 
O INNION SUDNS
OIC O SUDN INNCI SICS
hroughou is 4-ear hisor, Brandeis
has alued diersi ihin is suden bod.
ach ear, signican insiuional resources
help suppor inernaional sudens a he
undergraduae leel. he primar obligaion
or meeing educaional coss remains ih
he amilies o sudens admied o he
uniersi, bu e are pleased o assis ih
uniersi unds.
Determination of Aid Award
he Oce o Suden inancial Serices
has reieed he CSS Prole and supporing
documens ha ou sen ih our applica-
ion or admission. Using he nancial
inormaion ou repored on our applica-
ion, he sa has calculaed our peced
amil Conribuion C, he amoun o
nancial resources ou and our parens
are epeced o conribue. he amoun o
our enaie nancial aid pacage is based
on our C and our cos o aendance.
Please noe ha addiional inormaion
such as documenaion o paren income
and asses ma be required o nalie our
aard. our nancial aid aard ull mees
our calculaed nancial need. Sudens
ho do no submi a nancial aid applica-
ion beore he hae been admied ill
be placed on a aiing lis or gran and
scholarship unds.
I ou or our amil hae eperienced
a change in our nancial circumsances
since ling he Prole, ou ma reques
reconsideraion o our need-based
nancial aid decision.
arl Decision sudens mus submi
appeals b March 1 and egular Decision
sudens b pril 1. equess or reconsid-
eraion are considered on a rs come, rs
sered basis.
or more inormaion abou he recon-
sideraion process, isi brandeis.edu/
Grants and Scholarships
Brandeis scholarships or inernaional
sudens are based on he academic and
personal records submied and are need-
sensiie. I a scholarship is gien o a
suden ho has signican nancial need,
he scholarship ma be supplemened ih
oher orms o assisance o mee he need
as deermined b he Oce o Suden
inancial Serices. inancial aid pacages
are oen a combinaion o grans/scholar-
ships and on-campus emplomen.
ran and scholarship assisance is
aarded b he uniersi onl a he ime
o admission. Sudens canno appl or
scholarship consideraion aer he hae
receied heir admission leer, nor in
uure ears. Successul academic peror-
mance a he uniersi does no iniiae or
increase gran or scholarship assisance.
Scholarship amouns ill be proraed or
an semeser in hich ou are considered
less han ull ime or are charged less han
he ull-ime uiion rae.
Wien International Scholarship
he ien Inernaional Scholarship Program
has unded hundreds o sudens rom all
oer he orld since is incepion in 198.
hese need-based scholarships proide
assisance o ecepionall accomplished
inernaional applicans ho demonsrae
srong academic achieemen as ell as
signican eracurricular communi
ien Scholarship recipiens are chosen
b he Oce o dmissions. I ou hae
been seleced or a ien or oher Brandeis
scholarship, a noice ill be included hen
ou receie our admission decision. Can-
didaes ho hae been oered admission
hae been considered or all scholarship
Scholarships are reneable on he basis o
coninued demonsraed need or a mai-
mum o eigh semesers o undergraduae
sud, unless adanced sanding is aarded
or preious academic or. In such cases,
he gran ill be or eer han eigh
semesers. Saisacor progress oard
graduaion and he required grade-poin
aerage mus be mainained or reneal.
Alumni and Friends Grant
he lumni and riends ran is direc-gi
aid rom he uniersi ha a suden does
no need o repa. ligibili or his und is
based on nancial need. enerous gis and
donaions rom alumni, parens, and riends
o he uniersi proide unds or his
gran, including seeral endoed scholar-
ships, as a smbol o heir commimen and
dedicaion o uure Brandeis graduaes.
Selec sudens receie recogniion o heir
achieemens, generall as par o heir
nancial aid pacage, as recipiens o hese
special aards. Sudens ma no appl or
specic endoed scholarships; recipiens o
hese aards ill be seleced and noied
b he uniersi.
he lumni and riends ran is reneable
on he basis o coninued demonsraed
need or a maimum o eigh under-
graduae semesers a Brandeis, unless
he suden begins uniersi sudies ih
adanced sanding; in such cases, he gran
ill be or eer han eigh semesers. Sais-
acor progress oard graduaion mus
University Employment
Uniersi mplomen is unded enirel
b he uniersi. Sudens receie a eel
pachec based upon acual hours ored.
cual earnings ill depend upon he
aailabili o hours inoled in an gien
posiion. lhough he Oce o Suden
inancial Serices proides sudens ih
lisings o aailable posiions on campus, i
canno guaranee emplomen. I is he su-
den’s responsibili o secure and mainain
a job ha ill allo him or her o ulll he
or allocaion. he Uniersi mplomen
allomen is no credied o he suden’s
accoun. In planning our pamen o coss
or each semeser, please noe ha he or
allomen should no be subraced rom
ha is due.
In he rs semeser, sudens receie
gran unds insead o Uniersi mplo-
men. his is o allo sudens o beer
aord boos and personal epenses upon
arrial, as i can ae ime o secure a job on
campus. Since sudens receie more gran
unds in he rs semeser, he iniial bill ill
be loer han subsequen bills. In uure
semesers, sudens ill be epeced o
uilie an emplomen aard or eacherm.
Calculating the Amount
Due Annually
noing our nancial aid aard is he rs
sep in he process o deermining ha ou
ill oe or a ear’s educaion a Brandeis.
he Oce o Suden inancial Serices
issues billing saemens prior o he sar o
each semeser. all-semeser bills ill be
due ugus 4, 0, and spring-semeser
bills ill be due December 1, 0.
n ineracie orshee is aailable online
a brandeis.edu/ss/uiion-calculaor o
help ou esimae our earl cos.
rael, boos, and personal coss no
due direcl o Brandeis are no included
in his orshee. e esimae $1,000
annuall or boos and $1,00 annuall
or personal epenses, alhough personal
epenses ar greal. rael epenses ill
ar depending upon he counr rom
hich ou are raeling.
Payment to Brandeis University
Pamen mus be made each semeser
according o he schedule deermined b
he Oce o Suden inancial Serices.
urher inormaion regarding billing ill
be mailed as par o he maerials sen o
sudens ho accep our oer o admission.
Acceptance of the
Financial Aid Award
e ill presume ha ou are acceping
he oer o nancial aid hen ou reurn
he enrollmen orm and deposi pamen
o he Oce o dmissions.
In accordance ih he a eorm c o
1986, i our aggregae scholarship and gran
assisance eceeds uiion, required ees or
course insrucion or academic enrollmen,
and boos/supplies or hich receips hae
been ep, he amoun in ecess mus be
included in our aable income. ou are
responsible or deermining heher our
scholarship, in hole or in par, should be
included as aable income. ages earned
hrough he ederal or-Sud and
Uniersi mplomen programs are aable
age income and mus be repored on our
income-a orms i ou are required o le.
ou ill receie a - age and Income
Saemen rom he uniersi b Januar 1
or he preious a ear. Please conac he
Inernal eenue Serice or a a preparer or
urher inormaion or assisance ih hese
a issues.
Renewal of the
Financial Aid Award
our nancial aid is aarded or one ear
a a ime. ou mus reappl or nancial aid
each academic ear or hich ou ish o
be considered or assisance. he amoun
o nancial aid ha ou receie aer he
rs ear ma ar, reecing changes in
our amil’s nancial siuaion, he coss
o aending Brandeis, and he aailabili
o unding, hich ma aec he amoun o
our ien Scholarship or lumni and riends
ran rom ear o ear. Please noe ha
our nancial aid pacage ill be based
on sandard liing epense coss or on- or
o-campus housing. Since Brandeis mees
ull calculaed nancial need or undergradu-
ae sudens, nancial aid pacages ill be
increased each ear b he amoun o he
uiion increase, subjec o he acual cos
o aendance and an changes in he calcu-
laed epeced amil conribuion.
o reappl or nancial aid, ou mus le he
CSS Prole applicaion and submi documen-
aion o our parens’ income and asses
b March 1 o each ear. ailure o le all
reneal applicaion maerials b he saed
deadline ma resul in a limied or parial
aard, regisraion complicaions, and/or
lae ees on our suden accoun.
O MO INOMION
or quesions or problems relaed o our
nancial aid, suden accoun, suden loans
or suden emplomen, please conac our
oce a ss@brandeis.edu or 81-6-00.
Brandeis Uniersi is commied o proiding is sudens, acul
and sa ih an enironmen conducie o learning and oring
and here all people are reaed ih respec and digni. oard
ha end, i is essenial ha Brandeis be ree rom discriminaion and
harassmen on he basis o race; color; ancesr; religious creed;
gender ideni and epression; naional or ehnic origin; se;
seual orienaion; age; geneic inormaion; disabili; ienam-
era eeran, qualied special, disabled eeran, or oher eligible
eeran saus; or an oher caegor proeced b la. he olloing
person has been designaed o handle inquiries regarding he
nondiscriminaion policies: ice Presiden o Human esources,
Bernsein-Marcus building, 81-6-4464.
Oce of Communications © Brandeis University 2022 P022b
Brandeis Uniersi
Oce o Suden inancial Serices
41 Souh Sree, MS 0
alham, M 04-8