Thank You for Choosing Travel Guard! We are happy to be part of your trip!
This document introduces you to the travel insurance policy and provides you with general information that may be helpful in understanding the policy. The policy is a legal contract between you and
National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa which provides insurance coverage for your trip through its relationship with Travel Guard. Please be sure to read the policy thoroughly. It
includes a Schedule Page that shows the benefits that are offered. It will also include a Declarations Page that shows the base policy benefits and any additional benefits you elected.
Requirements to Purchase a Policy:
1. You are a U.S. resident at the time you buy the policy, and are
still a U.S. resident when you begin your Trip.
2. You must purchase the policy no later than 24 hours prior to
What You Should Know:
The policy covers specific Unforeseen events and losses,
and only under the conditions listed in the policy.
The policy is designed to reimburse you after a Loss is
incurred and a claim is filed. The Payment of Claims section
supplies additional information on what is needed to file a
Please take note of the definitions for Trip Cost and
Cancellation Penalties. They explain how to determine
trip costs for different scenarios so you can accurately insure
the trip costs you have invested.
The policy uses the term “days” throughout the document.
With the exception of its usage with specific times, like those
used in the Effective and Termination Dates section, e.g.
11:59 P.M. on the day before the scheduled Departure
Date, they will refer to the actual number of days, regardless
of the time of day. For example, if you are traveling June 1st,
June 2nd and June 3rd, your trip length is 3 days, no matter
what time you leave or return.
We understand that trip plans can change. If your dates of
travel change, or you pay for additional trip components,
you must update your application with us to include the
additional trip components and/or any other changes.
You can easily do this online at, or
you can call us at 1.800.826.1300. If you travel without
updating your application and then file a claim, the benefit
payment may be reduced.
Your policy may provide extra coverage, such as a Pre-
existing Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver, if you
purchase the insurance within 15 days of the initial trip
deposit. Check the Schedule or Declarations Page for
a complete list of benefits and benefit amounts.
If you find that you don’t want this policy for any reason, you
can let us know by sending an email to:
[email protected]. If you do this within 15 days of the
Effective Date of the policy, we will refund the premium.
If you have a claim, you can file it online at or contact us at
1.800.826.1300 between 7a.m. and 7p.m. Central Time.
If you need to contact Travel Guard for questions or
assistance during your trip, please call 1.715.345.0505.
You may call collect if you are calling outside of the U.S.
Here’s Whats Included:
1. Schedule of Benefits. This lists the base policy benefits and
the amount of coverage for each benefit, as well as options you
may add to your policy. Each of these benefits will pay up to the
limit shown for covered losses.
2. Effective and Termination Dates. It’s important for both
of us to know when your coverage is active. This section explains
when each of the benefits in the policy start and when they end.
3. Definitions. You’ll notice that some words in this policy
are Capitalized, Bold and Italics. These are words that have
specific meanings in the policy, and it’s important that you know
exactly what they are. When you see a capitalized, bold, italicized
word, you can find the applicable meaning in the Definitions
4. Benefits. Each benefit in your policy will state the events
or losses we will cover. You will also find an explanation of the
payments we will make if one of those events occurs. Not every
loss may be covered, and not every expense incurred in a loss
may be paid, so please read the policy carefully.
5. Exclusions. The policy contains a General Exclusions
section that applies to all benefits. Some benefits will include an
exclusions section that will only apply to that particular benefit.
The exclusions section lists the items or types of losses that are not
covered under the policy, so be sure to read them as well to get a
full understanding of how your benefits apply.
6. Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver.
If you have this coverage, it will waive the pre-existing medical
conditions exclusions in the benefits where they may otherwise not
be covered. If you do not have this coverage, please refer to the
Exclusions sections to learn how pre-existing conditions may affect
your benefits.
7. Payment of Claims. If you file a claim with us, this section
shows which documentation is required, and how and where to
send it.
8. General Provisions. This section explains contractual
details of the policy.
9. Services. In addition to the insurance coverage provided by
the policy, Travel Guard offers world-class assistance services to
our customers.
Be sure to read the policy carefully to understand your
coverage, and if you have any questions, let us know!
We are available at 1.800.826.1300
Product Code: 939901 PA21 04/22
Assistance Services
The following non-insurance services are provided by Travel Guard.
• Travel Medical Assistance • Worldwide Travel Assistance
• Concierge Services • Personal Security Assistance
This document is only applicable to residents of Pennsylvania.
If you are from any other state, you will need to view your state-specific Policy, or call Travel Guard at 1.800.826.1300.
To view and print a copy of our privacy notice, please visit:
Executive Offices: 1271 Ave of the Americas Floor 37, New York, NY 10020-1304
(212) 458-5000
(a capital stock company, herein referred to as the Company)
This coverage is valid only if the appropriate cost has been paid.
Please keep this document as your record of coverage under the plan.
This Policy is issued in consideration of your application and payment of the premium due. This
Policy describes all of the travel insurance benefits underwritten by National Union Fire Insurance
Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., 1271 Ave of the Americas Floor 37, New York, NY 10020-1304
(herein referred to as the Company).
This Policy is a legal contract between the Insured and the Company. It is important that you
read your Policy carefully. Please refer to the Schedule or Declarations Page. It provides you
with specific information about the insurance you purchased.
You may cancel this insurance by giving the Company or the agent written notice within the first
to occur of the following:
(a) 15 days from the Effective Date of your insurance; or
(b) your scheduled Departure Date.
If you do this, the Company will refund your premium paid provided no Insured has filed a
claim under this Policy. After this 15 day period, the premium is non-refundable. Refund requests
may be sent by email to [email protected].
The President and Secretary of the National Union Fire Insurance
Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. witness this Policy.
Michael Price - President Tanya Kent - Secretary
T30373NUFICPA 2021
Assistance Services
The following non-insurance services are provided by Travel Guard.
• Travel Medical Assistance • Worldwide Travel Assistance
• Concierge Services • Personal Security Assistance
Price paid for this plan includes both insurance premium and fee for travel assistance services.
Assistance Services
The following non-insurance services are provided by Travel Guard.
• Travel Medical Assistance • Worldwide Travel Assistance
• Concierge Services • Personal Security Assistance
2 3
Maximum limit Per Insured
Trip Cancellation up to 100% of Trip Cost up to maximum of $150,000
Trip Interruption up to 150% of Trip Cost up to a maximum of $225,000
Trip Interruption - Return Transportation Only up to $1,000
Coverage for Trip Interruption and Trip Interruption - Return Transportation Only cannot be combined.
Single Occupancy up to 100% of Trip Cost up to a maximum of $150,000
Trip Delay up to $200 per day, to a maximum of $1,000
Missed Connection up to $1,000
Baggage Coverage up to $2,500
Per item restrictions apply, see benefit wording for details.
Baggage Delay up to $400
Travel Medical Expense up to $100,000
Dental up to $500
Physical Therapy up to $2,000
Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation of Remains up to $1,000,000
Non-Flight Accidental Death & Dismemberment up to $50,000
The following is included at no additional cost if the policy is purchased
within the Time Sensitive Period.
Please note: the Time Sensitive Period referenced here means within 21 days of Initial Trip Payment.
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Exclusion Waiver Provides coverage otherwise excluded due to pre-existing
medical conditions
The following will be included if elected and purchased:
Cancel for Any Reason 50% of Trip Cost up to a maximum of $25,000
(Can only be purchased at the time the base plan is purchased and within 21 days of Initial Trip Payment)
Rental Vehicle Damage Coverage $35,000 or $50,000
Deductible $250
Flight Guard® Amount Selected up to $500,000
For Questions or Information, Contact:
Or call National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. (an AIG Company) at: 1.212.458.5000
The Insurer shall not be deemed to provide cover and the Insurer shall not be liable to pay any claim or provide any
benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would
expose the Insurer, its parent company or its ultimate controlling entity to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under
United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union or the United
States of America.
Pre-Departure Benefits
Trip Cancellation and Cancel for Any Reason coverages begin at 12:01 A.M. local time on the date following payment
of the cost to the Company or its authorized representative.
Post-Departure Benefits
Rental Vehicle Damage Coverage begins when the Insured signs the rental agreement and takes possession of the
rental, if the cost has been paid on or before the date and time the rental agreement has been signed.
All other coverages will begin on:
(a) 12:01 A.M. local time on the scheduled Departure Date shown on the travel documents.
(b) the date and time the Insured starts his/her Trip.
Pre-Departure Benefits
Trip Cancellation coverages end on the earlier of:
(a) the cancellation of the Insured’s Trip; or
(b) the date and time the Insured starts his or her Trip.
Cancel for Any Reason will end when the Trip is cancelled, or two (2) days prior to the Departure Date, whichever
is earlier.
4 5
Post-Departure Benefits
Rental Vehicle Damage Coverage will end the earlier of:
(a) the rental’s return to the rental agency; or
(b) 11:59 P.M. on the Rental Return Date.
If the Insured extends the rental agreement, the Insured must also contact Travel Guard on or before the Rental
Return Date to extend the rental coverage and pay the cost due, otherwise this coverage will end on the original
Rental Return Date.
All other coverages end on the earlier/est of:
(a) the Insured’s arrival at the Return Destination, even if this occurs earlier than the scheduled Return Date; or
(b) the scheduled Return Date; or
(c) the Insured’s arrival at the Destination on a one-way Trip; or
(d) the date listed as the return date by the Insured on the application.
Extension of Coverage – Late Return:
All coverages except Trip Cancellation and Cancel for Any Reason will be extended, if:
(a) the Insured’s entire Trip is covered by the plan; and
(b) the Insured’s return is delayed by any of the Unforeseen events listed in Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption or
Trip Delay.
This extension of coverage will end on the earlier of:
(a) the date the Insured reaches his/her Return Destination; or
(b) 7 days after the date the Trip was scheduled to be completed.
If, due to restrictions by a Common Carrier or a Physician, the Insured cannot return home before this extension
ends, coverage will be extended for an additional 30 days, or until the first time such restrictions are removed (whichever
is first), and will remain effective while the Insured travels to the Return Destination.
Extension of Coverage – Baggage Coverage and Baggage Delay:
Baggage Coverage is extended if the Insured’s Baggage is in the charge of a Common Carrier and delivery
is delayed. This extension will end when the Common Carrier delivers the property to the Insured, or when the
Common Carrier documents the property as lost.
In addition to any applicable benefit-specific exclusions, the following exclusions apply to all losses and all benefits.
Unless otherwise shown below, these exclusions apply to the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member,
Host at Destination and Business Partner. This Policy does not cover any loss for, caused by or resulting from:
(a) any loss that occurs at a time when the applicable benefit is not in effect, as outlined in the Effective and Termination
Dates section; or
(b) war or act of war, whether declared or not, including civil war; or
(c) participation in a Riot, Civil Disorder, or insurrection; or
(d) travel restrictions due to government orders, warnings, advisories, regulations, directives, prohibitions, immunization
requirements, or border closures, relating to an epidemic or pandemic. This includes any communicable disease that
is currently, or has at any previous time, been declared an epidemic or pandemic by the World Health Organization
or by any official governmental body or health authority, and also includes any preventive or preemptive action
taken to prevent spread of a potential pandemic or epidemic;
(e) commission of or attempt to commit a felony that affects the Trip by the Insured, a Family Member, a Traveling
Companion, or Business Partner; or
(f) being under the influence of drugs or narcotics, unless administered upon the advice of a Physician as prescribed;
(g) intoxication above the legal limit at the Insured’s location at the time of loss; or
(h) any Trip taken by the Insured or Traveling Companion outside the advice of a Physician; or
(i) disruption of travel caused by a C.B.R.N. Incident; or
(j) disruption of travel caused by an Electromagnetic Event; or
(k) disruption of travel caused by a Cyber Attack; or
(l) disruption of travel caused by an Impact Event.
The Company will waive the Pre -Existing Medical Condition exclusion if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) the plan is purchased within the Time Sensitive Period; and
(2) the Insured is medically able to travel when the plan is purchased; and
(3) the amount of coverage purchased equals all Cancellation Penalties up to the maximum shown in the Schedule
including any subsequent arrangements made for the same Trip. The Insured must update the coverage to include
the additional cost of the subsequent arrangements within 21 days of payment to the Travel Supplier.
If the Insured does not insure all Trip Costs within 21 days of payment to the Travel Supplier, this waiver will be
terminated and the Pre-Existing Medical Conditions exclusion will apply.
The insurance provided by this Policy for all coverages will be paid on a Primary basis. This is subject to recovery. The
Company will pay the claim first then seek to recover any payments made by a third party.
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured for covered expenses up to the maximum limit shown in
the Schedule or Declarations Page, if an Insured cancels his/her Trip due to any of the following Unforeseen
(a) Death of the Insured, or a Family Member, Traveling Companion, Business Partner or Host at
(b) Sickness or Injury of the Insured, or a Traveling Companion that results in medically imposed travel
restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss;
(c) Sickness or Injury of a Family Member;
(d) Sickness or Injury of a Business Partner that is so disabling as to reasonably cause the Insured to cancel the
Trip to assume daily management of the business;
(e) Sickness or Injury of the Host at Destination, as verified by a Physician;
(f) the Insured or Traveling Companion is subpoenaed, required to serve on a jury, or required to appear as a
witness in a legal action, provided the Insured or Traveling Companion is not a party to the legal action or
appearing as a law enforcement officer;
6 7
(g) the Insured or Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, experiences a military
reassignment, or military leave is revoked. The military leave for the dates of travel must be approved prior to the
effective date of coverage;
(h) Job Loss of the Insured or Traveling Companion, (or, if the Insured is a Child, the Insured’s parent or
legal guardian). The notice of termination must occur at least 30 days after the Insured’s effective date of coverage.
The Insured or Traveling Companion must have been an active employee with the same employer for at least
1 year. This provision is not applicable to temporary employment, seasonal employment, independent contractors
or self-employed persons;
(i) the Insured or Traveling Companion (or, if the Insured is a Child, the Insured’s parent or legal guardian),
has an involuntary employer-initiated transfer of 100 or more miles that requires the Insured’s or Traveling
Companion’s Primary Residence to be relocated; if he or she has been an active employee with the same
employer for at least 1 year. Notification of the transfer by the employer to the Insured must occur after the effective
date of coverage;
(j) the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence is made Uninhabitable, or the Destination
is made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible, by Natural Disaster (other than a hurricane), fire, vandalism, or
(k) a hurricane makes the Insured’s Primary Residence Uninhabitable, or makes the Destination
Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Coverage for a hurricane applies only if insurance was purchased prior to
the storm system first reaching tropical storm status. The Company will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring
within 30 days after the named hurricane makes the Insured’s Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible;
(l) the Insured or Traveling Companion is delayed due to a traffic accident while en route to the Insured’s
Destination. The traffic accident must be confirmed by a police report;
(m) the Insured or Traveling Companion is required to work during his/her scheduled Trip. He/she must provide
proof of requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by an officer of his/her employer. In the case of
self-employment, proof of self-employment and a notarized statement confirming that the Insured or Traveling
Companion is unable to travel due to his or her job obligations will be required. The Insured or Traveling
Companion must be employed by the company at the time the Policy is purchased, and must have vacation
approved for the dates of travel prior to the effective date of coverage;
(n) the Insured or Traveling Companion is a full-time teacher, other full-time employee, or a student at a primary
or secondary school and must begin or complete an extended school year that falls on or beyond the Departure
(o) the Insured or Traveling Companion is required to take an academic examination on a date that has been fixed
after the effective date of coverage, and the date falls during the Trip;
(p) the Insured’s required participation in a scholastic sporting, theatrical, or musical event on a date that has
been fixed after the Trip Cancellation coverage effective date and falls during the Trip. This requirement must be
documented in writing by a school representative;
(q) Mental or Psychological Disorders of an Insured, Family Member or Traveling Companion requiring
inpatient hospitalization that results in medically imposed travel restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time
of Loss;
(r) Strike causing cancellation or delay of the Insured’s pre-arranged travel services;
(s) Inclement Weather causing cancellation or delay of the Insured’s Trip;
(t) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary within 30 days of the Insured’s scheduled
arrival, if the City has not experienced a Terrorist Incident in the 30 days prior to the effective date of the Trip
Cancellation benefit;
(u) mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that results in a delay of the Insured’s Trip for at least 72
consecutive hours.
Trip Cancellation Benefits:
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured for any of the following applicable expenses, up to the
maximum limit shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page, for Trips that are canceled prior to the scheduled
Departure Date due to any of the Unforeseen events listed above.
(a) Cancellation Penalties; and
(b) Travel Supplier change fees; and
(c) the cost of re-depositing frequent traveler awards utilized for the Trip.
There is no coverage for the increased cost of a reservation if the Insured changes the Trip dates.
The amount reimbursed will not exceed the lesser of: the actual Cancellation Penalties incurred, or the Trip Cost
listed on the application by the Insured.
Trip Cancellation Exclusions:
In addition to the General Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to these benefits. Unless otherwise specified below,
these exclusions apply to the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member, Host at Destination and
Business Partner. This benefit will not cover any loss for, caused by, or resulting from:
(a) intentionally self-inflicted Injury, suicide, or attempted suicide of the Insured; or
(b) the Insured or Traveling Companion traveling for the purpose of securing medical treatment; or
(c) any reason, except for the Unforeseen events listed in the Trip Cancellation section; or
(d) costs for the Trip paid using loyalty rewards points, frequent travel miles, or other non-monetary redeemable points
or rewards through similar programs; or
(e) maintenance/exchange/membership/association fees for timeshare reservations; or
(f) trip payments that are insured under a different policy; or
(g) payments made for this policy and any other insurance; or
(h) government-mandated cessation of travel; or
(i) Pre-Existing Medical Conditions.
8 9
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured for covered expenses, up to the maximum limit shown in the
Schedule or Declarations Page, if an Insured is unable to continue on his/her Trip due to any of the following
Unforeseen events:
(a) Death of the Insured, or a Family Member, Traveling Companion, Business Partner or Host at
(b) Sickness or Injury of the Insured, or a Traveling Companion, that prevents the Insured’s continued
participation in the Trip as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss;
(c) Sickness or Injury of a Family Member;
(d) Sickness or Injury of a Business Partner that is so disabling as to reasonably cause the Insured to interrupt
the Trip to assume daily management of the business;
(e) Sickness or Injury of the Host at Destination, as verified by a Physician;
(f) the Insured or Traveling Companion is subpoenaed, required to serve on a jury, or required to appear as a
witness in a legal action provided the Insured or a Traveling Companion; is not a party to the legal action or
appearing as a law enforcement officer;
(g) the Insured or Traveling Companion is called to active military service or as a reservist, experiences a military
reassignment, or military leave is revoked. The military leave for the dates of travel must be approved prior to the
effective date of coverage;
(h) the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s Primary Residence is made Uninhabitable, or the Destination
is made Uninhabitable or Inaccessible, by Natural Disaster (other than a hurricane), fire, vandalism, or
(i) a named hurricane makes the Insured’s Primary Residence Uninhabitable, or makes the Destination
Inaccessible or Uninhabitable. Coverage for a hurricane applies only if insurance was purchased prior to
the storm system first reaching tropical storm status. The Company will only pay the benefits for Losses occurring
within 30 days after the named hurricane makes the Insured’s Destination Uninhabitable or Inaccessible;
(j) the Insured or Traveling Companion is delayed due to a traffic accident while en route to the Insured’s
Destination. The traffic accident must be confirmed by a police report;
(k) the Insured will be attending a Family Member’s or surrogate mother’s Childbirth. The pregnancy must occur
after the effective date of coverage and must be verified by medical records;
(l) Mental or Psychological Disorders of an Insured, Family Member or Traveling Companion requiring
inpatient hospitalization that prevents the Insured’s continued participation in the Trip as certified by a Physician
at the time of Loss;
(m) Strike causing cancellation or delay of the Insured’s pre-arranged travel services;
(n) Inclement Weather causing cancellation or delay of the Insured’s Trip;
(o) a Terrorist Incident in a City listed on the Insured’s itinerary within 30 days of the Insured’s scheduled arrival;
(p) the aircraft, ship or vehicle that transports the Insured or Traveling Companion is Hijacked during the Trip;
(q) mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that results in a delay of the Insured’s Trip for at least 72
consecutive hours.
Trip Interruption Benefits:
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured for any of the following applicable expenses, up to
the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page, for Trips that are interrupted due to any of the
Unforeseen events listed above:
(a) Cancellation Penalties, and
(b) additional transportation expenses incurred by the Insured (not to exceed the same class as the Insured’s original
ticket or the cost of economy airfare, less any refunds paid or payable) for travel by the most direct route to:
(1) the Return Destination; or
(2) the Insured’s Destination, or to a place where the Insured can continue their Trip.
If the Insured incurs additional transportation expenses and the original booking costs cannot be credited to the new
booking, the Company will reimburse either the original unused booking costs, or the cost of the additional transportation
expenses – whichever is greater.
Payment under letter (d) above will not duplicate any amounts paid under the Trip Interruption – Return Transportation
Only benefit.
Trip Interruption – Return Transportation Only:
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured up to the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or
Declarations Page, for additional transportation expenses incurred to reach the Return Destination for Trips that
are interrupted due to the Unforeseen events listed in the Trip Interruption section.
The benefit payable will not exceed the cost of the same class as the Insured’s original ticket or economy airfare less any
refunds paid or payable for travel by the most economical route. This benefit cannot be combined with the Trip Interruption
benefit. If both benefits apply to the same covered Loss, payment will be made under the higher paying benefit.
Trip Interruption and Trip Interruption – Return Transportation Only Exclusions:
In addition to the General Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to these benefits. Unless otherwise specified below,
these exclusions apply to the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member and Business Partner. This
benefit does not cover any loss for, caused by, or resulting from:
(a) intentionally self-inflicted Injury, suicide, or attempted suicide of the Insured; or
(b) the Insured or Traveling Companion traveling for the purpose of securing medical treatment; or
(c) Normal Pregnancy or Childbirth, or elective abortion; or
(d) the Insured’s participation in Dangerous Activities, except as a spectator; or
(e) costs for the Trip paid using loyalty rewards points, frequent travel miles, or other non-monetary redeemable points
or rewards through similar programs; or
(f) maintenance/exchange/membership/association fees for timeshare reservations; or
(g) trip payments that are insured under a different policy; or
(h) payments made for this policy and any other insurance; or
(i) government-mandated cessation of travel; or
(j) Pre-Existing Medical Conditions.
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured, up to the Single Occupancy maximum limit shown in the
Schedule or Declarations Page, for the additional costs charged by the Travel Supplier for the Trip as a result of
a change in the per-person occupancy rate if a person booked to share accommodations with the Insured has his or her
Trip cancelled or interrupted due to any of the Unforeseen events shown in the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption
section, and the Insured does not cancel or interrupt. The Trip Cancellation and/or Trip Interruption exclusions will also
apply to this benefit.
10 11
Coverage is provided for this benefit if the insurance is purchased within the Time Sensitive Period and is elected and
purchased at the same time as the base plan.
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured up to the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or
Declarations Page for the expenses shown below, if the Insured cancels his/her Trip for any reason not otherwise
covered under the Policy, provided the Trip is cancelled no less than 2 days prior to the Departure Date.
Cancel for Any Reason covered expenses include:
(a) 50% of the Cancellation Penalties; and
(b) 50% of the Travel Supplier change fees; and
(c) 50% of the cost of re-depositing frequent traveler rewards utilized for the Trip.
The total amount reimbursed will not exceed 50% of the Trip Cost. Cancel for Any Reason will not provide coverage for
the increased cost of a reservation if the Insured changes the Trip dates.
If the Insured provides an inaccurate amount for Trip Cost during the purchase process, any amount paid under
the Cancel for Any Reason benefit will be reduced by a percentage proportional to the amount of plan cost that was
The Insured must notify the Travel Supplier within 72 hours or as soon as reasonably possible in the event of a Trip
Cancellation or Interruption claim. The Company will not pay for any additional penalty charges incurred that would
not have been imposed had the Insured notified the Travel Supplier within the stated period. If the Insured is unable
to provide cancellation notice within the required timeframe, the Insured must provide proof of the circumstance that
prevented timely notification.
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured up to the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or
Declarations Page for Reasonable Additional Expenses until travel becomes possible to the originally scheduled
Destination if the Insured’s Trip is delayed. If the Insured is separated from their Baggage during the trip delay,
the Company will also reimburse the Insured for Necessary Personal Effects.
The Insured’s Trip must be delayed 12 or more consecutive hours due to a cancellation or delay for one of the
Unforeseen events listed below that prevents the Insured from reaching his/her intended Destination:
(a) the Insured being delayed due to a traffic accident while en route to a departure as verified by a police report;;
(b) the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s lost or stolen passports, travel documents, or money;
(c) Natural Disaster;
(d) Injury, Sickness, or death of the Insured or Traveling Companion;
(e) Civil Disorder;
(f) hijacking;
(g) Common Carrier delay;
(h) Strike;
(i) Inclement Weather.
This benefit is payable for only one delay per Insured, per Trip.
If the Insured incurs more than one delay in the same Trip, the Company will reimburse the Insured for the delay with
the largest benefit up to the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page.
If, while on a Trip, the Insured misses a departure resulting from a delay of the Insured’s scheduled Common
Carrier transportation due to Inclement Weather or Common Carrier delay, the Company will pay a benefit to
reimburse the Insured up to the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page for:
(a) additional transportation expenses incurred by the Insured to join the departed Trip; and
(b) Cancellation Penalties for missed portions of the Trip.
This benefit does not apply if the Insured’s domestic travel arrangements allow less than 1 hour between connections,
or the Insured’s international travel arrangements allow less than 2 hours between connections.
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured up to the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or
Declarations Page and subject to the special limitations shown below, for loss, theft or damage to the Insured’s
Baggage during the Insured’s Trip. The Company will also pay for fees incurred to ship the Insured’s Baggage
to the Insured’s location if the lost items are recovered.
Special Limitations:
The Company will reimburse the Insured up to:
(a) $500 for the first item and;
(b) $250 for each subsequent item;
(c) $250 aggregate on all Losses to:
(1) jewelry, watches, and furs; and
(2) electronic devices, including but not limited to: personal computers, cameras and camera equipment,
camcorders, cell phones, smartphones, portable music players, tablet devices, and other wireless handheld
Items over $150 must be accompanied by original receipts. If receipts are not provided, the maximum amount payable
will be $150.
The Company will pay the lesser of:
(a) the original purchase price of the item; or
(b) the cost to repair the item.
In the event of a Loss to a pair or set of items, the Company will pay the lesser of:
(a) the cost to repair or purchase the individual item(s) needed to complete the set or pair; or
(b) the original purchase price of the set or pair.
If the Insured’s prescription medication is lost, the Company will reimburse the Insured only for the cost to replace
the amount that was lost, stolen, or damaged. The prescribing Physician must authorize the replacement and it must be
legally permissible to replace the prescription at the Insured’s location.
The Baggage Coverage maximum limit shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page also includes:
(a) the cost to replace the Insured’s passport or visa if it is lost, stolen or damaged during the Trip. The loss, theft or
damage must be documented by a police report.
12 13
The Insured must:
(a) report theft Losses to police or other local authorities as soon as possible; and
(b) send sworn proof of Loss as soon as possible from date of Loss; and
(c) take reasonable steps to protect his/her Baggage from further damage and make necessary and reasonable
temporary repairs.
The Company will reimburse the Insured for those expenses, but will not pay for further damage if the Insured fails
to protect his/her Baggage).
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured for the purchase of Necessary Personal Effects, up to the
maximum limit shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page, if the Insured’s Baggage is delayed or misdirected
by the Common Carrier for more than 12 consecutive hours while on a Trip.
Incurred expenses must be accompanied by receipts.
Baggage Coverage and Baggage Delay Exclusions:
In addition to the General Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to these benefits. No benefits will be paid for:
(a) loss caused by animals, rodents, insects or vermin; or
(b) loss of, or damage to, bicycles (except when checked with a Common Carrier); or
(c) loss of, or damage to, motor vehicles; or
(d) loss of, or damage to, artificial prosthetic devices, false teeth, any type of eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses,
or hearing aids; or
(e) loss of, or damage to, keys, notes, securities, accounts, deeds, food stamps, bills, or other evidences of debt, money,
stamps, stocks and bonds, postal or money orders, and tickets; or
(f) loss of, or damage to, property shipped as freight, or shipped prior to the Departure Date; or
(g) loss of, or damage to, contraband; or
(h) loss of, or damage to, items seized by any government official or customs official; or
(i) damage caused by any process of repair; or
(j) loss resulting from defective materials or craftsmanship; or
(k) damage caused by radioactive contamination; or
(l) loss resulting from mysterious disappearance; or
(m) loss resulting from normal wear and tear or deterioration; or
(n) any loss that occurs on a Trip with a Destination less than 100 miles from the Insured’s Primary Residence,
or on a Trip that is not overnight in length.
Coverage is provided for this benefit if the Rental Vehicle Damage Coverage is elected and purchased.
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured up to the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or
Declarations Page and subject to the Deductible if an Insured’s rented vehicle is damaged while on a Trip due
to collision, vandalism, windstorm, fire, hail or flood while in his/her possession. Payment will be made for the lesser of:
(a) the cost of repairs and rental charges imposed by the rental company while the vehicle is being repaired (i.e. “loss
of use” charges); or
(b) the Actual Cash Value of the vehicle.
Coverage is provided to the Insured and Traveling Companion, if both are licensed drivers and are listed on the
rental agreement.
This coverage is Primary to other forms of insurance or indemnity. The Company will pay first, but reserves the right to
recover from the insurance carrier(s) of any other party involved in the Loss, other than the Insured. The Company will
not take steps to recover from any policy held by the Insured.
If the rental agency does not accept this coverage and requires the Insured to purchase another Rental Vehicle Damage
policy, the Insured must contact Travel Guard at [email protected] to obtain a refund. Requests received after the
Rental Return Date will require a copy of the rental invoice showing the charges for the additional insurance.
Rental Vehicle Damage Coverage Exclusions:
In addition to the General Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to this benefit. Unless otherwise specified below,
these exclusions apply to the Insured, Traveling Companion, and Family Member. This benefit will not cover any
loss for, caused by, or resulting from:
(a) the Insured or Traveling Companion violating the rental agreement; or
(b) rentals of heavy duty trucks, campers, trailers, off road vehicles primarily used for off-road purposes motor bikes,
motorcycles, recreational vehicles, or Exotic Vehicles; or
(c) failure to report the loss to the proper local authorities and/or the rental car company; or
(d) damage to any other vehicle, structure, or person as a result of a covered Loss (i.e. liability coverage); or
(e) the decreased value of the vehicle as a result of the accident and the subsequent repairs; or
(f) participation in contests of speed, motor sport or motor racing including training or practice for the same; or
(g) gross negligence, or willful and wanton conduct by an Insured; or
(h) any loss that occurs on a Trip with a Destination less than 100 miles from the Insured’s Primary Residence,
or on a Trip that is not overnight in length.
The Insured must:
(a) take all reasonable, necessary steps to protect the vehicle and prevent further damage to it; and
(b) report the Loss to the appropriate local authorities and the rental company as soon as possible; and
(c) obtain all information on any other party involved in a traffic accident, such as name, address, insurance information,
and drivers license number.
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured for the Reasonable and Customary Charges, up to
the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page if the Insured suffers an Injury or Sickness on the
Trip that requires treatment by a Physician. The Injury must occur or the Sickness must first begin while on a Trip. The
initial documented treatment must be given by a Physician during the Trip.
Travel Medical Covered Expenses:
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured the Medically Necessary expenses incurred for:
(a) services of a Physician or registered nurse (R.N.), and related tests or treatment; and
(b) Hospital charges; and
(c) prescription medication to treat the Injury or Sickness; and
(d) Hospital room and board; and
(e) artificial limbs, artificial eyes, artificial teeth, or other prosthetic devices; and
(f) treatment for Mental or Psychological Disorders; and
(g) physical therapy or occupational therapy up to 10 visits. Visits must occur within 90 of the date of the Injury or
Sickness or prior to the Return Date, whichever is later.
The Company will not pay for any expenses incurred after the Coverage Termination Date, regardless of the reason.
14 15
Emergency Dental
If, while on a Trip, the Insured suffers an Injury or Sickness that requires emergency dental treatment, the Company
will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured for covered expenses up to the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or
Declarations Page.
Emergency dental covered expenses:
(a) services and supplies for the relief of dental pain; and
(b) the repair or replacement of teeth or dental implants , due to an Injury or Sickness which first occurs during the
The treatment must be given by a Physician or dentist. This coverage is inclusive of the maximum limit for the Travel
Medical Expense benefit. Coverage for emergency dental treatment does not apply if treatment or expenses are incurred
after the Insured has reached his/her Return Destination, regardless of the reason.
Advance Payment
The Company will pay up to $5,000 directly to the provider if, while on a Trip, the Insured suffers an Injury or
Sickness that requires admission to a Hospital, and the Hospital requires payment prior to admission. This amount will
be deducted from the Travel Medical Expense benefit limit shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page. The Insured
agrees to reimburse this payment to the Company if:
(a) the Insured does not complete the claims process as outlined in the Payment of Claims section; or
(b) it is determined that the Insured’s Travel Medical Expense claim is not covered.
The Company will provide advance payment when required and requested by the Insured. However:
(a) The Company reserves the right to deny a request for advance payment if the Company confirms that the
Insured’s claim is not covered under the Policy; and
(b) An advance payment made by the Company is not a guarantee of claim approval.
Travel Medical Expense Exclusions:
In addition to the General Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to this benefit. No benefits will be paid for any loss
for, caused by, or resulting from:
(a) routine physical examinations or routine dental care; or
(b) any treatment or medication that, at the time of departure, is required to be continued during the Trip; or
(c) repair or replacement of hearing aids, any type of eye glasses, contact lenses, sunglasses, orthodontic equipment,
artificial teeth and prosthetics; or
(d) any service provided by the Insured, a Family Member, or Traveling Companion; or
(e) alcohol or substance abuse or treatment for the same; or
(f) Experimental or Investigative treatment or procedures; or
(g) care or treatment that is not Medically Necessary, except for related reconstructive surgery resulting from trauma,
infection or disease; or
(h) intentionally self-inflicted Injury, suicide, or attempted suicide of the Insured; or
(i) the Insured traveling for the purpose of securing medical treatment; or
(j) Normal Pregnancy or Childbirth, or elective abortion; or
(k) expenses incurred by any Child born during the Trip; or
(l) the Insured’s participation in Dangerous Activities, except as a spectator; or
(m) any loss that occurs on a Trip with a Destination less than 100 miles from the Insured’s Primary Residence
or to another residence of the Insured or Traveling Companion, or on a Trip that is not at least overnight in
length; or
(n) Pre-Existing Medical Conditions.
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured, up to the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or
Declarations Page, for Covered Emergency Evacuation Expenses incurred due to an Insured’s Injury or Sickness
that occurs while on a Trip.
Covered Emergency Evacuation Expenses are the Reasonable and Customary Charges for Medically
Necessary Transportation, related medical services, and medical supplies incurred in connection with the Emergency
Evacuation of the Insured. The Transportation must be:
(a) ordered by the onsite attending Physician, who must certify that the severity of the Insured’s Injury or Sickness
warrants the Emergency Evacuation; and
(b) authorized in advance by the Company or its authorized representative. If the Insured’s Injury or Sickness
prevents prior authorization of the Emergency Evacuation, the Company or its authorized representative must be
notified as soon as reasonably possible; and
(c) by the most direct and economical route possible.
The Company will also pay a benefit for Reasonable and Customary Charges incurred for an Escorts or
contracted Attendant’s services, transportation and accommodations, if an attending Physician recommends that
an Escort or Attendant accompany the Insured. This coverage is inclusive of the maximum limit of the Emergency
Evacuation benefit.
Transportation will be provided:
(a) from the place where the Insured is Injured or sick to the nearest adequate licensed medical facility where
appropriate medical treatment can be obtained; and
(b) from a local medical facility to the nearest adequate licensed medical facility to obtain appropriate medical
treatment. The onsite attending Physician must certify that additional Medically Necessary treatment is needed
but not locally available; and the Insured is medically able to travel; and
(c) to the Insured’s Primary Residence, or an adequate licensed medical facility nearest the Insured’s Primary
Residence, to obtain further medical treatment or to recover after being treated at a local licensed medical facility.
The onsite attending Physician must certify that the Insured is medically able to be transported and that the
Transportation is Medically Appropriate; and/or
(d) to another location or Hospital of the Insured’s choice for further care, recovery or treatment, once the initial
Transportation has taken place and the Insured has been stabilized and is medically able to travel.
Special Limitation:
(1) If the Company or its authorized representative could not be contacted to arrange for Covered Emergency
Evacuation Expenses, benefits are limited to the amount the Company would have paid had the Company or its
authorized representative been contacted.
(2) For Evacuations taking place in the country of Nepal, no benefits will be paid if the evacuation occurs within 3 days
of the date the Insured is scheduled to leave Nepal.
The Company will pay a benefit to reimburse the Insured for Repatriation Covered Expenses up to the maximum limit
shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page to return the Insured’s remains if he/she dies while on the Trip.
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Repatriation Covered Expenses are limited to the Reasonable and Customary Charges for the expenses
listed below. The Company or its authorized representative must make all arrangements and authorize all expenses in
Repatriation Covered Expenses include the Reasonable and Customary Charges for:
(a) embalming or cremation; and
(b) associated temporary storage costs for up to 15 days, or until local authorities will permit further transportation of the
body, whichever is later; and
(c) the most economical coffins or receptacles adequate for transportation of the remains; and
(d) transportation of the remains, by the most direct and economical conveyance and route possible, to:
(1) the nearest location where the body can be embalmed or cremated, if not locally available; and
(2) the receiving funeral home or morgue, the Return Destination, or a different place of burial within the
Insured’s country of residence; and
(e) the cost to create and transmit documentation necessary to transport the body, such as a death certificate, autopsy
or police report, up to five copies per document.
Special Limitation:
In the event the Company or its authorized representative could not be contacted to arrange for Repatriation Covered
Expenses, benefits are limited to the amount the Company would have paid had the Company or its authorized
representative been contacted.
Advance Payment
The Company will pay a benefit, up to the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page, directly to
the provider if, while on a Trip, the Insured suffers an Injury or Sickness that requires an emergency evacuation or
repatriation of remains, and payment is required prior to Transportation or repatriation. This amount will be deducted
from the Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains benefit limit, shown in the Schedule or Declarations
Page. The Insured agrees to reimburse this payment to the Company if:
(a) the Insured does not file a claim for the expenses incurred as outlined in the Payment of Claims section; or
(b) it is determined that the Insured’s emergency evacuation or repatriation of remains claim is not covered.
The Company will provide advance payment when required and requested by the Insured. However:
(a) The Company reserves the right to deny a request for advance payment, if the Company confirms that the
Insured’s claim is not covered under the Policy; and
(b) An advance payment made by the Company is not a guarantee of claim approval.
Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains Exclusions:
In addition to the General Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to these benefits. No benefits will be paid for any
loss for, caused by, or resulting from:
(a) Transportation taken against the advice of the attending Physician; or
(b) intentionally self-inflicted Injury, suicide, or attempted suicide of the Insured; or
(c) the Insured traveling for the purpose of securing medical treatment; or
(d) Normal Pregnancy or Childbirth, or elective abortion; or
(e) the Insured’s participation in Dangerous Activities, except as a spectator; or
(f) Mental or Psychological Disorder of the Insured; or
(g) expenses incurred by any Child born during the Trip; or
(h) any loss that occurs on a Trip with a Destination less than 100 miles from the Insured’s Primary Residence
or to another residence of the Insured or Traveling Companion, or on a Trip that is not at least overnight in
length; or
(i) Pre-Existing Medical Conditions.
The Company will pay the Insured for this benefit for one of the Losses shown in the Table of Losses below if the
Insured is Injured during the Trip OTHER THAN while riding as a passenger in or boarding or alighting from or
being struck or run down by a certified passenger aircraft provided by a Common Carrier and operated by a properly
certified pilot. Except for the Loss of life, the Loss must occur within 365 days of the date of the accident that caused
the Injury. The Company will pay the percentage shown below of the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or
Declarations Page.
If more than one Loss is sustained by an Insured as a result of the same accident, only one amount, the largest applicable
to the Losses incurred, will be paid. The Company will not pay more than 100% of the maximum limit for all Losses due
to the same accident.
Table of Losses
Loss of % of maximum limit
Life 100%
Both Hands or Both Feet 100%
Sight of Both Eyes 100%
One Hand and One Foot 100%
Either Hand or Foot, and Sight of One Eye 100%
Either Hand or Foot 50%
Sight of One Eye 50%
“Loss” with regard to:
(a) hand or foot means actual severance through or above the wrist or ankle joints;
(b) sight means entire and irrecoverable Loss of sight in that eye.
The Company will pay a benefit for covered Losses as specified above that result from an Insured being unavoidably
exposed to the elements due to an accidental Injury during the Trip. Except for the Loss of life, the Loss must occur within
365 days after the event that caused the exposure.
The Company will pay for Loss of life as shown above if the Insured’s body cannot be located within one year after a
disappearance due to an accident during the Trip.
See Flight Guard® below for exclusions that also apply to this benefit.
Coverage is provided for this benefit if Flight Guard is elected and purchased.
The Company will pay the Insured for this benefit for one of the Losses shown in the Table of Losses below if the
Insured is Injured during the Trip while riding as a passenger in, or boarding, or alighting from, or being struck or
run down by a certified passenger aircraft provided by a Common Carrier and operated by a properly certified pilot.
Except for the Loss of life, the Loss must occur within 365 days of the date of the accident that caused the Injury. The
Company will pay the percentage shown below of the maximum limit shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page.
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If more than one Loss is sustained by an Insured as a result of the same accident, only one amount, the largest applicable
to the Losses incurred, will be paid. The Company will not pay more than 100% of the maximum limit for all Losses due
to the same accident.
Table of Losses
Loss of % of maximum limit
Life 100%
Both Hands or Both Feet 100%
Sight of Both Eyes 100%
One Hand and One Foot 100%
Either Hand or Foot, and Sight of One Eye 100%
Either Hand or Foot 50%
Sight of One Eye 50%
“Loss” with regard to:
(a) hand or foot means actual severance through or above the wrist or ankle joints;
(b) sight means entire and irrecoverable loss of sight in that eye.
The Company will pay a benefit for covered Losses as specified above that result from an Insured being unavoidably
exposed to the elements due to an accidental Injury during the Trip. Except for the Loss of life, the Loss must occur within
365 days after the event that caused the exposure.
The Company will pay for loss of life as shown above if the Insured’s body cannot be located and it is reasonable to
assume death occurred due to an accident during the Trip.
Non-Flight Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Flight Guard Exclusions:
In addition to the General Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to these benefits. No benefits will be paid for any
loss for, caused by, or resulting from:
(a) death caused by or resulting directly or indirectly from Sickness or disease of any kind; or
(b) stroke or cerebrovascular accident or event; cardiovascular accident or event; myocardial infarction or heart attack;
coronary thrombosis; aneurysm; or
(c) intentionally self-inflicted Injury, suicide, or attempted suicide of the Insured; or
(d) the Insured traveling for the purpose of securing medical treatment; or
(e) the Insured’s participation in Dangerous Activities, except as a spectator; or
(f) Normal Pregnancy or Childbirth, or elective abortion; or
(g) Mental or Psychological Disorder of the Insured; or
(h) any loss that occurs on a Trip with a Destination less than 100 miles from the Insured’s Primary Residence or
to another residence of the Insured or Traveling Companion, or on a Trip that is not at least overnight in length.
Terms within this Policy which are Capitalized, Bold and Italicized are defined below.
Actual Cash Value means purchase price less depreciation.
Advisory means a formal travel warning given by the government of the Insured’s Home Country or Destination
country that recommends that citizens leave the Destination country.
Attendant means a Traveling Companion, Family Member, close friend, or a person contracted by the
Company if there is no one else available, who, on the advice of the Physician (not required for Return of Child
benefit), accompanies the Insured while being transported.
Baggage means luggage, passports, visas, travel documents, and personal possessions that are owned, borrowed, or
rented, and are taken by the Insured on the Trip.
Business Partner means a person who:
(1) is involved with the Insured or the Insured’s Traveling Companion in a legal partnership; and
(2) is actively involved in the daily management of the business.
Cancellation Penalties means Trip Costs:
(a) that are not refunded or not refundable by the Travel Supplier, and are not used, depleted, exhausted, or applied
to future or alternative travel arrangements; and
(b) that are paid by or on behalf of the Insured prior to the Insured’s Trip Departure Date, or that the Insured is
obligated, or later becomes obligated, to pay as a result of cancelling or interrupting the Trip; and
(c) that are identified by the Insured on the application form; and
(d) for which insurance was purchased.
These will also include any subsequent pre-paid payments or deposits paid by or on behalf of the Insured for the same
Trip, after application for coverage under this plan; however, the Insured must notify the Company of these payments
and pay the additional cost.
Caregiver means an individual employed to provide assistance with activities of daily living to the Insured or to
the Insured’s Family Member who has a physical or mental impairment. The caregiver must be employed by the
Insured or the Insured’s Family Member. A caregiver is not a babysitter, childcare service, or any facility or
C.B.R.N. Incident means the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, seepage, migration, release, escape, exposure
or dispersal of any hazardous chemical, biological, radioactive, or nuclear material, gas, matter or contamination.
Children/Child means a person under age 18. The age limit does not apply to a child who is incapable of self-
sustaining employment by reason of mental or physical incapacity.
City means an incorporated municipality having defined borders and does not include the high seas, uninhabited areas
or airspace.
Civil Disorder means a group of people acting in revolt, coup, rebellion or resistance against an established government
or civil authority, and/or the actions of an established government or civil authority to suppress any such gathering.
Common Carrier means an air, land, or sea conveyance operated under a license for the transportation of passengers
for hire.
20 21
Company means National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Cyber Attack means unauthorized and/or unintended activities that target or affect the devices, equipment, files, data,
systems, websites, networks or databases of one or more people or companies:
(a) performed using internet or network access via computers or other electronic devices; and/or
(b) performed via physical means including, but not limited to: damaging or altering network connections, physically
destroying data center or network center equipment, or electromagnetic pulse detonation.
Dangerous Activities means air travel on a privately owned aircraft where the Insured or a Traveling Companion
is the pilot, bull riding, running of the bulls, free diving, Mountain Climbing (over 6,000 meters), rock climbing without
equipment, scuba diving (beyond 50 meters), or any activity materially similar to the above.
Declarations Page means the document showing the Insured’s travel dates and insurance benefits.
Deductible means the amount of charges that must be incurred by an Insured before benefits become payable. The
amount of the deductible is shown in the Schedule or Declarations Page for each benefit to which a deductible
Departure Date means the date that the Insured is originally scheduled to leave on his/her Trip. This date is specified
in the travel documents.
Destination means any place the Insured expects to travel to on his/her Trip, as shown on the travel documents.
Domestic Partner means an opposite or a same-sex partner who is at least 18 years of age and who:
(a) resided with the Insured for at least 6 months; and
(b) shared financial assets and obligations with the Insured for at least 6 months; and
(c) is not related by blood to the Insured to a degree of closeness that would prohibit a legal marriage; and
(d) neither the Insured nor domestic partner is married to anyone else, nor has any other domestic partner.
The Company may require proof of the domestic partner relationship in the form of a signed and completed affidavit of
domestic partnership.
Electromagnetic Event means a large-scale disruption of electronic devices, electrical grids, or electricity transmission,
caused by an electromagnetic pulse (E.M.P.). This includes both naturally occurring events (e.g. solar flares, geomagnetic
storms, etc.) and man-made events (e.g. nuclear E.M.P., Electromagnetic Interference Devices, etc.).
Escort means a medically trained professional who is approved by the Company, and is contracted to accompany and
provide medical care to an ill or Injured person while they are being transported.
Exotic Vehicle means a vehicle over 20 years old, or any vehicle with an original manufacturers suggested retail price
greater than $75,000.
Experimental or Investigative means treatments, devices or prescription medications that are recommended by
a Physician, but are not considered by the medical community as a whole to be safe and effective for the condition
for which the treatments, devices or prescription medications are being used. This includes any treatments, procedures,
facilities, equipment, drugs, drug usage, devices, or supplies not recognized as accepted medical practice, and any
of those items requiring federal or other governmental agency approval not received at the time services are rendered.
Family Member means the Insured’s, or Traveling Companion’s spouse, child, parent, brother, sister,
grandparent, grandchild, daughter/son-in-law, brother/sister-in-law, step-child/sister/brother/parent, parent-in-law,
civil union partner, Domestic Partner, step-grandparent/grandchild, aunt, uncle, step-aunt/uncle, niece, nephew,
legal guardian, Caregiver, foster child, ward, or legal ward; and the spouse, civil union partner, or Domestic Partner
of any of the above. Family Member also includes these relations to the Insured’s or Traveling Companion’s
spouse, civil union partner, or Domestic Partner.
Financial Default means the cessation or partial suspension of operations due to insolvency, with or without the filing of
a bankruptcy petition, by a tour operator, cruise line, airline, resort, rental company, or other Travel Supplier.
Hijacked/Hijacking means an aircraft, ship or vehicle is unlawfully seized while in transit, and forced to go to a
different destination than originally scheduled.
Home Country means the country of citizenship of the Insured. If the Insured has dual citizenship, for the purposes
of this benefit, his or her Home Country is the country of the passport he or she used to enter the Destination country.
Hospital means a facility that:
(a) is licensed to operate according to law for the care and treatment of sick or Injured people; and
(b) has organized facilities for diagnosis and surgery on its premises or in facilities available to it on a prearranged
basis; and
(c) has 24 hour nursing service by registered nurses (R.N.’s); and
(d) is supervised by one or more Physicians available at all times.
A hospital does not include:
(a) a nursing, convalescent or geriatric unit of a hospital when a patient is confined mainly to receive nursing care; or
(b) a facility that is, other than incidentally, a rest home, nursing home, convalescent home, home health care, or home
for the aged; nor does it include any ward, room, wing, or other section of the hospital that is used for such purposes.
Host at Destination means the person the Insured intends to visit at the Destination during a covered Trip.
Impact Event means the terrestrial impact of an object originating from outside the earth’s atmosphere, such as a
meteorite, asteroid, or man-made space debris.
Inaccessible means the Insured cannot reach his/her Destination by the original mode of transportation.
Inclement Weather means any severe weather condition that delays the scheduled arrival or departure of a Common
Carrier or causes closure of public roadways by government authorities and the Insured is traveling in an Owned or
Rented Vehicle.
Initial Trip Payment means the first payment made to the Insured’s Travel Supplier toward the cost of the
Insured’s Trip, regardless of whether this payment is refundable. A “good faith deposit” or a “holding payment” is not
considered the initial trip payment until the payment is applied to confirmed dates of travel.
Injury/Injured means a bodily injury caused by an accident occurring while the Insured’s coverage under this
Policy is in force and resulting directly and independently of all other causes of Loss covered by this Policy. The injury
must be verified by a Physician.
Insured means a person:
(a) for whom the application form has been completed; and
(b) for whom the cost has been paid; and
(c) for whom a Trip is scheduled.
Job Loss means involuntary and Unforeseen termination of the Insured’s job by an employer, including layoffs and
private-sector furloughs, where there is no certainty of regaining the same employment at a later date.
Loss means financial or physical damage sustained by the Insured or their belongings as a result of one or more of the
events that the Company has undertaken to compensate the Insured.
Medically Appropriate means an adequate and acceptable course of treatment or Transportation in the opinion
of the onsite attending Physician.
22 23
Medically Necessary means that a treatment, service, or supply:
(a) is essential for diagnosis, treatment, or care of the Injury or Sickness for which it is prescribed or performed; and
(b) meets generally accepted standards of medical practice; and
(c) is ordered by a Physician and performed under his or her care, supervision, or order; and
(d) is not primarily for the convenience of the Insured, Physician, other providers, or any other person.
Mental or Psychological Disorder means a mental health condition including, but not limited to: anxiety, depression,
neurosis, phobia, psychosis; or any related physical manifestation. Autism, and its related symptoms, are not considered a
Mental or Psychological disorder. Additionally, neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, etc.) are not
considered Mental or Psychological Disorders, even if their symptoms meet this definition.
Mountain Climbing means the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of specialized equipment, including,
but not limited to, ropes, belay devices, pick-axes, anchors, bolts, crampons, carabiners, and lead or top-rope anchoring
Natural Disaster means a flood (due to natural causes), tsunami, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, mudslide,
avalanche, landslide, volcanic eruption, sandstorm, sinkhole, wildfire or blizzard.
Necessary Personal Effects means items to replace belongings such as clothing and toiletry items, that are included
in the Insured’s Baggage and are required for the Insured’s Trip and will also include expenses incurred to clean
the clothing items purchased. Necessary personal effects do not include jewelry, perfume or alcohol.
Normal Pregnancy or Childbirth means a pregnancy or childbirth that is free of complications or problems.
Owned or Rented Vehicle means a self-propelled private passenger motor vehicle that is of a type both designed
and required to be licensed for use on the highways of any state or country, that is rented or owned by the Insured.
Owned or rented vehicle does not include any motor vehicle that is used in mass or public transit.
Physician means a licensed practitioner of medical, surgical, or dental or veterinary services acting within the scope
of their license. The treating physician cannot be the Insured, a Traveling Companion, a Family Member, or a
Business Partner.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition means an Injury, Sickness or other condition of the Insured, Traveling
Companion, Family Member, Host at Destination or Business Partner to which any of the following applied
within the 180 day period immediately preceding and including the purchase date of this plan:
(a) first manifested itself, worsened, became acute or had symptoms that would have prompted a reasonable person to
seek diagnosis, care or treatment, or;
(b) care, testing or treatment was given or recommended by a Physician, or;
(c) required a change in prescribed medication.
Change in prescribed medication means the dosage or frequency of a medication has been reduced, increased, stopped
and/or new medications have been prescribed due to the worsening of an underlying condition that is being treated with
the medication, unless the change is:
(a) between a brand name and a generic medication with comparable dosage; or
(b) an adjustment to insulin or anti-coagulant dosage.
Death resulting from a pre-existing medical condition will not be excluded. The death must occur prior to the termination
date of the benefit under which the claim is being made.
Primary means the Company will pay before any other insurance or indemnity.
Primary Residence means the Insured’s fixed and permanent home for legal and tax purposes.
Reasonable Additional Expenses means expenses for meals, essential telephone calls, local transportation (taxi
fares, mass transit, rental vehicle, etc.), parking costs, internet usage fees, and lodging that are necessarily incurred as the
result of an Unforeseen event, and that are not provided by the Common Carrier or any other party free of charge.
Reasonable and Customary Charges means expenses that:
(a) are charged for treatment, supplies, or medical services Medically Necessary to treat the Insured’s condition;
(b) do not exceed the usual level of charges for similar treatment, supplies or medical services in the locality where the
expenses are incurred; and
(c) do not include charges that would not have been made if no insurance existed.
In no event will the reasonable and customary charges exceed the actual amount charged.
Rental Return Date means the return date listed on the car rental agreement.
Return Date means the date on which the Insured is scheduled to return to the point where the Trip started or to a
different specified Return Destination. This date is shown in the travel documents.
Return Destination means the Insured’s Primary Residence, or a different final Destination as shown in the
travel documents.
Riot means three or more people violently disturbing the peace causing immediate danger, damage, or injury to others
or to property.
Schedule means the Schedule of Benefits shown in the front of this Policy.
Sickness means an illness or disease diagnosed and/or treated by a Physician after the effective date of coverage of
the Policy. This does not include Mental or Psychological Disorders.
Strike means a stoppage of work, work slowdown, or sickout that:
(a) is announced, organized, and sanctioned by a labor union or other organized association of workers, in a trade or
profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests; and
(b) interferes with the normal departure and arrival of a Common Carrier.
The Insured’s coverage must be effective prior to when a strike is foreseeable. A strike is foreseeable on the earliest of:
(a) the date labor union members vote to approve a strike; or
(b) the date a strike takes place; or
(c) when the strike dates are published by a news media source.
A strike is considered to be ongoing, and therefore foreseeable, until a documented resolution is reached on the issues
causing the labor dispute, or the stoppage of work ceases to interfere with the normal departure and arrival of a
Common Carrier for at least 365 consecutive days.
Terrorist Incident means an act of violence that is deemed terrorism by the U.S. Department of State, or that is
committed by any person acting on behalf of, or in connection with, any organization that is classified as a Foreign
Terrorist Organization by the U.S. Department of State. For the purpose of this definition, the following are not considered
terrorist incidents, even if committed by any person acting on behalf of, or in connection with, any organization that is
classified as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. Department of State: an act of war (declared or undeclared),
C.B.R.N. Incident, Cyber Attack, Civil Disorder, Electromagnetic Event or Riot.
Time Sensitive Period means within 21 days of Initial Trip Payment.
Transportation means any land, sea or air conveyance required to transport the Insured during an Emergency
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Travel Supplier means the company or Common Carrier that provides travel arrangements for the Insured’s Trip.
Traveling Companion means a person or persons with whom the Insured has coordinated travel arrangements and
intends to travel with during the Trip. A group or tour leader is not considered a traveling companion unless the Insured
is sharing room accommodations with the group or tour leader. Other travelers incidentally taking the same trip as the
Insured (e.g. other cruise passengers, tour group participants, etc.) are not considered traveling companions.
Trip means a period of travel away from home to a Destination outside the Insured’s City of residence. The trip has
a defined Departure Date and Return Date; and does not exceed 364 days.
Trip Cost means the Insured’s share of the cost of a Trip. The Insured must list this share on the application form when
applying for this Policy. This dollar amount is based on the following criteria, as applicable:
If the Insured is not sharing the cost with, or not paying the cost on behalf of, other travelers, the Trip Cost will
include the full dollar amount paid by the Insured for the Trip.
If the Insured is sharing the cost with other travelers, the Trip Cost will include the portion of the full dollar amount
actually paid for the Trip by the Insured (even if this amount differs from the Travel Supplier invoice).
If the Insured’s Trip is paid for by someone else, the Trip Cost will include the dollar amount designated by the
Travel Supplier for the Insured’s portion of the Trip.
If the Insured is paying for the costs of the Trip for himself or herself, as well as other travelers, the Trip Cost will
include the dollar amount designated by the Travel Supplier for the Insured’s portion of the Trip. The cost for
other travelers will not be included in the Trip Cost for the Insured.
If a Trip is not priced on a per-person basis (such as multiple occupancy hotel rooms and vacation rentals), or for
a Trip where the Travel Supplier does not provide a per-person cost, the dollar amount paid for the Trip will
be assumed to be split equally among all travelers participating in the booking, and the Trip Cost will include the
Insured’s portion.
Unforeseen means not known, anticipated or reasonably expected, and occurring after the effective date of the benefit
under which the claim is being made.
Uninhabitable means:
(1) the building structure itself is unstable and there is a risk of collapse in whole or in part; or
(2) there is exterior or structural damage allowing elemental intrusion, such as rain, wind, hail or flood; or
(3) immediate safety hazards have yet to be cleared, such as debris or downed electrical lines; or
(4) the property is without electricity, gas, sewer service or water; or
(5) local government authorities have issued a mandatory evacuation.
Claim Procedures: Notice of Claim:
The Insured must contact Travel Guard as soon as reasonably possible, and be prepared to describe details regarding
the Loss and the insured Trip. AIG Claims, Inc. will provide the claim form to the Insured for his or her review and
The Insured may initiate the claim online at Utilizing this method will allow the
Insured to view the status of the claim in real time.
Claims may also be initiated by telephone.
The completed claim forms can be sent back to AIG Claims, Inc. via website, mail, fax, or email.
Contact information:
Mail: PO Box 47, Stevens Point, WI 54481
Telephone: 1.800.826.1300
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 1.715.345.1141
Claims will be processed by AIG Claims, Inc.
AIG Claims, Inc. will accept electronic copies of claim submissions, except as expressly stated elsewhere. However, AIG
Claims, Inc. may, at its discretion, require original documentation to be sent.
Notice of Claim:
The Insured must provide notification of the claim to AIG Claims, Inc. no later than 1 year after the date of the Loss, or
as soon as is reasonably possible. Failure by the Insured to make such notification may result in no benefits being paid.
Claim Procedures: Proof of Loss:
The claim forms must be sent back to AIG Claims, Inc. no more than 90 days after a covered Loss occurs or ends, or as
soon after that as is reasonably possible. Failure to furnish such proof within such time will not invalidate nor reduce any
claim if it shall be shown not to have been reasonably possible to furnish such proof during that time. All claims under
this Policy must be submitted to AIG Claims, Inc. no later than one year after the date of Loss or as soon as reasonably
possible. All claims require the Insured to provide AIG Claims, Inc. with the following:
(a) the benefit-specific documentation shown below; and
(b) a trip invoice, itinerary or confirmation showing details of the Trip (dates of travel, destination, etc.); and
(c) any other information reasonably required to prove the Loss.
Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Trip Interruption – Return Transportation Only, Cancel for Any
Reason and Single Occupancy Proof of Loss:
The Insured must provide AIG Claims, Inc. with the following:
(a) documentation to support the reason for the cancellation or interruption of the Trip. Claims involving Loss due
to Sickness or Injury will require signed patient (or next of kin) authorization to release medical information,
a completed Medical Certificate form (provided by AIG Claims, Inc.), and may require medical records. Claims
involving Loss due to death may require all of the above, and will require a legible copy of the death certificate; and
(b) copies of any accident, police, or incident reports that were filed, if the claim was due to an accident; and
(c) documentation showing the value of the claimed trip components, and confirmation/reservation numbers; and
(d) proof of payment for claimed expenses (paid trip invoice, credit card or bank statement, etc.); and
(e) documentation showing any received or expected settlements, refunds or credits for this Loss from any other party;
(f) for Cancel for Any Reason claims, letter (a) and (b) above are not required.
The Insured must provide AIG Claims, Inc. with all unused air, rail, cruise, or other tickets if he/she is claiming the value
of those unused tickets.
Trip Delay and Missed Connections Proof of Loss:
The Insured must provide AIG Claims, Inc. with the following:
(a) receipts for the expenses being claimed. If receipts are unavailable, other sufficient documentation such as a credit
card statement; and
(b) a list of the expenses incurred; and
(c) documentation showing any received or expected settlements, refunds or credits for this Loss from any other party;
(d) documentation from the Common Carrier or other applicable party that verifies the cause and duration of the
26 27
Baggage Coverage Proof of Loss:
The Insured must provide AIG Claims, Inc. with the following:
(a) an accident, police, incident or irregularity report providing details of the incident; and
(b) receipts for all items being claimed; and
(c) a copy of a repair invoice or estimate, if the claim is for damaged Baggage; and
(d) documentation showing any received or expected settlements, refunds or credits for this Loss from any other party;
(e) a copy of homeowner’s or renters insurance declarations page, along with a copy of the Explanation of Benefits
from such insurance.
Baggage Delay Proof of Loss:
The Insured must provide AIG Claims, Inc. with the following:
(a) an irregularity or incident report filed with the Common Carrier confirming the delay; and
(b) receipts for the expenses being claimed. If receipts are unavailable, other sufficient documentation such as a credit
card statement; and
(c) documentation showing any received or expected settlements, refunds or credits for this Loss from any other party.
Rental Vehicle Damage Coverage Proof of Loss:
The Insured must provide AIG Claims, Inc. with the following:
(a) a copy of the rental contract; and
(b) a police, accident or incident report which provides details of the event; and
(c) a copy of the repair estimate or invoice; and
(d) pictures of the vehicle damage, including accident scene photos, if available; and
(e) proof of any payments made to the rental agency for the damage.
Travel Medical Expense, Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains, Non-Flight Accidental
Death & Dismemberment and Flight Guard Proof of Loss:
The Insured must provide AIG Claims, Inc. with the following:
(a) signed patient (or next of kin) authorization to release medical information; and
(b) medical, treatment, emergency room, admission, veterinary, and/or discharge records detailing the condition that
was treated; and
(c) copies of all bills, invoices, receipts, and applicable credit card or bank statements pertaining to the claimed
expenses; and
(d) a copy of the Explanation of Benefits from any other health insurance in which the Insured is enrolled, or a notarized
statement confirming that the Insured does not have any other medical insurance, if applicable; and
(e) for claims due to Injury, a police, accident, incident or emergency room report which provides details of the event.
Payment of Claims: When Paid:
Payable claims will be paid as soon as AIG Claims, Inc. receives and verifies the completeness of all required
documentation of the Loss.
Payment of Claims: To Whom Paid:
Benefits are payable to the Insured who purchased this Policy. Any benefits payable due to that Insured’s death will
be paid to the survivors of the first surviving class of those that follow:
(a) the beneficiary named by the Insured and on file with Travel Guard; if none is available, then
(b) to the Insured’s spouse, if living. If no living spouse, then
(c) to the Insured’s estate.
If a benefit is payable to a minor or other person who is incapable of giving a valid release, the Company may pay up to
$3,000 to a relative by blood or connection by marriage who has assumed care or custody of the minor or responsibility
for the incompetent persons affairs. Any payment the Company makes in good faith fully discharges the Company to
the extent of that payment.
Disagreement Over Size of Loss.
If there is a disagreement about the amount of the Loss, either the Insured or the Company can make a written
demand for an appraisal. After the demand, the Insured and the Company each select their own competent appraiser.
After examining the facts, each of the two appraisers will give an opinion on the amount of the Loss. If they do not
agree, they will select an arbitrator. Any figure agreed to by 2 of the 3 (the appraisers and the arbitrator) will be binding.
The appraiser selected by the Insured is paid by the Insured. The Company will pay the appraiser it chooses. The
Insured will share with the Company the cost for the arbitrator and the appraisal process.
Benefit to Bailee.
This insurance will in no way inure directly or indirectly to the benefit of any carrier or other bailee.
The following provision applies to all benefits except Non-Flight Accidental Death & Dismemberment:
Recovery - To the extent the Company pays for a Loss suffered by an Insured, the Company will be assigned
the rights and remedies the Insured had relating to the Loss. The Insured will be made whole before the Company
begins recovery. The Insured must help the Company preserve its rights against those responsible for its Loss. This
may involve signing any papers and taking any other steps the Company may reasonably require. When an Insured
has been paid benefits under this Policy but also recovers from another policy, the amount recovered from the other
policy shall be held in trust for the Company by the Insured and reimbursed to the Company to the extent of the
Company’s payment.
As a condition to receiving the applicable benefits listed above, the Insured agrees, except as may be limited or
prohibited by applicable law, to reimburse the Company for any such benefits paid to or on behalf of the Insured, if
such benefits are recovered, in any form, from any Third Party or Coverage.
The Company will not pay or be responsible, without its written consent, for any fees or costs associated with the
pursuit of a claim, cause of action or right by or on behalf of an Insured or such other person against any Third Party
or Coverage.
Coverage - as used in this Recovery section, means any other fund or insurance policy except coverage provided under
this Policy.
Third Party - as used in this Recovery section, means any person, corporation or other entity (except the Insured and
the Company).
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Entire Contract: Changes: This Policy, Schedule or Declarations Page, application form and any attachments are
the entire contract of insurance. No agent may change it in any way. Only an officer of the Company may approve a
change. Any such change must be shown in this Policy or its attachments.
Cancellation by Us: This policy is a single-pay, single-term nonrenewable insurance product. We have no unilateral
right to cancel this coverage after it becomes effective.
Acts of Agents. No agent or any person or entity has authority to accept service of the required proof of Loss or
demand arbitration on the Company’s behalf nor to alter, modify, or waive any of the provisions of this Policy.
Physical Examination and Autopsy. The Company at its own expense has the right and opportunity to examine
the person of any Insured whose Loss is the basis of claim under this Policy when and as often as it may reasonably
require during the pendency of the claim and to perform an autopsy in case of death where it is not forbidden by law.
Beneficiary Designation and Change. The Insured’s beneficiaries are the persons designated by the Insured
and on file with Travel Guard or the beneficiaries as shown in the Payment of Claim: To Whom Paid provision.
An Insured over the age of majority and legally competent may change his or her beneficiary designation at any time,
without the consent of the designated beneficiaries, unless an irrevocable designation has been made, by providing
Travel Guard with a written request for change. When the request is received, whether the Insured is then living or not,
the change of beneficiary will relate back to and take effect as of the date of execution of the written request, but without
prejudice to the Company on account of any payment made by it prior to receipt of the request.
Assignment. An Insured may not assign any of his or her rights, privileges or benefits under this Policy without the
prior consent of the Company.
Misstatement of Information. If the Insured has provided inaccurate details about their Trip when applying for this
Policy, and these details affect the plan cost owed by the Insured, any benefits paid will be reduced by a percentage
equal to the percent that the Insured has underpaid.
Legal Actions. No action at law or in equity may be brought to recover on this Policy prior to the expiration of 60 days
after written proof of Loss has been furnished in accordance with the requirements of this Policy. No such action may be
brought after the expiration of 5 years after the time written proof of Loss is required to be furnished.
Arbitration. Notwithstanding anything in this coverage to the contrary, any claim arising out of or relating to this
contract, or its breach, may be settled by arbitration in the Insured’s state of residence, if mutually acceptable.
Arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial rules except
to the extent provided otherwise in this clause. Judgment upon the award rendered in such arbitration may be entered
in any court having jurisdiction thereof. All fees and expenses of the arbitration shall be borne by the parties equally.
However, each party will bear the expense of its own counsel, experts, witnesses, and preparation and presentation of
proofs. The arbitrators are precluded from awarding punitive, treble or exemplary damages, however so denominated.
If more than one Insured is involved in the same dispute arising out of the same Policy and relating to the same Loss or
claim, all such Insureds will constitute and act as one party for the purposes of the arbitration. Nothing in this clause will
be construed to impair the rights of the Insureds to assert several, rather than joint, claims or defenses.
Concealment or Fraud. The Company does not provide coverage if the Insured has intentionally concealed or
misrepresented any material fact or circumstance relating to this Policy or claim.
Payment of Premium. Coverage is not effective unless all premium due has been paid to Travel Guard prior to a date
of Loss or insured occurrence.
Termination of this Policy. Termination of this Policy will not affect a claim for Loss if coverage was purchased while
this Policy was in force.
Transfer of Coverage. Coverage under this Policy cannot be transferred by the Insured to anyone else.
Controlling Law: Any part of this Policy that conflicts with the state law where this Policy is issued is changed to meet
the minimum requirements of that law.
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All assistance services provided by AIG Travel, Inc. (“AIG Travel”) are non-insurance services. AIG Travel will help
arrange services, but any cost associated with securing the services are at the insured’s sole expense.
Travel Medical Assistance
Emergency medical transportation assistance
Assistance with repatriation of mortal remains
Return travel arrangements
Emergency prescription replacement assistance
Coordination of doctor or specialist
Medical evacuation quote
In-patient and out-patient medical case management
Medical payment arrangements
Coordinate the renting and/or replacement of medical equipment
Physician/hospital/dental/vision referrals
Qualified liaison for relaying medical information to family members
Arrangements for visitor to the bedside of hospitalized Insured
Eyeglasses and corrective lens replacement assistance
Medical cost containment/expense recovery
Medical bill audits
Coordinate shipment of medical records
Worldwide Travel Assistance
Lost baggage search; stolen luggage replacement assistance
Lost passport/travel documents assistance
ATM locator
Emergency cash transfer assistance
Travel information including visa/passport requirements
Emergency telephone interpretation assistance
Urgent message relay to family, friends or business associates
Up-to-the-minute travel delay reports
Assist with obtaining long-distance calling cards for worldwide telephoning
Inoculation information
Embassy or consulate information
Currency conversion or purchase assistance
Up-to-the-minute information on local medical advisories, epidemics, required immunizations and available
preventive measures
Up-to-the-minute travel supplier strike information
Legal referrals/bail bond assistance
Worldwide public holiday information
Flight rebooking assistance
Hotel rebooking assistance
Rental vehicle booking assistance
Coordinate emergency return travel arrangements
Roadside assistance
Rental vehicle return assistance
Guaranteed hotel check-in
Missed connections coordination
Concierge Services
Assist with restaurant reservations
Ground transportation arrangements
Event ticketing arrangements
Tee times and course referrals
Floral services
Personal Security Assistance
Arrange emergency and security evacuations
Coordinate consultants to extract client to safety
24/7 access to security and safety advisories, global risk analysis and consultation specialists
Immediate security intelligence on events occurring throughout the world
Collaborate with law enforcement
USA : 1.800.826.1300
International : 1.715.345.0505
24-Hour Emergency Travel Assistance : 1.800.826.8597
Be sure to use the appropriate country
and city codes when calling.
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