Installation & Operating Instructions
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] •
Specications subject to change without notice.
rev. 12/16/15
1 of 6
Wireless Asset Monitor (WAM) 418MHz Receiver
The WAM Receiver is set up to communicate to the BAPI WAM Website at This website lets the
user monitor their sensor/transmitters from anywhere in the world with a web browser. The website is password protected
and the customer has full administrative control over their locations, users, devices and alerts through their login.
The Ethernet port can be network congured to send the WAM receiver sensor data stream to a web server or to a
computer or to a local BAS system network and connect via Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol (DHCP) or a Static IP.
The Ethernet data stream can be congured as ASCII Hex or JSON formats.
The USB output from the WAM Receiver simultaneously streams wireless sensor data as serial ASCII Hex data to a local
computer or BAS system.
Note: As shipped, the WAM Gateway is congured with default settings as DHCP and the BAPI Web site IP address.
This is easily changed by the user through a web browser using the IP address of the WAM Gateway and the internal
WAM Gateway Congurator. See below for details. If the IP address is changed to a local IP address, then the BAPI
WAM website cannot be used.
The Wireless Asset Monitor (WAM) unit receives data from all BAPI wireless 418
MHz sensor/transmitters. The receiver delivers the data simultaneously to the serial
Universal Serial Bus (USB) output for local use and to the RJ45 Ethernet port for
communication with the BAPI WAM Website or to a web address of your choice.
Antennas of various lengths are available for ease of installation and optimal
reception. The EZ mount system allows for DIN rail, snaptrack or surface mounting.
The parts included with this device are:
BA/RCV418-WAM .....WAM Receiver
BA/PPS-5DC-25 ........Plug-in Power Supply
BA/ANTxxx ................Antenna
BA/CBL-USB-AB-3 ....USB/A to USB/B, 3’ cable
BA/CBL-CAT5E-5 ......Ethernet straight CAT5E, 5’ cable
Customer Provided Equipment and Materials
The user must provide an active local internet-accessible port for this receiver if the Website or smart phone access is going to be
used. The user’s computer must have the following software and one of the following browsers to access the WAM website.
Required Supporting Software: Oracle JAVA or Adobe Flash Player
Web Browsers Supported: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, Mozilla Firefox 11, Apple Safari 5.1, Google Chrome v18 (or newer
versions of any of these).
If a local ethernet IP or serial connection is used, then custom interface software will be required to integrate to the BAS equipment.
Associated WAM Website and WAM Receiver Conguration
Fig. 1: Wireless Asset
Monitor (WAM)
Transmitter & Receiver Location Considerations:
Transmission distances will vary based on environment. Air or clear windows present no attenuation or obstruction.
100 feet is the maximum that can be expected if there are no obstructions between the transmitter and receiver.
In general, each obstruction will half the expected transmission distance of 100 feet.
Obstructions include but are not limited to; walls, partitions, oors, ceilings, doors, tinted glass, ground, many people,
vehicles, foliage, rain, snow and fog. Materials such as wood, drywall, plaster, brick, and concrete attenuates the signal
but will let it pass (if it’s not too thick) at a reduced signal strength.
Blockage materials include metal of any thickness (solid or metal screen) which blocks the RF signal propagation but also
will allow the RF signal to bounce around potential obstacles. Anything that holds water absorbs the signal to the point
of blockage like rain, fog, crowds of people, ground, dense foliage etc. Elevator shafts and stairwells usually block RF
Antenna Mount Guidelines:
For best antenna location selection, an RF survey is recommended using BAPI’s Field Verier Kit (available as a loaner).
Continued on next page...
Installation & Operating Instructions
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] •
Specications subject to change without notice.
rev. 12/16/15
2 of 6
Wireless Asset Monitor (WAM) 418MHz Receiver
Do not mount the antenna behind any objects. The receiver may be located
inside a metal enclosure but the antenna must be outside the enclosure.
The Antenna should be mounted as far away from metal plates or bars as
possible to avoid RF energy being reected back or blocked by the metal.
Mounting to drywall between studs, ceiling tiles, brick, glass or concrete
is very common. Mounting to ceiling T-Bar is common but will affect
performance distance due to the metal in the T-Bar and the horizontal
BAPI recommends conducting a bench test before permanently mounting
the WAM Receiver. Place the WAM Receiver and sensor/transmitters in the
desired locations (100 feet open eld range). Temporarily terminate (per the
“Termination” section) but do not permanently mount the receiver or antenna
until communication between the receiver and sensor/transmitters
has been veried per the “Commissioning and Setup” section. After
communication is veried, mount the units.
Mounting the WAM Receiver:
1. Position the WAM Receiver within range of the 418MHz sensor/
transmitters (100 feet open eld range).
2. Position the 418 MHz antenna to a nonconductive surface
with the antenna in a vertical orientation and exposed
in open air. Do not mount antenna behind any objects.If If
the receiver is mounted inside a metal enclosure, mount the
antenna outside of the enclosure.
3. Secure the antenna cable without kinking the cable or placing
any mechanical stress on the antenna or cable. (Do not wrap the
cable around the antenna.)
4. The 418 MHz antenna is shipped loose. Connect the antenna by turning the antenna nut onto the receiver’s antenna
tting. The receiver antenna should be within range of the 418MHz transmitters (100 feet open eld range).
5. Complete the “Termination” sect. and then “Commissioning and Setup” sect. to temporarily test all the communication.
6. After verifying communication permanently mount the Receiver using snaptrack, din rail or a at surface with #4 screws.
7. Re-verify communication between the transmitters, receiver and the WAM Website or the BAS computer interface.
Mounting continued...
Fig. 3: Din Rail Mounting
Catch the
EZ Mount
hook on the
edge of the
DIN Rail,
then rotate
into place.
Fig. 4: Snaptrack Mounting
Fig. 5: Surface Mounting
Figure 6 shows all the possible receiver connections. There are two possible
uses for the WAM receiver.
1. For WAM Website applications, the power plug, antenna and CAT5
Ethernet cable are all that needs to be connected for operation.
2. For local computer interface application, the power plug, antenna and
either one or both of the communication cables may be used for interface
with the local computer.
The receiver is powered by a plug-in 5VDC power supply provided with the
unit. The plug is inserted into the “power in” jack on the side of the receiver.
The provided antenna in screwed into the antenna jack. The RJ45 jack is
connected to the local Ethernet jack via the provided straight-through CAT5 cable.
Note: If connecting directly to a computer, the receiver IP address must be
changed to achieve the communication. A CAT5 crossover cable will also be
required (not provided).
Termination Description
Power Jack Plug-in from Power Supply
RP-SMA Antenna Screw-In Jack
RJ45 Jack Ethernet Output to BAPI Website or Direct to Computer
USB-B ASCII Serial Output Direct to a Computer
Fig. 6: WAM Receiver
power and
Continued on next page...
Installation & Operating Instructions
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] •
Specications subject to change without notice.
rev. 12/16/15
3 of 6
Wireless Asset Monitor (WAM) 418MHz Receiver
Commissioning and Setup
A. Commissioning: (Hardware Checkout)
1. The red LED on the receiver illuminates when power is present and a transmission is received.
2. If 418MHz transmitters are transmitting and within range, the red LED will blink each time a reception is received.
3. If the Ethernet jack is connected, the left side green LED on the jack indicates the network is linked.
4. If the Ethernet jack is connected, the right side green LED on the jack indicates the network activity. It normally is
blinking showing the network activity. If this LED stays dark, then there may be a network problem with a connection or
the router. An active blinking of this LED indicates data is being transferred.
5. Proceed with energizing at least one wireless transmitter to check if the receiver is working. The red LED on the WAM
receiver will blink with each wireless transmission/reception. Write down the serial number of the transmitter as it will be
needed later. It is normally located on the antenna or battery holder. (Example Serial #: A0858018)
6. If any of the LEDs mentioned above are not visibly active, then there could be a problem with the Power or Ethernet
connections and they should be checked out.
B. Auto Load WAM Website Setup: (Software/Firmware)
1. Be sure the power supply is connected as shown in the “Termination Section”. The Red LED should be “Off”. Once a
transmission is received, the Red LED will illuminate.
2. Be sure the network is connected using the provided Ethernet cable as shown in the “Termination Section” and the
Ethernet jack LEDs are operating as described in “Commisioning” Steps 3 and 4 above.
3. The unit will now begin sending data to the BAPI website automatically.
4. You may now open your browser and go to the WAM website ( You then enter your password
to enter your personal system web site. If you do not have your password then contact the BAPI WAM support team.
1-608-735-4800 or [email protected]
5. A wireless transmitter must be entered into the WAM website in order to check the complete communication connection.
The following is the quick registration process.
a. Energize one of your wireless transmitters. (This may have been done in the “Commissioning” Step 5 above.)
b. Then go to the Register Device Page on the WAM website and enter the data below.
Name: Any name of your choosing.
Description: Any description of your choosing.
Location: A drop-down list of all the locations available to the user. Select the location from the list.
Sensor Model: A drop-down list of common sensor models. Choose the model from the list.
Serial Number: Enter the unique serial number of the transmitter you energized. It is normally located on the
antenna or battery holder. (Example Serial #: A0858018)
Wi-Fi Adaptor Application Interface .
Any Wi-Fi adaptor should work with the BAPI, BA/RCV418-WAM receiver. However, BAPI recommends that a quality and
well known Wi-Fi adaptor manufacture is chosen. Be sure the company has a good reputation, good documentation and a
good technical support department.
General Installation Steps:
The adaptor should be placed close to the WAM receiver to avoid long communication runs between the adaptor and receiver.
2. Most Wi-Fi adaptors require a 120VAC receptacle to accommodate a plug-in power supply.
3. Set up the Wi-Fi adaptor of your choice by following the directions included with the adaptor for the local Ethernet system.
4. Connect a straight Ethernet cable from the WAM RJ45 output to the RJ45 jack input of the Wi-Fi adaptor.
5. The WAM sends each payload in a continuous stream of standard ASCII formatted data as each transmission is received,
rst-in, rst-out.
6. Test the Ethernet HTTP operation by accessing the BAPI WAM web site or local Ethernet Telnet on port 1000 for a local
connection running the free “BAPI Wireless Receiver Test Program” or a free program called PuTTY from the http:// web site. Just click on “putty.exe” to upload the program. PuTTY is a substitution for the old Microsoft
HyperTerminal program Microsoft use to offer in older Microsoft operating systems.
7. Each payload reception should be displayed indicating a good connection. The BAPI Wireless Receiver Test Program
offers a bit more information data by parsing out the data but all you need to conrm is that the payload is received to
verify operation.
Termination continued...
Continued on next page...
Installation & Operating Instructions
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] •
Specications subject to change without notice.
rev. 12/16/15
4 of 6
Wireless Asset Monitor (WAM) 418MHz Receiver
Wireless Receiver Test Program
The WAM receiver has a red LED indicating power
has been applied. This LED also blinks each time
a wireless signal is received. For a single reception
this blink is very fast. If a further check is desired,
a Wireless Receiver Test Program located in the
technicians computer and connected to the WAM
USB port is used. This program is downloaded from
the BAPI Website at
1. Download the Receiver Test Program into your
technicians test computer from the BAPI Website
2. The USB drivers may not be in the technician’s
computer. In this case download the FTDI
Drivers from the BAPI Website at
Note: Many newer computers already have these
drivers factory loaded.
3. Power up and connect the WAM gateway to your
computer via the provided USB cable.
4. Run the Test program and each wireless
reception will be displayed as it is received with a time stamp. See Fig. 7.
5. Look for each remote sensor transmitter and reposition the sensor transmitter or WAM antenna as needed to ensure
reliable reception with each one.
Wireless Reciver Test - Table Description
Column 1: Shows the transmitter serial number
Column 2: Shows the First parameter in the payload (Usually Temperature in °C)
Column 3: Shows the Second parameter in the payload (Usually Humidity in RH%)
Column 4: Shows the Third parameter in the payload (Multiple values depending on transmitter type)
Column 5: Shows the Fourth parameter in the payload (Multiple values depending on transmitter type)
Column 6: Shows the last reception time stamp
Device Status: Click “Enabled” to monitor the data from this sensor or “Disabled” to disregard.
Default Alerts: Adds a “No Data for 720 Minutes” alert for the device. If no data is received from this device for
720 minutes, then an alert is generated. This countdown timer can be changed by the customer.
Save: Clicking the “Save” button will save the data.
6. Full WAM Website instructions can be found at the BAPI website:
7. New points take up to 5 minutes to negotiate the startup process. Existing points normally update within 1 minute
from the transmission reception. If you have any problems contact the BAPI WAM support team at 1-608-735-4800 or
Note: If you intend to use the BAPI WAM website for data collection, you can stop here. If you are connecting to a local
computer, then continue to “Local Computer Setup” below.
C. Local Computer Setup: (Load Software for local computer connection)
There are three folders provided in the WAM Gateway Utilities that is downloaded from The rst folder
contains the interface document le and should be read thoroughly before proceeding. The second folder contains the USB
drivers needed to connect to the USB port on the WAM receiver. The third folder contains the utility les. This third folder
has two main programs as shown below.
A. The “Wireless Receiver Test Program” is used to test if the receiver is receiving data and delivering data to the USB
and RJ45 Ethernet port.
B. The “TCP IP Discover Tool” identies the IP address assigned to the WAM Receiver by the local Dynamic Host
Conguration Protocol (DHCP) network.
Note: The “WAM Gateway Congurator” is used to dene the website URL that the receiver will send the data to.
The default URL is to the WAM website “” and this can be changed to a different URL for
Ethernet operation. See the WAM Gateway Congurator” section of this document.
Commissioning and Setup continued...
Fig. 7: Wireless Receiver Test display
Installation & Operating Instructions
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] •
Specications subject to change without notice.
rev. 12/16/15
5 of 6
Wireless Asset Monitor (WAM) 418MHz Receiver
WAM Gateway Congurator
The WAM Gateway is shipped with default settings as DHCP and the BAPI Web site IP address. This is easily changed by
the WAM Gateway Congurator which is accessed through a typical web browser using the IP address of the WAM Gateway.
(You may need to run the Discover tool described earlier to nd the DHCP address) The screen capture of the WAM
Gateway conguration page Fig. 9 is displayed with default settings shown. Be sure to note what each value was and what it
was changed to.
Note: If the IP address is changed
to a local IP address, then the BAPI
WAM website cannot be used.
1. Start your WEB Browser and
ll in the WAM Gateway IP
address. (You may need to run
the discover tool to identify the
current DHCP address.) Note:
Step 1 is not needed if the default
settings are used. Step 1 is only
needed if the user is setting up a
static IP.
2. The screen as shown in Fig 9
will be displayed with all the last
known settings. The screen
below shows the default settings
from the factory.
3. Click on the radio buttons at the
beginning of each conguration
setting line, and ll in text boxes if
appropriate. See static IP details
4. Then click on the Save
Conguration button to save and
activate the new settings.
Note 1: For a Static IP conguration
be sure to write down the new static IP address, Gateway IP address and subnet mask just as you have entered them. If the
user desires to return the WAM Gateway to a DHCP congured IP address from a static congured IP address, leave the
WAM Gateway powered up with no network cable connected to the ethernet connector. After 1 hour, the WAM Gateway will
automatically congure itself back to a DHCP congured IP.
Note 2: To operate with the BAPI WAM Remote Website, the “Web server host:” line must be the same as shown above. The
only exception is the “using port:” line which can be “80” or “8080” and still work with the WAM Remote Website.
TCP IP Discover Tool
The WAM Gateway is shipped in the Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol (DHCP) mode. In order to nd the IP address
BAPI has provided an IP address discover program that can be down loaded from our web site at
1. Download and install the WAM Gateway Utilities from our
web site at on your test computer.
2. Power up and connect the WAM gateway to the building
Ethernet network using the provided cable.
3. Connect your computer to the building Ethernet network.
4. Run the discover program in your computer and the DHCP
address will be displayed. See Fig. 8 which shows 2 WAM
This program is especially useful if you need to access the
WAM Gateway Congurator.
Fig. 8: Discover Program Display
Fig. 9: WAM Gateway Congurator Display (default settings)
Installation & Operating Instructions
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] •
Specications subject to change without notice.
rev. 12/16/15
6 of 6
Wireless Asset Monitor (WAM) 418MHz Receiver
Supply Voltage: ................ AC Receptacle Plug-in Power Supply (provided) with 5’ cord and 2.5mm DC power jack
Volts ................................ 120VAC converter 5VDC@6W
Ethernet .......................... 1 RJ45 Jack (10base-T)
Serial .............................. USB-B Jack (USB-2, 19200 baud)
Serial Payload: ................ Standard BAPI and Point Six Data Packets (Data Packet Specs Available Upon Request)
Ethernet .......................... RJ45 CAT5e straight 5’ cable (provided)
Serial .............................. USB-B/USB-A male, 3’ cable (provided)
Antenna .......................... RP-SMA Connector
Display Indicator:
Receiver ......................... One Red LED for Power & Reception
RJ45 Jack ....................... Right green LED indicates network activity (Usually blinking).
Left side green LED indicates link status (On = Linked).
Antenna: ........................... Dipole or Whip, Selection Per Order
Mounting: ......................... 35mm DIN Rail, 2.75”x4” Snaptrack or Surface Mount with Tabs
Enclosure Rating: ............ NEMA 1, (IP 20)
Enclosure Material: ......... ABS Plastic, UL94 V-2, Warm White (WMW) Color
Ambient: ........................... 32º to 140ºF (0º-60ºC) • 5 to 95% RH, Non-Condensing
Agency: ............................ RoHS
Software: .......................... Programs and Manual Downloads from
WAM Installation doc: ..... WAM Installation and Gateway Congurator (RJ45 IP Interface)
WAM Website doc .......... Full WAM Website Instructions and User Guide
TCP IP Discover ............. IP Search Program Identies Assigned DHCP Network Address
Receiver Test .................. BAPI Wireless Receiver Test Program (accessed by USB port or RJ45 jack)
FTDI Drivers ................... USB Communication Interface
Software: .......................... Must be requested from BAPI Customer Service and are not available on
JSON Interface doc ........ Java Script Object Notation (JSON) Gateway interface documentation
ASCII Hex doc ................ A description of the payload for each transmitter and enumerator identication
Response Time Typical:
418 MHz Reception ........ 100ms Pass Through Delay to Output
Website Display .............. Normally Within 1 Minute
New Point Registration ... Normally Within 5 Minutes
Possible Problems:
The receiver is not sending data
Possible Solutions:
Check for power and proper connections as shown in the “Termination” section.
Check that the receiver’s red LED is blinking on each reception as it should be.
Check that the RJ45 jack’s left LED is “on” indicating a good Ethernet link.
Check that the RJ45 jack’s right LED is “blinking randomly” indicating network activity.
Make sure the transmitters are operating and within range.
Run the “Wireless Receiver Test Program”.
Building Automation System (BAS) Interface Introduction
The WAM Gateway can be interfaced with a BAS system via the USB port or the RJ45 Ethernet port or both. The data
is presented in two formats, ASCII Hex or Java Script Object Notation (JSON). The USB port uses an ASCII serial string
with the payload of each transmission coming out in the same order that they were received. The RJ45 Ethernet port uses
either an ASCII string or JSON string depending on how the WAM Gateway Congurator was set up. The ASCII Hex and
JSON Interface documents must be requested from BAPI Customer Service and are not found on