PHYSIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ISSN 1802-9973 (online) - an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
2022 Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Fax +420 241 062 164, e-mail: [email protected],
Physiol. Res. 71: 193-198, 2022
Progesterone Inhibitory Role on Gastrointestinal Motility
Mohammad ALQUDAH
, Othman AL-SHBOUL
Doa´a Ghazi AL-U´DATT
, Abdelrahim ALQUDAH
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Jordan University of Science
and Technology, Irbid, Jordan,
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine and biomedical
Sciences, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain,
Department of Clinical Pharmacy and
Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
Received October 17, 2021
Accepted March 15, 2022
Epub Ahead of Print March 28, 2022
Progesterone is a steroidal hormone that is produced from the
corpus luteum of the ovaries and from the placenta. The main
function of progesterone is to promote the secretory
differentiation in the endometrium of the uterus and to maintain
pregnancy by inhibiting uterine contractions throughout
pregnancy. Progesterone performs its actions by activating the
classical progesterone nuclear receptors that affect gene
transcription and by the non-classical activation of cell surface
membrane receptors that accounts for the rapid actions of
progesterone. Besides the reproductive roles of progesterone, it
exerts functions in many tissues and systems such as the
nervous system, the bone, the vascular system, and the
gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This review will summarize the recent
literature that investigated the role of progesterone in GI tract
motility. Most literature indicates that progesterone exerts
an inhibitory role on gut smooth muscle cells in part by elevating
nitric oxide synthesis, which induces relaxation in smooth muscle.
Moreover, progesterone inhibits the signaling pathways that lead
to contraction such as Rho kinase inhibition. These data serve as
a quick resource for the future directions of progesterone
research that could lead to better understanding and more
effective treatment of gender-related GI tract motility disorders.
Key words
Progesterone Smooth muscle GI tract
Corresponding author
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine and medical
services, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain, 26671.
Progesterone is the natural progestin that is
mainly produced in the corpus luteum of the ovaries and
by the placenta. It is synthesized from the cholesterol
derivative, pregnenolone by the actions of the cholesterol
side-chain cleavage enzyme and 3-beta-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase [1,2]. Although the focus of progesterone
and its applications have been associated with female
physiology, it is present in male gonads and regulates
several male physiological and pathological functions
such as spermiogenesis and androgen synthesis [2,3].
Moreover, progesterone is produced in the male and
female central nervous systems (CNS) and all the
required enzymes and precursors for progesterone
synthesis are present in CNS where it acts directly on
neuronal tissues [4]. Furthermore, Progesterone exerts
several important functions in tissues other than the
reproductive tissue such as the cardiovascular, renal,
adipose, bone, and gastrointestinal tissues [3,5]. The aim
of this review is to summarize the role of progesterone in
gastrointestinal (GI) tract motility function and to
highlight the potential therapeutic benefits and risks of
progestin preparations in the GI tract.
Mechanism of progesterone actions
Progesterone produces its physiological
functions by activating classical and non-classical
signaling pathways [6]. In the predominant classical
194 Alqudah et al. Vol. 71
pathway, progesterone binds to its receptor; a member of
the nuclear receptor superfamily of transcription factors
[6]. There are two main isoforms of progesterone
receptors (PRs), PR-A and PR-B. Binding of
progesterone to PR induces its translocation to the
nucleus where the complex binds to progesterone
response elements and initiates or prevents the
transcription of a wide array of proteins [7]. However, the
non-classical pathway produces rapid actions by
activating cell surface receptors that resemble G protein-
coupled receptors [8]. Progestin binding to these
receptors rapidly activates various intracellular signaling
molecules such as elevation of intracellular calcium,
extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 / 2 (ERK1/2),
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP) kinase
and Protein kinase B/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases
(Akt/PI3K) (Fig. 1) [9].
Fig. 1. Progesterone mechanism of
action. The classical pathway
involves the nuclear progesterone
receptor (nPR) dimerization and
translocation to the nucleus to
induce genomic effects
activating or inhibiting gene
transcription. The non-classical
pathway is rapid action that
involves membrane progesterone
receptor (mPR) and the subse-
quent activation of several second
messengers such as elevation of
intracellular calcium (Ca
), extra-
cellular signal-regulated kinases
(ERK) and Protein kinase B (AKT)
Functions of progesterone
The main reproductive function of progesterone
is to promote the secretory differentiation in the
endometrium of the uterus during the second half of the
female sexual cycle [10]. These changes aim to prepare
the uterus for implantation of the fertilized ovum [10]. In
addition to this effect on the endometrium, progesterone
decreases uterine contraction force and frequency to
prevent the explosion of the newly implanted ovum and
maintains a quiescent environment for fetal development
[11]. Additionally, it influences the activity of the
intrauterine immune system through the regulation of
inflammatory mediators’ production from T cells. This
action of progesterone helps to maintain pregnancy as
well by increasing the immunological protection against
any potential microbial threats [12]. Moreover,
progesterone prepares the breasts for lactation through its
action to promote proliferation and enlargement of
alveolar cells of the breast [13].
In addition to the unquestionable role of
progesterone in reproduction, it has numerous functions
in various organs in the body. In the central nervous
system, progesterone is produced at high concentrations
from glial and neuronal cells [14]. Progestins produced in
the CNS are called neurosteroids. They modulate many
neuronal functions either by upregulating or
downregulating neurotransmissions and are involved in
cognition, memory, neuroprotection, and myelination
processes [14]. Moreover, progesterone is involved in
sexual and maternal behaviors [15,16]. Like in the
reproductive system, neurosteroids act through classical
and non-classical pathways in the CNS [17].
Progesterone plays an essential role in bone
physiology; it stimulates bone formation and slows down
resorption. However, its effect is influenced by estrogen,
age, and the predominant signaling pathways [18].
Progesterone has been studied in association
with diabetes and gestational diabetes. It inhibits glucose
uptake and increases liver gluconeogenesis [19].
Progesterone mediates this effect by acting on
progesterone receptor membrane component 1 in the liver
2022 Progesterone and Gut Smooth Muscle 195
that could exacerbate hyperglycemia in diabetes [19].
Conversely, progesterone improves neuronal glucose
metabolism through the augmentation of different
glucose transporters in neuronal cells [20]. The latter
effect may be responsible for the neuroprotective role of
The primary effects of progesterone on
myometrial smooth muscle cells’ contractility suggest
that it may exert similar actions on smooth muscle cells
of other tissues. PRs are present in vascular smooth
muscle cells and progesterone administration in humans
lowers blood pressure and inhibits angiotensin II-induced
contraction in vascular muscle cells [21,22]. The
relaxation effect of progesterone on vascular smooth
muscle is independent of vascular endothelium and
triggered directly via activation of PRs present in smooth
muscle cells [23]. The effects of progesterone on vascular
smooth muscle cells' tone involve several actions on
different signaling pathways that lead to smooth muscle
relaxation. One prevalent mechanism is the activation of
non-classical progesterone cell surface receptors that in
turn activate an inhibitory G protein and subsequently
activation of several intracellular pathways
that upregulate nitric oxide intracellular levels which
leads to inhibition of vascular smooth muscle contraction
[24]. Another pathway that is responsible for the
inhibitory effect of progesterone on vascular smooth
muscle cells contraction is the activation of the cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) pathway which
inhibits contraction by reducing myosin light chain-20
(MLC 20) phosphorylation by activating progesterone
cell surface receptors directly and involving the MAP
kinase/ERK-, Akt/PI3K signaling activation [23].
Moreover, progesterone induces vascular smooth muscle
relaxation by reducing intracellular calcium levels
through activation of membrane progesterone receptor
alpha (mPRα)-dependent signaling pathways,
specifically, MAP and Akt signaling [25].
Similarly, progesterone targets the smooth
muscle of the gastrointestinal tract and affects the
contractile apparatus there. The remainder of this review
will summarize the recent advances in the role of
progesterone in gastrointestinal tract contraction
relaxation pathways.
Progesterone in Gastrointestinal tract
Gastrointestinal tract motility is altered during
pregnancy as a result of plasma hormonal changes such
as progesterone levels. Progesterone affects
gastrointestinal motility where it enhances gastric
emptying at high doses as those seen toward the end of
pregnancy [26]. Smooth muscle cells from the colon of
women with intractable constipation and slow transit time
were studied by Zuo-Liang Xiao et al. to elucidate the
role of progesterone in constipation. They found that
smooth muscle cells from women with constipation
exhibited lower contraction compared to control samples.
Moreover, PRs were overexpressed in smooth muscle
cells from constipation women and there was
downregulation of Gαq/11 and up-regulation of Gαs,
responsible for contraction and relaxation respectively
[27]. Moreover, progesterone could increase gastric
sensitivity to inhibitory gut neurotransmitters such
as calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) by enhancing
CGRP receptors in gastric tissue. This effect is correlated
with the levels of CGRP during pregnancy and could
account in addition to the reported disturbed gut motility
to the increased gut irritability as CGRP is one of the
main sensory neurotransmitters in the gut [28]. In vitro,
progesterone inhibited the resting tension of
the fundus and body longitudinal muscle strips, and it
inhibited the mean contractile amplitude of body and
antrum longitudinal and circular muscles [29]. The effect
of progesterone was mostly a direct effect on gastric
smooth muscle as inhibitors of other mediated pathways
did not influence the effect of progesterone on gastric
motility [29].
From another point of view, progesterone
decreased gastrointestinal tract inflammatory cytokines
such as IL-1β and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Which
helps to protect the gut structure and prevents apoptosis
after gut inflammation [30]. This observation suggests the
potential use of synthetic progesterone in such situations,
especially if they are accompanied by diarrhea as these
inflammatory cytokines are known to enhance gut
motility [31, 32]. Moreover, progesterone provides
neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects on the
enteric nervous system in Parkinson's disease (PD) mice
model and thus could ameliorate the associated gut
motility disturbances in PD. This observation could
explain the beneficial effect of female hormones in PD
susceptibility [33]. However, these effects of
progesterone on gut motility are indirect effects through
the enteric nervous system.
Recently, the role of progesterone in gastric
smooth muscle motility was investigated in more detail
by Al-Shboul and co-authors [34-36]. Single smooth
muscle cells from rat gastric tissue were used to investigate
196 Alqudah et al. Vol. 71
the role of progesterone in gastric motility. Both isoforms
of progesterone receptors (PR), PR-A and PR-B are
present in gastric smooth muscle cells suggesting a direct
site of action of progesterone [35]. Preincubation of the
dispersed smooth muscle cells 10 minutes before the
administration of acetylcholine (Ach), inhibited the
induced contraction by acetylcholine. Moreover,
progesterone preincubation inhibited Ach-induced
Rho kinase II activity without affecting its expression level
suggesting that progesterone acts rapidly and directly of
gastric smooth muscle cells to inhibit the contractile
activity [34]. The same group showed that the effect of
progesterone on Ach-induced contraction was achieved by
the production of nitric oxide (NO] by progesterone from
smooth muscle cells. Nitric oxide in turn induces the
formation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)
that activates protein kinase A (PKG) that plays a key role
in smooth muscle relaxation [35].
Fig. 2. Effect of progesterone on
gut smooth muscle contraction:
Progesterone activates its cell
surface receptors (mPR), PR that
leads to NO production.
NO production leads to the
generation of cGMP from GTP
and in turn activation of PKG.
PKG acts to inhibit signaling path-
ways that provoke contraction
such as RhoK and activates the
signaling that leads to muscle
relaxation such as MLCP. mPR:
progeste-rone receptor, NO:
Nitric oxide, cGMP: cyclic guáno-
sine monophosphate, GTP: gua-
nosine triphosphate, PKG: protein
kinase G, RhoK: Rho kinase,
MLCP: myosin light chain
Similarly, Colon smooth muscle contractility
was increased in the inflammatory bowel syndrome
model induced by water immersion and animal restraint
in mice and this change was NO-dependent. Progesterone
administrations reversed the increased contractility by
elevating NO levels [37].
Future directions
Despite the obvious role of progesterone in
gastrointestinal tract function, little investigations
explored the topic in a mechanistic manner. This
necessitates future studies to target the detailed
mechanism of action of the inhibitory effect of
progesterone on gut motility. Additionally, progesterone
function in the GI tract should be studied in
a pathological context, such as inflammatory bowel
diseases, stress, and during pregnancy and lactation.
Progesterone inhibits gastrointestinal tract
motility by acting directly on gut smooth muscle cell
surface PRs. This leads to rapid changes in the
intracellular second messengers that affect contraction
relaxation pathways without the involvement of gene
transcription. One of the main downstream second
messengers to PRs is NO that acts
on Guanylate cyclase to generate cGMP and activation of
the subsequent PKG. In turn PKG acts on many
molecules in the contraction relaxation pathways to
decrease phosphorylation of MLC-20 and eventually
inhibition of contraction Fig. 2.
Conflict of Interest
There is no conflict of interest.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Hanan Ali Shatnawi
for her help to produce the figures of this work.
This work was supported by a grant from Jordan
University of Science and Technology, grant number
2022 Progesterone and Gut Smooth Muscle 197
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