Charter of
Revised by the GECC, April 6, 2023
Approved April 20, 2023 by the Undergraduate Council
The General Education Curriculum Committee (GECC) is established as a policy
recommendation and review body for the General Education (GE) and Baccalaureate Degree (BD)
curriculum. The GECC is the body charged by the Undergraduate Council (UGC) for evaluating and
approving courses that carry GE and BD designations. The purpose of the GECC is to manage the GE
and BD curriculum and provide guidance to the UGC and the institution.
The GECC is charged with the responsibility to:
1. establish procedures for the evaluation and approval of all courses seeking new GE or BD
requirement designations,
2. regularly re-evaluate individual courses to determine whether they should continue to carry GE
and BD requirement designations,
3. regularly evaluate college and department-level GE and BD curriculum to ensure and establish
functional student pathways into and through the GE and BD curriculum,
4. conduct a regular and systematic assessment of the GE and BD curriculum using the GE
Learning Outcomes, per the expectations of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and
Universities (NWCCU),
5. ensure the GE curriculum is in alignment with USHE and Utah Code R470,
6. establish and manage curricular guidelines and criteria for GE and BD-designated courses and
7. administer grants and awards to promote and/ or recognize outstanding teaching in GE, and
8. periodically review the general education curriculum as a whole and make policy
recommendations to the Undergraduate Council.
GECC Charter 2
The GECC shall consist of appointed faculty from colleges offering undergraduate degrees or with
significant undergraduate GE and BD curriculum:
At least one career, tenure-line, or tenured faculty member from Architecture,
Business, Cultural and Social Transformation, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts,
Health, Honors, Humanities, Medicine (Medical Laboratory Sciences), Nursing,
Science (Mines and Earth Science), and Social and Behavioral Science as
appointed by their representative college will serve on the GECC at all times.
Additional representation will be required to manage the workload of the
committee and will depend on the size of the college’s presence in the General
Education and Baccalaureate Degree curriculum. Determinations will be made by
the Executive Committee (described below).
The committee Chair shall be the Assistant Dean for General Education or a person
designated by the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs in Undergraduate
The committee Co-Chair shall be a career, tenure-line, or tenured faculty member
appointed by the Chair. The Co-Chair may have previous GECC experience to assure
continuity from year to year.
The committee members shall be appointed for three-year rotating terms with the
possibility of reappointment. Members shall serve as active liaisons with their respective
colleges and departments to ensure effective communication with and from the GECC,
Every effort shall be made to ensure that the voting members of the GECC reflect the diversity
of the campus community. This responsibility falls on the different individuals or groups who appoint
or recommend members of the committee. The GECC Chair will advise the participating Colleges of
the need for diversity on the committee. This will be accomplished in writing during the appointment
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Co-Chair, and five committee
members who must have served at least one term on the GECC prior to appointment. The
Chair will solicit nominations and self-nominations among current GECC members for open
positions on the Executive Committee at the beginning of each academic year. Executive
Committee members shall be appointed for three-year rotating terms with the possibility of
reappointment. Membership of the Executive Committee shall be approved by a vote of the
full committee.
The purpose of the Executive Committee is to assist and advise the Chair and Co-
Chair (described below) outside the scope of the committee's regular agenda and meetings.
The Executive Committee is empowered to solicit input and feedback from campus
community members as appropriate.
The Executive Committee is authorized to act on behalf of the full committee on
urgent matters, which cannot wait for action by the full committee in regularly scheduled
meetings and during the summer recess of the University.
GECC Charter 3
Ex officio non-voting members of the GECC, with the right to the floor and to introduce motions,
shall include:
-A representative from the Advising Council;
-A representative from the Office of the Registrar;
-A representative from the University Libraries (as appropriate);
-Student representatives recommended by ASUU.
Responsibilities of the GECC Chair and Co-Chair
The GECC Chair shall have the following responsibilities:
-Prepare agendas and conduct all meetings of the GECC.
-Schedule regular meetings of the GECC and facilitate information exchange with
various units across campus.
-Invite the Co-Chair, with input from the Executive Committee, and work with college
leadership to appoint members of the GECC as needed.
-Report to the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs on all actions taken by the
-Submit a written annual report to the Undergraduate Council each academic
year. Attend Undergraduate Council and Academic Senate meetings as needed/
-Maintain regular contact with the chair of the Undergraduate Council to facilitate
and ensure effective communication between the GECC and UGC.
-Represent the University of Utah on the USHE General Education Task Force.
The Co-Chair shall work with the Chair on all the above responsibilities and represent the Chair
in their absence.
Regular meetings of the GECC shall be held each month from August to May. The Executive
Committee may also meet in June and July. Meetings will be held on the first Thursday of
each month from 1:30-3:30 p.m. If the regular meeting falls during a University recess day, it
will be moved to the next available Thursday. Additional meetings may be called as
necessary. Consistent attendance and participation are expected. In addition, GECC members
are expected to serve as liaisons with their respective colleges and participate in college and
department-level meetings as necessary.
A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the GECC voting membership.