Website and blog owners can use their site content to
advertise Travel Guard products and earn lead referral fees
Travel Guard pays affiliates for every quote received by
affiliate users
New Commission Junction (CJ) users:
If you’re not already a CJ Publisher, simply create a free
CJ account and apply to be a Travel Guard affiliate. Go to to signup.
Click “Sign Up Today!” and fill out the form on the next page
After verifying email address, complete “Publisher Sign Up
Form” with link in verification email.
When your account is created, CJ will automatically submit
your application to be a Travel Guard affiliate.
Start by visiting and login to your account, or review
the “Welcome” email you receive from CJ.
Existing CJ users:
When logged in to CJ, click on “Advertisers” on the
navigation bar to find Travel Guard and other CJ publishers
to add to your site or online content.
Enter “Travel Guard” in the Advertiser(s) search field to find
the Travel Guard publisher account.
Help your followers travel with confidence.
Advertising travel insurance through the Travel Guard affiliate program provides value to your followers, while earning
revenue for your brand. And it’s easy to activate! Just follow the instructions below to be affiliated with Travel Guard, the
leading travel insurer in the U.S.
How does it work?
Please note: We can only assist with issues related
to Travel Guard; any issues with the CJ platform must
be referred to the CJ helpdesk.
+1.800.761.1072, M-F 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. PST
AIG Travel, Inc., a member of American International Group, Inc., is a worldwide leader in travel insurance solutions and global assistance. Travel Guard
is the marketing name for its
portfolio of travel insurance solutions and travel-related services, including medical and security services, marketed to both leisure and business travelers around the globe. Services are
provided through a network of wholly owned service centers located in Asia, Europe and the Americas. For additional information, please visit our websites at and
© 2019 American International Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Search Campaigns - Protected SEM Bidding Keywords: AIG, Travel Guard, AIG Travel, Travel Guard insurance, misspellings of AIG and misspellings of Travel Guard
Negative Matching for Protected Keywords: Required
Search Campaigns - Non-compete SEM Bidding Keywords: travel insurance, trip insurance, insurance, business travel insurance, car rental insurance, cancel for any reason, compare
quotes, insurance quotes, vacation insurance, travel investment, medical travel insurance, misspellings of AIG and misspellings of Travel Guard
Search Campaigns - Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content: travel insurance, AIG, Travel Guard, AIG Travel, Travel guard insurance, trip insurance, trip protection, cancel for any reason,
AIG claims, travel claims, misspellings of AIG and misspellings of Travel Guard
Search Campaigns - Direct Linking: No
Search Campaigns - Special Instructions for Search Marketing Publishers:
Travel Guard affiliates are prohibited from bidding against or competing with Travel Guard paid search campaigns. Travel Guard reserves the right to add protected and non-compete
keywords at any time. Affiliates that are found to be bidding against Travel Guard or using prohibited terms will be dropped.
Web Site - Prohibited Web Site Domain Keywords: AIG, Travel Guard, TravelGuard
Web Site - Prohibited Web Site Content: Affiliate sites are not permitted to discuss travel insurance coverage or the features of Travel Guard plans in any way, or and may not
recommend travel insurance products or the purchase thereof.
Web Site - Unacceptable Web Sites: Pornography, violence, racism, hate speech, coupon or membership discount sites
Web Site - Use of Logos and Trademarks in Web sites: Affiliates are only permitted to use the logos provided within the CJ site. Website copy may not refer to AIG, Travel Guard or
the travel insurance product.
Incentivized Traffic is Not allowed
Email: Allowed - Publishers are allowed to place a banner advertisement in email marketing. Email content must adhere to website content guidelines: Affiliate emails may not discuss
travel insurance coverage or the features of Travel Guard plans in any way, or and may not recommend travel insurance products or the purchase thereof. Affiliates are only permitted to
use the advertisments provided within the CJ site. Email copy may not refer to AIG, Travel Guard, or travel insurance
Software: Not allowed
Sub-Affiliates: Allowed - This is allowed providing that all sub affiliates adhere to previously noted website content policies.
Social Media: Not allowed
Coupons and Promotional Codes: Publishers are not allowed to use coupons or promotional codes
Non-Commissionable Items: Affiliates will be paid for policies quoted only (price comparison grid views). Affiliates will not be paid for policy purchases.
Affiliate Program Terms
The following are the affiliate program terms and conditions. They can also be found in the Travel Guard listing on CJ. Failure to adhere to these conditions
will result in an affiliate’s removal from the Travel Guard program. Please contact the listed affiliate manager if you have any questions about these terms or
Once your application to Travel Guard has been accepted, you will see the “Travel Guard” publisher listed under your active
advertisers. You will also receive a “Welcome” email from CJ and Travel Guard.
Please take the time to thoroughly read our “Program Terms” to avoid user confusion and account deactivation.
Click on the “Get Links” button to access approved Travel Guard banners and link content.
“Get Links” will display all Travel Guard banners for your use.
Find a banner or link you like, click on it, and then click on “Get Code”
Select the code type desired (HTML, JavaScript, or Click URL)
Copy the selected code, and place it on your site/blog or email
DO NOT change, modify or develop your own code or links (leads cannot be tracked and you won’t receive your referral fees!).
Using our banners