Transcript: Highlights of Trump’s Call With the Georgia
Secretary of State
: In a leaked telephone conversation, President Trump pressured
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger of Georgia, a fellow Republican and the state’s
top elections official, on Jan. 2 to overturn the election results in his state, reciting
debunked claims of election fraud.
You can listen to excerpts from the recording, which was obtained by The New York
Times, in
this seven-minute audio clip
, and follow along in the transcript below. You
can find the full transcript and recording
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and wonder about the conversation. Which lines stand out to you? What questions do
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the featured article
Excerpt #1
TRUMP: We have, we have, we have won this election in Georgia based on all of this.
And there’s, there’s nothing wrong with saying that, Brad. You know, I mean, having
the, having a correct — the people of Georgia are angry and these numbers are going to
be repeated on Monday night, along with others that we’re going to have by that time,
which are much more substantial even. And the people of Georgia are angry, the
people of the country are angry. And there’s nothing wrong with saying that, you
know, um, that you’ve recalculated. And there’s nothing wrong with saying that, you
know, um, that you’ve recalculated because the 2,236 and absentee ballots, I mean,
they’re all exact numbers that were, were done by accounting firms, law firms, etc. And
even if you cut ’em in half, cut ’em in half and cut ’em in half again, it’s more votes
than we need.
RAFFENSPERGER: Well, Mr. President, the challenge that you have is the data you
have is wrong. We, we talked to the congressmen, and they were surprised. But they —
I guess, there’s a person named Mr. Brainard that came to these meetings and
presented data and he said that there was dead people, I believe it was upward of
5,000. The actual number were two. Two. Two people that were dead that voted. And
so, that’s wrong, that was two.
Excerpt #2
TRUMP: Now, do you think it’s possible that they shredded ballots in Fulton County?
Because that’s what the rumor is. And also that Dominion took out machines. That
Dominion is really moving fast to get rid of their, uh, machinery.
Do you know anything about that? Because that’s illegal, right?
RYAN GERMANY, lawyer for Georgia secretary of state’s office: This is Ryan
Germany. No, Dominion has not moved any machinery out of Fulton County.
TRUMP: But have they moved the inner parts of the machines and replaced them
with other parts?
TRUMP: Are you sure, Ryan?
GERMANY: I’m sure. I’m sure, Mr. President.
Excerpt #3
RAFFENSPERGER: Mr. President, the problem you have with social media, they —
people can say anything.
TRUMP: Oh, this isn’t social media. This is Trump media. It’s not social media. It’s
really not, it’s not social media. I don’t care about social media. I couldn’t care less.
Social media is Big Tech. Big Tech is on your side, you know. I don’t even know why
you have a side, because you should want to have an accurate election. And you’re a
RAFFENSPERGER: We believe that we do have an accurate election.
TRUMP: No, no, you don’t. No, no, you don’t. You don’t have, you don’t have. Not
even close. You’re off by hundreds of thousands of votes.
Excerpt #4
TRUMP: ... because, you know what they did and you’re not reporting it. That’s a
criminal — that’s a criminal offense. And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to
you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that’s a big risk. But they are shredding ballots, in
my opinion, based on what I’ve heard. And they are removing machinery and they’re
moving it as fast as they can, both of which are criminal finds. And you can’t let it
happen and you are letting it happen. You know, I mean, I’m notifying you that you’re
letting it happen. So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes,
which is one more than we have …
Excerpt #5
TRUMP: So tell me, Brad, what are we going to do? We won the election, and it’s not
fair to take it away from us like this. And it’s going to be very costly in many ways. And
I think you have to say that you’re going to re-examine it, and you can re-examine it,
but re-examine it with people that want to find answers, not people that don’t want to
find answers. For instance, I’m hearing Ryan, and he’s probably, I’m sure a great
lawyer and everything. But he’s making statements about those ballots that he doesn’t
know. But he’s making them with such — he did make them with surety. But now I
think he’s less sure, because the answer is they all went to Biden, and that alone wins
us the election by a lot. You know, so.
RAFFENSPERGER: Mr. President, you have people that submit information, and
we have our people that submit information. And then it comes before the court, and
the court then has to make a determination. We have to stand by our numbers. We
believe our numbers are right.
Excerpt #6
Trump: Well, under law, you’re not allowed to give faulty election results. OK? You’re
not allowed to do that, and that’s what you’ve done. This is a faulty election result. And
honestly, this should go very fast, you should meet tomorrow, because you have a big
election coming up, and because of what you’ve done to the president, you know the
people of Georgia know that this was a scam. And because of what you’ve done to the
president, a lot of people aren’t going out to vote. And a lot of Republicans are going to
vote negative, because they hate what you did to the president. OK, they hate it. And
they’re going to vote, and you would be respected if, really respected if this thing could
be straightened out before the election. You have a big election coming up on Tuesday.
Excerpt #7
Trump: … I mean, look, that’s, you’d have to be a child to think anything other than
that. Just a child.
MITCHELL: How many ballots, Mr. Secretary, are you saying were processed then?
RAFFENSPERGER: We had G.B.I. thoroughly investigate that.
RYAN GERMANY, chief lawyer, Georgia secretary of state’s office: We had
our — this is Ryan Germany. We had our law enforcement officers talk to everyone
who was, who was there after that event came to light. G.B.I. was with them as well as
F.B.I. agents.
TRUMP: Well, there’s no way they could — then they’re incompetent. They’re either
dishonest or incompetent, OK?
MITCHELL: Well, what did they find?
Excerpt #8
Trump: I would like you to, for the attorneys of, I’d like you to perhaps speak with
Ryan, ideally tomorrow, because I think we should come to a resolution of this before
the election, otherwise you’re going to have, you’re going to have people just not
voting. They don’t want to vote, they hate the state. They hate the governor, and they
hate the secretary of state. I will tell you that right now. And the only people that like
you are people that will never vote for you, you know that brand, right? They like you,
you know, they like you, they can’t believe what they found. They want more people
like you. So look, can you get together tomorrow, and Brad, we just want the truth. It’s