the student’s HOPE GPA.
Grades in no more than thirteen hours of course work
may be replaced under this policy.
Grades of C or higher (or a grade of S for S/NC-
graded courses) may not be replaced under this
If the same course is repeated more than once, the
additional repeat(s) will count toward the total of
three allowed grade replacements.
Repeating a course in which an NC or a W grade has
been earned does not count as one of the three grade
In computing the cumulative grade point average, the
highest grade earned in the course will be used.
All grades for all courses completed remain on a
student’s academic history.
Transfer course grades cannot be replaced (see
Transfer Admission Policy).
One Stop Student Services
Hodges Library Ground Floor
Knoxville, TN 37996-0200
Phone 865-974-1111
16 16 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 17 17
Aerospace Engineering
What is Aerospace Engineering?
Aerospace engineering uses the basic
sciences and mathematics to develop the
foundation for the design, development,
production, testing and applied research associated
with aerospace vehicles. These vehicles include aircraft,
spacecraft and missiles. Auxiliary and propulsion systems
are also an integral part of this education. These include
guidance, control, environmental, ramjet, rocket, turbojet,
turbo-fan and piston engine/propeller systems.
The educational objectives of the aerospace engineering
program are:
• Graduates will meet or exceed the expectations
of employers of aerospace engineers, such as
industry, government, academia or non-
governmental organizations.
• Graduates will continue professional development by
participating in structured professional activities and/
or by obtaining professional registration or certification,
post-graduate credits and/or advanced degrees.
Biomedical Engineering
What is Biomedical Engineering?
Biomedical engineering is the application
of engineering principles and methods to
the solution of problems in the life sciences.
This broad field spans applications at the molecular level
(genetic engineering); at the cellular level (e.g., cell and
tissue engineering); and in intact organisms, including
humans in particular. Mature practice areas include the
design of biomedical measurement systems (e.g., intensive
care monitoring stations); orthopedic devices (e.g., artificial
joints); and artificial organs (e.g., artificial kidneys). Currently,
there is much attention being given to computational
biosciences, advanced medical imaging systems and
advanced artificial organs (e.g., heart-assist and total
artificial heart blood pumps, artificial livers). Among the
most exciting new areas of biomedical engineering research
is the newly defined discipline of cell and tissue engineering,
which involves the modification of living cells and tissues to
meet specific clinical needs (e.g., artificial skin).
In their professional roles, biomedical engineers must be
knowledgeable in both the life sciences and the engineering
sciences. In many career roles, biomedical engineers serve
an intermediary role in bridging the gap between classically
trained engineers and medical practitioners. Basic life
science preparation includes the study of cell biology
and human anatomy and physiology. The engineering
preparation includes basic mechanics, electrical and
electronic circuits, materials science, fluid dynamics, and
pre-medical school topics. Required mathematics include
calculus, dierential equations, matrix methods and
The educational objectives of the biomedical engineering
program are:
• Graduates will meet or exceed the expectations
of employers of biomedical engineers, such as
industry, government, academia or non-
governmental organizations.
• Graduates will continue professional development by
participating in structured professional activities and/
or by obtaining professional registration or certification,
post-graduate credits and/or advanced degrees.
Career Opportunities
Biomedical engineers work in a variety of settings
including the biomedical product manufacturing industry,
biomedical research and development organizations,
hospitals (as clinical engineers), for governmental
agencies (e.g., FDA, NASA, DOD), and in biomedical
product technical sales. Work in many of the more
challenging technical areas (e.g., cell and tissue
engineering) requires an advanced degree.
BME graduates can also structure their electives to
fulfill pre-med requirements for those wishing to pursue
medical school.
Career Information
What can I do with this engineering major?
Career Opportunities
The demand for air transportation is projected to increase
many-fold early this century. Our renewed quest in
space will accelerate as full realization is made of spin-
o benefits to society. These endeavors will increase
employment opportunities for aerospace engineers in the
future. Graduates at UT are actively sought by industry
and government aerospace organizations nationwide.
Major employers such as Boeing, Pratt and Whitney, NASA,
General Electric, Honeywell, Lockheed-Martin, ATK and
Arnold Engineering Development Center (which houses
the largest wind tunnel test facilities in the world, located
in Tullahoma, Tennessee) actively recruit our students.
Many of our BS students choose to continue their
education at graduate school.
Career Information
Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering
What is Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering?
Chemical and Biomolecular engineering deals with
developing industrial processes and systems used to
manufacture products that require chemicals. Chemical
and Biomolecular engineers play a very important role in
the production of items we use every day such as foods,
medicines, fuels and clothing. Some examples of chemical
engineering include developing improved food processing
techniques, producing medicines more aordably in large
quantities, finding more ecient ways to refine petroleum,
and constructing fibers that make clothing more comfortable
and resistant to stains.
As a chemical and biomolecular engineering student at
UT, you will learn how to design processes and equipment
for reacting chemicals that will improve the way many
items critical to today’s modern society are created. You
will study the concepts of heat transfer, mass transfer,
kinetics, and fluid flow to solve problems that may lead to
the development of new medications, computing devices,
fuels, plastics, and polymers vital to enhancing the quality
of life around the globe.
The objectives of the chemical and biomolecular engineering
degree program are:
• Graduates of the chemical engineering program will
meet or exceed the expectations of employers of
chemical engineers.
• Qualified graduates will pursue graduate or advanced
professional study if desired.
• Graduates will continue their professional growth through
lifelong learning.
• Graduates will pursue career progression toward positions
of technical or managerial leadership.
Career Opportunities
As a graduate of the chemical and biomolecular
engineering program, you will be able to pursue a career
in many dierent areas such as pharmaceuticals, textiles,
electronics, energy and biotechnology. Chemical and
biomolecular engineers can be found anywhere, from
large manufacturing plants to small medical research
laboratories. Many of our students also choose to
continue their education at graduate or medical school.
Biosystems Engineering
What is Biosystems Engineering?
Today’s tightly-focused engineering
specialties would probably amaze the great
engineers of the past. Many of them were
successful precisely because they understood a diverse
range of engineering concepts and could integrate that
knowledge in new and startling ways.
Biosystems engineering is the most “integrative” engineering
discipline available today. It combines elements from
environmental, mechanical, civil, electrical and other
engineering disciplines to produce the broadest possible
engineering skill set. This engineering background is
complemented with a focus on biologically-based systems–
critical for solving problems involving people and the
environment. Finally, biosystems engineering adds the
peripheral skills needed to be successful in an engineering
career–intensive design projects; computer and graphics
training; presentation skills; engineering economics; and
practical teamwork.
With this broad foundation, upper-level biosystems
engineering students are uniquely positioned to focus on
almost any area of engineering. Potential areas include
biofuels; environmental systems; machine design and
optimization; soil and water conservation; instrumentation
and sensors; bio-reactors, food processing; waste treatment;
or any of a host of other possibilities.
The BESS department’s program objectives: Recent
graduates are to:
• Be successful in securing employment in the profession or
a position in graduate or professional school.
• Continue developing as professionals.
• Demonstrate success in their chosen career paths.
Career Opportunities
As a biosystems engineer, you can choose from an unusually
diverse range of job opportunities. You will be well prepared
to lead a team as a project engineer because of your
broad engineering background. You could also choose to
design products or processes in a variety of agricultural,
manufacturing and service industries. You might consider
working as a consultant, in product marketing, or for a
management services firm. Government agencies and
educational and research institutions also employ many
biosystems engineers, or you may want to enhance your
career by entering graduate or medical school. You will be
particularly qualified to work at the interface of technology
and living systems–whether in food and fiber production,
environmental issues or in a biological context.
What can I do with this engineering major?
18 18 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 19 19
Career Information
What can I do with this engineering major?
Civil and Environmental
What is Civil and
Environmental Engineering?
Civil and environmental engineers plan,
design, construct, and operate infrastructure that is
essential to economic vitality and our modern way of
life. They enhance our quality of life and provide valuable
service to communities by protecting the health and safety
of the public and by preserving our environment.
The roots of the department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering at the University of Tennessee date back to
1838, making it one of the first Civil Engineering programs
established in the Southeast. The department oers six
proficiency areas, each preparing students for impactful
and exciting careers.
Environmental Engineers protect human health by
providing safe drinking water to communities; designing
processes and facilities for environmentally sustainable
waste disposal; protecting air quality through emissions
control technologies; remediating contaminated sites;
and quantifying and managing risks to human health and
the environment caused by pollution.
Construction Engineering and Management is the
process of delivering engineering projects safely, on
time, and on budget through management of financial,
material, and human resources on the job site.
Geotechnical and Materials Engineers evaluate site-
specific geological conditions to recommend foundation
systems and soil modifications to enable successful civil
engineering projects. They work on projects involving
buildings, bridges, pavement systems, roadways,
pipelines, tunnels, dams, and landfills.
Structural Engineers design structural systems for
buildings, bridges and other structures using concrete,
steel, wood, masonry, composites, and newly emerging
materials. They ensure that infrastructure is reliant to
natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes.
Transportation Engineers plan, design, and operate
transportation systems that move people and goods
through our society. Transportation engineers utilize
policy, economics, and advanced technology to deliver
transportation systems that are safe, economical,
ecient, and sustainable.
Water Resource Engineers evaluate the availability of
water for urban, industrial, and agricultural activities;
protect and restore rivers, streams, and aquatic
ecosystems; control flooding; protect water quality in
the environment; and manage the water cycle in urban
environments through deployment of green infrastructure.
During your careers, our nation’s aging infrastructure
will be extensively upgraded using new materials, the
latest technology, emerging construction techniques and
innovative financing mechanisms. Autonomous vehicles
will transform our transportation system and create
opportunity to reshape our communities. As the need for
surface parking decreases there will be opportunities to
reintroduce nature into our urban areas, to better manage
our water resources, and to grow our food closer to where
we live. As a civil and environmental engineer, you will be at
the center of this infrastructure revolution.
We will prepare you to enter this exciting field at the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Our program features
hands-on learning through laboratories, real-world
project-based learning, flexibility to develop technical
expertise in areas that interest you, development of your
communication and professional skills and opportunities
for co-ops and internships, undergraduate research, study
abroad, and leadership development. You’ll enter the work
place ready to make an impact
Career Opportunities
Civil and environmental engineers are employed by
engineering and construction firms, industry, all levels of
government, utilities, academia, among others. Typical
career paths provide opportunities to work outside, to
oversee a project from start to finish, to contribute to
landmark infrastructure projects, to work internationally,
to grow in leadership responsibilities, and to collaborate
with clients, stakeholders, and the public to improve
our communities.
Civil engineers often own their own businesses or
volunteer their skills in developing countries. More than
anything, civil and environmental engineering is a great
profession for people who want to make a dierence.
Computer Science
What is Computer Science?
At one pole is computer science, primarily
concerned with theory, design, and
implementation of software. It is a true
engineering discipline, even though the product is as
intangible as a computer program. At the other pole is
computer engineering, primarily concerned with firmware
(the microcode that controls processors) and hardware
(the processors themselves, as well as entire computers).
It is not possible to draw a clear line between the two
disciplines; many practitioners function to at least some
extent as both computer engineers and computer scientists.
Computer Science is the study of software and hardware
systems, and theory of computation. Students must be
able to integrate material and concepts from these areas.
So, for example, students use analysis of algorithms
to select or design software to solve a problem on a
computer with parallel architecture. Another example
would be selecting or writing the software for a network
router, combining optimization theory, graph algorithms,
networking, knowledge of the hardware and professional
software methods. The emphasis is on foundations and
the ability to learn new developments in the field.
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities in many fields exist for our graduates.
Most generally, they are prepared to work in laboratories
that develop software intensive products. These include,
for example, automotive components, financial systems,
consumer appliances (cell phones, personal computers),
communication infrastructure devices (routers, switches),
scientific research facilities (space stations, telescopes,
reactors) and weapon systems.
Computer Engineering
What is Computer Engineering
Computer engineering deals with the
electronic hardware side of electrical
engineering and the programming side of computer
science. Often, a student can study electrical engineering
to cultivate a background in computer engineering.
However, with the increasing needs of both industry
and technology that drive our future, computer
engineering has now become a discipline by itself.
Typically, a computer engineering curriculum provides
a background in three broad areas—hardware, software,
and hardware-software integration. Students will also
have the opportunity to explore fundamental topics such
as microprocessors, computer architecture, digital signal
processing, operating systems, data communications,
and other related material. In addition, the program
includes core engineering subjects that are common to all
engineering disciplines.
The program educational objectives of the computer
engineering program include:
• Will apply the knowledge of the fundamentals of
engineering, science and mathematics in the practice
of electrical/computer engineering or in advanced
professional studies; will identify, formulate and solve
electrical/computer engineering problems.
• Will analyze and design complex devices and systems
containing hardware and software components
with consideration of economic, ethical, safety,
environmental, and social issues; will be able to use
modern engineering techniques, skills and tools.
• Will communicate eectively, function on multi-
disciplinary teams, and engage in lifelong learning.
Career Opportunities
Computer hardware engineers are expected to have
favorable job opportunities. Employment of computer
hardware engineers is projected to increase faster
than the average for all occupations, reflecting rapid
employment growth in the computer and oce
equipment industry, which employs the greatest number
of computer engineers. Consulting opportunities for
computer hardware engineers should grow as businesses
need help managing, upgrading and customizing
increasingly complex systems. Growth in embedded
systems, a technology that uses computers to control
other devices such as appliances or cell phones, also will
increase the demand for computer hardware engineers.
Career Information
What can I do with this engineering major?
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Industrial Engineering
What is Industrial Engineering?
Industrial engineers design, install, improve,
and control complex systems that integrate
people, materials, information, finances,
technology, and facilities. These systems could be broad,
such as hospitals, factories or international supply chains,
or focused, such as an employee workstation or how a
customer experiences a service. Industrial engineers are
problem solvers who use their skills with math, science,
and engineering to solve dicult, multi-faceted, often
multi-disciplinary problems. The primary design focus on
cost, time, quality, and flexibility distinguishes industrial
engineering from other engineering disciplines. While
other types of engineers design things, industrial engineers
design the systems that enable those things to work
eectively. The skills required for this field frequently lead
to management and leadership positions.
Do you have the skills and interests of an industrial engineer?
You may want to consider the following questions:
• Do you enjoy solving challenging problems with many
working parts?
• Do you constantly think about how things could
be improved?
• Do you like to have a plan?
• Are you strategic? Do you like to see the big picture?
• Do you enjoy taking the lead and guiding teams to the
solution for a specific problem?
• Are you strongly motivated? Do you show initiative?
• Can you deliver a presentation to sell your point of view?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have
what it takes to be an industrial engineer!
Students in the program gain hands-on experience and
forge beneficial relationships with industry, business, and
agencies through co-ops, internships, research, study
abroad opportunities, clubs, professional organizations,
and coursework including topics such as work methods,
lean techniques, and facilities design, plus completing a
senior design project for a local partner. Students also have
the opportunity to take advantage of the many labs in our
department including the ideation lab (3-D printing, etching,
simulation, etc.) and senior design lab.
The program prepares students to:
• Have successful professional careers that employ industrial
and systems engineering concepts and principles
• Pursue life-long learning
• Achieve positions of leadership
Career Opportunities
Industrial engineers have a range of career fields available,
with wide-ranging applications:
In all areas, there is increasing emphasis on improving quality
and productivity. Industrial engineers work closely with top
management to achieve these goals. Industrial engineers
command very competitive salaries in a strong market that
is expected to grow by 10-15% in the next decade. In spring
2016, 96% of graduates had post-graduation plans including
full-time jobs, part-time jobs, and graduate education.
The department provides one-on-one advising to support
our students during the job search. We are committed to
preparing our students for their career after graduation.
Electrical Engineering
What is Electrical Engineering?
Electrical engineering deals with the
application of the physical laws governing
charged particles. From miniature integrated circuits that
contain millions of microelectronic devices, to high-speed
fiber-optic communication systems that span international
boundaries, electrical engineering impacts every aspect of
modern-day living. Electrical engineering is unique among
the engineering disciplines because of its wide range of
applications. Subject areas within electrical engineering
are so diverse that it is not always apparent that there is an
underlying connection. The range of subjects is not only
broad but is also expanding.
The program educational objectives of the electrical
engineering program include:
• Will apply the knowledge of the fundamentals of
engineering, science and mathematics in the practice
of electrical/computer engineering or in advanced
professional studies; will identify, formulate and solve
electrical/computer engineering problems.
• Will analyze and design complex devices and systems
containing hardware and software components with
consideration of economic, ethical, safety, environmental,
and social issues; will be able to use modern engineering
techniques, skills and tools.
• Will communicate eectively, function on multi-
disciplinary teams, and engage in lifelong learning.
Career Opportunities
The growth trends for employment of electrical engineering
graduates are expected to increase.
Projected job growth stems largely from increased demand
for electrical and electronic goods, including advanced
communications equipment, computer communications,
biomedical instrumentation, defense-related electronic
equipment, and consumer electronics products. The need
for electronics manufacturers to invest heavily in research
and development to remain competitive and gain a scientific
edge will provide openings for graduates who have learned
the latest technologies.
Career Information
What can I do with this engineering major?
• Manufacturing
• Healthcare
• Transportation
• Construction
• Retailing
• Entertainment
• Public services
• Finance
• Logistics and Supply Chain
to demonstrate the applications of these principles
to solve engineering problems with emphases on
materials processing, structure, properties and
performance. This knowledge base includes the
development of analytical and experimental skills.
• to provide students with experiences in design
and materials selection such that they can design
components, systems or processes with consideration
of economic, safety, environmental and social issues.
• to develop professional skills in such areas as written
and oral communications, problem solving and
working in diverse teams, that prepare graduates to
practice materials engineering in contemporary and
global environments.
• to provide students with a general education
component that complements the technical content,
encourages the appreciation of cultural and social
values, exhibits the impact of engineering solutions on
society, and enhances personal development.
The department has one of the lowest student-faculty
ratios (about 6:1) in the college. This allows MSE students
to receive a great deal of individual interaction with the
faculty, especially in laboratory courses.
Career Opportunities
Graduates with a BS degree in materials science and
engineering receive employment oers from a wide
range of industries both in Tennessee and nationwide.
MSE graduates can be found working in many dierent
capacities, including basic and applied research, product
and process development, manufacturing, quality control,
material selection, and failure analysis. Additionally,
materials science graduates are well-prepared to continue
their education through graduate school.
Materials Science & Engineering
What is Materials Science
and Engineering?
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
is at the forefront of modern technological advances
through the development and improvement of materials
for applications in all engineering fields. It is one of the
fastest growing engineering disciplines and is expected
to remain a major contributor to progress in renewable
energy, 3D printing, and next-generation electronics.
Materials engineers can be found working in all
technological fields, usually as part of a multidisciplinary
team. For this reason, materials engineers receive a broad
engineering education that includes design, mechanics,
chemistry, physics, mathematics and electronics. The
processing and testing of materials are core subjects in
the MSE curriculum that stresses “hands-on” learning
though laboratory classes that introduce students to
modern processing and characterization techniques.
Modern engineering materials are used in a broad
spectrum of products, including automobiles, aircraft
and spacecraft, jet and rocket engines, surgical implant
devices, computers, cell phones, optical displays, textiles
and sports equipment. The types of engineering materials
include metals and alloys, polymers and plastics, ceramics,
semiconductors, and composites.
The educational objectives of the program for the degree
of BS in Materials Science and Engineering are:
• to provide students with a knowledge of the
fundamentals of appropriate physical and chemical
sciences, mathematics and engineering sciences; and
Career Information
What can I do with this engineering major?
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Mechanical Engineering
What is Mechanical Engineering?
Mechanical engineering is the application
of the laws of solid and fluid mechanics
and the thermal sciences to the analysis, design and/
or manufacturing of systems and products. Mechanical
engineers play a key role in national, state and local
economies by bringing their expertise to the development
of power generation systems (such as steam turbines, jet
engines, and internal combustion engines) that provide
mechanical power to all segments of society. They also
bring essential expertise to manufacturing processes (both
traditional and emerging, advanced technologies), ecient
production methods and automation vital to the well being
of the national economy. Their expertise and involvement in
the analysis, design and development of new products and
materials for new devices and systems produce economic
activity and provide employment opportunities which
sustain high standards of living.
The mechanical engineering program at UT oers
fundamental education in the engineering sciences and
engineering design. The engineering science component
educates students in the fundamental principles of
engineering, while the engineering design component
emphasizes design methodology, enhances creative
skills, and develops student ability to solve open-ended
problems of the type common to industry.
The undergraduate experience is broad-based and
includes, in the first two years, general education in
mathematics, sciences and preliminary design courses that
are common with curricula in other engineering programs.
The discipline of a rigorous technical program along with
education in the humanities and social sciences provides
a good foundation for a rich and rewarding career in a
dynamic marketplace.
The objectives of the mechanical engineering degree
program are:
• Graduates will meet or exceed the expectations
of employers of mechanical engineers, such as
industry, government, academia or non-
governmental organizations.
• Graduates will continue professional development by
participating in structured professional activities and/
or by obtaining professional registration or certification,
post-graduate credits, and/or advanced degrees.
Career Opportunities
Because of the broad-based education received in
mechanical engineering, mechanical engineers play a
vital role in a wide variety of industries (e.g., aerospace,
automotive, electronics, power utilities, chemical,
petroleum, textile, manufacturing); federal agencies (e.g.,
NASA, DOE, DOD, FAA); and consulting firms and national
laboratories (e.g., ORNL, Sandia). In these dierent
sectors, mechanical engineers are involved in analysis
and design of systems and products; manufacturing,
automation and control of production and processes;
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems; and
research. Mechanical engineers are also found at every
level of management.
Mechanical engineers have been and will continue to be in
great demand in all of the areas listed above.
Career Information
What can I do with this engineering major?
Nuclear Engineering
What is Nuclear Engineering?
Nuclear engineering is the engineering
discipline that focuses on the application
of sub-atomic processes for the benefit of
mankind and our environment. Radiological engineering
is a special concentration within nuclear engineering that
deals with the design and safe utilization of radiation in
industry and medicine. Some examples of nuclear and
radiological engineering are listed below:
• Production of electric power with essentially no
air pollution
• Processes for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
such as cancer
• Activation analysis for identifying materials including
environmental pollutants
• Radiography inspection of welds in bridges and boilers
• Food preservation and sterilization of medical supplies
Radioisotope gauges for use in manufacturing processes
• Nuclear measurement techniques for oil well logging
and airport security
• Radioactive tracer elements for use in medical research
• Generation of radioisotope power for deep
space exploration
The educational objectives for the department are to:
• provide students with fundamental knowledge
in mathematics, computer science, the basic sciences
and the engineering sciences that are necessary
to solve complex problems in nuclear and
radiological engineering;
provide students with a real-world design and
analysis experience in nuclear and radiological
engineering that includes environmental, societal,
safety, and economic considerations;
• provide students with appropriate skills in oral and
written communication, teamwork, laboratory work,
problem solving, and the use of modern engineering
tools that will prepare them to work productively in a
contemporary and global environment;
• provide students with a diverse general education
in the humanities, ethics, and social sciences to
complement their technological education in order to
understand and appreciate the importance of each in
society and in personal development; and
• foster a genuine desire for life-long learning
in students.
Career Opportunities
Nuclear engineering is a very broad and diverse
engineering discipline, spanning from materials science
and radiochemistry to nuclear security, space propulsion,
and power systems. Nuclear engineering graduates find
careers in a wide variety of fields, including the electric
utility industry (e.g., Southern Nuclear Company, TVA,
Duke Energy, Entergy), private industry (e.g., General
Electric, Westinghouse, Honeywell, Emerson), and
governmental laboratories (e.g., DOE’s Oak Ridge National
Laboratory and NASA’s Johnson Space Flight Center).
Nuclear engineering graduates also work as health
physicists and radiation safety ocers at hospitals and
other health-related facilities. The current job market for
nuclear engineers is strong and diverse.
Career Information
What can I do with this engineering major?
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Engineering Majors
Students who have completed EF 152/158, CHEM 120 or 128 , MATH 231 , ME 202, ME 231 and ME 321 with a grades of C or better and have an overall GPA between 2.0 and 2.4 may apply for
provisional status. The granting of provisional status is based on the availabi lity of space in departmental progr ams after full status students have been accomm odated. Provisional status students
are requi red to demonstr ate their ability to perform sati sfactorily in upper-division by attaining a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the first 12 hours of 300-level requi red engineeri ng courses. Award of
upper- division full status is dependent upon this perform ance. Students wi th an overall GPA less than 2.0 will not be admitted to upper- division. Students who have not progressed to
upper- division wil l be dropped fr om departmental class rolls.
Biomedical Engineering Catalog 2020
Fall Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq- Math ACT 28 or Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Coreq- EF 151 or 157 Prer eq-Math 119; recomm ended 101 Regular ; 118 Honor s; 198 Chancellor Honors only;
Math SAT 660 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 backgr ound in Math 131 131 English as Second Language
Spring Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU ME 202 (2) FA, SP, SU Chem 130 or 138 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
17 hours Prer eq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 Prer eq-EF 151/157 wi th C or higher C or eq- EF 152 or 158 and Prer eq- Chem 120 or 128 102 Prereq 101 or 118; 290 Pr er eq AP 101 cr edit
Coreq- M ath 142 or 148 M ath 142 or 148 298 Prereq Chancellor Honors only & 198; 132 Pr er eq 131 ESL
Fall Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU M at h 200 (2) FA, SP Stats 251 (3) FA, SP, SU ME 231 (3) FA, SP, SU Biology 160 or 168 (3) FA, SP, SU
EF 230 (2)
16 hours Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Pr ereq- EF 152 or 158 and Coreq- Chem i str y 120 or 128 Prereq- EF 105 or CS 102
ME 202 with C or better Coreq- EF 152/158
Spring Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU Physics 231 (3) FA, SP,SU ME 321 (3) FA, SP, SU B M E 205 (3) SP Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Prer eq- Phys 135/137 or EF 151 and 152 Prer eq- ME 202 with C better Prer eq-BIOL 160 or 168 Soci al Science
Coreq- M ath 142 or 148 and Math 142/148 wi th C better
Fall BME 363 or 367 (3) FA, SP, SU BME 341 or 347 (3) FA B M E 474 (3) FA ECE 301 (3) FA, SP, M Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU PHIL 345 (3) (WC) FA
18 hours Prer eq- EF 230; Math 231/237 and Prereqs-M E 231 with C or better Junior standing Pr ereq- Math 231 or 237 with Arts & Hum anities Prereq- Engl i sh 102 or 132 or
ME 231 with grades of C or better and Math 241 or 247 with grade of C or C or better 290 or 298
Spring BME 315 (3) SP BME 345 (3) FA, SP, SU Technical or BME Elect ive (3) Techn ical or BME Elective (3) Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
18 hours Prer eq- EF 230 and BME 363/367 Prereq- ME 321 Arts and Humaniti es Or al Comm uni cati on- choose
or ME 363/367 Coreq-BM E 363/367; AE 341/347; ECE 301 fr om approved list in catal og
Fall Technical or BM E Elective (3) Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU BM E 450 (3) FA BME 473 or 477 (3) FA BME 449 (4) (WC) FA
16 hours Social Sci ence Coreqs-BM E 430, 473/477 Prereq- Biology 160/168; BME 205 Pr ereq- BME 315, 345, and
AE, BME, ME majors only and M E 231 English 102, 132, 290, or 298
Spring Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU BME 460 (3) SP BME Elective (3) FA, SP, SU Technical Elective (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Cultures & Civilizations C ul tures and Civilizati ons Prereq- BM E 450
AE, BME, ME majors only
Biomedical Engineering Elect ive- Restricted to any 300-500 biom edical engineer i ng course not required for the degree or Chemistr y 260 or 268 or 360 or 368.
Technical Elect ive- Must be preapproved based on selected Track. There are four (4) tr acks: (1) Diagnosti cs, (2) M edi cal Devices Design, (3) Ther apeutics, and (4) Pr e- Med. The technical and
BME electi ve cour ses for each Tr ack are:
(1) Diagnosti cs Tr ack: BME 480, BME 494; Math 300/307, Math 323 and ECE 472; ECE 315, ECE 316 and ECE 415; ECE 202 and ECE 335; Math 405; BIOL 159, BC M B 415 and BCMB 416.
(2) Medi cal Device Design Track: BM E 494; ECE 202 and ECE 335; ME 405; ME 451; MSE 201/207 and ME 366; ME 366 and ME 469; ME 366and ME 470; ME 457; ME 331; BIOL 159, BCMB 415 and BCMB 416.
(3) Ther apeutics Track: BME 494; BME 409; BME 405; BM E 486; NE 433 and NE 490; CH EM 260/268; CHEM 360/368; CH EM 369; BCMB 401 and CHEM 260/360; BCMB 461; MIC R 330; BIOL 159, BCMB 415 and BCMB 416.
(4) Pr e- Med Tr ack: BME 494; BIOL 150/158; BIOL 159; CHEM 260/268; CHEM 360/368; CHEM 369; BIOL 240; BCM B 401 and CH EM 260/360.
Full Status Progression
A lower- di vision student may apply for progr ession to upper divi sion after com pleting EF 152/158, CHEM 120 or 128 , MAT H 231 , ME 202, ME 231, and ME 321 wi th a grade of C or better in each,
and an overall GPA of at least 2.4. Students who have not sati sfi ed the r equi r ements for full status will be dropped from departmental class rolls in upper division cour ses.
Provisional St at us Progressio n
Students who have completed EF 152/158, CH EM 120 or 128 , MATH 231 , ME 202, ME 231 , and ME 321 wi th a grade of C or better and have an over all GPA between 2.0 and 2.4 may apply for
provisional status. The granting of provisi onal status is based on the availabili ty of space in departmental progr am s after full status students have been accomm odated. Provisional status students
are requir ed to demonstr ate their ability to perfor m sati sfactor ily in upper-di vision by attaining a mi nim um GPA of 2.0 in the first 12 hours of 300-l evel requir ed engineer i ng courses. Award of
upper- di vision full status is dependent upon this perfor mance. Students with an over al l GPA less than 2.0 wi ll not be admitted to upper- divi sion. Students who have not progressed to
upper- di vision will be dropped from departm ental cl ass rolls.
Transfer Students
Students tr ansferring mor e that 26 hours from another insti tution are consider ed tr ansfer students. Transfer students must meet the same cr iteria as non-transfer students, using transfer gr ades for
acceptable substitutions. Tr ansfer courses wi th grades below a C wi l l not be accepted to ful fill any degree requir em ents.
Depart mental Academic Standing
The facul ty of the Depar tment of Mechanical, Aer ospace and Biom edical Engineer ing expect all students who enter to m ake progress toward graduati on. To graduate from the departm ent, a student must
earn a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all departmental courses counted towar d the degr ee. Students not meeti ng the requi r ed departmental GPA may be dropped from thei r maj or.
In additi on, the Uni versity Academic Good Standing Policies apply to all students.
BME Graduation Requirements
A minim um GPA of 2.0 in all departm ental cour ses counted toward the degree taken at the Uni ver sity of Tennessee, Knoxville, is required for graduation. No more than two departm ental cour ses in whi ch
a C- or low er is the highest grade earned may be counted toward graduati on. Thi s is in additi on to the universitys graduation requirem ents.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
26 26 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 27 27
Biosystems Engineering Catalog 2020
Math 141 or 147 (4)
EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP
Chem 121 & 123 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prereq- Math ACT 28 or
Cor eq- Math 132/141/147 or higher
Coreq- EF 151 or 157
Prereq-Math 119; r ecomm ended 101 Regular ; 118 Honor s
Math SAT 660
and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 background in Math 131 198 Chancellor Honors only; 131 ESL
Math 142 or 148 (4)
EF 152 or 158 (4)
ME 202 (2)
Gen Ed (3)
FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or
BSE 104 (1) SP
17 hours Prereq- Math 132 or 141 or 147
Prereq-EF 151/157 with C or hi gher
Coreq- EF 152 or 158 and Cultures & Civilizations
132 (3) FA, SP, SU
Coreq- EF 151 or 158
Coreq- Math 142 or 148 Math 142 or 148
see catalog for prereqs
Math 241 or 247 (4)
ME 231 (3)
ME 331 (3)
BSE 201 (1) FA BSE 221 (3) FA BSE 231 (3) FA
17 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148 Prereq- EF 152 or 158 and ME202 Coreq- Math 241 or 247 Prereq- Chem 122 &123 or 128 Prereq- Chem 122 & 123 or 128
with grades of C or better Coreq- EF 152 or 158 and Math 132 or 141 or 147
Math 231 or 237 (3)
FA, SP, SU Biology 160 or 168 (3) FA, SP, SU
ESS 210 (4) FA, SP, SU ME 321 (3)
BSE 321 (3) SP
16 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148
Cor eq- Chem istr y 120 or 128
Prereq- ME 202 with C or better Prereq- BSE 221
and Math 142/148 with C better
Fall Philosophy 244 (3) FA, SP
AE 341/347 or CE 391 (3)
ECE 301 (3)
FA, SP, M Stats 251 (3) FA, SP, SU
English 360 (3) (WC) FA, SP Math 200 (2) FA, SP
17 hours Arts & Humanities Prereq- ME 231 with C or better Prereq- Math 231 with C or
or IE 200 (3) FA, SP
Prereq- English 102 or 118
and Math 241 or 247 better
Prereq- Math 142 or 148
Minimum level- junior
Spring BSE 411 or 417 (3) SP BSE 416/418 or CE 495/498 (3) SP BSE 431 or 437 (3) SP BSE 451 or 457 (4) SP
*Technical Elective (3)
16 hours Prereq- ME 231 and 321 with Prereq- AE 341/347 with C Prereq- BSE 321 with grade of Prereq- ECE 301 with grade of
grades of C or better Prereq- CE 391 for CE choices C or better C or better
Econ 201/207 (4)
*Technical Elective (3) FA, SP, SU BSE 400 (2) FA BSE 444 (3) FA BSE 404 (3) (OC) FA
15 hours or Arec 201 (4) SP Prereq- Three of BSE 411/417, Prereq- Three of BSE 411/417, Prereq- Three of BSE 411/417,
Social Science 416/418 or CE 495,498,431,451 416/418 or CE 495,498,431,451 416/418, or CE 495,498, 431/437, 451/457
Coreq- BSE 404 and 444 Coreq- BSE 400 and 404 Coreq- BSE 400 and 444
Spring Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU BSE 402 (6) SP
Gen Ed (3)
15 hours Social Science Arts & Humanities Prereq- BSE 400 and 404 and 444 Cultures & Civilizations
*Technical Electives- Note that some electives have required prerequisities. See individual course descriptions for specific information. BSE 525, 543; CBE 481; CSAS 345, 355, 414, 424, 432, 434, 452,
462, 474; CE 381, 430, 485; CHEM 260 or 268, 360 or 368; ENVE 511, 512,513, 515, 516, 525, 526, 527, 530, 532, 533, 544, 558, 561, 574; ESS 334, 434, 442, 444, 454; Geog 411; Geol 485; IE 304;
Math 300, 403, 411, 431; ME 363 or 367, 366, 391 or 397, 405, 451, 466.
BSE Graduation requirements: a) achieve at least a 2.0 GPA in all BSE courses; b) only one BSE course with a grade of D+, or D may be used toward graduation; c) no BSE course with a grade of D-
may be used for graduation; d) achieve at least a 2.0 GPA in the required math courses.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
Biosystems Engineering Catalog 2020
Pre- Professional Concentration
Math 141 or 147 (4) FA,SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prereq- Math ACT 28 or Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Coreq- EF 151 or 157 Prereq- Math 119; recom mended 101 Regular ; 118 Honors; 198 Chancellor Honor s Only;
Math SAT 660 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 background in Math 131 131 English as Second Language
Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU ME 202 (2) FA, SP, SU Chem 130 or 138 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or BSE 104 (1) SP
17 hours Prereq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 Prer eq-EF 151/157 with C or higher Coreq- EF 152 or 158 and Prereq- Chem 122 & 123 or 128 132 (3) FA, SP, SU Coreq- EF 151/158
Coreq- Math 142 or 148 Math 142 or 148 see catalog for prereqs
Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU ME 231 (3) FA, SP, SU ME 331 (3) FA, SP, SU BSE 201 (1) FA BSE 221 (3) FA BSE 231 (3) FA
17 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148 Prereq- EF 152 or 158 and Coreq- Math 241 or 247 Prereq- Chem 120 or 128 Prereq- Chem 120 or 128
ME 202 with grades of C or better Coreq- EF 152 or 158 and Math 141 or 147
Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU Biology 160 or 168 (3) FA, SP, SU Chem 260 or 268 (3) FA, SP, SU Chem 269 (1) FA, SP, SU ME 321 (3) FA, SP, SU BSE 321 (3) SP
16 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148 Coreq- Chemistry 120 or 128 formerly Chem 350/358 Prereq- Chem 130 or 138 Prereq- ME 202 with C or better Prereq- BSE 221
Prereq- Chem 130 or 138 Coreq- Chem 260 or 268 and Math 142/148 with C better
Fall Philosophy 244 (3) FA, SP
AE 341 or 347 (3) FA,SP,SU ECE 301 (3) FA, SP, M Stats 251 (3) FA, SP, SU English 360 (3) (WC) FA, SP Math 200 (2) FA, SP
17 hours Arts & Humanities Prereq- ME 231 with C or better Prereq- Math 231 with C or IE 200 (3) FA, SP Prereq- English 102 or 118 or
and Math 241 or 247 or better Prereq- Math 142 or 148 132 or 290 or 298
Minimum level- junior
Spring BSE 411 or 417 (3) SP BSE 431 or 437 (3) SP BSE 451 or 457 (4) SP Chem 360 or 368 (3) FA, SP, SU Chem 359 (1) FA, SP, SU
14 hours Prereq- ME 231 and 321 with Prereq- BSE 321 with grade of Prereq- ECE 301 with grade of
Prereq- Chem 260 or 268 Prereq- Chem 269
grades of C or better C or better C or better formerly Chem 350/358 Coreq- Chem 360 or 368
Econ 201 or 207 (4) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU BSE 400 (2) FA BSE 444 (3) FA BSE 404 (3) (OC) FA
15 hours or Arec 201 (4) SP Cultures & Civilizations Prereq- Three of BSE 411/417, Prereq- Three of BSE 411/417, Prereq- Three of BSE 411/417,
Social Science 431/437, 451/457 416/418 or CE 495,498,431,451 416/418, or CE 495,498, 431/437, 451/457
Coreq- BSE 404 and 444 Coreq- BSE 400 and 404 Coreq- BSE 400 and 444
Spring Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU BSE 402 (6) SP
Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Social Science Arts & Humanities Prereq- BSE 400 & 404 & 444 Cultures & Civilizations
BSE Graduation requirements: a) achieve at least a 2.0 GPA in all BSE courses; b) only one BSE course with a grade of D+, or D may be used toward graduation; c) no BSE course with a grade
of D- may be used for graduation; d) achieve at least a 2.0 GPA in the required math courses.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
Biosystems — Pre-professional
28 28 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 29 29
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Catalog 2020
Fall Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 ( 4) FA, SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq- Math ACT 28 or Prer eq-Math 119; recommended Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Cor eq- EF 151 or 157 101 R egular; 118 Honors; 198 Chancellor Honors Onl y;
Math SAT 660 backgr ound in Math 131 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 131 English as Second Language
Spring Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU Chem 130 or 138 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prer eq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 Pr ereq- Chem 120 or 128 Prer eq-EF 151/157 with C or higher 102 Prer eq 101 or 118; 290 Prereq AP 101 cr edit
Coreq- Math 142 or 148 298 Pr ereq Chancel lor Honors only & 198; 132 Prer eq 131 ESL
Fall Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU CBE 201 (4) FA, SU CBE 235 (3) FA Chem 210 ( 3) A ND 219 ( 1) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
17 hours Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Prer eq- EF 152/158 & Chem 130/138 Prer eq- EF 152/158 & Chem 130/138 form erly Chem 310 and 319 Social Science
Coreq- Math 231 (Dept. Enfor ced) Bio 160 or 168 Pr ereq- Chem 130 or 138
Spring Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU C BE 240 ( 4) SP CBE 250 (4) SP, SU Physics 231 (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
18 hours Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Prer eq- EF 152/158 & Chem 130/138 Prer eq- EF 152/158 & Chem 130/138 Pr ereq- Phys 135 or EF 151 and 152 Social Science
Coreq- Math 241 or 247 Cor eq- Math 241 or 247 Coreq- Math 142 or 148
Fall Chemistry 260 or 268 (3) FA, SP, SU CBE 301 (4) FA CBE 350 (4) FA Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
17 hours for merl y Chem 350 or 358 Prer eq- CBE 201, 240, and 250 Prereq- CBE 201, 240 and 250 Ar ts and Hum anities Cultures and Ci vilizations
Prer eq- Chemi stry 130 or 138 or consent of instructor Coreq- CBE 301
Spring CBE 320 (3) SP CBE 340 (3) SP, SU CBE 360 (3) SP, SU Bio Option I **(3) FA, SP, SU Tech. Elective (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prer eq- CBE 201, 240, and 250 Prer eq- CBE 201, 240 and 250 Pr ereq- CBE 201, 240 and 250 Peti tion requir ed in advance
Coreq- CBE 301 and 350 C oreq- Math 231 See note below***
Fall CBE 445 (3) FA CBE 480 (4) FA CBE 415 (W C) (3) FA Tech. Elective*** (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq- CBE 340 and 360 Prer eq- CBE 340 and 360 and Prer eq- CBE 340 and 360; English 102, 132, 290, or 298 Petition requir ed in advance Arts and Humanities
Chem. 360 or 368; Coreq- CBE 445 Cor eq- CBE 301 and 350; and CBE maj or
CBE 488 or 490 (3) SP (OC ) Chem Option I *(3) FA, SP, SU Tech. Elective*** (3) FA, SP, SU Tech. Elective*** (2) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
Spring Prer eq- CBE 445 and 480 Peti tion requir ed in advance Petiti on requi red in advance Cultures and Ci vili zations
14 hours
* Chem Option I: Any 200 level or above BCMB courses; any 200-level or above CH EM courses; Environm ental Engineer ing 554, 562; MSE 201/207; MSE 340/347, MSE 360/367; any 200-level or above MICR courses.
** Biology Option I: BC MB 230, BCMB 311, BCMB 321, BCMB 401, BCM B 402, BC MB 412, BCMB 415; BIOL 220/229, BIOL 240, BIOL 260/269, BIO 280; MICR 210, MICR 321, MIC R 329.
*** One techni cal elective must be a chem ical and biom olecular engi neering course, with the exclusion of C BE 457. M SE 201 or 207 can be used as technical elective, if not used to satisfy Chem Option 1.
Progression to Upper Division
Progr essi on of students in the Department of Chem ical and Biomolecular Engineering to departmental cour ses number ed 310 and above is com petitive and is based on capacity. Factors consi dered include over all
grade point average, perfor mance in selected low er-di vision courses, and evidence of satisfactory and orderl y progr ess thr ough the prescri bed curr iculum.
Upper-Division Status
A lower -division student must apply for progression to upper division status after completing CBE 201 , CBE 235 , CBE 240 , and CBE 250 with a grade of C - or better in each course and an overall GPA of 2.3 or better .
Gr ades of C- or better in these four courses are requir ed for graduation.
Provisional St atus
Students who have com pleted CBE 201 , CBE 235 , CBE 240 , and CBE 250 wi th an overall GPA of at least 2.3 may apply for provisional status. Any student granted provisional status must retake the 200 level CBE course or courses
in which a grade less than C- was earned and achieve a C- or better to be admitted to full upper- division status. Gr ades of C- or better in these four courses are requir ed for graduation. The granting of provisional upper- division status
is based on avai lability of space in the departm ental progr ams after upper- division status students have been accom modated. Provisional students are requi red to demonstr ate the ability to perform satisfactorily in upper- division cour ses by
completing a total of seven departmental cour ses with a grade of C or better in each course (includi ng the four required for upper-divisi on status) . Perm issi on to continue with upper-di vision classes depends on this minim um level
of perform ance.
Any student with an overall GPA below 2.1 will not be admitted to upper- divi si on chemical and biomol ecular engineering courses. Students who have not been admitted to upper-divi sion or provisional status
wil l be dropped fr om upper-di vision departmental classes.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
Chemical & Biomolecular
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Catalog 2020
Biomolecular Concentration
Fall Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq- M ath ACT 28 or Prereq- Math 119; r ecom mended Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Cor eq- EF 151 or 157 101 Regular; 118 Honors; 198 Chancellor Honor s Only;
or Math SAT 660 background in Math 131 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 131 English as Second Language
Spring Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU Chem 130 or 138 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prer eq- M ath 132 or 141 or 147 Prereq- Chem 120 or 128 Prereq- EF 151/157 with C or higher 102 Prer eq 101 or 118; 290 Prer eq AP 101 cr edit
Coreq- Math 142 or 148
298 Pr ereq Chancellor Honors onl y & 198; 132 Pr ereq 131 ESL
Fall Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU CBE 201 (4) FA, SU CBE 235 (3) FA Biology 160 or 168 (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq- M ath 142 or 148 Prer eq- EF 152/158 & C hem 130/138 Pr ereq- EF 152/158 & Chem 130/138 Cor eq- Chemistry 120 or 128 Social Science
Coreq- Math 231 (Dept. Enfor ced) Co- req Bio 160 or 168
Spring Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU CBE 240 (4) SP CBE 250 (4) SP, SU Physics 231 (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
18 hours Prer eq- M ath 142 or 148 Prer eq- EF 152/158 & C hem 130/138 Pr ereq- EF 152/158 & Chem 130/138 Pr ereq- Phys 135 or EF 151 and 152 Soci al Science
Coreq- Math 241 or 247 Cor eq- Math 241 or 247 Cor eq- Math 142 or 148
Fall Chemistry 260 or 268 (3) FA, SP, SU Chemistry 269 (1) FA, SP, SU CBE 301 (4) FA CBE 350 (4) FA Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours for merly Chem 350 or 358 Pr ereq- C hemistr y 130 or 138 Prereq- CBE 201, 240, and 250 Prereq- CBE 201, 240 and 250 Arts and Hum anities
Prer eq- Chem istry 130 or 138 Coreq- Chem istry 260 or 268 or consent of instr uctor Coreq- CBE 301
Spring C BE 320 (3) SP CBE 340 (3) SP, SU CBE 360 (3) SP, SU Biology 240 (4) FA, SP, SU Chem 360 or 368 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq- CBE 201, 240, and 250 Pr ereq- CBE 201, 240 and 250 Pr ereq- C BE 201, 240 and 250 Prer eq- BIOL 160 or 168 and Prer eq- Chem 260 or 268
Coreq- CBE 301 and 350 Coreq- Math 231 Coreq-C hemistr y 130 or 138 for merl y 350 or 358
Fall CBE 445 (3) FA CBE 480 (4) FA BC MB 401 or 412 (4) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU CB E 415 (W C) (3) FA
17 hours Prer eq- CBE 340 and 360 Prer eq- CBE 340 and 360 and 401 Pr ereq- Chem 260 or 268; Cultures and Civil izations Pr ereq- CBE 340 and 360; English 102, 132, 290, or 298
Chemi stry 260 or 268 401 Cor eq- Chem 360 or 368 Coreq- CBE 301 and 350
Coreq- CBE 445 412 Pr ereq- Bio 240 Restricti on- CBE major s
Spring C BE 488 or 490 (3) SP (OC) CBE 475 (3) SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU Bio Option I* (3) FA,SP,SU
15 hours Prer eq- CBE 445 and 480 Cultures and Civil izations Ar ts and Hum anities choose from li st below
*Bio Option 1: BCMB 230, 311, 321, 402, 415; Biology 220- 229, 260- 269, 280; Chemical & Biomol ecular Engineering 455; Micr obiology 210, 321, 329
Progression to Upper Division
Progr ession of students in the Depar tment of C hemical and Biomolecular Engineer ing to depar tmental courses num bered 310 and above i s com petiti ve and i s based on capaci ty. Factor s consider ed include overal l
grade point average, perfor mance in selected lower -division cour ses, and evidence of sati sfactory and orderly progress through the prescr ibed curr icul um.
Upper-Division Status
A low er-division student must appl y for pr ogression to upper division status after com pleting C BE 201 , CBE 235 , C BE 240 , and CBE 250 wi th a gr ade of C - or better in each course and an overall GPA of 2.3 or better .
Gr ades of C- or better in these four courses are required for graduation.
Provisional Stat us
Students who have compl eted CBE 201 , CBE 235 , C BE 240 , and CBE 250 wi th an overal l GPA of at least 2.3 m ay appl y for pr ovisi onal status. Any student granted provisional status m ust retake the 200 l evel CBE cour se or courses
in which a grade less than C- was earned and achieve a C- or better to be admitted to full upper- division status. Grades of C- or better in these four courses are required for graduation. The granting of provisional upper- divi sion status
is based on availabi lity of space in the departmental program s after upper- divi sion status students have been accommodated. Provisional students ar e requir ed to dem onstrate the abil ity to perfor m sati sfactoril y i n upper-di vision cour ses by
completing a total of seven departmental courses wi th a grade of C or better in each course ( incl uding the four r equired for upper -division status). Perm issi on to conti nue with upper-di vision cl asses depends on this mi nim um level
of performance.
Any student with an overal l GPA below 2.1 wil l not be admitted to upper- divi sion chem ical and biom olecular engi neering courses. Students who have not been adm itted to upper -division or provisional status
will be dropped from upper- division departm ental cl asses.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
Biomolecular Concentration
30 30 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 31 31
Civil Engineering Catalog 2020
Fall Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU M ath 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Pr ereq-M ath 119; recommended Prereq- Math ACT 28 or Math SAT 660 Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Coreq- EF 151 or 157 101 Regular; 118 Honor s; 198 Chancellor Honors Only;
backgr ound in Math 131 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 131 English as Second Language
Spring Chem 130 or 138 (4) FA, SP, SU Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Pr ereq- Chem 120 or 128 Prer eq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 Prer eq-EF 151/157 with C or higher 102 Prer eq 101 or 118; 290 Prereq AP 101 cr edit
Coreq- Math 142 or 148
298 Prereq Chancellor Honor s only & 198; 132 Prer eq 131 ESL
Fall Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU STATS 251 (3) FA, SP, SU ECON 201 or 207 (4) FA, SP, SU ME 202 (2) FA, SP, SU CE 210 (4) FA, SP
16 hours Pr ereq- Math 142 or 148 Prereq- Math 142 or 148 Soci al Science Cor eq- EF 152 or 158 and Mi nim um student level ― sophomor e
Math 142 or 148
Spring Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU CE 391 (3) FA, SP CE 262 (4) FA, SP, SU Science Elect ive *(3- 4) FA , SP, SU CE 205 (OC & WC) (2) FA, SP
16-17 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148 Pr ereq- EF 152 or 158 Prereq- ME 202 Choose one fr om approved li st* Prer eq- EF 151 or 157; English 102, 132, 290, or 298
Coreq- CE 262 or ME 202 and Math 231/237 Mini mum student level sophomor e; Civil major s
Fall Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU CE 381 (3) FA, SP, SU CE 331 (3) FA, SP CE 371 (3) FA, SP CE 355 (3) FA, SP CE 310 (1) FA, SP
16 hours Cul tures and Ci vili zations Pr ereq- CE 391 and Chemi stry 130 or 138 Prer eq- CE 262 Prer eq- CE 262 Pr ereq- EF 152 or 158 Pr ereq- CE 205 and 262
Coreq- CE 310 Recomm ended backgr ound CE 210
Spring Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
EF 230 (2)
FA, SP CE 340 (3) FA, SP CE 321 (3) FA, SP CE 300 (3) FA, SP CE 305 (2) FA, SP
16 hours Ar ts and Humani ties Prer eq- EF 105 or CS 102 Coreq- CE 300, Ci vil and Nuclear major Prer eq- CE 262 Restr iction- Sophom ore standing or Prer eq- CE 205
Co-r eq- EF 152/158 Mi nimum student level- Junior above in Ci vil
Fall Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU CE 399S (1) FA, SP CE 401 (2) FA, SP CE Concen. Elective **(3) FA, SP CE Concen. Lab **(1) FA, SP Technical Elective ***(3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Social Science Cultur es and Civilizations Mi nimum student level- Senior Minim um student level- Senior
Must be taken term prior to CE 400 Civil majors
Spring Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU CE Concen. Elective **(3) FA, SP CE Concen. Lab **(1) FA, SP CEE 400 (3) FA, SP Technical Elective ***(3) FA, SP, SU Technical Elective ***(3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Ar ts and Humani ties Prer eq- CE 399S
*Science Elective- Students select from Biology 101, 102, 150 or 158, 160 or 168; Geography 131; Geology 101, 103, 107; Environ.Engineering 513; Environ. Soil Science 462.
**CE Concentration Electives/Labs- Students must select 2 of the following concentration sequences: environmental (CE 481 or 487 and CE 482 ), geotechnical (CE 430 or 437 and CE 432 ), structural (CE 461 or 467 and CE 463),
transportation (CE 455 or 458 and CE 456 ), water resources (CE 494 or 497 and CE 496 ), construction (CE 441 or 448 and CE 432 or CE 463).
***Technical Electives
All areas Acctg. 200/207, EF 333, Physics 231, Physics 232, Math 251, ME 231, ME 331, ECE 201, COSC 102, Chem 210, Chem 260/268
Construction CE 581, CE 582, CE 583, CE 584
Environmental CE 485, CE 495, Chem 210, Chem 260/268, Chem 330, Envr 511, Envr 513, Geog 411
Geotechnical CE 531, CE 535; Geology 310, 330, 340, 370, and 471
Materials CE 521, CE 522, CE 525
Structures CE 462, CE 472, CE 474, CE 576
Transportation CE 551, CE 552, Geog 411
Water Resources CE 485, CE 495, ENVE 515, ENVE 516, ENVE 526, ENVE 533, Geog 411
Please be advised that this list is not exhaustive and additional courses may be considered and approved as technical electives by departmental petition. For example, students may take any Civil or ENVE 500 level course and additional
Civil concentration electives beyond the two (2) required as technical electives. Additional upper level engineering, math, and science classes may also be considered. Please contact the Civil Engineering Advisor if you would like to request
approval for a course.
Civil Graduation Requirements
Students are required to maintain a cumulative grade point of at least 2.0 in all civil engineering and environmental engineering courses taken at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, used to satisfy the graduation requirements.
No more than four credit hours of civil and environmental engineering courses in which a C- or lower is the highest grade earned may be counted toward graduation. Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses within their two selected
concentrations. Students are strongly recommended to meet with their faculty advisor every semester.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Engineering Catalog 2020
Fall Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP CS 102 (4) FA, SP, SU* English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prereq- Math ACT 28 or Math SAT 660 Cor eq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Coreq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 101 Regular; 118 Honors; 198 Chancellor Honors Only;
and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 Recom mended backgr ound CS 101 131 English as Second Language
Spring Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU CS 130 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prereq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 grade of C or Prereq-EF 151/157 with C or higher Prer eq- CS 102 with C or better 102 Prer eq 101 or 118; 290 Prereq AP 101 cr edit
Coreq- Math 142 or 148
298 Prer eq Chancell or Honors only & 198; 132 Prereq 131 ESL
Fall Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU ECE 201 (3) FA, SP CS 140 (4) FA, SP Physics 231 ( 3) FA, SP, SU ECE 255 (3) FA, SP
16 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148 grade of C or Prereq- EF 152/158 and Math 142/148 grades C Prereq- CS 130 with grade of C or better Prer eq- Phys 135 or EF151 and 152 Prereq- CS 130 with grade of C or
better or better Cor eq- Math 142 or 148 better
Spring Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU ECE 202 (3) FA,SP, SU Math 251 or 257 (3) FA, SP, SU ECE 256 (3) FA, SP Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU
17 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148 grade of C or Prereq- ECE 201 with grade of C or better Pr ereq- Math 142 or 148 grade of C or Prer eq-ECE 255 with grade of Pr ereq-Math 119; recom mended
better better C or better background in Math 131
Fall ECE 351 or 357 (3) FA, SP
ECE 335 (3) FA, SP CS 302 or 307 (4) FA, SP ECE 313 or 317 (3) FA, SP ECE 395 (1) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
17 hours Prereq-ECE 255 with grade of C or better Pr ereq- ECE 202 with grade of C or better Pr ereq- CS 140 with grade of C or better Prereq- Math 142 or 148 wi th Prer eq- ECE 202 with grade of C Cultures and Civili zations
grade of C or better or better
Spring ECE 315 (3) FA, SP
CS 311 or 317 (3) FA, SP CS 360 or 367 (4) FA, SP ECE 356 or 358 (3) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prereq- ECE 202 with grade of C or better Prereq- CS 140 and Math 142 or 148 with Prereq- CS 130 and 302 or 307 with Pr ereq-256 or 336 or Ar ts and Hum anities
grades of C or better grades of C or better COSC 360/367; C or better
Fall ECE 401 (2) FA Core Elective (3) FA, SP** Senior Elective (3) FA, SP*** Senior Elective (3) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
17 hours Prereq- ECE 315 or 351 or 357 with Arts and Humani ties Social Science
grades of C or better
Spring ECE 402 (OC and WC) (3) SP Core Elective (3) FA, SP, SU ** Senior Elective (3) FA, SP, SU *** Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prereq- ECE 401; ENGL 102, 132, 290,298 Cultures and Civilizations Soci al Sci ence
with grades of C or better
*Beginning students who have had high school computer science and/or who have had significant progr amm ing exper ience (e.g. summer institute study, special research projects, home laboratory) are invi ted to apply during the sum mer to the
head of the EECS department for perm ission to take a proficiency exam for COSC 102. The EECS department also gives cr edit in COSC 102 to students who receive a score of 5 on the computer science AP Exam .
** Core electi ves, you must choose 2 courses from withi n the following list: COSC 340, COSC 361, COSC 366, ECE 433, ECE 453, ECE 455. Other courses not cur rently listed may count as core electi ves only with departm ental approval.
500 level cour ses are mentioned as suggesti ons to students admitted into the Fi ve Year BA/MS program. Up to 2 (two) COSC 5XX or ECE 5XX courses may count as core and/or senior electives.
***Senior Electives, you choose 9 cr edit hours of computer engineering senior electives with your advisor' s consent. Acceptabl e senior electives are ECE 4XX and COSC 4XX courses that are not other wise requir ed.
500 level cour ses are mentioned as suggesti ons to students admitted into the Fi ve Year BA/MS program. Up to 2 (two) COSC 5XX or ECE 5XX courses may count as core and/or senior electives.
The department requires at least a C in every computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics course used for the undergraduate degrees. ECE 201 requires a C or better in EF 152/158 and Math 142/148.
Progression of departm ental undergr aduate students to the upper- division progr ams of the department is competitive and is based on the space availabl e in the department. Factors considered in the decision include
overall grade point aver age, grades earned in cour ses required in the lower division curr icula of the department and College of Engineer ing, and ser iousness of purpose and interest in departmental progr ams as
exemplified by regular and orderly progress thr ough the prescribed curr iculum without abuse of withdr awal and cour se repeat privileges.
Students who take ECE 300 (ECE 201-202) will be evaluated during the semester they are regi stered for it. Transfer students for whom ECE 300 (EC E 201-202) tr ansfer credi t is given may take 9 sem ester hours in departmental cour ses
befor e progression evaluation. All students, whether or not they transfer in, who are not accepted into the upper-division progr am of the department wi ll be put in either a tempor ary probationary status
or a non-progressed status and will not be perm itted to register for any upper divi si on courses within the department.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
Computer Engineering
32 32 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 33 33
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Science Catalog 2020
Fall CS 102 (4) FA, SP, SU* Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Cor eq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 Prer eq- Math ACT 28 or Math SAT 660 Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher 101 Regular; 118 Honors; 198 Chancellor Honors Only;
Recommended backgr ound CS 101 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 131 English as Second Language
Spring CS 130 (4) FA, SP, SU Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Pr ereq- CS 102 with C or better Pr ereq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 with grade of C or Prereq-EF 151/157 with C or higher 102 Prer eq 101 or 118; 290 Prer eq AP 101 credit
better Coreq- Math 142 or 148 298 Prereq Chancellor Honors only & 198; 132 Prer eq 131 ESL
Fall CS 140 (4) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU Math 251 or 257 (3) FA, SP, SU Biology 101 or 150/158 (3-4) FA,SP
13-14 hours Pr ereq- CS 130 with grade of C or better Cultur es and Civilizati ons Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 with grade of C or Chemistry 100 or 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU
better or Physics 231 (3) FA, SP, SU
CS 302 or 307 (4) FA, SP CS 311 or 317 (3) FA, SP ECE 313 or 317 (3) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Pr ereq- CS 140 with grade of C or better Pr ereq- CS 140 and Math 142 or 148 C or better Prereq - Math 142 or 148 with grade of C or better Ar ts and Humanities Social Science
CS 360 or 367 (4) FA, SP CS 312 (3) FA, SP CS 340 (3) FA, SP CS Upper Division Elective** (3) FA, SP, SU General Elective (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Pr ereq- CS 130 and 302 or 307 with Pr ereq- CS 311 or 317 with grade of C or better Prer eq- CS 302 or 307 with grade of C or better Any cour se on the tr anscr ipt not
grades of C or better alr eady used in the DARS audit.
Spring CS 361 (3) FA, SP CS 365 (3) FA, SP CS 366 (3) FA, SP CS 395 (1) FA, SP CS Upper Division Elective** (3) FA,SP,SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Pr ereq- CS 360 or 367 with C or better Pr ereq- CS 302 or 307 with grade of C or better Prer eq- CS 360 or 367 with grade of C or better Prer eq- CS 302 or 307 wi th grade of C or better Cultures and Civil izations
Fall C S 401 (2) FA
CS Upper Division Elective **(3) FA, SP, SU CS Upper Division Elective **(3) FA, SP, SU English 355 or 360 (WC) (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
14 hours Pr ereq- CS 360 or 367 with grade of C or better Prereq- EN GL 102 or 118 Ar ts and Hum aniti es
For EN GL 360- M inim um student
level juni or
Spring CS 402 (3) (OC & WC) SP CS Upper Division Elective **(3) FA, SP, SU CS Upper Division Elective **(3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
General Elective (3) FA, SP, SU
Prereq- CS 401; English 102, 132, 290 or 298 Social Science Any cour se on the tr anscr ipt not
15 hours with grades of C or better alr eady used in the DARS audit.
*Beginning students who have had high school computer science and/or who have had significant programming experience (e.g. summer institute study, special research projects, home laboratory) are invited to apply during the summer to the
head of the EECS department for permission to take a proficiency exam for COSC 102. The EECS department also gives credit in COSC 102 to students who receive a score of 5 on the computer science AP Exam.
The following list shows an acceptable set of electives that may be taken to statisfy the upper division electives for the CS major. The electives have been grouped into 7 suggested tracks. The tracks group related electives that a student may wish to take
in order to achieve a level of expertise in the indicated area. However, it is not mandatory to take any track and students are free to mix and match courses from different tracks to fit their specific interests:
Theory: CS 440, 482; Systems: CS 452, 462, ECE 453, 462, 463; Software: CS 453, 461, 465; Hardware: ECE 256, 356, 455; Sci enti fi c Computi ng: CS 370/ 377, 471, 472, Math 231/237 or 241/247; Artificial Intelligence: CS 420 or 427, 421,
425, ECE 471 Cybersecurity: CS 425, 434/534, 445/545, 522, 466/566, 469/569, 483/583, ECE 459/559, 462, 469/569, 471/571
Computer Science 493 and 494 may be taken to satisfy the upper division electives. Up to two (2) Computer Science 5xx or Electrical Computer Engineering 5xx courses may count as upper division electives.
The department requires at least a C in every computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics course used for the undergraduate degrees.
Progression of departmental undergraduate students to the upper-division programs of the department is competitive and is based on the space available in the department. Factors considered in the decision include
overall grade point average, grades earned in courses required in the lower division curricula of the department and College of Engineering, and seriousness of purpose and interest in departmental programs as
exemplified by regular and orderly progress through the prescribed curriculum without abuse of withdrawal and course repeat privileges.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
Computer Science
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical Engineering Catalog 2020
Fall Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP CS 102 (4) FA, SP, SU English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prereq- Math ACT 28 or C oreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Coreq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 101 Regular; 118 Honor s; 198 Chancellor Honors Only;
Math SAT 660 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 R ecomm ended background CS 101 131 English as Second Language
Spring Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU CS 130 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prereq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 Pr ereq- EF 151/157 with C or higher Prereq- CS 102 with C or better 102 Prereq 101 or 118; 290 Prer eq AP 101 credit
with grade of C or better
Coreq- Math 142 or 148
298 Prer eq Chancellor Honors only & 198; 132 Prer eq 131 ESL
Fall Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU ECE 255 (3) FA, SP Physics 231 (3) FA , SP, SU Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU ECE 201 (3) FA, SP
16 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148 with Pr ereq- CS 130 with grade of C or Prereq- Phys 135 or EF 151 and 152 Prer eq-Math 119; recom mended Prer eq- EF 152/158 and Math 142/148 with C or better
grade of C or better better Coreq- Math 142 or 148 backgr ound in Math 131 C oreq- Math 231/237
Spring Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU Math 251 or 257 (3) FA, SP, SU Physics 232 (4) FA, SP ECE 313 or 317 (3) FA, SP ECE 202 (3) FA,SP, SU
17 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148 Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Pr ereq- Physi cs 231 Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 with grade Prereq- ECE 201 with grade of C or
with grade of C or better with grade of C or better Cor eq- Math 241 or 247 of C or higher better
Fall ECE 315 (3) FA, SP ECE 325 (3) FA, SP ECE 335 (3) FA, SP ECE 341 or 347 (3) FA, SP ECE 395 (1) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prereq- ECE 202 with grade of C Pr ereq- ECE 202 with grade of C or Prereq- ECE 202 w ith grade of C or Prer eq- ECE 202, Math 241 or 247 Prer eq- ECE 202 w ith grades of C or Social Science
or better better better and Physics 232; C or better grades better
ECE 316 (3) FA, SP ECE 336 (3) FA, SP ECE 342 (3) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prereq- ECE 315 with grade of C Pr ereq- ECE 335 with C or better Prer eq- ECE 313 or 317 and 315 Soci al Science Arts & Humanities
or better Cor eq- ECE 315 with C or better with grades of C or better
ECE Sr. Elective *(3) FA, SP, SU ECE Sr. Elective *(3) FA, SP, SU ECE Sr. Elective*(3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU ECE 401 (2) FA Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
17 hours Senior Electi ve Senior Elective Seni or Elective Ar ts and Humani ties Prereq- ECE 315 or 351 with C or better Cultures and Civilizations
ECE Sr. Elective *(3) FA, SP, SU Tech. Elective**(3) FA, SP, SU Tech. Elective **(3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU ECE 402 (OC and WC) (3) SP
15 hours Senior Electi ve Petition required in advance Petition requi red in advance Cul tures and Civilizations Prereq- ECE 401 and ENGL 102, 132, 290 or 298 with C or better
*Acceptable Senior Electrical and Computer Engineering courses: Choose 12 cr edit hours of ECE senior electives with Advisor's consent. Up to 2 COSC 5XX or ECE 5XX courses m ay count as upper
division electives. Acceptable ECE senior electives are ECE 4XX courses that are not otherwise required for the degree.
**Technical Electives: Chem 130/138; COSC 140, 311, 370/377; ECE 351, 356/358; EF 203, 303, Industrial 405, 457; Materi als Science 201/207, 410, 460; Math 300/307; Mechanical Engineeri ng 231, 321, 331, 363/367; Nuclear Engineering 342/347 Physics 250.
The department requires at least a C in every comput er engineering, computer science, elect rical engineering, and mathematics course used for t he undergraduat e degrees. ECE 201 requires a C or bet ter in EF 152/158 and M ath 142/148.
Progression of departmental undergr aduate students to the upper-division programs of the department is com petitive and is based on the space available in the departm ent. Factors considered in the decision include
overal l grade point aver age, grades earned in courses required in the lower division curr icula of the department and College of Engineer ing, and ser iousness of purpose and inter est in departmental programs as
exempl ified by regular and order ly progr ess thr ough the prescribed cur ricul um without abuse of withdraw al and course repeat privileges.
Students who take ECE 300 (now ECE 201-202) will be evaluated during the sem ester they are regi stered for it. Tr ansfer students for whom ECE 300 (now ECE 201-202) transfer credit is given may take 9 sem ester hours in departmental courses
befor e progression evaluation. All students, whether or not they tr ansfer in, who are not accepted into the upper-divi sion progr am of the department will be put in either a temporary probationar y status
or a non-pr ogressed status and wil l not be permitted to regi ster for any upper divisi on courses wi thin the department.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
Electrical Engineering
34 34 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 35 35
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical- Power & Energy Systems Concentration Catalog 2020
Fall Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP CS 102 (4) FA, SP, SU English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Pr ereq- Math 28 ACT or Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Coreq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 101 Regular; 118 H onors; 198 Chancellor Honor s Only;
MathSAT 660 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 Recomm ended backgr ound CS 101 131 English as Second Language
Spring Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU CS 130 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prereq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 wi th Prereq-EF 151/157 with C or higher Pr ereq- CS 102 with C or better 102 Prer eq 101 or 118; 290 Prer eq AP 101 credit
a grade of C or better Coreq- Math 142 or 148 298 Prer eq Chancellor Honor s only & 198; 132 Prereq 131 ESL
Fall Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU ECE 255 (3) FA, SP Physics 231 (3) FA, SP, SU Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU ECE 201 (3) FA, SP
16 hours Pr ereq- Math 142 or 148 with Prer eq- CS 130 with a grade of Prereq- Phys 135 or EF151&152 Pr ereq- Math 119; recommended Pr ereq- EF 152/158 and Math 142/148 with C or better
a grade of C or better C or better Cor eq- Math 142 or 148 background in Math 131 C oreq- Math 231/237 with C or better
Spring Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU Math 251 or 257 (3) FA, SP, SU Physics 232 (4) FA , SP ECE 313 or 317 (3) FA, SP ECE 202 (3) FA,SP, SU
17 hours Pr ereq- Math 142 or 148 with Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 with Prereq- Physics 231 Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 with a Pr ereq- ECE 201 with a grade of C or better
grade of C or better grade of C or better Coreq- Math 241 or 247 grade of C or better
Fall ECE 315 (3) FA, SP ECE 325 (3) FA, SP ECE 335 (3) FA, SP ECE 341 or 347 (3) FA, SP ECE 395 (1) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Pr ereq- ECE 202 with grade of Pr ereq- ECE 202 wi th a Prer eq- ECE 202 with a grade Prereq- ECE 202, Math 241 or 247 Prer eq- ECE 202 with a grade of C or better Soci al Science
C or better gr ade of C or better of C or better and Physics 232; C or better
ECE 316 (3) FA, SP ECE 336 (3) FA, SP ECE 342 (3) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Pr ereq- ECE 315 with grade of Prer eq- ECE 335 with C or better Pr ereq- ECE 313 or 317 and 315 Social Science Arts & Hum anities
C or better Coreq- ECE 315 with C or better with grades of C or better
ECE Sr. Elective (3) FA, SP ECE Sr. Elective (3) FA, SP Power Elective(3) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU EC E 401 (2) FA Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
17 hours Seni or Elective Senior Elective Arts and Hum aniti es Pr ereq- ECE 315 or 351; C or better Cul tures and Civil izations
Spring Economic, Entrepeneurship Tech. Elective(3) FA, SP Power Elective(3) FA, SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU ECE 402 (OC and WC) (3) SP ECE 496 (1) SP
Innovation Elective (3) FA, SP Cultures and Civil izati ons Prereq- ECE 401; ENGL 102, 132, 290 or 298 Prer eq- ECE 325 w ith
16 hours with grade of C or better grade of C or better
Senior ECE elect ives: Choose 6 cr edit hours of ECE seni or elective with Advisor 's consent. Up to 2 COSC 5XX or ECE 5XX courses m ay count as upper divi si on electives. Acceptable senior electives
are ECE 4XX courses that are not otherw ise requir ed for the degree.
Power & Engergy System Elect ives: ECE 415, ECE 421, ECE 422, ECE 481, ECE 482, ECE 521, ECE 522, ECE 523, ECE 525.
Technical Elect ives: COSC 140, COSC 311 or MATH 300 or 307, COSC 370; C HEM 130/138; ECE 351; EF 203, 303; IE 405; M SE 201/207, MSE 410, 460; ME 231, ME 321, ME 331; NE 342 or NE 347, Physics 250.
Economic, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Elective: Choose from IE 405, IE 457 (or ME 457), IE 518, IE 557 (or ME 519) MGT 552, or MGT 560.
The department requires at least a C in every computer engineering, comput er science, electrical engineering, and mathematics course used for the undergraduate degrees. ECE 201 requires a C or bet ter in EF 152/158 and Math 142/148.
Progression of departmental undergr aduate students to the upper-di vi si on programs of the department is competitive and is based on the space available in the departm ent. Factors considered in the decision include
overall grade point average, grades earned in courses required in the lower division curr icula of the department and College of Engineering, and ser iousness of purpose and interest in departmental progr ams as
exemplified by regular and order ly progr ess thr ough the prescribed curr iculum without abuse of wi thdrawal and course repeat privileges.
Students who take ECE 300 (now ECE 201-202) will be evaluated during the sem ester they are regi stered for it. Transfer students for whom ECE 300 (now ECE 201-202) transfer credit is given may take 9 sem ester hours in departmental courses
befor e progression evaluation. All students, whether or not they tr ansfer in, who are not accepted into the upper-division program of the department will be put in either a tem porar y probationar y status
or a non-progressed status and will not be per mi tted to register for any upper division courses within the department.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
Power & Energy Systems Concentration
Industrial Engineering Catalog 2020
Fall Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Pr ereq- Math ACT 28 or Social Sci ence Cor eq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Coreq- EF 151 or 157 101 Regular; 118 Honors; 198 Chancellor Honor s Only;
Math SAT 660 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 131 English as Second Language
Spring Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU CS 102 (4) FA, SP English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
18 hours Pr ereq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 C ultures and Civi li zations Prereq-EF 151/157 with C or higher Coreq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 102 Pr ereq 101 or 118; 290 Prer eq AP 101 credit
Cor eq- Math 142 or 148 298 Prer eq Chancellor Honors only & 198; 132 Prereq 131 ESL
IE 250 (1) FA IE 200 (3) FA, SP IE 201 (3) FA, SP IE 202 (3) FA, SP Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU ECON 201 or 207 (4) FA, SP, SU
18 hours Industrial majors only Prereq- Math 142 or 148 Pr ereq- Sophomore in Industrial Pr ereq- EF 152 or 157 Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Social Science
Minimum level-sophom ore Cor eq-IE 200 or Stats 251
Spring Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU M ath 200 (2) FA, SP Physics 231 (3) FA, SP, SU IE 405 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Pr ereq-M ath 119; recomm ended Prereq- Math 142 or 148 Cannot receive cr edit if previous Prereq- Phys 135 or EF 151 and 152 Prer eq- Engineering or
background in Math 131 C or better in Math 251 or 257 Coreq- Math 142 or 148 Biosystems major
IE 350 (WC) (1) FA IE 301 ( 3) FA IE 304 (3) FA IE 340 ( 3) FA IE 401 or 407 (3) FA IE 402 (3) FA
16 hours Pr ereq-ENGL 102, 132, 290, or 298 Prereq- Math 200 or 251 and M inimum student level junior Prereq- IE 200 Prer eq- IE 202 Prereq- IE 202
Minimum level - Junior; IE majors M ath 241/247 Coreq- IE 405
Spring Engineering Science Elect ive*** IE 300 (3) SP, SU IE 310 or 317 (3) SP IE 406 or 408 (3) SP IE 427 (3) SP, SU
15 hours 3 hours Prereq- IE 200 or Stats 251 Prereq- IE 200 or Stats 251 Prereq- IE 200 or Stats 251 Cor eq- IE 406 or 408
Cor eq- IE 310 or 317
Fall IE 450 (1) FA IE 404 (2) FA, SP Engineering Science Elect ive*** *Technical Elective (3) FA, SP **Industrial Elective (3) FA,SP Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Industrial majors only Cor eq- IE 401, 405, and 427 3 hours Petition required in advance Petition required in advance Arts and Hum anities
Minimum level- senior
Spring IE 422 (2) (OC and WC) FA, SP *Technical Elective (3) FA, SP **Industrial Elective (3) FA, SP Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU IE 421 or 428 (3) SP
17 hours Pr ereq: IE 404; English 102 or 132 Petition required in advance Petition required in advance Cultures and Civi li zati ons Arts & Hum anities M ini mum level - Junior
or English 290 or 298 Industrial major s only.
*Technical Electives chosen from AE 341 or 347 ; BUAD 410 *; DSGN 430; ECE 255, ECE 302, ECE 463; ECON 311 *, ECON 312 *, ECON 313, ECON 322*, ECON 331, ECON 333, ECON 351*;
ENT 350, ENT 415, ENT 420, ENT 425, ENT 451, ENT 460, ENT 492; FINC 300,FINC 425*, FINC 455*; IE 423 , IE 430, IE 451, IE 457, IE 483 , IE 484 ; INSC 310 , INSC 451 *, MARK 300 *; MGT 300;
MSE 302 , MSE 340 or 347 , MSE 360 or 367 , MSE 390 or 397 , MSE 405 ; ME 321 , ME 363 or 367 , ME 365 , ME 366 ,ME 405 ; NE 342 or 347; RCS 411; 3 credit hours of EF 333.
Some courses may require a prerequisite or corequisite that is not part of the IE program.
**Industrial Electives chosen from IE 423, IE 430, IE 451, IE 457, IE 483, IE 484, IE 493, IE 494, IE 495. The same course may not be used to count for both Technical Elective and Industrial Elective.
***Engineering Science Electives chosen from ECE 301; MSE 201 or 207; ME 202 AND (EF 130 or EF 230); ME 331; ME 231.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
36 36 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 37 37
Materials Science and Engineering Catalog 2020
Fall Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prereq-Math 119; recommended Prer eq- Math ACT 28 or Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Coreq- EF 151 or 157 101 Regular ; 118 Honors; 198 Chancellor Honors Only;
background in Math 131 M ath SAT 660 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 131 English as Second Language
Spring MSE 110 or 117 (3) SP MSE 120 or 127 (3) SP Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
17 hours Prereq-Chem 120 or 128 Prereq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 Pr ereq-EF 151/157 with C or higher 102 Prereq 101 or 118; 290 Prereq AP 101 cr edit
Cor eq- Math 142 or 148 298 Prer eq Chancellor Honor s only & 198; 132 Prer eq 131 ESL
Fall MSE 201 or 207 (3) FA, SP, SU MSE 210 (3) FA Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU Physics 231 (3) FA, SP, SU EF 230 (2) FA, SP
15 hours Prereq- Chemistry 120 or 128 Coreq- MSE 201 Pr ereq- Math 142 or 148 Prereq- Phys 135 or EF 151 and 152 Pr ereq- EF 105 or CS 102
Cor eq- Math 142 or 148 Cor eq- EF 152/158
Spring MSE 220 (3) SP MSE 250 (4) SP M SE 260 (4) SP Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
17 hours Prereq- Math 142/148, EF 230 Prereq- EF 152 /158, Math 241/ 247 Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Culture and Civilizations
Cor eq-Math 231 and MSE 201 MSE 201/207, Chem 130/138 or MSE 110
Fall MSE 300 (2) FA MSE 301 (3) FA MSE 340 or 347 (4) FA M SE 360 or 367 (4) FA M ath 200 (2) FA, SP
15 hours Prereq- MSE 201/207 Prer eq- Math 142/148 and 231; EF 230 Prer eq- MSE 201 Prereq- MSE 201 Cannot receive credit if previous C or better in Math 251 or 257
with grades of C or better and 210
Spring MSE 302 (3) SP MSE 304 (WC) (3) SP MSE 350 or 357 (3) SP MSE 390 or 397 (4) SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Pr ereq- MSE 201 Prereq- MSE 250, 260, 300, 340, 360 Pr ereq- MSE 201 Prereq- MSE 201 Arts and Humanities
and ENGL 102, 132, 290, or 298
Fall **MSE 4XX (3) FA, SP, SU MSE 480 (3) FA Technical Elective* (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours see below Prereq- MSE 201; level junior Petition required in advance Culture & Civilizations Social Science
Spring **MSE 4XX (3) FA, SP, SU Technical Elective* (3) FA, SP, SU MSE 489 (OC) (3) SP Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU Gen. Ed. (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours see below Petition required in advance Prereq- MSE 304 with C or better, 340/347, Social Science Arts and Hum anities
360 or 367, 390 or 397, and 480
*Technical elect ives: BCMB 230 ; BIOL 150 or 158, BIOL 159, BIOL 160 or 168 ; BME 409 ; CHEM 260, C HEM 360; CBE 475 ; ECE 301; EF 333; ENGL 360; GEOL 310; MATH 475; PHYS 232; any MSE cour se not already r equired ; other 300 or 400 level
science or engineering courses as approved by academ ic advisor and department head.
**M SE 4XX Electives- Materials Science and Engineer ing electives: 408, 410 ,415, 421 , 425, 432, 450, 451, 455, 457, 460, 466, 474, 483, 484 , 485, 486, 494 , 495, 496R.
MSE Graduation Requirements
Gr aduation i n materials science and engineer ing requires a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for all depar tmental cour ses taken at UT, Knoxville. N o mor e than seven (7) credit hours of MSE courses in which a C- or lower is the highest grade earned
may be counted toward graduation. Students are str ongly encouraged to meet with their advi sor every semester.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
Materials Science
Mechanical Engineering Catalog 2020
Math 141 or 147 (4)
EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP
Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prereq- Math ACT 28 or
Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher
Coreq- EF 151 or 157
Prer eq- Math 119; recommended 101 Regular; 118 Honors; 198 Chancellor Honors
Math SAT 660
and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 backgr ound in Math 131 131 English as Second Language
Spri ng
Math 142 or 148 (4)
EF 152 or 158 (4)
ME 202 (2)
Gen Ed (3)
English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prereq- Math 132 or 141 or 147
Prer eq- EF 151/157 with C or hi gher
Coreq- EF 152 or 158 and Cultures & Civilizations
102 Pr er eq 101 or 118; 290 Prer eq AP 101 credit
Coreq- Math 142 or 148 Math 142 or 148
298 Pr er eq Chancel l or Honors only & 198; 132 Prer eq 131 ESL
Math 241 or 247 (4)
ME 231 (3)
EF 230 (2)
ME 210 (2) (OC) FA, SP
Econ 201 or 207 (4)
15 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148 Prereq- EF 152/158 and ME 202
Prer eq- EF 105 or C S 102
AE, BME, or ME major. Sophomore, Social Science
with grades of C or better
Coreq- EF 152/158
Junior or Senior standing
Spri ng
Math 231 or 237 (3)
Math 251 or 257 (3)
Physics 231 (3)
ME 321 (3)
MSE 201 or 207 (3)
Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
18 hours Prereq- Math 142 or 148 Prereq- Math 142 or 148
Prer eq- Phys 135 or EF 151 and 152
Prereq- ME 202 with C or better Prereq- Chem 120 or 128 Arts & Humanities
Coreq- Math 142 or 148 and Math 142/148 with C or better
ME 331 (3)
AE 341 or 347 (3)
ME 366 (3)
ECE 301 (3)
ME 391 or 397 (3)
15 hours Coreq- Math 241 or 247 Prereq- ME 231 with grade C or Prereq- ME 321 with C or better Prereq- Math 231 or 237 with Prereq- EF 230; Math 251/257, and
better and Math 241 or 247 with and MSE 201 C or better Math 241/247, and Math 231 with grade C
grade of C or better or better in all prereq courses
Spri ng
ME 466 (3)
ME 363 or 367 (3)
Dept. Elective (3)
ME 344 (3)
ME 345 (3)
15 hours Prereq- ME 321 and MSE 201 Prereq- ME 231 and Math 231 300 level or above AE/BME/ME Prereq- ME 331 and 391/397 Prereq- ME 321
Coreq- ME 366 with grades of C or better not already required. and AE 341/347 Coreq- AE 341/347; ME 363/367 & ECE 301
Fall ME 475 or 477 (3) FA, SP, SU Technical Elective (3) FA, SP, SU ME 365 (3) FA/SU or 463 (3) SP
Gen Ed (3)
ME 450 (3) FA, SP
Gen Ed (3)
18 hours Prereq- ME 344 Petition required in advance ME 365 Prereq-ME 231 with Cultures & Civilizations Prereq- ME 363 or 367 and 366 Arts and Humanities
with advisor and dept. head. grade of C or better Coreq- ME 466 or 475
ME 463 Prereq- ME 363
Spri ng Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Dept. Elective (3) FA, SP Dept. Elective (3) FA, SP ME 460 (3) FA, SP ME 449 (3) (WC) FA, SP
15 hours Social Science 300 level or above AE, BME, ME Any 300 level or above in AE, Prereq- ME 450 Prereq- ME 321, 344 & 345/347
not already required. BME, or ME not already required. and English 102, 132, 290, or 298
Full Status Progression
A lower - division student may apply for progressi on to upper divi sion after compl eting EF 152/158, CHEM 120 or 128 , MATH 231 , M E 202, M E 231 and M E 321 with a grade of C or better i n each, and an overall GPA of at least 2.4.
Students who have not satisfi ed the requir em ents for ful l status will be dropped from departm ental class rolls in upper divi sion cour ses.
Provisional Stat u s Progression
Students who have com pleted EF 152/158, Chem 120 or 128, Math 231, ME 202, ME 231, ME 321 with a grade of C or better and have an overall GPA between 2.0 and 2.4 m ay apply for provi sional status.
The granti ng of pr ovisional status i s based on the availability of space in depar tmental programs after full status students have been accommodated. Pr ovisional status students are r equi r ed to demonstr ate
their ability to perfor m sati sfactor il y i n upper-divisi on by attaining a m ini mum GPA of 2.0 in the first 12 hour s of 300-level requir ed engineering courses. Awar d of upper - division ful l status is dependent upon this
perfor mance. Students with an over al l GPA l ess than 2.0 will not be adm i tted to upper-division. Students who have not progr essed to upper -divi sion w i l l be dropped from depar tmental cl ass rolls in upper division courses.
Transfer Students
Students tr ansfer ring mor e that 26 hours from another institution are considered transfer students. Transfer students must meet the sam e criter ia as non-transfer students, using transfer grades for acceptable substitutions.
Transfer courses with grades below a C will not be accepted to fulfill any degree r equi r ements.
Depart mental Academic St andin g
The facul ty of the Depar tment of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering expect all students who enter to make progr ess toward graduati on. To graduate fr om the department, a student must earn
a mini m um grade point aver age of 2.0 in all departmental cour ses counted tow ard the degr ee. Students not m eeting the required depar tmental GPA m ay be dr opped from their m ajor .
In addi tion, the University Academic Good Standing Pol i cies apply to al l students.
ME Graduation Requirements
A m i ni m um GPA of 2.0 in all depar tmental cour ses counted tow ar d the degr ee taken at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, i s r equir ed for gr aduation. N o more than two depar tmental cour ses in which
a C- or low er is the highest grade earned may be counted towar d graduation. Thi s is in additi on to the universitys graduation requirements.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
Engineering Majors
38 38 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 39 39
Nuclear Engineering Catalog 2020
Fall Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA, SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP English 101/118 or 198 or 131 ( 3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq- Math ACT 28 or Prer eq-Math 119; recomm ended Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher Coreq- EF 151 or 157 101 Regular; 118 Honors; 198 Chancell or Honors Only;
or Math SAT 660 backgr ound in Math 131 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 131 English as Second Language
Spring Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU C hem 132 & 133 or 138 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prer eq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 Prereq- Chem 120 or 128 Prereq-EF 151/157 with C or higher 102 Prereq 101 or 118; 290 Pr ereq AP 101 credit
Coreq- Math 142 or 148 298 Pr ereq Chancellor Honors only & 198; 132 Prer eq 131 ESL
Fall Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU NE 200 (2) FA ME 202 (2) FA, SP, SU Physics 231 (3) FA, SP, SU EF 230 (2) FA, SP ECON 201 or 207 (4) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Coreq- EF 152 or 158 and Prer eq- Phys 135 or EF 151 and 152 Prer eq- EF 105 or CS 102 Social Science
Math 142 or 148 Coreq- Math 142 or 148 Cor eq- EF 152/158
Spring Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU N E 233 (3) SP ME 331 (3) FA, SP, SU Physics 232 (4) FA, SP NE 250 (3) SP
17 hours Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Prer eq-NE 200 C oreq- Math 241 or 247 Prereq- Physics 231 Prer eq- NE 200, Math 231 or 237
Cor eq- Math 241 or 247 C oreq- Math 241 or 247
NE 342 or 347 (3) FA NE 362 or 367 (3) FA Physics 341 (3) FA Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prer eq- Math 241 or 247 Pr ereq- Math 231/237, 241/247, NE 250 Pr ereq- Physics 232 or 250 Cultures and Civilizations Social Science
NE 401 (W C) (4) SP NE 351 or 357 (3) SP N E 340 (3) SP NE 470 (3) FA, SP Technical Elective *(3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq-Engl ish 102, 132, 290 or 298 Prereq- NE 200 and NE 250 Prereq- ME 202 Pr ereq- NE 362 or 367 Petiti on required in advance
and NE 233 and NE 250
Cor eq- Math 241 or 247
Fall NE 402 or 427 (WC) (4) FA, SU NE 360 (4) FA NE 471 (1) FA NE 400 (OC) (1) FA, SP Technical Elective *(3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Prer eq- NE 401 and 470 Pr ereq- NE 342 Prer eq-NE 470 Minimum level Senior i n N ucl ear Petiti on required in advance Ar ts and Hum anities
Engli sh 102, 132, 290 or 298
NE 406 or 467 (3) SP NE 472 ( 3) SP Technical Elective *(3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Prer eq- NE 233 or 433 & Physic 232 Prer eq- NE 471 Petiti on required in advance C ultur es and Civil izations Arts & Hum anities
*Technical Elect ives are selected from upper division mathematics, chem istr y, physics and engineer ing courses and m ust be pre- approved by the department advisor. Cour ses in Nuclear Engineer ing other than 500, 502 and 598
may also be used as techni cal electives.
Full Status Progression
Provisional Status Progression
Nuclear Graduation Requirements
Students are requir ed to maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in all nuclear engi neering cour ses taken at the Unver sity of Tennessee, Knoxvi lle used to satisfy the graduation r equirem ent. No more than
four (4) cr edit hours of requi red nucl ear engineering courses in which a C- or lower is the highest grade earned may be counted toward graduation. This is in addition to the univer si ty' s graduation requirements.
Students are strongl y recom mended to meet with their faculty advisor every semester.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
A lower -divisi on student may apply for progr essi on to upper division after completing CHEM 120 or 128*, CH EM 130 or 138*, MATH 132/141/147*, MATH 142/148*, MATH 231/237, EF 151/157*, EF 152/158*, and PHYS 231*, with a grade of C or better in each, and an overal l GPA of at least 2.5.
Students who have completed CHEM 120 or 128*, CHEM 130 or 138*, MATH 132/141/147*, MATH 142/148*, MATH 231/237, EF 151/157*, EF 152/158*, and PHYS 231* with a grade of C or better and have an over all GPA between 2.0 and 2.5 may apply for provisional status. The granting of
provisional status is based on the availability of space in departmental programs after full status students have been accommodated. Provisional status students are requi red to demonstrate their abili ty to perfor m satisfactorily in upper-di vi si on by attai ning a mi nimum GPA of 2.5 in the fir st 9 hours of
300-l evel requi red nuclear engineering cour ses. Awar d of upper-division full status is dependent upon this perform ance. Students who have not progressed to upper-di vi sion will be dropped from departm ental courses.
Engineering Majors
Nuclear Engineering Catalog 2020
Radiological Concentration
Fall Math 141 or 147 (4) FA, SP, SU Chem 120 or 128 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 151 or 157 (4) FA , SP EF 105 (1) FA, SP English 101/118 or 198 or 131 (3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Pr ereq- Math ACT 28 or Prer eq-Math 119; recomm ended Coreq- Math 132/141/147 or higher C oreq- EF 151 or 157 101 Regul ar; 118 Honors; 198 Chancell or Honors Only;
Math SAT 660 background in Math 131 and EF 105 or CS 101 or CS 102 131 English as Second Language
Spring Math 142 or 148 (4) FA, SP, SU Chem 130 or 138 (4) FA, SP, SU EF 152 or 158 (4) FA, SP, SU English 102 or 290 or 298 or 132 (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Pr ereq- Math 132 or 141 or 147 Prereq- Chem 120 or 128 Prer eq-EF 151/157 with C or higher 102 Prereq 101 or 118; 290 Pr ereq AP 101 credit
Coreq- Math 142 or 148
298 Prer eq Chancellor Honors only & 198; 132 Prer eq 131 ESL
Fall Math 231 or 237 (3) FA, SP, SU NE 200 (2) FA ME 202 (2) FA, SP, SU Physics 231 (3) FA, SP, SU EF 230 (2) FA, SP ECON 201 or 207 (4) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Pr ereq- Math 142 or 148 Cor eq- EF 152 or 158 and Prereq- Phys 135 or EF 151 and 152 Prereq- EF 105 or CS 102 Social Science
Math 142 or 148 Cor eq- Math 142 or 148 Coreq- EF 152/158
Spring Math 241 or 247 (4) FA, SP, SU N E 233 (3) SP ME 331 (3) FA, SP, SU Physics 232 (4) FA , SP NE 250 ( 3) SP
17 hours Pr ereq- Math 142 or 148 Prereq-N E 200 Cor eq- Math 241 or 247 Pr ereq- Physics 231 Pr ereq- NE 200, Math 231 or 237
Cor eq- Math 241 or 247 Coreq- Math 241 or 247
NE 342 or 347 (3) FA NE 362 or 367 (3) FA Physics 341 (3) FA Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Pr ereq- Math 241 or 247 Pr ereq- Math 231/237, 241/247, NE 250 Prereq- Physics 232 or 250 C ultur es and Civil izations Social Science
Spring NE 401 W C (4) SP NE 351 or 357 (3) SP
NE 470 (3) FA, SP Stats 251 (3) FA, SP, SU Technical Elective *(3) FA, SP, SU
16 hours Pr ereq- English 102, 132, 290 or 298 Pr ereq- NE 200 and NE 250 Prer eq- NE 362 or 367 Prer eq- Math 142 or 148 Petiti on requi red in advance
and NE 233 and NE 250
Cor eq- Math 241or 247
Fall NE 400 (OC) (1) FA, SP NE 402 or 427 (WC) (4) FA, SU NE 490 (3) FA N E 471 (1) FA Technical Elective *(3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Minimum student level senior Prer eq- NE 401 and 470 Prereq- NE 470 Petition required in advance Arts and Humanities
NE 406 or 467 (3) SP NE 472 (3) SP Technical Elective *(3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU Gen Ed (3) FA, SP, SU
15 hours Pr ereq- NE 233 or 433 & Physics 232 Prer eq- NE 471 Petition requir ed in advance Ar ts & Hum aniti es Cul tures and Civil izations
*Technical Elect ives are selected fr om upper division mathematics, chemi stry, physics and engineering courses and must be pre-appr oved by the departm ent. Courses in Nuclear Engineer ing other than 500, 502 or 598
may also be used as technical electives.
Full Status Progression
Provisional St atus Progression
Nuclear Graduation Requirements
Students are requir ed to maintain a cumul ative grade point aver age of at least 2.0 in all nuclear engineer ing cour ses taken at the Unver si ty of Tennessee, Knoxville used to satisfy the graduation requirement. No mor e than
four (4) cr edit hours of required nucl ear engineeri ng courses in which a C- or low er is the highest grade earned may be counted toward graduation. This is in addition to the univer si ty's graduation requirements.
Students are strongl y recom mended to meet with thei r faculty advisor every semester.
Students also have opportunities for an Honors Concentration and/or a five year BS/MS program. See the Undergraduate Catalog for details and requirements.
A lower -divi sion student may apply for progression to upper division after completing CHEM 120 or 128*, CH EM 130 or 138*, MATH 132/141/147*, MATH 142/148*, MATH 231/237, EF 151/157*, EF 152/158*, and PHYS 231*, with a grade of C or better in each, and an overall GPA of at least 2.5.
Students who have completed CHEM 120 or 128*, CHEM 130 or 138*, MATH 132/141/147*, MATH 142/148*, MATH 231/237, EF 151/157*, EF 152/158*, and PHYS 231* with a grade of C or better and have an overall GPA between 2.0 and 2.5 may apply for provi sional status. The granting of provisional
status is based on the availabi lity of space in departm ental progr ams after full status students have been accom modated. Provisional status students are requir ed to demonstr ate their ability to perform satisfactoril y in upper- division by attaini ng a mini mum GPA of 2.5 in the first 9 hours of 300-level
requi red nucl ear engineering courses. Awar d of upper-division full status is dependent upon this perform ance. Students who have not progressed to upper-division wil l be dropped fr om departmental courses.
Engineering Majors
Radiological Concentration
40 40 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 41 41
Herbert College of Agriculture
• Agricultural leadership
• Animal science
• Biosystems engineering technology
• Entomology and plant pathology
• Environmental and soil sciences
• Food and agricultural business
• Food science
• Forestry
• Honors food, agricultural, natural resource, and human
• International agriculture and natural resources
• Natural resource and environmental economics
• Plant sciences
• Watershed
• Wildlife and fisheries science
College of Architecture and Design
• Architectural studies
• Design studies
• Industrial design
• Interior architecture studies
Haslam College of Business
• Business administration
• Entrepreneurship
• Social entrepreneurship
College of Communication and Information
• Communication studies
• Information sciences
• Journalism & electronic media
College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
• American Sign Language
• Art education
• Child and family studies
• Elementary education
• English as a second language education
• Leadership studies
• Leadership studies (honors)
• Mathematics education (grades 6–8)
• Nutrition
• Public health
• Restaurant and food service management
• Retail and consumer sciences
• Retail technology
• Science education (grades 6–8)
• Secondary education
• Tourism and hospitality management
• VolsTeach mathematics or science
• World language education
Tickle College of Engineering
• Aerospace engineering
• Biomedical engineering
• Computer science (not open to computer engineering)
• Concepts of cybersecurity (not for EECS majors)
• Cybersecruity (for EECS majors)
• Datacenter technology & management (for EECS, IE,
and ME majors)
• Engineering entrepreneurship
• Environmental engineering
• Honors engineering leadership
• Materials science & engineering
• Mechanical engineering
Nuclear decommissioning and environmental management
• Nuclear safety
• Reliability & maintainability engineering
College of Arts and Sciences
• Africana studies
• Anthropology
• Arab studies
• Art history
• Art studio
• Asian studies
• Astronomy
• Biological sciences
• Chemistry
• Chinese
• Cinema studies
• Classical archaeology
• Classical civilization
• Classics (Greek or Latin)
• Climate Change
• Economics
• English
• English technical communication
• Environmental studies
• French and Francophone studies
• Geography (Information Science) or Urban Studies
• Geology
• German
• Global studies
• History
• Italian
• Japanese
• Judaic studies
• Latin American and Caribbean studies
• Linguistics
• Mathematics (honors)
• Medieval and Renaissance studies
• Middle East studies
• Music (applied, composition, culture & theory)
• Music Business
• Neuroscience
• Philosophy
• Physics
• Physics — five-year BS/MS
• Political science
• Portuguese
• Psychology
• Religious studies
• Religious studies—religion and nonprofit leadership
• Russian studies
• Russian literature in translation
• Spanish (Hispanic studies)
• Sociology (environmental issues and globalization)
• Statistics
• Sustainability
• Theatre
• VolsTeach math
• VolsTeach science
• Women, gender, and sexuality
Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy
• Public policy analytics
Undergraduate Minors
All Pre-Health Advising takes place in the Arts & Sciences
Advising Center, 313 Ayres Hall, 865-974-4481. Advisors
are available in Arts and Sciences Advising Services to
assist pre-medical students as they plan their programs.
When a student declares a major, he/she should obtain
an advisor in the department of the declared major, but
should continue to consult with the pre-medical advisors
in Arts and Sciences Advising Services about the pre-
medical program.
Students who are currently enrolled in another college,
i.e., Engineering or Architecture, are required to take the
following minimum courses for most medical schools:
• English 101-102
• Biology 150-160 or Honors 158-168, and Lab 159
• Chemistry 120-130 or Honors 128-138
• Chemistry 260-269 and 360-359 or Honors 268-269
and 368-359
• Physics 221-222 (Physics 231-232 for engineering
students only)
The following courses are not required by medical
schools, but their content is included on MCAT.
• Biology 240
• Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology 401
• Psychology 110, Sociology 120
Note that many of these courses have prerequisites and that
the courses listed above constitute the minimal requirements
for most medical schools. Pre-medical students are strongly
urged to consult with a health professions advisor on
a regular basis in 313 Ayres Hall. Students will want to
verify with the medical schools of interest for specific
requirements beyond what is listed here.
Selection Criteria at UT Health Science Center
1. Successful completion of the pre-medical requirements
with grades of C or better earned in each course.
2. Letters of evaluation from three faculty members who
have a good awareness of the student’s ability.
3. Experience in/exposure to the health field.
4. Total academic performance, with attention given to
course content and load, trends in performance, and
general commitment to scholarship.
5. Satisfactory scores on the Medical College Admission
Test (MCAT).
6. Personal interview with two members of the
Committee on Admissions. (Competitively qualified
applicants will be invited for interviews after their
applications have been reviewed by the committee.)
7. Other criteria such as extracurricular activities;
motivation and goals; research experience; the
morals, character, and integrity of the individual;
and any disciplinary or civil records that a person
may have accrued.
Please note that high GPA and MCAT scores are not by
themselves a sucient basis for entrance into medical
school. The Committee on Admissions takes a close look
at the total experience of the applicant in making its final
decisions. In addition, the Committee on Admissions
reserves the right to require additional course work from
any applicant. Correspondence course work must be
approved prior to scheduling.
Pre-Professional File
During the junior year, pre-med students should attend a
pre-professional file group meeting to learn about setting
up the pre-professional file. Group meetings are scheduled
weekly in Arts and Sciences Advising Services, 313 Ayres
Hall. In the meeting, students are given information on
pre-professional evaluations, AMCAS, and other aspects
of the medical school application process. The most
important aspect of the file is the letters of evaluation
from faculty members who are familiar with the student’s
aptitude, ability, and personal characteristics. Two of the
evaluations should come from faculty members teaching
in science-based disciplines. Students should make every
eort to become well acquainted with their professors
prior to requesting the evaluations. Once the file has been
started, students should maintain contact with the health
professions assistant to periodically check on the file and to
provide updated contact information. For the purposes of
AMCAS, the file prepared in Arts & Sciences is considered a
letter packet, and the primary contact for the packet is the
chair of the health professions, Shanna Pendergrast.
Alpha Epsilon Delta
Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED) is a pre-health honor society
that seeks to provide information and opportunities for
students with an interest in the health professions. The
Tennessee Beta Chapter of AED is active at The University
of Tennessee. AED activities include information sessions
on preparing to apply to professional schools, local
speakers from the medical community, trips to Tennessee
medical schools and health centers, and service activities.
The schedule of meetings is available at
Requirements for membership include three terms of
college (at least one at UTK), a cumulative GPA of 3.2, a
science GPA of 3.2, and participation in AED sponsored
events and meetings. Students interested in joining AED
should apply for membership at the beginning of fall term.
Applications are available in Arts and Sciences Advising
Services, 313 Ayres Hall, and at the organizational Web site.
Any pre-health student, regardless of membership, may
participate in the programs sponsored by AED. Pre-
health students wishing to receive notification of pre-
health activities and AED events should send an e-mail to
[email protected] to request to be added to the pre-
health distribution list.
Distribution List
Pre-health students should contact Arts & Sciences Advising
Services at at their earliest convenience
to request to be added to the pre-health distribution list.
Students on the distribution list are routinely updated about
pre-health programming, announcements, and opportunities
relevant to the health professions.
Pre-Health Information
42 42 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 43 43
Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program
National Scholarships and Fellowships
The Oce of National Scholarships and Fellowships
(ONSF) exists to both inform and mentor students who
wish to apply for nationally competitive scholarships and
fellowships like the Truman, Rhodes, Marshall or Fulbright.
We also assist outstanding undergraduates who wish to
apply for Rotary Ambassadorial, Goldwater and Udall
ONSF will work with students to determine what
fellowship would best fit their interests. Once students
have decided to apply, we will assist them with the
application process. To apply for most scholarships
administered by our oce, students need to begin the
application process over a year before the scholarship
period begins.
For more about each of the scholarships handled by
the ONSF, visit at 317 Greve Hall or call 865-974-3518 to
schedule an appointment. Visit online at
ORNL Summer Research and Internship
There exist numerous opportunities for undergraduates
to supplement their academic learning with real world
experience. The Chancellor’s Oce and Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL) each sponsor summer
internship programs designed to promote research and
creative activity among undergraduate students. The
Department of Energy (DOE) also sponsors summer and
semester length opportunities.
The role of the faculty mentor is paramount in these
programs as they will provide guidance in the choice of
a project and in the practice of professional approaches
and methods. Projects proposed may be a student’s
undergraduate thesis, a part of the faculty mentor’s
research program, another research project or an
ongoing project begun previously. The key is that the
student be involved in actual scholarly work independent
of a classroom setting.
For more information visit the website at
For more honors and research information, contact:
Kevin Kit
Engineering Honors Director
322 Perkins Hall
Oce of Undergraduate Research
Marisa Moazen
109 Melrose Hall
Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program
Admission as a first year student to the Cook Grand
Challenge Honors Program and Honors Concentrations
by invitation, which is extended by the engineering
dean’s oce to students meeting rigorous academic
standards in their high school coursework.
Admission as a transfer student or after completing
significant coursework at the University of Tennessee is by
direct application at
Four 100- or 200-level honors courses (14 hours minimum, at
least two courses must be from Engineering
Fundamentals, Physics, Math, Chemistry, or Biology,
Statistics or MSE 207).
• Two upper-division honors courses (300 or 400 level) in
your major (6 hours minimum)
Maintain a 3.4 cumulative GPA. (Some programs also
require an average 3.4 GPA in all courses in your major.
Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for details.)
An honors student is expected to broaden their under-
graduate experience beyond a prescribed curriculum.
Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program/Honors Con-
centration students must satisfy two of the five National
Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenge Scholars
requirements listed below. One of these must be at an
Intermediate level and the other at an Introductory level.
Additional Opportunity for Engineering
Honors Students
The Grand Challenge Scholars Program is for students
who wish to build a broad level of experience in all the NAE
areas into their undergraduate program. It requires one
extensive experience, two intermediate experiences, and two
introductory experiences. A qualified research experience
must be related to one of the 14 NAE Grand Challenges.
Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program
Breadth Requirement Experience Levels for Honors Concentration
Extensive Intermediate Introductory
Research Completion of a three-
semester-long undergraduate
research experience. Must
result in a mentor-approved
paper or poster which is
presented at EUReCA, UT
Honors Symposium, or other
venue approved by the
Honors director.
Completion of a two-
semester-long undergraduate
research experience. Must
result in a mentor-approved
paper or poster which is
presented at EUReCA, UT
Honors Symposium, or other
venue approved by the
Honors director.
Completion of a one-
semester-long undergraduate
research experience. Must
result in a mentor-approved
paper or poster which is
presented at EUReCA, UT
Honors Symposium, or other
venue approved by the
Honors director.
Minimum of 9 hours from
approved list
(see Honors website)
Minimum of 6 hours from
approved list
(see Honors website)
Minimum of 3 hours from
approved list
(see Honors website)
Entrepreneurship Minimum of 9 hours from
Minor in Entrepreneurship
(see Honors website)
Minimum of 6 hours from
Minor in Entrepreneurship
(see Honors website)
Minimum of 3 hours from
Minor in Entrepreneurship
(see Honors website)
Global Experience Full semester abroad
(study program of internship)
or 6 hours coursework abroad
and a foreign language minor
6 hours coursework abroad
or 3 hours coursework and
foreign language minor
One course abroad
or a TCE non-credit
global experience
Service Learning An extensive experience in ser-
vice learning would normally
be designed by the student
and approved by the Honors
director to reflect individual
student interests.
Minimum of 6 hours from
TCE design course associated
with the Smart Cities Initiative,
other courses carrying UT
service designation or at
least 6 months providing
technical service for a non-
profit organization
(See Honors website)
Minimum of 3 hours from
TCE design course associated
with the Smart Cities Initiative,
other courses carrying UT
service designation or at
least 3 months providing
technical service for a non-
profit organization
(See Honors website)
Honors website:
Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 45 45 44 44 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering
Title Goes Here
Heath Integrated Business & Engineering Program
Heath Integrated Business & Engineering Program
Are you interested in learning how engineering interacts with
business functions in industry? Do you want to be part of a
program that blends business and engineering concepts?
The Heath Integrated Business & Engineering Program
(Heath IBEP) combines the knowledge and reputations of
two of UT’s outstanding academic colleges—the Haslam
College of Business and the Tickle College of Engineering.
Interested Tickle students apply in the spring of the
freshman year to start Heath IBEP with Haslam students in
the fall of the sophomore year. These students take business,
entrepreneurship, and special engineering courses together
and learn how to be successful in each others environment.
What you will learn:
Eective problem solving skills for a variety of systems,
emphasizing the impact on key organizational metrics
Communication skills that will allow these new
professionals to lead others on implementing
eective solutions
Big picture perspective generated from collaborative
experiences, one-on-one mentoring opportunities with
executives, and industry exposure
Program highlights:
Tickle students participating in IBEP will:
Receive a Heath IBEP program scholarship package
Attend distinguished alumni and leadership seminars
Combine in-depth strategy and decision making processes
Tour manufacturing facilities
Apply learning with joint business and engineering real
world and CAPSTONE projects
Receive individual mentorship with executives
Admissions criteria:
An admissions committee, made up of members from
both the Haslam College of Business and the Tickle
College of Engineering, will evaluate students during the
spring of their first-year.
Admissions considerations:
Info sessions will be held during the fall and
spring semesters
No special math or science coursework is required
Learn more:
Subject AP Score Credit Given
American History 4 or 5 History 221–222
Biology 3 Biology 101
Biology 4 Biology 101–102
Biology 5 Biology 101–102 and 160
Calculus AB 3 Math 125
Calculus AB 4 Math 141
Calculus AB 5 Math 147
Calculus BC 3 Math 141
Calculus BC 4 Math 141-142
Calculus BC 5 Math 147-148
Chemistry 4 or 5 Chemistry 120-130
Chinese Language and Culture 4 or 5 Chinese 131-132
Computer Science Principles Computer Science 100
4 or 5 Students admitted for Fall 2020–forward
5 Students admitted prior to Fall 2020
Economics - Microeconomics 3, 4, or 5 Economics 211
Economics - Macroeconomics 3, 4, or 5 Economics 213
English Language & Composition 4 or 5 English 101
English Literature & Composition 4 or 5 *Students admitted fall 2016, credit for
English 101
*Students admitted prior to fall 2016, credit for
English 101–102
Environmental Science 3 Geology 201
Environmental Science 4 or 5 Geology 201–202
European History 4 or 5 History 242
French Language and Culture 3 French 211–212
French Language and Culture 4 or 5 French 212-333
German Language and Culture 4 or 5 German 311-312
German Language and Culture 3 German 211–212
Government and Politics - Comparitive Exam 2014 exams and prior, Political Science 102
3,4, or 5;
2015 and later, 4 or 5
Government and Politics - US Exam 2014 exams and prior, Political Science 101
3,4, or 5;
2015 and later, 4 or 5
Human Geography 4 or 5 Geography 121
Japanese Language and Culture 3 or 4 Japanese 251–252
Japanese Language and Culture 5 Japanese 351–352
Latin 3, 4, or 5 Classics 251–252
Music Theory – Aural Subscore 4 Music Theory 130
Music Theory – Aural Subscore 5 Music Theory 130, 140
Music Theory – Nonaural (written) Subscore 4 Music Theory 110
Music Theory – Nonaural (written) Subscore 5 Music Theory 110, 120
Physics I 4 or 5 Physics 221
Physics II 4 or 5 Physics 222
Physics C - E & M 5 Physics 136
Physics C - E & M 4 Physics 102 or 222 or 231
Physics C - Mechanics 5 Physics 135
Physics C - Mechanics 4 Physics 101 or 161 or 221
Psychology 3, 4, or 5 Psychology 110
Spanish Language or Literature 3 Spanish 211–212
Spanish Language or Literature 4 or 5 Spanish 212 and 311
Statistics 4 or 5 Statistics 201
World History: Modern 4 or 5 2020 exam–present, credit for History 262
2019 exam and prior, credit for History 261–262
Advanced Placement
46 46 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 47 47
International Baccalaureate
Subject IB Score Credit Given
Biology (higher level) 5+ Biology 101-102
Business & Management (standard or higher) 5+ Management 201
Chemistry (higher level) 5+ Chemistry 120-130
Computer Science (higher level) 7 Computer Science 102
Economics (standard and higher level) 5+ Economics 211, 213
English (A1 exam) 5 English 101
English (A1 exam) 6+ English 101-102
English (A2 and B exam) N/A No credit
Environmental Systems and Societies 4+ Geology 202
(standard level)
Film (higher level) 5+ Cinema Studies LD (3 credit hours)
French (standard level) 5+ French 212
French (higher level) 5+ French 212, 333
Geography (standard and higher level) 4+ Geography 121
German (standard level) 4 German 211-212
German (higher level) 4+ German 211-212 or
German 311-312 or
German 321-322
History (higher level) 4+ History LD-LD (3 credit hours)
Informational Technology in a Global Soicety 4+ Geography 111
Latin (standard level) 5+ Latin 251-252
Latin (higher level) 4+ Latin 251-252
Math (higher level) 4+ Mathematics 141-142
plus 4 hours LD Math Credit (3 credit hours)
Music (solo performance, music creating 6+ Musicology 110
music group performance)
Philosophy (higher level) 4+ Philosophy 101
Physics (higher level 1) 4+ Physics 221
Physics (higher level 2) 4+ Physics 222
Physics DP (higher level) 4+ Physics 221–222
Psychology (standard or higher level) 4+ Psychology 110
Social and Cultural Anthropology 4+ Anthropology 130
Spanish (higher level) 4+ Spanish 211-212
Sports, Exercise & Health Science (higher level) 5+ Kinesiology LD (3 credit hours)
Theatre (higher level) 4+ Theatre 100 and Theatre LD (3 credit hours)
Visual Arts (higher level) 5+ Art LD (3 credit hours)
World Religions (standard level) 4+ Religious Studies LD (3 credit hours)
International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam Credit
Based on ACT Math or SAT Math Placement Scores
Placement Exams/Math
Freshman Math Placement
Adjustments to Placement:
1. AP/IB/CLEP/Statewide Dual Credit Challenge Exam/Dual Enrollment credits in Math trump the ACT
Math/SAT Math placements.
2. Take the online placement test through the UT Math Department website ( There are
two tests, Engineering students take the Level 4 (Math 141) test. The test may be repeated three times.
Use the online remediation system to review and then (re)take the placement test. The system is adaptive
to the math elements needed for success.
Engineering Math courses
Engineering students must be taking either Math 132 or Math 141 (or higher) to be eligible for Engineering
Fundamentals 151 or 157
Math Courses based on ACT Math 25 to 27 or Math SAT 590 to 650:
Math ACT Math SAT Math Course
25 to 27 590 to 650 Math 131 Calculus 1A infused with Pre Calculus
28 to 31 660 to 710 Math 141 Calculus 1
32 or higher 720 or higher Math 147 Honors Calculus I
Math 131
Calculus 1A
Infused with
3 credit hours
Math 132
Calculus 1B
infused with
3 credit hours
Math 142/148
Cal II/Honors
4 credit hours
Math 241/247
Cal III/Honors
4 credit hours
Math 231/237
Di. Eq./Honors
3 credit hours
Math 251/257
Matrix Algebra 1/
3 credit hours
Math Courses based on ACT Math 28 or higher/SAT Math 660 or higher:
Math 141/147
Cal I/Honors
4 credit hours
Math 142/148
Cal II/Honors
4 credit hours
Math 241/247
Cal III/Honors
4 credit hours
Math 231/237
Di. Eq./Honors
3 credit hours
Math 251/257
3 credit hours
48 48 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 49 49
Not Required in Engineering
Students can take a foreign language assessment
as part of the Pre-Orientation steps. The College
of Engineering does not require the study of
foreign language to earn a diploma. However,
intermediate (200 level) foreign language
sequence satisfies the University’s General
Education area of Cultures and Civilizations.
Students interested in earning intermediate foreign
language credits in Chinese, French, German, Italian,
Russian, Spanish, or others, contact:
Language Resource Center
Room 1–17 Alumni Memorial Building
Students interested in earning intermediate foreign
language credits in Latin (Classics) contact:
Department of Classics
1101 McClung Tower
Placement Exam
All students planning to enroll in a French, German, Latin,
or Spanish course who have completed at least two years
of this language in high school and have not yet taken a
college course in the language must take a UT placement
exam before enrolling. This rule does not apply to students
who receive AP credit in the language. The score on
the exam will determine placement in the appropriate
course. Ordinarily, a student will not be allowed to enroll
in a course at a level above that determined by his/her
placement exam score.
Transition Course
Some students who have had two years of the same
language in high school and receive a placement score
below the level required for admittance into intermediate-
level language courses may be placed in a 150 language
course. These courses are designed to prepare students
for enrollment in intermediate-level foreign language
courses and count as elective credit. Students who
receive credit for this course may not receive credit for
any other 100-level course of the same language.
Placement Exams/English & Foreign Language
First-Year Composition Placement
1. Regular Sequence: English 101 (Fall) + English 102 (Spring). Students may not take English 102 before passing
English 101.
2. Intensive Sequence: English 101 with English 103, Writing Workshop I, [1-credit elective] (Fall) + English 102 with
English 104, Writing Workshop II, [1-credit elective] (Spring).
3. Honors Sequence: English 118 (Fall) + 200-level English course or English 355 (Spring). Students placed into 118 by
ACT or SAT scores—see below. Not for Chancellor’s Honors Program students. (Note: students who get a passing
grade of B- or below in English 118 must take English 102 in Spring).
4. Chancellor’s Honors Sequence: English 198 (Fall) + English 298 (Spring). Limited to students in the Chancellor’s
Honors Program.
5. AP Credit Sequence*: Credit for 101 through AP score + Choice of either English 290 or English 102 (Fall or Spring).
*AP Credit: A score of 4 or 5 on either the College Board Advanced Placement Test in Literature and Composition or
the Language and Composition exam gives credit for English 101 only. Students must take English 290 or English
102 to complete the First-Year Composition requirement.
Note: CLEP credit is not accepted for the First-Year Composition requirement.
ACT Scores SAT Scores Fall Placement
At or below 18 English &
18 Composite
Below 450 Verbal & 850 Composite English 101 and English 103
English 19-28 & Composite 19-28 Verbal 450-680 & Composite 850-1280 English 101 (Strongly recommend English 103
for students who want or need additional help)
At or above 29 English &
29 Composite
Above 680 Verbal & 1280 Composite English 118 (Oered only in Fall)
International Students/Non-Native English Speakers
Arts and Humanities (2 courses)
Taking two courses from the list below satisfies
this requirement
Approved Arts and Humanities (AH) Courses
Africana Studies
160: Art of Africa, Oceania and Pre-
Columbian America
225: Introduction to African Literature
226: Introduction to Caribbean Literature
233: Major Black Writers
251: Whole New Worlds: Fantasy, Sci-fi,
and Dystopia in the Middle East
111: Architecture and the
Built Environment
117: Honors–Architecture and the
Built Environment
211: History and Theory of Architecture I
212: History and Theory of Architecture II
217: Honors–History and Theory
of Architecture I
218 Honors–History and Theory
of Architecture II
Art Design/Graphic
150: The Idea of Graphic Design
Art History
162: Art of Africa, Oceania and Pre-
Columbian America
167: Honors–Art of Africa, Oceania and
Pre-Columbian America
172: Western Art: Ancient–Medieval
173: Western Art: Renaissance–Contemporary
177: Honors–Western Art: Ancient–Medieval
178: Honors–Western Art: Renaissance–
183: Asian Art
187: Honors–Asian Art
Cinema Studies
281: Introduction to Film Studies
323: German Film Survey
221: Early Greek Mythology
222: Classical Greek and Roman
232: Archeology and Art of Ancient
Greece and Rome
253: Greek and Roman Literature in
English Translation
254: Greek and Roman Epic in English
255: Greek and Roman Drama in English
256: Ancient World Reimagined
201: British Literature I Beowulf–Johnson
202: British Lit. II Wordsworth–Present
206: Introduction to Shakespeare
207: Honors British Literature I
208: Honors British Literature II
209: Introduction to Jane Austen
221: World Lit. I Ancient–Early Modern
222: World Literature II 18th Century–Present
225: Introduction to African Literature
226: Introduction to Caribbean Literature
231: American Lit. I Colonial Era–Civil War
232: American Lit. II-Civil War–Present
233: Major Black Writers
237: Honors–American Literature
I-Colonial Era through the Civil War
238: Honors–American Literature II-
Civil War to Present
247: Honors: Introduction to Poetry
248: Honors: Introduction to Drama
251: Introduction to Poetry
252: Introduction to Drama
253: Introduction to Fiction
254: Themes in Literature
258: Honors: Introduction to Fiction
281: Introduction to Film Studies
340: Science Fiction and Fantasy
389: Literature of the English Bible
323: German Film Survey
370: Witches: Myth, Reality, Representation
Graphic Design
150: The Idea of Design
Haslam Scholars Program
287: Knowledge
Middle East Studies
225: Introduction to Judaism,
Christianity, Islam
110: Intro to Music in Western Culture
115: Music in the United States
120: History of Rock
125: Jazz in American Culture
210: History of Western Music-Ancient
to the Baroque
220: History of Western Music-Classical
to the Present
290: Soundscapes-Exploring Music in
a Changing World
Music Theory
305: Italian Musical Styles
101: Introduction to Philosophy
107: Honors–Introduction to Philosophy
200: Special Topics
244: Professional Responsibility
252: Contemporary Moral Problems
Religious Studies
202: Religion and Film
225: Introduction to Judaism,
Christianity, Islam
227: Honors Introduction to Judaism,
Christianity, Islam
280: Religions of Asia
321: New Testament and Christian Origins
389: Literature of the English Bible
221: Rebels, Dreamers and Fools—The
Outcast in
19th Century Russian Literature
222: Heaven or Hell-Utopias and
Dystopias in 20th Century Russian Lit.
100: Introduction to Theatre
107: Honors: Introduction to Theatre
University Honors
257: Special Topics Arts and Humanities
258: Special Topics Arts and Humanities
Social Sciences (2 courses)
This requirement is satisfied by taking two courses
from the following list.
Approved Social Sciences (SS) Courses
Africana Studies
201: Introduction to African-American Studies
202: Introduction to African-American Studies
Agricultural and Resource Economics
201: Economics of the Global Food and
Fiber System
270: Economic Perspectives on Natural
Resource and Environmental Issues
Agriculture and Natural Resources
180: Global Dynamics: Food, Biodiversity
and the Environment
120: Intro to Archaeology
127: Honors Intro to Archaeology
130: Cultural Anthropology
137: Honors Cultural Anthropology
Baker Center for Public Policy
101: Introduction to Public Policy
Child and Family Studies
210: Human Development
220: Marriage & Family—Roles & Relationships
201: Intro to Economics-A Survey Course
207: Honors Introductory Economics
211/213: Principles of Microeconomics/
217/218: Honors Principles of Micro-/
Educational Psychology
210: Psychoeducational Issues in Human
101: World Geography
111: Our Digital Earth
121: Human Geography: People and Places
Global Studies
250: Intro to Global Studies
Haslam Scholars Program
257: Power
268: Perspectives on Globalization
Interior Architecture
200: Human Environment Relations
207: Honors Human Environment Relations
Political Science
101: US Government and Politics
102: Introduction to Political Science
107: Honors US Government and Politics
110: General Psychology
117: Honors General Psychology
Public Health
201: Introduction to Public Health
Religious Studies
232: Religions in Global Perspective
233: Religion and Society in North America
Social Work
250: Introduction to Social Welfare
110: Social Problems and Social Justice
120: Introduction to Sociology
127: Honors Introduction to Sociology
225: Intro Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
232: Religions in Global Perspective
250: Introduction to Global Studies
260: Introduction to the Study of
Environmental Issues
350: Criminology
353: Criminal Justice
360: Environment and Resources
453: Gender and Crime
455: Law and Society
University Honors
267: Special Topics in the Social Sciences
268: Special Topics in the Social Sciences
Women, Gender, and Sexuality
200: Introduction to Women, Gender,
and Sexuality
453: Gender and Crime
General Education Requirements
50 50 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 51 51
General Education Requirements
Cultures and Civilizations
(2 courses)
This requirement is satisfied by either
(1) taking two courses from the following
list or
(2) taking a two-course sequence
in a foreign language at the
intermediate level
(3) taking a six-hour intensive
foreign language course at the
intermediate level.
Approved Cultures and Civilizations (CC)
Africana Studies
• 235: Introduction to African Studies
• 236: Introdution to African Studies
• 120: Prehistoric Archaeology
• 127: Honors-Prehistoric Archaeology
201: Introduction to Classical
Cultural Studies in Education
• 200: Survey of International Education
Entomology and Plant Pathology
• 123: Chocolate: Bean to Bar
Environmental and Soil Sciences
• 120: Soils and Civilizations
• 220: Waters and Civilizations
• 227: Honors–Waters and Civilizations
Food Science
• 150: History and Culture of Food
Global Studies
• 250: Introduction to Global Studies
Haslam Scholars Program
• 368: Study Abroad: Edinburgh, Scotland
HIEU 241: Development of Western
HIEU 242: Development of Western
HIEU 247: Honors Development of
Western Civilization
HIEU 248: Honors Development of
Western Civilization
HILA 255: Early Latin America and
Caribbean Studies
HILA 256: Modern Latin America and
Caribbean Studies
HIST 261: History of World Civilization
HIST 262: HIstory of World Civilization
HIST 267: Honors History of
World Civilization
HIST 268: Honors History of World
Latin America and Caribbean Studies
251: Early Latin American and
Caribbean History
252: Modern Latin American and
Caribbean History
Medieval and Renaissance Studies
201: Medieval Civilization I
202: Medieval Civilization II
Modern Foreign Languages and
200: Topics in International Literatures
and Cultures
Plant Sciences
115: Plants That Changed the World
491: International Study: History and
Culture of International Gardens and
Religious Studies
101: World Religions in History
102: Comparison of World Religions
Retail & Consumer Sciences
225: Fashion and Culture
250: Introduction to Global Studies
University Honors
277: Special Topics in Cultures and
278: Special Topics in Cultures and
Intermediate Foreign
Language Courses
American Sign Language
211 and 212: Intermediate American
Sign Language I and II
221 and 222: Intermediate Arabic I and II
Asian Studies
261 and 262: Intermediate Persian I and II
231 and 232: Intermediate Chinese I and II
251 and 252: Intermediate Latin I and II
261: Intermediate Greek: Grammar
Review and Readings
264: Intermediate Greek: Epic Poetry
211 and 212: Intermediate French I and II
217 and 218: Honors Intermediate
French I and II
211 and 212: Intermediate German I and II
241 and 242: Intermediate Modern
Hebrew I and II
211 and 212: Intermediate Italian I and II
251 and 252: Intermediate Japanese I
and II
261 and 262 : Intermediate Persian I
and II
211 and 212: Intermediate Portuguese
Religious Studies
221 and 222: Intermediate Biblical
Hebrew I and II
201 and 202: Intermediate Russian
211 and 212: Intermediate Spanish I and II
217 and 218: Honors Intermediate
Spanish I and II
Intensive Intermediate Foreign
Language Courses
(6 credit hours)
• French 223
• German 223
• Italian 223
• Portuguese 223
• Spanish 223
For a complete listing of all approved
courses, please reference the extensive
list online in the Undergraduate Catalog,
vvv +=
vvv =
vv =
General Education Requirements in Engineering
Through Writing*
1. English 101 or 198
or 118 or 131
2. English 102 or 298
or 132 or completion
of Honors sequence
3. See major
Natural Sciences*
1. EF 151 or 157 (Honors)
2. EF 152 or 158 (Honors)
1. Economics 201 or
207 (Honors) required for all majors
EXCEPT Biomedical, Chemical,
Electrical, Computer, Computer
Science, and Materials Science
2. __________________
Pick one from Catalog
Social Sciences list
1. ____________
2. ____________
Pick two from
Catalog Cultures
and Civilizations list
Arts and
1. ____________
2. ____________
Pick two from
Catalog Arts and
Humanities list
Quantitative Reasoning
1. Math 141 or 147 (Honors)
2. Math 142 or 148 (Honors)
Communicating Orally*
1. See major requirement
Tickle College
of Engineering
General Education
Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 53 53 52 52 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering
*General Education Requirements by Major
See for the University of Tennessee General Education Requirements
General Education Requirements in Engineering
Communication Through Writing:
Aerospace - AE 449
Biomedical - BME 449
Biosystems - English 360
Chemical - CBE 415
Civil - CE 205
Computer, Electrical - ECE 402
Computer Science - CS 402
Industrial - IE 350, 422
Materials Science - MSE 304 or 405
Mechanical - ME 449
Nuclear - NE 401, 402, 427
Cultures and Civilizations:
Students may satisfy Cultures
and Civilizations in one of two
ways: intermediate proficiency in a
foreign language, demonstrated by
credit for the 200-level sequence
in the foreign language, OR two
completed courses from the
Cultures and Civilizations list from
the catalog. The Tickle College
of Engineering does NOT require
foreign language, but students
are welcome to use intermediate
proficiency in foreign language to
satisfy this requirement.
Communicating Orally:
Aerospace – AE 210
Biomedical – Choose from list
in catalog.
Biosystems – BSE 404
Chemical – CBE 488 or 490
Civil – CE 205
Computer, Electrical – ECE 402
Computer Science – CS 402
Industrial – IE 422
Materials Science – MSE 489
Mechanical – ME 210
Nuclear – NE 400
Degree Audit Report System (DARS)
What it is, what it does, and how to use it:
UT students have access to the Degree Audit Report System (DARS), which allows you to look at the credits
you have on your academic history and see how they fit into the specific requirements of your major. While it
defaults to your currently declared major, you can also use this system to look at any major or minor oered
at UT to see how your courses would fit into those programs.
It is important for you to be able to run and interpret your DARS report because this system is the one the
registrar uses to check whether or not you have met all the specific requirements for your major in order to
graduate. So, it is your responsibility to learn how to use the system. These pages will give you the basics on
how to access the system and run your report.
To access DARS:
Step 1
Log into and then
click on the DARS and uTrack
link under the Academic
Resources heading
Step 2
Once in DARS, click on
the “Run Audit” box to
begin the process.
Step 3
Your declared degree program, along with any second majors or minors you are also doing, will now appear on the list
of audits you have requested. To run the report, you would just click on the button that says “Run Declared Programs.
By the way: If you wish to look at a dierent pro-
gram, then all you have to do is give the DARS sys-
tem the appropriate information about that major
and then run that report instead.
54 54 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 55 55
Step 4
Once you open your DARS report, you should click on the printer friendly icon, so that the full report opens up and
you can see all the requirements under each tab of the report.
Step 5
As you scroll through the report, you will notice that the tabs have dierent colors. Tabs that are GREEN mean that
that degree requirement is completed. Tabs that are RED show which requirements you have not yet met for your
degree, and the DARS report shows which courses are still required to meet that particular requirement for your
degree. Tabs that are BLUE show course requirements that you are finishing during the current semester.
Step 6
Finally, any course credits you have that do not fulfill requirements for your degree are listed at the bottom of the
DARS report. Likewise, any course you withdrew from or did not pass is also listed at the bottom of the report.
If you still have questions, your academic advisor will also be able to help you learn how to interpret your DARS report
so that you can understand what degree requirements you have completed and which ones you still need to finish.
If you have further questions, contact ENGINEERING ADVISING SERVICES in 316A Perkins Hall, 865-974-4408.
Your Name
UTrack Information
Universal Tracking (UTracK)
Universal Tracking (UTracK) is an academic
monitoring system designed to help students stay
on track for timely graduation.
1. Students must declare a major or exploratory
track at the time they are admitted to the
university. Some majors have a competitive
admissions process.
2. All students must transition out of exploratory
tracks into a major track no later than the end of
the fourth tracking semester at UT.
3. Students who are o track must develop an
advisor-approved plan for getting back on track
before they will be allowed to register for future
tracking semesters.
4. Students who are o track for two consecutive
semesters will be placed on hold and required
to select a new major that is better aligned with
their abilities.
Exploratory Tracks
College-Level ExploratoryStudents who are
deciding among one or more majors that are all
oered by the same college follow an exploratory
track for that college (e.g., Arts and Sciences
Exploratory, Business Exploratory, etc.)
University ExploratoryStudents who have no
clear idea of which major to pursue and/or those
who are trying to decide among majors that
are not in a single college follow the University
Exploratory track.
Milestones —In order to remain on track for a
major or exploratory area, students must complete
minimum requirements for each tracking semester
known as milestones. Milestones include successful
completion of specified courses and/or attainment
of a minimum GPA.
Tracking Semesters—Only fall and spring semesters
are tracking semesters. Mini and summer semesters
are not tracking semesters, they provide an
opportunity for students to catch up on unmet
milestones. Study abroad and co-op semesters are
not tracking semesters. Students participating in
study abroad and co-op are not required to complete
milestones while they are away from campus.
Tracking Audit—Tracking audits will help students
identify their milestone progress; audits are tied to
a catalog year. Tracking audits will be used to notify
students when they are o track.
O Track for a Single Semester—Students who are
o track at the end of a tracking semester must
meet with an advisor as soon as possible but no
later than the end of the next tracking semester to
develop a plan for getting back on track. Students
who do not have an advisor-approved plan for
getting back on track will not be allowed to register
for future tracking semesters.
O Track for Two Consecutive Semesters—Students
who are o track for two consecutive semesters
will have a hold placed on their registration and
must meet with a new advisor in one of the advising
centers no later than the end of the “add” period of
the next tracking term to select a new major that is
better aligned with the student’s abilities.
56 56 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 57 57
To begin registration, you need to log on to MyUTK (, and then
log in with your username, which is your NETID (not ID#),
and your NETID password.
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Name Your Plan
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Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 59 59 58 58 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering
Tentative Schedule Planner
Monday Wednesday Friday
Tuesday Thursday
Academic Calendar
Fall Semester 2020
Classes Begin .................................................Wednesday, August 19
Labor Day .....................................................Monday, September 7
1st Session Ends ...............................................Wednesday, October 7
Fall Break ..............................................Thursday–Friday, October 8–9
2nd Session Begins ...............................................Monday, October 12
No Class Day ...............................................Wednesday, November 25
Thanksgiving ......................................Thursday-Friday, November 26–27
Classes End .................................................Wednesday, December 2
Study Day ....................................................Thursday, December 3
Exams ........................................Friday–Thursday, December 4, 7, 8, 9, 10
Graduate Hooding ............................................Thursday, December 10
Commencement .................................................Friday, December 11
Ocial Graduation Date ........................................Saturday, December 12
Spring Semester 2021
Classes Begin ................................................ Wednesday, January 13
MLK Holiday .....................................................Monday, January 18
1st Session Ends .................................................Wednesday, March 3
2nd Session Begins ................................................Thursday, March 4
Spring Break .............................................Monday–Friday, March 15–19
No Class Day ........................................................Thursday, April 1
Spring Recess .........................................................Friday, April 2
Classes End ..........................................................Friday, April 30
Study Day ...........................................................Monday, May 3
Exams .............................................Tuesday–Monday, May 4, 5 ,6, 7, 10
Graduate Hooding ..................................................Thursday, May 13
College Commencement Ceremonies .................... Thursday–Saturday, May 13–15
Ocial Graduation Date ............................................. Saturday, May 15
Summer Term 2021
Please refer to the Summer 2021 academic calendar on the Oce of the University
Registrar website:
*There is no commencement ceremony in the summer. This date is the ocial graduation date that will appear on the
transcript of graduating students. The Academic Calendar is available on the Web site of the Oce of the University
Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 61 61 60 60 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering
Key Term Dates
Fall 2020 - Undergraduate
Priority Registration Begins ............................................................February 26, 2020
Fall 2020 Graduation Application Deadline / Admission to Candidacy Deadline for Graduate Students ..August 6, 2020
Classes Begin ...........................................................................August 19, 2020
Last Day to Add, Change Grading Options or Drop without a “W” — 1st Session Courses . . . . August TBD, 2020
Last Day to Final Register, Add, Change Grading Options or Drop without a “W”- Full Session Courses . . August TBD, 2020
Labor Day (No Classes) ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .September 7, 2020
Last Day to Adjust Hours for Financial Aid Awarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .September TBD, 2020
Last Day to Drop with a “W” - 1st Session Courses ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .September TBD, 2020
First Session Classes End .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .October 7, 2020
Fall Break (No Classes) ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .October 8–9, 2020
Second Session Classes Begin ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 12, 2020
Last Day to Add, Change Grading Options or Drop without “W” - 2nd Session Courses . . . . . October TBD, 2020
Last Day to Drop with a “W” - Full Term Courses ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .November TBD, 2020
Last Day to Drop with “W” - 2nd Session Courses ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .November TBD, 2020
No Class Day ......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .November 25, 2020
Thanksgiving Holidays (No Classes) .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .November 26–27, 2020
Total Withdrawal from the University Deadline ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December TBD, 2020
Classes End (Full and Second Session) ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December 2, 2020
Study Day ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December 3, 2020
Exam Period .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2020
Commencement (Thompson Boling Assembly Center & Arena) ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December 11, 2020
Ocial Graduation Date on Transcript ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December 12, 2020
Financial Calendar for Fall Term 2020
Statement information available on MYUTK.UTK.EDU. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Juy TBD, 2020
Priority Registration Payment/Deadline .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .August TBD, 2020
Late Registration/Late Fees Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......August TBD, 2020
Late Registration Payment/Deadline ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .August TBD, 2020
VolXpress STATEMENT. You may view your account on MyUTK.
Engineering Campus Map
Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • Student Guidebook 2020-2021 • 63 6362 62 Tickle College of EngineeringTickle College of Engineering
Engineering Campus Oce Locations by Building
Key for Engineering Buildings
Building Room
Innovative Computing Laboratory
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Center for Materials Processing
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Department of Nuclear Engineering
Scintillation Materials Research Center
See individual directory listings
Center for Transportation Research
Reliability and Maintainability Center
Joint Institute for Advanced Materials (JIAM)
Ferris Hall
Min H. Kao Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Building
Nuclear Engineering Building
Science & Engineering Research Facility (SERF)
Senter Hall
Ion Beam Materials Laboratory (IBML)
FIbers and Composites Manufacturing Facility and Engineering Annex
UT Conference Center
Cherokee Farm Innovation Campus
Not Shown
Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science — 2506 E.J. Chapman Drive, Knoxville, TN
National Transportation Research Center — 2360 Cherohala Blvd., Knoxville, TN
UT Space Institute — 411 B.H. Goethert Parkway, Tullahoma, TN
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering
John D. Tickle Engineering Building
College of Engineering Administrative Oces
Computer Assistance
Dean’s Oce
Finance & Administrative Aairs
Academic and Student Aairs
Engineering Advising Oce
Engineering Diversity Programs
Engineering Fundamentals Program
Engineering Professional Practice
Faculty Aairs
Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
Perkins Hall
118, 120
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Department Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
National Oce, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
Dougherty Hall
Tickle College of Engineering Ambassadors