Punctuate parentheses
using: brackets, commas or
What Is Parenthesis?
Parenthesis is the addition of extra information or an afterthought in
our writing.
It can be a word, phrase or clause marked with brackets, dashes or
When a parenthesis is removed, the sentence still makes grammatical
e.g. I moved to Sheffield in 2011 (when I was six years old).
still makes sense as:
I moved to Sheffield in 2011.
( )
Parenthesis Punctuation
There are three possible ways to punctuate parenthesis.
Can you tell your partner the three possible ways to punctuate
Spot the Parenthesis
Can you identify the parenthesis in the following sentences?
The narcissus, daffodil, is a spring plant with yellow petals.
My brother - the one who lives in Australia- is coming over for
Ramchester won the league today (for the fifth season running).
Remember to only put brackets, dashes or commas around the
parenthesis itself.
Check that your sentence still makes sense if you didn’t read the part
you have added the extra punctuation to.
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Adding Parenthesis
Write sentences about these pictures where you add a parenthesis:
Ready for action, Superman (wearing his
trademark red cape) called his friends to
join him in the fight against evil.
Supergirl - well
known for her
super strength
and super speed -
had beaten
Superman to
the action.
Adding Parenthesis
The Adventures of Beetle Boy
By day, Beetle Boy is a normal boy [hint: what is his name?] who attends a normal
primary school. But by night, he becomes the toughest superhero the world has ever
seen [hint: compare him to another superhero] and spends his time fighting
villains. His shell is so strong [hint: what is his shell made out of?] that he is able
to withstand anything hitting him [hint: give an example] without even the
slightest bruising.
If his friends ever realised the amazing powers he has [hint: describe some of his
powers], Beetle Boy would be asked to show them off every day at school. He knows
that, as a superhero, he has sworn to keep his super powers a secret [hint: explain
how this makes him feel] and use them only to protect the world from evil.
Make this story setting more exciting and interesting with the addition
of parenthesis. There are a few hints but you might want to add your
own excellent ideas…
Adding Parenthesis Answers
The Adventures of Beetle Boy
By day, Beetle Boy is a normal boy, called Billy, who attends a normal primary
school. But by night, he becomes the toughest superhero the world has ever seen
even stronger than Iron Man and spends his time fighting villains. His shell is so
strong (possibly made out of space rock) that he is able to withstand anything
hitting him even a bullet without even the slightest bruising.
If his friends ever realised the amazing powers he has (super strength, flying and
walking up walls being just three of the many), Beetle Boy would be asked to show
them off every day at school. He knows that, as a superhero, he has sworn to keep
his super powers a secret, which he doesn’t always find very easy, and use them
only to protect the world from evil.
Make this story setting more exciting and interesting with the addition
of parenthesis. There are a few hints but you might want to add your
own excellent ideas…
Quick Quiz 1
Decide where the punctuation for parenthesis should be in these sentences:
The newspaper which is normally delivered at 9:30 did not come today.
Today we went on a trip to York where I had never been before.
Some people don’t like the rain especially in England but I do.
Many cats but not all of them sleep for 15 hours a day.
Ricki plays the guitar I am sure he will be a rock star one day in our school
Did you and your partner agree? If not, can you explain why?
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Quick Quiz 2
Identify whether the following sentences correctly use the punctuation for
Her father a spy drove his daughter to the cinema to meet friends.
Her father a spy drove his daughter to the cinema to meet friends.
I don’t believe in UFOs (unidentified flying objects).
Shelly the captain, of the team, was a very skilful player.
Shelly, the captain of the team, was a very skilful player.
St. George, the patron saint of England, was a Roman soldier.