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myUNT Student Homepage
As part of our commitment to providing better and more efficient student information services,
the myUNT self-service has gotten a facelift! The upgraded system is mobile ready and highly
responsive giving you easy, usable access to your student records from anywhere on any
device. The following guide covers basic navigation of the myUNT Student Landing Page.
MyUNT Student Homepage 1
myUNT Sign On Page 2
myUNT Student Home Page 2
An overview of your home page 3
Student Information Tiles 4
Tasks 4
Admissions 4
Enrollment 5
Academic Records 5
Financial Aid 6
Student Account 6
Advising 6
Profile 7
Resources 7
Mobile Navigation 8
Accessing Navigations Under a Tile 8
The Navigation Banner: Standard Elements 9
Standard Banner 9
Mobile Navigation 9
Homepage Selector 9
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The first time you log into myUNT after the upgrade (estimated completion date
9/23/2019) you MUST clear your cache to ensure optimal system performance.
myUNT Sign On Page
The myUNT Sign On page has been simplified. You will log in using your current EUID and
password, there is no need to reset your password. However, it is very important you clear
your browser cache the first time you log in after the upgrade is completed. Find assistance
clearing your cache in our Clear Browsing Cache document or by searching your browser’s
instructions for clearing cache.
myUNT Student Home Page
As a student, you will land on the myUNT Student Homepage - your hub for all your student
information-related business at UNT. Not only does the page look simpler and cleaner, we
made an effort to put valuable information front and center and streamline how you conduct
business in the system.
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An overview of your home page
This new landing page is an example of a PeopleSoft fluidized page, a modern, responsive user
interface that makes it easy for you to work from a phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. Most of the
work you will be conducting in the system will initiate on the Student Information Tiles.
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Student Information Tiles
Below you will find a quick overview of what you can find under each tile.
The Tasks tab houses your To Do List items, Holds, and Agreements. If you have items due
either a hold, to do list or agreement - you will see that listed on the tile. Otherwise, the tile will
display only the Tasks Icon.
If you are an active applicant (meaning you have an application submitted for an upcoming
term), you will find:
Your application status information
Required items to complete your admission file
Access to accept or decline your admission
Orientation registration (once you are admitted)
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Your enrollment tile is where you can access everything you need to add, drop, swap and
update course registration. Specifically, you will find your current class schedule, the class
search, Visual Schedule Builder link to search for classes, enroll, your shopping cart, drop and
swap, and Enrollment dates available for you. Finally, you will find the searchable catalog and
class schedule under this tile.
Academic Records
Under the Academic Records tile, you will find all your academic specific records like grades,
your course history, order your official transcript, view your unofficial transcript, request an
enrollment verification, view your milestones or excess hours information and apply for
graduation or view the status of your graduation application.
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Financial Aid
The Financial Aid tile holds all of the financial aid related navigations including award
information and a financial aid summary. Here you can accept or decline your financial aid
awards, view a shopping sheet, and view your need summary, cost of attendance, and
estimated family contribution.
Student Account
This tile gives you access to your student account. If you owe a balance - you will see
“Payment Due” displayed on the tile. Your Student Account tile gives you access to view
your balance and Term Summary, make a payment, see your payment history, enroll in an
installment plan and/or short-term loan, view and/or consent to receiving an electronic 1098-
T, and view your Tuition Plan.
This tile gives you access to orientation registration and advising related information. The
advising tile gives you access to your degree audit, to view your advising sheet used for
orientation, view repeated courses and mandatory course information, view your TSI status, link
to Appointment Manager to set an appointment with your advisor, or link to the
resources page.
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The Profile Tile is where you can access your biodemographic information and update your:
contact details,
personal details,
emergency contacts,
Eagle Alert (the contact information for you that will be used by the emergency campus
communications system)
The Resources Tile is where you can access other important UNT resources.
UNT Canvas learning management system
UNT E-mail
Jobs – Eagle Careers opportunities
Start Green, Stay Green
Care Team
Mental Health Resources
Sexual Assault Prevention training
Graduating Year Experience resources
AlcoholEdu training
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Mobile Navigation
myUNT 9.2 is mobile ready, meaning, you do not need to use an app or a different URL to
access myUNT on your phone or tablet. The tiles and navigation menus work very similarly in a
mobile environment as the desktop environment. In fact, you may find working in a mobile
environment seems more streamlined and simple since this is what the Fluidized system is
made for! There are a few small navigational items to be aware of when working in a mobile
Accessing Navigations Under a Tile
Once you click on a tile from the myUNT Student Homepage, you will be taken to a display of
the primary navigation under that tile. To access the remainder of the navigations under the tile,
click the menu navigation icon on the left side of the screen. Here you will see all navigations
under the tile you have selected.
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The Navigation Banner: Standard Elements
While the majority of your work will take place within the Student Information Tiles, you can use
the Navigation Banner to get to business pages as well.
Standard Banner
The standard banner will appear in the upper left hand corner of every MyUNT page. The standard
buttons include:
Home - click this to return to your homepage.
Actions List - click here to see a list of actions for the current window. Actions may
include Add to Favorites, Help and Sign Out (this option is always available).
Mobile Navigation
The NavBar is reduced to a More Options menu. The main items of importance found here are
the Home link and the Sign Out link. There are other navigations found in the More Options
menu, but it is unlikely you will be using these functions in the system.
Homepage Selector
You may have differing roles on campus
- staff member, student, faculty member. Each
of these roles have a different landing (home)
page in myUNT. To navigate between these
landing pages, you will use the center drop
down menu visible from any landing (home)
page - called the Homepage Selector.
Depending on your access, you will have the
ability to toggle between one to four different
home pages; Campus Solutions Administrator,
Employee Homepage, Student Homepage and
Faculty Homepage.