Insert a Comma
These questions have been taken from the KS2 GPS test to help your children practise specific question types.
National Curriculum Objectives:
Year 3 and 4 English: (4G5.6b) Using commas after fronted adverbials
Year 5 and 6 English: (5G5.9) Using brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis
Year 5 and 6 English: (5G5.6a) Use of commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity
Beginner Using commas for a list and fronted adverbials. Aimed at Year 2 Greater Depth/Year 3 Expected/Year 4 Developing/Year 5
Easy Using commas for a list, fronted adverbials and relative clauses. Aimed at Year 3 Greater Depth/Year 4 Expected/Year 5
Developing/Year 6 Emerging.
Tricky Using commas for a list, fronted adverbials, relative clauses and parenthesis. Aimed at Year 4 Greater Depth/Year 5
Expected/Year 6 Developing.
Expert Using commas for a list, fronted adverbials, relative clauses, parenthesis and to avoid ambiguity. Aimed at Year 5 Greater
Depth/Year 6 Expected.
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Insert a Comma Teaching Information
© Classroom Secrets Limited 2019
Insert a Comma
Insert commas in the correct places in the sentences below.
1. Jason had fish chips and peas
for his dinner today.
2. Quietly the children crept
down the creaky stairs.
3. I need some paper scissors
and glue to finish my project.
4. Later we are going to watch
the new film at the cinema.
5. Karen saw lions zebras and
monkeys at the zoo.
6. Next year Oscar and his
family are moving to America.
7. There are lots of recorders
drums and xylophones in the
music room.
8. At the arcade there are all
sorts of different video games to
9. Lisa and Sam bought new
cups plates and cutlery for their
dinner party.
10. Suddenly the tiger jumped
up and attacked its prey.
11. Anita’s favourite hobbies are
reading hiking and dancing.
12. Bravely the firefighters went
into the burning house.
Insert a Comma Worksheet 1 Beginner
© Classroom Secrets Limited 2019
Insert a Comma
Insert commas in the correct places in the sentences below.
1. Jason had fish
chips and peas
for his dinner today.
2. Quietly
, the children crept
down the creaky stairs.
3. I need some paper
, scissors
and glue to finish my project.
4. Later
, we are going to watch
the new film at the cinema.
5. Karen saw lions
, zebras and
monkeys at the zoo.
6. Next year
, Oscar and his
family are moving to America.
7. There are lots of recorders
drums and xylophones in the
music room.
8. At the arcade
, there are all
sorts of different video games to
9. Lisa and Sam bought new
plates and cutlery for their
dinner party.
10. Suddenly
, the tiger jumped
up and attacked its prey.
11. Anita’s favourite hobbies are
, hiking and dancing.
12. Bravely
, the firefighters went
into the burning house.
Insert a Comma Worksheet 1 Beginner ANSWERS
© Classroom Secrets Limited 2019
Insert a Comma
Insert commas in the correct places in the sentences below.
1. My teacher who is very kind
treated us to a class disco
before half term.
2. Alfie invited Frankie Lily Ben
and Kelly to come over to his
house after school.
3. Beyond the river there is an
old village and lots of
4. Mercury Venus Earth and Mars
are the planets closest to the
5. Twice a year we go and visit
our grandparents in the Lake
6. The gold necklace which my
mum gave to me has gone
7. As quick as a flash the
scared cat bolted past us and
hid in the bushes.
8. Jordan who works at the local
shop is a kind and thoughtful
9. Many birds are omnivores and
they like to eat seeds grains
berries and worms.
10. Rome which is the capital
city of Italy has many beautiful
11. Holly is very sporty and loves
to play football netball tennis
and hockey.
12. In the morning the children
are going to the local church
for the Easter service.
Insert a Comma Worksheet 1 Easy
© Classroom Secrets Limited 2019
Insert a Comma
Insert commas in the correct places in the sentences below.
1. My teacher
, who is very kind,
treated us to a class disco
before half term.
2. Alfie invited Frankie
, Lily, Ben
and Kelly to come over to his
house after school.
3. Beyond the river
, there is an
old village and lots of
4. Mercury
, Venus,
Earth and Mars
are the planets closest to the
5. Twice a year
we go and visit
our grandparents in the Lake
6. The gold necklace
, which my
mum gave to me
, has gone
7. As quick as a flash
, the
scared cat bolted past us and
hid in the bushes.
8. Jordan
who works at the local
, is a kind and thoughtful
9. Many birds are omnivores and
they like to eat seeds
, grains,
berries and worms.
10. Rome
, which is the capital
city of Italy
, has many beautiful
11. Holly is very sporty and loves
to play football
, netball, tennis
and hockey.
12. In the morning
, the children
are going to the local church
for the Easter service.
Insert a Comma Worksheet 1 Easy ANSWERS
© Classroom Secrets Limited 2019
Insert a Comma
Insert commas in the correct places in the sentences below.
1. Mr López the headteacher
teaches us Spanish every Friday
afternoon because it is his
native language.
2. Stacey has got a huge
collection of pens felt tips
pencils and pencil crayons in
her enormous pencil case.
3. My best friend Danny who has
lived next door to me since we
were babies is moving away
next week.
4. At the back of the shed there
is a lawnmower and a strimmer
if you’d like to borrow them
over the weekend.
5. The new trainers which I
bought from the sports shop last
weekend are dirty and wet
6. Nina and her family had
mashed potatoes green beans
carrots and gravy with their
roast chicken.
7. Jayden the contest winner
had an amazing time at the
comedy show in his front row
8. Next to your new school bag
there is a chocolate cupcake
waiting for you since you’ve
worked so hard recently.
9. Milly’s mum who finally
passed her driving test on
Wednesday has just bought a
new car.
10. As soon as he woke up
Curtis could smell the sausages
and bacon cooking in the
11. Shirley my neighbour is a
kind and friendly woman but
she doesn’t have a family so
she gets quite lonely.
12. Ronda which is one of the
most beautiful places I’ve ever
visited is a town in southern
Insert a Comma Worksheet 1 Tricky
© Classroom Secrets Limited 2019
Insert a Comma
Insert commas in the correct places in the sentences below.
1. Mr López
, the headteacher,
teaches us Spanish every Friday
afternoon because it is his
native language.
2. Stacey has got a huge
collection of pens
, felt tips,
pencils and pencil crayons in
her enormous pencil case.
3. My best friend Danny
who has
lived next door to me since we
were babies
, is moving away
next week.
4. At the back of the shed
is a lawnmower and a strimmer
if you’d like to borrow them
over the weekend.
5. The new trainers
, which I
bought from the sports shop last
, are dirty and wet
6. Nina and her family had
mashed potatoes
, green beans,
carrots and gravy with their
roast chicken.
7. Jayden
, the contest winner,
had an amazing time at the
comedy show in his front row
8. Next to your new school bag
there is a chocolate cupcake
waiting for you since you’ve
worked so hard recently.
9. Milly’s mum
, who finally
passed her driving test on
, has just bought a
new car.
10. As soon as he woke up
Curtis could smell the sausages
and bacon cooking in the
11. Shirley
, my neighbour, is a
kind and friendly woman but
she doesn’t have a family so
she gets quite lonely.
12. Ronda
, which is one of the
most beautiful places I’ve ever
, is a town in southern
Insert a Comma Worksheet 1 Tricky ANSWERS
© Classroom Secrets Limited 2019
Insert a Comma
Insert commas in the correct places in the sentences below.
1. Around the local park the
dog excitedly chased the old
man barking and wagging his
2. The Eiffel Tower which is the
tallest structure in Paris and is
visited by millions of people
every year was built between
1887 and 1889 for a World’s fair.
3. The old video rental shop next
door to the bowling alley will
be officially closing at the end
of the year.
4. On his fifteenth birthday
Charlie went out for lunch with
his friends spent the afternoon
skateboarding watched a film
then went bowling.
5. Joshua’s car the old Range
Rover broke down on the
motorway last weekend so he
needs to buy a new one.
6. When the children had
finished washing the dog was
ready for his daily walk to the
7. My grandad who is 95 years
old and a World War II veteran
loves watching black and white
films and listening to the radio.
8. To visit the famous landmark
you need to cross the road
walk along the stony path climb
over the fence at the end and
look to your left.
9. Mr Gregor the sports coach
from the local high school
teaches us athletics on Friday
10. While the zebra was eating
the fierce lion hid out of sight in
the long grass watching its
unsuspecting prey.
11. The police officer who was
extremely tired and drained
after a long week at work left
the station for the weekend.
12. Between Malaga and
Barcelona there is the famous
Alhambra fortress the seaside
resort of Benidorm and the city
of Valencia.
Insert a Comma Worksheet 1 Expert
© Classroom Secrets Limited 2019
Insert a Comma
Insert commas in the correct places in the sentences below.
1. Around the local park
, the
dog excitedly chased the old
, barking and wagging his
2. The Eiffel Tower
, which is the
tallest structure in Paris and is
visited by millions of people
every year
, was built between
1887 and 1889 for a World’s fair.
3. The old video rental shop
door to the bowling alley
, will
be officially closing at the end
of the year.
4. On his fifteenth birthday
Charlie went out for lunch with
his friends
, spent the afternoon
, watched a film
then went bowling.
5. Joshua’s car
, the old Range
, broke down on the
motorway last weekend so he
needs to buy a new one.
6. When the children had
finished washing
, the dog was
ready for his daily walk to the
7. My grandad
, who is 95 years
old and a World War II veteran
loves watching black and white
films and listening to the radio.
8. To visit the famous landmark
you need to cross the road
walk along the stony path
over the fence at the end and
look to your left.
9. Mr Gregor
, the sports coach
from the local high school
teaches us athletics on Friday
10. While the zebra was eating
the fierce lion hid out of sight in
the long grass watching its
unsuspecting prey.
11. The police officer
, who was
extremely tired and drained
after a long week at work
, left
the station for the weekend.
12. Between Malaga and
, there is the famous
Alhambra fortress
, the seaside
resort of Benidorm and the city
of Valencia.
Insert a Comma Worksheet 1 Expert ANSWERS
© Classroom Secrets Limited 2019