Summary of Changes
Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
Effective September 7, 2023, Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail, has been updated
with the following changes:
The chapter,
part, appendix,
or section…
titled… was…
in Postal
with an
date of…
Chapter 2, General Guidelines
214 Appeals Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
221.2 Ancillary Endorsements Revised to delete references to First-
Class Mail, Parcel Select Ground,
and USPS Retail Ground.
22632 9-7-23
228 Shipping Papers Revised to delete references to First-
Class Mail and First-Class Package
22632 9-7-23
23 Handling Hazardous
Revised to include information on
procedures for handling nonmailable
hazardous materials found in the
22632 9-7-23
Chapter 3, Hazardous Materials
323 Mailer Responsibility Revised to incorporate new
requirements, which became
effective July 9, 2023, for mailers to
use unique Service Type Codes and
Extra Service Codes for package
shipments containing hazardous
material or dangerous goods.
22632 9-7-23
325 DOT Hazardous Materials
Warning Labels and
Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
327 Transportation
Revised to delete references to First-
Class Mail, Parcel Select Ground,
and USPS Retail Ground, and to
replace references to First-Class
Package Service with references to
USPS Ground Advantage.
22632 9-7-23
336 USPS Limited Quantity
Surface Materials
Revised to delete a reference to
First-Class Package Service and to
reformat the text to improve
comprehension and readability.
22632 9-7-23
338 Small Quantity Added as new 338, including text
containing small-quantity provisions.
22632 9-7-23
339 Packaging Requirements
for Hazardous Materials
Renumbered from 338, with
quotation marks added before and
after “PG II” in 339.1, “DOT Packing
22632 9-7-23
341.2 Mailability, Packaging,
and Marking
Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
341.22 Mailable Explosives Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
342.2 Mailability Revised to add section and title
“342.21 General” above the text
immediately under 342.2 and
renumber 342.21 and 342.22 as
342.22 and 342.23. Also revised to
reflect a title change to director for
the Postal Service Product
Classification and the Pricing and
Classification Service Center (PCSC)
22632 9-7-23
343.25 Lighters Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
343.27 Authorization to Mail
Flammable Liquids or
Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager, and to
delete references to First-Class Mail
and First-Class Package Service.
22632 9-7-23
346.212 Division 6.2, Infectious
Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager, and to
replace references to products in
item b. with references to USPS
Packaging Instructions.
22632 9-7-23
346.321 Category B Infectious
Revised to delete a reference to
First-Class Mail.
22632 9-7-23
The chapter,
part, appendix,
or section… titled… was…
in Postal
with an
date of…
346.322 Sharps Waste and Other
Mailable Regulated
Medical Waste
Revised to replace a reference to
merchandise returns service with a
reference to USPS Returns; to delete
a reference to First-Class Mail; and
to reflect a title change to director for
the Postal Service Product
Classification and the Pricing and
Classification Service Center (PCSC)
22632 9-7-23
346.323 Used Health Care
Revised to delete a reference to
First-Class Mail.
22632 9-7-23
346.324 Forensic Material in
Category B
Revised to delete a reference to
First-Class Mail.
22632 9-7-23
346.325 Nonregulated Materials Revised to delete references to
Postal Service products via which
nonregulated materials are or were
22632 9-7-23
346.326 Exempt Human or Animal
Revised to delete references to
Postal Service products via which
exempt human or animal specimens
are or were mailable.
22632 9-7-23
Chapter 4, Restricted Matter
434 Replica or Inert Explosive
Revised to delete references to
Postal Service products via which
registered mail is or was available.
22632 9-7-23
453.36 Return of Prescription
Revised to replace references to
merchandise returns service with
references to USPS Returns, and to
delete a reference to First-Class Mail.
22632 9-7-23
453.7 Mail-back Programs Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager, and to
delete a reference to First-Class
Return Package Service.
22632 9-7-23
Chapter 5, Perishable Matter
Exhibit 526.6 Requirements for Mailing
Small, Harmless, Cold-
Blooded Animals (Except
Snakes, Turtles, and
Turtle Eggs)
Revised to clarify that water is
allowed when mailing fish.
22632 9-7-23
Chapter 6, International Mail
621.5 Extra Service Codes and
Shipping Service Files
Added to incorporate new
requirements, which became
effective July 9, 2023, for mailers to
use unique Service Type Codes and
Extra Service Codes for package
shipments containing hazardous
material or dangerous goods.
22632 9-7-23
The chapter,
part, appendix,
or section… titled… was…
in Postal
with an
date of…
622.2 Biological Substances,
Division 6.2
Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
Chapter 7, Air Transportation Requirements
71 General Revised to delete a reference to
First-Class Mail, and to replace a
reference to First-Class Package
Service with a reference to First-
Class Package International Service.
22632 9-7-23
72 Hazardous Materials: Air
Revised to delete a reference to
First-Class Mail, and to replace a
reference to First-Class Package
Service with a reference to First-
Class Package International Service.
22632 9-7-23
726.1 Acceptance Personnel Revised to delete references to First-
Class Mail and First-Class Package
Service and to add a reference to
First-Class Package International
22632 9-7-23
Appendix C, USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials
Instructions 1A:
Toy Propellant
Required Authorization Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
Documentation Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
Instructions 1B:
Safety Fuse
Required Authorization Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
Documentation Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
The chapter,
part, appendix,
or section… titled… was…
in Postal
with an
date of…
Instructions 3C:
Liquid or Gas
Required Authorization Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
Marking Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
Instructions 3D:
Liquids and
Ethanol-based Flammable
Liquids and Solids
Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
Instruction 6C:
Category B
Required Authorization Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
Mailability Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager, and to
delete references to First-Class Mail
and First-Class Package Service.
22632 9-7-23
Instruction 6D:
Sharps Waste
and Other
Medical Waste
Required Authorization Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager.
22632 9-7-23
Mailability Revised to replace a reference to
merchandise returns service with a
reference to USPS Returns, delete a
reference to First-Class Mail, and to
replace a reference to Priority Mail
with a reference to Priority Mail
Return Service.
22632 9-7-23
Marking Revised to replace references to
merchandise returns service with
references to USPS Returns Service.
22632 9-7-23
Instruction 6F:
Mailability Revised to reflect a title change to
director for the Postal Service
Product Classification and the
Pricing and Classification Service
Center (PCSC) manager, and to
delete references to First-Class Mail
and First-Class Package Service.
22632 9-7-23
The chapter,
part, appendix,
or section… titled… was…
in Postal
with an
date of…
Instruction 10A:
Small Quantity
Small Quantity Provision Revised to include a hyphen between
the words “small” and “quantity” in
the title and text.
22632 9-7-23
Required Packaging:
Inner Receptable
Revised to add inner-receptable
quantity limits in the associated
small-quantity packaging
22632 9-7-23
Appendix D, Hazardous Materials Definitions
Appendix D Air transportation Revised to update the definition of
“Air transportation.”
22632 9-7-23
Appendix G, Hazardous Materials Service Type Codes (STCs) and Extra Service Codes (ESCs)
Appendix G Hazardous Materials
Service Type Codes
(STCs) and Extra Service
Codes (ESCs)
Added to to incorporate new
requirements, which became
effective July 9, 2023, for mailers to
use unique Service Type Codes and
Extra Service Codes for package
shipments containing hazardous
material or dangerous goods.
22632 9-7-23
Index Revised the section number
references of several entries to
reflect revisions in this Pub 52
22632 9-7-23
The chapter,
part, appendix,
or section… titled… was…
in Postal
with an
date of…
Transmittal Letter
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
Publication 52 September 7, 2023
Transmittal Letter
A. Purpose. Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail, provides
important information to help mailers determine what may be mailed and how certain
items must be packaged to keep the mail safe. It also provides guidance to Postal
Service™ employees accepting this mail.
Publication 52 is available on Postal Explorer
Customers may also consult their local postmaster or manager of business mail entry
for additional information about hazardous materials in the mail.
B. Effective Date. This edit
ion is effective September 7, 2023. All previous issues of
Publication 52 are obsolete.
C. Availability.
Public: The public can access Publication 52 in PDF and
HTML formats on Postal
Explorer at
Postal Service: Postal Service employees can access Publication 52 in PDF and HTML
formats on the USPS Web site.
D. How to Use This Book. An in
troduction is located at the beginning of the book. It
explains the purpose and scope of the book, as well as the need to protect Postal
Service employees and customers from potentially dangerous materials in the mail. In
the appendices, we have included a hazardous materials table, packaging instructions
for mailable materials, and a glossary of terms.
E. Comments. Contact
your local Post Office
, business mail entry office, or the Pricing
and Classification Service Center (PCSC) with comments or questions about our mailing
standards (see DMM 608.8.4 for addresses and telephone numbers of business mail
entry offices and the PCSC).
Steven W. Monteith
Chief Customer and Marketing Officer
and Executive Vice President
September 7, 2023 iii
Summary of Changes
Transmittal Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
11 Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
111 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
112 Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
113 Other Reference Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
12 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
121 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
122 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
123 Mailability Premise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
123.1 Basic Premise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
123.2 Restricted Matter — General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
123.3 Harmful Matter — General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
123.4 Hazardous Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
123.5 Other Nonmailable Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
13 Additional Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
14 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
15 Protecting Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
16 Military Postal System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
17 Statutory System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
18 Trademarks of the USPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
181 Use of USPS Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
182 Common Law Marks or USPS Marks with Pending Trademark Applications . . . . . . . . 8
2 General Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
21 Mailability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
211 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
212 Mailer Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
213 Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
214 Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
215 Requests for Rulings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
215.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
215.2 Hazardous Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
215.3 Restricted Matter or Perishable Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
216 Nonmailable Matter Found in the Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
iv Publication 52
22 Marking Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
221 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
221.1 Address Side of Mailpiece. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
221.2 Ancillary Endorsements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
222 Matter Excepted From Markings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
223 Hazardous Materials Warning Labels and Markings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
224 Tag 44 for Hazardous Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
225 Other Postal Service Labels and Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
226 Package Orientation Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
227 Old Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
228 Shipping Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
23 Handling Hazardous Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
231 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
232 Nonmailable Hazardous Materials Found in the Mailstream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
24 Emergency Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
241 General Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
242 Hazard Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
243 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
244 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
245 Hazardous Chemical Emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
246 Emergency Telephone Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
25 Basic Guidelines for Postal Service Personnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
251 Guidelines for Acceptance Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
252 Guidelines for Dispatch Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
253 Guidelines for Delivery and Collection Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3 Hazardous Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
31 Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
32 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
321 U.S. Department of Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
322 Postal Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
323 Mailer Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
323.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
323.2 Service Type Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
323.3 Extra Service Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
323.4 Additional GS1 DotMatrix (2D) IMpb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
323.5 Shipping Service File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
323.6 Legacy Postage and Hard-Copy Postage Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
323.7 USPS-Generated Shipping Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
324 Mailability Rulings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
325 DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels and Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
325.1 General Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
325.2 Nonmailable Warning Labels and Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
September 7, 2023 v
325.3 Mailable Warning Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
325.4 Limited Quantity Markings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
325.5 Excepted Quantity Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
326 Shipping Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
327 Transportation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
327.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
327.2 Air Transportation Prohibitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
328 Postal Service Hazardous Materials Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
329 Presentation of Hazardous-Materials Mailings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
33 Hazard Classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
331 Nine Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
332 Limited Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
333 Consumer Commodity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
334 USPS Limited Quantity Air Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
335 ID8000 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
336 USPS Limited Quantity Surface Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
337 Excepted Quantity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
337.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
337.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
337.3 Additional Restrictions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
337.4 Quantities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
337.5 Packaging and Marking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
338 Small Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
338.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
338.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
338.3 Additional Restrictions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
338.4 Packaging and Marking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
339 Packaging Requirements for Hazardous Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
339.1 DOT Packing Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
339.2 Postal Service Packaging Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
34 Mailability by Hazard Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
341 Explosives (Hazard Class 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
341.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
341.2 Mailability, Packaging, and Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
342 Gases (Hazard Class 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
342.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
342.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
342.3 Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
342.4 Marking and Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
342.5 Mailability Rulings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
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vi Publication 52
343 Flammable and Combustible Liquids
(Hazard Class 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
343.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
343.2 Mailability and Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
343.3 Marking and Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
344 Flammable Solids (Hazard Class 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
344.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
344.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
344.3 Packaging, Marking, and Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
345 Oxidizing Substances, Organic Peroxides
(Hazard Class 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
345.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
345.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
345.3 Packaging, Marking, and Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
346 Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances (Hazard Class 6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
346.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
346.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
346.3 Packaging, Marking, Labeling, and Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
346.4 Damaged Parcels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
347 Radioactive Materials (Hazard Class 7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
347.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
347.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
347.3 Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
347.4 Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
347.5 Emergency Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
348 Corrosives (Hazard Class 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
348.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
348.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
348.3 Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
348.4 Marking and Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
349 Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials
(Hazard Class 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
349.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
349.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
349.3 Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
349.4 Marking and Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4 Restricted Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
41 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
411 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
412 Mailer Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
413 Rulings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
414 Nonmailable Matter Found in the Mails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
September 7, 2023 vii
42 Intoxicating Liquors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
421 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
422 Mailability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
422.1 Nonmailable Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
422.2 Mailable Liquors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
423 Packaging and Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
423.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
423.2 Denatured Flammable or Combustible Liquor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
43 Firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
431 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
431.1 Firearm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
431.2 Handguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
431.3 Antique Firearm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
431.4 Rifles and Shotguns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
431.5 Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
431.6 Air Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
432 Mailability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
432.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
432.2 Handguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
432.3 Rifles and Shotguns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
432.4 Indemnity Claims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
433 Legal Opinions on Mailing Firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
434 Replica or Inert Explosive Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
435 Nonmailable Firearms Found in the Mails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
44 Knives and Sharp Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
441 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
441.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
441.2 Switchblade Knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
442 Mailability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
443 Packaging and Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
443.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
443.2 Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
444 Nonmailable Knives in the Mails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
45 Other Restricted Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
451 Liquids, Powders, and Odor-Producing Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
451.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
451.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
451.3 Packaging and Marking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
452 Motor Vehicle Master Keys and Locksmithing Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
452.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
452.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
452.3 Packaging and Marking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
452.4 Nonmailable Matter Found in the Mails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
viii Publication 52
453 Controlled Substances and Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
453.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
453.2 Mailer Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
453.3 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
453.4 Packaging and Marking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
453.5 Rulings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
453.6 Nonmailable Matter Found in the Mails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
453.7 Mail-back Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
453.8 Undeliverable Medicines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
454 Unsolicited Promotional Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
454.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
454.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
454.3 Certificate Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
454.4 Customer Objection to Unsolicited Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
454.5 Rulings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
455 Building Construction Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
455.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
455.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
455.3 Rulings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
455.4 Nonmailable Matter Found in the Mails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
456 Lottery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
456.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
456.2 Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
456.3 Nonmailable Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
46 Animal-Fighting Ventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
461 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
461.1 Animal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
461.2 Animal-Fighting Venture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
461.3 Animal-Fighting Accessory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
461.4 Animal-Fighting Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
462 Mailability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
47 Cigarettes, Smokeless Tobacco, and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
471 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
471.1 Cigarette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
471.2 Smokeless Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
471.3 Cigar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
471.4 Roll-Your-Own Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
471.5 Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
471.6 Covered Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
471.7 Consumer Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
471.8 State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
471.9 Minimum Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
September 7, 2023 ix
472 Covered Products Generally Nonmailable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
472.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
472.2 Treatment of Nonmailable Covered Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
472.3 Reasonable Cause to Suspect Covered Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
472.4 Applicability of Other Laws and Regulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
472.5 Recordkeeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
473 Mailability Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
473.1 Scope of Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
473.2 Intra-Alaska and Intra-Hawaii Shipments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
473.3 Exception for Business/Regulatory Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
473.4 Exception for Certain Individuals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
473.5 Consumer-Testing Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
473.6 Public Health Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
473.7 Suspension or Revocation of Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
474 Additional Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
474.1 Interpretative Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
474.2 Exclusion of Products Approved for Tobacco Cessation or
Therapeutic Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
5 Perishable Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
51 Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
511 General Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
512 Federal Statutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
52 Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
521 General Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
522 Packaging and Markings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
522.1 Container Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
522.2 Security and Ventilation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
522.3 Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
523 Acceptance for Mailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
524 Disposal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
525 Nonmailable Live Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
525.1 Live Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
525.2 Live, Warm-Blooded Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
525.3 Reptiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
525.4 Poisonous Insects and Spiders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
526 Mailable Live Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
526.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
526.2 Live Bees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
526.3 Live, Day-Old Poultry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
526.4 Adult Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
526.5 Live Scorpions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
x Publication 52
526.6 Small, Harmless, Cold-Blooded Animals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
526.7 Dead Animals or Parts of Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
53 Fresh Foods and Other Perishables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
54 Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
55 Meats and Meat Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
56 Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
561 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
562 Quarantines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
562.1 Types of Quarantines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
562.2 Specific Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
562.3 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
562.4 Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
563 Packaging and Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
563.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
563.2 Securing Tops of Bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
564 Further Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
57 Nonmailable Plant Pests, Injurious Animals, and Illegally Taken Fish or Wildlife . . . . . . . . . . 146
571 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
572 Criminal Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
6 International Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
61 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
611 Refusal by Air Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
62 Hazardous Materials: International Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
621 General Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
621.1 Mailing Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
621.2 Hazard Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
621.3 Limited Quantity Air and Limited Quantity Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
621.4 APO/FPO/DPO Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
621.5 Extra Service Codes and Shipping Service Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
622 Mailable Hazardous Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
622.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
622.2 Biological Substances, Division 6.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
622.3 Radioactive Materials, Class 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
622.4 Magnetized Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
622.5 Lithium and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries — General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
623 Nonmailable Hazardous Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
63 Restricted Matter: International Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
631 APO/FPO/DPO Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
632 Firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
632.1 Export to APOs/FPOs/DPOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
632.2 Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
September 7, 2023 xi
633 Inert Replica and Explosive Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
634 Knives and Sharp Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
635 Drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
636 Controlled Substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
637 Other Restricted Matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
64 Perishable Matter: International Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
641 APO/FPO/DPO Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
642 Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
643 Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
643.1 Fresh Eggs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
643.2 Dried Whole Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
644 Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
645 Fresh Foods and Other Perishables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
7 Air Transportation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
71 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
711 Refusal by Air Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
711.1 Air Carrier Policy or Pilot’s Decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
711.2 Handling of Mailpieces Refused by an Air Carrier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
72 Hazardous Materials: Air Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
721 General Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
722 Additional Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
722.1 APO/FPO/DPO Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
722.2 ZIP Codes Served Only by Air Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
722.3 Air Transportation Prohibitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
723 Hazardous Materials Warning Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
724 Consumer Commodity and Mailable Limited Quantity Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
725 Mailer Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
725.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
725.2 Warning Labels and Marking Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
725.3 Shipping Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
725.4 Addressing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
726 Postal Service Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
726.1 Acceptance Personnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
726.2 Dispatch Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
727 Refusal by Air Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
727.1 Nonmailable or Improperly Prepared Mailpieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
728 Spills and Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
73 Restricted Matter: Air Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
731 Refusal by Air Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
xii Publication 52
74 Perishable Matter: Air Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
741 General Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
742 Live Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
742.1 Basic Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
742.2 Bees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
742.3 Refusal by Air Carrier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
743 Perishable Matter with Dry Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Appendix A — Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability
Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Appendix B — Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by
Identification (ID) Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Appendix C — USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Appendix D — Hazardous Materials Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Appendix E — References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Appendix F — Alaska Routes Serviced by Air Transportation Only . . . . . . . . . . 415
Appendix G — Hazardous Materials Service Type Codes (STCs) and
Extra Service Codes (ESCs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
September 7, 2023 xiii
Exhibit 226
Package Orientation Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Exhibit 227
Reused Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Exhibit 325.2
DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels: PROHIBITED IN THE MAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Exhibit 325.3a
DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels: PERMITTED ON MAILABLE HAZARDOUS
MATERIALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Exhibit 325.3b
ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Exhibit 325.4
DOT Hazardous Material Warning Labels: PERMITTED FOR LIMITED QUANTITY
SQUARE-ON-POINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Exhibit 325.5
Excepted Quantity Marking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Exhibit 326
Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods (Sample Form) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Exhibit 331
DOT Hazard Classes and Postal Mailability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Exhibit 343.21
Flammable Liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Exhibit 343.22
Combustible Liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Exhibit 346.12a2
Mailpiece Symbol and Marking for Mailpieces Containing Biological Substance, Category B
Substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Exhibit 346.321
International Biohazard Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Exhibit 346.322c3
Shipping Paper for Regulated Medical Waste and Sharps Waste Containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Exhibit 346.327
Packaging References for Mailable Materials, Infectious Substances
(Hazard Class 6, Division 6.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Exhibit 347.22
Activity Limits for Mailable Instruments, Articles, and Limited Quantity Radioactive Materials . . . . . 78
Exhibit 347.5c(1)
DOE Regional Coordinating Offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
September 7, 2023 xiv
Exhibit 349.222
Domestic Lithium Battery Mailability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Exhibit 349.242b
Warning Label for Magnetized Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Exhibit 432.25
Mailability Requirements for Handguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Exhibit 526.21
Requirements for Mailing Live Bees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Exhibit 526.33
Requirements for Mailing Live, Day-Old Poultry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Exhibit 526.5
Restrictions on Mailing Live Scorpions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Exhibit 526.6
Requirements for Mailing Small, Harmless, Cold-Blooded Animals (Except Snakes, Turtles,
and Turtle Eggs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Exhibit 526.7
Requirements for Mailing Dead Animals or Parts of Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Exhibit 621.1
DOT Hazard Classes and Mailability for International Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Exhibit 622.5
International Lithium Battery Mailability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Exhibit 643.22
Certificate of Mailing Dried Whole Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Domestic Lithium Battery Mailability Exhibit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
International Lithium Battery Mailability Exhibit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
September 7, 2023 1
1 Introduction
11 Purpose
111 General
The purpose of this publication is to provide information and guidance when
mailing potentially hazardous, restricted, or perishable matter to domestic
and international destinations.
Certain potentially undesirable, harmful, or dangerous matter is nonmailable
by statute or regulation. The standards for nonmailable articles and
substances and the special conditions under which some of these articles
and substances may be mailed can be found in this publication.
These regulations apply to the military postal system, its employees, and
undelivered mail that is or has been in the official custody of this system and
its employees.
The regulations for nonmailable matter in written, printed, or graphic form are
covered in DMM 601.8.0, 508.9.0, and 508.10.0.
112 Use
This publication is designed for use by mailers and for employees in business
mail entry, retail units, marketing, and other functional areas that are involved
with providing mailability information to Postal Service customers.
Follow the standards contained in this publication when deciding whether
and under what conditions hazardous materials, restricted matter, and
perishable matter are permitted to be mailed.
The content of this publication is based on former DMM standards which
have been incorporated into this publication, as well as regulations of federal
agencies in effect at the time of publication. Future changes to the federal
regulations may supplement, amend, or supersede the content of this
113 Other Reference Sources
Note: No single guide could provide all the details necessary for the safe
acceptance and handling of every item that is classified as hazardous
material, restricted matter, or perishable matter. This publication
provides specific mailability requirements, where possible, for those
categories of harmful materials that present significant danger or which
are frequently presented for mailing.
113 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
2 Publication 52
Particular matter may be mailable under postal statutes and regulations, but
customers may have responsibilities under nonpostal statutes and
regulations concerned with possession, treatment, transmission, or transfer
of such matter (e.g., 49 CFR 100-185 [Department of Transportation
Regulations]; the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of
1970 [Public Law 91-513], 21 U.S.C. 801, et seq.; and the Gun Control Act of
1968 [Public Law 90-618], 18 U.S.C. 921, et seq.).
In writing this publication, the following sources were used:
Postal Service
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail
Manual (DMM).
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International
Mail Manual (IMM).
Postal Operations Manual (POM).
Administrative Support Manual (ASM).
Publication 14, Prohibitions and Restrictions on Mailing Animals,
Plants, and Related Matter.
Handbook EL-812, Hazardous Materials and Spill Response.
Aviation Mail Security, Management Instructions.
Notice 107, Let’s Keep the Mail Safe.
Poster 298, DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels and Markings.
Other Sources
Title 18 of the United States Code (U.S.C.) 921, 1715, 1716
(18 U.S.C. 921, 1715, 1716).
39 U.S.C. 3001-3002a, 3005, 3008-3010, 3012, 3014, 3015, 3017,
21 U.S.C. 801–830 (drugs).
7 U.S.C. 7701 (plant pests).
7 U.S.C. 7760 (plants).
Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR), Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S. Department of Labor.
42 CFR, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
49 CFR, Parts 100–185, U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Technical Instructions
for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air.
International Air Transport Association (IATA), Dangerous Goods
Where appropriate, the names and addresses of agencies where more
detailed information can be obtained are provided in this publication.
Introduction 122
September 7, 2023 3
12 Scope
121 General
The scope of this publication extends to all articles and materials that are
nonmailable because they may harm people or property or that have mailing
restrictions imposed upon them by the regulations of other governmental
Under 18 U.S.C. 1716 all matter that is outwardly or of its own force
dangerous or injurious to life, health, or property is nonmailable. The knowing
deposit of such matter in the mail is a crime punishable by fine,
imprisonment, or other penalty. However, certain hazardous materials and
otherwise restricted and perishable matter may be mailed under the
conditions permitted in this publication.
122 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable
The following are examples of hazardous materials, restricted matter, and
perishable matter. These are not complete lists, but they provide an idea of
the types of articles included in each category.
a. Hazardous materials (section 3) include:
(1) Explosives.
(2) Gases.
(3) Flammable liquids and combustible liquids.
(4) Flammable solids.
(5) Oxidizers and organic peroxides.
(6) Toxic substances (poisons) and infectious substances, etiologic
agents, clinical specimens, biological products, sharps, other
used medical devices.
(7) Radioactive materials.
(8) Corrosives.
(9) Miscellaneous hazardous materials (e.g., lithium batteries, dry
ice, magnetized materials).
b. Restricted matter (section 4) includes:
(1) Intoxicating liquors.
(2) Firearms.
(3) Building construction materials.
(4) Liquids and powders.
(5) Matter emitting obnoxious odors.
(6) Cremated remains.
(7) Motor vehicle master keys.
(8) Controlled substances and drugs.
(9) Hemp and CBD products.
(10) Sharp objects (knives, switchblades, stilettos).
123 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
4 Publication 52
(11) Unsolicited promotional items.
(12) Tobacco products.
c. Perishable matter (section 5) includes:
(1) Dead animals or parts of animals.
(2) Eggs.
(3) Live animals.
(4) Meat and meat products.
(5) Plants and plant products.
123 Mailability Premise
123.1 Basic Premise
The basic premise of the postal mailability statutes is that anything “which
may kill or injure another, or injure the mails or other property...” is
nonmailable. Several statutory exceptions to this rule permit mailings of
otherwise nonmailable matter under specified conditions. Statutory
exceptions apply to live scorpions, poisonous drugs and medicines, poisons
for scientific use, switchblade knives, firearms, motor vehicle master keys,
locksmithing devices, and abortive and contraceptive devices. The statutes
also provide that the USPS may, by regulation, permit the mailing, under
required conditions of preparation and packing, of potentially harmful matter
not “outwardly or of [its] own force dangerous or injurious to life, health, or
property.” The regulations in this publication summarize the statutory
prohibitions and exceptions; detail the mailability standards that apply to
perishable, hazardous, and restricted matter; contain information on the
mailability of specific hazardous materials; and describe the conditions of
preparation and packaging under which the USPS accepts for mailing
potentially harmful matter that is otherwise nonmailable.
123.2 Restricted Matter — General
Restricted matter is an article or substance prohibited or limited by Title 18,
U.S. Code (liquors, abortive and contraceptive devices, odd-shaped items in
envelopes, motor vehicle master keys, and locksmithing devices). It also
includes matter not otherwise described in this publication that is restricted
by 18 U.S.C. 1716(a) because it may, under conditions encountered in the
mail, be injurious to life, health, or property (obnoxious odors, liquids,
powders, and battery-powered devices).
123.3 Harmful Matter — General
Except as provided in this publication, any article, composition, or material is
nonmailable if it can kill or injure another or injure the mail or other property.
Harmful matter includes, but is not limited to:
a. All types and classes of poisons, including controlled substances.
b. All poisonous animals except scorpions mailed for medical research
purposes or for the manufacture of anti-venom (or antivenin or
antivenene); all poisonous insects; all poisonous reptiles; and all types
of snakes, turtles, and spiders.
Introduction 14
September 7, 2023 5
c. All disease germs or scabs.
d. All explosives, flammable material, infernal machines, and mechanical,
chemical, or other devices or compositions that may ignite or explode.
123.4 Hazardous Materials
Harmful matter also includes regulated hazardous materials that are likely to
harm USPS employees or to destroy, deface, or otherwise damage mail or
postal equipment. This includes materials such as caustic poisons (acids and
alkalis), oxidizers, or highly flammable liquids, gases, or solids; or materials
that are likely, under conditions incident to transportation, to cause fires
through friction, absorption of moisture, or spontaneous chemical changes
or from retained heat from manufacturing or processing, including explosives
or containers previously used for shipping high explosives with a liquid
ingredient (such as dynamite), ammunition, fireworks, radioactive materials,
matches, or articles emitting obnoxious odors.
123.5 Other Nonmailable Matter
Matter is nonmailable also when it cannot be delivered because of an
illegible, incorrect, or insufficient address, or when it does not meet USPS
standards for mail preparation, classification, postage prices, size, or weight.
13 Additional Information
Although the Postal Service makes every effort to inform its customers of the
mailability of particular harmful matter via the DMM standards and the
information in this and other publications, it is the responsibility of the mailer
to fully meet all requirements prior to mailing. See
212 for more complete
information on the responsibilities of mailers.
The authority of Postal Service personnel to decide whether particular
articles or substances presented for mailing are nonmailable is stated in
14 Safety
The handling and transport of hazardous materials, restricted matter, and
perishable matter involves added levels of risk. That risk can become even
greater if a nonmailable material is mailed or if the packaging of a mailable
material is not adequate to prevent damage or spillage during normal
Under no circumstances may any nonmailable hazardous material, restricted
matter, or perishable matter be deposited for mailing. Mailable items must be
packaged and labeled as required in the applicable DMM standards and the
regulations in this publication.
15 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
6 Publication 52
A Postmaster may take any step reasonable and necessary to protect USPS
employees and equipment from potentially dangerous or injurious materials
or substances found in the mail. USPS employees may refuse an article for
mailing if the content of the article is described by the mailer or otherwise
revealed to be nonmailable.
The Postal Service’s primary purpose in requiring proper packaging,
identification, and deposit of mailable hazardous materials, restricted matter,
or perishable matter is to ensure the safety of our employees and the general
public who may come into contact with these mailpieces. These
requirements also are intended to ensure the safety of Postal Service
equipment and facilities.
15 Protecting Personnel
All reasonable and necessary steps must be taken to protect Postal Service
personnel and equipment from the effects of potentially dangerous or
injurious materials or substances found in the mail, as stated in ASM 223.4.
16 Military Postal System
Unless excepted, standards in this publication apply to the military postal
system, its personnel, and undelivered mail that is or has been in the official
custody of that system and its personnel. References to the Inspection
Service refer to the Postal Inspection Service and its authorized employees,
not to military investigative services.
17 Statutory System
18 U.S.C. 2510, et seq., constitutes a statutory system of regulating
interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications. Any person
contemplating the mailing of a device primarily useful for surreptitiously
effecting such interception should consider the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 2510,
et seq., particularly section 2512. This statute makes it a crime, except as
otherwise provided in 18 U.S.C. 2510, et seq., for a person intentionally to
send through the mail any device whose design that person knows, or has
reason to know, renders the device primarily useful for surreptitious
interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications. The statute does not
declare that such a device in itself constitutes nonmailable matter but, as
indicated, provides criminal penalties for the act of intentionally mailing it.
Introduction 181
September 7, 2023 7
18 Trademarks of the USPS
181 Use of USPS Trademarks
USPS trademarks must be used in the form listed in this section. Proper use
of any USPS trademarks may require capitalizing the initial letters, or all the
letters of the acronym, to distinguish them from terms not used as
trademarks. Words and phrases that are registered trademarks may also use
the registration symbol
; words and phrases that are not registered but are
still USPS trademarks may use the ™ symbol. If the registration or ™ symbol
is not used, a reference should be placed at the beginning or end of the
document, indicating the marks that are used in the publication with the
following notation: “The following marks are among the many marks
belonging to the U.S. Postal Service and are not an exhaustive list”:
We list the marks in lieu of using the
symbol throughout Publication 52.
1-800-Ask-USPS FastForward Parcel Select Standard Mail
Air Mail First-Class Mail Parcel Select Lightweight U.S. Postage Paid
Business Reply Mail First-Class Mail
PC Postage The Postal Service
Certified Mail Forever PFS The Postal Store
Click-N-Ship Global Express
Pickup on Demand U.S. Postal Service
Click-N-Ship for Business GXG Postal Explorer United States Postal
Commercial Base IMb PostalPro USPS
Commercial Plus IMb Tracing Premium Forwarding
USPS Delivery
Critical Mail IMM Priority Mail USPS Electronic Postmark
DMM Intelligent Mail Priority Mail Express USPS ePacket
EDDM International Surface Air
Priority Mail Flat Rate USPS Package Intercept
EDDM Retail IPA Priority Mail International USPS Returns
ePacket ISAL Priority Mail Open and
USPS Web Tools
EVS Market Mail Priority Mail Regional Rate
e-VS Media Mail Priority Mail Regional Rate
Express Mail International MERLIN Priority Mail Returns ZIP+4
FAST Parcel Post Return to Sender
182 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
8 Publication 52
182 Common Law Marks or USPS Marks with Pending
Trademark Applications
The following is a list of Common Law Marks or USPS marks with pending
trademark applications that appear throughout Publication 52. The ™ may be
used after these marks and the same trademark rules apply whenever these
services or terms appear in the DMM. Note: this list changes frequently and
some of these marks will become registered and require the
ACS M-Bag Priority Mail 3-Day Delivery Registered Mail
Carrier Pickup Open and Distribute Priority Mail 3-Day Delivery
Signature Confirmation
CASS Parcel Select
Regional Ground
Priority Mail 3-Day USPS Retail Ground
CASS Certified P.O. Box Priority Mail Express U.S. Mail
Courtesy Reply Mail PO Box Priority Mail Express 1-Day US Postage Paid
Delivery Confirmation Post Office Priority Mail Express 2-Day US Postal Service
FCPIS Post Office Box Priority Mail Express 3-Day USPS
First-Class Postal Service Priority Mail Express DPO USPSCA
First-Class Package Postmaster General Priority Mail Express Flat
te Box
USPS Corporate Account
First-Class Package
International Service
POSTNET Priority Mail Express
USPS Picture Permit
First-Class Package Service Priority Mail 1-Day
Priority Mail Express
USPS Tracking
IMb Priority Mail 1-Day
Delivery Guaranteed
Priority Mail Express
IMb Tracing Priority Mail 1-Day Priority Mail Express Open
and Distribute
ZIP Code
IMRS Priority Mail 2-Day
Priority Mail International
International Business Reply Priority Mail 2-Day
Delivery Guaranteed
International Priority Airmail Priority Mail 2-Day Qualified Business Reply
September 7, 2023 9
2 General Guidelines
21 Mailability
211 General
Under 18 U.S.C. 1716, all matter that is outwardly or of its own force
dangerous or injurious to life, health, or property is nonmailable. The knowing
deposit of such matter in the mail is a crime punishable by fine,
imprisonment, and/or other penalty.
For reasons of safety, most hazardous materials are nonmailable. However,
some hazardous materials and otherwise restricted matter, or perishable
matter are permitted to be mailed when the requirements in this publication
are fully met.
Chapter 3, Appendix A, and Appendix C of this publication provide detailed
information about hazardous materials that are permitted to be mailed and
the conditions that apply.
Chapters 4 and 5 of this publication provide information about restricted
matter and perishable matter that either is nonmailable or that may be
mailable under specified conditions, as applicable.
Chapter 6 specifies the mailing conditions that apply to hazardous materials,
restricted matter, and perishable matter in international mail, including
hazardous materials for delivery to overseas military and diplomatic Post
Office (APO/FPO/DPO) addresses.
Chapter 7 contains information regarding mailability of hazardous materials,
restricted matter, and perishable matter in domestic mail via air
Regardless of content, a mailpiece bearing only postage stamps as the
postage payment method and weighing more than 10 ounces or measuring
more than one-half inch thick may not be deposited into a collection box,
Postal Service lobby drop, Postal Service dock, customer mailbox, or other
unattended location. A city, rural, or highway contract letter carrier may not
pick up these mailpieces for delivery, either from an individual or through
Pickup on Demand service. The sender must present such items to an
employee at a retail service counter in a Postal Service facility. Improperly
presented items will be returned to the sender for proper entry and
212 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
10 Publication 52
212 Mailer Responsibility
All mailers, including mail service providers and other mailer agents, must
comply with applicable Postal Service laws and regulations governing
mailability and preparation for mailing, as well as nonpostal laws and
regulations on the shipment of particular matter.
The Postal Service disseminates information about mailing standards by
publishing the DMM and IMM and by providing this and other publications
that give additional guidance to mailers.
Mailers need to be aware of current or new regulations adopted by the Postal
Service and other governmental agencies.
213 Authority
A Postmaster has the authority to decide whether articles and substances
other than written, printed, or graphic matter are nonmailable and, where
appropriate, is authorized to refuse to accept for mailing such matter
determined to be nonmailable. Postmasters may consult with the Pricing and
Classification Service Center (PCSC) in making these determinations.
NEW YORK NY 10007-2951
TELEPHONE: (212) 330-5300 / FAX: (212) 330-5320
214 Appeals
A mailer who receives an adverse decision from a postmaster may file a
written appeal with the PCSC (see
213 for address), which issues the final
agency decision. After the PCSC issues an initial ruling, the mailer may
appeal to the director, Product Classification, USPS Headquarters,
Washington, DC, who has the authority to render a final decision on the
Mailers may file a written appeal of a final Postal Service agency decision
with the USPS Recorder, Judicial Officer, under the rules of procedure in
CFR 953.
WASHINGTON DC 20260-5015
ARLINGTON VA 22201-3078
General Guidelines 215.2
September 7, 2023 11
215 Requests for Rulings
215.1 General
Mailability decisions are based on Postal Service statutes and regulations in
effect at the time the ruling is issued. Over time, some rulings may become
obsolete or require modification to conform to changes in applicable laws
and regulations. When rulings are issued, the requirements of other
governmental agencies (e.g., U.S. Department of Transportation, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention) may be taken into consideration to the
extent that they are consistent with Postal Service policy and authority.
Requests for rulings must contain specific items of critical information
appropriate to the category of the material, as noted in
215.2, 215.3, and 324.
215.2 Hazardous Materials
Acceptability for mailing hazardous materials depends on many factors, such
as the container fluid/vapor capacities, the ability of the complete mailpiece
to contain the material, and the method of absorbing and containing the
material in case of accidental leakage of the primary receptacle.
To determine mailability of a specific material, a mailer must submit a
material safety data sheet (MSDS) (see Appendix
D) and the following
information to the PCSC (see 213 for address):
a. Common and proper shipping name of the material, hazard class, and
the assigned United Nations (UN) or North American (NA) identification
b. Chemical composition by percentage of weight.
c. Flashpoint.
d. Toxic properties.
e. Irritant action when inhaled, swallowed, or with contact to skin or eyes.
f. Special precautions necessary to permit handling without harm to
USPS employees or damage to property or other mail.
g. Explanation of warning labels and shipping papers required by local,
state, or federal regulations.
h. Description of the proposed packaging method, including the
addressing, required markings, and documentation.
i. Volume of material per mailpiece, proposed number of pieces to be
mailed, class of mail, and post office(s) of mailing.
The hazards present with chemicals and other types of hazardous materials
may not be readily apparent. Materials classified under one hazard class can
present additional or subsidiary hazards more commonly associated with a
different hazard class. For example, swimming pool chemicals may cause
fires or release poisonous fumes or be corrosive or poisonous. Therefore, it is
essential when determining mailability to correctly identify the material based
on the mailer-supplied documentation (i.e., the MSDS and other information)
and never to assume a general designation using unsubstantiated
215.3 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
12 Publication 52
215.3 Restricted Matter or Perishable Matter
To obtain a ruling on the mailability of restricted or perishable matter, a mailer
should provide the mailing office with following:
a. Detailed description of the restricted or perishable matter.
b. Special precautions necessary to permit handling without harm to
Postal Service employees or damage to property.
c. Proposed method of packaging.
d. Explanation of any local, state, or federal regulations that apply to
shipping such matter.
e. Quantity per mailpiece and per mailing, frequency of mailing, and post
office(s) of mailing.
When information about restricted or perishable matter is insufficient to make
a mailability determination, or when there is doubt about the mailability of a
particular item, contact the PCSC.
216 Nonmailable Matter Found in the Mail
Specific items, such as firearms, switchblade knives, controlled substances,
motor vehicle master keys, and explosive or incendiary devices, generally are
prohibited for mailing. When these types of nonmailable items are found in
the mailstream, they must be handled in accordance with POM 139.117, by
referring to the Postal Inspection Service.
Other materials found in the mail that are believed to be nonmailable must be
treated under the applicable conditions in POM 139.117-18 and ASM 223.4.
22 Marking Requirements
221 General
To avoid rejection of the mailpiece by Postal Service acceptance personnel
or air carriers, mailers must ensure that their packages meet all applicable
labeling, marking, and ancillary endorsement requirements.
221.1 Address Side of Mailpiece
Hazardous materials and restricted or perishable matter, unless specifically
excepted in
222, must be clearly marked, labeled and identified on the
address side of the mailpiece (see 325.1 and DMM section 102.1.1 and
202.1.1). Only in limited situations where sufficient space does not exist,
DOT markings may be placed on a side adjacent to the address. Markings
and labels must not be placed on the bottom of a package or envelope.
Other markings required by the Postal Service or other federal regulatory
agencies also must appear on the address side of any mailpiece containing
hazardous material, restricted matter, or perishable matter as specified in
325.1. Required markings must be applied with an insoluble material or
other material that cannot be rubbed off or smeared.
General Guidelines 223
September 7, 2023 13
221.11 Return Address
Except for diagnostic specimen mailpieces using a Business Reply Mail
format, and nonregulated materials, a return address that includes the
sender’s name and address must appear on all packaging containing
hazardous, restricted, or perishable mail.
221.12 Content Markings
When required, the contents also must be clearly identified on the address
side. The contents must be disclosed to be mailable. A mailability
determination may be required based on the mailer’s disclosure concerning
the contents at the time of mailing.
221.2 Ancillary Endorsements
A mailer endorsement may be used to request forwarding, return, or
address-correction service for items that are undeliverable as addressed (see
DMM 507).
Mailpieces containing hazardous materials mailed via surface transportation
327.1b) must bear one of the following endorsements:
a. “Address Service Requested;”
b. “Forwarding Service Requested;” or
c. “Return Service Requested.”
Mailers are not permitted to use the endorsement “Change Service
Requested” for mailpieces containing hazardous materials.
222 Matter Excepted From Markings
If permitted to be mailed under Chapter 4, the following materials are
excepted from the content requirements in 221 and must be mailed with no
indication or identifying marking on the outside of the parcel:
a. Controlled substances and drugs.
b. Firearms.
c. Motor vehicle master keys.
d. Switchblade knives.
223 Hazardous Materials Warning Labels and Markings
Most hazardous materials permitted in the mail fall in the Limited Quantity/
Consumer Commodity categories. Eligible Limited Quantity materials
intended for surface transport must display a Limited Quantity (square-on-
point) surface marking. Limited Quantity materials intended for air transport
must display a DOT Limited Quantity marking square-on-point with the
symbol “Y’ in the center, and may also require a specific DOT diamond-
shaped hazardous material warning label and other markings. See
325.4. For specific information on hazardous materials warning labels and
marking requirements, see 325.
224 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
14 Publication 52
224 Tag 44 for Hazardous Materials
Category B infectious substances are the only type of hazardous materials
permitted to be placed in a sack or tub. All mailpieces must be properly
marked with the proper shipping name “Biological Substance, Category B”
and “UN3373” inside a diamond marking as outlined in
346.22a. A sack or
tub containing Category B infectious substances must have attached Tag 44,
ck Contents Warning. The tag must be removed when the Category B
infectious substances are no longer in the sack or tub. See Chapter
7 for
more information.
225 Other Postal Service Labels and Tags
The Postal Service provides these labels and tags for affixing to the outside
of mailpieces containing bees, live animals, or perishable matter:
a. Label 27, Bee Ware!
b. Label 28, Live Animals.
c. Tag 9, Perishable —
Do Not Delay.
d. Label 127, Sur
face Transportation Only.
226 Package Orientation Markings
Outer packaging that contains a primary receptacle (and secondary
packaging, when required) of a liquid or other spillable material must be
packed with the closure of the primary receptacle positioned upward.
The outer packaging must be plainly and legibly marked on two opposite
es with a package orientation marking consisting of two underlined
arrows that point in the correct upright position.
Optionally, the two arrows may be enclosed in a rectangle. Specifications for
ckage orientation markings are in 49 CFR 172.312. See
Exhibit 226 for
Exhibit 226
Package Orientation Markings
Note: Either design is acceptable.
227 Old Markings
Under 49 CFR 173.29, a container that previously held a hazardous material
is considered the same as a full container of the material. A container
improperly identified by content is not acceptable for mailing. Some
potentially hazardous, restricted, and prohibited matter is nonmailable by
statute or regulation. Because of safety concerns and in compliance with
laws governing the transportation of hazardous, restricted, and prohibited
materials, as well as privacy statutes, the Postal Service must assume that all
markings and labels on a package identify the actual content.
General Guidelines 228
September 7, 2023 15
Reused packaging, boxes, and containers that bear inapplicable labels or
kings associated with hazardous, prohibited, or restricted materials are
prohibited in the mailstream, unless the labels or markings have been
removed or completely obliterated. If the labels or markings can still be read
or identified, they are not sufficiently obliterated. See
Exhibit 227.
Exhibit 227
Reused Packaging
Incorrect Procedure
Correct Procedure
If labels or markings have not been sufficiently obliterated, the package must
be handled as though it contains the indicated contents. Frequently, these
types of packages must be handled as nonmailable hazardous materials and
must be isolated and removed from the mailstream.
Examples of commonly reused boxes include cleaning supply boxes and
r/wine/beer boxes. Some cleaning products are hazardous materials;
although most alcoholic beverages are not hazardous materials, they are
prohibited from mailing. Packages containing alcoholic beverages or with
alcoholic beverage markings are prohibited in the mail.
Postal Service employees may not remove, cross out, or obliterate labels or
kings, even if asked to do so by a mailer. Only the mailer or mailer’s
authorized representative may alter or obliterate the labels or markings.
228 Shipping Papers
Mailable hazardous materials eligible to be sent by Priority Mail Express or
Priority Mail must be packaged, labeled, and appropriately documented for
air transportation, as required by federal regulations and subchapter
Mailable hazardous materials sent via air transportation (except materials
tified under
346.2) must be accompanied with a shipper’s declaration for
dangerous goods (shipping paper) co
mpleted in triplicate and signed by the
Air carriers may reject mailpieces that are not accompanied by the required
ing papers. See
326 and Exhibit 326 and Chapter 7 for more
23 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
16 Publication 52
23 Handling Hazardous Materials
231 General
A potentially dangerous situation exists whenever hazardous materials,
restricted matter, or perishable matter is being moved from one place to
another. Careless handling can result in serious injury to the general public
and Postal Service personnel, damage to other mail and Postal Service
equipment, and delays in processing and delivering mail.
The Postal Operations Manual (POM) provides additional instructions for
handling hazardous materials in the mail.
232 Nonmailable Hazardous Materials Found in the
When any mailpiece containing a nonmailable hazardous material is found in
the mailstream, the procedures in POM 139.117 must be followed if the
materials present an immediate threat to persons or property. When there is
no immediate threat to persons or property, follow the procedures in POM
24 Emergency Procedures
241 General Requirements
Incidents involving the release of hazardous materials, restricted matter, or
perishable matter may cause death, injury, and damage to property. Such
incidents can be avoided or minimized if appropriate preventive measures
are taken or correct emergency procedures are followed.
MI EL-810-2006-3, Response to Hazardous Materials Releases, and
Handbook EL-812, Hazardous Materials and Spill Response, provide
guidelines for responding to emergency situations. Postal Service employees
involved in the flow of mailpieces containing harmful matter must follow
these guidelines from the point of deposit to the point of delivery.
242 Hazard Duration
Frequently, the effects of exposure resulting from damage, spillage, or
leakage of harmful matter are not obvious or readily apparent. For example,
infectious substances, radioactive material, corrosives, and poisons can
cause illness or injury that may become known to the victim gradually and
long after the incident.
General Guidelines 244
September 7, 2023 17
243 Precautions
During any spill or leak incident, or when damage is detected involving
harmful items, Postal Service personnel must take every precaution to
protect other personnel and property from visible and invisible effects of the
material involved. These procedures are to be followed:
a. Identify harmful properties of the material (based on the markings) and
determine the precautions to be taken.
b. Provide adequate personal protection to employees who must handle
the materials.
c. Contain and transport leaking containers for disposal.
d. Clean and decontaminate facilities and machinery.
Refer to MI EL–810–2006–3, Response to Hazardous Materials Releases, and
Handbook EL–812, Hazardous Materials and Spill Response, for specific
244 Procedures
During any incident involving harmful matter where there is actual or
suspected damage to a mailpiece or its contents, Postal Service personnel
must follow the specific procedures in Handbook EL–812, Hazardous
Materials and Spill Response, and as outlined below:
a. Isolate the damaged package immediately and restrict the area. If the
incident occurs in a facility or on the equipment of an air carrier,
immediately brief the carrier on the nature and quantity of the materials
b. Contact the supervisor or designated qualified employee, who can take
prompt and appropriate measures to protect life and prevent injury,
loss, or damage. They will determine whether it is an incidental spill
that can be handled by the facility spill and leak team or an emergency
spill that will require implementation of the emergency action plan. If
mail sealed against inspection must be opened for this purpose, act in
accordance with ASM 274.
c. Remove any injured or contaminated person from the area with as little
physical contact as possible:
(1) Limit any first aid to what is absolutely necessary, until a qualified
physician is present.
(2) Direct all personnel exposed to radioactive materials to wash all
exposed body areas immediately with cold water and
immediately report to a physician for an examination.
d. If the spill is determined to be an emergency, contact the fire
department, the police, a qualified physician, and/or the appropriate
agencies equipped to handle specific situations.
e. Avoid smoke, fumes, or dust. Segregate any clothing or tools used in
fighting fires until they can be checked for contamination.
f. Do not eat, smoke, or drink in the affected area.
g. Do not place involved areas in service until the appropriate authorities
have determined that the areas are free of all contamination.
245 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
18 Publication 52
h. Notify the PCSC or Postal Service Inspection Service, as appropriate
under POM 139.117–118 (see
216). A report must be made for any
incident that includes damage to mail or property, or injury to
personnel. An online Mailpiece Incident Report (MIR) must be
completed and filed in accordance with the instructions in the Safety
Toolkit, based on the incident type.
245 Hazardous Chemical Emergencies
CHEMTREC (Chemical Transportation Emergency Center) is a service of the
Chemical Manufacturers Association that provides immediate information
and advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for those at the scene of
transportation emergencies involving chemicals.
Postal Service personnel are authorized to telephone CHEMTREC day or
night, toll free, at 800-424-9300. For calls originating within the state of
Virginia or outside the continental United States, telephone 703-527-3887.
CHEMTREC usually can provide hazard guidance and information warnings
when given only the name of the product and the nature of the problem.
CHEMTREC also follows up by promptly contacting the shipper of the
chemicals involved for more detailed assistance. CHEMTREC does not
provide on-site emergency response.
CHEMTREC may request the following information in an emergency call:
a. Caller’s name, title and organization, and callback number at scene.
b. Description of incident and actions taken.
c. Type and number of injuries/exposures.
d. Material involved, including:
(1) Name of the product(s), preferably a trade name.
(2) Shipper and point of destination.
(3) Consignee and destination (delivery address).
e. Type or description and number of containers/packages.
f. Specific information you need right away (MSDSs, medical help, etc.)
g. Size of or amount of release.
h. Location, time, weather at the scene.
246 Emergency Telephone Numbers
Following are telephone numbers for use during normal business hours
(unless otherwise noted) for the indicated types of emergencies:
(for etiologic agents and biohazard materials) 404-633-5313
(for Chemical Spills - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
800-424-9300 (in continental United States; outside Virginia)
703-527-3887 (within Virginia or outside the continental United
(for Herbicides, insecticides, Fungicides, and similar products)
General Guidelines 251
September 7, 2023 19
(for Chemical and Oil Spills)
202-267-2675 (within Washington DC)
800-424-8802 (outside Washington DC)
25 Basic Guidelines for Postal Service Personnel
251 Guidelines for Acceptance Personnel
Postal Service personnel may not open mail sealed against inspection
except under the circumstances described in ASM 274. Accordingly,
knowledge of the content of such mail may be obtained directly from the
mailer (e.g., a mailer may ask questions about mailing requirements or mark
the outside of the mailpiece to indicate the contents) or indirectly through
leakage or other escape of the contents. Subject to the applicable
restrictions, acceptance personnel must:
a. Determine the mailability of all hazardous materials, perishable matter,
or otherwise restricted matter offered for mailing at a retail unit or
business mail entry unit (BMEU). This process must include a thorough
inspection of all sides of the mailpiece for evidence of hazardous
materials (e.g., markings). At retail units, mailers must be asked the
question: “Do any of your articles contain anything liquid, fragile,
perishable, or potentially hazardous, such as lithium batteries,
perfume, mercury or aerosols?”
b. If the contents are mailable, determine the specific quantity limitations,
labeling, and packaging requirements that apply.
c. With the exception of destination-entered mail entered at a destination
delivery unit (DDU), destination sectional center facility (DSCF), or
destination network distribution center (DNDC), verify that all
mailpieces containing mailable hazardous materials are presented
separately from mailpieces not containing hazardous materials.
d. Refuse (as permitted in POM 139) to accept material that does not
meet the applicable requirements for mailing and refer the
circumstances to the local postmaster or PCSC for a mailability ruling
213 or 215, as appropriate.
e. If a mailpiece containing a diagnostic (clinical) specimen is in a sack or
tub, PS Tag 44 must be attached to ensure that the sack or tub will be
emptied at the processing point.
f. With the exception of destination-entered mail entered at a DDU,
DSCF, or DNDC, ensure mailpieces containing hazardous materials
remain separated from other mailpieces and are placed into labeled
containers further separated by transportation type. See
327.1a and
g. See 253 for guidance regarding hazardous materials found in lobby
drops or retail collection boxes.
252 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
20 Publication 52
See Chapter 7 for guidelines Postal Service acceptance personnel must
follow when handling hazardous materials, restricted matter, or perishable
matter to be transported by air.
252 Guidelines for Dispatch Personnel
The following guidelines for Postal Service dispatch personnel are general in
nature. Specific dispatch procedures for Postal Service operational
employees are in the POM and applicable to the class and content of the
a. Make sure that the hazardous material, restricted matter, or perishable
matter is given proper handling to avoid damage or danger.
b. Ensure that all mailpieces with a hazardous-materials mark or label are
separated from all other mail and are placed into labeled containers
further separated by transportation type. See
327.1a and 327.1b.
c. Tender to the air carrier only those mailpieces that are properly
packaged and marked. Before a shipment is tendered to a carrier,
make sure that:
(1) A proper and strong packaging method is used.
(2) A secure method of package closure is used, and there is no
visual evidence of leakage or damage. (If damage is detected,
isolate the damaged mailpiece and notify the appropriate
personnel in case of accident or incident and for proper spill
(3) The outer packaging bears all required markings and/or labels.
(4) A properly completed shipping paper is attached to the outside of
the mailpiece and to the dispatch document. The shipping paper
must include the information detailed in
326 and Exhibit 326.
(5) If the mailpiece contains a material believed to be nonmailable,
remove it from the mailstream and treat it in accordance with
POM 139.117-118, as appropriate.
See Chapter 7 for more information regarding the air transportation of
mailable hazardous materials, restricted matter, or perishable matter.
253 Guidelines for Delivery and Collection Personnel
Delivery and collection personnel must follow these procedures when
delivering and collecting mail:
a. Conduct a thorough examination of all sides of the mailpiece for
hazardous-material labels and markings or any nonmailable hazardous
characteristics (e.g., prohibited marks or labels). If the mailpiece is
nonmailable, leaking, or stained, do not collect it; notify the customer if
present, and contact the supervisor.
b. Ensure that mailable hazardous materials are separated from all other
September 7, 2023 21
3 Hazardous Materials
31 Definition
A hazardous material is any article or substance designated by the U.S.
Department of Transportation as being capable of posing an unreasonable
risk to health, safety, or property during transportation. In international
commerce, hazardous materials are known as “dangerous goods.” For
definitions of other terms that relate to hazardous materials, see Appendix
32 General
321 U.S. Department of Transportation
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is the federal agency
responsible for regulating the carriage of hazardous materials within the
United States via any mode of transportation (e.g., highway, rail, air, water).
The federal regulations of the DOT are codified in Title 49 Code of Federal
Regulations (49 CFR), which contains the DOT’s detailed specifications for
packaging, marking, and labeling hazardous materials. Title 49 CFR also
exempts or establishes other requirements for limited quantities and small
quantities of hazardous materials. USPS mailing standards for hazardous
materials generally adhere to 49 CFR, but also include many additional
limitations and prohibitions.
322 Postal Service
The carriage of U.S. Mail by the Postal Service is regulated by Title 39 Code
of Federal Regulations (39 CFR) and is not subject to the federal regulations
in 49 CFR that apply to commercial carriers. Unlike commercial carriers, the
Postal Service is subject to the restrictions in Title 18 United States
Code 1716 (18 U.S.C. 1716), which prohibits from mailing all matter that is
outwardly or of its own force dangerous to life, health, or property (see
As a result, most hazardous materials are nonmailable.
Accordingly, for legal and safety reasons, although mailing standards for
hazardous materials in this publication closely adhere to 49 CFR, the
standards also include many additional limitations and prohibitions and often
are more restrictive than the requirements of other commercial carriers. For
example, 49 CFR allows commercial shippers to send flammable materials
by air, but the Postal Service prohibits the mailing of all flammable materials
via air transportation.
323 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
22 Publication 52
Postal Service standards generally limit the mailing of hazardous materials to
Limited Quantity surface materials or Limited Quantity air materials as
defined in
332 through 336, that meet USPS quantity limitations and
packaging requirements. This allowance is limited to the following:
a. Toy propellant devices and safety fuses in Division 1.4S, as permitted
b. Toxic substances in Division 6.1 that have an LD50 for oral toxicity of
greater than 5 mg/kg but less than 50 mg/kg, as permitted in
c. Infectious substances (etiologic agents) and medical wastes in
Division 6.2, as permitted in 346.23.
d. Radioactive materials in Class 7 that fall within the specific activity
limits permitted in
347 and Exhibit 347.22.
e. Lithium batteries, dry ice, and magnetized materials, as permitted in
323 Mailer Responsibility
323.1 General
Full responsibility rests with the mailer to comply with all Postal Service and
non-Postal Service laws and regulations in mailing hazardous material.
Anyone who mails, or causes to be mailed, a nonmailable or improperly
packaged hazardous material may be subject to legal penalties (i.e., fines
and/or imprisonment), including but not limited to those specified in 18
U.S.C. Transporting hazardous materials before entry as U.S. Mail and after
receipt from the Postal Service is subject to DOT regulations.
323.2 Service Type Codes
Mailers tendering to the Postal Service packages containing hazardous
materials must use a unique Service Type Code (STC) for domestic
outbound and return packages that corresponds to the product being
shipped (e.g., Priority Mail, Parcel Select Lightweight, and USPS Ground
Advantage). The STC is required regardless of whether mailpieces are
entered at origin or for destination entry. If purchasing an eligible extra
service, mailers must use the STC indicating the product and extra service.
Extra services permitted with hazardous materials mailings are:
a. Signature Confirmation.
b. Insurance less than or equal to $500.
c. Insurance over $500.
d. Signature Requested for Priority Mail Express.
e. Adult Signature over 21 for Priority Mail Express (tobacco/Electronic
Nicotine Delivery System [ENDS] products).
f. Adult Signature over 21 for Priority Mail (ENDS products).
A list of HAZMAT STCs and ESCs is in Appendix G and Pub 199.
Hazardous Materials 324
September 7, 2023 23
323.3 Extra Service Codes
Mailers tendering to the Postal Service packages containing hazardous
materials must use ESC 857. Mailers may optionally use one of 23 unique
content-specific Extra Service Codes (ESC) for domestic outbound and
return packages that corresponds to the specific category of hazardous
material contained within the mailpiece. If one of the content-specific ESC is
used, then ESC 857 may be omitted when not enough extra-service code
fields are available for the package details. A list of ESCs is in Appendix G
and Publication 199.
Note: While using the content-specific ESC is currently a recommended
practice, the Postal Service may make this requirement mandatory in the
323.4 Additional GS1 DotMatrix (2D) IMpb
Effective January 21, 2024, in addition to including the appropriate STC in
the one-dimensional GS1-128 IMpb barcode on the address label, the Postal
Service requires adding two (2) supplemental GS1-DataMatrix (2D) IMpbs to
domestic shipping labels for mailpieces containing hazardous materials —
one in the address block to the left of the delivery address and one in the
lower right corner of the shipping label. For more information on the GS1-
DataMatrix (2D) IMpbs, see GS1 (2D) information and barcode specifications
at and
323.5 Shipping Service File
Mailers shipping hazardous materials domestically utilizing PC Postage, eVS,
USPS Ship, and/or ePostage platforms must incorporate the applicable
Service Type Code (STC) and/or Extra Service Code (ESC) listed in
G and Publication 199 and transmit a Shipping Services File (SSF),
using Version 1.7 or higher, or Shipping Partner Event File (SPEF), using
Version 5.0 or higher, to the Postal Service before, or concurrent with
tendering any hazardous materials shipments.
323.6 Legacy Postage and Hard-Copy Postage Statements
Mailers using legacy postage meters or hard-copy postage forms must
present hazardous materials mailings to a Postal Service retail or business
mail entry unit for acceptance.
323.7 USPS-Generated Shipping Labels
At the time of label generation, mailers using a label that USPS generated
(including but not limited to USPS APIs, WebTools, Click-n-Ship, or
Merchant Returns Application) must indicate whether the shipment contains
hazardous materials.
324 Mailability Rulings
For information on how to request a mailability ruling for a specific hazardous
material, follow the procedures outlined in
325 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
24 Publication 52
325 DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels and
325.1 General Requirements
All required hazardous materials warning labels and markings must be placed
on the address side of the package. Only in limited situations where sufficient
space does not exist, DOT markings may be placed on a side adjacent to the
address. Markings and labels must not be placed on the bottom of a package or
envelope. Other markings required by the Postal Service or other federal
regulatory agencies also must appear on the address side of any mailpiece
containing hazardous material, restricted matter, or perishable matter. Specific
text markings that are required, must be printed on the address side of the
All DOT hazardous materials warning labels and markings must be:
a. Displayed on the same surface of the package and near the proper
shipping name.
b. Displayed next to each other (within six inches) when more than one
marking or label is required.
c. Printed on or affixed to a background of contrasting color or must have a
dotted or solid line outer boundary.
d. Clearly visible; and not obscured by any mark or attachment.
e. Durable and weather-resistant.
f. Oriented as a diamond (square-on-point).
g. At least 100 mm (3.9 inches) on each side, unless specified in 325.1 and
h. Printed with solid line inner border at least 5mm inside and parallel to the
edge, and the border widths must be at least 2 mm.
Limited Quantity or UN3373 markings may be permitted to be displayed at a
reduced size with special authorization from the director, Product Classification
214 for address).
325.2 Nonmailable Warning Labels and Marks
In commerce, packages containing hazardous materials must display the
appropriate DOT hazardous materials warning label and markings. Except as
provided in Exhibit 325.3, any mailpiece bearing or required to bear one of the
labels shown in Exhibit 325.2 under 49 CFR, is prohibited from mailing.
Note: The labels shown in the exhibits are not shown to size. DOT
warning labels must meet the size and color requirements in 49 CFR
§172.407 through 172.446 unless special authorization from the director,
Product Classification, is obtained as outlined in
Hazardous Materials 325.2
September 7, 2023 25
Exhibit 325.2
DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels: PROHIBITED IN THE MAIL
325.3 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
26 Publication 52
325.3 Mailable Warning Labels
The warning labels shown in Exhibit 325.3a, Exhibit 325.3b, and Exhibit
325.4 may appear only on mailpieces containing mailable hazardous
materials that require use of the label under Postal Service requirements.
n 5.1, 5.2, Class 8 and Class 9 labels are only permitted when used in
conjunction with a Limited Quantity air mark.
Exhibit 325.3a
DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels: PERMITTED ON MAILABLE
Exhibit 325.3b
DOT Hazardous Material Warning Labels: PERMITTED FOR MAILABLE
325.4 Limited Quantity Markings
Unless specified in 221.1 and 325.1, each mailpiece containing a mailable
hazardous material must be plainly and du
rably marked on the address side
with the required shipping name and UN identification numbers.
Requirements for the use of DOT Limited Quantity markings intended for air
and surface transportation are as follows:
a. Marking description: The top and bottom portions of the square-on-
t marking and the border forming the square-on-point marking
must be black and the center must be white or of a suitable contrasting
background. See
Exhibit 325.4.
b. Markings must be durable, leg
ible, and readily visible.
Hazardous Materials 325.5
September 7, 2023 27
c. The border forming the square-on-point marking must be at least 2 mm
08 inch) in width and the minimum dimension of each side of the
marking must be 100 mm (3.94 inches), unless the package size
requires a reduced size marking of no less than 50 mm (1.97 inches) on
each side.
d. Applying a reduced-size (50mm or 25mm with a DOT Special Permit)
ed quantity mark requires prior written approval from the director
of Product Classification (see
214 for address).
e. For transportation by aircraft, the air Limited Quantity mark must have
he symbol ‘‘Y’’ in black color inside the center of the square-on-point
mark and be clearly visible. Mailpieces intended for transport by air
must also be marked with the proper shipping name and identification
number, and display the appropriate DOT-associated marking when
required for the hazard class shipped in accordance in this publication.
f. For surface transportation, a Limited Quantity ground mark (square-on-
int) is not required to include the proper shipping name and
identification number.
Exhibit 325.4
DOT Hazardous Material Warning Labels: PERMITTED FOR LIMITED
325.5 Excepted Quantity Labels
Hazardous materials eligible to be shipped under the excepted quantity provision, as
described in 49 CFR 173.4a and 337.2, must be prepared following Packaging Instruc-
tion 10B in Appendix C. Each mailpiece must be
ar a DOT-approved excepted quantity
marking, shown in Exhibit 325.4, under the following conditions:
a. The “*” must be replaced by the primary hazard class, or when
assigned, the division of each of the hazardous materials contained in
the package.
b. The “**” must be replaced by the name of the mail owner or mail
ervice provider if not shown elsewhere on the package.
c. The marking must be located on the address side of the mailpiece, not
less than 3.9 inches (100 mm) by 3.9 inches (100 mm), and must be
durable and clearly visible.
326 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
28 Publication 52
Exhibit 325.5
Excepted Quantity Marking
326 Shipping Papers
A shipping paper is defined as a shipping order, bill of lading, waybill,
manifest, or any other document used to identify a hazardous material being
offered for transport. A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods (shipping
paper) prepared under 49 CFR 172.200 through 172.205 is required for
certain types of hazardous materials when mailed. A sample form is shown in
Exhibit 326. The shipping paper must be completed and signed in triplicate
by the mailer. It must be affixed to the outside of the mailpiece within an
velope or similar carrier that can be easily opened and resealed to allow
viewing of the document. Shipping papers are required as follows:
a. Air Tr
ansportation. Most mailable hazardous materials must be
accompanied by a shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods
(shipping paper). To determine which mailable hazardous materials
require a shipping paper when sent via air transportation, refer to the
appropriate sections in this chapter and the appropriate Packaging
Instruction in Appendix
b. Sur
face Transportation. Certain mailable hazardous material may
require a properly prepared shipping paper. To determine which
mailable hazardous materials require a shipping paper when sent via
surface transportation, refer to the appropriate sections in this chapter,
and the appropriate Packaging Instruction in Appendix
Neither DOT nor the Postal Service makes blank shipper’s declaration forms
ailable to shippers of hazardous materials. It is the responsibility of the
shipper to obtain forms meeting the format specifications in 49 CFR from
commercial printers, vendors, or internet retailers. The shipper is also
responsible for properly completing the form prior to mailing.
Hazardous Materials 326
September 7, 2023 29
Exhibit 326
Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods (Sample Form)
327 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
30 Publication 52
327 Transportation Requirements
327.1 General
a. Air Transportation. When eligibility for air transportation is sought,
mailable hazardous materials eligible for air transportation per
subchapter 34 must be sent as Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail.
Mailers must prepare mailpieces to meet all requirements that apply to
air transportation. Mailpieces must be properly packaged and labeled
within DMM requirements and the operator variations of the air carrier.
When required, a shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods must be
affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
Note: Mailable hazardous materials that are prohibited from air
transportation may not be sent as Priority Mail Express or Priority
b. Surface Transportation. All hazardous materials eligible to be sent as
Parcel Select Lightweight or USPS Ground Advantage must be
prepared under the requirements that apply to surface transportation.
A mailpiece containing mailable hazardous materials utilizing Parcel
Select Lightweight or USPS Ground Advantage must not, under any
circumstance, be transported on air transportation, except for items in
327.2 Air Transportation Prohibitions
All mailable hazardous materials sent as Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail
must meet the requirements for air transportation. The following types of
hazardous materials are always prohibited on air transportation regardless of
class of mail:
a. Explosives.
b. Anything susceptible to damage or that can become harmful because
of changes in temperature or atmospheric pressures unless protected
against the effects of such changes.
c. Magnetic material that has a field strength sufficient to cause a
compass deviation at a distance of 7 feet or more from any point on the
outer packaging.
d. Flammable materials (gases, liquids, and solids).
e. Radioactive materials.
f. UN3090 lithium metal batteries (including lithium alloy batteries) and
UN3480 lithium-ion batteries (including lithium polymer batteries).
g. Used, damaged, or defective electronic devices (excluding devices
that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or
refurbished devices) containing or packaged with lithium batteries (see
349.12e). For those ZIP Codes that are air transportation only due to
the absence of ground transportation, a multimodal-transportation
solution may be used to transport used, damaged, or defective
electronic devices containing or packed with lithium batteries. See
F for a list of 5-digit ZIP Codes where this exception applies.
h. Materials excluded from air shipment by DOT regulations (49 CFR 100-
185) or of the applicable state (country) or air carrier operator variations.
Hazardous Materials 331
September 7, 2023 31
328 Postal Service Hazardous Materials Table
Appendix A, “Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide,”
contains a modified version of the DOT Hazardous Materials Table found in
49 CFR 172.101. Appendix
A lists the hazardous materials from 49 CFR and
identifies eligibility for mailing in the domestic mail via air and surface
transportation. The table can be used to determine the mailability of a
hazardous material if the proper shipping name of the material is known.
When only the UN number is known, Appendix
B, “Numerical Listing of
Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number,” can be used to locate
a proper shipping name for cross referencing back to Appendix A.
The mailability information in Appendix A is based on the Department of
Transportation requirements in this publication and past Postal Service
mailability rulings. The table does not include specific information for
international mail because almost all hazardous materials are prohibited in
international mail. See Chapter
6 for the specific requirements that apply to
international mail.
329 Presentation of Hazardous-Materials Mailings
With the exception of destination-entered mail entered at a DDU, DSCF, or
DNDC, each mailer of mailable hazardous materials requiring a label or
marking must do the following:
a. Present mailpieces containing hazardous materials separately from any
mailpieces not containing hazardous materials. Where mailpieces are
tendered in containers, pallets, or other mail transport equipment (see
Handbook PO-502, Mail Transport Equipment), hazardous-materials
mailpieces must be presented in a separate receptacle from non-
hazardous-materials mailpieces.
b. Clearly mark an exterior side of all receptacles containing hazardous-
materials mailpieces as “HAZMAT.”
33 Hazard Classes
331 Nine Classes
Every hazardous material is assigned to one of nine hazard classes as
defined in 49 CFR 172.101 and 173. The nine hazard classes are as follows:
a. Class 1: Explosives.
b. Class 2: Gases.
c. Class 3: Flammable and Combustible Liquids.
d. Class 4: Flammable Solids.
e. Class 5: Oxidizing Substances, Organic Peroxides.
f. Class 6: Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances.
g. Class 7: Radioactive Materials.
h. Class 8: Corrosives.
i. Class 9: Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials.
331 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
32 Publication 52
Some of the nine hazard classes are further separated into divisions based
on their physical or chemical properties. For postal purposes,
Exhibit 331
summarizes the mailability of hazardous materials by hazard class.
Exhibit 331
DOT Hazard Classes and Postal Mailability
Name of Hazard Class
(and Division when applicable)
Domestic Mail International
Mail and
1 Explosives
Division 1.1: Mass Explosive Hazard Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Division 1.2: Projection Hazard Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Division 1.3: Fire and/or Minor Blast/
Minor Projection Hazard
Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Division 1.4: Minor Explosion Hazard Prohibited Only with prior HQ
approval per 341.2c
Division 1.5: Very Insensitive With Mass
Explosion Hazard
Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Division 1.6: Extremely Insensitive; No
Mass Explosion Hazard
Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2 Gases
Division 2.1: Flammable Gases Prohibited Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 342
Division 2.2: Nonflammable Gases ID8000 material
per 342
Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 342
Division 2.3: Toxic Gases Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
3 Flammable and Combustible Liquids
All Flammable Liquids Prohibited Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 343
All Combustible Liquids ID8000 material
per 343
Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 343
4 Flammable Solids
Division 4.1: Flammable Solids Prohibited Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 344
Division 4.2: Spontaneously Combustible Prohibited Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 344
Division 4.3: Dangerous When Wet Prohibited Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 344
5 Oxidizing Substances, Organic Peroxides
Hazardous Materials 332
September 7, 2023 33
332 Limited Quantity
A limited quantity of a hazardous material is the maximum amount of a
specific hazardous material exempted from DOT labeling or packaging
requirements in 49 CFR. To be eligible to ship under the DOT Limited
Quantity provision, a hazardous material must list an exception in column 8A
of the Hazardous Materials Table in 49 CFR 172.101. Not every hazardous
material is eligible to be shipped as a limited quantity.
Division 5.1: Oxidizing Substances Only Limited
Quantity Air
material per 345
Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 345
Division 5.2: Organic Peroxides Only Limited
Quantity Air
material material
per 345
Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 345
6 Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances
Division 6.1: Toxic Substances ID8000 material
per 346; other
poisons as
permitted in
Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 346;
other poisons as
permitted in
Division 6.2: Infectious Substances Only as permitted
in 346
Only as permitted
in 346
Only First-Class
Service with
Registered Mail
service per 622
7 Radioactive Material Prohibited Only per 347 Only First-Class
Service with
Registered Mail
service per 622
8 Corrosives (Liquids And Solids) Only Limited
Quantity Air
material per 348
Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material per 348
9 Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials
ID8000 materials, UN3077, UN3082,
UN3334, or UN3335 materials
ID8000 material
and other
materials as
permitted in 349
Only Limited
Quantity Surface
material and other
materials as
permitted in 349
except for
materials per
349 and 622.4
and lithium
batteries per
Exhibit 331
DOT Hazard Classes and Postal Mailability
Name of Hazard Class
(and Division when applicable)
Domestic Mail International
Mail and
333 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
34 Publication 52
Under Postal Service requirements, only certain hazard classes and divisions
may be eligible to ship as a Limited Quantity. A material meeting the eligibility
criteria for shipment as a Limited Quantity material is mailable via ground
(surface) and in some instances air transportation, only if it can be further
reclassified as a Consumer Commodity material. It is the responsibility of the
mailer to know the correct DOT hazard class of a hazardous material before
mailing (see
323). When assistance is needed to determine eligibility for
mailing, the mailer may request a ruling from the PCSC as outlined in 215.
333 Consumer Commodity
Consumer commodity is a hazardous material that is packaged and
distributed in a quantity and form intended or suitable for retail sale and
designed for consumption by individuals for their personal care or household
uses. This term can also include certain drugs or medicines.
Not all hazardous material permitted to be shipped as a Limited Quantity
qualify as a consumer commodity. The Postal Service does not apply the
consumer commodity category to materials intended for air transportation in
Hazard Class 5, Class 8, and portions of Class 9. (see 334). The Consumer
Commodity category is unique to the United States, and its use is prohibited
with international mail.
It is the responsibility of the mailer to know the correct DOT hazard class of a
hazardous material before mailing (see
When assistance is needed to determine eligibility for mailing, the mailer may
request a ruling from the PCSC as outlined in
334 USPS Limited Quantity Air Materials
The USPS Limited Quantity Air classification applies to certain hazardous
materials within Hazard Classes 5, 8, and 9 that are permitted specifically in
the Postal Service for air transport. The Limited Quantity air category and
marking may be used in domestic mail only and is prohibited in international
It is the responsibility of the mailer to know the correct DOT hazard class of a
hazardous material before mailing (see
When assistance is needed to determine eligibility for mailing, the mailer may
request a ruling from the PCSC as outlined in
335 ID8000 Materials
A miscellaneous hazardous class specific to certain materials within
2, 3, 6.1, and 9 that can qualify as a mailable consumer commodity
material and are reclassed as ID8000 when intended for air transportation is
permitted for domestic mail, subject to the applicable 49 CFR requirements.
Mailpieces must bear the DOT square-on-point marking including the symbol
“Y,” Identification Number “ID8000,” the proper shipping name “Consumer
Commodity,” and an approved DOT Class 9 hazardous material warning
Hazardous Materials 337.3
September 7, 2023 35
336 USPS Limited Quantity Surface Materials
This category is only applicable for materials that present a limited hazard
during transportation due to their form, quantity, and packaging. It is
intended for surface transportation and is unique to domestic Postal Service
networks. The following applies:
a. Limited Quantity Surface Materials are prohibited in Priority Mail
Express, Priority Mail and all classes of international mail.
b. Placing surface transportation labels or associated text markings on
any air-eligible mail service to circumvent air transportation is
c. These materials generally must also qualify as a consumer commodity
to be permitted in the Postal Service network.
d. This material includes those previously classified as ORM-D (“Other
Regulated Material”). See
332 and Appendix A.
337 Excepted Quantity
337.1 Definition
An excepted quantity is a defined amount of a specific hazardous material,
eligible for transport aboard passenger aircraft, which is not subject to any
DOT requirements (e.g., packaging, marking, labeling, etc.) other than those
in 49 CFR 173.4a. Very few hazardous materials can be shipped under the
excepted quantity provision. Additionally, for Postal Service purposes, Class
1, Class 2, Class 4, Division 6.2, and Class 7 materials are not permitted to
be sent as an excepted quantity. The excepted quantity provision is
applicable to domestic mail only, and its use is prohibited for international
shipments or APO/FPO/DPO mail. The excepted quantity provision can be
used in domestic air or surface transportation (highway, rail, or vessel).
337.2 Mailability
Only materials authorized for transport aboard passenger aircraft in
accordance with 49 CFR 172.101 and appropriately classed within one of the
following hazard classes or divisions may be mailed as an excepted quantity:
a. Class 3, Packing Groups II and III;
b. Division 5.1, Packing Groups II and III;
c. Division 5.2 materials, only when contained in a chemical kit, first aid
kit, or polyester resin kit;
d. Division 6.1, Packing Group III only;
e. Class 8, Packing Groups II and III only, except for UN2803, Gallium and
UN2809, Mercury; and
f. Class 9, except for UN1845, Carbon dioxide, solid, or Dry ice, and
lithium batteries.
337.3 Additional Restrictions
Materials identified in Appendix A as prohibited under column E, USPS
Mailability, are ineligible for mailing under the excepted quantity provision
without regard to their hazard class, division, or packing group.
337.4 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
36 Publication 52
337.4 Quantities
The maximum quantity of hazardous materials in each inner (primary)
packaging is limited to 30 g (1 ounce) or 30 ml (1 ounce) for solids or liquids.
The maximum aggregate quantity of hazardous material in any mailpiece
cannot exceed:
1. For Packing Group II materials and Class 9 materials, 500 g (1.1 lbs.)
for solids or 500 ml (.1 gallon) for liquids.
2. For Packing Group III materials, 1 kg (2.2 lbs.) for solids or 1 liter (0.2
gallon) for liquids.
3. For Division 5.2 materials, 500 g (1.1 lbs.) for solids or 500 ml (.1 gallon)
for liquids.
337.5 Packaging and Marking
Hazardous materials eligible to be shipped under the excepted quantity
provision, as described in 49 CFR 173.4a and 337.2, must be prepared
following Packaging Instruction 10B in Appendix C. Mailers entering
mailpieces under the USPS excepted quantity provision must meet the
requirements for packaging materials, and mailpieces must be in compliance
with the package tests regulations in 49 CFR 173.4a. Each mailpiece must
bear a DOT-approved Excepted Quantity marking (see
221.1 and 325.5). If
applicable, include documentation as provided in 49 CFR § 173.4a.
338 Small Quantity
338.1 Definition
A small quantity is the maximum amount of a specific hazardous material that
when transported by domestic highway and rail transportation is not subject
to any DOT requirements (e.g., packaging, marking, labeling, etc.) other than
those specified in 49 CFR 173.4. Not every hazardous material is eligible to
be shipped as a small quantity. Additionally, for Postal Service purposes,
Class 1, Class 2, Division 6.2, and Class 7 materials are not permitted to be
sent as a small quantity.
The small-quantity provision is applicable to domestic mail only, and its use
is prohibited for international shipments or APO/FPO/DPO mail. The small-
quantity provision must only be used for domestic surface transportation
(highway or rail).
338.2 Mailability
Hazardous materials listed in the following categories are eligible to be sent
in domestic mail under the small-quantity provision, via surface
transportation, only when each primary receptacle is limited to 30 milliliters (1
ounce) or less for liquids and 30 grams (1 ounce) or less for solids, as
a. Class 3.
b. Division 4.1.
c. Division 4.2 (Packing Groups II and III only).
d. Division 4.3 (Packing Groups II and III only).
Hazardous Materials 341.1
September 7, 2023 37
e. Division 5.1.
f. Division 5.2.
g. Division 6.1 (Packing Group III only).
h. Class 8.
i. Class 9.
338.3 Additional Restrictions
Materials identified in Appendix A as prohibited in table columns (e),
“Domestic Mail Air,” and (f), “Domestic Mail Surface,” are ineligible for
mailing under the small-quantity provision without regard to their hazard
class, division or packing group.
338.4 Packaging and Marking
Hazardous materials eligible to be shipped under the small-quantity
provision permitted in 49 CFR and 338.2 must be prepared following
Packaging Instruction 10A in Appendix C. Each mailpiece that qualifies to be
sent under the small-quantity provision must be clearly marked on the
address side with the following words: “This package conforms to 49 CFR
173.4 for domestic highway or rail transport only.”
339 Packaging Requirements for Hazardous Materials
339.1 DOT Packing Groups
Hazardous materials in Classes 3, 4, 5, Division 6.1, Class 8 and some
9 substances are assigned to a DOT packing group based on the
degree of danger presented by the material during transport. The packing
group assigned to a hazardous material is listed in column 5 of the
Hazardous Material Table in 49 CFR 172.101 and in column (d) of
A. Packaging Group designators are always written in Roman
numerals, for example “PG II.” Packing Group I indicates a great danger,
Packing Group II a medium danger, and Packing Group III a minor danger.
339.2 Postal Service Packaging Instructions
For mailing purposes, the packaging of a mailable hazardous material must
follow the appropriate Packaging Instruction in Appendix
C. The correct
Packaging Instruction to use for a specific hazardous material can be
determined using Appendix
Mailers may not package or combine hazardous materials assigned to
different hazard classes within a single mailpiece unless permitted by Postal
Service standard.
34 Mailability by Hazard Class
341 Explosives (Hazard Class 1)
341.1 Definition
An explosive is any substance or article, including a device, that is designed
to function by explosion (an extremely rapid release of gas and heat) or that,
341.11 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
38 Publication 52
by chemical reaction within itself, is able to function in a similar manner even
if not designed to function by explosion, unless the substance or article is
otherwise classed under the provisions in 49 CFR.
341.11 Class 1 Divisions
Hazard Class 1 has six divisions as follows:
a. Division 1.1 consists of explosives that have a mass explosion hazard.
Examples are black powder, nitroglycerine (desensitized), dynamite,
most types of torpedoes, and mercury fulminate.
b. Division 1.2 consists of explosives that have a projection hazard but
not a mass explosion hazard. Examples are certain types of fireworks,
some types of detonating fuses, and some types of ammunition.
c. Division 1.3 consists of explosives that have a fire hazard and either a
minor blast or minor projection hazard or both, but not a mass
explosion hazard. Examples are sodium picramate, some liquid and
solid propellants, and some rocket motors.
d. Division 1.4 consists of explosives that present a minor blast hazard.
Examples are common fireworks, toy caps, empty primed grenades,
and some small arms ammunition.
e. Division 1.5 consists of very insensitive explosives that have a mass
explosion hazard. Examples are type E blasting agents, some type
blasting agents, and very insensitive explosive substances.
f. Division 1.6 consists of extremely insensitive articles that do not have a
mass explosion hazard.
341.12 Class 1 Compatibility Codes
Each division in Class 1 is further assigned a compatibility group code. The
compatibility code consists of one letter (A–H, J–L, N, or S) that is positioned
after the division number (e.g., 1.1A, 1.2C, 1.4S) and refers to the
transportation and storage controls necessary to prevent potential hazards.
See 49 CFR 173.52 for a more detailed description of the Class 1
compatibility codes.
341.2 Mailability, Packaging, and Marking
Explosives are generally prohibited from mailing under 18 U.S.C. 1716. The
following conditions apply to the mailing of explosives:
a. International Mail. All explosives are prohibited.
b. Domestic Mail via Air Transportation. All explosives are prohibited.
c. Domestic Mail via Surface Transportation. Generally, explosives are
prohibited. The only exceptions are for Division 1.4S toy propellant
devices and safety fuses that have been approved by the director,
Product Classification, USPS Headquarters, Washington, DC, before
mailing as stated in
341. A shipping paper is required.
341.21 Nonmailable Explosives
Nonmailable explosives found in the mailstream must be immediately
reported in accordance with POM 139.117.
Hazardous Materials 341.22
September 7, 2023 39
Nonmailable explosives include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Common Fireworks. Fireworks are classified as Division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or
1.4 explosives depending on the degree of hazard. Fireworks include
roman candles, skyrockets, helicopter-type rockets, cylindrical and
cone fountains, pyrotechnic wheels, illuminating torches, firecrackers,
salutes, and combinations of items that are designed to produce any of
the aforementioned types of effects. All types of fireworks are
prohibited from mailing.
b. Fuses. Fuses are classified as Division 1.3 or 1.4 explosives depending
on the degree of hazard. All types of fuses (except safety fuses as
permitted under
341.22) are prohibited from mailing.
c. Small Arms Ammunition. Ammunition is classified as a Division 1.1, 1.2,
1.3, or 1.4 explosive, depending on the degree of hazard. Ammunition
that is regulated as a Class 1 explosive and designed to be fired from a
pistol, revolver, rifle, or shotgun, as well as associated primers and
blank cartridges (including those designed for tools) and propellant
powder for use in any firearm, is prohibited from mailing.
341.22 Mailable Explosives
The following specific types of explosives may be mailed only when the
applicable conditions are met. Full responsibility rests with the mailer to
comply with Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE)
regulations before mailing.
a. Toy Propellant Devices. The proper shipping name for a toy propellant
device is “model rocket motor” or “igniters.” A toy propellant device
assigned UN0454 or NA0323 and classed as a Division 1.4S explosive
is eligible for mailing in domestic mail via surface transportation only
when prior written permission has been obtained from the director,
Product Classification, USPS Headquarters, Washington, DC. A device
approved for mailing is subject to the following conditions:
(1) Each device must be ignitable by electrical means only; contain
no more than 30 g (1.07 oz) of propellant; and produce less than
80 newton seconds of total impulse with thrust duration not less
than 0.050 second.
(2) Each device must be constructed so that all chemical ingredients
are preloaded into a cylindrical paper or similarly constructed
nonmetallic tube that does not fragment into sharp, hard pieces;
must be designed so that it will not burst under normal
conditions of use; must be incapable of spontaneous ignition
under 500° F; and must not contain any type of explosive or
pyrotechnic warhead other than a small, activation-charge,
parachute-recovery system.
(3) Each mailpiece containing approved devices must be prepared
for mailing following Packaging Instruction 1A in Appendix
C. A
shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is required.
b. Safety Fuses (UN0105). Safety fuses consist of a core of black powder
over-spun with yarns, waterproofing compounds, and/or tapes. Safety
fuses assigned UN0105 as a Division 1.4S explosive may be mailed in
342 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
40 Publication 52
domestic mail via surface transportation only when prior written
approval has been granted by the director, Product Classification,
USPS Headquarters, Washington, DC. Mailable safety fuses must be
prepared using Packaging Instruction 1B in Appendix
C. A shipper’s
declaration for dangerous goods is required.
Note: “Safety Fuses” are not to be confused with “fusees.” Fusees
are rail and highway distress signals that are nonmailable Class 4
flammable solids.
c. Shotgun Hulls, Empty Casings, Nonmetallic Shotgun Hulls, or Casings
Without Primers. These articles are not classified as explosives or
hazardous materials under 49 CFR and, therefore, are mailable subject
to the applicable mailing rules (see
342 Gases (Hazard Class 2)
342.1 Definition
Hazard Class 2 consists of three divisions:
a. Division 2.1, Flammable Gases. A material that is a gas at 68° F (20° C)
or less and 14.7 psi (101.3 kPa) of pressure. Flammable gases also
include materials that have a boiling point of 68° F (20° C) or less at
14.7 psi (101.3 kPa) and that are ignitable at 14.7 psi (101.3 kPa) when
in a mixture of 13 percent or less by volume with air or that have a
flammable range at 14.7 psi (101.3 kPa) with air of at least 12 percent
regardless of the lower limit. These conditions must be established in
accordance with ASTM E681–85, Standard Test Method for
Concentration Limits of Flammability of Chemicals, or other approved
equivalent method. The flammability of aerosols must be determined
using the tests specified in 49 CFR 173.306(i).
b. Division 2.2, Nonflammable, Nontoxic Gases. A material that does not
meet the definition of Division 2.1 or 2.3 and exerts in its packaging an
absolute pressure of 40.6 psia (280 kPa) or greater at 68° F (20° C).
c. Division 2.3, Toxic Gases. A material that is poisonous by inhalation
and is a gas at 68° F (20° C) or less and a pressure of 14.7 psi (101.3
kPa), or a material that has a boiling point of 68° F (20° C) or less at
14.7 psi (101.3 kPa).
342.2 Mailability
342.21 General
The following conditions apply to the mailing of gases:
a. International Mail. All gases are prohibited.
b. Domestic Mail via Air Transportation. Flammable gases in Division 2.1
and toxic gases in Division 2.3 are prohibited. Nonflammable gases in
Division 2.2 are generally permitted if the material can qualify as a
ID8000 material (see
335) and meet the quantity limitations and
packaging requirements in 342.3 and 342.4.
Hazardous Materials 342.23
September 7, 2023 41
c. Domestic Mail via Surface Transportation. Toxic gases in Division 2.3
are prohibited. Flammable gases in Division 2.1 and nonflammable
gases in Division 2.2 are generally permitted if the material can qualify
as a Limited Quantity surface material and meet the quantity limitations
and packaging requirements in
342.3 and 342.4.
342.22 Nonmailable Gases
When any gas that is nonmailable is discovered in the mailstream, the
procedures in POM 139.117 must be followed if the materials present an
immediate threat to persons or property. The procedures in POM 139.118
are followed when there is no immediate threat to persons or property.
The following are some specific types of nonmailable gases:
a. Cigarette Lighters (NA1057). Generally, lighters charged with fuel and
having an ignition system or any similar heating, lighting, or ignition
device are a Class 3 flammable liquid and are nonmailable. However, if
an approval number is obtained from DOT, consideration for mailing
may be requested from the director, PCSC, under the provisions in
b. Oxygen, Refrigerated Liquid. Liquid oxygen (UN1073) is prohibited
from mailing under any circumstances.
c. Fire Extinguishers. Fire extinguishers (UN0275, UN0276, UN0323, or
UN0381) that contain propellant explosives are prohibited from mailing.
Note: See 342.23 for mailable types of fire extinguishers.
d. Toxic Gases. All Division 2.3 toxic gases are prohibited from mailing.
342.23 Mailable Gases
The following are examples of mailable gases:
a. Butane. Butane (UN1011) and Receptacles, small (UN2037) with
butane or butane mixtures are Division 2.1 flammable gases. Butane
gases that qualify as a Limited Quantity surface material are
acceptable only in domestic mail via surface transportation when
properly prepared under
342.3 and Packaging Instruction 2A in
Appendix C.
b. Oxygen, Compressed. Oxygen (UN1072) is a Division 2.2
nonflammable gas and is acceptable in domestic mail only if it can
qualify as a Limited Quantity material. The requirements in
342.3 and
Packaging Instruction 2B in Appendix C must be followed.
c. Propane. Propane is a Division 2.1 flammable gas and is acceptable in
domestic mail via surface transportation only if it can qualify as a
Limited Quantity ground material. The requirements in
342.3 and
Packaging Instruction 2A in Appendix C must be followed. Propane is
nonmailable in domestic mail via air transportation.
d. Fire Extinguishers. Extinguishers that contain a Division 2.2
nonflammable compressed gas and are assigned UN1044 are mailable
if they do not contain methyl bromide gas mixtures and the contents
are held in DOT specification 2P or 2Q containers. Only one
extinguisher per mailpiece is permitted, and the compressed gas
contained within the fire extinguisher must be nonflammable,
342.3 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
42 Publication 52
nonpoisonous, or noncorrosive as required under 49 CFR 173.309(a).
The requirements in Packaging Instruction 2B in Appendix
C must be
Note: Fire extinguishers assigned UN1774 are mailable as Class 8
corrosives subject to the limitations for corrosives in
e. Empty Compressed Gas Containers. Empty used containers of
compressed gas are mailable subject to the same restrictions that
applied when the container was filled (because residual amounts of the
hazardous material might remain present). Empty, unused (i.e., new)
containers are mailable without restriction.
f. Aerosol Paint Products. Aerosol paint products that are defined as
flammable compressed gases are acceptable in the domestic mail via
surface transportation only if they can qualify as a Limited Quantity
ground material and meet the quantity limitations and applicable
packaging requirements in
342.3 and 342.4.
g. Other Mailable Gases. Materials whose contents are under pressure,
such as carbonated beverages, biological/medical products,
cosmetics, foodstuffs and soaps, electronic tubes, and audible fire
alarm systems (except for any that may contain poisonous gases or
others that may be specifically excluded by 49 CFR 173.306), are
acceptable in the domestic mail as follows:
(1) Carbonated Beverages. These items are not regulated as
hazardous materials and are acceptable without restriction.
Carbonated beverages must be properly packaged under
(2) Biological Products or Medical Preparations. A product or
preparation in a nonrefillable metal primary receptacle charged
with a nonflammable solution (containing a biological product or
a medical preparation that heat could deteriorate) may be
accepted for domestic surface mail only, provided the conditions
in Packaging Instruction 2F in Appendix
C are followed.
(3) Foodstuffs and Soaps. These materials are mailable provided the
conditions in Packaging Instruction 2D in Appendix
C are met.
(4) Electronic Tubes. These materials are mailable without restriction
if the volume is 30 cubic inches or less and the tube is charged
with gas to a pressure of 35 psig or less. Such tubes must be
packed in a strong outer container and meet the general
packaging requirements in DMM 601.1-7.
(5) Audible Fire Alarm Systems. An audible fire alarm system
powered by a compressed gas is acceptable in the domestic
mail via surface transportation provided the conditions in
Packaging Instruction 2E in Appendix
C are followed.
342.3 Packaging
Mailable compressed gases must be packaged to protect valves and fittings
and to ensure integrity of the primary receptacle during transport. Containers
must use recessed valves, screw thread caps, tap closures, or other means
to prevent accidental discharge.
Hazardous Materials 342.4
September 7, 2023 43
The following conditions apply:
a. Nonmetal Containers. A mailable gas is acceptable in an
other-than-metal primary receptacle if the water capacity is 4 fluid
ounces (7.22 cubic inches) or less. Packaging Instruction 2A or 2B, as
applicable, must be followed.
b. Metal Containers. Mailable nonflammable and flammable compressed
gases are acceptable in metal primary receptacles that have a water
capacity up to 33.8 fluid ounces (1 liter or 61.0 cubic inches). The liquid
content of the material and the gas must not completely fill the primary
receptacle at 130° F (55° C). Additionally, the following apply:
(1) A DOT 2P container must be used if the internal pressure is from
140 psig to 160 psig at 130° F (55° C).
(2) A DOT 2Q container must be used if the pressure is from 161
psig to 180 psig at 130° F (55° C).
(3) Packaging Instruction 2A or 2B, as applicable, must be followed.
c. A container with an internal pressure over 180 psig at 130° F (55° C) is
prohibited from mailing.
d. Flammable Gases. A mailable flammable compressed gas is restricted
to 4 fluid ounces in a nonmetal primary receptacle or 33.8 fluid ounces
(1 liter) in a metal primary receptacle per mailpiece Packaging
Instruction 2A must be followed.
e. Nonflammable Gases. A mailable nonflammable gas is permitted in
individual 4 fluid ounce nonmetal primary receptacles or 33.8 fluid
ounce (1 liter) metal primary receptacles. Multiple primary receptacles
may be securely packed within a single, strong outer packaging. Each
mailpiece must not exceed a total weight of 25 pounds. Packaging
Instruction 2B must be followed.
342.4 Marking and Documentation
All labels and text markings must be placed on the address side of the
mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1. Parcels containing mailable
gases must be marked as follows:
a. For air transportation, parcels must bear the DOT square-on-point
marking. The top and bottom portions of the square-on-point and the
border forming the square-on-point must be black, and the center
must be white or of a suitable contrasting background. The symbol “Y”
must be black, located in the center of the square-on-point, and clearly
visible. Mailpieces must also be marked with the proper shipping name
“Consumer Commodity” and identification number “ID8000.” Each
mailpiece must also bear an approved DOT Class 9 hazardous material
warning label (see
Exhibit 325.3b). A properly completed shipper’s
declaration for dangerous goods prepared in triplicate must be affixed
to the outside of the mailpiece.
b. For surface transportation, parcels must be plainly and durably marked
on the address side with an approved DOT Limited Quantity marking
325.4). Surface shipments bearing the Limited Quantity ground
marking are not required to include the proper shipping name and
342.5 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
44 Publication 52
identification number. A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is
not required for mailable gases sent via surface transportation.
c. Markings must be durable, legible, and readily visible, and must be
applied on at least one side or one end of the outer packaging. The
border forming the square-on-point must be at least 2 mm in width,
and the minimum dimension of each side must be 100 mm, unless the
package size requires a reduced size marking of no less than 50 mm
on each side.
342.5 Mailability Rulings
In addition to the information required in 215.2 and 324, requests for
mailability rulings on gases and products containing compressed gases need
to include the following information:
a. Documentation indicating whether or not the contents are a flammable
mixture when dispersed.
b. The internal pressure within the primary receptacle at 70° F (21° C) and
130° F (55° C).
c. Documentation as to whether or not the liquid contents completely fill
the container at 70° F (21° C) and 130° F (55° C).
d. The bursting strength of the primary receptacle.
e. The capacity of the primary receptacle and the number of primary
receptacles proposed to be packed within a single mailpiece.
f. The design methods intended to prevent accidental discharge of the
343 Flammable and Combustible Liquids
(Hazard Class 3)
343.1 Definition
The terms used in the standards that apply to Hazard Class 3 are defined as
a. Flammable Liquid means a liquid that has a flashpoint of not more than
140° F (60° C), or any material in a liquid phase that has a flashpoint at
or above 100° F (38° C).
b. Combustible Liquid means any liquid that does not meet the definition
of any other hazard class and has a flashpoint above 140° F (60° C)
and below 200° F (93° C). A flammable liquid with a flashpoint at or
above 100° F (38° C) that does not meet the definition of any other
hazard class may be reclassified as a combustible liquid per 49 CFR
Note: A liquid with a flashpoint above 200° F (93° C) is not
regulated as a hazardous material and may be mailed subject to
the general packaging requirements in DMM 601.1-7, provided it
possesses no characteristics of another hazard class.
Hazardous Materials 343.22
September 7, 2023 45
343.2 Mailability and Packaging
343.21 Requirements for Flammable Liquids
The following conditions apply:
a. International Mail. Flammable liquid
is prohibited.
b. D
omestic Mail via Air Transportation. Flammable liquid is prohibited.
c. D
omestic Mail via Surface Transportation. Flammable liquid with a
flashpoint of 20° F (–7° C) or below is prohibited. Other flammable
liquids are permitted if the material qualifies as a Limited Quantity
ground material and meets the criteria in
Exhibit 343.21. A mailable
flammable liquid must be prepared according to Packaging Instruction
3A in Appe
C, as applicable.
Exhibit 343.21
Flammable Liquids
Flashpoint Mailability
° F (-7° C) or below
Not acceptable for mailing.
Above 20
° F (-7° C)
but not more than 73
° F
° C)
Acceptable (with restrictions) for domestic mail via
surface transportation only. Follow requirements for
Packaging Instruction 3A in Appendix C, as applicable.
Above 73
° F (23° C)
but less than 100
° F
° C)
Acceptable (with restrictions) for domestic mail via
surface transportation only. Follow requirements for
Packaging Instruction 3A in Appendix C, as applicable.
° F (38° C) and up
to 140
° F (60° C)
Acceptable (with restrictions) for
domestic mail via
surface transportation only. Follow requirements for
Packaging Instruction 3A or 3B in Appendix C, as
Note: If
the flashpoint is between 100° F (38° C)
and 140° F (60° C), the liquid may be eligible to
be reclassed as a combustib
le liquid.
Over 140
° F (60° C)
See combustible liquids in
343.22. Follow
requirements for Packaging Instruction 3B in
Appendix C.
Requirements for Combustible Liquids
The following conditions apply:
a. International Mail. Combus
tible liquid is prohibited.
b. D
omestic Mail via Air Transportation. Combustible liquid is permitted if
the material can qualify as an ID8000 material (see
335) and meets the
criteria in
Exhibit 343.22. Packaging Instruction 3B in Appendix C must
be followed, as applicable.
c. D
omestic Mail via Surface Transportation. Combustible liquids are
permitted if the material qualifies as a Limited Quantity and a consumer
commodity material, and meets the criteria in
Exhibit 343.22.
Packaging Instruction 3B in Appendix
C must be followed, as
Exhibit 343.22
Combustible Liquids
Flashpoint Mailability
Below 100
° F (38° C)
Not a combustible liquid. See flammable l
iquids in
° F (38° C) but not
more than 140
° F (60° C)
A flammable liquid that may be el
igible to be
reclassified as a combustible liquid under
49 CFR 173.120(b). See
343.1. Acceptable (with
restrictions) in domestic mail via surface
transportation only. Follow requirements for
Packaging Instruction 3B in Appendix C, as
Above 140
° F (60° C)
but not more than
200° F (93° C)
Acceptable (with restrictions) for domestic
mail via
air transportation or surface transportation. Follow
requirements for Packaging Instruction 3B in
Appendix C, as applicable.
Above 200°F (93°C) The material is not regulated as a hazardous
rial. Such nonregulated materials must be
properly and securely packaged to prevent leakage
under the general packaging requirements in
DMM 601.3.4.
343.23 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
46 Publication 52
343.23 Nonmailable Flammable and Combustible Liquids
When flammable liquids and combustible liquids that are nonmailable under
343.21 or 343.22 are found in the mailstream, the procedures in POM
139.117 must be followed if the materials present an immediate threat to
s or property.
The following materials are nonmailable:
a. All flammable liquids having a flashpoint of 20° F (-7° C) or below are
prohibited from mailing.
b. G
asoline (UN1203) is a flammable liquid that normally has a flashpoint
of -50° F. Gasoline is nonmailable under any circumstances.
c. Acetone (UN1090) normally has a flashpoint of 0° F, Benzene (UN1114)
rmally has a flashpoint of 12° F, and Hexane(s) (UN1208) normally
have flashpoints in the vicinity of -15° F. All are nonmailable unless
diluted with less flammable or nonflammable materials sufficient to
raise the flashpoint to 20° F or higher.
343.24 Mailable Flammable and Combustible Liquids
The following are mailable:
a. Paint o
r a related item (UN1263) classified as a flammable or
combustible liquid is generally acceptable for mailing provided it can
qualify as a Limited Quantity surface material and is sent within the
quantity limitations and packaging requirements stated in
343.21 or
343.22, as applicable. Also see 343.26. Mailpieces must be prepared
following Packaging Instruction 3A
or 3B in Appendix C, as applicable.
b. Latex Paint or a
similar water-based paint product that is not
flammable or combustible is not regulated as a hazardous material,
and therefore is not restricted. Also see
343.26. Mailpieces must be
properly packaged under DMM 601.1-7.
Hazardous Materials 343.24
September 7, 2023 47
c. Canned Heat (Sterno) is a flammable liquid that normally has a
flashpoint from 40° F (4° C) to 80° F (27° C). It is permitted if it can
qualify as a Limited Quantity surface material and is sent within the
quantity limitations and packaging requirements stated in
Mailpieces must be prepared following Packaging Instruction 3A in
d. Lighter Fluid is a flammable liquid that normally has a flashpoint
between 20° F (-7° C) and 55° F (13° C). It is permitted only in domestic
mail via surface transportation provided the fluid can qualify as a
Limited Quantity surface material and is sent within the quantity
limitations and packaging requirements stated in
343.21. Mailpieces
must be prepared following Packaging Instruction 3A in Appendix C.
e. Diesel Fuel (NA1993) is a combustible liquid that normally has a
flashpoint between 110° F (43° C) and 190° F (88° C). It is acceptable
for mailing provided the fluid can qualify as a Limited Quantity surface
material, and the liquid is sent within the conditions stated in
Mailpieces must be prepared following Packaging Instruction 3B in
f. Fuel Oil (NA1993) is a flammable liquid that normally has a flashpoint
below 100° F (38° C). The specific flashpoint must be accurately
identified by the mailer before a mailability determination can be made.
Fuel oil is mailable if it can qualify as a Limited Quantity surface
material and is sent within the quantity limitations and packaging
requirements stated in
343.21 or 343.22, as applicable. Mailpieces
must be prepared following Packaging Instruction 3A or 3B in
g. Adhesives and Cements (UN1133) that are classified as flammable or
combustible liquids are mailable only if they can qualify as Limited
Quantity surface materials and the applicable conditions in
343.21 or
343.22 are met. Mailpieces must be prepared following Packaging
Instruction 3A or 3B in Appendix C, as applicable.
Note: Some adhesives and cements are extremely toxic and may
be classified as Division 6.1 toxic substances. Division 6.1
materials are mailable only as permitted in
h. Cleaning Agents and Solvents that are classified as flammable liquids
are mailable only if they can qualify as Limited Quantity surface
materials, and the applicable conditions in
343.21 can be met.
Mailpieces must be prepared following Packaging Instruction 3A in
Note: Some cleaning agents and solvents are extremely toxic or
corrosive and may be classified as either a Division 6.1 toxic
substance or a Class 8 corrosive. Division 6.1 toxic materials and
Class 8 corrosives are permitted only within the conditions of
343.21 and 348.2 respectively.
i. Model Fuel (for glow–plug engines) is a flammable liquid that has a
flashpoint ranging from 65° F to 75° F. It is mailable only if it can qualify
as Limited Quantity surface material, and is sent within the quantity
343.25 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
48 Publication 52
limitations and packaging requirements stated in 343.21. Mailpieces
must be prepared following Packaging Instruction 3A in Appendix C.
j. Waxes and Polishes have a wide range of flashpoints. The flashpoint
and toxicity must be accurately identified by the mailer before
mailability can be determined. Any waxes or polishes that are
flammable or combustible liquids are permitted to be mailed, provided
they can qualify as a Limited Quantity surface material and the
applicable conditions in
343.21 and 343.22 are met. Mailpieces must
be prepared following Packaging Instruction 3A or 3B in Appendix C,
as applicable.
343.25 Lighters
A lighter equipped with an ignition element and containing liquid fuel is
classified as a Class 3 flammable liquid. A lighter containing a flammable gas
is classed as a Division 2.1 flammable gas. A lighter that contains either
flammable liquid or flammable gas is permitted only in the domestic mail via
surface transportation with prior written approval and within these
a. The design of the lighter is certified by a lighter testing agency
authorized by the DOT Associate Administrator for Hazardous
Materials Safety, per 49 CFR 173.21(i) and 173.308, and an Approval
Number (LAA****) is issued.
b. The prospective mailer of the lighter submits to the PCSC director a
written request for authorization to mail the lighter, accompanied by a
legible copy of the official DOT notice conveying the approval
described in
343.25a, along with a specimen of the actual lighter, the
packaging materials in which each lighter is to be mailed, and the
number of mailpieces and mailing location; the mailer receives from the
PCSC director a letter approving the requested authorization for
c. The packaging must be designed to protect the lighter’s sparking
mechanism from accidental ignition caused by friction or external
pressure during transport. Packaging Instruction 3C in Appendix
must be followed.
d. When the mailpiece is presented for mailing, the address side of the
mailpiece must prominently display the proper shipping name
“Lighter(s)” or “Lighter Refill(s)” followed by the Approval Number
(LAA****) and the marking “Surface Only” or “Surface Mail Only,” and all
preparation and packaging requirements in the PCSC director’s
approval letter must be met. A legible copy of the PCSC director’s
approval letter must be presented at the time of the first mailing at each
Postal Service facility.
e. A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is not required.
343.26 Paints, Paint-Related Materials, and Inks
The following definitions apply:
a. Paint (UN1263) is the proper shipping name and description for paint,
lacquer, enamel, stain, shellac, varnish, liquid aluminum, liquid bronze,
liquid gold, liquid wood filler, and liquid lacquer base. Paint-related
Hazardous Materials 343.27
September 7, 2023 49
material (UN1263) is the proper shipping name and description for a
paint-thinning, paint-drying, paint-reducing, or paint-removing
compound. See
343.24a and 343.24b for mailability.
b. Inks are defined as colored liquids used for writing, drawing, etc., and
liquids and pastes used in printing. Printing inks usually are mixtures of
finely divided pigments, such as carbon black suspended in a drying
oil. Inks classified as combustible or flammable liquids are generally
mailable, provided they qualify as Limited Quantity surface material,
and meet the applicable requirements in
343.21 or 343.22. Mailpieces
must be prepared using Packaging Instruction 3A or 3B in Appendix C,
as applicable. The following conditions apply:
(1) Regardless of the size or type of container, the primary
receptacle(s) containing inks must be cushioned with sufficient
absorbent material to take up all liquid contents in case of
(2) The primary receptacle(s) and the absorbent cushioning material
must be packed within a sealed, leakproof outer packaging.
(3) Inks that are flammable or combustible liquids must meet the
quantity restrictions, packaging requirements, and air or surface
transportation conditions that apply under
Note: Inks that do not possess any hazardous characteristics are
not regulated as hazardous materials and are mailable if properly
prepared under the standards for packaging liquids in
451.3 and
DMM 601.3.4.
343.27 Authorization to Mail Ethanol-Based Flammable Liquids or Solids
Flammable liquids or solids that contain ethyl alcohol are eligible to be
mailed via domestic air transportation only with prior written authorization.
Mailers must submit a letter of request to the director, Product Classification
214 for address). The request must include a list of each specific
product to be mailed under the authorization, an SDS for each product, the
office of mailing, and expected frequency and quantity of mailings.
Approvals are initially provided for the duration of one year. Subsequent
approvals are performance-based and will be extended in one- to three-year
If approved, the mailer must:
a. Present a copy of their authorization letter from the director, Product
Classification, (to be kept on file at the office of mailing) at the time of
the mailer’s first mailing at any given Postal Service facility. Mailings
not supported by an authorization letter will be refused.
b. For content containing not more than 70% ethyl alcohol by volume,
tender only parcels weighing 25
pounds or less. Each non-glass
primary receptacle must not exceed 16 ounces of flammable liquid or
pound of solids. Each glass primary receptacle must not exceed 8
ounces of flammable liquid or 1/2
pound of solids. Total volume of
flammable material per mailpiece must not exceed 96 ounces for
flammable liquids or 16 pounds for flammable solids.
343.3 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
50 Publication 52
c. For content containing more than 70% ethyl alcohol by volume, tender
only parcels weighing 16 pounds or less. Each primary package
receptacle must not exceed 8 ounces of flammable liquid or 1/2 pound
of solids. Total volume of flammable material per mailpiece must not
exceed 48 ounces for flammable liquids or 8 pounds for flammable
d. Enter parcels using Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail.
e. Label each parcel on the address side with the mailer’s company name
and return address.
f. Label each parcel on the address side with the marking “Contains Air-
Eligible Ethyl Alcohol — Authorization Number #,” using at least 14-
point type.
g. Ensure that the addressee of each parcel is notified that the addressee
is not authorized to re-mail the contents of the parcel via air
transportation. The mailer must include the following written notice:
“Flammable liquids or solids contained in these packages may be
mailed only by consumers (the addressee) via surface transportation in
accordance with USPS Publication 52, section 343. Full responsibility
rests with the mailer to comply with all postal and nonpostal statutes
and regulations regarding mail. Information regarding postal statutes,
regulations, and mailing requirements is available from your local
Postmaster or district manager, Business Mail Entry, and at the Postal
Service’s mailing standards website, Postal Explorer, at”
h. Comply with the warning and labeling requirements set forth in 21 CFR
700, 701.3, and 740.1 when mailing each parcel.
i. Comply with all quantity, packaging, and marking requirements in
Packaging Instruction 3D in Appendix
343.3 Marking and Documentation
All labels and text markings must be placed on the address side of the
mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1. Parcels containing mailable
flammable or combustible liquids must be marked as follows:
a. For air transportation, parcels containing mailable Class 3 materials
must bear the DOT square-on-point marking. The top and bottom
portions of the square-on-point and the border forming the square-on-
point must be black, and the center must be white or of a suitable
contrasting background. The symbol “Y” must be black, located in the
center of the square-on-point, and clearly visible. Mailpieces must also
be marked with the proper shipping name “Consumer Commodity”
and identification number “ID8000.” Each mailpiece must also bear an
approved DOT Class 9 hazardous material warning label (see
Exhibit 325.3b). A properly completed shipper’s declaration for
dangerous goods prepared in triplicate must be affixed to the outside
of the mailpiece.
b. For surface transportation, parcels containing mailable Class 3
materials must be plainly and durably marked on the address side with
an approved DOT Limited Quantity marking (see
Exhibit 325.4).
Surface shipments bearing Limited Quantity ground markings are not
Hazardous Materials 344.2
September 7, 2023 51
required to include the proper shipping name and identification
number. A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is not required
for mailable Class 3 materials sent via surface transportation.
c. Markings must be durable, legible, and readily visible, and must be
applied on at least one side or one end of the outer packaging. The
border forming the square-on-point must be at least 2 mm in width,
and the minimum dimension of each side must be 100 mm, unless the
package size requires a reduced size marking of no less than 50 mm
on each side.
d. Lighters containing flammable liquids or gases must be marked as
specified in
e. Ethanol-based flammable liquids or solids must be marked as
specified in
343.27 and Appendix C, Packaging Instruction 3D.
344 Flammable Solids (Hazard Class 4)
344.1 Definition
Hazard Class 4 consists of three divisions:
a. Division 4.1, Flammable Solids. Any solid material other than one
classed as an explosive that, under conditions normally incident to
transportation, is likely to cause fires through friction or retained heat
from manufacturing or processing, or that can be ignited readily and,
when ignited, burns so vigorously and persistently as to create a
serious transportation hazard.
b. Division 4.2, Spontaneously Combustible. A liquid or solid pyrophoric
material that even in small amounts and without an external ignition
source can ignite within 5 minutes after coming in contact with air, or a
self-heating material that when in contact with air and without an
energy supply is liable to self heat.
c. Division 4.3, Dangerous When Wet. A material that, by contact with
water, is likely to become spontaneously flammable or to give off
flammable or toxic gas at a rate greater than 1 liter per kilogram of the
material per hour.
Examples of flammable solids include certain metallic hydrides, metallic
sodium and potassium, oily fabrics, processed metals, matches, and
nitrocellulose products.
344.2 Mailability
The following conditions apply:
a. International Mail. All flammable solids are prohibited.
b. Domestic Mail via Air Transportation. All flammable solids are
c. Domestic Mail via Surface Transportation. Flammable solids that can
qualify as a Limited Quantity surface material are permitted.
344.21 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
52 Publication 52
344.21 Nonmailable Flammable Solids
When flammable solids that are nonmailable under 344 are found in the
mailstream, the procedures in POM 139.117 must be followed if the
materials present an immediate threat to persons or property.
Strike-anywhere matches are nonmailable in international mail and domestic
mail. Safety matches (book, card, or strike-on-box) are nonmailable in
international and domestic mail via air transportation.
344.22 Mailable Flammable Solids
The following are mailable:
a. Flammable solids that qualify as Limited Quantity surface materials are
permitted in the domestic mail via surface transportation.
b. Safety matches (book, card, or strike-on-box) are permitted only in
domestic mail via surface transportation.
344.3 Packaging, Marking, and Documentation
All labels and text markings must be placed on the address side of the
mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1. The following conditions
a. Mailable Flammable Solids. The conditions in Packaging Instruction 4A
in Appendix C must be followed. Mailpieces containing mailable Class
4 materials must be plainly and durably marked on the address side
with an approved DOT Limited Quantity ground marking (see
Shipments bearing the Limited Quantity surface marking are not
required to be marked with the proper shipping name and identification
number. A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is not required
for mailable Class 4 materials sent via surface transportation.
b. Safety Matches. The conditions in Packaging Instruction 4B in
C must be followed. Mailpieces must be plainly and durable
marked on the address side with “Surface Only” or “Surface Mail Only”
and, as applicable, “Book Matches,” “Strike-on-Card Matches,” or
“Card Matches.” A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is not
345 Oxidizing Substances, Organic Peroxides
(Hazard Class 5)
345.1 Definition
Hazard Class 5 consists of two divisions:
a. Division 5.1, Oxidizing Substances. A material that may, generally by
yielding oxygen, cause or enhance the combustion of other materials.
b. Division 5.2, Organic Peroxides. Any organic compound that contains
oxygen in the bivalent structure and that may be considered a
derivative of hydrogen peroxide, where one or more of the hydrogen
atoms have been replaced by organic radicals.
Hazardous Materials 345.3
September 7, 2023 53
Examples of Class 5 materials (not all of which are mailable) include ferric
nitrate, hydrogen peroxide, lead perchlorate, lithium nitrate, organic peroxide
solids or liquids, and some swimming-pool chemicals.
345.2 Mailability
The following conditions apply:
a. International Mail. All oxidizing substances and organic peroxides are
b. Domestic Mail via Air or Surface Transportation. An oxidizing
substance or an organic peroxide that can qualify as Limited Quantity
air or Limited Quantity surface is permitted.
345.21 Nonmailable Class 5 Materials
When nonmailable Class 5 materials are found in the mailstream, the
procedures in POM 139.117 must be followed if the materials present an
immediate threat to persons or property. The procedures in POM 139.118
are followed when there is no immediate threat to persons or property.
The following Class 5 materials are nonmailable:
a. Division 5.1, Oxidizing Substances.
(1) Chlorine dioxide hydrate, frozen.
(2) Hydrogen peroxide solution (more than 20 percent).
(3) Perchloric acid.
(4) Potassium peroxide.
(5) Sodium chlorite.
(6) Tetranitromethane.
(7) Zinc ammonium nitrate.
b. Division 5.2, Organic Peroxides. Organic peroxides are nonmailable
unless they can qualify as Limited Quantity air or Limited Quantity
345.22 Mailable Class 5 Materials
The following Class 5 materials are mailable:
a. A division 5.1 or 5.2 material that can be reclassified as a Limited
Quantity air or Limited Quantity surface are mailable within the
requirements in
b. Hydrogen Peroxide. There are no restrictions on Division 5.1 hydrogen
peroxide solutions with 8 percent or less hydrogen peroxide content.
Solutions of hydrogen peroxide more than 8 percent but no more than
20 percent are permitted if they can qualify as Limited Quantity air or
Limited Quantity surface.
345.3 Packaging, Marking, and Documentation
All labels and text markings must be placed on the address side of the
mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1. Parcels containing mailable
oxidizing substances or organic peroxides must be marked as follows:
a. All mailable Division 5.1 and 5.2 materials must be prepared following
the conditions for Packaging Instruction 5A in Appendix
346 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
54 Publication 52
b. For air transportation, parcels containing mailable Division 5.1 or 5.2
materials must bear the DOT square-on-point marking. The top and
bottom portions of the square-on-point and the border forming the
square-on-point must be black, and the center must be white or of a
suitable contrasting background. The symbol “Y” must be black,
located in the center of the square-on-point, and clearly visible.
Mailpieces must also be marked with the proper shipping name and
identification number. Each mailpiece must also bear an approved DOT
Class 5.1 or 5.2 hazardous material warning label (see
Exhibit 325.3b).
A properly completed shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods
prepared in triplicate must be affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
c. For surface transportation, parcels containing mailable Division 5.1 or
5.2 materials must be plainly and durably marked on the address side
with an approved DOT Limited Quantity surface marking (see
Shipments bearing the Limited Quantity surface marking are not
required to include the shipping name and identification number. A
shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is not required for mailable
Division 5.1 or 5.2 materials sent via surface transportation.
d. When DOT square-on-point markings are used, markings must be
durable, legible, and readily visible, and must be applied on at least
one side or one end of the outer packaging. The border forming the
square-on-point must be at least 2 mm in width, and the minimum
dimension of each side must be 100 mm, unless the package size
requires a reduced size marking of no less than 50 mm on each side.
346 Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances
(Hazard Class 6)
346.1 Definitions
Hazard Class 6 consists of two divisions:
a. Division 6.1 includes toxic substances, poisons, and irritating material.
Examples of Division 6.1 materials (not all of which are mailable)
include bromobenzyl cyanide, methyl bromide, motor fuel anti-knock
mixtures, and tear gas.
b. Division 6.2 includes infectious substances. Examples of Division 6.2
materials include infectious substances, biological products, regulated
medical waste, sharps medical waste, used health care products, and
forensic materials.
346.11 Division 6.1
The following terms are used in the standards for Division 6.1 materials:
a. Toxic Substance is a poisonous material, other than a gas, that is
known to be so toxic to humans as to cause death, injury, or harm to
human health if swallowed, inhaled, or brought into contact with skin.
b. Oral Toxicity refers to a liquid or solid with a lethal dose (LD
) for acute
oral toxicity of not more than 300 mg/kg that, when administered by
mouth, is likely to cause death within 14 days in half of the test animals.
Hazardous Materials 346.12
September 7, 2023 55
c. Dermal Toxicity refers to a material with an LD
for acute dermal
toxicity of not more than 1,000 mg/kg that, when administered by
continuous contact with bare skin, is likely to cause death within 14
days in half of the test animals.
d. Inhalation Toxicity applies to a dust or mist with a lethal concentration
) for acute inhalation toxicity of not more than 4 mg/L, or a
saturated vapor concentration in air at 68° F (20° C) greater than or
equal to more than one-fifth of the LC
for acute toxicity on inhalation
of vapors and with an LC
for acute inhalation toxicity of vapors of not
more than 5,000 ml/m
that, when administered by continuous
inhalation for 1 hour, is likely to cause death within 14 days in half of
the test animals.
e. Irritating Material is any liquid or solid substance (such as tear gas) that
gives off intense fumes and causes extreme but reversible localized
irritant effects on the eyes, nose, and throat, temporarily impairing a
person’s ability to function.
346.12 Division 6.2, Infectious Substances
Division 6.2 materials include infectious substances, biological products,
regulated medical waste, sharps medical waste, used health care products,
and forensic materials. Division 6.2 materials are not permitted in
international mail or domestic mail, except when they are intended for
medical or veterinary use, research, or laboratory certification related to the
public health; and only when such materials are properly prepared for mailing
to withstand shocks, pressure changes, and other conditions related to
ordinary handling in transit. Unless otherwise noted, all mailable Division 6.2
materials must meet the mail preparation requirements for air transportation.
The following terms are used in the standards for Division 6.2 materials:
a. Infectious substance means a material known or reasonably expected
to contain a pathogen. A pathogen is a microorganism that can cause
disease in humans or animals. Examples of pathogens include
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other infectious agents. An infectious
substance must be assigned to one of the following two packaging
(1) Category A: An infectious substance transported in a form
capable of causing permanent disability or life-threatening or
fatal disease in otherwise healthy humans or animals when
exposure occurs. Category A infectious substances are
nonmailable. A Category A infectious substance is assigned the
identification number UN2814 or UN2900, based on the known
medical history or symptoms of the source patient or animal,
endemic local conditions, or professional judgment concerning
the individual circumstances of the source human or animal.
(2) Category B: An infectious substance that does not meet the
criteria for inclusion in Category A. A mailpiece known or
suspected to contain a Category B infectious substance must
bear the proper shipping name “Biological Substance,
B” and must be assigned to and marked with
identification number UN3373 (as shown in
Exhibit 346.12a2).
346.12 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
56 Publication 52
Regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste must be
igned to and marked with identification number UN3291. The
proper shipping name, identification number, and warning label,
when applicable, must be marked on the address side of the
package unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1.
Exhibit 346.12a2
Mailpiece Symbol and Marking for Mailpieces Containing
Biological Substance, Category B Substances
b. Biological product means a virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin,
vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic product, or
analogous product or arsphenamine or derivative of arsphenamine (or
any other trivalent arsenic compound) intended to prevent, treat, or
cure a disease or condition of humans or animals. A biological product
includes a material subject to regulation under 42 U.S.C. 262 or
21 U.S.C. 151–159. Unless otherwise exc
epted, mark these mailpieces
with identification number UN3373 (as shown in
Exhibit 346.12a2)
when they contain a biological product known or reasonably expected
contain a pathogen that meets the definition of a Category B
infectious substance.
c. Cu
ltures are infectious substances that result from a process by which
pathogens are intentionally propagated. This definition does not
include a human or animal patient specimen as defined in
d. Exe
mpt human or animal specimen means a human or animal sample
(including, but not limited to, secreta, excreta, blood and its
components, tissue and tissue fluids, and body parts) transported for
routine testing not related to the diagnosis of an infectious disease.
Typically, exempt human specimens are specimens for which there is a
low probability that the sample is infectious, such as specimens for
drug or alcohol testing; cholesterol testing; blood glucose level testing;
prostate-specific antigens (PSA) testing; testing to monitor heart,
kidney, or liver function; pregnancy testing; and testing for diagnosis of
noninfectious diseases such as cancer biopsies. Exempt human or
animal specimens are not subject to regulation as hazardous materials
but must be packaged according to
e. Pat
ient specimen means material that is collected directly from humans
or animals and transported for purposes such as diagnosis and
research. Patient specimens include excreta, secreta, blood and its
Hazardous Materials 346.211
September 7, 2023 57
components, tissue and tissue swabs, body parts, and specimens in
transport media (such as transwabs, culture media, and blood culture
f. Regulated medical waste, for USPS purposes, means a soft waste
material (other than a sharp) derived from the medical treatment,
diagnosis, immunization, or biomedical research of a human or animal.
Soft medical waste includes items such as used rubber gloves, swabs,
gauze, tongue depressors, and other similar material. Mark these
mailpieces with identification number UN3291.
g. Sharps medical waste, for USPS purposes, means a medical waste
object that is capable of cutting or penetrating skin or packaging
material and that is contaminated with a pathogen or may become
contaminated with a pathogen derived from the medical treatment,
diagnosis, immunization, or biomedical research of a human or animal.
Sharps include used medical waste such as needles, syringes,
scalpels, broken glass, culture slides, culture dishes, broken capillary
tubes, broken rigid plastic, and exposed ends of dental wires. Mark
these mailpieces with identification number UN3291.
h. Toxin means a Division 6.1 material from a plant, animal, or bacterial
source. A toxin containing an infectious substance or a toxin contained
in an infectious substance must be classed as Division 6.2, described
as an infectious substance, and assigned to UN2814, UN2900, or
UN3373, as appropriate. A toxin known or suspected to contain a
Category A infectious substance is nonmailable. A toxin known or
suspected to contain a Category B infectious substance must be
marked UN3373 and packaged under
346.321. Toxins from plant,
animal, or bacterial sources that do not contain an infectious substance
and are not contained in an infectious substance may be considered for
classification as Division 6.1 toxic substances under
i. Used health care product means a medical, diagnostic, or research
device or piece of equipment, or a personal care product used by
consumers, medical professionals, or pharmaceutical providers, that
does not meet the definition of a diagnostic specimen, biological
product, regulated medical waste, or sharps waste, is contaminated
with potentially infectious body fluids or materials, and is not
decontaminated or disinfected to remove or mitigate the infectious
hazard prior to transport.
346.2 Mailability
346.21 General
346.211 Division 6.1, Toxic Substances
The following conditions apply:
a. International Mail. Division 6.1 toxic substances or poisons and
irritating materials are prohibited.
b. Domestic Mail via Air or Surface Transportation. A Division 6.1 toxic
substance or poison that can qualify as a Limited Quantity/consumer
commodity material is permitted when packaged under the applicable
requirements in Appendix
C (Packaging Instruction 6A). Certain other
346.212 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
58 Publication 52
poisonous materials are permitted to be mailed only between
authorized parties under specific conditions as specified in
346.212 Division 6.2, Infectious Substances
a. International Mail. Category A infectious substances are nonmailable. A
material that is classified as a Category B infectious substance and
that meets the definition in
346.12a2 is permitted in international mail
only when sent by First-Class Package International Service or the
Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes using
Registered Mail service; when intended for medical or veterinary use,
research, or laboratory certification related to the public health; and
when materials are properly prepared for mailing. The mailer must
receive written approval from the USPS director, Product Classification
214 for address). See Chapter 6 and IMM 135 for specific
b. Domestic Mail. Infectious substances are permitted only when they are
intended for medical or veterinary use, research, or laboratory
certification related to public health, and when properly prepared for
mailing to withstand shocks, pressure changes, and other conditions
incident to ordinary handling in transit. The following substances are
mailable subject to the corresponding packaging requirements:
(1) Category B infectious substance — USPS Packaging
(2) Sharps and other mailable regulated medical waste — USPS
Packaging Instruction 6D.
(3) Used health care products —USPS Packaging Instruction 6E.
(4) Forensic materials — USPS Packaging Instruction 6F.
(5) Nonregulated materials —USPS Packaging Instruction 6G.
(6) Exempt human or animal specimens — USPS Packaging
Instruction 6H.
346.22 Nonmailable Class 6 Materials
When hazardous materials that are nonmailable under 346.2 are found in the
mailstream, the procedures in POM 139.117 must be followed if the
materials present an immediate threat to persons or property.The
procedures in POM 139.118 are followed when there is no immediate threat
to persons or property.
346.221 Division 6.1, Toxic Substances
The following Division 6.1 materials are nonmailable:
a. Toxic Substances. Any toxic material having an LD
for oral toxicity of
50 mg/kg or less is nonmailable, except when sent between authorized
parties under the conditions permitted in
346.231b. Examples of
nonmailable toxic materials include, but are not limited to, the
(1) Aniline oil (UN1547).
(2) Bromoacetone (UN1569).
(3) 3-Chloro-4-methylphenyl isocyanate (UN2236).
(4) Chloropicrin (UN1580).
Hazardous Materials 346.231
September 7, 2023 59
(5) Cyanogen bromide (UN1889).
(6) Hexaethyl tetraphosphate, liquid or solid (UN1611).
(7) Hydrocyanic acid aqueous solutions (UN1613).
(8) Methyl bromide (UN1062).
(9) Methyl parathion, liquid (NA3018).
(10) Motor fuel antiknock mixtures (UN1649).
(11) Organic phosphate compound (NA1955).
(12) Parathion (NA1967).
(13) Phenylcarbylamine chloride (UN1672).
(14) Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate (UN1704).
(15) Tetraethyl lead, liquid (NA1649).
(16) Tetraethyl pyrophosphate, liquid (NA3018).
(17) Thiophosgene (UN2474).
b. Irritating Materials. All irritating materials are nonmailable. Examples
include the following:
(1) Bromobenzyl cyanide (UN1694).
(2) Chloroacetophenone (UN1697).
(3) Diphenylamine chloroarsine (UN1698).
(4) Diphenylchloroarsine (UN1699).
(5) Tear gas (UN1700, NA1693, and UN1693), except for those
containing oleoresin capsicum.
346.222 Division 6.2, Infectious Substances
The following Division 6.2 materials are nonmailable:
a. Blood collected for the purpose of blood transfusion known or
suspected to contain a Category A infectious substance.
b. A biological product, culture, stock, or other biological specimen
known or suspected to contain a Category A infectious substance.
Mailpieces that exceed 4 liters (1 gallon) for liquids or 4 kg.
(8.8 pounds) for solids are nonmailable.
c. A toxin known or suspected to contain a Category A infectious
d. Sharps medical waste and regulated medical waste that contain a
Category A infectious substance.
e. Used healthcare products that contain a Category A infectious
346.23 Mailable Class 6 Materials
In addition to the mailable types of Division 6.1 and 6.2 materials cited in
346.21, the following materials are permitted to be mailed only within the
conditions noted.
346.231 Division 6.1, Toxic Substances
a. A Division 6.1 toxic substance that can qualify as a Limited Quantity
and is a consumer commodity material is mailable by air or surface
transport when all applicable conditions are met.
346.232 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
60 Publication 52
b. Toxic Substances with LD
Oral Toxicity of 50 mg/kg or Less. A
Division 6.1 toxic substance having an LD
for oral toxicity of greater
than 5 mg/kg but less than or equal to 50 mg/kg is mailable only when
sent between the following authorized parties and under the specified
(1) Toxic substances for scientific use (not outwardly or of their own
force dangerous or injurious to life, health, or property) may be
sent only between manufacturers, dealers, bona fide research or
experimental scientific laboratories, and employees of federal,
state, or local governments who have official use for such
poisons and are designated by the agency head to receive or
send such poisons. For domestic air transportation, a shipping
paper is required.
(2) Poisonous drugs and medicines may be sent only from the
manufacturer or dealer of the drugs and medicines to licensed
physicians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, druggists,
cosmetologists, barbers, and veterinarians (18 U.S.C. 1716). In
limited circumstances, when the mailing is initiated by a drug
manufacturer or the manufacturer’s registered agent, customers
may return prescription drugs to the manufacturer or its
registered agent as indicated in
346.232 Other Nonregulated Toxic Materials
Liquids and solids such as pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides that are
not regulated as hazardous materials under 49 CFR are mailable subject to
Postal Service quantity restrictions that are based on the toxicity of the
a. Liquids. Restrictions are as follows, subject to the general packaging
requirements of 451.3a and DMM 601.3.4:
(1) A nonregulated toxic liquid having an LD
of 300 to 500 mg/kg is
permitted in an aggregate quantity of 16 fluid ounces per
(2) A nonregulated toxic liquid having an LD
of 500 to 2,500 mg/kg
is permitted in an aggregate quantity of 32 fluid ounces in glass
or other breakable primary receptacles, or in an aggregate
quantity of up to 1 gallon in non-breakable primary receptacles.
(3) A nonregulated toxic liquid having an LD
of 2,500 to 5,000 mg/
kg is permitted in an aggregate quantity of 1 gallon in glass or
other breakable primary receptacles, or in an aggregate quantity
of up to 2 gallons in non-breakable primary receptacles.
(4) A nonregulated toxic liquid having an LD
of greater than
5,000 mg/kg is permitted with no quantity restriction.
(5) External markings specifying the contents and shipping papers
are not required for nonregulated toxic liquids. Primary
receptacles containing nonregulated toxic liquids having an LD
of 5000 mg/kg or less must be triple packaged (as specified in
451.3a and DMM 601.3.4) when the aggregate quantity of liquid
exceeds 4 ounces in a single mailpiece.
Hazardous Materials 346.234
September 7, 2023 61
b. Solids. Restrictions are as follows:
(1) A nonregulated toxic solid for which an LD
rate equivalent to
liquids can be established is mailable under the same quantity
restrictions for Division 6.1 toxic substances specified in
Packaging Instruction 6A in Appendix
(2) Packaging requirements for a nonregulated toxic solid are the
same as those for Division 6.1 toxic substance (see Packaging
Instruction 6A in Appendix
C), except that a single mailpiece may
contain an aggregate quantity of up to 5 pounds.
(3) External markings specifying the contents and shipping papers
are not required for nonregulated toxic solids.
346.233 Division 6.2, Infectious Substances
Infectious substances, biological products, cultures and stocks, exempt
human or animal specimens, patient specimens, regulated medical waste,
sharps medical waste, toxins, and used health care products are permitted
to be mailed within specific quantity limits and packaging conditions
specified in
346.234 Nonregulated Materials
The following materials are not subject to regulation as Division 6.2
hazardous materials and are mailable when the packaging requirements
specified in Packaging Instruction 6G in Appendix
C are met:
a. A biological product, including an experimental or investigational product
or component of a product, subject to federal approval, permit, review, or
licensing requirements, such as those required by the Food and Drug
Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
or the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A biological product known or
suspected to contain a Category B infectious substance must be
marked UN3373 (as shown in
Exhibit 346.12a2) and packaged under
346.321. A biological product known or suspected to contain a
Category A infectious substance is nonmailable.
b. Blood collected for the purpose of blood transfusion or the preparation
of blood products; blood products; plasma; plasma derivatives; blood
components; tissues or organs intended for use in transplant
operations; and human cell, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based
products regulated under the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C.
264-272) or the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 332 et seq.).
c. Blood, blood plasma, and blood components collected for the purpose
of blood transfusion or the preparation of blood products and sent for
testing as part of the collection process, except when the person
collecting the blood has reason to believe it contains a Category B
infectious substance, in which case the test sample must be shipped
as a Category B infectious substance. Materials known or suspected to
contain a Category A infectious substance are nonmailable.
d. Dried blood spots, collected by applying a drop of blood to absorbent
material, or dried specimens for fecal occult blood detection. (These
materials are not classified as exempt human or animal specimens.)
346.3 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
62 Publication 52
e. Forensic material containing a biological material, such as tissue, body
fluid, excreta, or secreta, not expected to contain a Category A or
Category B infectious substance and transported on behalf of a
federal, state, local, or Indian tribal government agency. A forensic
material known or suspected to contain a Category B infectious
substance must be shipped as a Category B infectious substance. A
forensic material known or suspected to contain a Category A
infectious substance is nonmailable.
346.3 Packaging, Marking, Labeling, and Documentation
346.31 Division 6.1, Toxic Substances
Mailable toxic substances must be prepared as follows:
a. Toxic Substances with LD
Oral Toxicity of 50 mg/kg or Less. The
applicable requirements specified in
346.211 and 346.231 must be
met. Packaging Instruction 6B in Appendix C must be followed. Each
mailpiece must be plainly and durably marked on the address side with
the proper shipping name and UN number of the material (unless
exempted by
b. For air transportation, parcels containing mailable Class 6 materials
must bear the DOT square-on-point marking. The top and bottom
portions of the square-on-point and the border forming the square-on-
point must be black, and the center must be white or of a suitable
contrasting background. The symbol “Y” must be black, located in the
center of the square-on-point, and clearly visible. Mailpieces must also
be marked with the proper shipping name “Consumer Commodity”
and identification number “ID8000.” Each mailpiece must also bear an
approved DOT Class 9 hazardous material warning label (see
Exhibit 325.3b). A properly completed shipper’s declaration for
dangerous goods prepared in triplicate must be affixed to the outside
of the mailpiece.
c. For surface transportation, parcels must be plainly and durably marked
on the address side with an approved DOT limited quantity marking,
designating surface transportation (see
325.4). Surface shipments
bearing the limited quantity marking are not required to be marked with
the proper shipping name and identification number. Limited Quantity
material must meet the applicable requirements specified in
and 346.231. Packaging Instruction 6A in Appendix C must be
d. When the DOT square-on-point markings are used, markings must be
durable, legible, and readily visible, and must be applied on at least
one side or one end of the outer packaging. The border forming the
square-on-point must be at least 2 mm in width, and the minimum
dimension of each side must be 100 mm, unless the package size
requires a reduced size marking of no less than 50 mm on each side.
346.32 Division 6.2, Infectious Substances
The proper packaging, marking, labeling, and documentation for mailable
Division 6.2 materials are described in the following sections.
Hazardous Materials 346.321
September 7, 2023 63
346.321 Category B Infectious Substances
Note: See Packaging Instruction 6C in Appendix C.
Regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste known or suspected to
ntain a Category A infectious substance is not mailable. A material that is
classified as a Category B infectious substance and that meets the definition
346.12a2 must be triple-packaged, meeting the packaging requirements in
49 CFR 173.199, and sent with Priority Mail
or Priority Mail Express service.
Each primary receptacle containing a liquid must be leakproof and
surrounded by absorbent material sufficient to protect the primary receptacle
and absorb the total amount of liquid should the primary receptacle leak or
break. Each primary receptacle containing a solid must be siftproof.
Secondary containers for liquids must be leakproof. Secondary containers
for solids must be siftproof. The primary and secondary packaging must be
enclosed in a rigid outer shipping container. A single primary receptacle must
not contain more than 1 liter (34 ounces) of a liquid specimen or 4 kg (8.8
nds) of a solid specimen. Two or more primary receptacles whose
combined volume does not exceed 4 liters (1 gallon) for liquids or 4 kg (8.8
nds) for solids may be enclosed in a single secondary container. In
a. The secondary container must be marked with the international
zard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
b. The primary receptacle or secondary packaging must be capable of
ithstanding, without leakage, an internal pressure producing a
pressure differential of not less than 95 kPa (0.95 bar, 14 psi) in the
range of –40°F to 130°F (–40°C to 55°C).
c. All mailpieces sent under 346.321 must be marked with the shipping
ame “Biological Substance, Category B” and “UN3373” (as shown in
Exhibit 346.12a2) and as outlined in 49 CFR 173.199(a)(5) on the
address side of the package unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1.
Regulated medical waste and sharps
medical waste as defined in
346.12f and 346.12g must be marked UN3291. See 346.322.
d. Orientation arrows are not required
on these mailpieces but may be
e. The outer packaging must show the name and telephone number of a
rson who is knowledgeable about the material shipped and has
comprehensive emergency response and incident mitigation
information, or of someone who has immediate access to the person
with such knowledge and information.
Exhibit 346.321
International Biohazard Symbol
346.322 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
64 Publication 52
346.322 Sharps Waste and Other Mailable Regulated Medical Waste
Note: See Packaging Instructions 6D in Appendix C.
Regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste known or suspected to
contain a Category A infectious substance is not mailable. Regulated
medical waste and sharps medical waste as defined in
346.12f and 346.12g
and containing materials classified as Category B infectious substances
must be marked UN3291 and are permitted for mailing only using USPS
Returns Service (see DMM 505.3) via Priority Mail Return Service option,
subject to the following requirements:
a. Authorization. Each vendor of a complete regulated medical waste or
sharps waste mailing container system (including all component parts
required to safely mail such waste to a storage or disposal facility) must
obtain authorization from the Postal Service prior to mailing. Before
applying for authorization, each type of mailing container system must
be tested and certified under the standards in
346.322d by an
independent testing facility. The vendor in whose name the
authorization is being sought must submit a written request to the
director of Product Classification at Postal Service Headquarters
214 for address). The request for authorization must contain the
(1) An irrevocable $50,000 surety bond or letter of credit as proof of
sufficient financial responsibility to cover disposal costs if the
vendor ceases doing business before all its waste container
systems are disposed of or to cover cleanup costs if spills occur
while the containers are in Postal Service possession. The surety
bond or letter of credit must be issued in the name of the vendor
seeking the authorization and must name the Postal Service as
the beneficiary or obligee. Vendors that market their containers to
distributors are responsible for disposal and cleanup costs
attributed to those containers. In addition, vendors must provide
a list of distributors, including firm names, addresses, and
telephone numbers, to the Postal Service on request.
(2) Address of the headquarters or general business office of the
vendor seeking the authorization.
(3) Name, address, and phone number of each storage and disposal
(4) List of all types of mailing container systems to be covered by the
request, a complete sample of each mailing container system,
and proof of package testing certifications performed by the
independent testing facility that subjected the packaging
materials to the testing requirements in
(5) Copy of the proposed waste shipping paper to be used with each
mailing container system.
(6) 24-hour toll-free telephone number for emergencies.
(7) List of the types of waste to be mailed for disposal in each
mailing container system.
Hazardous Materials 346.322
September 7, 2023 65
(8) Copy of the merchandise return service label to be used with
each mailing container system and verification that the
merchandise return service permit fee and accounting fee have
been paid.
(9) Address of the Post Office or postage-due unit where the
containers are delivered.
b. Packaging. Regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste that
also meet the definition of a Category A infectious substance are
nonmailable, except for medical professional packages identified in
346.322b7, which may not weigh more than 35 pounds. A medical
waste material treated by steam sterilization, chemical disinfections, or
other appropriate method so that it no longer contains a Category A or
Category B infectious substance must be packaged under
The packaging for regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste
containing or suspected of containing a Category B infectious
substance is subject to the following standards:
(1) Regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste meeting the
definitions in
346.12f and 346.12g must be collected in a rigid,
securely sealed, and leakproof primary receptacle. For sharps
waste, the primary receptacle must also be puncture-resistant
and may not have a maximum capacity that exceeds 3 gallons in
volume. For regulated medical waste, the primary receptacle may
not have a maximum capacity that exceeds 5 gallons in volume.
Each primary receptacle may not contain more than 50 ml
(1.66 ounces) of residual waste liquid. Each primary receptacle
must display the international biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321. Package testing results must show that the
contents did not penetrate through the primary container during
package testing and that the primary container can maintain its
integrity at temperatures as low as 0°F and as high as 120°F
(–18°C to 49°C).
(2) The primary receptacle must be packaged within a watertight
secondary container or containment system. The secondary
container may consist of more than one component. If one of the
components is a plastic bag, the bag must be at least 4 mil in
thickness and must be used in conjunction with a fiberboard box.
A plastic bag by itself does not meet the requirement for a
secondary container. Several primary receptacles may be
enclosed in a secondary container. The primary receptacle(s)
must fit securely and snugly within the secondary container to
prevent breakage during ordinary processing.
(3) The secondary container must be enclosed in a strong outer
shipping container constructed of 200-pound grade corrugated
fiberboard. The joints and flaps of the outer shipping container
must be securely taped, glued, or stitched to maintain the
integrity of the container. When tape or glue is used to secure an
outer shipping container, the material must be water-resistant.
Fiberboard boxes with interlock bottom flaps (i.e., easy-fold) are
not permitted as outer shipping containers unless reinforced with
346.322 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
66 Publication 52
water-resistant tape. The secondary container must fit securely
and snugly within the outer shipping container to prevent
breakage during ordinary processing.
(4) There must be enough material within the primary receptacle to
absorb and retain three times the total liquid allowed within the
primary receptacle (150 ml per primary receptacle) in case of
(5) Each mailpiece must not weigh more than 25 pounds. Medical
Professional Packages, as identified in
346.322b7, may not
weigh more than 35 pounds. The container’s maximum allowable
weight must be printed on the outside of the box and on the
assembly and closure instructions included with each mailpiece.
The mailpiece must be tested at the maximum allowable weight
identified by the vendor.
(6) In each mailing container system, the authorized vendor must
include a step-by-step instruction sheet that clearly details the
proper sequence and method of container system assembly prior
to mailing to prevent package failure during transport due to
improper assembly. The instruction sheet must also include a
customer service telephone number, or provide specific
information on where such a telephone number is located
elsewhere on the container system, for third-party end users to
contact if they have assembly questions or find a component part
is missing.
(7) Medical professional packages are intended for use by small
medical offices, but they are not limited to use by medical offices
only. One primary receptacle larger than 5 gallons in volume may
be used for mailing pre-primary sharps receptacles (sharps
receptacles normally used in doctors’ offices) and other
regulated medical waste under the following conditions:
(a) The mailpiece must meet all the requirements in 346.32
except for the primary receptacle capacity limits of
(b) Only rigid, securely closed, puncture- and leak-resistant
pre-primary sharps receptacles that meet or exceed
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
standards as identified in 29 CFR 1910.1030 may be
placed inside the primary receptacle. Each pre-primary
sharps container may contain no more than 50 ml
ounces) of residual waste liquid. Several pre-primary
sharps receptacles may be enclosed in the single primary
(c) Multiple tie-closed plastic bags of regulated medical waste
may be placed inside the single primary receptacle.
(d) The primary receptacle must be lined with a plastic bag at
least 4 mil in thickness and must include sufficient
absorbent material within the liner to absorb all residual
liquid in the primary receptacle.
(e) The mailpiece must not weigh more than 35 pounds.
Hazardous Materials 346.322
September 7, 2023 67
c. Mailpiece Labeling, Marking, and Documentation. Regulated medical
waste and sharps waste must meet the following requirements:
(1) Each primary receptacle and outer shipping container must bear
a label, which cannot be detached intact, showing the following:
(a) The company name of the vendor to which the mailing
authorization is issued.
(b) The USPS Authorization Number.
(c) The container ID number (or unique model number)
signifying that the packaging material is certified and that
the vendor obtained the authorization required by
Place the label on the top or on a side of the container.
(2) The primary receptacle(s) and the outer shipping container must
bear the international biohazard symbol in black with either a
fluorescent orange or fluorescent red background as shown in
Exhibit 346.321. The symbol on the outer shipping container
must be at least 3 inches high and 4 inches wide.
(3) Each mailpiece must have a four-part waste shipping paper. The
shipping paper must be affixed to the outside of the mailpiece in
an envelope or similar carrier that can be easily opened and
resealed to allow review of the document. The shipping paper
must comply with all applicable requirements imposed by the
laws of the state from which the container system is mailed. At a
minimum, the information in
Exhibit 346.322c3 must be on the
shipping paper.
(4) The outer shipping container must bear a properly prepared
merchandise return service label (see DMM 505.3). The
merchandise return service permit must be held in the same
name as that of the authorized medical waste vendor.
(5) The outer shipping container must be marked on two opposite
side walls with the package orientation marking in 49 CFR
173.312 to identify the proper upright position of the mailpiece
during handling.
(6) Mailpieces containing regulated medical waste or sharps waste
must be marked with the correct UN number and proper shipping
name (e.g., “Regulated Medical Waste, UN3291”, “Regulated
Medical Waste-Sharps, UN3291”). The proper shipping name,
identification number, and warning label, when applicable, must
be marked on the address side of the package unless specified
221.1 and 325.1.
(7) Vendors must retrieve mailpieces held at processing facilities due
to improper labeling, such as no return address, or due to
improperly completed shipping papers.
(8) For medical professional packages, the additional marking
“Medical Professional Packaging” must be clearly printed in
lettering at least 2 inches high on the address side of the outer
shipping container.
Exhibit 346.322c3
Shipping Paper for Regulated Medical Waste and Sharps Waste Containers
Section Information Required
1. Generator (Mailer) a. Name.
b. Complete address (not a Post Office box).
c. Telephone number.
d. Description of contents of mailing container. “Regulated Medical Waste” or
gulated Medical Waste-Sharps” is required as appropriate.
e. Date container was mailed.
f. State permit number of approved facility in which contents are to be disposed
2. Destination Facility
(Disposal Site)
Complete address (not a Post Office box).
3. Generator’s (Mailer’s)
The following certification statement must be printed on the shipping paper:
“I certify that this container has been approved for the mailing of [insert either
“regulated medical waste” or “sharps waste,”
as appropriate], has been
prepared for mailing in accordance with the directions for that purpose, and
does not contain excess liquid or nonmailable material in violation of the
applicable Postal Service regulations.
IMPROPERLY PACKAGED ITEMS IN THE MAIL. I also certify that the contents
of this consignment are fully and accurately
described above by proper shipping
name and are classified, packed, marked,
and labeled, and in proper condition
for carriage by air according to the national governmental regulations.”
This statement must be fol
lowed by printed or typewritten name of generator
(mailer), signature of generator, and date signed.
4. Destination Facility
(Storage or Disposal
The following certification statement of receipt, treatment, and disposal must be
printed on the shipping paper:
“I certify that the contents of this container have been received, treated, and
disposed of in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations.”
This statement must be followed by printed or typewritten name of an authorized
recipient at destination facility, signature of authorized recipient, and date signed.
5. Transporter
Intermediate Handler
Other Than the Postal
Service (If Different
From Destination
a. Name.
b. Complete address (not a Post Office box).
c. Printed or typewritten name of transporter
or intermediate handler.
d. Signature of transporter or intermediate handler and
date signed.
6. Serialized Waste
Shipping Papers
Each waste shipping paper or mail disposal service shipping record must be
serialized using a unique numbering system for identification purposes.
7. Comment Area Each shipping paper must contain an area designated for entering comments or
noting discrepancies.
8. Completion and
stribution of Waste
Shipping Paper
Each shipping paper must contain instructions for properly completing the four-
part form. Copies of the form must be distributed as follows:
a. One copy must be kept by generator (mailer).
b. One copy must be kept by transporter
or intermediate handler for 90 days.
c. One copy must be kept by destin
ation facility for 90 days.
d. One copy must be mailed to gen
erator by destination facility.
9. Emergency Telephone
Each shipping paper must bear the following statement with appropriate
CALL 1-800-###-####.”
346.322 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
68 Publication 52
Hazardous Materials 346.322
September 7, 2023 69
d. Package Testing. Vendors must submit to the director, Product
Classification, (see
214 for address) package-testing results from an
independent testing facility for each package for which the vendor is
requesting authorization. In addition, vendors must submit package
testing results from an independent testing facility when the design of a
container system changes or every 24 months, whichever occurs first.
The test results must show that, if every mailpiece prepared for mailing
were subject to the environmental and test conditions in 49 CFR and
the additional test requirements in
346.322e, no contents would be
released into the environment and the effectiveness of the packaging
would not be significantly reduced. The Postal Service may require
proof of accreditation or other documentation to support the
credentials of an independent testing facility.
Packages tested for approval as medical professional packages may
not be tested using pre-primary containers that are currently or have
previously been approved as Postal Service primary containers. In
addition, test reports must identify by brand name the pre-primary
containers that were used during testing.
e. Testing Criteria. Each mailpiece must pass each of the tests described
(1) Leakproof Test. The test must be conducted on one primary
receptacle with the lid in place, without the secondary and outer
packaging. The test duration must be at least 5 minutes and
must be conducted at 20 kPa (3 psi). The pass/fail criterion is as
follows: no air leakage from anywhere other than the closure of
the primary receptacle. Air leakage at the closure is not
considered a failure if the primary receptacle passes the test for
watertightness as determined by placing 50 ml of deionized
water into the primary receptacle, securing the closure, and then
turning the container on its side and observing for any evidence
of leakage. Any evidence of water leaking from the primary
receptacle is a failure.
(2) Stacking Test. One mailpiece must withstand the test in 49 CFR
178.606. The dynamic compression test must be conducted on
the empty, unsealed mailpiece assembled for mailing, without
the primary receptacle(s). The test mass is the vendor-identified
maximum weight, not to exceed 25 pounds, as indicated on the
outer shipping container and on the assembly and closing
instructions. A compensation factor of 1.5 must be used to
compute the test load, based on the vendor-identified weight.
The pass/fail criteria are as follows: no buckling of the sidewalls
sufficient to cause damage to the contents in the primary
receptacle, and in no case does the deflection exceed 1
(3) Vibration Test. One mailpiece filled with sharps or other regulated
medical waste must withstand the test in 49 CFR 178.608. The
test mailpiece is filled with sharps or other regulated medical
waste to the vendor-identified maximum weight, not to exceed
25 pounds, as indicated on the outer shipping container and on
346.322 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
70 Publication 52
the assembly and closing instructions. The test sample is
prepared as it would be for mailing. The pass/fail criterion is as
follows: no rupture, cracking, or splitting of any primary
(4) Wet Drop Test. Five mailpieces filled with sharps or other
regulated medical waste must withstand the test in 49 CFR
178.609e. Each test mailpiece is filled with sharps or other
regulated medical waste to the vendor-identified maximum
weight, not to exceed 25 pounds, as indicated on the outer
shipping container and on the assembly and closing instructions
included with each mailpiece. Each mailpiece is prepared as it
would be for mailing and subjected to a water spray as described
in the test. A separate, untested mailpiece is used for each drop
orientation: top, longest side, shortest side, and corner. The
pass/fail criteria are as follows: no rupture, cracking, or splitting
of any primary receptacle, and no contents may penetrate into or
through the body or lid of any primary receptacle.
(5) Cold Drop Test. Five mailpieces filled with sharps or other
regulated medical waste must withstand the test in
49 CFR 178.609f. Each test mailpiece is filled with sharps or
other regulated medical waste to the vendor-identified maximum
weight, not to exceed 25 pounds, as indicated on the outer
shipping container and on the assembly and closing instructions
included with each mailpiece. Each mailpiece is prepared as it
would be for mailing and chilled as described in the test. A
separate, untested mailpiece is used for each drop orientation:
top, longest side, shortest side, and corner. The pass/fail criteria
are as follows: no rupture, cracking, or splitting of any primary
receptacle, and no contents may penetrate into or through the
body or lid of any primary receptacle.
(6) Impact Test. One mailpiece filled with sharps or other regulated
medical waste must withstand the test in 49 CFR 178.609h. The test
mailpiece is filled with sharps or other regulated medical waste to
the vendor-identified maximum weight, not to exceed 25 pounds, as
indicated on the outer shipping container and on the assembly and
closing instructions included with each mailpiece. The mailpiece is
prepared as it would be for mailing. The pass/fail criteria are as
follows: no rupture, cracking, or splitting of any primary receptacle,
and no contents may penetrate into or through the body or lid of any
primary receptacle.
(7) Puncture-Resistant Test. Package testing results must show that,
during all of the previous tests, the contents did not penetrate
through the primary receptacle.
(8) Temperature Test. Package testing results must show that each
primary receptacle maintained its integrity when exposed to
temperatures as low as 0°F and as high as 120°F (–18°C to 49°C).
Hazardous Materials 346.323
September 7, 2023 71
(9) Absorbency Test. Package testing results must show that the
primary receptacle(s) contain enough absorbent material to
absorb three times the total liquid allowed within the primary
receptacle in case of leakage. Absorbency is determined by
pouring 150 ml of deionized water into the primary receptacle(s),
then turning the receptacle(s) upside down and observing for any
evidence of free liquid not absorbed on contact. Any evidence of
free liquid is a failure.
(10) Watertight Test. Package testing results must show that no
leakage occurred when 50 ml of deionized water was placed into
the secondary containment system and the entire system was
turned upside down for 5 minutes.
f. Suspension of Authorization. The Postal Service may suspend a
vendor’s authorization based on information that a mailpiece no longer
meets the standards for mailing sharps medical waste and regulated
medical waste containers, or that the mailpiece poses an unreasonable
safety risk to Postal Service employees or the public. The suspension
can be made immediately, making the mailpiece nonmailable
immediately. The vendor may contest a decision to suspend
authorization by writing to the director, Product Classification, (see
for address) within 7 days from the date of the letter of suspension. The
appeal should provide evidence demonstrating why the decision
should be reconsidered. Any order suspending authorization remains in
effect during an appeal or other challenge. When a vendor is notified
that its authorization to mail sharps or other regulated medical waste
containers has been suspended, the vendor must immediately do the
(1) Recall all identified containers.
(2) Notify all customers that they cannot mail the identified containers.
(3) Suspend sales and distribution of all identified containers.
(4) Collect the identified containers from distributors, consumers,
and the Postal Service without using the mail and in accordance
with all federal and state regulations.
346.323 Used Health Care Products
Note: See Packaging Instruction 6E in Appendix C.
A used health care product known or reasonably suspected to contain a
Category A material is nonmailable. A used health care product not
suspected to contain an infectious material, or that is known or suspected to
contain a Category B infectious substance and is being returned to the
manufacturer or manufacturer’s designee, is mailable with Priority Mail or
Priority Mail Express service subject to the following packaging
a. Each used health care product must be drained of liquid to the extent
possible and placed in a watertight primary receptacle designed and
constructed to ensure that it remains intact under normal conditions of
transport. For a used health care product capable of cutting or
penetrating skin or packaging material, the primary receptacle must be
346.324 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
72 Publication 52
capable of retaining the product without puncture of the packaging
under normal conditions of transport. The primary receptacle must be
marked with the international biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
b. Each primary receptacle must be placed inside a watertight secondary
container designed and constructed to ensure that it remains intact
under normal conditions of transport. The secondary container must
also be marked with the international biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
c. The secondary container must be placed inside an outer shipping
container with sufficient cushioning material to prevent movement
between the secondary container and the outer shipping container. An
itemized list of the contents of the primary receptacle and information
concerning possible contamination with a Division 6.2 material,
including its possible location on the product, must be placed between
the secondary container and the outer shipping container. A shipping
paper and a content marking on the outer shipping container are not
346.324 Forensic Material in Category B
Note: See Packaging Instruction 6F in Appendix C.
Forensic material containing a biological material, such as tissue, body fluid,
excreta, or secreta, and sent on behalf of a federal, state, local, or Indian
tribal government agency must be packaged under
346.325 when it is not
known or suspected to contain a Category A or Category B infectious
substance. Forensic material known or suspected to contain a Category A
infectious substance is nonmailable. Forensic material known or suspected
to contain a Category B infectious substance as identified in
346.321 is
mailable utilizing Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express service when triple-
packaged in a primary receptacle, secondary container, and a rigid outer
shipping container as follows:
a. The forensic material must be held within a securely sealed primary
receptacle. The primary receptacle must be surrounded by sufficient
absorbent material (for liquids) and cushioning material to protect the
primary container from breakage. The absorbent material must be
capable of taking up the entire liquid contents of the primary receptacle
in case of leakage. The primary receptacle must be marked with the
international biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
b. The primary receptacle and the absorbent and cushioning material
must be enclosed in a watertight and securely sealed secondary
container. The secondary container must also display the international
biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
c. The secondary container must be firmly and snugly packed within a
strong outer shipping container that is securely sealed. A shipping
paper and a content marking on the outer shipping container are not
Hazardous Materials 346.325
September 7, 2023 73
346.325 Nonregulated Materials
Note: See Packaging Instruction 6G in Appendix C.
Nonregulated materials as defined in 346.234 are not subject to regulation as
hazardous materials, but must be properly packaged when presented for
mailing. Regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste must be
packaged and mailed under
346.322, and used health care products must be
packaged and mailed under 346.323. Exempt human and animal specimens
must be packaged under 346.326. Nonregulated materials must be held
within a securely sealed primary receptacle. The primary receptacle must be
surrounded by sufficient absorbent material (for liquids) and cushioning
material to protect the primary receptacle from breakage. The absorbent
material must be capable of taking up the entire liquid contents of the
primary receptacle in case of leakage. Either the primary receptacle or the
inner packaging must be marked with the international biohazard symbol
shown in
Exhibit 346.321. The primary receptacle and the absorbent and
cushioning material must be snugly enclosed in a rigid outer shipping
container that is securely sealed. A shipping paper and a content marking on
the outer shipping container are not required. Nonregulated material
specimens and biological products are subject to the following packaging
a. Liquid Patient Specimens and Biological Products. Mailers must
package a liquid nonregulated patient specimen, a forensic specimen,
or a biological product (such as polio vaccine) as follows:
(1) Not exceeding 50 ml. A patient specimen or biological product
consisting of 50 ml or less per mailpiece must be packaged in a
securely sealed primary receptacle. Two or more primary
receptacles whose combined volume does not exceed 50 ml
may be enclosed within a single mailpiece. Sufficient absorbent
material and cushioning material to withstand shock and
pressure changes must surround the primary receptacle(s), or be
otherwise configured to take up the entire liquid contents in case
of leakage. The primary receptacle(s) and the absorbent
cushioning must be enclosed in a secondary container with a
leakproof barrier that can prevent failure of the secondary
container if the primary receptacle(s) should leak during
transport. The secondary container must be securely sealed, and
it may serve as the outer shipping container if it has sufficient
strength to withstand ordinary postal processing. The secondary
container must be marked with the international biohazard
symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321, except when the secondary
container also serves as the outer shipping container. In that
case, the biohazard symbol must appear on the inner packaging
or on the primary container. A shipping paper and a content
marking on the outer shipping container are not required.
346.326 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
74 Publication 52
(2) Exceeding 50 ml. A liquid patient specimen, forensic material, or
biological product that exceeds 50 ml must be packaged in a
securely sealed primary receptacle. A single primary receptacle
must not contain more than 500 ml of specimen. Two or more
primary receptacles whose combined volume does not exceed
500 ml may be enclosed in a single secondary container.
Sufficient absorbent material and cushioning material to
withstand shock and pressure changes must surround the
primary receptacle(s), or be otherwise configured to take up the
entire liquid contents in case of leakage. The primary
receptacle(s) and the absorbent cushioning must be enclosed in
a secondary container with a leakproof barrier that can prevent
failure of the secondary container if the primary receptacle(s)
should leak during transport. The secondary container cannot
serve as the outer shipping container. The secondary container
must be marked with the international biohazard symbol shown
Exhibit 346.321. The secondary container must be securely
and snugly enclosed in a fiberboard box or container of
equivalent strength that serves as the outer shipping container. A
shipping paper and a content marking on the outer shipping
container are not required.
b. Solid or Dry Specimen. A solid or dry specimen, such as a saliva swab,
blood spot, fecal smear, culture or stock, or forensic material, must be
completely dried before packaging in a mailing container or envelope.
Cushioning material to withstand shock and pressure changes is
required only if the dry specimen is placed in a breakable primary
receptacle. When required, the cushioning material must surround the
primary receptacle. The primary receptacle (and cushioning material, if
required) must be enclosed in a secondary container with a siftproof
barrier that can prevent failure of the secondary container if the primary
receptacle breaks during shipment. The secondary container must be
securely sealed, and it may serve as the outer shipping container if it
has sufficient strength to withstand ordinary postal processing. The
secondary container must be marked with the international biohazard
symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321, except when the secondary
container also serves as the outer shipping container. In that case, the
biohazard symbol must appear either on the inner packaging or on the
primary receptacle. A shipping paper and a content marking on the
outer shipping container are not required.
346.326 Exempt Human or Animal Specimens
Note: See Packaging Instruction 6H in Appendix C.
Exempt human or animal specimens as defined in 346.12d are not subject to
regulation as hazardous materials but when presented for mailing must be
triple-packaged in leakproof (for liquids) or siftproof (for solids) primary
receptacles. Sufficient cushioning and absorbent materials must surround
each primary receptacle containing liquid. Secondary containers for liquids
must be leakproof. Secondary containers for solids must be siftproof. The
primary and secondary packaging must be enclosed in a rigid outer shipping
container. A single primary receptacle must not contain more than 500 ml of
Hazardous Materials 346.327
September 7, 2023 75
a liquid specimen or 500 grams of a s
olid specimen. Two or more primary
receptacles whose combined volume does not exceed 500 ml (for liquids) or
500 grams (for solids) may be enclosed in a single secondary container. The
secondary container cannot serve as the outer shipping container. The
secondary container must be marked with the international biohazard
symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321. The secondary container must be securely
and snugly enclosed in a fiberboard box or container of equivalent strength
at serves as the outer shipping container. A shipping paper is not required.
The outer shipping container must be marked on the address side with the
words “Exempt human specimen” or “Exempt animal specimen,” as
appropriate. In addition, at least one surface of the outer packaging must
have a minimum dimension of 3.9 inches by 3.9 inches (100 mm by 100 mm).
346.327 Proper Packaging of Mailable Materials
All mailable materials as identified in 346.212 must be properly packaged.
Exhibit 346.327 lists the specific reverence in 346 under which each type of
mailable material must be packaged.
Exhibit 346.327
Packaging References for Mailable Materials, Infectious Substances
(Hazard Class 6, Division 6.2)
Material Being Mailed
Packaging Standards
1. nm = Nonmailable.
n/a = Not applicable.
Nonregulated Category A Category B
Blood for Transfusion 346.325 nm 346.321
Biological Product
nm 346.321
Culture or Stock 346.325 nm 346.321
Patient Specimen 346.325 nm 346.321
Exempt Human or Animal
346.326 n/a n/a
Forensic Material 346.325 nm 346.324
Regulated Medical Waste 346.322 nm 346.322
Sharps Waste 346.322 nm 346.322
2. Toxin means a Division 6.1 material from a plant, animal, or bacterial source. A toxin containing
an infectious substance or a toxin contained in an infectious substance must be classified as
Division 6.2; described as an infectious substance; and assigned to UN2814, UN2900, or
UN3373, as appropriate. A Division 6.1 toxin that can qualify as Limited Quantity surface is
permitted when packaged in accordance with 346.231 or 346.31.
346.31 nm 346.321
Treated Medical Waste 346.325 n/a n/a
Used Health Care Product 346.323 nm 346.323
346.4 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
76 Publication 52
346.4 Damaged Parcels
If a mailpiece containing a Class 6 material is found to be damaged or
leaking during Postal Service handling, the incident must be reported in
accordance with POM 139.117 and 139.118 and Handbook
Hazardous Materials and Spill Response (in Part VII, “Response to Hazardous
Material Incidents and Emergencies,” see the section titled “Hazardous
Materials Incident Reports”), as appropriate. The local Postal Service safety
officer (or designee) must immediately initiate the spill response procedures
in Handbook
EL-812. For spills involving infectious substances (etiologic
agents), the following containment and cleanup steps must also be followed:
a. Wear rubber gloves throughout the spill cleanup procedure.
b. Surround the leaking package with absorbent material.
c. Place the leaking package in another box and seal the box.
d. Place the sealed box in a plastic bag and seal the bag.
e. Flood affected surfaces and rinse rubber gloves with household
chlorine bleach, diluted 1
ounce to 1 gallon of water, and let stand for
minutes. Use caution with the chlorine bleach because it is a mildly
corrosive oxidizer. Wipe surfaces dry with an absorbent material, place
the absorbent material in a plastic bag, and incinerate.
f. Report the damaged parcel to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) at the telephone number listed in
g. Never dispose of etiologic agents in the trash. Contact the area
environmental compliance specialist for specific information on the
appropriate disposal procedures.
347 Radioactive Materials (Hazard Class 7)
347.1 Definition
Radioactive material is defined in 49 CFR 173.403 as any material containing
radionuclides where both the activity concentration and the total activity in
the consignment exceed the values specified in the table in 49 CFR 173.436
or values derived according to the instructions in 49 CFR 173.433.
347.2 Mailability
The following conditions apply:
a. International Mail. Radioactive material is prohibited in international
mail if required to bear a Class 7 Radioactive White-I, Radioactive
Yellow-II, or Radioactive Yellow-III hazardous materials warning label
Exhibit 325.2). See IMM 135.5 for the specific admissibility
requirements that are applicable to international shipments of
radioactive material. Mailable radioactive materials shipments may be
sent only via First-Class Package International Service with Registered
Mail service. Mailable radioactive materials may not have an activity
content that exceeds one-tenth of the limits in
Exhibit 347.22.
b. Domestic Mail via Air Transportation. All radioactive material is
prohibited in domestic air transportation.
Hazardous Materials 347.22
September 7, 2023 77
c. Domestic Mail via Surface Transportation. Radioactive material is
prohibited if it is required to bear a Class 7 Radioactive White-I,
Radioactive Yellow-II, Radioactive Yellow-III hazardous materials
warning label, or the Fissile label (see
Exhibit 325.2). Mailable
radioactive materials may not have an activity content that exceeds the
limits in
Exhibit 347.22, and must be one of the following materials
(proper shipping names and UN identification numbers in
CFR 172.101):
(1) A radioactive material eligible to be shipped as a limited quantity
under 49 CFR 172.101, Radioactive material, excepted
package — Limited quantity of material, UN2910.
(2) An excepted instrument, article, or device including an
instrument and manufactured article (such as a clock, electronic
tube, or apparatus) or a similar device that has a radioactive
material in gaseous or nondispersible solid form as a component
part, Radioactive material, excepted package — instruments or
articles, UN2911.
(3) An excepted article containing natural uranium or thorium,
including manufactured articles in which the sole radioactive
material is natural or depleted uranium or natural thorium,
Radioactive material, excepted package — articles manufactured
from natural uranium or depleted uranium or natural thorium,
347.21 Nonmailable Radioactive Materials
Any package bearing, or required to bear, one of the Class 7 hazardous
materials warning labels for radioactive materials shown in
Exhibit 325.2 is
nonmailable under any conditions. Report nonmailable materials found in the
mailstream to the appropriate officials in accordance with POM 139.117 and
139.118, as applicable. See 347.5 for emergency procedures.
347.22 Mailable Radioactive Materials
As stated in 347.2, the only categories of radioactive material that are
mailable in international mail or in domestic mail via surface transportation
are those that do not have an activity level exceeding the limits in
Exhibit 347.22 and are eligible under 49 CFR to be shipped as excepted
packages for limited quantities; excepted packages for instruments and
articles; and excepted packages for articles containing natural uranium or
thorium. The mailer must provide accurate documentation of the activity
limits, which must not exceed those specified in
Exhibit 347.22.
347.3 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
78 Publication 52
Exhibit 347.22
Activity Limits for Mailable Instruments, Articles, and Limited Quantity Radioactive Materials
1. For mixture of radionuclides, see 49 CFR 173.433(d).
2. These values also apply to tritium in activated luminous paint and tritium adsorbed on solid carriers.
347.3 Packaging
The following packaging requirements apply:
a. Limited Quantities (49 CFR 173.421). Radioactive materials whose activity
per package does not exceed the limits specified in
Exhibit 347.22 are
excepted from specification packaging, marking, and labeling
requirements. All applicable conditions for Packaging Instruction 7A in
C must be met.
b. Instruments and Articles (49 CFR 173.424). Instruments and
manufactured articles (including clocks, electronic tubes, or apparatus)
or similar devices having radioactive materials in gaseous or
nondispersible solid form as a component part (whose activity level
does not exceed the limits specified in
Exhibit 347.22) are excepted
from specification packaging, marking, and labeling requirements. All
applicable conditions for Packaging Instruction 7A in Appendix
C must
be met.
c. Excepted Articles Containing Uranium or Thorium (49 CFR 173.426).
Manufactured articles in which the sole radioactive material is natural
or depleted uranium or natural thorium (whose activity level does not
exceed the limits specified in
Exhibit 347.22) are excepted from
specification packaging, marking, and labeling requirements. All
applicable conditions for Packaging Instruction 7A in Appendix
C must
be met.
Nature of Contents
Instruments and articles
Materials Package
Limits for Each
Instrument or Article
Special form
Normal form
Tritiated water:
<0.0037 TBq/liter (0.1 Ci/L)
37 TBq (1000 Ci)
0.0037 TBq to 0.037 TBq/L (0.1 Ci to 1.0 Ci/L) 3.7 TBq (100 Ci)
>0.037 TBq/L (1.0 Ci/L) 0.037 TBq (1.0 Ci)
Other Liquids:
2 x 10
2 x 10
2 x 10
Special form
Other form
Hazardous Materials 347.5
September 7, 2023 79
d. For mailpieces intended for domestic transportation, the radiation level
at any point on the external surface of the mailpiece must not exceed
0.5 millirem per hour.
347.4 Marking
The outside of the inner receptacle or the outside of the secondary
packaging must be marked “Radioactive.” The address side of the mailpiece
must clearly and prominently display one of the following markings, as
a. Mailable Limited Quantity Shipments. “This package conforms to the
conditions and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.421 for radioactive
material, excepted package—limited quantity of material, UN2910, and
is within Postal Service activity limits for mailing.”
b. Mailable Instruments and Articles. “This package conforms to the
conditions and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.424 for radioactive
material, excepted package—instruments or articles, UN2911, and is
within Postal Service activity limits for mailing.”
c. Mailable Excepted Articles Containing Uranium or Thorium. “This
package conforms to the conditions and limitations specified in 49
CFR 173.426 for radioactive material, excepted package—articles
manufactured from natural uranium (or natural thorium), UN2909, and
is within Postal Service activity limits for mailing.”
347.5 Emergency Procedures
When a nonmailable package of radioactive material is discovered intact in
the mailstream, the following procedures must be immediately followed:
a. Place the parcel at least 15 feet from other mail or personnel. Under no
circumstances may the package be dispatched.
b. Report the mailpiece to the appropriate officials in accordance with
POM 139.117 and 139.118, as applicable.
c. If a package of radioactive material is damaged or is leaking,
immediately contact the facility safety officer (or designee). The safety
officer will:
Follow the appropriate spill-response procedures.
Isolate the area around the damaged package to prevent contact
with people.
Isolate any conveyor, belt, chute, or other equipment or
conveyance, including mailbags, in which the radioactive
material has leaked or may have leaked.
Rope off or guard the isolated area whenever practical.
Place a temporary sign indicating the presence of radioactive
materials and bearing a warning to stay beyond the edge of the
roped area.
347.5 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
80 Publication 52
The local postmaster or facility manager must immediately request the
assistance of qualified persons to check radiation hazards and to
supervise the salvage and decontamination. This assistance may be
received from the mailer (if known) or from one of the following
(1) Nearest office of the Department of Energy (DOE) as listed in
Exhibit 347.5c(1) or DOE’s national emergency number and
website are:
Telephone: 202-586-8100
(2) Local health, fire, or police departments.
(3) Local civil defense authorities.
(4) Nearby military installations.
(5) Nearby scientific laboratories.
(6) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Environmental
Protection Agency, and the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, whose national emergency numbers and websites are
as follows:
Telephone: 301-816-5100
Telephone: 800-424-8802
Telephone: 202-646-2400
Hazardous Materials 348.2
September 7, 2023 81
Exhibit 347.5c(1)
DOE Regional Coordinating Offices
Department of Energy
Regional Coordinating Offices for
Geographical Areas of Responsibility
Regional Coordinating Office
Telephone for
Assistance Areas Served
1. Brookhaven, NY 631-344-2200 Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New
York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
2. Oak Ridge, TN 865-576-1005 Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri,
Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia (includes Puerto
Rico and the Virgin Islands)
3. Savannah River, SC 803-725-3333 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South
4. Albuquerque, NM 505-845-4667 Arizona, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
5. Chicago, IL 630-252-4800 Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska,
North Dakota,
Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
6. Idaho Falls, ID 208-526-1515 Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming
7. Oakland, CA 925-422-8951 California, Hawaii, Nevada
8. Richland, WA 509-373-3800 Alaska, Oregon, Washington
Headquarters – Washington, DC 202-586-8100
Corrosives (Hazard Class 8)
348.1 Definition
A corrosive is any liquid or solid that causes visible destruction or irreversible
alteration in human skin tissue at the site of contact, or a liquid that has a
severe corrosion rate on steel. The term “corrosive” includes all items
commonly referred to as acids, as well as most batteries.
348.2 Mailability
a. International Mail. All corrosives are prohibited.
b. Domes
tic Mail. A corrosive material that qualifies as a Limited Quantity
air or Limited Quantity surface transportation is permissible. Mailable
corrosives are also subject to the following:
(1) A liquid mixture must be 1 pint (16 oz) or less and must contain
5 percent or less corrosive material, with the remainder of the
mixture not being a hazardous material, unless otherwise
specified in
348.22 for a specific corrosive material.
(2) A solid mixture must be 10 pounds
or less per primary receptacle
and must contain 10 percent or less corrosive material, with the
remainder of the mixture not being a hazardous material, unless
otherwise specified for a specific corrosive solid.
348.21 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
82 Publication 52
348.21 Nonmailable Corrosives
Nonmailable corrosives include the following:
a. Batteries (UN2794, UN2795) with liquid electrolyte (such as automobile
lead acid batteries), except for the nonspillable type allowed under
b. Nitric Acid (UN2031, UN2032).
c. Fuming and Spent Sulfuric Acids (UN1831, UN1832).
d. Hydrofluoric Acid (UN1790).
e. Mercury (UN2809), and devices containing metallic mercury, such as
thermometers, barometers, and sphygmomanometers (i.e., blood
pressure meters).
348.22 Mailable Corrosives
As a rule, liquid corrosives are limited to 15 percent solution or less as stated
348.2, unless otherwise specified below. Mailable corrosives include the
a. Acetic Acid (UN2790). Acceptable in solutions that can qualify as a
Limited Quantity air material or Limited Quantity surface material,
contains less than 80 percent acid, and does not exceed 1 pint.
Packaging Instruction 8A must be followed.
b. Batteries. Mailable batteries include:
(1) Common household dry-cell batteries such as sizes AA, AAA, C,
D, etc. are generally not regulated as hazardous materials and
are therefore mailable. For nickel-metal hydride batteries in sea
transportation, see 49 CFR 122.102, Special Provision 130.
Packaging requirements in DMM 601.1-7 apply.
(2) A nonspillable wet battery containing liquid electrolyte is
permitted to be mailed only if the battery casing is completely
sealed to prevent the liquid corrosive from spilling during Postal
Service handling. Nonspillable batteries with UN2800 are
prohibited in international mail but may be sent as domestic mail
via air or surface transportation when prepared within the
conditions of Packaging Instruction 8B in Appendix
(3) For lithium and lithium-ion batteries, see 349.22.
c. Hydrochloric Acid (UN1789). Acceptable only in solutions not
exceeding 10 percent acid that can qualify as a Limited Quantity air
material or Limited Quantity surface material. Packaging Instruction 8A
in Appendix
C must be followed.
d. Sulfuric Acid (UN2796). Acceptable only in solutions of 25 percent or
less acid that can qualify as a Limited Quantity air or Limited Quantity
surface material. Packaging Instruction 8A in Appendix
C must be
e. Dyes (UN2801, UN3147). Acceptable if the dyes can qualify as Limited
Quantity air material or Limited Quantity surface material. Mailable
dyes must be packaged as required in
348.3 and Packaging Instruction
8A in Appendix C.
Hazardous Materials 348.4
September 7, 2023 83
f. Photographic Mixtures. Acceptable if the corrosive liquid solutions for
preparing photographic processing mixtures can qualify as a Limited
Quantity air material or Limited Quantity surface material. Packaging
Instruction 8A in Appendix
C must be followed. When these liquids are
in securely closed and sealed bottles that are properly cushioned, they
may be packed in the same outside shipping container with required
amounts of packaged dry chemicals not classified as hazardous
materials (provided no dangerous reaction would occur should the
contents of the bottles be mixed with the dry chemicals).
g. Manufactured devices that contain small amounts of mercury
(UN3506). Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) and similar consumer
devices containing minute amounts of mercury are mailable by air or
surface only when each device, article, or apparatus contains
milligrams (mg) (0.0035 ounce) or less of mercury (less than a grain
of salt) and each mailpiece contains no more than 1 gram (g)
ounce) of mercury. Mercury contained in devices categorized
under UN3506 typically exists in a vaporized state — no metallic
mercury will be visible in UN3506 devices. See Packaging Instruction
8C in Appendix
C for mailing details.
348.3 Packaging
Mailable corrosives, both liquids and solids, must meet the applicable
requirements in 348.2b and be prepared as required in Packaging Instruction
8A in Appendix
C, or as permitted in 348.22.
348.4 Marking and Documentation
All labels and text markings must be placed on the address side of the
mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1. Parcels containing mailable
corrosive material must be marked as follows:
a. For air transportation, a mailpiece containing a mailable corrosive
material must bear the DOT square-on-point marking. The top and
bottom portions of the square-on-point and the border forming the
square-on-point must be black, and the center must be white or of a
suitable contrasting background. The symbol “Y” must be black,
located in the center of the square-on-point, and clearly visible.
Mailpieces must also bear the appropriate approved DOT Class 8
hazardous material warning label, the identification number, and the
proper shipping name. A properly completed shipper’s declaration for
dangerous goods must be affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
b. For surface transportation, parcels containing mailable Class 8
materials must be plainly and durably marked on the address side with
an approved DOT Limited Quantity surface mark (see
325.4). Surface
shipments bearing the Limited Quantity surface marking are not
required to include the proper shipping name and identification
number. A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is not required
for mailable Class 8 corrosives sent via surface transportation.
c. When the DOT square-on-point markings are used, markings must be
durable, legible, and readily visible, and must be applied on at least
one side or one end of the outer packaging. The border forming the
349 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
84 Publication 52
square-on-point must be at least 2 mm in width, and the minimum
dimension of each side must be 100 mm, unless the package size
requires a reduced size marking of no less than 50 mm on each side.
349 Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials
(Hazard Class 9)
349.1 Definition
A miscellaneous hazardous material is a substance or article that presents a
hazard during transportation, but does not meet the definition of any other
hazard class. Examples of miscellaneous hazardous materials (not all of
which are mailable) include solid dry ice, lithium batteries, magnetized
materials, elevated temperature substances, environmentally hazardous
substances, life-saving appliances (i.e., automobile air–bags, self-inflating life
vests), and asbestos. Miscellaneous hazardous materials include:
a. Any material that has an anesthetic, noxious, or other similar property
that could cause extreme annoyance or discomfort to a flight crew
b. Any elevated temperature material, hazardous substance, hazardous
waste (other than Division 6.2 medical waste), or marine pollutant.
349.11 Lithium Battery — Classifications:
a. Lithium-ion cell or battery means a rechargeable electrochemical cell
or battery in which the positive and negative electrodes are both lithium
compounds constructed with no metallic lithium in either electrode.
These batteries are also referred to as secondary or rechargeable
lithium cells or batteries, and are typically used in cell phones and
laptop computers.
b. Lithium-ion polymer cell or battery means a rechargeable cell or battery
that uses lithium-ion chemistries and is regulated as a lithium-ion cell
or battery.
c. Lithium metal cell or battery means an electrochemical cell or battery
utilizing lithium metal or lithium alloys as the anode. The lithium content
of a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or battery is measured when the
cell or battery is in an undischarged state. The lithium content of a
lithium metal or lithium alloy battery is the sum of the grams of lithium
content contained in the component cells of the battery. These
batteries are also referred to as primary or nonrechargeable lithium
cells or batteries, and are often used in consumer products such as
cameras and flashlights.
d. Button cell battery means a small single cell round battery with the
overall height less than the diameter. Button cells are used to power
small portable electronic devices such as wrist watches, pocket
calculators, and hearing aids, and are often installed in electronic
devices as auxiliary power sources. For the purposes of mailability as
button cell batteries, lithium metal batteries must contain no more than
0.3 gram of lithium content and lithium-ion batteries must be 2.7 watt-
hours or less.
Hazardous Materials 349.2
September 7, 2023 85
e. Lithium cell means a single encased electrochemical unit with a single
positive electrode (anode) and single negative electrode (cathode),
which exhibits a voltage differential across its terminals. For the
purpose of mailability, marking, and documentation requirements, a
single cell lithium battery is classified as a lithium cell.
f. Lithium battery means one or more lithium cells which are electrically
connected together by a permanent means, including case, terminals,
and markings.
349.12 Lithium Battery — Definitions
a. Equipment means the device or apparatus for which the lithium cells or
batteries will provide electrical power for its operation.
b. Lithium battery consignment means one or more mailpieces containing
lithium batteries, entered into USPS networks by one mailer or mail
service provider within a single mailing or retail transaction, or included
in the same manifest or shipping services file, and intended for delivery
to a single consignee at a single destination address.
c. Short circuit means a direct connection between positive and negative
terminals of a cell or battery that provides an abnormally low resistance
path for current flow.
d. Watt-hour (Wh) means a unit of energy equivalent to one watt (1 W) of
work acting for one hour (1 h) of time. The watt-hour rating of a lithium-
ion cell or battery is determined by multiplying the rated capacity of a
cell or battery in ampere-hours, by its nominal voltage. Therefore, watt-
hour (Wh) = ampere-hour (Ah) x volts (V).
e. Used, damaged, or defective electronic device means an electronic
device containing or packaged with one or more lithium cells or
batteries, and the electronic device:
(1) Is not new in original packaging;
(2) Is not manufacturer-certified new or refurbished; and/or
(3) Has some form of damage or defect.
349.2 Mailability
a. International Mail. All miscellaneous hazardous materials are
prohibited, except for certain magnetized materials as permitted in
349.242a and IMM 136.1g, and small consumer-type lithium batteries
(installed in the equipment they operate) as permitted in 622.5 and IMM
b. Domestic Mail. A miscellaneous hazardous material that can qualify as
a mailable air-eligible consumer commodity material (ID8000) when
intended for air transportation, or limited quantity surface material
when intended for surface transportation, is permitted in domestic
mail, subject to the applicable 49 CFR requirements. Only certain
materials within Classes 2, 3, 6.1, and 9 are mailable by air
transportation; mailpieces including eligible quantities of these
materials must be marked with the proper shipping name “Consumer
349.21 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
86 Publication 52
Commodity.” Additionally, lithium batteries, dry ice, and magnetized
materials are permitted within the specified limits provided in
349.222, 349.23, and 349.24.
349.21 Nonmailable Class 9 Materials
The following materials are prohibited:
a. All Class 9 materials that cannot qualify as a Limited Quantity air or
Limited Quantity ground material, except for lithium batteries, dry ice,
and magnetized materials.
b. All magnetized materials that have a measurable magnetic field
strength greater than 0.00525 gauss at 15 feet.
c. For air transportation, all magnetized materials that can cause a
compass deviation at a distance of 7 feet or more.
d. In domestic mail via air transportation, dry ice in quantities exceeding
pounds per mailpiece.
e. All lithium batteries in international mail, unless they are within the
specified limits and only when properly installed in the equipment they
f. All lithium batteries in domestic air transportation, unless they are
within the specified limits and only when properly installed in, or
packed with, the equipment they are intended to operate.
g. Damaged, defective, or recalled batteries unless approved by the
director, Product Classification (see
214 for address).
h. All used, damaged, or defective electronic devices in international mail
or domestic air transportation. This excludes devices that are new in
original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or refurbished
349.22 Mailable Class 9 Materials
349.221 Lithium Metal (Nonrechargeable) Cells and Batteries — Domestic
For domestic mailings only, small consumer-type lithium metal cells or
batteries (also called primary lithium cells or batteries) like those used to
power cameras and flashlights are mailable domestically under the following
conditions. See
622 or IMM 136 when mailing batteries internationally or to
APO/FPO/DPO destinations.
a. General. The following restrictions apply to the mailability of all lithium
metal (or lithium alloy) cells and batteries:
(1) Each cell must contain no more than 1.0 gram (g) of lithium
content per cell.
(2) Each battery must contain no more than 2.0 g aggregate lithium
content per battery.
(3) Each cell or battery must meet the requirements of each test in the
UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, part III, and subsection 38.3 as
referenced in DOT’s hazardous materials regulation at 49 CFR 171.7.
(4) All outer packages must have a complete delivery and return
Hazardous Materials 349.221
September 7, 2023 87
(5) All packaging must meet applicable requirements specified in 49
CFR 173.185. Except for mailpieces containing button cell
batteries properly installed in the equipment they are intended to
operate, mailpieces containing lithium metal batteries must be
rigid, sealed, and of adequate size, so the mark can be affixed to
the address side without the mark being folded. The use of
padded and poly bags as outer packaging is permitted only when
the mailpieces contain button cell batteries meeting the
classification criteria in 349.11d, the batteries are properly
installed in the equipment they are intended to operate, and the
batteries are afforded adequate protection by that equipment.
(6) Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in
equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium
metal cells or 2 lithium metal batteries installed in the equipment
they operate, mailpieces containing lithium metal batteries must
bear a DOT-approved lithium battery mark, as specified in
CFR 173.185(c)(3)(i) and Exhibit 325.2a, applied to the
address side of the mailpiece. Marks must not be applied in such
a manner that parts of the mark appear on different sides of the
(7) The mark must indicate UN3090 for lithium metal cells or
batteries. UN3091 must be indicated where the lithium cells or
batteries are contained in or packed with the equipment they are
intended to operate. The mark must also include a telephone
number for those who need to obtain additional information.
(8) All used, damaged, or defective lithium metal cells or batteries or
electronic devices contained in or packed with lithium metal cells
or batteries (excluding electronic devices that are new in original
packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or refurbished
devices) must be marked with the text “Restricted Electronic
Device” and “Surface Transportation Only” on the address side
of the mailpiece.
b. Installed in Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply to the
mailing of lithium metal cells or batteries properly installed in the
equipment they operate:
(1) The batteries installed in the equipment must be protected from
damage and short circuit.
(2) The equipment must be equipped with an effective means of
preventing it from being inadvertently turned on or activated.
(3) The equipment must be cushioned to prevent movement or
damage and, unless excepted under 349.221a(5), must be
contained in rigid outer packaging, sealed and strong enough to
prevent crushing of the package or exposure of the contents
during normal handling in the mail.
349.221 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
88 Publication 52
(4) For lithium metal cells and batteries containing no more than 0.3
gram of lithium content, no mailpiece may exceed 2.5 kilograms
(5.5 pounds). There is no maximum number of cells or batteries
per mailpiece.
(5) For lithium metal cells containing more than 0.3 gram but no
more than 1.0 gram of lithium content, and batteries containing
more than 0.3 gram but no more than 2.0 grams of lithium
content, no mailpiece may exceed 5 kilograms (11 pounds). Each
mailpiece may contain a maximum of 8 cells or 2 batteries, with
no more than 1.0 gram of lithium content per cell or 2.0 grams of
lithium content per battery.
(6) When required or optionally applied, mailpieces must display a
DOT-approved lithium battery mark on the address side.
(7) DOT-approved lithium battery markings must be applied to all
mailpieces when there are more than two mailpieces in a single
consignment as defined in 349.12b.
c. Mailed With Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply to
the mailing of lithium metal cells or batteries shipped with (but not
installed in) the device or equipment being mailed:
(1) The shipment cannot contain more batteries than the number
needed to operate the device.
(2) The lithium metal cells and batteries must be packaged
separately and cushioned to prevent movement or damage.
(3) The shipment must be cushioned to prevent movement or
damage, and must be contained in rigid outer packaging, sealed
and strong enough to prevent crushing of the package or
exposure of the contents during normal handling in the mail.
(4) For lithium metal cells and batteries containing no more than 0.3
gram of lithium content, no mailpiece may exceed 2.5 kilograms
(5.5 pounds). There is no maximum number of cells or batteries
per mailpiece.
(5) For lithium metal cells containing more than 0.3 gram but no
more than 1.0 gram of lithium content, and batteries containing
more than 0.3 gram but no more than 2.0 grams of lithium
content, no mailpiece may exceed 5 kilograms (11 pounds). Each
mailpiece may contain a maximum of 8 cells or 2 batteries, with
no more than 1.0 gram of lithium content per cell or 2.0 grams of
lithium content per battery.
(6) Mailpieces must display a DOT-approved lithium battery mark on
the address side.
d. Mailed Without Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply
to the mailing of lithium metal cells or batteries without equipment
(individual batteries):
(1) The lithium metal cells and batteries must be mailed in “the
originally sealed packaging.”
(2) The sealed packages of batteries must be separated and
cushioned to prevent short circuit, movement, or damage.
Hazardous Materials 349.222
September 7, 2023 89
(3) The shipment must be cushioned to prevent movement or
damage, and must be contained in rigid outer packaging, sealed
and strong enough to prevent crushing of the package or
exposure of the contents during normal handling in the mail.
(4) Mailpieces must be sent by surface transportation only.
(5) Mailpieces must display a DOT-approved lithium battery mark on
the address side, in addition to the text “Surface Mail Only,
Primary Lithium Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard
Passenger Aircraft” or “Surface Mail Only, Lithium Metal
Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger
(6) The mailpiece must not exceed 5 pounds.
349.222 Lithium-ion (Rechargeable) Cells and Batteries — Domestic
Small consumer-type lithium-ion cells and batteries (also called secondary
lithium cells or batteries) like those used to power cell phones and laptop
computers are only mailable domestically under the following conditions.
622 or IMM 135.6 when mailing batteries internationally or to and from
APO/FPO/DPO destinations.
a. General. The following additional restrictions apply to the mailability of
all secondary lithium-ion or lithium polymer cells and batteries:
(1) The watt-hour rating must not exceed 20 Wh per cell.
(2) The watt-hour rating must not exceed 100 Wh per battery.
(3) Each battery must bear the “Watt-hour” or “Wh” marking on the
battery to determine if it is within the limits defined in items
and 2.
(4) Each cell or battery must meet the requirements of each test in the
UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, part III, and subsection 38.3 as
referenced in DOT’s hazardous materials regulation at 49 CFR 171.7.
(5) All outer packages must have a complete delivery and return
(6) All packaging must meet applicable requirements specified in 49
CFR 173.185. Except for mailpieces containing button cell
batteries properly installed in the equipment they are intended to
operate, mailpieces containing lithium-ion batteries must be
rigid, sealed, and of adequate size, so the mark can be affixed to
the address side without the mark being folded. The use of
padded and poly bags as outer packaging is permitted only when
the mailpieces contain button cell batteries meeting the
classification criteria in 349.11d, the batteries are properly
installed in the equipment they are intended to operate, and the
batteries are afforded adequate protection by that equipment.
(7) Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in
equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium-
ion cells or 2 lithium-ion batteries installed in the equipment they
operate, mailpieces containing lithium-ion batteries must bear a
DOT-approved lithium battery mark, as specified in 49 CFR
173.185(c)(3)(i) and Exhibit 325.2a, applied to the address side of
349.222 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
90 Publication 52
the mailpiece. Marks must not be applied in such a manner that
parts of the mark appear on different sides of the mailpiece.
Where the lithium cells or batteries are shipped separately from
equipment, the mark must indicate UN3480. Where the lithium
cells or batteries are contained in, or packed with, equipment,
UN3481 must be indicated. The mark must also include a
telephone number for those who need to obtain additional
(8) All used, damaged, or defective lithium-ion cells or batteries or
electronic devices contained in or packed with lithium-ion cells or
batteries (excluding electronic devices that are new in original
packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or refurbished
devices) must be marked with the text “Restricted Electronic
Device” and “Surface Transportation Only” on the address side
of the mailpiece.
b. Installed in Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply to the
mailing of lithium-ion cells or batteries properly installed in equipment
they operate:
(1) The batteries installed in the equipment must be protected from
damage and short circuit.
(2) The equipment must be equipped with an effective means of
preventing it from being inadvertently turned on or activated.
(3) The equipment must be cushioned to prevent movement or
damage and, unless excepted under 349.222a(6), must be
contained in rigid outer packaging, sealed and strong enough to
prevent crushing of the package or exposure of the contents
during normal handling in the mail.
(4) For lithium-ion cells and batteries with a watt-hour rating of not
more than 2.7 Wh, no mailpiece may exceed 2.5 kilograms
pounds). There is no maximum number of cells or batteries
per mailpiece.
(5) For lithium-ion cells with a watt-hour rating of not more than
Wh, and batteries with a watt-hour rating of not more than
Wh, each mailpiece must contain no more than 8 cells or
batteries. Each cell must have a watt-hour rating of no more
than 20 Wh, and each battery must have a watt-hour of no more
than 100 Wh.
(6) When required or optionally applied, mailpieces must display a
DOT-approved lithium battery mark on the address side.
(7) DOT-approved lithium battery markings must be applied to all
mailpieces when there are more than two mailpieces in a single
consignment as defined in 349.12b.
c. Mailed With Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply to
the mailing of lithium-ion cells or batteries shipped with (but not
installed in) the device or equipment being mailed:
(1) For lithium-ion cells and batteries with a watt-hour rating of not
more than 2.7 Wh, no mailpiece may exceed 2.5 kilograms
Hazardous Materials 349.222
September 7, 2023 91
(5.5 pounds). There is no maximum number of cells or batteries
per mailpiece.
(2) For lithium-ion cells with a watt-hour rating of not more than
Wh, and batteries with a watt-hour rating of not more than
Wh, each mailpiece must contain no more than 8 cells or
batteries. Each cell must have a watt-hour rating of no more
than 20 Wh, and each battery must have a watt-hour of no more
than 100 Wh.
(3) The shipment must be cushioned to prevent movement or
damage, and must be contained in rigid outer packaging, sealed
and strong enough to prevent crushing of the package or
exposure of the contents during normal handling in the mail.
(4) Mailpieces must display a DOT-approved lithium battery mark on
the address side.
d. Mailed Without Equipment. The following additional restrictions apply
to the mailing of lithium-ion cells or batteries without equipment
(individual batteries):
(1) The lithium-ion cells and batteries must be mailed in “the
originally sealed packaging.”
(2) The sealed packages of batteries must be separated and
cushioned to prevent short circuit, movement, or damage.
(3) The shipment must be cushioned to prevent movement or
damage, and must be contained in rigid outer packaging, sealed
and strong enough to prevent crushing of the package or
exposure of the contents during normal handling in the mail.
(4) Unless both mailed from, and intended for delivery to, the state
of Alaska under 349.222d(7), mailpieces must be sent by surface
transportation only.
(5) The mailpiece must not exceed 5 pounds.
(6) Mailpieces must display a DOT-approved lithium battery mark on
the address side, in addition to the text “Surface Mail Only,
Secondary Lithium Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation
Aboard Passenger Aircraft” or “Surface Mail Only, Lithium-ion
Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger
(7) Cells having a watt-hour rating of not more than 20 Wh, and
batteries having a watt-hour rating of not more than 100 Wh may
be mailed via air transportation only when both mailed from, and
intended for delivery within, the state of Alaska. Each mailpiece
must contain no more than 8 cells or 2 batteries.
(8) Mailpieces must display a DOT-approved lithium battery mark on
the address side.
349.23 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
92 Publication 52
Exhibit 349.222
Domestic Lithium Battery Mailability
Lithium Metal or Lithium Alloy Batteries
3, 4
Small, non-rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in
Mailable Mailable 8 cells or 2 batteries
11 lbs.
Packed with equipment, but not installed in
e equipment
Mailable Mailable 8 cells or 2 batteries
11 lbs.
Without the equipment they operate
(individual batteries in originally sealed
Mailable Prohibited 5 lbs.
Lithium-ion or Lithium Polymer Batteries
5, 6
Small, rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in
Mailable Mailable 8 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in
e equipment
Mailable Mailable 8 cells or 2 batteries
Without the equipment they operate
(individual batteries in originally sealed
Mailable Prohibited
5 lbs.
Very Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries
8, 9
Exception for very small consumer-type batteries in USPS air transportation
Contained in (properly installed in
Mailable Mailable No limit on cells/
5.5 pounds
Packed with equipment, but not installed in
the equipment
Mailable Mailable No limit on cells/
5.5 pounds
Damaged, Defective, or Recalled
Prohibited, unless approved by the director, Product Classification.
1. Used, damaged, or defective electronic devices are prohibited from air transportation. This excludes devices that are new in
original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or refurbished devices.
2. When a mailpiece limitation of 8 cells or 2 batteries is applicable, a mailpiece may co
ntain either 8 cells or 2 batteries, not both.
3. Each cell must not contain
more than 1 g (gram) of lithium content.
4. Each battery must not con
tain more than 2 g aggregate lithium content.
5. Each cell must not exceed more than 20
Wh (watt-hour rating).
6. Each battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
7. Mailable intra-Alaska via air transportation is limited to 8
cells or 2 batteries.
8. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or batter
y must not exceed 0.3 g of lithium content.
9. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or
battery must not exceed 2.7 Wh.
349.23 Dry Ice
349.231 General
Dry ice is primarily used to keep other items cool. The items being cooled
can be either mailable hazardous materials or nonhazardous items, such as
medical specimens or foods.
Hazardous Materials 349.241
September 7, 2023 93
349.232 Characteristics and Precautions
Dry ice (carbon dioxide solid) is produced by expanding liquid carbon dioxide
to vapor and compacting the material into blocks. When dry ice converts
(dissipates) to a gaseous form, it takes in heat from its surroundings. The
resulting gas is heavier than air and can cause suffocation in confined areas
as air is displaced. When dry ice is enclosed in a thick metal or other
restrictive type of container, internal pressure builds up and could cause the
container to rupture or explode. Mailpieces containing dry ice must be
handled with care because its very low temperature (about –110° F
or –79° C) can cause severe burns to skin upon direct contact.
349.233 Dry Ice Mailability
Dry ice is permitted to be mailed when it is used as a refrigerant to cool the
content of a mailable hazardous or nonhazardous material. Packages
containing dry ice must be packed in containers that permit the release of
carbon dioxide gas and conform to 49 CFR 173.217 and 175.10(a)(10).
Mailpieces containing dry ice are subject to the following conditions, as
a. International Mail. Dry ice is prohibited.
b. Domestic Mail via Air Transportation. Dry ice is permitted in quantities
of up to 5 pounds per mailpiece. Mailpieces containing dry ice are
subject to the conditions for Packaging Instruction 9A in Appendix
as applicable.
c. Domestic Mail via Surface Transportation. A mailpiece sent via surface
transportation may contain more than 5
pounds of dry ice. Mailpiece
preparation is subject to the conditions for Packaging Instruction 9A in
Note: A mailpiece that is prepared for surface transportation must
not, under any circumstances, be routed via air transportation.
349.24 Magnetized Materials
A magnetized material is not classified within any of the nine hazard classes.
Such material is regulated as a hazardous material only if offered for carriage
on air transportation and when it has a magnetic field strength capable of
causing the deviation of aircraft instruments.
349.241 Definition
A magnetized material is any article that has a magnetic field strength
capable of causing the deviation of aircraft instruments. A magnetized
material is regulated as a hazardous material when it is presented for air
transportation and has a measurable magnetic field strength greater than
0.00525 gauss at 15
feet. Magnetized materials include magnets and
magnetized devices such as magnetrons and light meters of sufficient
strength to possibly cause erroneous aircraft compass readings. If the
maximum field strength observed at a distance of 7 feet is less than
0.002 gauss or there is no significant compass deflection (less than
0.5 degree), the article is not restricted as a magnetized material.
349.242 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
94 Publication 52
349.242 Mailability
Magnetized materials that have a magnetic field strength of 0.002 gauss or
more at a distance of 7 feet from any point on the surface of the outer
packaging are mailable via air transportation if properly packaged.
Magnetized materials that have a field strength greater than 0.00525 gauss
at 15 feet are nonmailable under any conditions. The following requirements
also apply:
a. International Mail. O
nly non-regulated magnetized materials that have a
magnetic field strength less than 0.002 gauss at a distance of 7 feet
may be sent internationally. Magnetized materials which are regulated
are prohibited. See
622.4 or IMM 136.1.
b. D
omestic Mail via Air Transportation. Magnetized materials that have a
magnetic field strength greater than 0.00525 gauss at 15 feet are
prohibited. A magnetic field strength less than 0.002 gauss at a
distance of 7 feet is not regulated. Mailpiece preparation is subject to
the conditions in Packaging Instruction 9B in Appendix
C. The address
side of the outer packaging must bear the magnetized material warning
label shown in
Exhibit 349.242b and a shipping paper is required, if
c. D
omestic Mail via Surface Transportation. Magnetized material is not
regulated as a hazardous material when transported via surface
Exhibit 349.242b
Warning Label for Magnetized Materials
349.3 Packaging
For mailable Class 9 materials, the following packaging requirements as
detailed in the Packaging Instructions in Appendix
C apply:
a. Packaging Instruction 9A must be followed for mailable quantities of dry ice.
b. Packaging Instruction 9B must be followed for mailable types of
gnetized materials.
c. Packaging Instruction 9C must be
followed for Class 9 miscellaneous
hazardous materials that can qualify as air-eligible consumer
commodity material (ID8000) when intended for air transportation or a
Limited Quantity ground material when intended for surface
Hazardous Materials 349.4
September 7, 2023 95
d. Packaging Instruction 9D must be followed for lithium and lithium-ion
cells and batteries.
349.4 Marking and Documentation
Parcels containing mailable Class 9 material must be marked as follows:
a. For air transportation, a mailpiece Class 9 material must bear the DOT
square-on-point marking. The top and bottom portions of the square-
on-point and the border forming the square-on-point must be black,
and the center must be white or of a suitable contrasting background.
The symbol “Y” must be black, located in the center of the square-on-
point, and clearly visible. Mailpieces intended for transport by air and
containing eligible limited quantity material of DOT Classes 2, 3, and
6.1, or eligible hazard Class 9 limited quantity material categorized in
UN3077, UN3082, UN3175, UN3334, or UN3335, must be marked with
the proper shipping name “Consumer Commodity” and identification
number “ID8000.” Each mailpiece must also display an approved DOT
Class 9 hazardous material warning label (see
Exhibit 325.3b). A
shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods that is prepared in triplicate
must be affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
b. For surface transportation, parcels containing mailable Class 9
materials must be plainly and durably marked on the address side with
an approved DOT Limited Quantity ground marking unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1 (see 325.4). Surface shipments bearing the Limited
Quantity ground marking are not required to include the proper
shipping name and identification number.
c. When the DOT square-on-point markings are used, markings must be
durable, legible, and readily visible, and must be applied on at least
one side or one end of the outer packaging. The border forming the
square-on-point must be at least 2 mm in width, and the minimum
dimension of each side must be 100 mm, unless the package size
requires a reduced size marking of no less than 50 mm on each side.
d. The specific marking and documentation requirements for dry ice,
magnetized materials, and lithium batteries are specified in Packaging
Instruction 9A, Packaging Instruction 9B, and Packaging Instruction 9D
in Appendix C, as applicable.
349.4 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
96 Publication 52
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September 7, 2023 97
4 Restricted Matter
41 General
411 Definition
Restricted matter includes articles on which mailing restrictions have been
imposed for reasons other than risk of harm to persons or property involved
in moving the mail. Motor vehicle master keys and intoxicating liquors are
examples of restricted items.
412 Mailer Responsibility
The mailer is responsible for ensuring that all Postal Service requirements, as
well as all federal and state laws and local ordinances that apply to the
shipment of an article of restricted matter, have been met.
413 Rulings
Where doubt exists about mailability of any article that is considered to be
restricted matter, a request for a ruling may be made to the local postmaster
When the qualification of an addressee to receive restricted matter within the
conditions in this chapter is in question, a Postmaster may require the mailer
or addressee to furnish a written explanation of the addressee’s eligibility
and/or the item’s mailability. If the explanation is not satisfactory or when
uncertainty remains, the postmaster may forward the explanation along with
a statement of the facts to the PCSC for a ruling.
414 Nonmailable Matter Found in the Mails
All nonmailable articles of restricted matter discovered in the mailstream
must immediately be reported in accordance with the provisions in the Postal
Operations Manual (POM) 139.117 or 139.118, as appropriate.
42 Intoxicating Liquors
421 Definition
Intoxicating liquors are drinkable beverages that have 0.5 percent or more
alcoholic content by weight and are taxable under Chapter 51 of the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) Code.
422 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
98 Publication 52
422 Mailability
422.1 Nonmailable Matter
422.11 Intoxicating Liquors
Intoxicating liquors having 0.5 percent or more alcoholic content are
nonmailable. Taxable liquors (as defined by Chapter 51, Internal Revenue
Service Code) with 3.2 percent or less alcohol, including those obtained
under a prescription or as a collector’s item, also are nonmailable. The
prohibition of the mailing of intoxicating liquors is contained in federal law
U.S.C. 1716).
422.12 Promotional Materials
Advertising, promotional, or sales matter that solicits or induces the mailing
of intoxicating liquors also is nonmailable. See DMM 601.7.4.1.
422.2 Mailable Liquors
422.21 Products Not Categorized As Intoxicating Liquors
A product containing an intoxicating liquor is mailable if it conforms to the
applicable requirements of the IRS and the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), and if it is not a taxable alcoholic beverage, poisonous, or flammable.
The following are examples of products that may be mailable:
a. Cold remedies.
b. Cooking wine.
c. Mouthwash.
422.22 Exempt Mailings Between Federal and State Agencies
Intoxicating liquor is exempt from the prohibition against mailing when it is
sent between employees of federal or state agencies who have an official
use for the liquor, such as for testing purposes. This exemption is based on
the intent of the law to prevent liquor from being transported to prohibited
jurisdictions for consumption and to ensure that all proper tax revenues are
423 Packaging and Marking
423.1 General
All exempt intoxicating liquors must be sent via Registered Mail service and
must meet the packaging requirements for liquids in DMM 601.3.4.
423.2 Denatured Flammable or Combustible Liquor
There are no postal requirements to denature the contents (i.e., to change
the nature or natural qualities) of intoxicating liquor. However, if contents are
denatured through the use of such elements as sodium bisulfate (a corrosive)
or mercuric chloride (a poison), the substances must meet the mailability
requirements in Chapter
3 for a Class 8 corrosive material or a Division 6.1
toxic substance, as appropriate. If the contents are flammable or
combustible, the material must meet the requirements for a Class 3
flammable or combustible liquid in Chapter
Restricted Matter 431.3
September 7, 2023 99
43 Firearms
431 Definitions
431.1 Firearm
The following definitions apply:
a. Firearm means any device, including a starter gun, which will, or is
designed to, or may readily be converted to, expel a projectile by the
action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any
firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any destructive device; but the
term shall not include antique firearms (except antique firearms
meeting the description of a handgun or of a firearm capable of being
concealed on a person).
b. Firearm frame or receiver is the part of a firearm which provides
housing for the hammer, bolt or breechblock, and firing mechanism,
and which is usually threaded at its forward portion to receive the
barrel. Frames and receivers usually (but not always) include the
firearm serial number and are usually considered to be the regulated
component of a firearm.
431.2 Handguns
Pistols, revolvers, and other firearms capable of being concealed on the
person (for example, short-barreled shotguns and short-barreled rifles) are
defined as handguns. The following definitions apply:
a. Handgun (including pistols and revolvers) means any firearm which has
a short stock, and is designed to be held and fired by the use of a
single hand and subject to
431.1, or a combination of parts from which
a handgun can be assembled.
b. Other firearms capable of being concealed on the person include, but
are not limited to, short-barreled shotguns and short-barreled rifles.
c. Short-barreled shotgun means a shotgun that has one or more barrels
less than 18 inches long. The term short-barreled rifle means a rifle that
has one or more barrels that are less than 16 inches long. These
definitions include any weapon made from a shotgun or rifle, whether
by alteration, modification, or otherwise, if such a weapon as modified
has an overall length of less than 26 inches. A short-barreled shotgun
or rifle of greater dimension may be regarded as nonmailable when it
has characteristics to allow concealment on the person.
431.3 Antique Firearm
Antique firearm means any muzzle loading rifle/shotgun/pistol, which is
designed to use black powder or a black powder substitute, and which
cannot use fixed ammunition (except those that incorporate a firearm frame
or receiver, any firearm which is converted into a muzzle loading weapon, or
any muzzle loading weapon which can be readily converted to fire fixed
ammunition by replacing the barrel, bolt, breechblock, or any combination
431.4 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
100 Publication 52
thereof); or any firearm (including those with a matchlock, flintlock,
percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system) manufactured on or before
1898, or any replica thereof, if such replica:
a. Is not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional
centerfire fixed ammunition.
b. Uses rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition that is no
longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily available in
the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
431.4 Rifles and Shotguns
A rifle is a shoulder weapon having a barrel that is 16 inches or more in
length. A shotgun is a shoulder weapon having a barrel that is 18 inches or
more in length. Rifles and shotguns have an overall length of 26 inches or
greater and cannot be concealed on a person.
431.5 Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL)
Federal Firearms licenses are issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and
Firearms (ATF), U.S. Department of the Treasury, under the Gun Control Act
of 1968, and are defined as follows:
a. Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) manufacturer, dealer, or importer of
firearms means a manufacturer, dealer, or importer duly licensed by
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) under
Chapter 44, Title 18, United States Code (U.S.C.).
b. Curio and relic collector means an individual licensed by ATF to
transfer or receive only those firearms defined as curios or relics by
ATF under Title 27, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), section 478.11.
431.6 Air Guns
Air gun means a gun that fires a projectile by means of compressed air or
other gas (including paintball and pellet guns).
432 Mailability
432.1 General
Mailers must comply with the Gun Control Act of 1968, all of the provisions
of postal law in 18 U.S.C. 1715, and all other all federal and state regulations
and local ordinances affecting the movement of firearms. The following also
a. The Postal Service may require the mailer to open parcels containing
firearms or air guns or give written certification that the weapon is
unloaded and not concealable.
b. Short-barreled rifles or shotguns that can be concealed on the person
are nonmailable.
c. No markings of any kind that indicate the nature of the contents may
be placed on the outside wrapper or container of any mailpiece
containing firearms.
Restricted Matter 432.21
September 7, 2023 101
d. Mailable matter must be properly and securely packaged within the
general packaging requirements in DMM 601.1-7.
e. Except for shipments between licensed dealers, manufacturers, or
importers, all regulated firearms must be mailed using a USPS product
or Extra Service that provides tracking and signature capture at
432.2 Handguns
Handguns and other firearms capable of being concealed on the person are
nonmailable unless mailed between the parties listed in this section, after the
filing of an affidavit or statement described in
432.22 or 432.24, and are
subject to the following:
a. Firearms meeting the definition of a handgun under 431.2 and the
definition of curios or relics under 27 CFR 478.11 may be mailed
between curio and relic collectors only when those firearms also meet
the definition of an antique firearm under
b. Firearms meeting the definition of a handgun under 431.2, which are
certified by the curator of a municipal, state, or federal museum that
exhibits firearms to be curios or relics of museum interest, may be
accepted for mailing between governmental museums without regard
to the restrictions provided for handguns in
432.21 through 432.24 and
Exhibit 432.25.
c. Air guns (see 431.6) that do not fall within the definition of firearms
under 431.1 and are capable of being concealed on a person are
mailable, but must include Adult Signature service under DMM 503.8.
Mailers must comply with all applicable state and local regulations.
d. Parts of handguns are mailable, except for handgun frames, receivers or
other parts or components regulated under Chapter 44, Title 18, U.S.C.
e. Mailers are also subject to applicable restrictions by governments of a
state, territory, or district.
432.21 Authorized Persons
Subject to 432.22, handguns may be mailed by a licensed manufacturer of
firearms, a licensed dealer of firearms, a licensed importer of firearms, or an
authorized agent of the federal government or the government of a state,
territory, or district, only when addressed to a person in one of the following
categories for use in the person’s official duties, and upon filing the required
affidavit or certificate:
a. Officers of the Army, Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, or
Organized Reserve Corps.
b. Officers of the National Guard or militia of a state, territory, or district.
c. Officers of the United States or of a state, territory, or district, whose
official duty is to serve warrants of arrest or commitment.
d. USPS employees authorized by the Chief Postal Inspector.
e. Officers and employees of enforcement agencies of the United States.
f. Watchmen engaged in guarding the property of the United States, a
state, territory, or district.
432.22 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
102 Publication 52
g. Purchasing agent or other designated member of agencies employing
officers and employees included in
432.21c through e.
432.22 Affidavit of Addressee
Any person proposing to mail a handgun under 432.21 must file with the
Postmaster, at the time of mailing, an affidavit signed by the addressee
setting forth that the addressee is qualified to receive the firearm under a
particular category of
432.21a through 432.21g, and that the firearm is
intended for the addressee’s official use. The affidavit must also bear a
certificate stating that the firearm is for the official duty use of the addressee,
signed by one of the following, as appropriate:
a. For officers of Armed Forces, by the commanding officer.
b. For officers and employees of enforcement agencies, by the head of
the agency employing the addressee to perform the official duty with
which the firearm is to be used.
c. For watchmen, by the chief clerk of the department, bureau, or
independent branch of the government of the United States, the state,
the territory, or the district by which the watchman is employed.
d. For the purchasing agent or other designated member of enforcement
agencies, by the head of such agency, that the firearm is to be used by
an officer or employee included in
432.21c through 432.21e.
432.23 Manufacturers, Dealers, and Importers
Handguns may also be mailed between licensed manufacturers of firearms,
licensed dealers of firearms, and licensed importers of firearms in customary
trade shipments, or for repairing or replacing parts.
432.24 Certificate of Manufacturers, Dealers, and Importers
A federal firearms licensee manufacturer, dealer, or importer need not file the
affidavit under
432.22, but must file with the Postmaster a statement on
PS Form 1508, Statement by Shipper of Firearms, signed by the mailer that
he or she is a licensed manufacturer, dealer, or importer of firearms. The
mailer must also state that the parcels containing handguns, or parts and
components of handguns under
432.2d, are being mailed in customary trade
shipments or contain such articles for repairing or replacing parts, and that to
the best of their knowledge the addressees are licensed manufacturers,
dealers, or importers of firearms. Registered Mail service is recommended.
Postmasters may forward an unsatisfactory mailer statement to the PCSC for
a ruling.
432.25 Federal and Other Law Enforcement Agencies
Handguns may be mailed without regard to 432.21 through 432.24 if the item is:
a. Addressed to a scientific laboratory or crime detection bureau of any
federal, state, or local law enforcement agency whose members are
authorized to serve warrants of arrest or commitment.
Restricted Matter 432.3
September 7, 2023 103
b. Sent by an authorized agent of the federal government as an official
ipment to any qualified addressee in
432.21, or to a licensed
manufacturer, dealer, or importer of firearms, or to a federal agency.
Exhibit 432.25
Mailability Requirements for Handguns
Addressee Affidavit or Certificate Requirements
Officer of Air Force, Army, Coast
Marine Corps, Navy, or Organized Reserve
Affidavit signed by the addressee and certificate signed by the
commanding officer.
Officer of National Guard or militia of a state,
territory, or district.
Affidavit signed by the addressee and certificate signed by the
commanding officer.
Officer of the federal government or a state,
district, or territory whose official duty is to
serve warrants of arrest or commitment.*
Affidavit signed by the addressee and certificate signed by the
head of the agency employing the addressee.
Postal Service employees specifically
authorized by the Chief Postal Inspector.*
Affidavit signed by the addressee and certificate signed by the
head of the agency employing the addressee.
Officer or employee of a U.S. enforcement
Affidavit signed by the addressee and certificate signed by the
head of the agency employing the addressee.
Purchasing agent or other designated member
of a
n enforcement agency employing officers
and personnel included in (*) above.
Affidavit signed by the addressee and certificate signed by the
head of agency stating the firearm is to be used by an officer or
employee included in addressee column marked with an (*).
Watchman engaged in guarding federal, state,
district, or territory property.
Affidavit signed by the addressee and certificate signed by chief
clerk of department, bureau, or independent branch of the
government agency employing the addressee.
Licensed manufacturers, importers, and
dealers of firearms.
Signed statement on PS Form 1508, Statement by Shipper of
Firearms. The mailer must be a licensed manufacturer, importer,
or dealer mailing to another licensed manufacturer, importer, or
firearms dealer.
Rifles and Shotguns
Except under 431.2, unloaded rifles and shotguns are mailable. Mailers must
comply with the rules and regulations un
der 27 CFR, Part 478, as well as
state and local laws. The mailer may be required by the USPS to establish,
by opening the parcel or by written certification, that the rifle or shotgun is
unloaded and not ineligible for mailing. The following conditions also apply:
a. Subject to state, territory, or district regulations, rifles and shotguns
may be mailed without
restriction when intended for delivery within the
same state of mailing. These items must:
(1) Bear a “Return Service Requested” endorsement.
(2) Be mailed using a class of mail, pr
oduct, or Extra Service that
provides tracking and signature capture at delivery.
b. A rifle or shotgun owned by a non-FFL may be mailed outside the
r's state of residence by the owner to himself or herself, in care of
another person in the other state where he or she intends to hunt or
engage in any other lawful activity. These mailpieces must:
(1) Be addressed to the owner.
(2) Include the “in the care of” endorsement immediately preceding
e name of the applicable temporary custodian.
432.4 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
104 Publication 52
(3) Be opened by the rifle or shotgun owner only.
(4) Be mailed using a class of mail, product, or Extra Service that
provides tracking and signature capture at delivery.
c. Mailing of rifles and shotguns between licensed FFL dealers,
manufacturers, or importers are not restricted. The Postal Service
recommends that these items be mailed using a class of mail, product,
or Extra Service that provides tracking and signature capture at
d. Rifles and shotguns may be mailed by a non-FFL owner domestically to
a FFL dealer, manufacturer, or importer in any state. These items must
be mailed using a class of mail, product, or Extra Service that provides
tracking and signature capture at delivery.
e. Except as described in 432.3a, licensed curio and relic collectors may
mail firearms meeting the definition of curios or relics under 27 CFR
478.11 domestically to licensed FFL curio and relic collectors in any
state. These items must be mailed using a class of mail, product, or
Extra Service that provides tracking and signature capture at delivery.
f. Firearms meeting the definition of a rifle or shotgun under 431.4 which
are certified by the curator of a municipal, state, or federal museum,
which exhibits firearms to be curios or relics of museum interest, may
be accepted for mailing without restriction when mailed between
governmental museums.
g. Air guns (see 431.6) that do not fall within the definition of firearms
under 431.1a are mailable. A shipment containing an air gun with a
muzzle velocity of 400 or more feet per second (fps) must include an
adult signature service under DMM 503.8. Mailers must additionally
comply with all applicable state and local regulations.
432.4 Indemnity Claims
When indemnity claims pertaining to regulated firearms are filed for loss or damage to
contents, claims will only be paid for complete loss under either of the following con-
a. The regulated firearm has been lost, or
b. When the mailer has provided reasonable estimates of the firearm’s
value and of repair cost from a reputable dealer, and the repair cost
exceeds the declared and/or actual value of the firearm at the time of
433 Legal Opinions on Mailing Firearms
Postmasters are not authorized to give opinions on the legality of any
shipment of firearms. Mailers requesting additional information should be
referred to the ATF. Further advice and ATF contact information is available
Restricted Matter 442
September 7, 2023 105
434 Replica or Inert Explosive Devices
Replica or inert explosive devices that are not dangerous, but that bear a
realistic appearance to explosive devices such as simulated grenades, are
permitted in the mail when all of the following conditions are met:
a. The package is presented by the mailer at a retail counter.
b. Registered Mail service is used.
c. The address side of the package is labeled with “REPLICA EXPLOSIVE”
using at least 20-point type or letters at least 1/4-inch high.
435 Nonmailable Firearms Found in the Mails
Nonmailable firearms discovered in the mailstream must be immediately
reported to the Inspection Service in accordance with POM 139.117.
44 Knives and Sharp Instruments
441 Definitions
441.1 General
Sharp instruments include all sharp-pointed or sharp-edged implements
such as knives, tools, ice picks, razor blades, stilettos, or similar devices.
When uncertain about the mailability of a sharp instrument or a switchblade
knife, a ruling may be requested from the local postmaster (see
441.2 Switchblade Knife
A switchblade knife has a blade that opens automatically by hand pressure
applied to a button or other device in the handle, or by operation of inertia,
gravity, or both.
442 Mailability
A switchblade knife, as defined in 441.2, is mailable only to the following
categories of addressees:
a. Certain designated supply or procurement officers and employees
ordering, procuring, or purchasing them for use in connection with their
respective governments or organizations, such as:
(1) Civilian or armed forces supply or procurement officers, and
employees of the federal government.
(2) Supply or procurement officers of the National Guard, the Air
National Guard, or the militia of a state, territory, or the District of
(3) Supply or procurement officers or employees of the municipal
government of the District of Columbia, or of the government of
any state or territory, or of any county, city, or other political
subdivision of a state or territory.
Note: Addressee Identification. Before delivering a shipment (or
parcel) that contains an article or articles described in
441.2, a
443 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
106 Publication 52
USPS employee may require that the recipient identify himself or
herself as being in one of the categories in
b. Manufacturers or bona fide dealers of such knives in connection with a
shipment made to an address in one of the above categories.
443 Packaging and Marking
443.1 General
All sharp-pointed or sharp-edged instruments such as knives, tools, ice
picks, razor blades, etc., that are otherwise mailable, must be securely
packaged in a strong container. An inner and outer packaging container is
recommended. Sufficient cushioning material must be used to protect the
sharp points and edges from cutting through the outer packaging during
normal Postal Service handling.
443.2 Marking
No marking of any kind that indicates the nature of the contents may be
placed on the outside of any mailpiece containing a switchblade knife.
444 Nonmailable Knives in the Mails
Nonmailable knives or sharp instruments discovered in the mailstream must
be reported to the Inspection Service in accordance with POM 139.117.
45 Other Restricted Materials
451 Liquids, Powders, and Odor-Producing Materials
451.1 Definitions
A liquid is any substance that flows readily and assumes the form of the
container, but retains an independent volume. For the purposes of
mailability, a liquid may be a cream or paste or any other nonhazardous
substance (except a gas) that may liquify under existing conditions.
An odor is any matter that is a source of an obnoxious odor.
451.2 Mailability
a. Liquids and powders that are nonhazardous (i.e., not regulated as
hazardous materials) are mailable provided they are properly packaged
as specified in
b. Any matter that is a source of an obnoxious odor is nonmailable.
451.21 Restrictions
Liquids and powders that are corrosive, explosive, flammable, toxic, or
otherwise hazardous are subject to the mailing conditions for hazardous
materials in Chapter
3, as applicable.
Restricted Matter 451.3
September 7, 2023 107
451.22 Cremated Remains
The following applies when mailing cremated remains (ashes):
a. Domestic:
(1) Permitted for cremated remains (human or animal) only when
sent via Priority Mail Express service. The item must be
packaged as required in
451.3b and Packaging Instruction 10C.
(2) The Priority Mail Express mailpiece (USPS-produced or customer
supplied) must be marked with Label 139, Cremated Remains,
affixed to all sides (including top and bottom), or a mailer may
use the special Priority Mail Express cremated remains branded
box (BOX-CRE) available on
(3) Mailers may have a shipping label printed and affixed at a Post
Office location or mailers may generate single-ply Priority Mail
Express labels through Click-N-Ship or other USPS-approved
methods. Mailer generated labels must bear an Intelligent Mail
package barcode (IMpb) with the proper cremated remains
service type code and include the proper Extra Services code in
the Shipping Services File (see Publication
199 on PostalPro at
(4) Priority Mail Express mailpieces containing cremated remains are
limited to additional insurance and return receipt extra services.
b. International:
(1) When permitted by the destination country, cremated remains
(human or animal) may only be sent via Priority Mail Express
International service. Mailers must verify that the destination
country accepts Priority Mail Express International and cremated
remains before mailing. The contents must be indicated on the
applicable customs declaration form. The item must be
packaged as required in
451.3b and Packaging Instruction 10C.
(2) The Priority Mail Express International mailpiece (USPS-
produced or customer supplied) must be marked with a
139, Cremated Remains, affixed to all sides (including top
and bottom), or a mailer may use the special Priority Mail Express
cremated remains branded box (BOX-CRE) available on
451.3 Packaging and Marking
The following conditions apply:
a. L
iquids. Nonhazardous liquids, creams, and pastes, particularly those
in 1-gallon paint cans with only friction-top closures (push-down tops),
are often a source of damage to other mail and postal equipment. The
proper packaging of liquids is critical to ensuring the integrity of the
mailpiece during handling. Mailers must mark the outer container of a
mailpiece containing liquid to indicate the nature of the contents, and
include orientation arrows in accordance with
226. All liquids are
452 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
108 Publication 52
subject to the general packaging requirements in DMM 601.3.4 and the
(1) Containers having friction-top closures are not acceptable by
themselves. Such containers must be packed within a strong and
securely sealed outer packaging.
(2) The use of locking rings or similar devices is encouraged when
mailing containers with friction-top closures (push-down tops).
(3) Screw caps with a minimum of one and one-half turns, soldering
clips, or other effective means must be used to ensure a secure
(4) All nonmetal containers of liquid more than 4 ounces, including
plastic containers, and metal containers with friction top
closures, must be triple-packaged, and include absorbent
material capable of absorbing all of the liquid in the container(s)
in case of breakage, a leakproof secondary container, such as a
watertight can or plastic bag surrounding the primary
container(s), and an outer mailing container that is securely
sealed, strong enough to protect the contents, and durable
enough to withstand normal processing in Postal Service
(5) Steel pails and drums with carrying handles and positive closures
(e.g., locking rings or recessed spouts under screw-cap closures)
may be accepted without additional packaging.
(6) As an alternative to 451.3a(4) above, mailers may use containers
certified by the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) to
have passed ISTA‘s Test Procedure 3A. Mailers must, upon
request, provide written test results verifying that sample
mailpieces passed each test outlined in the standard and that no
liquids were released.
b. Powders and Cremated Remains. Dry materials that could cause
damage, discomfort, destruction, or soiling upon escape (leakage)
must be packed in siftproof containers or other containers that are
sealed in durable siftproof outer containers.
452 Motor Vehicle Master Keys and Locksmithing
452.1 Definitions
452.11 Motor Vehicle Master Keys
A motor vehicle master key is any of the following:
a. Motor vehicle master keys, as defined in 452.11, and any
advertisement for the sale of such items, are nonmailable unless sent
to any of the following categories of addressees:
b. The key (or an exact duplicate) furnished with a replacement lock.
Restricted Matter 452.4
September 7, 2023 109
c. Any key or manipulation device designed to operate two or more motor
vehicle ignition, door, or trunk locks of different combinations,
including any pattern, impression, or mold from which a master key or
manipulation device can be made (18 U.S.C. 1716 and
39 U.S.C. 3002).
452.12 Locksmithing Devices
A locksmithing device is any of the following:
a. A device or tool (other than a key) designed to manipulate the tumblers
in a lock into the unlocked position through the keyway of such lock.
b. A device or tool (other than a key or a device or tool under 452.12a)
designed for bypassing a lock or similar security device, or for opening
it by a method normally not used by consumers to open such locks or
security devices.
c. A device or tool designed for making an impression of a key or similar
security device in order to duplicate such key or device.
452.2 Mailability
The following conditions apply:
a. Motor vehicle master keys, as defined in 452.11, and any
advertisement for the sale of such items, are nonmailable unless sent
to any of the following categories of addressees:
(1) Lock manufacturers.
(2) Professional locksmiths.
(3) Motor vehicle manufacturers or dealers.
(4) Federal, state, or local government agencies.
b. Locksmithing devices, as defined in 452.11, are nonmailable except
when sent to any of the following categories of addressees:
(1) Lock manufacturers or distributors.
(2) Bona fide locksmiths.
(3) Bona fide repossessors.
(4) Motor vehicle manufacturers or dealers.
(5) Bona fide automotive repair shops or businesses.
452.3 Packaging and Marking
No marking of any kind that indicates the nature of the contents may be
placed on the outer wrapper or packaging of any mailpiece containing motor
vehicle master keys or locksmithing devices. Mailable matter must be
properly and securely packaged within the general requirements in
452.4 Nonmailable Matter Found in the Mails
All nonmailable motor vehicle master keys and locksmithing devices
discovered in the mailstream must be reported in accordance with
453 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
110 Publication 52
453 Controlled Substances and Drugs
453.1 Definitions
453.11 Controlled Substances
A controlled substance is any anabolic steroid, narcotic, hallucinogenic,
stimulant, or depressant drug identified in Schedules I through V of the
Controlled Substances Act in 21 U.S.C. 801 and the implementing
regulations in 21 CFR 1300.
Controlled substances include poisons, compositions containing poisons,
poisonous drugs and medicines, or materials that may kill or injure within the
intent and meaning of 18 U.S.C. 1716.
453.12 Drugs
The term “drug” refers to:
a. Prescription drugs which are licensed medicines that require a written
order by a medical doctor or pharmacist before they can be obtained.
Certain poisonous (toxic) drugs and medicines may be subject to the
requirements for Division 6.1 materials in Chapter
b. Over-the-counter drugs which are medicines that can be obtained
without a prescription. This includes patent medicines and related
items such as aspirin, antiseptics, cold remedies, diet pills, and
cosmetic medicines that do not contain a controlled substance and are
not poisonous drugs or medicines.
453.13 Drug Paraphernalia
The term “drug paraphernalia” refers to any equipment, product, or material
primarily intended or designed for use in manufacturing, compounding,
converting, concealing, producing, processing, preparing, injecting,
ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body a
controlled substance.
Examples of drug paraphernalia are items primarily intended or designed for
use in ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing marijuana, cocaine,
hashish, hashish oil, PCP, or amphetamines into the human body, such as
metal, wooden, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic, or ceramic pipes with or without
screens, permanent screens, hashish heads, or punctured metal bowls;
water pipes, chamber pipes, carburetor pipes, electric pipes, ice pipes or
chillers, and air-driven pipes; carburetion tubes and devices; smoking and
carburetion masks; roach clips (i.e., objects used to hold burning material
that is too small or short to be held in the hand); miniature spoons with level
capacities of 1/10 cubic centimeter or less; chillums; bongs; wired cigarette
papers; and cocaine freebase kits.
453.131 Determination
In determining whether an item constitutes drug paraphernalia, in addition to
all other logically relevant factors, these factors may be considered:
a. Oral or written instructions or other descriptive materials provided with
the item that explain or depict its use.
b. National and local advertising on its use.
c. The manner in which the item is displayed for sale.
Restricted Matter 453.31
September 7, 2023 111
d. Whether the owner, or anyone in control of the item, is a legitimate
supplier of like or related items to the community, such as a licensed
distributor or dealer of tobacco products.
e. Direct or circumstantial evidence of the ratio of sales of the items to the
total sales of the business enterprise.
f. The existence and scope of legitimate uses of the item in the
g. Expert testimony on its use.
453.132 Exceptions
The standards in 453.13 and 453.131 apply neither to any person authorized
by local, state, or federal law to manufacture, possess, or distribute items
described in
453.13 and 453.131; nor to any item that, in the normal lawful
course of business, is sold through the mail and traditionally intended for use
with tobacco products, including any pipe, paper, or accessory.
453.2 Mailer Responsibility
The mailer is fully responsible for the following:
a. Ensuring compliance not only with Postal Service regulations, but also
with all other federal laws and regulations, such as the Poison Prevention
Packaging Act and the Consumer Product Safety Act, and with all local
laws and regulations governing distribution of unsolicited samples.
b. Being aware of other characteristics of an article or substance, such as
its flammable, toxicity, or corrosive characteristics that may affect
453.3 Mailability
453.31 Controlled Substances
If the distribution of a controlled substance is unlawful under 21 U.S.C. 801–971
or any implementing regulation in 21 CFR Chapter II, then the mailing of the
substance is also unlawful under 18 U.S.C. 1716.
Controlled substances and drugs that contain controlled substances are
acceptable in the domestic mail only under the following conditions:
a. For mailable controlled substances, generally both the mailer and
addressee must meet either of the following conditions:
(1) Be registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
(2) Be exempted from DEA registration, such as military, civil
defense, and law enforcement personnel, in performing official
b. For mail-back programs conducted in accordance with 453.7.
c. For prescription medicines containing mailable narcotic drugs
(controlled substances), when mailed by drug manufacturers or their
registered agents, pharmacies, medical practitioners, or other
authorized dispensers as permitted by 21 CFR 1307.11 or in
compliance with any regulation of the Food and Drug Administration or
other applicable law.
453.32 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
112 Publication 52
453.32 Drugs (Other Than Controlled Substances)
All prescription, nonprescription, and patent medicines and related items,
including solicited and unsolicited samples of such items, that are not
considered to be controlled substances under
453.11, are permitted to be
mailed as follows:
a. For prescription medicines containing a nonnarcotic drug(s), only a
pharmacist or medical practitioner, etc., who dispenses the medicine
may mail such substances to the patients under their care.
b. For nonprescription medicines, the mailer must meet all applicable
federal, state, or local laws that may apply (such as the Poison
Prevention Packaging Act of 1970 in 15 U.S.C. 1471(2) and the
Consumer Product Safety Commission requirements in 16 CFR 1700).
453.33 Poisonous Drugs and Medicines
Poisonous drugs and medicines may be sent only from the manufacturer or
dealer to licensed physicians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, druggists,
cosmetologists, barbers, and veterinarians (18 U.S.C. 1716). Some
poisonous drugs are subject to the requirements for Division 6.1 materials in
453.34 Small Amounts for Law Enforcement Purposes
Nothing in this section precludes the mailing of small amounts of unknown
matter suspected of containing controlled substances to a federal, state, or
local law enforcement agency for law enforcement purposes. Such mailings
must comply with the applicable packaging requirements in
453.35 Drug Paraphernalia
It is unlawful to use the mail to transport drug paraphernalia under the
Controlled Substances Act. If use of the mail to transport an article is
unlawful under the Controlled Substances Act, the article also is nonmailable
453.36 Return of Prescription Drugs
Mailers may use USPS Returns to return prescription drugs for purposes of
drug recalls; voluntary manufacturer withdrawals; and dispensing errors,
such as incorrect drug, dosage, or strength, as permitted by 21 CFR 1307.11
or other applicable law. The mailpiece must be addressed to the
manufacturer or its registered agent. Manufacturers or their registered
agents must furnish mailing containers to their customers to mail back the
identified drugs utilizing USPS Returns Service (see DMM 505.3.0) via
Priority Mail Return Service option for these mailpieces. Manufacturers or
their agents continue to be responsible for maintaining records in
compliance with any regulation of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
453.37 Hemp-based Products
For purposes of this section, “hemp” shall have the meaning provided under
federal law, including Section 10113 of the Agricultural Improvement Act of
2018, Pub. L.115-334 (7 U.S.C. § 1639o), or any successor provision.
Restricted Matter 453.5
September 7, 2023 113
Hemp and hemp-based products, including cannabidiol (CBD) with the
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of such hemp (or its derivatives)
not exceeding a 0.3 percent limit are permitted to be mailed in domestic mail
only when:
a. The mailer complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws,
and plans approved by the USDA under 7 CFR Part 990 pertaining to
hemp production, processing, distribution, and sales; and
b. The mailer retains records establishing compliance with such laws and
plans, including laboratory test results, licenses, or compliance reports,
for no less than 3 years after the date of mailing.
Shipments of hemp and hemp-based products, including cannabidiol (CBD),
are prohibited in international mail including items for delivery to overseas
military and diplomatic Post Office addresses (APO,
FPO, and DPO).
453.4 Packaging and Marking
Securely package all mailable drugs so that the contents cannot become
damaged or dislodged during mailing. The following conditions apply:
a. Controlled substances. The inner packaging of any mailpiece
containing a mailable controlled substance must be marked and sealed
in accordance with the applicable provisions and regulations of the
Controlled Substances Act (see
453.11). The inner packaging is also
labeled to show the prescription number and the name and address of
the pharmacy, practitioner, or other person dispensing the prescription
and must be securely held within a plain outer wrapper or packaging.
No markings of any kind that indicate the nature of the contents may
appear on the outside of the mailpiece. The general packaging
requirements in DMM 601.1-7 also apply.
b. Drugs and Medicines. Drugs and Medicines. Except for promotional
samples as described in
453.4c, each mailpiece containing a mailable
drug or medicine (that does not contain a controlled substance) must be
held in a plain outer wrapper or packaging.
c. Promotional Samples. A promotional sample package containing a
mailable over the counter, non-controlled, non-prescription drug or
medicine may bear a brief description of the sample as well as the
marking “Sample Enclosed” on the outside packaging of the mailpiece.
453.5 Rulings
Rulings must be based on the chemical composition of a product; the
composition of commercial products is ever-changing-e.g., the packaging
declares a “new and improved formula.
Requests for rulings must include the trade name of the product, as well as
information regarding any known hazardous ingredients. A generic
description of the item (e.g., “tranquilizers”) is not sufficient. Requests for
rulings are directed to the local postmaster (see
453.6 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
114 Publication 52
453.6 Nonmailable Matter Found in the Mails
Nonmailable controlled substances, drugs, and drug paraphernalia
discovered in the mailstream must be immediately reported in accordance
with POM 139.117.
453.7 Mail-back Programs
Effective October 9, 2014, the U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA), published the Federal Register final rule titled “Disposal
of Controlled Substances” (79 CFR 53519-53570), where it provided new
regulations specific to the collection and disposal of controlled substances.
This regulation authorized the use of DEA authorized mail-back collectors
(mailers) or law enforcement entities to conduct mail-back programs. Though
these programs authorize ultimate users who have lawfully obtained unused
or unwanted pharmaceuticals to transfer controlled substance
pharmaceuticals to authorized mail-back collectors for the purpose of
disposal, USPS authorization to conduct mail-back programs is subject to
the following conditions:
a. General
DEA registrants wishing to become controlled substances “mail-back
collectors” must obtain authorization from the DEA prior to conducting
a mail-back program, and must have the ability to destroy the returned
substances onsite. DEA-registered mail-back collectors must also
obtain an authorization from the USPS director, Product Classification,
before implementing any mail-back program. Mail-back programs may
only be authorized within the customs territory of the United States (the
50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico).
b. Packaging
Authorized DEA registrants participating in a mail-back program must
provide users with ready-made packaging. All packaging used in mail-
back programs must:
(1) Be nondescript and must not include any markings or other
information that might indicate that the package contains
controlled substances.
(2) Be water- and spill-proof, tamper-evident, tear-resistant, and
(3) Be preaddressed for delivery to the authorized mail-back
collector’s registered address or the participating law
enforcement’s physical address.
(4) Have postage pre-paid using one of the following products:
(a) Priority Mail Return Service; or
(b) Business Reply Mail parcels.
(5) Be accompanied by instructions for the user that describes the
process for mailing back the package, and other required
Restricted Matter 454.1
September 7, 2023 115
c. Labels
Prior to requesting authorization, applicants (mailers) must:
(1) Implement a process for generating labels including unique
Intelligent Mail package barcodes, prepared in accordance with
DMM 708.5.1, Publication 199, and the Parcel Labeling Guide.
Publication 199 and the Parcel Labeling Guide are available on
PostalPro at
(2) Applicants must obtain written approval for their labels and
barcode quality from the National Customer Support Center
(NCSC) prior to submitting their request for authorization to
conduct a mail-back program.
d. Authorization
Mailers wishing to conduct a mail-back program must submit a letter of
request to the director, Product Classification (see DMM 608.8.1 for
address). Requests must include:
(1) The registrant’s name, address, and DEA certificate of
(2) The authorized mail-back collector’s DEA-registered location;
(3) An irrevocable $50,000 surety bond or letter of credit as proof of
sufficient financial responsibility to cover disposal costs if the
vendor ceases doing business to cover destruction costs of
residual mail-back envelopes that are in Postal Service
possession. The surety bond or letter of credit must be issued in
the name of the vendor seeking the authorization and must name
the Postal Service as the beneficiary or obligee;
(4) A letter of approval from the NCSC for each label type used to
conduct their mail-back program; and
(5) Sample mailpieces and labels intended for use with their mail-
back program.
e. Discontinuation
An authorized mail-back collector that terminates, transfers, or
discontinues business must provide the director, Product
Classification, with the name, registered address, and registration
number of the mail-back collector that will receive the remaining mail-
back packages, in accordance with DEA regulations.
453.8 Undeliverable Medicines
The disposition of undeliverable mailpieces containing drugs and medicines
is governed by POM 691.52
454 Unsolicited Promotional Samples
454.1 Definition
The term “unsolicited promotional sample” refers to any article of
merchandise that is sent through the mail free of charge and that is
unrequested by the addressee. This definition includes items such as patent
medicines, cosmetics, laundry products, and razors.
454.2 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
116 Publication 52
454.2 Mailability
454.21 General
The fact that an item is unsolicited by the addressee generally does not
affect its mailability unless the article is composed of hazardous materials or
restricted matter. Hazardous materials are subject to the mailing conditions
in Chapter
3 of this publication, as applicable. Unsolicited items that are not
hazardous materials may be subject to additional packaging requirements
based on the content.
454.22 Nonmailable Promotional Samples
454.221 Abortive and Contraceptive Devices or Materials
Any article or instrument designed, adapted, or intended for producing
abortion is nonmailable (18 U.S.C. 1461).
Unsolicited samples of an article or instrument designed, adapted, or
intended for preventing conception is nonmailable, except when mailed to a
manufacturer, dealer, licensed physician or surgeon, nurse, pharmacist/
druggist, or a hospital or clinic (39 U.S.C. 3001 and 18 U.S.C. 1461).
454.222 Restricted or Improperly Prepared Items
Other types of unsolicited samples may be nonmailable for other reasons,
including the following:
a. The sample is an otherwise restricted item such as a toxic substance
or poison subject to the hazardous materials requirements in
b. The sample is improperly prepared for mailing, such as an inadequately
packaged razor blade or a household substance (39 U.S.C. 3001(f)),
i.e., any matter unsolicited by the addressee, that contains a substance
as defined by section 2 of the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of
1970 (15 U.S.C. 1471(2)), that does not comply with the child-resistant
packaging established for that substance by the Consumer Product
Safety Commission (16 CFR 1700).
c. The sample is a pesticide (18 U.S.C. 1716), i.e., any matter that
contains a pesticide as defined by section 2 of the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136(u)), that does not comply
with child-resistant packaging standards established by the
Environmental Protection Agency applicable to that particular matter
(40 CFR 157) and meets the applicable standards in 10.0.
d. A fragrance advertising sample (39 U.S.C. 3001(g)), i.e., any matter
normally acceptable in the mail but containing a fragrance advertising
sample, that does not comply with the requirements to be sealed,
wrapped, treated, or otherwise prepared in a manner reasonably
designed to prevent individuals from being unknowingly or involuntarily
exposed to the sample. A sample meets this requirement if it uses
paper stocks with a maximum porosity of 20 Sheffield units or
Gurley-Hill units treated exclusively with microencapsulated oils,
and if the sample is produced so that it cannot be activated except by
opening a glued flap or binder or by removing an overlying ply of paper.
Restricted Matter 455.2
September 7, 2023 117
e. The sample is an odd-shaped item in a letter-size envelope that is
prohibited under DMM 601.3.3.
454.3 Certificate Compliance
A mailer, who presents matter that is generally permitted in the mail, but for
compliance with the specified packaging and preparation requirements, may
submit an accompanying written statement certifying that the matter is
packaged or prepared under the applicable federal laws and postal
standards. The certifying statement may be made on the mailer’s letterhead,
on a postage statement, or as a notice on the exterior of each item presented
for mailing.
454.4 Customer Objection to Unsolicited Matter
Customers who object to receiving unsolicited matter should be advised that
the Postal Service must accept any lawfully mailable matter that is properly
prepared for mailing and bears appropriate postage. These customers may
be directed to contact the mailer or manufacturer to have their names
removed from the mailing list. Customers also may be advised they may
refuse any piece of mail, either at the time it is offered for delivery or after it is
delivered (if unopened), as provided in DMM 508.1 and POM 611.
454.5 Rulings
Rulings sometimes can be provided based on the trade name of an item, but
that is not always possible. A generic description, such as “razor blade,”
“cleaner,” “aerosol product,” or “drug,” is insufficient for determining
mailability. To request a ruling on the mailability of restricted matter, furnish
the information in
215.3 to the local postmaster.
If the matter for which the ruling is being requested has the physical
characteristics of a toxic substance, flammable liquid, compressed gas, or
other hazardous material, a ruling should be requested under the conditions
455 Building Construction Material
455.1 Definition
The term “building construction material” refers to any material which is used
for construction purposes. Naturally occurring substances, such as clay,
rocks, sand, and wood, fit into this category and some of these substances
could be man-made products using synthetics.
455.2 Mailability
Building construction material is not permitted in the mail if the acceptance
and processing is likely to harm or injure USPS employees, mail, or
equipment. Factors considered include, but are not limited to, whether the
material may pose potential storage problems at the postal facilities that may
process the material; whether the volume of material may impede the flow of
mail in USPS transportation or mail distribution systems; whether the volume
of material may lead to security problems; and whether processing the
material may create safety hazards for USPS employees.
455.3 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
118 Publication 52
455.3 Rulings
Rulings must be based on the composition of the product. Requests for
rulings must include the trade name of the product, as well as information
regarding any known hazardous ingredients. A generic description of the
item is not sufficient. Requests for rulings are directed to the local
Postmaster (see
455.4 Nonmailable Matter Found in the Mails
Nonmailable building construction material discovered in the mailstream
must be immediately reported in accordance with POM 139.117.
456 Lottery
456.1 Definition
The term “lottery” is any scheme or promotion, whether lawful under the laws
of any state, which, on paying a consideration, offers a prize dependent in
whole or in part on lot or chance. Lottery matter refers to any check, draft,
bill, money, postal note, or money order that is sent through the mail for the
purchase of any ticket or part thereof; for the purchase of any share or
chance in any such lottery, gift enterprise, or scheme; or for the payment of
prepaid taxes or fees purportedly required to collect lottery winnings.
456.2 Mailability
Mailed lottery tickets and related matter are statutorily defined as
nonmailable pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 3001, Nonmailable matter. Specifically, 39
U.S.C. 3001(a) states that matter deposited in the mail which is punishable
under 18
U.S.C. 1302, Mailing lottery tickets or related matter, is nonmailable
and subject to criminal penalties. The term “related matter” includes funds
remitted through the mail as noted in section
456.1 and DMM 601.9.3.
456.3 Nonmailable Determination
Excluding fishing contests, the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, and lotteries,
as defined in DMM 601.9.3.3, the following, among other factors, may be
considered when determining whether a mailing constitutes nonmailable
lottery matter:
a. Statements made by the sender or recipient that the mailing contains
lottery-related material.
b. The mailing matches a pre-established profile of lottery-related
mailings based on the sender’s return address.
c. Evidence that the recipient address is used to receive lottery-related mailings.
Restricted Matter 462
September 7, 2023 119
46 Animal-Fighting Ventures
461 Definitions
461.1 Animal
For the purposes of participating in an animal-fighting venture, the term
“animal” refers to any live bird, dog, or other mammal (except human).
461.2 Animal-Fighting Venture
The term “animal-fighting venture” means any event, in or affecting interstate
or foreign commerce, that involves a fight conducted or to be conducted
between at least two animals for purposes of sport, wagering, or
entertainment (excluding any activity whose primary purpose involves using
one or more animals in hunting other animals).
461.3 Animal-Fighting Accessory
The term “animal-fighting accessory” refers to a knife, gaff, or other sharp
instrument attached to or designated or intended to be attached to the leg of
a bird in an animal-fighting venture.
461.4 Animal-Fighting Matter
Animal-fighting matter refers to written, printed, or graphic matter (e.g.,
advertisements or other commercial speech) promoting or furthering an
animal-fighting venture.
462 Mailability
a. The mailing of a live animal for the purpose of participating in an
animal-fighting venture, as defined in
461.2, is prohibited regardless of
whether such venture is permitted under a United States state, district,
commonwealth, territory, or possession in which it is conducted.
Violators can be subject to criminal penalties under 7 U.S.C. 2156 and
18 U.S.C. 49.
b. The mailing of animal-fighting accessories as defined in 461.3 is
prohibited. Violators can be subject to criminal penalties under
U.S.C. 2156.
c. The mailing of animal-fighting matter promoting or furthering an
animal-fighting venture conducted in any state, except for a venture
involving live birds permitted under the laws of the state in which they
are conducted, is nonmailable. See DMM 601.7.5.7.
47 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
120 Publication 52
47 Cigarettes, Smokeless Tobacco, and Electronic
Nicotine Delivery Systems
471 Definitions
471.1 Cigarette
Any roll of tobacco wrapped in paper or in any substance not containing
tobacco, and any roll of tobacco wrapped in any substance containing
tobacco, which because of its appearance, the type of tobacco used in the
filler, or its packaging and labeling, is likely to be offered to, or purchased by,
consumers as a cigarette. The term cigarette includes roll-your-own tobacco
and excludes cigars.
471.2 Smokeless Tobacco
Any finely cut, ground, powdered, or leaf tobacco that is intended to be
placed in the oral or nasal cavity or otherwise consumed without being
471.3 Cigar
Any roll of tobacco wrapped in leaf tobacco or in any substance containing
tobacco, unless, because of its appearance, the type of tobacco used in the
filler, or its packaging and labeling, is likely to be offered to, or purchased by,
consumers as a cigarette.
471.4 Roll-Your-Own Tobacco
Any tobacco, which because of its appearance, type, packaging, or labeling,
is suitable for use and likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as
tobacco for making cigarettes or cigars, or for use as wrappers thereof.
471.5 Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS)
Any electronic device that, through an aerosolized solution, delivers nicotine,
flavor, or any other substance to the user inhaling from the device. ENDS
include but are not limited to the following:
a. Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes).
b. Electronic hookahs (e-hookahs).
c. Electronic cigars (e-cigars).
d. Vape pens.
e. Advanced refillable personal vaporizers.
f. Electronic pipes.
Any reference to ENDS includes any component, liquid, part, or accessory of
an ENDS device, regardless of whether the component, liquid, part, or
accessory is sold or provided separately from the device, or regardless of
whether it contains or is used with nicotine.
471.6 Covered Product
For purposes of chapter 47, any cigarette, smokeless tobacco, or ENDS.
Restricted Matter 472.23
September 7, 2023 121
471.7 Consumer Testing
Testing limited to formal data collection and analysis for the specific purpose
of evaluating the product for quality assurance and benchmarking purposes
of cigarette brands or sub-brands among existing adult smokers.
471.8 State
Any of the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any
commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States.
471.9 Minimum Age
The minimum age to send or receive covered products (see 471.6) is
21 years old (the federally required minimum age for the sale or purchase of
covered products), or such higher age that a state or municipality may
impose for the legal sale or purchase of covered products at the place of
acceptance or delivery, as appropriate.
472 Covered Products Generally Nonmailable
472.1 General
The following are nonmailable:
a. Any shipment of covered products described in 473.1.
b. Shipments of covered products that are not described in 473.1 and do
not qualify for an exception under 473.2 through 473.6.
c. Shipments of covered products that are not described in 473.1 and
would generally qualify for an exception under 473.2 through 473.6,
but fail to meet one or more conditions for the applicable exception.
For example, a recipient may fail to be verified as being of at least the
required minimum age (see
473.35a, 473.45a, and 473.55a), or a
Return Receipt may be absent or lack the mailer’s eligibility number
473.33b and 473.53c).
472.2 Treatment of Nonmailable Covered Products
472.21 Refusal of Acceptance and Transmission
The Postal Service will not accept, forward, or deliver any package that it
knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, contains nonmailable covered
products. If the Postal Service reasonably suspects that a mailer is tendering
nonmailable covered products, then the mailer bears the burden of proof in
establishing eligibility to mail.
472.22 Seizure and Forfeiture
Nonmailable covered products deposited in the mail are subject to seizure
and forfeiture. Any nonmailable covered products seized and forfeited will be
destroyed or retained by the federal government for the detection or
prosecution of crimes or related investigations, and then destroyed.
472.23 Disposition of Nonmailable Covered Products Not Seized and
Any nonmailable covered products not seized and forfeited will be handled in
accordance with
216 and 414.
472.24 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
122 Publication 52
472.24 Penalties
Persons involved in the shipment or attempted shipment of nonmailable
covered products may be subject to seizure and forfeiture of assets, criminal
fines, imprisonment, and civil penalties.
472.3 Reasonable Cause to Suspect Covered Products
Among any other potentially relevant circumstances, the Postal Service has
reasonable cause to suspect the presence of covered products based on:
a. A statement on a publicly available website, or an advertisement, by
any person that the person will mail matter which is nonmailable under
this section in return for payment;
b. The fact that the mailer or other person on whose behalf a mailing is
being made is on the U.S. Attorney General’s List of Unregistered or
Noncompliant Delivery Sellers; or
c. Any other characteristics of a package or label, individually or in
combination with other packages or labels, that reasonably indicate
the likely presence of covered products.
472.4 Applicability of Other Laws and Regulations
Shipments permitted under 473 are subject to all other applicable federal,
state, and local laws and regulations. For example, ENDS that consist of or
contain one or more of the following may be subject to prohibitions,
restrictions, or additional requirements stated elsewhere in this publication:
a. Controlled substances (including cannabis and cannabis derivatives).
b. Drug paraphernalia.
c. Lithium batteries.
d. Liquids.
e. Any toxic or flammable substance (e.g., nicotine, diacetyl
[butane-2,3-dione], propanol, and other components of ENDS liquids).
Mailers, recipients, and applicants are solely responsible for complying with
all applicable Postal Service regulations and other federal, state, and local
laws when mailing covered products.
472.5 Recordkeeping
Mailers, recipients, and applicants must maintain records to establish
compliance with the requirements in
473 for a 6-year period and must make
such records available to the Postal Service upon request.
473 Mailability Exceptions
473.1 Scope of Exceptions
Covered products are mailable if one of the conditions in 473.2 through
473.6 is met. These exceptions do not apply to the following:
a. Mail treated as domestic under DMM section 608.2.2.
b. Mail sent to Air/Army Post Office (APO), Fleet Post Office (FPO), or
Diplomatic Post Office (DPO) addresses.
Restricted Matter 473.32
September 7, 2023 123
c. Mail presented at APO, FPO, or DPO installations and destined to
addresses in the United States.
d. International mail as defined in DMM section 608.2.3.
e. Mail presented outside of a face-to-face transaction with a Postal
Service employee at a Postal Service retail or business mail
acceptance location. Examples of prohibited entry methods include,
but are not limited to the following:
(1) Pickup on Demand.
(2) Package pickup.
(3) An Approved Shipper location or other third-party acceptance
(4) A Contract Postal Unit.
(5) A Village Post Office.
(6) Placement in a customer mailbox, collection box, or Postal
Service lobby drop.
473.2 Intra-Alaska and Intra-Hawaii Shipments
Intra-Alaska and intra-Hawaii shipments of covered products are mailable,
provided that such mailings:
a. Are presented in a face-to-face transaction with a Postal Service
employee within the state, and not through any entry method
prohibited under
b. Destinate in the same state of origin;
c. Bear a valid complete return address that is within the state of origin;
d. Are marked with the following exterior marking on the address side of
the mailpiece, with the relevant type of item selected: “INTRASTATE
473.3 Exception for Business/Regulatory Purposes
473.31 General
Eligibility to mail and to receive mail under the business/regulatory purposes
exception is limited to federal and state government agencies and legally
operating businesses that have all applicable state and federal government
licenses or permits and are engaged in the manufacturing, distribution,
wholesale, export, import, testing, investigation, or research of covered
Mailings under this exception are permitted only for business purposes
between eligible businesses or for regulatory purposes between such
businesses and eligible government agencies. Mailability is further restricted
to mailings that comply with all conditions in
473.32 through 473.35.
473.32 Application
Each customer seeking to mail covered products under the business/
regulatory purposes exception must submit a complete application
Form 4615 or 4615-E, as appropriate) and, for ENDS, complete
473.32 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
124 Publication 52
Worksheets 4615-EM and 4615-ER as appropriate, along with all supporting
documentation requested on those forms and worksheets.
The following conditions apply:
a. Along with any other information requested on PS Form 4615 or
4615-E and Worksheets 4615-EM and 4615-ER, the applicant must
furnish the following information:
(1) The applicant’s legal status, copies of any applicable licenses,
and authority under which the applicant operates.
(2) The recipient’s legal status, copies of any applicable licenses,
and operational authority for all recipients to which the mailings
under this exception will be addressed.
(3) All Post Office locations where mail containing covered products
will be presented.
(4) For each business mailer and/or recipient, the nature of the
relevant business activities (e.g., manufacturing, wholesale,
distribution, testing, investigation, import, and export).
(5) The brand name and a description of each product intended to
be mailed. For ENDS, descriptions must include the following
(a) The source of any CBD;
(b) The concentration of any THC; and
(c) Safety data sheets or technical specification
documentation for any hazardous materials (e.g., lithium
batteries, nicotine, diacetyl [butane-2,3-dione], or
b. The applicant is responsible for establishing the eligibility of each
sender and recipient, and for the accuracy, completeness, and
currency of all information provided in the application. Applications
must be submitted via email to [email protected] as follows:
(1) For cigarettes and smokeless tobacco: PS Form 4615.
(2) For ENDS: PS Form 4615-E and Worksheets 4615-EM and
c. The director of PCSC will determine eligibility to mail under the
business/regulatory purposes exception. The following applies:
(1) The mailer bears the burden of establishing eligibility and must
furnish any additional supporting documentation requested by
the director of PCSC upon request as necessary.
(2) The director of PCSC may approve or deny an application in its
entirety or only with respect to certain mailers and/or recipients.
(3) A number is assigned to each letter of eligibility.
d. The applicant is responsible for amending the information in its
application, including any updated documentation, in a timely manner,
as necessary, at least 15 days before conducting any mailing to or from
an entity to which the information pertains.
Restricted Matter 473.34
September 7, 2023 125
e. Upon written request by a state or federal agency, the director of
PCSC may, in his or her discretion, waive certain application
requirements for mailings entered by the requesting state or federal
agency for regulatory purposes. The director of PCSC may suspend,
rescind, or modify any waiver at any time.
f. Any determination of eligibility to mail under this exception will lapse if
the authorized mailer does not tender any mail under this exception
within any 3-year period. After that time, the affected mailer must apply
for and receive new authorization for any mailings under this exception.
g. Current lists of authorized mailers will be made available to retail and
business mail acceptance personnel.
473.33 Mailing
All mailings tendered under the business/regulatory purposes exception
a. Be mailed using one of the following combinations of services:
(1) Priority Mail Express with Adult Signature Required or Adult
Signature Restricted Delivery service (see DMM section 503.8.0).
(2) Priority Mail with Adult Signature Required or Adult Signature
Restricted Delivery service.
b. Be accompanied by a Domestic Return Receipt (PS Form 3811). The
sender’s address block must bear the eligibility number issued by the
PCSC and be made returnable to the following address as shown
90 CHURCH ST., STE 3100
NEW YORK, NY 10007-2951
c. Bear the following marking, with the relevant type of item and recipient
side of the mailpiece.
d. Bear the business or government agency name and full mailing
address of both the sender and recipient. Each must match exactly
those listed on the authorized mailer’s application on file with the
Postal Service.
e. Be entered at a retail and/or business mail acceptance location
specified in the application and authorized by the PCSC.
473.34 Entry and Acceptance
Mailings under the business/regulatory purposes exception must be entered
under the following conditions:
a. Covered products must be tendered via a face-to-face transaction with
a Postal Service employee. Applicable mailings may not be tendered
through any entry method prohibited under
473.35 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
126 Publication 52
b. The mailer must present Postal Service acceptance personnel with the
(1) For shipments of cigarettes and/or smokeless tobacco: A letter
from the PCSC showing that the PCSC has authorized the mailer,
addressee, and acceptance location.
(2) For shipments of ENDS:
(a) A letter from the PCSC showing that the PCSC has
authorized the mailer and has not withheld authorization as
to the addressee;
(b) A PCSC-approved Worksheet 4615-ER showing that the
PCSC has authorized the addressee; and
(c) If applicable, (information exceeds space on authorization
letter) a PCSC-approved Worksheet 4615-EM showing that
the PCSC has authorized the mailer and the acceptance
c. The Postal Service employee must verify that the mailer, addressee,
and acceptance location match those authorized by the PCSC, based
on the mailer’s documentation and the current list of authorized mailers
available to the Postal Service employee.
473.35 Delivery
Mailings bearing the marking for business/regulatory purposes will only be
delivered to a verified employee of the addressee business or government
agency under the following conditions:
a. The recipient must be an adult of at least the required minimum age
471.9) at the place of delivery. A Postal Service employee must
verify the recipient’s age before releasing or delivering the item to the
recipient. The recipient must furnish proof of age via a driver’s license,
passport, or other government-issued photo identification that lists age
or date of birth.
b. The recipient must demonstrate status as an employee of the business
or government agency identified as the addressee on the mailing label.
Proof of employment may take the form of one or more of the
(1) An employee identification badge or card issued by the employer
and including the following:
(a) Employee’s name.
(b) Employer’s name.
(c) Employer’s telephone number.
(2) A signed letter on company or agency letterhead from a
supervisor or human relations office attesting to the recipient’s
current employment.
(3) Where delivery is made to a business address, employment
status may be inferred from the carrier’s observation of such
factors as the recipient’s uniform and presence at a reception
desk or retail counter.
Restricted Matter 473.43
September 7, 2023 127
(4) Any other form of identification that the postmaster deems to be
of comparable reliability.
c. Once the recipient’s age and identity as an employee of the addressee
are verified, the recipient must sign for receipt of delivery and in the
appropriate signature block of PS Form 3811.
473.4 Exception for Certain Individuals
473.41 General
The exception for certain individuals permits the mailing of small quantities of
covered products by individual adults for noncommercial purposes.
Mailability is further restricted to mailings that comply with all conditions in
473.42 through 473.45. Eligible shipments may be made to any type of
recipient (individual, business, government, or other organization).
473.42 Noncommercial Purposes
Noncommercial purposes may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Covered products exchanged as gifts between individual adults. For
purposes of this rule, “gifts” do not include covered products that one
individual purchased for another from a third-party vendor through a
mail-order transaction, or covered products included at no additional
charge with other matter in accordance with a commercial transaction.
b. Damaged or unacceptable covered products that a consumer returned
to the manufacturer or other business. The manufacturer or other
business may provide the consumer with a refund, credit, replacement
product, or other form of value in exchange for the damaged or
unacceptable covered product, as long as it does not exceed the
amount that the consumer paid for the damaged or unacceptable
product plus the cost of return shipping for the damaged or
unacceptable product.
c. Used covered products sent by a consumer to a manufacturer or other
business for recycling. For purposes of this rule, the consumer must
not receive anything of value (e.g., a discount, credit, or rebate) in
exchange for a returned item.
473.43 Mailing
No customer may send or cause to be sent more than 10 mailings under this
exception in any 30-day period. Each mailing under the certain-individuals
exception must:
a. Weigh no more than 10 ounces.
b. Be mailed using one of the following combinations of services:
(1) Priority Mail Express with Adult Signature Required or Adult
Signature Restricted Delivery service (see DMM section 503.8.0).
(2) Priority Mail with Adult Signature Required or Adult Signature
Restricted Delivery service.
c. The Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail label must bear the full name
and mailing address of the sender and recipient.
473.44 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
128 Publication 52
d. Bear the following exterior marking on the address side of the
mailpiece, with the relevant type of item selected: “PERMITTED
473.44 Entry and Acceptance
Mailings under the certain-individuals exception must be entered under the
following conditions:
a. Covered products must be tendered via a face-to-face transaction with
a Postal Service employee. Applicable mailings may not be tendered
through any entry method prohibited under
b. The individual presenting the mailing must furnish a driver’s license,
passport, or other government-issued photo identification that lists age
or date of birth. The following also applies:
(1) The name on the identification must match the name of the
sender appearing in the return address block of the mailpiece.
(2) The customer must be an adult of at least the required minimum
age at the place of acceptance (see
c. For mailings addressed to an individual, at the time the mailing is
presented the customer must orally confirm that the addressee is an
adult of at least the required minimum age at the place of delivery
473.45 Delivery
Delivery under the certain-individuals exception is made under the following
a. The recipient receiving or signing for the article must be an adult of at
least the required minimum age at the place of delivery (see
Postal Service employees must confirm this before releasing or
delivering the item to the recipient. The recipient must furnish proof of
age via a driver’s license, passport, or other government-issued photo
identification that lists age or date of birth.
b. Once the recipient’s age is verified, the recipient must sign for receipt
of delivery.
473.5 Consumer-Testing Exception
473.51 General
The consumer-testing exception permits a legally operating cigarette
manufacturer or a legally authorized agent of a legally operating cigarette
manufacturer to mail cigarettes to verified adult smokers solely for consumer
testing purposes. The manufacturer for which mailings are entered under this
exception must have a permit, in good standing, issued under 26 U.S.C.
5713. The consumer-testing exception applies only to cigarettes and not to
smokeless tobacco or ENDS. Mailability is further restricted to mailings that
comply with all conditions in
473.52 through 473.55.
Restricted Matter 473.52
September 7, 2023 129
473.52 Application
Each person seeking to mail cigarettes under the consumer-testing
exception must email a complete application (PS Form 4616), along with all
supporting documentation requested on that form, to [email protected]v. For
each application, the following conditions must be met:
a. The applicant must furnish the following information:
(1) A copy of the relevant manufacturer’s permit issued under 26
U.S.C. § 5713.
(2) If the applicant is an agent of a manufacturer, complete details
about the agency relationship with the manufacturer.
(3) All locations where mail containing cigarettes for consumer
testing will be presented.
b. As part of the application, the applicant must certify in writing that it will
comply with the following requirements:
(1) Any recipient of consumer-testing samples of cigarettes is an
adult established smoker.
(2) No recipient has made any payment for the cigarettes.
(3) Every recipient will sign a statement indicating that the recipient
wishes to receive the mailings.
(4) The manufacturer or the legally authorized agent of the
manufacturer will offer the opportunity for any recipient to
withdraw the recipient’s written statement at least once in every
3-month period.
(5) Any package mailed under this exception will contain no more
than 12 packs of cigarettes (maximum of 240 cigarettes) on
which all taxes levied on the cigarettes by the state and locality of
delivery have been paid, and all related state tax stamps or other
tax-payment indicia have been applied.
c. The application must be emailed to the director, PCSC, at
[email protected]. The applicant bears the burden of establishing
d. The applicant must provide any requested copies of records
establishing compliance to the director, PCSC, and/or the director,
Product Classification (see
214 for address), no later than 10 business
days after the date of the request.
e. The director, PCSC, will determine eligibility to mail under the
consumer-testing exception. The following applies:
(1) The director, PCSC, may approve or deny an application in its
entirety or only with respect to certain mailers and/or recipients.
(2) A number is assigned to each letter of eligibility.
f. For as long as the applicant or authorized mailer continues to mail
under the consumer-testing exception, the applicant or authorized
mailer must update the information in the application with the director,
PCSC, as necessary, in a timely manner upon becoming aware of a
change in application information. The information must be updated no
later than 15 days before conducting any mailing.
473.53 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
130 Publication 52
g. Any determination of eligibility to mail under this exception will lapse if
the authorized mailer does not tender any mail under this exception
within any 3-year period. After that time, the mailer must apply for and
receive new authorization for any further mailings under this exception.
h. Current lists of authorized mailers will be made available to retail and
business mail acceptance personnel.
473.53 Mailing
All mailings under the consumer-testing exception must meet the following
provisions or conditions:
a. Be limited in tobacco content to no more than 12 packs of cigarettes
(maximum 240 cigarettes) on which all taxes levied on the cigarettes by
the destination state and locality have been paid, and all related state
tax stamps or other tax-payment indicia have been applied.
b. Be mailed using one of the following combinations of services:
(1) Priority Mail Express with Adult Signature Restricted Delivery
service (see DMM section 503.8.0).
(2) Priority Mail with Adult Signature Restricted Delivery service.
c. Be accompanied by a Domestic Return Receipt (PS Form 3811). The
sender’s address block must bear the eligibility number issued by the
PCSC and be made returnable to the following address as shown
90 CHURCH ST., STE 3100
NEW YORK, NY 10007-2951
d. Bear the following marking: “PERMITTED CIGARETTE MAILING—
address side of the mailpiece.
e. Bear the name and full mailing address of both the mailer and recipient.
Each must match exactly those listed on the authorized mailer’s
application on file with the Postal Service.
f. Not be addressed to an addressee located in a state that prohibits
delivery or shipment of cigarettes to individuals in the destination state.
g. Be sent only to an addressee who meets the following requirements:
(1) Has not made any payment for the cigarettes.
(2) Is being paid a fee for participation in consumer tests.
(3) Has agreed to evaluate the cigarettes and furnish feedback to the
manufacturer in connection with the consumer test.
h. Not exceed more than one package from any one manufacturer to an
adult smoker during any 30-day period.
i. Be entered at a retail and/or business mail acceptance location
specified in the application and authorized by the PCSC.
Restricted Matter 473.6
September 7, 2023 131
473.54 Entry and Acceptance
Mailings under the consumer-testing exception must be entered under the
following conditions:
a. Covered products must be tendered via a face-to-face transaction with
a Postal Service employee. Applicable mailings may not be tendered
through any entry method prohibited under
b. The mailer must present Postal Service acceptance personnel with a
letter from the PCSC showing that the PCSC has authorized the mailer,
addressee, and acceptance location.
c. The Postal Service employee must verify that the mailer, addressee,
and acceptance location match those authorized by the PCSC, based
on the mailer’s documentation and the current list of authorized mailers
available to the employee.
473.55 Delivery
Mailings bearing the marking for consumer testing will only be delivered to
the named addressee under the following conditions:
a. The recipient signing for the article must be an adult at least 21 years
old. The following requirements also must be met:
(1) A Postal Service employee must verify the recipient’s age before
releasing or delivering the item to the recipient.
(2) The recipient must furnish proof of age via a driver’s license,
passport, or other government-issued photo identification that
lists age or date of birth.
(3) The name on the identification must match the name of the
addressee on the Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail label.
b. Once the recipient’s age and identity are verified, the recipient must
sign for receipt of delivery and in the appropriate signature block of
Form 3811.
473.6 Public Health Exception
Federal government agencies involved in the consumer testing of tobacco
products solely for public health purposes may mail cigarettes (this does not
apply to smokeless tobacco or ENDS) under the mailing standards of
except as follows:
a. The federal agency is not required to have a manufacturer’s permit
issued under 26 U.S.C. § 5713.
b. The recipient is not required to be paid a fee for participation in
consumer tests.
Upon written request, the director, PCSC, may waive certain application
requirements for mailings entered by the requesting federal agency. The
director, PCSC, may suspend, rescind, or modify any waiver at any time.
473.7 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
132 Publication 52
473.7 Suspension or Revocation of Eligibility
Eligibility to mail under one of the exceptions in 473.2 through 473.6 may be
suspended or revoked by the director, PCSC, in the event of failure to
comply with any applicable law or regulation. The following applies to
suspensions or revocations:
a. A customer may appeal an adverse initial decision to the director,
Product Classification (see
214 for address).
b. The mailer bears the burden of proof in establishing eligibility in any
appeal of a suspension or revocation decision and of furnishing all
supporting documentation when requested.
c. Decisions by the director, Product Classification, to revoke a
customer’s eligibility under any exception may be appealed to the
Judicial Officer under 39 CFR Part 953.
474 Additional Guidance
474.1 Interpretative Guidance
The definitions in 471.1 through 471.5 and the exclusion in 474.2 are in
accordance with section 1 of the Jenkins Act (15 U.S.C. § 375), which is
administered by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
(ATF). Interpretative guidance regarding these provisions may be requested
by contacting ATF at the following address, with a copy to the PCSC
213 for address):
c/o 90 K ST. NE, STE. 250
474.2 Exclusion of Products Approved for Tobacco Cessation or
Therapeutic Purposes
A product is excluded from the definition of ENDS in 471.5 (15 U.S.C. §
375(7)(C)) if:
a. It is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for sale as a
tobacco-cessation product or any other therapeutic purpose; and
b. Is marketed and sold solely for such purposes.
Any party who believes that a product to be sent through the mail qualifies
for this exclusion should provide appropriate documentation to ATF at the
address in
474.1, with a copy to the PCSC.
September 7, 2023 133
5 Perishable Matter
51 Definition
511 General Definitions
Perishable matter is anything that can deteriorate in the mail and thereby lose
value, create a health hazard, or cause an obnoxious odor, nuisance, or
disturbance, under ordinary mailing conditions. Mailable perishable matter
may be sent at the mailer’s own risk when it is packaged as required and
when it can be delivered within appropriate and reasonable time limits to
prevent deterioration.
Examples of perishable matter include mailable types of live animals, food
items, and plants.
512 Federal Statutes
Federal statutes impose restrictions and prohibitions on the mailing of fish,
wildlife, plants, and products made from these, as well as plant pests,
injurious animals, and taken fish, wildlife, and plants. The purpose of these
restrictions and prohibitions is to protect agriculture, ecosystems, and
natural resources in the United States. Additional information on these
restrictions and prohibitions can be found in the Lacey Act and in the
Endangered Species Act, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Animal Welfare
Act, and the Plant Protection Act under the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
52 Animals
521 General Requirements
The full cooperation of the mailer is essential in order to safely and effectively
transport animals through the mail. The following factors are applied to all
shipments of mailable live or dead animals:
a. Protection of Postal Service employees and the public against harm
from dangerous or diseased animals.
b. Protection of the mail and the environment against the following:
(1) Damage to the shipping container or other mailpieces from either
the animal or the refrigerant used (e.g., moisture or condensation
from melting ice, or pressure build-up from dry ice).
(2) Obnoxious odors and noise.
522 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
134 Publication 52
c. Protection of animals against death, or protection of animal specimens
against spoilage, taking into account the following:
(1) Expected time in transit.
(2) Expected temperature in transit (weather conditions).
(3) Packaging, including insulation against impact, heat, cold, and
preventing suffocation.
d. Ability of an animal to survive without food or water during transport.
Live animals must be transported without food or water, because liquids,
moisture, and loose foodstuffs can cause damage to the shipping
container, other mail, and Postal Service equipment during transport.
e. The ability of the Postal Service to provide transportation and delivery
service. Mailers are urged to work with postmasters in providing
advance notification of shipments of live animals. The Postal Service
advises destination and transfer offices when any significant quantities
of animals are moving in the mail. Postal Service field personnel should
consider a 4-hour time limit on the period during which animals
(especially bees, day-old poultry, and adult birds) may move in a
regular, closed Postal Service vehicle.
522 Packaging and Markings
522.1 Container Construction
Any container used to mail perishable matter must be constructed to protect
and securely contain the contents.
Shipping containers for mailable live animals must, at a minimum, be made
of 275-pound test, double-wall, corrugated, weather-resistant fiberboard
(W5c) or equivalent. USPS-produced packaging, including Flat Rate
containers, are not eligible to be used. Additional container requirements
apply to mailable adult birds.
522.2 Security and Ventilation
Containers must be constructed to prevent escape of animals, prevent the
crushing of the container and contents during normal handling, and provide
adequate ventilation for the animals at all times.
522.3 Marking
Each mailpiece must bear a complete return address and be marked on the
address side with a description of the contents (e.g., “Live Animals,” “Live
Honey Bees,” etc.). A mailpiece marked “If Undeliverable, Abandon” may not
be accepted for mailing.
523 Acceptance for Mailing
A mailpiece containing live animals that cannot reach its destination in a
viable condition should not be accepted. Factors that can be taken into
consideration in assessing the viability of a mailpiece containing live animals
include: use of proper packaging methods that protect against suffocation
and crushing during transport; expected time in transit; and extreme weather
conditions that exceed the normal weather pattern along the transportation
Perishable Matter 525.3
September 7, 2023 135
This provision does not give Postal Service personnel the authority to refuse
mailable animals that are properly packaged or to impose local black-out
periods based on temperature conditions, heavy mail volumes, etc.
Acceptance personnel must have reasonable justification to refuse a
mailpiece. Before refusing any mailpiece that contains a mailable type of
animal, acceptance personnel are to confer with the manager, business mail
entry, at their district office or with the PCSC, as appropriate.
Animals mailed to the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall
Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia require a permit issued by
the government of the destination country. See
524 Disposal
Any mailpiece containing live animals that cannot be delivered to the
addressee or returned to the sender within 72 hours (for live, day-old poultry)
or within the delivery period marked on the parcel (for other mailable animals)
must be disposed of immediately. For safety reasons, dispose of mailpieces
not marked with a delivery period when it reasonably appears the articles
cannot be delivered or returned in a viable condition. See POM 691.52 for
disposal information. Also see
742.3 for the disposition of mailpieces that are
refused by air carriers.
525 Nonmailable Live Animals
Nonmailable types of animals discovered in the mailstream must be reported
to the PCSC in accordance with the instructions in POM 139.118.
Additionally, the mailer and the Post Office of mailing must be notified to
prevent future shipments from being incorrectly accepted for mailing.
525.1 Live Birds
Day-old poultry vaccinated with Newcastle disease (live virus) is nonmailable.
Day-old birds, except those specifically permitted under
526.3 are
525.2 Live, Warm-Blooded Animals
Warm-blooded animals, except for adult birds and specified day-old birds
under the specific conditions in this section, are not mailable.
a. Cats or kittens.
b. Dogs or puppies.
c. Guinea pigs.
d. Hamsters.
e. Mice.
f. Rabbits.
g. Rats.
h. Squirrels and flying squirrels.
525.3 Reptiles
All snakes, turtles, and poisonous reptiles are nonmailable.
525.4 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
136 Publication 52
525.4 Poisonous Insects and Spiders
All poisonous insects and all spiders, except scorpions under limited
circumstances (see
526.5), are nonmailable. Other nonpoisonous and non-
disease-conveying insects are permitted as stated in Exhibit 526.6.
526 Mailable Live Animals
526.1 General
Some animals are mailable under proper conditions. See the specific
instructions as noted for the following kinds of animals:
a. Live bees, 526.2 and Exhibit 526.21.
b. Live, day-old poultry, 526.3 and Exhibit 526.33.
c. Live adult birds, 526.4.
d. Live scorpions (only under limited circumstances), 526.5 and Exhibit
e. Other small, harmless, cold-blooded animals, 526.6 and Exhibit 526.6.
Note: Regarding dead animals or parts of animals, see 526.7
and Exhibit 526.7.
526.2 Live Bees
526.21 Mailability Requirements
Honeybees and queen honeybees must be free of disease, as required under
federal and state regulations. The following additional conditions apply:
a. Honeybees. Honeybees are acceptable to mail only via surface
transportation. (See b. for exception.) Mailpieces must be plainly
marked on the address side with “Live Bees” and “Surface Only” or
“Surface Mail Only.”
b. Queen Honeybees. Queen honeybees may be shipped via air or
surface transportation. Each mailpiece shipped via air transportation is
limited to one queen and eight or less attendant honeybees.
All mailpieces containing queen honeybees must be plainly marked on the
address side with “Live Queen Bees.” Refer to
Exhibit 526.21 for a general
summary of the requirements for mailing live bees.
Exhibit 526.21
Requirements for Mailing Live Bees
Live Bees
Contents must be either queen honeybees or honeybees.
Bees must be securely packaged (see 522) to provide
adequate air and they must be kept within a tolerable
temperature range at 40° to 100° F.
The use of insecticides must be eliminated in Postal
areas that will be occupied by bee shipments.
Air Transportation Surface Transportation
Only queen honeybees may be
shipped by air transportation.
Each queen honeybee may be
accompanied by up to eight
attendant honeybees.
Alert personnel to ensure the queen
honeybees’ timely and safe dispatch
to, and arrival at, the destination.
Equipment must be available for
transportation up to the 4th zone.
Advance arrangements must be
made for shipment to addresses
beyond the 4th zone.
Any type of live honeybees may be
shipped in the continental United
States by surface transportation.
Alert personnel to ensure the
honeybees’ timely and safe dispatch
to, and arrival at, the destination.
Equipment must be available for
transportation up to the 4th zone.
Advance arrangement must be made
for shipment beyond the 4th zone.
Perishable Matter 526.32
September 7, 2023 137
526.22 Claims for Bee Shipments
Indemnity claims (see DMM 609) for damage, partial loss, and loss of insured
shipments of mailable bees are accepted only in the following situations:
a. Death of the bees resulted from Postal Service handling after
for mailability were met and when there was strong
likelihood that the shipment could have been safely transported.
b. Contents were lost because of damage to the container while in Postal
rvice custody.
c. The complete package was lost in the mail.
526.3 Live, Day-Old Poultry
526.31 General
The following live, day-old animals are acceptable for mailing when properly
packaged: chickens, ducks, emus, geese, guinea birds, partridges,
pheasants (only during April through August), quail, and turkeys. All other
types of live, day-old poultry are nonmailable. Day-old poultry vaccinated
with Newcastle disease (live virus) also is nonmailable.
526.32 Mailability Requirements
The specific types of day-old poultry named in 526.31 are mailable subject to
the following requirements:
a. Poultry that is not more than 24 hours
old and is presented for mailing
in the original, unopened hatchery box from the hatchery of origin.
b. The date and hour of hatching is not
ed on the box by a representative
of the hatchery who has personal knowledge thereof. (For Collect on
Delivery (COD) shipments made by a hatchery for the account of
526.33 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
138 Publication 52
others, the name or initials and address of the hatchery or the Post
Office box number and address of the hatchery must be prominently
shown for this standard.)
c. Box is properly ventilated, of proper construction and strength to bear
safe transport in the mail, and is not stacked more than 10 units high.
d. Day-old poultry is mailed early enough in the week to avoid receipt at
the office of address (in case of missed connections) on a Sunday, a
national holiday, or the afternoon before a Sunday or national holiday.
e. Day-old poultry can be delivered to the addressee within 72 hours of
the time of hatching.
f. Day-old poultry sent via air transportation must meet all provisions of
the airlines. Delivery of the mailpiece is dependent on the availability of
air carriers having available equipment to safely deliver the day-old
poultry within the specified time limit.
g. Day-old poultry that is first shipped via a commercial air express or air
cargo service and then presented for mailing to a final destination must
be in good condition and properly packaged as specified in
h. Boxes of day-old poultry of about identical size, securely fastened
together to prevent separation in transit, may be accepted for mailing
as a single parcel, provided the total length and girth combined does
not exceed Postal Service limits.
See Exhibit 526.33, Requirements for Mailing Live, Day-Old Poultry. See
Chapter 7 regarding domestic mail shipments sent via air transportation.
526.33 Claims for Live, Day-Old Poultry
Indemnity claims (see DMM 609) for damage, partial loss, and loss of insured
shipments of mailable, live, day-old poultry are accepted only in the following
a. Death of the live, day-old poultry resulted from Postal Service handling
after conditions for mailability were met and when there was strong
likelihood that the shipment could have been safely transported.
b. Contents were lost because of damage to the container while in Postal
Service custody.
c. The complete package was lost in the mail.
Exhibit 526.33
Requirements for Mailing Live, Day-Old Poultry
Answer each question and follow the instruction
as indicated. YES NO
1. Is poultry live, day-old poultry as listed in
If pheasants, they are
mailable only during April
through August.
See No. 2.
If not day-old poultry, item is
poultry or not day-old, check
other mailable animal types
in Section
52 to determine
2. Was hatching time 24 hours ago or less? See No. 3. NONMAILABLE.
3. Was poultry presented for mailing in
original, unopened hatchery
box from
hatchery of origin?
See No. 4. Do not accept.
4. Are boxes properly ventilated and of proper
construction and strength to bear safe
transport in mail?
Note: Boxes of appr
oximately identical size,
securely fastened to prevent separation in
transit, may be accepted for mailing as a
single parcel if the mailpiece does not
exceed DMM limits for combined length and
girth or exceed 70 pounds in weight.
Boxes are not to be
stacked more than
10 units high.
See No. 5.
Do not accept.
5. Are the date and hour of hatching noted on
ox by representative of hatchery who has
personal knowledge of facts?
See No. 6. Do not accept.
6. Did shipment originate at another office, or
was it sent by air express or air cargo and
then presented for mailing?
Before accepting, take
special precautions to
ensure that shipment is in
excellent condition.
See No. 7.
See No. 7.
7. If shipment is COD, have all conditions for
using COD service (as required in
503.11) been met? If not COD, see
No. 8.
See No. 8. If COD, do not accept unless
all applicable requirements in
DMM 503.11 are met.
8. Is poultry being mailed sufficiently early in
week to avoid arrival at the
delivery post
office on Sunday or holiday, or on afternoon
preceding Sunday or holiday?
See No. 9. Do not accept.
9. Can poultry be delivered to addressee
within 72 hours of time of hatching,
regardless of whether addressee resides in
town or on rural or highway contract route?
Accept for mailing. Do not accept.
Perishable Matter 526.33
September 7, 2023 139
526.4 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
140 Publication 52
526.4 Adult Birds
526.41 General
Mailers must be in compliance and may ship disease-free adult birds
domestically under all applicable governmental laws and regulations,
including the Lacey Act, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Animal
Welfare Act, regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, and any state, municipal, or local ordinances. Mailings must
also be compliant with the requirements provided in USPS Publication 14,
Prohibitions and Restrictions on Mailing Animals, Plants, and Related Matter,
Chapter 5. In addition, each container or package must be marked as
required by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under 50 CFR 14. Adult birds must
be properly packaged and able to sustain shipment without food or water
because liquids, moisture, and loose foodstuffs can cause damage to the
shipping container, other mail, and Postal Service equipment during
526.42 Mailability Requirements
Adult birds are mailable only when sent under the following conditions:
a. The shipment is mailed using Priority Mail Express service.
b. Each bird must weigh more than 6 ounces and no more than
c. The number of birds per parcel must follow the container manufacturer
d. The mailer must use containers that the director, Product
Classification, has approved.
e. If the mailer is unable to secure a previously approved container, the
mailer must submit the proposed container for approval to the director,
Product Classification (see part
214 for address). Upon submission,
valid written evidence of a test conducted by a competent authority
using a full container of live birds throughout a 3-day period of the
challenge must be provided. The test must satisfy the following:
(1) Confining live birds in the container must neither endanger the
health of the birds nor subject them to inhumane treatment.
(2) Environmental temperatures as high as 99 degrees Fahrenheit,
and as low as 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower for extended
periods, must pose no greater physiological stress on birds
confined in the container than on birds in containers with
conventional ventilation.
(3) The container design must include a low level of light and no
visual stimuli in order to reduce the birds’ awareness of being
moved or sense of alarm due to the presence of humans or other
animals nearby, reducing the birds’ psychological stress.
f. The mailer must meet the requirements in Packaging Instruction 10D of
Appendix C.
Perishable Matter 526.6
September 7, 2023 141
526.43 Claims for Adult Birds
Indemnity may be paid only for articles that are lost, damaged, or for missing
contents, and not for death of the birds in transit if there is no visible damage
to the mailing container.
The Postal Service will not refund postage if the Priority M
ail Express
shipment was delivered, or delivery was attempted, within three days of the
date of mailing shown in the “Date In” box on Label 11. See DMM 604.9.5.5.
526.5 Live Scorpions
The mailing of scorpions is limited by the restrictions in 18 U.S.C. 1716.
Under this limitation, scorpions are mailable only when sent for the purposes
of medical research use or the manufacture of antivenin. Scorpions are
nonmailable under any other circumstances. See
Exhibit 526.5 for mailing
conditions that apply to permissible
Exhibit 526.5
Restrictions on Mailing Live Scorpions
Live scorpions are mailable only if EACH of the following conditions is met:
1. Must be for delivery only within the contin
ental United States.
2. May be sent only by surface transportation.
3. Must be sent only for spec
ial purposes of either:
Medical research use.
Manufacture of antivenin.
4. Must be properly packaged prior to
mailing, as follows:
Live scorpions is packed in a double container system, with each
receptacle closed or fastened in such a way as to prevent escape.
Inner receptacle is made of material that cannot be punctured by a
Inner receptacle is marked “Live Scorpions.”
Cushioning material is used to prevent shifting of the inner receptacle.
Design of packaging is of sufficient strength, as required in 522, to prevent
crushing of the mailpiece or escape of
the contents during normal Postal
Service handling and transport.
Address side of mailpiece is clearly marked “Live Scorpions.”
Small, Harmless, Cold-Blooded Animals
Small, harmless, cold-blooded animals, except for snakes, turtles, and turtle
eggs, are mailable only when they meet certain requirements. For some
examples, see
Exhibit 526.6.
Exhibit 526.6
Requirements for Mailing Small, Harmless, Cold-Blooded Animals
(Except Snakes, Turtles, and Turtle Eggs)
General Requirements:
All animals in this group:
Must be able to reach their destination in good condition in the normal transit
time between the mailing and address points.
Must not require any food, water (except for fish), or attention during transport.
Must not create sanitary problems.
Must not create obnoxious odors.
Specific Requirements by Animal:
Baby Alligators
Baby Caimans
Reptiles and Amphibians
Tadpoles and Toads
Animals must not exceed 20 inches in length.
No additional requirements, except the applicable
standards in section
Packaging must comply with 522.
Specific Requirements by Animal:
Tropical Fish
Fish must be held in a securely sealed primary
Primary receptacle must be cushioned with
sufficient absorbent material to take up all liquid
in case of leakage.
Primary receptacle and absorbent cushioning
material must be sealed within waterproof outer
(shipping) packaging.
No additional requirements, except the applicable
standards in section
Packaging must comply with 522.
Nonpoisonous Insects
No additional requirements, except the applicable
standards in section
Packaging must comply with 522.
526.7 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
142 Publication 52
526.7 Dead Animals or Parts of Animals
The dead bodies, or parts thereof, of any wild animals, wild birds, or eggs are
acceptable for mailing only when they are lawfully killed or taken, and their
shipment is not prohibited by law of the United States or of the state,
territory, district, or foreign country or subdivision thereof in which killed or
taken or offered for shipment. Mailing of fresh game is also subject to these
standards. Dead animals or parts of animals include two groups of items:
a. Group A: Items that need to be refrigerated.
b. Group B: Items that must be dried.
Exhibit 526.7 for additional information on the conditions for mailing.
Exhibit 526.7
Requirements for Mailing Dead Animals or Parts of Animals
GROUP A: Items that need to be refrigerated
Game birds, fish, or other
imals to be used for
Animals or animal parts to
be used in conservation
studies or to be preserved
by taxidermy.
Mailable only when:
Overall requirements for animals (see 521) are
A proper refrigerant is used as follows:
Water ice. When water ice is used as a
, it must be packed like a liquid in a
sealed, waterproof primary receptacle. The
primary receptacle must be surrounded by
absorbent cushioning material in a quantity
sufficient to take up all water in the event of
leakage. The primary receptacle and
cushioning material must be securely packed
within an outer (shipping) packaging.
Dry ice. When dry ice is used, it must be
ckaged as required in
349.23. It must
NEVER be placed in a sealed container. In
addition, sufficient cushioning material must
be used so that an inner container will not
become loose inside the shipping container
as the dry ice sublimates.
Salt. The use of salt to retard spoilage can be
The mailpiece is properly addressed and marked
as required under 221 and DMM 102.
GROUP B: Items that must be dried
Dried furs, hides, skins, or
ts of wild animals.
Mailable only when such articles:
Are properly dried or cured.
Have no offensive odor.
Are plainly marked and/or labeled on the
address side with the full names and addresses
of shipper and addressee, together with such
endorsement(s) as may be required by state
Are securely packaged and/or wrapped to
prevent harm to Postal Service employees and
damage to the package contents or postal
Perishable Matter 53
September 7, 2023 143
53 Fresh Foods and Other Perishables
Fresh fruits and vegetables are nonmailable unless presented in a dry (not
dried) condition. Other perishable foods that are capable of easily
decomposing or that cannot reach their destination without spoiling are
nonmailable. Packaging must be strong and securely sealed as required in
DMM 601.1-7.
54 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
144 Publication 52
54 Eggs
Eggs are mailable in domestic mail subject to the following general
a. They are individually cushioned.
b. They are otherwise packed to withstand shocks encountered during
normal Postal Service handling.
c. They are not likely to be harmed by anticipated temperature changes
while in Postal Service custody.
55 Meats and Meat Products
Meats and meat products are mailable in domestic mail only when they
conform to regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Packaging must be strong and securely sealed as required in DMM 601.1-7.
If dry ice is used to cool meat or meat products during transport, the dry ice
is subject to the mailing conditions in
56 Plants
561 General
Plants and plant products are mailable within the United States and its
territories and possessions, but are subject to certain prohibitions and
restrictions imposed by federal agricultural and conservation statutes. When
these prohibitions and restrictions render the shipment of any plant or plant
product as unlawful, then those plants are nonmailable. For more
information, see Publication 14, Prohibitions and Restrictions on Mailing
Animals, Plants, and Related Matter.
562 Quarantines
Under 39 U.S.C. 3014(b), any plant, plant product, or other article capable of
carrying a dangerous plant disease or insect infestation is nonmailable from a
quarantined area, if shipping such an item is prohibited by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Plant Protection Act issued under 7 U.S.C.
7701. The USDA imposes such quarantines on specific plants to prevent the
introduction of agricultural diseases or pests into the United States and to
prevent their spread from one part of the United States to another.
USDA quarantine notices, issued under 7 U.S.C. 7701, are published in the
Federal Register and codified in 7 CFR (e.g., 7 CFR 301 and 318). Details on
these and other USDA regulations may be obtained by writing to the USDA
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant Protection and
Quarantine (PPQ) Programs (see
564 for address).
Perishable Matter 563.1
September 7, 2023 145
562.1 Types of Quarantines
There are domestic quarantines that apply to the continental United States;
other quarantines that apply to Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin
Islands; and others that apply to other territories and possessions.
Any plant or plant matter prohibited under the Act of August 20, 1912
Stat. 315, Chapter 308; 7 U.S.C. 151 et seq.), commonly known as the
Plant Protection Act, is made nonmailable by 39 U.S.C. 3015©.
562.2 Specific Information
Plant quarantines cover a great variety of plant diseases and pests, and all
areas of the country. For more specific information, consult Publication 14,
Prohibitions and Restrictions on Mailing Animals, Plants, and Related Matter.
562.3 Inspection
Plants under quarantine by the USDA may be moved from the quarantine
area only after being inspected under conditions prescribed in the quarantine
notice or in other USDA regulations, issued under 7 U.S.C. 7701, and after a
permit or certificate is issued. Refer to ASM 274.9 regarding USDA
inspection of mail.
562.4 Penalties
562.41 Nonmailable Items
Criminal penalties of fine and imprisonment are provided for mailing
nonmailable items as follows:
a. Under 18 U.S.C. 1716B, for anyone who knowingly mails, or causes to
be delivered by mail, anything nonmailable pursuant to
U.S.C. 3014(b) and the regulations implementing 39 U.S.C. 3014(c).
b. Under 18 U.S.C. 1716D, for anyone who knowingly mails, or causes to
be delivered by mail, anything nonmailable pursuant to
U.S.C. 3015(c).
562.42 Forged or Counterfeit Documents
Similar criminal penalties of fine and imprisonment are provided by
U.S.C. 1716C as follows:
a. For anyone who forges or counterfeits any certification authorized by
USDA regulations with intent to make such certification appear
b. For anyone who makes or knowingly uses, sells, or possesses with
intent to use or sell, any such forged or counterfeited certification or
any device for imprinting a forged or counterfeited certification.
563 Packaging and Marking
563.1 General
Wettable packing materials and roots or butts of plants must be wrapped or
boxed in a waterproof material. The material must be heavy enough to retain
the moisture content needed for the roots of the plants without weakening
563.2 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
146 Publication 52
the strength of the box, and must be able to withstand Postal Service
handling without leakage or loss of the packing material or contents.
Waterproof material means one of the following:
a. Tar-centered paper.
b. Kraft paper waxed on one side.
c. Kraft paper with a waxed or tarred paper liner.
d. Plastic wrap.
563.2 Securing Tops of Bundles
The tops of all bundles must be wrapped with a covering of paper, straw, or
similar material to protect the plant from injury or drying out. If the plant has
thorns or pointed projections, the wrapper must be puncture proof.
564 Further Information
For further information about specific plants or diseases, or about
requirements for international shipments, consult the local county agriculture
agent or the following federal agency:
RIVERDALE MD 20737-1228
57 Nonmailable Plant Pests, Injurious Animals, and
Illegally Taken Fish or Wildlife
571 General
Under the respective provisions in 39 U.S.C. 3015(a), (b), or (d), the following
items are nonmailable:
a. Any injurious animal, the importation or interstate shipment of which is
prohibited under 18 U.S.C. 42.
b. Any plant pest, the movement of which is prohibited under section 103
or 104 of the Federal Plant Pest Act (7 U.S.C. 150bb or 150cc).
c. Any fish or wildlife, the conveyance of which is prohibited under
section 3 of the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 (16 U.S.C. 3372).
For more information, see Publication 14, Prohibitions and Restrictions on
Mailing Animals, Plants, and Related Matter.
572 Criminal Penalties
Criminal penalties are specified in 18 U.S.C. 1716d for mailing anything that
is nonmailable under 39 U.S.C. 3015(a), (b), or (d).
September 7, 2023 147
6 International Mail
61 General
This chapter contains regulations on the mailability of hazardous materials,
restricted matter, and perishable matter that may be sent as international
mail. Additional information on these subjects is contained in Chapters
3, 4,
and 5, and in Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service,
International Mail Manual (IMM) 135–138.
611 Refusal by Air Carrier
Mailpieces refused by an air carrier that contain, or are suspected to contain,
hazardous, restricted, or perishable materials, must be handled in
accordance with
62 Hazardous Materials: International Mail
621 General Requirements
621.1 Mailing Conditions
In international commerce, the term “dangerous goods” is commonly used to
describe hazardous materials.
Almost all hazardous materials are prohibited in international mail. The only
mailable hazardous materials are certain infectious substances, excepted
quantities of radioactive material that are allowed in domestic mail, certain
magnetized materials, and certain lithium and lithium-ion batteries. See
Exhibit 621.1 for a summary of the types of hazardous materials that are
eligible for mailing in international mail.
In certain situations, the few types of hazardous materials that are generally
permitted in international mail may be further restricted by the mailing
limitations imposed by an individual country. Because individual countries
have unique prohibitions and restrictions, it is always necessary to consult
the Individual Country Listings in the IMM to be certain that an otherwise
mailable hazardous material is acceptable for shipment to a specific country.
Exhibit 621.1
DOT Hazard Classes and Mailability for International Mail
Name of Hazard Class
(and Division when applicable)
International Mail
1 Explosives Prohibited Prohibited
2 Gases Prohibited Prohibited
3 Flammable and Combust
ible Liquids Prohibited Prohibited
4 Flammable Solids Prohibited Prohibited
5 Oxidizing Substances, Organic Peroxides Prohibited Prohibited
6 Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances
Division 6.1: Toxic Substances Prohibited Prohibited
Division 6.2: Infectious Substances Only via First-Class
ckage International
Service with Registered
Mail service per limits in
622.2 and IMM 135.1.
7 Radioactive Materials Only via First-Class
Package International
Service using Registered
Mail service per limits in
622.3 and IMM 135.5.
8 Corrosives (liquids and solids) Prohibited Prohibited
9 Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials Prohibited, except for
materials per
622.4 and lithium or
lithium-ion batteries per
Prohibited, except for
magnetized materials
per 622.4 and lithium
batteries per
621.2 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
148 Publication 52
621.2 Hazard Classes
The nine classes of hazardous materials listed in 331 also apply to
dangerous goods shipped in international
The non-Postal Service regulations that govern the air shipment of
azardous materials (dangerous goods) in international commerce are
specified in the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous
Goods by Air of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In
49 CFR, DOT recognizes ICAO requirements for the air transportation of
azardous materials. However, 49 CFR gives DOT the authority to regulate
only the domestic transportation of hazardous materials. Generally, most air
carriers follow the Dangerous Goods Regulations of the International Air
Transport Association (IATA), and those regulations are slightly more
restrictive than the ICAO rules.
621.3 Limited Quantity Air and Limited Quantity Ground
The Limited Quantity air and Limited Quantity surface category is unique
within domestic commerce and specific to the Postal Service networks.
These categories are not recognized in international commerce. Hazardous
materials under these classifications that are mailable in domestic mail are
typically prohibited in international mail.
International Mail 622.2
September 7, 2023 149
621.4 APO/FPO/DPO Mail
Hazardous, restricted, or perishable materials mailed to, from, and between
overseas military Post Offices are subject to the conditions of IMM 130, the
standards in this publication, conditions prescribed by the Department of
State international security policy, and conditions prescribed by the
Department of Defense (DOD), as listed in Overseas Military/Diplomatic Mail
in the Postal Bulletin. Also see DMM 703.2-4.
621.5 Extra Service Codes and Shipping Service Files
Mailers shipping dangerous goods internationally, including to APO/FPO/
DPO destinations utilizing PC Postage, eVS, USPS Ship, and ePostage
platforms, must include ESC 857 and incorporate the applicable content-
specific Extra Service Code (ESC) listed in Appendix G and Pub 199 and
transmit a Shipping Services File (SSF), using Version 1.7 or higher, or
Shipping Partner Event File (SPEF), using Version 5.0 or higher, to the Postal
Service before, or concurrent with, tendering dangerous-goods shipments.
622 Mailable Hazardous Materials
622.1 General
As shown in Exhibit 621.1, almost all hazardous materials are prohibited in
international mail. Under specific circumstances, only biological substances,
limited amounts of radioactive materials, and certain magnetized materials
are eligible to be sent in international mail.
622.2 Biological Substances, Division 6.2
Infectious and noninfectious biological substances are permitted in
international mail subject to the provisions that apply to domestic mail in
346.2. In addition, the following requirements apply:
a. Biological substances are prohibited from international mail by certain
countries. To determine if a prohibition exists for a specific country,
check the Individual Country Listings in the IMM.
b. Mailable infectious substances must only be sent via First-Class
Package International Service using Registered Mail service.
Nonregulated materials defined in
346.234 and exempt human or animal
specimens defined in 346.12d are mailable when properly packaged as
described in 346.32.
c. Biological substances can be sent to or received by only the following
types of institutions when permission has been granted:
(1) Laboratories of local, state, and federal government agencies.
(2) Laboratories of federally licensed manufacturers of biological
products derived from bacteria and viruses.
(3) Laboratories affiliated with or operated by hospitals, universities,
research facilities, and other teaching institutions.
(4) Private laboratories licensed, certified, recognized, or approved
by a public authority.
622.3 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
150 Publication 52
Permission to mail biological substances must be obtained prior to
mailing. Qualifying institutions wishing to mail biological substances
must submit a written letter of application on its organizational
letterhead to the following address:
475 L’ ENFANT PLZ SW RM 4446
WASHINGTON DC 20260-5015
The application must state the institution’s nature of work, the identity
and qualifications of the prospective recipient, and the number of
packages to be mailed.
d. Mailable infectious substances are limited to 50 ml for liquids or 50 g
for solids, per mailpiece, and must be packaged in accordance with
Packaging Instruction 6C in Appendix
C, and the additional
requirements in IMM 135.31 and 135.41.
e. Nonregulated materials and exempt human or animal specimens must
be packaged in accordance with Packaging Instructions 6G and 6H in
C, and the additional requirements in IMM 135.32 and
f. A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is required. See 326 and
622.3 Radioactive Materials, Class 7
Class 7 radioactive materials are permitted in international mail subject to the
limits in
347 and the following conditions:
a. Radioactive materials may be sent only to those countries that have
expressed a willingness to accept them. For specific details, consult
the Individual Country Listings in the IMM.
b. Each radioactive materials shipment must be sent only by First-Class
Package International Service with Registered Mail service.
c. Mailable radioactive materials may not have an activity content that
exceeds one-tenth of the limits in Exhibit 347.22.
d. Each shipment must comply with both the International Atomic Energy
Agency Regulations and the specifications contained in
347 and this
e. Mailable radioactive materials must be packaged in accordance with
Packaging Instruction 7A in Appendix
C and the requirements
specified in IMM 135.5.
f. The sender and recipient of each radioactive materials shipment must
receive prior authorization from the appropriate regulatory authorities
within their countries.
g. A white package label bearing the French words “Matieres
Radioactives” (Radioactive Materials) must be securely affixed, taped,
or gummed to the address side of each mailpiece containing
radioactive materials. The sender is responsible for supplying and
affixing this label to the mailpiece.
International Mail 622.51
September 7, 2023 151
h. The address side of each mailpiece must bear the following
endorsements in bold letters: “Return to Sender in Case of
Nondelivery” and “Radioactive Materials, Quantities Permitted for
Movement by Post.”
i. A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is required. See 326 and
622.4 Magnetized Materials
Magnetized materials, as defined in 349.24, are prohibited in international
mail except for those that cannot cause a compass deviation at a distance of
7 feet or more. Mailable magnetized materials must be prepared for mailing
following Packaging Instruction 9B in Appendix
622.5 Lithium and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries — General
Only lithium batteries under 622.51 and 622.52 that are properly installed in
the equipment they operate may be sent internationally or to, from, or
between APO, FPO, or DPO locations (subject to the conditions prescribed
by the U.S. Department of Defense listed in Overseas Military/Diplomatic
Mail in the Postal Bulletin). Used, damaged, defective, or recalled lithium
batteries and used, damaged, or defective electronic devices (excluding
devices that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new
or refurbished devices) containing or packaged with lithium batteries are
prohibited and may not be mailed internationally or to, from, or between
APO, FPO, or DPO locations under any circumstances. See
The following restrictions also apply:
a. The batteries must be installed in the equipment being shipped.
b. The equipment must be cushioned to prevent movement or damage
and must be contained in rigid outer packaging, sealed and strong
enough to prevent crushing of the package or exposure of the contents
during normal handling in the mail.
c. A lithium battery consignment, as defined in 349.12b, is limited to a
maximum of two mailpieces for all international and APO/FPO/DPO
622.51 Lithium Metal (Non-Rechargeable) Cells and Batteries
Small consumer-type lithium metal cells or batteries (lithium metal or lithium
alloy) like those used to power cameras and flashlights are mailable in a
single shipment with the following restrictions:
a. Each shipment may contain a maximum of four lithium cells or two
lithium batteries.
b. The lithium content must not exceed 1 gram (g) per cell.
c. The total aggregate lithium content must not exceed 2 g per battery.
d. The batteries installed in the equipment must be protected from
damage and short circuit.
622.52 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
152 Publication 52
e. The equipment must be equipped with an effective means of
preventing it from being inadvertently turned on or activated.
f. Mailpieces must not bear markings or labels identifying the contents as
lithium batteries.
622.52 Lithium-ion (Rechargeable) Cells and Batteries
Small consumer-type lithium-ion cells and batteries like those used to power
cell phones and laptop computers are mailable in a single shipment with the
following restrictions:
a. Each shipment may contain a maximum of four lithium-ion cells or two
lithium-ion batteries.
b. The watt-hour rating must not exceed 20 Wh per cell.
c. The watt-hour rating must not exceed 100 Wh per battery.
d. Each battery must bear the “Watt-hour” or “Wh” marking on the battery
to determine if it is within the limits defined in items b and c.
e. The batteries installed in the equipment must be protected from
damage and short circuit.
f. The equipment must be equipped with an effective means of
preventing it from being inadvertently turned on or activated.
g. Mailpieces must not bear markings or labels identifying the contents as
lithium batteries.
622.53 Very Small Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries
Each shipment containing very small lithium batteries, when installed in the equipment
they operate (including circuit boards), may contain a maximum of four lithium cells or
two lithium batteries. Very small cells/batteries are mailable internationally with the fol-
lowing conditions:
a. Each lithium metal cell and battery must contain no more than 0.3 gram
of lithium content.
b. Each lithium-ion cell/battery must have a watt-hour rating of not more
than 2.7 Wh.
c. Mailpieces must not bear markings or labels identifying the contents as
lithium batteries.
International Mail 623
September 7, 2023 153
Exhibit 622.5
International Lithium Battery Mailability
International APO/FPO/DPO
1, 2
Mailpiece Battery Limit
Lithium Metal or Lithium Alloy Batteries
4, 5
Small, non-rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly i
nstalled in equipment) Mailable Maximum of 4 cells or
2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the
Without the equipment they operate (individual
teries in originally sealed packaging)
Lithium-ion or Lithium Polymer Batteries
6, 7
Small, rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly i
nstalled in equipment) Mailable Maximum of 4 cells or
2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the
Without the equipment they operate (individual
batteries in originally sealed packaging)
Very Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries
8, 9
Exception for very small consumer-type batteries in international transportation
Contained in (properly i
nstalled in equipment) Mailable Maximum of 4 cells or
2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the
Without the equipment they operate (individual
teries in originally sealed packaging)
1. Unless otherwise prohibited by the international destination country or specific APO/FPO/DPO ZIP Code location.
2. Used, damaged, defective, or recalled lithium batteries and use
d, damaged, or defective electronic devices containing or
packaged with lithium batteries are prohibited and may not be mailed internationally or to, from or between APO, FPO, or DPO
locations under any circumstances. This excludes devices that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new
or refurbished devices.
3. When a mailpiece limitation of 4 cells or 2 batteries is applicable, a mailpiece may co
ntain either 4 cells or 2 batteries, not both.
4. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell must not conta
in more than 1 g (gram) of lithium content.
5. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy
battery must not contain more than 2 g of aggregate lithium content.
6. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell must not exceed more than 20 W
h (watt-hour rating).
7. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer b
attery must not exceed 100 Wh.
8. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or batter
y must not exceed 0.3 g of lithium content.
9. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or battery must not exceed a watt-hour rating of 2.7 W
Note: Shipments containing lithium batteries are not permitted in Global Express Guaranteed mailpieces.
623 Nonmailable Hazardous Materials
The following types of hazardous materials, as defined in Chapter 3, and
IMM 135–136, are prohibited in international
a. Class 1, explosives (including explosive devices) (
b. Class 2, gases (
c. Class 3, flammable and combustible liquids (
d. Class 4, flammable solids including matches (
e. Class 5, oxidizing substances and organic peroxides (
f. Class 6, Division 6.1, toxic subs
tances (including irritants) (346).
63 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
154 Publication 52
g. Class 6, Division 6.2, infectious substances (346), except as permitted
in 622.2.
h. Class 7, radioactive materials (347), except as permitted in 622.3.
i. Class 8, corrosives (348).
j. Class 9, miscellaneous hazardous materials (349), except as permitted
in 622.4 and 622.5.
k. Dry ice (carbon dioxide solid) (349.23).
l. Magnetized materials capable of causing a compass deviation at a
distance of 7 feet or more (
m. All damaged, defective, or recalled lithium batteries (see 349.21).
n. All used, damaged, or defective electronic devices containing or
packaged with lithium batteries (see
349.21). This excludes devices
that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or
refurbished devices.
63 Restricted Matter: International Mail
631 APO/FPO/DPO Mail
Hazardous, restricted, or perishable materials mailed to, from, and between
overseas military Post Offices are subject to the conditions of IMM 130, the
standards in this publication, conditions prescribed by the Department of
State international security policy, and conditions prescribed by the
Department of Defense (DOD), as listed in Overseas Military/Diplomatic Mail
in the Postal Bulletin. Also see DMM 703.2-4.
632 Firearms
The requirements and prohibitions that apply to the mailing of firearms in
domestic mail, as stated in Chapter
4, also apply to international mail subject
to any restrictions in the Individual Country Listings in the IMM.
a. Nonautomatic and semiautomatic rifles, carbines, revolvers, and
pistols (regardless of caliber), except those of .50 caliber or less
manufactured before 1898.
b. Shotguns with barrels less than 18 inches long.
c. All machine guns, submachine guns, machine pistols, and fully
automatic rifles.
To obtain an export license, mailers should contact the following federal agency:
PM/DTC STE 1200 SA-1
2401 E ST NW
WASHINGTON DC 20037-2915
Telephone: 202-663-2980
In addition, see IMM 540 for U.S. Department of State licensing requirements
applicable to the international mailing of arms or implements of war,
component parts, and related technical data.
International Mail 633
September 7, 2023 155
632.1 Export to APOs/FPOs/DPOs
Export of firearms to certain specified overseas military or diplomatic Post
Offices (APOs/ FPOs/DPOs) is prohibited. To determine if the mailing of
firearms to a specific APO, FPO, or DPO is prohibited, refer to the table titled
“Overseas Military/Diplomatic Mail,” which is published periodically in the
Postal Bulletin. Footnote F of this table lists the restrictions for mailing
firearms. If the destination military or diplomatic Post Office permits the
shipment of firearms (meaning no Footnote F restriction is assigned to the
specific APO, FPO, or DPO ZIP Code), the mailer must present an export
license obtained from the regional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives (ATF) office.
632.2 Import
Under the following conditions, members of the armed forces may mail rifles
or shotguns without an import permit:
a. Incident to a permanent change of duty or release from active duty, any
member of the armed forces who has been stationed on active duty
outside the United States for the preceding 60 days may, without an
import permit, present up to three rifles or shotguns that are mailable to
the appropriate armed forces transportation officer to be forwarded to
the member’s residence as unaccompanied baggage officially shipped
through the mail. Firearms imported in this manner must be intended
for the member’s personal use.
b. Any member of the armed forces who wishes to import more than three
mailable firearms must prepare ATF Form 6, Application and Permit for
Importation of Firearms, Ammunition, and Implements of War, and
must comply with the Defense Transportation Regulation 4500.9-r and
other appropriate military directives.
c. The three-firearm limitation does not apply to mailable firearms for
which the member of the armed forces has proof of prior ownership in
the United States. A member may personally mail these other firearms
back into the United States, or to any of its possessions, if the member
can establish to the satisfaction of the U.S. Customs Service that he or
she previously took the firearms out of the United States or any of its
d. Any member of the armed forces importing firearms under a, b, or c of
this section must prepare ATF Form 6A, Release and Receipt of
Imported Firearms, Ammunition, and Implements of War, under
27 CFR 178.114(b). In addition, the member’s authorized agent must
furnish this form and associated certification to the customs officer
releasing the firearms.
633 Inert Replica and Explosive Devices
The following types of replica or inert explosive devices are prohibited in
international mail:
a. Military ordnance, ammunition, and shells.
b. Grenades.
634 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
156 Publication 52
c. Similar devices that were originally designed for military or combative
use (including training).
634 Knives and Sharp Instruments
Knives and sharp instruments permitted to be mailed in domestic mail may
be mailed in international mail as permitted in the conditions specified for the
Individual Country Listings in the IMM.
635 Drugs
Drugs that are admissible in domestic mail (see Chapter 4) are also acceptable
in international and APO/FPO/DPO mail, provided there is no specific
exclusion by the destination country or military or diplomatic Post Office.
636 Controlled Substances
Controlled substances are not permitted in international mail. Controlled
substances addressed to APO/FPO/DPO destinations are subject to the
prohibitions in DMM 703.2.3 or 703.3.2, in addition to all requirements that
apply to domestic mail, as contained in Chapter
637 Other Restricted Matter
Materials that are nonmailable domestically are also prohibited in
international mail. The restricted materials include, but are not limited to,
intoxicating liquor; matter emitting obnoxious odor, motor vehicle master
keys, odd-shaped items sent in letter-size envelopes, abortive and
contraceptive devices, and certain building construction material. See IMM
135 and 136 for other general restrictions and prohibitions, and the Individual
Country Listings in the IMM for specific country restrictions and prohibitions.
64 Perishable Matter: International Mail
641 APO/FPO/DPO Mail
Hazardous, restricted, or perishable materials mailed to, from, and between
overseas military or diplomatic Post Offices are subject to the conditions of
IMM 130, the standards in this publication, conditions prescribed by the
Department of State international security policy, and conditions prescribed
by the Department of Defense (DOD), as listed in Overseas Military/
Diplomatic Mail in the Postal Bulletin. Also see DMM 703.2-4.
642 Animals
Most live or dead animals are nonmailable in international mail. Animals
mailed to the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the
Federated States of Micronesia require a permit issued by the government of
the destination country.
International Mail 643.21
September 7, 2023 157
When permitted by the destination country, only the following types of
animals are mailable:
a. Live bees, leeches, silkworms, and flies of the family Drosophilidae.
b. Thoroughly dried dead insects or reptiles.
c. Parasites and predators of injurious insects, provided all of the
following conditions are met:
(1) The parasites and predators of injurious insects are permitted in
domestic mail.
(2) They are useful in controlling harmful insects.
(3) They are exchanged by officially recognized scientific or health
(4) They are sent by First-Class Mail International service, First-
Class Package International Service, or Priority Mail International
Flat Rate Envelopes or Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes.
(5) They are securely packaged in containers conforming to the
requirements for domestic mail.
643 Eggs
643.1 Fresh Eggs
Eggs may be mailed in international mail via Priority Mail International service
only as follows:
a. For shipments to all countries except Canada, eggs must be packed in
the following manner:
(1) Each egg must be packed in sufficient cushioning material.
(2) Eggs must be shipped in a metal egg container.
(3) The metal egg container must be enclosed in an outer container
of wood with sufficient cushioning material packed between the
inner and outer containers.
b. For shipments to Canada, eggs must be packed in the following manner:
(1) Each egg must be wrapped in protective material and placed on end.
(2) Eggs must be either packed in the manner prescribed for other
countries in
643.1a or packed in a wooden, papier-mâché, or other
box of rigid material having a well-fitting, tightly adjusted lid.
(3) Vacant space in the box must be filled with packing material to
prevent eggs from striking together or against the sides, top, or
bottom of the box.
643.2 Dried Whole Eggs
643.21 Commodity Credit Corporation Endorsement
Dried whole eggs purchased under the USDA’s Commodity Credit
Corporation program must carry an endorsement by the exporter or
authorized representative waiving any right to withdraw the parcel from the
mail or to have it returned. The endorsement must be written or stamped on
the address side of each mailpiece. These mailings may be made by Priority
Mail International service only.
643.22 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
158 Publication 52
643.22 Certificate
A certificate using the format shown in IMM Exhibit 553.121 (and repeated
here as
Exhibit 643.22) must be prepared and completed by the sender, and
presented at the time of mailing. The follow
ing conditions also apply:
a. A single certificate may cover any number
of mailpieces presented by
the same sender and in the same mailing, even if the mailpieces are
addressed to different countries.
b. A charge (see IMM 552) is made for each certificate or each parcel (if a
ingle certificate covers more than one parcel).
c. Postage to cover the certificate charge must be affixed to the
certificate and canceled
with the postmark of the office of mailing.
d. After being postmarked, the certificate must be signed by the
ster (or designee) and returned to the sender.
Exhibit 643.22
Certificate of Mailing Dried Whole Eggs
I hereby certify that there has (have) been posted at this Post Office facility
today by (Sender), parcels containing a total of (Number) pounds of dried whole
eggs on which the sender has waived the right to withdraw same from the mail
or have same returned.
Parcels addressed to
(Name and addresses of addressees)
(Office stamp)
644 Plants
Plants, seeds, and plant materials, including fruits and vegetables, are
subject to the provisions for domestic mail in section 56, Publication 14,
Prohibitions and Restrictions on Mailing Animals, Plants, and Related Matter,
and the quarantine regulations of the country of destination. Customers can
obtain information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant Protection and Quarantine
(PPQ) Programs at:
RIVERDALE MD 20737–1228
International Mail 645
September 7, 2023 159
645 Fresh Foods and Other Perishables
Fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, and other items that are capable of easily
decomposing or cannot reasonably be expected to reach their destination
without spoiling are nonmailable in international mail. Consult the Individual
Country Listing in the IMM for specific restrictions or prohibitions.
645 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
160 Publication 52
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September 7, 2023 161
7 Air Transportation Requirements
71 General
This chapter contains standards on the mailability of hazardous materials,
restricted matter, and perishable matter in domestic mail via air
transportation. (For international and APO/FPO/DPO mail, see Chapter
Full compliance with regulations governing shipping harmful matter by air
transportation is essential because these materials can endanger Postal
Service employees, airline passengers and personnel, aircraft equipment,
and Postal Service equipment and facilities.
For the purposes of this chapter, air transportation requirements apply to all
mailable hazardous materials, restricted matter, and perishable matter sent
via Priority Mail or First-Class Package International Service.
711 Refusal by Air Carrier
711.1 Air Carrier Policy or Pilot’s Decision
Although a mailpiece containing a mailable hazardous, perishable, or
restricted material may be properly prepared for air transportation under
Postal Service mailing requirements, an individual pilot may refuse it.
Nonmailable or improperly prepared mailpieces can also be rejected by an
air carrier when tendered for shipment. Refusals can result from the following
a. The air carrier is not authorized to carry hazardous materials under the
provisions of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Operator’s
b. The air carrier’s corporate policy prohibits carrying hazardous or
restricted materials.
c. The pilot of an individual flight rejects any mailpieces perceived as
questionable or unsafe. Pilots have the right to refuse the boarding and
transport of questionable articles that could interfere or prevent the
safe operation of the aircraft under Federal Air Regulations (FAR).
d. The mailpiece contains a nonmailable hazardous or restricted material
that was mistakenly accepted or deposited in the mailstream.
e. The mailpiece is not properly packaged, marked, or labeled for air
f. The mailpiece does not carry a properly completed shipper’s
declaration for dangerous goods.
711.2 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
162 Publication 52
g. The mailpiece is unidentified as to its contents and appears to contain
a hazardous or restricted material.
h. The air carrier refuses a mailable shipment of live animals or other
mailable articles of perishable matter because of its company policy on
safety or current extreme temperature conditions.
711.2 Handling of Mailpieces Refused by an Air Carrier
All mailpieces containing hazardous, restricted, or perishable materials that
are refused by an air carrier must be handled as follows:
a. If the mailpiece is damaged or leaking, contact the local facility’s safety
officer or designee for assistance. The procedures in the facility’s Spill/
Leak SOP and Handbook EL–812 must be followed.
b. An online Mailpiece Incident Report (MIR) is required to be completed
and filed in accordance with the instructions in the Safety Toolkit,
based on the incident type. Types of incidents may include spills,
leaks, or hazardous, restricted, or perishable material that has been
rejected by an air carrier.
c. If the mailpiece contains a nonmailable or improperly packaged
hazardous or restricted material, a nonmailable or improperly
packaged animal or other perishable matter, immediately follow the
reporting procedures in POM 139.117–118 and the Aviation Mail
Security Hazardous Materials Program Instructions, as applicable.
Additionally, to prevent future shipments from being incorrectly
accepted for mailing, notify the mailer and the mailing Post Office of
the problem.
d. If the mailpiece contains a mailable hazardous or restricted material
that is properly packaged, labeled, and marked, attempt to contact the
mailer. If the mailer can be reached, advise the mailer that the item has
been refused by the air carrier and offer to divert to surface
transportation or return to sender. If the mailer agrees to divert to
surface, apply Label 127, Surface Transportation Only, and
immediately dispatch the mailpiece to the destination via the most
expeditious means of surface transportation.
e. If the mailer cannot be contacted, or if the mailer does not wish to have
the mailpiece rerouted via surface transportation, or if the mailpiece
cannot be rerouted via surface transportation to the delivery address,
do the following:
(1) Affix Label 180, Rejected by Air Carrier, or endorse the address
side of the mailpiece “Refused for Air Transportation by Air
Carrier” and note the name of the airline, flight number, and
reason for refusal.
(2) Correct the markings on the mailpiece to read “Surface Mail
Only,” and return the mailpiece to the sender via surface
transportation (if permitted).
(3) Apply Label 127, Surface Transportation Only, and immediately
dispatch the mailpiece to the destination via the most
expeditious means of surface transportation.
Air Transportation Requirements 711.2
September 7, 2023 163
(4) Provide the mailer with instructions on how to obtain a refund of
the postage charges because service was not provided, and the
item was determined to be mailable.
(5) Complete PS Form 2759, Report of Irregular Handling of Mail, for
internal Postal Service information only, and distribute copies to
the appropriate Postal Service offices. Do not send a copy to the
mailer. Include the name and address of the mailer, the type and
amount of hazardous material, and the reason for the air carrier’s
f. If the mailpiece contains mailable animals that cannot be delivered to
the addressee or returned to the sender via surface transportation
within 72 hours (for live day-old poultry), or within the delivery period
marked on the mailpiece (for other animals), immediately dispose of it.
For safety reasons, dispose of mailpieces not marked with a delivery
period when it reasonably appears the articles could not be delivered
or returned in a viable condition. Also dispose of, or donate to a
charitable institution, any perishable matter that cannot be returned in
a viable condition. See POM 691.52 for disposal information.
g. If the mailpiece contains a mailable animal or other article of perishable
matter that appears to be viable and can be delivered within the
specified delivery period, attempt to contact the mailer via information
from the return address. If the mailer can be reached, advise the mailer
of the available option for rerouting the mailpiece via the most
expeditious means of surface transportation (if available). If the mailer
agrees to divert to surface, apply Label 127, Surface Transportation
Only, and immediately dispatch the mailpiece to the destination via the
most expeditious means of surface transportation.
h. If the mailer of a parcel containing a mailable animal or other article of
perishable matter (that appears to be in a viable condition) cannot be
contacted, and the mailpiece can be returned to the sender within the
specified delivery period, do the following:
(1) Affix Label 180, Rejected by Air Carrier, or endorse the address
side of the mailpiece “Refused for Air Transportation by Air
Carrier” and note the name of the airline, flight number, and
reason for refusal.
(2) Apply Label 127, Surface Transportation Only, and immediately
return the mailpiece to the sender via the most expeditious
means of surface transportation.
(3) Provide the mailer with instructions on how to obtain a refund of
the postage charges because service was not provided, and the
item was determined to be mailable.
72 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
164 Publication 52
72 Hazardous Materials: Air Transportation
721 General Requirements
For domestic mail sent via air transportation, a mailpiece containing a
hazardous material must:
a. Consist of a material that is permitted to be transported by air.
b. Be prepared and packaged under all applicable conditions for
transport by air.
c. Be sent by Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, or First-Class Package
International Service.
Hazardous materials are not acceptable for air transportation if they are not
prepared in compliance with the specific applicable requirements. These
requirements consider the degree of hazard, quantity of material, method of
packaging, required shipping papers, and adequacy of labels and/or
markings required for carriage aboard an aircraft.
Chapter 3 and the Packaging Instructions in Appendix C, provide full details
of the conditions under which mailable hazardous materials may be sent in
domestic mail via air transportation.
722 Additional Requirements
722.1 APO/FPO/DPO Mail
Hazardous, restricted, or perishable materials mailed to, from, and between
overseas military or diplomatic Post Offices are subject to the conditions of
IMM 130, the standards in this publication, conditions prescribed by the
Department of State international security policy, and conditions prescribed
by the Department of Defense (DOD), as listed in Overseas Military/
Diplomatic Mail in the Postal Bulletin. Also see Chapter
6 and DMM 703.2 for
information on air transportation and other restrictions affecting APO/FPO/
DPO, SAM, and PAL service.
722.2 ZIP Codes Served Only by Air Transportation
Hazardous materials that are prohibited from mailing via air transportation
cannot be mailed to any ZIP Code that is serviced only by air transportation
(e.g., certain ZIP Codes in Alaska).
722.3 Air Transportation Prohibitions
The following types of hazardous materials are prohibited from transport via
aircraft under any circumstances:
a. Explosives.
b. Anything susceptible to damage or that can become harmful because
of changes in temperature or atmospheric pressures, unless protected
against the effects of such changes.
c. Magnetic material that has a field strength sufficient to cause a
compass deviation at a distance of 7 feet or more from any point on the
outer packaging.
Air Transportation Requirements 725.2
September 7, 2023 165
d. Flammable materials (gases, liquids, and solids).
e. Radioactive materials.
f. Hazardous materials excluded from air shipment by the regulations of
49 CFR 100-185, or by the applicable country or air carrier operator
723 Hazardous Materials Warning Labels
See 325 for information on hazardous materials warning labels. Parcels
displaying any of the DOT warning labels shown in Exhibit 325.2 are
prohibited because items required to bear those warning labels contain
hazardous materials or quantities of hazardous materials that possess too
great a risk to be safely handled in the mail. Parcels displaying any of the
labels shown in
Exhibit 325.3a are permitted to be mailed within specific
limits set by the Postal Service and as defined in Chapter 3.
724 Consumer Commodity and Mailable Limited
Quantity Materials
Hazardous materials permitted to be sent in domestic mail via air
transportation must qualify as consumer commodity materials or air-eligible
mailable limited quantity materials, except for the few materials specified in
322 and Exhibit 331. See 333 and 334 for more information on air-eligible
hazardous materials.
To be acceptable for air transportation, a consumer commodity material or
mailable limited quantity materials must be eligible for shipment via air and
must be properly packaged and marked. The mailpiece must also bear a
shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods as required in
326 and 725.3.
725 Mailer Responsibility
725.1 General
Full responsibility rests with the mailer to comply with all Postal Service and
non-Postal Service laws and regulations regarding the mailing of hazardous
materials. Anyone who mails, or causes to be mailed, a nonmailable or
improperly packaged hazardous material can be subject to legal penalties,
including, but not limited to, those specified in 18 U.S.C.
725.2 Warning Labels and Marking Requirements
Except as noted, hazardous materials acceptable for air transportation
generally fall within the consumer commodity or mailable limited quantity
categories. Mailpieces containing these materials and intended for air
transportation have specific marking requirements, including the use of
certain DOT hazard class warning labels. Some air-eligible mailable
hazardous materials also have marking and packaging requirements that are
unique to mailpieces entered under these exceptions (e.g. SP 9275, certain
725.3 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
166 Publication 52
mailable infectious substances and medical waste, and dry ice). Mailable
hazardous material must bear DOT handling labels (such as orientation
arrows, magnetized materials, etc.) when applicable. The following also apply:
a. Mailpieces containing air-eligible materials in hazard Classes 2, 3, and
6.1, or portions of 9 must bear DOT square-on-point markings and an
approved DOT Class 9 hazardous material warning label (see
Exhibit 325.3b). The top and bottom portions of the square-on-point
and the border forming the square-on-point must be black, and the
center must be white or of a suitable contrasting background. The
symbol “Y” must be black, located in the center of the square-on-
point, and clearly visible. Mailpieces must also be marked with the
proper shipping name “Consumer Commodity” and identification
number “ID8000.” A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods,
prepared in triplicate, must be affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
b. Mailpieces containing air-eligible materials in hazard Classes 5.1, 5.2,
or 8 must bear a DOT square-on-point marking and the appropriate
approved DOT Class 5.1, 5.2, or 8 hazardous material warning label.
The top and bottom portions of the square-on-point and the border
forming the square-on-point must be black, and the center must be
white or of a suitable contrasting background. The symbol “Y” must be
black, located in the center of the square-on-point, and clearly visible.
Mailpieces must also be marked with the appropriate identification
number and the proper shipping name. A properly completed shipper’s
declaration for dangerous goods must be affixed to the outside of the
c. Markings must be durable, legible, and readily visible, and must be
applied on at least one side or one end of the outer packaging. The
border forming the square-on-point must be at least 2 mm in width,
and the minimum dimension of each side must be 100 mm, unless the
package size requires a reduced size marking of no less than 50 mm
on each side.
725.3 Shipping Papers
Most mailable hazardous materials (including consumer commodity
materials or mailable limited quantity materials) must be accompanied by a
Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods (shipping paper, see
326). To
determine which mailable hazardous materials require a shipping paper
when sent via air transportation, refer to the appropriate sections in
3, and the appropriate Packaging Instruction in Appendix C.
The shipping paper must be properly completed and signed in triplicate by
the mailer. It must bear a red candy-striped border and the exact format and
same basic wording as shown in
Exhibit 326. The shipper’s declaration must
be properly prepared, as required by 49 CFR 172.200 through 172.205,
which, in part, requires the following information:
a. Proper shipping name of material.
b. Hazard class.
c. UN or NA identification number, as applicable.
d. The quantity and type of packaging.
Air Transportation Requirements 727
September 7, 2023 167
e. The packaging instruction used.
f. The full name, address, and telephone number of the shipper or
g. The signed shipper’s certification statement.
Neither the Postal Service nor DOT stocks or furnishes shipper’s declaration
forms. Mailers may obtain them from commercial printers, Internet-based
retailers, safety supply stores, or stationery stores.
725.4 Addressing
The full names and addresses of both the sender and the addressee must
appear legibly on the address side of the mailpiece, in accordance with
726 Postal Service Handling
726.1 Acceptance Personnel
In addition to the basic guidelines in 251, acceptance personnel must follow
the Aviation Mail Security Hazardous Materials Program Instructions for the
acceptance of hazardous materials. Ensure the following:
a. Each mailpiece presented contains a mailable hazardous material that
is properly packaged and labeled.
b. If required, the mailpiece bears the required shipper’s declaration for
dangerous goods (see
326 and 725.3).
c. The mailpiece is eligible for air transportation and mailed as Priority
Mail Express, Priority Mail, or First-Class Package International
Service, as permitted.
d. These mailpieces must never be marked “Surface Mail” or “Surface
Mail Only.”
Note: For safety reasons, mailers are not permitted to pay postage
at Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail prices for mailpieces
containing hazardous materials that are not eligible for air
726.2 Dispatch Personnel
In addition to the basic guidelines in 252, Postal Service personnel involved
with mail dispatch via air transportation must follow the Aviation Mail
Security, Hazardous Materials Program Instructions and the POM. These
policy statements provide interim field instructions for handling mailpieces
containing hazardous materials within mail processing areas and the proper
tendering of such mail to the air carriers.
727 Refusal by Air Carrier
Mailpieces refused by an air carrier that contain hazardous material, or are
suspected to contain hazardous materials, must be handled in accordance
727.1 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
168 Publication 52
727.1 Nonmailable or Improperly Prepared Mailpieces
Mailpieces containing nonmailable or improperly packaged hazardous
materials that were inadvertently accepted for mailing should be stopped
where identified and not presented to an air carrier. They should be handled
in accordance with the Aviation Mail Security Hazardous Materials Program
Instructions. Additionally, to prevent future shipments from being incorrectly
accepted for mailing, notify the mailer and the Post Office of mailing of the
728 Spills and Leaks
The standard procedures to be followed by Postal Service personnel for
dealing with spills and leaks are specified in Management Instruction
EL-810-2006-3, Response to Hazardous Materials Releases, and
EL-812, Hazardous Materials and Spill Response.
73 Restricted Matter: Air Transportation
Restricted matter includes articles for which certain mailing restrictions have
been imposed for reasons other than risk of harm to persons or property
involved in moving the mail. Refer to Chapter
4 for mailing information on
restricted matter.
731 Refusal by Air Carrier
Certain restricted articles, as described in 49 CFR 100-185 and the operator
variations of the air carriers, may be accepted for air transportation if
properly packaged. These articles must be labeled and bear a shipper's
declaration in triplicate, as required by 49 CFR 172.204, or must be marked
according to the air carrier's operator variations. Refer to the technical
instruction of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for air carrier
operator variations.
Mailpieces refused by an air carrier that contain restricted matter, or are
suspected to contain hazardous matter, must be handled in accordance
74 Perishable Matter: Air Transportation
741 General Requirements
Perishable matter is any item that can readily deteriorate during normal mail
transport conditions and thereby lose value, create a health hazard, or cause
a nuisance or disturbance.
Air Transportation Requirements 743
September 7, 2023 169
742 Live Animals
742.1 Basic Conditions
Most mailable live animals, except honeybees, are permitted to be sent via
air transportation. However, the ability of the Postal Service to provide air
transportation is dependent on the following:
a. The animal must be mailable and eligible for transport via air.
b. All provisions of airline tariffs and air carriers are met.
c. Air carrier equipment is available to the Postal Service and allows the
safe delivery of shipments within specified and reasonable time limits.
Time allowance must also be provided for delays en route in air and
ground transportation.
Note: Local Postal Service personnel are not authorized to refuse
the deposit of mailable live animals that are properly packaged.
742.2 Bees
Only queen honeybees are permitted to be sent in the domestic mail via air
transportation (see
526.2 and Exhibit 526.21).
742.3 Refusal by Air Carrier
Mailpieces refused by an air carrier that contain live animals or other
perishable matter, or are suspected to contain perishable matter, must be
handled in accordance with
743 Perishable Matter with Dry Ice
A mailpiece containing mailable matter that is packed in dry ice (carbon
dioxide solid) to cool the perishable contents must meet all requirements in
349 that apply to sending dry ice in domestic mail via air transportation. For
air transportation, the amount of dry ice cannot exceed 5 pounds per
mailpiece. Dry ice is prohibited to be mailed to international or APO/FPO/
DPO addresses.
743 Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
170 Publication 52
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September 7, 2023 171
Appendix A
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service
Mailability Guide
The mailing information in this table is based on the online DOT Hazardous
Materials Table in 49 CFR 172.101 (dated December 30, 2013). The
information is modified to identify the mailability of each hazardous material
based on Postal Service mailing regulations. This table identifies the
mailability of hazardous materials for domestic mail only. Almost no
hazardous materials are permitted in international mail. For information on
mailability in international mail, see Chapter
6 and Exhibit 621.1.
In the domestic mail, generally only those hazardous materials meeting all of
the following criteria are eligible for mailing:
a. Designated by DOT as being eligible to be transported under its
Limited Quantity Provision,
b. Packaged and distributed in a quantity and form intended or suitable
for retail sale, and
c. Designed for consumption by individuals for their personal care or
household uses (i.e. consumer commodity material) are eligible for
mailing and subject to postal quantity limitations.
The only exceptions to the above criteria are for the small number of
materials listed in
The columns in the hazardous materials table lists the mailability according
to Postal Service regulations. If the entry is “Prohibited,” the material is
nonmailable. If the entry cites a reference to this publication, the material is
subject to those requirements and restrictions. If the entry is “Limited
Quantity,” the material is mailable only if it can qualify as a Limited Quantity
air material or Limited Quantity surface material in the Postal Service.
Limited Quantity air and Limited Quantity surface materials cannot exceed
the postal quantity limits specified in this publication. The mailer is
responsible for correctly determining if the hazardous material is eligible in
the Postal Service networks. If assistance is needed, the mailer may request
a ruling from the PCSC as provided in
215.2. If the hazardous material is
mailable in the domestic mail, refer to Column (e) and (f), as appropriate, to
determine the applicable postal packaging instruction in Appendix C.
The columns in the table contain the following information:
Column (a): Lists the proper shipping name of the hazardous material in
roman type. Text that appears in italic type is not part of the proper shipping
name of the hazardous material and is listed for descriptive or reference
purposes. Some listings direct the user to the preferred proper shipping
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
172 Publication 52
name of a material listed elsewhere in the table. The text in this column
closely matches the information in Column 2 of the Hazardous Materials
Table in 49 CFR 172.101.
Column (b): Lists the assigned hazard class or division of the hazardous
material. The entry “Forbidden” means the material may not be transported
under any circumstances. The entry “n/a” means the material does not have
an assigned hazard class. If the field is blank, refer to the listing for the
preferred proper shipping name cited in Column (a). The text in this column
closely matches the information in Column 3 of the Hazardous Materials
Table in 49 CFR 172.101.
Column (c): Lists the identification (ID) number assigned to the hazardous
material. The number may be either a United Nations (UN) number or a North
American (NA) number. This field is blank if Column (a) directs the user to the
listing for the preferred proper shipping name of the material, or if the entry in
Column (b) is “Forbidden.” The text in this column closely matches the
information in Column 4 of the Hazardous Materials Table in 49 CFR 172.101.
Column (d): Lists the DOT Packing Group (PG) assignment for the
hazardous material. Not all hazard classes have DOT Packing Group
assignments. If this field contains “n/a,” the material is in a hazard class that
does not use Packing Group assignments. This field is blank if Column (a)
directs the user to the listing for the preferred proper shipping name of the
material, or if the entry in Column (b) is “Forbidden.” The text in this column
closely matches the information in Column 5 of the Hazardous Materials
Table in 49 CFR 172.101.
Column (e): Lists the USPS packaging instruction in Appendix C that must
be followed if the hazardous material is permitted in domestic mail via air
transportation. This field is blank if Column (a) directs the user to the listing
for the preferred proper shipping name of the material, or if the hazardous
material is prohibited from mailing as designated in Column (e). If the entry in
this column is “Prohibited,” the material is not permitted in domestic mail via
air transportation.
Column (f): Lists the USPS packaging instruction in Appendix C that must
be followed if the hazardous material is permitted in domestic mail via
surface transportation. This field is blank if Column (a) directs the user to the
listing for the preferred proper shipping name of the material, or if the
hazardous material is prohibited from mailing as designated in Column (e). If
the entry in this column is “Prohibited,” the material is not permitted in
domestic mail via surface transportation.
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Accellerene, see p-
Accumulators, electric, see Batteries,
wet etc.
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 173
Accumulators, pressurized,
pneumatic or hydraulic (containing
nonflammable gas), see Articles
pressurized, pneumatic or hydraulic
(containing nonflammable gas)
Acetal 3 UN1088 II Prohibited 3A
Acetaldehyde 3 UN1089 I Prohibited Prohibited
Acetaldehyde ammonia 9 UN1841 III Prohibited 9C
Acetaldehyde oxime 3 UN2332 III Prohibited 3A
Acetic acid, glacial or Acetic acid
solution, with more than 80
acid, by mass
8 UN2789 II 8A 8A
Acetic acid solution, not less than
percent but not more than
80 percent acid, by mass
8 UN2790 II 8A 8A
Acetic acid solution, with more than
percent and less than 50 percent
acid, by mass
8 UN2790 III 8A 8A
Acetic anhydride 8 UN1715 II 8A 8A
Acetone 3 UN1090 II Prohibited 3A
Acetone cyanohydrin, stabilized 6.1 UN1541 I Prohibited Prohibited
Acetone oils 3 UN1091 II Prohibited 3A
Acetonitrile 3 UN1648 II Prohibited 3A
Acetyl acetone peroxide with more
than 9 percent by mass active
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Acetyl benzoyl peroxide, solid, or
with more than 40 percent in
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Acetyl bromide 8 UN1716 II 8A 8A
Acetyl chloride 3 UN1717 II Prohibited Prohibited
Acetyl cyclohexanesulfonyl peroxide,
with more than 82 percent wetted
with less than 12 percent water
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Acetyl iodide 8 UN1898 II 8A 8A
Acetyl methyl carbinol 3 UN2621 III Prohibited 3A
Acetyl peroxide, solid, or with more
than 25
percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Acetylene, dissolved 2.1 UN1001 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Acetylene (liquified) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Acetylene silver nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Acetylene, solvent free Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Acetylene tetrabromide, see
Acid butyl phosphate, see Butyl acid
Acid, sludge, see Sludge, acid
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
174 Publication 52
Acridine 6.1 UN2713 III 6A 6A
Acrolein dimer, stabilized 3 UN2607 III Prohibited 3A
Acrolein, stabilized 6.1 UN1092 I Prohibited Prohibited
Acrylamide, solid 6.1 UN2074 III 6A 6A
Acrylamide, solution 6.1 UN3426 III 6A 6A
Acrylic acid, stabilized 8 UN2218 II 8A 8A
Acrylonitrile, stabilized 3 UN1093 I Prohibited Prohibited
Actuating cartridge, explosive, see
Cartridges, power device
Adhesives, containing a flammable
3 UN1133 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
Adiponitrile 6.1 UN2205 III 6A 6A
Aerosols, corrosive, Packing Group II
or III, (each not exceeding 1 L
2.2 UN1950 n/a 2B 2B
Aerosols, flammable (each not
exceeding 1 L capacity)
2.1 UN1950 n/a Prohibited 2A
Aerosols, flammable, n.o.s. (engine
starting fluid) (each not exceeding 1
L capacity)
2.1 UN1950 n/a Prohibited 2A
Aerosols, nonflammable (each not
exceeding 1 L capacity)
2.2 UN1950 n/a 2B 2B
Aerosols, poison, each not exceeding
1 L capacity
2.2 UN1950 n/a 2B 2B
Air bag inflators, or Air bag modules,
or Seatbelt pretensioners
1.4G UN0503 II Prohibited Prohibited
Air bag inflators, or Air bag modules,
or Seatbelt pretensioners
9 UN3268 III Prohibited Prohibited
Air, compressed 2.2 UN1002 n/a 2B 2B
Air, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic
2.2 UN1003 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Air, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic
liquid), nonpressurized
2.2 UN1003 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Aircraft engines (including turbines),
see Engines, internal combustion
Aircraft evacuation slides, see
Lifesaving appliances etc.
Aircraft hydraulic power unit fuel tank
(containing a mixture of anhydrous
hydrazine and monomethyl
hydrazine) (M86 fuel)
3 UN3165 I Prohibited Prohibited
Aircraft survival kits, see Lifesaving
appliances etc.
Alcoholates solution, n.o.s., in
3 UN3274 II Prohibited Prohibited
Alcoholic beverages 3 UN3065 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Alcohols, n.o.s. 3 UN1987 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 175
Alcohols, n.o.s. 3 UN1987 II, III Prohibited 3A
Alcohols, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. 3 UN1986 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Aldehydes, n.o.s. 3 UN1989 I Prohibited Prohibited
Aldehydes, n.o.s. 3 UN1989 II, III Prohibited 3A
Aldehydes, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. 3 UN1988 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Aldehydes, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. 3 UN1988 III Prohibited 3A
Aldol 6.1 UN2839 II Prohibited Prohibited
Aldrin, liquid 6.1 NA2762 II Prohibited Prohibited
Aldrin, solid 6.1 NA2761 II Prohibited Prohibited
Alkali metal alcoholates, selfheating,
corrosive, n.o.s.
4.2 UN3206 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Alkali metal alloys, liquid, n.o.s. 4.3 UN1421 I Prohibited Prohibited
Alkali metal amalgam, liquid 4.3 UN1389 I Prohibited Prohibited
Alkali metal amalgam, solid 4.3 UN3401 I Prohibited Prohibited
Alkali metal amides 4.3 UN1390 II Prohibited 4A
Alkali metal dispersions, flammable
or Alkaline earth metal dispersions,
4.3 UN3482 I Prohibited Prohibited
Alkali metal dispersions, or Alkaline
earth metal dispersions
4.3 UN1391 I Prohibited Prohibited
Alkaline corrosive liquids, n.o.s., see
Caustic alkali liquids, n.o.s.
Alkaline earth metal alcoholates,
4.2 UN3205 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Alkaline earth metal alloys, n.o.s. 4.3 UN1393 II Prohibited 4A
Alkaline earth metal amalgams, liquid 4.3 UN1392 I Prohibited Prohibited
Alkaline earth metal amalgams, solid 4.3 UN3402 I Prohibited Prohibited
Alkaloids, liquid, n.o.s., or Alkaloid
salts, liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3140 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Alkaloids, liquid, n.o.s., or Alkaloid
salts, liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3140 III 6A 6A
Alkaloids, solid, n.o.s. or Alkaloid
salts, solid, n.o.s. poisonous
6.1 UN1544 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Alkaloids, solid, n.o.s. or Alkaloid
salts, solid, n.o.s. poisonous
6.1 UN1544 III 6A 6A
Alkyl sulfonic acids, liquid or Aryl
sulfonic acids, liquid with more than
percent free sulfuric acid
8 UN2584 II 8A 8A
Alkyl sulfonic acids, liquid or Aryl
sulfonic acids, liquid with not more
than 5
percent free sulfuric acid
8 UN2586 III 8A 8A
Alkyl sulfonic acids, solid or Aryl
sulfonic acids, solid with more than
percent free sulfuric acid
8 UN2583 II 8A 8A
Alkyl sulfonic acids, solid or Aryl
sulfonic acids, solid with not more
than 5
percent free sulfuric acid
8 UN2585 III 8A 8A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
176 Publication 52
Alkylphenols, liquid, n.o.s. (including
C2C12 homologues)
8 UN3145 I Prohibited Prohibited
Alkylphenols, liquid, n.o.s. (including
C2-C12 homologues)
8 UN3145 II, III 8A 8A
Alkylphenols, solid, n.o.s. (including
C2-C12 homologues)
8 UN2430 I Prohibited Prohibited
Alkylphenols, solid, n.o.s. (including
C2-C12 homologues)
8 UN2430 II, III 8A 8A
Alkylsulfuric acids 8 UN2571 II 8A 8A
Allethrin, see Pesticides, liquid, toxic,
Allyl acetate 3 UN2333 II Prohibited Prohibited
Allyl alcohol 6.1 UN1098 I Prohibited Prohibited
Allyl bromide 3 UN1099 I Prohibited Prohibited
Allyl chloride 3 UN1100 I Prohibited Prohibited
Allyl chlorocarbonate, see Allyl
Allyl chloroformate 6.1 UN1722 I Prohibited Prohibited
Allyl ethyl ether 3 UN2335 II Prohibited Prohibited
Allyl formate 3 UN2336 I Prohibited Prohibited
Allyl glycidyl ether 3 UN2219 III Prohibited 3A
Allyl iodide 3 UN1723 II Prohibited Prohibited
Allyl isothiocyanate, stabilized 6.1 UN1545 II Prohibited Prohibited
Allylamine 6.1 UN2334 I Prohibited Prohibited
Allyltrichlorosilane, stabilized 8 UN1724 II Prohibited Prohibited
Aluminum borohydride or Aluminum
borohydride in devices
4.2 UN2870 I Prohibited Prohibited
Aluminum bromide, anhydrous 8 UN1725 II 8A 8A
Aluminum bromide, solution 8 UN2580 III 8A 8A
Aluminum carbide 4.3 UN1394 II Prohibited 4A
Aluminum chloride, anhydrous 8 UN1726 II 8A 8A
Aluminum chloride, solution 8 UN2581 III 8A 8A
Aluminum dross, wet or hot Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Aluminum ferrosilicon powder 4.3 UN1395 II, III Prohibited 4A
Aluminum hydride 4.3 UN2463 I Prohibited Prohibited
Aluminum, molten 9 NA9260 III Prohibited Prohibited
Aluminum, nitrate 5.1 UN1438 III 5A 5A
Aluminum phosphate solution, see
Corrosive liquids, etc.
Aluminum phosphide 4.3 UN1397 I Prohibited Prohibited
Aluminum phosphide pesticides 6.1 UN3048 I Prohibited Prohibited
Aluminum powder, coated 4.1 UN1309 II, III Prohibited 4A
Aluminum powder, uncoated 4.3 UN1396 II, III Prohibited 4A
Aluminum resinate 4.1 UN2715 III Prohibited 4A
Aluminum silicon powder, uncoated 4.3 UN1398 III Prohibited 4A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 177
Aluminum smelting by-products
or Aluminum remelting by-products
4.3 UN3170 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Amatols, see Explosives, blasting,
type B
Amine, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s.
or Polyamines, flammable,
corrosive, n.o.s.
3 UN2733 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Amine, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s.
or Polyamines, flammable,
corrosive, n.o.s.
3 UN2733 III Prohibited 3A
Amine, liquid, corrosive,
flammable, n.o.s. or Polyamines,
liquid, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s.
8 UN2734 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Amines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.
or Polyamines, liquid, corrosive,
8 UN2735 I Prohibited Prohibited
Amines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.
or Polyamines, liquid, corrosive,
8 UN2735 II, III 8A 8A
Amines, solid, corrosive, n.o.s.
or Polyamines, solid, corrosive,
8 UN3259 I Prohibited Prohibited
Amines, solid, corrosive, n.o.s.
or Polyamines, solid, corrosive,
8 UN3259 II, III 8A 8A
2-Amino-4-chlorophenol 6.1 UN2673 II Prohibited Prohibited
2-Amino-5-diethylaminopentane 6.1 UN2946 III 6A 6A
2-Amino-4,6-Dinitrophenol, wetted
with not less than 20
percent water
by mass
4.1 UN3317 I Prohibited Prohibited
2-(2-Aminoethoxy) ethanol 8 UN3055 III 8A 8A
N-Aminoethylpiperazine 8 UN2815 III 8A 8A
Aminophenols (o-; m-; p-) 6.1 UN2512 III 6A 6A
Aminopropyldiethanolamine, see
Amines, etc.
n-Aminopropylmorpholine, see
Amines, etc.
Aminopyridines (o-; m-; p-) 6.1 UN2671 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonia, anhydrous (international) 2.3 UN1005 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonia, anhydrous (domestic) 2.2 UN1005 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonia solution, relative density
between 0.880 and 0.957 at 15° C
in water, with more than 10 percent
but not more than 35
8 UN2672 III 8A 8A
Ammonia solution, relative density
less than 0.880 at 15° C in water,
with more than 35 percent but not
more than 50
percent ammonia
2.2 UN2073 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
178 Publication 52
Ammonia solution, relative density
less than 0.880 at 15° C in water,
with more than 50
percent ammonia
2.2 UN3318 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonia solution, relative density
less than 0.880 at 15° C in water,
with more than 50
percent ammonia
2.3 UN3318 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium arsenate 6.1 UN1546 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium azide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium bifluoride, solid, see
Ammonium hydrogen difluoride,
Ammonium bifluoride, solution, see
Ammonium hydrogen difluoride,
Ammonium bromate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium chlorate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium dichromate 5.1 UN1439 II 5A 5A
Ammonium dintro-o-cresolate, solid 6.1 UN1843 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium dintro-o-cresolate,
6.1 UN3424 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium fluoride 6.1 UN2505 III 6A 6A
Ammonium fluorosilicate 6.1 UN2854 III 6A 6A
Ammonium fulminate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium hydrogen sulfate 8 UN2506 II 8A 8A
Ammonium hydrogendifluoride, solid 8 UN1727 II 8A 8A
Ammonium hydrogendiflouride,
8 UN2817 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium hydrogendiflouride,
8 UN2817 III 8A 8A
Ammonium hydrosulfide, solution,
see Ammonium sulfide solution
Ammonium hydroxide, see Ammonia
solutions, etc.
Ammonium metavanadate 6.1 UN2859 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium nitrate fertilizers 5.1 NA2072 III 5A 5A
Ammonium nitrate based fertilizers 5.1 UN2067 III 5A 5A
Ammonium nitrate based fertilizers 9 UN2071 III 9C 9C
Ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixture
containing only prilled ammonium
nitrate and fuel oil
1.5D NA0331 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium nitrate, liquid (hot
concentrated solution)
5.1 UN2426 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium nitrate mixed fertilizers 5.1 NA2069 III 5A 5A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 179
Ammonium nitrate, with more
than 0.2 percent combustible
substances, including any organic
substance calculated as carbon, to
the exclusion of any other added
1.1D UN0222 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium nitrate, with not more
than 0.2
percent of combustible
substances, including any organic
substance calculated as carbon, to
the exclusion of any other added
5.1 UN1942 III 5A 5A
Ammonium nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium perchlorate 1.1D UN0402 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium perchlorate 5.1 UN1442 II 5A 5A
Ammonium permanganate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium persulfate 5.1 UN1444 III 5A 5A
Ammonium picrate, dry or wetted
with less than 10 percent water, by
1.1D UN0004 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium picrate, wetted with not
less than 10 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1310 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium polysulfide, solution 8 UN2818 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammonium polysulfide, solution 8 UN2818 III 8A 8A
Ammonium polyvanadate 6.1 UN2861 II 6A 6A
Ammonium silicofluoride, see
Ammonium fluorosilicate
Ammonium sulfide solution 8 UN2683 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, blank, see Cartridges
for weapons, blank
Ammunition, illuminating with or
without burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.2G UN0171 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, illuminating with or
without burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.3G UN0254 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, illuminating with or
without burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.4G UN0297 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, incendiary liquid or gel,
with burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.3J UN0247 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, incendiary (water-
activated contrivances) with burster,
expelling charge, or propelling
charge, see Contrivances, water-
activated, etc.
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
180 Publication 52
Ammunition, incendiary, white
phosphorus, with burster, expelling
charge, or propelling charge
1.2H UN0243 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, incendiary, white
phosphorus, with burster, expelling
charge, or propelling charge
1.3H UN0244 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, incendiary with or
without burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.2G UN0009 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, incendiary with or
without burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.3G UN0010 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, incendiary with or
without burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.4G UN0300 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, practice 1.4G UN0362 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, practice 1.3G UN0488 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, proof 1.4G UN0363 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, rocket, see Warheads,
rocket etc.
Ammunition, SA (small arms), see
Cartridges for weapons, etc.
Ammunition, smoke (water-activated
contrivances), white phosphorus,
with burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge, see
Contrivances, water-activated, etc.
Ammunition, smoke (wateractivated
contrivances), without white
phosphorus or phosphides, with
burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge, see
Contrivances, wateractivated, etc.
Ammunition smoke, white
phosphorus with burster, expelling
charge, or propelling charge
1.2H UN0245 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, smoke, white
phosphorus with burster, expelling
charge, or propelling charge
1.3H UN0246 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, smoke, with or without
burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.2G UN0015 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, smoke, with or without
burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.3G UN0016 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, smoke, with or without
burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.4G UN0303 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 181
Ammunition, sporting, see Cartridges
for weapons, etc. (UN0012;
UN0328; UN0339)
Ammunition, tearproducing,
nonexplosive, without burster or
expelling charge, non-fuzed
6.1 UN2017 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, tearproducing with
burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.2G UN0018 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, tearproducing with
burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.3G UN0019 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, tearproducing with
burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.4G UN0301 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, toxic (wateractivated
contrivances), with burster,
expelling charge, or propelling
charge, see Contrivances,
wateractivated, etc.
Ammunition, toxic, nonexplosive,
without burster or expelling charge,
6.1 UN2016 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, toxic with burster,
expelling charge, or propelling
1.2K UN0020 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ammunition, toxic with burster,
expelling charge, or propelling
1.3K UN0021 II Prohibited Prohibited
Amyl acetates 3 UN1104 III Prohibited 3A
Amyl acid phosphate 8 UN2819 III 8A 8A
Amyl butyrates 3 UN2620 III Prohibited 3A
Amyl chlorides 3 UN1107 II Prohibited 3A
Amyl formates 3 UN1109 III Prohibited 3A
Amyl mercaptans 3 UN1111 II Prohibited Prohibited
n-Amyl methyl ketone 3 UN1110 III Prohibited 3A
Amyl nitrate 3 UN1112 III Prohibited 3A
Amyl nitrites 3 UN1113 II Prohibited 3A
Amylamines 3 UN1106 II Prohibited Prohibited
Amylamines 3 UN1106 III Prohibited 3A
Amyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1728 II Prohibited Prohibited
Anhydrous ammonia see Ammonia,
anhydrous, liquified
Anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, see
Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous
Aniline 6.1 UN1547 II Prohibited Prohibited
Aniline hydrochloride 6.1 UN1548 III 6A 6A
Aniline oil, see Aniline
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
182 Publication 52
Anisidines 6.1 UN2431 III 6A 6A
Anisole 3 UN2222 III Prohibited 3A
Anisoyl chloride 8 UN1729 II 8A 8A
Antifreeze, liquid, see Flammable
liquids, n.o.s
Antimonous chloride, see Antimony
Antimony compounds, inorganic,
liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3141 III 6A 6A
Antimony compounds, inorganic,
solid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN1549 III 6A 6A
Antimony lactate 6.1 UN1550 III 6A 6A
Antimony pentachloride, liquid 8 UN1730 II Prohibited Prohibited
Antimony pentachloride, solutions 8 UN1731 II, III 8A 8A
Antimony pentafluoride 8 UN1732 II Prohibited Prohibited
Antimony potassium tartrate 6.1 UN1551 III 6A 6A
Antimony powder 6.1 UN2871 III 6A 6A
Antimony sulfide and a chlorate,
mixtures of
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Antimony sulfide, solid, see Antimony
compounds, inorganic, n.o.s.
Antimony tribromide, solid 8 NA1549 II 8A 8A
Antimony tribromide, solution 8 NA1549 II 8A 8A
Antimony trichloride, liquid 8 UN1733 II 8A 8A
Antimony trichloride, solid 8 UN1733 II 8A 8A
Antimony, trifluoride, solid 8 NA1549 II 8A 8A
Antimony, trifluoride, solution 8 NA1549 II 8A 8A
Aqua ammonia, see Ammonia
solution, etc.
Argon, compressed 2.2 UN1006 n/a 2B 2B
Argon, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic
2.2 UN1951 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic 6.1 UN1558 II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic acid, liquid 6.1 UN1553 I Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic acid, solid 6.1 UN1554 II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic bromide 6.1 UN1555 II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic chloride, see Arsenic
Arsenic compounds, liquid, n.o.s.
inorganic, including arsenates,
n.o.s.; arsenites, n.o.s.; arsenic
sulfides, n.o.s.; and organic
compounds of arsenic, n.o.s.
6.1 UN1556 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 183
Arsenic compounds, liquid, n.o.s.
inorganic, including arsenates,
n.o.s.; arsenites, n.o.s.; arsenic
sulfides, n.o.s.; and organic
compounds of arsenic, n.o.s.
6.1 UN1556 III 6A 6A
Arsenic compounds, solid, n.o.s.
inorganic, including arsenates,
n.o.s.; arsenites, n.o.s.; arsenic
sulfides, n.o.s.; and organic
compounds of arsenic, n.o.s.
6.1 UN1557 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic compounds, solid, n.o.s.
inorganic, including arsenates,
n.o.s.; arsenites, n.o.s.; arsenic
sulfides, n.o.s.; and organic
compounds of arsenic, n.o.s.
6.1 UN1557 III 6A 6A
Arsenic pentoxide 6.1 UN1559 II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic sulfide 6.1 NA1557 II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic sulfide and a chlorate,
mixtures of
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic trichloride 6.1 UN1560 I Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic trioxide 6.1 UN1561 II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic trisulfide 6.1 NA1557 II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenic, white, solid, see Arsenic
Arsenical dust 6.1 UN1562 II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenical pesticides, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
3 UN2760 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenical pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN2994 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenical pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN2994 III 6A 6A
Arsenical pesticides, liquid, toxic,
flammable flashpoint not less than
23° C
6.1 UN2993 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenical pesticides, liquid, toxic,
flammable flashpoint not less than
23° C
6.1 UN2993 III 6A 6A
Arsenical pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2759 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Arsenical pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2759 III 6A 6A
Arsenious acid, solid, see Arsenic
Arsenious and mercuric iodide
solution, see Arsenic compounds,
liquid, n.o.s.
Arsine 2.3 UN2188 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, extremely
insensitive or Articles, EEI
1.6N UN0486 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4S UN0349 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4B UN0350 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
184 Publication 52
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4C UN0351 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4D UN0352 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4G UN0353 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.1L UN0354 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.2L UN0355 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.3L UN0356 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.1C UN0462 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.1D UN0463 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.1E UN0464 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.1F UN0465 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.2C UN0466 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.2D UN0467 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.2E UN0468 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.2F UN0469 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.3C UN0470 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4E UN0471 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4F UN0472 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, pressurized pneumatic or
Hydraulic containing nonflammable
2.2 UN3164 n/a 2B 2B
Articles, pyrophoric 1.2L UN0380 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, pyrotechnic for technical
1.1G UN0428 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, pyrotechnic for technical
1.2G UN0429 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, pyrotechnic for technical
1.3G UN0430 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, pyrotechnic for technical
1.4G UN0431 II Prohibited Prohibited
Articles, pyrotechnic for technical
1.4S UN0432 II Prohibited Prohibited
Asbestos 9 NA2212 III Prohibited 9C
Ascaridole (organic peroxide) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Asphalt, at or above its flashpoint 3 NA1999 III Prohibited 3A
Asphalt, cut back, see Tars, liquid,
Automobile, motorcycle, tractor,
other self-propelled vehicle, engine,
or other mechanical apparatus, see
Vehicle or Battery etc.
Aviation regulated liquid, n.o.s. 9 UN3334 n/a 9C 9C
Aviation regulated solid, n.o.s. 9 UN3335 n/a 9C 9C
Azaurolic, acid (salt of), (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Azido guanidine picrate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
5-Azido-1-hydroxy tetrazole Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 185
Azido hydroxy tetrazole (mercury and
silver salts)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
3-Azido-1,2-Propylene glycol
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Azidodithiocarbonic acid Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Azidoethyl nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1-Aziridinylphosphine oxide-(tris),
see Tris-(1aziridinyl)phosphine
oxide, solution
Azodicarbonamide 4.1 UN3242 II Prohibited 4A
Azotetrazole (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Barium 4.3 UN1400 II Prohibited 4A
Barium alloys, pyrophic 4.2 UN1854 I Prohibited Prohibited
Barium azide, dry or wetted with less
than 50 percent water, by mass
1.1A UN0224 II Prohibited Prohibited
Barium azide, wetted with not less
than 50 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1571 I Prohibited Prohibited
Barium bromate 5.1 UN2719 II Prohibited Prohibited
Barium chlorate, solid 5.1 UN1445 II Prohibited Prohibited
Barium chlorate, solution 5.1 UN3405 II Prohibited Prohibited
Barium compounds, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1564 II Prohibited Prohibited
Barium compounds, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1564 III 6A 6A
Barium cyanide 6.1 UN1565 I Prohibited Prohibited
Barium hypochlorite with more than
percent available chlorine
5.1 UN2741 II 5A 5A
Barium nitrate 5.1 UN1446 II Prohibited Prohibited
Barium oxide 6.1 UN1884 III 6A 6A
Barium perchlorate, solid 5.1 UN1447 II Prohibited Prohibited
Barium perchlorate, solution 5.1 UN3406 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Barium permanganate 5.1 UN1448 II Prohibited Prohibited
Barium peroxide 5.1 UN1449 II Prohibited Prohibited
Barium selenate, see Selenates or
Barium selenite, see Selenates or
Barium styphnate 1.1A NA0473 II Prohibited Prohibited
Batteries, containing sodium 4.3 UN3292 II Prohibited Prohibited
Batteries, dry, containing potassium
hydroxide solid, electric, storage
8 UN3028 III Prohibited Prohibited
Batteries, dry, not subject to the
requirements of 49 CFR
n/a n/a n/a Mailable
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
186 Publication 52
Batteries, nickel-metal hydride see
Batteries, dry. Sealed, n.o.s. for
nickel metal hydride batteries
transported by modes other than
9 UN3496 n/a Prohibited Mailable
Batteries, wet, filled with acid,
electric storage
8 UN2794 III Prohibited Prohibited
Batteries, wet, filled with
alkali,electric storage
8 UN2795 III Prohibited Prohibited
Batteries, wet, nonspillable, electric
8 UN2800 III 8B 8B
Battery fluid, acid 8 UN2796 II 8A 8A
Battery fluid, alkali 8 UN2797 II 8A 8A
Battery lithium type, see Lithium
batteries etc.
Battery-powered vehicle or Battery-
powered equipment
9 UN3171 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Battery, wet, filled with acid or alkali
with vehicle or mechanical
equipment containing internal
combustion engine) see Vehicle,
etc. or, Engines, internal
combustion etc.
Benzaldehyde 9 UN1990 III 9C 9C
Benzene 3 UN1114 II Prohibited 3A
Benzene diazonium chloride (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Benzene diazonium nitrate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Benzene phosphorus dichloride, see
Phenyl phosphorus dichloride
Benzene phosphorus thiodichloride,
see Phenyl phosphorus
Benzene sulfonyl chloride 8 UN2225 III 8A 8A
Benzene triozonide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Benzenethiol, see Phenyl mercaptan
Benzidine 6.1 UN1885 II Prohibited Prohibited
Benzol, see Benzene
Benzonitrile 6.1 UN2224 II Prohibited Prohibited
Benzoquinone 6.1 UN2587 II Prohibited Prohibited
Benzotrichloride 8 UN2226 II 8A 8A
Benzotrifluoride 3 UN2338 II Prohibited 3A
Benzoxidiazoles (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Benzoyl azide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Benzoyl chloride 8 UN1736 II 8A 8A
Benzyl bromide 6.1 UN1737 II Prohibited Prohibited
Benzyl chloride 6.1 UN1738 II Prohibited Prohibited
Benzyl chloride unstabilized 6.1 UN1738 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 187
Benzyl chloroformate 8 UN1739 I Prohibited Prohibited
Benzyl iodide 6.1 UN2653 II Prohibited Prohibited
Benzyldimethylamine 8 UN2619 II 8A 8A
Benzylidene chloride 6.1 UN1886 II Prohibited Prohibited
Beryllium compounds, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1566 II Prohibited Prohibited
Beryllium compounds, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1566 III 6A 6A
Beryllium nitrate 5.1 UN2464 II Prohibited Prohibited
Beryllium, powder 6.1 UN1567 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bicyclo [2,2,1] hepta-2, 5-diene,
stabilized or 2,5-Norbornadiene,
3 UN2251 II Prohibited 3A
Biological substance, Category B 6.2 UN3373 n/a 6C 6C
Biphenyl triozonide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
3 UN2782 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3016 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3016 III 6A 6A
Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, toxic,
flammable, flashpoint not less than
23° C
6.1 UN3015 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, toxic,
flammable, flashpoint not less than
23° C
6.1 UN3015 III 6A 6A
Bipyridilium pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2781 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Bipyridilium pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2781 III 6A 6A
Bis (Aminopropyl) piperazine, see
Corrosive liquids, n.o.s.
Bisulfate, aqueous solution 8 UN2837 II, III 8A 8A
Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, n.o.s. 8 UN2693 III 8A 8A
Black powder, compressed or
Gunpowder, compressed or Black
powder, in pellets or Gunpowder, in
1.1D UN0028 II Prohibited Prohibited
Black powder for small arms 4.1 NA0027 I Prohibited Prohibited
Black powder or Gunpowder,
granular or as a meal
1.1D UN0027 II Prohibited Prohibited
Blasting agent, n.o.s., see
Explosives, blasting etc.
Blasting cap assemblies, see
Detonator assemblies, non-electric,
for blasting
Blasting caps, electric, see
Detonators, electric, for blasting
Blasting caps, non-electric, see
Detonators, non-electric for blasting
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
188 Publication 52
Bleaching powder, see Calcium
hypochlorite mixtures, etc.
Blue asbestos (Crocidolite) or Brown
asbestos (amosite, mysorite)
9 UN2212 II Prohibited 9C
Bombs, photo-flash 1.1F UN0037 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bombs, photo-flash 1.1D UN0038 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bombs, photo-flash 1.2G UN0039 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bombs, photo-flash 1.3G UN0299 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bombs, smoke, non-explosive, with
corrosive liquid, without initiating
8 UN2028 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bombs, with bursting charge 1.1F UN0033 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bombs, with bursting charge 1.1D UN0034 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bombs, with bursting charge 1.2D UN0035 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bombs, with bursting charge 1.2F UN0291 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bombs with flammable liquid, with
bursting charge
1.1J UN0399 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bombs with flammable liquid, with
bursting charge
1.2J UN0400 II Prohibited Prohibited
Boosters with detonator 1.1B UN0225 II Prohibited Prohibited
Boosters with detonator 1.2B UN0268 II Prohibited Prohibited
Boosters, without detonator 1.1D UN0042 II Prohibited Prohibited
Boosters, without detonator 1.2D UN0283 II Prohibited Prohibited
Borate and chlorate mixtures, see
Chlorate and borate mixtures
Borneol 4.1 UN1312 III Prohibited Prohibited
Boron tribromide 8 UN2692 I Prohibited Prohibited
Boron trichloride 2.3 UN1741 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Boron trifluoride acetic acid complex,
8 UN1742 II 8A 8A
Boron trifluoride acetic acid complex,
8 UN3419 II 8A 8A
Boron trifluoride 2.3 UN1008 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Boron trifluoride diethyl etherate 8 UN2604 I Prohibited Prohibited
Boron trifluoride dihydrate 8 UN2851 II 8A 8A
Boron trifluoride dimethyl etherate 4.3 UN2965 I Prohibited Prohibited
Boron trifluoride propionic acid
complex, liquid
8 UN1743 II 8A 8A
Boron trifluoride propionic acid
complex, solid
8 UN3420 II 8A 8A
Box toe gum, see Nitrocellulose etc.
Bromates, inorganic, aqueous
solution, n.o.s.
5.1 UN3213 II 5A 5A
Bromates, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1450 II 5A 5A
Bromine or Bromine solutions 8 UN1744 I Prohibited Prohibited
Bromine azide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 189
Bromine chloride 2.3 UN2901 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Bromine pentafluoride 5.1 UN1745 I Prohibited Prohibited
Bromine trifluoride 5.1 UN1746 I Prohibited Prohibited
4-Bromo-1,2-dinitrobenzene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
(unstable at 59° C)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1-Bromo-3-chloropropane 6.1 UN2688 III 6A 6A
1-Bromo-3-methylbutane 3 UN2341 III Prohibited 3A
1-Bromo-3-nitrobenzene (unstable at
56° C)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Bromoacetic acid, solid 8 UN3425 II 8A 8A
Bromoacetic acid, solution 8 UN1938 II 8A 8A
Bromoacetone 6.1 UN1569 II Prohibited Prohibited
Bromoacetyl bromide 8 UN2513 II 8A 8A
Bromobenzene 3 UN2514 III Prohibited 3A
Bromobenzyl cyanides, liquid 6.1 UN1694 I Prohibited Prohibited
Bromobenzyl cyanides, solid 6.1 UN3449 I Prohibited Prohibited
1-Bromobutane 3 UN1126 II Prohibited 3A
2-Bromobutane 3 UN2339 II Prohibited 3A
Bromochloromethane 6.1 UN1887 III 6A 6A
2-Bromoethyl ethyl ether 3 UN2340 II Prohibited 3A
Bromoform 6.1 UN2515 III 6A 6A
Bromomethylpropanes 3 UN2342 II Prohibited 3A
2-Bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol 4.1 UN3241 III Prohibited 4A
2-Bromopentane 3 UN2343 II Prohibited 3A
Bromopropanes 3 UN2344 II, III Prohibited 3A
3-Bromopropyne 3 UN2345 II Prohibited 3A
Bromosilane Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Bromotoluenealpha, see Benzyl
Bromotrifluoroethylene 2.1 UN2419 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Bromotrifluoromethane or Refrigerant
gas, R 13B1
2.2 UN1009 n/a 2B 2B
Brucine 6.1 UN1570 I Prohibited Prohibited
Bursters, explosive 1.1D UN0043 II Prohibited Prohibited
Butadienes, stabilized or Butadienes
and Hydrocarbon mixture,
stabilized containing more than
percent butadienes
2.1 UN1010 n/a Prohibited 2A
Butane see also Petroleum gases,
2.1 UN1011 n/a Prohibited 2A
Butane, butane mixtures and
mixtures having similar properties in
cartridges each not exceeding
grams, see Receptacles, etc.
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
190 Publication 52
Butanedione 3 UN2346 II Prohibited 3A
1,2,4-Butanetriol trinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Butanols 3 UN1120 II, III Prohibited 3A
Tert-Butoxycarbonyl azide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Butyl acetates 3 UN1123 II, III Prohibited 3A
Butyl acid phosphate 8 UN1718 III 8A 8A
Butyl acrylates, stabilized 3 UN2348 III Prohibited 3A
Butyl alcohols, see Butanols
Butyl benzenes 3 UN2709 III Prohibited 3A
n-Butyl bromide, see 1-
n-Butyl chloride, see Chlorobutanes
n-Butyl chloroformate 6.1 UN2743 I Prohibited Prohibited
secButyl chloroformate 6.1 NA2742 I Prohibited Prohibited
Butyl ethers, see Dibutyl ethers
Butyl ethyl ether, see Ethyl butyl ether
n-Butyl formate 3 UN1128 II Prohibited 3A
Tert-Butyl hydroperoxide, with more
than 90 percent with water
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Tert-Butyl hypochlorite 4.2 UN3255 I Prohibited Prohibited
N-n-Butyl imidazole 6.1 UN2690 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tert-Butyl isocyanate 6.1 UN2484 I Prohibited Prohibited
n-Butyl isocyanate 6.1 UN2485 I Prohibited Prohibited
Butyl mercaptans 3 UN2347 II Prohibited 3A
n-Butyl methacrylate, stabilized 3 UN2227 III Prohibited 3A
Butyl methyl ether 3 UN2350 II Prohibited 3A
Butyl nitrites 3 UN2351 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
tert-Butyl peroxyacetate, with more
than 76
percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
n-Butyl peroxydicarbonate, with more
than 52 percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
tert-Butyl peroxyisobutyrate, with
more than 77 percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Butyl phosphoric acid, see Butyl acid
Butyl propionates 3 UN1914 III Prohibited 3A
5-tert-Butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylene or
Musk xylene
4.1 UN2956 III Prohibited Prohibited
Butyl vinyl ether, stabilized 3 UN2352 II Prohibited 3A
n-Butylamine 3 UN1125 II Prohibited Prohibited
N-Butylaniline 6.1 UN2378 II Prohibited Prohibited
tert-Butylcyclohexylchloroformate 6.1 UN2747 III 6A 6A
Butylene see also Petroleum gases,
2.1 UN1012 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
1,2-Butylene oxide, stabilized 3 UN3022 II Prohibited 3A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 191
Butyltoluenes 6.1 UN2667 III 6A 6A
Butyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1747 II Prohibited Prohibited
1,4-Butynediol 6.1 UN2716 III Prohibited Prohibited
Butyraldehyde 3 UN1129 II Prohibited 3A
Butyraldoxime 3 UN2840 III Prohibited 3A
Butyric acid 8 UN2820 III 8A 8A
Butyric anhydride 8 UN2739 III 8A 8A
Butyronitrile 3 UN2411 II Prohibited Prohibited
Butyryl chloride 3 UN2353 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cacodylic acid 6.1 UN1572 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cadmium compounds 6.1 UN2570 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Cadmium compounds 6.1 UN2570 III 6A 6A
Caesium hydroxide 8 UN2682 II 8A 8A
Caesium hydroxide solution 8 UN2681 II, III 8A 8A
Calcium 4.3 UN1401 II Prohibited 4A
Calcium arsenate 6.1 UN1573 II Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium arsenate and calcium
arsenite, mixtures, solid
6.1 UN1574 II Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium arsenite, solid 6.1 NA1574 II Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium bisulfite solution, see
Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, n.o.s.
Calcium carbide 4.3 UN1402 I Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium carbide 4.3 UN1402 II Prohibited 4A
Calcium chlorate 5.1 UN1452 II 5A 5A
Calcium chlorate aqueous solution 5.1 UN2429 II, III 5A 5A
Calcium chlorite 5.1 UN1453 II 5A 5A
Calcium cyanamide with more than
percent of calcium carbide
4.3 UN1403 III Prohibited 4A
Calcium cyanide 6.1 UN1575 I Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium dithionite or Calcium
4.2 UN1923 II Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium hydride 4.3 UN1404 I Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium hydrosulfite, see Calcium
Calcium hypochlorite, dry, corrosive
or Calcium hypochlorite mixtures,
dry, corrosive with more than
percent available chlorine
(8.8 percent available oxygen)
5.1 UN3485 II 5A 5A
Calcium hypochlorite, dry or Calcium
hypochlorite mixtures dry with more
than 39
percent available chlorine
(8.8 percent available oxygen)
5.1 UN1748 II 5A 5A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
192 Publication 52
Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated,
corrosive or Calcium hypochlorite,
hydrated mixture, corrosive with not
less than 5.5
percent but not more
than 16
percent water
5.1 UN3487 II 5A 5A
Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated or
Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated
mixtures, with not less than
percent but not more than
16 percent water
5.1 UN2880 II, III 5A 5A
Calcium hypochlorite mixture, dry,
corrosive with more than 10 percent
but not more than 39 percent
available chlorine
5.1 UN3486 III 5A 5A
Calcium hypochlorite mixtures, dry,
with more than 10 percent but not
more than 39
percent available
5.1 UN2208 III 5A 5A
Calcium manganese silicon 4.3 UN2844 III Prohibited 4A
Calcium nitrate 5.1 UN1454 III 5A 5A
Calcium oxide 8 UN1910 III 8A 8A
Calcium perchlorate 5.1 UN1455 II 5A 5A
Calcium permanganate 5.1 UN1456 II 5A 5A
Calcium peroxide 5.1 UN1457 II 5A 5A
Calcium phosphide 4.3 UN1360 I Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium, pyrophoric or Calcium
alloys, pyrophoric
4.2 UN1855 I Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium resinate 4.1 UN1313 III Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium resinate, fused 4.1 UN1314 III Prohibited Prohibited
Calcium selenate, see Selenates or
Calcium silicide 4.3 UN1405 II, III Prohibited 4A
Camphor oil 3 UN1130 III Prohibited 3A
Camphor, synthetic 4.1 UN2717 III Prohibited Prohibited
Cannon primers, see Primers, tubular
Capacitor, electric double layer (with
an energy storage capacity greater
than 0.3 Wh)
9 UN3499 n/a Prohibited 9C
Caproic acid 8 UN2829 III 8A 8A
Caps, blasting, see Detonators, etc.
Carbamate pesticides, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
3 UN2758 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Carbamate pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN2992 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Carbamate pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN2992 III 6A 6A
Carbamate pesticide, liquid, toxic,
flammable, flashpoint not less than
23° C
6.1 UN2991 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 193
Carbamate pesticide, liquid, toxic,
flammable, flashpoint not less than
23° C
6.1 UN2991 III 6A 6A
Carbamate pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2757 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Carbamate pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2757 III 6A 6A
Carbolic acid, see Phenol, solid or
Phenol, molten
Carbolic acid solutions, see Phenol
Carbon, animal or vegetable origin 4.2 UN1361 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Carbon, activated 4.2 UN1362 III Prohibited Prohibited
Carbon bisulfide, see Carbon
Carbon dioxide 2.2 UN1013 n/a 2B 2B
Carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid 2.2 UN2187 n/a 2B 2B
Carbon dioxide, solid, or Dry ice 9 UN1845 III 9A 9A
Carbon disulfide 3 UN1131 I Prohibited Prohibited
Carbon monoxide, compressed 2.3 UN1016 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Carbon monoxide, refrigerated liquid
(cryogenic liquid)
2.3 NA9202 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Carbon tetrabromide 6.1 UN2516 III 6A 6A
Carbon tetrachloride 6.1 UN1846 II Prohibited Prohibited
Carbonyl chloride, see Phosgene
Carbonyl fluoride 2.3 UN2417 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Carbonyl sulfide 2.3 UN2204 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridge cases, empty primed, see
Cases, cartridge, empty, with
Cartridges, actuating, for aircraft
ejector seat catapult, fire
extinguisher, canopy removal or
apparatus, see Cartridges, power
Cartridges, explosive, see Charges,
Cartridges, flash 1.1G UN0049 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, flash 1.3G UN0050 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, blank 1.1C UN0326 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, blank 1.2C UN0413 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, blank or
Cartridges, small arms, blank
1.3C UN0327 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, blank or
Cartridges, small arms, blank
1.4C UN0338 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, blank or
Cartridges, small arms, blank
1.4S UN0014 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, inert
1.2C UN0328 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
194 Publication 52
Cartridges for weapons, inert
projectile or Cartridges, small arms
1.3C UN0417 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, inert
projectile or Cartridges, small arms
1.4C UN0339 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, inert
projectile or Cartridges, small arms
1.4S UN0012 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, with bursting
1.1E UN0006 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, with bursting
1.1F UN0005 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, with bursting
1.2E UN0321 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, with bursting
1.2F UN0007 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, with bursting
1.4E UN0412 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges for weapons, with bursting
1.4F UN0348 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, oil well 1.3C UN0277 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, oil well 1.4C UN0278 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, power device 1.2C UN0381 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, power device 1.3C UN0275 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, power device 1.4C UN0276 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, power device 1.4S UN0323 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, safety, blank, see
Cartridges for weapons, blank
Cartridges, safety, see Cartridges for
weapons, other than blank or
Cartridges, power device (UN0323)
Cartridges, signal 1.3G UN0054 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, signal 1.4G UN0312 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, signal 1.4S UN0405 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, small arms Limited
Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Cartridges, sporting, see Cartridges
for weapons, inert projectile, or
Cartridges, small arms
Cartridges, starter, jet engine, see
Cartridges, power device
Cases, cartridge, empty with primer 1.4S UN0055 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cases, cartridges, empty with primer 1.4C UN0379 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cases, combustible, empty, without
1.4C UN0446 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cases, combustible, empty, without
1.3C UN0447 II Prohibited Prohibited
Casinghead gasoline see Gasoline
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 195
Castor beans or Castor meal or
Castor pomace or Castor flake
9 UN2969 II Prohibited 9C
Caustic alkali liquids, n.o.s. 8 UN1719 II, III 8A 8A
Caustic potash, see Potassium
hydroxide etc.
Caustic soda, etc., see Sodium
hydroxide etc.
Cells, containing sodium 4.3 UN3292 II Prohibited Prohibited
Celluloid, in block, rods, rolls, sheets,
tubes, etc., except scrap
4.1 UN2000 III Prohibited Prohibited
Celluloid, scrap 4.2 UN2002 III Prohibited Prohibited
Cement, see Adhesives, containing
flammable liquid
Cerium, slabs, ingots, or rods 4.1 UN1333 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cerium, turnings or gritty powder 4.3 UN3078 II Prohibited 4A
Cesium or Caesium 4.3 UN1407 I Prohibited Prohibited
Cesium nitrate or Caesium nitrate 5.1 UN1451 III 5A 5A
Charcoal briquettes, shell,
screenings, wood, etc.
4.2 NA1361 III Prohibited 4A
Charges, bursting, plastics bonded 1.1D UN0457 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, bursting, plastics bonded 1.2D UN0458 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, bursting, plastics bonded 1.4D UN0459 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, bursting, plastics bonded 1.4S UN0460 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, demolition 1.1D UN0048 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, depth 1.1D UN0056 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, expelling, explosive, for fire
extinguishers, see Cartridges, power
Charges, explosive, commercial
without detonator
1.1D UN0442 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, explosive, commercial
without detonator
1.2D UN0443 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, explosive, commercial
without detonator
1.4D UN0444 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, explosive, commercial
without detonator
1.4S UN0445 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, propelling 1.1C UN0271 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, propelling 1.2C UN0415 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, propelling 1.3C UN0272 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, propelling 1.4C UN0491 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, propelling, for cannon 1.1C UN0279 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, propelling, for cannon 1.2C UN0414 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, propelling, for cannon 1.3C UN0242 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, shaped, without detonator 1.1D UN0059 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, shaped, without detonator 1.2D UN0439 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, shaped, without detonator 1.4D UN0440 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
196 Publication 52
Charges, shaped, without detonator 1.4S UN0441 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, shaped, flexible, linear 1.1D UN0288 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, shaped, flexible, linear 1.4D UN0237 II Prohibited Prohibited
Charges, supplementary explosive 1.1D UN0060 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chemical kit 8 NA1760 II 8A 8A
Chemical kits 9 UN3316 II, III 9C 9C
Chemical under pressure, corrosive,
2.1 UN3503 n/a Prohibited 2B
Chemical under pressure, flammable,
corrosive, n.o.s.
2.1 UN3505 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Chemical under pressure, flammable,
2.1 UN3501 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Chemical under pressure, flammable,
toxic, n.o.s.
2.1 UN3504 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Chemical under pressure, n.o.s 2.2 UN3500 Prohibited Prohibited 2B
Chemical under pressure, toxic, n.o.s 2.2 UN3502 Prohibited Prohibited 2B
Chloral, anhydrous, inhibited 6.1 UN2075 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorate and borate mixtures 5.1 UN1458 II, III 5A 5A
Chlorate and magnesium chloride
mixture solid
5.1 UN1459 II 5A 5A
Chlorate and magnesium chloride
mixture solution
5.1 UN3407 II, III 5A 5A
Chlorate of potash, see Potassium
Chlorate of soda, see Sodium
Chlorates, inorganic, aqueous
solutions, n.o.s.
5.1 UN3210 II, III 5A 5A
Chlorates, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1461 II 5A 5A
Chloric acid aqueous solution, with
not more than 10 percent chloric
5.1 UN2626 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloride of phosphorus, see
Phosphorus trichloride
Chloride of sulfur, see Sulfur chloride
Chlorinated lime, see Calcium
hypochlorite mixtures, etc.
Chlorine 2.3 UN1017 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorine azide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorine dioxide (not hydrate) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorine dioxide, hydrate, frozen 5.1 NA9191 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorine pentafluoride 2.3 UN2548 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorine trifluoride 2.3 UN1749 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorite solution 8 UN1908 II, III 8A 8A
Chlorites, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1462 II 5A 5A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 197
1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane or
Refrigerant gas R 142b
2.1 UN2517 n/a Prohibited 2A
3-Chloro-4-methylphenyl isocyanate,
6.1 UN2236 II Prohibited Prohibited
3-Chloro-4-methylphenyl isocyanate,
6.1 UN3428 II Prohibited Prohibited
1-Chloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane or
Refrigerant gas R 124
2.2 UN1021 n/a 2B 2B
4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride,
6.1 UN1579 III 6A 6A
4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride,
6.1 UN3410 III 6A 6A
1-Chloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane or
Refrigerant gas R 133a
2.2 UN1983 n/a 2B 2B
Chloroacetic acid, molten 6.1 UN3250 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroacetic acid, solid 6.1 UN1751 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroacetic acid, solution 6.1 UN1750 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroacetone, stabilized 6.1 UN1695 I Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroacetone (unstabilized) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroacetonitrile 6.1 UN2668 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroacetophenone (CN), liquid 6.1 UN3416 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroacetophenone (CN), solid 6.1 UN1697 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroacetyl chloride 6.1 UN1752 I Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroanilines, liquid 6.1 UN2019 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroanilines, solid 6.1 UN2018 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroanisidines 6.1 UN2233 III 6A 6A
Chlorobenzene 3 UN1134 III Prohibited 3A
Chlorobenzol, see Chlorobenzene
Chlorobenzotrifluorides 3 UN2234 III Prohibited 3A
Chlorobenzyl chlorides, liquid 6.1 UN2235 III 6A 6A
Chlorobenzyl chlorides, solid 6.1 UN3427 III 6A 6A
Chlorobutanes 3 UN1127 II Prohibited 3A
Chlorocresols, solution 6.1 UN2669 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorocresols, solid 6.1 UN3437 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorodifluorobromomethane or
Refrigerant gas R 12B1
2.2 UN1974 n/a 2B 2B
Chlorodifluoromethane or Refrigerant
gas R 22
2.2 UN1018 n/a 2B 2B
Chlorodifluoromethane and
chloropentafluoroethane mixture or
Refrigerant gas R 502 with fixed
boiling point, with approximately
percent chlorodifluoromethane
2.2 UN1973 n/a 2B 2B
Chlorodinitrobenzenes, liquid 6.1 UN1577 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorodinitrobenzenes, solid 6.1 UN3441 II Prohibited Prohibited
2-Chloroethanal 6.1 UN2232 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
198 Publication 52
Chloroform 6.1 UN1888 III 6A 6A
Chloroformates, toxic, corrosive,
flammable, n.o.s.
6.1 UN2742 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroformates, toxic, corrosive,
6.1 UN3277 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloromethyl chloroformate 6.1 UN2745 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloromethyl ethyl ether 3 UN2354 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloronitroanilines 6.1 UN2237 III 6A 6A
Chloronitrobenzene, liquid 6.1 UN3409 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloronitrobenzenes, solid 6.1 UN1578 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloronitrotoluenes, liquid 6.1 UN2433 III 6A 6A
Chloronitrotoluenes, solid 6.1 UN3457 III 6A 6A
Chloropentafluoroethane or
Refrigerant gas R 115
2.2 UN1020 n/a 2B 2B
Chlorophenolates, liquid or
Phenolates, liquid
8 UN2904 III 8A 8A
Chlorophenolates, solid or
Phenolates, solid
8 UN2905 III 8A 8A
Chlorophenols, liquid 6.1 UN2021 III 6A 6A
Chlorophenols, solid 6.1 UN2020 III 6A 6A
Chlorophenyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1753 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chloropicrin 6.1 UN1580 I Prohibited Prohibited
Chloropicrin and methyl bromide
2.3 UN1581 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Chloropicrin and methyl chloride
2.3 UN1582 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Chloropicrin mixture, flammable
(pressure not exceeding 14.7 psia at
115° F flashpoint below 100° F) see
Toxic liquids, flammable, etc.
Chloropicrin mixtures, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1583 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Chloropivaloyl chloride 6.1 NA9263 I Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroplatinic acid, solid 8 UN2507 III 8A 8A
Chloroprene, stabilized 3 UN1991 I Prohibited Prohibited
Chloroprene, uninhibited Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1-Chloropropane 3 UN1278 II Prohibited Prohibited
2-Chloropropane 3 UN2356 I Prohibited 3A
3-Chloropropanol-1 6.1 UN2849 III 6A 6A
2-Chloropropene 3 UN2456 I Prohibited 3A
2-Chloropropionic acid 8 UN2511 III 8A 8A
2-Chloropyridine 6.1 UN2822 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorosilanes, corrosive, flammable,
8 UN2986 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorosilanes, corrosive, n.o.s. 8 UN2987 II 8A 8A
Chlorosilanes, flammable, corrosive,
3 UN2985 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 199
Chlorosilanes, toxic, corrosive,
flammable, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3362 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorosilanes, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3361 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorosilanes, water-reactive,
flammable, corrosive, n.o.s.
4.3 UN2988 I Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorosulfonic acid (with or without
sulfur trioxide)
8 UN1754 I Prohibited Prohibited
Chlorotoluenes 3 UN2238 III Prohibited 3A
Chlorotoluidines, liquid 6.1 UN3429 III 6A 6A
Chlorotoluidines, solid 6.1 UN2239 III 6A 6A
Chlorotrifluoromethane or Refrigerant
gas R 13
2.2 UN1022 n/a 2B 2B
Chlorotrifluoromethane and
trifluoromethane azeotropic mixture
or Refrigerant gas R 503 with
approximately 60
2.2 UN2599 n/a 2B 2B
Chromic acid, solid 5.1 NA1463 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chromic acid solution 8 UN1755 II, III 8A 8A
Chromic anhydride, see Chromium
trioxide, anhydrous
Chromic fluoride, solid 8 UN1756 II 8A 8A
Chromic fluoride, solution 8 UN1757 II, III 8A 8A
Chromium nitrate 5.1 UN2720 III 5A 5A
Chromium oxychloride 8 UN1758 I Prohibited Prohibited
Chromium trioxide, anhydrous 5.1 UN1463 II Prohibited Prohibited
Chromosulfuric acid 8 UN2240 I Prohibited Prohibited
Chromyl chloride, see Chromium
Cigar and cigarette lighters, charged
with fuel, see Lighters or Lighter
refills containing flammable gas
Coal briquettes, hot Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Coal gas, compressed 2.3 UN1023 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Coal tar distillates, flammable 3 UN1136 II, III Prohibited 3A
Coal tar dye, corrosive, liquid, n.o.s.,
see Dyes, liquid or solid, n.o.s. or
Dye intermediates, liquid or solid,
n.o.s., corrosive
Coating solution (includes surface
treatments or coatings used for
industrial or other purposes such as
vehicle undercoating, drum or barrel
3 UN1139 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
Cobalt naphthenates, powder 4.1 UN2001 III Prohibited 4A
Cobalt resinate, precipitated 4.1 UN1318 III Prohibited 4A
Coke, hot Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
200 Publication 52
Collodion, see Nitrocellulose etc.
Combustible liquid, n.o.s. 3 NA1993 III Mailable
only per
Components, explosive train, n.o.s. 1.1B UN0461 II Prohibited Prohibited
Components, explosive train, n.o.s. 1.2B UN0382 II Prohibited Prohibited
Components, explosive train, n.o.s. 1.4B UN0383 II Prohibited Prohibited
Components, explosive train, n.o.s. 1.4S UN0384 II Prohibited Prohibited
Composition B, see Hexolite, etc.
Compounds, cleaning liquid 8 NA1760 I Prohibited Prohibited
Compounds, cleaning liquid 8 NA1760 II, III 8A 8A
Compounds, cleaning liquid 3 NA1993 I, II, III 8A 8A
Compounds, tree killing liquid or
Compounds, weed killing, liquid
3 NA1993 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
Compounds, tree killing liquid or
Compounds, weed killing, liquid
6.1 NA2810 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Compounds, tree killing liquid or
Compounds, weed killing, liquid
6.1 NA2810 III 6A 6A
Compounds, tree killing liquid or
Compounds, weed killing, liquid
8 NA1760 I Prohibited Prohibited
Compounds, tree killing liquid or
Compounds, weed killing, liquid
8 NA1760 II, III 8A 8A
Compressed gas, flammable, n.o.s. 2.1 UN1954 n/a Prohibited 2A
Compressed gas, n.o.s. 2.2 UN1956 n/a 2B 2B
Compressed gas, oxidizing, n.o.s. 2.2 UN3156 n/a 2B 2B
Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s.
Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
2.3 UN1955 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Compressed gas, toxic, corrosive,
n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B,
C, or D
2.3 UN3304 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Compressed gas, toxic, flammable,
n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B,
C, or D
2.3 UN1953 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Compressed gas, toxic, flammable,
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard
Zone A, B, C, or D
2.3 UN3305 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing,
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard
Zone A, B, C, or D
2.3 UN3306 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing,
n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B,
C, or D
2.3 UN3303 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Consumer Commodity Limited
n/a n/a See section
333 and
Consumer Commodity 9 ID8000 n/a n/a See section
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 201
Contrivances, wateractivated, with
burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.2L UN0248 II Prohibited Prohibited
Contrivances, wateractivated, with
burster, expelling charge, or
propelling charge
1.3L UN0249 II Prohibited Prohibited
Copper acetoarsenite 6.1 UN1585 II Prohibited Prohibited
Copper acetylide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Copper amine azide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Copper arsenite 6.1 UN1586 II Prohibited Prohibited
Copper based pesticides, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
3 UN2776 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Copper based pesticides, liquid,
6.1 UN3010 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Copper based pesticides, liquid,
6.1 UN3010 III 6A 6A
Copper based pesticides, liquid,
toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less
than 23° C
6.1 UN3009 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Copper based pesticides, liquid,
toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less
than 23°C
6.1 UN3009 III 6A 6A
Copper based pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2775 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Copper based pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2775 III 6A 6A
Copper chlorate 5.1 UN2721 II 5A 5A
Copper chloride 8 UN2802 III 8A 8A
Copper cyanide 6.1 UN1587 II Prohibited Prohibited
Copper selenate, see Selenates or
Copper selenite, see Selenates or
Copper tetramine nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Copra 4.2 UN1363 III Prohibited Prohibited
Cord, detonating or Fuse, detonating
metal clad
1.1D UN0290 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cord detonating or Fuse detonating
metal clad
1.2D UN0102 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cord, detonating, flexible 1.1D UN0065 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cord, detonating, flexible 1.4D UN0289 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cord, detonating, mild effect or Fuse,
detonating, mild effect metal clad
1.4D UN0104 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cord, igniter 1.4G UN0066 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cordeau detonat fuse, see Cord,
detonating, etc.; Cord, detonating,
Cordite, see Powder, smokeless
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
202 Publication 52
Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic,
8 UN3264 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic,
8 UN3264 II, III 8A 8A
Corrosive liquid, acidic, organic,
8 UN3265 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive liquid, acidic, organic,
8 UN3265 II, III 8A 8A
Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic,
8 UN3266 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic,
8 UN3266 II, III 8A 8A
Corrosive liquid, basic, organic,
8 UN3267 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive liquid, basic, organic,
8 UN3267 II, III 8A 8A
Corrosive liquids, flammable, n.o.s. 8 UN2920 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive liquids, n.o.s. 8 UN1760 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive liquids, n.o.s. 8 UN1760 II, III 8A 8A
Corrosive liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s. 8 UN3093 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive liquids, self-heating, n.o.s. 8 UN3301 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive liquids, self-heating, n.o.s. 8 UN3301 II 8A 8A
Corrosive liquids, toxic, n.o.s. 8 UN2922 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive liquids, toxic, n.o.s. 8 UN2922 III 8A 8A
Corrosive liquids, water-reactive,
8 UN3094 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive solid, acidic, inorganic,
8 UN3260 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive solid, acidic, inorganic,
8 UN3260 II, III 8A 8A
Corrosive solid, acidic, organic, n.o.s. 8 UN3261 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive solid, acidic, organic, n.o.s. 8 UN3261 II, III 8A 8A
Corrosive solid, basic, inorganic,
8 UN3262 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive solid, basic, inorganic,
8 UN3262 II, III 8A 8A
Corrosive solid, basic, organic, n.o.s. 8 UN3263 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive solid, basic, organic, n.o.s. 8 UN3263 II, III 8A 8A
Corrosive solids, flammable, n.o.s. 8 UN2921 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive solids, n.o.s. 8 UN1759 I Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive solids, n.o.s. 8 UN1759 II, III 8A 8A
Corrosive solids, oxidizing, n.o.s. 8 UN3084 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive solids, self-heating, n.o.s. 8 UN3095 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive solids, toxic, n.o.s. 8 UN2923 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Corrosive solids, toxic, n.o.s. 8 UN2923 III 8A 8A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 203
Corrosive solids, water-reactive,
8 UN3096 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Cotton 9 NA1365 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Cotton waste, oily 4.2 UN1364 III Prohibited Prohibited
Cotton, wet 4.2 UN1365 III Prohibited Prohibited
Coumarin derivative pesticides,
liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint
less than 23°C
3 UN3024 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Coumarin derivative pesticides,
liquid, toxic
6.1 UN3026 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Coumarin derivative pesticides,
liquid, toxic
6.1 UN3026 III 6A 6A
Coumarin derivative pesticides,
liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint
not less than 23° C
6.1 UN3025 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Coumarin derivative pesticides,
liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint
not less than 23° C
6.1 UN3025 III 6A 6A
Coumarin derivative pesticides, solid,
6.1 UN3027 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Coumarin derivative pesticides, solid,
6.1 UN3027 III 6A 6A
Cresols, liquid 6.1 UN2076 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cresols, solid 6.1 UN3455 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cresylic acid 6.1 UN2022 II Prohibited Prohibited
Crotonaldehyde or Crotonaldehyde,
6.1 UN1143 I Prohibited Prohibited
Crotonic acid, liquid 8 UN3472 III 8A 8A
Crotonic acid, solid 8 UN2823 III 8A 8A
Crotonylene 3 UN1144 I Prohibited 3A
Cupriethylenediamine solution 8 UN1761 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cupriethylenediamine solution 8 UN1761 III 8A 8A
Cutters, cable, explosive 1.4S UN0070 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cyanide, or cyanide mixtures, dry,
see Cyanides, inorganic, solid,
Cyanide solutions, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1935 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Cyanide solutions, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1935 III 6A 6A
Cyanides, inorganic, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1588 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Cyanides, inorganic, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1588 III 6A 6A
Cyanogen 2.3 UN1026 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Cyanogen bromide 6.1 UN1889 I Prohibited Prohibited
Cyanogen chloride, stabilized 2.3 UN1589 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Cyanuric chloride 8 UN2670 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cyanuric triazide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Cyclobutane 2.1 UN2601 n/a Prohibited 2A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
204 Publication 52
Cyclobutyl chloroformate 6.1 UN2744 II Prohibited Prohibited
1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene 6.1 UN2518 III 6A 6A
Cycloheptane 3 UN2241 II Prohibited 3A
Cycloheptatriene 3 UN2603 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cycloheptene 3 UN2242 II Prohibited 3A
Cyclohexane 3 UN1145 II Prohibited 3A
Cyclohexanone 3 UN1915 III Prohibited 3A
Cyclohexene 3 UN2256 II Prohibited 3A
Cyclohexenyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1762 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cyclohexyl acetate 3 UN2243 III Prohibited 3A
Cyclohexyl isocyanate 6.1 UN2488 I Prohibited Prohibited
Cyclohexyl mercaptan 3 UN3054 III Prohibited 3A
Cyclohexylamine 8 UN2357 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cyclohexyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1763 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cyclonite and
mixtures, wetted or desensitized
see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted
or desensitized, etc.
Cyclonite and HMX mixtures, wetted
or desensitized see RDX and HMX
mixtures, wetted or desensitized
Cyclonite and octogen mixtures,
wetted or desensitized see RDX and
HMX mixtures, wetted or
desensitized etc.
Cyclonite, see
cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, etc.
Cyclooctadiene phosphines, see 9-
Cyclooctadienes 3 UN2520 III Prohibited 3A
Cyclooctatetraene 3 UN2358 II Prohibited 3A
Cyclopentane 3 UN1146 II Prohibited 3A
Cyclopentane, methyl, see
Cyclopentanol 3 UN2244 III Prohibited 3A
Cyclopentanone 3 UN2245 III Prohibited 3A
Cyclopentene 3 UN2246 II Prohibited 3A
Cyclopropane 2.1 UN1027 n/a Prohibited 2A
Cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine
(dry or unphlegmatized) (HMX)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
desensitized or Octogen,
desensitized or HMX, desensitized
1.1D UN0484 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 205
wetted or HMX, wetted or Octogen,
wetted with not less than 15
water, by mass
1.1D UN0226 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cyclotrimethylenenitramine and
octogen, mixtures, wetted or
desensitized see RDX and HMX
mixtures, wetted or desensitized
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine and
mixtures, wetted or desensitized
see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted
or desensitized etc.
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine and
HMX mixtures, wetted or
desensitized see RDX and HMX
mixtures, wetted or desensitized
desensitized or Cyclonite,
desensitized or Hexogen,
desensitized or RDX, desensitized
1.1D UN0483 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, wetted
or Cyclonite, wetted or Hexogen,
wetted or RDX, wetted with not less
than 15
percent water by mass
1.1D UN0072 II Prohibited Prohibited
Cymenes 3 UN2046 III Prohibited 3A
Dangerous Goods in Machinery or
Dangerous Goods in Apparatus
9 UN3363 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Decaborane 4.1 UN1868 II Prohibited Prohibited
Decahydronaphthalene 3 UN1147 III Prohibited 3A
n-Decane 3 UN2247 III Prohibited 3A
Deflagrating metal salts of aromatic
nitroderivatives, n.o.s.
1.3C UN0132 II Prohibited Prohibited
Delay electric igniter, see Igniters
Denatured alcohol 3 NA1987 II, III Prohibited 3A
Depth charges, see Charges, depth
Desensitized explosives, liquid, n.o.s. 3 UN3379 I Prohibited Prohibited
Desensitized explosives, solid, n.o.s. 4.1 UN3380 I Prohibited Prohibited
Detonating relays, see Detonators,
Detonator assemblies, non-electric
for blasting
1.1B UN0360 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonator assemblies, non-electric
for blasting
1.4B UN0361 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonator assemblies, non-electric
for blasting
1.4S UN0500 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
206 Publication 52
Detonators, electric, for blasting 1.1B UN0030 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonators, electric, for blasting 1.4B UN0255 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonators, electric, for blasting 1.4S UN0456 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonators for ammunition 1.1B UN0073 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonators for ammunition 1.2B UN0364 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonators for ammunition 1.4B UN0365 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonators for ammunition 1.4S UN0366 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonators, non-electric, for blasting 1.1B UN0029 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonators, non-electric, for blasting 1.4B UN0267 II Prohibited Prohibited
Detonators, non-electric, for blasting 1.4S UN0455 II Prohibited Prohibited
Deuterium, compressed 2.1 UN1957 n/a Prohibited 2A
Devices, small, hydrocarbon gas
powered or Hydrocarbon gas refills
for small devices with release
2.1 UN3150 n/a Prohibited 2A
Di-n-amylamine 3 UN2841 III Prohibited 3A
Di-n-butyl peroxydicarbonate, with
more than 52 percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Di-n-butylamine 8 UN2248 II Prohibited Prohibited
2,2-Di-(tert-butylperoxy) butane, with
more than 55 percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
D-i(tert-butylperoxy) phthalate, with
more than 55
percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
butylperoxycyclohexyl) propane,
with more than 42
percent with inert
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
D-i2,4-dichlorobenzoyl peroxide, with
more than 75
percent with water
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1,2-Di-(dimethylamino)ethane 3 UN2372 II Prohibited 3A
Di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid, see
Diisooctyl acid phosphate
Di-(1-hydroxytetrazole) (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Di-(1-naphthoyl) peroxide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Di-(beta-nitroxyethyl) ammonium
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
a,a’-Di-(nitroxy) methylether Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diacetone alcohol 3 UN1148 II, III Prohibited 3A
Diacetone alcohol peroxides, with
more than 57 percent in solution
with more than 9
percent hydrogen
peroxide, less than 26 percent
diacetone alcohol and less than
percent water; total active oxygen
content more than 9 percent by
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diacetyl, see Butanedione
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 207
Diacetyl peroxide, solid, or with more
than 25 percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diallylamine 3 UN2359 II Prohibited Prohibited
Diallylether 3 UN2360 II Prohibited Prohibited
4,4’-Diaminodiphenyl methane 6.1 UN2651 III 6A 6A
p-Diazidobenzene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1,2-Diazidoethane Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1,1’-Diazoaminonaphthalene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diazoaminotetrazole (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diazodinitrophenol (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diazodinitrophenol, wetted with not
less than 40 percent water or
mixture of alcohol and water, by
1.1A UN0074 II Prohibited Prohibited
Diazodiphenylmethane Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diazonium nitrates (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diazonium perchlorates (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1,3-Diazopropane Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dibenzyl peroxydicarbonate, with
more than 87
percent with water
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dibenzyldichlorosilane 8 UN2434 II 8A 8A
Diborane 2.3 UN1911 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Diborane mixtures 2.1 NA1911 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Dibromoacetylene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1,2-Dibromobutan-3-one 6.1 UN2648 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dibromochloropropane 6.1 UN2872 III 6A 6A
Dibromodifluoromethane, R12B2 9 UN1941 III 9C 9C
1,2-Dibromoethane, see Ethylene
Dibromomethane 6.1 UN2664 III 6A 6A
Dibutyl ethers 3 UN1149 III Prohibited 3B
Dibutylaminoethanol 6.1 UN2873 III 6A 6A
(salts of) (dry)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1,1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane 6.1 UN2650 II Prohibited Prohibited
3,5-Dichloro-2,4,6-trifluoropyridine 6.1 NA9264 I Prohibited Prohibited
Dichloroacetic acid 8 UN1764 II 8A 8A
1,3-Dichloroacetone 6.1 UN2649 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dichloroacetyl chloride 8 UN1765 II 8A 8A
Dichloroacetylene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dichloroanilines, liquid 6.1 UN1590 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dichloroanilines, solid 6.1 UN3442 II Prohibited Prohibited
o-Dichlorobenzene 6.1 UN1591 III 6A 6A
Dichlorobutene 8 NA2920 I Prohibited Prohibited
2,2’-Dichlorodiethyl ether 6.1 UN1916 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
208 Publication 52
Dichlorodifluoromethane or
Refrigerant gas R 12
2.2 UN1028 n/a 2B 2B
Dichlorodifluoromethane and
difluoroethane azeotropic mixture
or Refrigerant gas R 500 with
approximately 74
2.2 UN2602 n/a 2B 2B
Dichlorodimethyl ether, symmetrical 6.1 UN2249 I Prohibited Prohibited
1,1-Dichloroethane 3 UN2362 II Prohibited 3A
1,2-Dichloroethane, see Ethylene
Dichloroethyl sulfide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1,2-Dichloroethylene 3 UN1150 II Prohibited 3A
Dichlorofluoromethane or
Refrigerant gas R 21
2.2 UN1029 n/a 2B 2B
Dichloroisocyanuric acid, dry or
Dichloroisocyanuric acid salts
5.1 UN2465 II 5A 5A
Dichlorodisopropyl ether 6.1 UN2490 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dichloromethane 6.1 UN1593 III 6A 6A
Dichloropentanes 3 UN1152 III Prohibited 3A
Dichlorophenyl isocyanates 6.1 UN2250 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dichlorophenyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1766 II Prohibited Prohibited
1,2-Dichloropropane 3 UN1279 II Prohibited 3A
1,3-Dichloropropanol2 6.1 UN2750 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dichloropropene and propylene
dichloride mixture, see 1,2-
Dichloropropenes 3 UN2047 II, III Prohibited 3A
Dichlorosilane 2.3 UN2189 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Tetrafluoroethane or Refrigerant
gas R 114
2.2 UN1958 n/a 2B 2B
Dichlorovinylchloroarsine Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dicycloheptadiene, see Bicyclo
[2,2,1]hepta-2,5-diene, stabilized
Dicyclohexylamine 8 UN2565 III 8A 8A
Dicyclohexylammonium nitrate 4.1 UN2687 III Prohibited 4A
Dicyclopentadiene 3 UN2048 III Prohibited 3A
Didymium nitrate 5.1 UN1465 III 5A 5A
Diesel fuel 3 NA1993
III Prohibited 3A
Diethanol nitrosamine dinitrate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diethoxymethane 3 UN2373 II Prohibited 3A
3,3-Diethoxypropene 3 UN2374 II Prohibited 3A
Diethyl carbonate 3 UN2366 III Prohibited 3A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 209
Diethyl cellosolve, see Ethylene
glycol diethyl ether
Diethyl ether or Ethyl ether 3 UN1155 I Prohibited 3A
Diethyl ketone 3 UN1156 II Prohibited 3A
Diethyl peroxydicarbonate, with more
than 27 percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diethyl sulfate 6.1 UN1594 II Prohibited Prohibited
Diethyl sulfide 3 UN2375 II Prohibited Prohibited
Diethylamine 3 UN1154 II Prohibited Prohibited
2-Diethylaminoethanol 8 UN2686 II Prohibited Prohibited
3-Diethylamino-propylamine 3 UN2684 III Prohibited 3A
N,N-Diethylaniline 6.1 UN2432 III 6A 6A
Diethylbenzene 3 UN2049 III Prohibited 3A
Diethyldichlorosilane 8 UN1767 II Prohibited Prohibited
Diethylene glycol dinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diethyleneglycol dinitrate,
desensitized with not less than
percent nonvolatile water-
insoluble phlegmatizer, by mass
1.1D UN0075 II Prohibited Prohibited
Diethylenetriamine 8 UN2079 II 8A 8A
N,N-Diethylethylenediamine 8 UN2685 II Prohibited Prohibited
Diethylgold bromide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diethylthiophosphoryl chloride 8 UN2751 II Prohibited Prohibited
Difluorochloroethanes, see 1- Chloro-
1,1-Difluoroethane or Refrigerant gas
R 152a
2.1 UN1030 n/a Prohibited 2A
1,1-Difluoroethylene or Refrigerant
gas R 1132a
2.1 UN1959 n/a Prohibited 2A
Difluoromethane or Refrigerant gas R
2.1 UN3252 n/a Prohibited 2A
Difluorophosphoric acid, anhydrous 8 UN1768 II Prohibited Prohibited
2,3-Dihydropyran 3 UN2376 II Prohibited 3A
(chrysamminic acid)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diiodoacetylene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Diisobutyl ketone 3 UN1157 III Prohibited 3A
Diisobutylamine 3 UN2361 III Prohibited 3A
Diisobutylene, isomeric compounds 3 UN2050 II Prohibited 3A
Diisooctyl acid phosphate 8 UN1902 III 8A 8A
Diisopropyl ether 3 UN1159 II Prohibited 3A
Diisopropylamine 3 UN1158 II Prohibited Prohibited
Diisopropylbenzene hydroperoxide,
with more than 72 percent in
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
210 Publication 52
Diketene, stabilized 6.1 UN2521 I Prohibited Prohibited
1,2-Dimethoxyethane 3 UN2252 II Prohibited 3A
1,1-Dimethoxyethane 3 UN2377 II Prohibited 3A
Dimethyl carbonate 3 UN1161 II Prohibited 3A
Dimethyl chlorothiophosphate, see
Dimethyl thiophosphoryl chloride
hexane, with more than 82
with water
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dimethyl disulfide 3 UN2381 II Prohibited 3A
Dimethyl ether 2.1 UN1033 n/a Prohibited 2A
Dimethyl sulfate 6.1 UN1595 I Prohibited Prohibited
Dimethyl sulfide 3 UN1164 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dimethyl thiophosphoryl chloride 6.1 UN2267 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dimethyl-N-propylamine 3 UN2266 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dimethylamine, anhydrous 2.1 UN1032 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Dimethylamine solution 3 UN1160 II Prohibited Prohibited
2-Dimethylaminoacetonitrile 3 UN2378 II Prohibited Prohibited
2-Dimethylaminoethanol 8 UN2051 II 8A 8A
2-Dimethylaminoethyl acrylate 6.1 UN3302 II Prohibited Prohibited
2-Dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate 6.1 UN2522 II Prohibited Prohibited
N,N-Dimethylaniline 6.1 UN2253 II Prohibited Prohibited
2,3-Dimethylbutane 3 UN2457 II Prohibited 3A
1,3-Dimethylbutylamine 3 UN2379 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dimethylcardamoyl chloride 8 UN2262 II 8A 8A
Dimethylcyclohexanes 3 UN2263 II Prohibited 3A
N,N-Dimethylcyclohexlamine 8 UN2264 II 8A 8A
Dimethyldichlorosilane 3 UN1162 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dimethyldiethoxysilane 3 UN2380 II Prohibited 3A
Dimethyldioxanes 3 UN2707 II, III Prohibited 3A
N,N-Dimethylformamide 3 UN2265 III Prohibited 3A
Dimethylhexane dihydroperoxide
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dimethylhydrazine, symmetrical 6.1 UN2382 I Prohibited Prohibited
Dimethylhydrazine, unsymmetrical 6.1 UN1163 I Prohibited Prohibited
2,2-Dimethylpropane 2.1 UN2044 n/a Prohibited 2A
Dintro-o-cresol 6.1 UN1598 II Prohibited Prohibited
tetramethylolbutanetetranitrate (dry)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2,4-Dinitro-1,3,5-trimethylbenzene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1,3-Dinitro-4,5-dinitrosobenzene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1,3-Dinitro-5,5-dimethyl hydantoin Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitro-7,8-dimethylglycoluril (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitroanilines 6.1 UN1596 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 211
Dinitrobenzenes, liquid 6.1 UN1597 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrobenzenes, solid 6.1 UN3443 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrochlorobenzene, see
1,2-Dinitroethane Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
1,1-Dinitroethane (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrogen tetroxide 2.3 UN1067 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitroglycoluril or Dingu 1.1D UN0489 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitromethane Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrophenol, dry or wetted with less
than 15
percent water, by mass
1.1D UN0076 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrophenel solutions 6.1 UN1599 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrophenol, wetted with not less
than 15
percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1320 I Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrophenolates alkali metals, dry or
wetted with less than 15 percent
water, by mass
1.3C UN0077 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrophenolates, wetted with not
less than 15 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1321 I Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitropropylene glycol Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2,-4Dinitroresorcinol (heavy metal
salts of) (dry)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
4,6-Dinitroresorcinol (heavy metal
salts of) (dry)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitroresorcinol, dry or wetted with
less than 15
percent water, by mass
1.1D UN0078 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitroresorcinol, wetted with not less
than 15 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1322 I Prohibited Prohibited
3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid (lead salt)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrosobenzene 1.3C UN0406 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrosobenzylamidine and salts of
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2,2-Dinitrostilbene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrotoluenes, liquid 6.1 UN2038 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrotoluenes, molten 6.1 UN1600 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dinitrotoluenes, solid 6.1 UN3454 II Prohibited Prohibited
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Dioxane 3 UN1165 II Prohibited 3A
Dioxolane 3 UN1166 II Prohibited 3A
Dipentene 3 UN2052 III Prohibited 3A
Diphenylamine chloroarsine 6.1 UN1698 I Prohibited Prohibited
Diphenylchloroarsine, liquid 6.1 UN1699 I Prohibited Prohibited
Diphenylchloroarsine, solid 6.1 UN3450 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
212 Publication 52
Diphenyldichlorosilane 8 UN1769 II Prohibited Prohibited
Diphenylmethyl bromide 8 UN1770 II 8A 8A
Dipicryl sulfide, dry or wetted with
less than 10 percent water, by mass
1.1D UN0401 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dipicryl sulfide, wetted with not less
than 10 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN2852 I Prohibited Prohibited
Dipicrylamine, see
Dipropionyl peroxide, with more than
28 percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Di-n-propyl ether 3 UN2384 II Prohibited 3A
Dipropyl ketone 3 UN2710 III Prohibited 3A
Dipropylamine 3 UN2383 II Prohibited Prohibited
Disinfectants, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. 8 UN1903 I Prohibited Prohibited
Disinfectants, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. 8 UN1903 II, III 8A 8A
Disinfectants, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3142 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Disinfectants, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3142 III 6A 6A
Disinfectants, solid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1601 II Prohibited Prohibited
Disinfectants, solid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1601 III 6A 6A
Disodium trioxosilicate 8 UN3253 III 8A 8A
Dispersant gases, n.o.s. see
Refrigerant gases, n.o.s.
Divinyl ether, stabilized 3 UN1167 I Prohibited Prohibited
Dodecyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1771 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dry ice, see Carbon dioxide, solid
Dyes, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Dye
intermediates, liquid, corrosive,
8 UN2801 I Prohibited Prohibited
Dyes, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Dye
intermediates, liquid, corrosive,
8 UN2801 II, III 8A 8A
Dyes, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye
intermediates, liquid, toxic, n.o.s.
6.1 UN1602 II Prohibited Prohibited
Dyes, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye
intermediates, liquid, toxic, n.o.s.
6.1 UN1602 III 6A 6A
Dyes, solid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Dye
intermediates, solid, corrosive,
8 UN3147 I Prohibited Prohibited
Dyes, solid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Dye
intermediates, solid, corrosive,
8 UN3147 II, III 8A 8A
Dyes, solid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye
intermediates, solid, toxic, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3143 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Dyes, solid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye
intermediates, solid, toxic, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3143 III 6A 6A
Dynamite, see Explosive, blasting,
type A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 213
Electrolyte (acid or alkali) for
batteries, see Battery fluid, acid or
Battery fluid, alkali
Elevated temperature liquid,
flammable, n.o.s., with flashpoint
above 37.8° C, at or above its
3 UN3256 III Prohibited Prohibited
Elevated temperature liquid, n.o.s., at
or above 100° C and below its
flashpoint (including molten metals,
molten salts, etc.)
9 UN3257 III Prohibited Prohibited
Elevated temperature solid, n.o.s., at
or above 240° C, see 49 CFR
9 UN3258 III Prohibited Prohibited
Engines, internal combustion,
flammable gas powered
9 UN3166 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Engines, internal combustion,
flammable liquid powered
9 UN3166 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Environmentally hazardous
substances, liquid, n.o.s.
9 UN3082 III 9C 9C
Environmentally hazardous
substances, solid, n.o.s.
9 UN3077 III 9C 9C
Epibromohydrin 6.1 UN2558 I Prohibited Prohibited
Epichlorohydrin 6.1 UN2023 II Prohibited Prohibited
1,2-Epoxy-3-ethoxypropane 3 UN2752 III Prohibited 3A
Esters, n.o.s. 3 UN3272 II, III Prohibited 3A
Etching acid, liquid, n.o.s., see
Hydrofluoric acid, solution etc.
Ethane 2.1 UN1035 n/a Prohibited 2A
EthanePropane mixture, refrigerated
2.1 NA1961 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ethane, refrigerated liquid 2.1 UN1961 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol or Ethanol
solutions or Ethyl alcohol solutions
3 UN1170 II, III Mailable
only per
Ethanol amine dinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ethanol and gasoline mixture or
Ethanol and motor spirit mixture or
Ethanol and petrol mixture, with
more than 10% ethanol.
3 UN3475 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ethanolamine or Ethanolamine
8 UN2491 III 8A 8A
Ether, see Diethyl ether
Ethers, n.o.s. 3 UN3271 II, III Prohibited 3A
Ethyl acetate 3 UN1173 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl acrylate, stabilized 3 UN1917 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl alcohol, see Ethanol
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
214 Publication 52
Ethyl aldehyde, see Acetaldehyde
Ethyl amyl ketone 3 UN2271 III Prohibited 3A
N-Ethylbenzyltoluidines, solid 6.1 UN3460 III 6A 6A
N-Ethyl-N-benzylaniline 6.1 UN2274 III 6A 6A
Ethyl borate 3 UN1176 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl bromide 6.1 UN1891 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl bromoacetate 6.1 UN1603 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl butyl ether 3 UN1179 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl butyrate 3 UN1180 III Prohibited 3A
Ethyl chloride 2.1 UN1037 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl chloroacetate 6.1 UN1181 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl chloroformate 6.1 UN1182 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl 2-chloropropionate 3 UN2935 III Prohibited 3A
Ethyl chlorothioformate 8 UN2826 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl crotonate 3 UN1862 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl ether, see Diethyl ether
Ethyl fluoride or Refrigerant gas
R 161
2.1 UN2453 n/a Prohibited 2A
Ethyl formate 3 UN1190 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl hydroperoxide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl isobutyrate 3 UN2385 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl isocyanate 3 UN2481 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl lactate 3 UN1192 III Prohibited 3A
Ethyl mercaptan 3 UN2363 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl methacrylate, stabilized 3 UN2277 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl methyl ether 2.1 UN1039 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl methyl ketone or Methyl ethyl
3 UN1193 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl nitrate solutions 3 UN1194 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl orthoformate 3 UN2524 III Prohibited 3A
Ethyl oxalate 6.1 UN2525 III 6A 6A
Ethyl perchlorate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl phosphonothioic dichloride,
6.1 NA2927 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl phosphonous dichloride,
anhydrous pyrophoric liquid
6.1 NA2845 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl phosphorodichloridate 6.1 NA2927 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyl propionate 3 UN1195 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl propyl ether 3 UN2615 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyl silicate, see Tetraethyl silicate
Ethylacetylene, stabilized 2.1 UN2452 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylamine 2.1 UN1036 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 215
Ethylamine, aqueous solution with
not less than 50 percent but not
more than 70
percent ethylamine
3 UN2270 II Prohibited Prohibited
N-Ethylaniline 6.1 UN2272 III 6A 6A
2-Ethylaniline 6.1 UN2273 III 6A 6A
Ethylbenzene 3 UN1175 II Prohibited 3A
N-Ethylbenzyltoluidines liquid 6.1 UN2753 III 6A 6A
2-Ethylbutanol 3 UN2275 III Prohibited 3A
2-Ethylbutyl acetate 3 UN1177 III Prohibited 3A
2-Ethylbutyraldehyde 3 UN1178 II Prohibited 3A
Ethyldichloroarsine 6.1 UN1892 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyldichlorosilane 4.3 UN1183 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylene, acetylene and propylene in
mixture, refrigerated liquid with at
least 71.5
percent ethylene with not
more than 22.5 percent acetylene
and not more than 6
2.1 UN3138 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylene chlorohydrin 6.1 UN1135 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylene 2.1 UN1962 n/a Prohibited 2A
Ethylene diamine diperchlorate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylene dibromide 6.1 UN1605 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylene dibromide and methyl
bromide liquid mixtures, see Methyl
bromide and ethylene dibromide
mixtures, liquid
Ethylene dichloride 3 UN1184 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylene glycol diethyl ether 3 UN1153 III Prohibited 3A
Ethylene glycol dinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether 3 UN1171 III Prohibited 3A
Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
3 UN1172 III Prohibited 3A
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether 3 UN1188 III Prohibited 3A
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether
3 UN1189 III Prohibited 3A
Ethylene oxide or Ethylene oxide with
nitrogen up to a total pressure of
1MPa (10 bar) at 50° C
2.3 UN1040 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide
mixtures with more than 87 percent
ethylene oxide
2.3 UN3300 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide
mixtures with more than 9
but not more than 87 percent
ethylene oxide
2.1 UN1041 n/a Prohibited 2A
Ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide
mixtures with not more than
9 percent ethylene oxide
2.2 UN1952 n/a 2B 2B
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
216 Publication 52
Ethylene oxide and
chlorotetrafluoroethane mixture
with not more than 8.8
ethylene oxide
2.2 UN3297 n/a 2B 2B
Ethylene oxide and
dichlorodifluoromethane mixture
with not more than 12.5 percent
ethylene oxide
2.2 UN3070 n/a 2B 2B
Ethylene oxide and
pentafluoroethane mixture with not
more than 7.9
percent ethylene
2.2 UN3298 n/a 2B 2B
Ethylene oxide and propylene oxide
mixtures with not more than
percent ethylene oxide
3 UN2983 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylene oxide and tetrafluoroethane
mixture with not more than
percent ethylene oxide
2.2 UN3299 n/a 2B 2B
Ethylene, refrigerated liquid
(cryogenic liquid)
2.1 UN1038 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylenediamine 8 UN1604 II 8A 8A
Ethyleneimine, stabilized 6.1 UN1185 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ethylhexaldehyde, see Octyl
aldehydes etc.
2-Ethylhexyl chloroformate 6.1 UN2748 II Prohibited Prohibited
2-Ethylhexylamine 3 UN2276 III Prohibited 3A
Ethylphenyldichlorosilane 8 UN2435 II Prohibited Prohibited
1-Ethylpiperidine 3 UN2386 II Prohibited Prohibited
N-Ethyltoluidines 6.1 UN2754 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ethyltrichlorosilane 3 UN1196 II Prohibited Prohibited
Etiologic agent, see Infectious
substances, etc.
Explosive articles, see Articles,
explosive, n.o.s. etc.
Explosive, blasting, type A 1.1D UN0081 II Prohibited Prohibited
Explosive, blasting, type B 1.1D UN0082 II Prohibited Prohibited
Explosive, blasting, type B or Agent
blasting, Type B
1.5D UN0331 II Prohibited Prohibited
Explosive, blasting, type C 1.1D UN0083 II Prohibited Prohibited
Explosive, blasting, type D 1.1D UN0084 II Prohibited Prohibited
Explosive, blasting, type E 1.1D UN0241 II Prohibited Prohibited
Explosive, blasting, type E or Agent
blasting, Type E
1.5D UN0332 II Prohibited Prohibited
Explosive, forbidden. See 49 CFR
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Explosive substances, see
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. etc.
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 217
Explosives, slurry, see Explosive,
blasting, type E
Explosives, water gels, see Explosive,
blasting, type E
Extracts, aromatic, liquid 3 UN1169 II, III Prohibited 3A
Extracts, flavoring, liquid 3 UN1197 II, III Prohibited 3A
Fabric with animal or vegetable oil,
see Fibers or Fabrics, etc.
Ferric arsenate 6.1 UN1606 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ferric arsenite 6.1 UN1607 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ferric chloride, anhydrous 8 UN1773 III 8A 8A
Ferric chloride, solution 8 UN2582 III 8A 8A
Ferric nitrate 5.1 UN1466 III 5A 5A
Ferrocerium 4.1 UN1323 II Prohibited 4A
Ferrosilicon, with 30 percent or more
but less than 90
percent silicon
4.3 UN1408 III Prohibited 4A
Ferrous arsenate 6.1 UN1608 II Prohibited Prohibited
Ferrous chloride, solid 8 NA1759 II 8A 8A
Ferrous chloride, solution 8 NA1760 II 8A 8A
Ferrous metal borings or Ferrous
metal shavings or Ferrous metal
turnings or Ferrous metal cuttings in
a form liable to self-heating
4.2 UN2793 III Prohibited Prohibited
Fertilizer ammoniating solution with
free ammonia
2.2 UN1043 n/a 2B 2B
Fibers, animal or Fibers, vegetable
burnt, wet or damp
4.2 UN1372 III Prohibited Prohibited
Fiber, vegetable, dry 4.1 UN3360 III Prohibited Prohibited
Fibers or Fabrics impregnated with
weakly nitrated nitrocellulose, n.o.s.
4.1 UN1353 III Prohibited Prohibited
Fibers or Fabrics, animal or vegetable
or Synthetic, n.o.s. with animal or
vegetable oil
4.2 UN1373 III Prohibited Prohibited
Films, nitrocellulose base, gelatine
coated (except scrap)
4.1 UN1324 III Prohibited Prohibited
Films, nitrocellulose base, from which
gelatine has been removed; film
scrap, see Celluloid scrap
Fire extinguisher charges, corrosive
8 UN1774 II 8A 8A
Fire extinguisher charges, expelling,
explosive, see Cartridges, power
Fire extinguishers containing
compressed or liquified gas
2.2 UN1044 n/a 2C 2C
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
218 Publication 52
Firelighters, solid with flammable
4.1 UN2623 III Prohibited Prohibited
Fireworks 1.1G UN0333 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fireworks 1.2G UN0334 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fireworks 1.3G UN0335 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fireworks 1.4G UN0336 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fireworks 1.4S UN0337 II Prohibited Prohibited
First aid kits 9 UN3316 Prohibited 9C
Fish meal, stabilized or Fish scrap,
9 UN2216 III 9C 9C
Fish meal, unstabilized or Fish scrap,
4.2 UN1374 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flammable compressed gas (small
receptacles not fitted with a
dispersion device, not refillable), see
Receptacles, etc.
Flammable compressed gas, see
Compressed or liquified gas,
flammable, etc.
Flammable gas in lighters, see
Lighters or lighter refills, cigarettes,
containing flammable gas
Flammable liquid, toxic, corrosive,
3 UN3286 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Flammable liquids, corrosive, n.o.s. 3 UN2924 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Flammable liquids, corrosive, n.o.s. 3 UN2924 III Prohibited 3A
Flammable liquids, n.o.s. 3 UN1993 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
Flammable liquids, toxic, n.o.s. 3 UN1992 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Flammable liquids, toxic, n.o.s. 3 UN1992 III Prohibited 3A
Flammable solid, corrosive,
inorganic, n.o.s.
4.1 UN3180 II, III Prohibited 4A
Flammable solid, inorganic, n.o.s. 4.1 UN3178 II, III Prohibited 4A
Flammable solid, organic, molten,
4.1 UN3176 II, III Prohibited 4A
Flammable solid, oxidizing, n.o.s. 4.1 UN3097 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Flammable solid, toxic, inorganic,
4.1 UN3179 II, III Prohibited 4A
Flammable solids, corrosive, organic,
4.1 UN2925 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flammable solids, corrosive, organic,
4.1 UN2925 III Prohibited 4A
Flammable solids, organic, n.o.s. 4.1 UN1325 II, III Prohibited 4A
Flammable solids, toxic, organic,
4.1 UN2926 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flammable solids, toxic, organic,
4.1 UN2926 III Prohibited 4A
Flares, aerial 1.1G UN0420 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 219
Flares, aerial 1.2G UN0421 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flares, aerial 1.3G UN0093 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flares, aerial 1.4G UN0403 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flares, aerial 1.4S UN0404 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flares, airplane, see Flares, aerial
Flares, signal, see Cartridges, signal
Flares, surface 1.1G UN0418 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flares, surface 1.2G UN0419 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flares, surface 1.3G UN0092 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flares, water-activated, see
Contrivances, water-activated, etc.
Flash powder 1.1G UN0094 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flash powder 1.3G UN0305 II Prohibited Prohibited
Flue dusts, poisonous, see Arsenical
Fluoric acid, see Hydrofluoric acid,
solution, etc.
Fluorine, compressed 2.3 UN1045 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Fluoroacetic acid 6.1 UN2642 I Prohibited Prohibited
Fluoroanilines 6.1 UN2941 III 6A 6A
Fluorobenzene 3 UN2387 II Prohibited 3A
Fluoroboric acid 8 UN1775 II 8A 8A
Fluorophosphoric acid anhydrous 8 UN1776 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fluorosilicates, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2856 III 6A 6A
Fluorosilicic acid 8 UN1778 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fluorosulfonic acid 8 UN1777 I Prohibited Prohibited
Fluorotoluenes 3 UN2388 II Prohibited 3A
Forbidden materials, see 49 CFR
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Formaldehyde, solutions, with not
less than 25 percent formaldehyde
8 UN2209 III 8A 8A
Formaldehyde, solutions, flammable 3 UN1198 III Prohibited 3A
Formaldehyde solutions (with not
less than 10 percent and less than
percent formaldehyde), see
Aviation regulated liquide, n.o.s. or
Other regulated substances, liquid,
Formalin, see Formaldehyde,
solutions, etc.
Formic acid with not less than
10 percent but not more than
percent acid by mass
8 UN3412 II Prohibited Prohibited
Formic acid with not less than
5 percent but less than 10 percent
acid by mass
8 UN3412 III 8A 8A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
220 Publication 52
Formic acid 8 UN1779 II 8A 8A
Fracturing devices, explosives,
without detonators for oil wells
1.1D UN0099 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuel, aviation, turbine engine 3 UN1863 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
Fuel cell cartridges or Fuel cell
cartridges contained in equipment
or Fuel cell cartridges packed with
equipment containing corrosive
8 UN3477 8A 8A
Fuel cell cartridges or Fuel cell
cartridges contained in equipment
or Fuel cell cartridges packed with
equipment containing flammable
3 UN3473 Prohibited 3A
Fuel cell cartridges or Fuel cell
cartridges contained in equipment
or Fuel cell cartridges packed with
equipment containing hydrogen in
metal hydride
2.1 UN3479 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Fuel cell cartridges or Fuel cell
cartridges contained in equipment
or Fuel cell cartridges packed with
equipment containing liquified
flammable gas
2.1 UN3478 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Fuel cell cartridges or Fuel cell
cartridges contained in equipment
or Fuel cell cartridges packed with
equipment containing water-
reactive substances
4.3 UN3476 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Fuel oil (No. 1, 2, 4, 5, or 6) 3 NA1993 III Prohibited 3A
Fuel system components (including
fuel control units(FCU), carburetors,
fuel lines, fuel pumps) see
Dangerous Goods in Apparatus or
Dangerous Goods in Machinery
Fulminate of mercury (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Fulminate of mercury, wet, see
Mercury fulminate, etc.
Fulminating gold Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Fulminating mercury Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Fulminating platinum Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Fulminating silver Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Fulminic acid Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Fumaryl chloride 8 UN1780 II 8A 8A
Fumigated lading, see 49 CFR
172.302(g), 173.9, and 176.76(h)
Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Fumigated transport vehicle or freight
containers see 49 CFR 173.9
Furaldehydes 6.1 UN1199 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 221
Furan 3 UN2389 I Prohibited Prohibited
Furfuryl alcohol 6.1 UN2874 III 6A 6A
Furfurylamine 3 UN2526 III Prohibited 3A
Fuse, detonating, metal clad, see
Cord, detonating, metal clad
Fuse, detonating, mild effect, metal
clad, see Cord, detonating, mild
effect, metal clad
Fuse, igniter tubular metal clad 1.4G UN0103 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuse, non-detonating (instantaneous
or quickmatch)
1.3G UN0101 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuse, safety 1.4S UN0105 II Prohibited 1B
Fusee (railway or highway) 4.1 NA1325 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fusel oil 3 UN1201 II, III Prohibited 3A
Fuses, tracer, see Tracers for
Fuzes, combination, percussion and
time, see Fuzes, detonating
(UN0257, UN0367); Fuzes, igniting
(UN0317, UN0368)
Fuzes, detonating 1.1B UN0106 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuzes, detonating 1.2B UN0107 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuzes, detonating 1.4B UN0257 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuzes, detonating 1.4S UN0367 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuzes, detonating, with protective
1.1D UN0408 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuzes, detonating, with protective
1.2D UN0409 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuzes, detonating, with protective
1.4D UN0410 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuzes, igniting 1.3G UN0316 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuzes, igniting 1.4G UN0317 II Prohibited Prohibited
Fuzes, igniting 1.4S UN0368 II Prohibited Prohibited
Galactsan trinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Gallium 8 UN2803 III Prohibited Prohibited
Gas cartridges (flammable) without a
release device, non-refillable
2.1 UN2037 n/a Prohibited 2A
Gas identification set 2.3 NA9035 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Gas oil or Diesel fuel or Heating oil,
3 UN1202 III Prohibited 3A
Gas, refrigerated liquid, flammable,
n.o.s. (cryogenic liquid)
2.1 UN3312 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Gas, refrigerated liquid, n.o.s.
(cryogenic liquid)
2.2 UN3158 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Gas, refrigerated liquid, oxidizing,
n.o.s. (cryogenic liquid)
2.2 UN3311 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
222 Publication 52
Gas sample, nonpressurized,
flammable, n.o.s., not refrigerated
2.1 UN3167 n/a Prohibited 2A
Gas sample, nonpressurized, toxic,
flammable, n.o.s., not refrigerated
2.3 UN3168 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Gas sample, nonpressurized, toxic,
n.o.s., not refrigerated liquid
2.3 UN3169 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Gasohol gasoline mixed with ethyl
alcohol, with not more than
percent alcohol
3 NA1203 II Prohibited 3A
Gasoline includes gasoline mixed
with ethyl alcohol, with not more
than 10
percent alcohol
3 UN1203 II Prohibited Prohibited
Gasoline, casinghead, see Gasoline
Gelatine, blasting, see Explosive,
blasting, type A
Gelatine dynamites, see Explosive,
blasting, type A
Germane 2.3 UN2192 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Glycerol-1,3-dinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Glycerol gluconate trinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Glycerol lactate trinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Glycerol alpha-monochlorohydrin 6.1 UN2689 III 6A 6A
Glyceryl trinitrate, see Nitroglycerin,
Glycidaldehyde 3 UN2622 II Prohibited 3A
Grenades, hand or rifle, with bursting
1.1D UN0284 II Prohibited Prohibited
Grenades, hand or rifle, with bursting
1.1F UN0292 II Prohibited Prohibited
Grenades, hand or rifle, with bursting
1.2D UN0285 II Prohibited Prohibited
Grenades, hand or rifle, with bursting
1.2F UN0293 II Prohibited Prohibited
Grenades, illuminating, see
Ammunition, illuminating, etc.
Grenades, practice, hand or rifle 1.2G UN0372 II Prohibited Prohibited
Grenades, practice, hand or rifle 1.3G UN0318 II Prohibited Prohibited
Grenades, practice, hand or rifle 1.4G UN0452 II Prohibited Prohibited
Grenades, practice, hand or rifle 1.4S UN0110 II Prohibited Prohibited
Grenades, smoke, see Ammunition,
smoke, etc.
Guanidine nitrate 5.1 UN1467 III 5A 5A
Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene
hydrazine (dry)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 223
Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene
hydrazine, wetted with not less than
percent water, by mass
1.1A UN0113 II Prohibited Prohibited
Guanyl nitrosaminoguanyltetrazene
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Guanyl nitrosaminoguanyltetrazene,
wetted or Tetrazene, wetted with
not less than 30
percent water or
mixture of alcohol and water, by
1.1A UN0114 II Prohibited Prohibited
Gunpowder, granular or as a meal,
see Black powder, etc. (UN0027)
Gunpowder, compressed or
Gunpowder in pellets, see Black
powder, etc. (UN0028)
Hafnium powder, dry 4.2 UN2545 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Hafnium powder, wetted with not
less than 25 percent water (a visible
excess of water must be present) (a)
mechanically produced, particle size
less than 53 microns; (b) chemically
produced, particle size less than
840 microns
4.1 UN1326 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hand signal device, see Signal
devices, hand
Hazardous substances, liquid or
solid, n.o.s., see Environmentally
hazardous substances, etc.
Hazardous waste, liquid, n.o.s. 9 NA3082 III Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous waste, solid, n.o.s. 9 NA3077 III Prohibited Prohibited
Heating oil, light 3 UN1202 III Prohibited 3A
Helium, compressed 2.2 UN1046 n/a 2B 2B
Helium, refrigerated liquid (cyrogenic
2.2 UN1963 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Heptafluoropropane or Refrigerant
gas R 227
2.2 UN3296 n/a 2B 2B
n-Heptaldehyde 3 UN3056 III Prohibited 3A
Heptanes 3 UN1206 II Prohibited 3A
n-Heptane 3 UN2278 II Prohibited 3A
Hexachloroacetone 6.1 UN2661 III 6A 6A
Hexachlorobenzene 6.1 UN2729 III 6A 6A
Hexachlorobutadiene 6.1 UN2279 III 6A 6A
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 6.1 UN2646 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hexachlorophene 6.1 UN2875 III 6A 6A
Hexadecyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1781 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexadienes 3 UN2458 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
224 Publication 52
Hexaethyl tetraphosphate and
compressed gas mixtures
2.3 UN1612 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hexaethyl tetraphosphate, liquid 6.1 UN1611 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexaethyl tetraphosphate, solid 6.1 UN1611 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexafluoroacetone 2.3 UN2420 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hexafluoroacetone hydrate, liquid 6.1 UN2552 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexafluoroacetone hydrate, solid 6.1 UN3436 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexafluoroethane, compressed or
Refrigerant gas R 116
2.2 UN2193 n/a 2B 2B
Hexafluorophosphoric acid 8 UN1782 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexafluoropropylene, compressed or
Refrigerant gas R 1216
2.2 UN1858 n/a 2B 2B
Hexaldehyde 3 UN1207 III Prohibited 3A
Hexamethylene diisocyanate 6.1 UN2281 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hexamethylenediamine solution 8 UN1783 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexamethylenediamine solution 8 UN1783 III 8A 8A
Hexamethylenediamine, solid 8 UN2280 III 8A 8A
Hexamethyleneimine 3 UN2493 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexamethylenetetramine 4.1 UN1328 III Prohibited 4A
Hexamethylol benzene hexanitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hexanes 3 UN1208 II Prohibited 3A
dihydroxyazobenzene (dry)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hexanitroazoxy benzene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hexanitrodiphenyl urea Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
N,N’-(hexanitrodiphenyl) ethylene
dinitramine (dry)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hexanitrodiphenylamine or
Dipicrylamine or Hexyl
1.1D UN0079 II Prohibited Prohibited
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2,3’,4,4’,6,6’-Hexanitrodiphenylether Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hexanitroethane Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hexanitrooxanilide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hexanitrostilbene 1.1D UN0392 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexanoic acid, see Corrosive liquids,
Hexanols 3 UN2282 III Prohibited 3A
1-Hexene 3 UN2370 II Prohibited 3A
Hexogen and
mixtures, wetted or desensitized
see RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted
or desensitized etc.
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 225
Hexogen and HMX mixtures, wetted
or desensitized see RDX and HMX
mixtures, wetted or desensitized
Hexogen and octogen mixtures,
wetted or desensitized see RDX and
HMX mixtures, wetted or
desensitized etc.
Hexogen, see
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, etc.
Hexolite, or Hexotol dry or wetted
with less than 15 percent water, by
1.1D UN0118 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexotonal 1.1D UN0393 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hexyl, see Hexanitrodiphenylamine
Hexyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1784 II Prohibited Prohibited
High explosives, see individual
explosives’ entries
HMX, see
Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine, etc.
Hydrazine, anhydrous or Hydrazine
aqueous solutions with more than
percent hydrazine, by mass
8 UN2029 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrazine, aqueous solution with not
more than 37 percent hydrazine, by
6.1 UN3293 III 6A 6A
Hydrazine aqueous solution,
flammable with more than
percent hydrazine, by mass
8 UN3484 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrazine aqueous solution, with
more than 37 percent hydrazine, by
8 UN2030 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrazine azide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrazine chlorate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrazine decarbonic acid diazide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrazine perchlorate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrazine selenate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hydriodic acid 8 UN1787 II, III 8A 8A
Hydriodic acid, anhydrous, see
Hydrogen iodide, anhydrous
Hydrobromic acid, with more than
49 percent hydrobromic acid
8 UN1788 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrobromic acid, with not more
than 49 percent hydrobromic acid
8 UN1788 II, III 8A 8A
Hydrobromic acid, anhydrous, see
Hydrogen bromide, anhydrous
Hydrocarbon gas mixture,
compressed, n.o.s.
2.1 UN1964 n/a Prohibited 2A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
226 Publication 52
Hydrocarbon gas mixtures, liquified,
2.1 UN1965 n/a Prohibited 2A
Hydrocarbons, liquid, n.o.s. 3 UN3295 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
Hydrochloric acid 8 UN1789 II, III 8A 8A
Hydrochloric acid, anhydrous, see
Hydrogen chloride, anhydrous
Hydrocyanic acid, anhydrous, see
Hydrogen cyanide, etc.
Hydrocyanic acid, aqueous solutions
or Hydrogen cyanide, aqueous
solutions with not more than
percent hydrogen cyanide
6.1 UN1613 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrocyanic acid, aqueous solutions
with less than 5
percent hydrogen
6.1 NA1613 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrocyanic acid, liquified, see
Hydrogen cyanide, etc.
Hydrocyanic acid (prussic)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrofluoric acid and Sulfuric acid
8 UN1786 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrofluoric acid, anhydrous, see
Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous
Hydrofluoric acid, with more than
60 percent strength
8 UN1790 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrofluoric acid, with not more than
60 percent strength
8 UN1790 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrofluoroboric acid, see
Fluoroboric acid
Hydorfluorosilicic acid, see
Fluorosilicic acid
Hydrogen and Methane mixtures,
2.1 UN2034 n/a Prohibited 2A
Hydrogen bromide, anhydrous 2.3 UN1048 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen chloride, anhydrous 2.3 UN1050 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen chloride, refrigerated liquid 2.3 UN2186 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen, compressed 2.1 UN1049 n/a Prohibited 2A
Hydrogen, cyanide, solution in
alcohol with not more than
45 percent hydrogen cyanide
6.1 UN3294 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized with
less than 3 percent water
6.1 UN1051 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized with
less than 3 percent water and
absorbed in a porous inert material
6.1 UN1614 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous 8 UN1052 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 227
Hydrogen in a metal hydride storage
system or Hydrogen in a metal
hydride storage system contained
in equipment or Hydrogen in a
metal hydride storage system
packed with equipment
2.1 UN3468 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen iodide, anhydrous 2.3 UN2197 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen iodide solution, see
Hydriodic acid, solution
Hydrogendifluoride solutions, n.o.s. 8 UN3471 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogendifluoride solutions, n.o.s. 8 UN3471 III Prohibited 8A
Hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic
acid mixtures, stabilized with acids,
water, and not more than 5
peroxyacetic acid
5.1 UN3149 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous
solutions with more than 40
but not more than 60 percent
hydrogen peroxide (stabilized as
5.1 UN2014 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous
solutions with not less than
percent but not more than
40 percent hydrogen peroxide
(stabilized as necessary)
5.1 UN2014 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous
solutions with not less than
8 percent but less than 20 percent
hydrogen peroxide (stabilized as
5.1 UN2984 III 5A 5A
Hydrogen peroxide, stabilized or
Hydrogen peroxide aqueous
solutions, stabilized with more than
percent hydrogen peroxide
5.1 UN2015 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen, refrigerated liquid
(cryogenic liquid)
2.1 UN1966 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen selenide, anhydrous 2.3 UN2202 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogen sulfate, see Sulfuric acid,
Hydrogen sulfide 2.3 UN1053 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogendifluorides, n.o.s. solid 8 UN1740 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogendifluorides, n.o.s. solid 8 UN1740 III 8A 8A
Hydrogendifluorides, n.o.s. solutions 8 UN3471 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hydrogendifluorides, n.o.s. solutions 8 UN3471 III 8A 8A
Hydrosilicofluoric acid, see
Fluorosilicic acid
1-Hydroxybenzotriazole, anhydrous,
dry or wetted with less than
percent water, by mass
1.3C UN0508 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
228 Publication 52
4.1 UN3474 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hydroxyl amine iodide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hydroxylamine sulfate 8 UN2865 III 8A 8A
Hypochlorite solutions 8 UN1791 II, III 8A 8A
Hypochlorites, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3212 II 5A 5A
Hyponitrous acid Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Igniter fuse, metal clad, see Fuse,
igniter tubular metal clad
Igniters 1.1G UN0121 II Prohibited Prohibited
Igniters 1.2G UN0314 II Prohibited Prohibited
Igniters 1.3G UN0315 II Prohibited Prohibited
Igniters 1.4G UN0325 II Prohibited Prohibited
Igniters 1.4S UN0454 II Prohibited 1A
3,3’-Iminodipropylamine 8 UN2269 III 8A 8A
Infectious substances, affecting
animals only
6.2 UN2900 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Infectious substances, affecting
humans only
6.2 UN2814 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Inflammable, see Flammable
Initiating explosives (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Inosital hexanitrate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Insecticide gases, n.o.s. 2.2 UN1968 n/a 2B 2B
Insecticide gases, flammable, n.o.s 2.1 UN3354 n/a Prohibited 2A
Insecticide gases, toxic, n.o.s. 2.3 UN1967 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Insecticide gases, toxic, flammable,
n.o.s., Inhalation hazard A, B, C or D
2.3 UN3355 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Inulin trinitrate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Iodine 8 UN3495 III Prohibited Prohibited
Iodine azide (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Iodine monochloride, liquid 8 UN3498 II Prohibited Prohibited
Iodine monochloride, solid 8 UN1792 II Prohibited Prohibited
Iodine pentafluoride 5.1 UN2495 I Prohibited Prohibited
2-Iodobutane 3 UN2390 II Prohibited 3A
Iodomethylpropanes 3 UN2391 II Prohibited 3A
Iodopropanes 3 UN2392 III Prohibited 3A
Iodoxy compounds (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Iridium nitratopentamine iridium
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Iron chloride, see Ferric chloride, etc.
Iron oxide, spent, or Iron sponge,
spent obtained from coal gas
4.2 UN1376 III Prohibited Prohibited
Iron pentacarbonyl 6.1 UN1994 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 229
Iron sesquichloride, see Ferric
Irritating material, see Tear gas
substances, etc.
Isobutane see also Petroleum gases,
2.1 UN1969 n/a Prohibited 2A
Isobutanol or Isobutyl alcohol 3 UN1212 III Prohibited 3A
Isobutyl acetate 3 UN1213 II Prohibited 3A
Isobutyl acrylate, stabilized 3 UN2527 III Prohibited 3A
Isobutyl alcohol, see Isobutanol
Isobutyl aldehyde, see
Isobutyl formate 3 UN2393 II Prohibited 3A
Isobutyl isobutyrate 3 UN2528 III Prohibited 3A
Isobutyl isocyanate 3 UN2486 I Prohibited Prohibited
Isobutyl methacrylate, stabilized 3 UN2283 III Prohibited 3A
Isobutyl propionate 3 UN2394 III Prohibited 3A
Isobutylamine 3 UN1214 II Prohibited Prohibited
Isobutylene see also Petroleum
gases, liquified
2.1 UN1055 n/a Prohibited 2A
Isobutyraldehyde or Isobutyl
3 UN2045 II Prohibited 3A
Isobutyric acid 3 UN2529 III Prohibited 3A
Isobutyronitrile 3 UN2284 II Prohibited Prohibited
Isobutyryl chloride 3 UN2395 II Prohibited Prohibited
Isocyanates, flammable, toxic, n.o.s.
or Isocyanate solutions, flammable,
toxic, n.o.s. flashpoint less than
3 UN2478 II Prohibited Prohibited
Isocyanates, toxic, flammable, n.o.s.
or Isocyanate solutions, toxic,
flammable, n.o.s. flashpoint not less
than 23° C but not more than 61° C
and boiling point less than 300° C
6.1 UN3080 II Prohibited Prohibited
Isocyanates, toxic, n.o.s. or
Isocyanate solutions, toxic, n.o.s.
flashpoint more than 61° C and
boiling point less than 300° C
6.1 UN2206 II Prohibited Prohibited
Isocyanates, toxic, n.o.s. or
Isocyanate solutions, toxic, n.o.s.
flashpoint more than 61° C and
boiling point less than 300° C
6.1 UN2206 III 6A 6A
Isocyanatobenzotrifluorides 6.1 UN2285 II Prohibited Prohibited
Isoheptenes 3 UN2287 II Prohibited 3A
Isohexenes 3 UN2288 II Prohibited 3A
Isooctane, see Octanes
Isooctenes 3 UN1216 II Prohibited 3A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
230 Publication 52
Isopentane, see Pentanes
Isopentanoic acid, see Corrosive
liquids, n.o.s.
Isopentenes 3 UN2371 I Prohibited 3A
Isophorone diisocyanate 6.1 UN2290 III 6A 6A
Isophoronediamine 8 UN2289 III 8A 8A
Isoprene, stabilized 3 UN1218 I Prohibited 3A
Isopropanol or Isopropyl alcohol 3 UN1219 II Prohibited 3A
Isopropenyl acetate 3 UN2403 II Prohibited 3A
Isopropenylbenzene 3 UN2303 III Prohibited 3A
Isopropyl acetate 3 UN1220 II Prohibited 3A
Isopropyl acid phosphate 8 UN1793 III 8A 8A
Isopropyl alcohol, see Isopropanol
Isopropyl butyrate 3 UN2405 III Prohibited 3A
Isopropyl chloroacetate 3 UN2947 III Prohibited 3A
Isopropyl chloroformate 6.1 UN2407 I Prohibited Prohibited
Isopropyl 2-chloropropionate 3 UN2934 III Prohibited 3A
Isopropyl isobutyrate 3 UN2406 II Prohibited 3A
Isopropyl isocyanate 3 UN2483 I Prohibited 3A
Isopropyl mercaptan, see
Isopropyl nitrate 3 UN1222 II Prohibited 3A
Isopropyl phosphoric acid, see
Isopropyl acid phosphate
Isopropyl propionate 3 UN2409 II Prohibited 3A
Isopropylamine 3 UN1221 I
Isopropylbenzene 3 UN1918 III Prohibited 3A
Isopropylcumyl hydroperoxide, with
more than 72
percent in solution
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Isosorbide dinitrate mixture with not
less than 60 percent lactose,
mannose, starch or calcium
hydrogen phosphate
4.1 UN2907 II Prohibited Prohibited
Isosorbide5mononitrate 4.1 UN3251 III Prohibited 3A
Isothiocyanic acid Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Jet fuel, see Fuel, aviation, turbine
Jet, perforating guns, charged oil
well, with detonator
1.1D NA0124 II Prohibited Prohibited
Jet, perforating guns, charged oil
well, with detonator
1.4D NA0494 II Prohibited Prohibited
Jet, perforating guns, charged oil
well, without detonator
1.1D UN0124 II Prohibited Prohibited
Jet, perforating guns, charged oil
well, without detonator
1.4D UN0494 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 231
Jet, perforators, see Charges,
shaped, commercial etc.
Jet tappers, without detonator, see
Charges, shaped, commercial, etc.
Jet thrust igniters, for rocket motors
or Jato, see Igniters
Jet thrust unit (Jato), see Rockets
Kerosene 3 UN1223 III Prohibited 3A
Ketones, liquid, n.o.s. 3 UN1224 I Prohibited Prohibited
Ketones, liquid, n.o.s. 3 UN1224 II, III Prohibited 3A
Krill meal 4.2 UN3497 II, III Prohibited 4A
Krypton, compressed 2.2 UN1056 n/a 2B 2B
Krypton, refrigerated liquid
(cryogenic liquid)
2.2 UN1970 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Lacquer base or lacquer chips,
nitrocellulose, dry, see
Nitrocellulose, etc. (UN2557)
Lacquer base or lacquer chips,
plastic, wet with alcohol or solvent,
see Nitrocellulose (UN2059,
UN2555, UN2556, UN2557) or Paint
etc. (UN1263)
Lead acetate 6.1 UN1616 III 6A 6A
Lead arsenates 6.1 UN1617 II Prohibited Prohibited
Lead arsenites 6.1 UN1618 II Prohibited Prohibited
Lead azide (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Lead azide, wetted with not less than
20 percent water or mixture of
alcohol and water, by mass
1.1A UN0129 II Prohibited Prohibited
Lead compounds, soluble, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2291 III 6A 6A
Lead cyanide 6.1 UN1620 II Prohibited Prohibited
Lead dioxide 5.1 UN1872 III 5A 5A
Lead dross, see Lead sulfate with
more than 3 percent free acid
Lead nitrate 5.1 UN1469 II Prohibited Prohibited
Lead nitroresorcinate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Lead perchlorate, solid 5.1 UN1470 II Prohibited Prohibited
Lead perchlorate, solution 5.1 UN3408 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Lead peroxide, see Lead dioxide
Lead phosphite, dibasic 4.1 UN2989 II Prohibited Prohibited
Lead phosphite, dibasic 4.1 UN2989 III Prohibited 4A
Lead picrate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Lead styphnate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
232 Publication 52
Lead styphnate, wetted or Lead
trinitroresorcinate, wetted with not
less than 20
percent water or
mixture of alcohol and water, by
1.1A UN0130 II Prohibited Prohibited
Lead sulfate with more than
3 percent free acid
8 UN1794 II 8A 8A
Lead trinitroresorcinate, see Lead
styphnate, etc.
Lifesaving appliances, not self-
inflating containing dangerous
goods as equipment
9 UN3072 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Lifesaving appliances, self-inflating 9 UN2990 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Lighters, new or empty, purged of all
residual fuel and vapors
Lighter replacement cartridges
containing liquified petroleum
gases, see Lighter refills containing
flammable gas
Lighters containing flammable gas 2.1 UN1057 n/a Prohibited 3C
Lighter refills containing flammable
gas not exceeding 4 fluid ounces
(7.22 cubic inches) and 65 grams of
flammable gas
2.1 UN1057 n/a Prohibited 3C
Lighters, non-pressurized, containing
flammable liquid
3 NA1057 II Prohibited Prohibited
Lighter replacement cartridges
containing liquified petroleum gases
see Lighter refills containing
flammable gas. Etc.
Lighters, fuse 1.4S UN0131 II Prohibited Prohibited
Lime, unslaked, see Calcium oxide
Liquified gas, flammable, n.o.s. 2.1 UN3161 n/a Prohibited 2A
Liquified gas, n.o.s. 2.2 UN3163 n/a 2B 2B
Liquified gas, oxidizing, n.o.s. 2.2 UN3157 n/a 2B 2B
Liquified gas, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s.
Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
2.3 UN3308 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Liquified gas, toxic, flammable,
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard
Zone A, B, C, or D
2.3 UN3309 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Liquified gas, toxic, flammable, n.o.s.
Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
2.3 UN3160 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Liquified gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation
Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
2.3 UN3162 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Liquified gas, toxic, oxidizing,
corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard
Zone A, B, C, or D
2.3 UN3310 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Liquified gas, toxic, oxidizing, n.o.s.
Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
2.3 UN3307 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 233
Liquified gases, nonflammable
charged with nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, or air
2.2 UN1058 n/a 2B 2B
Liquified hydrocarbon gas, see
Hydrocarbon gas mixtures, liquified,
n.o.s., etc.
Liquified natural gas, see Methane,
etc. (UN1972)
Liquified petroleum gas, see
Petroleum gases, liquified
Lithium 4.3 UN1415 I Prohibited 4A
Lithium acetylide ethylenediamine
complex, see Water reactive solid
Lithium aluminum hydride 4.3 UN1410 I Prohibited Prohibited
Lithium aluminum hydride, ethereal 4.3 UN1411 I Prohibited Prohibited
Lithium borohydride 4.3 UN1413 I Prohibited Prohibited
Lithium ferrosilicon 4.3 UN2830 II Prohibited 4A
Lithium hydride 4.3 UN1414 I Prohibited 4A
Lithium hydride, fused solid 4.3 UN2805 II Prohibited 4A
Lithium hydroxide, monohydrate or
Lithium hydroxide, solid
8 UN2680 II 8A 8A
Lithium hydroxide, solution 8 UN2679 II, III 8A 8A
Lithium hypochlorite, dry or Lithium
hypochlorite mixtures, dryo
5.1 UN1471 II 5A 5A
Lithium-ion batteries (including
lithium polymer batteries)
9 UN3480 N/A Prohibited 9D
Lithium-ion batteries (including
lithium polymer batteries) contained
in equipment
9 UN3481 N/A 9D 9D
Lithium-ion batteries (including
lithium polymer batteries) packed
with equipment
9 UN3481 N/A 9D 9D
Lithium metal batteries (including
lithium alloy batteries)
9 UN3090 N/A Prohibited 9D
Lithium metal batteries (including
lithium alloy batteries) contained in
9 UN3091 N/A 9D 9D
Lithium metal batteries (including
lithium alloy batteries) packed with
9 UN3091 N/A 9D 9D
Lithium peroxide 5.1 UN1472 II 5A 5A
Lithium silicon 4.3 UN1417 II Prohibited 5A
LNG, see Methane etc. (UN1972)
London purple 6.1 UN1621 II 6A 6A
LPG, see Petroleum gases, liquified
Lye, see Sodium hydroxide solutions
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
234 Publication 52
Magnesium or Magnesium alloys
with more than 50
magnesium in pellets, turnings, or
4.1 UN1869 III Prohibited 4A
Magnesium aluminum phosphide 4.3 UN1419 I Prohibited Prohibited
Magnesium arsenate 6.1 UN1622 II Prohibited Prohibited
Magnesium bisulfite solution, see
Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, n.o.s.
Magnesium bromate 5.1 UN1473 II 5A 5A
Magnesium chlorate 5.1 UN2723 II 5A 5A
Magnesium diamide 4.2 UN2004 II Prohibited Prohibited
Magnesium dross, wet or hot Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Magnesium fluorosilicate 6.1 UN2853 III 6A 6A
Magnesium granules, coated particle
size not less than 149 microns
4.3 UN2950 III Prohibited Prohibited
Magnesium hydride 4.3 UN2010 I Prohibited Prohibited
Magnesium nitrate 5.1 UN1474 III 5A 5A
Magnesium perchlorate 5.1 UN1475 II 5A 5A
Magnesium peroxide 5.1 UN1476 II 5A 5A
Magnesium phosphide 4.3 UN2011 I Prohibited Prohibited
Magnesium, powder or Magnesium
alloys, powder
4.3 UN1418 I Prohibited Prohibited
Magnesium, powder or Magnesium
alloys, powder
4.3 UN1418 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Magnesium scrap, see Magnesium
etc. (UN1869)
Magnesium silicide 4.3 UN2624 II Prohibited Prohibited
Maleic anhydride 8 UN2215 III 8A 8A
Maleic anhydride, molten 8 UN2215 III Prohibited Prohibited
Malononitrile 6.1 UN2647 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mancozeb (manganese
complex with zinc) see Maneb etc.
Maneb or Maneb preparations with
not less than 60 percent maneb
4.2 UN2210 III Prohibited Prohibited
Maneb stabilized or Maneb
preparations, stabilized against self-
4.3 UN2968 III Prohibited Prohibited
Manganese nitrate 5.1 UN2724 III 5A 5A
Manganese resinate 4.1 UN1330 III Prohibited 4A
Mannitan tetranitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Mannitol hexanitrate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Mannitol hexanitrate, wetted or
Nitromannite, wetted with not less
than 40
percent water, or mixture of
alcohol and water, by mass
1.1D UN0133 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 235
Marine pollutants, liquid or solid,
n.o.s., see Environmentally
hazardous substances, liquid or
solid, n.o.s.
Matches, block, see Matches, strike
Matches, fusee 4.1 UN2254 III Prohibited Prohibited
Matches, safety (book, card, or strike
on box)
4.1 UN1944 III Prohibited 4B
Matches, strike anywhere 4.1 UN1331 III Prohibited Prohibited
Matches, wax, Vesta 4.1 UN1945 III Prohibited Prohibited
Matting acid, see Sulfuric acid etc.
Medicine, liquid, flammable, toxic,
3 UN3248 II Prohibited Prohibited
Medicine, liquid, flammable, toxic,
3 UN3248 III Prohibited 3A
Medicine, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1851 II, III 6A 6A
Medicine, solid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3249 II, III 6A 6A
Memtetrahydrophthalic anhydride,
see Corrosive liquids, n.o.s.
Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, n.o.s.
or Mercaptan mixture, liquid,
flammable, n.o.s.
3 UN3336 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, toxic,
n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liquid,
flammable, toxic, n.o.s.
3 UN1228 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, toxic,
n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liquid,
flammable, toxic, n.o.s.
3 UN1228 III Prohibited 3A
Mercaptans, liquid, toxic, flammable,
n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liquid,
toxic, flammable, n.o.s., flashpoint
not less than 23° C
6.1 UN3071 II Prohibited Prohibited
5-Mercaptotetrazol-1-acetic acid 1.4C UN0448 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercuric arsenate 6.1 UN1623 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercuric chloride 6.1 UN1624 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercuric compounds, see Mercury
compounds, etc.
Mercuric nitrate 6.1 UN1625 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercuric potassium cyanide 6.1 UN1626 I Prohibited Prohibited
Mercuric sulfocyanate, see Mercury
Mercurol, see Mercury nucleate
Mercurous azide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Mercurous compounds, see Mercury
compounds, etc.
Mercurous nitrate 6.1 UN1627 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
236 Publication 52
Mercury 8 UN2809 III Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury acetate 6.1 UN1629 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury acetylide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury ammonium chloride 6.1 UN1630 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury based pesticides, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
3 UN2778 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury based pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3012 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury based pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3012 III 6A 6A
Mercury based pesticides, liquid,
toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less
than 23° C
6.1 UN3011 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury based pesticides, liquid,
toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less
than 23° C
6.1 UN3011 III 6A 6A
Mercury based pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2777 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury based pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2777 III 6A 6A
Mercury benzoate 6.1 UN1631 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury bromides 6.1 UN1634 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury compounds, liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2024 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury compounds, liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2024 III 6A 6A
Mercury compounds, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2025 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury compounds, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2025 III 6A 6A
Mercury contained in manufactured
8 UN3506 III 8C 8C
Mercury cyanide 6.1 UN1636 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury fulminate, wetted with not
less than 20 percent water, or
mixture of alcohol and water, by
1.1A UN0135 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury gluconate 6.1 UN1637 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury iodide aquabasic
ammonobasic (Iodide of Millon’s
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury iodide 6.1 UN1638 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury nitride Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury nucleate 6.1 UN1639 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury oleate 6.1 UN1640 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury oxide 6.1 UN1641 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury oxycyanide, desensitized 6.1 UN1642 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury oxycyanide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury potassium iodide 6.1 UN1643 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury salicylate 6.1 UN1644 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury sulfates 6.1 UN1645 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mercury thiocyanate 6.1 UN1646 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mesityl oxide 3 UN1229 III Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 237
Metal carbonyls, liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3281 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Metal carbonyls, liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3281 III 6A 6A
Metal carbonyls, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3466 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Metal carbonyls, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3466 III 6A 6A
Metal catalyst, dry 4.2 UN2881 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Metal catalyst, dry 4.2 UN2881 III Prohibited 4A
Metal catalyst, wetted with a visible
excess of liquid
4.2 UN1378 II Prohibited Prohibited
Metal hydrides, flammable, n.o.s. 4.1 UN3182 II, III Prohibited 3A
Metal hydrides, water reactive, n.o.s. 4.3 UN1409 I Prohibited Prohibited
Metal hydrides, water reactive, n.o.s. 4.3 UN1409 II Prohibited Prohibited
Metal powder, self-heating, n.o.s. 4.2 UN3189 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Metal powders, flammable, n.o.s. 4.1 UN3089 II, III Prohibited 4A
Metal salts of methyl nitramine (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Metal salts of organic compounds,
flammable, n.o.s.
4.1 UN3181 II, III Prohibited 4A
Metaldehyde 4.1 UN1332 III Prohibited 4A
Metallic substances, water reactive,
4.3 UN3208 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Metallic substance, water reactive,
self-heating, n.o.s.
4.3 UN3209 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Methacrylaldehyde, inhibited 3 UN2396 II Prohibited Prohibited
Methacrylic acid, inhibited 8 UN2531 III 8A 8A
Methacrylonitrile, inhibited 3 UN3079 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methallyl alcohol 3 UN2614 III Prohibited 3A
Methane and hydrogen, mixtures, see
Hydrogen and methane, mixtures
Methane, compressed or Natural
gas, compressed (with high
methane content)
2.1 UN1971 n/a Prohibited 2A
Methane, refrigerated liquid
(cryogenic liquid) or Natural gas,
refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid),
with high methane content
2.1 UN1972 n/a Prohibited 2A
Methanesulfonyl chloride 6.1 UN3246 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methanol 3 UN1230 II Prohibited 3A
Methazoic acid Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
4-Methoxy-4-methylpentan-2-one 3 UN2293 III Prohibited 3A
1-Methoxy-2-propanol 3 UN3092 III Prohibited 3A
Methoxymethyl isocyanate 6.1 UN2605 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl-2-chloropropionate 3 UN2933 III Prohibited 3A
Methyl acetate 3 UN1231 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl acetylene and propadiene
mixtures, stabilized
2.1 UN1060 n/a Prohibited 2A
Methyl acrylate, stabilized 3 UN1919 II Prohibited 3A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
238 Publication 52
Methyl alcohol, see Methanol
Methyl allyl chloride 3 UN2554 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl amyl ketone, see Amyl methyl
Methyl bromide 2.3 UN1062 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl bromide and chloropicrin
mixtures with more than 2 percent
chloropicrin, see Chloropicrin and
methyl bromide mixtures
Methyl bromide and chloropicrin
mixtures with not more than
percent chloropicrin, see Methyl
Methyl bromide and ethylene
dibromide mixtures, liquid
6.1 UN1647 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl bromoacetate 6.1 UN2643 II Prohibited Prohibited
2-Methyl-1-butene 3 UN2459 I Prohibited Prohibited
2-Methyl-2-butene 3 UN2460 II Prohibited Prohibited
3-Methyl-1-butene 3 UN2561 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl tertbutyl ether 3 UN2398 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl butyrate 3 UN1237 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl chloride, or Refrigerant gas
2.1 UN1063 Prohibited 2A
Methyl chloride and chloropicrin
mixtures, see Chloropicrin and
methyl chloride mixtures
Methyl chloride and methylene
chloride mixtures
2.1 UN1912 n/a Prohibited 2A
Methyl chloroacetate 6.1 UN2295 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl chlorocarbonate, see Methyl
Methyl chloroform, see 1,1,1-
Methyl chloroformate 6.1 UN1238 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl chloromethyl ether 6.1 UN1239 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl dichloroacetate 6.1 UN2299 III 6A 6A
Methyl ethyl ether, see Ethyl methyl
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, in
solution with more than 9 percent
by mass active oxygen
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2-Methyl-5-ethylpyridine 6.1 UN2300 III 6A 6A
Methyl ethyl ketone, see Ethyl methyl
Methyl fluoride, or Refrigerant gas R
2.1 UN2454 n/a Prohibited 2A
Methyl formate 3 UN1243 I Prohibited 3A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 239
2-Methyl-2-heptanethiol 6.1 UN3023 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl iodide 6.1 UN2644 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl isobutyl carbinol 3 UN2053 III Prohibited 3A
Methyl isobutyl ketone 3 UN1245 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl isobutyl ketone peroxide, in
solution with more than 9 percent
by mass active oxygen
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl isocyanate 6.1 UN2480 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl isopropenyl ketone, inhibited 3 UN1246 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl isothiocyanate 6.1 UN2477 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl isovalerate 3 UN2400 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl magnesium bromide, in ethyl
4.3 UN1928 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl mercaptan 2.3 UN1064 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl mercaptopropionaldehyde,
see 4-Thiapentanal
Methyl methacrylate monomer,
3 UN1247 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl nitramine (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl nitrite Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl norbornene dicarboxylic
anhydride, see Corrosive liquids,
Methyl orthosilicate 6.1 UN2606 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl phosphonic dichloride 6.1 NA9206 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl phosphonothioic dichloride,
anhydrous, see Corrosive liquids,
Methyl phosphonous dichloride,
pyrophoric liquid
6.1 NA2845 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl picric acid (heavy metal salts
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl propionate 3 UN1248 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl propyl ether 3 UN2612 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl propyl ketone 3 UN1249 II Prohibited 3A
Methyl sulfate, see Dimethyl sulfate
Methyl sulfide, see Dimethyl sulfide
Methyl trichloroacetate 6.1 UN2533 III 6A 6A
Methyl trimethylol methane trinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Methyl vinyl ketone, stabilized 6.1 UN1251 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methylal 3 UN1234 II Prohibited Prohibited
Methylamine, anhydrous 2.1 UN1061 n/a Prohibited 2A
Methylamine, aqueous solution 3 UN1235 II Prohibited 3A
Methylamine dinitramine and dry salts
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
240 Publication 52
Methylamine nitroform Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Methylamine perchlorate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Methylamyl acetate 3 UN1233 III Prohibited 3A
N-Methylaniline 6.1 UN2294 III 6A 6A
alpha-Methylbenzyl alcohol, solid 6.1 UN3438 III 6A 6A
alpha-Methylbenzyl alcohol, liquid 6.1 UN2937 III 6A 6A
3-Methylbutan-2-one 3 UN2397 II Prohibited 3A
N-Methylbutylamine 3 UN2945 II Prohibited Prohibited
Methylchlorosilane 2.3 UN2534 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Methylcyclohexane 3 UN2296 II Prohibited 3A
Methylcyclohexanols, flammable 3 UN2617 III Prohibited 3A
Methylcyclohexanone 3 UN2297 III Prohibited 3A
Methylcyclopentane 3 UN2298 II Prohibited 3A
Methyldichloroarsine 6.1 NA1556 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methyldichlorosilane 4.3 UN1242 I Prohibited Prohibited
Methylene chloride, see
Methylene glycol dinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2-Methylfuran 3 UN2301 II Prohibited 3A
a-Methylglucoside tetranitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
a-Methylglycerol trinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
5-Methylhexan-2-one 3 UN2302 III Prohibited 3A
Methylhydrazine 6.1 UN1244 I Prohibited Prohibited
4-Methylmorpholine or n-
3 UN2535 II Prohibited Prohibited
Methylpentadienes 3 UN2461 II Prohibited 3A
2-Methylpentan-2-ol 3 UN2560 III Prohibited 3A
Methylpentanes, see Hexanes
Methylphenyldichlorosilane 8 UN2437 II 8A 8A
1-Methylpiperidine 3 UN2399 II Prohibited Prohibited
Methyltetrahydrofuran 3 UN2536 II Prohibited 3A
Methyltrichlorosilane 3 UN1250 I Prohibited Prohibited
alpha-Methylvaleraldehyde 3 UN2367 II Prohibited 3A
Mine rescue equipment containing
carbon dioxide, see Carbon dioxide
Mines with bursting charge 1.1D UN0137 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mines with bursting charge 1.1F UN0136 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mines with bursting charge 1.2D UN0138 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mines with bursting charge 1.2F UN0294 II Prohibited Prohibited
Mixed acid, see Nitrating acid,
mixtures etc.
Mobility aids, see Battery powered
equipment or Battery powered
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 241
Model rocket motor 1.4C NA0276 II Prohibited Prohibited
Model rocket motor 1.4S NA0323 II Prohibited 1A
Molybdenum pentachloride 8 UN2508 III 8A 8A
Monochloroacetone (unstabilized) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Monochloroethylene, see Vinyl
chloride, stabilized
Monoethanolamine, see
Ethanolamine solutions
Monoethylamine, see Ethylamine
Morpholine 3 UN2054 III Prohibited 3A
Morpholine, aqueous, mixture, see
Corrosive liquids, n.o.s.
Motor fuel anti-knock compounds,
see Motor fuel anti-knock mixtures
Motor fuel anti-knock mixture,
6.1 UN3483 I Prohibited Prohibited
Motor fuel anti-knock mixtures 6.1 UN1649 I Prohibited Prohibited
Motor spirit, see Gasoline
Muriatic acid, see Hydrochloric acid
Musk xylene, see 5-tert-Butyl-2,4,6-
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
242 Publication 52
Naphtha see Petroleum distallates
Naphthalene, crude or Naphthalene,
4.1 UN1334 III Prohibited 4A
Naphthalene diozonide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Naphthalene, molten 4.1 UN2304 III Prohibited 4A
Alpha-Naphthylamine 6.1 UN2077 III 6A 6A
Beta-Naphthylamine, solid 6.1 UN1650 II Prohibited Prohibited
Beta-Naphthylamine, solution 6.1 UN3411 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Naphthylamineperchlorate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Naphthylthiourea 6.1 UN1651 II Prohibited Prohibited
Naphthylurea 6.1 UN1652 II Prohibited Prohibited
Natural gases (with high methane
content), see Methane, etc.
(UN1971, UN1972)
Neohexane, see Hexanes
Neon, compressed 2.2 UN1065 n/a 2B 2B
Neon, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic
2.2 UN1913 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
New explosive or explosive device,
see 49 CFR 173.51 and 173.56
Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nickel carbonyl 6.1 UN1259 I Prohibited Prohibited
Nickel cyanide 6.1 UN1653 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nickel nitrate 5.1 UN2725 III 5A 5A
Nickel nitrite 5.1 UN2726 III 5A 5A
Nickel picrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nicotine 6.1 UN1654 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nicotine compounds, liquid, n.o.s. or
Nicotine preparations, liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3144 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Nicotine compounds, liquid, n.o.s. or
Nicotine preparations, liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3144 III 6A 6A
Nicotine compounds, solid, n.o.s. or
Nicotine preparations, solid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN1655 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Nicotine compounds, solid, n.o.s. or
Nicotine preparations, solid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN1655 III 6A 6A
Nicotine hydrochloride liquid or
6.1 UN1656 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nicotine hydrochloride, solid 6.1 UN3444 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nicotine salicylate 6.1 UN1657 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nicotine sulfate, solid 6.1 UN3445 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nicotine sulfate, solution 6.1 UN1658 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nicotine tartrate 6.1 UN1659 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrated paper (unstable) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrates of diazonium compounds Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 243
Nitrates, inorganic, aqueous solution,
5.1 UN3218 II, III 5A 5A
Nitrates, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1477 II, III 5A 5A
Nitrating acid mixtures, with more
than 50
percent nitric acid
8 UN1796 I Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrating acid mixtures, with not more
than 50 percent nitric acid
8 UN1796 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrating acid mixtures, spent with
more than 50 percent nitric acid
8 UN1826 I Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrating acid mixtures, spent with
not more than 50
percent nitric acid
8 UN1826 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitric acid other than red fuming, with
more than 70 percent nitric acid
8 UN2031 I Prohibited Prohibited
Nitric acid other than red fuming, with
not more than 70 percent nitric acid
8 UN2031 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitric acid, red fuming 8 UN2032 I Prohibited Prohibited
Nitric oxide, compressed 2.3 UN1660 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Nitric oxide and dinitrogen tetroxide
mixtures or Nitric oxide and
nitrogen dioxide mixtures
2.3 UN1975 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Nitriles, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. 3 UN3273 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitriles, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3275 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitriles, toxic, liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3276 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitriles, toxic, liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3276 III 6A 6A
Nitriles, toxic, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3439 I, II, Prohibited Prohibited
Nitriles, toxic, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3439 III 6A 6A
Nitrites, inorganic, aqueous solution,
5.1 UN3219 II, III 5A 5A
Nitrites, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN2627 II 5A 5A
3-Nitro-4-chlorobenzotrifluoride 6.1 UN2307 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitro isobutane triol trinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited
Nitro urea 1.1D UN0147 II Prohibited Prohibited
2-Nitro-2-methylpropanol nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
acid (dry)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
N-Nitro-N-methylglycolamide nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
N-Nitroaniline Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroanilines (o-; m-; p-;) 6.1 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroanisole, liquid 6.1 UN2730 III 6A 6A
Nitroanisole, solid 6.1 UN3458 III 6A 6A
Nitrobenzene 6.1 UN1662 II Prohibited Prohibited
m-Nitrobenzene diazonium
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid 8 UN2305 II 8A 8A
Nitrobenzol, see Nitrobenzene
5-Nitrobenzotriazol 1.1D UN0385 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
244 Publication 52
Nitrobenzotrifluorides, liquid 6.1 UN2306 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrobenzotrifluorides, solid 6.1 UN3431 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrobromobenzenes liquid 6.1 UN2732 III 6A 6A
Nitrobromobenzenes solid 6.1 UN3459 III 6A 6A
Nitrocellulose, with not more than
12.6 percent, by dry mass mixture
with or without plasticizer, with or
without pigment
4.1 UN2557 II Prohibited 4A
Nitrocellulose, dry or wetted with less
than 25 percent water (or alcohol),
by mass
1.1D UN0340 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrocellulose membrane filters, with
not more than 12.6 percent
nitrogen, by dry mass
4.1 UN3270 II Prohibited 4A
Nitrocellulose, plasticized with not
less than 18 percent plasticizing
substance, by mass
1.3C UN0343 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrocellulose, solution, flammable
with not more than 12.6 percent
nitrogen, by mass, and not more
than 55
percent nitrocellulose
3 UN2059 II, III Prohibited 3A
Nitrocellulose, unmodified or
plasticized with less than 18
plasticizing substance, by mass
1.1D UN0341 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrocellulose, wetted with not less
than 25
percent alcohol, by mass
1.3C UN0342 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrocellulose, with alcohol with not
less than 25 percent alcohol, by
mass, and with not more than
percent nitrogen, by dry mass
4.1 UN2556 II Prohibited 4A
Nitrocellulose with water with not less
than 25
percent water, by mass
4.1 UN2555 II Prohibited 4A
Nitrochlorobenzene, see
Chloronitrobenzenes etc.
Nitrocresols, solid 6.1 UN2446 III 6A 6A
Nitrocresols, liquid 6.1 UN3434 III 6A 6A
Nitroethane 3 UN2842 III Prohibited 3A
Nitroethyl nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroethylene polymer Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrogen, compressed 2.2 UN1066 n/a 2B 2B
Nitrogen dioxide, see Dinitrogen
Nitrogen fertilizer solution, see
Fertilizer ammoniating solution etc.
Nitrogen peroxide, see Dinitrogen
Nitrogen, refrigerated liquid
cryogenic liquid
2.2 UN1977 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 245
Nitrogen tetroxide and nitric oxide
mixtures, see Nitric oxide and
nitrogen tetroxide mixtures
Nitrogen tetroxide, see Dinitrogen
Nitrogen trichloride Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrogen trifluoride, 2.2 UN2451 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrogen triiodide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrogen triiodide monoamine Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrogen trioxide 2.3 UN2421 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroglycerin, desensitized with not
less than 40 percent non-volatile
water insoluble phlegmatizer, by
1.1D UN0143 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroglycerin, liquid, not desensitized Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroglycerin mixture, desensitized,
liquid, flammable, n.o.s. with not
more than 30
percent nitroglycerin,
by mass
3 UN3343 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroglycerin mixture, desensitized,
liquid, n.o.s. with not more than
30 percent nitroglycerin, by mass
3 UN3357 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroglycerin mixture, desensitized,
solid, n.o.s. with more than
2 percent but not more than
percent nitroglycerin, by mass
4.1 UN3319 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, with
more than 1 percent but not more
than 5
percent nitroglycerin
3 UN3064 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, with
more than 1 percent but not more
than 10
percent nitroglycerin
1.1D UN0144 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, with
not more than 1 percent
3 UN1204 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroguanidine nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroguanidine or Picrite, dry or
wetted with less than 20
water, by mass
1.1D UN0282 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroguanidine, wetted or Picrite,
wetted with not less than 20
water, by mass
4.1 UN1336 I Prohibited Prohibited
1-Nitrohydantoin Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrohydrochloric acid 8 UN1798 I Prohibited Prohibited
Nitromannite (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitromannite, wetted, see Mannitol
hexanitrate, etc.
Nitromethane 3 UN1261 II Prohibited 3A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
246 Publication 52
Nitromuriatic acid, see
Nitrohydrochloric acid
Nitronaphthalene 4.1 UN2538 III Prohibited 4A
Nitophenols (o-; m-; p-;) 6.1 UN1663 III 6A 6A
m-Nitrophenyldinitro methane Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
4-Nitrophenylhydrazine, with not less
than 30 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN3376 I Prohibited Prohibited
Nitropropanes 3 UN2608 III Prohibited 3A
p-Nitrosodimethylaniline 4.2 UN1369 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrostarch, dry or wetted with less
than 20
percent water, by mass
1.1D UN0146 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrostarch, wetted with not less than
20 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1337 I Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrosugars (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrosyl chloride 2.3 UN1069 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrosylsulfuric acid, liquid 8 UN2308 II 8A 8A
Nitrosylsulfuric acid, solid 8 UN3456 II 8A 8A
Nitrotoluenes, liquid 6.1 UN1664 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrotoluenes, solid 6.1 UN3446 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrotoluidines (mono) 6.1 UN2660 III 6A 6A
Nitrotriazolone or NTO 1.1D UN0490 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitrous oxide 2.2 UN1070 n/a 2B 2B
Nitrous oxide, refrigerated liquid 2.2 UN2201 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroxylenes, liquid 6.1 UN1665 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroxylenes, solid 6.1 UN3447 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nitroxylol, see Nitroxylenes
Nonanes 3 UN1920 III Prohibited 3A
Non-flammable gas, n.o.s., see
Compressed gas, etc. or Liquified
gases, etc.
Nonliquified gases, see Compressed
gases, etc.
Nonliquified hydrocarbon gas, see
Hydrocarbon gas mixture,
compressed, n.o.s.
Nonyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1799 II Prohibited Prohibited
Nordhausen acid, see Sulfuric acid,
fuming etc.
2,5-Norbormadiene, stabilized, see
Bicyclo [2,2,1] hepta-2,5-diene,
Octadecyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1800 II Prohibited Prohibited
Octadiene 3 UN2309 II Prohibited 3A
dimethoxy- 9-octadecynoic acid
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 247
Octafluorobut-2-ene or Refrigerant
gas R 1318
2.2 UN2422 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Octafluorocyclobutane, or
Refrigerant gas RC 318
2.2 UN1976 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Octafluoropropane or Refrigerant gas
R 218
2.2 UN2424 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Octanes 3 UN1262 II Prohibited 3A
Octogen, see Cyclotetramethylene
tetranitramine, etc.
Octolite or Octol, dry or wetted with
less than 15
percent water, by mass
1.1D UN0266 II Prohibited Prohibited
Octonal 1.1D UN0496 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Octyl aldehydes 3 UN1191 III Prohibited 3A
Octyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1801 II Prohibited Prohibited
Oil gas, compressed 2.3 UN1071 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Oleum, see Sulfuric acid, fuming etc.
Organic peroxide, type A, liquid or
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Organic peroxide type B, liquid 5.2 UN3101 II 5A 5A
Organic peroxide type B, liquid,
temperature controlled
5.2 UN3111 II Prohibited Prohibited
Organic peroxide type B, solid 5.2 UN3102 II 5A 5A
Organic peroxide type B, solid,
temperature controlled
5.2 UN3112 II Prohibited Prohibited
Organic peroxide type C, liquid 5.2 UN3103 II 5A 5A
Organic peroxide type C, liquid,
temperature controlled
5.2 UN3113 II Prohibited Prohibited
Organic peroxide type C, solid 5.2 UN3104 II 5A 5A
Organic peroxide type C, solid,
temperature controlled
5.2 UN3114 II Prohibited Prohibited
Organic peroxide type D, liquid 5.2 UN3105 II 5A 5A
Organic peroxide type D, liquid,
temperature controlled
5.2 UN3115 II Prohibited Prohibited
Organic peroxide type D, solid 5.2 UN3106 II 5A 5A
Organic peroxide type D, solid,
temperature controlled
5.2 UN3116 II Prohibited Prohibited
Organic peroxide type E, liquid 5.2 UN3107 II 5A 5A
Organic peroxide type E, liquid,
temperature controlled
5.2 UN3117 II Prohibited Prohibited
Organic peroxide type E, solid 5.2 UN3108 II 5A 5A
Organic peroxide type E, solid,
temperature controlled
5.2 UN3118 II Prohibited Prohibited
Organic peroxide type F, liquid 5.2 UN3109 II 5A 5A
Organic peroxide type F, liquid,
temperature controlled
5.2 UN3119 II Prohibited Prohibited
Organic peroxide type F, solid 5.2 UN3110 II 5A 5A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
248 Publication 52
Organic peroxide type F, solid,
temperature controlled
5.2 UN3120 II Prohibited Prohibited
Organic phosphate, mixed with
compressed gas or Organic
phosphate compound, mixed with
compressed gas or Organic
phosphorous compound, mixed
with compressed gas
2.3 NA1955 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Organic pigments, self-heating 4.2 UN3313 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Organoarsenic compound, liquid,
6.1 UN3280 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organoarsenic compound, liquid,
6.1 UN3280 III 6A 6A
Organoarsenic compound, solid,
6.1 UN3465 I Prohibited Prohibited
Organoarsenic compound, solid,
6.1 UN3465 II, III 6A 6A
Organochlorine pesticides liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
3 UN2762 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organochlorine pesticide, liquid,
6.1 UN2996 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organochlorine pesticide, liquid,
6.1 UN2996 III 6A 6A
Organochlorine pesticides, liquid,
toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less
than 23° C
6.1 UN2995 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organochlorine pesticides, liquid,
toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less
than 23° C
6.1 UN2995 III 6A 6A
Organochlorine pesticides, solid,
6.1 UN2761 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organochlorine pesticides, solid,
6.1 UN2761 III 6A 6A
Organometallic compound, toxic,
liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3282 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organometallic compound, toxic,
liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3282 III 6A 6A
Organometallic compound, toxic,
solid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3467 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organometallic compound, toxic,
solid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3467 III 6A 6A
Organometallic substance, liquid,
4.2 UN3392 I Prohibited Prohibited
Organometallic substance, liquid,
pyro9phoric, water-reactive
4.2 UN3394 I Prohibited Prohibited
Organometallic substance, liquid,
pyrophoric, water-reactive
4.3 UN3398 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 249
Organometallic substance, liquid,
pyrophoric, water-reactive,
4.3 UN3399 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Organometallic substance, solid,
4.2 UN3391 I Prohibited Prohibited
Organometallic substance, solid,
pyrophoric, water-reactive
4.2 UN3393 I Prohibited Prohibited
Organometallic substance, solid, self
4.2 UN3400 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Organometallic substance, solid,
4.3 UN3395 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Organometallic substance, solid,
water-reactive, flammable
4.3 UN3396 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Organometallic substance, solid,
water-reactive, self-heating
4.3 UN3397 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Organophosphorus compound,
toxic, flammable, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3279 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organophosphorus compound,
toxic, liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3278 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organophosphorus compound,
toxic, liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3278 III 6A 6A
Organophosphorus compound,
toxic, solid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3464 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organophosphorus compound,
toxic, solid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3464 III 6A 6A
Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
3 UN2784 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organophosphorus pesticides,
liquid, toxic
6.1 UN3018 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organophosphorus pesticides,
liquid, toxic
6.1 UN3018 III 6A 6A
Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid,
toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less
than 23° C
6.1 UN3017 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid,
toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less
than 23° C
6.1 UN3017 III 6A 6A
Organophosphorus pesticides, solid,
6.1 UN2783 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organophosphorus pesticides, solid,
6.1 UN2783 III 6A 6A
Organotin compounds, liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2788 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organotin compounds, liquid, n.o.s 6.1 UN2788 III 6A 6A
Organotin compounds, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3146 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organotin compounds, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3146 III 6A 6A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
250 Publication 52
Organotin pesticides, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
3 UN2787 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organotin pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3020 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organotin pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3020 III 6A 6A
Organotin pesticides, liquid, toxic,
flammable, flashpoint not less than
23° C
6.1 UN3019 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organotin pesticides, liquid, toxic,
flammable, flashpoint not less than
23° C
6.1 UN3019 III 6A 6A
Organotin pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2786 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Organotin pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2786 III 6A 6A
Orthonitroaniline, see Nitroanilines
Osmium tetroxide 6.1 UN2471 I Prohibited Prohibited
Other regulated substances, liquid,
9 NA3082 III 9C 9C
Other regulated substances, solid,
9 NA3077 III 9C 9C
Oxidizing liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3098 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Oxidizing liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3098 III 5A 5A
Oxidizing liquid, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3139 I Prohibited Prohibited
Oxidizing liquid, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3139 II, III 5A 5A
Oxidizing liquid, toxic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3099 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Oxidizing liquid, toxic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3099 III 5A 5A
Oxidizing solid, corrosive, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3085 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Oxidizing solid, corrosive, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3085 III 5A 5A
Oxidizing solid, flammable, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3137 I Prohibited Prohibited
Oxidizing solid, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1479 I Prohibited Prohibited
Oxidizing solid, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1479 II, III 5A 5A
Oxidizing solid, selfheating, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3100 II Prohibited Prohibited
Oxidizing solid, toxic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3087 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Oxidizing solid, toxic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3087 III 5A 5A
Oxidizing solid, water reactive, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3121 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Oxygen, compressed 2.2 UN1072 n/a 2B 2B
Oxygen difluoride, compressed 2.3 UN2190 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Oxygen generator, chemical
(including when contained in
associated equipment, e.g.,
passenger service units (PSUs),
portable breathing equipment
(PBE), etc.)
5.1 UN3356 II Prohibited Prohibited
Oxygen generator, chemical, spent 9 NA3356 III Prohibited Prohibited
Oxygen, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic
2.2 UN1073 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 251
Paint including paint, lacquer,
enamel, stain, shellac solutions,
varnish, polish, liquid filler, and
liquid lacquer base
3 UN1263 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
Paint or Paint related material 8 UN3066 II, III 8A 8A
Paint related material including paint
thinning, drying, removing, or
reducing compound
3 UN1263 I, II, III Prohibited 8A
Paint, corrosive, flammable (including
paint, lacquer, enamel, stain,
shellac, varnish, polish, liquid filler
and liquid lacquer base)
8 UN3470 II Prohibited 8A
Paint related material corrosive,
flammable (including paint thinning
or reducing compound)
8 UN3470 II Prohibited 8A
Paint, flammable, corrosive (including
paint, lacquer, enamel, stain,
shellac, varnish, polish, liquid filler
and liquid lacquer base)
3 UN3469 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Paint, flammable, corrosive (including
paint, lacquer, enamel, stain,
shellac, varnish, polish, liquid filler
and liquid lacquer base)
3 UN3469 III Prohibited 3A
Paint related material, flammable,
corrosive (including paint thinning or
reducing compound)
3 UN3469 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Paint related material, flammable,
corrosive (including paint thinning or
reducing compound)
3 UN3469 III Prohibited 3A
Paper, unsaturated oil treated
incompletely dried (including
carbon paper)
4.2 UN1379 III Prohibited Prohibited
Paraformaldehyde 4.1 UN2213 III Prohibited 4A
Paraldehyde 3 UN1264 III Prohibited 3A
Paranitroaniline, solid, see
Nitroanilines etc.
Parathion and compressed gas
2.3 NA1967 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Paris green, solid, see Copper
PCB, see Polychlorinated biphenyls
Pentaporane 4.2 UN1380 I Prohibited Prohibited
Pentachloroethane 6.1 UN1669 II Prohibited Prohibited
Pentachlorophenol 6.1 UN3155 II Prohibited Prohibited
Pentaerythrite tetranitrate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
252 Publication 52
Pentaerythrite tetranitrate or
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate or PETN,
with not less than 7
percent wax by
1.1D UN0411 II Prohibited Prohibited
Pentaerythrite tetranitrate mixture,
desensitized, solid, n.o.s. or
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate mixture,
desensitized, solid, n.o.s. or PETN
mixture, desensitized, solid,
n.o.s.,with more than 10
but not more than 20
percent PETN,
by mass
4.1 UN3344 II Prohibited Prohibited
Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, wetted or
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, wetted
or PETN, wetted with not less than
percent water, by mass, or
Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, or
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, or
PETN, desensitized with not less
than 15
percent phlegmatizer by
1.1D UN0150 II Prohibited Prohibited
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, see
Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, etc.
Pentafluoroethane or Refrigerant gas
R 125
2.2 UN3220 n/a 2B 2B
Pentamethylheptane 3 UN2286 III Prohibited 3A
Pentane-2,4-dione 3 UN2310 III Prohibited 3A
Pentanes 3 UN1265 I, II Prohibited 3A
Pentanitroaniline (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Pentanols 3 UN1105 II, III Prohibited 3A
1-Pentene (n-amylene) 3 UN1108 I Prohibited 3A
1-Pentol 8 UN2705 II 8A 8A
Pentolite, dry or wetted with less than
15 percent water, by mass
1.1D UN0151 II Prohibited Prohibited
Pepper spray, see Aerosols, etc. or
Self-defense spray, non-
Perchlorates, inorganic, aqueous
solution, n.o.s.
5.1 UN3211 II, III 5A 5A
Perchlorates, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1481 II, III 5A 5A
Perchloric acid with more than
50 percent but not more than
72 percent acid, by mass
5.1 UN1873 I Prohibited Prohibited
Perchloric acid with not more than
50 percent acid by mass
8 UN1802 II Prohibited Prohibited
Perchloric acid, with more than
72 percent acid by mass
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Perchloroethylene, see
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 253
Perchloromethyl mercaptan 6.1 UN1670 I Prohibited Prohibited
Perchloryl fluoride 2.3 UN3083 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Percussion caps, see Primers, cap
Perfluoro (ethyl vinyl ether) 2.1 UN3154 n/a Prohibited 2A
Perfluoro (methyl vinyl ether) 2.1 UN3153 n/a Prohibited 2A
Perfluoro-2-butene, see
Perfumery products with flammable
3 UN1266 II, III Prohibited 3A
Permanganates, inorganic, aqueous
solution, n.o.s.
5.1 UN3214 II 5A 5A
Permanganates, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1482 II, III 5A 5A
Peroxides, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1483 II Prohibited Prohibited
Peroxides, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN1483 III 5A 5A
Permeation devices for calibrating air
quality monitoring equipment see
CFR 49 173.175
Peroxyacetic acid, with more than
percent and with more than
6 percent hydrogen peroxide
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Persulfates, inorganic, aqueous
solution, n.o.s.
5.1 UN3216 III 5A 5A
Persulfates, inorganic, n.o.s. 5.1 UN3215 III 5A 5A
Pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic,
flashpoint less than 23° C
3 UN3021 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable,
flashpoint not less than 23° C
6.1 UN2903 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable,
flashpoint not less than 23° C
6.1 UN2903 III 6A 6A
Pesticides, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2902 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Pesticides, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2902 III 6A 6A
Pesticides, solid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2588 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Pesticides, solid, toxic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2588 III 6A 6A
PETN, see Pentaerythrite tetranitrate
PETN/TNT, see Pentolite, etc.
Petro, see Gasoline
Petroleum crude oil 3 UN1267 I Prohibited Prohibited
Petroleum crude oil 3 UN1267 II, III Prohibited 3A
Petroleum distillates, n.o.s. or
Petroleum products, n.o.s.
3 UN1268 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
Petroleum gases, liquified or Liquified
petroleum gas
2.1 UN1075 n/a Prohibited 2A
Petroleum oil 3 NA1270 I Prohibited Prohibited
Petroleum oil 3 NA1270 II, III Prohibited 3A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
254 Publication 52
Petroleum sour crude oil, flammable,
3 UN3494 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Phenacyl bromide 6.1 UN2645 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenetidines 6.1 UN2311 III 6A 6A
Phenol, molten 6.1 UN2312 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenol, solid 6.1 UN1671 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenol solutions 6.1 UN2821 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenol solutions 6.1 UN2821 III 6A 6A
Phenolsulfonic acid, liquid 8 UN1803 II 8A 8A
Phenoxyacetic acid derivative
pesticide, liquid, flammable, toxic
flashpoint less than 23° C
3 UN3346 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenoxyacetic acid derivative
pesticide, liquid, toxic
6.1 UN3348 I Prohibited Prohibited
Phenoxyacetic acid derivative
pesticide, liquid, toxic
6.1 UN3348 II, III 6A 6A
Phenoxyacetic acid derivative
pesticide, liquid, toxic, flammable,
flashpoint not less than 23° C
6.1 UN3347 I Prohibited Prohibited
Phenoxyacetic acid derivative
pesticide, liquid, toxic, flammable,
flashpoint not less than 23° C
6.1 UN3347 II, III 6A 6A
Phenoxyacetic acid derivative
pesticide, solid, toxic
6.1 UN3345 I Prohibited Prohibited
Phenoxyacetic acid derivative
pesticide, solid, toxic
6.1 UN3345 II, III 6A 6A
Phenyl chloroformate 6.1 UN2746 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenyl isocyanate 6.1 UN2487 I Prohibited Prohibited
Phenyl mercaptan 6.1 UN2337 I Prohibited Prohibited
Phenyl phosphorus dichloride 8 UN2798 II 8A 8A
Phenyl phosphorus thiodichloride 8 UN2799 II 8A 8A
Phenyl urea pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3002 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenyl urea pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3002 III 6A 6A
Phenylacetonitrile, liquid 6.1 UN2470 III 6A 6A
Phenylacetyl chloride 8 UN2577 II 8A 8A
Phenylcarbylamine chloride 6.1 UN1672 I Prohibited Prohibited
m-Phenylene diaminediperchlorate
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Phenylenediamines (o-; m-; p-;) 6.1 UN1673 III 6A 6A
Phenylhydrazine 6.1 UN2572 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenylmercuric acetate 6.1 UN1674 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenylmercuric compounds, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2026 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenylmercuric compounds, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2026 III 6A 6A
Phenylmercuric hydroxide 6.1 UN1894 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenylmercuric nitrate 6.1 UN1895 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phenyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1804 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 255
Phosgene 2.3 UN1076 Prohibited Prohibited
9-Phosphabicyclononanes or
Cyclooctadiene phosphines
4.2 UN2940 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphine 2.3 UN2199 Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphoric acid solution 8 UN1805 III 8A 8A
Phosphoric acid, solid 8 UN3453 III 8A 8A
Phosphoric acid triethyleneimine, see
Tris-(1-aziridinyl)phosphine oxide,
Phosphorus, amorphous 4.1 UN1338 III Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphoric anhydride, see
Phosphorus pentoxide
Phosphorous acid 8 UN2834 III 8A 8A
Phosphorus bromide, see
Phosphorus tribromide
Phosphorus chloride, see
Phosphorus trichloride
Phosphorus heptasulfide, free from
yellow or white phosphorus
4.1 UN1339 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus oxybromide 8 UN1939 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus oxybromide, molten 8 UN2576 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus oxychloride 8 UN1810 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus pentabromide 8 UN2691 II 8A 8A
Phosphorus pentachloride 8 UN1806 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus pentafluoride 2.3 UN2198 Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus pentasulfide, free from
yellow or white phosphorus
4.3 UN1340 II Prohibited 4A
Phosphorus pentoxide 8 UN1807 II 8A 8A
Phosphorus sesquisulfide, free from
yellow or white phosphorus
4.1 UN1341 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus tribromide 8 UN1808 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus trichloride 6.1 UN1809 I Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus trioxide 8 UN2578 III 8A 8A
Phosphorus trisulfide, free from
yellow or white phosphorus
4.1 UN1343 II Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus, white dry or
Phosphorus, white, under water or
Phosphorus white, in solution or
Phosphorus, yellow dry or
Phosphorus, yellow, under water or
Phosphorus, yellow, in solution
4.2 UN1381 I Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus white, molten 4.2 UN2447 I Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphorus (white or red) and a
chlorate, mixtures of
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Phosphoryl chloride, see
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
256 Publication 52
Phthalic anhydride with more than
.05 percent maleic anhydride
8 UN2214 III 8A 8A
Picolines 3 UN2313 III Prohibited 3A
Picric acid, see Trinitrophenol, etc.
Picrite, see Nitroguanidine, etc.
Picryl chloride, see
Pine oil 3 UN1272 III Prohibited 3A
alphaPinene 3 UN2368 III Prohibited 3A
Piperazine 8 UN2579 III 8A 8A
Piperidine 8 UN2401 I Prohibited Prohibited
Pivaloyl chloride, see Trimethylacetyl
Plastic molding compound in dough,
sheet, or extruded rope form
evolving flammable vapor
9 UN3314 III Prohibited 9C
Plastic solvent, n.o.s., see Flammable
liquids, n.o.s.
Plastics, nitrocellulose-based, self-
heating, n.o.s.
4.2 UN2006 III Prohibited Prohibited
Poisonous gases, n.o.s., see
Compressed or Liquified gases,
flammable or toxic, n.o.s.
Polyalkylamines, n.o.s., see Amines,
Polyamines, flammable, corrosive,
n.o.s. see Amines, flammable,
corrosive, n.o.s.
Polyamines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.
see Amines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.
Polyamines, liquid, corrosive,
flammable, n.o.s. see Amines,
liquid, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s.
Polychlorinated biphenyls, liquid 9 UN2315 II Prohibited 9C
Polychlorinated biphenyls, solid 9 UN3432 II Prohibited 9C
Polyester resin kit 3 UN3269 n/a Prohibited 3A
Polyhalogenated biphenyls, liquid or
Polyhalogenated terphenyls, liquid
9 UN3151 II Prohibited 9C
Polyhalogenated biphenyls, solid or
Polyhalogenated terphenyls, solid
9 UN3152 II Prohibited 9C
Polymeric beads, expandable,
evolving flammable vapor
9 UN2211 III Prohibited 9C
Potassium 4.3 UN2257 I Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium arsenate 6.1 UN1677 II Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium arsenite 6.1 UN1678 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 257
Potassium bisulfite solution, see
Bisulfites, inorganic, aqueous
solutions, n.o.s.
Potassium borohydride 4.3 UN1870 I Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium bromate 5.1 UN1484 II 5A 5A
Potassium carbonyl Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium chlorate 5.1 UN1485 II 5A 5A
Potassium chlorate mixed with
mineral oil, see Explosive, blasting,
type C
Potassium chlorate, aqueous
5.1 UN2427 II, III 5A 5A
Potassium cuprocyanide 6.1 UN1679 II Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium cyanide, solid 6.1 UN1680 I Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium cyanide solution 6.1 UN3413 I Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium dichloro isocyanurate or
Potassium dichloro-s-triazinetrione,
see Dichloroisocyanuric acid, dry or
Dichloroisocyanuric acid salts etc.
Potassium dithionite or Potassium
4.2 UN1929 II Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium fluoride, solid 6.1 UN1812 III 6A 6A
Potassium fluoride solution 6.1 UN3422 III 6A 6A
Potassium fluoroacetate 6.1 UN2628 I Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium fluorosilicate 6.1 UN2655 III 6A 6A
Potassium hydrate, see Potassium
hydroxide, solid
Potassium hydrogen fluoride
solution, see Corrosive liquid, n.o.s.
Potassium hydrogen fluoride, see
Potassium hydrogen difluoride
Potassium hydrogen sulfate 8 UN2509 II 8A 8A
Potassium hydrogendifluoride, solid 8 UN1811 II 8A 8A
Potassium hydrogendifluoride,
8 UN3421 II 8A 8A
Potassium hydrosulfite, see
Potassium dithionite
Potassium hydroxide, liquid, see
Potassium hydroxide solution
Potassium hydroxide, solid 8 UN1813 II 8A 8A
Potassium hydroxide, solution 8 UN1814 II, III 8A 8A
Potassium hypochlorite, solution, see
Hypochlorite solutions
Potassium, metal alloys, liquid 4.3 UN1420 I Prohibited 4A
Potassium, metal alloys, solid 4.3 UN3403 I Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium metavanadate 6.1 UN2864 II Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium monoxide 8 UN2033 II 8A 8A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
258 Publication 52
Potassium nitrate 5.1 UN1486 III 5A 5A
Potassium nitrate and sodium nitrite
5.1 UN1487 II 5A 5A
Potassium nitrite 5.1 UN1488 II 5A 5A
Potassium perchlorate 5.1 UN1489 II 5A 5A
Potassium permanganate 5.1 UN1490 II 5A 5A
Potassium peroxide 5.1 UN1491 I Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium persulfate 5.1 UN1492 III 5A 5A
Potassium phosphide 4.3 UN2012 I Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium selenate, see Selenates or
Potassium selenite, see Selenates or
Potassium sodium alloys, liquid 4.3 UN1422 I Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium sodium alloys, solid 4.3 UN3404 I Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium sulfide, anhydrous or
Potassium sulfide with less than
percent water of crystallization
4.2 UN1382 II Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium sulfide, hydrated with not
less than 30
percent water of
8 UN1847 II Prohibited Prohibited
Potassium superoxide 5.1 UN2466 I Prohibited Prohibited
Powder cake, wetted or Powder
paste, wetted with not less than
25 percent water, by mass
1.3C UN0159 II Prohibited Prohibited
Powder cake, wetted or Powder
paste, wetted with not less than
17 percent alcohol by mass
1.1C UN0433 II Prohibited Prohibited
Powder paste, see Powder cake, etc.
Powder, smokeless 1.1C UN0160 II Prohibited Prohibited
Powder, smokeless 1.3C UN0161 II Prohibited Prohibited
Powder, smokeless 1.4C UN0509 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Primers, cap type 1.1B UN0377 II Prohibited Prohibited
Primers, cap type 1.4B UN0378 II Prohibited Prohibited
Primers, cap type 1.4S UN0044 II Prohibited Prohibited
Primers, small arms, see Primers, cap
Primers, tubular 1.3G UN0319 II Prohibited Prohibited
Primers, tubular 1.4G UN0320 II Prohibited Prohibited
Primers, tubular 1.4S UN0376 II Prohibited Prohibited
Printing ink, flammable or Printing ink
related material (including printing
ink thinning or reducing compound),
3 UN1210 I, II, II Prohibited 3A
Projectiles, illuminating, see
Ammunition, illuminating, etc.
Projectiles, inert with tracer 1.3G UN0424 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 259
Projectiles, inert with tracer 1.4G UN0425 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, inert with tracer 1.4S UN0345 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with burster or expelling
1.2D UN0346 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with burster or expelling
1.2F UN0426 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with burster or expelling
1.2G UN0434 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with burster or expelling
1.4D UN0347 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with burster or expelling
1.4F UN0427 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with burster or expelling
1.4G UN0435 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with bursting charge 1.1D UN0168 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with bursting charge 1.1F UN0167 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with bursting charge 1.2D UN0169 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with bursting charge 1.2F UN0324 II Prohibited Prohibited
Projectiles, with bursting charge 1.4D UN0344 II Prohibited Prohibited
Propadiene mixed with acetylene,
see Methyl acetylene and
propadiene mixtures, stabilized
Propadiene, stabilized 2.1 UN2200 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Propane see also Petroleum gases,
2.1 UN1978 n/a Prohibited 2A
Propanethiols 3 UN2402 II Prohibited 3A
n-Propanol or Propyl alcohol, normal 3 UN1274 II, III Prohibited 3A
Propellant, liquid 1.1C UN0497 II Prohibited Prohibited
Propellant, liquid 1.3C UN0495 II Prohibited Prohibited
Propellant, solid 1.1C UN0498 II Prohibited Prohibited
Propellant, solid 1.3C UN0499 II Prohibited Prohibited
Propellant, solid 1.4C UN0501 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Propionaldehyde 3 UN1275 II Prohibited 3A
Propionic acid with not less than
percent acid by mass
8 UN3463 II Prohibited 8A
Propionic acid with not less than
10 percent and less than 90 percent
acid by mass
8 UN1848 III 8A 8A
Propionic anhydride 8 UN2496 III 8A 8A
Propionitrile 3 UN2404 II Prohibited Prohibited
Propionyl chloride 3 UN1815 II Prohibited Prohibited
n-Propyl acetate 3 UN1276 II Prohibited 3A
Propyl alcohol, see Propanol
n-Propyl benzene 3 UN2364 III Prohibited 3A
Propyl chloride see 1-Chloropropane
n-Propyl chloroformate 6.1 UN2740 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
260 Publication 52
Propyl formates 3 UN1281 II Prohibited 3A
n-Propyl isocyanate 6.1 UN2482 I
Propyl mercaptan, see Propanethiols
n-Propyl nitrate 3 UN1865 II Prohibited 3A
Propylamine 3 UN1277 II Prohibited Prohibited
Propylene see also Petroleum gases,
2.1 UN1077 n/a Prohibited 2A
Propylene chlorohydrin 6.1 UN2611 II Prohibited Prohibited
Propylene oxide 3 UN1280 I Prohibited Prohibited
Propylene tetramer 3 UN2850 III Prohibited 3A
1,2-Propylenediamine 8 UN2258 II Prohibited Prohibited
Propyleneimine, stabilized 3 UN1921 I Prohibited Prohibited
Propyltrichlorosilane 8 UN1816 II Prohibited Prohibited
Prussic acid, see Hydrogen cyanide
Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
3 UN3350 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
6.1 UN3351 I Prohibited Prohibited
Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
6.1 UN3351 II, III 6A 6A
Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3352 I Prohibited Prohibited
Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN3352 II, III 6A 6A
Pyrethroid pesticide, solid, toxic 6.1 UN3349 I Prohibited Prohibited
Pyrethroid pesticide, solid, toxic 6.1 UN3349 II, III 6A 6A
Pyridine 3 UN1282 II Prohibited Prohibited
Pyridine perchlorate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Pyrophoric liquid, inorganic, n.o.s. 4.2 UN3194 I Prohibited Prohibited
Pyrophoric liquids, organic, n.o.s. 4.2 UN2845 I Prohibited Prohibited
Pyrophoric metals, n.o.s. or
Pyrophoric alloys, n.o.s.
4.2 UN1383 I Prohibited Prohibited
Pyrophoric solid, inorganic, n.o.s. 4.2 UN3200 I Prohibited Prohibited
Pyrophoric solids, organic, n.o.s. 4.2 UN2846 I Prohibited Prohibited
Pyrosulfuryl chloride 8 UN1817 II 8A 8A
Pyroxylin solution or solvent, see
Pyrrolidine 3 UN1922 II Prohibited Prohibited
Quebrachitol pentanitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Quicklime, see Calcium oxide
Quinoline 6.1 UN2656 III 6A 6A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 261
R 12, see Dichlorodifluoromethane
R 12B1, see
R 13, see Chlorotrifluoromethane
R 13B1, see Bromotrifluoromethane
R 14, see Tetrafluoromethane
R 21, see Dichlorofluoromethane
R 22, see Chlorodifluoromethane
R 114, see Dichlorotetrafluroethane
R 115, see Chloropentafluoroethane
R 116, see Hexafluoroethane
R 124, see Chlorotetrafluoroethane
R 133a, see Chlorotrifluoroethane
R 152a, see Difluoroethane
R 500, see Dichlorodifluoromethane
and difluorethane, etc.
R 502, see Chlorodifluoromethane
and chloropentafluoroethane
mixture, etc.
R 503, see Chlorotrifluoromethane
and trifluoromethane, etc.
Radioactive material, excepted
package-articles manufactured
from natural uranium or depleted
uranium or natural thorium
7 UN2909 n/a Prohibited 7A
Radioactive material, excepted
package-empty packaging
7 UN2908 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, excepted
package-instruments or articles
7 UN2911 n/a Prohibited 7A
Radioactive material, excepted
package-limited quantity of material
7 UN2910 n/a Prohibited 7A
Radioactive material, low specific
activity (LSA-I), non fissile or fissile-
7 UN2912 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, low specific
activity (LSA-II), non fissile or fissile-
7 UN3321 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, low specific
activity (LSA-III), non fissile or
fissile- excepted.
7 UN3322 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, surface
contaminated objects (SCO-I or
SCO-II) non fissile or fissile-
7 UN2913 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, transported
under special arrangement, non
fissile or fissile excepted
7 UN2919 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
262 Publication 52
Radioactive material, transported
under special arrangement, fissile
7 UN3331 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, Type A
package, fissile non-special form
7 UN3327 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, Type A
package, fissile non-special form,
non fissile or fissile-excepted
7 UN2915 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, Type A
package, non fissile or fissile-
7 UN3332 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, Type A
package, special form, fissile
7 UN3333 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, Type B(M)
package, fissile
7 UN3329 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, Type B(M)
package non fissile or fissile-
7 UN2917 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, Type B(U)
package, fissile
7 UN3328 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, Type B(U)
package non fissile or fissile-
7 UN2916 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, uranium
hexafluoride nonfissile or fissile-
7 UN2978 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Radioactive material, uranium
hexafluoride fissile
7 UN2977 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Rags, oily 4.2 UN1856 III Prohibited Prohibited
Railway torpedo, see Signals, railway
track, explosive
RC318, see Octafluorocyclobutane
RDX and
wetted or desensitized see RDX and
HMX mixtures, wetted or
RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted with
not less than 15
percent water by
mass or RDX and HMX mixtures,
desensitized with not less than
percent phlegmatizer by mass
1.1D UN0391 II Prohibited Prohibited
RDX and Octogen mixtures, wetted
or desensitized see RDX and HMX
mixtures, wetted or desensitized,
RDX, see Cyclotrimethylene
trinitramine, etc.
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 263
Receptacles, small, containing gas
(gas cartridges) flammable, without
release device, not refillable and not
exceeding 1 L capacity
2.1 UN2037 n/a Prohibited 2A
Receptacles, small, containing gas or
gas cartridges (nonflammable)
without release device, not refillable
and not exceeding 1 L capacity
2.2 UN2037 n/a 2B 2B
Receptacles, small, containing gas or
gas cartridges (oxidizing) without
release device, not refillable and not
exceeding 1 L capacity
2.2 UN2037 n/a Prohibited 2B
Red phosphorus, see Phosphorus,
Refrigerant gas R 404A 2.2 UN3337 n/a 2B 2B
Refrigerant gas R 407A 2.2 UN3338 n/a 2B 2B
Refrigerant gas R 407B 2.2 UN3339 n/a 2B 2B
Refrigerant gas R 407C 2.2 UN3340 n/a 2B 2B
Refrigerant gases, n.o.s. 2.2 UN1078 n/a 2B 2B
Refrigerant gases, n.o.s., or
Dispersant gases, n.o.s.
2.1 NA1954 n/a Prohibited 2A
Refrigerating machines, containing
flammable, non-toxic, liquified gas
2.1 UN3358 n/a Prohibited 2A
Refrigerating machines, containing
non-flammable, non-toxic, or
ammonia solution (UN2672)
2.2 UN2857 n/a 2B 2B
Regulated medical waste (sharps),
n.o.s. or Clinical waste, unspecified,
n.o.s. or (BIO) Medical waste, n.o.s.
or Biomedical waste, n.o.s. or
Medical waste, n.o.s.
6.2 UN3291 II 6D n/a
Regulated medical waste
(nonsharps), n.o.s. or Clinical waste,
unspecified, n.o.s. or (BIO) Medical
waste, n.o.s. or Biomedical waste,
n.o.s. or Medical waste, n.o.s.
6.2 UN3291 II 6E n/a
Release devices, explosive 1.4S UN0173 II Prohibited Prohibited
Resin solution, flammable 3 UN1866 I, II, III Prohibited 3A
Resorcinol 6.1 UN2876 III 6A 6A
Rifle grenade, see Grenades, hand or
rifle, etc.
Rifle powder, see Powder, smokeless
Rivets, explosive 1.4S UN0174 II Prohibited Prohibited
Road asphalt or tar liquid, see Tars,
liquid etc.
Rocket motors 1.3C UN0186 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rocket motors 1.1C UN0280 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
264 Publication 52
Rocket motors 1.2C UN0281 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rocket motors, liquid fueled 1.2J UN0395 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rocket motors, liquid fueled 1.3J UN0396 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rocket motors with hypergolic
liquids with or without an expelling
1.3L UN0250 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rocket motors with hypergolic
liquids with or without an expelling
1.2L UN0322 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, line-throwing 1.2G UN0238 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, line-throwing 1.3G UN0240 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, line-throwing 1.4G UN0453 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, liquid fueled with bursting
1.1J UN0397 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, liquid fueled with bursting
1.2J UN0398 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, with bursting charge 1.1E UN0181 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, with bursting charge 1.1F UN0180 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, with bursting charge 1.2E UN0182 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, with bursting charge 1.2F UN0295 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, with expelling charge 1.2C UN0436 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, with expelling charge 1.3C UN0437 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, with expelling charge 1.4C UN0438 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, with inert head 1.3C UN0183 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rockets, with inert head 1.2C UN0502 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Rosin oil 3 UN1286 II, III Prohibited 3A
Rubber solution 3 UN1287 II, III Prohibited 3A
Rubber scrap or shoddy, powdered
or granulated, not exceeding
microns and rubber contend
exceeding 45 percent
4.1 UN1345 II Prohibited Prohibited
Rubidium 4.3 UN1423 I Prohibited Prohibited
Rubidium hydroxide 8 UN2678 II 8A 8A
Rubidium hydroxide solution 8 UN2677 II, III 8A 8A
Safety fuse, see Fuse, safety
Samples, explosive, other than
initiating explosives
UN0190 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sand acid, see Fluorosilicic acid
Seed cake with more than
percent oil and not more than
11 percent moisture
4.2 UN1386 III Prohibited Prohibited
Seed cake with not more than
1.5 percent oil and not more than
11 percent moisture
4.2 UN2217 III Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 265
Seed cake, containing vegetable oil
solvent extractions and expelled
seeds, with not more than
percent of oil and when the
amount of moisture is higher than
percent, with not more than
20 percent of oil and moisture
4.2 UN1386 III Prohibited Prohibited
Selenates or Selenites 6.1 UN2630 I Prohibited Prohibited
Selenic acid 8 UN1905 I Prohibited Prohibited
Selenium compound, liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3440 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Selenium compound, liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3440 III 6A 6A
Selenium compound, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3283 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Selenium compound, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3283 III 6A 6A
Selenium disulfide 6.1 UN2657 II Prohibited Prohibited
Selenium hexafluoride 2.3 UN2194 Prohibited Prohibited
Selenium nitride Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Selenium oxychloride 8 UN2879 I Prohibited Prohibited
Self-defense spray, aerosol, see
Aerosols, etc.
Self-defense spray, non-pressurized 9 NA3334 III 9C 9C
Self-heating liquid, corrosive,
inorganic, n.o.s.
4.2 UN3188 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating liquid, corrosive,
organic, n.o.s.
4.2 UN3185 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating liquid, inorganic, n.o.s. 4.2 UN3186 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating liquid, organic, n.o.s. 4.2 UN3183 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating liquid, toxic, inorganic,
4.2 UN3187 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating liquid, toxic, organic,
4.2 UN3184 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating solid, corrosive,
inorganic, n.o.s.
4.2 UN3192 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating solid, corrosive, organic,
4.2 UN3126 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating solid, inorganic, n.o.s. 4.2 UN3190 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating solid, organic, n.o.s. 4.2 UN3088 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating solid, oxidizing, n.o.s. 4.2 UN3127 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating solid, toxic, inorganic,
4.2 UN3191 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-heating solid, toxic, organic,
4.2 UN3128 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Self-propelled vehicle, see Engines
etc. or Batteries etc.
Self-reactive liquid type B 4.1 UN3221 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive liquid type B,
temperature controlled
4.1 UN3231 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
266 Publication 52
Self-reactive liquid type C 4.1 UN3223 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive liquid type C,
temperature controlled
4.1 UN3233 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive liquid type D 4.1 UN3225 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive liquid type D,
temperature controlled
4.1 UN3235 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive liquid type E 4.1 UN3227 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive liquid type E,
temperature controlled
4.1 UN3237 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive liquid type F 4.1 UN3229 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive liquid type F,
temperature controlled
4.1 UN3239 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive solid type B 4.1 UN3222 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive solid type B,
temperature controlled
4.1 UN3232 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive solid type C 4.1 UN3224 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive solid type C,
temperature controlled
4.1 UN3234 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive solid type D 4.1 UN3226 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive solid type D,
temperature controlled
4.1 UN3236 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive solid type E 4.1 UN3228 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive solid type E,
temperature controlled
4.1 UN3238 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive solid type F 4.1 UN3230 II Prohibited Prohibited
Self-reactive solid type F,
temperature controlled
4.1 UN3240 II Prohibited Prohibited
Shale Oil 3 UN1288 I Prohibited Prohibited
Shale Oil 3 UN1288 II, III Prohibited 3A
Shaped charges, see Charges,
shaped, etc.
Signal devices, hand 1.4G UN0191 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signal devices, hand 1.4S UN0373 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, distress, ship 1.1G UN0194 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, distress, ship 1.3G UN0195 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, distress, ship 1.4G UN0505 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, distress, ship 1.4S UN0506 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, highway, see Signal devices,
Signals, railway track, explosive 1.1G UN0192 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, railway track, explosive 1.3G UN0492 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, railway track, explosive 1.4G UN0493 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, railway track, explosive 1.4S UN0193 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, ship distress, water-
activated, see Contrivances, water-
activated, etc.
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 267
Signals, smoke 1.1G UN0196 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, smoke 1.2G UN0313 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, smoke 1.3G UN0487 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, smoke 1.4G UN0197 II Prohibited Prohibited
Signals, smoke 1.4S UN0507 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Silane 2.1 UN2203 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Silicofluoric acid, see Fluorosilicic
Silicon chloride, see Silicon
Silicon powder, amorphous 4.1 UN1346 III Prohibited Prohibited
Silicon tetrachloride 8 UN1818 II 8A 8A
Silicon tetrafluoride, compressed 2.3 UN1859 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Silver acetylide (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Silver arsenite 6.1 UN1683 II Prohibited Prohibited
Silver azide (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Silver chlorite (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Silver cyanide 6.1 UN1684 II Prohibited Prohibited
Silver fulminate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited
Silver nitrate 5.1 UN1493 II 5A 5A
Silver oxalate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Silver picrate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Silver picrate, wetted with not less
than 30 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1347 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sludge, acid 8 UN1906 II Prohibited Prohibited
Smokeless powder for small arms
(100 pounds or less)
4.1 NA3178 I Prohibited Prohibited
Soda lime with more than 4 percent
sodium hydroxide
8 UN1907 III 8A 8A
Sodium 4.3 UN1428 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium aluminate, solid 8 UN2812 III 8A 8A
Sodium aluminate, solution 8 UN1819 II, III 8A 8A
Sodium aluminum hydride 4.3 UN2835 II Prohibited 4A
Sodium ammonium vanadate 6.1 UN2863 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium arsanilate 6.1 UN2473 III 6A 6A
Sodium arsenate 6.1 UN1685 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium arsenite, aqueous solutions 6.1 UN1686 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium arsenite, aqueous solutions 6.1 UN1686 III 6A 6A
Sodium arsenite, solid 6.1 UN2027 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium azide 6.1 UN1687 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium bifluoride, see Sodium
Sodium bisulfite, solution, see
Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, n.o.s.
Sodium borohydride 4.3 UN1426 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
268 Publication 52
Sodium borohydride and sodium
hydroxide solution, with not more
than 12
percent sodium
borohydride and not more than
percent sodium hydroxide by
8 UN3320 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium bromate 5.1 UN1494 II 5A 5A
Sodium cacodylate 6.1 UN1688 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate 5.1 UN3378 II, III 5A 5A
Sodium chlorate 5.1 UN1495 II 5A 5A
Sodium chlorate, aqueous solution 5.1 UN2428 II, III 5A 5A
Sodium chlorate mixed with
dinitrotoluene, see Explosive,
blasting, type C
Sodium chlorite 5.1 UN1496 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium chloroacetate 6.1 UN2659 III 6A 6A
Sodium cuprocyanide, solid 6.1 UN2316 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium cuprocyanide, solution 6.1 UN2317 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium cyanide, solid 6.1 UN1689 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium cyanide, solution 6.1 UN3414 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium cyanide, solution 6.1 UN3414 III Prohibited 6A
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate or
Sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione,
see Dichloroisocyanuric acid etc.
Sodium dinitro-o-cresolate, dry or
wetted with less than 15
water, by mass
1.3C UN0234 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium dinitro-o-cresolate, wetted
with not less than 10
percent water,
by mass
4.1 UN3369 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium dinitro-o-cresolate, wetted
with not less than 15
percent water,
by mass
4.1 UN1348 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium dithionite or Sodium
4.2 UN1384 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium fluoride, solid 6.1 UN1690 III 6A 6A
Sodium fluoride, solution 6.1 UN3415 III 6A 6A
Sodium fluoroacetate 6.1 UN2629 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium fluorosilicate 6.1 UN2674 III 6A 6A
Sodium hydrate, see Sodium
hydroxide, solid
Sodium hydride 4.3 UN1427 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium hydrogendifluoride 8 UN2439 II 8A 8A
Sodium hydrosulfide, with less than
25 percent water of crystallization
4.2 UN2318 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 269
Sodium hydrosulfide, with not less
than 25 percent water of
8 UN2949 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium hydrosulfite, see Sodium
Sodium hydroxide, solid 8 UN1823 II 8A 8A
Sodium hydroxide solution 8 UN1824 II, III 8A 8A
Sodium hypochlorite, solution, see
Hypochlorite solutions
Sodium metal, liquid alloy, see Alkali
metal alloys, liquid, n.o.s.
Sodium methylate 4.2 UN1431 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium methylate solutions in
3 UN1289 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium methylate solutions in
3 UN1289 III Prohibited 3A
Sodium monoxide 8 UN1825 II 8A 8A
Sodium nitrate 5.1 UN1498 III 5A 5A
Sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate
5.1 UN1499 III 5A 5A
Sodium nitrite 5.1 UN1500 III 5A 5A
Sodium pentachlorophenate 6.1 UN2567 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium perborate monohydrate 5.1 UN3377 III 5A 5A
Sodium perchlorate 5.1 UN1502 II 5A 5A
Sodium permanganate 5.1 UN1503 II 5A 5A
Sodium peroxide 5.1 UN1504 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium peroxoborate, anhydrous 5.1 UN3247 II 5A 5A
Sodium persulfate 5.1 UN1505 III 5A 5A
Sodium phosphide 4.3 UN1432 I Prohibited 4A
Sodium picramate, dry or wetted with
less than 20 percent water, by mass
1.3C UN0235 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium picramate, wetted with not
less than 20 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1349 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium picryl peroxide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium potassium alloys, see
Potassium sodium alloys
Sodium selenate, see Selenates or
Sodium sulfide, anhydrous or
Sodium sulfide with less than
percent water of crystallization
4.2 UN1385 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium sulfide, hydrated with not
less than 30
percent water
8 UN1849 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium superoxide 5.1 UN2547 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sodium tetranitride Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Solids containing corrosive liquid,
8 UN3244 II 8A 8A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
270 Publication 52
Solids containing flammable liquid,
4.1 UN3175 II Prohibited 4A
Solids containing toxic liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3243 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sounding devices, explosive 1.1D UN0374 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sounding devices, explosive 1.1F UN0296 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sounding devices, explosive 1.2D UN0375 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sounding devices, explosive 1.2F UN0204 II Prohibited Prohibited
Spirits of salt, see Hydrochloric acid
Squibs, see Igniters
Stannic chloride, anhydrous 8 UN1827 II 8A 8A
Stannic chloride, pentahydrate 8 UN2440 III 8A 8A
Stannic phosphide 4.3 UN1433 I Prohibited Prohibited
Steel swarf, see Ferrous metal
borings, etc.
Stibine 2.3 UN2676 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Storage batteries, wet, see Batteries,
wet etc.
Strontium arsenite 6.1 UN1691 II Prohibited Prohibited
Strontium chlorate 5.1 UN1506 II 5A 5A
Strontium nitrate 5.1 UN1507 III 5A 5A
Strontium perchlorate 5.1 UN1508 II 5A 5A
Strontium peroxide 5.1 UN1509 II 5A 5A
Strontium phosphide 4.3 UN2013 I Prohibited Prohibited
Strychnine or Strychnine salts 6.1 UN1692 I Prohibited Prohibited
Stryphnic acid, see Trinitroresorcinol,
Styrene monomer, stabilized 3 UN2055 III Prohibited 3A
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.1A UN0473 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.1C UN0474 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.1D UN0475 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.1G UN0476 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.1L UN0357 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.2L UN0358 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.3C UN0477 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.3G UN0478 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.3L UN0359 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4C UN0479 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4D UN0480 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4G UN0485 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4S UN0481 II Prohibited Prohibited
Substances, explosive, very
insensitive, n.o.s., or Substances,
EVI, n.o.s.
1.5D UN0482 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 271
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides,
liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint
less than 23° C
3 UN2780 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides,
liquid, toxic
6.1 UN3014 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides,
liquid, toxic
6.1 UN3014 III 6A 6A
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides,
liquid, toxic flammable flashpoint
not less than 23° C
6.1 UN3013 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides,
liquid, toxic flammable flashpoint
not less than 23° C
6.1 UN3013 III 6A 6A
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides,
solid, toxic
6.1 UN2779 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Substituted nitrophenol pesticides,
solid, toxic
6.1 UN2779 III 6A 6A
Sucrose octanitrate (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfamic acid 8 UN2967 III 8A 8A
Sulfur 9 NA1350 III Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfur 4.1 UN1350 III Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfur and chlorate, loose mixtures of Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfur chlorides 8 UN1828 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfur dichloride, see Sulfur chlorides
Sulfur dioxide 2.3 UN1079 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfur dioxide solution, see Sulfurous
Sulfur hexafluoride 2.2 UN1080 n/a 2B 2B
Sulfur, molten 9 NA2448 III Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfur, molten 4.1 UN2448 III Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfur tetrafluoride 2.3 UN2418 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfur trioxide, stabilized 8 UN1829 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfuretted hydrogen, see Hydrogen
Sulfuric acid with more than
51 percent acid
8 UN1830 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfuric acid with not more than
percent acid
8 UN2796 II 8A 8A
Sulfuric acid, fuming with 30 percent
or more free sulfur trioxide
8 UN1831 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfuric acid, fuming with less than
30 percent free sulfur trioxide
8 UN1831 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfuric acid, spent 8 UN1832 II Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfuric and hydrofluoric acid
mixtures, see Hydrofluoric and
sulfuric acid mixtures
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
272 Publication 52
Sulfuric anhydride, see Sulfur
trioxide, inhibited
Sulfurous acid 8 UN1833 II 8A 8A
Sulfuryl chloride 8 UN1834 I Prohibited Prohibited
Sulfuryl fluoride 2.3 UN2191 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Tars, liquid including road oils and
cutback, bitumens
3 UN1999 II, III Prohibited 3A
Tear gas candles 6.1 UN1700 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tear gas cartridges, see Ammunition,
tearproducing, etc.
Tear gas devices with more than
2 percent tear gas substances, by
6.1 NA1693 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Tear gas devices with not more than
2 percent tear gas substances, by
mass, see Aerosols, etc.
Tear gas grenades, see Tear gas
Tear gas substances, liquid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1693 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Tear gas substances, solid, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3448 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Tellurium compound, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3284 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Tellurium compound, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3284 III 6A 6A
Tellurium hexafluoride 2.3 UN2195 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Terpene hydrocarbons, n.o.s. 3 UN2319 III Prohibited 3A
Terpinolene 3 UN2541 III Prohibited 3A
Tetraazido benzene quinone Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Tetrabromoethane 6.1 UN2504 III 6A 6A
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 6.1 UN1702 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tetrachloroethylene 6.1 UN1897 III 6A 6A
Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate 6.1 UN1704 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tetraethyl silicate 3 UN1292 III Prohibited 3A
Tetraethylammonium perchlorate
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Tetraethylenepentamine 8 UN2320 III 8A 8A
1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane or
Refrigerant gas R 134a
2.2 UN3159 n/a 2B 2B
Tetrafluoroethylene, stabilized 2.1 UN1081 n/a Prohibited 2A
Tetrafluoromethane or Refrigerant
gas R 14
2.2 UN1982 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
1,2,3,6-Tetrahydrobenzaldehyde 3 UN2498 III Prohibited 3A
Tetrahydrofuran 3 UN2056 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tetrahydrofurfurylamine 3 UN2943 III Prohibited 3A
Tetrahydrophthalic anhydrides with
more than 0.05 percent of maleic
8 UN2698 III 8A 8A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 273
1,2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine 3 UN2410 II Prohibited 3A
Tetrahydrothiophene 3 UN2412 II Prohibited 3A
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide,
8 UN3423 II 8A 8A
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide,
8 UN1835 II 8A 8A
Tetramethylene diperoxide
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Tetramethylsilane 3 UN2749 I Prohibited Prohibited
Tetranitro diglycerin Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Tetranitroaniline 1.1D UN0207 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tetranitromethane 5.1 UN1510 I Prohibited Prohibited
2,3,4,6-Tetranitrophenol Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2,3,4,6-Tetranitrophenyl methyl
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2,3,4,6-Tetranitrophenylnitramine Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Tetranitroresorcinol (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2,3,5,6-Tetranitroso nitrobenzene
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Tetrapropylorthotitanate 3 UN2413 III Prohibited 3A
Tetrazene, see Guanyl
Tetrazine (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Tetrazol-1-acetic acid 1.4C UN0407 II Prohibited Prohibited
1H-Tetrazole 1.1D UN0504 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Tetrazolyl azide (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Tetryl, see
Textile waste, wet 4.2 UN1857 III Prohibited Prohibited
Thallium chlorate 5.1 UN2573 II Prohibited Prohibited
Thallium compounds, n.o.s. 6.1 UN1707 II Prohibited Prohibited
Thallium nitrate 6.1 UN2727 II Prohibited Prohibited
4-Thiapentanal 6.1 UN2785 III 6A 6A
Thioacetic acid 3 UN2436 II Prohibited 3A
Thiocarbamate pesticide, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint less
than 23° C
3 UN2772 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Thiocarbamate pesticide, liquid,
6.1 UN3006 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Thiocarbamate pesticide, liquid,
6.1 UN3006 III 6A 6A
Thiocarbamate pesticides, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint not less
than 23°C
6.1 UN3005 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
274 Publication 52
Thiocarbamate pesticides, liquid,
flammable, toxic, flashpoint not less
than 23° C
6.1 UN3005 III 6A 6A
Thiocarbamate pesticides, solid,
6.1 UN2771 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Thiocarbamate pesticides, solid,
6.1 UN2771 III 6A 6A
Thiocarbonylchloride, see
Thiogylcol 6.1 UN2966 II Prohibited Prohibited
Thioglycolic acid 8 UN1940 II 8A 8A
Thiolactic acid 6.1 UN2936 II Prohibited Prohibited
Thionyl chloride 8 UN1836 I Prohibited Prohibited
Thiophene 3 UN2414 II Prohibited 3A
Thiophosgene 6.1 UN2474 II Prohibited Prohibited
Thiophosphoryl chloride 8 UN1837 II Prohibited Prohibited
Thiourea dioxide 4.2 UN3341 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Tin chloride, fuming, see Stannic
chloride, anhydrous
Tin perchloride or Tin tetrachloride,
see Stannic chloride, anhydrous
Tinctures, medicinal 3 UN1293 II, III Prohibited 3A
Tinning flux, see Zinc chloride
Tires and tire assemblies, see Air
compressed or Nitrogen,
Titanium disulphide 4.2 UN3174 III Prohibited Prohibited
Titanium hydride 4.1 UN1871 II Prohibited Prohibited
Titanium powder, dry 4.2 UN2546 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Titanium powder, wetted with not
less than 25 percent water (a visible
excess of water must be present) (a)
mechanically produced, particle size
less than 53 microns; (b) chemically
produced, particle size less than
840 microns
4.1 UN1352 II Prohibited Prohibited
Titanium sponge granules or
Titanium sponge powders
4.1 UN2878 III Prohibited Prohibited
Titanium tetrachloride 8 UN1838 II Prohibited Prohibited
Titanium trichloride mixtures 8 UN2869 II, III 8A 8A
Titanium trichloride, pryophoric or
Titanium trichloride mixtures,
4.2 UN2441 I Prohibited Prohibited
TNT mixed with aluminum, see
TNT, see Trinitrotoluene, etc.
Toluene 3 UN1294 II Prohibited 3A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 275
Toluene diisocyanate 6.1 UN2078 II Prohibited Prohibited
Toluene sulfonic acid, see Alkyl, or
Aryl sulfonic acid, etc.
Toluidines liquid 6.1 UN1708 II Prohibited Prohibited
Toluidines solid 6.1 UN3451 II Prohibited Prohibited
2,4-Toluylenediamine, solid or 2,4-
Toluenediamine, solid
6.1 UN1709 III 6A 6A
2,4-Toluylenediamine, solution or
2,4-Toluenediamine, solution
6.1 UN3418 III 6A 6A
Torpedoes with bursting charge 1.1D UN0451 II Prohibited Prohibited
Torpedoes with bursting charge 1.1E UN0329 II Prohibited Prohibited
Torpedoes with bursting charge 1.1F UN0330 II Prohibited Prohibited
Torpedoes, liquid fueled, with inert
1.3J UN0450 II Prohibited Prohibited
Torpedoes, liquid fueled, with or
without bursting charge
1.1J UN0449 II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, flammable,
corrosive, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower
than or equal to 200 ml/ m3 and
saturated vapor concentration
greater than or equal to 500 LC50
6.1 UN3488 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, flammable,
corrosive, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower
than or equal to 1000 ml/ m3 and
saturated vapor concentration
greater than or equal to 10 LC50
6.1 UN3489 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, n.o.s. with
an LC50 lower than or equal to
ml/m3 and saturated vapor
concentration greater than or equal
to 500 LC50
6.1 UN3381 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, n.o.s. with
an LC50 lower than or equal to
1000 ml/m3 and saturated vapor
concentration greater than or equal
to 10 LC50
6.1 UN3382 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, flammable,
n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or
equal to 200 ml/m3 and saturated
vapor concentration greater than or
equal to 500 LC50
6.1 UN3383 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, flammable,
n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or
equal to 1000 ml/m3 and saturated
vapor concentration greater than or
equal to 10 LC50
6.1 UN3384 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
276 Publication 52
Toxic by inhalation liquid, water-
reactive, flammable, n.o.s. with an
LC50 lower than or equal to 200 ml/
m3 and saturated vapor
concentration greater than or equal
to 500 LC50-
6.1 UN3490 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, water-
reactive, flammable, n.o.s. with an
LC50 lower than or equal to 1000
ml/ m3 and saturated vapor
concentration greater than or equal
to 10 LC50-
6.1 UN3491 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, water-
reactive, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower
than or equal to 200 ml/m3 and
saturated vapor concentration
greater than or equal to 500 LC50
6.1 UN3385 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, water-
reactive, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower
than or equal to 1000 ml/m3 and
saturated vapor concentration
greater than or equal to 10 LC50
6.1 UN3386 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, oxidizing,
n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or
equal to 200 ml/m3 and saturated
vapor concentration greater than or
equal to 500 LC50
6.1 UN3387 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, oxidizing,
n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or
equal to 1000 ml/m3 and saturated
vapor concentration greater than or
equal to 10 LC50
6.1 UN3388 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, corrosive,
n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or
equal to 200 ml/m3 and saturated
vapor concentration greater than or
equal to 500 LC50
6.1 UN3389 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic by inhalation liquid, corrosive,
n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or
equal to 1000 ml/m3 and saturated
vapor concentration greater than or
equal to 10 LC50
6.1 UN3390 I Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic liquid, corrosive, inorganic,
6.1 UN3289 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic liquid, inorganic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3287 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic liquid, inorganic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3287 III 6A 6A
Toxic liquids, corrosive, organic,
6.1 UN2927 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic liquids, flammable, organic,
6.1 UN2929 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic, liquids, organic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2810 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 277
Toxic, liquids, organic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2810 III 6A 6A
Toxic liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3122 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic liquids, water-reactive, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3123 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic solid, corrosive, inorganic,
6.1 UN3290 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic solid, inorganic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3288 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic solid, inorganic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3288 III 6A 6A
Toxic solids, corrosive, organic,
6.1 UN2928 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic solids, flammable, organic,
6.1 UN2930 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic solids, organic, n.o.s. 6.1 UN2811 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic solids, organic, n.o.s 6.1 UN2811 III 6A 6A
Toxic solids, oxidizing, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3086 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic solids, self-heating, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3124 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxic solids, water-reactive, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3125 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxins, extracted from living sources,
liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3172 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxins, extracted from living sources,
liquid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3172 III 6A 6A
Toxins, extracted from living sources,
solid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3462 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Toxins, extracted from living sources,
solid, n.o.s.
6.1 UN3462 III 6A 6A
Toy caps 1.4S NA0337 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tracers for ammunition 1.3G UN0212 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tracers for ammunition 1.4G UN0306 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tractors, see Vehicle, etc.
Tri-(b-nitroxyethyl) ammonium nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Triallyl borate 6.1 UN2609 III 6A 6A
Triallylamine 3 UN2610 III Prohibited Prohibited
Triazine pesticides, liquid, flammable,
toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
3 UN2764 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Triazine pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN2998 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Triazine pesticides, liquid, toxic 6.1 UN2998 III 6A 6A
Triazine pesticides, liquid, toxic,
flammable, flashpoint not less than
23° C
6.1 UN2997 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Triazine pesticides, liquid, toxic,
flammable, flashpoint not less than
23° C
6.1 UN2997 III 6A 6A
Triazine pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2763 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Triazine pesticides, solid, toxic 6.1 UN2763 III 6A 6A
Tributylamine 6.1 UN2542 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tributylphosphane 4.2 UN3254 I Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
278 Publication 52
Trichloro-s-triazinetrione dry, with
more than 39 percent available
chlorine, see Trichloroisocyanuric
acid, dry
Trichloroacetic acid 8 UN1839 II 8A 8A
Trichloroacetic acid, solution 8 UN2564 II, III 8A 8A
Trichloroacetyl chloride 8 UN2442 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trichlorbenzenes, liquid 6.1 UN2321 III 6A 6A
Trichlorobutene 6.1 UN2322 II Prohibited Prohibited
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 6.1 UN2831 III 6A 6A
Trichloroethylene 6.1 UN1710 III 6A 6A
Trichloroisocyanuric acid, dry 5.1 UN2468 II 5A 5A
Trichloromethyl perchlorate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trichlorosilane 4.3 UN1295 I Prohibited Prohibited
Tricresyl phosphate with more than
3 percent ortho isomer
6.1 UN2574 II Prohibited Prohibited
Triethyl phosphite 3 UN2323 III Prohibited 3A
Triethylamine 3 UN1296 II Prohibited Prohibited
Triethylenetetramine 8 UN2259 II 8A 8A
Trifluoroacetic acid 8 UN2699 I Prohibited Prohibited
Trifluoroacetyl chloride 2.3 UN3057 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Trifluorochloroethylene, stabilized 2.3 UN1082 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
1,1,1-Trifluoroethane, compressed
or Refrigerant gas R 143a
2.1 UN2035 n/a Prohibited 2A
Trifluoromethane or Refrigerant gas
R 23
2.2 UN1984 n/a 2B 2B
Trifluoromethane, refrigerated liquid 2.2 UN3136 n/a 2B 2B
2-Trifluoromethylaniline 6.1 UN2942 III 6A 6A
3-Trifluoromethylaniline 6.1 UN2948 II Prohibited Prohibited
Triformoxime trinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Triisobutylene 3 UN2324 III Prohibited 3A
Triisopropyl borate 3 UN2616 II, III Prohibited 3A
Trimethoxysilane 6.1 NA9269 I Prohibited Prohibited
Trimethyl borate 3 UN2416 II Prohibited 3A
Trimethyl phosphite 3 UN2329 III Prohibited 3A
1,3,5-Trimethyl-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trimethylacetyl chloride 6.1 UN2438 I Prohibited Prohibited
Trimethylamine, anhydrous 2.1 UN1083 n/a Prohibited 2A
Trimethylamine, aqueous solutions
with not more than 50
trimethylamine by mass
3 UN1297 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Trimethylamine, aqueous solutions
with not more than 50
trimethylamine by mass
3 UN1297 III Prohibited 3A
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 3 UN2325 III Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 279
Trimethylchlorosilane 3 UN1298 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trimethylcyclohexylamine 8 UN2326 III 8A 8A
Trimethylene glycol diperchlorate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
6.1 UN2328 III 6A 6A
Trimethylhexamethylenediamines 8 UN2327 III 8A 8A
Trimethylol nitromethane trinitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitro-m-cresol 1.1D UN0216 II Prohibited Prohibited
2,4,6-Trinitro-1,3,5-triazido benzene
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2,4,6-Trinitro-1,3-diazobenzene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitroacetic acid Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitroacetonitrile Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitroamine cobalt Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitroaniline or Picramide 1.1D UN0153 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitroanisole 1.1D UN0213 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrobenzene, wetted, with not less
than 10 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN3367 I Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrobenzene, dry or wetted with
less than 30
percent water, by mass
1.1D UN0214 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid 1.1D UN0386 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrobenzoic acid, dry or wetted
with less than 30
percent water, by
1.1D UN0215 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrobenzoic acid, wetted with not
less than 10
percent water, by mass
4.4 UN3368 I Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrobenzoic acid, wetted with not
less than 30 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1355 I Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrochlorobenzene or Picryl
1.1D UN0155 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrochlorobenzene (picryl
chloride), wetted, with not less than
percent water by mass
4.1 UN3365 I Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitroethanol Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitroethylnitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrofluorenone 1.1D UN0387 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitromethane Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitronaphthalene 1.1D UN0217 II Prohibited Prohibited
1,3,5-Trinitronaphthalene Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrophenetole 1.1D UN0218 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrophenol (picric acid), wetted
with not less than 10 percent water
by mass
4.1 UN3364 I Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrophenol or Picric acid, dry or
wetted with less than 30 percent
water, by mass
1.1D UN0154 II Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
280 Publication 52
Trinitrophenol, wetted with not less
than 30 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1344 I Prohibited Prohibited
2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl guanidine (dry) Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl nitramine Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl trimethylol
methyl nitramine trinitrate (dry)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine or
1.1D UN0208 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitroresorcinol or Styphnic acid,
dry or wetted with less than
percent water, or mixture of
alcohol and water, by mass
1.1D UN0219 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitroresorcinol, wetted or Styphnic
acid, wetted with not less than
percent water, or mixture of
alcohol and water, by mass
1.1D UN0394 II Prohibited Prohibited
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrotetramine cobalt nitrate Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrotoluene or TNT, dry or wetted
with less than 30 percent water, by
1.1D UN0209 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrotoluene (TNT) wetted, with not
less than 10 percent water by mass
4.1 UN3366 I Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrotoluene and Trinitrobenzene
mixtures or TNT and trinitrobenzene
mixtures or TNT and
hexanitrostilbene mixtures or
Trinitrotoluene and
hexanitrostilbene mixtures
1.1D UN0388 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrotoluene mixtures containing
Trinitrobenzene and
Hexanitrostilbene or TNT mixtures
containing trinitrobenzene and
1.1D UN0389 II Prohibited Prohibited
Trinitrotoluene wetted with not less
than 30 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1356 I Prohibited Prohibited
Tripropylamine 3 UN2260 III Prohibited 3A
Tripropylene 3 UN2057 II, III Prohibited 3A
Tris, bis-bifluoroamino diethoxy
propane (TVOPA)
Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Tris-(1-aziridinyl)phosphine oxide,
6.1 UN2501 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tris-(1-aziridinyl)phosphine oxide,
6.1 UN2501 III 6A 6A
Tritonal 1.1D UN0390 II Prohibited Prohibited
Tungsten hexafluoride 2.3 UN2196 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 281
Turpentine 3 UN1299 III Prohibited 3A
Turpentine substitute 3 UN1300 I Prohibited Prohibited
Turpentine substitute 3 UN1300 II, III Prohibited 3A
Undecane 3 UN2330 III Prohibited 3A
Urea hydrogen peroxide 5.1 UN1511 III 5A 5A
Urea nitrate, dry or wetted with less
than 20
percent water, by mass
1.1D UN0220 II Prohibited Prohibited
Urea nitrate, wetted with not less
than 10 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN3370 I Prohibited Prohibited
Urea nitrate, wetted with not less
than 20 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1357 I Prohibited Prohibited
Urea peroxide, see Urea hydrogen
Valeraldehyde 3 UN2058 II Prohibited 3A
Valeric acid, see Corrosive liquids,
Valeryl chloride 8 UN2502 II 8A 8A
Vanadium compound, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3285 I, II
Vanadium compound, n.o.s. 6.1 UN3285 III 6A 6A
Vanadium oxytrichloride 8 UN2443 II 8A 8A
Vanadium pentoxide, non-fused form 6.1 UN2862 III 6A 6A
Vanadium tetrachloride 8 UN2444 I Prohibited Prohibited
Vanadium trichloride 8 UN2475 III 8A 8A
Vanadyl sulfate 6.1 UN2931 II Prohibited Prohibited
Vehicle, flammable gas powered or
Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable gas
9 UN3166 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Vehicle, flammable liquid powered or
Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable liquid
9 UN3166 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Very signal cartridge, see Cartridges,
Vinyl acetate, stabilized 3 UN1301 II Prohibited 3A
Vinyl bromide, stabilized 2.1 UN1085 n/a Prohibited 2A
Vinyl butyrate, stabilized 3 UN2838 II Prohibited 3A
Vinyl chloride, stabilized 2.1 UN1086 n/a Prohibited 2A
Vinyl chloroacetate 6.1 UN2589 II Prohibited Prohibited
Vinyl ethyl ether, stabilized 3 UN1302 I Prohibited Prohibited
Vinyl fluoride, stabilized 2.1 UN1860 n/a Prohibited 2A
Vinyl isobutyl ether, stabilized 3 UN1304 II Prohibited 3A
Vinyl methyl ether, stabilized 2.1 UN1087 n/a Prohibited 2A
Vinyl nitrate polymer Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Vinylidene chloride, stabilized 3 UN1303 I Prohibited 3A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
282 Publication 52
Vinylpyridines, stabilized 6.1 UN3073 II Prohibited Prohibited
Vinyltoluenes, stabilized 3 UN2618 III Prohibited 3A
Vinyltrichlorosilane, stabilized 3 UN1305 I Prohibited Prohibited
Warheads, rocket with burster or
expelling charge
1.4D UN0370 II Prohibited Prohibited
Warheads, rocket with burster or
expelling charge
1.4F UN0371 II Prohibited Prohibited
Warheads, rocket with bursting
1.1D UN0286 II Prohibited Prohibited
Warheads, rocket with bursting
1.1F UN0369 II Prohibited Prohibited
Warheads, rocket with bursting
1.2D UN0287 II Prohibited Prohibited
Warheads, torpedo with bursting
1.1D UN0221 II Prohibited Prohibited
Water-reactive liquid, corrosive,
4.3 UN3129 I Prohibited Prohibited
Water-reactive liquid, corrosive,
4.3 UN3129 II, III Prohibited 4A
Water-reactive liquid, n.o.s. 4.3 UN3148 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Water-reactive liquid, toxic, n.o.s. 4.3 UN3130 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Water-reactive solid, corrosive, n.o.s. 4.3 UN3131 I Prohibited Prohibited
Water-reactive solid, corrosive, n.o.s. 4.3 UN3131 II, III Prohibited 4A
Water-reactive solid, flammable,
4.3 UN3132 I Prohibited Prohibited
Water-reactive solid, flammable,
4.3 UN3132 II, III Prohibited 4A
Water-reactive solid, n.o.s. 4.3 UN2813 I Prohibited Prohibited
Water-reactive solid, n.o.s. 4.3 UN2813 II, III Prohibited 4A
Water-reactive solid, oxidizing, n.o.s. 4.3 UN3133 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Water-reactive solid, self-heating,
4.3 UN3135 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Water-reactive solid, toxic, n.o.s. 4.3 UN3134 I Prohibited Prohibited
Water-reactive solid, toxic, n.o.s. 4.3 UN3134 II, III Prohibited 4A
Wheel chair, electric, see Battery
powered vehicle or Battery
powered equipment
White acid, see Hydroflouric acid
White asbestos (chrysotile, actinolite,
anthophyllite, tremolite)
9 UN2590 III Prohibited 9C
Wood preservatives, liquid 3 UN1306 II, III Prohibited 3A
Wool waste, wet 4.2 UN1387 III Prohibited Prohibited
Xanthates 4.2 UN3342 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Xenon, compressed 2.2 UN2036 n/a 2B 2B
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Hazardous Materials Table: Postal Service Mailability Guide Appendix A
September 7, 2023 283
Xenon, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic
2.2 UN2591 n/a Prohibited Prohibited
Xylenes 3 UN1307 II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Xylenols, solid 6.1 UN2261 II Prohibited Prohibited
Xylenols, liquid 6.1 UN3430 II Prohibited Prohibited
Xylidines, solid 6.1 UN3452 II Prohibited Prohibited
Xylidines, liquid 6.1 UN1711 II Prohibited Prohibited
Xylyl bromide, liquid 6.1 UN1701 II Prohibited Prohibited
Xylyl bromide, solid 6.1 UN3417 II Prohibited Prohibited
p-Xylyl diazide Forbidden Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
Zinc ammonium nitrite 5.1 UN1512 II Prohibited Prohibited
Zinc arsenate or Zinc arsenite or Zinc
arsenate and zinc arsenite mixtures
6.1 UN1712 II Prohibited Prohibited
Zinc ashes 4.3 UN1435 III Prohibited 4A
Zinc bisulfite solution, see Bisulfites,
aqueous solutions, n.o.s.
Zinc bromate 5.1 UN2469 III 5A 5A
Zinc chlorate 5.1 UN1513 II 5A 5A
Zinc chloride, anhydrous 8 UN2331 III Prohibited Prohibited
Zinc chloride, solution 8 UN1840 III 8A 8A
Zinc cyanide 6.1 UN1713 I Prohibited Prohibited
Zinc dithionite or Zinc hydrosulfite 9 UN1931 III Prohibited 9C
Zinc fluorosilicate 6.1 UN2855 III 6A 6A
Zinc hydrosulfite, see Zinc dithionite
Zinc muriate solution, see Zinc
chloride, solution
Zinc nitrate 5.1 UN1514 II 5A 5A
Zinc permanganate 5.1 UN1515 II 5A 5A
Zinc peroxide 5.1 UN1516 II 5A 5A
Zinc phosphide 4.3 UN1714 I Prohibited Prohibited
Zinc powder or Zinc dust 4.3 UN1436 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Zinc resinate 4.1 UN2714 III Prohibited 4A
Zinc selenate, see Selenates or
Zinc selenite, see Selenates or
Zinc silicofluoride, see Zinc
Zirconium, dry, coiled wire, finished
metal sheets, strip (thinner than
254 microns but not thinner than
4.1 UN2858 III Prohibited 4A
Zirconium, dry, finished sheets, strip
or coiled wire
4.2 UN2009 III Prohibited Prohibited
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
Appendix A Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
284 Publication 52
Zirconium hydride 4.1 UN1437 II Prohibited Prohibited
Zirconium nitrate 5.1 UN2728 III 5A 5A
Zirconium picramate, dry or wetted
with less than 20 percent water, by
1.3C UN0236 II Prohibited Prohibited
Zirconium picramate, wetted with not
less than 20 percent water, by mass
4.1 UN1517 I Prohibited Prohibited
Zirconium powder, dry 4.2 UN2008 I, II, III Prohibited Prohibited
Zirconium powder, wetted with not
less than 25 percent water (a visible
excess of water must be present) (a)
mechanically produced, particle size
less than 53 microns; (b) chemically
produced, particle size less than
840 microns
4.1 UN1358 II Prohibited Prohibited
Zirconium scrap 4.2 UN1932 III Prohibited Prohibited
Zirconium suspended in a liquid 3 UN1308 I, II Prohibited Prohibited
Zirconium suspended in a liquid 3 UN1308 III Prohibited 3A
Zirconium tetrachloride 8 UN2503 III 8A 8A
Hazardous Materials Descriptions
and Proper Shipping Names (a)
Class (b)
Number (c)
PG (d)
Mail Air (e)
Surface (f)
September 7, 2023 285
Appendix B
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names
by Identification (ID) Number
This appendix contains a numerical list of the United Nations (UN) and North
American (NA) identification (ID) numbers for proper shipping names of the
hazardous materials listed alphabetically in Appendix
A. The text appearing
in italic type is not part of the proper shipping name of the hazardous
material and is used for descriptive or references purposes only. This
numerical list can be used to determine the proper shipping name of a
hazardous material when the UN or NA number is known. Once the proper
shipping name is known, it can be referenced back to Appendix
A to
determine the mailability of the hazardous material.
UN0004 Ammonium picrate, dry or wetted with less than 10 percent water, by mass
UN0005 Cartridges for weapons, with bursting charge
UN0006 Cartridges for weapons, with bursting charge
UN0007 Cartridges for weapons, with bursting charge
UN0009 Ammunition, incendiary with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0010 Ammunition, incendiary with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0012 Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile or Cartridges, small arms
UN0014 Cartridges for weapons, blank or Cartridges, small arms, blank
UN0015 Ammunition, smoke, with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0016 Ammunition, smoke, with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0018 Ammunition, tear–producing with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0019 Ammunition, tear–producing with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0020 Ammunition, toxic with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0021 Ammunition, toxic with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
NA0027 Black powder for small arms
UN0027 Black powder or Gunpowder, granular or as a meal
UN0028 Black powder, compressed or Gunpowder, compressed or Black powder, in pellets or Gunpowder, in
UN0029 Detonators, non–electric, for blasting
UN0030 Detonators, electric, for blasting
UN0033 Bombs, with bursting charge
UN0034 Bombs, with bursting charge
UN0035 Bombs, with bursting charge
UN0037 Bombs, photo–flash
UN0038 Bombs, photo–flash
UN0039 Bombs, photo–flash
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
286 Publication 52
UN0042 Boosters, without detonator
UN0043 Bursters, explosive
UN0044 Primers, cap type
UN0048 Charges, demolition
UN0049 Cartridges, flash
UN0050 Cartridges, flash
UN0054 Cartridges, signal
UN0055 Cases, cartridge, empty with primer
UN0056 Charges, depth
UN0059 Charges, shaped, without detonator
UN0060 Charges, supplementary explosive
UN0065 Cord, detonating, flexible
UN0066 Cord, igniter
UN0070 Cutters, cable, explosive
UN0072 Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, wetted or Cyclonite, wetted or Hexogen, wetted or RDX, wetted with
not less than 15 percent water by mass
UN0073 Detonators for ammunition
UN0074 Diazodinitrophenol, wetted with not less than 40 percent water or mixture of alcohol and water, by
UN0075 Diethyleneglycol dinitrate, desensitized with not less than 25 percent non–volatile water–insoluble
phlegmatizer, by mass
UN0076 Dinitrophenol, dry or wetted with less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN0077 Dinitrophenolates alkali metals, dry or wetted with less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN0078 Dinitroresorcinol, dry or wetted with less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN0079 Hexanitrodiphenylamine or Dipicrylamine or Hexyl
UN0081 Explosive, blasting, type A
UN0082 Explosive, blasting, type B
UN0083 Explosive, blasting, type C
UN0084 Explosive, blasting, type D
UN0092 Flares, surface
UN0093 Flares, aerial
UN0094 Flash powder
UN0099 Fracturing devices, explosives, without detonators for oil wells
UN0101 Fuse, non–detonating (instantaneous or quickmatch)
UN0102 Cord detonating or Fuse detonating metal clad
UN0103 Fuse, igniter tubular metal clad
UN0104 Cord, detonating, mild effect or Fuse, detonating, mild effect metal clad
UN0105 Fuse, safety
UN0106 Fuzes, detonating
UN0107 Fuzes, detonating
UN0110 Grenades, practice, hand or rifle
UN0113 Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene hydrazine, wetted with not less than 30 percent water, by mass
UN0114 Guanyl nitrosaminoguanyltetrazene, wetted or Tetrazene, wetted with not less than 30 percent water
or mixture of alcohol and water, by mass
UN0118 Hexolite, or Hexotol dry or wetted with less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN0121 Igniters
NA0124 Jet, perforating guns, charged oil well, with detonator
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 287
UN0124 Jet, perforating guns, charged oil well, without detonator
UN0129 Lead azide, wetted with not less than 20 percent water or mixture of alcohol and water, by mass
UN0130 Lead styphnate, wetted or Lead trinitroresorcinate, wetted with not less than 20 percent water or
mixture of alcohol and water, by mass
UN0131 Lighters, fuse
UN0132 Deflagrating metal salts of aromatic nitroderivatives, n.o.s.
UN0133 Mannitol hexanitrate, wetted or Nitromannite, wetted with not less than 40 percent water, or mixture
of alcohol and water, by mass
UN0135 Mercury fulminate, wetted with not less than 20 percent water, or mixture of alcohol and water, by
UN0136 Mines with bursting charge
UN0137 Mines with bursting charge
UN0138 Mines with bursting charge
UN0143 Nitroglycerin, desensitized with not less than 40 percent non–volatile water insoluble phlegmatizer, by
UN0144 Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, with more than 1 percent but not more than 10 percent nitroglycerin
UN0146 Nitrostarch, dry or wetted with less than 20 percent water, by mass
UN0147 Nitro urea
UN0150 Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, wetted or Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, wetted or PETN, wetted with not less
than 25 percent water, by mass, or Pentaerythrite tetranitrate, or Pentaerythritol tetranitrate, or PETN,
desensitized with not less than 15 percent
UN0151 Pentolite, dry or wetted with less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN0153 Trinitroaniline or Picramide
UN0154 Trinitrophenol or Picric acid, dry or wetted with less than 30 percent water, by mass
UN0155 Trinitrochlorobenzene or Picryl chloride
UN0159 Powder cake, wetted or Powder paste, wetted with not less than 25 percent water, by mass
UN0160 Powder, smokeless
UN0161 Powder, smokeless
UN0167 Projectiles, with bursting charge
UN0168 Projectiles, with bursting charge
UN0169 Projectiles, with bursting charge
UN0171 Ammunition, illuminating with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0173 Release devices, explosive
UN0174 Rivets, explosive
UN0180 Rockets, with bursting charge
UN0181 Rockets, with bursting charge
UN0182 Rockets, with bursting charge
UN0183 Rockets, with inert head
UN0186 Rocket motors
UN0190 Samples, explosive, other than initiating explosives
UN0191 Signal devices, hand
UN0192 Signals, railway track, explosive
UN0193 Signals, railway track, explosive
UN0194 Signals, distress, ship
UN0195 Signals, distress, ship
UN0196 Signals, smoke
UN0197 Signals, smoke
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
288 Publication 52
UN0204 Sounding devices, explosive
UN0207 Tetranitroaniline
UN0208 Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine or Tetryl
UN0209 Trinitrotoluene or TNT, dry or wetted with less than 30 percent water, by mass
UN0212 Tracers for ammunition
UN0213 Trinitroanisole
UN0214 Trinitrobenzene, dry or wetted with less than 30 percent water, by mass
UN0215 Trinitrobenzoic acid, dry or wetted with less than 30 percent water, by mass
UN0216 Trinitro–meta–cresol
UN0217 Trinitronaphthalene
UN0218 Trinitrophenetole
UN0219 Trinitroresorcinol or Styphnic acid, dry or wetted with less than 20 percent water, or mixture of alcohol
and water, by mass
UN0220 Urea nitrate, dry or wetted with less than 20 percent water, by mass
UN0221 Warheads, torpedo with bursting charge
UN0222 Ammonium nitrate, with more than 0.2 percent combustible substances, including any organic
substance calculated as carbon, to the exclusion of any other added substance
UN0224 Barium azide, dry or wetted with less than 50 percent water, by mass
UN0225 Boosters with detonator
UN0226 Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine, wetted or HMX, wetted or Octogen, wetted with not less than 15
percent water, by mass
UN0234 Sodium dinitro–o–cresolate, dry or wetted with less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN0235 Sodium picramate, dry or wetted with less than 20 percent water, by mass
UN0236 Zirconium picramate, dry or wetted with less than 20 percent water, by mass
UN0237 Charges, shaped, flexible, linear
UN0238 Rockets, line–throwing
UN0240 Rockets, line–throwing
UN0241 Explosive, blasting, type E
UN0242 Charges, propelling, for cannon
UN0243 Ammunition, incendiary, white phosphorus, with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0244 Ammunition, incendiary, white phosphorus, with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0245 Ammunition smoke, white phosphorus with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0246 Ammunition, smoke, white phosphorus with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0247 Ammunition, incendiary liquid or gel, with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0248 Contrivances, water–activated, with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0249 Contrivances, water–activated, with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0250 Rocket motors with hypergolic liquids with or without an expelling charge
UN0254 Ammunition, illuminating with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0255 Detonators, electric, for blasting
UN0257 Fuzes, detonating
UN0266 Octolite or Octol, dry or wetted with less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN0267 Detonators, non–electric, for blasting
UN0268 Boosters with detonator
UN0271 Charges, propelling
UN0272 Charges, propelling
UN0275 Cartridges, power device
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 289
NA0276 Model rocket motor
UN0276 Cartridges, power device
UN0277 Cartridges, oil well
UN0278 Cartridges, oil well
UN0279 Charges, propelling, for cannon
UN0280 Rocket motors
UN0281 Rocket motors
UN0282 Nitroguanidine or Picrite, dry or wetted with less than 20 percent water, by mass
UN0283 Boosters, without detonator
UN0284 Grenades, hand or rifle, with bursting charge
UN0285 Grenades, hand or rifle, with bursting charge
UN0286 Warheads, rocket with bursting charge
UN0287 Warheads, rocket with bursting charge
UN0288 Charges, shaped, flexible, linear
UN0289 Cord, detonating, flexible
UN0290 Cord, detonating or Fuse, detonating metal clad
UN0291 Bombs, with bursting charge
UN0292 Grenades, hand or rifle, with bursting charge
UN0293 Grenades, hand or rifle, with bursting charge
UN0294 Mines with bursting charge
UN0295 Rockets, with bursting charge
UN0296 Sounding devices, explosive
UN0297 Ammunition, illuminating with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0299 Bombs, photo–flash
UN0300 Ammunition, incendiary with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0301 Ammunition, tear–producing with burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0303 Ammunition, smoke, with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge
UN0305 Flash powder
UN0306 Tracers for ammunition
UN0312 Cartridges, signal
UN0313 Signals, smoke
UN0314 Igniters
UN0315 Igniters
UN0316 Fuzes, igniting
UN0317 Fuzes, igniting
UN0318 Grenades, practice, hand or rifle
UN0319 Primers, tubular
UN0320 Primers, tubular
UN0321 Cartridges for weapons, with bursting charge
UN0322 Rocket motors with hypergolic liquids with or without an expelling charge
NA0323 Model rocket motor
UN0323 Cartridges, power device
UN0324 Projectiles, with bursting charge
UN0325 Igniters
UN0326 Cartridges for weapons, blank
UN0327 Cartridges for weapons, blank or Cartridges, small arms, blank
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
290 Publication 52
UN0328 Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile
UN0329 Torpedoes with bursting charge
UN0330 Torpedoes with bursting charge
NA0331 Ammonium nitrate–fuel oil mixture containing only prilled ammonium nitrate and fuel oil
UN0331 Explosive, blasting, type B or Agent blasting, Type B
UN0332 Explosive, blasting, type E or Agent blasting, Type E
UN0333 Fireworks
UN0334 Fireworks
UN0335 Fireworks
UN0336 Fireworks
NA0337 Toy caps
UN0337 Fireworks
UN0338 Cartridges for weapons, blank or Cartridges, small arms, blank
UN0339 Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile or Cartridges, small arms
UN0340 Nitrocellulose, dry or wetted with less than 25 percent water (or alcohol), by mass
UN0341 Nitrocellulose, unmodified or plasticized with less than 18 percent plasticizing substance, by mass
UN0342 Nitrocellulose, wetted with not less than 25 percent alcohol, by mass
UN0343 Nitrocellulose, plasticized with not less than 18 percent plasticizing substance, by mass
UN0344 Projectiles, with bursting charge
UN0345 Projectiles, inert with tracer
UN0346 Projectiles, with burster or expelling charge
UN0347 Projectiles, with burster or expelling charge
UN0348 Cartridges for weapons, with bursting charge
NA0349 Grenades, empty primed
UN0349 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0350 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0351 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0352 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0353 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0354 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0355 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0356 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0357 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0358 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0359 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0360 Detonator assemblies, non–electric for blasting
UN0361 Detonator assemblies, non–electric for blasting
UN0362 Ammunition, practice
UN0363 Ammunition, proof
UN0364 Detonators for ammunition
UN0365 Detonators for ammunition
UN0366 Detonators for ammunition
UN0367 Fuzes, detonating
UN0368 Fuzes, igniting
UN0369 Warheads, rocket with bursting charge
UN0370 Warheads, rocket with burster or expelling charge
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 291
UN0371 Warheads, rocket with burster or expelling charge
UN0372 Grenades, practice, hand or rifle
UN0373 Signal devices, hand
UN0374 Sounding devices, explosive
UN0375 Sounding devices, explosive
UN0376 Primers, tubular
UN0377 Primers, cap type
UN0378 Primers, cap type
UN0379 Cases, cartridges, empty with primer
UN0380 Articles, pyrophoric
UN0381 Cartridges, power device
UN0382 Components, explosive train, n.o.s.
UN0383 Components, explosive train, n.o.s.
UN0384 Components, explosive train, n.o.s.
UN0385 5–Nitrobenzotriazol
UN0386 Trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid
UN0387 Trinitrofluorenone
UN0388 Trinitrotoluene and Trinitrobenzene mixtures or TNT and trinitrobenzene mixtures or TNT and
hexanitrostilbene mixtures or Trinitrotoluene and hexanitrostilbene mixtures
UN0389 Trinitrotoluene mixtures containing Trinitrobenzene and Hexanitrostilbene or TNT mixtures containing
trinitrobenzene and hexanitrostilbene
UN0390 Tritonal
UN0391 RDX and HMX mixtures, wetted with not less than 15 percent water by mass or RDX and HMX
mixtures, desensitized with not less than 10 percent phlegmatizer by mass
UN0392 Hexanitrostilbene
UN0393 Hexotonal
UN0394 Trinitroresorcinol, wetted or Styphnic acid, wetted with not less than 20 percent water, or mixture of
alcohol and water, by mass
UN0395 Rocket motors, liquid fueled
UN0396 Rocket motors, liquid fueled
UN0397 Rockets, liquid fueled with bursting charge
UN0398 Rockets, liquid fueled with bursting charge
UN0399 Bombs with flammable liquid, with bursting charge
UN0400 Bombs with flammable liquid, with bursting charge
UN0401 Dipicryl sulfide, dry or wetted with less than 10 percent water, by mass
UN0402 Ammonium perchlorate
UN0403 Flares, aerial
UN0404 Flares, aerial
UN0405 Cartridges, signal
UN0406 Dinitrosobenzene
UN0407 Tetrazol–1–acetic acid
UN0408 Fuzes, detonating, with protective features
UN0409 Fuzes, detonating, with protective features
UN0410 Fuzes, detonating, with protective features
UN0411 Pentaerythrite tetranitrate or Pentaerythritol tetranitrate or PETN, with not less than 7 percent wax by
UN0412 Cartridges for weapons, with bursting charge
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
292 Publication 52
UN0413 Cartridges for weapons, blank
UN0414 Charges, propelling, for cannon
UN0415 Charges, propelling
UN0417 Cartridges for weapons, inert projectile or Cartridges, small arms
UN0418 Flares, surface
UN0419 Flares, surface
UN0420 Flares, aerial
UN0421 Flares, aerial
UN0424 Projectiles, inert with tracer
UN0425 Projectiles, inert with tracer
UN0426 Projectiles, with burster or expelling charge
UN0427 Projectiles, with burster or expelling charge
UN0428 Articles, pyrotechnic for technical purposes
UN0429 Articles, pyrotechnic for technical purposes
UN0430 Articles, pyrotechnic for technical purposes
UN0431 Articles, pyrotechnic for technical purposes
UN0432 Articles, pyrotechnic for technical purposes
UN0433 Powder cake, wetted or Powder paste, wetted with not less than 17 percent alcohol by mass
UN0434 Projectiles, with burster or expelling charge
UN0435 Projectiles, with burster or expelling charge
UN0436 Rockets, with expelling charge
UN0437 Rockets, with expelling charge
UN0438 Rockets, with expelling charge
UN0439 Charges, shaped, without detonator
UN0440 Charges, shaped, without detonator
UN0441 Charges, shaped, without detonator
UN0442 Charges, explosive, commercial without detonator
UN0443 Charges, explosive, commercial without detonator
UN0444 Charges, explosive, commercial without detonator
UN0445 Charges, explosive, commercial without detonator
UN0446 Cases, combustible, empty, without primer
UN0447 Cases, combustible, empty, without primer
UN0448 5–Mercaptotetrazol–1–acetic acid
UN0449 Torpedoes, liquid fueled, with or without bursting charge
UN0450 Torpedoes, liquid fueled, with inert head
UN0451 Torpedoes with bursting charge
UN0452 Grenades, practice, hand or rifle
UN0453 Rockets, line–throwing
UN0454 Igniters
UN0455 Detonators, non–electric, for blasting
UN0456 Detonators, electric, for blasting
UN0457 Charges, bursting, plastics bonded
UN0458 Charges, bursting, plastics bonded
UN0459 Charges, bursting, plastics bonded
UN0460 Charges, bursting, plastics bonded
UN0461 Components, explosive train, n.o.s.
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 293
UN0462 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0463 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0464 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0465 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0466 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0467 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0468 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0469 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0470 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0471 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0472 Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
NA0473 Barium styphnate or Lead mononitroresorcinate
UN0473 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0474 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0475 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0476 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0477 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0478 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0479 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0480 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0481 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0482 Substances, explosive, very insensitive, n.o.s., or Substances, EVI, n.o.s.
UN0483 Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, desensitized or Cyclonite, desensitized or Hexogen, desensitized or
RDX, desensitized
UN0484 Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine, desensitized or Octogen, desensitized or HMX, desensitized
UN0485 Substances, explosive, n.o.s.
UN0486 Articles, explosive, extremely insensitive or Articles, EEI
UN0487 Signals, smoke
UN0488 Ammunition, practice
UN0489 Dinitroglycoluril or Dingu
UN0490 Nitrotriazolone or NTO
UN0491 Charges, propelling
UN0492 Signals, railway track, explosive
UN0493 Signals, railway track, explosive
NA0494 Jet, perforating guns, charged oil well, with detonator
UN0494 Jet, perforating guns, charged oil well, without detonator
UN0495 Propellant, liquid
UN0496 Octonal
UN0497 Propellant, liquid
UN0498 Propellant, solid
UN0499 Propellant, solid
UN0500 Detonator assemblies, non–electric for blasting
UN0503 Air bag inflators, or Air bag modules, or Seatbelt pretensioners
UN0504 1H-Tetrazole
UN1001 Acetylene, dissolved
UN1002 Air, compressed
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
294 Publication 52
UN1003 Air, refrigerated liquid, (cryogenic liquid) or Air, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid) non–pressurized
UN1005 Ammonia, anhydrous
UN1006 Argon, compressed
UN1008 Boron trifluoride
UN1009 Bromotrifluoromethane or Refrigerant gas, R 13B1
UN1010 Butadienes, stabilized or Butadienes and Hydrocarbon mixture, stabilized containing more than 40%
UN1011 Butane see also Petroleum gases, liquified
UN1012 Butylene see also Petroleum gases, liquified
UN1013 Carbon dioxide
UN1016 Carbon monoxide, compressed
UN1017 Chlorine
UN1018 Chlorodifluoromethane or Refrigerant gas R 22
UN1020 Chloropentafluoroethane or Refrigerant gas R 115
UN1021 1–Chloro–1,2,2,2–tetrafluoroethane or Refrigerant gas R 124
UN1022 Chlorotrifluoromethane or Refrigerant gas R 13
UN1023 Coal gas, compressed
UN1026 Cyanogen
UN1027 Cyclopropane
UN1028 Dichlorodifluoromethane or Refrigerant gas R 12
UN1029 Dichlorofluoromethane or Refrigerant gas R 21
UN1030 1,1–Difluoroethane or Refrigerant gas R 152a
UN1032 Dimethylamine, anhydrous
UN1033 Dimethyl ether
UN1035 Ethane
UN1036 Ethylamine
UN1037 Ethyl chloride
UN1038 Ethylene, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid)
UN1039 Ethyl methyl ether
UN1040 Ethylene oxide or Ethylene oxide with nitrogen up to a total pressure of 1MPa (10 bar) at 50° C
UN1041 Ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide mixtures with more than 9 percent but not more than 87 percent
ethylene oxide
UN1043 Fertilizer ammoniating solution with free ammonia
UN1044 Fire extinguishers containing compressed or liquified gas
UN1045 Fluorine, compressed
UN1046 Helium, compressed
UN1048 Hydrogen bromide, anhydrous
UN1049 Hydrogen, compressed
UN1050 Hydrogen chloride, anhydrous
UN1051 Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized with less than 3 percent water
UN1052 Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous
UN1053 Hydrogen sulfide
UN1055 Isobutylene see also Petroleum gases, liquified
UN1056 Krypton, compressed
UN1057 Lighters or Lighter refills cigarettes, containing flammable gas
UN1058 Liquified gases, nonflammable charged with nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or air
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 295
UN1060 Methyl acetylene and propadiene mixtures, stabilized
UN1061 Methylamine, anhydrous
UN1062 Methyl bromide
UN1063 Methyl chloride, or Refrigerant gas R 40
UN1064 Methyl mercaptan
UN1065 Neon, compressed
UN1066 Nitrogen, compressed
UN1067 Dinitrogen tetroxide
UN1069 Nitrosyl chloride
UN1070 Nitrous oxide
UN1071 Oil gas, compressed
UN1072 Oxygen, compressed
UN1073 Oxygen, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid)
UN1075 Petroleum gases, liquified or Liquified petroleum gas
UN1076 Phosgene
UN1077 Propylene see also Petroleum gases, liquified
UN1078 Refrigerant gases, n.o.s.
UN1079 Sulfur dioxide
UN1080 Sulfur hexafluoride
UN1081 Tetrafluoroethylene, stabilized
UN1082 Trifluorochloroethylene, stabilized
UN1083 Trimethylamine, anhydrous
UN1085 Vinyl bromide, stabilized
UN1086 Vinyl chloride, stabilized
UN1087 Vinyl methyl ether, stabilized
UN1088 Acetal
UN1089 Acetaldehyde
UN1090 Acetone
UN1091 Acetone oils
UN1092 Acrolein,stabilized
UN1093 Acrylonitrile, stabilized
UN1098 Allyl alcohol
UN1099 Allyl bromide
UN1100 Allyl chloride
UN1104 Amyl acetates
UN1105 Pentanols
UN1106 Amylamines
UN1107 Amyl chlorides
UN1108 1–Pentene (n–amylene)
UN1109 Amyl formates
UN1110 n–Amyl methyl ketone
UN1111 Amyl mercaptans
UN1112 Amyl nitrate
UN1113 Amyl nitrites
UN1114 Benzene
UN1120 Butanols
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
296 Publication 52
UN1123 Butyl acetates
UN1125 n–Butylamine
UN1126 1–Bromobutane
UN1127 Chlorobutanes
UN1128 n–Butyl formate
UN1129 Butyraldehyde
UN1130 Camphor oil
UN1131 Carbon disulfide
UN1133 Adhesives, containing a flammable liquid
UN1134 Chlorobenzene
UN1135 Ethylene chlorohydrin
UN1136 Coal tar distillates, flammable
UN1139 Coating solution (includes surface treatments or coatings used for industrial or other purposes such as
vehicle undercoating, drum or barrel lining)
UN1143 Crotonaldehyde, or Crotonaldehyde, stabilized
UN1144 Crotonylene
UN1145 Cyclohexane
UN1146 Cyclopentane
UN1148 Diacetone alcohol
UN1149 Dibutyl ethers
UN1150 1,2–Dichloroethylene
UN1152 Dichloropentanes
UN1153 Ethylene glycol diethyl ether
UN1154 Diethylamine
UN1155 Diethyl ether or Ethyl ether
UN1156 Diethyl ketone
UN1157 Diisobutyl ketone
UN1158 Diisopropylamine
UN1159 Diisopropyl ether
UN1160 Dimethylamine solution
UN1161 Dimethyl carbonate
UN1162 Dimethyldichlorosilane
UN1163 Dimethylhydrazine, unsymmetrical
UN1164 Dimethyl sulfide
UN1165 Dioxane
UN1166 Dioxolane
UN1167 Divinyl ether, stabilized
UN1169 Extracts, aromatic, liquid
UN1170 Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol or Ethanol solutions or Ethyl alcohol solutions
UN1171 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
UN1172 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate
UN1173 Ethyl acetate
UN1175 Ethylbenzene
UN1176 Ethyl borate
UN1177 2–Ethylbutyl acetate
UN1178 2–Ethylbutyraldehyde
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 297
UN1179 Ethyl butyl ether
UN1180 Ethyl butyrate
UN1181 Ethyl chloroacetate
UN1182 Ethyl chloroformate
UN1183 Ethyldichlorosilane
UN1184 Ethylene dichloride
UN1185 Ethyleneimine, stabilized
UN1188 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether
UN1189 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate
UN1190 Ethyl formate
UN1191 Octyl aldehydes
UN1192 Ethyl lactate
UN1193 Ethyl methyl ketone or Methyl ethyl ketone
UN1194 Ethyl nitrate solutions
UN1195 Ethyl propionate
UN1196 Ethyltrichlorosilane
UN1197 Extracts, flavoring, liquid
UN1198 Formaldehyde, solutions, flammable
UN1199 Furaldehydes
UN1201 Fusel oil
UN1202 Diesel fuel
NA1203 Gasohol gasoline mixed with ethyl alcohol, with not more than 20 percent alcohol
UN1203 Gasoline
UN1204 Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, with not more than 1 percent nitroglycerin
UN1206 Heptanes
UN1207 Hexaldehyde
UN1208 Hexanes
UN1210 Printing ink, flammable
UN1212 Isobutanol or Isobutyl alcohol
UN1213 Isobutyl acetate
UN1214 Isobutylamine
UN1216 Isooctenes
UN1218 Isoprene, inhibited
UN1219 Isopropanol or Isopropyl alcohol
UN1220 Isopropyl acetate
UN1221 Isopropylamine
UN1222 Isopropyl nitrate
UN1223 Kerosene
UN1224 Ketones, liquid, n.o.s.
NA1226 Lighters for cigars, cigarettes, etc., with lighter fluids
UN1228 Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liquid, flammable, toxic, n.o.s.
UN1229 Mesityl oxide
UN1230 Methanol
UN1231 Methyl acetate
UN1233 Methylamyl acetate
UN1234 Methylal
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
298 Publication 52
UN1235 Methylamine, aqueous solution
UN1237 Methyl butyrate
UN1238 Methyl chloroformate
UN1239 Methyl chloromethyl ether
UN1242 Methyldichlorosilane
UN1243 Methyl formate
UN1244 Methylhydrazine
UN1245 Methyl isobutyl ketone
UN1246 Methyl isopropenyl ketone, inhibited
UN1247 Methyl methacrylate monomer, inhibited
UN1248 Methyl propionate
UN1249 Methyl propyl ketone
UN1250 Methyltrichlorosilane
UN1251 Methyl vinyl ketone, stabilized
UN1259 Nickel carbonyl
UN1261 Nitromethane
UN1262 Octanes
UN1263 Paint including paint, lacquer, enamel, stain, shellac solutions, varnish, polish, liquid filler, and liquid
lacquer base, or Paint related material including paint thinning, drying, removing, or reducing
UN1264 Paraldehyde
UN1265 Pentanes
UN1266 Perfumery products with flammable solvents
UN1267 Petroleum crude oil
UN1268 Petroleum distillates, n.o.s. or Petroleum products, n.o.s.
NA1270 Petroleum oil
UN1272 Pine oil
UN1274 n–Propanol or Propyl alcohol, normal
UN1275 Propionaldehyde
UN1276 n–Propyl acetate
UN1277 Propylamine
UN1278 1-Chloropropane
UN1279 1,2–Dichloropropane
UN1280 Propylene oxide
UN1281 Propyl formates
UN1282 Pyridine
UN1286 Rosin oil
UN1287 Rubber solution
UN1288 Shale Oil
UN1289 Sodium methylate solutions in alcohol
UN1292 Tetraethyl silicate
UN1293 Tinctures, medicinal
UN1294 Toluene
UN1295 Trichlorosilane
UN1296 Triethylamine
UN1297 Trimethylamine, aqueous solutions with not more than 50 percent trimethylamine by mass
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 299
UN1298 Trimethylchlorosilane
UN1299 Turpentine
UN1300 Turpentine substitute
UN1301 Vinyl acetate, stabilized
UN1302 Vinyl ethyl ether, stabilized
UN1303 Vinylidene chloride, stabilized
UN1304 Vinyl isobutyl ether, stabilized
UN1305 Vinyltrichlorosilane, stabilized
UN1306 Wood preservatives, liquid
UN1307 Xylenes
UN1308 Zirconium suspended in a liquid
UN1309 Aluminum powder, coated
UN1310 Ammonium picrate, wetted with not less than 10 percent water, by mass
UN1312 Borneol
UN1313 Calcium resinate
UN1314 Calcium resinate, fused
UN1318 Cobalt resinate, precipitated
UN1320 Dinitrophenol, wetted with not less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN1321 Dinitrophenolates, wetted with not less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN1322 Dinitroresorcinol, wetted with not less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN1323 Ferrocerium
UN1324 Films, nitrocellulose base, gelatine coated (except scrap)
NA1325 Fusee (railway or highway) or Medicines, flammable, solid, n.o.s.
UN1325 Flammable solids, organic, n.o.s.
UN1326 Hafnium powder, wetted with not less than 25 percent water (a visible excess of water must be
present) (a) mechanically produced, particle size less than 53 microns; (b) chemically produced,
particle size less than 840 microns
UN1328 Hexamethylenetetramine
UN1330 Manganese resinate
UN1331 Matches, strike anywhere
UN1332 Metaldehyde
UN1333 Cerium, slabs, ingots, or rods
UN1334 Naphthalene, crude or Naphthalene, refined
UN1336 Nitroguanidine, wetted or Picrite, wetted with not less than 20 percent water, by mass
UN1337 Nitrostarch, wetted with not less than 20 percent water, by mass
UN1338 Phosphorus, amorphous
UN1339 Phosphorus heptasulfide, free from yellow or white phosphorus
UN1340 Phosphorus pentasulfide, free from yellow or white phosphorus
UN1341 Phosphorus sesquisulfide, free from yellow or white phosphorus
UN1343 Phosphorus trisulfide, free from yellow or white phosphorus
NA1344 Picric acid, wet, with not less than 10 percent water
UN1344 Trinitrophenol, wetted with not less than 30 percent water, by mass
UN1346 Silicon powder, amorphous
UN1347 Silver picrate, wetted with not less than 30 percent water, by mass
UN1348 Sodium dinitro–o–cresolate, wetted with not less than 15 percent water, by mass
UN1349 Sodium picramate, wetted with not less than 20 percent water, by mass
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
300 Publication 52
NA1350 Sulfur
UN1350 Sulfur
UN1352 Titanium powder, wetted with not less than 25 percent water (a visible excess of water must be
present) (a) mechanically produced, particle size less than 53 microns; (b) chemically produced,
particle size less than 840 microns
UN1353 Fibers or Fabrics impregnated with weakly nitrated nitrocellulose, n.o.s.
UN1355 Trinitrobenzoic acid, wetted with not less than 30 percent water, by mass
UN1356 Trinitrotoluene wetted with not less than 30 percent water, by mass
UN1357 Urea nitrate, wetted with not less than 20 percent water, by mass
UN1358 Zirconium powder, wetted with not less than 25 percent water (a visible excess of water must be
present) (a) mechanically produced, particle size less than 53 microns; (b) chemically produced,
particle size less than 840 microns
UN1360 Calcium phosphide
NA1361 Charcoal briquettes, shell, screenings, wood, etc.
UN1361 Carbon, animal or vegetable origin
UN1362 Carbon, activated
UN1363 Copra
UN1364 Cotton waste, oily
NA1365 Cotton
UN1365 Cotton, wet
UN1369 p–Nitrosodimethylaniline
UN1372 Fibers, animal or Fibers, vegetable burnt, wet or damp
UN1373 Fibers or Fabrics, animal or vegetable or Synthetic, n.o.s. with animal or vegetable oil
UN1374 Fish meal, unstabilized or Fish scrap, unstabilized
UN1376 Iron oxide, spent, or Iron sponge, spent obtained from coal gas purification
UN1378 Metal catalyst, wetted with a visible excess of liquid
UN1379 Paper, unsaturated oil treated incompletely dried (including carbon paper)
UN1380 Pentaporane
UN1381 Phosphorus, white dry or Phosphorus, white, under water or Phosphorus white, in solution or
Phosphorus, yellow dry or Phosphorus, yellow, under water or Phosphorus, yellow, in solution
UN1382 Potassium sulfide, anhydrous or Potassium sulfide with less than 30 percent water of crystallization
UN1383 Pyrophoric metals, n.o.s. or Pyrophoric alloys, n.o.s.
UN1384 Sodium dithionite or Sodium hydrosulfite
UN1385 Sodium sulfide, anhydrous or Sodium sulfide with less than 30 percent water of crystallization
UN1386 Seed cake, containing vegetable oil solvent extractions and expelled seeds, with not more than 10
percent of oil and when the amount of moisture is higher than 11 percent, with not more than 20
percent of oil and moisture combined or Seed cake with more than 1.5 percent oil and not more than
11 percent moisture
UN1387 Wool waste, wet
UN1389 Alkali metal amalgam, liquid
UN1390 Alkali metal amides
UN1391 Alkali metal dispersions, or Alkaline earth metal dispersions
UN1392 Alkaline earth metal amalgams, liquid
UN1393 Alkaline earth metal alloys, n.o.s.
UN1394 Aluminum carbide
UN1395 Aluminum ferrosilicon powder
UN1396 Aluminum powder, uncoated
UN1397 Aluminum phosphide
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 301
UN1398 Aluminum silicon powder, uncoated
UN1400 Barium
UN1401 Calcium
UN1402 Calcium carbide
UN1403 Calcium cyanamide with more than 0.1 percent of calcium carbide
UN1404 Calcium hydride
UN1405 Calcium silicide
UN1407 Cesium or Caesium
UN1408 Ferrosilicon, with 30 percent or more but less than 90 percent silicon
UN1409 Metal hydrides, water–reactive, n.o.s.
UN1410 Lithium aluminum hydride
UN1411 Lithium aluminum hydride, ethereal
UN1413 Lithium borohydride
UN1414 Lithium hydride
UN1415 Lithium
UN1417 Lithium silicon
UN1418 Magnesium, powder or Magnesium alloys, powder
UN1419 Magnesium aluminum phosphide
UN1420 Potassium, metal alloys
UN1421 Alkali metal alloys, liquid, n.o.s.
UN1422 Potassium sodium alloys
UN1423 Rubidium
UN1426 Sodium borohydride
UN1427 Sodium hydride
UN1428 Sodium
UN1431 Sodium methylate
UN1432 Sodium phosphide
UN1433 Stannic phosphide
UN1435 Zinc ashes
UN1436 Zinc powder or Zinc dust
UN1437 Zirconium hydride
UN1438 Aluminum, nitrate
UN1439 Ammonium dichromate
UN1442 Ammonium perchlorate
UN1444 Ammonium persulfate
UN1445 Barium chlorate, solid
UN1446 Barium nitrate
UN1447 Barium perchlorate, solid
UN1448 Barium permanganate
UN1449 Barium peroxide
UN1450 Bromates, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN1451 Cesium nitrate or Caesium nitrate
UN1452 Calcium chlorate
UN1453 Calcium chlorite
UN1454 Calcium nitrate
UN1455 Calcium perchlorate
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
302 Publication 52
UN1456 Calcium permanganate
UN1457 Calcium peroxide
UN1458 Chlorate and borate mixtures
UN1459 Chlorate and magnesium chloride mixture, solid
UN1461 Chlorates, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN1462 Chlorites, inorganic, n.o.s.
NA1463 Chromic acid, solid
UN1463 Chromium trioxide, anhydrous
UN1465 Didymium nitrate
UN1466 Ferric nitrate
UN1467 Guanidine nitrate
UN1469 Lead nitrate
UN1470 Lead perchlorate, solid or Lead perchlorate, solution
UN1471 Lithium hypochlorite, dry or Lithium hypochlorite mixtures, dry
UN1472 Lithium peroxide
UN1473 Magnesium bromate
UN1474 Magnesium nitrate
UN1475 Magnesium perchlorate
UN1476 Magnesium peroxide
UN1477 Nitrates, inorganic, n.o.s.
NA1479 Medicines, oxidizing substance, solid, n.o.s.
UN1479 Oxidizing solid, n.o.s.
UN1481 Perchlorates, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN1482 Permanganates, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN1483 Peroxides, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN1484 Potassium bromate
UN1485 Potassium chlorate
UN1486 Potassium nitrate
UN1487 Potassium nitrate and sodium nitrite mixtures
UN1488 Potassium nitrite
UN1489 Potassium perchlorate, solid or Potassium perchlorate, solution
UN1490 Potassium permanganate
UN1491 Potassium peroxide
UN1492 Potassium persulfate
UN1493 Silver nitrate
UN1494 Sodium bromate
UN1495 Sodium chlorate
UN1496 Sodium chlorite
UN1498 Sodium nitrate
UN1499 Sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate mixtures
UN1500 Sodium nitrite
UN1502 Sodium perchlorate
UN1503 Sodium permanganate
UN1504 Sodium peroxide
UN1505 Sodium persulfate
UN1506 Strontium chlorate
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 303
UN1507 Strontium nitrate
UN1508 Strontium perchlorate
UN1509 Strontium peroxide
UN1510 Tetranitromethane
UN1511 Urea hydrogen peroxide
UN1512 Zinc ammonium nitrite
UN1513 Zinc chlorate
UN1514 Zinc nitrate
UN1515 Zinc permanganate
UN1516 Zinc peroxide
UN1517 Zirconium picramate, wetted with not less than 20 percent water, by mass
UN1541 Acetone cyanohydrin, stabilized
UN1544 Alkaloids, solid, n.o.s. or Alkaloid salts, solid, n.o.s. poisonous
UN1545 Allyl isothiocyanate, stabilized
UN1546 Ammonium arsenate
UN1547 Aniline
UN1548 Aniline hydrochloride
NA1549 Antimony tribromide, solution or Antimony, trifluoride, solid or Antimony, trifluoride, solution or
Antimony tribromide, solid
UN1549 Antimony compounds, inorganic, solid, n.o.s.
UN1550 Antimony lactate
UN1551 Antimony potassium tartrate
UN1553 Arsenic acid, liquid
UN1554 Arsenic acid, solid
UN1555 Arsenic bromide
NA1556 Methyldichloroarsine
UN1556 Arsenic compounds, liquid, n.o.s. inorganic, including arsenates, n.o.s.; arsenites, n.o.s.; arsenic
sulfides, n.o.s.; and organic compounds of arsenic, n.o.s.
NA1557 Arsenic sulfide or Arsenic trisulfide
UN1557 Arsenic compounds, solid, n.o.s. inorganic, including arsenates, n.o.s.; arsenites, n.o.s.; arsenic
sulfides, n.o.s.; and organic compounds of arsenic, n.o.s.
UN1558 Arsenic
UN1559 Arsenic pentoxide
UN1560 Arsenic trichloride
UN1561 Arsenic trioxide
UN1562 Arsenical dust
UN1564 Barium compounds, n.o.s.
UN1565 Barium cyanide
UN1566 Beryllium compounds, n.o.s.
UN1567 Beryllium, powder
UN1569 Bromoacetone
UN1570 Brucine
UN1571 Barium azide, wetted with not less than 50 percent water, by mass
UN1572 Cacodylic acid
UN1573 Calcium arsenate
NA1574 Calcium arsenite, solid
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
304 Publication 52
UN1574 Calcium arsenate and calcium arsenite, mixtures, solid
UN1575 Calcium cyanide
UN1577 Chlorodinitrobenzenes, liquid
UN1578 Chloronitrobenzene, solid
UN1579 4–Chloro–o–toluidine hydrochloride, solid
UN1580 Chloropicrin
UN1581 Chloropicrin and methyl bromide mixtures
UN1582 Chloropicrin and methyl chloride mixtures
UN1583 Chloropicrin mixtures, n.o.s.
UN1585 Copper acetoarsenite
UN1586 Copper arsenite
UN1587 Copper cyanide
UN1588 Cyanides, inorganic, solid, n.o.s.
UN1589 Cyanogen chloride, stabilized
UN1590 Dichloroanilines, liquid
UN1591 o–Dichlorobenzene
UN1593 Dichloromethane
UN1594 Diethyl sulfate
UN1595 Dimethyl sulfate
UN1596 Dinitroanilines
UN1597 Dinitrobenzenes, liquid
UN1598 Dintro–o–cresol
UN1599 Dinitrophenel solutions
UN1600 Dinitrotoluenes, molten
UN1601 Disinfectants, solid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN1602 Dyes, liquid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye intermediates, liquid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN1603 Ethyl bromoacetate
UN1604 Ethylenediamine
UN1605 Ethylene dibromide
UN1606 Ferric arsenate
UN1607 Ferric arsenite
UN1608 Ferrous arsenate
UN1611 Hexaethyl tetraphosphate, liquid or Hexaethyl tetraphosphate, solid
UN1612 Hexaethyl tetraphosphate and compressed gas mixtures
UN1613 Hydrocyanic acid, aqueous solutions or Hydrogen cyanide, aqueous solutions with not more than 20
percent hydrogen cyanide or Hydrocyanic acid, aqueous solutions with less than 5 percent hydrogen
UN1614 Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized with less than 3 percent water and absorbed in a porous inert material
UN1616 Lead acetate
UN1617 Lead arsenates
UN1618 Lead arsenites
UN1620 Lead cyanide
UN1621 London purple
UN1622 Magnesium arsenate
UN1623 Mercuric arsenate
UN1624 Mercuric chloride
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 305
UN1625 Mercuric nitrate
UN1626 Mercuric potassium cyanide
UN1627 Mercurous nitrate
UN1629 Mercury acetate
UN1630 Mercury ammonium chloride
UN1631 Mercury benzoate
UN1634 Mercury bromides
UN1636 Mercury cyanide
UN1637 Mercury gluconate
UN1638 Mercury iodide, solution or Mercury iodide, solid
UN1639 Mercury nucleate
UN1640 Mercury oleate
UN1641 Mercury oxide
UN1642 Mercury oxycyanide, desensitized
UN1643 Mercury potassium iodide
UN1644 Mercury salicylate
UN1645 Mercury sulfates
UN1646 Mercury thiocyanate
UN1647 Methyl bromide and ethylene dibromide mixtures, liquid
UN1648 Acetonitrile
UN1649 Motor fuel anti–knock mixtures
UN1650 beta–Naphthylamine
UN1651 Naphthylthiourea
UN1652 Naphthylurea
UN1653 Nickel cyanide
UN1654 Nicotine
UN1655 Nicotine compounds, solid, n.o.s. or Nicotine preparations, solid, n.o.s.
UN1656 Nicotine hydrochloride or Nicotine hydrochloride solution
UN1657 Nicotine salicylate
UN1658 Nicotine sulfate, solid or Nicotine sulfate, solution
UN1659 Nicotine tartrate
UN1660 Nitric oxide, compressed
UN1661 Nitroanilines (o–; m–; p–;)
UN1662 Nitrobenzene
UN1663 Nitophenols (o–; m–; p–;)
UN1664 Nitrotoluenes, liquid (o–; m–; p–;) or Nitrotoluenes, solid (m–; or p–;)
UN1665 Nitroxylenes (o–; m–; p–‘)
UN1669 Pentachloroethane
UN1670 Perchloromethyl mercaptan
UN1671 Phenol, solid
UN1672 Phenylcarbylamine chloride
UN1673 Phenylenediamines (o–; m–; p–;)
UN1674 Phenylmercuric acetate
UN1677 Potassium arsenate
UN1678 Potassium arsenite
UN1679 Potassium cuprocyanide
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
306 Publication 52
UN1680 Potassium cyanide
UN1683 Silver arsenite
UN1684 Silver cyanide
UN1685 Sodium arsenate
UN1686 Sodium arsenite, aqueous solutions
UN1687 Sodium azide
UN1688 Sodium cacodylate
UN1689 Sodium cyanide
UN1690 Sodium fluoride
UN1691 Strontium arsenite
UN1692 Strychnine or Strychnine salts
NA1693 Tear gas devices with more than 2 percent tear gas substances, by mass
UN1693 Tear gas substances, liquid, n.o.s.
UN1694 Bromobenzyl cyanides, liquid
UN1695 Chloroacetone, stabilized
UN1697 Chloroacetophenone (CN), solid
UN1698 Diphenylamine chloroarsine
UN1699 Diphenylchloroarsine, liquid
UN1700 Tear gas candles
UN1701 Xylyl bromide, liquid
UN1702 1,1,2,-Tetrachloroethane
UN1704 Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate
UN1707 Thallium compounds, n.o.s.
UN1708 Toluidines liquid
UN1709 2,4–Toluylenediamine, solid or 2,4–Toluenediamine, solid
UN1710 Trichloroethylene
UN1711 Xylidines, liquid
UN1712 Zinc arsenate or Zinc arsenite or Zinc arsenate and zinc arsenite mixtures
UN1713 Zinc cyanide
UN1714 Zinc phosphide
UN1715 Acetic anhydride
UN1716 Acetyl bromide
UN1717 Acetyl chloride
UN1718 Butyl acid phosphate
UN1719 Caustic alkali liquids, n.o.s.
UN1722 Allyl chloroformate
UN1723 Allyl iodide
UN1724 Allyltrichlorosilane, stabilized
UN1725 Aluminum bromide, anhydrous
UN1726 Aluminum chloride, anhydrous
UN1727 Ammonium hydrogendifluoride, solid
UN1728 Amyltrichlorosilane
UN1729 Anisoyl chloride
UN1730 Antimony pentachloride, liquid
UN1731 Antimony pentachloride, solutions
UN1732 Antimony pentafluoride
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 307
UN1733 Antimony trichloride, liquid or Antimony trichloride, solid
UN1736 Benzoyl chloride
UN1737 Benzyl bromide
UN1738 Benzyl chloride or Benzyl chloride unstabilized
UN1739 Benzyl chloroformate
UN1740 Hydrogendifluorides, n.o.s. solid or Hydrogendifluorides, n.o.s. solutions
UN1741 Boron trichloride
UN1742 Boron trifluoride acetic acid complex, liquid
UN1743 Boron trifluoride propionic acid complex, liquid
UN1744 Bromine or Bromine solutions
UN1745 Bromine pentafluoride
UN1746 Bromine trifluoride
UN1747 Butyltrichlorosilane
UN1748 Calcium hypochlorite, dry or Calcium hypochlorite mixtures dry with more than 39 percent available
chlorine (8.8 percent available oxygen)
UN1749 Chlorine trifluoride
UN1750 Chloroacetic acid, solution
UN1751 Chloroacetic acid, solid
UN1752 Chloroacetyl chloride
UN1753 Chlorophenyltrichlorosilane
UN1754 Chlorosulfonic acid (with or without sulfur trioxide)
UN1755 Chromic acid solution
UN1756 Chromic fluoride, solid
UN1757 Chromic fluoride, solution
UN1758 Chromium oxychloride
NA1759 Ferrous chloride, solid
UN1759 Corrosive solids, n.o.s.
NA1760 Ferrous chloride, solution
UN1760 Corrosive liquids, n.o.s.
UN1761 Cupriethylenediamine solution
UN1762 Cyclohexenyltrichlorosilane
UN1763 Cyclohexyltrichlorosilane
UN1764 Dichloroacetic acid
UN1765 Dichloroacetyl chloride
UN1766 Dichlorophenyltrichlorosilane
UN1767 Diethyldichlorosilane
UN1768 Difluorophosphoric acid, anhydrous
UN1769 Diphenyldichlorosilane
UN1770 Diphenylmethyl bromide
UN1771 Dodecyltrichlorosilane
UN1773 Ferric chloride, anhydrous
UN1774 Fire extinguisher charges, corrosive liquid
UN1775 Fluoroboric acid
UN1776 Fluorophosphoric acid anhydrous
UN1777 Fluorosulfonic acid
UN1778 Fluorosilicic acid
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
308 Publication 52
UN1779 Formic acid
UN1780 Fumaryl chloride
UN1781 Hexadecyltrichlorosilane
UN1782 Hexafluorophosphoric acid
UN1783 Hexamethylenediamine solution
UN1784 Hexyltrichlorosilane
UN1786 Hydrofluoric acid and Sulfuric acid mixtures
UN1787 Hydriodic acid
UN1788 Hydrobromic acid, with more than 49 percent hydrobromic acid or Hydrobromic acid, with not more
than 49 percent hydrobromic acid
UN1789 Hydrochloric acid
UN1790 Hydrofluoric acid, with more than 60 percent strength or Hydrofluoric acid, with not more than 60
percent strength
UN1791 Hypochlorite solutions
UN1792 Iodine monochloride
UN1793 Isopropyl acid phosphate
UN1794 Lead sulfate with more than 3 percent free acid
UN1796 Nitrating acid mixtures, with more than 50 percent nitric acid or Nitrating acid mixtures, with not more
than 50 percent nitric acid
UN1798 Nitrohydrochloric acid
UN1799 Nonyltrichlorosilane
UN1800 Octadecyltrichlorosilane
UN1801 Octyltrichlorosilane
UN1802 Perchloric acid with not more than 50 percent acid by mass
UN1803 Phenolsulfonic acid, liquid
UN1804 Phenyltrichlorosilane
UN1805 Phosphoric acid
UN1806 Phosphorus pentachloride
UN1807 Phosphorus pentoxide
UN1808 Phosphorus tribromide
UN1809 Phosphorus trichloride
UN1810 Phosphorus oxychloride
UN1811 Potassium hydrogendifluoride, solid or Potassium hydrogendifluoride, solution
UN1812 Potassium fluoride
UN1813 Potassium hydroxide, solid
UN1814 Potassium hydroxide, solution
UN1815 Propionyl chloride
UN1816 Propyltrichlorosilane
UN1817 Pyrosulfuryl chloride
UN1818 Silicon tetrachloride
UN1819 Sodium aluminate, solution
UN1823 Sodium hydroxide, solid
UN1824 Sodium hydroxide solution
UN1825 Sodium monoxide
UN1826 Nitrating acid mixtures, spent with more than 50 percent nitric acid or Nitrating acid mixtures, spent
with not more than 50 percent nitric acid
UN1827 Stannic chloride, anhydrous
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 309
UN1828 Sulfur chlorides
UN1829 Sulfur trioxide, inhibited or Sulfur trioxide, stabilized
UN1830 Sulfuric acid with more than 51 percent acid
UN1831 Sulfuric acid, fuming with 30 percent or more free sulfur trioxide or Sulfuric acid, fuming with less than
30 percent free sulfur trioxide
UN1832 Sulfuric acid, spent
UN1833 Sulfurous acid
UN1834 Sulfuryl chloride
UN1835 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution
UN1836 Thionyl chloride
UN1837 Thiophosphoryl chloride
UN1838 Titanium tetrachloride
UN1839 Trichloroacetic acid
UN1840 Zinc chloride, solution
UN1841 Acetaldehyde ammonia
UN1843 Ammonium dintro–o–cresolate, solid
UN1845 Carbon dioxide, solid, or Dry ice
UN1846 Carbon tetrachloride
UN1847 Potassium sulfide, hydrated with not less than 30 percent water of crystallization
UN1848 Propionic acid
UN1849 Sodium sulfide, hydrated with not less than 30 percent water
UN1851 Medicine, liquid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN1854 Barium alloys, pyrophic
UN1855 Calcium, pyrophoric or Calcium alloys, pyrophoric
UN1857 Textile waste, wet
UN1858 Hexafluoropropylene, compressed or Refrigerant gas R 1216
UN1859 Silicon tetrafluoride, compressed
UN1860 Vinyl fluoride, inhibited
UN1862 Ethyl crotonate
UN1863 Fuel, aviation, turbine engine
UN1865 n–Propyl nitrate
UN1866 Resin solution, flammable
UN1869 Magnesium or Magnesium alloys with more than 50 percent magnesium in pellets, turnings, or
UN1870 Potassium borohydride
UN1871 Titanium hydride
UN1872 Lead dioxide
UN1873 Perchloric acid with more than 50 percent but not more than 72 percent acid, by mass
UN1884 Barium oxide
UN1885 Benzidine
UN1886 Benzylidene chloride
UN1887 Bromochloromethane
UN1888 Chloroform
UN1889 Cyanogen bromide
UN1891 Ethyl bromide
UN1892 Ethyldichloroarsine
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
310 Publication 52
UN1894 Phenylmercuric hydroxide
UN1895 Phenylmercuric nitrate
UN1897 Tetrachloroethylene
UN1898 Acetyl iodide
UN1902 Diisooctyl acid phosphate
UN1903 Disinfectants, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN1905 Selenic acid
UN1906 Sludge, acid
UN1907 Soda lime with more than 4 percent sodium hydroxide
UN1908 Chlorite solution
UN1910 Calcium oxide
NA1911 Diborane mixtures
UN1911 Diborane
UN1912 Methyl chloride and methylene chloride mixtures
UN1913 Neon, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid)
UN1914 Butyl propionates
UN1915 Cyclohexanone
UN1916 2,2’–Dichlorodiethyl ether
UN1917 Ethyl acrylate, stabilized
UN1918 Isopropylbenzene
UN1919 Methyl acrylate, inhibited
UN1920 Nonanes
UN1921 Propyleneimine, inhibited
UN1922 Pyrrolidine
UN1923 Calcium dithionite or Calcium hydrosulfite
UN1928 Methyl magnesium bromide, in ethyl ether
UN1929 Potassium dithionite or Potassium hydrosulfite
UN1931 Zinc dithionite or Zinc hydrosulfite
UN1932 Zirconium scrap
UN1935 Cyanide solutions, n.o.s.
UN1938 Bromoacetic acid, solution
UN1939 Phosphorus oxybromide
UN1940 Thioglycolic acid
UN1941 Dibromodifluoromethane, R12B2
UN1942 Ammonium nitrate, with not more than 0.2 percent of combustible substances, including any organic
substance calculated as carbon, to the exclusion of any other added substance
UN1944 Matches, safety (book, card, or strike on box)
UN1945 Matches, wax, Vesta
UN1950 Aerosols, corrosive, Packing Group II or III, (each not exceeding 1 L capacity) or Aerosols, flammable
(each not exceeding 1 L capacity) or Aerosols, flammable, n.o.s. (engine starting fluid) (each not
exceeding 1 L capacity) or Aerosols, nonflammable (each not exceeding 1 L capacity) or Aerosols,
poison, each not exceeding 1 L capacity
UN1951 Argon, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid)
UN1952 Ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide mixtures with not more than 9 percent ethylene oxide
UN1953 Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
NA1954 Insecticide gases flammable n.o.s. or Refrigerant gases, n.o.s., or Dispersant gases, n.o.s. or
Refrigerating machines, containing flammable, nonpoisonous, liquified gas
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 311
UN1954 Compressed gas, flammable, n.o.s.
NA1955 Organic phosphate, mixed with compressed gas or Organic phosphate compound, mixed with
compressed gas or Organic phosphorous compound, mixed with compressed gas
UN1955 Compressed gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
NA1956 Accumulators, pressurized, pneumatic or hydraulic (containing nonflammable gas)
UN1956 Compressed gas, n.o.s.
UN1957 Deuterium, compressed
UN1958 1,2–Dichloro–1,1,2,2–Tetrafluoroethane or Refrigerant gas R 114
UN1959 1,1–Difluoroethylene or Refrigerant gas R 1132a
NA1961 Ethane–Propane mixture, refrigerated liquid
UN1961 Ethane, refrigerated liquid
UN1962 Ethylene
UN1963 Helium, refrigerated liquid (cyrogenic liquid)
UN1964 Hydrocarbon gas mixture, compressed, n.o.s.
UN1965 Hydrocarbon gas mixtures, liquified, n.o.s.
UN1966 Hydrogen, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid)
NA1967 Parathion and compressed gas mixture
UN1967 Insecticide gases, toxic, n.o.s.
UN1968 Insecticide gases, n.o.s.
UN1969 Isobutane see also Petroleum gases, liquified
UN1970 Krypton, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid)
UN1971 Methane, compressed or Natural gas, compressed (with high methane content)
UN1972 Methane, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid) or Natural gas, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid), with
high methane content
UN1973 Chlorodifluoromethane and chloropentafluoroethane mixture or Refrigerant gas R 502 with fixed
boiling point, with approximately 49 percent chlorodifluoromethane
UN1974 Chlorodifluorobromomethane or Refrigerant gas R 12B1
UN1975 Nitric oxide and dinitrogen tetroxide mixtures or Nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide mixtures
UN1976 Octafluorocyclobutane, or Refrigerant gas RC 318
UN1977 Nitrogen, refrigerated liquid cryogenic liquid
UN1978 Propane see also Petroleum gases, liquified
UN1979 Rare gases, mixtures, compressed
UN1980 Rare gases and oxygen mixtures, compressed
UN1981 Rare gases and nitrogen mixtures, compressed
UN1982 Tetrafluoromethane, compressed or Refrigerant gas R 14
UN1983 1–Chloro–2,2,2–trifluoroethane or Refrigerant gas R 133a
UN1984 Trifluoromethane or Refrigerant gas R 23
UN1986 Alcohols, flammable, toxic, n.o.s.
NA1987 Denatured alcohol
UN1987 Alcohols, n.o.s.
UN1988 Aldehydes, flammable, toxic, n.o.s.
UN1989 Aldehydes, n.o.s.
UN1990 Benzaldehyde
UN1991 Chloroprene, stabilized
UN1992 Flammable liquids, toxic, n.o.s.
NA1993 Diesel fuel
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
312 Publication 52
UN1993 Flammable liquids, n.o.s.
UN1994 Iron pentacarbonyl
NA1999 Asphalt, liquid including road oils and cutback, bitumens
UN1999 Tars, liquid including road asphalt and oils, bitumen and cut backs
UN2000 Celluloid, in block, rods, rolls, sheets, tubes, etc., except scrap
UN2001 Cobalt naphthenates, powder
UN2002 Celluloid, scrap
UN2003 Metal alkyls, water–reactive, n.o.s. or Metal aryls, water–reactive, n.o.s.
UN2004 Magnesium diamide
UN2005 Magnesium diphenyl
UN2006 Plastics, nitrocellulose–based, self–heating, n.o.s.
UN2008 Zirconium powder, dry
UN2009 Zirconium, dry, finished sheets, strip or coiled wire
UN2010 Magnesium hydride
UN2011 Magnesium phosphide
UN2012 Potassium phosphide
UN2013 Strontium phosphide
UN2014 Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions with more than 40 percent but not more than 60 percent
hydrogen peroxide (stabilized as necessary) or Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions with not less
than 20 percent but not more than 40 percent hydrogen peroxide (stabilized as necessary)
UN2015 Hydrogen peroxide, stabilized or Hydrogen peroxide aqueous solutions, stabilized with more than 60
percent hydrogen peroxide
UN2016 Ammunition, toxic, non–explosive, without burster or expelling charge, non–fuzed
UN2017 Ammunition, tear–producing, non–explosive, without burster or expelling charge, non–fuzed
UN2018 Chloroanilines, solid
UN2019 Chloroanilines, liquid
UN2020 Chlorophenols, solid
UN2021 Chlorophenols, liquid
UN2022 Cresylic acid
UN2023 Epichlorohydrin
UN2024 Mercury compounds, liquid, n.o.s.
UN2025 Mercury compounds, solid, n.o.s.
UN2026 Phenylmercuric compounds, n.o.s.
UN2027 Sodium arsenite, solid
UN2028 Bombs, smoke, non–explosive, with corrosive liquid, without initiating device
UN2029 Hydrazine, anhydrous or Hydrazine aqueous solutions with more than 64 percent hydrazine, by mass
UN2030 Hydrazine hydrate or Hydrazine aqueous solutions, with not less than 37 percent but not more than
64 percent hydrazine, by mass
UN2031 Nitric acid other than red fuming, with more than 70 percent nitric acid or Nitric acid other than red
fuming, with not more than 70 percent nitric acid
UN2032 Nitric acid, red fuming
UN2033 Potassium monoxide
UN2034 Hydrogen and Methane mixtures, compressed
UN2035 1,1,1–Trifluoroethane, compressed or Refrigerant gas R 143a
UN2036 Xenon, compressed
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 313
UN2037 Gas cartridges (flammable) without a release device, non–refillable or Receptacles, small, containing
gas (gas cartridges) flammable or nonflammable, without release device, not refillable and not
exceeding 1 L capacity
UN2038 Dinitrotoluenes, liquid
UN2044 2,2–Dimethylpropane
UN2045 Isobutyraldehyde or Isobutyl aldehyde
UN2046 Cymenes
UN2047 Dichloropropenes
UN2048 Dicyclopentadiene
UN2049 Diethylbenzene
UN2050 Diisobutylene, isomeric compounds
UN2051 2–Dimethylaminoethanol
UN2052 Dipentene
UN2053 Methyl isobutyl carbinol
UN2054 Morpholine
UN2055 Styrene monomer, inhibited
UN2056 Tetrahydrofuran
UN2057 Tripropylene
UN2058 Valeraldehyde
UN2059 Nitrocellulose, solution, flammable with not less than 12.6 percent nitrogen, by mass, and not more
than 55 percent nitrocellulose
UN2067 Ammonium nitrate based fertilizers
NA2069 Ammonium nitrate mixed fertilizers
UN2071 Ammonium nitrate based fertilizers
NA2072 Ammonium nitrate fertilizers
UN2073 Ammonia solution, relative density less than 0.880 at 15° C in water, with more than 35 percent but
not more than 50 percent ammonia
UN2074 Acrylamide, solid
UN2075 Chloral, anhydrous, inhibited
UN2076 Cresols, liquid
UN2077 alpha–Naphthylamine
UN2078 Toluene diisocyanate
UN2079 Diethylenetriamine
UN2186 Hydrogen chloride, refrigerated liquid
UN2187 Carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid
UN2188 Arsine
UN2189 Dichlorosilane
UN2190 Oxygen difluoride, compressed
UN2191 Sulfuryl fluoride
UN2192 Germane
UN2193 Hexafluoroethane, compressed or Refrigerant gas R 116
UN2194 Selenium hexafluoride
UN2195 Tellurium hexafluoride
UN2196 Tungsten hexafluoride
UN2197 Hydrogen iodide, anhydrous
UN2198 Phosphorus pentafluoride, compressed
UN2199 Phosphine
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
314 Publication 52
UN2200 Propadiene, inhibited
UN2201 Nitrous oxide, refrigerated liquid
UN2202 Hydrogen selenide, anhydrous
UN2203 Silane, compressed
UN2204 Carbonyl sulfide
UN2205 Adiponitrile
UN2206 Isocyanates, toxic, n.o.s. or Isocyanate solutions, toxic, n.o.s. flashpoint more than 61° C and boiling
point less than 300° C
UN2208 Calcium hypochlorite mixtures, dry, with more than 10 percent but not more than 39 percent available
UN2209 Formaldehyde, solutions, with not less than 25 percent formaldehyde
UN2210 Maneb or Maneb preparations with not less than 60 percent maneb
UN2211 Polymeric beads, expandable, evolving flammable vapor
NA2212 Asbestos
UN2212 Blue asbestos (Crocidolite) or Brown asbestos (amosite, mysorite)
UN2213 Paraformaldehyde
UN2214 Phthalic anhydride with more than .05 percent maleic anhydride
NA2215 Maleic acid
UN2215 Maleic anhydride
UN2216 Fish meal, stabilized or Fish scrap, stabilized
UN2217 Seed cake with not more than 1.5 percent oil and not more than 11 percent moisture
UN2218 Acrylic acid, stabilized
UN2219 Allyl glycidyl ether
UN2222 Anisole
UN2224 Matches, fusee or Benzonitrile
UN2225 Benzene sulfonyl chloride
UN2226 Benzotrichloride
UN2227 n–Butyl methacrylate, stabilized
UN2232 2–Chloroethanal
UN2233 Chloroanisidines
UN2234 Chlorobenzotrifluorides
UN2235 Chlorobenzyl chlorides, liquid
UN2236 3–Chloro–4–methylphenyl isocyanate, liquid
UN2237 Chloronitroanilines
UN2238 Chlorotoluenes
UN2239 Chlorotoluidines, solid
UN2240 Chromosulfuric acid
UN2241 Cycloheptane
UN2242 Cycloheptene
UN2243 Cyclohexyl acetate
UN2244 Cyclopentanol
UN2245 Cyclopentanone
UN2246 Cyclopentene
UN2248 Di–n–butylamine
UN2249 Dichlorodimethyl ether, symmetrical
UN2250 Dichlorophenyl isocyanates
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 315
UN2251 Bicyclo [2,2,1] hepta–2, 5–diene, stabilized or 2,5–Norbornadiene, stabilized
UN2252 1,2–Dimethoxyethane
UN2253 N,N–Dimethylaniline
UN2254 Matches, fusee
UN2256 Cyclohexene
UN2257 Potassium
UN2258 1,2–Propylenediamine
UN2259 Triethylenetetramine
UN2260 Tripropylamine
UN2261 Xylenols, solid
UN2262 Dimethylcardamoyl chloride
UN2263 Dimethylcyclohexanes
UN2264 N,N-Dimethylcyclohexlamine
UN2265 N,N–Dimethylformamide
UN2266 Dimethyl–N–propylamine
UN2267 Dimethyl thiophosphoryl chloride
UN2269 3,3’–Iminodipropylamine
UN2270 Ethylamine, aqueous solution with not less than 50 percent but not more than 70 percent ethylamine
UN2271 Ethyl amyl ketone
UN2272 N–Ethylaniline
UN2273 2–Ethylaniline
UN2274 N–Ethyl–N–benzylaniline
UN2275 2–Ethylbutanol
UN2276 2–Ethylhexylamine
UN2277 Ethyl methacrylate, stabilized
UN2278 n–Heptane
UN2279 Hexachlorobutadiene
UN2280 Hexamethylenediamine, solid
UN2281 Hexamethylene diisocyanate
UN2282 Hexanols
UN2283 Isobutyl methacrylate, inhibited
UN2284 Isobutyronitrile
UN2285 Isocyanatobenzotrifluorides
UN2286 Pentamethylheptane
UN2287 Isoheptenes
UN2288 Isohexenes
UN2289 Isophoronediamine
UN2290 Isophorone diisocyanate
UN2291 Lead compounds, soluble, n.o.s.
UN2293 4–Methoxy–4–methylpentan–2–one
UN2294 N–Methylaniline
UN2295 Methyl chloroacetate
UN2296 Methylcyclohexane
UN2297 Methylcyclohexanone
UN2298 Methylcyclopentane
UN2299 Methyl dichloroacetate
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
316 Publication 52
UN2300 2–Methyl–5–ethylpyridine
UN2301 2–Methylfuran
UN2302 5–Methylhexan–2–one
UN2303 Isopropenylbenzene
UN2304 Naphthalene, molten
UN2305 Nitrobenzenesulfonic acid
UN2306 Nitrobenzotrifluorides
UN2307 3–Nitro–4–chlorobenzotrifluoride
UN2308 Nitrosylsulfuric acid
UN2309 Octadiene
UN2310 Pentane–2,4–dione
UN2311 Phenetidines
UN2312 Phenol, molten
UN2313 Picolines
UN2315 Polychlorinated biphenyls, liquid or solid
UN2316 Sodium cuprocyanide, solid
UN2317 Sodium cuprocyanide, solution
UN2318 Sodium hydrosulfide, with less than 25 percent water of crystallization
UN2319 Terpene hydrocarbons, n.o.s.
UN2320 Tetraethylenepentamine
UN2321 Trichlorbenzenes, liquid
UN2322 Trichlorobutene
UN2323 Triethyl phosphite
UN2324 Triisobutylene
UN2325 1,3,5–Trimethylbenzene
UN2326 Trimethylcyclohexylamine
UN2327 Trimethylhexamethylenediamines
UN2328 Trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate
UN2329 Trimethyl phosphite
UN2330 Undecane
UN2331 Zinc chloride, anhydrous
UN2332 Acetaldehyde oxime
UN2333 Allyl acetate
UN2334 Allylamine
UN2335 Allyl ethyl ether
UN2336 Allyl formate
UN2337 Phenyl mercaptan
UN2338 Benzotrifluoride
UN2339 2–Bromobutane
UN2340 2–Bromoethyl ethyl ether
UN2341 1–Bromo–3–methylbutane
UN2342 Bromomethylpropanes
UN2343 2–Bromopentane
UN2344 Bromopropanes
UN2345 3–Bromopropyne
UN2346 Butanedione
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 317
UN2347 Butyl mercaptans
UN2348 Butyl acrylates, stabilized
UN2350 Butyl methyl ether
UN2351 Butyl nitrites
UN2352 Butyl vinyl ether, stabilized
UN2353 Butyryl chloride
UN2354 Chloromethyl ethyl ether
UN2356 2–Chloropropane
UN2357 Cyclohexylamine
UN2358 Cyclooctatetraene
UN2359 Diallylamine
UN2360 Diallylether
UN2361 Diisobutylamine
UN2362 1,1–Dichloroethane
UN2363 Ethyl mercaptan
UN2364 n–Propyl benzene
UN2366 Diethyl carbonate
UN2367 alpha–Methylvaleraldehyde
UN2368 alpha–Pinene
UN2370 1–Hexene
UN2371 Isopentenes
UN2372 1,2–Di–(dimethylamino)ethane
UN2373 Diethoxymethane
UN2374 3,3–Diethoxypropene
UN2375 Diethyl sulfide
UN2376 2,3–Dihydropyran
UN2377 1,1–Dimethoxyethane
UN2378 N–Butylaniline or 2–Dimethylaminoacetonitrile
UN2379 1,3–Dimethylbutylamine
UN2380 Dimethyldiethoxysilane
UN2381 Dimethyl disulfide
UN2382 Dimethylhydrazine, symmetrical
UN2383 Dipropylamine
UN2384 Di–n–propyl ether
UN2385 Ethyl isobutyrate
UN2386 1–Ethylpiperidine
UN2387 Fluorobenzene
UN2388 Fluorotoluenes
UN2389 Furan
UN2390 2–Iodobutane
UN2391 Iodomethylpropanes
UN2392 Iodopropanes
UN2393 Isobutyl formate
UN2394 Isobutyl propionate
UN2395 Isobutyryl chloride
UN2396 Methacrylaldehyde, inhibited
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
318 Publication 52
UN2397 3–Methylbutan–2–one
UN2398 Methyl tert–butyl ether
UN2399 1–Methylpiperidine
UN2400 Methyl isovalerate
UN2401 Piperidine
UN2402 Propanethiols
UN2403 Isopropenyl acetate
UN2404 Propionitrile
UN2405 Isopropyl butyrate
UN2406 Isopropyl isobutyrate
UN2407 Isopropyl chloroformate
UN2409 Isopropyl propionate
UN2410 1,2,3,6–Tetrahydropyridine
UN2411 Butyronitrile
UN2412 Tetrahydrothiophene
UN2413 Tetrapropylorthotitanate
UN2414 Thiophene
UN2416 Trimethyl borate
UN2417 Carbonyl fluoride
UN2418 Sulfur tetrafluoride
UN2419 Bromotrifluoroethylene
UN2420 Hexafluoroacetone
UN2421 Nitrogen trioxide
UN2422 Octafluorobut–2–ene or Refrigerant gas R 1318
UN2424 Octafluoropropane or Refrigerant gas R 218
UN2426 Ammonium nitrate, liquid (hot concentrated solution)
UN2427 Potassium chlorate, aqueous solution
UN2428 Sodium chlorate, aqueous solution
UN2429 Calcium chlorate aqueous solution
UN2430 Alkylphenols, solid, n.o.s. (including C2–C12 homologues)
UN2431 Anisidines
UN2432 N,N–Diethylaniline
UN2433 Chloronitrotoluenes, liquid
UN2434 Dibenzyldichlorosilane
UN2435 Ethylphenyldichlorosilane
UN2436 Thioacetic acid
UN2437 Methylphenyldichlorosilane
UN2438 Trimethylacetyl chloride
UN2439 Sodium hydrogendifluoride, solid or Sodium hydrogendifluoride, solution
UN2440 Stannic chloride, pentahydrate
UN2441 Titanium trichloride, pryophoric or Titanium trichloride mixtures, pyrophoric
UN2442 Trichloroacetyl chloride
UN2443 Vanadium oxytrichloride
UN2444 Vanadium tetrachloride
UN2445 Lithium alkyls
UN2446 Nitrocresols
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 319
UN2447 Phosphorus white, molten
NA2448 Sulfur, molten
UN2448 Sulfur, molten
UN2451 Nitrogen trifluoride, compressed
UN2452 Ethylacetylene, stabilized
UN2453 Ethyl fluoride or Refrigerant gas R 161
UN2454 Methyl fluoride, or Refrigerant gas R 41
UN2456 2–Chloropropene
UN2457 2,3–Dimethylbutane
UN2458 Hexadienes
UN2459 2–Methyl–1–butene
UN2460 2–Methyl–2–butene
UN2461 Methylpentadienes
UN2463 Aluminum hydride
UN2464 Beryllium nitrate
UN2465 Dichloroisocyanuric acid, dry or Dichloroisocyanuric acid salts
UN2466 Potassium superoxide
UN2468 Trichloroisocyanuric acid, dry
UN2469 Zinc bromate
UN2470 Phenylacetonitrile, liquid
UN2471 Osmium tetroxide
UN2473 Sodium arsanilate
UN2474 Thiophosgene
UN2475 Vanadium trichloride
UN2477 Methyl isothiocyanate
UN2478 Isocyanates, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. or Isocyanate solutions, flammable, toxic, n.o.s. flashpoint less
than 23° C
UN2480 Methyl isocyanate
UN2481 Ethyl isocyanate
UN2482 n–Propyl isocyanate
UN2483 Isopropyl isocyanate
UN2484 tert–Butyl isocyanate
UN2485 n–Butyl isocyanate
UN2486 Isobutyl isocyanate
UN2487 Phenyl isocyanate
UN2488 Cyclohexyl isocyanate
UN2490 Dichlorodisopropyl ether
UN2491 Ethanolamine or Ethanolamine solutions
UN2493 Hexamethyleneimine
UN2495 Iodine pentafluoride
UN2496 Propionic anhydride
UN2498 1,2,3,6–Tetrahydrobenzaldehyde
UN2501 Tris–(1–aziridinyl)phosphine oxide, solution
UN2502 Valeryl chloride
UN2503 Zirconium tetrachloride
UN2504 Tetrabromoethane
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
320 Publication 52
UN2505 Ammonium fluoride
UN2506 Ammonium hydrogen sulfate
UN2507 Chloroplatinic acid, solid
UN2508 Molybdenum pentachloride
UN2509 Potassium hydrogen sulfate
UN2511 2–Chloropropionic acid
UN2512 Aminophenols (o–; m–; p–)
UN2513 Bromoacetyl bromide
UN2514 Bromobenzene
UN2515 Bromoform
UN2516 Carbon tetrabromide
UN2517 1–Chloro–1,1–difluoroethane or Refrigerant gas R 142b
UN2518 1,5,9–Cyclododecatriene
UN2520 Cyclooctadienes
UN2521 Diketene, stabilized
UN2522 2–Dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate
UN2524 Ethyl orthoformate
UN2525 Ethyl oxalate
UN2526 Furfurylamine
UN2527 Isobutyl acrylate, inhibited
UN2528 Isobutyl isobutyrate
UN2529 Isobutyric acid
UN2530 Isobutyric anhydride
UN2531 Methacrylic acid, inhibited
UN2533 Methyl trichloroacetate
UN2534 Methylchlorosilane
UN2535 4–Methylmorpholine or n–methylmorpholine
UN2536 Methyltetrahydrofuran
UN2538 Nitronaphthalene
UN2541 Terpinolene
UN2542 Tributylamine
UN2545 Hafnium powder, dry
UN2546 Titanium powder, dry
UN2547 Sodium superoxide
UN2548 Chlorine pentafluoride
UN2552 Hexafluoroacetone hydrate
UN2554 Methyl allyl chloride
UN2555 Nitrocellulose with water with not less than 25 percent water, by mass
UN2556 Nitrocellulose, with alcohol with not less than 25 percent alcohol, by mass, and with not more than
12.6 percent nitrogen, by dry mass
UN2557 Nitrocellulose, with not more than 12.6 percent nitrogen, by dry mass, or Nitrocellulose mixture with
pigment or Nitrocellulose mixture with plasticizer or Nitrocellulose mixture with pigment and
UN2558 Epibromohydrin
UN2560 2–Methylpentan–2–ol
UN2561 3–Methyl–1–butene
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 321
UN2564 Trichloroacetic acid, solution
UN2565 Dicyclohexylamine
UN2567 Sodium pentachlorophenate
UN2570 Cadmium compounds
UN2571 Alkylsulfuric acids
UN2572 Phenylhydrazine
UN2573 Thallium chlorate
UN2574 Tricresyl phosphate with more than 3 percent ortho isomer
UN2576 Phosphorus oxybromide, molten
UN2577 Phenylacetyl chloride
UN2578 Phosphorus trioxide
UN2579 Piperazine
UN2580 Aluminum bromide, solution
UN2581 Aluminum chloride, solution
UN2582 Ferric chloride, solution
UN2583 Alkyl sulfonic acids, solid or Aryl sulfonic acids, solid with more than 5 percent free sulfuric acid
UN2584 Alkyl sulfonic acids, liquid or Aryl sulfonic acids, liquid with more than 5 percent free sulfuric acid
UN2585 Alkyl sulfonic acids, solid or Aryl sulfonic acids, solid with not more than 5 percent free sulfuric acid
UN2586 Alkyl sulfonic acids, liquid or Aryl sulfonic acids, liquid with not more than 5 percent free sulfuric acid
UN2587 Benzoquinone
UN2588 Pesticides, solid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN2589 Vinyl chloroacetate
UN2590 White asbestos (chrysotile, actinolite, anthophyllite, tremolite)
UN2591 Xenon, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquids)
UN2599 Chlorotrifluoromethane and trifluoromethane azeotropic mixture or Refrigerant gas R 503 with
approximately 60 percent chlorotrifluoromethane
UN2601 Cyclobutane
UN2602 Dichlorodifluoromethane and difluoroethane azeotropic mixture or Refrigerant gas R 500 with
approximately 74 percent dichlorodifluoromethane
UN2603 Cycloheptatriene
UN2604 Boron trifluoride diethyl etherate
UN2605 Methoxymethyl isocyanate
UN2606 Methyl orthosilicate
UN2607 Acrolein dimer, stabilized
UN2608 Nitropropanes
UN2609 Triallyl borate
UN2610 Triallylamine
UN2611 Propylene chlorohydrin
UN2612 Methyl propyl ether
UN2614 Methallyl alcohol
UN2615 Ethyl propyl ether
UN2616 Triisopropyl borate
UN2617 Methylcyclohexanols, flammable
UN2618 Vinyltoluenes, stabilized
UN2619 Benzyldimethylamine
UN2620 Amyl butyrates
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
322 Publication 52
UN2621 Acetyl methyl carbinol
UN2622 Glycidaldehyde
UN2623 Firelighters, solid with flammable liquid
UN2624 Magnesium silicide
UN2626 Chloric acid aqueous solution, with not more than 10 percent chloric acid
UN2627 Nitrites, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN2628 Potassium fluoroacetate
UN2629 Sodium fluoroacetate
NA2630 Sodium selenite
UN2630 Selenates or Selenites
UN2642 Fluoroacetic acid
UN2643 Methyl bromoacetate
UN2644 Methyl iodide
UN2645 Phenacyl bromide
UN2646 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
UN2647 Malononitrile
UN2648 1,2–Dibromobutan–3–one
UN2649 1,3–Dichloroacetone
UN2650 1,1–Dichloro–1–nitroethane
UN2651 4,4’–Diaminodiphenyl methane
UN2653 Benzyl iodide
UN2655 Potassium fluorosilicate
UN2656 Quinoline
UN2657 Selenium disulfide
UN2659 Sodium chloroacetate
UN2660 Nitrotoluidines (mono)
UN2661 Hexachloroacetone
UN2662 Hydroquinone
UN2664 Dibromomethane
UN2667 Butyltoluenes
UN2668 Chloroacetonitrile
UN2669 Chlorocresols, solution
UN2670 Cyanuric chloride
UN2671 Aminopyridines (o–; m–; p–)
UN2672 Ammonia solution, relative density between 0.880 and 0.957 at 15° C in water, with more than 10
percent but not more than 35 percent ammonia
UN2673 2–Amino–4–chlorophenol
UN2674 Sodium fluorosilicate
UN2676 Stibine
UN2677 Rubidium hydroxide solution
UN2678 Rubidium hydroxide
UN2679 Lithium hydroxide, solution
UN2680 Lithium hydroxide, monohydrate or Lithium hydroxide, solid
UN2681 Caesium hydroxide solution
UN2682 Caesium hydroxide
UN2683 Ammonium sulfide solution
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 323
UN2684 Diethylaminopropylamine
UN2685 N,N–Diethylethylenediamine
UN2686 2–Diethylaminoethanol
UN2687 Dicyclohexylammonium nitrate
UN2688 1–Bromo–3–chloropropane
UN2689 Glycerol alpha–monochlorohydrin
UN2690 N–n–Butyl imidazole
UN2691 Phosphorus pentabromide
UN2692 Boron tribromide
UN2693 Bisulfites, aqueous solutions, n.o.s.
UN2698 Tetrahydrophthalic anhydrides with more than 0.05 percent of maleic anhydride
UN2699 Trifluoroacetic acid
UN2705 1–Pentol
UN2707 Dimethyldioxanes
UN2709 Butyl benzenes
UN2710 Dipropyl ketone
UN2713 Acridine
UN2714 Zinc resinate
UN2715 Aluminum resinate
UN2716 1,4–Butynediol
UN2717 Camphor, synthetic
UN2719 Barium bromate
UN2720 Chromium nitrate
UN2721 Copper chlorate
UN2722 Lithium nitrate
UN2723 Magnesium chlorate
UN2724 Manganese nitrate
UN2725 Nickel nitrate
UN2726 Nickel nitrite
UN2727 Thallium nitrate
UN2728 Zirconium nitrate
UN2729 Hexachlorobenzene
UN2730 Nitroanisole
UN2732 Nitrobromobenzenes liquid or Nitrobromobenzenes solid
UN2733 Amine, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. or Polyamines, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN2734 Amine, liquid, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s. or Polyamines, liquid, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s.
UN2735 Amines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Polyamines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN2739 Butyric anhydride
UN2740 n–Propyl chloroformate
UN2741 Barium hypochlorite with more than 22 percent available chlorine
NA2742 sec–Butyl chloroformate or Isobutyl chloroformate
UN2742 Chloroformates, toxic, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s.
UN2743 n–Butyl chloroformate
UN2744 Cyclobutyl chloroformate
UN2745 Chloromethyl chloroformate
UN2746 Phenyl chloroformate
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
324 Publication 52
UN2747 tert–Butylcyclohexylchloroformate
UN2748 2–Ethylhexyl chloroformate
UN2749 Tetramethylsilane
UN2750 1,3–Dichloropropanol–2
UN2751 Diethylthiophosphoryl chloride
UN2752 1,2–Epoxy–3–ethoxypropane
UN2753 N–Ethylbenzyltoluidines liquid
UN2754 N–Ethyltoluidines
UN2757 Carbamate pesticides, solid, toxic
UN2758 Carbamate pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN2759 Arsenical pesticides, solid, toxic
UN2760 Arsenical pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
NA2761 Aldrin, solid or Dieldrin
UN2761 Organochlorine pesticides, solid, toxic
NA2762 Aldrin, liquid
UN2762 Organochlorine pesticides liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN2763 Triazine pesticides, solid, toxic
UN2764 Triazine pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN2771 Thiocarbamate pesticides, solid, toxic
UN2772 Thiocarbamate pesticide, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN2775 Copper based pesticides, solid, toxic
UN2776 Copper based pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN2777 Mercury based pesticides, solid, toxic
UN2778 Mercury based pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN2779 Substituted nitrophenol pesticides, solid, toxic
UN2780 Substituted nitrophenol pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN2781 Bipyridilium pesticides, solid, toxic
UN2782 Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN2783 Organophosphorus pesticides, solid, toxic
UN2784 Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN2785 4–Thiapentanal
UN2786 Organotin pesticides, solid, toxic
UN2787 Organotin pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN2788 Organotin compounds, liquid, n.o.s.
UN2789 Acetic acid, glacial or Acetic acid solution, with more than 80 percent acid, by mass
UN2790 Acetic acid solution, not less than 50 percent but not more than 80 percent acid, by mass or Acetic
acid solution, with more than 10 percent and less than 50 percent acid, by mass
UN2793 Ferrous metal borings or Ferrous metal shavings or Ferrous metal turnings or Ferrous metal cuttings
in a form liable to self–heating
UN2794 Batteries, wet, filled with acid, electric storage
UN2795 Batteries, wet, filled with alkali, electric storage
UN2796 Sulfuric acid with not more than 51 percent acid or Battery fluid, acid
UN2797 Battery fluid, alkali
UN2798 Phenyl phosphorus dichloride
UN2799 Phenyl phosphorus thiodichloride
UN2800 Batteries, wet, non–spillable, electric storage
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 325
UN2801 Dyes, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Dye intermediates, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN2802 Copper chloride
UN2803 Gallium
UN2805 Lithium hydride, fused solid
UN2806 Lithium nitride
UN2809 Mercury or Mercury contained in manufactured articles
UN2810 Toxic, liquids, organic, n.o.s.
NA2811 Selenium oxide
UN2811 Toxic solids, organic, n.o.s.
UN2812 Sodium aluminate, solid
UN2813 Water–reactive solid, n.o.s.
UN2814 Infectious substances, affecting humans only
UN2815 N–Aminoethylpiperazine
UN2817 Ammonium hydrogendiflouride, solution
UN2818 Ammonium polysulfide, solution
UN2819 Amyl acid phosphate
UN2820 Butyric acid
UN2821 Phenol solutions
UN2822 2–Chloropyridine
UN2823 Crotonic acid, solid
UN2826 Ethyl chlorothioformate
UN2829 Caproic acid
UN2830 Lithium ferrosilicon
UN2831 1,1,1–Trichloroethane
UN2834 Phosphorous acid
UN2835 Sodium aluminum hydride
UN2837 Bisulfate, aqueous solution
UN2838 Vinyl butyrate, stabilized
UN2839 Aldol
UN2840 Butyraldoxime
UN2841 Di–n–amylamine
UN2842 Nitroethane
UN2844 Calcium manganese silicon
NA2845 Ethyl phosphonous dichloride, anhydrous pyrophoric liquid
UN2845 Pyrophoric liquids, organic, n.o.s.
UN2846 Pyrophoric solids, organic, n.o.s.
UN2849 3–Chloropropanol–1
UN2850 Propylene tetramer
UN2851 Boron trifluoride dihydrate
UN2852 Dipicryl sulfide, wetted with not less than 10 percent water, by mass
UN2853 Magnesium fluorosilicate
UN2854 Ammonium fluorosilicate
UN2855 Zinc fluorosilicate
UN2856 Fluorosilicates, n.o.s.
UN2857 Refrigerating machines, containing nonflammable, nontoxic, liquified gas or ammonia solution
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
326 Publication 52
UN2858 Zirconium, dry, coiled wire, finished metal sheets, strip (thinner than 254 microns but not thinner than
18 microns)
UN2859 Ammonium metavanadate
UN2861 Ammonium polyvanadate
UN2862 Vanadium pentoxide, nonfused form
UN2863 Sodium ammonium vanadate
UN2864 Potassium metavanadate
UN2865 Hydroxylamine sulfate
UN2869 Titanium trichloride mixtures
UN2870 Aluminum borohydride or Aluminum borohydride in devices
UN2871 Antimony powder
UN2872 Dibromochloropropane
UN2873 Dibutylaminoethanol
UN2874 Furfuryl alcohol
UN2875 Hexachlorophene
UN2876 Resorcinol
UN2878 Titanium sponge granules or Titanium sponge powders
UN2879 Selenium oxychloride
UN2880 Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated or Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated mixtures, with not less than 5.5
percent but not more than 16 percent water
UN2881 Metal catalyst, dry
UN2900 Infectious substances, affecting animals only
UN2901 Bromine chloride
UN2902 Pesticides, liquid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN2903 Pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN2904 Chlorophenolates, liquid or Phenolates, liquid
UN2905 Chlorophenolates, solid or Phenolates, solid
UN2907 Isosorbide dinitrate mixture with not less than 60 percent lactose, mannose, starch or calcium
hydrogen phosphate
UN2909 Radioactive material, excepted package–articles manufactured from natural uranium or depleted
uranium or natural thorium
UN2910 Radioactive material, excepted package–articles manufactured from natural or depleted uranium or
natural thorium or Radioactive material, excepted package–empty package or empty packaging or
Radioactive material, excepted package–instruments or articles or Radioactive material, excepted
package–limited quantity of material
UN2911 Radioactive material, excepted package–instruments or articles
UN2912 Radioactive material, low specific activity, n.o.s. or Radioactive material, LSA, n.o.s.
UN2913 Radioactive material, surface contaminated object or Radioactive material, SCO
UN2918 Radioactive material, fissile, n.o.s.
NA2920 Dichlorobutene
UN2920 Corrosive liquids, flammable, n.o.s.
UN2921 Corrosive solids, flammable, n.o.s.
NA2922 Sodium hydrosulfide, solution
UN2922 Corrosive liquids, toxic, n.o.s.
UN2923 Corrosive solids, toxic, n.o.s.
UN2924 Flammable liquids, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN2925 Flammable solids, corrosive, organic, n.o.s.
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 327
UN2926 Flammable solids, toxic, organic, n.o.s.
NA2927 Ethyl phosphonothioic dichloride, anhydrous or Ethyl phosphorodichloridate
UN2927 Toxic liquids, corrosive, organic, n.o.s.
UN2928 Toxic solids, corrosive, organic, n.o.s.
UN2929 Toxic liquids, flammable, organic, n.o.s.
UN2930 Toxic solids, flammable, organic, n.o.s.
UN2931 Vanadyl sulfate
UN2933 Methyl 2–chloropropionate
UN2934 Isopropyl 2–chloropropionate
UN2935 Ethyl 2–chloropropionate
UN2936 Thiolactic acid
UN2937 alpha–Methylbenzyl alcohol
UN2940 9–Phosphabicyclonoanes or Cyclooctadiene phosphines
UN2941 Fluoroanilines
UN2942 2–Trifluoromethylaniline
UN2943 Tetrahydrofurfurylamine
UN2945 N–Methylbutylamine
UN2946 2–Amino–5–diethylaminopentane
UN2947 Isopropyl chloroacetate
UN2948 3–Trifluoromethylaniline
UN2949 Sodium hydrosulfide, with not less than 25 percent water of crystallization
UN2950 Magnesium granules, coated particle size not less than 149 microns
UN2956 5–tert–Butyl–2,4,6–trinitro–m–xylene or Musk xylene
UN2965 Boron trifluoride dimethyl etherate
UN2966 Thiogylcol
UN2967 Sulfamic acid
UN2968 Maneb stabilized or Maneb preparations, stabilized against self–heating
UN2969 Castor beans or Castor meal or Castor pomace or Castor flake
UN2974 Radioactive material, special form, n.o.s.
UN2982 Radioactive material, n.o.s.
UN2983 Ethylene oxide and propylene oxide mixtures with not more than 30 percent ethylene oxide
UN2984 Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions with not less than 8 percent but less than 20 percent hydrogen
peroxide (stabilized as necessary)
UN2985 Chlorosilanes, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN2986 Chlorosilanes, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s.
UN2987 Chlorosilanes, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN2988 Chlorosilanes, water–reactive, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN2989 Lead phosphite, dibasic
UN2990 Life–saving appliances, self–inflating
UN2991 Carbamate pesticide, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN2992 Carbamate pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN2993 Arsenical pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN2994 Arsenical pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN2995 Organochlorine pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN2996 Organochlorine pesticide, liquid, toxic
UN2997 Triazine pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
328 Publication 52
UN2998 Triazine pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN3002 Phenyl urea pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN3005 Thiocarbamate pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN3006 Thiocarbamate pesticide, liquid, toxic
UN3009 Copper based pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN3010 Copper based pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN3011 Mercury based pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN3012 Mercury based pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN3013 Substituted nitrophenol pesticides, liquid, toxic flammable flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN3014 Substituted nitrophenol pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN3015 Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN3016 Bipyridilium pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN3017 Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN3018 Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN3019 Organotin pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN3020 Organotin pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN3021 Pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN3022 1,2–Butylene oxide, stabilized
UN3023 2–Methyl–2–heptanethiol
UN3024 Coumarin derivative pesticides, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN3025 Coumarin derivative pesticides, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN3026 Coumarin derivative pesticides, liquid, toxic
UN3027 Coumarin derivative pesticides, solid, toxic
UN3028 Batteries, dry, containing potassium hydroxide solid, electric, storage
UN3048 Aluminum phosphide pesticides
UN3049 Metal alkyl halides, water–reactive, n.o.s. or Metal aryl halides, water–reactive, n.o.s.
UN3050 Metal alkyl hydrides, water–reactive, n.o.s. or Metal aryl hydrides, water–reactive, n.o.s.
UN3053 Magnesium alkyls
UN3054 Cyclohexyl mercaptan
UN3055 2–(2–Aminoethoxy) ethanol
UN3056 n–Heptaldehyde
UN3057 Trifluoroacetyl chloride
UN3064 Nitroglycerin, solution in alcohol, with more than 1 percent but not more than 5 percent nitroglycerin
UN3065 Alcoholic beverages
UN3066 Paint or Paint related material
UN3070 Ethylene oxide and dichlorodifluoromethane mixture with not more than 12.5 percent ethylene oxide
UN3071 Mercaptans, liquid, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixtures, liquid, toxic, flammable, n.o.s.,
flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN3072 Life–saving appliances, not self–inflating containing dangerous goods as equipment
UN3073 Vinylpyridines, stabilized
NA3077 Hazardous waste, solid, n.o.s. or Other regulated substances, solid, n.o.s.
UN3077 Environmentally hazardous substances, solid, n.o.s. (not including waste)
UN3078 Cerium, turnings or gritty powder
UN3079 Methacrylonitrile, inhibited
UN3080 Isocyanates, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. or Isocyanate solutions, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. flashpoint not
less than 23° C but not more than 6° C and boiling point less than 300° C
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 329
NA3082 Hazardous waste, liquid, n.o.s. or Other regulated substances, liquid, n.o.s.
UN3082 Environmentally hazardous substances, liquid, n.o.s. (not including waste)
UN3083 Perchloryl fluoride
UN3084 Corrosive solids, oxidizing, n.o.s.
UN3085 Oxidizing solid, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3086 Toxic solids, oxidizing, n.o.s.
UN3087 Oxidizing solid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3088 Self–heating solid, organic, n.o.s.
UN3089 Metal powders, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3090 Lithium metal batteries (including lithium alloy batteries)
UN3091 Lithium metal batteries (including lithium alloy batteries) contained in, or packed with, equipment
UN3091 Lithium batteries packed with equipment
UN3092 1–Methoxy–2–propanol
UN3093 Corrosive liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s.
UN3094 Corrosive liquids, water–reactive, n.o.s.
UN3095 Corrosive solids, self–heating, n.o.s.
UN3096 Corrosive solids, water–reactive, n.o.s.
UN3097 Flammable solid, oxidizing, n.o.s.
UN3098 Oxidizing liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3099 Oxidizing liquid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3100 Oxidizing solid, self–heating, n.o.s.
UN3101 Organic peroxide type B, liquid
UN3102 Organic peroxide type B, solid
UN3103 Organic peroxide type C, liquid
UN3104 Organic peroxide type C, solid
UN3105 Organic peroxide type D, liquid
UN3106 Organic peroxide type D, solid
UN3107 Organic peroxide type E, liquid
UN3108 Organic peroxide type E, solid
UN3109 Organic peroxide type F, liquid
UN3110 Organic peroxide type F, solid
UN3111 Organic peroxide type B, liquid, temperature controlled
UN3112 Organic peroxide type B, solid, temperature controlled
UN3113 Organic peroxide type C, liquid, temperature controlled
UN3114 Organic peroxide type C, solid, temperature controlled
UN3115 Organic peroxide type D, liquid, temperature controlled
UN3116 Organic peroxide type D, solid, temperature controlled
UN3117 Organic peroxide type E, liquid, temperature controlled
UN3118 Organic peroxide type E, solid, temperature controlled
UN3119 Organic peroxide type F, liquid, temperature controlled
UN3120 Organic peroxide type F, solid, temperature controlled
UN3121 Oxidizing solid, water–reactive, n.o.s.
UN3122 Toxic liquids, oxidizing, n.o.s.
UN3123 Toxic liquids, water–reactive, n.o.s.
UN3124 Toxic solids, self–heating, n.o.s.
UN3125 Toxic solids, water–reactive, n.o.s.
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
330 Publication 52
UN3126 Self–heating solid, corrosive, organic, n.o.s.
UN3127 Self–heating solid, oxidizing, n.o.s.
UN3128 Self–heating solid, toxic, organic, n.o.s.
UN3129 Water–reactive liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3130 Water–reactive liquid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3131 Water–reactive solid, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3132 Water–reactive solid, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3133 Water–reactive solid, oxidizing, n.o.s.
UN3134 Water–reactive solid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3135 Water–reactive solid, self–heating, n.o.s.
UN3136 Trifluoromethane, refrigerated liquid
UN3137 Oxidizing solid, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3138 Ethylene, acetylene and propylene in mixture, refrigerated liquid with at least 71.5 percent ethylene
with not more than 22.5 percent acetylene and not more than 6 percent propylene
UN3139 Oxidizing liquid, n.o.s.
UN3140 Alkaloids, liquid, n.o.s., or Alkaloid salts, liquid, n.o.s.
UN3141 Antimony compounds, inorganic, liquid, n.o.s.
UN3142 Disinfectants, liquid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3143 Dyes, solid, toxic, n.o.s. or Dye intermediates, solid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3144 Nicotine compounds, liquid, n.o.s. or Nicotine preparations, liquid, n.o.s.
UN3145 Alkylphenols, liquid, n.o.s. (including C2–C12 homologues)
UN3146 Organotin compounds, solid, n.o.s.
UN3147 Dyes, solid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Dye intermediates, solid, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3148 Water–reactive liquid, n.o.s.
UN3149 Hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid mixtures, stabilized with acids, water, and not more than 5
percent peroxyacetic acid
UN3150 Devices, small, hydrocarbon gas powered or Hydrocarbon gas refills for small devices with release
UN3151 Polyhalogenated biphenyls, liquid or Polyhalogenated terphenyls, liquid
UN3152 Polyhalogenated biphenyls, solid or Polyhalogenated terphenyls, solid
UN3153 Perfluoro(methyl vinyl ether)
UN3154 Perfluoro(ethyl vinyl ether)
UN3155 Pentachlorophenol
UN3156 Compressed gas, oxidizing, n.o.s.
UN3157 Liquified gas, oxidizing, n.o.s.
UN3158 Gas, refrigerated liquid, n.o.s. (cryogenic liquid)
UN3159 1,1,1,2–Tetrafluoroethane or Refrigerant gas R 134a
UN3160 Liquified gas, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
UN3161 Liquified gas, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3162 Liquified gas, toxic, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
UN3163 Liquified gas, n.o.s.
UN3164 Articles, pressurized pneumatic or Hydraulic containing non–flammable gas
UN3165 Aircraft hydraulic power unit fuel tank (containing a mixture of anhydrous hydrazine and monomethyl
hydrazine) (M86 fuel)
UN3166 Vehicle, flammable gas powered or Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable gas powered. Vehicle, flammable
liquid powered or Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable liquid powered
UN3167 Gas sample, non–pressurized, flammable, n.o.s., not refrigerated liquid
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 331
UN3168 Gas sample, non–pressurized, toxic, flammable, n.o.s., not refrigerated liquid
UN3169 Gas sample, non–pressurized, toxic, n.o.s., not refrigerated liquid
UN3170 Aluminum smelting by–products or Aluminum remelting by–products
UN3171 Battery–powered vehicle or Battery–powered equipment
UN3172 Toxins, extracted from living sources, liquid, n.o.s.
UN3174 Titanium disulphide
UN3175 Solids containing flammable liquid, n.o.s.
UN3176 Flammable solid, organic, molten, n.o.s.
NA3178 Smokeless powder for small arms (100 pounds or less)
UN3178 Flammable solid, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3179 Flammable solid, toxic, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3180 Flammable solid, corrosive, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3181 Metal salts of organic compounds, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3182 Metal hydrides, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3183 Self–heating liquid, organic, n.o.s.
UN3184 Self–heating liquid, toxic, organic, n.o.s.
UN3185 Self–heating liquid, corrosive, organic, n.o.s.
UN3186 Self–heating liquid, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3187 Self–heating liquid, toxic, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3188 Self–heating liquid, corrosive, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3189 Metal powder, self–heating, n.o.s.
UN3190 Self–heating solid, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3191 Self–heating solid, toxic, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3192 Self–heating solid, corrosive, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3194 Pyrophoric liquid, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3200 Pyrophoric solid, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3203 Pyrophoric organometallic compound, water–reactive, n.o.s.
UN3205 Alkaline earth metal alcoholates, n.o.s.
UN3206 Alkali metal alcoholates, self–heating, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3207 Organometallic compound or Compound solution or Compound dispersion, water–reactive,
flammable, n.o.s.
UN3208 Metallic substances, water–reactive, n.o.s.
UN3209 Metallic substance, water–reactive, self–heating, n.o.s.
UN3210 Chlorates, inorganic, aqueous solutions, n.o.s.
UN3211 Perchlorates, inorganic, aqueous solution, n.o.s.
UN3212 Hypochlorites, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3213 Bromates, inorganic, aqueous solution, n.o.s.
UN3214 Permanganates, inorganic, aqueous solution, n.o.s.
UN3215 Persulfates, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3216 Persulfates, inorganic, aqueous solution, n.o.s.
UN3218 Nitrates, inorganic, aqueous solution, n.o.s.
UN3219 Nitrites, inorganic, aqueous solution, n.o.s.
UN3220 Pentafluoroethane or Refrigerant gas R 125
UN3221 Self–reactive liquid type B
UN3222 Self–reactive solid type B
UN3223 Self–reactive liquid type C
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
332 Publication 52
UN3224 Self–reactive solid type C
UN3225 Self–reactive liquid type D
UN3226 Self–reactive solid type D
UN3227 Self–reactive liquid type E
UN3228 Self–reactive solid type E
UN3229 Self–reactive liquid type F
UN3230 Self–reactive solid type F
UN3231 Self–reactive liquid type B, temperature controlled
UN3232 Self–reactive solid type B, temperature controlled
UN3233 Self–reactive liquid type C, temperature controlled
UN3234 Self–reactive solid type C, temperature controlled
UN3235 Self–reactive liquid type D, temperature controlled
UN3236 Self–reactive solid type D, temperature controlled
UN3237 Self–reactive liquid type E, temperature controlled
UN3238 Self–reactive solid type E, temperature controlled
UN3239 Self–reactive liquid type F, temperature controlled
UN3240 Self–reactive solid type F, temperature controlled
UN3241 2–Bromo–2–nitropropane–1,3–diol
UN3242 Azodicarbonamide
UN3243 Solids containing toxic liquid, n.o.s.
UN3244 Solids containing corrosive liquid, n.o.s.
UN3246 Methanesulfonyl chloride
UN3247 Sodium peroxoborate, anhydrous
UN3248 Medicine, liquid, flammable, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3249 Medicine, solid, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3250 Chloroacetic acid, molten
UN3251 Isosorbide–5–mononitrate
UN3252 Difluoromethane or Refrigerant gas R 32
UN3253 Disodium trioxosilicate
UN3254 Tributylphosphane
UN3255 tert–Butyl hypochlorite
UN3256 Elevated temperature liquid, flammable, n.o.s., with flashpoint above 37.8° C, at or above its
UN3257 Elevated temperature liquid, n.o.s., at or above 100° C and below its flashpoint (including molten
metals, molten salts, etc.)
UN3258 Elevated temperature solid, n.o.s., at or above 240° C, see 49 CFR 173.247(h)(4)
UN3259 Amines, solid, corrosive, n.o.s. or Polyamines, solid, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3260 Corrosive solid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3261 Corrosive solid, acidic, organic, n.o.s.
UN3262 Corrosive solid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3263 Corrosive solid, basic, organic, n.o.s.
UN3264 Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3265 Corrosive liquid, acidic, organic, n.o.s.
UN3266 Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3267 Corrosive liquid, basic, organic, n.o.s.
UN3268 Air bag inflators, or Air bag modules, or Seatbelt pretensioners
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 333
UN3269 Polyester resin kit
UN3270 Nitrocellulose membrane filters
UN3271 Ethers, n.o.s.
UN3272 Esters, n.o.s.
UN3273 Nitriles, flammable, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3274 Alcoholates solution, n.o.s., in alcohol
UN3275 Nitriles, toxic, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3276 Nitriles, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3277 Chloroformates, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3278 Organophosphorus compound, toxic n.o.s.
UN3279 Organophosphorus compound, toxic, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3280 Organoarsenic compound, n.o.s.
UN3281 Metal carbonyls, n.o.s.
UN3282 Organometallic compound, toxic n.o.s.
UN3283 Selenium compound, n.o.s.
UN3284 Tellurium compound, n.o.s.
UN3285 Vanadium compound, n.o.s.
UN3286 Flammable liquid, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3287 Toxic liquid, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3288 Toxic solid, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3289 Toxic liquid, corrosive, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3290 Toxic solid, corrosive, inorganic, n.o.s.
UN3291 Regulated medical waste (sharps) or Regulated medical waste (non–sharps)
UN3292 Batteries, containing sodium or Cells, containing sodium
UN3293 Hydrazine, aqueous solution with not more than 37 percent hydrazine, by mass
UN3294 Hydrogen, cyanide, solution in alcohol with not more than 45 percent hydrogen cyanide
UN3295 Hydrocarbons, liquid, n.o.s.
UN3296 Heptafluoropropane or Refrigerant gas R 227
UN3297 Ethylene oxide and chlorotetrafluoroethane mixture with not more than 8.8 percent ethylene oxide
UN3298 Ethylene oxide and pentafluoroethane mixture with not more than 7.9 percent ethylene oxide
UN3299 Ethylene oxide and tetrafluoroethane mixture with not more than 5.6 percent ethylene oxide
UN3300 Ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide mixtures with more than 87 percent ethylene oxide
UN3301 Corrosive liquids, self–heating, n.o.s.
UN3302 2–Dimethylaminoethyl acrylate
UN3303 Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
UN3304 Compressed gas, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
UN3305 Compressed gas, toxic, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
UN3306 Compressed gas, toxic, oxidizing, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
UN3307 Liquified gas, toxic, oxidizing, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
UN3308 Liquified gas, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
UN3309 Liquified gas, toxic, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
UN3310 Liquified gas, toxic, oxidizing, corrosive, n.o.s. Inhalation Hazard Zone A, B, C, or D
UN3311 Gas, refrigerated liquid, oxidizing, n.o.s. (cryogenic liquid)
UN3312 Gas, refrigerated liquid, flammable, n.o.s. (cryogenic liquid)
UN3313 Organic pigments, self–heating
UN3314 Plastic molding compound in dough, sheet, or extruded rope form evolving flammable vapor
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
334 Publication 52
UN3316 First aid kits
UN3317 2–Amino–4,6–Dinitrophenol, wetted with not less than 20 percent water by mass
UN3318 Ammonia solution, relative density less than 0.880 at 15° C in water, with more than 50 percent
UN3319 Nitroglycerin mixture, desensitized, solid, n.o.s. with more than 2 percent but not more than 10
percent nitroglycerin, by mass
UN3320 Sodium borohydride and sodium hydroxide solution, with not more than 12 percent sodium
borohydride and not more than 40 percent sodium hydroxide by mass
UN3423 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide, solid
NA3334 Self–defense spray, non–pressurized
UN3334 Aviation regulated liquid, n.o.s.
UN3335 Aviation regulated solid, n.o.s.
UN3336 Mercaptans, liquid, flammable, n.o.s. or Mercaptan mixture, liquid, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3337 Refrigerant gas R 404A
UN3338 Refrigerant gas R 407A
UN3339 Refrigerant gas R 407B
UN3340 Refrigerant gas R 407C
UN3341 Thiourea dioxide
UN3342 Xanthates
UN3343 Nitroglycerin mixture, desensitized, liquid, flammable, n.o.s. with not more than 30 percent
nitroglycerin, by mass
UN3344 Pentaerythrite tetranitrate mixture, desensitized, solid, n.o.s. with more than 10 percent but not more
than 20 percent PETN, by mass
UN3345 Phenoxyacetic acid derivative pesticide, solid, toxic
UN3346 Phenoxyacetic acid derivative pesticide, liquid, flammable, toxic flashpoint less than 23° C
UN3347 Phenoxyacetic acid derivative pesticide, liquid, toxic, flammable, flashpoint not less than 23° C
UN3348 Phenoxyacetic acid derivative pesticide, liquid, toxic
UN3349 Pyrethroid pesticide, solid, toxic
UN3350 Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN3351 Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid, flammable, toxic, flashpoint less than 23° C
UN3352 Pyrethroid pesticide, liquid, toxic
UN3354 Insecticide gases, flammable, n.o.s
UN3355 Insecticide gases, toxic, flammable, n.o.s., Inhalation hazard A, B, C or D
UN3356 Oxygen generator, chemical
UN3360 Fiber, vegetable, dry
UN3361 Chlorosilanes, toxic, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3362 Chlorosilanes, toxic, corrosive, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3363 Dangerous Goods in Machinery or Dangerous Goods in Apparatus
UN3364 Trinitrophenol (picric acid), wetted with not less than 10 percent water by mass
UN3365 Trinitrochlorobenzene (picryl chloride), wetted, with not less than 10 percent water by mass
UN3366 Trinitrotoluene (TNT) wetted, with not less than 10 percent water by mass
UN3367 Trinitrobenzene, wetted, with not less than 10 percent water, by mass
UN3368 Trinitrobenzoic acid, wetted with not less than 10 percent water, by mass
UN3370 Urea nitrate, wetted with not less than 10 percent water, by mass
UN3373 Biological substance, Category B
UN3379 Desensitized explosives, liquid, n.o.s.
UN3380 Desensitized explosives, solid, n.o.s.
Numerical Listing of Proper Shipping Names by Identification (ID) Number Appendix B
September 7, 2023 335
Toxic by inhalation liquid, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 200 ml/m
and saturated vapor
concentration greater than or equal to 500 LC50
Toxic by inhalation liquid, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 1000 ml/m
and saturated vapor
concentration greater than or equal to 10 LC50
Toxic by inhalation liquid, flammable, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 200 ml/m
saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 500 LC50
Toxic by inhalation liquid, flammable, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 1000 ml/m
saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 10 LC50
Toxic by inhalation liquid, water-reactive, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 200 ml/m
saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 500 LC50
Toxic by inhalation liquid, water-reactive, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 1000 ml/m
saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 10 LC50
Toxic by inhalation liquid, oxidizing, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 200 ml/m
saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 500 LC50
Toxic by inhalation liquid, oxidizing, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 1000 ml/m
saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 10 LC50
Toxic by inhalation liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 200 ml/m
saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 500 LC50
Toxic by inhalation liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 1000 ml/m
saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 10 LC50
UN3401 Alkali metal amalgam, solid
UN3402 Alkaline earth metal amalgams, solid
UN3405 Barium chlorate, solution
UN3406 Barium perchlorate, solution
UN3407 Chlorate and magnesium chloride mixture, solution
UN3409 Chloronitrobenzene, liquid
UN3410 4–Chloro–o–toluidine hydrochloride, solution
UN3416 Chloroacetophenone (CN), liquid
UN3417 Xylyl bromide, solid
UN3420 Boron trifluoride propionic acid complex, solid
UN3424 Ammonium dintro–o–cresolate, solution
UN3425 Bromoacetic acid, solid
UN3426 Acrylamide, solution
UN3427 Chlorobenzyl chlorides, solid
UN3428 3–Chloro–4–methylphenyl isocyanate, solid
UN3429 Chlorotoluidines, liquid
UN3430 Xylenols, liquid
UN3437 Chlorocresols, solid
UN3441 Chlorodinitrobenzenes, solid
UN3442 Dichloroanilines, solid
UN3443 Dinitrobenzenes, solid
UN3448 Tear gas substances, solid, n.o.s
UN3449 Bromobenzyl cyanides, solid
UN3451 Toluidines solid
UN3452 Xylidines, solid
UN3454 Dinitrotoluenes, solid
Appendix B Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
336 Publication 52
UN3455 Cresols, solid
UN3457 Chloronitrotoluenes, solid
UN3460 N-Ethylbenzyltoluidines, solid
UN3462 Toxins, extracted from living sources, solid, n.o.s.
UN3472 Crotonic acid, liquid
UN3475 Ethanol and gasoline mixture or Ethanol and motor spirit mixture or Ethanol and petrol mixture, with
more than 10 percent ethanol
UN3480 Lithium-ion batteries (including lithium polymer batteries)
UN3481 Lithium-ion batteries (including lithium polymer batteries) contained in, or packed with, equipment
UN3485 Calcium hypochlorite, dry, corrosive or Calcium hypochlorite mixtures, dry, corrosive with more than
39 percent available chlorine (8.8 percent available oxygen)
UN3486 Calcium hypochlorite mixture, dry, corrosive with more than 10 percent but not more than 39 percent
available chlorine
UN3487 Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated, corrosive or Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated mixture, corrosive with
not less than 5.5 percent but not more than 16 percent water
Toxic by inhalation liquid, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 200 ml/m
and saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 500 LC50
UN3489 Toxic by inhalation liquid, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 1000 ml/
and saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 10 LC50
UN3490 Toxic by inhalation liquid, water-reactive, flammable, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 200
and saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 500 LC50-
UN3491 Toxic by inhalation liquid, water-reactive, flammable, n.o.s. with an LC50 lower than or equal to 1000
and saturated vapor concentration greater than or equal to 10 LC50-
UN3496 Batteries, nickel-metal hydride see Batteries, dry. Sealed, n.o.s. for nickel metal hydride batteris
transported by modes other than vessel
UN3500 Chemical under pressure, n.o.s.
UN3501 Chemical under pressure, flammable, n.o.s.
UN3502 Chemical under pressure, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3503 Chemical under pressure, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3504 Chemical under pressure, flammable, toxic, n.o.s.
UN3505 Chemical under pressure, flammable, corrosive, n.o.s.
UN3506 Mercury contained in manufactured articles
ID8000 Consumer Commodity
NA9035 Gas identification set
NA9191 Chlorine dioxide, hydrate, frozen
NA9202 Carbon monoxide, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid)
NA9206 Methyl phosphonic dichloride
NA9260 Aluminum, molten
NA9263 Chloropivaloyl chloride
NA9264 3,5–Dichloro–2,4,6–trifluoropyridine
NA9269 Trimethoxysilane
September 7, 2023 337
Appendix C
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable
Hazardous Materials
These Postal Service packaging instructions are for mailable types of
hazardous materials. The numeric digits 1 through 9 correspond to the
appropriate hazard class. The alpha characters differentiate the separate
groups of materials within a hazard class. Packaging instructions 10A
through 10C provide packaging information relating to special provisions not
associated with a specific hazard class. Postal Service packaging
instructions are provided as follows:
Hazard Class 1: Explosives
1A Toy Propellant Devices
1B Safety Fuse
Hazard Class 2: Gases
2A Flammable Gases
2B Nonflammable Gases
2C Fire Extinguishers
2D Foodstuffs and Soap Products
2E Audible Fire Alarm Systems
2F Biological Products or Medical Preparations
Hazard Class 3: Flammable and Combustible Liquids
3A Flammable Liquids
3B Combustible Liquids
3C Flammable Liquid or Gas Lighters
3D Ethanol-based Flammable Liquids and Solids
Hazard Class 4: Flammable Solids
4A Flammable Solids
4B Safety Matches
Hazard Class 5: Oxidizing Substances, Organic Peroxides
5A Oxidizing Substances, Organic Peroxides
Hazard Class 6: Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances
6A Toxic Substances
6B Toxic Substances with LD
50 Oral Toxicity of 50 mg/kg or Less
6C Category B Infectious Substances
6D Sharps Waste and Other Regulated Medical Waste
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
338 Publication 52
6E Used Health Care Products
6F Forensic Material
6G Nonregulated Infectious Materials
6H Exempt Human or Animal Specimens
Hazard Class 7: Radioactive Materials
7A Radioactive Materials
Hazard Class 8: Corrosives
8A Corrosives
8B Nonspillable Wet Battery
8C Manufactured Devices that Contain Small Amounts of Mercury
Hazard Class 9: Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials
9A Dry Ice (Carbon Dioxide Solid)
9B Magnetized Materials
9C Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials
9D Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries — Domestic
9E Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries — International
Category 10: Other Packaging Instructions
10A Small-Quantity Provision
10B Excepted Quantity Provision
10C Cremated Remains
10D Adult Bird Boxes
USPS Packaging Instruction 1A
Toy Propellant Devices
The proper shipping name for a mailable toy propellant device is “model
rocket motor” or “igniter.” A device that is assigned identification number
NA0323 or UN0454 and classed as a Division 1.4S explosive is eligible for
mailing in domestic mail via surface transportation only, provided that all
requirements are met and the device is properly packaged as follows.
Proper Shipping Name and ID Number
Model Rocket Motors, NA0323.
Igniters, UN0454.
Required Authorization
Prior written permission must be obtained from:
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 339
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation with prior
approval. Each device must meet the specifications in
Design Specifications
Mailable devices must meet each of the following conditions:
Each device must be ignitable by electrical means only.
Each device must contain no more than 30g (1.07 ounces) of propellant.
Each device must produce less than 80 newton seconds of total
impulse with thrust duration not less than 0.050 second.
Each device must be constructed so that all chemical ingredients are
preloaded into a cylindrical paper or similarly constructed nonmetallic
tube that does not fragment into sharp, hard pieces.
Each device must be designed so that it will not burst under normal
Each device must be incapable of spontaneous ignition under 500° F.
Each device must not contain any type of explosive or pyrotechnic
warhead other than a small, activation-charge, parachute-recovery
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
Each device must be packed in a securely sealed primary receptacle.
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted within a single mailpiece.
Each primary receptacle must be surrounded by sufficient cushioning
material to absorb shock and prevent breakage.
Outer Shipping Container
A strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle(s) and cushioning material is required.
Each mailpiece must not exceed a total weight of 25 pounds.
Each outer packaging must be clearly marked on the address side with
“Toy Propellant Devices,” followed by the applicable proper shipping
name and UN or NA number. The markings “Surface Only” or “Surface
Mail Only” and “Handle With Care” must also appear on the address
side of the mailpiece. A DOT hazardous materials warning label must
not be affixed.
A complete mailing address and return address must be used.
A properly completed shipper's declaration for dangerous goods must
be prepared in triplicate and affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
Note: Full responsibility rests with the mailer to comply with Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) regulations before
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
340 Publication 52
mailing. At the time of mailing, the mailer must present to the Postal
Service acceptance clerk a legible photocopy of the Product
Classification director’s approval letter.
USPS Packaging Instruction 1B
Safety Fuse
Safety fuses consist of a core of black powder overspun with yarns,
waterproofing compounds, and/or tapes. A safety fuse assigned
identification number UN0105 and classed as a Division 1.4S explosive may
be mailed only as permitted in
341.22b and when properly packaged as
Proper Shipping Name
Safety Fuse.
ID Number
Required Authorization
Prior written permission must be obtained from:
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation with prior
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
Each device must be packed in a securely sealed primary receptacle.
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted within a single mailpiece.
Cushioning Material
Each primary receptacle must be surrounded by sufficient cushioning
material to absorb shock and prevent breakage.
Outer Packaging
A strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle(s) and cushioning material is required.
The outer packaging must be made of fiberboard, wood, or metal.
Friction closures or paperboard containers are not acceptable.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 341
The outside of the mailpiece must be clearly marked on the address
side with “Safety Fuse, UN0105” and “Surface Only” or “Surface Mail
A complete mailing address and return address must be used.
A properly completed shipper's declaration for dangerous goods must
be prepared in triplicate, and affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
Note: Full responsibility rests with the mailer to comply with Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) regulations before
mailing. At the time of mailing, the mailer must present to the Postal
Service acceptance clerk a legible photocopy of the Product
Classification director’s approval letter.
USPS Packaging Instruction 2A
Flammable Gases
A Class 2, Division 2.1 flammable gas that qualifies as a Limited Quantity
surface material is mailable provided that all applicable requirements in
are met and it is properly packaged as follows.
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
The capacity of an other-than-metal (nonmetal) primary receptacle
must be 4 fluid ounces (7.22 cubic inches) or less per mailpiece.
The capacity of a metal primary receptacle must be 33.8 fluid ounces
(1-liter or 61.0 cubic inches) or less per mailpiece.
The liquid content of the material and the gas must not completely fill
the primary receptacle at 130° F.
A DOT 2P container must be used if the internal pressure is from
psig to 160 psig at 130° F (55° C). A DOT 2Q container must be
used if the pressure is from 161 psig to 180 psig at 130° F (55° C).
A container with an internal pressure more than 180 psig at 130° F
C) is prohibited from mailing.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
342 Publication 52
Primary receptacles must have recessed valves, screw-thread caps,
tap closures, or other means to prevent accidental discharge. Valves
and fittings must be protected to ensure the integrity of the receptacle
during transport.
Cushioning Material
Sufficient cushioning material must surround the primary receptacle to
absorb shock and prevent damage.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle and cushioning material is required.
Multiple primary receptacles may be securely packed within a single
strong outer packaging, provided the total volume of flammable gas
does not exceed 33.8 fluid ounces (1 liter) per mailpiece.
Labels and markings must be placed on the address side of the mailpiece
unless specified differently in
221.1 and 325.1.
The outer packaging must bear an approved DOT Limited Quantity
surface mark designating surface transportation, prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
USPS Packaging Instruction 2B
Nonflammable Gases
A Class 2, Division 2.2 nonflammable gas that qualifies as a Limited Quantity
air or Limited Quantity surface material is mailable provided that all
applicable requirements in
342 are met and it is properly packaged as
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted with restrictions via air transportation and
permitted via surface transportation.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle(s)
The capacity of an other-than-metal (nonmetal) primary receptacle
must be 4 fluid ounces (7.22 cubic inches) or less per mailpiece.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 343
The capacity of a metal primary receptacle must be 33.8 fluid ounces
(1-liter or 61.0 cubic inches) or less.
The liquid content of the material and the gas must not completely fill
the primary receptacle at 130° F.
A DOT 2P container must be used if the internal pressure is from
psig to 160 psig at 130° F (55° C). A DOT 2Q container must be
used if the pressure is from 161 psig to 180 psig at 130° F (55° C).
A container with an internal pressure more than 180 psig at 130° F
C) is prohibited from mailing.
The primary receptacle(s) must be packaged to protect valves and
fittings and to ensure integrity during transport.
The primary receptacle(s) must have a recessed valve, screw-thread
cap, tap closure, or other means to prevent accidental discharge.
Cushioning Material
Sufficient cushioning material must surround the primary receptacle to
absorb shock and prevent damage.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle(s) and cushioning material is required.
Multiple primary receptacles may be securely packed within a single
strong outer packaging.
Each mailpiece must not exceed a total weight of 25 pounds.
The following labels and text markings must be placed on the address side
of the mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1.
For air transportation, mailpieces must bear the DOT Limited Quantity
air mark (with the symbol “Y” in the center), an approved DOT Class 9
hazardous material warning label, Identification Number “ID8000,” and
the proper shipping name “Consumer Commodity.”
For surface transportation, the outer packaging must bear an approved
DOT Limited Quantity ground mark designating surface transportation,
prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For air transportation, a mailable, nonflammable gas must have a
properly completed shipper's declaration for dangerous goods
prepared in triplicate and affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
344 Publication 52
USPS Packaging Instruction 2C
Fire Extinguishers
A fire extinguisher containing a Division 2.2 compressed, nonflammable gas
assigned UN1044 that can qualify as a Limited Quantity surface material is
mailable if it does not contain a methyl bromide gas mixture or sulfuric acid,
and, if the gas is nonflammable, nonpoisonous, or noncorrosive, as specified
in 49 CFR § 173.309(a). All applicable requirements in
342 must be met, and
it must be properly packaged as follows.
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
UN1044 (see “Note” under Documentation below).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted with restrictions via air transportation and
permitted via surface transportation.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
The primary receptacle must be a DOT specification 2P or 2Q
container that meets the requirements in 49 CFR 173.309(a)(4).
Only one primary receptacle not exceeding 1 liter (33.8 ounces) is
permitted per mailpiece.
Cushioning Material
Sufficient cushioning material must surround the primary receptacle to
absorb shock and prevent damage.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle and cushioning material is required.
The following labels and text markings must be placed on the address side
of the mailpiece unless specified in
For air transportation, mailpieces must bear the DOT Limited Quantity
air mark (with the symbol “Y” in the center), an approved DOT Class 9
hazardous material warning label (if applicable), Identification Number
“ID8000,” and the proper shipping name “Consumer Commodity.”
For surface transportation, the outer packaging must bear an approved
DOT Limited Quantity surface mark designating surface transportation,
prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 345
For air transportation, a properly completed shipper's declaration for
dangerous goods must be prepared in triplicate and affixed to the
outside of the mailpiece.
Note: Fire extinguishers assigned UN0275, UN0276, UN0323, and
UN0381 are prohibited from mailing. However, fire extinguishers
assigned UN1774 are mailable as Class 8 corrosives subject to the
limitations for corrosives in
USPS Packaging Instruction 2D
Foodstuffs and Soap Products
Foodstuffs and soap products that are held in containers under pressure are
mailable in the domestic mail via surface transportation if they qualify as a
Limited Quantity surface material and all applicable requirements in
342 are
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
Acceptable only in a nonrefillable metal primary receptacle not
exceeding 61.0 cubic inches (1 liter) with soluble or emulsified
compressed gas.
Liquid content of the material and the gas must not completely fill the
primary receptacle at 130° F, the pressure in the primary receptacle
must be 140 psig or less at 130° F, and the metal primary receptacle
must be able to withstand one-and-one-half times the equilibrium
pressure of the content at 130° F.
Cushioning Material
The primary receptacle must be surrounded by sufficient cushioning
material to absorb shock and prevent damage.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle and cushioning material is required.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
346 Publication 52
Multiple primary receptacles may be securely packed within a single
outer packaging up to a weight limit of 25 pounds (11.325 kg) per
The following labels and text markings must be placed on the address side
of the mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1.
The address side of each outer packaging must be clearly marked with
“Inside Containers Comply With Prescribed Regulations” per 49 CFR
The outer packaging must bear an approved DOT Limited Quantity
surface mark designating surface transportation, prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
USPS Packaging Instruction 2E
Audible Fire Alarm Systems
An audible fire alarm system powered by a compressed gas is mailable only
in domestic mail via surface transportation provided that the system qualifies
as a Limited Quantity surface material and all applicable requirements in
are met.
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
The content of the primary receptacle is a nonflammable,
nonpoisonous, or noncorrosive gas.
The gas is contained within a metal primary receptacle that has a
capacity of 19.3 fluid ounces (35 cubic inches) or less, does not exceed
a pressure of 70 psig at 70° F, and is not completely filled at 130° F.
Each nonrefillable primary receptacle must be designed to withstand a
burst pressure of not less than 4 times its charged pressure at 130° F.
Each refillable primary receptacle must be designed to withstand a
burst pressure of not less than 5 times its charged pressure at 130° F.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 347
Cushioning Material
The primary receptacle must be surrounded by sufficient cushioning
material to absorb shock and prevent breakage.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle and cushioning is required.
Multiple primary receptacles may be securely packed within a single
outer packaging up to a weight limit of 25 pounds (11.325 kg) per
Labels and markings must be placed on the address side of the mailpiece
unless specified differently in
221.1 and 325.1.
The outer packaging must bear an approved DOT Limited Quantity
surface mark designating surface transportation, prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
USPS Packaging Instruction 2F
Biological Products or Medical Preparations
A product or preparation in a nonrefillable metal primary receptacle charged
with a nonflammable solution containing biological products or a medical
preparation that could deteriorate by heat may be accepted in the domestic
mail via surface transportation only provided that the item qualifies as a
Limited Quantity surface material, and all applicable requirements in
342 are
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation.
Packaging Requirements
Primary Receptacle
Capacity of the primary receptacle must be 19.3 fluid ounces (35 cubic
inches) or less, pressure in the primary receptacle must be 140 psig or
less at 130° F, and the liquid content of product and gas must not
completely fill the container at 130° F.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
348 Publication 52
If heated until the pressure in the primary receptacle is equivalent to
equilibrium pressure of content at 130° F, the primary receptacle must
be able to withstand leakage, distortion, or other damage or defects.
Only one primary receptacle is permitted per mailpiece.
Cushioning Material
The primary receptacle must be surrounded by sufficient cushioning
material to absorb shock and prevent breakage.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle and cushioning is required.
Multiple primary receptacles are not permitted.
Labels and markings must be placed on the address side of the mailpiece
unless specified differently in
221.1 and 325.1.
The outer packaging must bear an approved DOT Limited Quantity
surface mark designating surface transportation, prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
USPS Packaging Instruction 3A
Flammable Liquids
A flammable liquid having a flashpoint greater than 20° F (–7° C) but less than
100° F (38° C) is mailable in domestic mail via surface transportation, if the
liquid qualifies as a Limited Quantity surface material, and all applicable
requirements in
343 are met. Flammable liquids having a flashpoint of 20° or
less are not mailable.
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail and APO/FPO/DPO: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 349
Required Packaging
Separate packaging requirements apply depending on the flashpoint of the
flammable liquid.
For flashpoint greater than 20º F (-7º C) but not more than 73º F
(23º C):
Primary Receptacle
A metal primary receptacle must not exceed 1 quart.
A nonmetal primary receptacle must not exceed 1 pint.
The primary receptacle must have a screw cap (with minimum of
one-and-one-half turns), soldering clips, or other means of secure
closure (friction tops are not acceptable).
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted, provided the aggregate
quantity of flammable material per mailpiece does not exceed 1 quart
for metal primary containers or 1 pint for nonmetal primary containers.
Cushioning Material and Secondary Packaging
Enough cushioning material must surround the primary receptacles to
prevent breakage and absorb any potential leakage.
The cushioning and primary receptacles must be packed in securely
sealed secondary packaging.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacles, cushioning material, and secondary
packaging is required.
Labels and markings must be placed on the address side of the mailpiece
unless specified differently in
221.1 and 325.1.
The outer packaging must bear an approved DOT Limited Quantity
surface mark designating surface transportation, prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For flashpoint greater than 73º F (23º C) but less than 100º F
Primary Receptacle
A metal primary receptacle must not exceed 1 gallon.
A nonmetal primary receptacle must not exceed 1 quart.
The primary receptacle must have a screw cap (with minimum of
one-and-one-half turns), soldering clips, or other means of secure
closure (friction tops are not acceptable).
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted, provided the aggregate
quantity of flammable material per mailpiece does not exceed 1 gallon
for metal primary containers or 1 quart for nonmetal primary
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
350 Publication 52
Cushioning Material and Secondary Packaging
Enough cushioning material must surround the primary receptacles to
prevent breakage and absorb any potential leakage.
The cushioning and primary receptacles must be packed in securely
sealed secondary packaging.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacles, cushioning material, and secondary
packaging is required.
Labels and markings must be placed on the address side of the mailpiece
unless specified differently in
221.1 and 325.1.
The outer packaging must bear an approved DOT Limited Quantity
surface mark designating surface transportation, prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For flashpoint of at least 100º F (38º C) but not more than 140º F
(60º C):
Use Packaging Instruction 3B.
USPS Packaging Instruction 3B
Combustible Liquids
A combustible liquid having a flashpoint of 140° F (60° C) but no more than
200° F (93° C) is mailable if it qualifies as a Limited Quantity material in the
Postal Service for air or surface transportation and meets all applicable
requirements in
343. A flammable liquid having a flashpoint of at least 100° F
(38° C) but not more than 140° F (60° C) may be reclassed as a combustible
liquid within the limits of 49 CFR 173.120(b).
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: For flashpoints of at least 100º F (38º C), but not more
than 140º F (60º C), permitted only via surface transportation. For
flashpoints above 140° (60° C), permitted with restrictions via air
transportation and surface transportation.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 351
Required Packaging
Separate packaging requirements apply, depending on the flashpoint of the
combustible liquid.
For flashpoint of at least 100º F (38º C) but not more than 140º F
(60º C):
Permitted only in domestic mail via surface transportation.
Primary Receptacle
The capacity of a metal primary receptacle must not exceed 1 gallon.
A nonmetal primary receptacle must not exceed 1 quart.
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted, provided the aggregate
quantity of flammable material per mailpiece does not exceed 1 gallon
for metal primary containers or 1 quart for nonmetal primary
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
Enough absorbent and cushioning material must surround the primary
receptacles to prevent breakage and absorb any potential leakage.
Secondary Packaging
The cushioning and primary receptacles must be packed in a securely
sealed secondary packaging.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacles, cushioning material, and secondary
packaging is required.
Labels and markings must be placed on the address side of the mailpiece
unless specified differently in
221.1 and 325.1.
The outer packaging must bear an approved DOT Limited Quantity
surface mark designating surface transportation, prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For flashpoint above 140º F (60º C) but not more than 200º F
Permitted in domestic mail via air or surface transportation.
Primary Receptacle
The capacity of the primary receptacle must not exceed 1 gallon.
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted, provided the aggregate
quantity of flammable material per mailpiece does not exceed 1 gallon.
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
Enough absorbent and cushioning material must surround the primary
receptacles to prevent breakage and absorb any potential leakage.
Secondary Packaging
The cushioning and primary receptacles must be packed in a securely
sealed secondary packaging.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
352 Publication 52
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacles, cushioning material, and secondary
packaging is required.
The following labels and text markings must be placed on the address side
of the mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1.
For air transportation, mailpieces must bear the DOT Limited Quantity
air mark (with the symbol “Y” in the center), an approved DOT Class 9
hazardous material warning label, Identification Number “ID8000,” and
the proper shipping name “Consumer Commodity.”
For surface transportation, the outer packaging must bear an approved
DOT Limited Quantity surface mark designating surface transportation,
prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For air transportation, a properly completed shipper's declaration for
dangerous goods must be prepared in triplicate and affixed to the
outside of the mailpiece.
For flashpoint above 200º F (93º C):
The material is not regulated as a hazardous material. Therefore, it is
permitted in domestic mail via air or surface transportation without
restriction when properly packaged to prevent leakage during
Primary Receptacle
Each primary receptacle must be sturdy and have a secure method of
Multiple primary receptacles may be enclosed within a single
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
Enough absorbent and cushioning material must surround the primary
receptacle to prevent breakage and absorb all potential leakage.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle and cushioning material is required.
A complete return address and delivery address must be used.
USPS Packaging Instruction 3C
Flammable Liquid or Gas Lighters
A lighter equipped with an ignition element and containing fuel is classified
as a Class 3 flammable liquid. A lighter containing a flammable gas is classed
as a Division 2.1 flammable gas. A lighter that contains either flammable
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 353
liquid or flammable gas is permitted in domestic mail via surface
transportation only with prior written approval, provided all the applicable
requirements of
343.25 are met.
Proper Shipping Name and ID Number
Lighters or Lighter Refills, UN1057.
Required Authorization
The design of the lighter must be certified by the lighter testing agency
authorized by the DOT Associate Administrator for Hazardous Material
Safety, per 49 CFR 173.21(i) and 173.308, and an Approval Number
(LAA****) must have been issued. The vendor in whose name the
authorization is being sought must submit a written request to the
director of Pricing and Classification Service Center (see
213 for
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
The design of the lighter must be approved by DOT (see “Required
Authorization” above).
Cushioning Material
Sufficient cushioning material must be used to absorb shock and
protect the lighter from breakage.
Outer Packaging
The packaging must be designed to protect the lighter's sparking
mechanism from accidental ignition caused by friction or external
pressure during transport.
The outer packaging must be of sufficient strength to prevent the inner
contents from breaking or bursting through.
The address side of each mailpiece must be clearly marked with
“Surface Only” or “Surface Mail Only” and “Lighters” or “Lighter Refills”
followed by the LAA**** Number.
A complete return address and delivery address must be used.
Note: At the time of the mailer’s first mailing at each Postal Service
facility, the mailer must present to that facility a legible photocopy of the
PCSC director’s approval letter.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
354 Publication 52
USPS Packaging Instruction 3D
Ethanol-based Flammable Liquids and Solids
Certain limited quantities of flammable liquids and solids containing ethyl
alcohol are permitted in the domestic mail via air transportation, with special
authorization from the director, Product Classification, when all applicable
requirements in
343.27 are met.
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail and APO/FPO/DPO: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted via air transportation with special
authorization; or via surface transportation by following Packaging
Instruction 3A.
Required Packaging
Separate packaging requirements apply, dependent on the percentage of
ethyl alcohol and primary container used.
For content not more than 70% ethyl alcohol:
Primary Receptacle
A nonglass primary receptacle must not exceed 16 ounces for liquids
or 1 pound for solids.
A glass primary receptacle must not exceed 8 ounces for liquids or 1/2
pound for solids.
The primary receptacle must have a screw cap (with minimum of one
and one-half turns), soldering clips, or other means of secure closure
(friction tops are not acceptable).
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted when the total aggregate
mailpiece weight does not exceed 25
The total volume of flammable liquid in the mailpiece must not exceed
96 ounces.
The total volume of flammable solids in the mailpiece must not exceed
16 pounds.
Cushioning Material
Enough cushioning material must surround the primary receptacles to
prevent breakage and absorb any potential leakage.
The cushioning and primary receptacles must be packed in securely
sealed outer packaging.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 355
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacles and cushioning material is required.
Each package must bear the text “Contains Air-Eligible Ethyl Alcohol
— Authorization No. #” on the outer packaging in at least 14-point
A complete company name, return address, and delivery address must
be applied to each outer package.
For content more than 70% ethyl alcohol:
Primary Receptacle
The primary receptacle must not exceed 8 ounces for liquids or 1/2
pound for solids.
The primary receptacle must have a screw cap (with minimum of one
and one-half turns), soldering clips, or other means of secure closure
(friction tops are not acceptable).
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted when the total aggregate
mailpiece weight does not exceed 16
The total volume of flammable liquid in the mailpiece must not exceed
48 ounces.
The total volume of flammable solids in the mailpiece must not exceed
8 pounds.
Cushioning Material
Enough cushioning material must surround the primary receptacles to
prevent breakage and absorb any potential leakage.
The cushioning and primary receptacles must be packed in securely
sealed outer packaging.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacles and cushioning material is required.
Each package must bear the text “Contains Air-Eligible Ethyl
— Authorization No. #” on the outer packaging in at least
14-point type.
A complete company name, return address, and delivery address must
be applied to each outer package.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
356 Publication 52
USPS Packaging Instruction 4A
Flammable Solids
A flammable solid that qualifies as a Limited Quantity surface material is
permitted in the domestic mail via surface transportation only, provided all
applicable requirements in
344 are met.
Proper Shipping Name
Various (see Appendix A).
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
The primary receptacle must have a secure seal and together with its
contents must not exceed a weight of 1
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted.
Cushioning Material
Sufficient cushioning material must be used to absorb shock and the
primary receptacle from breakage.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle and cushioning material is required.
Each mailpiece must not exceed a total weight of 25 pounds.
Labels and markings must be placed on the address side of the mailpiece
unless specified differently in
221.1 and 325.1.
The outer packaging must bear an approved DOT Limited Quantity
surface mark designating surface transportation, prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 357
USPS Packaging Instruction 4B
Safety Matches
Safety matches (book, card, or strike-on-box) may be mailed only in
domestic mail via surface transportation, provided all applicable
requirements in
344 are met, including:
They do not ignite spontaneously under conditions normally incident to
transportation or when subjected for eight consecutive hours to a
temperature of 200º F (93º C).
They cannot be readily ignited by friction unless struck on their own or
on a similar box, card, or book.
Note: Strike-anywhere matches assigned UN1331 and other types of
matches assigned UN2254 or UN1945 are nonmailable.
Proper Shipping Name
Matches, Safety.
ID Number
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
Mailable types of safety matches must be tightly packed in a securely
sealed primary receptacle to prevent any shifting or movement that
could cause accidental ignition by rubbing against adjoining items.
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted per mailpiece.
Outer Packaging
The outer packaging material must be made of fiberboard, wood, or
other equivalent and be strong enough to prevent the inner contents
from bursting through.
The primary container(s) must be snugly packed within the outer
Each mailpiece must not exceed a total weight of 25 pounds.
The address side of each mailpiece must be clearly marked “Surface
Only” or “Surface Mail Only” and either “Book Matches”, “Card
matches,” or “Strike-on-Box Matches,” as applicable.
A complete return address and delivery address must be used.
A shipping paper is not required.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
358 Publication 52
USPS Packaging Instruction 5A
Oxidizing Substances, Organic Peroxides
An oxidizing substance or an organic peroxide that qualifies as a Limited
Quantity material within the Postal Service is permitted in the domestic mail
for air and surface transportation provided that all applicable requirements in
345 are met.
Proper Shipping Name
Various (see Appendix A).
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted with restrictions via air transportation, or
surface transportation.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
For liquids, the capacity of the primary receptacle must not exceed
pint (.0473 liters).
For solids, the weight of the contents of the primary receptacle must
not exceed 1 pound (.0453 kg).
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted up to a total weight of
pounds per mailpiece.
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
Enough absorbent and cushioning material must surround the primary
receptacle to prevent breakage and absorb all potential leakage.
Secondary Packaging
For liquids only, the cushioning and primary receptacle must be
packed in a secondary leak-resistant packaging or material that is
securely sealed.
Outer Packaging
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle and cushioning material is required.
Each mailpiece must not exceed a total weight of 25 pounds.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 359
The following labels and text markings must be placed on the address side
of the mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1.
For air transportation, mailpieces must bear the DOT Limited Quantity
air mark (with the symbol “Y” in the center), an approved DOT Class
5.1 or 5.2 hazardous material warning label, Identification Number and
the proper shipping name.
For surface transportation, the outer packaging must bear an approved
DOT Limited Quantity surface mark designating surface transportation,
prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For air transportation, a mailable material must have a properly
completed shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods that is prepared
in triplicate affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
The shipper’s declaration must be properly completed and signed by
the mailer.
USPS Packaging Instruction 6A
Toxic Substances
A Division 6.1 toxic substance that qualifies as a Limited Quantity material
within the Postal Service is permitted in the domestic mail via air or surface
transportation when all applicable requirements in
346 are met.
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted via air transportation or surface
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
The primary container must be of sufficient strength and have a secure
method of closure.
The capacity of the primary receptacle(s) per mailpiece must not
exceed 8
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
360 Publication 52
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
Enough absorbent and cushioning material must surround the primary
receptacle to prevent breakage and absorb all potential leakage.
Outer Shipping Container
Strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle and cushioning material is required.
The inner receptacle and cushioning material must fit snugly within the
outer packaging.
The following labels and text markings must be placed on the address side
of the mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1.
For air transportation, mailpieces must bear the DOT Limited Quantity
air mark (with the symbol “Y” in the center), an approved DOT Class 9
hazardous material warning label, Identification Number “ID8000,” and
the proper shipping name “Consumer Commodity.”
For surface transportation, the outer packaging must bear an approved
DOT Limited Quantity surface mark designating surface transportation,
prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For air transportation, a mailable material must have a properly
completed shipper's declaration for dangerous goods that is prepared
in triplicate and affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
USPS Packaging Instruction 6B
Toxic Substances with LD
Oral Toxicity of
50 mg/kg or Less
A Division 6.1 toxic substance having an LD
for oral toxicity of greater than
5 mg/kg but less than or equal to 50 mg/kg is mailable only between
authorized parties under the specific conditions in
Proper Shipping Name
Various (see Appendix A).
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only between authorized parties via air
transportation or surface transportation.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 361
Authorized Mailers
Toxic substances that have an LD
for oral toxicity of greater than 5 mg/kg
but less than or equal to 50 mg/kg may be mailed between the following
parties subject to these specific conditions:
Toxic substances for scientific use (not outwardly or of their own force
dangerous or injurious to life, health, or property) may be sent only
between manufacturers, dealers, bona fide research or experimental
scientific laboratories, and employees of federal, state, or local
governments who have official use for such poisons and are
designated by the agency head to receive or send such poisons.
Poisonous drugs and medicines that are regulated as Division 6.1
materials may be sent only from the manufacturer or dealer of the
drugs and medicines to licensed physicians, surgeons, dentists,
pharmacists, druggists, cosmetologists, barbers, and veterinarians
U.S.C. 1716).
Note: Drugs and medicines that are not regulated as Division 6.1
materials are subject to the conditions in Chapter
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
The total volume in the primary receptacle must not exceed 8 ounces.
The primary receptacle must be leak-resistant and have a secure
method of closure.
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
Each primary receptacle that contains a liquid material must be
completely surrounded by absorbent material capable of completely
taking up all the contents in the event of breakage.
Sufficient cushioning material must surround the primary receptacle(s)
to absorb shocks and prevent damage.
Secondary Container
For toxic liquids the secondary container must be leakproof.
For toxic solids the secondary container must be siftproof.
The primary receptacle, absorbent material, and cushioning material
must fit firmly and securely within the secondary packaging to absorb
shocks and prevent breakage during normal postal handling.
Outer Shipping Container
The outer container must be constructed of 200-pound grade
corrugated fiberboard or equivalent strength.
The secondary container must fit firmly and securely within the outer
shipping container packaging to prevent breakage during normal
postal handling.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
362 Publication 52
The proper shipping name and UN number of the toxic material must
be clearly marked on the address of the mailpiece.
Orientation markings (see Exhibit 226) that properly indicate the upright
position of the primary receptacle(s) must be displayed on two
opposite outer side walls of the outer shipping container.
Each mailpiece must bear a complete return address and delivery
address. The delivery address must be placed on the top side of the
For air or surface transportation, a properly completed shipper's
declaration for dangerous goods (i.e., shipping paper) must be
prepared in triplicate and affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
USPS Packaging Instruction 6C
Category B Infectious Substances
Infectious substance means a material known or reasonably expected to
contain a pathogen. A pathogen is a microorganism that can cause disease
in humans or animals. Examples of pathogens include bacteria, viruses,
fungi, and other infectious agents. An infectious substance must be assigned
to one of the following two packaging categories:
Category A: Category A infectious substances are not mailable.
Category B: An infectious substance that does not meet the criteria for
inclusion in Category A. A mailpiece known or suspected to contain a
Category B infectious substance is mailable as described in
Proper Shipping Name and ID Number
Biological substance, Category B, UN3373.
Required Authorization
All vendors shipping COVID-19-related UN3373 Category B Infectious
Substances kits to end-users must obtain an authorization from the Postal
Service before mailing. The shipper has the responsibility to ensure
awareness of, and compliance with, all other applicable requirements and
regulations for mailing these materials. The shipper must be able to provide
evidence of compliance before submitting a written request to the director of
Product Classification, Postal Service Headquarters (see part
214 for
Under these provisions, only tests developed and performed by laboratories
certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) or
equivalent clinical oversight regulations, and commercial tests and home
collection kits authorized by either the FDA or an Institutional Review Board,
will be considered.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 363
International Mail: Mailable only when:
Permitted by the destination country (see the Individual Country
Listing in the IMM).
They are presented by and to authorized laboratories designated in
“International Mail” below in this Packaging Instruction.
They meet the definition in 346.12a.
The director, Product Classification, has granted written approval.
Quantity limits in 622.2 are met.
Sent via First-Class Package International Service with Registered
Mail service.
Domestic Mail: Mailable only when:
Intended for medical or veterinary use, research, or laboratory
certification related to the public health.
Division 6.2 materials meet the preparation requirements for air
transportation and are sent via Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail.
Required Packaging
Must be triple-packaged, meeting the packaging requirements in
CFR 173.199. Such materials must be properly packaged to
withstand shocks, pressure changes, and other conditions related to
ordinary handling in transit, and surrounded by absorbent material
sufficient to protect the primary receptacle and to absorb the total
amount of liquid should the primary receptacle leak or break.
The completed triple packaging must be capable of successfully
passing the drop test in 49 CFR
§178.609(d) at a drop height of at least
1.2 meters (3.9 feet). Following the drop test, there must be no leakage
from the primary receptacle, which must remain protected by
absorbent material, when required, in the secondary packaging.
Primary Receptacle (Container)
Each primary receptacle containing a liquid must be leakproof. Each
primary receptacle containing a solid must be siftproof.
A single primary receptacle must not contain more than 1 liter
ounces) of a liquid specimen or 4 kg (8.8 pounds) of a solid
Two or more primary receptacles whose combined volume does not
exceed 4 liters (1 gallon) for liquids or 4
kg (8.8 pounds) for solids may
be enclosed in a single secondary container.
Only small quantities of Class 3, Class 8, Class 9, or other materials in
Packing Groups II and III may be used to stabilize or prevent
degradation of the sample, provided the quantity of such materials
does not exceed 30 mL (1 ounce) or 30 g (1 ounce) in each inner
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
364 Publication 52
Cushioning and Absorbent Material
The space between the primary receptacle(s) and the secondary
container at the top, bottom, and sides must contain enough material
to absorb the entire contents of the primary receptacle(s) in case of
breakage or leakage.
Either the primary receptacle or the secondary container must be
capable of withstanding, without leakage, an internal pressure that
produces a pressure differential of not less than 0.95 bar, 14 psi
kPa), and temperatures in the range of –40° F to 131° F (–40° C to
55° C).
Secondary Container
Secondary containers for liquids must be leakproof. Secondary
containers for solids must be siftproof. The secondary packaging must
be constructed of a durable material and have a secure sealing
If the primary receptacle does not meet the pressure requirements
listed above, then the secondary container must be designed to meet
those requirements.
The secondary container must be marked with the international
biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
Note: Only cold packs or dry ice may be used as a refrigerant and must
be placed outside of the secondary packaging. Interior supports must be
provided to secure the secondary packaging in the original position. If a
cold pack is used, the packaging must be leak-proof. If dry ice is used,
the container must permit the release of carbon dioxide gas and conform
to 49 CFR 173.217. The primary receptacle and secondary packaging
must maintain their integrity at the temperature of the refrigerant used, as
well as the temperature and pressures of transport by aircraft they could
be subjected to if refrigerant were lost, and sufficient absorbent material
must be provided to absorb all liquids, including melted ice.
Outer Shipping Container
The primary and secondary packaging must be enclosed in a rigid
outer shipping container. The primary receptacle(s) and the secondary
container must be enclosed in a strong outer packaging constructed of
fiberboard or other equivalent material.
At least one surface of the outer shipping container must have a
minimum dimension of 3.9 inches by 3.9 inches (100 mm by 100 mm)
as required by 49 CFR 173.199. The outer packaging must be of
adequate size to accommodate all required shipping information and
A poly-type mailer bag covering may be acceptable as the outer
packaging provided triple packaging is complete, the selvage edge of
the wrapping is less than 2 inches, and the required markings and
address information are applied both on the interior rigid box and the
additional outer polybag wrapping.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 365
As required by 49 CFR 173.199:
Each mailpiece (outer shipping container) must be marked on the
address side with the proper shipping name “Biological Substance,
Category B” and have the diamond marking indicating UN3373
Exhibit 346.12a2). The size of the mark on each side must not be
less than 50 mm (1.97 inches) in length, the width of the border lines
must be at least 2 mm, and letter and numbers must be at least 6 mm
(0.24 inches) high.
The address side of the outer shipping container must be marked with
name and telephone number of a person who is knowledgeable about
the material shipped and has comprehensive emergency response and
incident mitigation information, or someone who has immediate access
to the person with such knowledge and information.
Orientation arrows are not required on these mailpieces but may be
When dry ice is used, the package must include the markings “Carbon
dioxide, solid” or “Dry ice,” and an indication that the material being
refrigerated is used for diagnostic or treatment purposes (e.g., frozen
medical specimens). As this is the only information required with
respect to global transportation regulations for dry ice included with
UN3373 shipments, the requirements for dry ice as set forth in USPS
Packaging Instruction 9A are not applicable.
Each vendor shipping COVID-19 kits must provide clear instructions to end-
users regarding the procedures to be followed for preparing the samples and
packaging used to transport an Infectious Substance Category B. Shippers
must instruct end-users to adhere to all applicable mail-related preparation
requirements before mailing to ensure the package is properly prepared for
safe transportation.
International Mail
Substances identified in IMM 135.11b must be sent only by authorized
laboratories to their foreign counterparts in those countries that have
indicated a willingness to accept them.
Note: Countries distinguish between infectious and noninfectious
(nonregulated) biological substances and may prohibit one or the other
or both. See “Prohibitions” in the Individual Country Listings.
Infectious biological substances can be sent to or received by only the
following types of institutions:
a. Laboratories of local, state, and federal government agencies.
b. Laboratories of federally licensed manufacturers of biological
products derived from bacteria and viruses.
c. Laboratories affiliated with or operated by hospitals, universities,
research facilities, and other teaching institutions.
d. Private laboratories licensed, certified, recognized, or approved
by a public authority.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
366 Publication 52
USPS Packaging Instruction 6D
Sharps Waste and Other Regulated Medical Waste
Regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste known or suspected to
contain a Category A infectious substance is not mailable. Regulated
medical waste and sharps medical waste as defined in
346.12f and 346.12g
and containing materials classified as Category B infectious substances are
permitted for mailing provided that all applicable requirements specified in
346.322 are met.
For packaging instructions for medical professional packages, refer to
Proper Shipping Name and ID Number
Regulated Medical Waste, UN3291.
Sharps Medical Waste, UN3291.
Required Authorization
Each vendor of a complete regulated medical waste or sharps waste
mailing container system (including all component parts required to
safely mail such waste to a storage or disposal facility) must obtain
authorization from the Postal Service prior to mailing. The vendor in
whose name the authorization is being sought must submit a written
request to the director of Product Classification, Postal Service
Headquarters (see
214 for address).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only using USPS Returns Service via Priority
Mail Return Service option.
Required Packaging
Only regulated medical waste and sharps medical waste mailing
container systems approved by Postal Service Headquarters may be
mailed. Approved packaging must meet all requirements in
including a leakproof primary receptacle (also puncture-resistant for
sharps medical waste), a water-resistant secondary containment
system, enough material within the primary receptacle to absorb and
retain three times the total liquid allowed within the primary receptacle,
and a step-by-step instruction sheet that details the sequence and
method of container assembly prior to mailing.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 367
Each primary receptacle and outer shipping container must bear a
label, which cannot be detached intact, showing the name of the
vendor, the USPS Authorization Number, and the container ID number.
Place the label on the top or on a side of the container.
The primary receptacle(s) and the outer shipping container must bear
the international biohazard symbol in black with either a fluorescent
orange or fluorescent red background as shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
The symbol on the outer shipping container must be at least 3 inches
high and 4 inches wide.
The outer shipping container must bear a properly prepared USPS
Returns Service label. The USPS Returns Service permit must be held
in the same name as that of the authorized medical waste vendor.
The outer shipping container must be marked on two opposite side
walls with the package orientation marking in 49 CFR 173.312 to
identify the proper upright position of the mailpiece during handling.
Mailpieces containing regulated medical waste or sharps waste must
be marked on the address side with the correct UN number and proper
shipping name (e.g., “Regulated Medical Waste, UN3291” or
“Regulated Medical Waste-Sharps, UN3291”).
Each mailpiece must have a four-part waste shipping paper. The
shipping paper must be affixed to the outside of the mailpiece in an
envelope or similar carrier that can be easily opened and resealed to
allow review of the document. The shipping paper must comply with all
applicable requirements imposed by the laws of the state from which
the container system is mailed. At a minimum, the information in
Exhibit 346.322c3 must be on the shipping paper.
USPS Packaging Instruction 6E
Used Health Care Products
“Used health care product” means a medical, diagnostic, or research device
or piece of equipment, or a personal care product used by consumers,
medical professionals, or pharmaceutical providers, that does not meet the
definition of a diagnostic specimen, biological product, regulated medical
waste, or sharps waste, is contaminated with potentially infectious body
fluids or materials, and is not decontaminated or disinfected to remove or
mitigate the infectious hazard prior to transport.
Proper Shipping Name
Not applicable.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
368 Publication 52
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: A used health care product:
Known or reasonably suspected to contain a Category A material
is not mailable.
Not suspected to contain infectious material or that is known, or
suspected, to contain Category B infectious substances, and is
being returned to the manufacturer or manufacturer's designee, is
mailable with air transportation.
Required Packaging
Each used health care product must be drained of liquid to the extent
possible and placed in a watertight primary receptacle designed and
constructed to ensure that it remains intact under normal conditions of
transport. For a used health care product capable of cutting or
penetrating skin or packaging material, the primary receptacle must be
capable of retaining the product without puncture of the packaging
under normal conditions of transport.
Primary Container
The primary receptacle must be capable of retaining the product
without puncture of the packaging under normal conditions of
Each primary receptacle must be placed inside a watertight secondary
container designed and constructed to ensure that it remains intact
under normal conditions of transport.
The primary receptacle must be marked with the international
biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
Secondary Container
Each primary receptacle must be placed inside a watertight secondary
container designed and constructed to ensure that it remains intact
under normal conditions of transport.
The secondary container must also be marked with the international
biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
Outer Shipping Container
The secondary container must be placed inside an outer shipping
container with sufficient cushioning material to prevent movement
between the secondary container and the outer shipping container. An
itemized list of the contents of the primary receptacle and information
concerning possible contamination with a Division 6.2 material,
including its possible location on the product, must be placed between
the secondary container and the outer shipping container.
A shipping paper and content marking on the outer shipping container
are not required.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 369
USPS Packaging Instruction 6F
Forensic Material
Forensic material containing a biological material, such as tissue, body fluid,
excreta, or secreta, and sent on behalf of a federal, state, local, or Indian
tribal government agency must be packaged under
346.325 when it is not
known or suspected to contain a Category A or Category B infectious
substance. Forensic material known or suspected to contain a Category A
infectious substance is not mailable. Forensic material known or suspected
to contain a Category B infectious substance as identified in
346.321 is
mailable via air transportation, when triple-packaged in a primary receptacle,
secondary container, and a rigid outer shipping container.
Proper Shipping Name
Not applicable.
International Mail: Mailable only when:
Permitted by the destination country (see the Individual Country
Listing in the IMM).
They are presented by and to authorized laboratories designated in
“International Mail” below in this Packaging Instruction.
They meet the Category B infectious substance definition in
The director, Product Classification, has granted written approval.
Quantity limits in 622.2 are met.
They are triple-packaged (see below), meeting the packaging
requirements in 49 CFR 173.199.
Sent via First-Class Package International Service with Registered
Mail service.
Domestic Mail: Mailable only when:
Intended for medical or veterinary use, research, or laboratory
certification related to the public health.
Division 6.2 materials meet the preparation requirements for air
transportation and are sent via Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail.
Required Packaging
Must be triple-packaged, meeting the packaging requirements in
CFR 173.199. Such materials must be properly packaged to
withstand shocks, pressure changes, and other conditions related to
ordinary handling in transit, and surrounded by absorbent material
sufficient to protect the primary receptacle and to absorb the total
amount of liquid should the primary receptacle leak or break.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
370 Publication 52
Primary Receptacle (Container)
Each primary receptacle containing a liquid must be leakproof. Each
primary receptacle containing a solid must be siftproof.
A single primary receptacle must not contain more than 1 liter
ounces) of a liquid specimen or 4 kg (8.8 pounds) of a solid
Two or more primary receptacles whose combined volume does not
exceed 4
liters (1 gallon) for liquids or 4 kg (8.8 pounds) for solids may
be enclosed in a single secondary container.
Cushioning and Absorbent Material
The space between the primary receptacle(s) and the secondary
container at the top, bottom, and sides must contain enough material
to absorb the entire contents of the primary receptacle(s) in case of
breakage or leakage.
Either the primary receptacle or the secondary container must be
capable of withstanding, without leakage, an internal pressure that
produces a pressure differential of not less than 0.95 bar, 14 psi
kPa), and temperatures in the range of –40° F to 131° F (–40° C to
Secondary Container
Secondary containers for liquids must be leakproof. Secondary
containers for solids must be siftproof. The secondary packaging must
be constructed of a durable material and have a secure sealing
If the primary receptacle does not meet the pressure requirements
listed above, then the secondary container must be designed to meet
those requirements.
The secondary container must be marked with the international
biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
Outer Shipping Container
The primary and secondary packaging must be enclosed in a rigid
outer shipping container. The primary receptacle(s) and the secondary
container must be enclosed in a strong outer packaging constructed of
fiberboard or other equivalent material.
At least one surface of the outer shipping container must have a
minimum dimension of 3.9 inches by 3.9 inches (100 mm by 100 mm)
as required by 49 CFR 173.199.
Category B infectious substances not present:
A shipping paper and content markings on the outer shipping
container are not required.
Each mailpiece must have a complete delivery and return address.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 371
Category B infectious substances are present:
Each mailpiece (outer shipping container) must be marked with the
proper shipping name “Biological Substance, Category B” and
have the diamond marking indicating UN3373 (see
The address side of the outer shipping container must be marked
with name and telephone number of a person who is
knowledgeable about the material shipped and has comprehensive
emergency response and incident mitigation information, or
someone who has immediate access to the person with such
knowledge and information.
Orientation arrows are not required on these mailpieces but may
be used.
International Mail
Substances identified in IMM 135.11b must be sent only by authorized
laboratories to their foreign counterparts in those countries that have
indicated a willingness to accept them.
Note: Countries distinguish between infectious and noninfectious
(nonregulated) biological substances and may prohibit one or the other
or both. See “Prohibitions” in the Individual Country Listings.
Infectious biological substances can be sent to or received by only the
following types of institutions:
Laboratories of local, state, and federal government agencies.
Laboratories of federally licensed manufacturers of biological
products derived from bacteria and viruses.
Laboratories affiliated with or operated by hospitals, universities,
research facilities, and other teaching institutions.
Private laboratories licensed, certified, recognized, or approved by
a public authority.
USPS Packaging Instruction 6G
Nonregulated Infectious Materials
Nonregulated materials as defined in 346.234 are not subject to regulation as
hazardous materials but must be properly packaged when presented for
mailing. Nonregulated materials include biological product, blood collected
for the purpose of blood transfusion, blood products and blood components
collected for the purpose of transfusion, dried blood spots, forensic material
not expected of containing a Category A or Category B infectious substance
and transported on behalf of a government agency. For a complete
description of nonregulated materials, see
Proper Shipping Name and ID Number
Not applicable (not regulated under 49 CFR as a hazardous material in
domestic commerce).
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
372 Publication 52
International Mail: Nonregulated materials identified in 346.234 are
mailable but must be properly packaged as indicated in 346.325 when
presented for mailing.
Domestic Mail: Permitted via air or surface transportation when
packaging requirements are met.
Required Packaging
Liquid Patient Specimens and Biological Products
Exceeding 50 ml
Material must be packaged in a securely sealed primary receptacle. A
single primary receptacle must not contain more than 500
ml of
specimen. Two or more primary receptacles whose combined volume
does not exceed 500 ml may be enclosed in a single secondary
container. The secondary container must be securely and snugly
enclosed in a fiberboard box or container of equivalent strength that
serves as the outer shipping container.
Not Exceeding 50 ml
A patient specimen or biological product consisting of 50 ml or less per
mailpiece must be packaged in a securely sealed primary receptacle.
Two or more primary receptacles whose combined volume does not
exceed 50 ml may be enclosed within a single mailpiece. The
secondary container can also serve as the outer shipping container. In
that case, the biohazard symbol must appear on the inner packaging or
on the primary container.
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
Sufficient absorbent material and cushioning material to withstand
shock and pressure changes must surround the primary receptacle(s),
or be otherwise configured to take up the entire liquid contents in case
of leakage.
Secondary Container
The secondary container must be securely sealed, and it may serve as
the outer shipping container if it has sufficient strength to withstand
ordinary postal processing.
The primary receptacle(s) and the absorbent cushioning must be
enclosed in a secondary container with a leakproof barrier that can
prevent failure of the secondary container if the primary receptacle(s)
should leak during transport.
The secondary container must be marked with the international
biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321, except when the
secondary container also serves as the outer shipping container. In
that case, the biohazard symbol must appear on the inner packaging or
on the primary container.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 373
Outer Shipping Container
A fiberboard box or container of equivalent strength that serves as the
outer shipping container.
When the secondary container also serves as the outer shipping
container, the biohazard symbol must appear on the inner packaging
or on the primary container.
Solid or Dry Specimen
Primary Receptacle
The primary receptacle (and cushioning material, if required) must be
enclosed in a secondary container.
Secondary Container
The secondary container must be siftproof to contain the contents
should the primary receptacle(s) leak.
The secondary container must be marked with the international
biohazard symbol (see
Exhibit 346.321).
Outer Shipping Container
The secondary container may serve as the outer shipping container if it
has sufficient strength to withstand ordinary postal processing.
A complete return address and delivery address must be used.
No other identifying marks are allowed on the outside of the box.
Note: A shipper's declaration for dangerous goods (shipping papers) is
not required for clinical specimens that do not contain infectious
USPS Packaging Instruction 6H
Exempt Human or Animal Specimens
Exempt human or animal specimens as defined in 346.12d are not subject to
regulation as hazardous materials, but when presented for mailing, they must
be properly packaged. See
“Exempt human or animal specimen” means a human or animal sample
(including, but not limited to, secreta, excreta, blood and its components,
tissue and tissue fluids, and body parts) transported for routine testing not
related to the diagnosis of an infectious disease.
Typically, exempt human specimens are specimens for which there is a low
probability that the sample is infectious, such as specimens for drug or
alcohol testing; cholesterol testing; blood glucose level testing; prostate-
specific antigens (PSA) testing; testing to monitor heart, kidney, or liver
function; pregnancy testing; and testing for diagnosis of noninfectious
diseases such as cancer biopsies.
Proper Shipping Name
Not applicable (not regulated under 49 CFR as a hazardous material in
domestic commerce).
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
374 Publication 52
International Mail: Mailable. They are not subject to regulation as
hazardous materials, but when presented for mailing, they must be
packaged as identified in
Domestic Mail: Permitted via air or surface transportation when
packaging requirements are met.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
Material must be triple-packaged in leakproof (for liquids) or siftproof
(for solids) primary receptacles.
A single primary receptacle must not contain more than 500 ml of a
liquid specimen or 500 grams of a solid specimen.
Two or more primary receptacles whose combined volume does not
exceed 500 ml (for liquids) or 500 grams (for solids) may be enclosed in
a single secondary container.
Sufficient cushioning and absorbent materials must surround each
primary receptacle containing liquid.
Secondary Container
The secondary container cannot serve as the outer shipping container.
The secondary container must be securely and snugly enclosed in a
fiberboard box or container of equivalent strength that serves as the
outer shipping container. The outer shipping container must be rigid.
The secondary container must be marked with the international
biohazard symbol shown in
Exhibit 346.321.
The outer shipping container must be marked on the address side with
the words “Exempt human specimen” or “Exempt animal specimen,”
as appropriate. In addition, at least one surface of the outer packaging
must have a minimum dimension of 3.9 inches by 3.9 inches (100 mm
by 100 mm).
A shipping paper is not required.
USPS Packaging Instruction 7A
Radioactive Materials
Radioactive materials are prohibited in international mail and domestic mail if
required to bear the DOT Radioactive White-I, Radioactive Yellow-II,
Radioactive Yellow-III label, or the Fissile label (49 CFR 172.436, 172.438, or
172.440, respectively) or if it contains quantities of radioactive material in
excess of those authorized in
347. Radioactive materials are prohibited in
domestic mail via air transportation. For international mail, the standards in
IMM 135.5 apply.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 375
The only categories of radioactive material that are mailable are those that
can be classified as a “limited quantity” under 49 CFR and that meet the
limits in
Exhibit 347.22: excepted instruments, articles, and devices, and
excepted articles containing natural uranium and thorium. Accurate
documentation of the activity limits, which must not exceed those specified
Exhibit 347.22, must be provided.
Proper Shipping Name and ID Number
Radioactive Material, excepted package-limited quantity, UN2910.
Radioactive Material, excepted package-instruments or articles,
Radioactive Material, excepted package-articles manufactured from
natural uranium (or natural thorium), UN2909.
International Mail: Only as permitted in 622.3 and IMM 135.5, and when
sent with under the following conditions:
Sent only to those countries that have expressed a willingness to
accept them (see the Individual Country Listings in the IMM).
Each radioactive materials shipment must be sent via First-Class
Package International Service using Registered Mail service.
Mailable radioactive materials may not have an activity content that
exceeds one-tenth of the limits in
Exhibit 347.22
Each shipment must comply with both the International Atomic
Energy Agency Regulations and the specifications contained in
347 and this section.
The sender and recipient of each radioactive materials shipment
must receive prior authorization from the appropriate regulatory
authorities within their countries.
A white package label bearing the French words “Matieres
Radioactives” (Radioactive Materials) must be securely affixed,
taped, or gummed to the address side of each mailpiece
containing radioactive materials. The sender is responsible for
supplying and affixing this label to the mailpiece.
The address side of each mailpiece must bear the following
endorsements in bold letters: “Return to Sender in Case of
Nondelivery” and “Radioactive Materials, Quantities Permitted for
Movement by Post.”
A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods is required. See 326
and 725.3.
Domestic Mail: Permitted only via surface transportation and when the
applicable requirements in
347 are met.
Required Packaging
Separate packaging requirements apply as follows.
Domestic Mail for Limited Quantities (49 CFR 173.421) whose activity
per package does not exceed the limits specified in
Exhibit 347.22:
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
376 Publication 52
Primary Receptacle:
The materials are packaged in strong, tight inner receptacles
that will not leak any of the radioactive materials during normal
Postal Service handling.
Absorbent and Cushioning Material:
Sufficient and suitably positioned absorbent material capable
of absorbing at least twice the volume of the liquid contents in
the event of leakage is required.
Adequate cushioning material to withstand shock and pressure
changes must surround the primary receptacle.
Secondary Packaging:
Liquid radioactive materials must be packaged within a
leak-resistant and corrosion-resistant secondary packaging.
Outer Packaging:
The inner receptacle and the secondary packaging (when
required) must be securely packed within a strong outer
The radiation level at any point on the external surface of the
mailpiece must not exceed 0.5 millirem per hour.
The nonfixed (removable) radioactive surface contamination on
the external surface of the mailpiece does not exceed the
applicable limits specified in 49 CFR 173.443(a).
The package does not contain fissile material unless excepted
by 49
CFR 173.453.
No single dimension of the external mailpiece can be less than
centimeters (1 inch), and the length and girth can be no
less than 30
centimeters (12 inches).
The outside of the inner receptacle or the outside of the
secondary packaging must be clearly marked “Radioactive.”
The address side of the mailpiece must clearly display the
following marking: “This package conforms to the conditions
and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.421 for radioactive
material, excepted package-limited quantity of material,
UN2910 and is within Postal Service activity limits for mailing.”
A complete return address and delivery address must be used.
Domestic Mail for Mailable Instruments and Articles (49 CFR 173.424)
permitted under
Instruments and manufactured articles (including clocks, electronic
tubes, or apparatus) or similar devices having radioactive materials in
gaseous or nondispersible solid form as a component part must be
packed as follows:
Primary Receptacle:
The activity of the instrument or device must not exceed the
relevant limit listed in
Exhibit 347.22.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 377
The radiation level at 10 centimeters (4 inches) from any point
on the external surface of the unpackaged instrument or
device must not exceed 10 millirem per hour.
Cushioning Material:
Adequate cushioning material to withstand shock and pressure
changes must surround the primary receptacle.
Outer Packaging:
The inner receptacle and cushioning material must be securely
packed within a strong outer packaging.
The total activity per mailpiece must not exceed the relevant
limit listed in
Exhibit 347.22.
The radiation level at any point on the external surface of the
mailpiece containing the device or instrument must not exceed
0.5 millirem per hour.
The nonfixed (removable) radioactive surface contamination on
the external surface of the mailpiece must not exceed the
applicable limits specified in 49 CFR 173.443(a).
The package does not contain fissile material unless excepted
by 49
CFR 173.453.
At least one external dimension of the mailpiece must be no
less than 10 centimeters (4 inches).
The outside of the inner receptacle or the outside of the
secondary packaging must be clearly marked “Radioactive.”
The address side of the mailpiece must clearly display the
following marking: “This package conforms to the conditions
and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.424 for radioactive
material, excepted package-instruments or articles, UN2911
and is within Postal Service activity limits for mailing.”
A complete return address and delivery address must be used.
Domestic Mail for Mailable Excepted Articles Containing Uranium or
Thorium (49 CFR 173.426) permitted under
Manufactured articles excepted under 347 and in which the sole
radioactive material is natural or depleted uranium or natural thorium
must be packaged as follows:
Primary Receptacle:
The outer surface of the uranium or thorium is enclosed in an
inactive sheath made of metal or other durable protective
Cushioning Material:
Adequate cushioning material to withstand shock and pressure
changes must surround the primary receptacle.
Outer Packaging:
The inner receptacle and cushioning material must be securely
packed within a strong outer packaging.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
378 Publication 52
The radiation level at any point on the external surface of the
mailpiece must not exceed 0.5 millirem per hour.
The nonfixed (removable) radioactive surface contamination on
the external surface of the mailpiece must not exceed the
applicable limits specified in 49 CFR 173.443(a).
The outside of the inner receptacle or the outside of the
secondary packaging must be clearly marked “Radioactive.”
The address side of the mailpiece must clearly display the
following marking: “This package conforms to the conditions
and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.426 for radioactive
material, excepted package-articles manufactured from natural
uranium (or natural thorium), UN2909 and is within Postal
Service activity limits for mailing.”
A complete return address and delivery address is required.
Note: A shipper's declaration for dangerous goods is not required for
mailable radioactive materials.
International Mail:
The requirements specified in 622.3 and IMM 135.5 apply in addition to
the packaging instructions for domestic mail.
USPS Packaging Instruction 8A
A corrosive is any liquid or solid that causes visible destruction or irreversible
alteration in human skin tissue at the site of contact or a liquid that has a
severe corrosion rate on steel or aluminum.
A Class 8 corrosive material that qualifies as a Limited Quantity air or Limited
Quantity surface material is permitted via air or surface transportation in
domestic mail provided that all applicable requirements in
348 are met.
Proper Shipping Name
Various (see Appendix A).
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted via air or surface transportation when
packaging requirements are met.
Required Packaging
Separate packaging requirements apply for liquids and solids.
For Mailable Liquid Corrosives:
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 379
Liquid Corrosive. A liquid mixture must be 1 pint (16 ounces) or
less, and must contain 15 percent or less corrosive material
with the remainder of the mixture not being a hazardous
material, unless otherwise specified for a specific corrosive
Primary Receptacles:
Primary receptacles must be securely sealed compatible glass
The primary receptacle must be tightly sealed with a screw cap
having a minimum of one-and-one-half turns, a soldering clip,
or other means to effect secure closure. A friction-top closure
is not acceptable.
Volume per primary receptacle is limited to 16 ounces.
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted.
Absorbent and Cushioning Material:
A noncombustible absorbent material that is capable of taking
up all liquid in case of leakage must surround the primary
Cushioning material must surround the primary receptacle to
prevent breakage.
Secondary Packaging:
The secondary packaging container must be constructed of
metal or plastic and be compatible with the design of the
primary receptacle.
The secondary container must be tightly sealed with a screw
cap having a minimum of one-and-one-half turns, a soldering
clip, or other means to effect secure closure. A friction-top
closure is not acceptable.
Outer Shipping Container:
The primary receptacle, absorbent material, cushioning
material, and secondary packaging must be packed in a strong
outer packaging.
Each mailpiece must not exceed a total weight of 25 pounds.
The following labels and text markings must be placed on the
address side of the mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and
For air transportation, mailpieces must bear the DOT Limited
Quantity air mark (with the symbol “Y” in the center), an
approved DOT Class 8 hazardous material warning label, the
identification number and the proper shipping name
For surface transportation, the outer packaging must bear an
approved DOT Limited Quantity surface mark designating
surface transportation, prepared under
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
380 Publication 52
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For air transportation, a properly completed shipper's
declaration for dangerous goods must be prepared in triplicate
and affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
For Mailable Solid Corrosives:
A solid mixture must be 10 pounds or less per primary
receptacle and must contain 10 percent or less corrosive
material with the remainder of the mixture not being a
hazardous material, unless otherwise specified for a specific
corrosive solid.
Primary Receptacle:
Each primary receptacle must be siftproof and be securely
Secondary Packaging:
Each primary receptacle must be packed within a siftproof
secondary packaging container that is compatible with the
primary receptacle.
Outer Packaging:
The primary receptacle and the compatible secondary
packaging containers must be snugly packed within a strong
outer packaging.
Multiple primary receptacles and compatible secondary
packaging containers may be packed within a single outer
packaging up to a total weight of 25 pounds per mailpiece.
The following labels and text markings must be placed on the
address side of the mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and
For air transportation, mailpieces must bear the DOT Limited
Quantity air mark (with the symbol “Y” in the center), an
approved DOT Class 8 hazardous material warning label, the
identification number, and the proper shipping name
For surface transportation, the outer packaging must bear an
approved DOT Limited Quantity surface mark designating
surface transportation, prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For air transportation, a properly completed shipper's
declaration for dangerous goods must be prepared in triplicate
and affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 381
USPS Packaging Instruction 8B
Nonspillable Wet Battery
A nonspillable wet battery containing liquid electrolyte is prohibited from
mailing unless the battery casing is completely sealed to prevent the liquid
corrosive from spilling during handling, as allowed in
348. Nonspillable
batteries with UN2800 are prohibited in international mail, but they may be
sent as domestic mail via air or surface transportation when properly
packaged. Nonspillable wet batteries mailed in accordance with these
instructions must meet all applicable conditions in 49 CFR 173.159a.
Proper Shipping Name
Nonspillable Battery.
ID Number
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted via air or surface transportation when
packaging requirements are met.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
The nonspillable battery must be capable of withstanding the vibration
and pressure differential tests cited in 49 CFR 173.159(f) (1) and (2).
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
The nonspillable battery must be protected from short circuits with
protective or cushioning material.
A noncombustible material that is capable of absorbing all liquid in
case of leakage must surround the primary receptacle.
Outer Packaging
The nonspillable battery must be securely packaged in a strong
fiberboard box.
Only one nonspillable battery is allowed per mailpiece.
The total weight of a single mailpiece cannot exceed 25 pounds.
The outer packaging must be plainly and durably marked on the
address with the text “NONSPILLABLE BATTERY, UN2800.”
Each mailpiece must include the mailer and addressee names and
have a complete delivery and return address.
Note: A shipper's declaration for dangerous goods is not required for
nonspillable wet batteries sent via air transportation as exempted in
CFR 173.159a.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
382 Publication 52
USPS Packaging Instruction 8C
Manufactured Devices that Contain Small Amounts
of Mercury
A corrosive is any liquid or solid that causes visible destruction or irreversible
alteration in human skin tissue at the site of contact or a liquid that has a
severe corrosion rate on steel or aluminum.
A Class 8 manufactured article that contains minute amounts of mercury
(such as compact fluorescent lamps [CFLs]) that meets the standards below
is permitted in domestic mail provided all the applicable requirements in
348.22g are met.
Proper Shipping Name
Mercury contained in manufactured articles
ID Number
International Mail. Prohibited
Domestic Mail: Permitted via air or surface transportation when
packaging requirements are met.
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
Each primary device, article, or apparatus must be a securely sealed
glass, or equivalent material, enclosure.
Each device, article, or apparatus must be cushioned and separated
from other items and must not exceed 100 milligrams (mg) (0.0035
ounce) of mercury.
Multiple devices are permitted within a single mailpiece, provided the
aggregate mercury quantity does not exceed 1 gram (g) (0.035 ounce)
of mercury within the mailpiece.
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
A noncombustible absorbent/cushioning material, capable of containing any
leakage in case of breakage, must surround each device.
Outer Shipping Container
The device(s), and its absorbent/cushioning material, must be packed in
rigid, strong outer packaging.
The following labels and text markings must be placed on the address side
of the mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1.
Each mailpiece must bear the marking “Manufactured Devices
Containing Less Than 100 mg Mercury.”
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 383
For air transportation, mailpieces must bear the DOT Limited Quantity
air mark (with the symbol “Y” in the center), an approved DOT Class 8
hazardous material warning label, the identification number, and the
proper shipping name
For surface transportation, the outer packaging must bear an approved
DOT Limited Quantity surface mark designating surface transportation,
prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For air transportation, a properly completed shipper's declaration for
dangerous goods must be prepared in triplicate and affixed to the
outside of the mailpiece.
USPS Packaging Instruction 9A
Dry Ice (Carbon Dioxide Solid)
When dry ice is enclosed in a thick metal or other restricting type of
container, a build-up of internal pressure could cause the container to
rupture or explode. Dry ice is permitted to be sent in domestic mail when it is
used as a refrigerant to cool the contents of a mailable hazardous or
nonhazardous material, provided that all applicable requirements in
349 are
Proper Shipping Name
Carbon Dioxide Solid or Dry Ice.
ID Number
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted with restriction via air or surface
Required Packaging
Packages containing dry ice must be packed in containers that permit
the release of carbon dioxide gas and conform to 49 CFR 173.217 and
175.10(a)(10). If a fiberboard box is used, enough insulation is
necessary to prevent condensation and wetting of the mailing carton.
For air transportation, each mailpiece may not contain more than
pounds of dry ice.
For surface transportation, a mailpiece may contain more than
pounds of dry ice.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
384 Publication 52
Each mailpiece must be clearly marked on the address side with the
name of the contents being cooled (such as frozen medical specimens,
steaks) and the net weight of the dry ice.
For air transportation, each mailpiece must bear a Class 9 DOT
miscellaneous hazardous material warning label and must be clearly
marked “Carbon Dioxide Solid, UN1845” Or “Dry Ice, UN1845.”
For surface transportation, each mailpiece must be clearly marked
“Surface Only” or “Surface Mail Only” and “Carbon Dioxide Solid,
UN1845” or “Dry Ice, UN1845.”
For air transportation, a properly completed shipper's declaration for
dangerous goods must be prepared in triplicate and affixed to the
outside of the mailpiece.
Note: A shipper’s declaration and a Class 9 DOT warning label are not
required for dry ice sent via domestic surface mail. Mailpieces containing
dry ice that are prepared for surface transportation must not, under any
circumstances, be routed via air transportation.
USPS Packaging Instruction 9B
Magnetized Materials
A magnetized material is an article that has a magnetic field strength capable
of causing the deviation of aircraft instruments. Magnetized materials include
magnets and magnetized devices such as magnetrons and light meters of
sufficient strength to possibly cause erroneous aircraft magnetic compass
readings. Magnetized materials are mailable, provided that all requirements
349.24 are met.
Proper Shipping Name and ID Number
Not applicable.
International Mail: Only non-regulated magnetized materials that have
a magnetic field strength less than 0.002 gauss at a distance of 7 feet
may be sent internationally. Magnetized materials which are regulated
are prohibited. See
Domestic Mail via Air Transportation: Magnetized materials that have a
magnetic field strength greater than 0.00525 gauss at 15 feet are
prohibited. A magnetic field strength less than 0.002 gauss at a
distance of 7 feet is not regulated.
Domestic Mail via Surface Transportation: Magnetized material is not
regulated as a hazardous material when transported via surface
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 385
Required Packaging
Magnets and magnetic devices such as magnetrons and light meters
must be packaged with the polarities of each unit positioned to oppose
one another.
Keeper bars must be installed on permanent magnets or must
otherwise be shielded to prevent the magnetic field from affecting
magnetic compasses.
Mailable materials must be packed in strong outer containers.
For air transportation, the address side of the outer packaging must
bear the magnetized material warning label shown in
Exhibit 349.242b.
For surface transportation, mailpieces containing magnetized material
with unconfined fields must be clearly marked on the address side with
“Surface Only” or “Surface Mail Only” and “Magnetic - Keep 7 Feet
Away From Navigational Equipment.”
A complete return address and delivery address must be used.
For air transportation, a properly completed shipper's declaration for
dangerous goods must be prepared in triplicate and affixed to the
outside of the mailpiece. Magnetized material is not regulated as a
hazardous material when transported via surface transportation.
USPS Packaging Instruction 9C
Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials
A Class 9 miscellaneous hazardous material that qualifies as a Limited
Quantity material within the Postal Service is permitted in domestic mail
provided all applicable requirements in
349 are met.
Proper Shipping Name
Consumer Commodity.
ID Number
Various (see Appendix A).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted via air or surface transportation. Flammable
materials are prohibited from air transportation.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
386 Publication 52
Required Packaging
Primary Receptacle
For liquids, the capacity of the primary receptacle must not exceed
For solids, the weight of the primary receptacle and its contents must
not exceed 1 pound.
Multiple primary receptacles are permitted.
Cushioning Material
Enough cushioning material must surround the primary receptacle to
prevent breakage and absorb all potential leakage.
Outer Packaging
A strong outer packaging that is capable of firmly and securely holding
the primary receptacle and cushioning material is required.
Each mailpiece must not exceed a total weight of 25 pounds.
The following labels and text markings must be placed on the address side
of the mailpiece unless specified in
221.1 and 325.1.
For air transportation, mailpieces must bear the DOT Limited Quantity
air mark (with the symbol “Y” in the center), an approved DOT Class 9
hazardous material warning label, Identification Number “ID8000,” and
the proper shipping name “Consumer Commodity.”
For surface transportation, the outer packaging must bear an approved
DOT Limited Quantity surface mark designating surface transportation,
prepared under
A complete return and delivery address must be used.
For air transportation, a mailable material must have a properly
completed shipper's declaration for dangerous goods prepared in
triplicate and affixed to the outside of the mailpiece.
USPS Packaging Instruction 9D
Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries
— Domestic
Except according to 349.21, lithium metal (nonrechargeable) cells and
batteries and lithium-ion (rechargeable) cells and batteries are mailable in
limited quantities domestically via air or surface transportation when they are
installed in or packed with the equipment they are intended to operate.
Unless otherwise excepted, lithium metal and lithium-ion batteries (without
equipment) are mailable in limited quantities domestically via surface
transportation only. Lithium metal and lithium-ion batteries installed in or
packed with used, damaged, or defective electronic devices (excluding
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 387
devices that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new
or refurbished devices) meeting all mailability requirements in
349 are
mailable via surface transportation only.
Proper Shipping Name
Lithium Metal Battery.
Lithium-ion Battery.
ID Number
Lithium-ion Battery, UN3480.
Lithium Metal Battery, UN3090.
Lithium-ion Battery contained in equipment, UN3481.
Lithium-ion Battery packed with equipment, UN3481.
Lithium Metal Battery contained in equipment, UN3091.
Lithium Metal Battery packed with equipment, UN 3091.
Lithium metal and lithium-ion cells and batteries installed in or packed
with equipment may be mailable via air or surface transportation.
Lithium-ion (or lithium polymer) batteries may be mailed, in limited
quantities, via air transportation when both shipped from, and intended
for delivery to, the state of Alaska under
Except as provided above, individual lithium metal (or lithium alloy) and
lithium-ion (or lithium polymer) batteries (without equipment) are
mailable in limited quantities via surface transportation only, provided
the batteries are in the originally sealed packaging, and packaged and
marked as described in
349.221 and 349.222, as applicable.
Used, damaged, or defective electronic devices (excluding devices
that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or
refurbished devices) containing or packaged with lithium batteries
349.12e) must be mailed via domestic surface transportation only,
provided they meet eligibility requirements in accordance with 349.
Required Packaging
Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Batteries
Packaging must meet all applicable requirements specified in 49 CFR
173.185. Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries
properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate,
mailpieces containing mailable lithium metal or lithium-ion batteries
must be rigid, sealed, and of adequate size, so the lithium battery mark
can be affixed to the address side without the mark being folded.
Packaging must be strong enough to prevent crushing of the package
or exposure of the contents during normal handling in the mail.
The use of padded and poly bags as outer packaging is permitted only
when the mailpieces contain button cell batteries meeting the
classification criteria in
349.11d, the batteries are properly installed in
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
388 Publication 52
the equipment they are intended to operate, and the batteries are
afforded adequate protection by that equipment.
All outer packages must have a complete delivery and return address.
Lithium metal batteries properly installed in the equipment they are
intended to operate:
Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in
equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium
metal cells or 2 lithium metal batteries installed in the equipment
they operate, mailpieces containing lithium metal batteries must
bear a DOT-approved lithium battery mark, as specified in 49 CFR
173.185(c)(3)(i) and
Exhibit 325.2a, applied to the address side of
the mailpiece.
The mark must indicate UN3091 for lithium metal cells or batteries
installed in equipment.
Where a package contains lithium cells or batteries assigned to
different UN numbers, all applicable UN numbers must be
The mark must also include a telephone number for those who
need to obtain additional information.
Used, damaged, or defective electronic devices (excluding devices
that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new
or refurbished devices) must include the text “Restricted Electronic
Device” and “Surface Transportation Only” on the address side of
the mailpiece.
Note: DOT-approved lithium battery markings must be applied to all
mailpieces when there are more than two mailpieces in a single
consignment as defined in
Lithium metal batteries packed with the equipment they are intended
to operate:
Mailpieces must bear a DOT-approved lithium battery mark, as
specified in 49 CFR 173.185(c)(3)(i) and
Exhibit 325.2a, applied to
the address side of the mailpiece.
The mark must indicate UN3091 for lithium metal cells or batteries
packed with equipment.
The mark must also include a telephone number for those who
need to obtain additional information.
Used, damaged, or defective electronic devices (excluding devices
that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new
or refurbished devices) must include the text “Restricted Electronic
Device” and “Surface Mail Only” on the address side on the
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 389
Lithium metal batteries not packed with or installed in equipment
(individual batteries):
Mailpieces must bear a DOT-approved lithium battery mark, as
specified in 49 CFR 173.185(c)(3)(i) and
Exhibit 325.2a, applied to
the address side of the mailpiece.
The mark must indicate UN3090 for lithium metal cells or batteries.
The mark must also include a telephone number for those who
need to obtain additional information.
Mailpieces must also include the text “Surface Mail Only, Primary
Lithium Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard
Passenger Aircraft” or “Surface Mail Only, Lithium Metal Batteries
— Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger Aircraft.”
Lithium-ion batteries properly installed in the equipment they are
intended to operate:
Except for mailpieces containing button cell batteries installed in
equipment (including circuit boards), or no more than 4 lithium-ion
cells or 2 lithium-ion batteries installed in the equipment they
operate, mailpieces containing lithium-ion batteries must bear a
DOT-approved lithium battery mark, as specified in 49 CFR
173.185(c)(3)(i) and
Exhibit 325.2a, applied to the address side of
the mailpiece.
The mark must indicate UN3481 for lithium-ion cells or batteries
installed in equipment.
The mark must also include a telephone number for those who
need to obtain additional information.
Used, damaged, or defective electronic devices (excluding devices
that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new
or refurbished devices) must include the text “Restricted Electronic
Device” and “Surface Mail Only” on the address side on the
Note: DOT-approved lithium battery markings must be applied to all
mailpieces when there are more than two mailpieces in a single
consignment as defined in
Lithium-ion batteries packed with the equipment they are intended to
Mailpieces must bear a DOT-approved lithium battery mark, as
specified in 49 CFR 173.185(c)(3)(i) and
Exhibit 325.2a, applied to
the address side of the mailpiece.
The mark must indicate UN3481 for lithium-ion cells or batteries
packed with equipment.
Where a package contains lithium cells or batteries assigned to
different UN numbers, all applicable UN numbers must be
The mark must also include a telephone number for those who
need to obtain additional information.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
390 Publication 52
Used, damaged, or defective electronic devices (excluding devices
that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new
or refurbished devices) must include the text “Restricted Electronic
Device” and “Surface Mail Only” on the address side on the
Lithium-ion batteries not packed with or installed in equipment
(individual batteries):
Mailpieces must bear a DOT-approved lithium battery mark, as
specified in 49 CFR 173.185(c)(3)(i) and
Exhibit 325.2a, applied to
the address side of the mailpiece.
The mark must indicate UN3480 for lithium-ion cells or batteries.
The mark must also include a telephone number for those who
need to obtain additional information.
Mailpieces must also include the text “Surface Mail Only,
Secondary Lithium Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation
Aboard Passenger Aircraft” or “Surface Mail Only, Lithium-ion
Batteries — Forbidden for Transportation Aboard Passenger
Used, damaged, or defective electronic devices: In addition to
applicable marking requirements listed above, packages containing
used, damaged, or defective electronic devices (excluding devices that
are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or
refurbished devices) containing or packaged with lithium batteries
must be marked with the text “Restricted Electronic Device” and
“Surface Transportation Only” on the address side of the package.
221.1 and 325.1.) Products being returned via Parcel Return
Service (PRS), Return Delivery Unit (RDU) or Return Sectional Center
Facility (RSCF) are exempt from this marking requirement.
Domestic — Lithium Metal Cells and Batteries:
Installed in or packed with the equipment they are intended to operate:
Each cell must contain no more than 1.0 gram of lithium content.
Each battery must contain no more than 2.0 grams aggregate lithium
The shipment cannot contain more batteries than the number needed
to operate the device.
Each mailpiece must contain no more than 8 cells or 2 batteries.
Individual batteries mailed without equipment:
Each cell must contain no more than 1.0 gram of lithium content.
Each battery must contain no more than 2.0 grams aggregate lithium
The mailpiece must not exceed 5 pounds.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 391
Domestic — Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries:
Installed in or packed with the equipment they are intended to operate:
The total watt-hour rating for each cell must not exceed 20 Wh.
The total watt-hour rating for each battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
Each mailpiece must contain no more than 8 cells or 2 batteries.
Individual batteries mailed without equipment:
The total watt-hour rating for each cell must not exceed 20 Wh.
The total watt-hour rating for each battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
The mailpiece must not exceed 5 pounds.
Domestic — Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries
Very small, consumer-type batteries, installed in equipment, or packed with
Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or battery must contain no more
than 0.3 gram of lithium content.
Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or battery must not exceed a
watt-hour rating of 2.7 Wh.
No limit on the number of cells/batteries.
Each mailpiece must not exceed 2.5 kilograms (5.5 pounds) total
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
392 Publication 52
Domestic Lithium Battery Mailability Exhibit
1. Used, damaged, or defective electronic devices are prohibited from air transportation. This excludes devices that are new in
original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or refurbished devices..
Mailpiece Limitations
2. When a mailpiece limitation of 8 cells or 2 batteries is applicable, a mailpiece may contain either 8 cells or 2 batteries, not both.
Lithium Metal or Lithium Alloy Batteries
3. Each cell must not contain more than 1.0 g of lithium content.
4. Each battery must not contain more than 2.0 g of aggregate lithium content.
Small, non-rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly i
nstalled in equipment) Mailable Mailable 8 cells or 2 batteries
11 Ibs.
Packed with equipment, but not installed in
e equipment
Mailable Mailable 8 cells or 2 batteries
11 Ibs
Without the equipment they operate
(individual batteries in originally sealed
Mailable Prohibited 5 lbs.
Lithium-ion or Lithium Polymer Batteries
5. Each cell must not exceed more than 20 Wh (watt-hour rating).
, 6
6. Each battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
Small, rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly i
nstalled in equipment) Mailable Mailable 8 cells or 2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in
e equipment
Mailable Mailable 8 cells or 2 batteries
Without the equipment they operate
ndividual batteries in originally sealed
Mailable Prohibited
7. Mailable intra-Alaska via air transportation is limited to 8 cells or 2 batteries.
5 lbs.
Very Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries
8. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or battery must not exceed 0.3 g of lithium content.
, 9
9. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or battery must not exceed 2.7 Wh.
Exception for very small consumer-type batteries in USPS air transportation
Contained in (properly i
nstalled in equipment) Mailable Mailable No limit on cells/
batteries 5.5 lbs.
Packed with equipment, but not installed in
e equipment
Mailable Mailable No limit on cells/
batteries 5.5 lbs.
Damaged, Defective, or Recalled Batteries
Prohibited, unless approved by
the director,
Product Classification.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 393
USPS Packaging Instruction 9E
Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries
— International and APO/FPO/DPO
Lithium metal (non-rechargeable) cells and batteries and lithium-ion
(rechargeable) cells and batteries are mailable in limited quantities
internationally or to and from APO, FPO, or DPO locations only when they are
properly installed in the equipment they operate. Lithium batteries must also
be accepted by the destination country as designated by the Individual
Country Listing in the IMM. APO/FPO/DPO destinations are also subject to
the conditions prescribed by the Department of Defense (DOD) as listed in
Overseas Military/Diplomatic Mail in the Postal Bulletin.
Proper Shipping Name
Lithium Metal Battery.
Lithium-ion Battery.
ID Number
Lithium Metal Battery contained in equipment, UN3091.
Lithium-ion Battery contained in equipment, UN3481.
Lithium metal and lithium-ion cells and batteries installed in the
equipment they are intended to operate (UN3091 and UN3481) are
Lithium metal and lithium-ion cells and batteries not packed in
equipment (i.e., batteries packed with equipment or batteries sent
separately from equipment) are prohibited.
Used, damaged, and defective electronic devices (excluding devices
that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or
refurbished devices) containing lithium batteries are prohibited
Required Packaging
Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Batteries
The equipment must be cushioned to prevent movement or damage,
and must be contained in rigid outer packaging, sealed and strong
enough to prevent crushing of the package or exposure of the contents
during normal handling in the mail.
All outer packages must have a complete delivery and return address.
Lithium metal batteries properly installed in the equipment they are
intended to operate:
Mailable internationally when permitted by country, including to
and from APO, FPO, and DPO locations.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
394 Publication 52
No lithium battery markings permitted. Quantities must be within
the limits of
622.5 and as outlined below.
Lithium-ion batteries properly installed in the equipment they are
intended to operate:
Mailable internationally when permitted by country, including to
and from APO, FPO, and DPO locations.
No lithium battery markings permitted. Quantities must be within
the limits of
622.5 and as outlined below.
International — Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries:
Installed in equipment:
Each shipment may contain a maximum of four lithium-ion cells or two
lithium-ion batteries.
The total watt-hour rating for each cell must not exceed 20 Wh.
The total watt-hour rating for each battery must not exceed 100 Wh.
Note: A lithium battery consignment, as defined in 349.12b, is limited to
a maximum of two mailpieces for all international and APO/FPO/DPO
International — Very Small Lithium Metal and Lithium-ion Cells and
Installed in equipment:
Each shipment containing very small lithium cells and batteries, when
installed in the equipment they operate (including circuit boards), may
contain a maximum of four lithium cells or two lithium batteries.
Lithium metal cells and batteries must contain no more than 0.3 gram
of lithium content.
Lithium-ion cells/batteries must have watt-hour rating of not more than
2.7 Wh.
Note: A lithium battery consignment, as defined in 349.12b, is limited to
a maximum of two mailpieces for all international and APO/FPO/DPO
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 395
International Lithium Battery Mailability
1, 2
Battery Limit
Lithium Metal or Lithium Alloy Batteries
4, 5
Small, non-rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly installed in equipment) Mailable Maximum of 4 cells or
2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment Prohibited
Without the equipment they operate (i
ndividual batteries in
originally sealed packaging)
Lithium-ion or Lithium Polymer Batteries
6, 7
Small, rechargeable, consumer-type batteries
Contained in (properly i
nstalled in equipment) Mailable Maximum of 4 cells or
2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment Prohibited
Without the equipment they operate (i
ndividual batteries in
originally sealed packaging)
Very Small Lithium Metal or Lithium-ion Batteries
8, 9
Exception for very small consumer-type batteries in international mailings
Contained in (properly installed in equipment) Mailable Maximum of 4 cells or
2 batteries
Packed with equipment, but not installed in the equipment Prohibited
Without the equipment they operate (i
ndividual batteries in
originally sealed packaging)
1. Unless otherwise prohibited by the international destination country or specific APO/FPO/DPO ZIP Code location.
2. Used, damaged, defective, or recalled lithium batteries and use
d damaged, or defective electronic devices containing lithium
batteries are prohibited and may not be mailed internationally or to, from or between APO, FPO, or DPO locations under any
circumstances. This excludes electronic devices that are new in original packaging, and manufacturer-certified new or
refurbished devices.
3. When a mailpiece limitation of 4 cells or 2 batteries is applicable, a mailpiece may co
ntain either 4 cells or 2 batteries, not both.
4. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell must not conta
in more than 1.0 g (gram) of lithium content.
5. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy
battery must not contain more than 2.0 g of aggregate lithium content.
6. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell must not exceed more than 20 W
h (watt-hour rating).
7. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer b
attery must not exceed 100 Wh.
8. Each lithium metal or lithium alloy cell or batter
y must not exceed 0.3 g of lithium content.
9. Each lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell or battery must not exceed a w
att-hour rating of 2.7 Wh.
Note: Shipments containing lithium batteries are not permitted in Global Express Guaranteed
USPS Packaging Instruction 10A
Small-Quantity Provision
Some types of hazardous materials, as permitted in 338 and 49 CFR 173.4,
may be prepared for mailing using the “small-quantity” provis
ion. The small-
quantity provision is unique within the United States, and its use is prohibited
in international and APO/FPO/DPO mail.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
396 Publication 52
Proper Shipping Name and ID Number
Not applicable.
Prototype Testing Requirement
The complete mailing package must be capable of withstanding the
test criteria in 49 CFR 173.4(a)(6).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted via surface transportation only.
Required Packaging
Inner Receptacle
Each inner receptacle is limited to 30 milliliters or 1 ounce or less for
Each inner receptacle is limited to 30 grams or 1 ounce or less for
Each inner receptacle cannot be liquid-full at 131° F (55° C).
Each inner receptacle must be constructed of plastic with a minimum
thickness of no less than 0.2 mm (0.008 inch) or must be made of
earthenware, glass, or metal.
Each inner receptacle must be securely sealed with wire, tape, or other
positive means.
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
Sufficient absorbent material that will not react chemically with the
hazardous material must fully surround each inner receptacle and be
capable of absorbing the entire liquid contents of the inner
receptacle(s) in case of leakage.
Each primary receptacle must be surrounded by sufficient cushioning
material to absorb shock and prevent breakage.
The absorbent and cushioning materials used must not violate 49 CFR
Secondary Packaging
Each inner receptacle and the absorbent cushioning material must be
placed within a securely sealed secondary packaging.
Outer Packaging
The secondary packaging must be securely packed in a strong outer
The total weight of each mailpiece must not exceed 64 pounds (29 kg).
The address side of each mailpiece sent under the small quantity
provision must be clearly marked with “This package conforms to 49
CFR 173.4 for domestic highway or rail transport only.”
A complete return address and delivery address must be used.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 397
USPS Packaging Instruction 10B
Excepted Quantity Provision
Some types of hazardous materials, as permitted in 337 and 49 CFR 173.4a,
may be prepared for mailing using the excepted quantity provision. The
excepted quantity provision, although applicable to international shipments
by commercial shippers, is limited to domestic mail, and its use is prohibited
in international and APO/FPO/DPO mail.
Proper Shipping Name and ID Number
Not applicable.
Prototype Testing Requirement
The complete mailing package must be capable of withstanding the
test criteria in 49 CFR 173.4a(f).
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted via air or surface transportation (highway,
rail, or vessel).
Required Packaging
Inner (Primary) Receptacle
Each inner receptacle must be constructed of plastic, glass, porcelain,
stoneware, earthenware, or metal. Plastic inner packaging must have a
thickness of not less than 0.2 mm (0.008 inch).
Each inner packaging with a removable closure must have its closure
held securely in place with wire, tape, or other positive means.
Each inner receptacle having a neck with molded screw threads must
have a leak-proof, threaded-type cap.
Closures must not react chemically with the material.
Intermediate (Secondary) Packaging
Each inner receptacle must be securely packed in an intermediate
container with cushioning material in such a way that, under normal
conditions of transport, will not break, be punctured, or leak.
Intermediate containers must completely contain the contents in case
of breakage or leakage, regardless of package orientation.
Absorbent and Cushioning Material
For liquids, intermediate containers must contain sufficient absorbent material that:
Will absorb the entire contents of the inner packaging.
Will not react dangerously with the material or reduce the integrity or
function of the packaging materials.
The absorbent material may be the cushioning material.
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
398 Publication 52
Outer Packaging
The intermediate packaging must be securely packed in strong, rigid
outer packaging.
Placement of the material in the package must not violate 49 CFR
Outer packages must be of such a size that there is adequate space to
apply all necessary markings.
Mailpieces must be durably and legibly marked with the following
The “*” must be replaced by the primary hazard class, or when
assigned, the division of each of the hazardous materials contained in
the package. The “**” must be replaced by the name of the mail owner
or mail service provider, if not shown elsewhere on the package.
The marking must be located on the address side of the mailpiece, not
be less than 100 mm (3.9 inches) by 100 mm (3.9 inches), and must be
durable and clearly visible.
For ground transportation (highway or rail), no shipping paper is
For surface transportation by vessel, a shipping paper is required and
must include the statement “Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities”
and indicate the number of packages.
For transport by air, a shipping paper is not required.
USPS Packaging Instructions 10C
Cremated Remains
Human and animal ashes are permitted for mailing with restrictions, provided
they are properly double-packaged and labeled. For international shipping,
cremated remains are permitted to be mailed provided they are not
otherwise prohibited by the destination country (see the Individual Country
Listings in the IMM) and all packaging and marking requirements are met.
Proper Shipping Name
Not applicable.
ID Number
Not applicable.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 399
International Mail: When permitted by the destination country only via
Priority Mail Express International service (this class of mail must also
be available to the destination country).
Domestic Mail: Permitted via Priority Mail Express service only.
Required Packaging
Primary Container
International: A funeral urn is required as the inner container. It must be
sealed and siftproof.
Domestic: The inner container must be strong and durable and be
constructed in such a manner as to protect and securely contain the
contents inside and it must be properly sealed so that it is siftproof.
Note: A siftproof container is any vessel that does not allow loose
powder to leak or sift out during transit.
Cushioning Material
For both domestic and international shipping, the space between the
primary receptacle and the outer packaging must contain enough
material to keep the item stable during transit and to absorb the shock
to prevent breakage.
Outer Container
For both domestic and international shipping, the outer container must
be strong, durable, and siftproof. Insert your inner container into the
shipping box and add padding to the bottom, sides, and top to prevent
movement. Make sure there is no movement of contents within the
shipping box.
Note: It is recommended that all packages contain a slip of paper with
the sender’s and recipient’s address and phone number. This will
provide Postal employees with a means to contact you if the outer
mailing label is damaged or found missing during transit.
Domestic: A complete return address and delivery address must be
used. The Priority Mail Express mailpiece (USPS-produced or
customer supplied) must be marked with Label 139, Cremated
Remains, affixed to all sides (including top and bottom), or a mailer may
use the special Priority Mail Express cremated remains branded box
(BOX-CRE) available on
International: A complete return address and delivery address must be
used. The mailer must indicate the contents (Cremated Remains) on
the required applicable customs declaration form. The Priority Mail
Express International mailpiece (USPS-produced or customer
supplied) must be marked with Label 139, Cremated Remains, affixed
to all sides (including top and bottom), or a mailer may use the special
Priority Mail Express cremated remains branded box (BOX-CRE)
available on
Appendix C Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
400 Publication 52
International: A complete and accurate customs label is required and
must indicate the contents of the package. If available, the cremation
certificate should be attached to the outer packaging, or made easily
accessible. The sender is responsible for obtaining all the necessary
permissions required by the national laws in the country of origin and
the country of destination prior to dispatching these items.
USPS Packaging Instruction 10D
Adult Bird Boxes
Disease-free adult birds may be mailed domestically when shipped under all
applicable governmental laws and regulations, including the Lacey Act, the
Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Animal Welfare Act, regulations of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and any state,
municipal, or local ordinances. Each container must meet container
specifications. See
521, 522, and 526.4.
Proper Shipping Name
Not applicable.
ID Number
Not applicable.
International Mail: Prohibited.
Domestic Mail: Permitted via Priority Mail Express service only.
Required Packaging
Containers must be designed with consideration of the birds’ comfort,
awareness, health, and welfare, including possible temperature fluctuations
that may occur during transport. In addition, the container must:
Remain intact and withstand crushing during transportation.
Prevent the birds from puncturing or breaking any part of the container
with their own force, or escaping from the container.
Contain shavings or similar absorbent material to prevent damage to
the bottom of the container.
Have a secure window (covered and sturdy) designated for a visible
inspection of the birds.
Provide sufficient exposure to air to allow the birds to breathe normally
through filter-covered ventilation that minimizes the chance of handler
contact with solid or aerosolized waste.
USPS Packaging Instructions for Mailable Hazardous Materials Appendix C
September 7, 2023 401
Each container must be marked with the following information:
“Live Birds — USPS Approved Container # (once issued).”
Complete sender’s and recipient’s addresses (including phone
numbers) on the outer packaging for the necessary notification by
Postal Service personnel.
Directional arrows indicating “up” position (on at least two sides of the
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
402 Publication 52
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September 7, 2023 403
Appendix D
Hazardous Materials Definitions
Aerosol means any nonrefillable metal receptacle containing a gas that is
compressed, liquified, or dissolved under pressure, the sole purpose of
which is to expel a nonpoisonous (other than a Division 6.1 Packing Group III
material) liquid, paste, or powder and fitted with a self-closing release device
allowing the contents to be ejected by the gas.
Air transportation requirements apply to all mailable hazardous materials
sent at Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail prices for domestic shipments, or
Priority Mail Express International, Priority Mail International, and First-Class
Package International Service prices for international shipments. All mailable
hazardous materials sent at those prices must meet the requirements that
apply to air transportation. Mailable hazardous materials sent at any of those
prices may or may not be transported via air depending on the distance
between the point of origination and the point of destination, and the ability
of USPS to obtain an air carrier between those points.
Ammunition includes all kinds of bombs, grenades, rockets, mines,
projectiles, and other similar devices or contrivances. Ammunition is a
1 explosive and is nonmailable.
ASTM refers to the American Society for Testing and Materials.
Batteries, dry are sealed, nonvented batteries of the type used in flashlights
or for the operation of small household apparatus. They contain zinc salts
and other solids, or may be of the nickel cadmium type or other
combinations of metals.
Biohazard is a biological material that poses a threat to humans or the
environment. The biohazard symbol that is required for certain Division 6.2
materials is an OSHA requirement detailed in 29 CFR 1910.1030.
Biological products means a material derived from a living organism that is
prepared and manufactured in accordance with 9 CFR 102-104 (licenses for
biological products; experimental products, distribution, and evaluation prior
to licensing; and permits for biological products), 21 CFR 312 (investigational
new drug application), or 21 CFR 600-680 (biologics) and that, under such
provisions, may be shipped in interstate commerce. Biological products
include, but are not limited to, products such as vaccines.
Btu means British thermal unit.
C means degrees Celsius or Centigrade. Celsius or Centigrade is a
thermometer scale on which the freezing and boiling points of water are
divided into 100, with 0° representing the freezing point and 100° the boiling
Appendix D Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
404 Publication 52
Cargo aircraft only means an aircraft that is used to transport cargo and is
not engaged in carrying passengers.
Ci means curie.
Clinical (diagnostic) specimen is any human or animal material including,
but not limited to, excreta, secreta, blood, blood components, tissue, and
tissue fluids that have been collected and are being mailed to a medical or
forensic laboratory for the purpose of diagnosis, or being mailed from a
medical or forensic laboratory for return to a law enforcement agency.
Combination packaging means one or more inner packagings (i.e.,
receptacles) secured in a nonbulk outer packaging. This is a term used by
DOT in 49 CFR.
Combustible liquid is a Class 3 material in a liquid form that has a flashpoint
above 140° F (60° C) and below 200° F (93° C).
Compatibility group refers to a designated alphabetical letter used to
categorize different types of Class 1 explosive substances and articles for
purposes of safe stowage and segregation (e.g., Division 1.4S).
Composite packaging consists of an outer packaging and an inner
receptacle so constructed that they form an integral unit. Once assembled, it
remains a single integrated unit; it is filled, stored, shipped, and emptied as
such. This is a term used by DOT in 49 CFR.
Compressed gas is a material or mixture within a container that is a gas at
68° F (20° C) or less and 14.7 psi (101.3 kPa), or exerts an absolute pressure
of 40.6 psia (280 kPa) or greater at 68° F (20° C). Gases are Class
hazardous materials.
Consumer commodity is a hazardous material that is packaged and
distributed in a quantity and form intended or suitable for retail sale and
designed for individual consumption for personal care or household use
purposes. This term can also include certain drugs or medicines.
Corrosive material means a Class 8 liquid or solid material that causes
visible destruction of human skin at the site of contact within a specified
period of time. A liquid that has a severe corrosion rate on steel or aluminum
is also a corrosive material.
Dangerous goods is the term used to describe hazardous materials shipped
in international commerce.
Dangerous when wet material is a Division 4.3 material that by contact with
water is liable to become spontaneously flammable or to give off flammable
or toxic gas.
De minimis is the maximum quantity of Packing Group II & III in Class 3,
Division 4.1, Division 4.2, Division 4.3, Division 5.1, Division 6.1, Class 8, and
Class 9 materials that do not meet the definition of hazardous material. Inner
receptacles or articles are limited to One (1) ml (0.03 ounce) for liquids; and
One (1) gram (0.04 ounce) for solid materials and 100 ml (3.38 ounces) for
liquids; and 100 g (0.22 pounds) for solid materials total aggregate per
mailpiece. De minimis does not apply to prohibited items (e.g., mercury,
hydrofluoric acid).
Hazardous Materials Definitions Appendix D
September 7, 2023 405
Designated facility is (for EPA purposes) the hazardous waste treatment,
storage, or disposal facility that has been designated on a hazardous waste
manifest by the waste generator.
Diagnostic specimen, see clinical specimen.
Division refers to a subpart of a hazard class (e.g., Division 6.1).
DOD refers to the U.S. Department of Defense.
Domestic transportation is transportation between locations within the
United States.
DOT refers to the U.S. Department of Transportation. DOT has the federal
authority to regulate the transportation of hazardous materials within
domestic commerce. DOT regulations are codified in Title 49, Code of
Federal Regulations (49 CFR).
Elevated temperature material means a material that, when offered for
transportation, is in a liquid phase and at a temperature at or above 212° F
(100° C); is in a liquid phase with a flashpoint at or above 100° F (37.8° C) that
is intentionally heated and offered for transportation at or above its
flashpoint; or is in a solid phase and at a temperature at or above 464° F
(240° C). Elevated temperature materials are Class 9 hazardous materials
and are nonmailable.
EPA refers to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA regulations are
codified in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR).
Etiologic agent, see infectious substance.
Explosive is any Class 1 substance or article, including a device, that is
designed to function by explosion (i.e., an extremely rapid release of gas and
heat) or that, by chemical reaction within itself, is able to function in a similar
F means degrees Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit is a thermometer scale on which the
boiling point of water is 212° above zero and the freezing point is 32° above
Flammable gas is a Division 2.1 material that is ignitable at 14.7 psi
kPa) when in a mixture of 13 percent or less by volume, or has a
flammable range at 14.7 psi (101.3 kPa) with air of at least 12 percent
regardless of the lower limit.
Flammable liquid is a Class 3 material in a liquid form that has a flashpoint
of not more than 140° F (60° C), or any material in a liquid phase with a
flashpoint at or above 100° F (38° C).
Flammable solid is a Division 4.1 material that includes any solid material
(other than one classed as an explosive) that under normal transport and
handling conditions is likely to cause fire through friction or retained heat
from manufacturing or processing, or that can be ignited readily and, when
ignited, can burn vigorously and persistently and create a serious
transportation hazard.
Flashpoint means the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off vapor
within a test vessel in sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture
with air near the surface of the liquid. The test criteria is cited in 49 CFR
Appendix D Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
406 Publication 52
Gas means a material that has a vapor pressure greater than 43.5 psi
kPa) at 122° F (50° C) or is completely gaseous at 68° F (20° C) at a
standard pressure of 14.7psi (101.3 kPa). Also, see compressed gas.
Hazard class means the category to which a hazardous material is assigned
under the definitions set by DOT in 49 CFR. Even though a material is
assigned to only one hazard class, it may meet the defining criteria for more
than one hazard class. Some hazardous materials may also have subsidiary
hazard class assignment.
Hazard zone refers to one of the four levels of hazards (Hazard Zones A
through D) assigned to gases and liquids that are poisonous by inhalation. A
hazard zone is based on the LC
value for acute inhalation and toxicity of
gases and vapors. Hazardous materials assigned a hazard zone are
Hazardous material is any article or substance designated by the U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT) as being capable of posing an
unreasonable risk to health, safety, or property during transportation. In
international commerce, hazardous materials are known as “dangerous goods.”
Hazardous substance is a hazardous material that when shipped in certain
quantities can be an environmental hazard. Appendix A in 49 CFR 172.101
lists all hazardous substances. All hazardous substances are hazardous
materials, but not all hazardous materials are hazardous substances.
Hazardous substances are nonmailable.
Hazardous waste is any material subject to the Hazardous Waste Manifest
Requirements of EPA as specified in 40 CFR 262. The only type of hazardous
waste permitted in domestic mail is medical waste (i.e., sharps and other
medical devices) as specified in
IATA refers to the International Air Transportation Association. IATA annually
publishes the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, which provides
procedures for shippers to prepare hazardous materials for safe transport by
air via commercial air transportation. The IATA regulations contain all of the
ICAO Technical Instructions as well as some more restrictive requirements
that reflect air transport industry standard practices or operational
ICAO refers to the International Civil Aviation Organization. ICAO biannually
publishes the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous
Goods by Air, which specifies the procedures for shipping hazardous
materials via air transportation and is recognized by DOT in 49 CFR 171.11.
ID8000 is a miscellaneous hazardous class specific to certain materials
within Classes 2, 3, 6.1, and 9 that can qualify as a mailable consumer
commodity material and are reclassed as ID8000 when intended for air
IMO refers to the International Maritime Organization, which provides
requirements for shipping hazardous materials via waterways.
Infectious substance (etiologic agent) is a Division 6.2 material that is a
viable microorganism, or its toxin, and causes or may cause disease in
human beings or animals, and includes those agents listed in 42 CFR 72.3
Hazardous Materials Definitions Appendix D
September 7, 2023 407
and any other agent that causes or may cause severe, disabling, or fatal
disease. The terms “infectious substance” and “etiologic agent” are
Inhalation hazard, see hazard zone.
Inner receptacle, see primary receptacle.
Irritating material is any Division 6.1 liquid or solid substance (e.g., tear gas)
that gives off intense fumes and causes extreme but temporary irritation and
impairment to a person’s ability to function.
kPa means kilopascals.
L or l means liter.
Limited Quantity is the maximum amount of a specific hazardous material
that is exempted from the labeling or packaging requirements in 49 CFR. To
be permitted in the Postal Service, hazardous materials that are classified to
be shipped as Limited Quantity must also qualify as a consumer commodity
material. See Consumer Commodity, Limited Quantity air and Limited
Quantity surface.
Limited Quantity Air is a category unique to the Postal Service of a
hazardous material in hazard Classes 5, 8, and portions of 9 that presents a
limited hazard specifically in air transportation and is mailable under certain
conditions in Postal Service air networks.
Limited Quantity Surface is a material that contains a limited quantity of a
hazardous material that presents a limited hazard during transportation due
to its form, quantity, and packaging, specific to the Postal Service, and is
restricted to surface transportation. This category generally must also qualify
as a consumer commodity to be accepted in the Postal Service network.
This material was previously classified as ORM-D.
Liquid is a material, other than an elevated temperature material, with a
melting point of 68° F (20° C) or lower at a standard pressure of 14.7 psi
(101.3 kPa).
Liquid phase means a material that meets the definition of a liquid when
elevated at the higher of the temperature at which it is offered for
transportation, not at the 100° F (38° C) temperature.
Mailable Limited Quantity is a hazardous material in hazard Classes 4, 5, 8
or portions of 9 that presents a limited hazard during transportation
(specifically air transport), and is mailable in USPS air networks under certain
conditions and in limited quantities.
Magnetized material is an article that has a magnetic field strength capable
of causing the deviation of aircraft instruments and producing erroneous
aircraft magnetic compass readings.
Marine pollutant is any hazardous material listed in Appendix B of 49 CFR
172.101, including mixtures or solutions of certain concentrations that are
capable of polluting water habitats. Marine pollutants are not mailable.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), see Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Maximum capacity means the maximum volume permitted in the inner
receptacle or packaging.
Appendix D Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
408 Publication 52
Miscellaneous hazardous materials are Class 9 substances or articles that
present a hazard during transportation but do not meet the definition of any
other hazard class. Examples are dry ice and magnetized materials.
ml means milliliter.
mm means millimeters.
NA number refers to the North American (NA) four-digit identification
number assigned to a hazardous material that is not recognized for
international transportation. Hazardous materials having NA numbers may be
shipped in commercial commerce only within the United States or between
the United States and Canada. Hazardous materials with NA numbers may
be mailed within the United States only as permitted in Chapter
Nonflammable gas is a Division 2.2 material that exerts an absolute
pressure of 40.6 psia (280 kPa) or greater at 68° F (20° C).
n.o.s. means not
otherwise specified.
Organic peroxide is a Division 5.2 material that includes any organic
compound containing oxygen in the bivalent structure and that may be
considered a derivative of hydrogen peroxide, where one or more of the
hydrogen atoms have been replaced by organic radicals.
ORM means other regulated material.
ORM-D (other regulated materials for domestic transport only) was a
marking for mail or shipping in the United States. Packages bearing this mark
contained hazardous material in a limited quantity that present a limited
hazard during transportation, due to its form, quantity, and packaging. ORM-D
was phased out by the U.S. Department of Transportation on Jan. 1, 2021.
OSHA refers to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the
U.S. Department of Labor. OSHA regulations are codified in Title 29, Code of
Federal Regulations (29 CFR).
Other medical devices are Division 6.2 materials that include all articles or
devices used in animal or human patient care or treatment or in medical
research that are not, or do not contain, a projecting sharp and are not
known or not reasonably believed to contain an infectious substance
(etiologic agent).
Outer packaging is the outermost enclosure that provides protection
against the unintentional release of the contents under normal handling
conditions. The outer packaging holds the primary receptacle, the secondary
packaging (if required), and the absorbent material and cushioning. The outer
packaging bears the addressing information along with all required markings
and labels.
Oxidizing gas means a gas that more than air may cause or contribute to the
combustion of other material by generally providing oxygen.
Oxidizing substance is a Division 5.2 material that may, generally by
yielding oxygen, cause or enhance the combustion of other materials.
Packing group (PG) is the DOT grouping assignment that is based on the
degree of danger present in an individual hazardous material. Packing Group
I indicates a great danger; Packing Group II, medium danger; Packing Group
III, minor danger. Not every hazard class uses packing group assignments.
ORM-D materials most often fall within Packing Group III.
Hazardous Materials Definitions Appendix D
September 7, 2023 409
Passenger-carrying aircraft means an aircraft that carries any person other
than a crew member or company employee, an authorized representative of
the United States, or a person accompanying the shipment.
Poisonous gas, see toxic gas.
Poisonous material, see toxic substance.
Primary hazard refers to the single or most dangerous hazard characteristic
of a hazardous material (i.e., hazard class or division assignment).
Primary receptacle is the innermost container (i.e., tube, vial, bottle, vessel)
that holds the hazardous material. Sometimes the primary receptacle may be
referred to as the inner receptacle or the primary container.
Proper shipping name is the name of a hazardous material that must be
used to identify a substance or article in the shipping documents and on the
packaging, as required. See Appendix
A and B for listings of proper shipping
psi means pounds per square inch.
psia means pounds per square inch absolute.
psig means pounds per square inch gauge.
Pyrophoric material is a liquid or solid that, even in a small amount and
without an external ignition source, can ignite within 5 minutes after coming
in contact with air.
Radiation level means the radiation dose-equivalent rate expressed in
millisievert per hour (mSv/h) or millirem per hour (mrem/h).
Radioactive instrument or article means any manufactured instrument or
article, such as an instrument, clock, electronic tube or apparatus, or similar
item, having a Class 7 radioactive material in gaseous or nondispersible solid
form as a component part.
Radioactive material is defined in 49 CFR 173.403 as any material
containing radionuclides where both the activity concentration and the total
activity in the consignment exceed the values specified in the table in 49
173.436 or values derived according to the instructions in 49 CFR 173.433.
Activity limits for mailable Class 7 radioactive materials are listed in
Exhibit 347.22.
Regulated medical waste is the DOT term for a Division 6.2 waste or
reusable material, other than a culture or stock of an infectious substance,
that may or may not contain an infectious substance and is generated from:
the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals;
research pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human
beings or animals; or the production or testing of biological products. Only
the types of medical waste named in
346 are mailable.
Reportable quantity (RQ) mean the minimum amount of a hazardous
substance that is subject to the additional marking and documentation
requirements in Appendix A of 49 CFR 172.101. A hazardous material having
an RQ is nonmailable.
Residue means the hazardous material remaining in a packaging after the
contents have been unloaded to the maximum extent practicable and before
the packaging is either cleaned, refilled, or properly disposed of.
Appendix D Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
410 Publication 52
Rigid means unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible. A rigid
outer shipping container or rigid packaging is generally interpreted to mean a
fiberboard (cardboard) box or outer packaging of equivalent strength,
durability and rigidity.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a document that details the physical
characteristics and health hazards of a chemical or hazardous product. In
CFR 1910.1200(g), OSHA requires chemical manufacturers, distributors,
and importers to provide SDSs to communicate the hazards of hazardous
chemicals they produce or import, and provide copies to their customers.
OSHA also requires that employers have an SDS on hand for each
hazardous chemical present in their workplace. For postal purposes, the
information on an SDS can be useful in determining the mailability of a
hazardous material.
Salvage packaging is a special form of packaging into which damaged,
defective, or leaking hazardous materials packages are placed for purposes
of recovery or disposal. Salvage packaging must meet the specifications in
49 CFR 173.3.
Secondary packaging container is the packaging component into which
the primary receptacle(s) and any required absorbent and cushioning
material is securely placed. The packaging of certain mailable hazardous
materials requires the use of a secondary container. The secondary
packaging container is then secured in an outer shipping container.
Self-heating material is a material that, when in contact with air and without
an energy supply, is liable to self-heat and may spontaneously ignite.
Sharps is a Division 6.2 material that includes any item of medical waste
having a projecting cutting edge or fine point that was used in animal or
human patient care or treatment or in medical research or industrial
laboratories. The term includes, but is not limited to, hypodermic needles,
syringes (with or without the attached needles), pasteur pipettes, scalpel
blades, blood vials, needles with attached tubing, and culture dishes
(regardless of the presence of infectious agents). Also included are other
types of broken or unbroken glassware that were in contact with infectious
agents, such as used slides or cover slips. The term does not include new
unused medical devices such as hypodermic needles, syringes, and scalpel
Shipping papers means the shipping order, bill of lading, manifest, or other
shipping document that contains the information required by 49 CFR
172.200 through 172.204. Most hazardous materials (including ORM-D
materials) sent via air transportation require a shipper’s declaration for
dangerous goods. See
326 and Exhibit 326. The Packaging Instructions in
Appendix C specify when a shipper’s declaration is required.
Siftproof packaging means a packaging that is impermeable to dry
contents, including any fine solid material produced during transportation.
Small quantity is the maximum amount of a specific hazardous material that
is not subject to any requirements other than those in 49 CFR 173.4. Not
every hazardous material is eligible to be shipped as a small quantity. The
Hazardous Materials Definitions Appendix D
September 7, 2023 411
small quantity provision is recognized for use within the United States only. A
hazardous material cannot be sent in international mail using the small
quantity provision.
Solid is a material that is not a liquid or a gas.
Solution is any homogeneous liquid mixture of two or more chemical
compounds or elements that will not undergo any segregation under normal
transportation conditions.
Specific activity refers to the activity of the radionuclide per unit mass of
that nuclide for a Class 7 material.
Specification packaging means a packaging conforming to one of the
specifications or standards in 49 CFR 178 and 179. ORM-D materials do not
require specification packaging (but they must meet postal packaging
Spontaneously combustible material is a pyrophoric or a self-heating
material that is capable of spontaneous ignition.
Subsidiary hazard means a hazard characteristic, other than the primary
hazard, present in a hazardous material that is of lesser significance than the
primary hazard.
Surface transportation requirements apply to all mailable hazardous
materials sent at the Parcel Select Lightweight or USPS Ground Advantage
prices and must meet the requirements that apply to surface transportation.
TBq means terabecquerel.
Toxic gas is a Division 2.3 material that is poisonous by inhalation and is a
gas at 68° F (20° C) or less and a pressure of 14.7 psi (101.3 kPa); or a
material that has a boiling point of 68° F (20° C) or less at 14.7 psi
Toxic substance means a material, other than a gas, that is known to be so
toxic to humans as to cause death, injury, or harm to health if swallowed,
inhaled, or contacted by the skin. See
346 for information on toxicity levels.
UN number refers to the United Nations (UN) four-digit identification number
assigned to a hazardous material that is recognized for use in international
and domestic commerce and transportation.
UN standard packaging means a packaging that conforms to the standards
in the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods.
Viscosity is the tendency of a fluid to resist internal flow without regard to its
Volatility refers to the relative rate of evaporation of materials to assume a
vapor state at ordinary temperatures.
Water reactive material, see dangerous when wet material.
Water resistant means having a degree of resistance to permeability and
damage caused by water.
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
412 Publication 52
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September 7, 2023 413
Appendix E
Postal Service Publications and Reference
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail
Manual (DMM®).
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International
Mail Manual (IMM®).
Postal Operations Manual (POM).
Administrative Support Manual (ASM).
Publication 14, Prohibitions and Restrictions on Mailing Animals,
Plants, and Related Matter.
Handbook EL-812, Hazardous Materials and Spill Response.
Aviation Mail Security, Management Instructions.
Notice 107, Let’s Keep the Mail Safe.
Poster 298, DOT Hazardous Materials Warning Labels and Markings.
Poster 702, Dangerous Goods Warning Labels Prohibited in
International Mail.
Other Publications
Title 18 of the United States Code (U.S.C.) 921, 1715, 1716
(18 U.S.C. 921, 1715, 1716).
39 U.S.C. 3001 (nonmailable matter).
21 U.S.C. 801–830 (drugs).
Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR), Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S. Department of Labor.
42 CFR, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
49 CFR, Parts 100–185, U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Technical Instructions
for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air.
International Air Transport Association (IATA), Dangerous Goods
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
414 Publication 52
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September 7, 2023 415
Appendix F
Alaska Routes Serviced by
Transportation Only
The following ZIP Codes in Alaska are only serviced by air transportation:
99545, 99546, 99547, 99548, 99549, 99550, 99551, 99552, 99553, 99554,
99555, 99557, 99558, 99559, 99561, 99563, 99564, 99565, 99569, 99571,
99574, 99575, 99576, 99578, 99579, 99580, 99581, 99583, 99585, 99589,
99590, 99591, 99602, 99604, 99606, 99607, 99608, 99609, 99612, 99613,
99614, 99615, 99619, 99620, 99621, 99622, 99624, 99625, 99626, 99627,
99628, 99630, 99632, 99633, 99634, 99636, 99637, 99638, 99640, 99641,
99643, 99644, 99647, 99648, 99649, 99650, 99651, 99653, 99655, 99656,
99657, 99658, 99659, 99660, 99661, 99662, 99663, 99665, 99666, 99667,
99668, 99670, 99671, 99675, 99677, 99678, 99679, 99680, 99681, 99682,
99684, 99685, 99689, 99690, 99691, 99692, 99695, 99697, 99720, 99721,
99722, 99723, 99724, 99726, 99727, 99730, 99732, 99733, 99734, 99736,
99738, 99739, 99740, 99741, 99742, 99745, 99746, 99747, 99748, 99749,
99750, 99751, 99752, 99753, 99754, 99756, 99757, 99758, 99759, 99761,
99762, 99763, 99765, 99766, 99767, 99768, 99769, 99770, 99771, 99772,
99773, 99774, 99777, 99778, 99781, 99782, 99783, 99784, 99785, 99786,
99788, 99789, 99790, 99791, 99801, 99802, 99803, 99811, 99812, 99820,
99821, 99824, 99825, 99826, 99827, 99829, 99830, 99832, 99833, 99835,
99836, 99840, 99841, 99850, 99901, 99903, 99918, 99919, 99921, 99922,
99923, 99925, 99926, 99927, 99928, 99929, 99950.
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
416 Publication 52
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September 7, 2023 417
Appendix G
Hazardous Materials Service Type Codes
(STCs) and Extra Service Codes (ESCs)
This appendix contains a complete list of Service Type Codes (STCs) and
Extra Service Codes (ESCs) to be applied within the tracking barcodes and
electronic data submission for shipments containing hazardous materials or
dangerous goods (See
323.2 and 323.3):
STCs Domestic Outbound (Required)
The following STCs are required when shipping domestic hazardous
materials, unless an STC from the “Optional” table is used:
760 Priority Mail Express Signature Waived – Hazardous Materials
116 Priority Mail USPS Tracking – Hazardous Materials
184 USPS Ground Advantage (up to 15.999 oz.) USPS Tracking –
Hazardous Materials
395 Parcel Select USPS Tracking –
Hazardous Materials
785 Parcel Select Lightweight USPS Tracking – Hazardous Materials
362 USPS Ground Advantage (one pound or more) USPS Tracking –
Hazardous Materials
STCs Domestic Outbound (Optional)
The following STCs are optional unless one of the applicable Extra Services
is selected when shipping domestic hazardous materials:
761 Priority Mail Express Signature Requested – Hazardous Materials
762 Priority Mail Express with Insurance – Hazardous Materials
763 Priority Mail Express with Insurance Restricted Delivery – Hazardous
764 Priority Mail Express Adult Signature Over 21 –
Hazardous Materials
120 Priority Mail Insurance <= $500 – Hazardous Materials
323 Priority Mail Insurance > $500 – Hazardous Materials
075 Priority Mail Adult Signature Over 21 – Hazar
dous Materials
063 Priority Mail Signature Confirmation Hazardous Materials
185 USPS Ground Advantage (up to 15.999 oz.) Insurance <= $500 –
Hazardous Materials
186 USPS Ground Advantage (up to 15.999 oz.) Insurance > $500 –
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
418 Publication 52
STCs Domestic Returns (Required)
The following STCs for domestic hazardous materials returns packages are
required, unless an STC from the “Optional” list is used:
676 PRS - Hazardous Materials
187 USPS Ground Advantage Returns (up to
15.999 oz.) Insurance –
Hazardous Materials
385 USPS Ground Advantage (one pound or more) – Hazardous Materials
037 Priority Mail Return Service - Hazardous
217 USPS Ground Advantage Returns (up to
15.999 oz.) – Division 6.2
Hazardous Materials
218 USPS Ground Advantage Returns (one pound or more) – Division 6.2
Hazardous Materials
219 Priority Mail Return Service – Division 6.2 Hazardous Materials
859 PRS: HAZMAT – Division 6.2 Hazardous
STCs Domestic Returns (Optional)
The following STCs are optional for domestic hazardous materials returns
packages unless the applicable Extra Service is selected:
190 USPS Grounds Advantage Returns (up to 15.999 oz.) Insurance <=
$500 – Hazardous Materials
191 USPS Ground Advantage Returns (up to 1
5.999 oz.) Insurance > $500
– Hazardous Materials
388 USPS Ground Advantage Returns (one pound or more) Insurance <=
$500 – Hazardous Materials
399 USPS Ground Advantage Returns (one pound or more) Insurance >
$500 – Hazardous Materials
515 Priority Mail Return Service Insurance <= $500 – Hazardous Materials
517 Priority Mail Return Service Insurance > $500 – Hazardous Materials
678 PRS Insurance > $500 – Hazard
ous Materials
363 USPS Ground Advantage (one pound or more) Insurance <= $500 –
Hazardous Materials
365 USPS Ground Advantage (one pound or more) Insurance > $500 –
Hazardous Materials
166 USPS Ground Advantage (up to 15.999 oz.) Signature Confirmation –
Hazardous Materials
483 Parcel Select Insurance <= $50
0 – Hazardous Materials
628 Parcel Select Insurance > $500 – Hazardous Materials
646 Parcel Select Signature Confirmation Hazard
ous Materials
786 Parcel Select Lightweight Insurance <= $500 – Hazardous Materials
787 Parcel Select Lightweight Insurance >500 – Hazardous Materials
749 Parcel Select Lightweight Signatu
re Confirmation - Hazardous
Hazardous Materials Service Type Codes (STCs) and Extra Service Codes (ESCs)
September 7, 2023 419
ESCs Domestic (Optional)
The following is a list of category-specific ESCs that may be used in
conjunction with an STC if the mailer chooses:
810 Air Eligible Ethanol Package
811 Class 1 – Toy Propellant/Safety Fuse Package
812 Class 3 – Flammable Liquid Package
813 Class 7 – Radioactive Materials Package
814 Class 8 – Corrosive Materials Package
815 Class 8 – Nonspillable Wet Battery Package
816 Class 9 – Lithium Battery Marked – Ground Only Package
817 Class 9 – Lithium Battery – Returns Package
818 Class 9 – Lithium batteries, marked package
819 Class 9 – Dry Ice Package
820 Class 9 – Lithium batteries, unmarked package
821 Class 9 – Magnetized Materials Package
822 Division 4.1 – Flammable solids
and Safety Matches Package
823 Division 5.1 – Oxidizers Package
824 Division 5.2 – Organic Peroxides Package
825 Division 6.1 – Toxic M
aterials Package
826 Division 6.2 – Infectious Substances Package
827 Excepted Quantity Provision Package
828 Ground Only Hazardous Materials
829 ID8000 Consumer Commodity Package
830 Lighters Package
831 LTD QTY Ground Package
832 Small-Quantity Provision Package
ESCs Domestic and International,
including APO/FPO/DPO (Required)
The following ESCs must be provided for all shipments containing hazardous
materials or dangerous goods:
857 Hazardous Materials
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
420 Publication 52
ESCs International and APO/FPO/DPO
The following is a list of ESCs required for use in the mailers Shipping Service
File, when tendering the following dangerous goods internationally with the
Postal Service:
813 Class 7 – Radioactive Materials Package
820 Class 9 – Lithium
batteries, unmarked package*
826 Division 6.2 – Infectious Substances Package
* The batteries must be installed in the equipment being shipped and must
not bear markings or labels identifying the contents as lithium batteries.
September 7, 2023 421
Note: Any item with an asterisk (*) is NONMAILABLE under any conditions.
Abortive devices, see Unsolicited Promotional
Acceptance procedures, 251, 726.1
Acetic acid, 348.22
Addressing, 221, 725.4
Adhesives, 343.24
Adult birds, 526.1, 526.43
Aerosols, 342.23
Air transportation requirements
Air carrier refusal, 727
Air only ZIP Codes, 722.2
General, 721
Markings, 725.2
Prohibitions, 327.2, 722.3
Sipper’s declaration, 326, 725.3
Alligators, baby, Exhibit 526.6
Ammunition*, 341.11, 341.21
Amphibians, Exhibit 526.6
Aniline oil*, 346.221
Animal-Fighting Ventures, 46
Definitions, 461
Mailability, 462
Animals (also see specific category or name of
Acceptance, 523
Air transportation, 742
Cold-blooded, see Cold-blooded animals
Disposal, 524
Dead, 526.7, Exhibit 526.7
General, 521
Illegal fish and wildlife, 57
Injurious animals, 57
International mail, 642
Mailable animals, 526
Marking, 522
Nonmailable animals, 525
Packaging, 522
Parts of, 526.7, Exhibit 526.7
Used for food, Exhibit 526.7
Antiseptics, 453.12
Air transportation, 722.1
Hazardous materials, 621.4
Perishable matter, 641
Restricted matter, 631, 632.1
Appeals, 214
Aspirin, 453.12
Batteries, 348.21, 348.22
Alkaline, 348.21
Dry cell, 348.22
Liquid electrolyte*, 348.21
Lithium-ion, 349.222
Lithium metal, 349.221
Nonspillable wet, 348.22
Bees, 526.1, 526.2, Exhibit 526.21, 742.2
Biological product, 346.12, 346.233, 346.32
Biological products, aerosol, 342.23
Biohazard symbol, Exhibit 346.321
Black powder*, 341.11
Blasting caps*, 341.11
Blood, see Exempt animal specimen or Exempt
human specimen
Bloodworms, see Worms
Bombs, explosive*, 341.11
Bromoacetone*, 346.221
Bromobenzyl cyanide*, 346.221
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
422 Publication 52
Building construction material, 455
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 341.22,
431.5, Exhibit 432.25, 433, 632.1, 632.2
Business Mail Acceptance office, 251
Butane, 342.23
Caimans, baby, Exhibit 526.6
Canaries*, 525.1
Canned heat, 343.24
Caps* (toy paper), 341.11
Carbon dioxide solid, see Dry ice
Carbonated beverages, 342.23
Cartridges* (primers and blanks), 341.21
Category B infectious substances, 346, 622.2
Cats*, 525.2
Caustic materials, see Corrosives
Cements, 343.24
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
Chameleons, Exhibit 526.6
Chickens, see Poultry, day-old and Adult bird
Chlorine dioxide hydrate, frozen*, 345.21
3-Chloro-4-methylphenyl isocyanate*, 346.221
Chloroacetophenone*, 346.221
Chloropicrin*, 346.221
Cigarette lighter fluid, see Lighter fluid
Cigarette lighters, see Lighters
Cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, 47
Class, see Hazard Class
Cleaning agents, 343.24
Cockatiels*, 525.1
Cold remedies, 422.21, 453.12
Cold-blooded animals, small, harmless, 526.1,
526.6, Exhibit 526.6
Combustible liquids, 343, Exhibit 343.22
Definition, 343.1
Mailability requirements, 342.2
Mailable material, 343.24
Marking, 343.3
Nonmailable material, 343.23
Packaging, 343.2
Compressed gas, see Gases
Consumer Commodity, 333, Appendix D
Consumer Product Safety Act, 453.2
Contraceptive devices, see Unsolicited
promotional samples
Controlled substances act, 453.11
Controlled substances and drugs, 453
Definitions, 453.11
International mail, 636
Mailability requirements, 453.3
Mailer responsibility, 453.2
Marking, 453.4
Packaging, 453.4
Rulings, 453.5
Cooking wine, 422.21
Corrosives, 348
Definition, 348.1
Mailability requirements, 348.2
Mailable material, 348.22
Marking, 348.4
Nonmailable material, 348.21
Packaging, 348.3
Cremated remains, 451.22
Cyanogen bromide*, 346.221
Dangerous goods, 621.1
Day-old poultry, see Poultry, day-old
Dead animals, see Animals
Definitions, hazardous materials, Appendix D
Department of Energy (DOE), 347.5,
Exhibit 347.5c(1)
Department of Transportation (DOT), 321
Depressant drugs, see Controlled substances
Dermal toxicity, 346.11
Detonating fuse*, 341.11
Diagnostic specimen, see Exempt animal
specimen or Exempt human specimen
Diesel fuel, 343.24
Diet pills, 453.12
Diphenylamine chlorarsine*, 346.221
Diphenylchloroarsine*, 346.221
Disease germs, see Infectious substances
Dispatch procedures, 252, 726.2
Dogs*, 525.2
Doves, see Adult birds
September 7, 2023 423
Drug paraphernalia, 453.13, 453.35
Controlled substances, see Controlled
International mail, 635
Marking, 453.4
Narcotic, 453.11, 453.31
Packaging, 453.4
Poisonous, see Toxic substances
Prescription, 453.12, 453.31, 453.32
Rulings, 453.5
Undeliverable medicines, 453.8
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 453.31
Dry ice, 322, 349.1, 349.2, 349.23, 349.3,
Exhibit 526.7, 623, 743
Ducks, see Poultry, day-old and Adult birds
Dynamite*, 341.11
Dyes, 348.22
Dried, whole, 643.2
Fresh, 54, 643.1
Electrolyte battery acid*, 348.21
Electronic tubes, 342.23
Etiologic agents, see Infectious substances
Emergency procedures
General, 24, 245, 246, 728
Radioactive material, 347.5
Emus*, 525.1
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 347.5
Ethanol-based liquids and solids, 343.27,
Appendix C
Excreta, see Exempt animal specimen or Exempt
human specimen
Exempt animal specimen, 346.326
Exempt human specimen, 346.326
Explosives*, 341
Compatibility codes, 341.12
Definition, 341.1
Mailability requirements, 341.2
Mailable material, 341.22
Nonmailable material, 341.21
Extinguishers, see Fire extinguishers
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Finches, 525.1
Fire alarm systems, audible, 342.23
Antique, 431.3
Export, 632.1
Found in mail, 435
General, 43, Exhibit 432.25
Import, 632.2
International mail, 632
Legal opinion, 433
Manufacturer/Dealer, 431.5
Marking, 432.3
Firecrackers*, see Fireworks
Fire extinguishers, 342.22, 342.23
Fireworks*, 341.11, 341.21
Fish, Exhibit 526.6, Exhibit 526.7
Flammable gas, see Gases
Flammable liquid, 343
Definition, 343.1
Mailability requirements, 343.21, Exhibit 343.21
Mailable material, 343.24
Marking, 343.3
Nonmailable material, 343.23
Packaging, 343.2
Flammable solid, 344
Definition, 344.1
Mailability requirements, 344.2
Mailable material, 344.2
Marking, 344.3
Nonmailable material, 344.21
Packaging, 344.3
Flashpoint, 343.1, Exhibit 343.21, Exhibit 343.22,
Appendix D
Flying squirrels*, 525.2
Foodstuffs, aerosol products, 342.23
Eggs, see Eggs
Fresh foods, 53, 645
Meats, see Meat
Fountains, cylindrical and cone (fireworks)*, see
Form 1508, 432.24
Friction-top closure, 451.3
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
424 Publication 52
Frogs, Exhibit 526.6
Fruits, fresh, see Foods
Diesel, see Diesel fuel
Model, see Model fuel
Oil, see Fuel oil
Fuel oil, 343.24
Fuses*, 341.21
Fusees*, 341.22
Game birds, for food use, Exhibit 526.7
Gases, 342
Definition, 342.1
Empty containers, 342.23
Mailability requirements, 342.2
Mailable gases, 342.23
Marking, 342.4
Nonmailable gases, 342.22
Toxic*, 342.22
Packaging, 342.3
Tear gas, see Tear gas
Gasoline*, 343.23
Geese, see Poultry, day-old and Adult birds
Germs, see Infectious substances
Goldfish, see Fish
Grenades*, 341.11
Guinea birds, see Poultry, day-old and Adult birds
Guinea hens, see Guinea birds
Guinea pigs*, 525.2
Gun Control Act, 431.5, 432.1, Exhibit 432.25
Guns, see Firearms
Hallucinogenic drugs, see Controlled substances
Hamsters*, 525.2
Handguns*, 431.2, Exhibit 432.25
Handling, see Dispatch procedures
Hazard Class, 331, Exhibit 331, 34, 621.2,
Exhibit 621.1
Hazard Class 1, see Explosives
Hazard Class 2, see Gases
Hazard Class 3, see Flammable liquids and/or
Combustible liquids
Hazard Class 4, see Flammable solids
Hazard Class 5, see Oxidizing substances and/or
Organic peroxides
Hazard Class 6, see Toxic Substances and/or
Infectious Substances
Hazard Class 7, see Radioactive materials
Hazard Class 8, see Corrosives
Hazard Class 9, see Miscellaneous hazardous
Hazardous materials
Air transportation, 72, 721
Definition, 31, Appendix D
General, 122, 211
Handling, 23
International mail, 621, 622, 623
Table, 328, Appendix A, Appendix B
Warning labels, see Labels
Health and Human Services (HHS) Department,
see Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hellgrammites, Exhibit 526.6
Herbicides, 346, 346.232
Hexaethyl tetraphospate, liquid or solid*, 346.221
Honeybees, see Bees
Hydrochloric acid, 348.22
Hydrocyanic acid, aqueous solutions*, 346.221
Hydrofluoric acid, 348.21
Hydrogen peroxide, 345.1, 345.21, 345.22
Dry, see Dry ice
Water, Exhibit 526.7
Identification number, see UN number or NA
Igniters, 341.22
Inert devices, 434
Infectious substances, 346
Biological products, 346.12
Definition, 346.1, 346.12
International mail, 622
Mailability requirements, 346.212
Mailable material, 346.23, 346.233
Marking, 346.32
Nonmailable material, 346.22
Other medical waste, see Used medical
September 7, 2023 425
Packaging, 346.32
Sharps, see Sharps
Specimen, see Exempt animal specimen or
Exempt human specimen
Inhalation toxicity, 346.11
Inks, 343.26
Insecticides, 346.232
Dead, dried, 526.7, 642
International mail, 642
Nonpoisonous, Exhibit 526.6
Poisonous, 525.4
International mail 6
Biological substances, 622.2
Magnetized materials, 622.4
Nonmailable materials, 623
Radioactive materials, 622.3
Intoxicating liquors, 42
Irritating materials*, 346.11, 346.221
Keys, see Motor vehicle master keys
Kittens*, 525.2
Knives and sharp instruments, 44, 441, 442, 443,
Label 27, 225
Label 28, 225
Label 127, 225
Labeling requirements (See requirements for
specific items)
Biohazard materials, 346.321
DOT warning labels, 223, 325, Exhibit 325.3a,
Exhibit 325.3b, Exhibit 325.4, 723
Dry ice, 349.23
Infectious substances, Exhibit 346.321
International mail, 622.2, 622.3
Magnetized materials, Exhibit 349.242b
Refusal by aricraft, 711.2
Latex paint, see Paint
Leeches, Exhibit 526.6
Light meters, see Magnetized materials
Lighter fluid, 343.24
Lighters, 342.22, 343.25
Limited quantity, 332, Appendix D
Corrosive, 348
Flammable, 343
Toxic, 346
Liquids and Powders, nonhazardous, 451
cremated remains, 451.22
Liquors, see Intoxicating liquors
Lizards, Exhibit 526.6
Locksmithing devices, 452
Magnetized materials, 349.1, 349.2, 349.21,
349.24, Exhibit 349.242b, 349.3, 622.4
Magnetrons, see Magnetized materials
Mailability, 123, 211, 213, 322
Mailability rulings, see Rulings
Mailable limited quantity, 334
Mailer responsibility, 13, 212, 323, 725
Excepted matter, 222
General, 221, 223
Old, 227
Orientation, 226
Small quantity, 336
Matches, 344.3
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), see Safety
Data Sheet
Mealworms, see Worms
Meat and meat products, 55, 645
Medical preparations (aerosol), 342.23
Medical waste, see Sharps or Used medical
Medicines, see Drugs
Medicines, poisonous, see Toxic substances
Mercury fulminate*, 341.11
Methyl bromide*, 346.221
Methyl parathion, liquid*, 346.221
Microorganisms, 346.12
Mice*, 525.2
Military Postal System, 16
Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials, 349
Model fuel, 343.24
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
426 Publication 52
Motor fuel antiknock mixtures*, 346.221
Motor vehicle master keys, 452
Mouthwash, 422.21
MSDS, see Material safety data sheet
NA number, 215.2, Appendix A, Appendix D
Narcotic drugs, see Controlled substances
Newts, Exhibit 526.6
Nitric acid*, 348.21
Nitroglycerine, desensitized*, 341.11
Nonmailable matter
Air transportation, 727.1
Found in mail, 216
General, 216
Hazardous materials, 34, 623
Restricted matter, 414, 422.11, 435, 444,
452.4, 453.6
Perishable matter, 525
North American number, see NA number
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NCR), 347.5
Odor-producing materials, 451
Odors, obnoxious, 122, 521
Old markings, see Markings
Oral toxicity, 346.11
Orientation markings, see Markings
Organic peroxides, 345
Organic phosphate compound*, 346.221
ORM-D, 335, 621.3, Appendix D
Oxidizing substances, 345
Compressed, 342.23
Refrigerated liquid*, 342.22
Packaging requirements, 339 (also see individual
listings for each hazard class)
Packaging Instructions, see USPS Packaging
Appendix C
Packing groups, 339.1
Paint and paint-related materials, 343.24, 343.26
Paint products, aerosol, 342.23
Parakeets*, 526.4
Parasites, see Insects and Plants
Parathion, 346.221
Parrots*, 526.4
Partridges, see Poultry, day-old and Adult birds
Perchloric acid*, 345.21
Perishable matter
Air transportation, 74
Definition, 51
General, 122, 215.3
International, 64
Pesticides, 346, 346.232
Pheasants, see Poultry, day-old and Adult birds
Phenylcarbylamine chloride*, 346.221
Photographic mixtures, 348.22
Pigeons*, see Adult birds
Pistol*, see Handgun
General, 56
International mail, 644
Plant Pests, 571, 562
Quarantine, 562, 644
Poison Prevention Packaging Act, 453.2
Definition, 3
Nonclassified toxic materials, 3
Primary mailability considerations, 3
Polishes, 343.24
Potassium peroxide*, 345.21
Poultry, day-old, 526.1, 526.3, Exhibit 526.33
Explosive*, 341
Nonhazardous, see Liquids and Powders
Prescription drugs and medicines, see Drugs
Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC),
213, 214
Primers (small arms ammunition)*, 341.21
Promotional samples, see Unsolicited promotional
Propane, 342.23
Propellant devices, see Toy propellant devices
Propellants, liquid and solid*, 341.11
Puppies*, 525.2
Pyrotechnic wheels*, see Fireworks
September 7, 2023 427
Quail, see Poultry, day-old and Adult birds
Quarantined plants, 562, 644
Queen bees, see Bees
Rabbits*, 525.2
Radioactive materials, 347
Articles and instruments, Exhibit 347.22
Emergency procedures, 347.5
International mail, 622.3
Rats*, 525.2
References, 113, Appendix E
Replica devices, 434
Nonpoisonous, Exhibit 526.6
Poisonous*, 525.3
Restricted matter, 122, 211, 4, 411, 63, 637, 73
Revolver*, see Handgun
Rifles, 431.4. Exhibit 432.25
Rocket motors*, 341
Rockets, helicopter-type*, see Fireworks
Roman candles*, see Fireworks
Ruling authority 213
Gases, 342.5
General 215
Hazardous materials, 215.2, 324
Perishable matter, 215.3
Restricted matter, 215.3, 413, 453.5, 454.5
Safety, 14
Safety Data Sheet (SDS), 215.2, Appendix D
Safety fuses, 322, 341.22
Safety matches, see Matches
Salamanders, Exhibit 526.6
Salt, used as preservative, Exhibit 526.7
Salutes*, see Fireworks
Samples, unsolicited promotional, see Unsolicited
promotional samples
Scabs, see Infectious substances
Scorpions, live, 526.1, 526.5, Exhibit 526.5
Sharps, medical, 346.12, 346.212, 346.222,
346.233, 346.322
Sharp instruments, see Knives
Shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods, see
Shipping papers
Shipping papers, 228, 326, Exhibit 326, 725.3
Short-barreled rifle, 431.2
Short-barreled shotgun, 431.2
Shotgun casings, hulls, 341.22
Shotguns, 431.4, Exhibit 432.25
Silkworms, see Worms
Skyrockets*, see Fireworks
Small arms ammunition*, see Ammunition
Small quantity, 336, Appendix D
Snails, Exhibit 526.6
Snakes*, 526.6
Sodium chlorite*, 345.21
Sodium picramate*, 341.11
Corrosive, see Corrosives
Flammable, see Flammable solids
Nonregulated toxic material, 346.232
Solvents, 343.24
Sparklers, see Fireworks
Specimen, see Exempt animal specimen or
Exempt human specimen
Specification packaging, Appendix D
Spiders*, poisonous, 525.4
Squirrels, flying*, 525.2
Statutory system, 17
Sterno, see Canned heat
Stimulant drugs, see Controlled substances
Sulfuric acid, 348.21, 348.22
Swans, see Adult birds
Switchblade knives, see Knives
Tadpoles, Exhibit 526.6
Tag 9, 225
Tag 44, 224
Tear gas*, 346.221
Tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate*, 346.221
Tetraethyl lead liquid*, 346.221
Tetraethyl pyrophosphate liquid*, 346.221
Tetranitromethane*, 345.21
Thiophosgene*, 346.221
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
428 Publication 52
Tissue, tissue fluids, see Infectious substances
Toads, Exhibit 526.6
Torches, illuminating*, see Fireworks
Tortoises*, see Turtles
Toy propellant devices, 322, 341.22
Toxic substances, 346
Nonmailable material, 346.22
Nonregulated toxic materials, 346.232
Poisonous drugs, 346.231, 453.33
Toxin, see Toxic substances
Transportation requirements, 327, 7
Trick matches*, see Matches
Tropical fish, see Fish
Turkeys, see Poultry, day-old and Adult birds
Turtles*, 525.3, 526.6
Turtle eggs*, 526.6
UN number, 215.2, Appendix A, Appendix D
United Nations number, see UN number
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),
55, 562, 564
Unsolicited promotional samples, 454
Abortive and contraceptive devices, 454.221
Certificate compliance, 454.3
Customer objection, 454.4
Nonmailable matter, 454.22
Rulings, 454.5
Used medical devices, other, 346.12, 346.212,
346.222, 346.233, 346.32
USPS Packaging Instructions, Appendix C
Vegetables, fresh, see Foods
Waxes, 343.24
Wildlife, see Animals
Bloodworms, Exhibit 526.6
Mealworms, Exhibit 526.6
X, Y, Z
Zinc ammonium nitrite*, 345.21