Bachelor of Social Work Program
Admission Packet
The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Program operates under a selective admissions policy. The policy is based on the
need to maintain a program of excellence in the classroom, assure availability of quality practicum placements, and
adhere to accreditation requirements. The BSW Program reserves the right to admit a limited number of students each
year. Meeting the minimum standards does not guarantee a student will be admitted to the program. Students who are
denied admission may reapply during the next admission cycle, and/or may meet with their academic advisor to explore
career alternatives.
Enrollment in selected upper-division social work courses is restricted to students who have been admitted to the
program. Students should meet with their social work academic advisor to create an academic plan that includes
application to the BSW program.
Note to Transfer students: Acceptance in the Bachelor of Social Work Program does not constitute automatic admission
to the University of Utah. All transfer students, and those returning to the University after an extended absence, must
complete an application to the University of Utah. For more information, visit the Office of Admissions website:
Students seeking BSW program admission are required to complete all of the items listed in this packet. The
completed application must be submitted to the program via ONE COMPLETE PDF FILE, WITH DOCUMENTS
applicants must include their full name, and University of Utah ID number (if they have one), in the subject line
of the email.
Students must meet with their social work academic advisor prior to the admission deadline as part of the
application process. Students are responsible for scheduling their advising appointment well in advance of the
application deadline available slots fill quickly.
The student must have completed, or be currently enrolled in, the following courses at the time of BSW program
SW 1010 Social Work and Social Welfare (Students completing program prerequisites at SLCC must take SW
1010 and 2650 at SLCC to fulfill this requirement) (C or better, completed 10 or fewer years ago)
PSY 1010 General Psychology or PSY 1011 Honors General Psychology (C or better, completed 10 or fewer years
SOC 1010 Intro to Sociology (C or better, completed 10 or fewer years ago)
POLS 1100 US National Government or HONOR 2212 (C or better, completed 10 or fewer years ago)
WRTG 2010, HONOR 2211, or other WR2 equivalent course
MATH 1030, or MATH 1050, or other QA equivalent course
General Education requirements met per University of Utah policy (missing 2 ok but not from above at time of
program application)
Note: You may have completed equivalent versions of these courses at another institution. Check with your BSW
academic advisor to ensure that the courses you took at a transfer institution will indeed satisfy our program’s pre-
major requirements. Please also note that each of the above pre-major courses must be completed with a grade of C
or better. Additionally, pre-major courses must have been completed within the last ten years.
In addition to the above pre-major requirements, students must have completed most, if not all, general
education requirements for the University of Utah. A student may be missing up to two general education
courses at the time of BSW application, but these may not consist of any of the above pre-major courses, nor
may they include the math (QA) or lower-division writing (WR2) requirements.
The decision to admit a student is based on a review of all materials submitted by the student, as well as
evaluation forms and letters of recommendation submitted by the evaluators on behalf of the student.
After being admitted to the BSW Program, any student who withdraws from the program or does not take BSW
classes at the University of Utah for two or more sequential semesters, must reapply for admission into the
Program (unless the student has applied, and been approved, for a leave of absence).
A complete application submission will contain, in this order:
Social Work Application Checklist
Social Work Admission Application Form
Personal statement as described in application packet
Social Work resume (including total number of hours served in each area)
Transcripts from each college or university attended by the applicant (including University of Utah if
applicable). A minimum GPA of 2.35 is required for admission. Please include scanned copies of all
transcripts as part of your electronic application packet do not mail them or send them separately.
Unofficial transcripts are acceptable
Copy of current semester enrollment schedule, if applicable
Please note that if you are applying for fall-semester BSW admission and plan to take summer
courses prior, you must include your anticipated summer schedule with your application
Minimum two, maximum three, professional evaluations, each of which must consist of completed
evaluation form and a detailed letter of recommendation from the evaluator. These are sent as PDF copies
directly to [email protected]du
by the evaluators themselves, not the student in other words, this portion of the
application must arrive separately from the packet because evaluators need to send them separately.
Sometimes we get a recommendation prior to receiving an applicant’s file. This is acceptable as long as all
materials are received by the admission deadline
Deadlines for program admission are as follow:
Fall Semester: April 1st 11:59 pm MST
Spring Semester: October 1st 11:59 pm MST
(These deadlines are the same for both campus and online program options.)
All applicants will be notified via email regarding the results of their application to the program within six weeks
of the application due date.
Students who are transferring to the University from another college/university must also apply for admission to
the University of Utah ( ).
Bachelor of Social Work Program
Application Checklist
Date Name UNID
The following items are included in my application packet (one PDF file), in this precise order:
This Application Checklist
Application Form
Personal statement (5 pages, double-spaced)
Résumé (reflects total number of social work-related hours in each area)
Copies of transcripts from all colleges/universities attended, including the University of Utah, if
Copy of class schedule for current semester (and summer semester if applicable)
I am not currently a student at the University of Utah, but have submitted my application for admission
I am also applying for the Substance Use Disorder Certificate Program, to be completed concurrently
with my Bachelor of Social Work degree (Check box to indicate intent to pursue certificate)
I have applied to the BSW program in the past. Semester and year:
I have asked the following 2-3 individuals to submit an evaluation form and letter of recommendation:
You should see unofficial transcripts from the following institutions included in my program application:
Ethnic Origin (check all that apply)
White/Caucasian Black or African American
Asian American Indian/Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latinx
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Other (please specify)
Are you a U.S. citizen?
No If no, please indicate citizenship:
Please indicate any language(s) (other than English) you speak:
A completed application will include all of the following in this order in one PDF file:
1. Application checklist
2. This application form
3. Personal statement
Application for: Fall Semester Spring Semester
Application for: Campus cohort Online cohort (fully online BSW courses)
I am equally comfortable with both campus and online learning and will apply to both program options
in case my preferred learning environment is full. However, my preference is indicated in the checkbox
above (choose Campus or Online)
My status during program will be
Full-time (12 or more BSW credits per term)
Part-time (11 or fewer BSW credits per term)
Gender: Male Female Self-Identify
Date of Birth:
(Last) (First) (Middle Initial)
Current Address:
(Street) (City, State, Zip)
Telephone: (Home) (Work) (Cell)
Email: U of U Student ID:
(U of U students must provide UMAIL address)
Policy on Nondiscrimination: Consistent with social work tradition and the University of Utah’s equal opportunity policy, the
Bachelor of Social Work Program affirms and conducts all aspects of its teaching, scholarship, and service activities without
discrimination on the basis of color, gender, age, culture, class, ethnicity, disability, national origin, race, religion, or sexual
orientation. The Program is committed to diversity and nondiscrimination in all its activities including admission, retention,
and graduation of students, recruitment and employment of faculty and staff, and development of its curriculum and field
practica. The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities for people with
NOTE: This application and its supporting documentation will become part of the student’s permanent file in the Bachelor of Social Work Program.
Additional Information
Have you ever been arrested for, charged with, plead guilty or no contest to, or been convicted of a felony?
Yes No
Do you currently have felony charges pending against you? Yes No
If you answered “yes” to either of the above questions, please explain (attach additional sheet if needed):
Conviction for past criminal activity or conduct will not automatically preclude a student from admission into
the BSW Program. However, students are advised that past or future criminal activity or conduct may limit or
inhibit the student from securing a social work internship which is required for completion of the BSW degree.
In addition, the student may be ineligible to receive state certification for licensure to practice social work.
I hereby certify to the following:
1. The above information and the contents of all of my application documents are true and accurate, to the
best of my knowledge.
2. All materials included in this application are my own work unless otherwise noted.
3. I have read, and will abide by, the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics as a condition for
admittance and continuation in the Program.
4. I understand that any false statements or omissions of information may result in denial of admission or
termination of admission to the BSW Program, if falsification or omission is discovered after admission to the
BSW Program.
Signature of Applicant
4. Résumé (including total number of hours served in each agency)
5. A transcript from each college or university attended, including U of U if applicable (a
minimum overall GPA of 2.35 is required for admission)
6. Copy of current semester enrollment schedule if applicable
7. Minimum two (maximum 3) recommendation forms/letters of recommendation (must
be sent directly to by evaluator, not by student)
Additional Application Instructions
Personal Statement
A 5-page statement that addresses each of the following questions must be submitted with your application.
We advise that you break the statement up into 4 sections.
1. Discuss your reasons for choosing to seek a BSW degree. What factors did you consider in deciding to
do so now? What alternative careers have you explored?
2. What volunteer, work, or life experiences helped prepare you for a career in social work?
3. With regard to working with people whose gender, culture, ethnicity, or sexual orientation are
different from your own, what do you consider your personal strengths, needs for growth, and
4. Respond in detail to this statement: “People get what they deserve in life.”
Additionally, if you feel your overall GPA does not adequately reflect your current academic ability, you may
address this issue as an optional fifth section of the Personal Statement.
Factors considered in evaluation of this personal statement include: writing skills; critical
thinking; evidence that the individual understands the profession of social work and expresses commitment to
the field; values related to the social work profession; potential for the field; ability to follow instructions; and
quality/quantity of volunteer or work experience.
A résumé outlining social work-related volunteer and/or work experience is part of your application. It must
be typed and no longer than two pages. You can get tips from the University Career Services website or
schedule a meeting with the Social Work Career Coach at Please address the following for
each agency/organization in which you have worked and/or volunteered.
1. Beginning and ending dates of service or employment
2. Total number of hours served in each agency/setting
3. Name of organization
4. Detailed description of work or volunteer service
While you may have sent official transcripts to the University Admissions Office, unofficial transcripts from
each college or university you attend (including the University of Utah) are required as part of the BSW
application. This allows us to verify that you have completed the prerequisite courses and that your overall
GPA meets the minimum requirement of 2.35. Please do not send transcripts separately, but rather include
them as part of your application document, submitted to
Copy of Current Enrollment Schedule
All prerequisite courses must be taken or in progress prior to admission to the BSW Program. A copy of the
current enrollment schedule assists in this verification. Please note that if you are applying for fall-semester
BSW admission and plan to take summer courses prior, you must include your anticipated summer schedule
with your application.
Professional Evaluations/Recommendations
Two professional evaluations/recommendations are required as part of the application. Up to three
evaluations/recommendations will be accepted. Evaluators must complete the Recommendation Form
included in this application packet, and give as much detail as possible as to the qualifications of the applicant.
To ensure that we receive detailed evaluations of our applicants, we require that the evaluator also include a
letter of recommendation on behalf of the applicant. This letter is to be sent together with the form. Referees
are asked to email their forms and letters as PDF files to . We request that evaluators send
their recommendations via their professional email address. Recommendations from relatives, friends, or the
applicant’s own personal care provider, therapist, counselor, etc., are not acceptable. Recommendations
must be received on or before the BSW application deadline. Sometimes we get a recommendation prior to
receiving an applicant’s file. This is acceptable as long as all materials are received by the admission deadline.
Social Work Scholarships
To apply for College of Social Work scholarships, please complete an application online. Scholarships are
reviewed once a year in spring for fall semester. Prospective students are encouraged to submit scholarship
applications even if their status in the program is pending at the time of application. Please check the website
for application deadlines and instructions.
Recommendation Form • University of Utah BSW Program • Page 1 of 2
To the evaluator: You have been asked to complete an evaluation form and letter of recommendation on
behalf of the above-named individual who is applying for admission to the University of Utah Bachelor of Social
Work Program. Your candid opinion will be of great assistance to us in evaluating the applicant. Your comments will
be confidential if the applicant has waived his/her rights of review.
We appreciate your promptness and cooperation in completing this evaluation. The applicant’s materials will not be
reviewed by the Admissions Committee until ALL recommendations for this applicant are received.
Recommendations from relatives, friends, or the applicant’s own personal care provider, therapist, counselor,
etc., are not acceptable.
Evaluator Name:
Position and Title:
Address (Street, City, State, Zip):
Phone: Date
How long have you known the applicant?
In what capacity do you know the applicant?
Evaluator’s Signature:
To the applicant: This form is to be given to individuals who are able to comment about your qualifications for a
career in social work. Your signature is required on this form, so please complete your portion prior to giving it to
your evaluator. Print 2-3 copies because you will need a minimum of 2, maximum of 3 recommendations. Keep in
mind that the evaluation form is a 2-page document please provide each evaluator with the complete form.
Under the Family Educational Rights Act of 1974, students are entitled to review their records, including letters of
recommendation. It is your option to waive your right to review this recommendation. If you waive your right to
review your recommendation forms, these forms will be considered confidential by the BSW Program, and will not be
available for your inspection. Please mark the appropriate statement below, indicating your choice of option, and
sign your name.
I waive my right to review this recommendation
I do not waive my right to review this recommendation
Applicant’s signature (Required) Date
Applicant’s Name (Print): Date
Recommendation Form • University of Utah BSW Program • Page 2 of 2
To assist the BSW Program Admissions Committee in making an informed decision on the applicant’s readiness and
aptitude for a professional education and career in social work, please answer the following questions. In addition to
completing this form, please also include a more detailed letter of recommendation.
In your opinion, what are the applicant’s major strengths?
In your opinion, what are the applicant’s major weaknesses?
Please evaluate the applicant in each of the following areas:
Unable to
Capacity to Complete BSW Program
Oral Communication Skills
Written Communication Skills
Concern for Social Problems
Interpersonal Skills
Sensitivity to and Capacity for Accepting
Differences in Race, Culture, Lifestyle, Ideas
Ability to Accept Constructive Feedback
Openness to Learning with Capacity to Change
If this applicant were to become a social worker, would you feel comfortable with the individual working with a member
of your family?
Yes No
Please provide your overall recommendation for this applicant’s admission by placing an “X” along the scale below:
/ / /
Do not Recommend Recommend with Recommend Recommend Highly
Evaluator: Please email your recommendation form and letter as scanned PDF attachments to with
the applicant’s full name in the subject line of your email message. Recommendations submitted by the applicant will
NOT be accepted. All recommendations must be received by 11:59 PM on April 1 (for Fall semester admission) or Oct 1
(for Spring semester admission).
Dear Student,
I understand that you have an interest in applying to the University of Utah’s Bachelors of Social Work Program. I
wanted to inform you of an opportunity offered here at the College that can be done as an enhancement to the BSW
Program (if accepted) OR be taken on its own.
Are you interested in learning how to counsel people with substance use disorders? If so, you should consider the
Substance Use Disorder Certificate Program. This program will give you the knowledge and field experience to become
a licensed counselor in the field of chemical addiction. We have three different designs to the program to accommodate
your level of education.
Categories of Training:
Substance Use Disorder Counselor
Advanced Substance Use Disorder
ASUDC (BSW) - concurrent
Advanced Substance Use Disorder
Associate’s Degree (any discipline)
2 Prerequisites
7 Classes: 14 credit hours
2 Labs
200 hours Field Training
2 Semesters
Bachelor’s Degree (any discipline)
2 Prerequisites
11 Classes: 23 credit hours
2 Labs
350 hours Field Training
3 Semesters
Bachelors of Social Work
Prerequisites included with BSW
9 Classes: 19 credit Hours
2 Labs
450 hours Field Training
5 Semesters
The Substance Use Disorder Certificate Program’s content has been updated to reflect the changes to the Utah Mental
Health Practice Act. The Program is dedicated to helping students develop the solid knowledge base and treatment
skills necessary to assist individuals with substance use disorders and their families. The overarching goal of the
Program is to enhance the quality of substance use disorder treatment and care delivery in the state of Utah.
When discussing your educational opportunities with the BSW academic advisor, please mention your interest in this
additional program. This added educational certificate and subsequent license will only enhance your future
marketability to any substance abuse rehab, detox, or counseling agency.
If you would like additional information about deadlines, prerequisites or anything concerning the Substance Use
Disorder Certificate Program, please contact our team at [email protected]
. We would be happy to assist you.
Best regards,
Elizabeth Perez
Director of Academic Advising, University of Utah College of Social Work
| 801-585-1596